HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-8, Page 8$ TBOYDaT, October N, 1808 TNN: SIGNA'.: (,ODERICH. ONTARIO THE POLITICAL ARENA. tion. Nelson Monteith. Miu{Opti' of Agriculture in Ole I)utnriu 1 iveru- utent, whit wan defeated at the ekes Dons in June Tart, has retired, and his successor a 111 be Jame* S. Ina. the member of the Legislature for West 13imcoe. A staff correrpoinient of The Globe wrens.: ''l1i -M-i day after day, oI(rs'a prett . -goodin- dication of the drift of !!public opinion. The letters which Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his ('a bit collrrtgurt are rreeiv- ing from ditT.�nt parts of the Maui it. loaahow that Liberals have teat hen tj, led ten% I.y the Opposition* talk of scandals. and. moreover. that mien who hat.' taken tut active part in the (%onset•%at ire interest in previous •-h't- tions are in the present intttan.e tak- ing ott their cruds for the Liberal can- didates. That is true Trout Nova Scotia to Ontario. - It is to l.. *toted Hud, the Oppositi4a t leader and his first lieutenant, Iron. George E. ;Foster. are both politienl wanderer.. Mr. Ikrtden was gore:ittyt-r- in 111111 in Halifax 4.11.1 secured --g -at in Carleton county'; (1utIGi0t, for which he is again,it•-."•iieliddtt•. Mr. Foster's story is •h ,.adder. Cast 0111. et one constituency a(t4'r ;tlaothwr' in his own I'r"vioce .if eew Ilii. "ups. wirk, he landed in . North Toronto, which he carried at .the tart election by only a swt.1i majority. He is t' again- tit"- nnservntive ntrnittee --in • North Toruutu, :tad the cheroot. air ' well, election night will tell. 1llutltlrtd- %Viten*. imal:tl ke _.,.__'. s■rk ismer Irtstiz:-III" ituire whole sale wud•tbrowing of the t/mewi- • tion -"As for the charges that hers-.' A11/0114-1114.6610--amt-that_al..teuce Alia/ has. been offered it i, to be remeulo•t•rd that it is et.y to put an indictment in a single enee that it would take a 1 FOSTER - SAME OLD STORY. Ten've GOT HFRE AHEAD 01' 1)5 ANI) ALL Wt GET 1S TRE WINDFALLS AND WORMY ONES '1-t �n r"i IN .TRZZ POLITICAL. 01011Altilb 10R any man • Travelling Set is a necesaty. This set is. espeoilly swishier for gill purposes at this season. It commas a pair 01 genuine Ebony M,l,nty Brushes, with sterling shields for enguvIng. Com. ',tete sob tomb in real morutco lather (olJtng cue. The pride is DR. STRANG'S TRIP. Llatetsattn& Talk at G. C. 1. Literary Society on Last Summer's Outing. The leading tt iI t. 1.1 the Reit rel.:- 114r vg.1tar meeting of the- thmdr.i%l. t\,l- Irgiate Institute Literau y Society for the fall term, which was held last 1 1 i •u day evening, was an address by the adiail, Lupi t. as '-it time, t31e11 II.t rutted Hats.•.. or :1 native •1f the 11tiiLtla i rr4 ] aY lslr v�tr „1•.11 tmiss. rt11.1e1' erns[ SlNtttl Illi• dolly' lyts• ie could not pass for %Sa h,oLn.t. I/'. Strang bad a good deal to say in lator v u• ,mg11.1S tt1I tay'system disprove, Tliin roan: pt .legit 1.r the !etrraety, examination the r 1.t tncttt.• tar it •l st rang. on his visit to the Old (`Out, that the metre tleclxration by a Ixtlititatl faroseeutOr that .t -J -adv t-'--1' in w,tvt Ing to accept his challenge and di. - prove hi.. hnrge t wast be taken w ith reserve. Muer. indeed. can lie pat into au innuendo than any amount ot'' denial can 'wipe out. It i• not safe. therefore, to assume that because a freest deal of mud is thrown some alt It ought to stick." Mr. Borden's Failure. Mr. Borden has issued is challenge to the Liberal leadrl's tai deny the graft ..barges pit -fel -red Itv l'oneerv• ative speakers. . This is amusing. yet thoroughly -characteristic, It represents Mr. Borden's notion of fair play. Accord- ing to the British notion it ie the duty of the may who makes the charges to prove theta, 1.r 4.t least to produce for evidence on which they are based. Under the British mystelu an accused fr't•tion is regarded as innocent until his guilt is established, Mr. Borden wouldVerse the ro-- cedurr. The trouble with Mr. Itor- den's notion ie that if i eame,ta per make it would ake oldie life in- tolerable. Am a 'natter of fact the Liberal leaders have denied every charge that has been seriously preferred. And they have not rested satisfied with mere denial : they have', sq)purtel the denial by proof wherever the chal•ge was sufficiently sow. ifie la, per- mit of such treatment. They did thin not because they were rr.itluwl as s matter of strict justice to do Iso : but as a matter of fairness to the ,public, The Liberals have gfarther. They have challenged their aaltcusiers again and again to wake their charges sp{leeeitic rind bring on their proofs. 'We have the assurance ttj' the r'remier• . himself that. if ,any_ definite charge is preferred sgaintt a member of the Cabinet either the-. Minister will g4. 1.r the ,landtret' will apologize. It would he a very simple :tooter 1, put the Pr'emier's a.allt'am'r 111 the test, Instead of issuing .hnlirngri plirasel in rich terms that .nn• holy in particular is t hallrngrd, 1.•11 Mr. Bonen, if he Iters any run. lidenee itt the.•nug•ion. h t tt* c,4.. ducting, prefer a definite charge 'against a Mint.tet, something that can be I,ve.t igatl•II, in: lli ll.t .tattrlmtl) v' Lo ran itr held res oosible. 1t i• easy enough to throw 1 from behind w -hedge. - 14 the-tmnl- thrnw'rr i. nal particular *boot soil. log his hands he may_en ov himself in comparative safety. ` If` he is o., poart lculat tt herr the tool fall-, It may grata, him -elf by mono i ,ontelmNdv. Itut, after all, it is no a very moble pastime, .nor i, it 1r v 11 .nilable one for a man alio is Ids. mg forward to Ixt•ortitig the 11cena r of a great rinant•s,. Mr. hoiden iglu very easily blas 'motet ettmplo went. He should •.t a belle' cam plc In .,tine of hi. f.dl..w rr.-, olio •e n 10 11r sorely in need ..f a go. sl r.• -"mph•. N.titdst.•ck Sent in.1-11rvit•tt FRUIT CROP REP • RT. Ottawa. Hie, 3tNrr. AVe ttmt ,.:.:diii.. littri= 4.•eu fairly fru. rahl.• for Innl,, pearht•. rod -gripes, Iola Ili t f.iP-ii1'1tr'--'tri1 • w 1111.1• It phlr',. Jute Ural I% nil harvested. \\'i ler fruit ripening preet tato mix_ lull (...prang. rrtlilriug therropnit.n,l) too nlivl' . Pear. -Art' i t;.•ning tapidh' and are of good nualit t'. Exports -tit- 'Brent Britain Inger 111;111. u.uaL 1'enrh.- All barv••.trd Ind a t„w. Nt.' yr rlrtle- 'I l,','- hat..Iw 'f. Iw•. 1...v- utt-atwrax.•. Pltttti-Nemrte tih.t t i.t..ir rxrPfij' in north,•t•tn 111 -tris t orale'. A tell , top of .'xtalent ninthly. Pi ice-- 1•1...-r I Ii:u. torsettrnl year,. T,.nnittw•• 111,15e horsed Os. tap - idly fitr the catinin;; la. tore-, but :r. of eitetleit tlnalit %, 1'ranlm•rrit',--A gt t.i .nqt. Th.'tt- n denutlld 1'"r th.•('nnidutn Is•rrie. ,n th. l't51w1 Fllile., fu..rt't 719.1 tliitgns developed •lighlh this 1ien,4h. folk rot has de%.Iolw•d t.. n se•riou - e'• tent. ' \Vinl.r ripple.itr-flt-t-n*t.•l some - have .It•prt•t'i111.st ill mullet it % :1111 nitaility. . Pi•i.,•s fid ('nnatllnio iw•nrs. and apple, in 4tiettt ltt•iteier have - beet. good and -hip 4.t. I:arg. r tlliln usual, .1, ARt-nmtg, Drain• and llotd Storage Comnti..ioner, A. Mi-Ngn.t., ('hi.f, Fruit Divi -ion. Important tO Ladles. It is not often no omen limito nnr. 4.t yt.nt 4001' to ..•e the htI Tnrisdan ,and Nt• s York styles in hair g,wels, yet tllt-)I it the 1'a.., N. Prof. Ibirenwend, of Toronto, is visiting thin town and invites your intpe•etion tit thew' growls 4.t his private spat t - Mettta tt•,w'ned 4.t the holed, These hair lro•.d teles, when prop. I•rly adjusted. pt -.,i. .'t and ornament the head, soften and I,e»utify the lx- pressinn (if the fare, and consequently ions tip an aged npp.-a atter. Re sore Anal see them at hotel Redford on Thursday, October lrind. try Inst summer. The other nuwhor, on the program were as toltow%. President's address. Donald V. ('lark : nstrunlrnGtl duet, Misses 1t. ('lark and 11. Warnock : roll call by the ,re.. teeny, Melville Audetson : selections by 1 b Glee Club ; 'rhe Journal. read by Miss Eleanor \Va1Ler ; critic's re- mark's, --J. M. Field. The Litetary Society has a go..1 extcativ. any;, no doubt, will have a successful term, in spite of the lack 4.f- nisi ane.' the \lodel students have alwa • given during the ('all term in forme dean. Thr •hirer' for the terms' are : Presi- dent. Donald M. ('lark : vice-,resi- denl, Frank Foster a memoir 'ice- pn"ident, Fergus McNaught ; tr urer.Orville Durnin : Ji,itntat ettit, Miss Eleanor Waller : assistant edl tor..1..hn Elliott ; pianist. Alias Rettig '('lark !' councillors. Miss. lirar. War - bock. Mir Gladys 111,Nies lh;ton I h:f°nin. Ile, til rmtg'-lulk .NI hi. v Uhl l'unntr?- wa- • Xce-d' it in the rgly itlt.r. ..Ung. Ott mg Io Ih.' 1:11 encs. of Ih.• ...object iii• purpol.ely''1 11. 1 mulch refen•mtr• to.01.1 Loud. 11, 1, ting whit he would have t.t xy about the •'I,.•art or the clnpir.. or n separat.• address later nn, all. hi, 1•ruuuks on Ile• 1e.1 14 his trip vt•t.• necessarily -onl..abet etlt•sryy. ne of the great advantages i1. triter Ih'. Strung said. was 1hat it load•• Iriugr real In one. To se.' the very Ott where-trotrtM/.. ••v.•ni.. its Iti..l..ry localities r.'Mbtn ..I in liberator,. 1.• the Iradi nlmnd the.,• pincr. .Ifttrwnt.ls mon real. Ik•sillts th,• idle:isur. at the true' in seeing 4..a sights dine itis •tl.r able to intaglio other seen.... Tit. meeting wi11. .t•v',ral old (i _l.'. 1. .Indents w:.., plt•nstail feat tire in his trip 41 1111 n-ttgtihWut tittSot,vie1I11t that 110 matter ashes •1,r went It.• would"4.G et ,tI.1 pupils, mil maul. hila 1hint. thal the world ns not -uch N v't•ry huge plare atter nit: t)1i„ 111 the pl.a.ur•s of such t trip sat. to...ling Iw•.tflb• of diNen•nt utionaliliesand ideals, Mut tin• dtN• .r .aid hr found lunch b•s• .litfet.•n • bet ween people t h+ut 11.• upitt ...l be would mod .rid not ft.i1 (tint,e- tt all uoliceabl. a. n CLEARING OCTOBER SALE. If you watch our • windovt - 111i• week, .on will a'" all kind ..t b;ogain-. 21411'ntl 1'1.411 Relnn.l 11...,k . tearing 1.1 10.• 1w•rvett. 175 vt h lknr►nl H't.k- . ,,I %nine 111 n'gednr pries• :s. . • 1'•.t -i ng at :lam _. Psi li..xe- Note Paper and 1.I s elms .• el.ariit) tat hi, Its•, tTritm- Firth' r..tttnow•t. Wi . Latif nml our -third otT .Iris..,_ ti.1•1111.1. 01. It 'I'EItM". 1-N 11'TI'HE Aiti: STRICTLY ('ATfl. PORTER'S BOOK STORE Court House Square, Goden(h 'Phone No. too. with its greats cafe of Itlull lit!•. and t1,1. greater it-git'rd 1•u' others' •afel eras u.di..;thlr •twrwh. t.• tfro. .41 thy,_ rai'.'. w., 117:7,1t -'It. -i, r.4.• Hsi/Ince, in tate hu•i..t .pat of Lon - 11111.11 ill the busy 1)1111 o1 'I'o.i n,t•1, on account of the gr.it.r r. t,.ud• IMil. 'I'11e atltlisl t•i tt ah., i t ..I 1h,. level railway crossing. the great.' stn,r.thne in smiting trails, tl. pi•i.hiliitiou of Is' -sots dlo.sing i:,it- w•ny tracks, tit. fact that ttati1- ti -at•. polled 1.p at, iN aart.d from... I.Ialtolut, Mad.; 1 til'rty 1rt1v,I u1.n plea -:till than itt C./mule, mid other It.ints of ditft•n•nce w;•rt• the facts tIno thee.• ,,,1. no .ailing i,ut tlf Ota- Oysters GO TO THE OLYMPIA Cafe Served in any style in bulk. Athas & Vassos, Proprietors. ti•1.1. I.y 11., Lr:aL.•su..o, itt es.,11161.• ori; of t u k, -t s 1.n Ile' 1 r:1.0 Eby � tit.. con- . .1(111..1' dt "ltw:a.I: ,ia.Iti:-y,11IIh'd. riper., nor p•ns.'111g through err• Tr'alus 11.1 artvgIN,y. "r vrud,•rs 1.l' Inuit. etc. lack of n ch.. Lw,( dt ••luggage. .sass not a s'oririnrrtrn„ Lek at all nt11 p111I't. wt•re :dw,rys )dual obliging. A bit of addict/ the th t. l • n had l r utter I,t I,rolleeti•e tt•atttlrt'.•t war It"l 1" illlerir1 trt"..t•1. wp 111411.7 :11ti-iliiT'7fiT heti. v.• in ib.' soviet oft he \Mokee $5.00 RYRI5 BROft . "-Warren 11. -Issuer Yong. et. TORONTO Liberal "HOME SWEET IIOMr,' Nothing Fits in Better h t h.• -croute of it,dll:"1 enjoyment than an - an Edison Phonograph 11 0,1 !i, '.1.11- liliftiltttt-t +mitt', company and on any occasion. It is - NEVER OUT OF PLACE, OUT OF PRACTICE, . OUT OF TUNE. call and beartaw' n write for 1t:dogne. It an -- . :an tliipkinl. 1.t lusyizig. ROAN or. PIANO call arid see us. 4.r Poul tc.tdnintanrr with tin• ditT, rut lin,�f err business places 1.t. in [melt ion I bundle the beet and to givikintelbgent' advice 10 prospr. ill'. buyers. . -1..., - We have i f t eeleis in I;tr}p• and ..--..ttut sit k of - CHURCH HYMNALS, BIBLES and GOSPEL SORG BOOKS. lane Piaui,! i s o ten: ..1 t r:ksnn.•LI. lel Ins. JAMES F. THOMSON Fall and Winter Styles in Millinery .• -boat at Hier;. I AN1ER0\'h \111.1,1\I'.Itl' PARLOR!; in the most nttuu•tiv.• chap.`s and bode s. I le•r tin.k includes_ the new est and most alt 04 i • effects. and th.• inspection of the ladies of (itxle'rirh iultl .trinity is cnrdinny int ite.t. MISS CAMERON Hamilton Street, GODERICH COM INC fi BLANKETS AND ROBES A L to mer 5A 1',,..1t Iltrse Iilsnk"Im in ill -him and tptalitiee. Robes, Robes, Robes. "askatchewan B u Ira I Robes, s uidwich Fur Robes, Manitoba Buffalo Robes, Bishop -Fur Robes. Ilorse hide Robes. Prof. 'Dorene nil al TORONTO the ,1.;,•r -, 11 • A11._1 .1,,. ,,, ,.t -,.t. I HAIR GOODS ..,nin•:rl" . Hotel Bedford, Goderich 1 hursday. Oct. 22 , „•_ 11ri. t i-il t. e will 1.•„ ,l__ st-t-t, latest 1 \ • tc York 11 - ,•, , 4.r.• Iwr•lie- nl:riy ;"titer t" in.I.•rt aid cry .m :nor of t ,.w.• r ■ \\•c. i-tt.' taut lou• .run.• SWITCHES, POMPADOURS, o,c. 4,11,01111and tali. 1.1' 1 i. 111 •t• t .1 ,romp g, t _" CLUSTER -CURLS, GORUNET- ;,t ,,;Ti -•f.. 1,..1, BRAIDS, TRANSFORMATIONS, ;milts. I WAVES, WIGS, Etc. to 1'•,tnr and ge1 v -our Choir l•. 11 H. E. Knox 1IL DORENWEND'S PATENT TOUPEEI (1.' tleolce .4.I,4. Arr. 11.,1,1 n 11.-i-l.rpipl'ri of Rtientific Hair Con ,U•n.lilxt_ Securely) Mljustit1. ( runt. mild hiatmh thein just ti - �in1t• own lutii Alp,dttl r-t- indrteeinhle. They e•t - fntnt 1'olth, ('ittarr gin. este., ntel will mak.. balk Myself-. t'orng.r. (h. tel,tael"f rm•'I'vnpe•es Eur• row n 11 1' rtn•t .ear la sett abate. AUBURN 1 IIIbren\tcnd Co. of Tornnlg, l't'd. 101411-.{-105 \tidST iNNNSIL 1'ilhlir meetings tt til t he foll,tt ing prises in t ..f the /ote•••tl c....1;,1..1 1110 : Benmillr, r, Carlow, - Leeburn, - tttrakitYuf. FALL SHOESt here's the - • "Junior" Model. If you'd. f.a'Ovular Mont Ihr 1•ItNpr of vutti Olives Iter this Walk -Over Model. .t frl.himg •1 %1e :utd a cond't-IRMO 1, -I. the man who wears Oils shoe wears the cor- rect thing. \\'r carry this ";Inn- Idl'' 11nN1.1 111 111•ti-ly every kind of leather. Come to and select the "'one.- you one.you like the best. !kite agents for Goderich, DowninviitAsfiteVicar -_-_wG.. ,Ni,L, ._,., ;�_a:r.. .f IL,. yOil stint 1" Si..- turd c'hrtL rut til 11, a y.Nt s. th.-4.t," INran.t• yeti w•1tld eetlns i`rotrthij pt•c,t tp ht,k tip list It 4 g lino out If sot' had•srr•r1 such :ld such ti place. 11.4 ter itt see "lily' a Pett places att.! have to virfi.l r.conett 11.11 01 1 I,t• h 4,-e- t - bark toot a .,it i.fi,•tl t Ilan eve. wit I's hr init•rest t ;Inndu ,ts :i Ida.e t.• live in. y" l • 'rl,; ..t t. -r rou..i.1 .11 ill- 1.1 •Ki.ttal wale •.tt tt .dl .•..na.•yaxh,;,1 tt,j,Hr not wa, renal in a very clear voice x11.1 .t :. a bright tint ttutuls-r ulttlrt- it- Itrw tiittnial ttntn:tgeruettt. There w,., ....venal w.•ll written articles Muhl •h•ntv-ot' clever driv.. at .litr. ,, ill a., mlwis of the-its/bolt tasty. - - Tuesday, Oct. 13 - wedeesda,, Oet 'si - Thursday, Oct. 15 'fin •. un,•tiug. Eur 11. hr a.l- dre.srd 1., It Mc11i1Lur: Iters 1.r 11,.11.1; 1', Cairo.. :111 Blail'.'.i lis wl,rirl1- i1. ..1•I,t to tire rnnitul;,' - CHAS. E. GRIFFITH UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING HAIR MAIL RESSES RENEWFD ANL) REMADE CARPET - t;l.,t.it-t- LAVING •\1.�ltt rLL wless.lest .i itrp.or How,. U,.r4 nm- west of t'..1. 11411•.': A LARGE ATTENDANCE OF THE '�w`t Ott "''' Re-klriw.•-k[i t,. ELECTORS IS REQUESTED. _ --_ -. c .1.1 •.,- 1I n\ Condensed Cream We have the kind so htghiv-Te. - c amended by the ladle, of the 1A'ea Huron Woolen's Institute at Geier:. 1 Industrial !shibtaon. Everything Fresh and Up-to-date rn GROCERIES at right prices at 1HE PEOPLE'S GROCERY. Wm. L. Lindsay ttamillon 14 'Phone No 165 -1 RIGHT FROMPARIS. Mt.il,r Xcu.1,.ws and Ri.rrultivth tiititing-, di.fintti.t• and .. I11sit,•. no two 4-.4..Chevron stripes in all the heal' lilt ...bring. and aims, extra rile. k.1 %elute in Mein Vet, are tau our coulters this week din'. t from Peri*. that great t vs-In...it centre. They n.. w�.,g if you ate 4.'t all int,. --ted in Fall Dress (;.sols. 1 3 -� , , Autumn Millinery `'Ni UR MILLINERY STOCKS are now at 0 t;a'i- best. Assortments are larger and more \'.1; :7d than they can possibly be later on. There is it wide variety of choice that you will get naw,r;:re else in town, and there is plenty of room here to do millinery buying in comfort. Stocks .have been replenished wherever broken, and we are showing today new Shapes, Velvets, Feathers, - Flowers, Ribbons and Trimmings. Come in any day and see them. There is always something fresh here and you will enjoy seeing the new styles over. You are welcome whether you come to look or to buy. A Stock of Nearly Fifty Distinct Styles in Our Cloak Department. This is the range of choice we offer, you its Our big cloak department. They are all new garments too. .:10 left-oversle gleet you here. Nothing .but bright. fresh garments direct from the'fadtorifs of the hest jacket manufacturers in the t rade. - PRICES RUN FROM $7.50 TO $25.00 • • A v.•ry }tient cr,at is nlNlefrom Anoalter rine it node front all scoot black frieze, is cut full I g.psl ynnlit' all wool beaver•, is doable breasted. has velvet {li in.he. long. Irinunel with rnllal It is it mitten/lid craft for -trapping., 1)f .•our ttiattrial. general w xr ,tn.' has very gt I vrlyt•t collar. Tht. cunt in our of .t-tv..1,t-4.11--t site--xrlsr (Witt) fitting 11( 3.11•11 The l,i ire I. - ._ _..._. V I1 is lints] will. gixel Ilacl Itennan-satin. \Vr show $ a .50 ire ;mitt blar'k Si 2.00 'I'w•o t cry rlr•tng slyliriare;•dt frill 511 inchi knrir-tanto an exit:. tine ker.ey cloth;,,The finish t t t he cloth is exceptilnslly goad. Th.• waist and sleeves iitr pitted and the coats are It honied dill, ,trappings 'roil_Vet%pt. Tires. garments . hate exceptionally good Style. We show tle•nl in hlacl and Celli ,1.41 P„r.. ,d,• $15.00 lltl.l $16.50 Five Good Qualities in _Black Venetians and Broadcloths The hest values we ever offered 0111' euitumers in these popular and fashionable at'tfrfif Tittttertstts are ou our counters today,, At each price the quality is the best that careful and persistent searching could find and we have no hesitation in re- commending any -of thein. Venetians at 65c An all ttuol V„•nr11 Vett - .'tian, permanent finish, good weight, fast dye, U to 111 wide, a Mad. that will lett cluing.. it.. color. A11 mull.. t inn,l sly gods' clot It and %slur ,1 tt', \Ypreisl , 4.t 1.1r y:u.1 65c .fit) of the above three A Broadcloth at $1.50 Pure wall initial/ loth. It it ail in.hes wide. rit•h. deep black, will not change Its color. Makes tery owlish costumes for any purpose and special v-alite,t, per yard A Venetian at goc This (-loth rte itlpdtl•.1 divert I•r Fiance. It Is 'thole from Ilia Auto 1•aliatrt wtwtls. The dye is al,soluttly 1'nat. It • iINw n lmight, pm•r nuuu•nt Ifniah. and in good weight for winter tents ttr skirts. I1 is lin to 52 inches wide,. Thr le•tl brick troth the torr had at anything near the price. Special A/w value /It �Vea�/■■{r A Venetian at $1.25 This is the biggrt.t soling cloth we.vtrharl. Iintent..I .direct. It is guaranteed shrunk ,and the Huish is Is r Inani•nt. It is noel,. from the 1,'10 of Australian which are the finest used in masking high-rhess materials tt t.ltis kind. An .ctrl good (.1111 it fora Mack rum- $1 L • 5 time 4.t pet' yard cloths -i_4. all the fashionable colors. A Broadcloth at $2.00 '('his is one. of the hest selling Brood, Moths the ever handled nod is thnrnnghly reei'fnetory to those who buy it. It is just the proper weight to snake n tailored suit. and if rightly made the garment will retain HAShalx.nnlilttnrnout . It is made from the highest grail. wads, dyer lir one of the best dyer's in France. 0 $2. 0 Very special at per yard loll $1.50 FOR A DELICIOUS DiSH OF Oysters GO TO THE OLYMPIA Cafe Served in any style in bulk. Athas & Vassos, Proprietors. ti•1.1. I.y 11., Lr:aL.•su..o, itt es.,11161.• ori; of t u k, -t s 1.n Ile' 1 r:1.0 Eby � tit.. con- . .1(111..1' dt "ltw:a.I: ,ia.Iti:-y,11IIh'd. riper., nor p•ns.'111g through err• Tr'alus 11.1 artvgIN,y. "r vrud,•rs 1.l' Inuit. etc. lack of n ch.. Lw,( dt ••luggage. .sass not a s'oririnrrtrn„ Lek at all nt11 p111I't. wt•re :dw,rys )dual obliging. A bit of addict/ the th t. l • n had l r utter I,t I,rolleeti•e tt•atttlrt'.•t war It"l 1" illlerir1 trt"..t•1. wp 111411.7 :11ti-iliiT'7fiT heti. v.• in ib.' soviet oft he \Mokee $5.00 RYRI5 BROft . "-Warren 11. -Issuer Yong. et. TORONTO Liberal "HOME SWEET IIOMr,' Nothing Fits in Better h t h.• -croute of it,dll:"1 enjoyment than an - an Edison Phonograph 11 0,1 !i, '.1.11- liliftiltttt-t +mitt', company and on any occasion. It is - NEVER OUT OF PLACE, OUT OF PRACTICE, . OUT OF TUNE. call and beartaw' n write for 1t:dogne. It an -- . :an tliipkinl. 1.t lusyizig. ROAN or. PIANO call arid see us. 4.r Poul tc.tdnintanrr with tin• ditT, rut lin,�f err business places 1.t. in [melt ion I bundle the beet and to givikintelbgent' advice 10 prospr. ill'. buyers. . -1..., - We have i f t eeleis in I;tr}p• and ..--..ttut sit k of - CHURCH HYMNALS, BIBLES and GOSPEL SORG BOOKS. lane Piaui,! i s o ten: ..1 t r:ksnn.•LI. lel Ins. JAMES F. THOMSON Fall and Winter Styles in Millinery .• -boat at Hier;. I AN1ER0\'h \111.1,1\I'.Itl' PARLOR!; in the most nttuu•tiv.• chap.`s and bode s. I le•r tin.k includes_ the new est and most alt 04 i • effects. and th.• inspection of the ladies of (itxle'rirh iultl .trinity is cnrdinny int ite.t. MISS CAMERON Hamilton Street, GODERICH COM INC fi BLANKETS AND ROBES A L to mer 5A 1',,..1t Iltrse Iilsnk"Im in ill -him and tptalitiee. Robes, Robes, Robes. "askatchewan B u Ira I Robes, s uidwich Fur Robes, Manitoba Buffalo Robes, Bishop -Fur Robes. Ilorse hide Robes. Prof. 'Dorene nil al TORONTO the ,1.;,•r -, 11 • A11._1 .1,,. ,,, ,.t -,.t. I HAIR GOODS ..,nin•:rl" . Hotel Bedford, Goderich 1 hursday. Oct. 22 , „•_ 11ri. t i-il t. e will 1.•„ ,l__ st-t-t, latest 1 \ • tc York 11 - ,•, , 4.r.• Iwr•lie- nl:riy ;"titer t" in.I.•rt aid cry .m :nor of t ,.w.• r ■ \\•c. i-tt.' taut lou• .run.• SWITCHES, POMPADOURS, o,c. 4,11,01111and tali. 1.1' 1 i. 111 •t• t .1 ,romp g, t _" CLUSTER -CURLS, GORUNET- ;,t ,,;Ti -•f.. 1,..1, BRAIDS, TRANSFORMATIONS, ;milts. I WAVES, WIGS, Etc. to 1'•,tnr and ge1 v -our Choir l•. 11 H. E. Knox 1IL DORENWEND'S PATENT TOUPEEI (1.' tleolce .4.I,4. Arr. 11.,1,1 n 11.-i-l.rpipl'ri of Rtientific Hair Con ,U•n.lilxt_ Securely) Mljustit1. ( runt. mild hiatmh thein just ti - �in1t• own lutii Alp,dttl r-t- indrteeinhle. They e•t - fntnt 1'olth, ('ittarr gin. este., ntel will mak.. balk Myself-. t'orng.r. (h. tel,tael"f rm•'I'vnpe•es Eur• row n 11 1' rtn•t .ear la sett abate. AUBURN 1 IIIbren\tcnd Co. of Tornnlg, l't'd. 101411-.{-105 \tidST iNNNSIL 1'ilhlir meetings tt til t he foll,tt ing prises in t ..f the /ote•••tl c....1;,1..1 1110 : Benmillr, r, Carlow, - Leeburn, - tttrakitYuf. FALL SHOESt here's the - • "Junior" Model. If you'd. f.a'Ovular Mont Ihr 1•ItNpr of vutti Olives Iter this Walk -Over Model. .t frl.himg •1 %1e :utd a cond't-IRMO 1, -I. the man who wears Oils shoe wears the cor- rect thing. \\'r carry this ";Inn- Idl'' 11nN1.1 111 111•ti-ly every kind of leather. Come to and select the "'one.- you one.you like the best. !kite agents for Goderich, DowninviitAsfiteVicar -_-_wG.. ,Ni,L, ._,., ;�_a:r.. .f IL,. yOil stint 1" Si..- turd c'hrtL rut til 11, a y.Nt s. th.-4.t," INran.t• yeti w•1tld eetlns i`rotrthij pt•c,t tp ht,k tip list It 4 g lino out If sot' had•srr•r1 such :ld such ti place. 11.4 ter itt see "lily' a Pett places att.! have to virfi.l r.conett 11.11 01 1 I,t• h 4,-e- t - bark toot a .,it i.fi,•tl t Ilan eve. wit I's hr init•rest t ;Inndu ,ts :i Ida.e t.• live in. y" l • 'rl,; ..t t. -r rou..i.1 .11 ill- 1.1 •Ki.ttal wale •.tt tt .dl .•..na.•yaxh,;,1 tt,j,Hr not wa, renal in a very clear voice x11.1 .t :. a bright tint ttutuls-r ulttlrt- it- Itrw tiittnial ttntn:tgeruettt. There w,., ....venal w.•ll written articles Muhl •h•ntv-ot' clever driv.. at .litr. ,, ill a., mlwis of the-its/bolt tasty. - - Tuesday, Oct. 13 - wedeesda,, Oet 'si - Thursday, Oct. 15 'fin •. un,•tiug. Eur 11. hr a.l- dre.srd 1., It Mc11i1Lur: Iters 1.r 11,.11.1; 1', Cairo.. :111 Blail'.'.i lis wl,rirl1- i1. ..1•I,t to tire rnnitul;,' - CHAS. E. GRIFFITH UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING HAIR MAIL RESSES RENEWFD ANL) REMADE CARPET - t;l.,t.it-t- LAVING •\1.�ltt rLL wless.lest .i itrp.or How,. U,.r4 nm- west of t'..1. 11411•.': A LARGE ATTENDANCE OF THE '�w`t Ott "''' Re-klriw.•-k[i t,. ELECTORS IS REQUESTED. _ --_ -. c .1.1 •.,- 1I n\ Condensed Cream We have the kind so htghiv-Te. - c amended by the ladle, of the 1A'ea Huron Woolen's Institute at Geier:. 1 Industrial !shibtaon. Everything Fresh and Up-to-date rn GROCERIES at right prices at 1HE PEOPLE'S GROCERY. Wm. L. Lindsay ttamillon 14 'Phone No 165 -1 RIGHT FROMPARIS. Mt.il,r Xcu.1,.ws and Ri.rrultivth tiititing-, di.fintti.t• and .. I11sit,•. no two 4-.4..Chevron stripes in all the heal' lilt ...bring. and aims, extra rile. k.1 %elute in Mein Vet, are tau our coulters this week din'. t from Peri*. that great t vs-In...it centre. They n.. w�.,g if you ate 4.'t all int,. --ted in Fall Dress (;.sols. 1 3 -� , , Autumn Millinery `'Ni UR MILLINERY STOCKS are now at 0 t;a'i- best. Assortments are larger and more \'.1; :7d than they can possibly be later on. There is it wide variety of choice that you will get naw,r;:re else in town, and there is plenty of room here to do millinery buying in comfort. Stocks .have been replenished wherever broken, and we are showing today new Shapes, Velvets, Feathers, - Flowers, Ribbons and Trimmings. Come in any day and see them. There is always something fresh here and you will enjoy seeing the new styles over. You are welcome whether you come to look or to buy. A Stock of Nearly Fifty Distinct Styles in Our Cloak Department. This is the range of choice we offer, you its Our big cloak department. They are all new garments too. .:10 left-oversle gleet you here. Nothing .but bright. fresh garments direct from the'fadtorifs of the hest jacket manufacturers in the t rade. - PRICES RUN FROM $7.50 TO $25.00 • • A v.•ry }tient cr,at is nlNlefrom Anoalter rine it node front all scoot black frieze, is cut full I g.psl ynnlit' all wool beaver•, is doable breasted. has velvet {li in.he. long. Irinunel with rnllal It is it mitten/lid craft for -trapping., 1)f .•our ttiattrial. general w xr ,tn.' has very gt I vrlyt•t collar. Tht. cunt in our of .t-tv..1,t-4.11--t site--xrlsr (Witt) fitting 11( 3.11•11 The l,i ire I. - ._ _..._. V I1 is lints] will. gixel Ilacl Itennan-satin. \Vr show $ a .50 ire ;mitt blar'k Si 2.00 'I'w•o t cry rlr•tng slyliriare;•dt frill 511 inchi knrir-tanto an exit:. tine ker.ey cloth;,,The finish t t t he cloth is exceptilnslly goad. Th.• waist and sleeves iitr pitted and the coats are It honied dill, ,trappings 'roil_Vet%pt. Tires. garments . hate exceptionally good Style. We show tle•nl in hlacl and Celli ,1.41 P„r.. ,d,• $15.00 lltl.l $16.50 Five Good Qualities in _Black Venetians and Broadcloths The hest values we ever offered 0111' euitumers in these popular and fashionable at'tfrfif Tittttertstts are ou our counters today,, At each price the quality is the best that careful and persistent searching could find and we have no hesitation in re- commending any -of thein. Venetians at 65c An all ttuol V„•nr11 Vett - .'tian, permanent finish, good weight, fast dye, U to 111 wide, a Mad. that will lett cluing.. it.. color. A11 mull.. t inn,l sly gods' clot It and %slur ,1 tt', \Ypreisl , 4.t 1.1r y:u.1 65c .fit) of the above three A Broadcloth at $1.50 Pure wall initial/ loth. It it ail in.hes wide. rit•h. deep black, will not change Its color. Makes tery owlish costumes for any purpose and special v-alite,t, per yard A Venetian at goc This (-loth rte itlpdtl•.1 divert I•r Fiance. It Is 'thole from Ilia Auto 1•aliatrt wtwtls. The dye is al,soluttly 1'nat. It • iINw n lmight, pm•r nuuu•nt Ifniah. and in good weight for winter tents ttr skirts. I1 is lin to 52 inches wide,. Thr le•tl brick troth the torr had at anything near the price. Special A/w value /It �Vea�/■■{r A Venetian at $1.25 This is the biggrt.t soling cloth we.vtrharl. Iintent..I .direct. It is guaranteed shrunk ,and the Huish is Is r Inani•nt. It is noel,. from the 1,'10 of Australian which are the finest used in masking high-rhess materials tt t.ltis kind. An .ctrl good (.1111 it fora Mack rum- $1 L • 5 time 4.t pet' yard cloths -i_4. all the fashionable colors. A Broadcloth at $2.00 '('his is one. of the hest selling Brood, Moths the ever handled nod is thnrnnghly reei'fnetory to those who buy it. It is just the proper weight to snake n tailored suit. and if rightly made the garment will retain HAShalx.nnlilttnrnout . It is made from the highest grail. wads, dyer lir one of the best dyer's in France. 0 $2. 0 Very special at per yard loll $1.50