HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-15, Page 31
'1'NUtlaDAr, (h•tu,.er 15, 19011 3
dews of the Sistriet.
Mrs. T. Maunders, of Exeter Irl
front a chair last week iuid fractn.*
her left arm near the shoulder.
('j- 4h•% and Hunter, the e•ange
•.Msh;. will Iwgiu it throe weeks ciuu
p tign in Exetee 1 hr last week in N..
t•1•ili le,'.
P, J. Ryan haw sold 1111 flee 1:11.
acre fano well of Walton W Wm
Anderson, 611 1\'albtcr township. fin
\Turd has been received of 'the
41,,,tlt ul' Mrs, George Dobson, of Van-
ruuyer, who wiw formerly Mis. Maude
Keane, 661' Clinton.
After a lung lit niggle with the
1161 egret of cancer Mrs. Wilson Cook,
11f 1'a'ua, died on Saturday, the :Ird
ins(. Decrease!, who was in her fifty.
• eighth year. was it daughter of the
Watchmaking, etc.
`•�u'�1't'11M ag Ret. JK Wa1Ji1L ()&•IICI ..N.
Souti, .id. of Square, l Wench. 1,161
Civil' E i z l 'ming
late Ablvtham liugill. of Titekrtlluith.
Slit' leaves her huslyand, 1wu- on and
tele ttaughter to mourn her deiuire.
The lin-acre hum un the 81 h line of
Mortis, formerly owned by Peter
.1*i kson, huts 11.1.16 purelie.ed ,by J.
R. lull, of that tow &whip. for 1114• ruui
Orurge E.' Ilenderdtal, of the Eg-
,utiudv111r itrewine Co., has purchased
the old Sage hotel at Walton. el r.
liele•son does not intend oelupy•
Mg it 1
111iies Kiusn i ('lark, d,ug 111 14i of
Dir. and Mrs. 'Thur. ('lark, of near
Dashwood, was married in Chicago in
Friday. the 216.1 inst., to Edwin 1:.
Stryker, of that city.
Mrs. Samuel Storey, of the 1Ith
. ;erosion of Meteillop, underwent a
critical operatio.l last week. She
stood. the ordeal well hitt is still in u
precarious. condition.
Beattie. eta•., -ems pungle...• l
f • John Gentles, of Kincardine, the
1133 -acre 1'arni nn lot 'LK of th1• lth
cotta .ion 1if Meliillop, known as the
Hugh Grieve. farm. The purcha1r
pa't'e war
Recent North Carolina papers made
Nattering reference Co, the bhtIlLiiit
VAU(IHAN M. RI/REIMS,('11'11. '1.I'' IrNrll in Catawba by alis
and IlYdruupr Engineer, Ontario L,uld lit -este 1'rluhat't, teacher of ex piesNion
Surveyor. in the retawla College, and danghlrt
1lahW clWa Dlu,:1t. GQII!'111'11, 'W W'1. 'of I) Urquhart, of Mansell. _.
Sontren street, Tete -phone r>-
Menesetune'l[ineral Water
• 'mitt! 4,4)4llyi444441 M4Ni,:itAl
1 '1' Kit 1't., manufacturers of "Muue,e
rola[,".uv plelwnml to richt' ,•r to any pia of
the luau Belfast ()Inger .ter it. pints andquoit., also Mineral Velar da three sixes
•phos, pint- .1e1 4114.0.1. Seltzer water and
Double Sola. •I 6,.'...• god. ate ,,pods
ant oral f,i eratarnter. amt an -
fr..all IWYW'ILlo-. 1'. t.,
NUN 14111041. P.1
- v
A quirt wedding Wok phew at the
1om.- ot SireStephen Ili. kd. if
Exeter, on 'I'hur'i..hty, the, '11(11 till.,
hen.rx_da edited, Icy,, was -++assist
11erolei- 14,.... „f sirnrocitr."--1tes .
A. 11. (cuing performed the reran• lata'.
\Ir. l'ux1wol1It. who is going West,
haul sold hie list )ere term on the Nth
concer'ion ot Stephen to Wm. Mot -
., I4a1.0piayinil. TIu'uri. Harmony and
. 41urrlNlfnt. Pupils prepared for examine
lions i1( Toi'ent0rtwuervatorr'+f M nett. Apes, -
wt Tha.ou - Mune Store. or residence of
,nM t-
1'larrmr Pennington. 11ro1•k street lilmlrnrh.
Gotarin64.al re1Meln'r of Mr. Ale...
1*IjUSIC t,�LA SMKS,-1 AM 1'Ft1,+•
111'I'.\ItMaltu l\,w•ekrppupll. fur lesou. in
pian and theory. Iso • age Ihirrewe,, nul.hwl
kinderitarler. met Merl for young children.
Tenn. and other inforuaition may Ir Incl til
Thomson • mu.l" -tore. todeu•h. I'.41 \Ir .1.-
, ANfiaLNS.
TrActtr.a or fats„
4tudie In Hank of Montreal H61'k.
as. E\MMMEit1UN & TI'It\Hl (it»
11 A. T. Eamaws)v. M. D.
W N, Tens may.: *6..16.
ut11m. Ilamtlton Street. '['hone p1:.
Dr. Enitnerson s r1.,denee. North street.
Oppa 6111141. George-church.'phone
11r. Turnbull's hMiden.e. Montreal street.
Neutheest of Public I.ibrarv. 'Phone Iia.
11 r• 1'Monroe -t n'nt, esti-,lisps-to !+o. et
riga nk. Telephone- o)Ii,r. 611 1 .
F .1. R. FY)H-'41'EK Eli E. EA It
No+ oral Throat only, Stratton!. 4111.
flour• 016 n New lark 17pheb.dmic .4?!
- A660a1 Inst to 10e al. 1 111,1.-:.1 ;4.-i.t.1666t ►:..r
Noe' anA Th 1641 Ito.p11.d, 4Jul.4'.. S.1quk!,'. uud
IkrYal Isaulu
66dm4u11101e ,Moorefield
14.6 on, I',,1{. um.•r AlhvH 68',',
Stratford. opt tie 44' toll.. 1,01.1. Ilour..
141: apse. ;11 um,. i 4 po
L I:I1.Ltilt N. 11 \ltuu1'TFat,
•1 • '0ll ie.). toe..'). • 1• 41010, ?0 1..04 •.I
luwe.l rate.. 1,144+»- th rt,wt.. lludell.eh
ue.a S,ggo41 I)111rrt. 116 Seaf.rrth Sal er,lsy•
soft' Monday-.
.Iblir ul ee-
it,n.utm Street, lindeln.•b, 1.l do.m (twee
twrrl.ters, solicitors. notaries
torsln the Merit inert 4lertyete.1411. '
1.patr, next d1s,r 1', A. bleu's g1.41
rate fund+ t0l.'ral at 10ant rate. 4f
ALA R` t:1)FuuT. K. o. 114 t II.11'+.
DIctums°N & ((AR1tow. 11
RISTKRS. attorneys. . dleitor.,
tio,tench. Money to trod :41 lowest stem
L ltlthtP 4w18. (*Hattt teat 11.tHVtrrw lir
11...IOHNM'ruN, 1(A ItItIM'I hat,
il• .uliriu,r, ornnm.. puns.. ugo1.r4 pablr'.
Orrice. H.am,I16111 .1 ter?. 1 iodenc11 ant
Insurance. Loans. etc.
I'N(I & itouEw'MON, REAL
i -'ale 141116 I* 'melee Agent.. Ileal e -
ter Po sateen- to 4,l. Properties 1)14111491 ,n
any peat of the town emu rental'. vire :ind
fr ins61rince, money la Wan etc. . •
Il *11d accident 11...,ilIl e. Agent for Ira,l,n�
mut nal and 1.m•k rem suIfes. In.Oran,r ye n
line. effected On br.l plans and at lowest rats-,
fall at office, e+lrner W114. t Street and Squire
or white. J. K'. ('KARII6', Oo,lrril•h, Ont.
tele ,14011e24
N1'KANI'►: 1'li.- Farm and Isol.ted
town property 111/1111 .l.
Ofllean J. H. McLean, I're-,. Kippen 1'. n
T. I'rnmer, Vice Pre.... Ht61crn.•Id 1'. G.
Thoma IG (4,.. slien.-Trea., Seatonll 1'. G
- *tremas- R m. a rm.nsy.
Gainey., %%'Inihrotp, • George iMle, $ea •111;
John Henneweia, D,rl,l$ , Janie. kvan., 1111.14•
MOM ; JOhn Waft, A14fT,0 k ; Tub+.
Hnw (lead ; John It Mr twee. Kipper ; Jas
Connolly, 1 'l intoe.
J. W. Yeo, Hoinomvaits_
.. ..'freer It o.'
• Ret their cants r',i de. •t Tozer a:
Hrown'., Clinton, or at It. II. 1'1161. grocery,
Kingston street Onderieh.
PARLORS, -- The hest place In town.
'ronto! service ; everything clean Mad one
tary. 1(01 and eold haat.. WM. 11.1 V1)4,
Hr1U.h Exchange Hotel Itloek 1-nccos$ot to
Jae. Feeney..
Wiens its tpatin n. the bite eery Ie In hat1�
hair-rntUnf, ate, MC. ladle: . ampooing a
specialty.tp�'gDray- skilled hands employe(.
Nevin FHMKK. 'r- w116 ha appr,'rlatmt. H. It.
1i1'� Proprietor. - -.
Marriage Licenses
WALTER K. KI'.t,l,l',
GOI,KKIeit, ()NT.
Watnhmeker, Jeweller and Optician.
Leiner of Marriage I.leen.es,
ABS Iloense., Ooderta', Ont,
sad general minelnnnet. 01116r0 016 Sn01h
wane) he will be found at. all times
sales. Term. r•eeso able and
oot^r In n
1111 eR nee,( to elve you sal i,(*etlon.
General Auctioneer.
New System of Tickets and Catalogue.
P. O. Box Illi.
brick tesid.•nce good out hnildingr.
*Re' . 11. M.. Manning, forme ly of
Clinton, who -rn'ignel his legates
charge Ira Petertloro' *orale till).- ago,
is new ettgegirlg enthusiastically in
Ilti,wi0u isurk 711111 ng the lower clar.rr
.u( t11at city, pees hiug i16 a unit to
large rungregat lode.
Ari bur Snail, .reoud .on of Mr. and
Mrs. Eli Snell. of Exeter, died un
Turs.Iat. t4jr tgh inst., a 16art'.r to
the ravages of Ole• white plague. De -
caused, whu w,1.. an estimable young
heal in 'Iii. twenty-t1,,rd year, 4%14% e
tailor b4 owl... (1. in survived by
his widow and infant daught• t, lits
ieaepute. threw.lautlews-1W _ (.o.r sie-
tars, all Of Exeter.
Alter a prolonged and painl11l 611-
nrs of faeces \1'.illiaui Millet i, of
1'sINor11r, pas,ed'away a' the home of
hi, lead torr, Mrs. %Yin. Siller, o1 SPA -
forth, un Mohd,i%, the :Nth tilt. De-
ceased, whu was ill his tit ty.rcond
year. was hi(1ljply earemed by all who
knew him. Ilr•i.lrr his mother hr is
murvivel by two loothe" am( .eight
yyi-term, alneet all of whoa, melds in
(k.' vi.'iuit) of Exeter. '
nllianl Taylor, son of DL'. and Mrs.
%Valiant Taylor. of Centralia. paese1
away at the hon,, of his father -in law.
Thomas (latter. of- ':Neter. on Mote
day, the J(h inet. (Deceased ha41 been
ill but a(.'Wttayrand the eauo. "I Iiia
d. ,at h to win( hat of a 4114 .ter). Ile
him'..-lf 6 raced lis illness to,1 d1 ink of
impure wale ken 61,nu 1a arse
while 6IIi••.hillg. Hr 1. .nrvi1el by
his widow. ,a bride of hut a few
Montreal Conservative Journal Objects to Mr. /nor-,
den's l.ieutenant as the Ilrospectivc .tlinister al
finance. i
lit paid hila ? 11 be wo,,ld li,t'e .e
leeird these \1'r,1wv hunt. as Elle best
possible ((11411. lar the lei est molt of
Ili."trust funds" in any eveut. w'l,
war fw.1 rnntmit t.. Kiva hila $'4.4*
for doing what he w, ill 1114'.1• dont' in
any ca.e :' And if Ile would nut 111441
invested 6 hese funds 6 herr uta wise.
but way induced to .1) 1161 b4 air offer
of a prr.onal commission, how doer
Mr. Bordeu regard this treatment 161 a
sacred tru.t ? These ate question. for
Mr. Horden to temeider: for the Me
{prrwsiun rxi.ta tshat, in the eent of
Iltt Winning tipale• '1N)', ytv-J,p1i-
pose, to make Mr. Foster finance
Minister of the Dou,ioion of ('141614(114.
As Finance NI Mister, Mr. Fowler
would occupy a posit ion of tt u..t o1 tar
greater iul(s,rtane. Than hr held to.
16lanage' ul the 'Union T't•ubt C. •
pp11arty.-_ :Sow Mr. Faster argues that
01 euulu11 in the -lather posit ii as
entirely proper. iii• has loot. told u.
that he el red when he vti•cepted these
coen6uisrion., end w hen he pt•nftlled
(er14onalh In the •perulalivr invest-
ment of his "trtmt-
ler-Lefmrgrs. ,•ntelpriae. It is not
only legitiIlate,lt beret'. we, but no more
than prudent; W enquire it healer lie
b+te1*1• t., apply Catese shute prfuciplr1
`ter -•?ter -trnndtmg•-sse-tk 1)(,.), ,.,1.
ttnunreu. \\'ill 111. ke It peraun•al
1.o ..ion fur tl'.atating 11 Federal
loan. for example . If he will not,
why will he refrain from doing
Wim/ta',dial i.. lb.., ..shut. ,•A.0 and
tru. lc 6.i.•h I. llas.Liet :..L...1 1rnI ijy fou.:_
gi) ,nese ?
Mr. Bolden should think of these
lhingte. whet hitlnehing his sloths
against Liberal "graft." One word 611'
eondennat inn for the ''black •heti,' in
his own fold would du more H. win
puhlie cnnfldtfee than columns of et-
tattit ii{au the Silkiest inot"1-i itin.Qti'
116(41. That lh.,e air lot. 411 stoners
aeries the way fur him to arraign.•
glass within,t''saying. tlne can lousily
throw a brick into either political
1•411111 without hitting a member of the
Plum Tree Club. The Conservative
.pee kers 1.116 dwell on the teetotal.. of
Burrows. Turritt. Milton, Sir Frederick
Borden. Em16meno a Stratton rt a's at
Hhui,wt et)) length. There '-i1 " for
of Literal brandal wit 11 4'.11,rhto til kW
the ours of ll,1l1 partisans. 14111
what the country i. 4'.6.ititlg for is
e., • indication 11ut the re.ponsible
leaders of the i'.,iservative ;Natty
rwdiz.• l hat there i• :d.q an 0J -smell-
ing 11111Na. of (loll.. 'NM iVe scandal
wiairll t he went to the dump if
that party, is to be hailed as An, in-
,1+trlinlrnt of pllt•itie ation.
Under the heading •'A foie fur
House-cleaning'. 'the Dhnitreal .titin•
of Danube'. It11 has the follow Mg
Attic be veli. (6, taiusitat(-laota-a well.
,known ei nsrrrali'4' journal like The
Star, 11111.4 14111116111416(1 attention. ‘Ye
republish the artil'Ie in full :
It is us'Irer for Mr. Borden to go
ahead will, his deuunl'iatiuus of
"graft" and ignore the charges that
are male again -et his lieutenants, The
Toronto (i111b4 11x14 (well digging in
the 4.) Weiler given (.rooter the In•
Nur:in,'e Commission with a view -
apparently to gelling some material
with which to reply tr. Premier Rob-
lin. Roblin has been lalkiog ('t'ow's
Newt Pees : 141641 •o The (111.1,,• retinas
I•y talking Swan River. The Swell-
Rivet• story, as The Globe reminds us.
was Os ell the purchase from tbi•i3an-
adian Northern r Haitway of melte ten
thousand arses of land i
n the Swan
Hivrr country, for Premier Roblin and
another by a \\'�i1n�n�ip•g lawyer. Sub-
6e•11n.•Ilt I% All . 1.001 1, I(MMli(lat opt -1 be_
Other 11(11 ant WAS the sole owner.
Hut Ihr.-e lands were purchased Icy
and held in the name of the \\'innl-
p•g lawyer, Mr. H. W. Whitla. Mr.
Iilu{ epleseeut7Y-•+jf Juit. -1llYilL lit
appear 111 the matter al all ? and this
1s 11(1t surprising when It IN I'elrlrlrl-
teird how 1.111116tautly (13.' ('au*di,ui
Northern people were iefore Mr.
1Whlid$ Government and Legisla-
ture tor tay0r1.
Mut-there Ts another "Mart of the
story which ebould be of even more
inlere►1 to Mr. Norden than the secret
negotiate -me of Premier Rtoblin-
1houghthat gentleman was recently
his ally on the platform and aid not
hesitate to nee language Iwfore' a
ilruckville.audienu wliwh. mutt Lava -
largely neutralirei any effect his pre- 1
virus ulleranees had had. Thin other
part of the stony introduces the figure
of Mr. Foster. Thr thole (11116 us that
is Heel these lands wire sold to the
Union Trust t'umpany at *.).LS an act.
- Premier Roblin had paid $3.116 an
acre --and that Mr. Finder received a
pet 10ula1 c1url16isaln of twenty-five
cents 116.1114lr fur making th.• purchase.
It further adds that the records show
that .. .-begot. of the 1..nim1 Trust
Company was paid shortly after to
Hun. (George E. Foster tor $Y,iwl,
which would be exactly t wenty-five
Celli.. An acre for Ili.• amount of -land
ptirchssed. 80 herr we have the man-
ager of the Trust t'oi tlpamy. which
p11rr14aeel the Lund. (accepting a c
111(1eion to make the p1rchaNe.
No* '4 hat d.s••t Mr.-116.rdi•n think of
that tran1N•'tio11 ? The manitger Of a
Trust ('.dnpaily should surely think
Only of IIp• 11ltcreels of hili company,
and M he safety of the "t Gist find,
which it handle,, wh.•,, he negotiates
a purchu.• on it behalf. He i. 1 1
to get the Fest bargain he clue for the
men whu trust hint, and wh,. pay I .
(N•aunmt'1 • ill 11144114tr - 1141'y w
look after thrix Weise -is. in Ibis
cas,r• hr wan realty arttng-fnrthi' For -
este) s. and the fowls. b1. eta. iva'r.ling
erre largely moneys _u(1'111 which the
aeras and children of the Foreslet-
eel, depending for their se. 'tray
from want if their nater:it plait ector
-humid he token (..m thaw.
Yet Jlr. Ftoeter is accused. of toeing_
,a personal eiimmhlstnn-nf $9,t`kt for
i1y1161 Mg these "trust f Is' in a {p:n•-
6i.-alar lance. Now how di.6 Mr. F.,.
t.•1. wow that 1 mission-? Wilt' was
New Principal of Wiugham Public
Joseph Stalker, prinei(Na1.,of 111)th
public .01411411 and formerly 'of Luck
now, hal+ We -en appointed pl•initi!.a'( of
\Tingghaiu piddle witted G, •lle.'.'I�l A.
H. Musgrove, M. 1'. P. Mr'. Stainer
will ,'Harr ,utg)l hi, new duties- in
• Sudden [hath at Kippen.
The sum 11uu11e ben.. ...tine with
etertl1.1g sudl'„un.w 10 .losrph Diet
'I Tneketsmith. ash.. dint weldelly..f
heart failure 4t '191.n.,1a4. the 1st
[net. Deeewr.t, wlei wee in his tlfly
sew 1 year. Oras (h.• roll! th moll of
' 116 a- 1)iek. of 11.15'. For .ever l
yses 11. Was etigag(d ill the holes
business 111 M.,tforth iu company with
him brother James. Lot i1 (air lar haul
lesidol Willi him brothei-dn-Ina, Mr.
K)Ieof Kipper!. -Ile wee a genial,
peel hl. man and wpm held in
high regard by hi. acquaint 141616'16.
Italian killed on Railway.
A , (83141 accident occurred near
'Initial on Saturday. the ,:1.11 inn.,
hereby Uoalitei.66 Mae, a menthe, +.f
tl • gating which lam rehuitding a cul
4'.• on the (1. T. H. bet wee,' (:bunion
11. 1+ 1111 -
.r f11 41. ml hl life. Phe ul
and t 1 1
i • 1 e man with Ili+ committal f tLl el V
was r ling home on n h,nidrnr When
the ea hided with one to front,
throwin), the men out on 1hr wail*.
Ail were 1 nixed. L,Ii Mar lam mtruck
on the *lel Hell and feat fully injured.
(1e w*'. rel oval' to the hospital at
Clinton, ash r'• he underwent ,in
operation, bat on Monday he passel
away. He w thirty -right yeare.mf
age and 1,•*vee wife and family in
Accident Zurich.
,1I. Randall and . oho %el tel met
eri1 It � a serious au'cideo :at %,,rich One
da laid week. while inting ,,n'.1,
Y1r'eriittrr+ new hoarse. • y were both
k on the mouth able. ah. nt
t irty'•' lent from Gia. grog ilT varlet'.
without it moment's 414,4116 a k. one or
lFte iipports gave Way, and they both
tended 1.m 1 he hard grind. Randall
wise- , •0' .ion) fOI__.,ahclut hall' an
wnuud, a fracture ot the miter cover-
ing of the skull and smile intermit in-
jurir,., and is in a rritieal condition.
/,rtte•i was more fortunate. although
his injuries rnneilt ot a fraetnred right
amt. a sprained legend hriisetl face.
That both ear14pel With their lives is
nothing short t1 a miracle, At latest
reports the injured sten were doing as
well AN could (w expected.
Death of the Hay King.
William Cndmor,, on.• of the best-
known and most respected Mlsine.s
16wn in the (nunh', answered the
great roll call nn slats lav, 6 he 3rd
inst. Deepened had-Illfered! from gall
stones for •evernl years and Miring
.the feud month had failed very rapid -
Iv. Hurn in Devonehir• ',events-tplur
yearn ago. deceased ranee 1.' female
in hie young manhood. After ere*
ream' residence in Stanley he settled
in Kiprien, where he engaged ex-
tensively in the exportation of cattle
and hay. Four months ago, forced
by derfining health to retire from *c-
tivr life, he removed to Rxeter
\Vherever the deceased's commercial
enterprises night bring him he won
the esteem of all with whom he hal
to do. ((,melt. ind(1etrinne and kind-
hearted. •'* roan he was to ell the
country dear." Hie widow and ten
rhildren eurvlve. The sone 1416• : Wil-
liam. of M.afnrt11 M*mnel, Edwin
end Lorne, of Kippen, and the daugh-
ters : Mdedatues Stewart and %Winn,
of Crystal its,. Man.: Doty. of Mea -
forth ; (Harvey and T. Workman. of
Kippen : and Mise Lolu, of KIppen.
Death's Harvest at Wingham.
'1.h.• Literal leader, show the sante
leek of rourage, though settle one eel-
tainlv-- has the retireuOlnt of Mr. A:
Ri Fru.t•r, of Ottawa'. to *1114 credit.
81111till ober i. ,4 6,ug0. n of
Welted candidlttr. who 4116611161 follow'
hire to the rear. It iv bad ,lough to
dfse.a%et such; able bat g;ai11"('4 g
the ,' unto followers 111 .1 Ict••ty without
having them thrust int.. our (ace, a.
the pnnrntrt-of the-lristere..1 it r'*4.-
Mat party. 124d part„i.. rhouW .Iran
(. 16.1.• (tut it is only 114e simple
truth that this duty is.rs(rerially in-.
cut .(1(1111 1111 opposition (arty
whirl' 1. not hampered by the Gov•
ernnu'nt himey•p of for the attraction
of "816•+." and which is *.king the
('1mntry to "there t he, morale math " 1.o
that it may give us dean, honest.'
tr61mtwort 11y and nnselfehl' patriotic
government. -
lh.• town of \\'Snghanl 11,-1 ere'. :n..l, EASY TO MIX HIS
no few'ec than ('our I es ei e,
p.lu)igel int.' sorroW 64 the t'eoloyal Of
L,ted one.. Mr. and Mr-. Georg,.
Rankin n bereaved of their floe
wont hm-ml,l son, .lame-, lti. hal, and '
%It-. Robert Small 1s moor ring I he
loss of h.•1., infant daughter, Annie
MtNerekeer . t... .M.1
111-6.. Ihr .uiwebowe- guest eitlerd
the home of Dlr. and Mi.. \T. ,1. Ilow-
.,,11,14 rid 116'r. hinter the spirit of their
rltk.l ern, Freed 11. 'Pao week- ago
was hi:ought home foncriur
Vie. suNering h• ' via lent hrnlor-
rhgo1.•+mf [lir lung: -eget despite all
that (n dleaIaidandt.•inlrrrare,011141
do he gradually glee' wra'ki•r until
deal lt tele. -est 1,1• •pili(, f)ereasel,
who eta. 111 111.• eliplov of th,• (iiourir
b01(1rh .11 the flank of Hamilton, 'wale
,t most ..1im.16)64' !voting 1113m iw bis
twenty thin) year.-Prealiarle
uds. it dJ,•n
ecu. the.death of George
• 1
I Sun/teal Henna, tone -.4f Vkltisitlaires.
most enterprising 1ilimam Inti,'
thrt4• week. ago, whet, be •4141 in the
strength-itilii' maii-itt'eljfor,-her
stricken with typhoid fever. 'Phe
tux ages ..1:6t.e d,s.asr battle) all at-
tempts to check them and u,l FritlAs.
the 2nd inn., he pa,se+l ,164 ;I,'. 1)e-
eeased wag" barn in East \Wawannsh
Ibh•(y•14e,. year. ago and in 11)1*) h.•
removed to Wingharn with hi. par-
ents. 016 reaching 11111(.61,'1661 We en-
gaged extensively in' the mercantile
Nominees, .inducting Ih. large .•.lab-
li.hnlent known n', the "Little Eaton."
Ile took an active inte(r-t in the wel-
fare- of iii. town std waa.at the t'
rtertth n , ,..h. , .-f I h. I.
coun,'il. A pian of 1 erring integrity,
of -remarkable (s'tie's« abilitrsr and
lovable (limp...iliute, the whole eon,-
m,unity feels his lo.-. 11. 1s sm.' Iv•.1
=i3eai 1.-, i1ir �.L7,,�••ii,.�,
w O 110w e* O 1'41 r ,1•.
the home of her father, Petri Fisher.
The local company of inlunteere,
under commend (at 6.t. Col. Young,
of 3 otle•i,•h. attended their com-
mie to his lent resting place.
- The cup of grief of this Iereaved
family meetnetl toll to rivet flowing
when on Monday morning the d.•-
Ce►sed'N father. Jmhn Ilanne. followed
his eon through the dark valley. The
late Mr. Hanna hal hilim in failing
health for .otne rare and in him
feeble condition be was nimble to
stand the shank of his 1011'+ midden
illness and death. Deceased tient naw
the light of day in Ireland ,eventy -
there years ago: Early in life 11.•
r•nlne to Canada, settling in Huron
enmity. For *evert] )'P64r, hr fol.
lowed his vocative as a plitetewt•, but
in 106 he +tarfed a general aro,• in
East 1Wawann.li. Fol(,' pews hoer he
removed to %Ving ham. where he eon -
ducted a similar husinese until his rip
tir. stent from naive life two veer.
ago. During his residence in Wing-
hang he took nn act i4 a part in e,luc:a
Bonet rind alund, ipel ,[Hairs. being at
various time. A Inenllwr of the school
board, councillor. reeve and mayor.
111 (olitics dere/1.4'11 WAN ,t emrltnerva•
Gee and in religion)) faith a )'baby•
tannin. Ilie widow, there daogqhte 1,
Misers Priscilla and Maud '.n.I Men.
Robert Allen, and one stn, Julio, silts
.links "Ilow much do yen think a
minister ought to getfor marrying a
couple?" Fllkins-"Well, If wholly
unacquainted with them, perhaps be
The Angel tit Death hovered over might Wet off with sit months." '
Prepare at Home By Shaking (ngredi-
eats Well in a Bottle.
What :will appear Very i11t'a,•-I i11;;
many people herr is 63,. article
taken from New l'.rk daily paper.
)(l4 iIlg R -tells jne-rtiptiou, which i -
caul l., he:l po-i6''r [.turd(' ,ir u' k•
aThr or kidney ..r bladder d.rauge-
loefil, if taken le -fore the 1•t co: of
Bright's .(twit -r
fluid eel raet d,lndelioiu, ,I(1. -hall
611)1161: Ulan pi K/11.144.11, one urn ..r :
i•ornpNnnnd .yen(. .lr'aparilhl. Ila -sr
onnre., Mh,,k. 141.11 ill. a 'bottle end
lake (H t.w-potest441 44,4.o. atlwt' L
meal and met in at bedtime.
A well-knu4Sn druggist bete at
home, when asked 1.ga'ditlg this .pete
srrtptpnl, slated that (he ingi tui'nts
are all hanul.• mid can he obtained
It's small ria from any good ("'r-
asa-iption pharmacy, or the mixt u1.'•
e )trim pill up if waked' t.. do so, - 11"
fort e1. .aerial (hat %%bile Ilii. (l,•-
0141(4)t n is 011011 preacritter _in.'r•hen-
m ar it ,ttliiet ions Wit h splen.bd re- alts.
he ...mid See 11'' 1l -ism Wily it would
not Jr, a rpi1.•O/1ial. rran.:Jy .1,., 'kidney
and unnar) toutdes and 1,, ka lie. as
it has 1t ppet:H114r action 11[1. 111 th'• kid-
ines stdoctm'e, 11{•ansin(4 Ili.'.'
important ..rgans 11(1.1 helping lieu to•
silt and- filter (Kiel the blood the foul
arid, and waste melte,- which '61(1.1'
-i.•knei. and suffering. Whose of our
r•eab'ra whu -u1Ter ren make no Mis-
take in gi4 ing it a tial. \
.. •.
►lase: t Do et It \
Toronto Star �\\
linea y, et noticed that the, tiptxfsti
tion atOflie A ha. not 61.10 able to
bring out a single eh*rg1• against oly
;nnylhtng (nor, than an in.inuat'
I love fight Myself, but 1 want it. W
110 thmt•ongh. 1 tier th.• kind shat
*,114 brought milt M ' )'eel. peg() 11)
I he police court under Col. Deriisou,'
A battered .plaint wee teefifyibg,
ad the Colonel was queettrrnferg- him
glmtly :
"k\ hot did the defendant do ?"
asked the (oloiu•1,. 1 _
"Ile maid he'd wif "the floor with
' What )10x1
"Algae -he dm es if."
The ONew/t/inn at Ottawa hasn't
"done i6.' ✓
illt Shr- "Thr Men 1 marry moat be
'PHONE only& little lower than the angels,"
66 He (suddenly dn)ppin )- 41 fere 1 an,
on 111y knee+., a little lower titan one
of throe'" Ile gut her.
is our Hobby.
Parents will lied it t tt,Ir:te.-
tit e their rhihlr.'n'.
451411l16 al 111114 11x41,', 6111.1661)'466
:11•1. tilwi4yI well a16.urlell anti
the littera err most 1'cttttt
Children's Coats and Robes in
Cashmere. Bea:skin and
Bedford Cord.
Children's Lawn and Silk
Children's- Knitted Skirts.
Children's Golfers.
Children's Hosiery. Gloves and
Children's Underwear in every
style, make and weight, in
cotton, cotton and wool and
all wool.
Infants' Overalls. Gaiters,
Bootees and Bibs.
a specialty.
So.. our Children'. Bonnets 116
.Ilk, cl)+.II111e1'1•, 544 Vol, hear -
skill and Angora wool, they
conte in the nattiest of .6 y11-+
and alt eramtlily pare..
Our special Infant. Clod 1).•
Vest from eoc to sec. assures
baby of solid /comfort.
Riabetce Verde -1. - -
Our Little Darling Hose Cashmere with Silk heat and toes, in all
1 olors, sizes 4 to 6 at ase and 6'. and 7 at ,ioc per pair.-
Children's Scarfs, Children's Toques all styles.
I n fact everything In Childred. Wear at
Ph .' Millar's Scotch Store
•f ree
Falling b11 kn,.+. Fp1Ie -y. ht. Vitus
Dance, Nervous Trouble+, eta, ppwwlr
(rely cured by 11EHIll'b FIT CUIt.
tree trial bottle .•a• ea alalikatIOR.
Write Lleblg Oo., I'hoebe St-, Toronto.
afforded by o
`o+1. sel1D
Clean -Light
Price 25 cts. frir0&
- 161496-O C C LIMITED
UT' 1 S
ins rnniph•rnd 1-,. „ • .
- I'tnor
ulie in the new .
testing,...) oweo.sfo1,.
41,. -Montgomery, 1 n!!! 1,,, i" , d
1: Ilnrnlltae ...Wahl!, ..tl-f:N't1WI 111
,111 opt ivitl work.
This ars.)•stmt of tem iu6 t Ile ,-rr-
1 • the levy 1101 .y.telt. 1.006,,, ,u161
d,e. away with all gt*•s- work ami
10ug•twl init. trying uo of gra.-.'r.
Examinations are Free.
W. E. Kelly
Jeweller and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Llrenses.
The oTde-no richment that bread afford*
is that 4\hit'h the flour contain..
Bread bakin'.' i 1 fllcrUI\' Inittin.j flour in
appetising Marna.
Flour Making i, merely putting the nu-
-- trtt}t)(tatiff t1.} w -ht -114 'tf3 Nitkl"te: for hre'.0 "'
Illi k hair.
G(T(,tl milling i', die kind that takes from
the \yhl'at all that i, nutrition., nothing r CISC.
Royal household Flour
i. tflHtle+--14144411 ('oafs I 1 I I (V-44 Oft 14',1 \-1ttititoba- --
Hard Fpritlg \4 h(•at.
('.ver)' p111616d -Is almost ;1 tomtit! tat food ;
can, t lou:..,
it spit', farther, docs better baking_ and
than any
is more s;ltllfautnre iil every w -iv
other [lour.
Your :''l,t`t':' L.ii' '. . be cannot keep store
so wen \t i:1.1.11! 1 ;1\ Is' - Royal 1iolSehilld,
Ogilvie FIS 1'i/iii1t3 Co., comet',
Among the worst fors of the Hletll 3
my are too mtmh forst, ton mtteh
physical exercise, and, strangely
enmtgh, tnrrtrneetrethrentfrr.. --
A woman whose husband WAN blind
being asked. "Doesn't yir gliidnien
feel it dull no' twin' *1,11 to real(
Nr, ns," was the reply. "he derma'
feel that. I reads the Scriptures 1*.-
him Peery day, nn' nlony's the hit
put in le' hi. guilt."
Eddie tl'rs, 1 1114.1 A lilt le balan.•e
in the hank, hitt I got engaged a
month ago, aria now F:(sir ••11 It !
love 'makes the wo1111 IP. rowel "
Eddie "lees, 1.111 1 didn't think it
would g(' x00061 .6) feat as to make me
10er my hslanee !"
'able "lint• piet"r pieachell a err
(non mn notrri.ge nn Sunday."
Fdythe -Did it 6.1111 to have A stint- 1
ulating effect '•" Mae "Nm. Un the '
eenteer). It wee so solemn end rn•
veyed 6411 teeny we
warnings that it broke
off two ebgegetnents," s
mor •we ore,•m ere,
A deliciously dainty chocolate confection
indescribably inviting and toothsome.
Like all of Cowan's specialties, of
superlative excellence. The name
"Cowan" stamped on every bud
The Cowan Co. Limited, Toronto.
I utuallle Mid 1. nd••11.,ko,g a.uruyentA,
'West -hie Sipier.,
'PHONE: Steve .' Oodericb
- - itendence Int
Night call,:: Al residence, 33 William
1111' 1.11*0NO
Funeral Directors
and EmbaImers
Orders urlully alleoed to •t 111]
hours. 1, Irht or day
USE OS *mouse,
1.1.1tA,•rrt•. ALAI Answer.,
Shall and Will ; Should and Would ;
How to Use 'Diem.
('r •iations (11entur' Dictionary).
Correct; F:ngliNIl its thr•Hotue. -
O'orre..I English iq theSduall.. -'_ _ _
what to May and What Not to stay,
('ourn,' in (Irnu,m*r,
Course ill (wetter Writing and
Business English for the Business
y Man. '
Compound %V orris; HOW to%VriteThetn,
Studies in English Literature.
$t. a ekr;Send roc for pie Copy.
Evanston, III.
'PHONE 15 OR 24
" Leu 1(611 w11111
at (l
Mi11 o
ockk /
ts'All 1 •611.(1 weff�tfbed on the ppterkat scales
»here you get 2.6.4)666)0. for n Ibn.
(adore-leeratC-. r, i.EKS Hardware Store
Ned Ade Square, promptly attended to,
Homestead' Regulations.
Any 1.4 en immlxnd section of Dominion
Leads in Menitob,., 4askettehewen and Alberta,
excepting N Mid hal, not reser vett, may be honte-
I41*411 by ani person who as 64..ole head of a-
fondly, or any male over IN years of age, to the
extent of one quarter section of Ida worts., mors
Application for eat ry moist he made In paean
by the applie4lll at a• Dominion Iwands Agency
ur Nue-apcm•y for the district In which the land
6.0Itnatr. Entry by proxy may, however, be
mate at 1161 Agency 014 ('retain rendition. by
the father. mother. ane, daughter, brother or
.,,ter of an intending homesteader.
Th.hotrlr,tea h. -spans, to perform the
homestead d,,t6 untie. one Of the following
161 AI least sic months' nwldenr, upon and
contention (1f the land In,each year fur three
ez) A homesteader may, if he .o desire*. per-
form the rennin -id re.tdenre duties by iving on
terming land owned .olely by him, not la.,, than
righty IalLµres In extent, In the vicinity of hl.
hhom.'steed Joint ownen.hip in lend will not
meet thin 1.i eintremen t.
114 If the father ler t her, if the tether i..1
r,',Mel, of it homesteader het, permanent
4.41110 On fa1•nllnit land owned .Maly by Vitro
not less thpri eighty tam erre. in extent, In I4.
vicinity Of Ihr bntnr.t end. or upon a homestead
entered fo\ by hen 10 the '1.1101)4 •pleb borne•
[wader took perforin hown ne,denoe duties
by IIbiR whit Ih,• fa6 her tar mother).
6U 1'he t.'),,)[trinity "•atnthe tau peered'',
paragraphs I1\dunnem 11 1nea111l.(R 1101 64)01
limn 'dem 60,541+ til a dlrw,'t line, excl.ulve of Ole
width Of :good aHuwanrs erow,el In 1Hs
1.11 A h nnesteader Intending to perform hl.
re -Idem., ditiiesbinrcoM*nc'e with the above
while 114 leg with twrente or on farming land
owned by himself twist notify the agent for the
dist Net of .'o h intention.
In) month.' untie.. In writing nowt he given
to the l•ommissloner of Dominion Leeds at
(SLAW. of Intention to apply for patent.
W, 4V. ('0Ry,
141.1070114A Minister of the Geodes.
N.H.-t'n4utharta,l pnhheatlnfl of ties V•
vsr1Nmsat w11) 1601 be peed for.
If! _ t 'Pe