HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-10-8, Page 1NEW SUBSCRIBERSS Can get The Signal from to est January, 191o, for $1.00 Send along your name and address with cash to • The Signal SIXTY YIN= YgAR-No. MIS ,NEW SUBSCRIBERS should send in their names and addresses at once. FROM NOW TO tat JANUARY. 4910, FOR $1.00 ANYWHERE IN CAN- ADAOR THE BRITISH ISLES. 11 Address The Signal LI -11 GODERICIC-ONTARIO. CANADA : OCTOBER s 1908 VANATTEIR ft ROBICRTttoN, Peawxw Ylnanclal. ONE DOLLAR starlit a savings aecounL Little by little suwll sums are dot posited in the Btpnk, and in an incredibly short time the ewneresiebe a000unt finds that his money haw increased in almost magical fashion, repaying him many times over for the small "privations" he may have undergone in order to. provide for the proverbial "ntiny day." FOUR per oent, interest paid on deposits anti money oan b* e withdrawn at any time. THE STANDARD LOAN tOMPANY Office, Corner North Street_and- Sq-uace„,r- W. L. HORTON, NIANAGEK. LOCAL TOPICS. l Business College Notes.. - Miss Lila Cameron, of town. en- rolled last Monday in the shortbaud sod typewriting "Ourslr'tit the (lode- ri.tbBusiueset salinge..... Mr. $potton visited this college ober Friday 4.f last week while on his wily, home front visits with his other schools. lis C. I. Trustees. The 1'egalar monthly meeting of the Collegiate Institute trustees was held last Thursday. It was dea:ieded to set ,bide $Lift for wlding to the stock of drewIeg axudels. -The- following Mende of examination fees were authorized: Frank Foster, 112; Mies Jean Johnston, *2; Miss Lottie Robertson. $I ; and 114 was pouted to -•044+.. Rehere.n,,n fur two day? teach- ing. A IIUUIIWt• of - aceounl. were pawned. Ile• holiest being tt: M. Hendry Co.. desks,. 4142.10. wrw^►..-Liberal ROW*. ti Lost or Found rum) ON '1'111•; 4T11 INSTANT` Pr la,. batwing' tktnl.tl i' ,. ,1e nhd Martin • lane. r bracelet with a heart (initialled "A. .l. deemteicrincre`1w..--w.t-'tttt'ouv, mttnr (lands. (tatter rib tram same by calling rt THIC-4161 Al, ranee ant paying •'4).t of thin advertisement. Tit -Bent I1(1 RRNT.-TWOIO-NI%EI1 and hI'IIthl rooms, everrling think• .Anne entrance to to Mr. I111W umce..unable fur Irewm.ktng. dIn.nra,ce omit-. etc. k.'>' at MIt. M1 :S gra 't y store Seal Estate • r Dale. OUSE ANI '1' '4) LOTS Folt sale nee r Algrrrien tarsi Park. Apply to uH.N ]1 Kyy_ :F. 1'w the WLutir+s- RSALE t)1 '14) LET. (lOM- -ORTAIILK h' .c with modern conom Oen. er(r nli*11y • ward. Apply to J. U. HAW 'IN8, St. rick -`t. /1111)1 4 -' RN P0l1 Sin: IN i ' TUC - LTH- The- enderdirrtet of ret* for sole 1 nuc form, being lot, mince,.ion 3, It. I . The farm contain len ,erre.. J 114 acro. el- . and L. It high .tab, of cultil., tion : l0 at. ogued haul'nod bush : never failiug.,p,'1g : 7' •1'c. of gaol or•hant. There_ is 011 1J1 wends( a good brick hon-,' 1'n latae t with .to • -tatting/. large -had mel rtin drivll - house. Flee unit, from i.'Ilo or S,a0,rth : , . 1% erlieht TO ohute1, ., . I 1cb' Will be ..0111 or -y term4. Apply ue (he Piece. or to the u ser at 749 South street. erich, Ont. %V 4'. L (NOSINHtODUH. OUSE FOR SALE OR • RENT.- - Two-story house, meta r roof. eleven roma., water motel:, and do 'u. bathroom., hard rid son water, thr.e-roonl. - Ilar : Part - of MD 7tel ofd Ph 044 14ro,a1 1 , 'o feet frontage. Stable..Med any Maury ouse. For terns and ``iarticulnn apply on they berm WM. KI1.PATHI('K. 4 4f . OR SALE. THREE l)h;S111A LI' proper' tee un East .4 net wild One no x Piano. Apply to J. E. 141: Y I xi t X L1013 MALE OR TO RENT. -- A 1,004 4 Wo -story frame house, rwitelnlng tour ta+drouut,. front and latek srlor. dining. roon hen, kitchen, pantry, stone cellar, together with ono -m yartrr o an acre of land, more or leal. }here i., [mod hard and sun water on the remlorn and severs] Road fruit Iroe... else ae.{-1nuw+taLtr: two w-eam being in a good state: of repair. Apply to I'lt(lCt). 1-VoT. ftAY'8 k Ht.Adit-or-14, 4TOHBAR1'. Beet St. LOR SALK OR RENT. -- T di E property known to "The St. Lawrenci," on • entreat street, (.ioderich. - The house i. a large -and eommodlolls one and 14 especially well located either for a private I-sldenee or for a hoarding noose. AR modern Meen- loner.: a tient-clan. opportunity. I'osse••.ion can be given October 14. Apply, to Mita. l'. -BECK. Underic 1. . _ _. - - " *4-tt LJIARM FOR MALE. -PART OF 1.7 Week I) bike road rapt, Colborne town• ship, two miles from liodetich. Ida scree, good clay lam, brick hour••, barn a 1 117, with cement stabling. rifleman well, water in build Ing. and spring creek. L *erne standing timber andoung orchard. Apply to/'. C. McNK11,, Dunlop P.O. Ibtf YOUNG & ROBERTSON, REAi. 1 Notate Agent«. tinders -h. Ont. -Farm and town proportion bought. sold and eichanged. -L1ARM FOR SALE. - A FIRST - •S: CLASH Ain -acre farm in Weed Wawa - meth. eo'neeo,4ou 5, lot 27, myth 175 erred in a -Reed mato of eu4t4vatAen, -wall-fe4ieed,--wad watered,gooded, laMebankbarn. R hoose. ooMee, bttrmillishop and wa mturnerof farm. Convenient to senors' mrd church. 34 miles from l'. 1'. station at ,auburn. Tense easy. W. A. HARRISON, Lurk new. Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE. - A NINE roomed frame dwelling, having a god .dtuanon, on Keays etreet. Stone foundation and Kummer kitchen, good stable. Will be -old tesaonablp.For further particular. mad* to MRS. W1t. Mol'AUGHAN, 41 Davies ave., Toronto. 59-4 f ATTEND BRITISH AMERICAN B(SIN4S8 4'01,1,1{0E V. M. 9 A,-Hula'alnw,-Toeoeto.for 4ha i' hod In best, all mitten and the re41114a butane.. and shorthand Lnlning. Enter any time. Catalogue tree. T. M. WATMON, I'rinclpat 41/4 N T1I11 STERLING BANK OF CANADA HMO Byrum Townes a11TROa1r.RD CAPITA!, • hit , INCORPORATED BY 141'4'('I.1i, Al'r OF ix)MINION PARLIAMENTTO RECEIVE DEPOSITS To accommodate the harmers we have opened Branches in the villages of DUNGANNON, AUBURN, VARNA and BAYFIELD. We solicit the Patronage of the `FARMER. OPALS 104844 D!4COUNTRD, RAViNGS BANK ACCOUNT depsit opened hy oof 41"interest at :17, compound- ed quarterly. 4 11 th.RICH BRANCH 1 GODERICH MARKETS. The Lilerid 4om11.ioist routes. over the StlI lthtrd Loan Co.'s office. North sweet, are open every evening, and on Tm+llrua v, October at h. two e4entn414 each week. Tileeslay ate! fist• shaat._+er-4..44 ,-.so-so-..,Jill-rl:le 44u.a2... T ili"lda,T4_L kerne-i& l.m - Ise a rpw•ial lF 11411 where:,Jan• bush. u a; to 4 Y• Pithy', with speeches and IUU.ir. On StackJ fitted. per bush - 0 s. to .0 'u r; Thursday evening fast M.11. U4wero41. Huckwhnut, (jots, par Uuab., a :at to P 31 K,' U.., gave 41 brief address, and i,4) Pegs. per bush ' n Ki to 0 el Harley. per Lush 0 .i) to 0 :'tl r•c!'ee4UUNte. I4clmu_-._...-IS W l4)- IA W Floor, family, per 4, WL : lit to 2 el Flour, patens, per 0W6 1'rr on Shore, per lel 3 US/ S to 3 a; 211U.l0 2U W 24 MI to 21W yn: .*w to es0 lama.LLrPerto4.11'(1 a OnI.O 6(41 Rutter, per Ib 11 91 to a 24 Che11..•, Per Ib . 0 l to 013 440,, fresh; per dor , 0d0 to 0 Iv I'utateen, new ..... . ..:..... • :ii to :n On Friday last eor•w'w lea.' brought cattle, ordiu'y le good. Isar cwt. 3;N to ((1I 141 leu h . 011 (i/Nleril•I1 by th' Cattle, extort. per cwt..... s tit to 323, drrlth.r( pirate ,ones who fin -only a few Hoge. live weight, port cel.... n; 1114 013 Laub. I m to 426 months had been lent w brighten Sheep, per 4104 ,r a w to Syr them. One a. Ihr (1444th oil He11•n Hmu..perl per lb l:.to' 4)l: Isabel, the idle se..ven•m.11hs-old Haran. Per IA 0 1.5 to 14) per 4b._,,,,., ;;,nisi--4bw.-__is duughtel_t,LM ._and Nine,1Y.I{-,Pi41- Tatlow. ter :JI _.. N to 0 Oi Irr aw1 the o 1 r the death, of lit t I.• Hides, per cwt Shite{ki• 6.nato0a.•Mona (Meerr, infant' •duughtri• of Mr. Chickens _r.- . to to h/ P. to 10 and Mils. D. C. Reid. ageet j1t e -months, Tarkey. : ..: .. t: ta- _'t(' Ttle"fri r• u w salt }las0- 011 Saturday aWinn:de markets on Page 5.1_ afternxoi. Res .Jas. •A. Auder.wr''en- duet ing the art, ire for Ihr former and Rev. M. Tul,d,ull 1 he servi,c for t he far 1st. Much syngn►thc i, telt with the ssernwinv one.. i'uesday reedier - of this week 11'. I'n0udf, Nd-, M. i'. P.r _ yid ex. Stun dens spoke to it lame and enthusiast ie gathering. Everylxxly interested in theLI -1 seal clAltu• iw invit(ld to spend t111• evening at the r>uuwm art often a possible during the campaign. Infant Deaths. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office ' by Monday noon to censure 'insertion in issue of same week. 1)11:1)10(11(1) BLOCK BARBERMHOP. • This, welt known and popular .tepid utters ifs yr•m141 the be.t ,ervior 444 shaving, hair -rutting. ria, .n•. Ladies' 4anipooing peulrtlty. Shay killed holds ctuPloyed. our patronage will be ap4nr4a1o1. H. N. H4'IHEIt, Proprietor. . .Vacant - A (1E..( ,RAL 8Kii• i---VANT to taoo--ae-jilt-U, 141 Appy JO Mits. T: 11. Il0Kt'rl )N. fl11sACHER WANTED, IeOR 1 school section No. u, Ashfield : dudes to imminence the 3rd of January, (1541. Applyle M. ',ANNAN. Sec,'l'reaw, lanes -J(1., I ten t'oualy. 13,11 /VAN' ii for Man; best Wanted ELL -FC KNISH ED Ho('SE deter near square, by bunnies. ereoce. Apply BOX 4141iodirich. G. T. R. Officials Here. - Superintendent Gillen. General Transportation Manger Brownlee; Hnp•rurxndenl Mitchell of roads and bridges, and Roa641edter Ferguson of the Cr. T. It.. were in town yesterday for a short time, leav- ing OQ the - 2:40 p. w.. train. in the private car Algonquin. Pro- bably one reason of their visit is the itnprnvements being made in' the lav- ing of -heavy-at,wi-ae.l the "ropiest. 114008 to t1'; made near Hnitnesville in the grade. It is propxs•d t4. 11r4k. a grade d -bat will - allow - of twenty loaded cars being taken from the *14(11omM' one engin... The (',)nstrur- tion of the n.•w tut:debit• here and the improvement- 10 the round', house are *len progressing. . Again the Limerick. ' , 'e let wi44141111 and wealth Al. a isn,nd.- This is U4) Aloe which., is wet th 4.141(f Tri paid-up shows 7d lin• Elk kit Mining & Prospecting Cent - pant:, to :11's. Turnbull of Ht. (i. rge's rectory. Ii,Ni.•rich. T11i44 'or Sale • 1- not the first time Mrs. Tut•nhuls has _ been successful in a Li,In•riek romp-ti- >J•J X(.'ELLENT . RIVER FOR RALE. lion, and this tittle .elle gets the first JIB - Manlrie'w, ma 11'00 years, tett p Ws -Tier inunne-saw , cnms , to the owner no further toe. .'ulburnestable.. :odf e. lof those Who. I,aVi• beet awarded rich. Friday and Sate LIOR SALE CHEA' -ONE 000 117` ,veered surrey. one ph rubber Urea, ee•tved from each province or country, me covered balmy, one cutter. Thorn vehicles irt1ap•li17e of 111. Itill'its. 441 t hare been left with it. to sennd are FOe ood „ pi,lr.,,.••• •}u• {f»lierirk-. a.-C.mt- Trichstrgains. O(NHRy PR(ht.' f. d:RY. lTode- .. _ f 4 l,*,.. with, p• alloltd l i • jlv"st t. n ir•pli«s i,•. Notice. ie that a vent will be held. purnuant tn I ontarto Voter.' Lest, Art. hy HI. Honor th Judge of t he Count y 'ourt of t he Count y of Huron, at. the court house in (Joderich. on Tneaday, the :41th day of October, 14444, at 10 'clock in the forenoen. le hear and determine the 'avers' complaints °terrors and- Mitioion. in the %Viers' ihrt of Um municipality of Oode- ich for has Dated at blederich this •.tt h (ley of September. 19141. W. A. Miwtm. clerk of Godwin. NtYrICE TO 1:000 OWNERS. The. time for paying dog tax ha. been ex- tended to October Ott,. Any dog nor Red by that date will be killed or the owner lty order of council. VOTICE TO IN VESTOIIS.-TH MteelitOrti of the estate of the -11.Te licorice Acheson have decided to offer the whole odate for sale. The property moist,' of real estate. debentures. bonds end Work. Parties wishing to Imo.? in ^nye( the above peupertiaa you get full particulars on as non to the ezenttors. mks. ELLA c. ACHY/MON. Goderich. Dee. 5th 1407. ph•teMil. urnbull ie as follows : Of all the groat Mine. ever found The "Elk" with its wean h under ground Invitee one and all • To answer its call The regul sr meet ing the W. C. T. U. was held on Sept etnher 2Sth. After utine business had been dealt with eral. interesting. reports' from of Work wereTaken up, among tat of II..wet• mimsions. The intent of this wm k, stated that she ad made 221 sick calls, dis- tributed 11 hoot; tier" *he, elothin and de -React such as an, fruit for theta The superintendent of jail work n steed the numb* of .pritioners as ha ng deereased to the small number o 114 e at prement. Everything kep good order, both jailer and turn doing their din y faithfully. Aft calling- for volunteer delegates to at .nd the con- vention to he held in motels, 0.•• tither nth and 7th. the 111 'Ong ad - canoe Club Minstrels se sit men them imperitt -----Austion Salsa MORTGAGE SALE In a cat rotor.. shirh will be produced hy virtue of 11in power. contained et the time of sale, thew will he offered for sale et .publie ;suet toe by The.. Gundry. site. !tomer. at Mulholland • black.mitri shop, the village of the eounty of tenon, on Monday. the 124h day of October. It'd, at 26(1°04, p. in., the following property, namely : lot number forty Int on the Meitland eon- eesslon of the lown.hht of lietlerich, in the ;mint y of Huron, tont inning sisty•tinie acres of lend more or lew. within one mile of ilolmesville, will he offered subject 10 reserved hid'. Trees 14A1.1c Ten per cent. of I he per. ehipm looney al the lime of eat, atul the hal 1101.11 ill 11,1rty days. For further particular. apply to either of the Dated this 18th day of September. A. 14. 1-110744a Air NUM.. OARIVOW, Auctioneer. vendee' Solicitors. DOMINION • Haying ieasad the Irontinien Carriage work... Newgate Mt reel, Iformerly conducted bir.John A. Welker), I ant weltered to eznevile n11 order. tor REPAIRS on PAINTING 10 A• ll wOrk done hy experienced and *killed workmen, and good Job guaranteed every RUBBER TIRES 'isolated on all kinds of wheeled riga. Walker Okl Stand.) Newgate St.. Godeticb. The- Mettreetutrsr entered with enthusiasm upon winter terni. At the regnlar month meeting of the nub 1111 M0111ifty wen, prest•nt: and atter the Inninisenif Lumber Fartsser. antl Miters Wanting lumber, ;atingle- or ondar '11411. 011!1* de- li" ere') for them on the eon ..... Triel dock, front tit wnrehoiew. where te.itte. 1101 hod son At to the tindentigneti. and endowed "Tender for Rondean Breakwater. and Dredging." will be received et this Mlle* moil 4.3o it. tn. on Fri. day. October ;111,. Poe, for the construction of a breakwater. and dredging at Itontleoti. Rent neat ion to he .een at the offices nf J. 1.. sing. P4444.,_ Iteddent Engineer, Confederation It le Mudding. Toronto, 11. J. Lamb, Reaktent wet ncynter at Itoodestr, Ont. awl at the 1/e. part relent of Poilolle Wink., Infamy. , Tenders n.1111101 he connidereot 11111en. merle on the :alined form or:rolled. and 4igned With the act mil 4hynal tire. Of tenderer. armepted cheque on It • Watered roans, payable to the order of the Ilentorettle the Min dor. The rMerisse vr111 he forfeited If the per. .on tendering r eeline the rOntrarl. or frill to complete tint work cent meted for, and will he returned in ease of non.aceetetinee of tender. The 11epert mein done not Mud itself to ae rent I he lowest or any tender. Hy order, NAI'. T/041M111Cli. Department of Public %Vorks, nnt he pall for this adeet. tisement if they Mont it wItheut authority from the I/apartment. the evening had lawn trans:u•t4st all The invemligalions were 81u'tl•d by sat ' down to a, splendid . slggwr P. C. 1.. Harris, humane inspector 0 plrpttsvl by tine house emend; tee. It Wellington Bounty, but he genii. ulwn Won 11111 misty *lin tiled al this an ohm i. le when he 1 1 that the meeting to put on another tninetret girt against whorl .the offence hat show. and a manager and a Managing brew committed hved in a little vil- e 'Mitre were 4ygslinletl. Work on page on Ih.• ho tttttI 1',y- line het ween 4 Ile the protbeftiuu has Already been ,•)1ltItjrt; of Wellington 4141(1 Boum. yitrlay. 'ting, when Rev. J. W. lir+tltam, 7)I).. general rrcrrtary of in a week. At plesout itis the intention as j s'l'he }lryal.l. -4 hat be wrote Lo plus 4..h,..,Hinn. pr,,,,,ftel I he Odin", ul''the• of the omuwitter to bring on theehuw Crown "Attorney of Huron euunty, r,11Catt)Ilal int.•tewlyJ,1'Cho bfaht*list early in Uecemlwr. but .4t whatever who was Intuit courteous in him treat- ,•Murch in Cana.la, Th.. lriv(ha114 Kaye time it is produced tlx' public way 1Ie11t id the illtl•'er (4'4)4m the neighbor-- ,til ,•laluiart and in fur -10111g a(1dr.t$a, batk foretold to a gi ander and more ing euunty. The Crown Attorney and the result Wee shown in -a cousid- spectacular I*'rfia'l. LU 4',• 1114111 eVel'1•.a' had the matter taken tap very strelli. .1.41111.' 411 tr'r.Nt 1,1 4l,. gi %log', of the the ('tome (lull Mfn.11.•k. oumly by the count P14iee of Hurue. io,1'4)n 44t1e4.•v1,t•ii1S0Ungfufr iI.l1,lil('41h44(w41u11s0tw4 kfo 11i1ii Phete(ifse ' aq .t.la111tic and they ninon had Merman 4(11'. -tie 1irt>1'i►e6etellM. wln -IrurIru. tu►titr.t. wnlatit 1jIwTe . a jttdgr erurltyLhiiiking to the School Sorted. e•hlxl 1,0*111 W1is h4' d on M0nl ay ta.w's funnily to imprison hila for any 701. i ' 11'. Sunday Cluh ,if Math' h' evening hast, Meseta Messes. Acheson, l,h••• 4(410 (since t e w,is their main mop- ''._!."""1".g. 1 (4 L 3Krthaalhu church.,hen! au wisp", Cute, 11,x4 ens, A eLean, Platt. Same Anus 14• last Sunday- 'rhe real!, K i !wort l imp,aed up o,. him 4 44ery. bra\ y was lar . dors awl Tait The aes.wna..•'. atilt- Miw "irlal4l ''11'#"llxtt r-fwl•ttiahLet✓ ltereseal And air. were rntereain41 .,,n.1 h • p 4)1. The 4114j.et for next Stood:It is "POay.r to farmer r „ Relation to Business." The ,discussion will Im•. ,gw•netl by A. M. ibilieeteset. >11 .fi u.:.as ..v.■o .:.. m.1' !, •lxtctna jl A ..Any mats •: . t a )'m''-n't'TIfCi.. The autnlill hu1•4ea 1hank1giving sor%lees in conue.tio11 with St. lieorge'xt'hur'h tier', held last S(ut- day morning and t' • 1,itlg, The. .-- ChltrCll wia decmrntt'{ with ` grains- OGAL T.JP k.$ IN ORIEF. etc., and lar b' theeNc41m' At the evening service 1t id never tooUse to award Ow N.luder:r Reg. Blaekstone 41414 e a cornet solo, may return to fridmun ln,.T•u1ui. - "The '1.t .i t'horl, ' (hiring the taking member of 1he class, the pima '. 4un- ing of biotite Iwe111y•Ilt ' inemb•rs snd,frie'l11s, spent a t11M*,<N>H i•vl•ning 4'it.11 1111.01', gs11n•s aunt soriniI inter- l'OtlIN!.. -... _• _. 'there was a large eat e...•g'ttion at Mirth etrect Met hod 4.4 ehur,:b .last. started, and practices will continence "Mit Thr . ase aplxwletl to him so, mem ,hnwe.l 411,414l,42 paid du ing g&Nsl einstyiti.•s for his future good S.ytte,nIwr, $IL'i8.s; of this lasing for •behavior. 11e 14 a very well known llaIariee. Total payment.' for the year f d Huron count The Intel. up ((Ante have Iern'$.i,:sst.SI. The ne-alike way in whictr this lase hid. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -- Oct. 8th. PK* Hower.' Ktt•M..IMP. I . 1'. 1t'.... 11.'..........41 ..... e Totals.(4e►--i(etM ..** t1rm1twat4r--nelan- Mentof 1'ubli,- Work., ()teases :.... 1 Announcement F. J. I'ridhanl .. ... t some shit...Dreams eau,. IV tit. sir* 1 Ste New ILIA (Hove- 1). hiller ('o 3 Blanket. and Rubes -11. k. Kunz. Aubara2 l lowing l )(lobar Salo-I9a-tel.s Buook storeA told :Weather Need•-%Fersells', Hardware an.l store store, 2 1)rir et for Sale - I 'ulls,4.,q ••444J4., Y Hot Wat•4 nettle. tine ryrinaer;-F, J. 'Ali - land .. 2 lie(e,14.- r-liowlr-J 14, yeomen.- ' f tjtality'. Style ate'r1'ri.w Joint Stead 2 Bight Tann-IrarTs Wodgeos Prot $ The 1Mo-trot:en? store t•olel,xl'f1 Moore. 4 Auaainew.Iest--414a. Andrews 1 ('oder) 1tU .'4l hardware 4'e 3 i.,aa4t-->.w.ul..(1ala. .. -- - •- I4rl\nby {toll•,. I .e.,. M. Eliot 1 3 1.i11i•hrl 5leetimg. .. 8 Full and N'Utter style. l,, Millinery-Iklse 'marten •, R ('*0141ng1'wuforl fur Mn, - McLesII BV 7 epi, a .laws• ....... .... 1 'Leading Notice .('awerun 1 Moore 1 ('Wnturt 144 t ul.l Weather 4: e4).•Johhaten ..; 7 r;, 'yearn' 1 ,44• s'an an , verge'' for P. 4'. L. Berrie, and the manner 044 which I lie eltendet• was dealt with speak.. volumes . for the eitet•get ie County Crown Attorney of Huron 40101 4 ." attenden -e for the month of '_'1 Ix»'s and '211 41iele.. A cirenlur f • the• 1.1i1i.ter of Education 4,44''' the 1u1 - T H E et T. National debt is 4878 $t4o,36z,o69 1' 1896 '258,497,432 Increase in etthteen years under Conservatives, $ i 18,135,3153 An average uurease of about $6,- 500,00,1 per annum. National debt in 1896 4258,497,432 1908 277.960.859 Increase ,n twelve years under Liberals 419,463.427 An average Inc:ease o{ a, little over $1.500000 per annum. Under the Liberals the debt per head of population has been re- d led from $5o a2 to $40.50. a ',wing -tire nto, ,41s ;apin111Onl,d Irmo the-lkgishulve go loot t4. the r d. lir schiNTTNiiud 1, ' (4,441.-ri,,l1i : Regu- lar grant., apportioned on impute' ion and average attendance, 4tl'l; .peeial giant mppNNi,;le(1 "11 the fv\sie of tile' leacher.: qualilie,at ion and length of suecrsaful expeliener. >j_'.ii, total $11:4. As Miss Kate %Vat.on hate taken n course •wtlifying her t.. trach nal114-4' 'study ill tile. 14'hmml, it woes decided to inures her salary by *23 per veer. Y. M. C. A. Organization. • A meeting of a4jrue of those who wee.• interested last season in the 1. M. t' A. t7tnh in tindertch was held test night loth.. Hayden's office, for 1lie-lrxepiear-,.f- brit -hue -Here woods organization for the coming winter. I.ast year the sub was hardly a 1N'aech of the Y. M. C. A. in strictness. inasmuch as a county sec- retary heal not yet horn apprint(Nl. Nnw. t 'ever. that Mr. Fleming f1('- «uptes that petitete urganlznfion is being etfwted. 31r. hieulieg was present last night and read over the 1' M. C. A. ....institution and it was car.•fully •onsidered. but it wail (1e- VW...A3te {9'nyr lip: iiltltwwt. (A et 1x,4111 of dire,t.ors over until next Monday night. when aaneeting of ,IH three interested in Y M. C. A. work and all who would care too beluule memfi..re of the (ioderi.h bratn•h of the Y. 11. ('. A. is called for Dr. Hayden u offlee at -N o'clock `for the ptIl p)arMeganIriUon. Octane, lyoplyls- Thr Victoria' street ,Methodist par- sonage want the scene of a couple of weddings (tire week. On Tuesday everting the teeter: Hee. R. -W. -Milt- vard. united in a life-long partnership Thomas Joseph Hoggerlh, Son of Ben- jamin Rogge.' 1 h, and Nit's Mary Jane 414100) Nicholson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Nicholson, all of town. The ceremony took place about 7 o'clock and bride arta groom were un- attended. Mr. Hoggarth is employed with the Doty Engine Works Co. and 1las a nice new hour' on the diny'fh•Id resod; whore. he and lits:-w•lII 11ulWAreir home. Last'iigl'tT Mnmferrmn, of the (irgan ('omp ny's staff, and Mrs. Taman, were writer! in nlatriage at the parsonage.- rhe erne taking place ,itnutt 8 o'clock. And ye-On:d ly {{e v. and Mee. :Halyard were at f,nck ow,'hers' 3Tr 3iillv:ud performed t11eatleremeny uniting alias h;m,u,•line 1{ohet't...m, 4I1,I hter..131r•. and Mss. Samuel Ro1N.,'tston, N, Frrd- .•rick .1x,,410 Lucas, of Toronto. This Was a church wedding, and took phew at. lo:all ,(,. M. ' Commission. Wants Reasons. After the notion nl theo,Kf( con41eil last Er l.rv- xip(ht Mei airs ids to -.1,M• talk question of the 111N4htion of Ib.'• (1'414.•1' autl ii}Fl4t...+uuui_aio4)e N44)4_444844, - 1114411 w'. t(1rn t III IIA• tutswe'i• of the «u11un1 .011)1 wn1111I 4N• stingily 1'.Iglinl 11.4). lilIWOvei-, it hits mol 1.414 14' 11. 'kat yet. '14)4010041 M test,;- - etest...li'p...rd Iv Mur 10 i;4) ahead, with 1he idea that *1, n the s.glirn7TltlITlt41t-fiiil'i la•.n n working older for wane lime It wi fo• fouid slush it weld thing that o, .40114411 ,.l1 thin .Nine will van- ish. inn 4 the 111184ing td 1111• .• .t4lners on 01144410 'light 1.14.1,• 10•,•1111.11 11 tendril) 1 «riti4•iz.• 1 h town e til fur pm}tin nny nttenti.n, to the petition aski1141 m 14 4"41. 4,,_(14.• qne.- 111,11 of alxdil inn, • It her than to hl tlitee who si41n.1 1 r petition, Com. metre •r 8le141►w r 'auvl lei0)4.•1? n.. o4nile 0•,0144 In ler 1 , town emairch tattle the keening t4f o watet• ,old light sv st,nls if that hodI% wanted the jolt noel intimated that it .. r.miteil- 1 lots 104{1', lookit fnr Ira 44110 w ou14ls, 11111 l nnc fm' ah., 1.p r• - sum. the Mnndliu( of 111. wap ,111d light departments. Finally the fol- lowing n•4ol0lism 104(1 put on 1 he )i n• itt.1NN11..r ''It -10/1'. teeth el that 1 wnti•1' aid light volitive...inners Tellies 114. town ,ouueil tie state fa111--t heir reen44+ for deciding by put a byinw ter th.awstple to abolish t'h 1'n insi0),, if •44.11 4041.4441. n1'. Alniyrn tu__th.•nl. T11e wider ill 1 liglfht,•otnolii..ion deem if nuh,H. •qy unfair 1.. reseer►.,lo such e mensm,• urged 4.n 114 a 191141)) pot 4100 /04 'retest", prew•n.rd to the h,n91••il and .•.rltliinittg (8n (.4,4111 for sock 41 step," nn ,. wA. 1 will b.:l.s..,1.1oww.ul in,• u11(rfWty. ICNv. l•anun ,u>n. at midnight .0 Sunday urtt ti. alto:' of the u.aelLU iw1 of the Hew to:whiners' cud will pt t•. rrUlul' of tett.' PaUI'ri rut hedral. 1.tN1- .,•I.Win.11NY1 f.rr.44 w.,k. Thr. daylight. 4101' (14411, veru pled the pulpit 1N.1It ateste lig etc.'. "ill hie L.•.I.•"l du*.,, sIIit al 1,1110W. 4N1.1 r. • Mer` nbl `' am' 111Y _. ,4 l4.*o.ph .11 4*4'4 t1ey-see+014+ 1Akr 1104 .. .. . X. .r'- .. _ j. - _ - 4.euf it In ta/knrg >uu)' pii•ture Ihr war You drt'r*4i" were 11011'111-.1 to with h. to look. intt'r•r, -. . nim .Mel. illirndd>' arrr.te,l for bled I.y 1 h S, 440_1'.1 ing -lir in Ili• wvaA' 4.I' It ...low of. The eye 'Magner i• the, new. 11,4.4. morning. over at Wilmer smith. the 44+4.44, ,I91reh rnli't'Iainlnent is prollttvs1 :U 'het•tuyune*111'.o.hisPit -tors• feinting :ori V441urhi .11vv•1- Met lesl,si . hut. Is fit• .04nd:teling on -t the flown wilt Tomlin., mot Thur„tny eylnin Ilei olwt• o rested. 1-t elver Al. ,' :owl. ..wish. K• ' 'KUIaY P"QYIHtlr..I.M'1 need :tn ey'e-Yttein r 'rin •.1 It ire pl'Ugl'11111 1\'all .1M• retitheed hies knu'• the>' h kve tri. 441.,. '' ht 4411411141 11• •n 4,11,1 1'111 r4.11.id 4.f . urrect .IHad1 4.4r men clothing for fall awl ! rburu..e . .toil , q t t l •s, -igloo are atoms 'a1 browns. .mostly In stripe •-.Iti-us-ptonoan TQturtfr, ttrear'twhom ia'a(dtllgA.- tots•--.1<i•._sr / lifru •. +t4)•,.. 144-'.1 W,444,, new IlnN'I ladu4ing .anadr•Nry• 'rhe Sere Tenets set I Ire o(Ilifl'yStole- i0 lune wilt, the 1141-.1. W • have also re keeper," Will he an tilere-40l Mg fent nee .tie doll... Mated t.udh4mr. phL.>-ti 'See the .tri .l t4)' e044lya>i!'* j '14y-sttt>gs... .•-1ia+G44 ..Inlptes, si tnt'eedt14111? 'Trr'mm sty. m Iti nem •sog1ni. •.trtoWut store...44,1s". 1'i •Ilea •tit. will Is. .,reed aft 01- IIB• b 3('•41147, : pr';y{111111 111141 tightMike's 4 1 li '.lin will The, •rrootior Hatt, Hutt ran into Yurui*b waste 'luring the el ening. stet Io -t night, light, In Ake. • ,HAS GIVEN NO PROMISE. ad up Ihe- Admi..ioh 15e, proesse1s 1 ..1Ne deveterl . - . tee Is the rene V,llion 1'ulul, ' .'19te steamer 14.11144 wit.. ill 111141 "4)t '.Thr enniyetsary sole icea in e. et, 'n'fuesday, nubtaditrg..11 th.eh•vatt•11'. Iiun with Victoria at rem Aleh.xlist The Wexford- i, exp•eted tuwollvN'. clwrrh have Dern postponed front .V. Dinsmore. Lyne leased Ihr perm- tlrst 81110/117 int it t he 41(11xntl IM h of i'PN forlul•r•ly nccnpied by \Vundrr- :4..venller. Thr r1n111•h se'r'icea will land as,! they iti•r being 11(10.1 up 414 a I‚4' held on SUU4IlIy t 144 x1 h, and on 1419' h..wling alley. nth, Thnukagiviug Uuy. the la( 4.". of Mks Griffiths, bead nurse et the the congregation' will serve a sup 1'r. hosptital, was taken ill last week with Thy anniversary of %' •humh, how - hospital, vphoid fever. She. is' reported to be ''0.•., a ill Lw held (84.x6 iuwh(y. Ili ddoing von• iii(•.ly: 41,1' mnrIlll4R iter. 11'4x. litodwin, will preach in Victoria ,tlret 11ethodist _ The .teau...i _TI s ('.'Scott a1'- chug h. and in 4(144 .aftcnuyl.0-Aad -1'i'. .' seat night wilt a cargo ofltiii- 9.,e.ren41 .it ''/.4,141 church, and 00 Jlun. Ise. from Cockburn }eland for Mr. day evening there. will Iw a fowl sup. Lewsop, of eerie faxes per at %ion etn11•ch, Rev. Thomas The building lot nit, %:4444 'greet, Lawrence, of Walpole Island, will which H. 11'. Th..n,'Wf\ 'offered for p10.4 18 on Sunday ,evening next at Atte by suction un liatnbat)' did not %1CIOI' a stl•e4•t rhlu'eh. .'hang• 440,4.1". tl►e reserve prll•e nut' There was a nlrltaant gathering in being 44,1'•11'•(1. The• basement. of Krum church en Thr 1414.170 i nutking a yweiitl,..ff.,• Thuralay evenit g las when awo.'F*I of its 11x!17• r.li•i4m f4., th,• eh•cti,rl 1•nt4)4400rn.•nt was 41!1.00 l,y the enmpaign 110.1.114 1 25 «11144, or 114r. Yomng Pooplr'N Soniel7. 1)r. steams .u1.e't' pttnuiur *Leer. (hdees'Inay be gave a talk on him visit, W t he odd !and felt at this e/flee tie sent direct -to the Jana m4(111titer which wag •h en- (ilmhe. joy eel; atilt other m hers no the pro. ales,.,-,.. Cameron it ignore have grain Were as tallows : 1n.)runlentat ee, bled the errvices of Harvey tlrt; atiaers iiuuitlWn and %Varn(N•k 'tourney. of Buffalo, who come Jieret v°cal w(dd, alnateer tl,•rt ('uta ; trxd- twn weeks n:• Mr. 1{ouwe7 seems ing. Mrs, S. Clark_: vocal sul0, Mrs. • Hu Ins • Instnunento! solo bliss Min expet•b eats' writer and - window (Meas e y e Instrurnent a ort., I teas ,_NVillis Fraser and Mies Mc Vittie corner of • Kingston and St. rmiiirs the program refrennente were ici:ts'.‘717:11iiiiii:1171:yinr.g.f.::%:.1111:11:;117:iM)tirill'.1.464:fsa.4itli:i.tsss-bi-i'katIstiiintili.tts:0""iniiit!t:1"111111ntiiIre'll 7„c1;_le'_11.11,.-e'_'`.‘","„It.i.'.fil,_r°1_,Iii,l:',,,,, v."nri".7.". ,,Tse_. Epeorth League\ and Sunday Me▪ thodist elnireh, Auburn, Ortobcr We are ItIlkerfoed IlY F. .1. Pvid. lath and 11th. The oessions will el 1111. 11:1111 llIbt Ill- hill ...cured the agent•y 'Hence 011 Tile•116y. 1:11,h, et 2 p. tet.. and will close t lie t•vening ef the 14th. as wri•r11.1..1:asY---blialixtetri141T".1.1- at his. etzwe.,_next_ceitltaLtelelthetle itincer, -wadi *Ice yard ei +him -etioven• The 1111.111114.114 4if the Women': le t edifying and Mott owl iv., - gather- stitote held their monthly' meeting at- Mg* -ever hell) in Ile- distend. The the 114.11444 44( Mrs. litslfoel mi Thurs- day of lamt week, Tkrere were about P14.544411 1141111444 W44114 414141.411 toll I 1ln 1110111• 1181•144ip tint- At the• next meeting, 1'. Swarte. prizes will lw given for the hest kit -hen apron. All membera n re impoosell to compete. Good Wosds for Huron's Crown . frienthrtat fled,. it It wilt fie in- npon their arrive' in Ike roit aft et their wedding trip. Mr. Mt ew- lion to the pastor. lord his ta tile of silver, arid it end ell., wnter hottl.• WA, very emit ily dertirated with llovierm nod booting and I boo. WilSos ' CHURCH NU fES. Rte. Jae. A. Aleleeetne no lei 1 0 Whiteeltstr. h, his fot III 4r Dal iteXL Sunday, to corniest abet vie tint y 11,14 e selit 11104111. . mop and 1.,• entertained in their homes timing the reinvention. In ad- dition to this. the Telliperattee flail hoe le en engaged and will, toget her frith lit tt. tea or coffee, he plact•tt at the Allosp.oall lif 104,..7 to t take Omit own hatieh baskets and thus enjoy all the seseions of the cote vintion and also have a good ...need hour when it is not in•session. o r mon • y • partment of. Public Works as to Godertch Breakwater. .h•. lee in is a 'rr'arlite himself 11t no esperate , ' ort.. to snow t' t he has !well doting something for his ronititiieutm. 11e has Deep making the statement that ht. Mita a. proudest u Motu Hon. Mr. Pugsley, the ISinistt•r of Publir %York., that t he extension of- the Ittelel'Ich breakwater will he •44rrieel out next year. Thr following letter f'; Ihr Iron. Mr. Pugwdey to Mr. Hobert Holmes NIIowi how h Minner is to lye' placed "in MI: Lewis 44*tl'Im41ta OTTAWA. Sep(enllwr 211th, 190F( Dear Mr. lla>huer MY- }duty titin shown tiie ..otic letter I11ff the1(44 Inst.. 40 wbich sou ask. as Y +t with regard 441 the extension of the (i..}rti,h hrrakw:>ter.' In reply. 1 hell to Nay (hat the very idtoing represerl- tations which you have de in favor 1,t this and other Inlpruvrnteuta +at (iaderi,•h have bad. iny eat -neat consid= 'enation, 1111(1 I inset that it will h(t {possible in the near future to meet your Views in regard to the contem- plated ilupi•oyewrnt._ I may say how.•vti', that no ,Ie.isi,m hes rt been arrived at iii reference to the ex- tetteeniof the bis•akwatt,•r; and no as- amaueea have leen. given upon the Nu1.j.•rt. • Yours very 111117, 1Vs Lel AX POUBL/ty. IGdN•rt Ilolmee, try., Clinton. Gentlemen Who are Wald Int tett igat .• and see for yourtielf the ard 140'1.1'111g III wigs and toupees. Prof. Dorenwend patent totwees are 4.44 4441111 4,11 415'4414 90,000 heads by all choir., in all stations of life. In Ihrs partividar at mart ure the ven- t 'lotion is pet•fer11 ; as light aei 44 f.arther ; is securely adjusted to the own hair they make any man look ten years younger. besides the pro-. netwahria, etc. Call MA 8144 them at Hotel Bedford ten Thunsday, October Oysters served in all styles • ice cdfaie and cigars. etc. C. BLACK/MONK, West street restaurant. 51ks Andrews,_ vAo hair recently re- turned from -New York. Is again open- ing her :melee! kindergarten class over Jas. F. Thomson'e ..... Mead store. have taken ponseetion of the lodge rooms over Jas. Wilson's drug stnrr. on the Square, and will hold their first LoleteetiLtinag in them on Tuesday. October AUCTION SALES. - Trltuntv, Oct. 13111. Auction sale of finis stork rind implements of Frederlek 0111 lot 13. eoncession 3, Went Wawanosh. itOnre- WE1448:.ioiV. (*toiler 14th.- cluaring auc- tion sale of farm stork, implementa and house - 'odd furniture at lot S. roncession PI, %V. 0. 4 adborno 14 he Robert Sallow. farm. r•ottitnen. eine At I °Clock. IIIRAM 1.1[V. proprietor. 1114•4484 1:1',11oRY. *UM knower. T111•14MAT. (Wrober 454h. Clearing -auction sale of farm Mork and Implements at lot bt, A. (it' N11111. attetioneer. EititraY. het. Nth. - Auetion sale of house hohl furniture at the neddence. Ease: etreet comanowittg al 2 o'clock. Ateritt'it H• ten proprietor. Tilos. (1 l'4111844. auctioneer. Tut:env'', October 2nth. Clearing auction sate of farm .tot•k of lot 311. conceesion kaat FRI loa V . 1 het . 23r41. 4 'leering auction *aloof farno. farm atts•k and Implementor at, lot 316 411/11.p. .11,101 11. 41 •proprietor. Toon. t he la Janie... London twel, Port Allort. com- mencing at I °clerk. %%•., 'T. Pitt., row. proprie. 10", T1110, lel 14 Ion , nuetioneer. t Ion gilt. of farm ntock and implement.. at lot Mits. 14. 41-TgArrmaYrn. proprietress. Tisou. An tit NOM', Marl ioneer. W 01148 1441,8 V. 1 ninher 'Oh. 'leering sue." 4 ion este of farm .toek and implement. at 1414. 4, lit !into, auctioneer. 10 TOPOIlto. chomer Farrow 4. home front Tomato tor a roll pie of week- vacation. Mrs. ,bok. MI... Dark and N114,4 tatwrence left ye-terday for Toronto un %kit. i.. Kotte lireken left on Mrmtley morning MI her moire to Toronto after mending her Manley 01 10,111. Ites M, 11. (1 Neill. of I tie hodral staff Miss 7•44•1114• OWall itas relented from ht•r• ✓ ela l*o motif 114 Willi lier brother. 54r. and III.. F. F. 14wtnnen 1411 0,1 Moseley for !Pet reit to el t end the entitle' meeting (if the 1 'awhile. Ticket Agent. A•onn•i4114111. gilinister t fiat f4.111• • lie,. 4 1-064. 1.. 1 LILA., at present, ( i. In the Perth breech of .tIre 51r.. l'arnision and l'amplirt: are in Ionia SlIts.W.J. 'etre will IN, at brittle tither (rime?, eta welt 11..4 -t;aiteryr.Tir,- urn- ttry- -141•1;:s,-4'1•PeehltY W441114.4141y. the 1:414 and Ink flaaa.r._of will broth Jit• lit the Ise. v. T. lessen,. „,„4 „him. Nett h etreei Sletleslist ni•xl, trent throw,. where Mr.. Leckl7hatt beet' • 11, eft. Attstivie SIT mother. M1,4. 411it•lotif ( r comattres1 'nen 1.111y, time, telt on 1114 return in his auto, on Thtte.• its M,It. g Leh, awl after tilt will tlt lol/Y1;09lI4 I re re „1 siontlay of cub moro b. church "Tito feign. "The Hermit f' g 4 of flu i -d.- The NI 0.- .1e -le ',route left on Tsseslay 011 her The Philathea ' \Bible 4 Li,. of 11h, 'throe? t"Inghn Ilhe7p r."inhri h 4 -1"'" 5 l'it mt wants -ere -1n tacoderich town4hip, on sep Hind ist chmelf paN, a '..streerie,. eb.„11 1„ stt,„-„,;,,,,atta -.ion- - -4,„-: ott.o-ia,'„ 4,,,,e44 . ,e. li e taterni,,bniortrdh. ithnni..0R.ontdnottonf 4.0.4, reolinct.emof thz 1.1e mom, 1.1' the 4' toe caw, Monthly the enntmer with her brothel lis.v, I% 41, 4," n Veer. Mod 3 month.. disposed of a few days age by Hie i farewell b. Mie. Irenntu Joliet+, tele. ,,I„ se,„t,„n. e,.es e, e, and Or. W. it. Pinder. aged 7 months. flonoi .1 mine Boyle. has something leaves for Rnglatel tin,. Week, After be Accompanied be Mite" H. Tordff Lettre-htes. complintentar• te e,iy eltotat Cistern 1 1 lle reeding of en ethirres and making !TV ,t4,"^ett7tho".^.",„47;•?orrl"""lit""11.11" '.,,t‘al 14E1,40. derfiorlorich. on !rider. etet,oher 2nroid Attorney Seeger's pelt in the matter. • ett•stentetion to Mies J. infest 4% ho i'l a elitott. .-' . • stet, t.. as. , . Mrs. U. C. Reid. amid • months. If the man has the right brand of reformation he, never boasta of his 11100 Reward, 111100. ebe readers et Bak paper win he pie:teed L• leern that there at loot one drwsded dia- "NW that reletice hats been able to cure le all _Its metre.. Wall that 18 eat en h. Hall Catarrh on,. the old) riire now known to the etteliost 'emend's,. 1satarrh being a non 4114011411 dimmer. Ismiiires COnstittitiOnal ternally. regime directly upon the Mood and noinoto+ .11rfneen of the system, thereby de .t melee tIve fortntlet ion of the trilentee. and EIS frig the patient m omit h by betiding tip the eon.' it et ion and assisting riatiite In dOinty work. The nrOprionor8 have "to lunch faith in tie rural lye power. that they offer on* bemired doller. for any ease ',hat It fails to 14old by all di itegi•de. 76e. Take Hall Family for conolpetion. •