HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-24, Page 3,few. of _the Sistriet. rhos. Jacklin, who is at present re. siding an* tenant ou the north huuu. dart, of (hey s has purchased %V. It. Belden'. 3 -acre farm near James. tiovn-f-cpftle . . .04d Mrs... 4.1.--..W.--Ssouters,-.4 Myth, Mtge been bereaved of their in. faid sou. 'IJ)' r little sine • died veri suddenly he W.U.11 i ) 1 ()soffit. hospital, where ergoitig treatli , Miss liss Pearl Smith. 11. A., daughter of Ss Ilitit I of Toronto, 111.1,1eply of Whighatii. was married in the Queen City Itill Wedneaday. the lilt b high, 1(4 Clowles E. Auger, lee. turer at...Victoria College. Mr. Moir'ir 11.11taere farm ou the 4th comae...ion fin $ Mi. Campliv.11 will go Wert in the timing. Mr. and Mrs. Ales sotith„ toun, former residents of Seererth, ave --raflorning 'the their only daughter, Luella. a' Might girl of eleven year*, who died typhohtplIMMIMlia 1311 Tuesday,. the 1st int.r - Mrs. Sarah A. Rowed, fritini•rly Clinton, mother of :Sarah A. Bowed,. the inner who was killed by iDrand Trunk freight train ,it Edgerton street. crossing, London. it few 111A1111111 Ago, has begun a /Alit againat the compaity CANADIAN. PHONETIC SOCIETY. TUE SIGNAL.: GODPUCII. ()NT itio to the of The Wiest SIR, -Slur@ residing in l'anad..„ 1 have been much interested by. curves. pondnce with phonographers writ- ing Isaac. Pitman', 11110111141141 in Eng - laud and the Chit. 4 1 chew large numbers. of Canadian tiettlees, who, in lb, .• Old Country, be- .Iouge.1 ini-,axasts spondswee• circles tor the exchange of letters ut post cards. using shorthand as the means of written cinuumnication. These circles keep ahye the interest with those who practise the (let in 01101 a way hot 114-) 410 not forget the %•altiable study of earlier 41.4yal. roy throw esipable (41 w r i i w snorthand, opptaittinitiee occur; sheti least expected, in emu.- - try such att ours. Many 14 y- g 1111414. to my own knowledge, has dowel Ina Mr. awl Mut.' J. J. tiregg and faiii., for IloillaRea to trio PT ten t of $5.4"). Mad real success attritnitable to au tul- th,, .4 rardwielt, hdt, last wee/. -1.1. Risehel a former well-known expected opening oethirring where 11..4 shear I key Will iii resident. 4,1 1110 Sat ljue of storris, sieitographit. ability was the means of • -figure. Mr. (*oww v11141.11/0 ill 4.1444 PA111140.` litairie, rOdUet1011. Oral estate business in e pony with 1110 9111 inst. I Weetwerl, W.I.. In the thinly populated:distI je.:, a lietrie, a former Howick boy., Was het' seventy-sixth year, in tut. letter received is event ut the day. catic.1.011 has sold rot vivt'll lier daughter. Mr••• W. I have recullecti of walking on the „II .th.„ (•,..„ Breen, of the itlY lino of Morrit, and prairie several miles of an evening L., . "Le" „r mite a sou, Isaac, 111 the United States. Lee e west postuffice, god rellien,I401. •' fm. oirts 004..71.,..- • .,1118 Atirs.day. I hr. 3-111 inst.. Irraireis 1144. pleasure ..r ilis'appointment that het1ngton has patithisscd iirolirtin. a well-litho...41i tesident of the Itecompanied the toccipt tit nuicaseer•ii t I lilt it...mess-ion of flowick„ suer, 1.-.4 (1.1 a. Jerre, Ir.." 41 IAA.* 44)11)re Nesei:e attack 61. rum.' received by the Looms, from whirl) haa,lakiretea, Mail enliven. Ufa sOlitude' .....intry at interials for 7.7 vend yeiui. I , 1414% It laile the ret tier can ieply t. 11 eraireth wills %vas in ...Aty•llyet.l.h,hc.,5 his friends AlioLJAIL -1140,4-44-ectult- bY AVW1W anti 111.4. 11'4414.iaTITTlitere..1. 411141 Often ptiriVe young - greater 1"...1.110 stalely EIWIII 1.. '1.011.144, ling 00111•4,1tolidelit. by the recital of 'ylI(tsgo .1'on 111. tun) Mrs. lticthor.:1 .a g("F..1.•.-, • „I 11;,„(01.. W4$ Iii.tIiir,J Agaiii,•iti 1.41Viis and Village... Mehl? • Watchmaking, ____HALsSY W.C1111111141.11.11t; .11-. 1.1 1 4.41, l•rl11.1 114.414. ivil En'neerin foil as,.1...- -Al aro, hearth. 1.1" ge R4)11E1°114. "V ont. 'rhe bride was giVen &ma • Lheir and may 'leant of more 4.4k. , AteLettli Illock, tatruer 1,, m..m.tuii;„ws. t ing in t •with It Wide.. world than and Hydraulic Knalwei. liutarkt .140.44.4. '10,r .10, R014,1101 mattii.,ws iteessise eenttes 1,01,,,dry Ottrieytti 41(4(114 Mammal -trey., Telettliont, Menesetung Mineral Water IVA- ' II.tt 131.. orr 4Plorwoo.s. 1.114r...err 1111.1411141 e 111-111 PP 1.1 .tie, 1,11f of .11-0 Iltner31 'titer is ca.., •ire 'the (own Ittelft..t Al.- row- Ana ..4111,. o441 4(44,1 -). ,444( *Or W141.1.1 1I•13 thwistr-un•44... e dural water. awl 11111• 1111•14•101P free (emit .41 .P. I.. ager -11.t.mielni • . CHAPEL ROYAL STORIES • tanaODaT, September 24, III08 3 • 5 ti D. MILLAR CO. 0MORCI4 HAS BEEN SCENE OF I •-' - - ------ INTERESTING EVENTS. • Ts_ St '.1114teriest__,In-Ohasiel Royal Is One of the Greatest Honors to Be Achieved In Erigland- Royal Wed- dings Have Been Held There For Centuries - Bishop Who Disliked Ogling Introduced High Pews. 'rift. Chapel liuyal, St: Jauwa's l'al- see, 144..33. MM. Road, daughter 'of the Auterterui Ambassador, Witt tiler- ri.si 1., th.. Hou. Johir Ward. Lord Dudley's brother, and equerry :to the King. is little known to the Vast 1114- . • Visitors to the inetrupuhs who make a point of- 'awing all the historic building* to which they CAA obtain acmes. says The lairaliai Mail. well know the unoateriLatiogs peti tion of the (*ape!. which is entered from what is called the Coh.t Court of the Palace.. Out to low many or-, dinary Tagninnere yty through the' apart* of the past. the sentries- who keep watch and guard beneath the He.nry VIII. pitaWay. to Belgravia. 4.101141 the. largo window' tu the rigOt uf the portal mean, lll l re than a mere *ludo,/ Yet inside the edgier- lighterd by it ki-rar fr."-;....e Fs v tied and hi»,. worshipped for hun- dreds of yam.‘, and Mato, balacn of bight degree hatie been, baptised: It • while haL. I.:nerve t, Ex-. , •t. e„ „, "J. ataptuldsd service before s alking apart from the liolitm side of idiot it. 11.1 that chapel that .Kinw Charl es emu, played 1 -11W -wedding mareh. 144 /through the park to the lieodSMArt's block in Whitehall. A quiet hut pretty wedding has 1. 141 and all N:itglisli-ispeakiug ...,,i,• lllll iiej.w.L. We_ ll..ule... of 4.1.. r I A/161/4., • 11 • ,.., a I ay I. a 1. i ,11 1 I a .i I, .. * i oti. a .1 It Is 3 mark ,•4 great liratur to re- m' 1A'inglotith tilt '1'....s.lay. Lite .1:1111. ..,„ 1.1„. elini„. „,,,,„ it 10.1.). wisi,,,s '4'411-i, mire permisitioit front the King to is. Isits mil -fist in luta 1 iitstt, wlitai Ins el.liv.t rIatigliti.i. .leiti. 1,14.. iil,,,,,,.,.. ...,,;1,,,I,h, , 1,,,,„1,• „., /jig( 1/4., w'41144`.1 it, 0n 4 'hwri Y..2'1.: wbFF'F' F. 1" .1"11" p:(41 eardit. 1111.1 Aber.. it "11e "I -In"' "F"'"'81' 31,41 ....xl'r°- 11.111, or 'I'..i.o.i.., foimerly of • %Villa- ,.„1„„ad 1,.. lt„ ,ittuclitt, t„ t.,,,,r/tuitt a paruehial" idares of surship in 111.• liam. After a, brier 1.....eynalatiCh1 tile ,:imii, „t. ,,.11 ii,t,e,,.;44 wi,t7t, ,,,i,1,1 realm. end out ...rte.i is the little ed., t/iii•eit. City .Mr. tayd. Mrs. liall Will rpili.,__4,,4.0,44.„..tt.ti„,twt.,,trip,..- ^ , . flee -.1,.....1.--.for•the-'-refetrrati .,.(to, 1%..1 ttii.a. a.ist t.. -vsk4rituran "N -t. tlFriii Urn ish 1 11,114,e1,11,,,.,,,,. ‘0,4,,,, ,.,ere,,1„,,,ded. nuptials of la subject. Qu'* 't. 4 1:4.4, where tie. gro.t... ,will, ..ii- „.tt 1, pito,„,gratit,,.,,,. 1)44144 ,,,,,%.,,,, mei. an.1 l'rino.. Aibert were 'insititral 111 r• in 11 nit fatining. • . 1 G.,,..1 4, taciii„,i ii,,, it tilits Iliepel Royal.. St. James's. arid 1141 --- • ling 11.1.(1(•-iiiies: ut. Siieula)•4 the 13th hand hits 1,4011aiiii)1 • llid•tet.'• ..ill ..:iiiir• with stiti•t. they were Lulu my .01,1 ,nue. 81,4,1.1- their .1a1/SIFFel• Flu' ' tr"."""io; 14°Y*I. Music was wedde.l.tteere to tl t'rowii Prince . , • _alisist., o tiettige'llo.fttputitn. ,w. :111 Ji.4.0, .4414104.,_„1,04.1.i.i.' with sae awl .... - - . • • af,tri,ectilt of Fri...afa. afterwanf --ttre- -Emperor - 01.1-itii. 1454444 t.'1' ...Tarot of (.sail-I:1s •V••111 _ , ...Ererier)..iii, .„The_ lases.. 4. -1.ritio...-- anti A i.yitF:t).K. 1.(w)K. •n.:.‘ciii...it,iii: „ tmw awat-40--ske-at..0.1.Old 1 Mier ....w tette iron. ta Iiilmber ..1 Princess of Wales! Were algo married ., .---a„.,,,•4..,..4,,t. 1,00., pi.,.i,„,„„i 1„,. ,..,„„„,, 114.:••• .11 licht s-li%:.• \years. 1)11 *lie Ci l' 1 ' et.treIntlide..1.. ji. within tlae still...II. Preen n•te' In for- tes, of l'oroi.ter',Io.r1`41"Il'''(MII-Ir• An:I.I evening...1 is -depart ktre ..leccaatal. hat) Erigtaini am! tther I'lritil t ries m.11, titer reigns Frinet. - Co...)we itf lien _ ..,4-Tbon.-(otraktrxsO,oOoro-or l'"bou'or• l'it '"'-' .11":1ti: 4 .., ti of 4 lie.itty sum ier 1111.1 a 114Vv .1,..,1.1ill lie 1,41.4• ..A.S._1,u__Era.......41.01.41 r,it. 8.1411-11.1Wd-lbel Pritoh,-- F uhr -11110.01.- I 1.44.01r, 14eneittett..,..111.irk •trtret, 1ettelt. .,;- . . -',..--.4Attadittete-AltAllattAlleatt-ke.idatamitt_314-.Aloa. initiate,. alt411ie.31e 14'ea44e4•-.-1.b. rkitriairliiiiit. 1. ot-ht 4.4.,.1.,,,t;,,„ , will; Wird Queen), Pr.sl. • .••is l'rineti *if me i.roce. 4 tot.... street. . • .. last. 1.",iree si r, ;411.1 two \datigItters 4a1.3,411,1 114 (14. . . \ • 4 ',ithi.li•lo ..-ttlor•-. 'WHIeg a(1() 4.1h• datieht.•• •.1 lb.. Ini; .. Ar" Iliri'• ''III1III' 14 lo0l-I'4%-.44•:, 'I'llus the, idea , id turuigniai nig the "I t.rbtiTg Nod 'flt•orT" 1•44' aril (111.'-.1 ..._ .7 ..-...44..40041,4.14.-le-, AM. --4144- At ;...*, 1.; \,,.1' 111 4 t4• .or. 4.::u...41 'luau -tie Mwieiv .trigin-ttett.-- -4-40ohne-Wormeiinetet rtirTr- • .; L110111'1114,1/ 1 ie 114irro»4....noode.41 %11-: r: lel', le 411111011, A 'Hier The tits a lll tool hat id iii.•1111,ei.,, \will ft is Lcoisintonly ref...tried in ilesettrip.- ,..1..,0.t,.. in.14""i for I.- or I 011clI".• Illemln•t. or the 44.:... (I(4(st:itr or .1t., ts. 4.0(1ist!,.,1 to a r,.w -,w,.,.1,,,,. ;omit & 1, 1 tiotta I11.--Itispel Ituyal that it, C. Term. end other hth.to.otott ita.s. Ie. -hod nt, 1.,,ttitt,.,wliwwt.. w • like tes-it te,11.• stit.ti he wt./111,1.f any laati wt'itet ' uninteresting '11 . ..1.414..Argaiet.„ • aii.A1,1 •-rillT114,11r'111"1411.""T'11154"1"; • ' ,i,-.3' icwir • it..., for.....ne int Yte. %%mild ,i,iiii us. The sob. ANI.It. I1411 41.•14.41.1 44t auty- 'Save for. . • 1(114 111141,,W118 1144;43T1441 et 1111. 11, lll • ol' aeyiptieff Is nor l ii ll al, 10(1(4., .4(41'. *Ss: poi- ;IttIe1.11 04'1114.. itts its eztrowkiely A fitoY .s.i)A ms • lel kali-brother in 'We M wteal. agi., Wilmot t......,.... e.t.a of issuing ...t.l -, l'Ilind fratieilllig. angular sloch it II Te‘r. me ..s. (44",d , All 1'.41111-11.1y, 111.. I''Als ,, L'1 10 111.-oa1'd -toostiiig tit.. tsii....1 .. lira, ..1,.....-...14.-t• •shea . inscription to the dare 1540. . !". ... . .. . ,,_ . ... 4.1, 4,0)., (tisk of Nloiort..1 111A.,. 11.41 .441, a yoniii.i S..$)1ai che-w titranclo.../ witli tliehtatirlrestws ma ail lialf.yrsiily. with 11.14iln Of.11 . ry ' VIII .' are Mi.,- "Curlier. who.. Isa 'wen- spentli -isniii'\,...4141: ' ' g change,. 4,1 nt1.114•••. diner e . Susan • it is . if measures) . lie /4 -i• with .t.er tootl. • iti 4' n- aual new litcitilwis. . .,nly ,-st -tab feet 1»t% MINI neats _ ....__ .. ,,. _ . . : th,.41,1,..i,„letf.1..:11few week% 4 .. t.. DiedIcal • , , • . 1.•I. , • I ii ii,cy.iii will lw able to giv0 441410 noir a :AO pers.tris b oe. well . 'kit v 1,, ,kli is matter. %illicit 1 tat ii•ke- pr./porting dleepit..• its Ilr.ries, le.A. rig nivit.ifix ,11,2rruNdir.i.,L, ..• -s., . :Sate ri....Lioccosood,_ _ .7.. _.:_-_ . tv ill ts. of...4.4.1.---val.44..• aft.1.- f..'--:--iyhich- Ora, the ol te initirisioircu Swyhd . - -- A.T. ritifttli-.1../. N1.11. --- • ,iti.•reas.il Ili.. natal y "1. l'ianiatial TA '- he't 111411!.'' 4L141"iT51,,,11"`'' TI(e it'it•och ./...1.41. i4.414444 Ittsal-ti.' • 3 414e altar -,. at Yihr,• lo.o.' 1 otter i4-4.. 1+45, thiatra 1%4 rtyit. test-- etigliity The ' ' w s. Tiat• nt• I . M. , 4444ttie-1411.-48L trono•SL-1101 to ist,:ssi, white _ .4-1.....--- -yaller-.---aird there 44--.-1-.--onier•on • lutitTiettiati. aird. ••Itersieal nittaters .1!- 4 ililg-:;-'1.4-4" . tid''''' 11:11:1'"‘1:4.. .lia%iti:Visull-"tribe4-71.t'r 1 re-ssiliesite et. tentrac•et) reb:Sanine rel.- . itt.,,Intt. II'• 11 'r Mottle, t.tro.tt, 1144,. e la •It liall Ileac •31.11.i..• ill. . 104.111 bell. 1ff 444r4( 4.6.1e.“1;"1 aiircr. uth.44' a r..,14i..i.i,...., l'Itotte 141. (*tl';(44',1 241.0. •,• I lilt I 11•;:( a144 . 1.....w • $14140, In..' Arnow. 'Ille II.•W telellel't I tri the no...r of' the . • ' AS ()TfiE THINK. ' privileged' p4(apet then ersoare 1)1f,W liailson. 113 lesai engaged at a one in Goderich Has a Ri;tht to old-fashioned 1.eas. Hp lige 'quaint -- W. E. 114.1)1.1 /At', %I. I.' Still ..e..J7tilbei.toL -.9l..4-el„o.e.l..l1:0...I•sP .4.o.4.Pi0.1....o1., 10.I1.lo•.00n.1•11. 4.14N,,.1e,,3,Iw;1..4..:i..4,t.w,..lV•.,.:-'_ ,e,,,r•u".,s,s-.t11i,,,4l,1i.e-;h.,i,t;'..ri,._Ifi. ,lI,m,..,,Iii..I•• lio-ih.(...t.:e-4 0I.t t1,.- O•• H ol:5t 14a:•l1-.'1d•' ..w..k.it 3 .-. .•oi•ong e f'it 4f-u1'l, l aIe'.fl'.'.,..•,IIII I.s .Own PO...• .p.,n,k,iat. i.s\r .• t..._.k. . 4lf"oi'-'r-a',i,4,r"tFi'l^fccrue4errv.e..i.lee..n_ rete-heio liet' ett- reuea.1au e,o-. In f yhtw•-kbeAn Acrobatic Performance P4111 et.1,31e h3ni 6,,:t:vcry-1.-Ails 1.tellrisele!°" h1 requntlhas 4 be Ii_uughunt111 1111Itttfmit by #1,hi',•'haothertliittaieMI ftJ*f When fr011i ..Ili seceaI0t 1'11101tE, .nai1.ittra gPwlY'"ling""Iire'/111""1,114vwh'*'lf,attIpea 111. I. 1tineo11te tation Let il lvtr 1 itIercres So lewh flow.rt itrdie]in irluriollllNt..1ll.11.1&414.,`1.tro1N44441 ,6,, talking 1,1, ,n,1 mtti..nor ilI'..-4 I4"1 ,dfusion For a royal weeAlaiVI.. (.0 4144 44)(3 '%(4,,. 1.1 1(14 14141(01* lilisetisrtsattnittit 1411II.tloll tWIIl41111thici"r'ref"''''lal°1`"""its lak"Fb"i0, 'r.4i10.1, Ilntro.-tChinking tiat it would l. 4 ti\1ainPlee12 n.4.nTflethoter1si,4, 4 111ta,,k.144 1144 1,0 . o -eit'sIs\•)a\ r ,...+eleistth, o.% 0.,(1, .e,•. •None,-l. 1.3 .le/ •s•c•3r1a3t1'c.-.111 ._ With /1. .1 e%, ii.s-... ' i• n t. • . th. .‘. 111104---'110.1wel 'a ' m(41 1alight'Flo- (111141 howi'VereA4111111111411e..VAll41440144PIV4nbh'"uFbs'PrFat",„t_ant,.1,,,4,e ,it,t,,4w.4,,A h. . '‘nt:(11terwar,1‘ween)araiw,t:- .- ''4114foinlig.mtiiiii ntl tit(11.11(3 1.4 the trip telitaAl. 0WPIlmterrs•atile svcititriiiie that f.illow ‘rgi'Lta1"140'1111VAbieh''"''IK 101tAN11.%ttt4Tht,tit,,114flying leap for terlaMootad !,Aln,le...tte. 3e --hrwcrsci -Yorth mrrool.ui(eh -he . _ 7 4341iffir 431t••• 1!4fl4a/L at In Seita -111 ualairr Ito. Thresher's Arn. Torn O . dizziness, Batt. ou i.”. Ald:tr.. .ff. n.ervinisii.••,. ._ A. trrible rteetilt.rit occurred ca. the - Ile 'sells Ali... -11.4 with sat 11 C.. \ t.A%1.1-10 K. C... J1AltitIst. fariii f.l'atriek Hilt II*, lif tile 5th tam• ter 1114.114... 141,1c. lie !wile,: .• 4l'," . If uulutit. , (1 rd. du,r from II. 1 1..1:. solleitor 1. '444.en 4.4 "ill'''. • 404810-1144 ' 1,144(41l(, ('004,14))'.('004,14))'.Tii.• vie- 14411 AO 11114%. V14(111. ' I uoi••• P.1 0. (1411 1414.4 Ilellry 11944se111.111.g, •orliroil. • • .. _. . . . - - -14+1444m,*44-14"10.44Y--wftrIt"1--ift-44trr' . . ' Mikingtiood t anadiaoS. -- • Legal tress after beim! u)4.'.'d in at the Chapel :twitw 1, 'CAVA]." 1*F4Eittle that the-pesar_markt 11,14 le raised Mesa- t4t441 made &IA. e1os- , • et.. AA in feet they afterward were. action It WO:, queen, ittit••• oh.; it, first in ityear of her reien ordered "the .Yeu- man of Her•May.4 'it removing Irani- -Om -Chapel- a po for the tsibe'L h. provide t umbridlas fer Di E1•I)1F1 Qd/4o4 ooTr .1,. . I .•11 . .N, ad' i..e/.•.,‘& 11.,A1Il..ii , Twhe iiihirtitiate 'ints cis wiikitient ht 414141r44, A11014..1!I(1.(4.' )4' '1'));1r;1( or during tti.. threshing, '1'1$.Neili Vin, 'I'isties ...itre4s... $111- \torsit Markt :40Vhen in lone way 101 i•iglif ani got in 111 it 114 (4))' Americans whhave ip1le...1_ *kt411t,1,0...4. -auglit iti a trolley arid lie was tinywn settled in the Citia•litil %Vest has,. 11' ... .o..iTAy.117r44m tit.. re adly ri.volvilitt: wheel. 11, fOrM4V11111 1111'11' allt.piatice to the :Stews , Wes iv.to ell around (lino.. Al' fuer anti Sri/nest° 14.9111144' Iltiliell ttialole...., '11--1k4t Hittti,v.. -i-* . timesa.ntil 14)4* arm was iterally 144111 -The ("Iiicag,. 1104......I.Hetalil frt, Ite•ri'. srohne. wOlettnr. ot 1418* tile elbow ;till. Ii)s form other- intr•restlingitsaff In tits team. •.11.1...7f . I.. trod ,ti \tw,•-. r.04.-. l.•\, '.141441' laeeeed ill. ' i A 11.410.-4 ll 1,11.1.W. I.I..11 h'imir siii.geotis are at. lett, unlike its Nr•w York (.144)leiii so•-• Ming flint iithl it IS eXpetlet1 that lie ary, sent a etit•t•inquoidelit to 44Vetiv.1.1, f‘f(t 1-er It. Moot 111 recover, canto* to ascertain the 11-4•11.•1411111. sample statement made ti, thin- el orri.p.- th of Samuei Barr. Clinton. pondent IT the mayor of a Slarkatch-_ • Aft ail illness of several yeals' ewatt town who crossed froliakota Insure ce, Loans. etc. (bluetit, Samuel Barr, of Clinton, itre or Nix years ag„ 1* -vrorth ret,r,,„ erosset the (treat Divide cm 141111thiV. di •• , 1 ' full : Niltrit‘ N-. -HA HINTER,' eaninlo.sioner. 111 -tem lauelerich 441. A. 11 -II-. Estate and Insit ....aity4aart- of tho- tutus bee 404 .1410 or 14..140 . l'e insurance, money to BEirrSON, new gilgtY'4)11.' Yetll'44 ago) from theNtates' mate 1‘0011.-Xaliaro the Idtli wits born ••%Vhy, th444.114 e petiPle that come in ea.!, it, IIr, settl.it oil the faliTialans ware horn -anywhere hi the • 1-4 n etc. 1144V. .../.4 `14,1/ -1.b.e.--1,11.13-1.1liaceneliner, ad Afiatenitifi_, tknoift.km__ r.,..0 bywnship wheno he resided until , five eh h . ( 1 • ' 4 . - - --- vetus tig•b whon,‘ foree.l• IT failing I'aintilian. The insti'altion.• here IWO! ....TORN NV,. (IRA-ft:IL 1.1FK,FIRE II 811,1 Realent In./Iraa/we. netaofwor41e . -."Aheal* 1 to _retire rontI41, (114,4 life'. he thsame as n the 3 -11 .11e1 . l4a..d metuyland 'tacicomno. uat1Cinton. ll.easeWan t ouvably L al. 10.144. it, Mer ol_ve/aon Fant plte. au a lesa4441.. man ._i4_r7fligIntegra‘ww,mu,11P,I . .. ?Teets. , to office, etnnor %We'd Street nd Attract in high Mgeent bey ail Whin knew him. ' rne i tilted rcrities. 1Vm-t-Tlii first or ohm,. J. W, CLIAIIIIK (Ind Heti, Ont.. If • I si I h Ante -Chapel Curious royal warrants and orrlers cenfonstibit hith the \condor, - of setviesta and attendance in file ('.has', R,481 fo es • 1 decreed by Jam..., I. that: • "Noe matt shafroevi.r thviunte wayte oponvii:juto the Chained in but Charles D. briery)) for the chapel' through Lard Sandwich. "%mkt of our Great Wanirolw " the tolhos'ing atieles ifoidolea's 141111 111.* upholstery iind heating arrangements of the sacred edifice, na tala with th••• ."m.: • Item _ ATP .bare.-hytiest- Itkia -three tkousgua_Lizi_ je,iitor Noakes. Write harriers, one fire shovel one pare of tongs. three black jacks three eispens, two brunlien, on.. per fuming pan of loot. six Insure slash's. and. II' mitre at torong iron 111141114A14 -1411144-V4•11 -1•44.-1114 -Ain( flay fo making the premises.'" - clot:melon of these eurions.tip- rcliance, it irray he tehleti thnt• Mac peeks were large mugs itunie of leath in those daya fur th.. of small beer. and Diet a wisp.... ata 3 small riot or • eurrT 111/144 1111141.4 o 3t1 her . Tligja,sgmningwm.. .g.tagoa $111.1. Is; used for the incense 14rn- ttpritt 45,0.31 (4441' 1144 in the 'hap.. .1*i.1 the hour glass.... probably tr. regtilite the length of the serif.. 111 th(i .laya of long sermon 111.. alio *to. 14 regular a the sorvic..s, hoed to the 'Poficlukion of I felt 41.0.141 24 ens one mug ter, Mt. Edward nation to try the experiment of_ 44 Itsee• Virtliffnl, of Cltn1on, and one son. tediumj eonsto mho, Cane 1 t SIcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IS- Satmiel. abort. of Clinton. Mrs: Gar- in s It A NCI,. 1'0.- Vann and i 0.ed vie 7 of tioderic h township. and Mrs. town toopert.y hulked. • H ihkert and Miss Barr, of Clinton, are sisters of the de..se e.ed. Elimvilk Wedding. 'Mel nue 44 Mr. and Mrs. dimorph wkin of Elitiiville. WAS bower of lo% dinees n Tuesday, the Cot li inst.. the wiptioi being the Iiia.mage of their laughter, Slay. WiI• I'I. Rooter, of Eli111%iile. The happy mph. plighte.I their troth tinder an arch on the lawn, In the Imes nee o1 one hundred and fifty tftle•te. Iter. Hobert Hick... reedit on, fort et•ly of\ Etiniville, ninitteed the oils of 111411,0,The bride; who W1141plenehmt in ir itAWn of marquisette 44 'el' Wall de ('33(410with trimming.. of Astin and lace, WAR attended by Mks Linda sister of the groome. whilNikoClark acted An hest tnan. The Rile 77 in - Ramage Licenses chided friends from Centralia, - Iletotall and Sestorth; Ofileers--J. D. McLean, Pres.. KIPPerl P. T. Feuer, Vlee.Ionu.. P. Thema: K lbw*, sneatrea.... Seaforth 114. IiirevInva ; Jahn 8 (rlivve. Wipt Ikon ; George 114114, $entert h. John IlentiewinsOmani: J111:41.11 laserti mond : John 11)(11, tiorloek ; Vonser, Hriteelle1.1; John It. 214A -oh Monett ; Jas. Connolly; J. AV, Holmes% me. atreld for 41'4,1 !lim. Pokey *o44t"r' 141444 PRY A44.6"iten0-' end get their t-tinl• rencipied nt 'Twer tz Itrown... (linton, or at (t. If. groeery. Kittlklen *kel, (lectern+. • SHAVING PARLOR QIIAVIN0 ANI) 11Allt-1)HESHINO 1.3 0A14,60144. - The hest Moen In town. I rnmet neevleo ; everythin44 oloop and :In*tarl. Ito( anti ea141 bathe. WAIL 14A1 114. *Md. Ktehangs Hots! Mock fmticeemor 18 Jas. FritAw. WALTEittl111:1;Eig'1111:4T.. • Watehmftker,Jfsweller, and Opt ielan: homer of Mar, -4141e hit/metre. W. MIK Ileeth.o., fioderieh, Ont. LANE, ISSCER OE MAR/111. Anctioneermit rriitimAri GIINDItY. LI VI.; STOCK tool ffenort.1 nitel /1114.4.44 4fl An11114 RIt'!-1, Winn. he will he found at fdl time+ when ant wring sales .Terms reminnents and livery effeet pa..4 Iielve Yon ookraotlea ['honest GEGROt BECKETT General Amtiemar. New System of Tickets AN Catalogue. OFFICE, HAMILTON ST. P. 0. Box 181. A VERY RAD CASE. St. Isidore N. 11., Mept. 21.1. i•Iperiali In a few convincing %sortie Nit. ',fixate1., Ditelils, of :his place, telIs the 141013' of his .0$11'et Mfrs andk anhospoolt rc•totation to health by the use of K Wiley l'hey will he reatiwith interest by all who are entitled or whose health la in danger. "I write these few wortli,“ rows' Sir.. Duch's, "to let you know that I am 0%411.014m well,,though it 11.44(1 1013a ago Diet bestie Kidney cores! me. Mine was a eAse of lame hack hmught on through kidney trouble and I suffered terribly; tori could not stoop OT bend my hack to do any work. But Dodd • Kidney Pilk came to lay aid wad niodo a highly oaths. taotwey oars of a eery bad CAS!. 1 %mil. We think Canadian ..Th444I i• bairn) is better thou Brat of Voiced Soto:. because it, ram.. lat and we hod the American expecimen as a guide. IV.. 11111111 We are evell freer in Canada, than. WO Wore fallotea. ei131e4177 of the'l•iiited Fitates, is mots. 'inbred aespeet for law and order herr (1 (111) i.he United States and tOICII /* thing ms a h is tin known, 'MC ins - . the opportunities for Kett livr rich are Mg, aria Jittfit.i het. Northwestern Canada in 11111. (llneeti 1.4) 114.e 111 Ili,' world, and of course I think it the hest." 'Do all A II, 1144.1.,' OLIO 144 :bey. make good l'anadian I watitedjo kn4;tw;tro4 not, ' moat lie mayor. "NVe' got all kinds tit people in the ea, yi. karma. Some- of them Warr 11.'r.'. Thele's t molt tiii tete in the sanitary 'from one t lakotatir *1441 riarshe wont get waltzed because hi. &WI Elf 0111 10 11114" taxes 1,, the king r,f l-p�44nd. got an Idea that Lite -king aka tip nights framing schemes to get his lllll ney away frhin him. 1101 get Witte some dray anilhermin. a rood Canadian," , . . I want you to imilersaand, sir,! said the porrinotis party. "Haat I am 41 s• self -mule Mall." "No doubt abed. it," rejoineel .other sit east individual. "111.1t it I looks to 1110 140 if' you had spent Itai /mut time rm yrmr fcet mid- lint enough on y • Maul." mot, desciils..1 inialern amo's huge headgeat as 'Alin of Ch/O40 "be A (;hintymen, in a heirs. ol et111111 • . The Merry Widow, dame, she glad" hats. • 'FlriONE 66 3! FURS! art( 11 1 nusEgan qirogrizitit MAN&B? ?rice 25 et.S.1141111 LINIMENTCO. - • '.�'4 10 r CAI riLtSsi ri H. - lVe site y11111P 4141141 1011 lio 0414. •11I Whiellb .44*444) 4411 11111 1)14' (PIN 11.1yPI. WA. 110 11111 1141111 11' l'(' 14)14(11 11* judging or Eiti Itti% our Eitrs'Artrit the most tellable 114.111..i. 01111 of the lontsid pri.•es. We aim ite oidy tors at 1110 1044'4/e4111141.1.41.1111141.1..111 4411 11 I 111.1...r Speciat Assortment. of Childien's F'urs. COATS COATS COATS adtai,e, All% 1111/111. 11114t1111•Iii. dn. 1 41 • 1 11 styles 1.1- tio• •iitnion %1'.• 6341' the 1 411,11 P''.1 ;cid tie 1..0h...A C...41, it it is •-,..r been ibassure • (im: 1-ittlitg coal• back. Tree II, .144)1 vet' at $5.75, $7.511. $ 1(1.00. $12.51). $15.()1)"$17.50,. $21).t10 .1.p to $20.59 eh. ,11(1 .1.50 t. 1,1.011114' 11 ,11111.1 r1.111•1 +1)1,1 C001. at 02.00. 02.25. np sa6,50 V.0111. We 11 1.1-1 iv • 1.1.3 ) . Mee 1111P //1.141-.14111 I-1" "cy v - Special shou of Total, ((cod...hornlike, F:shibition S' ' Mct.:oll Patterns. 'Ha) in 1'4...eking 41".../= "1. l' ' . our order .wa•-is•ceit,...1 too fate la rush t I ed .• I itt wit,Lub. risatAilter *pm tra ea.." 4-4 ire _1.04 •Rear days. 541frir...-..its' ansimm 11 me Millar's Scotch StOre . I (ECZEMA AGAINOVER.CONIE. ' . imigislen s iti.**Ibe."'titli.rtes -i-e..“-•,:.;,. . Zorn -link .Curesa Ease Which for Two ""iv Ph" 4 i 'IA ho . b•w %%all, 31141 railillig's WiltIvii •':11111 1111 . . . . Years Had , Defied Every Remedy 111"11".1 1' 1" 41141' 111 1 1'1 ''' " 4" lo• ) • Tried. A Farmer 'r. Ciateful, Testi- their 13W II, 111,1 $0111 .1.'13 -4. .ht -it tykil.•!. 4111M1 11,111111 111,' 11,.../‘.111, 111 1.104. 1.141:41.1 , in- romparative peit.t*."-_ Tim fledge serves am- th.• ,.•..,„.f (1, ,.. triscitifill p•wel, eitil al , . tomb. ampoTtlinity far a int nez.itr.ai)t-to. vi411.41.1v %illicit breaks the 11111111413. cd• the_itta.allelain:iti.-4...:11:1:7---4-ro- a fi:w leala..t. about-. 4..41w 11. eekViii. 11441./.1 Wil.11444114i11111 int,. •' • _ ' ' "%Ve'ri....r:i-ii... thiit 11- 414 • 1......i...t•tv- ,. cooed _to .1w:he:my !..” .1. __ Ii. _- ----- .1•Witel.i Would euntlit- 4).!'. 11111114/V, Thisaiihmatt 4•14- t"" *-4. ti i 11,T.r11"•:" tUent tool-ftegin TO' )h4.1 :11 11•W lietigr., .111 1..1.11 Ill'' fr metes •' '' 'WIN' 1.1" 11.4.. would he ilt•liKbliilli J14.• te-. II ...eh the litters •14•14.11. A - III *II .44101-1 «tilts 4 .1.111illeil . ill IL l"-,,') :41.1171 s !y 34:11 TVC.11.-4441- 7411.1ii .4 ' a. .141 41% a • 'Ina' I 01. visited 111,' 1.1,41114.11.1tel 11,111 I eeilli .,4„ ..., /4%4.04 14.__Znin't$1.14k ''' ''i'''"- 1" 1,11.'. 141011 111111'.. 1.11111W 4010 li 1‘,.. 11 4 s. 1 If. .../„„. .11.1 1110. 14 1114-10 1..71“..1. 1 1 111.1, ob.:tined w.;14, rt. -tient.). Mu - Inet.frj,,.., . I flu. .;';'47 7.4si.n.s i..!,...v.slo.,(,+,,I.h.51,111:1,(..\• ..i.n.11 1.4, 1,1-1••.(i,:i.oAlm' sle_thi3•1.i,J1,,,ilf..,:472,,,,, tirki.„, ,firmt..111,11, . ,, ,,,,,,.! th. ...j., • • .ilir:411•17.1:-:,-.4: . -iiii.so. (Imo .. in..iiwtry li .11:11.4111,1ii,:x !yr. iir.tieg...i:ri.4 -i-liai O. • . by . 4 -Alt 0 ..1101 ianliviie.tti llll s in etilltaillili41 • • no animal 141 oef....• It j41 urin.imilde i . hoot tit+, healioft, Itel.14:41 4.4-,4114,- . . 14141 4sA14 id..4.1•414.11.1411 1...14114111.11.1..11 , 1".))"1:"171:1"rritr.. . I" 1,, tin 1111_v_.A.4.1. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE uI l'AlfAl!ONS SOLD ON THE MERITS Of LINIUNT G. JOHNSTON f -metALmER FUNERAL. DIREOTQR ru-rwiri-he ...lid ruad.....si.4d..kingliqweveareroorn. .4. Nirtit Nall.: At 1.nrith..I.41lonee. Si William 'P111 /NE : ilt......re.littr.f„ , )'17,4 hederich . ' • . 0 of /mita, -kill .11-.-. .111, Ier ulcesa t 444.4444- he-si•-apsiresi Z tot Md. ham beer) applied. TIW • .. o .4 ilatirtir, I* N -t. %one, 41,1j4 .1 11.144,11111 14.1-11ol• Ao. itantr.thrt,',4- ' is knIrstre.1 . 1.n 111.41 'or- .4.44,- melt ...lest 11 • If 4.1(.. Clio-. 14, -11-0 ..1 tla.-rt I 4.WeVel- Ord•ro •Ituatad to et sll. hour, Ight ur Jar •-,•*.to :tool kills 11:11 1111 4.11.1 11: 44111..1, W4.111i4i, .44441 skin slierh... ret - if.: , 111.4.1 .1 114.1,01, ;.1o. 1 .1.1" '01...• 1101 11`.. 1/1411.10, 1111,1,.. 11 :i.11,11:1111:1`.....41.fi inlg-1. .1;p11.1i11/.111,/..e.1,1. . ,14111k11,1;. Cll./1111g 'MO,. 1,I111• 1.411..1. 14, al..., ems,. Hee. .4411 dila s...ts .11e1 •.ttirs ot n ',Aux -link Tutuitlo.---fut tO tier, t'onnic 1 'A if,. ha- le I. first eook., '111 i'11111,(.;* P111“...14. • "I 11..11.1 11 all? 1. 11/i Or 11114'1 11111/alf• 11 you.' it do lw y• i. veil, 11)4 (114, .141441 Ille kitelet•ri hull ''14y. :‘1,10,41,;',1,./..,1 1.101i:it .1 911 1,1,1 4, to, - ,-P41/434. 141i•CtiLeia . The. Time-, juts .1tei-ii 11 advocate. 4 th.. 413114.1141 -of from homes Mit the 4.ealit ifYing, ler 11.41111. 5111,11111144114...- 1014 love 11 Ille. lilt /to; e 11,11,1-4,4•1144 lie .411.1.1AWtis .4. • • 141,1. 1.4V4+1.1 141 44re expetc.... ..4 1(11 dens ' and •111441.4, %%1.1.11 tO\ at the mercy .•I 4...I ,16114.r., 4', 141.11.', tho i1•11.1. 1,1111031111. To 1, ....sly this The Tittles is 11.1\4/11111,11.1111/: the 111.111/111g 1/1 liellges the 1,11(01.1 44 Itn-Tivrfit(wiwetit. -.WOW -ue 1 +3 natural 4T•Volorift :4)0 u ill 14- 0‘41 I i,31 1,41. 4,41.• • ..joy iheie 11..oh• 14.-.11i* It I••,•t• lhe Times in a ...rem said : to lllll .1,....'111if.41 Ira 40. ni ..111-11 :we 1-44.,•4 al ' tetidesow: /1.111W 1 f•miIkte. f • .11 '1. 1.1440-4 1111.1,1 1 41 VA I 1.1 .11. 4./0.; . 4.6,101, • • , '1 • the soot, ., .y lllll .ly 11 o.4.1.•14 1.-t.... •• a., 1.•,., I 111 11 ••• •,i •1;.,, ,„ 11... irrirt, ace watt, g 11,1' fart' thartheopenlawn noi only laid a 111,11,1401f' 4111 V,141.1" 31441 ;4,4' 1011 kit ;11-0 41 41 41iel lllll initiortion• it Meat, la e. A salerese414.11 ef4i.1 i1.4-1 141.4setil• 11 /44-s Whirl. Inaaill DOYOU KNOW THE WEI WEATHER COMFORT AND PROTECTION afforded by a I=21 'ort wars SUCKER ? Clean -Light Durable Guarantied Watcrp Sold Evers:where ••••••• 411.••••= DO_Ytcr .%NT - A 0001) DRIVER? 1 for sat. soyeral good (mug driving hors... td.. -Ore 1113,1 t•ys, from whirls I probably RAY EILIGOJE41 today, and will on the Ilie ..;:-.14 fot• PL'3W 11.11, ilestniakeit 1 filing and - Wert' ye t market uriul;-- • 4114. your NE .1„,ii,,1 9'., 0-4'': 1 lime Ail. Lw t es- Vloury and l'errin,liot ilkl" w. king plows. k t • twee oloot eft alone at aecordine nii 11111/ 1.111116% 1 big 1.141“.4 ry and tetreem. " fre7e- It 44111. togethe." 11.. Ott. awl Atte royal Jannis bs- in,: 0111, MIA by Wile from the e poi It in narrated of 51111111 merta,eli that he tined t4. beat tines With Iris ettnie while the anthem has hrtnn run, and theiitentatly hang the 'powdered poll. h.. imp., when they hero unattentiye • Prince as a Coppersmith, rdwant of Wale* in now taking a turn in the eoppermith's shoo id Kingston..0sbrne. • _ _ • • Then' 11 Moto 44.14.411, ,4 1144,4 . 44 44.• '1.4 etritorreth tt 0,1110o, 7,t44 ro,. t 1(.• lac fi•w est- 441. • om• It...or:title VII, 3 t" 1'11' .". 1,14, v. •• 414.,44.• 14 4, , * a.... I •+ non! 1,1 4, of. 4..'!', 1.411/4, , Toro 3ilit`.. 1'3 At lir I/ tteen• ('l--4-41 tt to meld*, hr, t.44V ei444.1i Alo,/4'14•41.11 .1•441•• 11441 94 ..."4 Po' 11,14,, 044.1itat4.41. 41 44. -,44,4.4 114, . • • , 1, 'on, 4.. 111410 '4,1114, • ',O.. WI Lbw „ 1-- '-01114 1,', 111111.. It • 11.001 14.l4) rood 11/1,4. orf .op.o„ ,114, ,01I. • • ne h3,1 1,1 ,' , • lim• Ant ro.o 4,1 Olt. 1. /3•T,'. i',4*114 int 1111 111 ,1 INA fouflorroo 11.- .1 11*.,.,' r Toted., ince. II/4 d,nstti•• 7ocsilt.. Ube no11.r4,tvetty Pitts hw rt.ceirttotuna. '- De yaw t•tw l`b• ?Signal s A Slight dolt. I 'at 00.1 FEN E t•ffeE :3TONE torttilie; .-, her lied it. age •ry- 138.111 44, delivered 444 t he qtfitt .44', 111 ROBERT WILSON Agent for 4tiyit . McCOR 1CK.MACHINERY, - BRANTF RD WIND MILLS, LOUDEN' AY TOOLS, etc. tawort ),/,. WIWTOSIT; Hamilton St. eve! rd taitim - GODERICII, ONT. tiri.. .. and 011. - ----------------- ied 11.- visitor, "how.1.. .11ity!r "In .„ re died 441T INS INT ES INC \\ RU TIV ,"CORRE ENGLISH- , ' -HOW TO IT" A hIONTut 4. U44. 0' onifs • TLIA I JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER, Editor. 1 iliieries and Ansa VI,, PA1114.41. COP./ILI/11.G -,.., Shall (mil IVO, : Slualla mut- Writtld : ----' Him to ) .1•111 Them. Prommehitions :Conlin) DiC1141111117). 1 Viirreel, IC111/16111 in the Iforne. 1111:111i1in111.4:.titsillatlihilligLlisli for the Rosiness 4 ',orris./ English in -the School. Wimi to Savant, What Not\to W. Comm. in Grammar. 1 Comae • in ^ Is-tter WrItiallif and 1 lt.'...tuipourid-Wiording . 1111,orrrboatWure.rileT1 Studien. in Ei li h F ite lein. CORRECT ENCILIIM"Pr, , . AdENTS WANTED. ft.uo • ear.ySend whir Evanston, III. 'PHONE 15 °R 24 When you sant ( and Yard.. over, and Worej!ou.u)-(4.4irr Went)-- 1:1•;(IT at Dock OA L L KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND ,14'art-emst we/If-heir on the market soaks en• you eel z,00li (4,, for at ton. WM. LEE. • 7 der- 4.4 . !•4 Ilarclwar Star sant 'id, e Milk Choc�tate Stick, Medallions Cro- quettes, Crk..ain Bars etc. are truly delicious. _ •_ For sale by all &Ars from Coast to Coast. Tnr Its, yr ED, folitiNTO. _ -114 • . . . . -....................41414111m44.r.44.444.....eroor41114P.44.4441141mmill1111.••••••••••••,..-4relsao.romerm............... Amen Cured al Home %%arse .. • di, ord. • 4,, 11, .114it, h., v.it. wri !e re.47 rimer, to rho N.V./ 4,Teeti4r 444 (l l44414 VVit 1'0.11 rt.v. /140 4il- 1111 11414 1133 Alt, 1oa4e..111e. alk ' 140114 vial/ nine frillent fliffl. ('4414epi.herl n ,s ,.. ,..trme. 4444.1 /nay 414.4•11v iat ?he -• 44011•411l4401411.4.1• renanang • ImItut stet •• reorienting 4444'014tv1, 4 tetoting pribei eirenietten 10 ths ohm.. el .41 ...1sr.. 41i .1Iffel 1404 rhotented% 1 will erne! a 3P143111 In*, .114/14 Illt ten tlii*treaciusui.. shwititely 1:61:40 each fedi -.tenting rue her uldrn,. WO, 1•• Wrildebt•' • •,. • Al, °motor 44","4.1.4;__ •1 syNops Canadian No .• west Homestead Regula ns. Shy 1/41.11 initoborell 14114011 of 1)01111'14011 1.4411.41r. .41,11101.14,1 mikk•tehewtt and AlbOrtA. or,twol Al oft.' -14, 110? re...T.ed, natty be hon4- 4e.:wien toy any pyrsoo slio is the oolli head of n nr atly nisi...eer IN year,. of ace, to ty,„ of one quarter section of too Srien, niorti (a, 1••-•. .1411.1 '‚l...., fer retry 14111 ,4 he mode In peroan 14. '110.31103 III 3 11431143011 131111•1• Agency 141.1111...esattlt for 1.1.e.i)-4r14't if. whieh ....le. Anti. I..- 141..y ntay or, bet ei.• at an 1eney rerteiti• rnitilitione by 1, fa I boo lllll •riti, deintliter brother or i• Mx of 411,110/.1011W IWIJo•. 't''ul,, .._14itLfre; reqiunai to perform +he Sewn.- •nrider one of (Flo folio wing pi ste, ttl .141 Alen. reeidenee upon Lind 1.141114441 48*hOW-t11 oath year for three 4.111, 71 A lar1tio•1.,...14.1. may if he ••41 per• fain. tin. ....lieArt•kletior dollen by Hying On fal HON( lain1 oviiintl smlt,' by blt, not lists than eighty tan mere. In event, in tbs. vicinity _of 111. 1.14.14414A41. natty/3,411p land lin] not 'twin 1144• rercittertiept„\ ch It the father for nitther if IA% lath( r in de ec...•,,Ir of A hotne•tenfler shoe -herinanent 111•111,111 tingling land AVVIled soWly by him tett '81,11 eight t fAwdee. ire exten, in ,,f he honlueo mul, op.,,, a ItainnAtead /lover.) fer 1., 1.01 or I he . tinity, •eh Aturetrt $7 7(7. nen tr•Idenoe it.ing with Itio NIA.? 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