The Signal, 1908-9-24, Page 6Woinan's Wor1dJ
6 TIBLISnav, deptatuber 24, 1201
"the-y1+•eL elfe.etuat ,•xtermireat,_
or of Hee on the Market,' say
those who have used it, and the
potiltry_ won't Aire_. won it i Jltitlt
lice if Empire Poultry Duster is
used as directed:
25c package
At all llruggisti. and JrJlrtw is
Poultry supplies,
will make rout Canary happy,
and rid it of all vermin. g
Parry Sound
of Elia.. ll :t, 1 ,1 ..• !test 1•inv' ilii"wpmen r i goys , Im,m$: • ' �cDirt w11aD0I1a f
, iron must he answered in writing bit' whose tawtnhtluns attract men.
t'har�•e tirartrnti.. r
THE SIGNAL: 0111103{ 1111 ( /N'I'A RIl
the cfeleematlon of leer cuinpaui,ai, but
can, if necessary, converse brightly
. nternatronal JYeyvspai3er neon carhot este of lnterrsf. Ashy
Ulan Is quite at his ease wilt her, and
Bible Study Club '
■ clever man appreelates au Intent -
This girl makes ■ point of studying
haoien nature. ;lid abs !s well rrward-
rd ger her trouble, for the mors
Su sties Qs t on f tet 1 • f •S Scoof i
gge s.. tuns i tI/IOt
lona unday hnstiller PrepdrfJ
11/44.1„t v R t . fir. trnscoTl, 8ranijotK. r '+-fb" ?trine and sdrrows of
/ Ithe the greater le her tymperhy with
human twinge. •
September soil'. leo&. ,Review. Read Psalm 18. . ; And 'the cultivation of compassion
teildeu'rrxt And Davi.( t:er:•.ivrd
I lues thu Lead. h of tlrt*Wi►Iwd him Ling
over all Israel, and that- lie hadex•
aired his kingd for II people
Israera sake. R. Sam. v.: 12.
All menders of this Breis Study
Club. and all students of these wawa -
ions, t►tr urged to stale ,this review
t borough.
Read all the iesauns and utelnuriu:
earl) tioldl'n Text. •Following are the
litlrw tlu (:olden Texts andante imago.
thin in connection with each 1, ssuu.
I. Isree-I Ask. for a Kinn. 1. Sang. S.
Golden Text •Hy use kings reign,
anti ,prinre.s decree justice. Prov.
viii.: 1:.. _
•Verse+i•i-.(re parents•ni."Ccemrilr
r,. be •"blet el. either for • ignorant
neglect or *10, wlteii thelia i• i , r
tnel rtTU-ITNrt'.-
J Seal ('Mosso King. I. `elm. x
Iniketh on the heart. I. Soon xt'. :
Veaan1.-••1Vhet method -dal God
in talking to eaunrl, and what
method does lir, use 1..1.1ay.. in t•tlkiug
to the fait hfoil 'r
tt. I):tvid :and Gott:iib. 1. Shnl.`xv;i, :
its 11t.
(luldrn'1'.•r1 -hi the 1,.ral pile 1 n1%
trust. Ps, xi.: 1.
Whist are the greatest purl(+ aviii.•li
oplklrr our Jet-.o,n.• I pro; res., anti 40.
YEW" --WI'-tir11117.1%.1t • tiItyhT. tlirl.1?'.
I. Saul 'J'•i•:. to Bill I).tvid. 1 Seim.
xviii. : d Ili.
' Golden Text Tie• 1,nd(trl i+aSu•i
and Shield. I'.. * t : 11.
• VrrsO ti 1r t h,•...1 I ff' arses
gentitilygreater ,v'1.•...Ilia' lha...r-
e, row ill def. tr u•.1 %. h)
ell S„ J'ei.•a..l.�y1y ..1 11 ,.•;.1
'(i:. • Ione curl lu,.1lier• t. kw*, Ti.r •l i%'t
/ipWrn Tex, lir Ihat' ii'uL•tla °vet
.iii Ir;•,w rte -.1-i..
theur." .1. Sam. xx. \ j sensed.
liulden T.•xt• .% I. 1:•11,1 !Orel!' -.4 ..11-tleauty !s not the all important fac-
antor. indeed, good looks are occasional.
,Deno sr lie Intl. tumor ill the rear.' D6 such friendships aa' existed between
-.1 (sol. II, Salol xxut, :.t. David,and Jonathan exist Drtweele.f au'
What in the alit essential in order ;,omen, and h' 1 - aim
Hurl luting kindness been -4,0)1y the
secret of her power of ferrets den.
i- People realise Instinctively the Inter
enee of aympothy awl will uattnlly t�
. Spend to sincere expesedons of friend-
; ship.
The average luau Wets u helpmate
In his wife. Ile has vlahtna of a gen-
tle. loving inttu,•uce In his home and
also an ltnlpirlug, encouraging per-
. euna;it Weil will cheer bltu un the
gloomy days and-Ilellght la Ws success.
Ile appreciates a girl with taste, who
will graee the head of els sable and
who Is su0kclenUy clover to urdrr his
house Its an intelligent manner. Ile is
proud of her accomplbhments, but
thy) are. secondary ob)eets of itatesast
.1-sie tar aaJes mama happiness- is ton -
1' Lea ,meee•se n riling over shiner , may sac Platonic and
i purely spatual friendships hotarabl x Ry
t'1il1• o1
, . , 1 :tsar . ur is-(rTro y
foolishness ut pretty %,omen have
become ptwerbial.
m i hy, tact and unselfishness ars
l'ondt'tteed Nall Schedule. -.
No.5 No. 6
•- :u..uu_seet ..r
1'1,4-ry rten+r1 12.g11,.10
•..I: •• "1 ;aY.aKe 2.81
4:1 - Itr,•,•hiu :lo. "
111•3l el lot
:neural Albert 1 :t7t • "
.10.11 " T„1-01110 •.
7 Ain tn. Sll/(blurs .
12.11 " Parry $ oii,id 111.11 p 1u
1221 %Va t,i.K.i s.13
.11.17 a.m. IN-echiu <7.41 ••
11.:111 ' IAw. rrr.. ryi.
1.132 ](nuns Albeit tl t: •
u,W "ruiwur.. - . ; :wee ••
Uheervation - rnt'Mr-ranr=prr
trains I :old 17.
for the round trip Sudbury au,I Nortla
Octabec nth 14t No% famish.::.v1.
Sparrow lake to Srlht,r,l iuchl.iv,
October 'Sr'nd t0 November :holo
All tickets good to return un1i'
December 31h: Write Pas
Depaet+xrn-. lttn..,l;a,l -'-N
Building, 'I'uront i for ropy of ltty,
Game hunting."
People, I. Sato. xii.: 1-:,, 1::- �. members of the chtb.
" t, 1hi%i41tjterri•tiPlank Life, L tiw. AdeviceAbout Advice.
" xxy4'fir
- -. - e fleet adv a that can be given
�.I Ii11LIM11 '1•rYI I-•
Ii.,ld,•w Text Only fell the len
mid ,siva; hide ill tritth with.ill yo.
he. 11 : f.triynisitlnr how great thing,
he hath d tar 1 Saul alio'
Vet•., 1:l--ILw•r rain eilltn 1It' a life,
1r,l;ry i• g.aaI, better :sad best, 'w•hut•
will I.,' Iio,l'. teat(.' toward two. wr
adopt 1hi►t "whish i. filers
lest ?
1. Said 'Rejected Ly the Lotxl. I.
Sv„ ej; .1't-il
..n• , 111,01-'.: 11rubablh in: Tali- all the advice you
gets;( to •tea III white tut.. %uu,
• -- - call get anti then du as you please.
Illy vl.:
i1 really The enee person, rson, ur the nae
d aJbh(•�� itt_th •«• .Lt), I
shoe we he%e inks ete1•iliti tend 11 % - "'tun" the .roved "'ounta atter.
111^ ' aul atla .Joios4Iti►n..- b'Vig tuustuntJ) besieged with
Hanle, 1. Stun. xxU,xr fur silt ice how to .Rtcceod
lioWrn'rext 1'uspare iii' 10. .Illy Is generally Incapable of giving It
Ginn .true.. it, : 12. • The Sane id%Ice outside of a
eitnettmit generally apylk1IWr, is seldom
owl for two persons.
Advice, as a mi.., is cheap .owl abort
as valuable an rn,,ett cheap tttnlp. To
Gulden 'l'ext Thr 11.ete1 1.ilr lin
w•ill.we +wive, anal his'yoke will wt
uley. .lose. xxiv.:'S1. •.
Yerees I1-1:, May a pet.otl til,
inti le very tr•ligi"tlaln• 8Wl i tali i,t
-.ill Without "tile Itlrittin;; of ill.
shrill" IN'ing heart! by hi, neighbor -
lily.. your reason.
:.. 1'tv ad Anointed at__itatlacelrni. I
San,. xv1 1-f:4.' - -
(inlde•n Text r'tan 1Miki•tit bn ler
•nrtwnrrt--7trr,wirrenee, lint tile T,uRf
Septemtier_reth leoe.
I..ti.ah v.: I1 e•. ,
11ut11••tt Text. %Vine '1- .t tulr•,
s:I.nig drink is raging. 1'rov. Xt, : 1.'
win in anything; if Mal is;[gain-t I
and if a .r, how d,1 y..1' ,tr,.•uwt 1.,
the apish e•iit • snrrr of :atilt•
• horn %
• 11. Iltvel .sole Ping liver I,et,th
constantly following advkt wlthaet
• and Israel. I I. aiu Ir.: 1 ::- i ,;a-.., e !SPPti1 to consider Its source Is the
I. olden T,•xt-Ilav David went .on and
plain mark of weakness. Th, person
t r1•%. t?re,t antLilie.latd final a ase(.- lit I.uuer Is the one wbo neither Ply"
0 1. I. off Iiiit._ _I J, !lyln 1.'J� _--. eor take advice !n generotla .luanU-
V r.,• I Did -David t l vel ex deflni- Eke
i4.' ttsWerfr1,iu liar
'wan -aces,. It our t 4tt1 t it111.?
Temulctapi's lessen.
i I
be the enrol rt such itdulgelree, and
will thi•rv+ 11 .• y darer -nee in the
elfrt't opal lh1 1 in men %
Vrr.N 11; to what iv ;1)14.1 ai.• Ire
••jlltlgmelit"-- anti t}rr•rightnnitette "..I
'(s'ha't,. in the(ti1ilia•
results of Ilan liquor (ensile
Yet -m.47 Wien ie: the 1liffearnre in
the reds, •• 1',--HIt- lit nttt
Icy tatmiut. nw,I n1. n1 t uruL• 111 14,
Miaow indite
1,-110 I, i1 t.% • 1•l , ../ h• i,•i
g.xal prn:on.11 result to ,rut• 1t.nt
had deeds? .
I. there any 1.•asi It i' Ittin,tit
with or tut 1.. Ili 1.•.t the ut,ral pn•-
rrptY.� Ute Linde, .seise(; they ar.-
hasix) isles the i•xperienee of man
kind and the w;.dom of age.:
11 it ever possible for a roan or a nation
11x,•1 .out
Vet's.• 11 -Hutu many men ilu you
Nese Iger kunt- in tide cm i1111U11it v wit, fee mto•el
tilos• wta".(fr habit r kitrds%
Are there still those who•. • Osier
tint.;/lull �t 1t get (drink i•
%%lee are the chief "woes' .at the
dr unk:trJ. 1 : Ti, himself tU 7:g hi: farm
il) Cif Ti, the cairn - iity
Verse 1" is 11'.4 tact Ihai .i.riukm
nun stilt like stune4 Wua1 , and, 11 •
how do- t ... , , uue,i Int it '. -
le it eta lei iN•'-0 a or tiiel•,tl.l•• tile(
. nein 1.1(011 1u ,bink e•,e1i al.,, 'qr.
.;.11.1 cite •l,.rk ofaim 1..Nd
1',•1.1• 1:1 Upon. which kiwi of
khoaleder• der•. Ihr pror.leri1y tt-1111
111/11 V141110. or of :* people, moat e1.•
lend. mural and 'spiritual, o r seirtUr
Ile l t- nrttn .. L 1 • • ___
--1L• -ova. tht'geiter:ts•cmlwi fiir the
various vapt1111 0 and national ani.•
11,1rt unr% of unrient Near( %
Vera*- t-1 ro what eatont (oe%
'levity 4f an uuliv idnod. or tot a
nation, '4' .' 1, olrnr•nn••r:al t•t.uduct
t' 1st i'tir ••y;lot V- ui 1 Ihr- tuuhltudr
-in•I.tht• Turn who r,•jo;cr" In. ut'.
r, 1•t•al Hwa in 1hi, .•..thirty' wile
11 I,.•
!Moro. 1 uih lues(% sold, outer l al % pro -
Vers.. • 11 11 3 '•ilei til min. ties
one of 1.3. it ,al,ilij v :fool Iit11r inftuewt
ut 1iiI -, u1 .Ii ok..rove.httigllty"-
04:1ei, that i-•, Jnr• efgreat. ability ane
Leave 8:oo .m., arrive mos noon
Leave 2: p.m., arrive 6:35 p.m.
SMOG th TRACK,- : -'
Take the C. P. R. every time for Torontt
and East.
slit tt,for0i4Jr•n. 1IOW
Jen Run 4:71": 1wo441r- uta
serest;: -K Yr.p•t[w. l:e; YR..71'auou:
Return Tickets at Single
to pointe in 'retu:igatei, hint•
Mattawa to Port Arthur ; to 1..•.,rg,.r
Bey and Mackinaw .Itivisiter: '*'art
Arthur via N. Co., and to rn, i•,..,
R 3rd
points in Quebec, New itrun.'vick,
Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.
October -22nd to November
Mittknkit'i,••iites. Prnrtang.
Lake of Bays: .. Midland.
3(aganetaw in 1ti vier . I,ake•flr•ld.
Madawaska to Repot Ilail .,., Argyle
to Culxt I
trrTRtL fake vtor*-yP t+. R ter y.
and points free atlevern to Nor 1 Ilay
Return Limit anal! tickets , toed;y,
December :eh, llreli, ur til Hose of
Navigation, if ear ' r, to stints
reached by steatite
Full inforttiatit
nifty fir nittnitned
1'. i.AtVltlhil'i:,
Town Agent.
ill nems, in,lu ew it .Bink. '%%hat will
to escape the natural results or . wrongtlo-
Ing This question must be answered in
tenting by members of the club.,
Ver.., 211.21 I1' a time doe f ilo
wWelt a .ts.ei,1inlly neonst, ani I.r
Ira wl {t ire
111014y- Brie* -40.rt.P:ui,rt,
chanes the noel mat t•r.ults tf the net
hor ilbgni rat b.,a. a._mot Isar --gives--ar-t•
l'tle, in film night, prussic acus, think•
Itlg 16 ht Ix• ennui• nil.
Vri,.r.'._' 'l How .Innld lie •.r i.
1111 •
•nine( rlararily_trr..:»I_-stttl:�..
Valla ell ell oxlaitiug lig • aw a 10 , •
I,.•.xon t. n• Stmdn', Ilelul r' lth,
1:11111-ttoiti,4--11,1 cgs line Art ti a .tears . i
i -w --II. maw_ VL
Mrs. Balis' Way of:Molptng Along "the
Cott' Beautiful" Ides.
What a busy hnmekeeper can do to
help In making•"the city beautiful" ie
shown in the case of 31r.. Ryh to
pod' Bnlb
of Ifelleville, Ont., wh an
earnest wortter for civic Impro e+meht
The work began In a small way.
Dating neighbors with liildreu who
loved flowers,elm fie drew the little
ones into a eembIna on for the beaus.
fyIng' of the near yards la the block,
ips(ghtly litter *sail removed. Vines
nti - bloom . flowers were planted
Tong tit fences, and the former
She -Lan_ Wet-beet-
which .12 much In tvotlue among this
einem. Last summer tit the ennual con-
tentWn-of American meteor-tertyof-the
Ire;nt held at Morgantown, N. e'., pee
%vas chosen as a mrsller of the i oord
of executive directors, (Ming the first
and only woman to be accorded this
For Round Shoulders.
The fact that round shoulders are
Retterslly teemed by an ufgatiefat•tory
physical condition was for n long time
overlooked. Yet tale tenth of Ibis the-
ory may easily be pravrd U)' ii mental
summary of those whose shoulders are
lent. You will 11ud [bat nut_one _uu_the
list In a person of abundant vitality,
indeed, so ge•ut'rnlly n'cognlzed is use
part which organic .111.0. have to do
with the. deformity that the very first
thing recommended by n phvelclnu ap-
pealed to In emit n rase Is to take
some Invigorating tonic, etch' as qui-.
woeld would t,e better off If *S-
lice were touch less plentiful. Then
perhaps its quality might rise its pro-
DDrtiou to its scarcity. .
The Lamp of Love.
Wisdom is the lamp of love, and love
1s the nil of the lautp. Love, sinking
deeper, grows wiser, and wisdom that
eprhrgs up aloft comes over nearer to
If you love you must needs become
wise; be wise and you surely shall
loo Nor or can any ooh love With the
veritable love but Ills love must mule
hila bettor, and to grow ,brteer L bat
Cu, grow wiser.
There is nut a man in the watts'
something improves in his soul from
the moment be loves, and that though
his love be but vulgar. And those 1n
whom luve never dies must needs con-
tinue to love as their souls grow nobler
anal nobler.
love 11 the food of wisdom, wisdom
the, food of love, a circle within which
t lute who love clasp the hands of those
who are wase.-Manrlee Maeterlinck.
Silver and Polished Articles.
Blister and puliabexl articles can easi-
ly he cleaned If %embed 1n warm wa-
ter to w bleb has beeu added one tea-
spoonful of ammonia to each cupful
of water.
To clean Me kiteben sink, wash 1t
fboroughly with ammoasla and warm
Iv common sulphite of Iron be din -
solved In the proportion of one pounet
to four gallons of water and poured
over the tank three or four times, of-
fensive smells will be completely de-
T_urneatlue gimes a line polish to the
ware and is also efficacious In cleaning
bath enamel which has been discol-
Copper should be cleaners with a
Ireton from which the juice has been
equuezed. Dip the lemon In salt, wash
and polish with a clean, soil cloth.
A S4npie Cleaning Peewees.
Jany of us embroider linen or lawn
shirt waists or linen centerpieces and
doilies- for our friend -1. Many of w,.
too, thong►( naturally neat, wH1 find
our work soiled before It le lnlahed.
'Iftit It one desires to make up the ma -
Nal or gime It A. a'friiend
washing It may be made perfectly
clean by ere -Inkling thickly with
French chalk and rolling op for a few
days. The chalk may then be coolly
shaken out and an ln•ranculnte gift pre-
vented withoet destroying tbn original-•
finish of tho fabric. I know from ex-
lerienee that this Is as etltraeions as it
tem m 1
Jiapfr Halla.
A Fame which never falls to exelle
and anal:+e a child is "Jlegie. beIle."
.1u older velem heruesaea with r tar
lawn rope or any piece of stout wonit-
ed ur twine welch engbt serve as a
harness two children, and these are to
he the "leaders." The other children
then take bold of the trope In twos.
exe.•pt tie last in the IIs. who- me u
t'blldreb trot away at a teeny
pace, wblle the tuntber or older sister
plays the well kuowu college glee
'Jingle llt'lls." The leader; hurry on,
making turns around Invisible corners
'aid wandering !n and not of Imaginary
Madam Snell,
it wae�, Indeed a t•ieIY thing
Porlitrdnm Raaw-oh, d
l: •w• th'd the te't:-that she should talrt
When garden *Ives wen. near.
She kindly brownie, "brought her to"
4410, werrr. fan and salts,
Rut panes Past day ghee only wswlatl
An Inch, with _sews bland
Marriage In India.
In India, with Its teen ing and pover-
tLstricken myrlatteNatents.•ftem,tltltl-
lt Ito easy tusk to team off their_.
daughters,'for a wIte has to be bought
by the suitor. •t1'idowa are cheap, and
when a father [Inds his daughter get.
eteg-Art-Its y 1Ars. fic-
tive by the simple process of marrying
her to a bunelt of dowers' Wben the
dowers are dead elm ti teem( ly -
-wlJuW- and-caa-tieofferedat itba • In
Youthful Anxiety.
Wee baby was slow about talking.
mud lib aunt was d,pturing that fact.
Four-year-old Elizabeth listened ens-.
luusly. ,
"Oh, mother," she vastored ; at -
length, "do you think hell grow up
We couldn't any Of us en'
ds tatd him If . he turned oat to be
1'rouch!"-Lippin cutt's.
.k woman who duns hot sleep sl und-
Iy du danger of a nervous break-
tbo A wetnah who flnde herw•tf
weak ng Ip nerve and atrenl,•tb must
met. Th • rest must be aywtemstle. tat
', asmcatlr'. She must breakup the Ile •
ruetnmed rot tie of tier work, though_
teeneed not ve up all work. 'Obi,
most do tit_ t woderatiely. nee
must rate 1
Leap Year
The biggest seller of any
new line u1 1908, and un-
qualifiedly the SUCCrfAti of
the year. Dainty, delicious.
digestible. 64 to the
pound- You maize no
mistake when you LI 1,
Leap Year Biscuits.
Solt 1 hemselw s Tw.ce.
•1 1.. a sty..,. tt 1 -• ' ) aw, : 1.11..13
iii 1Li.L•a t(alt ••••111/11111. inti 1i,�11
M'orlh Repealing, to the rim' tt''-I 111•
l i..t. ,,tngtugn 1i,.; 1111,111 il. i tl.:
e• try.
lir, Speer, ill Denver, was LAItilrs,.
the .•1 iii,), about a p:ur or Ir.b1I. a
U;rks t.
liar% 'at Ihrlhwthe. quay," be
Bifid, '.1 ti's. ttGk.U•r.. always giv.-
1helts_rlt.•. ,r •..., 1• ta•/uitldr sett• .f..
r,i-•t Iit1h.111:1t1t,h11.1 sell t110.1-
....1 is
•..1i, .• for di,. •, U.u,.
I'h,.•r tau Seo, tni.ernldy -t•it i,
1' ',• n1 New' 111 h.
"1V1 :oe Isola nli 1 •Verge of,l.lia -
.1i••it .ii- the spa L•.r ern raid. .%%
:u •• w.•Il oil its year. alto 1 is 1-11•111. 11i•,t
.• 11d11•11•t 111111 11 (.tugs • 111 1110•.
1\•1141.1 } '• to p•lnch:ttn hrrl-
When the brass to on kerosene
sumps get loose, try me alum for
hnldlrg them 1n glen. Althe moat be
seises( over an Intense heat, sod ft it
trcelle^rt for 1v pefposes:\
Age cf Solomon's Seal.
Have you ever found no the sprtng
woods a plant with little gri•a•u tern
shaped towers growln•; along Its stem
and shathrl toy long pointed leaves?
This tot Klug Solomon's seal. If you
want to know how old 11 1s and how
1t gets stn name, dig it up and count
the slat seals on the long root. They
are supposed to look like seals, and
these number shows the number of
years the plant has lived. for rash
'rout leaves one of the scar.. The
g thick root or underground teem
y acts- as a atorvbouse of feed
e plant, like a bulb, so that la
e Klug Soloeaon seal 1s up asd
growing\ when most 'of the other little
plants hofs scarcely got their eyes
i (:;• yin*1 .li - . i -I illd *1(1111
•411P-ih•:In:tftmtfalad. ,,
-Ii 1• an .al•1 11rulp..•t'1*1n.' IIB ental-
1la d.
•ltt(t*t 1• ,teca i,n:tlis- dobe' maid
t l em ice eel in an eager retie ,
al lie,: ;lean, etre• Might
1••riege it, 11'h.. In•uw .til rim twit'r
.. veer - in • 1'lliledelpliite. said - the
,kesltiai. 't hr) Katt' 11, *1(1,1 .
. Ncl.the Fashion. • •
4 { nttt tory desil ',
.:ilk gown in ..lir of the new 'afoot"•
, li •tees rec.-ally asked j► dry- goody,
clerk 1// .114/W 11.1' ..n-1, .114.8. till.' dal
t:.1 see (Tie ....being Te. W. bi 1 iii17
•v..1 1.1 Ike 1 (eek : '\1'dl sin •.how• mu
.ethiug+hot si'it11 ted :'•
1'1l, mail .hn1k.•d •went .Ii .n -
11•,l fit,- a Inotir•nt altos then Lath tIv
;.'plied 1 tcritryr-rritt't in"iti l' *rear`
ori, h rr t t! rr! •t
1118' 1 ,' . f '
Genevan r *fly 1n West
'in ilup,1tyrrit •-1v1la• G.•h Made
by the f alue•liun
etfle Railway ,}f
:1,.0410 neer. , t 11u11d ayjtluu the irri-
1'atiuu 'luck toTieruas turner+ fr,,,
North Dakota. --('tie' ite-*ttaetiert
iurthraet of the city of algary 4
majority et the e..loutst. - -,t jut., or-
.e►.elnm- iittu.edintrody-, and slit. -. {«-
uwinilrr next hosing. This rt th.
German runner•, already set r11` in
the 1e.rtdity. mak, • the nuetens ••lir
1,f the largest tier dart eolortitiei t the
ytt•at. 11 L- • t • j 'tJ that 'a la '••
Iter of Gen am now settled its
the i)akota* w' 1 Join this . calcite
Edvl:t,l .t. Wo: _ Preparation of
Hypophosptutei and Blodgett' front ti.o-
uagin:tl to.multi in The Sovereign Rem-
edy for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis.
Catarrh,'I,a Grippe, Coughf.. Cojda,.. wl.I
all Throat and Lung Maladies. -
Th .roans(, 14 1.'•o1l •ay tete)
Iern tee' er.l Ly 11. -
Those who have .tent it a ill h .. • :o.
other, and see motif l u l h io,.11 ,'.o
to arse r., -
It fans rllt'rd Ittni:y art' 111.4 W"11•
vu t-rei'fi+•tr•
The undersigned :rs it r•nnsumplit,:
•an testify retort his own experience as
tops value.
Write at owe. e -drley, aretl.snir;.els
lid may pinta. fatal.
Foe full partirulsrs, (heel ilutrl sal+,
rig..., ,addt,•s
C. A. ABBOTT; Sek A.,ent.
to Ann Street, New York C:ty, N. Y.
anti ..opals :eItry was mtrtlo- ••I•.e « .1 II 1 1 TO alts
m as the rose. It lecnwePreserlpUon the pittient Is recommend-
able little I'era. IN to take as mn,•h °ntoloor exerclse
to Intlueoco extennled throughout n1 possible -to do nnything in- fact
the entire neighborhood, welch entered
which senll get the bloat tutu eircnla•
9-a teor 4"9"1 "6-r-57"111 j'"I.4
_ mong rhoe eery tory [islet belabor esrr-
cise•s to take In trenting oneself for
round shoulders Is walkinc. Tel.
sltould lar done with hear( and shoul-
ders thrown hack. and a contemn effort
should he made to the det4.1y. A
este( plan to oegnirc the deep breath-
ing habit while walking 14 to count els
while you Inhale ern( six while you ex-
pand the breath. if this to donde Tegu-
larly when walking the hg.t1,,it of ex-
panding Use neat niial iitnci Icconle•s
fixe.(. 1tnrt,hack rIti it is anof er ex•
eellent inane by which In cnrre4 this
detect. .
But nil this will 1* of Ito avail If tent
_patbmt ieretw s- ie Ree- Meln tftm to
trend over during the .courso_ot-home
hntd intestine. To effect n rapid cure
the herk mutt be hell perfectly erect
while rending, eserine of sudor. (one
Indnlgenee of the old easy habit of
slouching'ker make. It nil the htirder
to ref.ifln. When el •join;; a Nut innt•
trews whnnld to use. by the woman
with bitted shoulders, n d at the most
one,plllnw may be nIfnw The rare
will fir clinch hastened, lin yrs; 1f nn
pillows are owed.
Th. Girl a Man Likes Best.
She M t+either• pretty rem pThtn. btrt
wire Is charming•, iter elethes Inxtray
her Indhfdnellty and aro a part of ber-
self. There tt no eisaltng tone in the
echemo of cnlAr end her attire It al-
ways suitable to the neral'lon.
This pertienier girl le never *berth
Sive. Ile eat Henn with UMW It
Fall Service
Lake Superior Division'
Steamers leave Sartain 3.31) p. m. on
following dates : September DI, 21, 2x
November 4, it 13, PI, 211and,25.
Freight sailing in addition tit almiVe.
Georgian Bay Division
(learn Sound 1 fa. In.. Ttleadnya and
eletordays only. for M. S. Marie mei
way pert*.
Tfekete end information frenu all t ail
we y agents.
formed to do for the whole town what
the little croup of neighbor* had done
for than' own immediate environs.
Mrs. Rens van formerly active In
work for tbe deaf. hifing Ineated at the
Scheel For the Deaf, Trenton, N. .1.
p e.-iilarper's Bazar.
We want you to see
the Steel -Ribbed Firepot Che
The Firepot of a
furnace being in direct
contact with the fire,
Any. increase in this
sttrface therefore,
-greatly increases -the
efficiency of the ftirnace. That is stity-1-STin
RIBBED FIREPUTS, which have three times as
much radiating,surface as any other style of fire-
pot,,enahle the "IfF,CLA" Furnace to save from
toX to 1 5% of your fuel bill.
Thi. is oiny erne of The rhany ere-M.1re feattires of
the "Hecht" Furnace. We want to explain them all to
esy time for a "Miele" talk end demonstration.
. a,w.wesw ..
1EmptySilkSp as
are e
V1 tib' N'T YOU SAVE' - THEM?
rTo New
74 I.av Street, Tot
The Weekly tilobe
January ist, 1969,
30 cents -
fifteen mmths•
.f eteat inure of tehnitiatiott
..ttlering The Globe. -Seirreeeer
.olm-ripl ion to
Pecial Offer
Aetutteetatetnet lute.. 1.1,11 toe
the publielitee et 1 lea
.1.Busy Man's
ienalding ass to ..,1-. : les bright, up-tn
The Signal
anal 'keeps ir-arertafii-thn hark e,iver le
it,h,)„,..tree,:uilmet 'tehieefeii:veHe-t iiii,ntl.4tr.azt f,nthr.rige
Vantage 01 thin offer.
las hspus4-
Subscribers I
The Weekly
Mail and Empire
to January ist, 1909,
30 CENTS •
to January .4str -Ivo I
fifteen months).
Empire it. • of the greet Mei-
columns chronicle the he peen -
Inge the whole_wallal and its
Agricultural awl liu*a. -40es#1.-
home. Address,
The Signal,
Ooderich, Ont
To New
The Weekty-.,Sun
Co--January '1st, 19os,
TN. Weekly Sun is the
Farmer's Iltleinete Paper, giving
'met romprelieneive market re-
ports and denlinr, each week
whit otter lffeirfefe of interekt
and value to the farmer. Mend
your stabscriptisth to
The Signal,