HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-8, Page 5NOOSE
Thousands of American women
in our homes are daily sacrificing
their lives to duty.
In order to keep the home neat
and pretty, the children well dressed
and tidy, women overdo. A female
weakness or displacement ix often
brought on and they suffer in silence,
drifting along from bad to worse,
knowing well that they aught to
have help to overcome the pails and
aches which daily flake life a burden.
It is to these faithful women
comet. las a 1000 load a Llessiig,
as it did to Mrs. W. Barrett, of Gill
Moreau, St., Montreal, who writes
to Mr's. Ptak -ham :
Mur yesra I was a great ntil eser
from female weakne• , and despite
every remedy given nue by doctors for
t2ria trouble. I grew worse,
"One day a friend advised me to try
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound. I did so, and ata thankful to
say that it made me taming and well."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
t tandard remedy for female
and has positively cured thousands°
women who have been troubled with
displacements, in tiannat-ion, uk+i'ra-
tion, fibroid tumors,
irregularities, rqr-1a
periodic pains. hr that bear.
mg -down feeling,flatulency, i d1geY-
tion,diminess,o me mous profit ration.
Why don't yon try it f
Mrs. Pint
ham Invites all sick
women to write her for advie.e.
She has guided thousands to
lyealth Address., Lyuu, Mara.
r•- •••QL`�
F014 MEN
When made by \
Lhe Tailor West
Real good Groceries
"0nly good Groceries
Cheap considering the
�,t verything fresh and
Ring up 'phone No. 91
Immediate attention to
your order
Everything delivered
Sturdy & Co.,
The four essentials you
demand in YOUR under-
wear. And these are the
four features of
Stant ield's
that will appeal to you. •t
Absolutely unshrinkahle,
Every garment guaranteed.
All sizes from 1? to 7O
inches. 3 weights. 144
Some Details of the Proposal Pro-
vincial Analyst Gives Goderich
Town Water a Good Report By-
law to Be Submitted to Allow
Ratepayers to Declare Whethgr
the Water and Light Commission
Shall be ret.:ned or Abolished.
•Alfretl'.V. *ilius, (f Detroit , was ou
laud au the Itieeling of the town
council •.0 Friday evening to Maritsa
with the plrn,Iw4N his prup,slt lull for
the establishment of a g8$ plant in
hideich. Mr. Glass. who, if iN
umlrrstoexl, ,s the owner 111 gats p)lalll1
Irl ,wyeral' Michigan towns, haul his
irremonition in writing, ill the attune .,t
8 bylaw, and contented hilnrrll with
submit t iIig this document to the
cuunriltautI g his readiness
to turnover any pleat how 'plat to hitt
by un•ullwrs of I he council.
Mr. Glass wants' n thirty-year iran-
chlse, ?Old proposes 44.) 44(11sUilct ••a
first wipe; modern gas 4(((4114 With ,t
rapa1ity of at Ira'-( Payton ruble -feel
o f gait per day, and to hal.• the plant
,and at leant ht.'. Milia, of wain pita%
butt 4qui ui . lit t . 1 fur use and in
o pt. aIon 1111 ,a et Thin NtiVrild,er „11 of the street 111. N•ut t and
I.4, Iain,' Thr maximum charge for tL..ublic works ch*irlu,ull 4
gas is G. Is• 10I.:dI per th111114a11d cubic
hal. with ,. diu•.a.. r Bylaw No.. :t3, to e) rulid8tn I h..
1 -a, 1L •wa(t% per Weal improvement debentulres-ant a/••
thin as, however,
Die net prier It1.a:. �t,tLl.ya_.I-4' $ w I.I I.,rw:.wr••a• tl
Inert- w, however, a ,yov1smn that "I 4, ti1114 4 and Ixt3301, and
the p1 ire of canal ;wd'uil shall adv% nee
�o reser. J lifter!' per cert. u\•cr their
present prier., the price 1.1 Kati clay be
a1v4Ireil pm rata in the proportion THRESHING IN MANITOBA.
that .044 and oil 411114x1 into the .'lost', _
the-- mltnnfacr,ea.• 1,t• gars Fifty
cent 4 per IWnith is to he the. 111itliulnlu
charge• 1,t which gas shall he furnished
to 4onsun(ers 11.rnlgh :any one ureter.
)1elW tett(-tw-rtes*-t,, -%.eel 24f tent. n
0101141,. Sera'll'4. ppa•N ate Gibe lila ill -
tattled by the ga• company to the lot
(lire of impairer%, Lal them may Ito a
ITlarl(4. of •111 cent- a lineal. fiNIL-f(ir
furnishing and laying service pipes
iron, the Int lin.' to and through the
rt. ., 1 • I4 \ '
n u urs 1111 i G
I I n ,44, . It. Gleam also
Islas for n turd :L.srr%111,•Ilt 11f $.,i41n,
for a pet '.1l of fru yearn.
Atthe end of the period of thirty
years, or five years t hereafter ((1, (t 1.
underito d. at til.• end of any live•
e0er CO the water and light cou1111iN-
sum. Deputy Reeve Elliott was
afraid the (wnmirai,nerr, it this
recor111um11iaation were adopted, wrath
frril(n, aud� place the town in At
6WkWatrt1 position.' He 4hu11ght tilt
haul been doing excellr4
work 81111 should out he interfere(
Councillor Muniirtgv made it Idai(
that In supporting the 1 elan 1 he we.
not in favor of the pt•0ixwal to ab'lisl
tar« eOttItniNehattl. Councillor li;altow
took the 'x111111' potation. Willi On
s4)I1(ltor's, advice before 11ir111 they
could Racily do other than grant 1 h.
petition, but he wits nut in 1•avur 11
duiug away -with the 4OWtuirsiOn, 1
the construction work now going- un
were tho,wu 444ck on the h uul. of til.
14olncilthey'•(11111((1 make u mess of
it,' said Mr. (i:,Ilow.
l' •illus .IulurxtUtt . illf(•1'11lrll the
council that le Was 1101 wut•rying
about the (1'n11111144aitn, and Vol un-
teered the suggestion that the big
tank at the 11ar•1wr might IN. turned
into A saline (Nath.
The.. f(aa W0l'kr {Mt4)(Witilln WA*
t»ken up at t his stage, and, as already
stated. Was referred to the serial
committee for further considet'atillu.
'There waft a ftu•tth.r cutaeluuni, *t ion
(roes the town sulicftta• in regard 0s
til,. Hotel (itxlerich 144stter, and the
eltatr11tan' of the ihninee 1,0111nitlet.
:anal the solicitor wertaltu11orizel to
take farther proc4rdinge..
00 motion of l'ounc411444•1 Humber
and Johnston it Was resolyrd that all
work 1,11 tin! .1•wet•1 Io lie (Mystflirted
tbia year 4 .4 .44. 1,y' day halx.tt npd,•r
li t' I
S easonable Goods
THE VALUES of this announcement are unusually
attractive and will show how a saving may be
effected on seasonable articles by buying from our
large stocks.
Two, three I I four yards wide, in .4 t.alge of patterns, floral lea,
and block Patterns, Mpeci*l at per yard.
Large., I('1 double sive with pini „r 44 ,,• b11r11rl ,
regular $1.7 i ;pi tiny. at per pair
A .hipul 40'nti give f ae«Clmtl4 int 181.1e linell8._tvi' eta pI 18144 these
t1 sale at fully :.i per cent. less than I.•al ratite. .\II parr linen 11f
standard.,y ., t;suu• with small 4Vint; 4.1rct. '.cloth
Sea l.:d) to *Prof a110.., at $10("to l$. "xF"'
front .................. .....
come Ili, 11 adjourned.
Another Interesting Letter from W. J.
Margaret, \tan., Sept, :94111„
Tu U,4. k:dil 8 et -The Signal, • .0de/ice, tint.
11F:eu Hutt, 1 ton going to tr11 you
about the work of threshing in this
country. They thresh i11 what they
tall Monk Kanp(H. Tit -at in, about four
farmers-thre•ab together. Thtt•e are
about thirteen trains eight thawi11g
he•wvra four ut
drawing w l li
grain o
an t the
elevator. and one drawing water :
about twenlyn11e 111011 altogether. I
saw the rutting tni.hed. It took
abNont two weeks to finish it tilt up
as the weather was flat• there Was Ma
.wri»d thereat...10 the tnlvn fl,a !'1' lentil the cutting was all done,
purchase the works, the terms And The crime were -114w. The only pest
ctataloions of .4, to Ito determined by they have hence of any account is wild
Y-hwud of xrtiittaaiion consisting it{-.9La and Trey -pre getting scattered
three members. 't. be appointed its
Over most of the fauns, They have
Culluw�l rocnafa a'- Ly Ibr 1444* been it little too caretesa altwat tanrih-
'1(u1t1any, e;u.• meults•r -of til., 1own hug time, as the machines and racks
emoted, he third tea lir selected by carry theta fr phage' to plate. TheIhe•se• (Wo. Inrace the Stria two, olel'ILtilt•Ineuthick Itww-.in1.'
'hound Ito unable to agree upon the AcrnrdinA1"" the qu+ultitt of Milt -oat.'
in the a
third member, then such third 'mem• h eat.
bet h.• named by til•• count} rtl, 1 was going to Irl( you about
judge •.f Huron. the thrashing. Where1 was staying
The cruller(, afire hearing the terns with my brother there were four
farina inI
k tillra
or three,f the prnpolitiun read, decided to
reface f he matter to the special von( and tine -quarter sections, '2,1414 *cres
Wit ter. The committer met am Tura• -of land. Choy threshed 17,4551 bushels
n w
C brat and , Is I
day rveuinK, and the opinion tit file , d alx.ut n, * bushels' of
1rmix•re Eeeul.d to he that fhr pr) oats and :.45444 bushels of barley, which
sur tidi ilium GvLle was done in *hoot fifteen days. Thr
11 r.ini(31on*.,. thanluto the town.tr&Tbrreto Most Of the wheat, with Ilse 4-,(e4441011
was also it general feeling; shared
of about 45)4 or its) bushels which are
l.�ail-wn.•arly *Il' -.)f tie roti in the •anary-ir_placed in the
m«1144 the. s•{NraaNt+.•, AM►I it elevator for sale. It in put through
would f latter for the town t o con -
elevator and loaded on the curs to
a rust a g • plant and up«•rate i:suns, a be shippd to 1Vinnip•g 0r fort
municipal 1.14)1 iae •rat her t hIs• Arthur for 1, cents per bushel. ` Yon
tu•.lup t) » - private-- company -for-,“.11 .cfree of charge ( p
ge ,'nis*' fur fifteen
ul fstlretl
thirty years. for that time tar the 1 cents
All th,•luem,. of the council were * P•'►
plrsellt on EMI • evening, but the bushel. After littera days they
Mayor was called way at an early ''hurgr s0 much per trot. for the time
stage in the pram inpfs and Reeve It remains in the elevator.
McLean took the chair for the re-
The whet i. all threshed that is in
ainder of the evening., the 44tn411, but there is a lot of stack
moult the preliminary huninree threshing to do yet. The weather the
the reading of the engineer's tee- IaIR week has not reset fit for tlNesh-
port on the proposed Baiter street Ing, as it has been raining and tu)me
ust was estimated times snowing ,a little. The groun(1
newer. The r
$:IHl.ttt,\uf•which nil is to be assessedhas• brew. whirr tett 0r theme time.
with the snow, but the
asggaatIlst the property IwreHutd. and
$tl:r.gt to Ito paid froth town fl dtt. meeting a line fall.
A motion was passed that the w( k 'Pheprrt'eofwheat hut week here
iw pruceedei witfn •was 412L cents peso lulahrl, - which lir.
Itr. Hunter: medical health officer,, ine peter herr. TCg•rr are going to
submitted a report of the Provincial x good butes in southern Manitoba
analyst upon samples of (lodericn IN next year, both 4(404)44 11(1
water taken. Irma up -town taps o11 prt in. a1... Nt 44 asNxl. \1'he,at has11
September Nth. The report WWIlive (geed oVer'Lwt•nty bushels to the
quite favorable, and' concluded, acct',.. -
"Neither of these specimens shows in- I eh uW just like to I4(• about
(ret' Ur. II u n t r r a J d r (1; twenty a years old now' and have a
• Samples of water have been ex- rection P land 1n this country, as it
uninrJ at intervals .loge June and
would be m delight to lie farming in
the r(•pnrt haw aalwa}•s been same a•1 thhs wheat -g wing country.
prr*ent one•. We blay.' had, in tram- 1Ve have churches ut all kinds *lel
num With other Ontario nn,nieipaliti,,R Sunday 4( huoly. The churches are
n(11nr raves of typhoid during ,fhr. not as large as ;[t horn., but large
summer at1J '1`,0:111, i_lay
u .uurcr fl
grati.(at- enough for the congregations, ,and the.
lints to the of health to hare Sunday school heti .\4 as over fifty
always gotten a Clear report on our echrurlain es. thi1s'hcory Frapstituen �1.«ca:11l-11 ohptiutxolns
water' -apply. (Other. pus4iible sourcep hey
.1f the probable_ cause of any cares of, at all.
Jinrnsl• have been and aur now being
Well• i think 1 shall hake to close
...irefully investigated." tut this time ; I will wrier MoreLatrt.
The application of 11, f1. Ilinenuor. Yours. 1,z-f:-lireiiron w'.
for a 44 41084 for 11 Iiowliug alley was
al./tided. "in accordance with town The Result Not in Doubt.
l.yltiwx. This mwtnS that Mr. Mins- \1• -hilt• the Conservative newspap ivi
more, who ,,4urp osex establishing a
bowling 811xy in the stand lately oc• a1'' talkie .01)41 1\h•. Ilortu l-
cupied by •?Wonderland," Will have to ihK x4
fhr el entry, 1t 14( 54141dZTinL
pay 8 h4(1(0841 fee of
Conservativ 7eatler's own forecast of
The reports of the Sire, finance and the election gives the Government a
special committers were rrceivrd end little over thirty of at majority in taw
pled, country. The Calculation on which
.l,rmnrnth•tF e*l**satr is noise ti, ltrrwevet iw not
tttr'tifr. 'l'nTrrtmt'tt-r
t Int steps he taken to ascertain from
the 1•'ire 1'nderwriters Association
what effect, if any, it would have on
the town's insur:aner rating if •t new
file engine were installed or the old
orae- tie rrmtghti• rivelitg,rle(L:
'rhe finance cot unlittee recom-
mended the 11eceptntp•" of the tt•nder
of 11.ot•ge A. Stintson & Co. for the is -
not. of 1'01,21We* of. debentures. Their
nein• wan $.M,:t(17.' The other tenderer.
ver• W. 4'. Ilrent, $•s,l;p: Dominion
Securities Corporation. $'1.:Mai :. A. E.
Arnett, $O,115): A.•. Jarvis & Co., $44,2)1:
Wool, tinnily A Co„ $8,2 /10; W. A.
MacKenzie A Co„$..:t:f<,
There Waw Some ,IiscnSsion find A
tote Iwfon* this recommendation was
Adopted. Councillor. Johnston and
Number moved for the rejection of
tltimeon k Cn,'a offer because it did
net include the delivery of the price of
the debentures at floilerich. With the
coat of delivery added, however, there
was still a eonaiderable difference in
favor of the Mtim*on olfrt, and the re-
port was adopted with only Messrs.
Johnston and 1 Iumler voting nay.
The special culnutiltee reroultnendtd
that no action he taken in reference to
the account. of Woolley & Son for the
hrnrrat rope.+'e tree' late Mr. Rett,
an he has Math ea who lean pay the
hill ; and that the petition of Jrateph
Whitely and other. asking for the
anhmitting of a bylaw to repeal the
bylaw creating the water and light
commission he granted, the committee
having obtained the town solicitors'
advice in the matter. Another clause
of the committees report Wats as fol-
lows : IVe consider the Provincial
laws fully deal with the regulation of
the speed etc., of motor cars if en-
forced and that there is no occasion
for adding any municipal regulations.
There watt considerable diarua11ion of
the clause of this report with reter-
intended for puhlie\ tier. To tell the
people the truth would seem too touch
like throwing up the fhb. -
And yet it in very doubtful if Ulan
are deceived by the elai11144 and 4410111•
Wes that are held out for campaign
purp.srg only. There in not the
slightest prospect that the Govern-
ment's lottio1'ity 1011 hr greatly re-
duced. 'elle eanggtign of (teen:441mn
After Years of Experience Gives the
Following Advice.
"If you have anything to do with
medicines at *11 be pretty sure you
know what you are taking."
Our localdrlggi..t, II. ('.Dunlop, Rays
this iM a strong point in favor of the
valuable rod liver preparation, Vino!.
Everything it contains ix plainly
printed on the label, therefore it is
not a patent medicine.
Vino( contains in a highly concen-
trated forst all of the medicinal, hails
building elements. of cod liver oil,
actually taker, I'rnnt fresh Nxitl livers,
but with the useless, nann.1Atina; MI
etimtneted Anti tuner iron, w111,11 it-
.a needful 1'14101010W for the 11/mil,
This in the reason that Vinol a1-
rotnplishea 1111th wonderful termite in
curing - chronic coughs, colds, bran.
0111%1 And Tung troubles, and there is
nothing known to medicine that will
so quickly build ^1,p" -the` run-down,
overworked, tired and debilitated, or
give strength and renewed vitality to
the aged, as Vino].
We ren only ask every person in
(ioderich who needs such a medicine
to try Vinnl nn mfr offer to return
their money if it fella. H, C. Dunlop,
Druggist, Uoderich. Ont.
High -Class Dress Goods
417RTNCE3S BROADCI:O/HS m i ich shades.
WORSTEDS in handsome self and two tone effects.
Pretty COLOR COMBINATIONS and BLENDING S, correct weight and
finish far the smart tailored suits.
A large choir.• ui f.:ulius' .1tckrl" in 1\. Ise, :11161 It'.,art•. .L•:1k•.
11 lily Itilnr,•l :nl.,l Irinlunvl, ulr.Lnnr
Irl( ell•,
price, I Inq.•
"1117.001 $18.00
Might Ifir11- sue •ee.le 1 ,
I it I+, people
flail not had tiler to s.•. •throuytli
but the facr is the 1a111aign has been
going on ill wlrwt•t and the People'
are (;rowing weary o 't.
The real iliaracter , 1 he campaign I
lams leen gradually re •ealing itself.
'fh4ie- s-nnlTiii,{(tiehind i As the elan
said whine he w.u,.hr,41111 the pie;, it
i, :1 rant.. of great. cry «m.1' '*1 Ir wnor,
An effort has bee,. '(11.4(1,' t.. (', *Ie
pduiu141.1.3;i1ind ?the- Whole t4 )e was
al.• lice. «rat ,.wh:.« ,,r.- likely to re.,ml
1,(h f.,olr-'1 g1, 1 '1-. n•'e1. 11' 111 1,k..
Tfit Llbcl 11• bay.' .Brill : i kite ,.d 11113"
to nrnke all effect ive,b•f•-nee, 1.1,1 t •>'
hive rill ird• the war into the r,ienn-
vountl'ymud played 14,14..,' with -non
very pi-et••litionsdi.i.lay-. The 11Y1 pie
have been a witness to 1,11 that has
been Koine 1111 *1114 1111 yr hail. 11n oppor-
I unity 111.1 e.i1NUI.n'.
their own 4)41411( ,.f view. Anyone
t1,« cause1. )' • 448 a ,N•. ..1
14 ret a fit 1 11
take,yven the molt excil8hle people
Intigg t1,- 444(0ver•
.t k, tient in°l-Heyil•W,
A means ('1141(41'!ert. like a finer -it
cannot be strengthened by white-
Liverpool and Chicago What Futuna
Close Higher -Live Stock-
Latest Quotations.
M .,n,(av Eve. ('4, Oct. 6:
1.lverp..d wheal future. maul t11•113y
- uwI 1 -10,,'uw1na.
1..11,' 1'31'1 It:. . .uppl, I ,:•1. u.1.
....•r eu 1.4 ..I • 1.r lluo, . •1 ..
a,d 11.,• .1 .In. p.ruewl,al I.. ,.
11.,4,3'1 t Ii14 PI•1n1I.n1 In 1-. .•('1
.u.J 1144
:thus' :u. v. •
V al 8 1114 1,•
L.•unJ 113 .. 11 i,r.u1Q Wna a„r,nw1 �o I1..
..",her• weather a,,.1 the Neel nrh.',. that
. I,r
1,1,,'t -for t,.f of fat- Liw conauteP-
1,511 I. .. tradfl. r. r'e s1,K •1(11'1 11, ...n-
..•rturtaae flat- teata:d-(enol-: Ic414 :Owl ..Ito -
41d.• Lure, w, _.....4 and :in.n Ileo .Icor•
.11 11 66 (X,(1.44 ratter , I , ,l ).
Thera ita, a.':.a..-000...dwa+1111.( tr,..,r
1.6,1-1. r. 1o, 1 r 1•. .1bees.(- 1.1 f,'1, -.I
n.Nl.h• .L lo..rnt.. with 111bh• .rd,...
(11..,, Ijssel •• 1 1., Joe ver,• .t r. fit: r, ': y.•I
1 ,.ed 1,I. ..1.,o,.,-, in prl.n•• 1,l 1 A11 trill
7»r I•••nld. 1'" •.anr,reu with a w.•1 -i, •Ig"
unit (rad, Una. 4 'to -dee br.,et•ea lune test.'
.0 It,. l., c.i.* at 4'*' t0. Poe; fail.
1,t 1*0- iagpilion. at 3..411' to 71yr, ;l'''
mfrrtbr, at :4ia• To 21..c per lb. Owing '
mallet ret•e0ple or lambs, taw g.,..1
-'• al demand gar the saint.... ,nark.,
t '-rimer 8011, wlthu pneM show. n, a, 1 ...1
1(1.11131.1w.wkago. r
tine h.n
cPw rd- tendency and wales. y "moon.,
J... 1 r- w111 no III ubl' go hlRler In 11 "
1 .11 -lure t tuirh• aaatv,• trade .,
.1.41.- ,. (4 a Inorrnlnr,_. _with sales_ of rI'"-
t•+ ut- -i-, •.,a, . and Rol)d. at 4)4;e to 4 •,
a -1 Ib, tiem.ind for sheep for ..
1'..r1 *.',.0 1 wits elgw .on ar•re0nt 04.
rntiuu.n1 x'•iNtrxslfitt ndvt.,•s 114(01,1.
frnp. 1114• anal• .14.,,ord•.a.- t.. .tit ire•+
that bars rea'zn1 for ther11 of (fat.'. .5•
f fri.-r'4ri re - 1 ' 1- rhokr sheet. are ant
(vnr1h ,1411y ton t Lan 3'.ir 1x•, II. for
purl :.,,- hilt *her have mat
declared to this flu in. yet, u. 4144•,. (4441-
0 0111111g. wire :ul for loaat_a.'rnwtb.
:pip and the ••tills U Syr. to Tek. ,iter' h.
T1 demand for I.la wax f4fr anti- ax
(-. re.clItuk peteety - iTrled
11' :•1 f 1 1.. 114 •h. rh her.. wall
r f u If. 1.1 the '1l hot; .1(11x.
prta,•I L,1t.•• •1 r.. In rnite
yin 1.. 1141 Wet.. than yesterday. 31111 \
torn '.d to '•d higher.
Chit atm ' wrsl
lteaL.futures doral to -ay
*WWows: De4'. wheat. 1.,,. htgttrr, July 144*' / 1
Idgher two ti.durday, and IM'cairn ytr - r'
Winnipeg Options.
• Following art. inn (loging yuot-inons on
Winnipeg grain futures.
M'b,9.--4trtober 1/1k1t 1.1.1. 1 s•t,•mner-
Oats - tet „ter :.1'M' bid- Nuveen
• hid.
Toronto Groin Markets.
Wheel, FAIL bash - /O 110. to 1....
Wheat, red. bah
wheat, go..•s, bush
Ityr, 1Ushel
Buckwheat, bushel
PM..., bw,h,'l
Itart.•y, boomer
Italy, boatel
o• ....
0 at
0 70
0 90
0 51 0 :d
044 0l5 ,
Toronto Dairy Market
Butter_ nurrurator. atalryr 0 21
Rutter, More lots , :1
Butler. 'erestnery; 114 rani0 M
Nags, sew -laid, noses• v r2
('beer., large, Ib a 1{y}
('deet*, twin, Ib. 0 14
honey. extracted 0 10
•',nip to,,), .Iva. sections_ 3.
Now York Dairy Market.
NEW .4.01tK, (let. I. --gutter. flan; ro-
.,9pt., .1:l44, rnWOrry, airtc1111. Y•u 1" .
mono. '11.77:r, thirds to flrwtx, 18, 1" 18":
sial. dairy, 011111 1113,1, 1., finer(. f.. 1..
jinn -158k 'r1Nne11 lu St./6,1411,1:. •.• :-11.1
a.)aern fa, tory, newt, ter, wo,trru. Imi-
tation rr•anrry, first 1to •yl•.
Claernr- 11ui•, 1.v*l1104e.pta, 731. 14411.•. (.I1
crramm, sp e4Ws, 12Me to 119c; du.,, 8(1411
:Mine(( or whit . raocv�lJk
• •whlte fancy. 12%3 du__ .*earl-lu_
.1r 1'.• ,o 1'yyr, do., turnition to fair,
c to 1144r, skims. le tv 1016e
ger-F•hm, receipts, 0.6, state. Penn.
and tlearby Retorted what,. fancy, :&' to
r.c. 444 fulr to .Tooke, gr to 34c,- brown
a04--wi4ke,l friary. -! to 111': Co::-7Rtr"to
ranter. air to 50e, Wisitarn ftritil. tan to
I5,'; aecoode. 21r to Me.
0 11
•r'��CwK` �.
p6 0
"Black Knight"
Stove Polish
dots away with all the dirty
work of krt. •l1,{;