HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-24, Page 44 TIOIUUDA*, September 94, 1908 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO THE TOWN'S SEWERS. To the Electors COUNCIL uISCUSSES AN IMPOR- TANT QUESTION. - RiaPN:apt -Mi Surface.- Sew*ra�Harbor-,F Sheds Again an the .Table- Is Your Dog Licensed ? . Summer Hotel Mortgage to be Foreclosed, I The yuertiun of rhwerayte occupied a large share ut the attention of the town council at its regular meeting un Friday evening last, and the state. wrote .lade by slue of the council. lore indicate a state it affairs for which a remedy should 1w at once de- vised and applied. It was stated that sewage ie being taken away .by the drai n emptying m h'in into the river at the (Out ofr g 1 xterlw rtrert and, sues, still, by the surface drain which enters the lake near the t}.,1': H. sta.. tion. Thew were never intended as sanitary sewer's. and their 1110 .11,11 Much its a ltienilee 141 the biblio of -the town which demands immediate action. This condition of things wets dis- closed as the result of a dbicussiim of the drainage. question am aITe0141g especially tot' smith s`uTP of the town. Some of the euaucillot•e wanted to secure the report t of ;an engineer on the whole •1u...tim eof the town's ee•w• - et•age 41141 elrainage systems. but a motion to this- effect Was etetested,' and tor the present the council will devote its efforts to providing relief tt• the section wret-ofthe limon road.- . All the neons,s of tI)e-ewneil were preeenl et the meeting; The collector 'roomer' that he hail sent out I lel 111.1icee tet dog•owne-s and • only about forty-three of these had paid. The clerk was instructed to put \ a mail.., in both -lomat- inter-., t h bylaw would be carried out, and in he case of dugs not paid for ou or be- im the i:dh of October the owuerr wvntd be.` Hni'ttiirthe dogekilhi1.' Freight Sheds at Harbor. \layter \lacklin suggested that •the' cin lac, a fv+lw aid r, t k ) a into r unaidrratiun the plating of a bylaw before the *lecture ' 1'e. load--lu--Lor-tluilding (.4 the prop. freight 'hely at the harbor. 'Sit rinteutlent Oboree • of P. i• the (. lu It\�. haut stated that if .the town would ensile the sheds the C. P. It. sonnet xltu11 io 1 l,- lar 111 them and bring 1 mats berm. The question w.. raised whether the town had auy w it ten pr'uuaiie of_ this kind Truett -the flwar pesupte, and it was urged t1 re.61 this phew! .of the !natter should not overlooked. Reeve. McLean r oppieesel he proposi- tion out and out, and .1 •laced That the C. P. It. should bulb its uevn sheds. Councillor I.aithw ate also thought the melting* .e unr-Si e t one, while Councillor Jluuiiings be 1 that it would tw a goe,el investment r the town. The Mayor said he lied asked r. Ohornr why'the 1', P. H. did n t build the sheds and he hied replited\ that the. t'.. P. K. htul Ito ptu{twrty a%ailahle fur the Inrpuse. His \1'ur- ship added that the t;. P. It. 'night have a suitable property .n three tears or so, but it would he Nell to have the boats deeming herr Mimed. lately. Th.•-towtt - would own and control the sheds, 'rhe railway men stated that they had no prrfrrenee for (.oderich or Sarnia ter any. other place, whirl' illeallt that this town must offer *wane indneement if-: it de - aired to secure this tram, which. *mild be of _eunsidrrable imput•tance. A motion by Cuuu'illor (callow, onded by (' Akar Bonder, was cart heti, directing theharbor 1 tee-lugo into the whole matter. His `Vorahip mentioned the *Gar of a derelict who had drifted Mt.. toWn and had become so ill that he had been sent to the hospital. The man said he rattle from Perth flaunty and wanted . to get into the honor of refuge at Stratford, hit he was not in _eonditlutLto_lieriene ,.e.e.y The cowe- d' approved ot the Mayor's action in the matter. The clerk reported that the petition for a sewer on Bruer +inert, from Victoria street to Cambria road, wife sufficiently signed. and it ens Menl on to the engitf •er fm -hie report. Abolish Water and Light- Commission A petition with over fifty signa- tures asked that a bylaw providing for the abolition of the water and --1igb tiotafuisrion he suhnaitlr,t 10- Dir electors at the nest elections. This was referred to the special v..ntuliftee. A c nt' foam the Cana- dian Agency, Limited, of isutdon, England, inviting, literature in ref- erence to this district for the itifugan• *then of prospective immigrants or i11seitorm, was referred to the Bon rd of 'trade.. The special' committee• wits in. strictest to prepare "copy" for flu• town's edvertieerrtpnt- ire ilestun'n Canadian Handbook, A epeeist offer frc,eu the-t'anitdtan Municipal Journal for balance -of -the year subscriptions was accepted, and the council will receive right copies o1 this - publir-t inn for tbs months of the year for $2.85. Committee Reports. Reports of the public works, finance and live committees were read and adopted. The public work,. committee recom- mended the purchase of a cerlowl of sewer pile, two, feet long, at l(Ilc f• n. h. Goderic►r. The fire committer recomutended that three pairs of boot... two rubber enacts and one hat be purchase.' for the fire brigade, and that en expander for attaching couplings to hose also Iw purchawt•d at a cont of ill. . To Foreclose Summed Hotel Mortgage. A rlauee in the 11nanee committer'* report recommended t hat -the council take' be. neeee ary steps to fotcclow the Moritg:age on Intl•) Ueslrtich. There tem some little discussion in regard tit;' this, the Mayor stating %that, whilethe committee meant host - neon, the phceeedingi wu ihl - not tie unduly rushed(. The intention was to arrange matters no that they would he in -shape for next season* trade,-' . Another recornmendatiob of the finance committee *tea that the clerk and Chief tiande **certain all the sewer connections *nd have the list placed on the collector's roll in accord. once with the bylaw pasted Gat year putting sewers on the local ithprotle• went system, The Sewerage Qaestios, , Councillor 1 Nunning% 'Urged that something he done to drain the sur- face water on the Huron noad'nenr' Hobert ihtfts, and suggested the ex- tension of the madam. drai,, from Thompson'• Nark -mail shop to the corner of Doom toad and Elisabeth street. He moved that an engine he instructed to'V41.4L nn the coat re the extension. At the suggestion of Councillor Humber, who seconded the motion, the engineer will be invited r a haat in 1111 111 ,-are. plan ar i. Si looser yy• I1'urineillo Hunllwr and ('raigie held that th Ituren% -nail people "tomtit Iw retie el -Viii. fall, unr! Conn- -cilia lir---` -gi mot- to obtain a report on the ext • slob in that direc- tion was carried A minion by ( 'mini 'Hors Ballow and L,hlaote to w'rot'e N ie. suit on the whole question of sewer a and drain- age, with a• view to in sadiatr and hauan' extensions, was de ted, only P.nmcinor l:raigio tempo Ing the cover and the seconder. The clerk wan inst•uctml t emu- ' to with the telegraph cu zany iIIMard_lit_the_removal .fife pu • . to .\l the outside of the walk on Bridge Hi nisi tie notify the p.wtutanter that th earths on the street letter Loxes stating the hour of next r.d'eetion Were parva• ehtutgetI. - 01' West Huron. (i tNTLltlr SS, s a candidate for Parliament; re- .pertfutty--sat yonj•-.upgx,rt in the Dowing campaign. 1 have lived in the county, with only a 'hurt absence, since July. ILUL . 1 have taken 1a WW1, what active part iu public affairs. and have always been willing that the searchlight should 1* turned on either my public or private -acts. I do not t soy that I have not road, uu. t eken• nu uur kuews that 1 hove Is•tter than myself, but I do ray that I have always endeavored to advance the in- terests of the 1) ' ' as i whole, and tbtiseOf the Hiding in particular. •supporter While iu general 1 sun x f the present l.uverument, 1 aur a be- liever ju the aleolitlnn of Ile Sedate. I !haus it would be wise Lu.l'sduce 91' aI')hrll the duty on coal. •1 would try to crake the customs taxes paid ley tat uiers ar.light as p.uwihle. 1 favor :toy ',beer that will give. tacwes a telephone system, in; that; ,•Very farmer could have a telephone in his home. 1 drinkthe facilitiem of the. post • .-Nle _'s I4' e. an irramele :teamed in the push.. 'utere.t. 1 belie%e dile voters lists sh old be more ui,-tce date, and that nu ou Nonoil lu,.e (his frau- ad mut.,I EIvmt one her. 1 believe in I Of ally public chis.. because he euuslitur►u'y to a li u%rr1111►e•Ilt vont utility.' Train up et girl to the way she should babe. wwd whim she 1, married she will mot depart trout It. " Aly mother taught me haw to bake, anti t,^LI int why she always used a McClary Range.,, "Now 1 have a°1':tidora', - and, as with mother. toy' troubles are few. After fire is started, 1 simply bring • thermometer 'to desired heat, ants' leave the °Veit in charge's f- (het hiking - _ IL's b1ilt for faith -hit service. 0 " White housewiket with ntiter-retlge! itre-Fc'tting ilr. and chanking dampers, l sit and read the • Joy of 0=0= ==== Dependable Fall Merchandise p 0 q p 0 q 0 q 0 O 0 O at prices that mean a saving to you in many lines, note further : y down our meaning. w. are Wee to serve you laithfulty and immure you ahsoluteiairtmes in every transaction. All newly for the fall-intrulous. •(tot et snow 111woThrighDurw tuerch:)indreie 01x11 yeti Alandintraer►e know our priers are right. Ask tui see .unwell rtl•ippwd and two-tone stripped new Drees Utaatwthe' very newest of the ire. Dress Goods ultr ..tt.•k'llea•('r was so large a(IeI well NS. 'sorted as now iu wetly of the hest iulpurtrd lines of new make. for this fall', trade iu {thiitl. stripes aid checks. l'aiees tun from, aIY u 1 IMM, 7:.•, $Istel, 111,IS, 111.'.o.,i 50c, ii :at, 81.'ki. 11LIM1, 82 :uur on 111 $3 Dress Goods Bargains Black all want cheviots. Eleven ends, :• to 1:. yetis: $islet to 81.50 and 52 to lilt inches wide, . reduced to 7:1.• told nuc. • A lot of. fancy Mark Leistre.v, Iasi to 22e, greatly mimeo'. Tweeds'uitable fur skirts alit! dr. -sows. 44 to 51 i i hes wide, Nit, 75e and CAE, feet :Irk', :Ike euld 7,. • - —_ t.ixiece*'1_'werti; t ht at aolvaringprice your uhoicei: s', N•111•t11 • ) t w. Fall and Winter oats lbw fall sick now herr. l'uu,e aunt have bwk :lt them. 1acng•aud chert leugthr, cloths in black and ...dors, also tweeds in Ion coats, Corsets I L al' A. t'ierm• .' err the deet t, wear, arc to •1,5t► Alwuyr buy U. :44 A. if you want the beat. .:very pada guarantee;I. Flannelettes''""' Within., h) .cute, . wide ths, wide'. ;NI incise, Canton Flannels tci, STANDARD PATTERNS - Designed', 111e, lit2tl Fashion book _'nc, with a 1 5 Pattirtt: T1T,tli.etTp; .t1:1 Ott IiOtt uhf .f(7fe1lta. T'.., -$quare J. H. Colborne G"""ri"" McCIarls Lassos. T(►apts. Montreal, w-:m,lgte• id public uouryx for th development of the trade and rew,urees 1 this great 11. ..,y _1 Relieve L • ' mart' .l Id 11e ,t.t•v# reproat•h : at priu- eiples should ter,. r .hal (safety : that the intermit of the con try is e1 ate, than that it tvt f ro Krx' t _t a i t td If you see tri to elect me. as y au. representative. 1 amine you I will u my beet to show that your confieIene .Nas not, been wicpleced. 1{ea_Itei tfufly- soliciting your ile- tflrrtsceter-iny behalf, as Widritif your r ote, 1 3111, Very truly BOUT. 1HOLU K. 1.1 r M. I 1 Ile Ia'Is• , p n x) lice pLui •( deal - Mr with rhe difficulty. l'e.uurille)r Johns. ti thought thew should Ire an inwn'rptirug newer armrse Lite. south end ui the taw1�a. _from. the I1,rlurt road unr Mss k .owh.,,f Brit- Indiei road, to relict'. the tio4o; ewer., It woe at this stage that the state- ments were 'no le by Councillor John- ston, and supplemented by other meeua- bets, to the effect that the murder water sewers were being used as mini- m•yy \Liao, Marline thought •a repiirt ,b, Illi be .eeelltrd Oil 11W whole 'srwer- age yateia'ot the town. Councillor Iloilo urged the smote view, stating trail of a p itch...1 up system t ,te ,aid have m' - , 1 a N well•ron. td hich email Iw followed up ars. ttARfJW Chances In the' Presidential (contest. .Harbor Lights. 'rh I'ultuwhtg ..hang •. ii lye• been 11•alter lye-Alin:M. a urw.{{.aper Luau utadr Nt the lights of *lisle' ich h:u-• of wide experience, is possibly es well boy : informed in regant tee the thin of poli- L. 'I'1ni lisod, whirr 1!,1,1 shown tical opinion in the United States ale (roue the luutt iighlhuu.r on Ihr hie any other Than- in the country, at+heeds- ...esas- id ale sata•aww-ase-L►w least a itside of tllore* who are iu 'harlti.r,' has beim iwprOvrd by the sub direct charge of the Prrsidt•itial mon.. %titter' - f .1 Lulls ender uiiupt111 algal on either side. His;.uutmiog of illmuimatit • ail earattis o r t h e 'WwTlui --(. E �. -tR- �r . t• r g+vrtt- Tin,- ilu`alh► •tit.. rt tt n .tit itrrt•t�tt•• tt.r.i. 1 t :fibs It surd-Ilrrakl, it therefore of nn titin '1'h.• ilhhuin nt is i.rh•"b•um vapor, ya11 . I burned under at iucaUdescent mantle. " :Viae- .taut--aange light_=int.•-ibu' w' e a se at .` to t sere fur h t s t la , ,' • ..le.improve,'. n 11h 111 h,, u 1 r 111 States . Ito tai votes- e„ certain (or a ub.(itutiou .,f a ' h order d:uptric Hruu. here ire eight other States-illuminatingt . u a r. a • e Kafp a L1 Ge the. til ,tes which are c tsideed trio :(.shins herr oboe cited. The reasonably M.ttr 1.m the Ree',ublic*ticlrhau•:u•teristi.• ..f tit hghl ba sheen and rix Sial - wit., i1 voter as pew-. a•IiwAgel foot' Iixe.i Inc to itself white. licmlly certatt for the Urenocrau+._ - . _ ;k -TLt• lade duet lain' As.uwing se figures to be re the hues range light oil t liable, they alto Taft Iti!l.voIes aril! Bryan 1111. - As 1 • err are -PCI voter -in the Electoral Coll e, 212 ,u -r • times - r try to elect. su th 1 '\'aft is 71 sutra short of it certain! and Br saes ,ells 'their'. The muter i. vote.. Owed in 'i'li,o4oFer is ;1 4. t. L.... .t,•. I +Liao•. the doubtful column is 54, and there lore, '•yi1111:". in- plan. .eyith aopiu 1 suLrs will be i•ast by t' _ ifurgn, Col- .ide,.�,alvoniom, Burnt. hated by an eertado;.Idaho. ludiana, (. a, Kans:u, ,u•lo-.el- wi4Titat--witteti t.•o el xuat a Maryland. Mom mutt, Nrb %La, Ne'w sync, re woiwK•u dant et el,. iv Mil rd a hit., York. Notal Dakota, Uhl, Oregon. Tate imam.ys.rll-f.•v: /ugh N..t.t_i4s 1.,.., South Dakota and %Vashiiegt n. to he 11 op ltd Ow retaiL:01)r on the The most fl' uitleiiut_ Wittier in the Lantern. list of duub1fuls'yt that, with 1 nr ret- The 1i¢Itl is :, ft .-d Ira fight, e1e caption ot Nenv York and Jlxr anti, v.u,�.1 1,;. feet above tot_ .level of .161 they are all in the 1\'est, in tie -It Lake, :tool should be visihl• nine utiles radical sentiment, aa.pt•eeeuted -- v --iii the -iter .f range.. The 4+Iltnrin- Bryan, is partieulurly strung. t •ting uppau ill us Mc.. lopu i.•. would (weut:`ro.t;-its If- tiro-. nmutwr ;--T.. ,(seer- Iise h,irt,,t • Illi• l -TI.. utr,.ertain ones might have l • u andel light. -Lou1J 1s- kept • Oa one 1w:11 1.111 w. Minnesota, in which. lIi. •rat ,•, 4)7 drgreM. E. omit within 71st fret it (.user -nor, iv given as virtually., wife o U e front 1;:111, when 1he...ours*. for 'fait. 1\'iseuu iu, in wlli.li- Lai she ill 1.e, changed .o as fu pass mid. Follette, it radical HrpUbliean, is •t a tea) -•ie* W,rn lite. lima h Sud s.ut h popular leader, is placed in the saute arts: \\'Iwil rtes, of 1111• east end .if category. 'ru an outsider it w.nlit a ti. 1be pier rale sh.uid 1 . uiken to 1 i - 1m +I a war as if Bryan r . r f py chances old e. Ivy . t r , inrt`twnter ex s•ndtntr 1.... 1 as good in tors, Slates :as iu Kaur.u, fret in the south pier, south side of Iowa, or Indiana, which are placed in Iht• Witte. , threat of the eiame ug the doubtful column. 'raking what station. r�_Vsellltustt coneedee and what_Jre_.' dors not concede together, it eert.ainly does seem am if he is fully justified in haying that it is a reap battle•w•hicjl is this pow.. _ ., '1'onaao 1tellutita giver c11►fiIL Iwacll has Iterer„fane been shown, le eve been removal. :11,.1 x lower for Ili- bark range hazel- tots i«ern e4e0e..1 in 11,.• liar of fatale, 1,-1:141 feel S 1. gree, (roll► the 11.111 ratme igi.t Ica Iv._ Is G. T. R. Encroaching; Anntlirr job for the clerk .dee to ex- amine the minutes of past years Teo a).= retain if perileiaai.nt Was ever giyel ltic 14, T. 1t. to lav a track uu Milli - I.uul omit The railway ••uulpauty i.e. 10111413 portion of the tonal, and some members of the council believe That it is doings, without any right. 1' •111.11 •i11.y- Homier thought the platter ot the nlisuee of the surface sewers abould not Ire dropped, and on this Lion it 5511). d,•ridr.l t,e ,tak the o.riieal health ufll..el 1.. *timid en it. To Regulate' Automobiles, -Fish,_ - The ha.1 beet nese .f fish -dealing l'amula mote hm Fish i# large cuuuectiui the ['Rion, valise prise. IL wits not this site of Illy Isi isimpany t'eI• in rendition : indeed, it tea as • of the huge, wealthy eunee•ns aper•:ani great lakes. The liabilities lln,umt'eaan=1tt.-that a -receiver daeel in charge of the hoar H,Noth Al Co.,the lu`p#r `..111.1.11 ishi,•It operates In the name of the D y, ait+t I hie n I - U carinafs' :Ikatr.. lit - neiewhal as as mur- neally-known on rnl,au'v t kit the 1 tlnatl. i•d looked noon, .tong and on the At the iu/431We 111' U1111111.1111/1. (111, a placed I„tv the slwrinl committee was on- al $,.,1,*IN1,1ssl 4i lade Ibe asmetm •r mit is to Is mnpd at te•.ut 1.. be tW-rirtb' 831. 191111, regulation of lutomnbilr (rattle. %tr•. Th,sU.uhle• i1 im e_y_ _.ted, hats fawn tmlhiw *milt -that ----+hr antmm,bifrs�•hn.lght ,eho,al h Ihr +ytlnpa a owned in town were run carefully as a rule; but eometinnes there wan, tt•rklesc melanin and now was the time to deal practicer were established. t Ieagofor many years, with branches in Buffalo. Baltimore and other large PUNY CHILDREN NEED ViNOL. cities, In 1'anadaT• as already men- 1ionel, it operated an the Dominion It Redd* Them Up and Mak.. Them Fish t'umptuy, which, it may be re - it of tie. xuual- Strong and Robust. g»nation of the interests of the Rapid growth, uw•rstudy, insufl{- lobos; .lackuuuu, lizattlry_wa.l t i e n t nottriahnppnt, convalescence• ('anauliaif lf•h..rmrn diol fish dealers. afteer ehildren's diseases, and run• (►n the (.rorgian Hay 1Ie.cmolany down conditiou'm utak, children thin ham milling station. at the Minx, the 111.11 delicate and stops development. Bust ►rds, Killarney and ot her pwinls mot - Because Vino' contains all the of 'esti importance, e, while it Ii,e mtor- nlrtlicinal; Iwne, titan, and laxly.age h.unee at Colliugwrset :old other building elements of mei liver oil, phare,. tt also controls three or pour• actually taken from fresh acts' livers, steamers, the t.uiMni, the \tahiton, the useless oil pliminattd and pwpton- and the Telegram, theme ranking Iegui- ate.^f iron added, it giiekly reatnres lar trips •e a week fr Owen 1 d tst health and ch1klret have it. Mound to the varioiM ports on the Mus. 1', W. Romp, of Panton, Ohin, hay and es far it, Leake !Superior an writes : "1 wish I could indite(' every Mirhipim,trn. It im, not ezprcttd, tuother who has it w,'ak, sickly ehiid however, that the change Nought to try that delirious cid liver prep- abort owing to the financial condi- *tiuu, Viotti. as it restored health and tinnm will have any effect on • the strength to our dalyfhter after alt else operations ur the uanagewent-ot. flu V a considering-- the had failed.” steautera on the hakes. Cnllingwr, t p g We have neuter *old a .medicine In R,rAetin. our store eyuatlo Yinol_ for delicate, ailing chit rpt, spas old n Ir or sickly women and children, and we ltaetus was umt><al for the theft of "� return money if it fltils to benefit. H. a turkeyy acid took the stand on hie C. Dunlop, Goderich, (hit, own hphnlf. "I didn't steal no turkey, !(quer ; 1 R Lick -the Kids. C=I wooled a rail." R. up 'phone No. -91 An eschang,• tells of a newspaper "\Well, lta.Utm, how did timer Imes reporter who interviewed thirty nuc. get in peer bark yank •" immediate Attention to oea'tnl hominess men and found that "they done Cone dor without par- i hankers' declining to accept its pap.. The Booth Company it • .f the gg large organizations engaged in, thi• tvithttte_ttur.Ion torture dangenu,y fishing industry on the great Lakes. f One o the most danger- ous and repulsive forms of Kidney Oise*., it. oPsY foe which Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only certain curs in Dropsy the Kid neys ars actually d.a,m1 so, and the water,which should be expellein the form of urine, flows back and lodges in the cells of' the flesh and puffs out the skin. , Remove the Alto which plus upthe drain. Restore the Kidnaeeyys to health. There is only one Kidney Medicine ODD'S IDNEY ILLS and `.. roceries CAMERON & MOORE THE DEPARTMENT STORE Real good Groceries Only good Groceries R people, Turkey Law. quality 1 T`verything fresh and seasonable all of them when boy. brad wen oe. tinshun art 1 alta t s xlnwblp 'on your order flee Stpmr, I wits utiin' lite.- wield : so i n• took de rail, an' toted it home, an der woos a turkey nn It, a great hi g knish. Well, rah, what's os sty lata minx, an' i didn't give 'um no time to run uA neither, *mar."rimragain, deliberated a few ape• ohds; teen he said, "Cane dismissed." erned strictly and freomentl )' these ed. He shoo Interviewed thirty loafers and learped that twenty-seveu of them had !wen "mammas darling." an+) the other three haul leen reared by their grandmothers. • A fretful disposition will take this ragranre nut of one's life and leave enly weeds where a cheerful dispnsi• ion wgiltd cause flowers to bloom. t This is a wide wrnld, but s lot o1 people in it live 'iq. a tltq'tow margin. ap,•verything delivered Stiffly,Ai 'Co. THE GROCERS ON THE SQUARE... AN(1J.tliilR WEE is nearly over and one which we won't forget for sots. tint*, to come. It has been the bilsit• t' titne; of our lives, but `we know the reason for it. Tho. Got)' 'ch Fair drew a largecrowd to town of which we got our share, I ;I u , all(\ t u� kept all )els hus(Inh, .\unto,,- rl ;lsvu IDE I►ttinh 1►usy' was tile' special prices we, to u 1}-tw.�+iy il.+l,.it-tttietit, lint the teat busy place was oil the spec:utile tlo, r in Or Mi11irery'Department i /'' Tit sits)•m�trit(x1tine most sncce*4frel ttil.rning.wt' -;_'it ,t i *Otte, and -II -win - eai4r in -tit- 1ifte'nuon till near 11 o'clhrk at [light there was a continual throng of not ly adios, travelling. to :lull from this depart- ment. w , ','r(' .'ager to Set' the _latest Fashion. had UI stol•i• 1` P11L. The cl'iel\ • \i',5 RU great at times tlt;tt .1111' .stat.' of wads tlet.lirs w;t`tnitl►I&• tit wait uli *them all. 1t really till its -good to e a large number tel 1l11• itinst tatih- iunably trimmed a't 1 cselusi1,' styles disappear from .• the tables, not to sa • •tllythiug of the rn,h 1,1' orders _ ,which crone in the tit 't .lay and,since. lint the best :pre n t all gone and a visit -again will . show you tl►at• more n'w and' e'(•lrtsive steles art• cropping up all the time. W1' h;l y.• been forced to etlargt' our staff sieve the opening and orders can be a tended to very promptly. We want every ladle ttr\•isft-this.tie, %rtnnmt Tntt1 tee* nor styles.w ' tie, '� �Von won't asked to buy. We har'e m:1111' surae•': `,`` � € Special Prices on Dress Goods for Fair Week. enough to wear it, and now is the titne you can save money on it. Just a Word.about the Men's Depar WHICH SHALL IT BE ? - Ready -to -Wear or Made -to -Order. 11' you are mit for \Iert•hant Tailoring we don't knoiv of a more capable s"re than tltis. We can show you more and newer fashionable clothes than anyone at can (promise such perfection of style and finish as will tie you t , to tis. The su of our invitation is that we c:ut meet every requirement ' . ut eluent of rtieular people .with _ 1 I p OUR SPECIAL ORDER DEPARTMENT, which is coated ill connection with the' tiuest,aud biggest tailoring ort;inization in (.'.ana,ltt, Y -it tlete+ct )unr own materials um a wile range ani t' .sive+ fu iii , we take your.m�easure and guarantee a perfect tit or no sale. We don't charge for fashionableness in cut. It doesn't cost any more here. We're after the particular well-dressed men, who are hard to sprit. -Wo want them to give us a chance. At this sama.time-w .like to see what-wea-al-al-1+ h NEW IDEA FASHION PLATE: including one Pattern 10c. NEW IDEA MAGAZINE has been enlarge'ddo twice- 3ize but is still sold at regular price at counter, 7c. 11 i 1 Hardin! to lead a Mall to drink than Ms to drive him *wolf front it. ! We want You ,' `t_o__co_me and examine the - *rg stand.beeL,tock of Stoves and Ranges direr) Iron, Toronto Exhibition Worsells' Cheap I Atardware nd I Stove Store 1 1 EARLY ENGLISH FURNITURE Itave you seen the display of Early English Furniture in our window : TETaelieeu greatly admired and is just -w saw►ple ()lithe Rene steel of high -inner fnrnitnrp from which our ruslomerc may choose their pm -chimes. IRON BEDS Ranging from $3.a% to $14•oo.'the lest gti.nle on the ,n,.l..•1. VERANDAH CHAIRS Special values in Verandah Chairs due ing the month of A,rgnst. CALL AND SEE WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU. a Menem:. O How*, 13 Sm Nihetl t. ,elle promptly ctr.n,l.•dlo. FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING EORGE JOHNSTON ••-tie