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The News of the _ District.
#45*4464644 64646 64446 46464546 V 4444454544 •%'P'o"
TVkentav, Sept. sand.
• MMltty Outten (Wvier. -Thr
of a Ittouey order department iu eon -
on•` uecUon with the poNtotHce at this
place has long been a'mums of incon-
venience fur people who had to make
retnittAncer, but this has been over-
come through the action of Mt'. K.
Holmes, who has had the Mahal De-
partment authorize the (*ruing of
money orders at this office.
M4Ni,.av, Sept. '21st.
Mr. and Mis. Them. Culbert spout,
Sunday with relatives at Laugside.
David John»ton, of Cedar Paltry,
made a butanes++ trip iter* u11 Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. .I. Hlske, of Mafeking,
spent Saturday evening at Mr. and
Mrs. R. Hiasty/e.. • r.
Mies Ethel Tewplet.uu is ue„ne. utast
O,derich spending a flew days uudsi
the pareuttal roof. .
A. Peery le tutting ceUA.ht throve in
hie stables ; Witt. Hrowti, of Port
_Albert. luta the centres $,
Mre. John Mena►:y aim/ Mise. Win.
Pierce ep*IIL Friday with MIs. Na-
thaniel Pt*rce, wtio in ill *14 (.rsetit e.t
the Lowe of bre ilasithtrr, Mur. tiwj.
FKlu.*v. Sept. l*th. -
M. J. Tobin haus Kuhr 10 1ondon
this week t,. attend the Lair..
Mier F. .1. l*orringtoi, who lead
been visiting friends here, has re.
'ernes' to her home in tioderieli town -
Mr. anti Mtw. (Hazier, of the Ihi Imp
hotel: have retracted Inane from their
,trip to Toronto. Mer.. Miliary -Huts
tau also *tient a n.•.•1. ..1 'haunt.,
FARM NtiTF:S. Hie farmer•s here
have ieen busy threshiug.''train for
the most Part has yielded very well.
I'eas have tinned cut well Sul All*
eery dirty. owing to 1h,• wet • weetbrr
during Iterveia. Tli.' weather wan
seem% to have gut things mixed. as
the unit'as.lnable drought we are
vi ] now would Ve i
having. w l ISN ..
t K limit w tr
w .•,.rpl ably sax or .tight weeks ago. 4n1d
rine-twos Batt wheat watt likely
Ito a failure if rain dues not coaly sown.
MoNU.aY, Srpl. '21s1.
Miss( M. blas) v war the guest of 'her
sister. Mrl..1. itlake, .over Sunday.
The apple -packers 'finished i.i. king
the fall fruit Iasi week. The apple
crop in very light this yiear,.
Mr. and ..AIre. .1. Malevolent t and
family. of near St. Hrh ns. •istti•.1 -4I
Clie hinny of .lap. Sendrrsun"4,n Soh -
slay. -
Hee. 1. W. Kilpatrick, H. A. who
bee charge' of a circuit near Sat is,
exchaugel pulpits with Rrv. W. A.
',Smith. of Dungannon, last Sunday. •
lf.at.l.v DAY , iF:Ky ices. guile 0
Iwr of the parrots and others in•
trusted in Sunday eeh.e,l work wen-
. pre.wnt et the Rally Day services ori
Sunday. Mr. Sawyer addrre..el the
leve and girls, Laking as his lupin
, "Thr Cultivation of Whet ie Hrauti-
ful in 4'haractrr." 'rh. singing of the
hose and girls was the In,444t pleasing
feature of the Nervier. It is hoped
that this will creme an inereasid in-
ter... in tbi. very important part of
the church work. -
%Vetoes:se.a t•, Sept. 'lard.
Mrs. T. Mustard. of Clinton, is call -
un friends in this-hurg.
rl iri
%V. Hurrnws. of Stratford, in
her father, W. T. Yellow.
' 1.iningtnn, of Brentford. is
re. Brow
I'11i-arft :1
wrYire will 1w
ere ,-hotel next Si
hour ('hriet e
annual harvest ho
Sunday evening at 7 u
Dnv'r Miss Jr. -A g ed vont-eat
will be Bell iia l'ort Al rt public
s•h,e11 nal Friday evening, le '24th
inst., cummenc:ng mt a .iri. k. A
greet prngranr in being preyj, 1.
Adrism)rtn lerr„- I'verytsily weleo e.
Duni forget the date.
'\," 1Vauoiro. - A Iwr from this
\ -orality attended the wedding of Mies j I
•brlete.na Riiitfi."Tiii i nd John lien -
nett, which took plan et the hot►tti of
the hti(le's parents, Belfast, on Thum -
flay, Rev, C. 51, Kutherfnrl, of Dun-
gannon, itucle of .the. bride, officia-
ting. After the ceremony the guests,
to the number of about sixty, sat
down to a sumptuous dinner, after
- which the happy couple left for a trip
to Chicago, III , whet they will visit
the groom's brothers.
CARLOW.. - i elvern' Ar lite whew f to iris morin( of (Tribe -+ride, gide( *tett -.S,L-•LLB ct'tt-
•-- 'rho •,,llt+,)• ..,.stk.._.t.,tt_li.al.•-
rTch un the morning 4r:11)ii oh Friday
Jur Chicago and other 'whits.' %Vt.
J. Andrew*, of (ludterich, yhipprd w (-I A. NE%V'!'ON;" DENTIST, LU( K- I tirxtron*.d to them curler-irlycuuKrarula-
carload ui Jambe fneut Mcllaw station Va.Nutt. --Atbuwuevery Say ensu- Thum -
on Saturday. das. New ren..slyfor estr*Ui ur trblh eSuwnu-
• forw6better than fa.. l'ivwu end bridge work.
Childl•eti N Cay will 110 (deterred at etc Aluwtuuue e etes uwu-breakrbtrl.
Minutes 11111 church un teuieday nest. N. IL -You can always beve your wi,rk Telt
whru there will lin a Sabbath school better d.s.. Iia tie dual+.! o1111w- neuro Iluu',
L..11:::: fwaltthe tar me. She work. Aoro com-
rally ill the Afternoon. furtrbl, for the Iwliuut.
Mts. I.autenila)•er lime tented her MOTII'Is.---'PHE L(J•l'AL A(1ENCI' I Miss ye" I"vier.' of 11 a “' 1', 1"
l hono
faNK t,a fill.Mw•ilyi- of the ,,,,,me in Dun Y Auto,( for The 4340,411m +.4 the Post' wax r over Sunday. •
unlet etli+k. and aOub,nery Store, where Morgan Austin haw lis +..slut of hie
ueighburhP"'""P"'""01""tP"'""01""1N.-Ur ler uldur+will be received fur ,b.criptiour, pal g , )
given -set the lit of April nexts rurusitg cud job work. cud rex•uiptp will lou tum 1.. hix,hruthe, ! atrt•'k.
ghees 140, *AMMO*. *Mid for tine greet. - • i Mitis-Seajt Arititarnit( was the' gtur6t
N'h:avx.4iJ y, 1rpt. 2:dtd. I of Mrs. A11wrt_lteckett uu Sunday.
Hire Pearl Bradford 111W taken p,I Alex, Dines -ill. of ilivib, spent a
pueition lir the puetoflice. -i few days pith friends Along the take
Howard (7rrw, of the (1. 1'. 1.. spent' We":
Sunday under the petunia' roof.. A hg Litotes who took in the Lon- V♦/V l £ V
don hair were Mikt 1hiw•h r and Alalier-a-- Em._ .
-1t'itl,..„. - ON
-AIi Net( Lu1n (Srlfllu, Ethel O'Iteilli'
and Mayotte joy* :out Cecil Joye hi•
len Ina dug bodes- .n Det •
_ _ M'u* u.sY, !{Apt --Stet.
:ariiy winter applee are nuw (wing
skipped The crop is light Ijast clean
tbe.luipprenapla-. - _
WEllNitso Seta. 21
1iu.. %Whitt y. 4111 Eltuir+t. was home
over S lay.
Alive Maltie Mallows ham returned
hum. (rout Oielerich, where rhe was
undergoing treatment in the hospital.
We are glad to know that rhe is much
unproved in health.
Thieebhtg hN about coinpleted, rind
corn -cutting, and Nilo -filling are now
rnptagiltg the. etleuliuuuf..uut'-caucus.
The coria ix well metered lutd of wax"
quality -altogether the beet crop we.
i)av* hail for years'.
A few flow here aLtendrd the,
1Vevteru -lair at.Londi.n Iasi week
grid report that the exhibition was a
gots) one. Thin week cur people will
he off to the 1iedencch fair. and cum*
will go to Chitties to hear Sir Wilfrid
Miss Lena Hamilton has wddel to
her Laurels as a prime putter -maker•
by taking thin- prize in the butter -
making competition at the Western
Fair. (\tiers 11 uuilt.o..hol,li Iter own
in c petition with the hest butter -
makers . in ttie-1'rovince, and Carlow
is proud of her succus.
M... Sept 214.
EIIrNK%KIt f'1)1'Ih'll 1 MI•In.%K%IK\ts.
Cutit.ractt., *:tett is making extrntivr
*Herat' mad-lep*its 1., the I.li•tie-
zrr \Irlhtxlist rhnreil. 1'hr 1lupnwl•-
elela will cu 1 1
w Yu) urs qu.•w ,asrnlrtlt.
reshingling, Punting and,dec•orating
the interior, etc. Al tiles ,the
church' wilt present a v.ry e : litlable
iiplwaraner when thew uupro • stem* decorator and designer.
or.. eoaepleted; , and the I•:1 nr%rr
people will Leve Ultima. ul tow» ' e of Mos. '1'entide; Clark received. word
1416 Ice N'In - of r father's
L [ 11 rdeAltl
,-rules _pro
std.,-,-, which t pr un) -
I ateru or Alto she % 'Payr s.litch Clark
a r el as h spltwl in Ulio-
Am. Mn 1 IIITi rias tfi,e nytnp4
peered away on Thursday, loth inst., 111, a nits in her Iwreavemenl,
at the leideuer of her dauglter,Mrs&
Jas Rubins.,. in \Vin halt- u foru►rr Apple. are c pg in sowrw).at
We live by our blood, and on
it. We thrive or starve, as our
blood is rich or ` or. There is
nothing else` to tvtve wror-by.
TIRIll8DAt, September 24, 180d 7
When strength is fall and ----
spirits high we are being re-
freshed --bone, muscle and
brain, in body and mind --with
continual flow of rich blood.
This is health.
When weak, in low spi)'itS`, -no
cheer, no spring, when rest is
not rest and sle�p" is not sleep,
we are starved; our blood is
poor, there is little nu tic. men*
In it.
Hack of the blood is food,
to keep the blood rich. When
it fails, take '
Miss Frank Mclean. of Lue•know„
visited ath�er heeler on h4u*Sdity'laid --
Mire Benauly Ieui returhed to yltate
turd after a 144W wl4ek,i vision our vil- d t 1 11 It sets the whole body going
lege' again -man; woman and child:
Closes}. Elliott is iia Uuderihh..tbii -- - -
weelt,actiug ew a juryman during the
fall assi tet. '
Miss May picer returned to her
home iia lira ford last week
spr.*.ting a ew. euka at Lhe. lweue44
AI is. McNally. ..
Petri- Tleleave formerly ,+f the
hank here, arrived t st night and will lit•uuklyu Widths. ,(411 other *:.stern
retiree K. E. Manumit, manager of t,iwus, - "' tiAT'FIELU.
the Sterling Hank french, Cur a kw 1V4n. iCinaha,t. of the 1)th •rnn,-.,- . Tri- tier, Melt. _spud.
1). MiNeviii attended itchrll foie corn being itt west shapeuu.1 the Murat al the Stour of her Ir. Ile:
en 1Vedu,•u.inv .11 last torr He was w.•:athor one. M(aehurp. '
acting as judge of light len s, 1)un• A fai a' 1....... tli :11.14..
Old stye the)• wrtw all .44th .:hruuug tutus.• who 1.11.1+ is -unarm. 41 tat' t
liis dr,:isiune. h (sir baa w k w•wti• l'h•aw. Ruhiew„1,, an.l viritlit)' took in the Wes •1u Fair
' John Wattle, %Vater 'Tisdale, Rulwrt , at limit')." bast work•
It,s,, • Itulher1OIl is wieldin - the l'hMnney, John W. Nixon, Patrick 1111x4. A. M. Richard.. who s.I tit the
birch in 11,. 111111111' rool l orf, _sstr _p lie, Tum{ wry otr,lelandr Nixon. "--1 xnl41risrl' at t he n lllli (4f her u�d her.
ech.sl this Week. lie t« taking lir _ -_ Jas. Donaldson. reUu'nrrl List wi k do
Otter ..I' 11... dtulwrts, who is huW 1 1 LEElfURN, her Inane at (4.p4tuw•n.
u lair way Lo twuvrry. Mrs. 11)r.) Mtanhury Iasi 1-14 ill' el
Thr interior of J. \Walkout's store 4WeosF:sh14, Sept: •lard• frau Iwnulo11, w1u•e.• for ie past tau
has reeived a (reek deet of paint. 1HemesiserSa.--S)ur sib w4•eka ..r -weeks she loot :beset vire iug i1 the
which :uidw All to its a arance. ,i t' n dry weather with tli.
K+',• Y P1>r a -1i e1 . home of her• hr..thrt•, ih,y. tr. Stew -
The work toss June by Harry Juiiest 'leer •x tutoring and the Apples Iwe art:
lug I • lively rile'. retiring iw of the The annual t'hildrrii's I).ay service
)•eu• I YI, lhr3th'u1 S,•pI, nits•kilrtIat will be Iwld it► At Athhr•wie rhurell
ST. AUGUSTINE, Send this advertisement tangled with. .
of paper to which it appear'*., eftertiden* and
M os o:a t•, Sept. • 1st. four cen4a to cowl MOAN. and .re Will Ned
(.V.1'. Hurl thy left for Sheared' this y»• a Complete Han Allen *1 the Wad."
in (',dh o fi€6N'P t9(f(s•NC
tit.**; - ' 32* weuu ua Street W., TORONTO. Orr.
Mrs. J. Ti peal left on 11..uday
tut• All exte*lel visit to feietidsin - '"-- _
.ism, titled bin .4(lo hest-leatii.,1,, Ihr Merl. lavilii,rtuln•, .4f-1)ullei1 is a
u \
lighted. 1
•h listen
lir, s ( In
attain w:1- !ilio
•nI; that 1n.vu11uh1, dant mortltaHha tr-..toil( i t teelo•k.
h u if
wheat- it I•, ;amu so d:u at K
Mi h f tr• 1 TatC
r . N ,
Alt nue tile lT l we I rot.
r br . l° w'•
(Lai t Tall w iwal
i. a M
h l
Ytee ehildrrn it well also prove inter -
I e u r
eitlug lu oh ri people.
un a, r.nnit of lhrdau k-. r
king U. rl some terrible, Y •t'N»etta-intim*
es It 4 \lee*uesda of ...Ping an41 bear -
1ple e;.•tumall)' tows 4 1
1 • .,r A *rat IILa11 y) W►1`
t to Imemt forth rind ..tai Ing themselves 01 the upport ul-
this .wly at the et'ats,retur, although Jlc
Ieelw4•lwl rr.iJrnt of Liiwltshil,,-iia eId
of the Tate 11 . 11'. Scutt. Ih easel ,3-11+(9. Thr Iiseeerut supply Ih lust vul-
wa, in her eightieth year. hying Iwrti Ileirnt �n keep the evaporator running.
Th."411111 :.0 *ply is 110 doubt Joe to a
born in the village of :Alurkhalu in
April. lrr2(l: In teats d,ee*Nw1 war. ruse• stenutge ' e the apple crop in this ser-
ried to %William %Wellington Mcutt.. it( ,lion•
the township of t)arlingtlr�l1, 1*t luau .- 1V. M,t'ot ell, 'rho has the runts ei
rut 49c .w u W carrying h mail between Leurknuw
twenty yyral•r... I.4.ter they removed to atul (i.der•irh. A9 Je'i410d to perform
\West %Vetwanie.li, where they lived the duties of . age.driver and Liu+
until the death of ►1r. Scott. in May, therefore cpu,me,red his. labors in
111N. Sitter then Mot. Stolt hal lived in that catiacity, there y reloreilig Steele
fully pet•fut•ntel
of yeat^s.
Ifr-hasel Nur
i 1N«4'n
err:. in
the undertaking. Percy has 44(41,1 is
' teats.. and dot here to O, E. Augu int
Who will get Is.'s%,ii,iti ion his lenhlial
th« Iwrmun .d Ile(,% Janr Hold.•n, mkt an 'J: s' •a bag Ad* being paid for the
count), where he taught L 1 f r}
4Vinghiuii will her daughter. Nhe Hunter, who has fait
leaves three wills E. K. Stott, of Pal• that duty fora numlw
uwreton : W. 11', Stott. of M.sorefleht Pere# Sanderson has
autt T. .1. Scott, .4-Winghaw• --and general business' of ('has.
three daughters Mrs. A. Andrewm, of •1.;urs. Hr will take
of tnudridgr ; Mee. Arthur Haines and als.ut the Itihldlt• of Septent
Mrs. Jauws Jtubino'''. of 1V ingh:am. wrest, Mr. Mluuler.on every st
\Iosu.a4, Sept. 21st. to Lanes.
The l.uck-mrwfell fair will be hell Citron -it No -res. ---Iter. 1. %V. Killion
Orto)wr 110 and 2nd. 1'here will be a riek. a finnirr Antitheft! Is.y. c holed
(-..urea *4tt•h evening. + - aeceptablythe serenee-sire the Stet hollist
- Ur. Walter ftairri i4 returned to ehurrh on Sunday last' - 1tw4'- A.
Sheltered for another t'ar's rxprrirnre E. loves, of Auburn, 4. assisting Rrv.
in hospital work, an hotsurgeon. 1V. A. Smith in .pe•ia1 n'Fyices at the
Frank Murray, fortnerlttuf Ashlleld, Crewe 1►pp. ,Itnu•nt this week
-lows a ei - is expert at l'ahtmrt, Rev. A. Carlisle, H. A.. of I.ii an, eon
Milli.. is Louie on ajurluigght's visit to ,lusted thankagiviug srtviceN in St
friends here and in Ashlleld. Paul's church 4.0 Sunday last.
J..1. 'yn•
h, of the boundnI7
I'A,- hos DEATH (IF Mira. MANN,N4;.--3111t4l,
purchased the Smith McLean residence regret in felt in the village owing to
with five at -les of land on the cull' the death of Mrs. 1t. 14. Manning,
skirts et the town. Hia has sold his which brrurted tnt'tinton on Monday
farm on theloundary ism! will enure (*[.thit&W tk._-_Altlunetla-the-leewwwt
inter he, new "place. - was a remittent of this village for only
Weinewi.- An intrrretiug event two years. mfr lord formed a wide
took place on Tuesday. Sept eel b r Iullq •'(rete of friends who extend to 1L.
at the home of Mr. and Mr., R. D. Manning and Harold their sincere
Cameron, when Miss llargaret M. .ylllpalhy. mins White and Alis. 11
Tf4.. Children : Day
141 ut St, Andrew's'
ay at the mend
ref will hold its
Ferrier next
('auteru Was unite1 in wed -.«•k W .1. Crawford attended the (mural al
Clarence E. Jamieson; of Totirld, Al.. Clinton yrstrrlaayy In addition to her
lwrtw. Tltr c4•trrtnmy wa% p.rf,trmed fiuslsutd and enn,Ntlte demeaned is ser-
by Rev. D. T. 1.. M.Kert•oll. The vived by her mother, two brothers and
(wide Wa4 attended by hrr..aster, Mise a• sister.
Weer F. Cameron, while the groom 1'n F: Hui His.rnu-r F.allt.- Kerne .
tows supported by It. A. (neer, of Tor- Iwr the dates of Dungannnn's Lig fnir•.
...opts left for t r pi 7th and soh. Every ytepwlateolt is
honeymoon trip, after which they will being mottle for the most mueceNNfnl ex•
ave for their h at Tofleld, Al- hitlition yet held her. The speed
rtmteet* w•ittisew great' nttreettlitT (til
COLBORNE. it is expecte- that the dimplavt in the
live stock and other datums will he
MONDAY, Sept. 21*1. especially gaud. Thr acted Regiment
SSa'otn.t.A*. The follow. band, of (iedrricle, will b e in attend -
of the marriage of a ante all day Thurslay. For the con
rnterly of 1'lllorne cert onThursday'evening the three -
is for ..,1r11r time en- toe's have engage- .1. 11. ('aMerlin, of
'e anlg store in Toronto, comedian : Weems 1.. Hewer,
with interest by of London, and him wonderful boy
11 ie from 'rhe sopranoa, Nelson Adair and '1'h as
Sept.:1rd : Selby ; Mrs. Fred. Trmplin, of Kin-
ook place cerdine, soprano, and A. Roy Adams,
et.urch, of Goderich, accompanist,
of E. --
r1 .._ 8T. HELENZ
1'I I:sn.t9*, Mept. 22nd.
Alis Mime i either/old hm visiting at
lC ..lough.
unto. hoer -the welding the Sappp)' 1Velneslay and T utlelay. Oetnle'r
e o was r n )1018 on tlirir -
A few attended the speci meet
held at (trews last week. The meet
harps continue this week.
The annual shoo(- of the Lanes Rifle
_Asaociatiott will 1
(rrtuher :Sul. All inemhere are re-
gorged to attend.
David Lane and Minn Jean Lane, of
Kinlnngh, weer in our -1st on Sab-
bath last. Mr. Louie (recopied the let.
Helens and -wanes pulpit«.
Mrs, John Curran and daughter,
!bitty, of Itwmilton, are at present vis-
iting at the home of the fnrtner'e par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Haklwin.
Daniel Alton and Miss Mabel, who
were dangerously- ill during the past
week, are improving nicely again.
We hope situ to see thein a'estw•ed to
their former health.
Farmers are busy threshing during
this dry Newton. A slig�ht rain fell on
Friday afternoon, which we hope is
the breaking up of the hot, dry
weather. The corn in thin vicinity in
▪ good crop, but the field root* will he
C. 14. Mel/onagh, our genial mer-
chant, haa sold out his hnsiness to
Percy Mao elerson, of Dungannon.
We are "lorry to how Mr. and Mrs.
McDonagh ton neighbors and friends
*tett hope that their lot in thrlfutur.'
still fa11e in pleasant plans.
Moen,ir, Sept. 21st.
Hearn ,i4- MISS. O.tx,lN.- A worthy
..,silent of this tnwpahip. in the par
son of Mary Amelia Prortnr. wife td
Henry Oakes, trwee.d away nn Wed-
ne4sday last, the lath Inst„ in her
forty-eighth yews. Mrs. Oaken was
,Il only a week, the aanit of death
being heart affection. She is survived
1y her husband, one eon and two
iug acceitin
young marl
township. who
ggegret in James 1
(io derirh, well Be re
many friend... The it
Vancouver Deily News
"A very pretty wedding
yesterday morning at Chri
when Oertrude, only (taught
R. Seemlier, of the fltttr of Mc
Bros.. becatne_Lhe wife of Her
W. Taylor, son of James Taylor,
Colborne township, Ontario. T
groom in a traveller for the 1W.
rector, ted. The bride. who Ile I
was paten hy her german, Miss Him,
tired in creem verge WW1 11. white
Mifie Mar)
piettire hat, and carried white carns-
tot visiting her
thine and sweet wee', her going -away
gown bring of green lorIcloth with E. N. LewiN, o
rotor toque. The brielesMeid hooked his (Hen& in the v
very pretty in et pale blue Own with Miss tinsmith,
blue hat. and had A bouquet -of pale visiting her aunt. Mrs.
pink carnatimin. 14, D. Seminar. hro- Mien Adelaide Ihirnin, o NVinghani,'
ther of the bride, supported tbP iN omitting her sow. Mrs. Durnin.
groom. The church wait prettile m
decorated for the occasion by the
days as the gueet of Mrs. 1 es.
Christ church chapter of the IMMO- fee,
tete; of the King, of which the bride Itthrinson Woods took in the exh
was • Necretary. Among the many tion at. London on Thursday an(
handsome. preeents iitis an entree dinh Friday.
from the teittetherot and officers of aliases seetiw
Christ church Standey school. in Stretford, areN
which the bride wax it worker. and et with their aunt,
brass kettle mui spii it lamp from the fora,
ithrnrs rota
hale and heorty.
vrtle Weletter IN attending
tool Wingham.
Campbell, of Riversdale,
ncle, R. Murray.
Onderich, called `on
age last week.
RIM bon SalLefil.
nding a few days
rs. Donald Hitcher -
tie eehibi-
liary. After the ceremony 1. recep- tion in I.ondon lent week:. Her sister
thin was lipid at the residence of the His!, sa,h, winessa,\ returnea
bride's patents : the drawing room with her.
being beautifiely ileeorat.ed With 1)4
bite and wild flowers and the dininr
a rs improvement to his hone. by briek in
room, where the lestekfrist 'west oes ,
it. Mr. eand_Mre. .Tochl *ill have ga
with pink and white roam.. Mater the
very comorruorte nestle when rotn-
neWly married couple left for A honey-
moon trip to Shewnigan [Ake, the Pleted.".
bewit did slimmer resort en 1:an- Thome,' Sidkeld, of (inderich..spent
emiver klentl. On their return they a few daym in St. Helene thiteaveek.
vrill reside at 1311 Alberni street. The Mimi ,Chrissv Miller returned home
bride is a native deughter. having with him &het will take ia tire- Chide,
been tenth in' New 1Vestminster, her Heti exhibitirm.
•Ther-haeing been the first Queen of Nrr-rtate. -The hnme of Nfr. and
the May in days when New Westmin- Hes Hugh Rutherford wm mene
Ater wee smaller than it iro now. Mrs. of a very pretty wedding on Thursday,
Turner. the bride's grandmother, was the 1 7th, at high norm. when their
at the reeeption. and many other elestet wighter. Christine., beeeme
New Westminster people CAMP over the Midis of John flynnett, of Port
for the Wedding, a large trowd fling Albert. (tea. Chow Hilthertord, uncle
thinking that Ihr nil of the' yenrldhad iug • I'rt•tnitesBie%%'ilfrid Laurier,
e Hoe ever, est luurrliuet th4• at Clitib)1e. Mlruuld Ihr' wrath r
91111 burst Turtle in a hi: beastly . and PrOve favorable an huulrusr ertOesi t9
llislwllel all: our fears, expeetel. -
-- =- .1. C. H.1*1. of the Hayfield road. is
AUBURN. \ laid up with it very painful attack of
• .pfin*y and i9 tinder the J4 s'lur's rale
11'ItU\kauay, Mr L. tSirJ, jet present. Joint l'xmp19'll, of the
A few of unr citizens ate' let the Itemisuu lin.-, :ale. is ler the doe-
os••1w)1Idoi show. toe?'rate, suffering R an .lattnrk of
'triers. Sturdy is eel mit Mug hie ,tie inflliueinalion. \1'e are pleased to
by raising it higher anti pippin
• hear that both carrs xrr iu11111 uI
foundation ender 11. . •
1'144*. Met %she, of (.Vier 11'awAin.h Wiarton- Wants to be in It. •
sheaved a ear of jw:u4 fr0111, the star ,
tarn hrre.to Toronto last Monday. Wi:trwn Canadians: The proposed
J1'h. i•va N,tNtnr NI;1114•d work again r' tial liar [t•1.µ1 114»lrrhelu to Kittear-
ule the 11411 of this month and. so fat di and Mowth-141:14:11,e(1111:1:4111,1"
ngltoti, curd then uti
for supply of apples hag ►wru uvru+ 10 1 ell Mwnrl.w•ill not) h11,' 1Vuu•-
the \ , tin Au It h9 toes • KI • 1br .intro•
lion of le ins tet•il to lake in 11 Int
Slee. William Pluukt'It, who has of jerk•w ter hlu•gs and leave a real
towel- Maltese Ii.•;i)1II all a •r, un- -town like b'iartim out of their ealeul-
d,•rwwlt All npe,111 • 1•144 w,tek, She idioms. ('..0 d not. the Board of 'l', i,le
14 *ti11 very lulu. do sonnet !ling o inelure 1111' pr tele
to deviate the • hoe 11.1 we
euel,tu4 Auld l) .•4'41 W4411141
tisk.. us iia?
•T)loneas Nicholwent to 4'iinluu
lust week and had All 1416•141t per.
141144* But -shell, kitten are ('11* "t
Lllfl('4I Of hia re overt'. .
The l'hatielt of Ei.gl sol had lou vent, Ossifrage C
tonne 4e0(4.1, 11141 Multilay, Ihr 11nu•ch..
(wing tastefully decorate{ with fruits;
grain, etc., for the 4M1•IIM1/111. •-y
.14ist'ph Carter in still confined to the
house fr the effect* of *_fall,
Whin the swelling went down it Was
41is.orer4•I-+hat one of the small (melee
of the fool had toren broken.
ed In.
Detroit, Mep1... The recuse, O.sn
frsge, whish has )seen atoning be-
tween Buffalo and 1'r) pal Dental
during the summer season i starlit'
to tlw nt.anter Antrrl4-atm. been
taken off that rgtia and etre ,L toe
Kingsville. The I)sNifrlge i9 , tied
fly the Algia Steamship (' 1 uey
at the 11n,, 111141" was male* charter .r
the Crystal Hemel' lith for the cwt
mer. -
het sister. Mrs. William.1110,thenun,_. Port Elgin 'Times : The steamer
31"' 31`.Ni'll' "f E"Piti' i" visiting i King Edward tvw. take„ „IT the *And_
. „ lair neer Chantey Island by the Reid
Tuerelay. the 1:0 ti inst., oceurretrlhe 0/10 Port Elgin harbor on Sundae
thirteen beet, of water there wits no
rouble extrrieuced in entering or get -
tiftV.six years. The deveased /rid
isoleartal physique, yet by the iiiroiula
of airwave hiS tstntitittitirm breams.
gradually enfeebled. doring the
revs years usitirTat-famt it V/1114 CHM-
plptely 'shattered by dropsical and
• lie exercised ilia trade ibloteksenith.
In luulds.nu.• 1 all ('lottery f.•
turn our : h,:win : •t'
ao, l
i4 except innahy go. d. S )I.•.
:use smarter, - ar4,Iels Ain
newsy-•, patterns morn selvel.
- You are iiivktttt-
to insp:•ct
cut• new 44l4ic L
ewe and y,.unc then hi shock
:Ind doable -1,1, •1. ,4 1.444
.*,11 the .114.w 're it lit •. +tri•
In(((tel uu to4naiertioo
hese rlolbr». .\.•w,'.1 -h nlr:\
cud yu1Ucrti .stir' 1-.
Do not fail jO
ace our stock.
6North side ( f Square,
Art Tailors, Clothiers and Furnishers. .
- + • Goderich
Kidney : On:.•611 or
Money Back '
There 111 no rink lt, t t7 T�f.TR.
hey aro emit or a 1 .. ,.4e 1;,:..• .i1r
I ., tt the) wlllilll• :111.1d: l * 1.4,rler
'1'rutiIilet, Rheutn.,.. •n :., .I N.-,.lt:..l, Pain In the Bark, etc. 11, a
taking G boxes, 4.(14 t• e.1 i,. _e.' •• r' that (.10 rills have not cared yo
take the empty b•....1 to your kl.•.11 'r and ho toll eche'-- the money.
'I'bat teems how ceits.s no mettle 4 iiia PON watt tem yoi;. ,tips. a box ;
G for $2.50. Scut eu rset•Ipt of prier*( y,tlr d, *ler cau't supply you.
roatnn.�n ebb• TCRON 10 - lot t,-+, r.a� ria ,
embers left and the flames mule a'
matt) thttemigh job of 4.'.O. he•ne
and 141111. .
A Student' of Human Nature.
A t •is*.- in slit i1t111)• 1% • 1..
lj ' per. and lir frond in the Mere
beside the ltet110 e1.1 woman sellia 41
"\WIIat is AW lair.>"of this.:-" Ire
a.ke1, laking up :Ili • an itte tang .•1
.hl'.•r and .npphirerl.
I, it for your wife.or. ytlltr=xw.ee -
heart said the old woman.
••P'..r Inv sweetheart,"
••1•"lfty kitties."
"*'.fly faros.' Noe.ensee' .ind Ile,•
t.,oe iso tunnel-' 14 4144ly away.
�-come Baer.," »Ohl the ,.141 w,nli,.,l
'1.kr it for len. You've been Ivies
to me, though : yin, lin yr W. wet -t-
hee -rt. - lied the ring been for Lee.
voted have isnight it s t .,*1* ho ,
regard to its prier."
"1 will take it," said the t iso.
uilipy. "Hee _Lin• ten q'wreh•s...
fel, 1
Lhr 1 Id Accord wrapped t Ir.•
he gr bled. ",1 it had been for
r. you'd have. -beeilett me down Ur
on the Tina a antinew pair feele
like an old one. Th .y thon:t look like
it, thoutlt, and:they met fur a long.
01'IZ 811.01.:8 'HOLD
PALL rAms 1908.
sal this' wee the best barber on Lake Kirkton
be 'hug EalwartLwas. visit -eel by - Itrietreare
hundiP 011 SMOKY. Next slay the Fordwitth
vetoed wo taken I.. e.illitigwood kr
rhe• ,. deceased was well liked. ois he i .
14.131-11 iturned.
nkilfel ironworker. Ili. • temeins SatttlrIbty liporlijitg by, lir!, Tile ltill13111
414.444 interred in- -teethe-Mr ivnirIT'l Y was iiillitTiTird- illsiet.s.',\0 eloa lout the
on the 17th met. tt, the plet.etwo or a Hamer hail gailiost leo' glom) hendwity
large coneourse el people. Ile is slat, 111 Illakr. 41. possible to. save I he MI rm.-
11141. W110 1111VP the\ eympatliv of the (7antelnit had attempted t destroy
•ty ire‘their loetrave- the vermin 111 All at* tilling it•illiotime
O'clock on Weilneeday evening, the there were OVIllellilY 101111. smith' tog
Inth inst.% the borne of Johtt At !ti -
strong, youngest daughter (if SIT.
the drowing-room under an areli of
evergreens ilet•kett with cluster', 4.4
given a•wity by lier father, wore white
Perraen lawn, trimmed with valet,-
eiennes, hew awl ineertion, and a tulle
veil with a spray of natural lilies of
the valley. Little Miss Alberti% Melee t.
of bridal motet and tnaidenhotir fern
The wedding march woe pleyed by '
Mot. A. Miller. After the ceremony
the Rewrite ft, the minilwr of oboe*
•ght y, sat &own to the re.past tur-
n; ed for the aweerrifmr, the fable
And M ret pease. The pr.etents were
let with anise hyst eetting. lo Mre. A.
Miller ti golel.enamelted pin and ter
the flower -girl nu elegant bracater.
rumple departed for their future home
at Ark weight. l'ho• bride'. going..
*WV; :it t (MA WAR nee, Wee Venetien
clotk with, braid trimmings _and het
Said Uncle Silas..
pet beteliet• boots yer friendship ends..
-Los Angeles Express.
"nid your ancestors have a family
trey. Mr. Slasstlit ?'' "Fettuily tree, is
it. hoeing ? One ref me ancestors
rtherl th' intim pt teller 01 th,
garden tot Men.",
at the
War bring sweel hearts
at the
everything (rush and gfo.11
Meals served at any time.
Ice Cream served in all
popular styles.
Tivert in
%When a Men *begins in bto his
motley hick out fur a hot tial
l Oct.
A11111,.411111V b., I,
•ry. osia prepared is
• .014,1101. sliiiiif/11114114 ill
an -opt 1414 W•wk.
IN/ 4441 ie. .3mtem known, and
doom owal, All all frt.. WM* Alfict
Ezaminaiions are Free.
W. E. Kelly, I
mild the very last thff'ot svelte Ilse
tweet got mit of therm They are idiom
that feel Old 111111 look new all the time.
If fma ,comfort RA well as foOt st-
ill/14'4414100er an object, 'yon *Fear
rem shoewand flo others,
Wm. Sharman
band. and if
u are going
Ttettn, Driver
or Col ts
yoli will at
TRAM -011 NT.11.1: HARN-
!Wesel or Black. 1411
sWEA1' !HANK ON, let Pr)
Su, FLY SHEETS, hest the
hing fur showing light ho
or sad's. SPREAD RINDS,
Jeweller and Optician
!Wier of Marriage Licenses, H. E. nox
Fall Millinery Opening.
MISS CAMERON announces the opening display
of Fall and Winter Millinery at her store, Hamilton
street, on
The ladies are invited to ea)! and inspect the new style*:
MISS CAMERON, Milliner., -