HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-15, Page 22 Tm au, October lb, 1905 ' UUUI:KI1 •H. 0N1_11t110.1 PUBLISHED EVERY TifUK'WA'V sr ,v AN ATTER t RUB)VRRION T.I.i bens Csll No' I. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTA RIO Terns of Sobserlet.n : WS per &Mout to eavaoc..4. Sts menthe,.io ; three month*, 'Lir. To l'olte.d Ktate. aubocriherw. •I.:+r n year l,trictly in &Arwnrr, ltub.erlber+ who tail to receive Tee etun•i rainilarly by null will minder a f.i or by ac. eualatiig u- of the fret wt ait early a dale a+i pwwlble. :When n ebantr of wld re.. Is desired, both the Old and t he new 'adrift should be given, AtIverttaing Raton: LIPial and Other .unlbr adveru+omeuts, duo per tine for first in's+l leao mod to per line for each nrb...quent insertion. Measured by a nonpareil .rale, twelve line• to an loch. ..Butane's. cant. of .ix liner add under. IS per year. Advertisements of Lost, Foust, 1ltrayed, 1+(t- uatIona Variant, Situation. %Voided. House. for Kale or 10 Rent, listen. for Kele or to Kett, Article., fur Sale. etc., 1w exceeding eight line.. Sic each iseertlon : sal for frog mouth. Sue for each sub.cvueul month. larger advertl.r- w eels in proportion. Announcement.+ in ordinary reading type ten Mille per line. No nollee le.w than GL•. Any special notice, the object of which M the pecuniary benefit of any Individual or ar..oel. *Lion, to b•• .wnaldend ell advertisement acd to be charged accordingly. Hates for display ancontract advertise- ments will be given on application.. Address all owmwuulcatlons to • VANArFEK & KUBl:KT$UN, • Tag lIIOMal, lirmerlch. tint. OODLItI'H, THUKtIDAY, (XT. IS ISA and "glad -Mandel- am their tepre- wrntative in Perlialnrut : but until we know to the eontrary we shall be- lieve that they have political ideals of a different and • higher eeture. Ue any elute. rhe Signal will not he under the reprurh of having failed to du its.' duty to the people in want- ing, thew againel the self-seeking de- e1sB11 of a political o4ventur•r. no Matter how unpleasant the iserfornt- aneruf that dot v has been. NINE DAYS TO WORK. 'rhrre is now nu reason to doubt that. the l.nurier tiuvermuent will be returned to power un the :filth of Oe. tolwr with a large majority. Front all the Provinces rums the nest en- couraging teporte of the Liberal pros- pects, which indicate that the electors of Canada reecogrize and apperiale the magnificent work which Sir Wil- frid anti his colleagues hate don for ('awada in the last twelve years and t but the Opposiliol tempaign of 'scan- dal will attleet -with a wevere'rebuke. In West Huron it'loe.ks n. 1f the majority of the electors had rein.• to the conclusion that the riding hoe been misrepresented during the last four years, and if the supporters of Mr. Relent Maiits-heep up the tight .until the last vote is polled there is little doubt that the erratic political ' ' MR. LEWIS' RECORD. •came'. of Edward NOIlltau Lewis will +A ,lose ett:t 9c °titu'1C"Sirthic evj oiiig The late member for We,t Hunt! of October h. has a plcuu►nt 11emomtlitV. end if ler- There are just nine days more to Anal attraction were the test for pub- Intake the issue sure. Let every Lib. lie see% 100 he woo lath) u(Iy. fttmaod- eral in Wrest Huron from now on to a large following ; but public affairs lbs mud thc.cmntaat tautlorib every are not Condo w on -This tlaMls, *71d legitituate effort to ensure a go.tram ▪ a journal setting. the public The juriiy in this riding for. the Literal Signal finds it its duty' to place Mr. eaese. 1.r1 it i,..t es ..dagai.r tical T,.o•wis' reee •d before the prop r of the Liberals of West Huron were WestHwrou is' its true x141 oats "caught napping." aspect. - _ -- Until :. p. m. Monday, Oelo4wer Oath 'What art• Me. Lewis' i'I$IIUs •Ip.n work ! wont ! WORK ! the people of this riding % What, fu- rled, are his claims upon the Conw•rv- ROBERT HOLMES FOR GODEHICH. ativi party in whose name he is 0ran- didat% ? 'What has he ever done to There is nu good reason why the entitle him te political dend.•rship? town of lioderich should not give the Where slid he murk out l .. &toren- 'Attend candidate a substantial ma- ticeship in political 'et•viee? )Deity on the earth of October. When A few years ago the !bice of 7: F o41eri.h has shared in the pros - Clerk of the Peace of his county was 'perky which hss come h. Canada un. Vacant, Mr. Lewis wanted it and was der !.iteral government. In a special quite Kling recall inure -It a liberal manner this town has been .-helped by if thereby he -slight improve his the d,v.l.pm,rot. of the Liberal 4.ov• chances of getting the position. Ile ernmeit', policy ..f improving the did not get it. end tieing thrust out waterw*Vs and Marlene of the Court - upon the cold world (rent the comfort- try. Much has teen done to make able ufnce he had heen o ecopying he Glaleiich one of the most important oast %tend for sown other sung ht•t•tlt. of the like ports . h rrolnins to He soon saw his opportunity, and al- 4.e done, and the Literal Government though he had 'levet• dune anything luta every right to expect from the for the Conservative party in West people of this town an endorsement of Hulett or anywhere elite he managed. .ts work in the past and its plane for by means peculiar to hi►mwtf, t , foist the future. himself upon the party OM it. eandi- The fact that Mr. Holmes, the Lih- date in this riding. There were other real eefll4lidate. 1. not irraidentnf this mum-KOhertIlebeam, for distance, town 'should not prejudice his Case. Jammu MR. -heti and others ---who had We cannot expect a-Tways to hate the earned the nomination by years of member chosen front our own Mane. service fol• the pat t y. These .Mr. people ; and Mr. Holmes has iwen w Lewis thrust asid.•, but looked for acti\e in furthering the interests of their support in the elution campaign this town as any rp,ident enilld pose an if he, not they. hail been laboring- eddy have been. in the ranks and had earned pr IL is needless to recall all that Mr tion_: We are not,tryiug to pump_ up., litihnca.-has. shins for -tiawterieW any sympathy for 111. Merron ..r any an tub/Ovate of the claims of Melee It of the other veterans who erre duper- harbor hr has been persistent an eue- seded by t he newcuner : we are cessful. In pestt a( mat tors a ting *imply .howiag that the Conservative I hie town he llas'1.•en ()specie y alert, party is not under any obligation t:Ind hie effort- hay.• .remit in mach 31r. Lewis. i .iprlyed act'ommodat' for the 'hiring his tint Amnion of Perlis,- leonine of (i..lrrich 1 totlice. Last sort Mr. Lewis ayes a party to the .unntter, when the p .posed trip of -salary grafi," by n.eans of which Ire the rural militia to whew wee .called secureil for himself *n extra off, Mr. Holmes go to well to hate of 111,104 a session from the public the 1Ve-tern ()Mateo militia rantp funds. Hr was elected as It $1,:A111 10,vterl here• and kept at it until be man : by his own act he Ie•.•anle ,► succeeded, . Who, Mr. Warne.? was i2,• -.lett man. r "ur representative at Ottawa no nos - Realizing. that_he w.ur.41. Stowe -1u ler effecting the interest,' of any of appear to be doing ...teething In earn hit cnnatitnents, 4 irit or Tory. WAS 41141 hie money, he piekrl 4)p a number „f small to revel), his careful attention. ideas that found some credit on the come -natives admit that in this re - street corners lull thrust !bent Iefore -pert he was a.model rep•eNrllt.alite. Parliament. with what .access anyone Atli+ eunstilu.•n). . whetter his Ant - citold guess, N. a single nue of his L)rt rr or not, w loo 14141 business at "fit'1• bills and t 14)1/ le.nitltl1111*" lin. re- )(trawl' multi rely upon' 11r. Holmes' ceivetl the rndor.ntinn of Parliament prompt ctnopetateon and! aesislane . -trorevt'r wilt wliile rumpled "Witt• hi,.'riie.0 are not the only thiels that name, Imagine E. N.. peals the woe- go to make 11 net rept•r•OItat i)s, w,r for is hill to determine ('aneda's tea l hey are not 111111114144) t.ult, and in pMicy upon such an important 'Ines- ri:eugnitinn sof his services' this town tion an the Ireal urul of the pulite/nod rhot4d 84) the I. ' g t•Ier(ion(i#t'l' retentice,ef the c1)111.1')' 1 If by any 1!(I1EIIT 1It11.MES. A SW 'A I miracle r. 1rWI0shouhl gel lu1.k to 1,1:A1.. Parliafgent we would advise him to take the Ihe smallest one of him "live CASES RIGHT AT HOME. hills and two . reaolul ion," and. di,- enetling the :'est, etiek to it until he luieked'senn'• prncres• 0itb1t.`'A. it is, he has Mu c4,41 hiulw•I( o sot rover such e large area I hat the ,•leetrma ran ser right through him The Sinal has de It wuA, C0W'1l' in regard -1 iY.,'- nonty hill. What is Mr. f in' veldt to the charge that helms Ire:: i tint steno ion .al.•ly with an rye to it awn e int reit* en a seekei for votes t 11e has no mid);Every-betty knot... he has re. reply. Are ae not within the truth when we Boy that ever sine.- his ele. tion fuer ye tis ago Mr. Lewis thought ha, been, hoe to advenre 1 r 110 rt. o • worth r4) 1 le t h t am Y I weigh the 1 x jto111between right and wrong of haw to serve time • 1 . fel-even of hie (mint it'tents, but -how to keep himself -.1(id for another terns in Parliament at $'2,500,a torte' (rn•t_ that A pretty line of (frits % Sion!' --- flow many •'t:ovrrernent favorites" Mr. Leri). is an expert ".jollier." He can, yen pick only of the bunch.? believes that. the -glad hams" Wins twee out of the tone are Conserve - more election, then eineerity. or codes lives, etre. or aolVO(*Cy .4 useful publtd, Local men did not assure, all tide tneesures, or euthl1(dasln in the ranee \'contrae•te, because their tenders were of the pe•rp1±. Her. ixelieveN that- he li o high, and there was some feeling can win more voile( on\the "still hunt" ..eh tat thio arming the Toes) people. plan. tackling each ')I separately s. kol'whom hail the idea that all aed'aec.etly, than ho eat' minting the 'empties should have leen tens Out In the open dud d*cly'iog his (11'tsed in town. The ..'mark waw position bravely and *quarely`on the Heide at the time that their would iwuee of the day. He believes tilers have been herw grumbling if the tint- is aucxess for the '.ethical triunner .roaent had eimply gone to the loyal and log -roller. IL way bre that Mr. nu'I.bauts end bought the supplies Lewis is right. 1t may he that his without tender, The, right thing -was tactics trill win him a second victory. done, however, in *warding the coo- n may be that the electors of West trarts to the lowest tenderer, : hut Huron are content with a "jollier" the incident shoves that a Govern• ('Totts News' *harps upon ''the -14eF• n. one -off --the Pint- of t h.• Lain ier - (bvernment, If the l..uu'ier Guvet'nnu•nt Inose "patronage list" so ham the IVhl/nry (:overmnent, and .n ion hail every 4ince!iiment tb*t wrrr existed in Canada -bust the Ilyporritiral Neet- insists only that the 1,41111er linnrrnment shall be W1(1,0111 *pmt a'y h 401111 h, pin let a M five Is'worked of t 1 r wit has k l u tight here inew i N' • had i e It ler cit. 1 In h militia ramp here thin summer and A moldier of large contracts were let for the supply of prnvi*ion* and other 'woes -series. laid they go to Govern- ment. fa rites r' tb're is the list •1 local teen ivho .eel en • e s • 1 al >, Intl 1 tea t a t W. T. MI'•1 NhY, A..1. COOPER, 4'. ('. LEE. FRED. DAVIS. lent gets mighty little thanks for doing the right thing. We are told, lou, by the I lurlmrrva• lire preen that the Governaneut heel la habit of paying two or three timer the proper price for any properly y it pur- chases. herr, tot). we.havr u Cane tight at hetet, which the people of lludct•ich end of %Vest Huron eats jndgr for thrns*elvr,. '!'here have twee tiegutiathaw for theOurchuse of the Atlrill property for * military camp rite. The owner, of the property leave named a certain prier, but, far from ieieg in a hurry to part with its :mney carelessly, the Ilnvrrnme,t I111N refused to pay the prier asked, taking the busierealike stand that the pro erty is not worth it. Mayor Macklin. of Owlet irl•, knows all the fart• in ('0nriection with this mutter. Ile is a Conservative. Ile can say whether the (lovernment has or has not Acted iu these negotiations with due regard for the protection of the public treasury and the Interests of the people whose money the (ins• eminent handles. - Ask Slavin. Macklin. E. N. LEWIS AS AN ADVERTISER. !•:verything's grist Dula comes or Neel isewite mill. As an ewspap•r clipper .1844 444- taoibr---,.eirn,-p41. ),%'k.* -he, --the writer meant to le compliln,etitary m' not, any paragraph which mention. the name of r:, N. Lewis is pretty cum lit n corner in his scrap-bnk. Et en if it is a Itis k --why- it is ague noticed sufficiently to lereive a kick. And it ie 11 funny putragr)lph if the wily Ned came% tied a orates springing much jukes. Some of it+ readers' might hurt thrnlirlrea laugh- ing. The $)pplai(ion claim that in a few caw.* the tutees paid for goods imp• plied to the (iovrrnIloIt were tem high. Cam any business elan is' (lode - rich say that he tweet made a east eke in a similar way ? And consider the difference when the (lover •01 bas to drp•1,11 1/1014) minor officials for the transaction of much of it, business! which, detached from the rest, seems to convey 'a favorable mea ling. When he puts it into hie ws•tupoeinas of scraps, which he mails brlade -1 so that lest Horon elector's may "what their mrmlwr is doing," some .f the people nay see through it. And some may' not-, and he'11 take the chance. _ Thr authors of some of the tiler. efce. to E. N. trams quoted for limited in part) in the sheet sent around the riding a few days age - w otdd be Ater - prised to see such use Made of their comments. W e were tout selVO4 syr - prised t.. notice,iu the sheet an extract 1 fleet iy Retested, "f rem air artich en The Signal, which -we matt confess it - was intended to he -well, ; omewhat other than emit ely ei.m iimentary to Mr. Lewis: But he fo .d the kernel among the chaff, or t • charting, and lo! it appears OA A b • : ht jewel in the string of glass)* which the mews, paper men of By wn hair strung for Mr. Lewis' lad •nnlent. It is just An- other exempt'. of Neil's strong pint, his ••eaten '--perhaps not the mark of man .ch as we should send to Partials)" t, but very useful in the pack of ability or sincerity or other yuali which might commend 1 ' as eprrerntetite of :he people. -f ;11r. Lewitt fails in (Ids election it ill, not be for any want of industry 44 advertising himself, and. really. it -is 0Underft.l what a fells'► ran du in the way of ,boring newspaper notori.'ty by "steeping with the 1e- plrlere."' EDITORIAL NOTES. LET Gl4DEItICH GIVE itOl*EIIT IIOL:1iF:et A SQUARE DEAL. Have E. N. Lewis scrap-le.ok speeches made you rich? -or wise? A vu's for Istria_ ie a vote 1,4) lir O'er .d every mates living ..*- peones. ,flet see what will happen t,i the llptimition se/Inda! campaign .en the Jl(hu1 (tetots•,' A vole for Irwin is 14 roto for higher duties lin woollen goods and higher prie,•0 fur clot ping. 1'1' l4 TIME FOR A CHANGE IN 'WEST Hl'RON'K KEI'KEKF:NTA• TION AT OTTAWA. ''� This town without the elictric lights t,utin.latenr of what Canada wa • like before lir Grits gi,t. in in leen. The Laurier Government Ktands'44)• the fairgoer. The farrier should vote and work to keep his friends in power at. Ottawa. A vote for l.'wi. i.. ,, yet.' t.- Rials!• further 1 r.tection to he alrea-ly pro- tected 11)Anufncttater et the expense .4 the farmer and the work i ng r4) t., 111i r. I#nei isliesea-'titttseives. E. F'u.l.•r i. *fit and proper. potent 14) iw Fina nes 1lpnister-.(('OII,I1, 111 -floc• den will have to he kept where be is in op}xaniljnn, 1V -n 1 ha the L81w•ral, wrs,' lie opt ns. ilio,' they did not 1'11 r11it•e tl Inatlllf:lr- Ottr• 4c,u'.dats 114(14i0.t flee party in plower. THEY 1VEItE PIROVEDON Til4•t'L1K)K or PARLIAMENT. If the Bove,-ntnm o in spending lou notch •)• WILL SOMEONE TEF.1,1, I'S 1VIIEN 1:. N. LEWIS( EVER ROSE IN THE IIOb'.R TO OBJECT TO ANY PROPOSED EX- PENDITURE % Thr Stands still No nu,d *lout the fot►rnalietir, drtrhlling* Dan McGi1Tt• 01d41y tined to give it that it can't help bating A fling et him in en •ction with the Eye Opener lilwl suit. But Dan hasn't aprdogisetl yet. The Literals gave the Mother Come' try a preference In'the Canadian Ina• ket o10r Ftanee,'(iellunny, the felled States and other enuntries. A vete for Lewis Is a vote i.. r•)M'al 1110 !tete and melte British mesh pot the -tone duties me fotl•ign go•.I • _- The incoming Borden (+overtwen4 will have the soy as to whether the tarn(al y rata! will ur Will not le held in (4/derich.--Grederieh St 41. The Stmt should 4oe cml4(ul e1N11t 1Vlirn Comedies 14vetme was only forty inillluns, the $ationel (untie were gruwly mismanaged by the Cunarr%a- tive party and pea.. scandals invol- ving 1linistera of the (crown took place. Now, when the national rev• ellel4n are doubled and the opportun- ities for waste and ts•••ldatiou vastly increa4eal, would It be wise to entr•pet t r piddle treasury t.. the *awe meal wl misappropriated the peoples moo e 1•'1 o Will n 11`ry in the years prior t , 1 1 Tshr Otrawa (iuvrnulrnl 11184 4(800)1 to pes•nlatorl Only e1Mt.ut'2,:1M, square mule, of 11'estern thatate,.-lioderie•b KI er. . - lilat's the way 1.1 .10 it. old boy, Never ' d- the facts. ; The facto w.n1111 et snit your purpdoe, as the preeF-IUUUvernmlrut has not -given"' an acre. of Western thither to any- body, but has in 01441 ease disposed of it by public en„lp et id ion lu the trighrsr thfddet. 1t-* the Cunorl la - lit.' IlioVertlinent -lite.IlioVer1•ulrnt that gave away over :loon square miles o1 timber lands to km friends. in the ,;"o.l Oh! da)." before Met Zl tele the rlectots are 'totaled with all kinds of information regarding purely material -thing,. why not re- mind them of s•)rtr other things in which t bey may be quite as miteh in- terested :' For instance, I here is the Lord's Day Act. pl.sswl - (Indio'. the present Government. which is lurid to lie the lest legislation en this 44411, t the world, .1.141 0111,11 has ensured to thousands of ('anadien working - me their weekly day of rest. Then, agate there is the ;tholition ut the sweatil system in connection with Govern ' )1t contracts. In connec, tion with the Department of Labor steps have n taken to secure an improvement •the ce.nllitions alYrct- ng child labor\and the, employment of wnnlen in fai&loriee. Such things as these are wort' ' of consideration alongside of the f to regarding in - '1(018e of t reale, the dile debt, etc., etrs ' - The Montreal 1Vitn•vee Which is anything but s narrowly partisan journal, recalls 4101111' even : .1 the Conservative regime in Canad+ Buell as the l.angevin-M.Grrevy t•pb...1 the gerrymander of 11e4! and the f chime act of 18tH, "This pertain, the *11At," says The .Wit.ness, "but {)attire like individuals can he hit gel- Irr'.tooel !rent their past career's, x11111 a pert)' that ,'011110110,1 t",edVu,,,te privilege cats rumor, et en if it wished to, escape/ corruption. That is axes iii•." Thr Wit nc-.emit inues: We know that Alexander 11ack.mzi.• wLghl to opt a the c,nn.l ry Iounr0t (11) lightened getet•uln,net and tile! Kir %Villrid bolo ice has taught Io d,, the game no 'rrio),ate hotit7 attempts to deity. That some of Kir Wilfrid's fol- towe4t hate made mistakes or worn, '•an rlmltoulllydl' be punted, b11t not t hr most rabid Coneervat it .• belay ,•t r0 attermpt• ter show a Liberal (ae- rie? ion wide -spread and in Ow very e:up and wood of Coaeervativr pwlti. tis,: +14)4444-( titers' go highly laud.vl try 111 is Dor- den, cf Kir ,lobe Maaton8l.d, 4it- H„•Its letup -%in. Thomas Mehl reevy and Cabala. A gens{ Merl in the way of 'political 11,.,•m )' he: Issas accom- plished *ince. then. and more, 11 more, 111114.1 he neeotnplished. Hui the hatter is hardly 14kely to tonne about through the .•tTorls of sorb men n. Messrs. lt.1,n. $. Lrforgey. F'owlei•,nn1 Foster, er the• high protection edvo- ncy of M.•,srs• Ekrra and Apnea. 1Vluueter ('lyse tray be Maid Inc or against it. protuctiontilts pro% ed iteel I .V.' -where an in.- .table -and prolific mother of cot t'qd ion.'• FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. A Record nada Prospectus. Iondor, Ad veru r. Leerier hes built up a mightier. ('au- m1:r. He offers a record : Mr. l* r-.lrn a lro.pe edit. Sfll Koe_king the BritishPreference. Ualt li44Rarler 14',o. -,•r Mil et. • S, oris of l'anadien industries which mold have c petA'ol with those of an other nation have languished awl diet) tides -.the Dowering of 1!te duli.. rpm tglish-sortie goo• s. 'Unlucky Borden.. Montreal iter.% 1. The liar•'It" man's to now why. if i,,u*.-ier is responsible the pan- - w 1 h k flee Icy;-- fres d .1 not 'tn'ttnTe n ie. Leta oral. Katy. emtey: 44)' 11'Ilh'•1 wen. across the A, I ,iuti1• last ?Trine( ted manner. 'tad Mr. I4.1sh n claimed 44M4i 11* its year. Hr watt 014 y tom• : 1 toe III i.li;e 1r 11 n h••4) Ile go) \4., 4 arose.and the hi., Ir •ee whet lar West. F: Ther he will lotto- tete -e to 400. good in future, or we w•,1k le,.e G, keep Iit'uiier at hon,'. • College Professors la Public Office. Mm1Ur•a1 Herald. 'I'..Using ahnnt pmfeu4.lra bring. 1.1 rt 1 mints the significant f a tl ' 1, I e loonier (lot "rotitent. Ila* app. in 1 eel three p•nfe•rwra•* to pnhlle office wi•b- - in ,a rompar4titely short time, The significance *hound be partieiderly 'ap- parent to all in the habit of rooming. that only ertite pnllticiens con hope for teeognifion et the hand., of Oor- i'rnment. No one in further removed from the political betty -burly than lite college don. Yet the work of the three leen 1 h*v, in mind has won them the preferment many active pol- itiriene Bought. Meier, Mill., Short' .and Mclean, an memlerm ,t import- ant government ,mllmi*ibins. Are wit ne0*0e to one Government's recogni- tion of meritdi•e00ori•u0,1 front politi- cal putt. The Liberals Are Confident. Victoria flatly Time.. We lett a the most complete ronli- dena' in the revolt of the appeal whir h will -horl.11 be taken. WO mel" entitle it in the thin rouriction that the judgment will not only have the effect of permanentlysilencing the tongue* 0t men like oster, of uoepeaketae reputetion. whose whole political stock in trade is 4)4ndet. but willcoo- firm in poorer a I'rl•wir 1• who iv first ill the esteem of him countrymen and one of the trawling --If not aeteelly the leading- 1ml.01 ial statesmen of the prrarnt day -a elan :against whose character. puddle or private. the most iu*Ugnant of his political enemies dare not breathe a word of suspicion, We venture to predict that the triumph of Sir 1Vih'rid Laurier an a result of the elections 'if 191x+ will be the taunt pt•,moulieed, all the t•iteutte stances considered, of his public Verret.. - "A LAND OF FULFILMENT." Multi re:.l Nit 4)r•• If the liovertmrnt were to he judyesl alo00 uu its it(1miigrat' . 41(11•• cera the popular Vencet mold not be otherwise than in its favor. Kir Wil- frid Laurier declared this week at Moitut gnv that "our immigration lallicy, has iarut'ibulea lir ire than any- thing else• to Maintain the great stet -140h of l'wtfexlcration.' Sir %Vit• Laurier i. right. The growth of ('etsot4ian- industries could not have takwa 11111.0 without it, and uo grrot•r dinw,ter mould pwlsaib{y happen I ban the suhetit ut tun of the.•xe:Luslonist p.Iicy for which Mr. Horden and his supporters have (teetered. WIG' its up-to-date i(ntuigrat' paltry, the pres.•ut Boyer 'tit ba-. also tutu. ell it i'uuld tat make it .way film Willi -1a to get started in the Went, with the tesult that contentment and optimism le►).• ruper.eded the dia- satisfaction and despair of .the 111d_ regime. And IIOT without cause, 1u the eighteen year. of ('on-Irtatlt, rude. :t,1MM1,111M1 acre, of land were given away to railway.prist uuers,and,. An t,.ort. of the 144,ewo w, alhswest to iw- inet.e.t t,y.ra7iting•t • o le great ratio ay ompany, whirl' load good p.-*.-tieat reasons for delay iu making the selection. au . no area in alternate Peet ions 11 IlIile.rtuare ell over the lent part of the N est, (hits kre 4 •41.•1 leen e.,... rt teem, one another, and tinkling roormvuely tothe h:u•dshil. and, rho expense of living in that 'suet of Canada. Under tb.•ia pori..-.' •.f IAtt(t. left, as Mr. 1-111a11.4114.• .s•fnindt.l us in 1301. "with a Northwest still empty." . Mr. 4iftoe, o1i assuming eh,u•ge• of the Department of the tntel'tol, team r• Ihe railway coulpeny to make its s•le'etion at once. and thus released a great deal of territory from unprrlid- able monopolization. Under the Lit - era) ,4duliniatratiou no • more. lands' were given away to railways. ('neer it the hgq110.1erul taw, have leen made more liberal, and in Ow last dwelt .• years 31.1010(10 net., have Is•e•g give's to howe•slewe) net tient the entrive to sixteen days of the month of Sept.•m-_ Iw•r past loving 1ar444r than was shown in any t. tole year under Con..•rtad ire tole. For monopoly in matter. of transport the present Government has substituted .•ottipetition and fteetlom, sad that freedom ham given traffic enough for all, Whateter tarty names May count for, the Northwest under Con.irvatic,• administration was a land of the hope deferred that maketh the heart mirk, while today it is a land of fulfilment. 'Not an Accident. An increase ..f $4414U),411n-in the value of our export :rule in twelve tosses. as compered with An inln•n.e of $011.51111,001) in twenty -right y0Ar., ITUATIONS... with 11x,11144( 1,u.i11.'' hou.'•s *wait 1x11' graduates. LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER and aII modern office nn'( Ir ,.ds which ensure rapid ad- GREGG SHORTHAND taught $.v the only tem her in ()obit who attended the Author's school, THREE COURSES- - 4tenegraphy 4 'wourr.1 I, T.leg Rp ly. Enter any day. 1Vrite for partic- ulars. FALI, 'r41111 I'ROM mein. 1st WDEBICII BISINESi COLLEGE (l FU. NWrr1't►N: Pull le%I.. 1111111111111MMI111111 THE GREAT SCHOOL CTN. $Y11ATFORD. OST. 1 sar taw reronl and oar pr0a•nt Reade of work .tvlaal.. u• to. the grew' pls. Ii' -*1 Ion!,: lag •'•drat of We -tern 1/.11411". We 11.,e 1 tore depart 111,111- 1.1 EITCIAL. ,1,111-1'G111t11?It('iAI„ 4HOR'l'IIAXII, 'I'ELh.GItAI'lll('. her Rraeitritr, are 601110111111d .t. 1111,'101... College teacher- n• well a. oilier a.-i.raa.., ladar'd.1a1 In.•Irnrlran, M.rnrr - _ Iw. gr •al.alogne fru.. w-, in• Tie il. ELLIOTT & M0LACifi.AK, Pone( pnls, Increase your Salary 1 ogler preparation does t. Attend ELLIOTT g, • TORONTO. ONT. Arn1 the tour to commence Is MOOT \'N OW, One hun.Ire:I &,1•1 ale .Indent-, `rme other 1. r.ones. college' have (olefin 4, Ibl..,o1$.-re within one year. W11.11' tat TIln1PROVE? wr Rive the t.r.t. Not bl HNC w'ould satisfy u. nothing /•(•r -'hnnld rittiefy yon. .11.1. liRA10-A(4',a It44ADILv 0441'1'1144 EMPLOYMENT. Write for 1'atm''Rear. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. t'or. Yonee and Alexander me r flrr1111111•10� ,$ l 000 1a a very good salary for a piling person under 211 to receive. Nee- .rsl of our nhnrthand graduate* of last year are now enjoying thin eatery. Perhaps, we can help con in relive thin ?amount.1414• new eaUI tlglle explains. Cut mit this. card, •1(1) it and 14e04! to 1V, I1, Shaw t'ent'h Rosiness College, Toronto. Name Address . rESSINIEMIND • 1 QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICE are the three greet recline which have combines! to make thin unynrntionOblyd best. •tor• for 144ilien, 'rile character of the gartuentrr kettle up to t lmghe'ststandard of excellence. ('he quality is evident in every 'detail style. Itt and !ailments. The went variety we new show make Fashion Display that's well worth seeing. Values a Prices on Ladies' and Misses' High class Fall and Wint Garments, Mantles and Fine Furs you 014(1'1 14(4)111.', A visit-,,( innwrt' wilt ta' nppt tr'iated.. Yon will o"I urged tr,•b1y. W....imply want you to se • the garments. JOHN STEAD (iodcrich I.:idk s' Wear, \''est St ret 1 \tour Fall and Winter OVERCOAT Ready-to-wear or Made -to -Order. ______Our -tables aro loaded with the best showing of Overcoats we have ever shown, and that is saying a good deal. The fact is drat the hifrh-class ready-to- wear clothing has reached such a high standard of excellence that it makes the custom tailor sit up and wonder what is going to become pf his tailoring trade. We can dress you fit for any society in one of lir a OA OR i:, l Ji► SUITS. to you hundre OVERCOATS u can have them ready for service or made special order. We have the samples. of them. See them. rices. $12 to $22 See our Amdrican Black Drill Workmen's Shirt, --the best ever offered at 75c. WAL R C. PRIIJIIAM J h,as not comer IT chant... It ice out ill .r.e : .. • -le le . - 4h0 result of 4 10,44)- l4ee wnijd 41 n • 0%e1, it is tett Llrstay dor ru tire. •' 1nangurrltinq 4)t a p.'lv ld 1!,, vigor...i . eat l' vim; n It •,t :1 wi.• 1 �arri)"d l.,!i-t eel „4).,i.. .ntrantad'hil.. 1/1 ).n, rbsit • 'mom • of 1 h • 44 „1 (. o' well 0 . Turottl.• ': (I. 1'In.l 'e , ••V,•icntl.tr K,•, tree. • „ '0 olio, Ileal of the mosplterr,:' S,-,•• 4)d 1 oath -"That s ,. •.i u,' 11i, n ALMA LADIES 1150,000 rn,l•,on,. n' 1,. •-- fiat-class advantages .0 '., reasonable rates. F« Catamaran. &dere. 3 "Tb. Registrar: COLLEGE, St. Thomas, Ontario $200 pays all chargee (or regular rn11100 tucluding katal, Premed, Getman, • the, Pianoforte, Drawing, with board, r18811 laundry and library fur one year. Separete *pertinent for younger pupils. 1 "Men Who Know" ITRADE AT i "MARTIN'S" IrCOMING 1 wl SWITCHES, POMPADOURS CLUSTER -CURLS, CORONET- BRAIOS. TRANSFORMATIONS, WAVES. WIGS, Etc. - Prof. Dorcnwcnu 4)I il)WO i ) the ❑e. 4)11 -t YTiiiI 4:"••,I- Arti.1 the world has et '•) k 11„0 It, i, 4 ..11/41}1.1W11. -- HAIR GOODS Hotel Bedford, Goderich lhur'.(lay. Oct. 22 lining 114). ti'it wl' 44411 Is• shoeing the very Otte.' 14•esinn 'mud New 1'otk sty les, still t"1111 ,11.• twirl I' n Marl invited o s s % 1 1 to a t and r m try 1 n era1,.....• 1 f .'tent :nil., We gilt)' von the Karl" rh.4,.....•baths' and sal is. • )art ion as yen world get 4)t Dur T.,rwal' eeelaMi.,h- mertte le a )vont, et- bring our $torr: 110 ),nn- disci•. DORENWEND'S PATENT TOUPEE 1,.. Grntlerne_n Wlln are Na1/1, i. n tut .tet•piece of etejentific Hair Con- ntntetinn Politely edjnntat. (Jamb end brush them jure as yn1U• nava hair. Alhwduteh 1rldetectwhle. They protect ct )'ill front CAMdt, Catarr•, Somal- (ia, "1e., and Will nt4ke you look 10 yearn ymingel•. Oyer I/0.11MM' our 1, 11pw•rK nnr Brut in 1150. Don't fail to see them. 1 Dl►renwend Co, of Toronto, L't'd. NU -18,5 VOIIOE ST. gl