HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-24, Page 5THE SI(1NA1.: cl)I)I RICH' ciN'PRIO NATURE AND A WOMAN'S WORK The Financial Record ' W. ACHESCN & SON What Conservatives cal Extravagance Has Been Wise and Productive Hand ' ANnSOME SPLAY of superior Tailored the Revenues ___.comparison garments that show their merit at a -glance,- see - them this week, prices, $8.00 to $20.00 - Liberal and -Conservative Financing. NK Nature and a woman's work com• • bined balm produced the grandest After twin in K pl1(o eighteen yeas remedy for wutltnW'9 ills that the the Conservative (fuvet•nmentwar world has ever known, compelled to 'hollow tuoney 10 _PAY _jut the goexi Sly...tujikiDed dete.efl tom} urdlu�9' -4tYptInaaa -uf t(te-vwantty: >blr grandmother ,114e rite i:nitservat.ive press it loud ut the roots fold herbs /s of 12%21110 cure dlaea e- and mitigate suffering. The ' I 1>K oti .sour- Western —PGilns to -day can pneduce mots and ,herbs for I•Yrry atltuent, Wad cube diseases that baffle the moat akifled physicians who have spent years in the id,tldyatcl*"g. Ladies' Coats and Furs womsneminis WHAT LS EX7 RAVAGANCE ? BY judiCious expenditure of money the Liberal Government has stimulated every department of Industry, and made necessary extra transportation facilities, and more buildings for the public convenience. When these were provided the Conservatives accused the Government of extraan. e of rnent obstructed wnationalury growth and was compelled the old Setovadd largelytoLii the public debt to meet Ordinary running expenses. From the roots and herbs of abs field Lydia E. !'initham mune than thirty -years ago gave -to-tist women" 'of the world a remedy fur their pe- culiar ills, mole potent acid etfk'a_ cious than any combutation of drugs. Lydia its Yinkham's Vrgetable Compound is now retired an the gutlarti lemetlr, for womap s 11>-s. Mrs J. ail. T 12 Napalms Street,Toronto, C wig to Mea, l(nli(tam: " I was s great sufferer from female troubles, bad thous 'dreadful bearing down pains. and during my montlii periods I suffered so 1 bad to go to bed. I doctored for a long time but tbs door Loeb treatment failed t/i help me. Idy husband saw Lydia E. Pink Rain% Vege-, table Compound advertised and got a bottle for me- I commenced its use new felt fetter. 1 kept un talo until I was well end aa enwrap dkser- rat woman. I alio foatbd that Lits• E. Mukha/les Vegetable C w.ponnd Lmad. childbirth mu easier for ate. 1 would eeeo....d your Vegetable Cons all to every woman who is aisketed with female troubles." What Lydia E Plnk,ham'a Ve ble Compound elicitor ites.Tweedale, it will du for other suferingseemisp, 4 One on the Tax Collector. ' Teacher--•Uamr;, what is :a Gixidrn nt Janie% -••1 don't know, sir." "1'b miser "Don't know. air." -Ed- ward " "Don't kn iw .Ir- -_.Tees:her "Da 1, what is A taxidermist•%" Iter;i,•1 •Please, euro a taxidermist is .1 I:tx 1,,•.•.,1 air:" Teacher '•Nt,, 110, :. taxlnel'll er a -Matt who skins birds.' Rini ••1'lrart, sir, pa ways the t,,5 •nlleeto skins everybody.- • • .'Bew "Beware of the era is/ Mug rad:, riser the lies t t'1',. I Enterprise. Also Iwware of the line runi•rrsa- tion that leato a 'cru Washington Sums people wouldn't want t happy if everybody else 'was. K. • • FINE TAILORED • 1 CLOTHING FOR MEN PITS WELL • - LOOKS WELL WEARS WELL - When made by • DUNLOP . • Lbe Tata ••tWest St. �tM�•tll� a Stantield's Unshrinkable Underwear fit= perfectly. Every garment is \tested on models and texact size determine All sizes from 2 2 inches. 3 winter weights. Your dealer can easily get all desired sites and weights, if he should not have them in cos k. 141 FALL ING SICKNESS Pity Rpil.psy, At. Vitus' T)anr., Nervous Trouble., Rte.,itivnly cited by UtOIG'S HT CURIE. ?me trial bottle leek freeN apailcatisn_ e W rite the L1ZBIo 00., Plass St., Tomato. -denunciation of rxtravagancr, en- tirely overlooking the fact that when rhe Liberals tuautiled office they found as -the reet►lt of mismanagement- a general stagnation in business circles. and a heavy deficit ua it It•ga•y (rola (keit' prrtle.essort. in °11114•. .Gtowib -- -- itis tour that the expenses of the country have largely increased, but not out of proportion to the business tty'•yr• t+vl--13wM-14.4ie •ivwt+v look this featute of the raw whet' critieizing the 4 userninent, It does nut suit their line of urgety�, lit to pre. arot tilrerr.tia side of *RAW, Let us 1•x • this a tnatrlit. ht Ititil the total trade of the eon,,. try ytta VAfolls,,tjn and the revenue $:11,111 i,:sol. Thr drncit was $:1:10siI. 11111M si°• t Lal- lraJr wasf:51 1K IMM �$t ,m i, 1 and the restqs)i $1111:>(S11MS) iu4 _ there-_ wail-, marlTii ur lt,IMN1,lau1, One crust judge Iry_iesutts• If it be 1•xtra- ragater to in,reit.V the trtule .°t the •rnut'lrV from $2501,1551,1551 to $1a)1r,11110,- (551 and Awe; it surplus of $111,IM51,1$N1, then 'what rhoiht 1e said of the' Coll- een -awe wer11mtrmt Which secured a tlrfe/ltat.-'1'hi5 i0-ltli' tt•,rtllt tintwith. trade of , And cameo nut at standing au expenditure, for useful the end ni the si•ak Hearty halt a public works ofSY27,testtintt--over and million in debt _above the ordinary . climates. since if estrlvagut'ce brings results snub coming into (sower. us chit, the people wsiukl tw pleased to The fast that the 14'.1 debt of the, rico • Inure of it. ' i euuntrt; has been deer':tcoiel ft LSI. X90• ('otioervatives managed to show M_ in 11017 101012.M in 11517 speaks,wrll r fifteen years of office i total for the Jammer in w•hih public llusi- with-(irrat Hrit:tin` of $fet,NG,. •ntws has been conducted. I.:strays. oNl, br'I,iiwritl� +iter twelve years goer( whisk reduces the per capita' .l•,slw. eau poi,{t with pride to a dela id a country should lie me total t le with )(list I3ritiin or Aged. not criticised. Under foes,. ta. $3x1,7':m, it jjl liars the tet• capita debt was 14/11 "Guilty on the inciease, under the Lib- erals it has steadily been restored. ,• building Ihr \':atiuual 1159.r,ntt 1 - en cal. The foolish tall. of extravagance w$1 troy convince enythoughtful Man.' The Cunservetryes had • no oppor- tunity to ie extravagant with an un- developed country on their hands which they failed to develop. It is to be aasutt;.4J that they would have spent the money had. it flowed into the trrallurv, but it did slot, and they - went in •dela. It was surely greater extraveyanceittt spend less. anal. in DISPLAY of FURS Magnificent new styles in Sets, Boas. Scarfs and Mills, 1..11,114 -- Fox, Lynx. Sable, Marten. Neel skyey -range hoot 86.00 up, MbIf., fru,, 115.00 up. • UNDERSKIRTS Special showing in Moire mind Heatherhluont ['mien skirts that will not•crack, and all appeal -ants. and style of �� �� I„ $5 00 , ,u 11 French 'taffeta, tetter HOSIERY On male Ube week. silty dorm pairs of Ladies' C.aalunere Iluse, plait and a silk euat't•uittered a nutl•ker's stuck. Sires, 11 and fit at fully 4 miter value. 3'5c Bose+for 25c, 50c Hose for 35c, _ 7.5GHos for>` 35 Inspection Invited. '• w ACHESON & SON $1 .t :45 -ir-apumi inn sad have tat shaRlttt gd'aif Wt"T 11Iw Peal $100,(N$t,15.t, i4 surplus atter twelve want to return to the day's 'f Is1M1 ahJ years of ithire, which it the record of an expenditure of $1I1,1Ntl,INsi a year which Liberals are. justly proud, then - tow third of the piestofkkeji *holds, Iw el otasauJt of Inst Imalkes al Id Ir abandoned, public wusks.huuhrerase, mo Luther uanr- Inlrtatioh ft:. fifty t•hould be provided, aids to navigation should be re •ed• lighthouses left in ties -kliegs. harbors an etntnnrtr Ih°°G1 1111 Mi, All no Valuable Asset Secured. If it were not for the special ileus of expenditure on the National Transcon- tinentalth,• Liberals since they utter into prow'er %mild have to rel all of to desert se wllat,'seq' to the Inthlirt_debt a (vas eleral,te surplus over and above exp1ruditnis4 of eVery character. %Vital thea bee o'Irs of the ytiestiin or extravagance? 1111• trogset•vativt'a. *rift -in t old ellfi,i5M1,IMM1 while in ollice ; was this extravagance' Thr• Literals have increased the public debt only about$1ti,IMM1,41N1 Allen C • nig into power and this was ml, ,account altogether of the National- Transco° aft ge Increased. Such wast business Ui iitg,...0 .-- Normal 1ltcrease Oil Canna in IMi51 hat the railwaysAf 7• the country carr'o , le Conservatives 11064.sigh( id the freight, lout alter *etre years of wire \fact that what they desrrilw tae extra - policy, and u3ibuild tg of industries, %tgagrr is the normal mind natural in. the 1.ilwral (foment. It drawn attest t•kkkrune of expense in :a country I hat Is tint' to a t age u tit,atlt,,i tt' of ra idly growing. in .arty d.lc> t'sr freight carriedtt>r the y 1751; _ was'utrihhahbtst :m,1 there weir Hank Dlseounts n° stirs. towns in• villages : cues there re hundreds, and the piddle (fe- 1 n ,1547 t hank i•trou1i110 111atst r.,stonferu, eustonis $• h•, rtes, :u,d ted to 1i,ts111.452. 7 .a WAS .p Odic buildings 'Pinch as .trill the result of l'utservstite (icy, halls, ar °ries etc.._ curl ,all things After the Litwritls trail Tont Led whil•h are' he rune 'tants of settle - affairs, "sr that confidence was e- hent: 'I'u rovidr' these for the people stored, the bank discounts in 1 is the duty t the tlovernnlriot. reached the sum of $ii b.4,n71i,e1lal, Poe a Expansion. Bank DepoattL s is,pnlatiu increases and spr',ids Nothing •hews the prosperity of a 1,14 the mumu t the. tract servi,•r ham people re eurtl•t•tyy titan the batik to l: rp pace, is of itself i. an dap sits. In Itea, after eighteen 411 us esprit on the (ihveni• years of I'onservatit•e rule, the hash 'tient, It .I yet the poshrfl{c,• is con - deposits were tlrrdit,ti11,4$.2. la Ii547, 111111041 of t► paying sit'. In dealing after eujo)'ing the lwnrttts of Liberal with Mere sell t•xpet Mures it t (iuvernwrnt for twelve, year., the be rwneu►Ir that .1 a expcnsrm of p count hart mn tlepisii in the chartered the Islstunts fur int ,wing every batiks Ito Tess a SUM than $,inY4)tW, ,4 ,l. year, in ' rep; 1.5e 1n he growing 'weir is convincing evideltee o1 the !•e-- dismantle -foremen . matati ; all t his su o1 wise *1mutistrat. of public of•rourse is added ,Hat . the Government, Savitt(s 8aake. tive critics look on itl the account and unser fit n the ltm.rr.at>tirm revenues, t, n in t ,e r lay : . 0, ceased to weer' the country, the they see n hing but the e ase ide people had on deposit` jn the pad- and this is extravagance in t eir e office 'and-g.tvernutrnt savings bank When they spent less and a*nt out the slim of $4N,tK$t,1r:i. In i,Jt t the the end of the veer with a dr 'it n people had prospered under Liberal $7s5),urt this was rcnrwtny.: 1 en government to such ,t'1 extent that the Liberal Government spends 5 - they had em deposit with the (harem- eral minions more n year for the iwn Ment the stint of $1U.iiEl,071 - fit of the people and 'silences the Bank Capital. account wilt over $1,IM$1,4110 surplus, tuning 1/f ',nserVit- itis of a• 11 tits sl 1,1 iw 14laed 111 tIte %Vest I s•,ulrr, \ 'could 1'.Illi/ 1 Illlt Ir taken 1" ► arket. This wool return to the- i-ur tinned! Wiwi", suet receipts, small exprltdi- tules, ,cud uruplrle stagnation in etery'stench ( t'aiional life. • Enlarge Liberal Views. The l.ilwritl ttttttmlet't takes s vett' different air ,.I things, %Veli wise futeeigttth• lioirtulnrut hitt on spent .hey gen •'1151), but ant- dently aids to 14.1 It inn" herr en- couraged shipping, id Ir.b(i•trl th0. instilling."' tat e.•. parterre --brier neon deepened. :utl (row ori. is rut toil improv -- pitrntuRlrrs heti• Isru ,4,4:1:.d 414 i•ealanllst I o 11 u ievarstltrw of cls•• p.•.q,lr Mail ,e, o talion 101•, tit", 11 n lea , I I•. I,s .\,' Ite•la 1 a Irul tett 1 1:131 „t 'diet •r.4 Ibc 1n•I.it11. 411111rtes-'.-ti/Vi • .1111 •it'd. Ira \.•1s4.upentel'.1 .slid,tb'• rntslesl 131/1 14 0l :011, rhe N ui.•tal 1'ranscunti- nrtlul is rapidly appn,iaehh444rull�ple- llull.- • Splendid Showing. .All of.1his, and afire tweive\ r•e only $It',I5PI1,1051 ,added to the lit •eir dell for 1 h pul•p,s,• of ,.•skin:•\a 14131a1it0 tut ,41111 •'1. is tine. well,• Vajt:ITli"0? Wh•Q.eSniff. IVT( •ietijrirrri the itoVere \ .ti irks. day . mulct eon - 4.4 vidive ride, When the ind.•, of tato day was,-, aa. row • money, tail gl.ul.-.• over the reedrd of I h.f.i Fend tit.irr,tnt'•ttl, ,inti I% • In ant -,.Jbrr •nuelu•iou -telt this our, that Ilse 1.ilrerah tla,k charge .,f public. ,Ilfeirs • t.n. .o1)11, and that the gt34tt pttmspwlit) of the'pm•opte and mal tot 1 C 111e011041•10111110l11 ••1 4'tild4'treat tl lb' .utile inn Int•°•• degree h' the. stat,'.• Toronto imilitite polio% of sir 1Vilfrid i.•un•ier and those gentlemen wltl.ur Ito form TUB FTU flvtl tibio Ilk 1iiew cullet to his rosined. Ile(eipt.. ,.1 Irv. Iwai ti, :: lib ek Y* we 'I'u.liths otrr tile-w::,lits of ('.,e - ,ut.t•I '•1- - ad:i to the I ,nisei.t t, i ars uuw w ou1.1 `i.e."), amit le he to inYlte aayq miry; The int./v.0os( t _ value of the piddle d 11115111 wo„bl lilt Ther,• w►r•.. t th. I-aJt f e..ttl.• tau retire ahs cupidity °t the mei' a lin 1�s,1' tta«re y., did not hesitate It' taplieripn'itt,e Ib'• tight vapor' "tours s. Ile tale'sInOpettytit Va lithe+ 5519.11iet its eterre th value was sumparat i rely'. smell, end � tog. per ...art ,,,rl stew it is great -thee w.ts$hf ht' scute -,t ..•MPtMs:' ItIK cleat '14,4 .-4 Y.... -44-vt, weer or Ntw•, luad5 4 '''''"d•H L' rn tis wnnit ant the I.u•illr ,caudat In SIM to .ss •kenos,.. h_•, t., .haler. The good sense of Elie propos r, . I 1 12m to 1r r :sneers I t. II n of 1 ittgda will assent such ,v cal' +51141.,..*d amity. THE MARKETS. r Portland Cement 'fayaauas, September 24, 1906 Pi • - Secured by chalice at leas than ,east, it Iluau- Tify oT Feet government -inspected and testedPORTLAND CEMENT, -Santo its used on tdie, ut'W outside, breakwater at Gotleriiih harbor. This we are ;telling at $I.75 pet' barrt'I plus 40c per liarlt•1 tor s ekp, N hiieh are returnable, • 1'ut your order in'quick as we eillulilt tlnplicate the goods awl it is going' out fast. - Howell Hardware Co. Limited, �Ut'l I:SSOR TO E. P. PAU.LIN. J Now Ysek Lies stack. EMERGENCY DANGER. NEW YOU -K. Rein 11 It,, -vee► When a Harsh Catarrhal Cold Fastens on 11111111111,1 .14 i 1 . •nsgaas-a•x,ifa 1s--�---r-•- Threatened, .Flints, 4145,. steam .lss...l ,lot(. ..1,.041 more lances: boils. nen: rows. steady t.. -east same -Ja to -Jt tun,taM.:realar-ek.-40" London rattle. and fleet market ,nehang- Liverpool Wheat Futuna Close High- . sr, Chicago Lower—Live Stock' —Latest Quotations. Monday t•:.etdug. Heat. 21. 1,tv.•t•L1w,1 wheat 'inures elue.ul to -fay tat higher to's,t Fitly, them. on Satur- day.'awd ...rt. so 1t' id nigher sear• wl.,rar •t..ae. n tea_ era i4.•pt .-corm, Pio, lower. and awl. oaf/ air tower - Winnipeg peg Option,. l•L+ll,m.riu:: - ar..,.tb�elaialnw-ge,iitlaAA AN. W tnnlp-5 .Titin future,' Nib.at September _ Y%' '• IoW, 0410brr X. 1.,d. i Aar—tuber 5N4a• bid M••I•t,1nbrr Ills• 144. 1 ebrr alt WJ ' Toronto Grain Markup. wa.at, .p.i,.m- aaanb 10 as to 5....- %Vlrat. tall. I.w.a,. 0 !Ill .... •l ne:., red. bush 4 til .... 11..-.bal.Ml...r,...w+..,0 54 aa Buckwheat. b.i . 070 E........„ bush.•T . 0 el Isar ley, bats i•el ' •lr 0la Data. bonbon: 0 44 ' 0.45 toren) Dairy Market. Rutter. P.Uaratur. .airy .. ., 21 Pt.:trr, gore tuts 0 21 r 1. ,tier. creamery. Ib. ru4 40 i5 grits. new Ir d. dear ... 0 >p 14r5r Ib- • in% (5,s..., twin, Ib ..-. a 0% Hoses; extremes 0at- 024 0 Z1 0 24 011• , 14 0 14 0• New York Drury Market. Nftw t')Klk, doe*. 0.-11'uttrr, l'ratllu- lar: raratet'., SII. ernaiSe y ser&ali. c t . 4N44, surer. :31 jt; 1 . 0. thin! Tato finite. lir to 3441'. emu. "dairy. 1.4001011 IV •inert. Ise 10 =be. prq,unsa. ••.snubar lu a,asial. ISc to 944, aastrru !:slur>. Mwestern t, toe west, it ultallr•n . rwur.ry. newt. IHt'eto a. cress-. strung. rt.etpl•. Pr'. state full -r+•an, etesaata, IAt. t,., 14%, de email rred or white tars,. 1}, large .vlurud off white hurry. I!' -t'•. ,it ,nt,m1 1.. tutu.•. L•.• w 1:•y3. 4.. .mantles. t., fait. use.' to It% 44. shines. b, 1044• I. ., nen, rtauale S. Waal tale. I•enn- ryl a and meaty faaey reI..•,rd wbn«. 31, t...1T. du.. fair te. eba. le. 3. h. Tae. brown a1 Inland fans/. c te. Jlc. alt.• falx tm•,o1.r. 'We to N.•. western Mats.' rsc 1 a.'\ ,wa rote. :b- tie 011..• TiLE MARKETS. unction Lies Stock. N('fluA. Sept. 'Sl shark at the lst'uut lift (:trtUlaln. ..,at t1.•. Gr Inoptt 4172 Itl, 25 salves bre••• fairly road al t: and .,. h.utta of F. I.. It 40 t:t- ,s•tybl,• from .at to M per The Newspaper Fraternity. Tire Myth !-tmelsnl i,r n r,'• having recently Pell•lr•alyd its nly-Iir•st a ersary. .1. 1.. lien-. is now publishing it, is horning 1lea[ •7 al'Oe. i544. Rpesa.n•r. were yyniM -5 i• „ at, •1, 11nr•• ,nsui w•choir. _t.ver wuul.l I,.ne I. .nu.1 ready reit• / rel t a1vea. • t' muMr.tr lllll ittier of tial cabala ....4.1 at st to skioIe^ •at %bees alad Ist♦aa -P110.,' (nr .15.1. 311,1 Itur.bre werequnt..1 this is described oar extravagance. t1 I ru'ddl„ess 1?tn.,r, ..W.,.. IifO to Z. ram 4, • Beak capital in MG wan $1i1,7111 IMI7, in 1ts5i when the t'unse-evatives 'rt' bright, attractive *heel. 1V.' 1wrrw .� le 1' , wl 13m1., tM.3 r.. s. ,S and 11514 Was increased in' 1)514 W went out of power there were H,IIKt 'will tar continued surreal. Hep. $;ti,l:f,, I. AV.. N1har�tt+itn has aidil•Thr'• (uteric (llrn F 7.Tmi1 t 1'hrsItt ee*sioplershow how the were 1i,. 7. Canada, in !Orr, there "'lett” n 11'.S.'I, ons late of the "e'+"tia w_ r•,.rt•.+ ,.•�m<ry were 11rC7. The itncrrmietl cost °f Y >" r.. f,',11' itn•t twat er.5! a( 1rm• tamales, °riche country Iris expanded, llrmtren `Vitnr+s tinier: '' f«.lat5 and line Industries have grown maintaininglace. these 1 is alluded to sol ex- markt., travagnnce. In MOO there were under The Pet Sound North Star haeU larger, and: tdLat a great yalume . el r i...4 ,.t if, ,. o. to—rt i.e1•r'IT,•nt Ywrtsy'',1.!';'.441.'1117-.:•.--.,.,•, Lye Ste fk tette there id nt) tree N,part s attves t itti Tllataf mite f( tv,comparedwithCon• right -pegs t „•r. The .Month Star ]1t'1 nttt:.%t. nr :p„ f,l.l At end money order oR1cPco, and in 1007 rets srrvativr days. They show how send been tr in n experiment st ith n St ,mesal Sl . 131,1 East Iaal Mar - theme have. been increrrnl to il,01 3k••; I ,,. , rl touch umlre tnutt5t' the people have entailer plate I r n. s°,rk r.,r ter than in former da a, and provide an teas this increased growth or el. tat 1 ore rr( t, -,I t'l,nt arra r • I •root --In" t ,_,11th,. 31ot y Psena r.•t .reed to t stulJarJ forth. "r"s t I I:u„t . answer to the charge of extravagance. trsvwgwnr'r In 1l3bifi the points a "its 3g•a Jr,;" .:.Iveco R savings banks numbered 7:h;, :and in The North Star, u. •et'rr. i4.;n g.aul' tele atrerings t•r h,cm: n umpll..n this - , u,rb. hq ....1 1.tr•d .•f Ian .t'te ;o) Ai. ,l. Extra' Provincial Subsidies. - 1001 thet'e were 1,111x, -bloods! the paper 1111 host ,rr au \W , -*hare- i6a. . Issued. \ (til tont-N.7 .fn :,4,, .0 1 ii ',elver A The t'nnservatlse rail, "TM al- extra expense of the '. extravagance, - �_- f• ylure n( tete tc,arla,ares. rLl„ ,ter wast p. dation be described tisk rxtravagancr, \ i,- r»•e•n nor w.ak,•r renes .wroeb nam ludas to the extra nth5idiet given to or cohonld it are regarded as w proper Amdnp�he Teethe IKevaIled he the u,arket rot •mites .m ar- PAPbl/1f th'. { rovinees, whin incre*iep'' - count ••t Ike Its ',Ass(' orrru•ilu:s. and t`creat expenditnrt of public motley 1 And Victor E, Putt n, o4 Cit. has Tierces antis ■ .thstrie of 1„ ors,, per Ib. the expenditure of. the liOv siith all this over $1,4151,(1111 of w sur- Irwlte to the rm,llnued dry w.atber thre- $'2,2i11,0U0 a year. taken q posit nm carht al ark's- nut the equntry and tar pour paOlttAWL plum. , Malts,• Mr. Curran a g tibial of -nupMsl wlti, the high Wee, for all Nom National Transcontinental. L Interior Department, •(i lalrric.h (rtdlegbhe In tih;t ..f ford farr„er• are setting ntf tlrlr Interior UePartni,14 l Th'Ua5L'ttiLf L: Malintete erorir-.vasa amt1w-twc este- -r -- Nothing is 'ski netts, _r �W' < vested in the National Transcortin- pence a quarter of it ii ,Ibnn in (km.- Quarrrr has ai,4•pb41 the. lmmri 'omit of err. ooh Harr (Noshed. thee Are navlfb, a �— setvative d and heat ar11.11m-1111- . r•eralax .1t.nursu�•. ,w .t1,. market A►• eota(Xaiiway, which is til Tie -Wine tays. pct tie fitly Tm' teacher in the Junior , 1 e the supply was unaes,alh lalrxnelMa Canada's most vahtalde assets, The 'revenue, this team careful manage- Rockland high !Ivh.sol, near Ott* vas in nh.x, tn.• demand tepee hall and /rail- road is not being built as the Conger thent, When the Liberal Oovern• 11'.. congratulate Aries I.st•lin nn e- stile uyn ens 1 54.1 at the abm.w larder- vativem built the Canv;lien P,►cinc - talent spends a couple of millionsi and excellent scholarship, which •t+ was dour. and n tartly erW,• ,erase ha, n revPaur 11 r I lstrhiss Shaer ail- Awed for her in thin, a in. i nr k'r"^'t ' of ' found the money end a huge lend I P K give 1 •-y ti• etm•k s nn rhe market and grant and had nothing to show for it riche this id rnhjre•t to eriticimnr, and her plofeP«ire, chi offer of im wrt5n«d from nod t„ ts0r u. ,.,,, t, ,,M describe.! as afterwards. In the MOW of the new r+xtravagahce. mt him(.. t sloe, to N to pr'► aro Ibm l'armie ,rdvtr•,,, When every department -of-tint-- Airs:'M. -Met)nnwid,--i-ry-.'1M t 1't'rrnm*�rr ':^fir anomies anTranscontinental Railway, every dol- lar the people put in is equivalent to government was conducted at a loss dent at Ulsler•iell Collegiate Institute,` ter rap hers and bulbs envy smother lye an Investment in a gilt•.dge(u security. in Uonarrvat,vp tinter, they claim and latterly 14 .bunrmtown, •is neW per b. tower, :ural this ,Muriel wan very The people will own the portion of the ctu"'fttl luanagrtnent of public attain'. engaged au tree lire at Watson. Sisk. • �+' 1w*( ta%reee "mkt twee u qtr but when the Liber II Government to etc; mirk greed at a• w qtr. and the road for which they pay. lower ad.•co et cera. b• w shows how it ie anmitrte to administer sol.'' ver Its This is only one feature of. the p Hunters' Excursions TheA w no tertber eharn,e fn ter, eae- caw, the departmentie at w•protit they meet mush •err a market rose totem snit lambs • Striking Comparison, .with criticisms via (trend- Trunk Railway system, .les slit„ ay wn•r. pr rc•5 harnyt rakll Return tieket.5 at singlt• fare : INII',,Ier taws '°i1" a rr.,v.d ,Nlna.rt teal, k,ta1 In the cast of the Comedian Pacific, Careful Audit of Accounts. Nth to November ars, to point* in lend exrs•rt yen. n.t ., fairly octavo the conipany owned all the land ad - the dollar of money rxpendr(i in Trina ami, I t trade was• , rahnrr capon .n.•p. acrd I>s Y K prints Maltase's to Port at rel. - and t,. Buhr at ax,: w Sine Tow }event. to the rwtlwry, Riven lit the the country is eu•tfully' audited by Arthur. To 4lnut•giiin Hay anti Meek- trade in tumor s prluctl+anz ter local Conservative (iovet•nment an a free the auditor -grime' and all the Maw Division Port Arthur via N. N. smcxow,1, a1 4oys t eepi (s., n, gitt, and the benefit in increased value nccountm err :ittervarlm 4crntinire.t t'o,, and to certain points in ttttrhrr, % "'V' h cotnor.err remsm hap 11.5510 -4 In 1 11 market fur h s .d the went of lend in consP(puenre of the building by the pnldic amounts comYnittee of New Hrunswiek, Nova Scotia ani' and vFlc•s nate adv, ceJ x,. W : s of the road was reaped by the rail ay the House, and it i5 a remarkwhde fact Newfonthllend. i.,tll±_ _Tadd• In MOWS ma -,free compeny, end settlers were compelled that last session. with all abs* talk 4,1 1)i tota•r Sind to \nct'tnlfPr IFd, Ti e^ II"''r^'q5 nt.fn s r, rmiwdlaa either, to buy from the company at scandal and extrswiag'sne* not\`Inn llttsknkA Lakes, I,nkr nf' HayS, msg. R;�'f' *wit' wrest „" " •'r as to high prices or mettle in remote parte single instance AMP A CBPP cif einnrls*s- anetawan ttia•rt, 1'netang, Midland mor"froin: trrno'ira •stet clot .?,`Itirtevt.n far back from the Hones__ sary expense demonstrated hefeiee tlpr and i.gkensht, Madawwekn to i)etart . tbrtfnut-_the t-'vn(rv-_ thee ,w.,,atMew. In the continental road.of the not antional ae, a of eland mit t�ottrargument mtbwhirhart(e ' did semi to fnrbor,. Argyle to llnlilntrl ii, Shathid I itkpk. Li is K, its%, there. brink on r.4» rear which 1k ale K. rhe ds, Tits wtP- mfl,oe In%n u given 8m a Isonus, and all the iwnd Mand upon items to whirl. the anti• & P. Railwwy, and patintw from Severn e.•rl•rP, and sat.•s ..t mete. r.,$i ';kNs•!re along the line is immediately available tor -general bad himself objeltted, 111 North flay inclusive, Itpi.►pn .,,.4. a1 tae r,.r -10 Ibc•.-wmtg5le --wry for settlement under Inntm,te,ul con. showing ',het all criticism hitt its limit on all1irketo Saturday, flee/nil. rare., thione, origin with the proper government Ie'r:Nh. 11554, or until close of navigw• East Suttee Cattle Market. \• Increased Land Value. nffleiwl, end the Opposition could. tion, if Pwrlier, to print* t/sch,sl by p:A,OT 11'4')-'.1 r, Pepe, !1 (•at,M-no, claim no credit, atralnets. ''Full intnr,ogt inti from any c•1115.• '•5,, 1,,51 stow :o"t a.. withr, This is not all. The increased value 'rhe Uon.,rvatives make their tirwhd Trunk In-ket egress, Suer, 14 10 0:e. ahlpph,:(. K •:+ 1.. 0 q of find in consequence of the building chrege, against the (lnvernment on ! s Onleheis N w taws . h 1... t . fit av e of the road enure% to the people. It extravagance and scandal. They •Tom's Catlin . '�ce�r,•wn� 1..est r; hull*, 4 X to fl ai; stuck• has been estimated that one hundred g. ? H to M X. 1"I * tn•K•r•, have proved neither the one nor the r,:; Ia"11143 , fremh ,•nes :mil w millions of acres acquire a value of S•S other. With regard to the scantlals t)i,tt•asse'1 et his •stn'5 refn.al to I rl llv,• and JI Mghe� prinRrr per ecre as the direct result of the they have faded away ander investig• enter the enioi+try and his pr'feretwe it a.si:/1wr vw Franc: r.;ar tern policy of the liovernusent, which bad wthmri, end Ns to rxtr'RvsptttmT, Tha for dealing' in horses, is wintt,V r.i-ins , t.'xc!q`us"ty--a..'!1. I.rwwr: P.nmmn no value before, Fein not of the line in Lire En and 11: en 'til rents Sewer: h•evy, $1 An to g desire is tar obscure the teal fart of th. dlish Midbanril was telling' I' :n• ml.^d, C t. in T :n ,cork► P, item rn nt ttwhPpnrtwtinn. This *mount of great prestress made under a iA-veal his srrt•rnw 90 .1 In iubtP,/•. {• s • (.1" 41 'n Mtn, rnnPt•s• t5 MMM' $1)O,Ooo,oen therefore hicnmem at. once administration which has made in. "Oh :" said the latter. ((11on't. 4et►01 5tnxs, lit 10 stn. stable*. M 13 I^ i; a national asset and would never have creased expenditures nerenaary. it toe"ueh to hese,. 1 believe Toa Rn•,.p mart (.atelia- lot- IMS, 1(,15711 need been h,tuilght• late existent.. had It. not will lend 111°1} nem' t.n frp•Ijtam r ,r4 5# �r'Mi':1PT1 ftlke~hlsrnP. 1, in Mott, ijmar neon ter the enterprise and statesman• Must Go Ahead. hor'P.• dreier than ever he emits As a' 5 �Psrtli .4 In 1 *ethers iii',. ship et the Liberal (Government is hhoaW the tioverntnent he passive mintitel " Ito » JS a � '; shim mind. 16 tlAvts, ua.•Mpts, mils•, Vvanq nen h' '1'I,rt'r ale titles sic Fru it HyGmel 45, tl4rhair: ani ' dl5x ant '." -a sr. iodic is worth ti rile nu•l Ilnvin h.wer: eastern. Mai: vests, tai to >d.50: R it ttt .•nus, 11 w Wit baud will, says ,I Life. Nn sal'rr �.stun; Chluee Lie Steck. tion ren l,• suggestel 1131.11.rtllling ut 1'tt ll`AUu. .i,Pt ^t 4;141..,111:7; K'0tr•IptP. J:a.. 11 II5o11 ,, drug store :Old getting a ^1,UtV A UI* tm rllw.1, 1..vee. al utility Ltd Use ill foll°wing e,a.r5, . . X:ut, t„ T.a; Treses, 0 Y• I.. .U. ...+•emir %Chen a child .h..ws the Ih•st sign of a1n•n. 13,,1 t.. t6..: stockers rad teas!-. eenIIIt a it -.,ll b. tl lit • ahe.,ogh the. ,es C.e' to -15.0: cosy Yid e)AR'rs. 1st u' fetor.. w111 r•hwk 11,,' trouble perusa- U. 14ut calr.u, >K t'.•11 - t mw ` m711.0"rig,.7......;1187"V'yx:7;;;'",71.1.;:r.14111,. : sliest.th.lett. .oil.( .alae(h.rIlrtu. teamisa to 1% lieu through cietchin eold you ifr, ta•w.y, iliur:• ,.lK ItukirtiF +N' n ter --►, 7r W... >KWIn •r •.r 1i 1 B1111-.1....17"1:::;"""W"). W 1 u til nr soreness t y (navy. *1 to 1745. 6:1::1: alk ..f exJer. 1610 t.., `taster the 1.•G !lingo .4101 other sy(opt ' of alien- ..Vh,.3. Ittarlpt-• woo asst, rwnvr.1 ulnuin, tkr instant eerier' from Ifyinnei L:-• 1.. *t5' eosin ev; •i"5. 7:,. to $43'� .lir ionitu•v elm's, y..ar11'e.. SI.SO 10 tai, uetl%t ,ant"• iii, te K-lu: Weat:•n lam/. -t3 -Z, 10 ffii • It se-. o 1i1, .1 imelyl -lti the inner I., ',se-. u( tin• 'sIun.•Itra) tubes and • 'Prue Dine. Hr:' f-1 like to sit here acid watch the sea. 11^.teller 50 bhlr it' -the morning." - Stir w►h^tir"t't 1,11 1).:-• Whet,. nm 11,4 111.1 or. moist WWII - .'111,• elp, reach. - %% lien (0 ,ss4-In, :cath• Ylntdtttnn pre• 'wilting. It's on13• the dve ,,,__.‘,..1,011 ta anal whrrr.ing and oppressed r0nt,' ant of 5uul1 .of troop ehw,phle.thiffKi 11Y •i will bripg reit, b.ltbitipr suits." 14'trrnplete uutti1, $2110, -- FIRST, READ OUR :ERR CATALOGUE lege to be the beet for you. you to judge for yourself. obligation. Just mail your Stsd.nt. admitted .ny time. THEN Decide on Ibc Business College We aale the prlvdege of sending you our intenaely •Interesting, handsomely - illustrated FREE CATALOGUE. It, fact, you really owe it to yourself to get a copy and read it thoroughly before you select the Business College to attend. This Catalogue explains all about our school, our faculty, our different courses. Tells why we honestly believe our Col - Alter reading the boots we will leave Sending for a copy places you under no name and eddrew on a postcard. S'...1.1 spenlnt. S•pl.'L.r .nd J.nw,t. The Forest City Busin LONDON, J101 "CSTxtvr: T r.• psi 1 ess and Shorthand College •• ONTARIO l ¢• V53TLRV1LT..1., C.A:: YI.Pnas.l AnilmingionmANANIANAmincomp S OVES! STOVES! STOV WITH tht}apprmnch of winter the th, grit of Stoves_ is ,Imwa•LILxI. 11 a have a compel 1',.11rte' of Ranges nor{ Heaters to chola*. item. Tit world -wide -known HAPPY THOUGHT 6' WO ' D'S FAVORITE are leaders. 11'.• Fano .omeiIneW in the (tang" line THE SUPREME In chi+ range the leaver retches live sides of the ,,von, •tv}m•reas (ahem only tot alt. it Ir kit tmlyatt•urel Ptgn7,tistlotl and snvlk 'i•nn.l- ' tg range on the market. ft is guar/Site/A lo sate far per cent. of the Gwl when using i.i,,, soft -p or wand ,Ind :1i fh•i• crrii: w1 i tieing bard coal, It burns the games chit 111he9.throne Iq► 41172-4rnt of the (Hsinitu•j', ' in Heating Stoves, the RADIANT HOME still leads the market. 1'r ran give yen ',mile sldehdid valuta in secunde3twhd Minuet* ,mei ifeeters, \. _ BUTTER • MAKERS, Fare inn ttxu the new SANiTARRY ('IIUR..N displayeefyn 'eir• w•itnlow; which is t, be the titst "prize for the feel 11hib, crock of hhlt'r shown at the (irall•rich lndustrfal Exhibition? Plumbing, Heating, 1:a1'estroughing and Electric I.ight Wiring promptly attended to and all work fully guaranteed. PORTLAND CEMENT always in stock. Store'Phone al Hotly. 'Ph i:. 112 CHAS. C. LEE