HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-8, Page 44 TIV.1/Da*, October 8, 19041
Lucknow Fall Fair.
Sepoy Town Has Another Suc-
cess f ul Exhibition.
The animal tall t-xhiltition at 1.4.41.•
now was held on Thursday and Fri-
day of last week, There was a splen-
did display of Ate pt'.slmrts of the di.-
trict, and especially the showing 1.1f
hordes was well worth going miles to
ser. The weather was not ars las or -
ably as it might have been, INit alt
spite 1,t' this three was a i;ood attend
once. The direrta a are to le con -
Sc gratulattul upon the success which
tort their efforts. '
On Friday evening s ,•oneert was
held, with Owen A. Snmilry, the well•
known entertatiifi•, ae the chief attt•ac-
tion. There wit. a good horse.
The list of prize- wtoners i• x. fol-
Imported• Imported mare, iii,I _'
years, \V, Swit/l•r, V. -PL lluillin :
John Adams, 1.i 4444.! .std : It, C.
1!hiNle 1.1p1141 4411, It. Bosoms.
Chicken. of Inns Black utinorea,
11 Bogue., 1st and 2114 ; brahtua, it,
' Ander..n, 1,t and 211d : cochiu, butt,
14. Aud,•1.on : leghuru, %s hitt', 11. An-
drt•1IInt, 1st and '2m l : Irg h.4 11, brown,
I11. Mugu%.. 1st and 21441 : Ply luouth
Iloc11, 11. -Anderson, 1st 441111 2.1.1 ; Ply-
mouth nick.' white, 1). Autea.on, 1st
and and ; black Spaii.h, 1). Audio -
son. let :411'214,1 ; Hamburg, spangled,
golden and silver, I). Anderson, 1.1
and 241.1 :urpingtnu. buff, W. Kicklrv,
11. Rogues ; wyanlltt.•s, 1Ih•4r, f),
Anderson : wv44nd.etem, any other,
l) Anilrr.un, (seer Biros. ;lang.hans,
U. Andtgsou. gat and 2nd ; Iluudaus,
h. Anderson, 1I. Iltgu4'4l ' ducks,
Yellin, 11, Bogue., 1st and 'Lid :
turkeys. Geo. Robertson.
• - Grain,
Imported mare,' - yea, and over, 11 . 4',111 w14.4(4, while. John %I. 11. ,1 -
14. Martin. mid. It. 4.. Taylor : full a l...t, 1,'•4,
heavy draft 4' ."4"1144' l'ev41/-• Spatl J. Afi l)iiu•uil41 ,L... Alton ; Nn+,
is harness and wagon, J. Ph'Kentie• wheat. Jn.. Alton, 11. l,. TayI�. I
Fur�ter, Peter Moffatt : 144.111 mare. K,,Alt.0 : wh,'ol. lin Lind, .I. 1'
Yam 514.141.4.11, 1t. J. I'oll.ek, Pete. 1),..„,..4: .444,) white.. lust ..,_ 11'.
Moffat S. Plurrisun; two 4'a 141 Iliot.•4, J. A1eIi:oluid, 11. Shoo.,%:
. ret•, whit,•, Just. J. M. I)i:ti mi,I, .L.-,
gelding. Albert Alton, W. Taylor, 1t. Alton, Albert Alt•'a:`•I"Il r, .I, at -
J, l odlu4l:-; one -year-old gelding. 11': I)i,Inuid'; six.n.w.'1 barley. ley. 1).. K.
Alton. J. M41na4ruu t. 11. 4ITouaf :
,H•1(., large. .RIs. Alton : peas, .uut11.
Thus. Mo,.r,•, lobo Mina) Intl. 14. t1.
vtr.'it rye, Ally -rt Alton: timothy.
.b1.. Alton, J. M41)iaruli.l : corn, yel-
l.•%%, .1. AJ.•Uiarniid, 'r.'M•N'n•; .•urn,
*,lai,,.1 M4Ui•ryl;.lz H,..1, 'p-.,..
.on a} , . ng„. -•tt,--plritrt
lough 1.1 and 21411 : .a11111.•al, U. Mal -
lough 1.1 :1114 'lid : flax .,.el•.1, Ju..
Altun,.l. 51cI►iafnli,' : garlrn twain., M.
Smith : white lean., W. It. I''arrier,
1). Mallungh : largest and lest ar-
ranged nge11 .ollection of, corn. grain and
grasses in strxw,'named, 1:. M(•(, it
Till iitinfliiwers, --, -Zan-IsT1 diet •'
lie 2nd.
..-. JIr.Q4albu • .4x4..14.4. .441 11111„ 11 1t_
JlfwrWsa sk P1-.,v;a .n t retina stay sK.,
14..1.- l'olkx•k 1.t and 2.111. •
Agricultural span ilt harness atm
rig, Sohn Mrt►iarmid, Hod. 1tacKeenzir,
,las, 1.44144: 141.1441 mare. 1V, 11. Mat -
tit., S. Phillip,,, FWstrr: foal 44f list`,
Myrtin; two-year-old gelding,
15fi'lor, S.•Tayl'u, P. 14. PIcN,Iy a two.
yell-oltelllly, \V. Taylor, his. She'
wood, b:. Lu'kh,t1 - one-year-ohige'hf-
ing, %V', It. Martin, It. l.. Taylor, Jas,
Barhou, : one -year-old )illy, Jas. liar-
iarhour, .W. Taylor : female,' any age C'an-
--adiaeitred 4E. McDitteaii,d, Wm:Taylor:
General Purpose• - Spun in harur.,
and rig, Alex. Purd.n 4 brood 141414''
Soutar Taylor, R. J. Pollock ; f.:4 of
141111, It, J. P.Il.N•k, S. Taylor, W.
Ric'luuld.. n t 4 wt. -year-old ar•old gelding .1
'1111}•, J. M.•Bnru.•v, .I:.. Barbour : one.
year-old gelding or tilty, \V. Suirzet,
H. G. Tayh.r, \1 1o. %%,ssls,
Carriage -Span it. harness ,141.1 c:u'-
rtlt4rc, a,
14.1141 111441.1', Henry Mather. t
yeru•-old g,•I.t
one -year-old
era, ' 11'. R.
single carriage h.ry 4, 1 ('.l11ell. Ibid.
Road -Buggy hot 4.144 hal n.',., R....
Anderson n ; foal of I IN, 11. %lat hear.
two-y4:u'-add g.-ldiug a ' filly, 'E. L.•• 1. -
hart, Geo. Ruts•rt.tnl, Fo,-lei ; om•-
veal'-,.111 gelding ..r filly, ('.n. liuyn.n,
P. stemma'', F.rst"1 ; . 4411 444 road
horsl•s, J. Pat tel•s.n, \V. ' icharlb•tn,
Specials -Lastly driver. •ith single
hnrsayand boggy, 1.. Lott P1 ., Mathe-
son. Miss Bertha Rohe. 'son • gentle-
man'• turnout, single Hose An,t,-
son, L. Lott. F. Colwell ; 144414.
hitching r•aee, tteitl(riltowe.-M:. tTlr•
son, R. G. Taylor : mare or ge • mg;
W. R. Mart in, 'V*'. Hunter ; yearn .
agricultural or draft, W. It. Plartin.
• Cattle.
Roots and Vegetables.
Emir v:lrietir., potables. Hagen PI. -
ll.n:ld : real pota'w.. II. Met),•n:d,t,
\1n,.li iter': White potatoes in l4.,♦
4,1 114,441. 1141111.41, Rod \lrlie11zi4, W.
14. Fail 1.-r : 11langolls. red, 14441. 51,. -
Kenzie, W. H. h'ai'rier; 11h11ig;ol.I.4,
1\ R. `amp% -H 1V' Maxwell 1.•11.144: II. Mclhfiuiid, (1.'0- K+nik'rti,.i1:
a' tt'y st: u.. beets, snort. 11'4.,. Ku kley', .Ix.. Lyons:
iuu or )illy, P. McMillan
: Is•e4., long,'N'. H. h'arri'er, .1. Mclliar-
g/• ling or )illy, 11. PLu h 1.ii,1 : l iIrnip4, sw.•.Ii, B. B. 'Taylor.
Fn Iter, 1I. Mnlhrsoal:
Mimic \filler: turnip., nny other
v.. 1, 4', J,(LMmrlul•l. .1. Mr-Iwa isid :
41, 1.1 ..t rots, Mints re Bros.. '‘Viii.
IImo cr1 garden cal -,
P1. .litehell '2nd rit
: ('arrs,' long, \V.
H. Farrier. 1. emtgraol : parsnips, 1V.
R. Farrier, .\1.-.. \V, .1, I:.,o,Iwin ;
tomatoes, I)r. Gordon. Alb.... Alton :
4411144119, 4 1114r tiros., Geo. Robertson, ;
top onions, Mrs. Peter Watson, \1'411.
Slit h•; . cabbage, It O. Stroud, Las.
Alton: pulupkins, 11 McDonald, John
Adams : watermelons. Mrs. N'. ,1,
Goodwin. ,las, Alton; Iuuaktuelons, •T.
More, .las. Alto'„ citrons, -Jas- Al.
ton, Albert Alton ; celery, Rod. ala. -
Kenzie, Miss M. Lyon.: table squash,
Albert A Iton,-- -Peter - ('lark- : sugar
beets, H. McDonald, 11. (1. 'Taylor :
collection ofa e vegetables, g rd n ve g to les, U. K.
-Alton, Tb.' ..Moore : frit sample col.
ection, J. Mci)iarmid.
Dairy and Table Supplies.
Purebred -Shorthorn-Bull. :i years
or over. McKay Bros , P. Torrance ;
bull, 2 years ofd,- -W m. Struthers :
bull, 1 year old, McKay Brae, For- , . hal collection butter. Jam.
ster: hull calf 6 months nnll__un-iLy • r_ tub butter or laps- Alert
der 12 luootb. W. %Vi1Non, 1st and Alto .las. Alton, D. K. Alton ; roll
2nd ; hull calf, 11 mouths and under. table u ler or prints. Jas., Lyons, \V,
Jas. Baird, McKay Bros. ; aged, cow, H. Fa vier. Peter Clark : crock of
P. Torrance, McKay Bros, ; three- butter. ('(engram, I. Mcliartnid,
year-old, las. Young : two-year• Jae, I,v ns : factory cheese, H.
old heifer, McKay Bros. ,P. Torrance : Young, P1 .. \\'. J. Goodwin ; home -
one -year-old heifer, McKay Bros., 1st made h, f. Mt 0444, mid; -t-ifiQ.
and 2nd ; heifer calf, *i months and g4atnl Mrs. Peter \Vxtsun, h
under, McKay Bros., 1st and 2nd : ,oriole bread f4' a Treleaven )iris, flour,
female, any age. McKay Bros. : hull .I. Plct)iarnlid box comb honey, Pte.
• and four of his get, McKay Bros., 1'. Smith, lot and - d ; jar of honey. It
Tortanee ; herd, ,,rd ._K ay'Bros. ' - McDonald, Ts. K. itou : honey eolith
Male, any,ag'', Durham. Hereford in -frame, Mr. Solt h • maplettyr_ip,,
Or Polled Angus, McKay )Brest- Rod MacKenzie. D. ("enough ; COM, -
Grad,. Cattle'--- (.rate cow, t;1.4., "lion canned fruits, Ira, Mekerroll,
Bros., John Met/LIMO, ; 1 w.i.yexi-field 11114, Lyons : collect io of baking. Js
.heifer, John /1 rLetN1, Greer Br4.s.: Lyons, W. Connell. Jas Fisher; apple
'm» -year-old heifer, Alex. Niehotwln, piP, Jas, Lyons, Mill. W. Goodwin ;
IA and '21.d ; heif,•i- 444114, Greer Bros., pumpkin pie. Mrs. \\'. J. ioodwin, D.
P. To ranc.• ; t a•.•yrrr•old .tee„, ),Iti. K. Afton : angel (lake, \V. .1.
McL.'od, lel and 2nd : one -year-old (Jl4olwin, Mrs. McKerrtll,
s1.4r, John 11141..•141, P. Torrance :
deet threeetsar', JohnMrla•nd heist
of right f. -mall•., Join. MaL.•..d. Apples Baldwin, John Me'enzie,
Grade Cattle for healers 1'w„- 11'. 1t. farrier ; len davis, Joh, Mc-
year•old heifer, It, 1)41441141; Alex. 1444.1.14, .lass. Allan : cnlvrl•t,, las.
Nicholson : twn-year•otd stem. H, Alton, P. Torrance : Cayuga
Durnin, Alex. Nicholson : tatted cow, streak, \V111. Ple(lnillin, A1t•, Snit :
rept fir hotter, Alex. Nicholson, B. duchess, 1tas1. MacKenzie, Jas. Alton
Durnin : beet 4 hr.•e .41N'k Nte'. i -i, Alex• crab apples, . Albert Alton, '2411 :
-, _-_ _ It. I Minim gravensteinm, D. K. -Alton, 514111-
lyre lbws.: wealthy. -, .1441,• Alton
2nd : - king of '1' pkins county.
John PG•Ke•nzie, .law. Alton : fal-
Iuwater, -.1444. Ulan. \\'n. Kirkby
Leicester--Esse•, 1:,4.4.4 Br..., I.i and mann, Giver Bros., lotto McKenzie :
2nd ; ithearling rain, 11'. Strother., :14.44.4. pippins, John AIcKenzie, W. R.
(freer Bros.: ewe Lamb, Greer Bros., Farrier : Blenheim pippins, H.
1st and 2nd : rani land., Greer Bros., Mothers. Greer Tiros: ; rilwtonpippins,
1st and 2nd ; ehearling ewe, Greer It. 0. Taylor. Minnie Miller ; Ontario.
W-.-• fktxtit,re , -pm titer-, W. II.1e.,.. •'Rhode Island greening,
Bens. Teeter Torrance, B. MacKenzie : Rox-
Oxforl Downs --Ewe, W. R. Mac. bora russet, %V. R. Farrier, John Mr-
donald, let and 2nd : Nhearling rant, Kenzie; golden russet, 2nd, Mein -
W. R. McDonald : ewe Iamb, \\'. it. tyre Bros.: lamellae or /now, .lam.
Macdonald, 1st and 2nd : ram Iamb, Alton, Albert Alton : northern spy,
D. Henderson.. W. _It. Macdonald ; _I'. Torrant e.. W... L b.arriar.•c-wagµal.twr.
ehnarling ewe, W. it. Macdonald, 1st John McKenzie, .las, Altera ; five any
and tend : en I4 0 -- other-faf va a
1V,--di.-Ma l nri l varlet F
de(M 1 114,41
y. 'may*'+ •
wnm-Agrd 1x414, (444. 'Tor ncP '• live any other winter •c,4.••
lilenn, 0. Ilend.•rson ; ewe, Oro. irty,.1'. Turranee, las. Alam ; three
Wenn, J. A. Alacdonald ; shearling varieties' fall, John -M-. $ .nzie. Rod.
ram, 1. A. Mardontt4t'iiwestBefnti"5fiu•XPn-,i1' 1114 e varieties wt ear.
ewe latah, .I. A. Macdonald, Geo, W. 11444114.44.Glenn : ram lana. J. A. Plelhinald, Pear.4 Etc. Sommer pears, Albert
tie(, Olefin : sheauiing 444't', Geo, Alton : all pears, U. K. Alton, ,bas.
(ilenh. .1, .4, Macdonald : len, Geo, Alton : wimp, Bears, Pte!ntyt'' liras-,
Glenn: fit wether, any breed. .1. A. (freer Bries.: 41441 hes, (lel,. Ito1N•rt-
Macdonald. 1', 'balance. .ore, Albert Alton : l •oncord grapes,
)taut .1. A.MacDonald. 11
1ac 1 ,odd . 1
141114. 1$
i veer HewOlive
families .'hl•s 4414 u .
Pigs. 4441 4144 named black
satiety, Mr. 4iedde•tt; three bunches
Niagara, air. Smith, I). Mallough
three hunches Delaware, (leer Bros.
Home Manufactures.
Jersey Gall lc -Pend.•, any age, It.
1)urni41, Ti eleaycn lb o., •
Berkshir, Boar, .ht.. Allan : sow,
.tae. Alton, 1st and 2.J : sow, farrowed
in 114*4 Jas. Alton.
let and 2nd
boar, farrowed M , •
.I,as. Alton.
Yorkshire Boar, Jae. Alton ; sow,
Jas. Acton, 1st and 2nd ; Now !formed
in 1444414, Jas. Alton, Alls•rt Alton :
boar farrowed in 14sA, ,las. Alton.
Tamworth -Boar, J. A. Macdonald :
auw, J. A. Macdonald : 404.14 •farrowed
In 1900, 3. A. Macdonald : )oar far-
rowed In 11)014..1. A. Macdonald.
Three bacon frogs, .las. Alton. '
Andalusian, I)• :1nd.•rsor11 14.•k
rtliq)rtam, 11'. Sttothers. IL liuguea :.
Brahma, Clark, I4. AndrT nu, 1.1 and
2nd ; leghurn, white, II. Bngurm, It,
Anderson : IPghorn, brown. It. And•
arson, 1st and 2nd ; 1'h•,nnnth rock,
barred, 0. Anderson, 1st and 2nd :
Plymouth'.fas•k, white, 1). Anderson,
1st and 2d4: nrpiuglnn, b,fl, 11.
maims, 4). Anderenn : do king., 1).
Anderson ; wyxndrtLes,.white, U. An-
derson, 1st and 2nd ; IanR•bans, D.
Andersson ; Houdaos, U. Rogues, Int
and 2sd ; ger 4'..1. Fisher. Jas. Alto. ;
ducks, Pekio, T. Moore, \V, Kicklay
turkeys, Jam. Alton, W. Struthers.:
Houle Manufa.tures-Pair woollen
blankets, .las. A14in, Rod. McKenzie,
1. MrI►iartnid :-'•r4'het counterpane,
Mrs: 11. 1V,-1'aadyn, ,Ian. i,xne, Mm -N.
\1'..1. Goodwin knitted counterpane,
T. Moore. Mrs. 1'amlyn, Miry M.
Lyons ; patch .guilt. wool. Mrs. Tam-
lyn, Mies Bulrgrts, Jam. Fisher : patch
14.111 ,otton, Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs. .1.
1'irrstm, MM. Wm. Mackenzie: patch
,milt, silk 4)r sel,yet, Plro. Tandy!),
.Hiss Burges., Mrt..1. Pierson : 1.IIe. -
t ion. ladies' _ lanes- work,. Mini Lena.
Livingston, Rrx1 Mackenzie, 5lrs.
T0.nulyn : Gamy .ifs pillow, Plias 1..
Livingston, Mrs. Tanllyn, John M, -
Kenzie ; embroidered fancy mots pil-
low, Mien 1.. Livingston, Mee. J. Pier.
son. Misty Burgess ; enlbr,ider'l shirt
waist. John McI)iarmid, Miss 1.. 1.1v•
iugnton, Mrs. J. Murchison : (14444.41
work, Mr's. H. W. •Tamlyn, Mise Bur.
gear, Mrs. Wm. McKenzie ; collection
knitting In cotton. Mrs. %Vol. McKen-
zie, T. Moors. Mr.. Tarnlyn ; '•ollectiin
knitting in wool, Mrs. Tamlyn, '1',
Moore. Mrs. A McCarroll : embrnid•
guinea fowl, T. Moore : canary birds, ery on linen. Miss M. Lyons, Miss
The Recipe
"Ladies, here's my recipe
for Apple Custard Pie: -
'Two eggs, four or five apples, grated, a little
nutmeg; sweetened to taste; one-half pint of new
milk or cream; hour into pastry'-tht'n
The Oven
co vrs
Result ,�
"Four - pies that -don't - last -Tong."
four pies and pans of bread canabe
baked in a "Pandora" oven at one time.
T,.,,.: 1. x I
Burgess, :Miss ;L. Livingston : home.
limn yarn. 'I'. Moore, PI4's. 1'. 11"atwnl,
o the Electors
Bros, ; lionte aaide 1111444•. n
mats, '1'. Moore, Mrs. \\'. J. Goodwin.
Mlity Aft ti tai- PteKe►i l.• : i•o11e4 (T,nt or
leather postcards. 14111: Plackenzie,
Miss I,. Livingston ; collection of
curios 444 oddities, Plies L. Livingston,
JAN. Lane : collect' ' of novelties,
Mrs- J J' twt.. Mrs. 1'aauly41 : Berlin.
wool work, flat. Ills.. Tautly'', HINT.
'Mackenzie : pillow sham)+, 51re. .1.
Pierson, Mrs. Tanllyn : table contra
nese, Mrs.- 1V..1, G.Nxlwin,•Mrs. Taut-
West Huron.
Asa candidate for Parliament, I r•-
Np ectdally (ink your support in the.
coming campaign. 1 have lived in
the county, with only a short absence,
yr) : laundry bag, Mrs. Tamlyn. Rcxt,'•sin•e July, 1)4(4.. 1 11a4e skill at
Mackenzie : netting, Miss I.. Jiving somewhat active plot in public affairs.
stun. Rosi. PIcKenzie ; patch un 4,W
garment. Mrs. J. I'ie•rsnn,• ,Mrs. %Vol.
Ph -Kenzie : darning on hose, Mrs. J.
Pierson, T. 51o, 're : pair heavy ititt+l,
inen.A, Mrs. \Vm. PleKenzie,'1'. Moore :
(pair men's tine mitts, 51.1s. %Vit, Mc-
Kenzie. Pins. 1'.. \Vaheuu : pair map -
men's line mitts, '1'. PIMA,. Mr, Pier-
son ; pair urn's tine knitted gloves,
511s. %% Ill. McKenzie, T. 'Moore ; pair
woolen', line hose, Mrs. %Vin.:\IcKen-
zit• T. Moore • pair , f mer , ``ate uu•n's fine scN•ks,
Mrs. \\'m. M,Kenzie, Mrs. Tandy') :
pair men's heavy *wk,, Mrs. \('n1-
McKenzie, aft.„.Pirr.uu : I.uf'. to make the customs taxes paid by
and have always leen willing that the
searchlight should be turned on either
my )public or (private acts. I do not
sayjhat 1 have nut. tu,ulr. Mistake*
no one 'knows that I have better than
myself. but -I do say that' 1have
always.endeavored t41 aulvance the
interests of the D.ituiui.m 4144 a IN WAY.
and those of the 'tiding in particular.
\Vhile in general I ant a s4.:pwrter
.f the prrsent CoverUtient. 1 11111 ,t
helirl-er in the abolition ofth Senate.
Senaa e.
1 think it would i wise to reduce or
abolish the duty on coal, 1 „would try
shawl, knitted or crochet, Mrs. Tarn:
lyn, Pits. 11'.... Goodwin : set errellrt
table mat., Mn. J. Piersnn, 51rs. A.
Mc('arroll: set table doilies, Firs.
Tamlvn, Miss L. Livingston: tray
cloth, Mrs. Tanllyn, -Mrs. J. Murchi-
son : tatting, Mrs. Tanllyn : enihrodd•
ery. shadow, J. Mcliarmid, Roll. Afae-
kenzie ; embroidery, eyelet, Miss L.
-Livingston, Mr.. MeK.-r.,;ll ..-./.ln,.iai-
ery, hardanger. Mrs. 11. 11'. 'rattily n,
514-..4. Pierson : crochet baby's bon-
net, Mrs. Pierson. Jas. Fisher : ehi111's y
fancy drew, Mrs. Pierson 11'. It. Far-
riet• ; girl's cotton dress, 51t•s. II. W.
Tiunlyn.: fancy cotton apron, Um,
'I'a41tlyn. Mn.. Pierson ; lady's dress-
ing sack, Mrs.' Pierson, T. Munro :
Ianndelyd shirt, Plias P1. Lyons, Mrs.
11', J. Goodwin..
farmers as light ax ilti.siblr. 1 favor
,any scheme *hat ail! give farmers a
telephone system, - Nu that es •vy
funnel- could have a telephone in his
think 4 b facilities of t11.' postutflee
could be materially increased itt the
{public interest. I believe the voter.
lists should be lllll re up-to-date., and
that- no err-shurid--asst:--14u. frsnrl.i.,,.
because he had moved fr. im our
constituency to another. I lwlieve in
'4'tirrnment cunj,ra of any 'nadir
1 believe In the pr11drnr ripen. our.
Picture frame. Ali.-, i.. l.iying.ton,
Rod. P1411•kenzi.• : lox, Roil. Macken-
zie, ,Mrs. Tamlvn ; phacoust, Mrs.-Tau,-
lyn, Miss L. Livingston : collection,
Rod. Mackenzie, \lis.* 1.. Livingston:
John McKenzie.
Fore Arts.
llilpaint lugs Marine view, Miss
Annie McKenzie: figure, Mist, L. Living
awn.; a/ti111a14, grouped or singre,
i44.. Armin• M,u:keizil• : hest, single
biting, Miss Annie Mackenzie. Piiss
\ ate„ eolurs- Marine vies', Plrs,
Tam vn, Miss A111114• Pl,ac-kenzie ; fig-
ura•'• 1 biting, Miss i.. i.ivingston :
flowers, M. Mitchell, 1st and 2nd ;
hindmost Plias Annie Mackenzie, Miss
L. Livin ton : painting on glass or
tottery, 111 s 1,. Livingston.
(*rayon d wing, Mrs. Tarnlyn, Mims
I,. Livingston.
f.argest assort ego. flowers ( r house
pplant+, John Ad tN ; assortment of
110114e plants i4. p ts, I). Plall.ugh,
John Adam.: Tmnl (1e of flowers,
Hod. Mackenzie. air. Gordon i 44.41
ltoa•eItN Pr. 5 '
P "w
d in -
MUM : aultumn 144aye•s, M Snlith, 311•a.
Plc Pherson, -
• Mttctltan _
Cite. n s U Pa hill s, l 1134i:1M
named, Miss PI. Lyons, :1,.1141 Adam. :
case' of slutYrd hh41s, fotaign. Inured,
511.4.4 M. Lyons : e'd11'rti.n, .f drat...
making, Bud. Plarkenzie : `liar
shoes, .I. (i, PInl41n4h & t•.. ; plan.
414'.e• shoes,
11 . .I ! iMurdoch
R1'11 •
. 1
Hue shoes, .1. G. Murd,s•h k Co. :
urcrinn, Gar-
net Armstrong, irs. 'l'nullyn, Itr.
School Competition.
COBecti f ' s
4.D o1a44 weeds, 41411144,
Forster, 1\'m. Mr(142iI1in, Mn, McPher-
son, \Vatter \Vilson ; decorated 1.14.1
.f school children, Mt. Helens, IteIfast,
Lcknow; .*4x4•' •1) nl penmanship,
under fourteen, 1)r. Spence, P11ore-
house : drawing, any mrahJect, Mrs.
McPherson, M»..l. Mim'hie,m: original
design for advertising i..cknow Lair,
Mrs. .1. Murchison, \\'alter \Vilson :
boys' race, over twelve, Melvin Irwin,
Dan Zang, Charlie Wall : girle' race,
.ver twelve, Fanny Andersen, Eselyn
fJaulilk14t.- Mina 1Vuatda:--boys
tinder t.wrl%e, Duncan, A. Macleod,
4'harlir Gillespie : girls' race, under
twelve; Maud 51c/1i111141, Bar Alton,
Platy Durnin; race, first year pupils,
Ebner Webster, George Irvine, Evan
Mctjnillin; flack lace. E. Mille., C.
Wadi, (1. Spence; race, Lurknow
school pupils, Mdlle.nt, Hxbhil'k, Cam-
Special Events.
Old men's .ace (handicap), Jnbn
Adams ; hagpipe competition. 1\'. H.
Young, .1. P cL'nns°, N. MacUallum ;
Highland fling, Amy McLeod, J. Rosa,
Mabel McDonald : Irish jig, A. Ma
_.-..i1.Ir..t';!oat. ibti. fait
ale 4m1144 :4,1,1 4'11•'.1i''.1'
(1:11, all 14x, 1 ion:, 44144
'on 11.41 111 dire
11,441 111,• 414.14444,. 1,11,,.•
• iuvk..mat ., nri-fluting,
plain , 1.:11, i44 blur k,
1,11.0, ••,•, a .Ind 1.11 0W11,
141141 141,...• 14444.1 .4441.,
411141 our l I i,•,•. 44(4.4 ac
1, at. n,
Dress (ioot's
14e- 41441W s..,, .,4• still. .1, � k 14.4.-4
',411 Inn, 11'4 knot% a,• have Ili,•
ncayaL-4rsirpl. i41 the initrket. Van,.
111 kes., 'I Wo %stun),, self still., 41114
plain:. 144 hl•tmuh•Illtt.at' veu1141(44'.,
4sgeliuy .,11411 i'.iynlft .,•1•gl•m a 11,1
4suuuua., the higgesl ay..44t.a•tet
1'44.4 .fu'r'l, ,old 44.4 )' piece a11. 44
.44, eight 14144-r lot for school gii 1
dresses,.. _ good 4,41141' ,tl :me. ... .254
ies1 I. n1!hat _irul lilies re:. 44)4)1..Ilk. that ,
,1 4;4,•414 44.11,. ,
ton ,1•'44111 :: i. 1 1\
1 ,1.1,. u'., ii 4,,.; ieu.,k
1) n'-. 1! . .', 1,41,14-', (iiI.
Standard Patte: ns. a full
Be sure to ask for D &A Corsets.
flab • 111•11/1111
Ile •
of public moneys for the development
/if the trade anti tesbur•es of this
great 1)ominion, 1 relieve that public
men should 1e above reproach : that
principles should 1,14.1111 than
party : 1 hat the interest of the
runit,ry is great ..r than that of an
If you see lit 10 elect me as your
representative, 1 anslln• you 1- will do
lily hest to whim that your confidence
has not 14141 misplaced,
Relpwetfnlly milk -ding your influ-
ence in 111y 'behalf, as well ae. your
-lilt-, I am, Very truly yours,
140141'. 1101.M ES.
Lend, A. Nitzell, 1). Martin : main's
hornpipe, Pnalwl McDonald, 11. Gal -
!wadi,.,. A. Titzell : Best dressed High-
lti,.ler, A. Mrl'hera,m,-\\'. 1I. Young,
N. 'McCallum : Iet(, drn,sed pile)•.
Lncknow pipe band, •. %V, iL Young,
N. Mat -Callum : reel of Tulloch, A.
Mcl'herson, 1). Martin', 11. Galbraith,
The Liberal policy has made
Canada a country which the people
.of-GreatBritain. the United States
and other countries think is worth
living in.
During the last five years of
Conservative rule the total
"-•Tihmigration was • rt1,9ae
In the last five years. under
the L,berals,the immigration
has totalled.. 652,797
lMs Y ear'sO 4.t ofth 4.t Farm.
The Sept "Miler 414'1' Iepirt ismued
.v the 1) 4h'paartmrnt of Ag, -i.
4'411t411'4* estimates the wheat crop of
the Dominion at nearly 12.:,Istk4tsl
bushels, + v
brio tf 1 r •l'll qs AI
Mat, at 4'o at ' q
and o. h50,111.10,0O11:
that f arleq xt
(1n the basis of prices likely to ride
for Ilya grxlnt, maned these three prin-
cipal (-„,los, if all sold, ought • to realize
$2:141.111111.$2:141.111111.14$2:141.111111.141411. lilt all will nut b.', sold.
Enough will have to axe retained for
the farnlel•s own bread and next
seat's seeding. On the other hand,
the bilk of the barley and ..,it erne
will give -a larger return 111 the pro -
dimers 4.y being 1ranmforme•11 into
MPH, +44,1,1 dairy product a than they
would if sold as grain at prices now
rntinq. T11(e 4111114 44 11•11e .4 the b rat
(train„ Is hien aur estimated 1. yield,
firm Is 211,4111111.114111 bushel., a+ 11,11 It,
..4 int. ether rolt'.P grains, rot it. hely
and r,nl', it is fairly hall within the
'Mirk to ens that the Held c,'.,* of
('mind,, a Idyll l hi, year will below k•
et ell either in the raw or more finished,
(aorto, will realize notless than $31(1,•
It1O,lM4).--'rnrentn Star.
Needed It Most.
.\ r,•ginun4. of soldiers were recently
drags 11 np one Sunday for chords par
rule, hut but the chnrcb wan being re.
'I`WO weeks are gone since we announced our Fall Opening, and
(luring that time a great many yards of Dress Goods have been sold,
also a great number of Hats from the Millinery Department. What does
it mean ? Just this more new goods and new styles, and now we are
better prepared than ever before to show new goods and give greatt•r
This week 14(14' 4'1% es halt• • In'cunlu acquainted with some auld firms,
t hi' Mel ►ougals, Il ell • ails; 4llt-ltrt'Ittnlis, itntl several other ('t;tt'
1111• g 2. ,•
ostia. r:ul�'In ill staler 1.144.1 .n 7. -ie .
4'4 1 ell
11 1st
\Ve have also put in stock this week some real good v' hu's in 4'hiflon
Broadcloths, ranging in price from :;.;c to $1.75 per yard.
A1444)•s('veral other novelties in 1)ress Goods,
4)144 \IilliueryI)epartlnent i; Ihuzziilg stronger than
„ver. Eve!' the Warm •city l past seemed to leave no
•feet 011 it. as the urilersKeep rolling in as fast as ever.
t 'orrect anll elegant styles at reas(mal,lc prices form the
Magnet which surrounds this department and snakes it t
114,•-tl'•Cs's8 it really its:
Opening Week in the.
Basement -
111:, is where you will fiu•i the Grocery Depart-
- nleut. Just a few steps lower than the main floor;
airy and iight :444.1 toll of rtirr•_fre.+lt goods We -aro + r -44w-
which s1o01 appeal to anybody'-ap'ous to save money In .•isit_tl
(ir,inulate'1 Sugar, 21 Ilia. g1,1i` I
:, net of lest 10le'trd Valencia It,lishl. 1"44
value 444•, special fur short tin.' only in
:1-I4.. pa. Loge, per lb
!test blind of Young 11ys .n, regular a, above,
noel special at. 4414 11
Ther• 14x1,0 441, 1414144 in this list a special
bland 1,1 iia 141:n k Tea, which hi done uta
\ Grail! in :1-pnnnd par to, tier Ib. -r
°TR. These Teas al'r guaritetred and our 4ns-
to,iter, may Mk.. the Ten home and tryit and If
they duct t_Iil r_i1 bring it bark,. -the nnlry will 1.•
refunded. This should IN• your °plant unity.
Nutter always, un hand.
:1 pa.'kagesCor•n Flakes, ft emit and crisp, Kel•
I..g'$ grr1•11 41:u'kage '�-,(•
II bars 4'oinfirt, Sunlight. Life Buoy and
Stu gni1eSoap 'lite
('hate !Clack Ceylon Tea, :Ss. anality, done
up in:sib.'u'kagrs, special 1111.s. glow
('hoic.• Breen Ji,) un, good .Ilislity, 111:ulrir
'err a ionhd, 40-4i.1 in packages of 3 ahs, *Liu
I?x (1 1 choice UI -blend; 1111, 1. Teva, regular
Fresh F, gs 811(1 chOIC''
See some of the specials in the Men's Department.
bailed and could hold ,..,Is half of
4hem,, "Setg.:ult•n,ajor,"-h„414ed
the cl-„liTrel, -"Tell'all the 141441 mho
don't ,ant to g., to rhulrch I.. fall out
on the revel... Hank." Of 401 u r n
llarge number quickly said gladly
os ailed 4hrnl.elve• of the privilege.
“."'.1.,se ..'r runt-mn'o'
nrflfr „ten a 10 did
not . 11 out ,arid march) he 4't het, to
ehor.--thiy need it nun.,,'
i. Rheumatism of the ba4It.
'1he cause is Uric Acid
in the blood. 1f the kid-
neys did their work there
would he no Urn. Acid and
no 1-nn.hag.. Make the
kidneys do their work. The
sure, positive and Only
cure for Lumbago is
rtiot Water Bottles and Syringes
Now is the time of year to be thinking of buying your
Hot Water Bottles. We have the largest stork of these
in Western Ontario and
Those that wear and give satnsfa, tion We have them at
all prices. Call and let us show them
v a
\1 a 11:1'1 n ronlp,I•t•' '..a -k 1.1 '11)1LET A141'14'4.I':S i■ 11,4 most silt.. 1
Masa anti are prepare1 r, x414 'nntend our goods.
Roger R Gallet's, Parisian Balm.'
Iver, and;others. Witch Hazel Cream
Tooth owders (71j 114g
and Pastes, etc,