HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-8, Page 22 TYOYDAT, October 8, 1,$ eb UUUKRI'H. ONTARIU,I PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MY IVANATTRR t KUB(RTaIUN Telephone Call No. M. Terms of Suaacresioo : 111.1s)per annual In ad%bore., Ate months, Jur ; throe woii b.,'4ir, To L'u1Wd Widow .ubrctlbs ...L•3•1 a year (strictly in advance,. Nub,Ieribers whu fail to rerehe Tiit Alessi reef rly by usil will caller • favor by w•- quuvrhaelabt ng u. of the fact at as early a date s. tl a cbatyte of addror is desired, ,jot 11 1 he Old and Mamie addles„ .bould Q•' 'Pi en. aerertiema moue !metal and outer similar advert J./anent.. lir per 1 ne for Ana insertion and R,-t$rr lige for each so item insertion. Mew•u*.d..... by a nativism •w'ele, tweive bite. to Annie&. Business cards of sic lilies and under, 115 Per — yesu. Advertisement. of lost. Found, Stntyed, Sit- uations Vacant, rig t net ions %'anted, lime.. Inc stale or to Itentt Tarns. Inc Sale or to Item, Article. for Sale, etc., not esteeding eight lines. YSc each insertion :11 for dna mouth. Sur for each subsequent month. Larger advertise• meat in proportion. Announoements in ordinary reading type ten ciente per line. No nonce less than tic. Any special notice. the object of which 1. the pecuniary benefit of any individual or a,e.u.e *nem to be considered an advertisement lid to be charged eccordiusly. Rats for display and eontrael advertise - menta win be given on ,application,.' address all touimuriicattous to YANArrPR & ROBERTSON, Tae t)waaL ' nude/ioh..tint. ODUC141tH. TH3 1tt3UAIt. t8'T. S. 19th. MR.._-LEWIS' ADDRESS TO THE ELECTORS. t 1 P. it. to G.alerich. ' And he tui• had as h to do with the railway tiers mentioned 111 hitt address to the elec- ture as the almanac tutu has in 'fixing the weather. If Mr. Lewis thinks that hi. itnaRin- ary tehieaeulenl. as stated in Ills past.-ript are of int emit to the peolde ao' West Huron, he will 1144 object if atlrnNou is drawn to mune of the t1i1ug. which \L. Rinse) Hi/hues Mae done feel this. riding. Only *few months ego We 11x41 the Western 1)ntario. ..,liana camp It U.sler'eh. 1*44 11./ to the persistent efforts of Mr. 110lmrs. The iluprua ed aceoutunelat ion for hos-holders et li.alrrich'easterner, by reason of the keeping open of the ,eftfee for longer teems each eve g and un holiday., 1, due to the repeated representation. of Ma. liolu,ees to the Pustofce Depart audit. These things Mr. 'Lames was able lo dn. and willing to do, when he wax ant a ti lana -t ..1 Pau-lhtmeut. While he was the („ember he secured the appropriation for the outside breakwater, and voles at variou. t i (Nes for dredging at Ulalerich harbor. 'through his representations new postafices were eatablisln•d at several points in- the riding ; indeed. •be was always on the alert to advisee*. the interest* of his constituents. ifl etilry lestittmat. wet. 1Ve did not intend til refe - to these matte!.: but Mr. Lewis' peculiar eann- paaigu methods have .been tolerates' Lung..enfttg,4 and b. - heed -nut, *eject hat his attempts to hoodwiuk the lectors will in future he allowed, 1•. lass without comment. - The late member for \elft Huron, Mr. Lewis. hes issued it's address to the electors of West flttn h and more ineonsr.(u.•ntial thm• cut, as all atteutpt to oho* why he should le re- turned to Parliament. could hardly le- ituagiin,l. -Large laxliee n, u t slowly." he say'.. and No his -tit,' hills and two 1'e.olntionw whiel, he had Iw- fote the II:,us*. at the hist evasion hat ,• net yet been carried into . effect a There is. indeed. no leww to suppose ahei they '-ter will 1N•. nes n )-wilt of ,1I-. Lewis efforts, no mutter how Many terns he might spud in Parlia- ment. He,11ad a hill :u a pre%iea(IN set - Sion 111 fix a longi line for estate i *. in- land waters,: lett he had not * 11 nitgh esu or a•rat en tee res tit cr t Htl k t.. 6e p c it. and he did not ie. ea re-iutt'Udue, it at the sohs.vluent sessions. When a,,ill p fails t.,go through all the nec,•ttsau•y 10 ietages in any one session, it dies, and Si the author. if he atilt while,. it to I. tar enacted. must start afresh a1'Ihe next session. Mr. Lewis i. 1heretoti• no farther ahead with his "five hills and s1' two rewylitt i00*.' Ouse lir Ives at tin• in- beginning t beginning (of hast• 1ession. and at clipping,^. (ton, T the m,u,e rate of progresti they will Is• '1 he \Viughanl Adi in the sante erste in the year -ass,. s The Laurier limey: --. EDITORIAL Noss Laurier wins again. Let Gcderich give Robert 111.1111 syuan• deal. It 4. Linn. fees- a Vining!. in West Mortals representation at 1)tlawe. No 'art of corruption has been .'ha rived against any member of the Literal (uvremuent. 'l'he \Vulgham Advance still refuses to give its readers the facts in regard to the •Transc,lgtinental Railway prulwsiiion. Toronto Saturday Night. which rophr-ie,l. Premier \Vhitnet's sac- ro Qin ,lune, Hays thew is no doubt r Wilfrid Laurier will win in the etinn, this month. , If Mr. Lewis .Wants til b,; up a etch on the agtanomy hill, We can rnlsh hint with 'solar interesting (loderich Star and nrr. ,cut is slaunl 1Ve d1 it, knew that tuly1n'' Is ing by the 'armee. 1hille:Mt l' of Oe - mourning the failure 01.. M^, Lewis' whet the farmers will again ,haw • attempts at Irgiaal ion. If 1 here is their good sen, Lc gin ing t he Laurier anything i,r u,erit in any of his pro- Government n big majority. \ px*eils it will fa• taken up in due time • by some member who ha. the patience The 13,.Ierich Star disappt'ovo• of and the lwrw%rrnne,• t u s* ick t...3l 9 loin the increase 01 expenditure under tate un*iltt is tiniehesl. In Ihr mexutim,. Laurieru,.vrrntuent. N'01 'The Star. the Public is not. molt y'iug about Mr. tell 11s whet hems of expenditure Mr. Iw win' Iiltlr bills. Nor is it likely *bat Lewis objected 1.. during hi, r.,jlr Mr. Lewis himself ie very great Iy di.- years at Ilttown• i Appointed that racy hat,• not (wen E. N. Lewis has sllakell the walls ..f peained into Law. 11'-%t:tlesl 1111 1' oil. Pa11-I cut with hi. quotations h vertisr him.elt. and by Intrad1Wb,g 'IIP newspaper hies. No sunder he ''five bills and 1w1 resole' ilns” he got diwlainN to r down to etirh x small his attar 1111 the imamate of the Hens,.thing as addressing an ,audience of bine-ty1rk14 copies of which Ile ha8 \\'eat. Hnrnn rlrrtols ! sent Omelet t lit.• riding to show lion• a ynlr,u'h• Wnv pearstothink this will "uo' with the formed with five 10,aVvt4 and two small -- e1.'clot wItuwiTl:-Li" ..,;nidi- +►:•rf &hen, '1h;-- Lewis thinkthat hiR With his 1 84 ;1 great legislator ••111414 bills cud tau 10,40110 ions' should that he will g,•1 back to Parliament to satisfy the gwopl.• of Nest Hutson. drag his $2.511* a session and gull 1In- lilt this Is 1)111 the age 11f miracles. people of Nest. Huron for another — Thr Toronto News .ay. (hat the term of f yea,.. Mr. Lewis evi- dently leas s %cry tugs% notion of the tore'" have not been lightened ander io?*111 ace 11f tit, avrea the Liberal administration. Thiels, of gee geel•etor•, „arse•, 8n al,auluP 1f the lab member for '*% est fateel10*HI. The Ilnron had any serious id.nd that ,,, Is-y0at 01 'Nail rood Empire is hl danger of losing ads ertising himself. in bringing- for- its.pnsition I1. the champion prev:ari- ward his ••live hills and two r1wdo- "ttin• 1 .1111.l7 he %0111/4 hal,• taken Mr. Lewis believes that he has inl- Howe pains to at'.l uainr/ ria cotst3*u- prti*.w*l fhr world with his speeches on tints with the b•, nes .m1 purpose 114 his I be disarliling of Italians end Can- :ltte111ptcd Iegisla11.1,- H,• ham not do mike pulpwraal policy and yet he is this: on the contrary. h.• satisfies biro- afraid to meet Mr. Holmes on the l e•If with a bare refe•rene,• and some platform to discuss the lames affecting se•rappy newspaper clippings. Ate we West Huron ! to understand that Mr. Lewis himself. -, )-considers his "five hills and tan r.•s,dA- What farms will vote for higher Gone" are not worth arrinor 1 taxeson his clothing. his maehiner)'. tion or direwsion. or is it' that his wagon, and tither vehicles, hit, he think, the important suhjecta.. house furnishings, ,Ind almost every - with which they deal ,ne too difficult thong else he has to buy ? The policy for the *1nderstaaadulg of the electors or the Liberal peril is to reduce tarifa of Wee!. Huron? taxation is rapidly- as partible: the poliey of the Conservative party is to As s postscript — Whichhe would , increase! it for the bienefit'uf the pro - have its telie%e was an afterthought tested mnouffscturera. —Mr. Lewis appends to hie address Mr. R. L. Hnentat tbx Conservative thespfwe4owvParrRrapk4- leader•, was a, Liberal prior to 114111, P. S,-1 have assisted in procuring! whin he fir.* entered the House of twu,•harters for i-*Ioa%s. one from Commons. It is strange that a Lmeknow smolt 1hronxh Ibmon• the grntlenlan with such a hatred el cot• other the -4 naelian Northern. an air line fro,,1 31**,Ilt •n T1 (1ta1Pi'ieln. rltptnn should have joined the C. Haul it not ,wen for the tight money srr•tative party ;just at the time when market they would have tierh building the t'evelatien. of the gigantic hoo d- Iefore now. ling under the old Conservative Gov - This 14 a piece "Il"'"""'"' worthy eminent were fresh in nien's mind.. of the late member for West Huron. WP all rementber how he brought the Replying to the ,argument that the C. I'. R. to (ioderich ! The C. 1'. H. Conservative Government of Ontario promised twenty year, ago to h iild to had increased the !'rovincial expendl- this town, lilt en agreement with the tures much more rapidly than their G. T. It. not to build further 1lranc11 LilerhI predecessor. had done,. Tits hum In Ontario. It the G. T. R. would London Free Prase characterized the keep out of Western Canada, pre- lees Government ns a '•.tick -'n -the vented the carrying out or that mama- mode ciincern 1414(3 Itstertn of olflee,isa lee. When the Laurier Government ..mossback period." if The Free brought forward 1 he Grand Trunk p,.re„ will just apply these rem"erks to Pacify *•hems --which. by the way. the old Conservative regime ntOttawn Mr. Lewis opposed—the agreement it will Kaye a very good reply to it r was broken, The (i. T. R. announced own cry of bncrea4A expenditute Its intention to invade the Nest. and the against the C. P. R. imniediately derided to 1g lnuriat`(iovrrnment. build several Ontario blanches. 'n- Mi. Lewilt.ell* the electors of West "chiding the Guelph, & Goderich Ifo. Burnet that he had "five bills anta,two promised matey ve.n s before, Mr. *4iadutioni" before the House Teat sea• Lewis had some employment coaxing sioo, "and material for a number bonuses from the munl'ipalitlee Hong more." if Mr. Lewis were allowed to the line and Auylnt the,e1Jht of lay get hack to Ottawa to inflict more of for the U. P. H.—tbtst' We,. about the his scrap -book apeechss on Lbe H fuse. extent of hie pert in "bringing the U. Parliament would .bave a poet griev- e THE SIGNAL: GODERICH' ONTARIO FOSTER'S LAND DEAL. If the l'uwwrvative party ehuuld be returned t.l,power at this election the Minister of Finites, in whose hands would teat the dispxsal of the puhlic numrys, would Ile. George E. Foster. ' Mr. Foster. who un no Met oriel et Menet. charger other people with "graft," is himself * "grafter" of the first rank. This is not th,' opinion Merely of Liberals. We hate the slateulrnt of The 'rut • onto News, before that paper became the abject sheer of the ('on. s.•rvut4ve part and had Nome liberty to tell the truth, !fere is aha The News ...dal aab out Mr. Foster's land deal when the story waa5.b ought out under oath 1a•1'uie IIIc iueuruucr ruin-. Iuieeiou. I. -t'the elector, read it uud consider whether Mr. Foster and Itis frien.l, art; people to wl Canada's destinies may be safely entrusted. THE SYNDICATE OF THREE The disclosures in connection with the use of Union 'frust. Company (undo for speculation iu Western lauds are 1tertling in the extreme. 'THERE HAVE I '•:r:N SOME: EX(.'F:EOINIiLY DIRTY TRANSACTIONS (BROUGHT TO Lit, HT 13F: - FORE '1' H E INSI 'RA NCF: COMMISSION. IT IS A (l J':M}•- TION. HOWEVER, \\'N F:• THER ANYTHING MORE (3I(OM.S1,,V IMPROPER' If A 8 BEEN REVEALED THAN T4r�: a(:'ru t', Db Tim Tait1�ie: DIRECTORS OF THE UNION TR l'ST COMPANY. MESSRS. Mal ESSRS- Mal l 11.1.1 \'RAI", Fl►s'I'Ii11 A N I) WILSON. Rata,- H, e r%- ty- R .-i'ow1,71•, M. P., ii, Ben- nett, M. t'., and A. A. l.'flfrgey, 31. P., held :at option on :leautei acres of 1Vest•rn land, A syn- dicate composed of Col. 103111 A. Mt Gal... e) .14UpTem14 -;t rretary tit -the tndeptentent Older- or Foreetere • HON. GEO. E. FUH• TER, 11'ANAGINti 1)1RF:(ToR or THE UNION 'I'HI'S't' ('UM- 1'AN' . ttea 3laitt-hew. Nilson, K. 1'., the company's solicitor. all directors of the l'niou Trust Company, - arranged to tale liver Omar lands at $4.:s) an acre. Then this syndicate inter- ested the Union Trina Company in the lands. This was easily done,fot• tl es.• three men, with Ion. Sir ,John ifoyol, whoa they a pear to have deceived and u. as a tool. were a majority of the Union 'Crust director/at.. For the better handling of the lands, the Union Trust teally these t • hlter dirrcunn , I formed the Brett %Voest Land Cnmpuoy. . a subsidiary concern. Thr syndi- cate uf. three Tl' RN F:O TIf ESE LANI)i 1)V3-:it'fOTitI•:GREAT \VEs'I' LAND ('OMI'ANY AT AN Af)\'AN('E OF FIFTY CENTS AN ACRE, Olt A PRO- FIT OF $I*111,I11M1. Thu is, three directors of 1 he Trust Comps e'ldJauds to t he Trent 1'mite-any at is isase.nal profit. The formation er tit! lila it 1\'est land l'oty,xoy. to tetkr oy. r the!.,. lit MIN, 41111 the Intel. net. in w Inch .it % a. financed :lir int.•rr.ting. Ae has cents!. out in evidence, practically the whole - financial capital of the 131wtt Nest land ('1)ulp:any was in the shape of money loaned to it ht the Union Trust. Again nota.-.• the hand of t 1her d11ectors. A. IIireri 14 - of t it, Trn.t Cool" patny they made ae 1u,n1 of near- ly $I,IMMI,Ia.11 , the Greiat West Land (' pauv to take over their bunds, l'l0• Inion Trust had an opt' to take either stork nrseeeurit 14 I.H• its a(1vauu•r-. These the• men,lie . ililwcluu of the t'nion ' nat. wete.iU A posi- tion to de ids whether that company hold( P Y . 1 take stock or Inortgig.• sceulrity. The Trutt Company Pventuall(• took part stock in the Land Company and as ime?gage on the broill. Ar - cording to Mr. *•yen*i)tt'o eel - drum. Mr. \Vil.on suggested. a scheme whereby the 'flint Cont. patty well to Ie ,eliminated, and AL1. PROFITS Al'('1t1'E TO THE SAM(' THHI.1- OIR6l'• TOKY 'Chia -”efggestion whtte, 'hat-actel•ial ic, ha. alamt It a distinctly Hebraic flavor. To illn.!rate how smooth ale the workings of high finance, st-ttatrSmtu.tbe a •'k. at .if iii.: - 1nve3ti a '1 l h n 'lit g 1 1 ,?• :9'tlh of February, 11111.1, M.sst. hosier, Mcl3illiveay awl tonne)-)- the f Mer mein -het -4 of the land 'iij•n- dicate, wit wet. el.0 member. -or lit.• executive o utive i.r _th umiak -�TFli:ilT" , i•.iiielllul -il ton meet injr, of director, ul the `Great \1 est land Cu., ni which the .nl . tettotL to. the -share- tedo.•rs ryas adopted. 771en,• throe gentlemen wen• also tit.• only persons recorded as basing present at tlie .)r►.wting of the Nhuleholders, which adopted the report. The sante three genii. - filen. aceor(iing to the initiates, constitltted a meeting of dime - 1 ors irer."tors at -which a pt,ryosition cur a lea... WIWI draft with." It sounds the w, Y _ these there, \1'ils.tn, Mcliillit'ray and Foster. handled it. Th.- pae.ition in wlylrtl the Union Tinst was placed wee most , .•e• I 1 ariutts. This r tarot carried the whole ib.k. 11 nil-. v:n)a'rd all the looney. It .l.n,l I • wake no money. THE RAIN, IF ANY. \VAre 'rU Gu '11) THE 'I'111tEF: AI EN. Nil' TO THE 'I'llt'S'1' OUMPAN 1-, who... funds financed the deal. It, .the -Tee Ithatiott had nut pruyl•d a lucky one., who .4•1)11,3 h'at'e L•Iunr the hi.-: 'I'lle • ,;rasa Company cont,l only have le'et 1.'' 4.111101.4 14y he ib -,s444,41 le-... ..t Ito• direct ,n•. 'bis. .411111.e...1 plot, l ion 111, 111,4 of IIllV not Iw still'.•,, fi1. hot it sLouhl )1,•4e1 L.. nrer..nry ilk 1•11•114 111 1t for the safety ,.f Iret-I t,nlds, If the profit "t' $111111.4 sin had barn a Ili.. of v1411111,111111 then what '1'1 tell tin- bald trio 11, T111': WHOLE DEAL %1',AM NAs'I'1', UNDERHAND AND 1C.IIULLV- 3NEXI'3 SAIILE• Awl 1 he uu•wla rs oI tiro syilieat -, sahil, in Il,i. in -tau,. ge.sl luck ha pl. tailed lo.., 1)O N4T AI'I'F:AIt'I'U IIF. MEN WHOSE 'l'ENI): l'tEst lrr'rg11:U T(► flout 'I'It I's'1'EI•;sIi I P`, It NI Id be rr ul •miser •d that *hes is 1bat:ale lie fit of the case per. anted 1,y Mr. 11 illisl+n Allot of he T..11' 1'olou* , Ne•we, fresh frim, consideration of th • evidene under oath. .Incl IN•f lie Ihr exigen.-lies of ;in election campaign forced lamp. . I.tke up the work, of npologI ing for 11)81141. 118% 1heve31.1e1. ever been informed that Foster has eepruled ,and made rest'*111iun :' 1)01.14 MS. 1134 .i -Jet) loin lei, public p..if'rmis denIunee and ca Illyrian 1 - for his pasts in these Ileal-'? Hr does �e1ts (tet -tie emit a r, hrfearra if to I e: melee:anud 11*44 131* 141)14 .uireR4nerate F'ost a w1101e conduct hR1I been t bus deer, aped by t hr 'I'or•y Toronto News, 1uld, were he sue. ....slid, I ,•r a member of tifor(len's Tory Cabin t ! 1s it flu . sucb awn es Owes. that the honest pimple of Canada will be likely to exchange Sir %Vilftid Laurier ? To suggest such 4. thing is to insult popular intellig*•ncr, • ane against the rnnstitnency which , It is hardly fair, however, to char,artet- sent him there. The members caul , i the increased expenditure in the 1 read the papers for theluselveM, and the tient• of 1'artianlrnt should• not ile wasted in order that. Mr. lewii ;Rey unload his clippings on the House, Said The Star last week : "It is not neee.wary to remark that our eonlern- porary is paid for saying Hitch t hings' (ref.-rringto an article in the previone ieNue of The Signal). No. it in not necee- wary- for The Star to add to its already long record of falsehood. While it is on the-sa1hjees. however. The Star might tell a carious public upon what consideration, and udder what circum - Militia Department air a concession to militarism. It 1- rather u taken of (tauastiee ineteasing self-reliance, and of her d ares to reljeve the Alotber country lir urdens formerly Lorne by beer in our be f. 14y taking over the I military posts n�� ('aneda formerly maintained l' he Mother Country, and in other ways *inning the obli- gation of self•derenci., the Canadian Government huts, indeett,, increased its military expenditure ; butho one ser• iously contends that the money has I been spent without careful regard to imp (,'anulis position in the imperial `lane - Government are In desperate strait.. The !maim' Free Freer abed* eruct)- dile teats over the late lamented J Israel Tarte. ' 1Vhile be wax a memller, of the Literal Government The Free Prete could think of nothing 100 had to may about haul. Now it wly$'•'1'arte. was an htulret 111811. lie wee a great Canadian," and 110 on. (fgly, the Miter day we were reading inaCunw'rtative paper was. it 'Cho- Plies. I'1%ees?-• shotit the wicked rxtt'avagance of the Lite ' elul Umerunlent 'iu spending on a wharf at St. ,low•ph. It was the let, Mr. 'Parte who, a.. Miuiet.•r of Public 11'ot'ks, was perwyrtally respon- sible for this expenditure. After he left the (lour cut. the appt'upria• tions were di.eontinued• If the Op - potation preee would as take Mµ)11• Hort, of show oT cunsietency it (night have Nome influence with intelligent ieople, The Canadian CJhurchman, the orget* of the Chfttch of England, .peaking editorially of the recent tercetleuary celebration at Quebec. has these word. which are well worth tooting : "To speak frankly, a8 disliuctly re- member the time when the accession of a 'Freuch-Canadian to polities,/ Ieaderehip would have pi''h*hI' hope- IeaHl) diNrppted his party on the racial issue. N'e May 3*. treading on •o111r- whit dangerous ground, but we feel sure that our t*titlitrii will n11 1111.un- 1101%4►0d WI when we say that the ad- vent of the plesrut Premier to utile.. was in our )-s ped a•most fortunate occurrence. in th101. haggle„_.natr&ted ritaa}- eraeHi hoc xtatotnte ppootot teal equality of the Iwo wee, finally ban - SITUATIONS... with leading bu,eiiwv.,, ixytue•,1 aw,lit our graduates. LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER and all modern afire meth• .ds which ensure rapid ad- vancement. GREGG SHORTHAND taught by the only leacher in Ontario who attenderlethe Author's school. MIME COURSES. - stenography 'Contulreinl, Tele1t'aphy, Enter any slay. Write nor f>r\puutie Mars. I' %I,I. TE1111 FROM .41P'1'. 1.t GODEtIaI DUSINESS COLLEGE (31:4. SI'OV1UN, flus. n tt.. ' T3a1��7 Alma Ladies College ST. THOMAS - - ONTARIO Pith year ! " A leading Canadian allege." F:ndottment allows es- ceptionally reasonable rates. A tull year's tuition with bound, �� room and laundry (: For crulegr, add,,:e .. /he Kriels,. 2 and opera,,! 68 Increase your Salary ! Proper prepatation doe. .! Atta,d �E/LL�I/OTT�T' (// 7/� TORONTO, ONT. Ae„* Ihr Ii,,, to 1,1 1111111•114-1. i. *11.01 \ I%V. 0114. Iutelml and u, r .)-'dent. (rny,mt..r i,,,.,,,.• . i<wl 11,1. , once., w i1b;n one yrs)-. 11'11.5 I' 1)Ul.S . N ui bii,y l.r %%0011 sot I•f1 It. not fling I -r -hnld -.aisle . n,, 1 .11.1. 1111AU1 A xES IU:AUI1,1' SEI•1'111.: gMI'L*V•]lE\`e. % rite for 1'atul/gar. W. J. ELt-IOTT, Principal. ,r Yong! and A le xamtvi St. 11 1e1111 Th atan-es. it changed its Iniad concern- i'.'. ing E. N. Lewis as I.,,,i sed in its The ediLoriadcotu)unsotl'be l.oal.nt islet,. of May -S, liana. anti re,rithal to support hint in his attempt to get hack rive I'ress give n fair example of the to Parliament. In twelve years the Liberal Govern- ment hgg dispersed of n, (;til square miles of timber lands„in every cam. by public conpetil' to the highest ',hi- der. In their eighteen years of tempt the Con/serealteen granted square miles of timber landie, (1f which 21,1X$* square utiles were absolutely given away. In one year, Peet, In,:r.13 R1pn,ue I1)i1e1 were divided among Con- Berl at i VP Senators, nl.ntlers oT Partin- mentor, detente.' detente.' candidates and other friends of the Oon1ervstive party- aI free gift. I)o you want the Conserve - tines in power again. Mr. Elector ? The Turunto New. .seems to think there is..i,u►e deep signlfl.wnee in the fnrt thnt tethered candidate. hit.e not been nnmtnnte•d in nit the Toronto constituencies. The News is welcnne Io all the r fort it can get (Mtn the fart, but it may be watered that the Liberal. outside of Toronto ,Ire not worrying at all about it. Nine tarn)-. out of ten Toronto''* out of touch With the test of the. country, and if it ha, made up ata mind to remain Tory under any and all circunlstltnces (hitt is its own misfortune. Only it rank party organ like The New,. would re- joice oyer il• however. The Signal is not in favor of cultic - eating the military {ilea In Canada kind of campaign to which the Oppoei. tion is reduced in the present contest. Not a line of serious argument 011 any question o1 public psiliey, not a erred of appe;il t11 the intelligence of its 1 rradrn: hot day after day its eetlitor- III page is n veritable• hogwaiuh or Yam endive ;slyer, false insinuation, nds)•epresenlat km and detraction, and I he most reekleis appeals to pr.•jmlice, What it hopes to accomplish among decent people by this stale of mu - laden is past comprehension. Hut, es we have said, it is only a sample of what is coming ito11, the Uprosition press and platform in all directions. Verily the opl,unents of the pre.Pnt' i e First QUALITY, STYLE AND PRICE are 111e three great (adore which have combined to stake this timpani tttt ably the lest store for Ladies. The character of the garlueute it fully tip to for highest et and:u•t3 of ex elleuce, l'he quality is.. evident in !very detaWI of style, fit and tailoring. The great variety wr now show 'nuke as Fashion Display that's well worth seeing. Values and Prices on Ladies' and Misses' High-class Fall and Winter Garments, Mantles and Fine Furs A visit of itiepee1 ' will Is, appreciated. ,You will not he 111'g, -d to buy. \1•r ',Maple tt•a1111 y011 t1) bee the gal'mellte. JOHN STEAD, Guderich Ladies' Wear, West Street 1 Fall Suits and Overcoats HIGH ORDER, EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. The L'etltel. 'that 3(10 selling for hall Suits are Fancy Worsteds cult Blue Berges. Our stock of these was personally selected frulu the wholesale- woollen houses,- •Lnll made up to our special order, ,in first-class style. By adopting this plan we can 'lo (leter for you than in any other way. Fancy Worsted Suits you -pay:the tailor $20.0(1 : our price $15.00. Fine Imported Blue Worsteds—traitor's $22.00: our price $ 10,00. Made to your measure for *1,00 extra. Overcoats • The (lest ever, more style, better cloth and right prices.' '(Atll and see our immense stock, WE SELL Staiield's Unshrinkable Underwear. The Peabody Overalls. gig and Fitwell flats. WALTER C. PRID1IAM fishing 1 he bogey of F,. nch ion, which :1 gener.tion ago. :11 :.11 e%e•n,s, hauul•,I tit,• irua in:,ll..,r ,.t the item 'age 3-.,.0i-3, -i1•..linY. ...•t. fah:NAaer i dt ie:d -, s its% N"iv % know !lot 1 1'1 •i 1, nI ler ••1111 la• a. • I. u,.c 1.1y 1oy d, 1 . 11 Ifrit(1..441, :11,.1 to (mtr•1i.1 ---1.t1111•, a• :',.) 1',1•1)111.11tAug'. ea Ci 11 rxtl•aet1..1L e 1 1 i Granby Rubbers the best -looking nd the best -wearing Rubbers on the market. GRANBY RUBB wear like iron. SOLD ONLY Often means so murk. It has meant. steeps 111 thousands of young people who wrote for our eatalogue es the first step toward a good salaried position. Take the step to -day. Ad- dress Central Business ('ollege, afti Yonge Street, Toronto. W. 11. SHAW, President. OM Attend the Best! CEiiTRAL COLD WEATHER NEEDS � 1Vr' tm�e a cllm ttet. �oU'IjOME TifEl�su� •tack ..r I STOVES -:-- and - RANGES Every one gnaal•an- t!ed'to he -- - Perfect Bakers, Heaters and ~48sel•3syerr- . . • Gut ' guarantee ifl al fact —nut as bluff. • We well for rash or payments, and we take your, 11141 sGevr as part pa v. Special bargains in Second-hand Stoves and Furnaces. STRATFORD. ONT. is recognized as the LARGEST HEM•)- and al ORT Sl"('1'EMS F'1” practteal training Ncheal in Western Ontario. Tltree departments. COMMilRCIAL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHIC. Our graduates $ecnt'e goad posi- tions and forge to the front. Write far our free catalogue you will find it interesting. 1'nu nese, enter et any time. ELLIOTT R McLACHLAN, PMne(taals. FALL HATS Don One of our new smart shapes for fall. We have the goods to suit your fancy, fit your head and accommodate your purse. FRANK H: MARTIN THE TAILOR AND FURNISHER Gloves 6c Mitts All kinds at 1*k• per jolt up. Apple Parers i:N. )-)1ebs raring Knives 101 Stove Pipes 9-, lb, I'l.jc and la. l'ugth.. Eloows, Dampers, etc. We sell repairs for every make of Stove, Range or Furnace. STOVE CEMENT, MICA, BOARDS, MATS POLISH. VARNISH, BRUSHES, AL- UMINUM, STOVE PIPE , VARNISH. WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY. NAILS, TAR PAPER. HINGES, LATCHES, LOCKS and ROPE. Special bargains in CATTLE CHAINS. EVERYTHING IN Hardware, Stoves, Plumbing, Electric Wirieg and Fixtures OHEAPEBT AT WORSELLS' CHEAP HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE. ilmonmenomm • i 1 1