HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-8, Page 6t3 TRIM *Dalt, October id, 1808 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH. ONTARIO ti_ CANADIAN PACIFIC HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS RETURN TICKETS ON SALE AT SINGLE FARE OCT. 6 to NOV. 3 to all stations Mattawa to Port Arthur inclusive, and to hest hunting points in Quebec and New Brunswick • OCT. 22 to NOV. ' 3 to all stat' Sudbury t0 the !lou, Havelock to Sharbot Lake, Coldwater to Sudbury, and nn the Lindsay Branch. • Return limit Dec. 5, 1908 SI, 0, r,, x11) s tiro. Ark for free copra,. of "Fishing end and Shooting," "Sportsman's Map td "Open Seasons for Game :and fish." net is n. 111.wi. tYt *out, urei eh. e' •• arise C. W FTra. ) 4.,Gl'.$.. Toronto Toronto Parry Sound Sudbury CONDENSED FALL SCHEDULE. Southbound ` - No. 2 lege 7 „14.11,. angler ,:,u, a.m. Parr)' Son :.1.; " w'awhair 11..11 " Prw•hi Beaverton &S) " Monte Albert )q31 " Toronto Northbound No. I ' 7 :titian. lendhnry U.J. " Paley :Monti Do. p m. ala - 1ya.haru bay.- .. 11.47 ■.n,. Hr chin 7.I: .. 11.31 - t1easerto.. 7.S1 .. DX " Mount Albert. c:vi oro " Toronto its' • Observation Dining parlor cats on trains 1 and 11. No. 5 HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS SINGLE FARE fair the round trip Modbury and Nutfit October lith to November ord. Sparrow Lake to Sellwt od inclusive ) November Octolwr ._.red tu. .rel t til All tickets good to itttrn until ' llecewlwr Nth. Write Passenger Department. t'anadiai Northern Building. Tur,uto for copy of "Big Game hunting.'. GRAND TRUNK5°'s EM Hunters' Excursions Return Tickets at Single Fare _ OCTOBER 6th TO NOVEMBER 3rd to fronts . in 'Yelling points Mattawa to Port Arthur; to Georgian lily and Mackinaw Division: Port Arihur via N. tin., and ter o-rrtain lointa in 1.4itebe , New Brunswick. Nova Scotia and Newfi,nndi:old. October 22nd to November 3rd ; Muskoka lakes. Prnetting. Lake of Bays. . , Midland. Maganetawati Iti\'rr. Lnl'rllrld. Madawaska to Depot IlaGln r, Argyle to ('olsreonk, Liudway to Hnlihurton. Sharbit Lake tit K. h 1'. Railway. and points frimi Seven 10 North Bay incltttive. Return Limit on all tickets, Saturday, 1)xcember:ith, hart, to natil cheie of 'Navigation, if eLilier, t0 loin's reached by eta-atnrre. - --- - Mull information ntay• tw obtained from • F. 1'. LAWRENCE. 'fawn Ageot. Fall Service Lake Superior Division ?tteameri+ii'st(' Satt•ttia t:.all p. m. In following dates : September IM, 21, Ss. and air, Onoho r 7, !l. Trs 19, 2(1 and 2M, November 4, r,, 17t, It., :. l and ;Gt. Freight .ailing in addition tit above. Georgian Bay Division Steamers leave (:ullingw 1,10 I.:s) p, m. Owen Sound 11.:ttyt. nn., 'r ielda) sand Saturdays only, for. S. S. Marie and way ports. Tickets nal hit n tri t i frenu 1441 rail way agents. TO CONSUMPTIVES Edward A. Wilson's Preparation of Hypophosphites and Blodgetti from the original tot la in the Sovereign Rem- edy for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, La Grippe. Coughs, Colge, and all Throat and Lung Maladies. Thousands of people say they have been relieved by it. Tboee who have used it will bare no other, nnd.recotnntend it to their fellow sufferers. • It ilea cured many !,ter they were given up as incurable by their ph ysicians. The undersigned Ma a rti)usumptive can testify from hie own experience as to its value. Write at once- del lye are dengerrnts nd mayprove 11%1.41.For ull particular., testimonials, •tc., address C. A. ABBOTT, Sole Agent. tie Ase Street, New Yerk City, N. Y. L. (JnterncttioncdYews aper J p Bible Study Club B r Suggestive Questions on the International' Sunday School Lessons.' Prepared by Rea. Dr. Linscott, rantford d;ep.lerr.l is n i riding• with Ihr Copy right Act., October ttth, 1908. God's Promise to David. 1. ('bran. xvii. tiulden'l'ext 'There hall' not failed one word of all his good promise. t, Ir; logs viii, : friars 1 -2 -Should we be as careful for the condition of titers House as W'• are for our own Should t.ud's House be as good as or better than the average bonne of the people ? 1'rt.es :1 1 11'ltx did the lend .peal to Nathan to give his tneasage to David, anti not to thaa'iol 1irrrt-i, Give u I\ Y 1 '11 ' • 1 .. 11 1 God t• t rt.tlh 1'l f how Gt 1 '' 'to N )' 1 L Nathan. Did he use actual ai . t 1 I 114., M Id with w1 which 'ch x 1 e r tsrLth ...award rat, or did hr us• words of any sort If A gets 1 mrrt:lge from Goal for 11, how may 11 know that the utraaagr is f11.111 GNU? - Wily would' G. al not Iwr'tit David I,• Ioil i)t hirer an house: . Verses :a ti-\Vlrat stat of ii (dare of worship did the Israelites' have"up to this time? . So far as (;til is concerned, and other things tieing tvjnat,-ivtt-trnt. nr a roncet't hall, or the open air.- just a,- sacrrv1 it place for a declot people to worship trod in on a rhnr•h formally (wilt and dedicated for that purpose % Verses i•M la a babe ' Istrn in a humble cottage just as dear to trod as one horn to a•tttlern in a ppaslace? is tong, Ulan hla. kttztl'th or ma- chinist. or farmer. Qi daily tallnrer, fwrsunally just MS dean to the heart of tits' as one who is rich and in an ex- alted position? Are the chief' positions in thessetn- try toalay held by those of exalter' birth mai training, or l.y Wren *ho have come up front the ranks? " • fotute What are the. grurr$l Ganser of our tr• ulihles• and why does lila) permit thew% %'t'i'ara II-t.i Ih14s Chid know the titer teller we shall "go t.. he with our Lu herr."-or is t hat a teat lel' vont ingest upon our hall 4et1111114 1Vhere are Inr Ihth.•rs who have passed away % Ihwa the futilr..If 0111' mile depend St 1118111 its, 1111011 them, or upon the appointment of God %Vets. those pruulines of God to Solomon. •' roue •r w • hlx sun a d t i 1 a i ). abs' lute rind I n a bt nal r WNW c ' iii 'e' upon e• 1' iI 1. U hr olio tit i n h t o f t t a ) L+ 1 Sul What i+al vision, and to what ex tent are vi'iuna possible to 'a tri Christian Malay Verse let -Where is ('al, and how may we "sit Iwfore hila ' Is it right for its to redline Dur lit lle- tle•.s. and to declare it when we peaty ? Poises 17.144 tktea (lost t•e•garl us as children of the dust" and 'worms,' or as his own suns :uul daughters : so -1st tip ';b'tn.te ttL his, Ih2tse,_ alid heel! of his flesh'.? is that a1' interested in our "house" and its welfarce as a loving farther is in the welfare of his only sow ? To what extent dews God guaentee our future earthly welfare Verses 1e 211 What it the dominant cute iu t us t) girt :aneL pta>:ec:- uL. every real Christian " What help (II us ;its. the teeor e.l experietwes which the gaily wren of the past have had with God? Verses 21•22 To what extent was David right in thinking that Goal had (oculist Israel more than hr hail any other nation? 1V hat is real patt•iotisnl To what extent is success, or a prom- Is it t wesrary or wise that we inent position, due to God's appointment should think more highly of our Clain. � and to our own efforts? tient question try than the felts warrant, in order must beanswered in writing by members to true patriotism of the club). I Verses :e4 -23 --Should • prayers be Verner' 1(111 -Tu what geuetal cause a taken up so much With our own per - were the win rrings tf Isri,el and the , dual !hatters as this prayer of David "wasting' of their enemies due. and 1 appears (o Iw? why could God p mise toren rest, and 1 Verse :f 7 - When Goal blesser our victory over their enemies in the 7noute, nerd we feat' any evil October 13th, Paid. -David's Kindness to Jonathan's -Son. e• I1. Sant. ix. more respect tit a Maui in an exalted I.ulden Tett--And 1.. yrk:ind unr 10 position than he should -to a so-called another, tender-hearted. 'forgiving equal or to, rei,b•r obsequious ulwis• Ire :Mother, Eph. iv. ::;2. awl- to any 'ten What is the greatest sentiment Row would von Characterize the which it human heart can experience % act of David in giving to Mephdr,ehet h 1'e.es I J 11'hatt had la•e•n she 1'r- all the land that was owned by his gr 'tion hetween David x1111 .fona,llan If f a arm ason Saul t Irg.ally to yilirre property on What degreeof Q'1' meat would you give the death of hie father, which the run to kindness shown to one ,person, for the afterwards learns the father had no sake of another person moral right to, is he in honor bound This question must be answered In. to reeture the property to the til wilting by the members of the club., owner. as wren tit. he (earns who it is % What would you say of a elan Verse 14 --Thr earth, the sky anti the who it fuses' help to a stranger, until sea are the common gifts of Mal to he learned he waw the sun of an old mankind as a whole ; what moral friend. and then lavished kindness right, therefore, has any elan to ex - up /a trim :' elusive ownership in either. or any If ,'esus were to 1 to ua, inettg- part If these , minlln gifts'uf (hal % !Mai. fur help, and we vefttretl hire : Vero.. lit From out: usual stnndarls then learning who he was, ran andfur social conduct, David did a tilting olfereal our servicer, what world to .anti a generous art in inviting an int - the attitude of Jeer** to ns in such a per lll)iuus jingo. grandson to eat :at rase . his table, but by what taw of ('hi is - Should ter wait to IW., appealed 111. tion ethics :Lite 'maters justified in before we show kindness to our fel. ,- felling their servants to cwt at a Iowa, or rhunld we take Pain. to look tle Ixratr table 1111 1h.1.w who need our kindness and When 4iod looks down 1111011 it rich sympathy j Landowner. ata} his targe nnniltey of it we sprit': • rrusel) 10, u1' snub, n servants, who till his land, does God nd eed ger, ,iii.rause to help him in necessarily have any more love fur. neewhen we have the (ower, u1' if'1,p admiration of. or interest in. the we (to fort the contrary to this. is Imlwtrr than the servantsSherr any tratou to Ibelievu that .leen. ,, ernes II•la--VV'hnt,t•hould lir the hikes our action ,t+ if rendered to Lim relation tw'tween mates and' ser- pwreunallk vitnt., acc.mhng to the standard of Verse n = VVhtt are softie of the Th.. kiugdutu'uf (.ud ) - benedlts whi( rorty rrnnt bring tiie 1Vhat should • individual relation 41111 of a good rather ...e be toward the "lame" and those who It often nrt11r3.that the ihan.ter of ,are unfitted to utak. their own Irving % parents, as in the carr of Kalil. en- Is it all advantage or a elimitivan- rir•ly et gr. daring the periost tally fur Ihr average y g titan in coveted by the birth of their ('hi1• twine able to sit continuously at "the dreu ; does such, change rlfe•t the King'. table" % herr"lit r tendency px y t tiger y of the rhildrrn Should the salty make provision to born tinder the 4111.'1 144 dielr''sa keep the aged and all who are, not tions : able to support themselves ? Verses 7'M Is it ner•reruu•y, air right. Lesson for Sunday, October :lith, under our Christian eivllizatioh, for a 11aa1. The Jity of horgit mere. Muth't good thorn in a in1imble pieta' to, pray :1'2. _. Bayfield Fall Show. A Successful Exhibition Held Last Thursday and Friday. y The animal fall fair Of the Hayfield .\grittiltliralSociety wax laekl in the village of Bayfield last Thursday and lridtiy. The weather on Friday WAS • what threatening, which pro - 1 abl)• pteveuted as large an attendance Ka would otherwise have been on hand, but as it was there was a good rruwd, though the gate receipts were hardly up to heat y'ear's. The ex. hihtte, however, were on the whole ahead of last year'., and the fall show of lent may 114. called it shrew. The ihlaneial 1'0111118 14111W the hitlanee on the right side. During I.he day the White (tyke band of l'lint(n ren- det•ril a lir lgta•tl If goal rn111sic ion the Reminds. There were no speed cun- tettn for hors- thin year, but a new „fent nte was several (rot races. rhe relay race was won by a team re girding of the following : J. Cameron, H. Attwood, 11. Pollock anti (.. Greenslade, of Hayfield. The prize list is as follows : • Horses. Heavy Ihatight Hrotwl mate, tv. panted by foal, Salkeld Brox.. M. Westlake ; feral, Salkeld Brew.., Elliott firms, ; gelding or filly, two years old, Wm. Glenn, A. Anderson : gelding or filly, one year old, Elliott Rro.. Agricultural -Brood mare, aecomp tinier] by foal, R. Mellott ell, Salkeld Bros ; foal. Salkeld tiros., Wot. Glenn : gelding or filly, two years old, D. Schnell, Thrift. Nicholson ; gelding or filly, "tie year old, A. Anderson : span of working horses„ R. McDougall, 1•'. Perdue. General " Purpose-- Brood mare. ompruieil by foal, 1t. Stephenson, T. Rrtwnctt ; fort, it. Stephensfnt, S, Cleave ; gelding or filly, two years old, S. Cleave, John Thump.nu ; geld• big or filly, one year old, S. ('leave, N. Marano ; .pan of working horses, Jas. ' Fair, R. fecotcbmere. Roadsters - Brood mare, aceom• Elmira] by furl, This. Sbetritt ; foal. Thos. Sherritt, H. Little : gelding or filly, two years old, Thos. :Merritt, T. Ahiworth : gelding ere ttryv, tine year old. Elliott Bros., 1'. Cole : open of roadsters, lieu. I.indexy, V1'..1. 'Free'''. tier reenl- tier ; single rtrulater, .f, 1V. Elliott, N. Peck. ('arti,tge-Hr.t0l mare, nccompanird by foal, It. Eh ,,at. S. Sarares : foal, D. Schnell, A. Monet ; gelding ot• HUy. two years 144,-D,-Jiehne•H, Jas. Sterling : gelding or !illy, one year okl, 1). Schnell-; - sua(le eartiacge, 11. Iktseenler1y, 1). Schnell ; lady Driver, (f: Tritemnrt, %110. S. Itiahy. Judges R. AlleLean, Goderich ; Oliver Johnston. Clinton: : Rohl 11'i1 - son, S.afihrth. Cattle. (haul... Mitch cow, E. ll: Wise, (i. 11ende•rmi. n : heifer, two yeats old, John Reid, 1' 11. Wise ; heifer. Ime year old, Wm. Stinson, John Reid : heifer calf, VVm. Stinson, 'T. Brown eft : steer calf, T. BPownett : steer, two years old, .John Witt, Wtu, Stin- son : steer, one year old, Wnt. Stin- sn, John Reid : fat cow, heifer or steer, %Vm. Stinson, Ist and 2nd. Durham - -Milch cow, John Reid, E. H. Wise ; heifer. two years oho. John Reid, E. H. Wise ; heifer, one year old. E. 11. Wise. 1st and 2n1 ; heifer E: calf. E. If. • Wise, 1st and 2nd : ull calf,. E. H. Wise, let and 2nd. Jersey -Milch cow, R. Smith, 1st and 2nd. Judges -J, E. Andrews, H. E'itzsim- onds, Clinton. Sheep. , Leicester- it inn, 2 !theatre or over, A. 'front, K. 1i. Wise: ehearl;ngg rarn, Vnt, (ilenn; Gaol lamb, C. B. Middle - tom E. 11. 1Vine : pair ewes. C. B. Middleton, VVnt. Glenn : pair .hear. limgewext, 1Vu1. (ileum C. H. Middleton; `stir ewe lands., %Vol. Glenn, C. H. Middleton ; pair fat ..twtp any breed, Snowden Brno. Lincoln. -Snowden Bros. took all the prizes awarded in, this elites. Fine Wool -A. Dunkin took all the prizes awarded en this claw. • Berkshire - Ansa buy►, ' Snowden H1v8,: hylas( sow. having littered in Iter+. Snowden l)tvls. ; Lter, a lha ut 1er, Snowden Bros. ; sow, (1 m the or under, Snowden Brum. Yorkshire -11rotal .ow, having lit. turd iu leak I), C. Galbraith: sow, ti months or tinder, C. R. IItIiddlettun, 1). C. Galbraith. ' Ked Pigs Aged talar, Snowden Bros. ; .sow, Snowden Bros. ; now, six murales or under, Snowden tiros, ; later, six the n1' updrr. Snowden Bt•us, : bet' hoar, any breed, Snow, dei Bros.: Iwai sow, any breed, C. 13. Middleton. Judges till slurp and pige John Walters, Saltfot'd ; John Shepherd, llens:dl. Poultry. Pair silver grey Hollins, 1V, II. Ifut- torr: pair light 4tahuta.., Beatty Bros.: pair ba,n'tl Ply v11ulith rocks, Suowieu Brls., 1l. 1.1111e; pair white l') ,tttlt it, Snowden 1) t , Jas.l'aulp• 114.11: pair black Sp,ulish. Mrs. .I.'low- vie, 1st and 2nd; pair wbite Jegitorns, t 1V. 11. 'Littler, Mrs,:1. S. Huwrir: pair browti•Ieghorns, 11. Little, W. 11. Bat - Ger ; att•tier: natio• silver spangled hattilan•gs, Mr:, .1. S. Iluwrie ; pair Miff cla•hint. V' 3 a' 1 1. Battler • 1 n.lxlns' 1 1' t pair a is i . 1V'. H. Battler, AIM. .I. S. luwrir• : pa)ir f white w)aldottes, It. Smith, %V. B. Battler: pair silver wca11dotts, 11', 1). Battler : pair white 11,inoa•caw, 1V.• 11. Battler : pair black ulbiorca s. 8:.. 11. %% i.e, 11'. 11. Rattler : pair half ot- pbiugtun', 11. Little: pair black long- 1 shuns, Mrs. J. S. nowt _Bats I 'tet• : pair lauitatus, It. Smith, 1V. 11. 1 Battler: pair Pekin ducks, St iwden 1 liras., R.Ventilate pair rotten 'luc'ks, 1 1V..IL Battler, .E. 11. Wise ;_pail• foul - oust. geese, Snowden Bros.: pair any t other variety geese, .1 'l'hompwan, 1V . i B. Battler : , pair brotuzr turkeys, S. N l'leave,'t . 14. Battler. Jtulgt• rete". Becker. Blake. i w Dairy Prinituce and 'Home Manufac- 1 raft;. .. --- a t1', 141 p10nuds or over, thio lipid ; '35 Ito. salt B. Penhal.: 111 1 toy salted for trade s Om Campbell ; 3 N for :,able use, t N este ; t woo hot- r If. .Hewson, I } n /•1111111, G. 1 ley in jot•, 11 eetion of : 1 e made 11, It A nip, a l :uuplwll : large rod or vellus unions, A. Sctttchniere, It. W. helically : stall t'WI ta11tM.a•s, Jar. ('amplwll, (1, 11. Newson : large red tomatoes, K. Smith, U. 11. Ilewruu ; large yellow tomatoes. It. t'enhale. J. l'uugll: small yellow tomattr.s, H. Penitale. U. H. Hewson : salrih•, John Campbell. J. 11'. 'Tough. Judger -hied. 11res, senior..%11rirh %Vin. `Vartiock, (I ,Jeri, h. Ladies' Work, Pillow rhatu+, Miss 1'. Nutt, John Reid : toilet mat, Mrs, M. Boot, Mrs. )4, fillet till : crochet table nous, Alt,. ,1. S. now' ie. Alma al. hose : crochet work in wool, Ales. S. Iluslort, Alt.,. 1', Parsons; crochet work iu ctdtun� Mts. N. Ilustou, John Tough ; crochet or knit .1ippet'r,.41rt. (1idil0, Iles, S Ilustun ; 4, 'het quilt, Airs. .1, S. Iluwrie, R. W. 1►rlg,ttty ; suhtnillu\v, Miss P. Nutt, A11«. S. Ilttrtutt hrto- slitelting, 11 to. .1. 5, ltowrie, \Irv, l'. Pat suns; embroidery on silk, satin Ir velvet, Miss P. Nutt, Abs. Al, HUrs : shadow oohroi.lery. Mrs... S. Ilow- •i', Me*. Al. How ; ryt•lci ewbroiiely Mrs. ,I, S. Howlin, Mrs. M. Huss •lar4as rushtv,idrry iu cotton. w,101 1 +41. Mit'. S. 1111s1un, 11i... 1'. N/i1 embroidery table I .aye• 11 •1• 11 .' 1' 1 11 / L Alen. .I l i S. o H ,\t•tr, Alias 1'. Nn(t. tucy whisk bolder, Mrs. AI. Ibis. Alits I .Nutt •fancy lamp ,,hale, lies S. Manua, NIt's. NI. Boss ; 'alley pi •ushiem, ,VIr S. flustnu, Miss 1 Nutt : knitting in wool, Mt.,' S Huston, NHn..1, S. flow' it : knitting lrcotton. Mr.. S. Minton, Mrs. .1. S. luwsits; Wooed quilt, .1. W. Tott)rb, lies Al. 44 ild+: tatting, John 'Tntigll, liar P. Nutt : "tea cosy, Mrs. .1. S. lowrie, Misr P. loft ; applique tut k, Mrs. M. Bow, aka: J. ---S. 11 cowrie : ltttt'd doylies. John. '1'uugh. Mrs. 11. toss ; etching on cotton or silk, Mrs. 1. Bons. Miss 1'. Nutt ; plain hand Mewing. Urs, M. Roar. 'Mrs. C. Pat' - Ins ; kitchen apron, Mrs. S. Huston, Ire. Gratin ; laundry bag. .1. s. luwrir•, Mrs. S, }Justin' ; Mexit•uw rawn work: -Sohn Reid 'firs. Howrie : harlanger, Mrs. S. Huston. Alto. 1'. Patrons ; floral linter' retitle tieep, Mi41, h J[jstul•.-JIiMe P. ,\tat olid rntbt•uiilery cenUe piece, 1111.,, 1'. Itt. Mrs, Griffin : ban sh cut work, Ira. -M. Huston. Ales. J. S. Hottie : rots stitch, alit. 1l.- !tars:, Mrs. N. lustun : latched Iuilt, cuttun, hiss '. Not t, 11'. B. (Battler : patched hilt, cloth. Alit. P. Nutt : silk quip, les. J. S. nowt ie, Mise P, Nott: Irish point lace, Mr+. t Dr.) Metc ilte, Mlrs. I. Ross: llouituu urtoint lau•e. Mrs. I. Ross, 11ts, (!titfln ; nountnielli,k, ;•Ir4•M• 1tosl,Mre. S. Roston : ret ladies underwear. Mies I'. Nutt : best collet. - tion ladies' work, ala. J. S. !lower", Miss P. Nott : rag mat, hooked, Mies 1. VVlMd, : rag emit, sewed, Mrs. S. strata, Mrs. M. Ross ; pair lvoollen std , kings, honlo•untdc, 1Vm. K. list- tlet, as. Sterling : pair woollen mit- tens, nnentadea 1Vnn, B. Battler, Jan. Sterlin i woollen sock., 1Vw. It. 11atH'rr, 'ho.. Hruwnett. Judges- Min. M. Johnston, 'Zurich : Mrs. D. II.. .Saughton. • Plan . and Flowers. Bouquet o Iwet's, large. W. 11. Hewson : hoop' .d tiowere, small, ll. 11.r fl w , 1.. 'Ids col- leen ott of dahlias, (i. 1I., 1Iewsun, ,Uts.. Gratin : rollrrtil14t o pansies, G. 11. Hewson : crake -Gott of rr:minuus, H. I1. Jlewwlu, 311'+. (t, i'.a virus : collec- tion of glaeliuln., Ma.. i lit !Netealfi• : collection If fuirhias, 1.. 1 . Hew+In collection of folia,. plan! 4., 11. Ilew.ub, John TM Mgb : .•i w•Iinn house plants.. G. 11 lea•..it • r • Tub cath htl Elliott Bros.. batter. Elliott Ilia. butter suflici use, Elliott. Bros„ lbs, sufficiently still. .1 no. Campbell. 1t. 1'1' Hes home mails wine. H. 't. I►elgatty; honey A. Cooper, 1t. Brown ; ht 1., Bratty, R. Brown : co honey. It. 1•uw•n ; loaf but btt,ut, not bakers. John tam' %V. 1lolgaty : one quart ple M %Via. H. Batter, NI. %Vestlake. .fudges -- Jaw. l'onuolly and TI J.ihnstun.' Grain and Seeds. Twi buttl'•'ls white winter wheat, Salkeh: Bros., G. A. 'Gunter : two bushel ed winter wheat, A Scotch - mere : two h,;thels small white peas, G. A. Cooper ; two bushels six -rowed barley, (1. A. 'Cooper, Salkeld Brod. : ,two bushels, white outs. 'A. Scout - mere, Salkeld Bros.: nue bubhrl tim- othy atti'tl, Wm. H. Battler. ti. A. Cooper : two buehel1. spell., Salkeld Bros.: six mars yellow corn, K. Pen - hale, 'Thus. Bell ; sit eau. Dent. corn, Salkeld Bros.. John Campbell : six ears sweet euro, Jar. Campbell. John Campbell; six eats any other vat let y, 11. I'rnhale. ,las. ('entelwII. Judges --2.J. A. %V'illian's. Zurich. Jas. ThJnlsuu, Hayfield. Fruit. Grapes, A. Scoltchmete. (i. 11. Hew - run : collection of graiws, 1!. VV, 'lewsou, A. Scotchnlete : ledlerti,w 111apples, 1). C. Galbraith, (i. A. l'oulleY : fall apples, Hiss Al. Wilols, D. C. Galbraith : winter apples. G. N'. Hewson. 1), C. Galbraith ; cul- lectiun of pears, 'Thos. Bruwnett, Jane. Sterling ; fall pears. Thus. liruwnet , A. Scot rhnirrr ; winter pram, .1ohlt fain tlwil, A. West I oke ; pea rhes. G. H, 11rww,1t, It. t'.'tnhale ; plans oi• pprurlrr, h.. 11. Ilrwta,n. It. t'enhale : lteTdwin apple.., it. Penh tor, Salkeld Bros, ; northern spies, G. A. Cooper, Salkeld Brts.: yellow (tab apples. 'rhos. Hrownrtt : red crab apples, 1.. Beatty : king of Tltttp kin, 1). C. Gal- braith, .las. ( atnphell : greening'', Miss M. Wilda, D. 1'. Galbraith . Kiloton pippin- NI isr Al. Wilds, J. W. '1'ntrgh : [went)'. ounce . pip pine, 11. b'. Galbraith, Jae. Camp - ell : %V,tgnets'. Miss 1I. Wilde, (i. A. Cooper ; guldetr russets. (i. A. l'.10lwr. 1). l'. Galbraith : Blenheim pippins, G, A. Tinier, Jae, Sterling : mire,, It. Sro(chnle•re, A. Scotch - mere. ,fudges- I1, 11'. l',ok, J. J. Merner. Vegetables. Half bushel early potatoes, .lam. Campbell, It. I'rnhnle ; half bushel late potato.. D. 4'. Galbraith, (I. H. Hewso): six marigolds, II ng !ed, G. A. Cooper, O. H. Hrweon : six inter- mediate marigolds,7'. Bell. (1. A. Cooper : six field t•arrlt,. S. ('leave, K. NV, Grdgatly : six table carroty, John Caluptwll. (i. 11. Howson; Kix table tleett, John ('amp hell. ! ), C. Gal- braith : cauliflower, G. H. Ilewwm musk melons., G. 11. Hewson, 14. Pen- tode ; watermelons, John Tough, T. Bell: parsnip.. A. Westlake. (1. 11. Hewson ; pumpkin, 1V. H. Battler. G. A. Cooper : squash, S. 4'leave, John Tough ; field turnips, Beatty Bros„ 1.. Beatty : sugar been., T. lull, G. 11. Hewett!) : white celery, H. Smith .John Tough ; red celery, John Tough, G. Ii. Beware:. winter raddiah, W. B. Battler. John 'Neigh : citrons, A. Westlake, ,lar.. Campbell : small white IN•an+, (i, A. Co. ter, '1'. I tell ; English rythllo unions, NI. 1Vestlake; large L whiteunions, lis IL Newsom, John olle,. tion of asters, Mrs. 1Gr.l M1et. Ire. Nlrn. C. Parsons ; ntlleetinn gloom (1, 11. Hrwton_ collection of Iwgoni (1. H. Newton. A. Anderson roller tion calls lillirs, lis 1). Newton. Judge- Mist. s1)r., Stautleury,\11,ac• ileld ; Mrs, .lulus MCNxdghtuu, 1'8tua. Fine Arts. 'Nee: drawing Nlre. J. S. Ilowt•ie, -,.ef'T -S:--itmtn' 'i'f•avun-iTtawiug. Nlr,+. J. S. il. weir. Nies. S. Huston : 1, (, and n led ou 1.-t Al : i To New Subscribers THE SIGNAL AND The• Family Herald • and Weekly Star MONTREAL to January Ist, 1909, 25 CENTS , It it not necessary introalttr The Family .Herald and Weekly Star, which is already thoroughly known ill thin district as a splendid all- round weekly paper. Send your subscription to Vanatter & Robertson, The Signal Goderich, Onj MIMS «Heel," Furna ce Means Perfect Heating without Gas, Dust or Smoke. The "Hecla" Furnace is the only Furnace with Fused Joints. These Joints are made by fusing the steel and cast iron parts together at white heat making an indestructi joint. Fused Joints are permanently a' tight. Even after 20 years' use they 1 '11 not work loose or leak. They inst3•te absolute freedom from dust, smoke and gas. The Steel -Ribbed Fire Pot used on the fe Hecla" Furnace has three times u much radi*ting surface as any other style of fire pot. It will save fuel for you and give you more heat. it extracts from the " re; heat that would otherwise go up the chimney. Let us show you the teed " Heels" and explain all the latest improvements in detail. Made » M ttsttlamo at V'sasasee Pwlaaseaar^ Rawpw C. J. HARPER. GODERICH Leap Year The biggest senor of any new line in 190$, and un. qualifiedly - the succor of the year. Dainty, delicious, di sstiblw 64 to the pound. You moles no mistalle when you buy Leap Year Biscuits. THE FOOD THAT , BUILDS .1110 atr.4 "'' FOR WEAK CHILDREN! Noss are moo sebjecr to coughs, colds sad broadtail troubles than the choldrea. A cough is dangerous and _tbpldd be stopped at once. Oseaulsies slop the cough aid builds up the system u the ante tee sad wakes tht.lisie ones strood to retia the chills of Wtste,. k makes ass theise rid -creates new strength wad gives health. Pleasant to take• it is a pniect food for youag and old. Good always results from using OXOMI;LSION. Prepaid oisly by the •••- --. r Owwulwoe Co., comet Spading Ave. sad Phoebe Satan, Tomes. 1""..s.,.."7.1,' • For ale by all ,a,” -tits and stores, in two sues. 35c ad $1.01.1 MOTHER. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN. Dressmakers Prefer BELDING'S SPOOL SILKS as they are unequalled in, Length. Strength and modthnes. EMPTY $POOLS ARE VAL ABLE Ask your dealer for premiuf list 1 Belding, Paul & Co., LIMITED. 74 Bay treet, Toronto or write rTo New Subscr' aers THE SIGNA AND 'The Weekly Globe to January 1st, 1909, 25 cents to January Ist, 1910, fifteen months $1.60 The Weekly (.lobe and Can Au Farmer, with ilhirtrated magazine tectioI each week, is a great store of information attrartivrly- prove -neon. TTfiis.• who want a good general weekly paper will make net mistake in ordering The Globe. Send your subscription to Vanatter &-- sbertson, T Signal, Goderich. L -t�te>•�tt�lr� To New Subscribers THE SIGNAL AND The Weekly, Mail and Empire to January Ist, 1909, 1 25 CENTS to January Ist, 1910 (fifteen months). $1.60 The Weekly Mail and Empire is one of the great Met- ropolitan Weeklies. Its news columns chronicle the happen- ings of the whole world and its agricultural and home depart- ments make it an especially welcome vtettnr in the country home. Address, Yiaitter i Idiots*, The Signal, (sedericb. qtr• i i 1 Special Offer Art mig euo•nl, Icit•e been made with the pnhttthrrt If th.• Busy Man's Magazine enabling lie to u1G•r this bright, ult.ti . the -minute periodical along with The Signal Ire year for $2.50 Th.• to nowt subscription price tit the 1i gi[t,.i a alone it 4(2.Un. III'SV NIA •'S re•prodit e't the (tram of the• world's •ruebeel prise by cutl- int; the live. in .resting and initrue- t i yr a l t lh:.. - is1.tre alit 1' u t.air)„-- ' ''! uglnitl 4 Iii alrl an -t i'•le.,11f iniet•ert -. to .irt\ 1'.ulatlinn. Busy Man's i - the kin.t of Magazin. which arouse•' the wooer's interest in he first nage• and keeps it tip until the k rover is ea -mama Att lima* wfsit 10 11191--- prtwi it.. the Iia•. .Incur of'the day Khunld not herdtdte to ike nd- viantage If this ofher. Address : YANATTER & ROBERTSON, The Signal, (iudericb. On t. •1's To New Subscribers e. THE SIGNAL AND The Weekly Sun TORONTO to January Ist, 1909, 25 cents to January Ist:, 1910, (fifteen months) $1.75 The Weekly Son is the Farmer's Hnetness Paper, giving most comprehensive market re - porta and deatin% each week with other matters of interest and value to the fernier. Send your tulme riptinn to Vanatter & Robertson. The Signal, Goderich.