HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-24, Page 214.4 MIO40 rrinW) 011,1VMTrat, rntr
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- 7 "
't:Lt "11Fititeltilf11,
2 raufiliO4T, September 24, 190$
A Suberb Showing of Women's tfip
tioomiticit twraittol
Telephone Call No.
111.1.11 tier &MIMI' 4., 11141114000,/ .
Ma month...me ; these nionths. tic.
To l'nitert state.. sulworlbeni. $1.Ni a year
banctly ati,141.4.01,
81)bwribel, .i3O Nil 40 INNINVe Tux SIUM•1
regularly by snail nill confer a fa, or by x..
euaismor in. of Itt fact at aa early s date as
Wile. or lutdrese 1. dedred, both the
Ohl and she OWN addrere should be gi.
1 Ilowie of l'ontitions. He has a won-
derful array ut bills "Irtuncised upon
the parliamentary kW& seat •11111y,
*las! to drift without caulk or
anal fated never to reach the . port of
third minting.
Mr. Lewis hits oae good point• -he
helieent -in adrertising..,11 detritehl
'somewhat frotn his merit in t his reepect
-fil-refforts are derided VI dVi
tising•t *elf. Tit get lab's name ill
the papers and un the recorda 11 l'ar-
liatnent he hit upon the s(lhetue of in-
tbeineing bills bills upon all sorts of
subjects, bills good, had, and indiffer-
ent, but altogether probably the most
fantestieresuasp of debutants ever seen
in the House of (owIII . It is prob.,
ably riot a matter of greati- 'ern to
their. author that none at them has
been ()lased into LAW ; hr got the ad-
vertising he wanted, was mentioned
iti-the tritons of Patti tttt tent, iota was
Jible to show his 1111111144 in (stint to such
of his eonstittients :18 he thought
Wight lir duly impressed. HIM
were somewhat like blank cartridges
intended •lo make a• 'wise and puff,
Without hitting anything.. Ile had tO
flO Ithing. or swein 10.1w doing
strieuethilig. to Pal% his $4.:St4 a are.
• : picking up ideas that tither
lets tying *hoot end- -throwing
them out un the table of Parliament
with noise like a .perch was the
met od the chose of fooling the people
Advertising Plateig:
Legal and other .nuilar
per line for ttod insertion and Ir per line foo
each subsequent insertion. Mesv.ured by a
nonpareil scale. t weir. lines 40&t, inch.
c.ard. of •ix line. and under. 4:0 per
Adrertinemente at Lad, Fotmci. strayed, Sit.
mit ion. Vacant. SOU/Ilion. Wanted. ftsr
Ndle or to Rent. Fauns for sale or to Rent.
Article. for Sale, nut exceeding eight
line., tic each lit.eri ion ;1111 for Aro month, iite
fur each oub.equent month. Larger advert ilee
111011)6 In proportion.
Announcement. in ordinary reading type tetr
cent. per line. No not ice han 2.
Any special the object of which is the
pecuniary benefit "of any individual -Or aeliOCI-
stloo. to. cAltelorlot_ en advertissustut au1.
charged ere gly.
Hater. for di.pley and contract adverti.e-
meet.. will hesitant on application.
eddriemelisionnirnicationi to -
VAN.rTelt itonidt otos.
"4 nessrieh. wt.
UOIffilattit. TB isKrT.
The elect- all has 'moulded, and
on the :Wth of lir:tither the people 4.
l'anada will elect a lien Parliament
The announcement did not come un
expeciedly for-weekethe politiciaps
on both sides had been actively en•
gaged in what was looked opotram the
prelude to the generat elect iliti eatii•
paign. and the voters will still have
fiT11 weeks in, width -to weigh the
claim* of the rival +sixties.
We believe there ean be but one
retain. to this' - the return to
power of the 11O•rsrlit Litwral Govern-
ment 'with a laisre majority. The
administnit ion of the country's affair,
under Mir Wilfrid 144111.1er and him
colleagues ham been on the whole a..
eminently *satisfactory, anti has
a(•Ilievell'olich magnificent result% in
the development and progrees of the
lkoninion, (lult the great map.' it y ^of
'the elector+ 11 vote to send then'
back to •fillIce to couiiiine the good
work of the !text we've years.. The
revenues uf the t ntry have been
carefully administer!' t'usiAnns tax•
ation has been low I, giving in
dustry it freer IS and Bowing the
producers) e wurki p11 . anil
fartnersk--- a Urger ret 11111 sr their
Weir. With prosperity 011 eve hand.
the public income low inc.' ed.
doing away with the annual 11.11Ci of
the t7onset•44ative reirinie and leas.'
substantial surphisen fur useful piiblic
terprisem. The West hart been de. Lipner,' no load -line on him own
"loped, I ht. hay,. iwru -,Peeches. .The quotation exercisee.A111
improved, riiilway facilities have teen ‘17i,,Trael,lIn„1,C,r.I7tirytill,:„.1°V„741:itia
has hes Metal on a paying Nude, and tttt to
largelS\41iereased. The postal service moist itly with a constitutional aver:
while the tee of postage have__ hese
redoetorffar riu44. he; * been
greatly inch*
great basic in
has been etle011
hit administration 1
of Agriculture hy s-
in short. the whole
- been-- --web-tiled- into
Canada ham taken ite^ p
the influential nations of th
ttn the other hand, the Opi
is -without skilled and inspiring
isrship, it locks an aggnssive poli
mut in ita esteem -it y 41 hint given
-over it, au inconsequential reatipaign.
of scandal. No Canadian tiovern-
anent has ever yet been turned out of
office under such eireinustancee, and
the indications from all sides are that
Sir Wilfrid Laurier will return 10
()UAW* in1 the ...Mill of October with a
large majority 4.1 l'attament at him
ent Liberal (lover ttttt rut .thst extended
a preference to British Rooth' over
goodsimported from foreign 14m°.
trios. Before this time customs duties
were exacted un good.' from Great
Britain in the same manner and at he
same rates as On goods fi- the
l'nited Stales. France, liertuany or
other countries. 'Clie Liberals shortly
elr etwession to rotes? greeted
British imprirts a lower tate of duty,
the tweferetwe et first Iwiug 12; per
cent. and being increased by stages
until it is, non ter cent. That is,
British guitar enter l'und114 at 111110_
tliii•d lees duty Hunt goods fi other
countries. /
The l'imarrvittiti• poli. y taX
British goods at the • tate as for-
eign goods, unless' Great Britoil* wit
consent to change its fiscal policy and
adopt a custostui twill% with a. prefer.
encs i11 filVOT
tiovernment granted
the prererenceto. refit Britain with-
out any huckstering or bargaining, am
a token of l'anada's cordial goodwill
towards the Mother ttttt Ey. •
It was lbe-pieserit-Tliwialrilaverna
mem else which •eriat. the Caintaliau
soldiers to the aleistative of the Hritish
hirers in S..iith Africa at the time of
-the-Boet-war. setta-ttre first time
Ciittailiatt soldiers well. eVel. sent
abroad for active iwrs ice.
The Lilwral p.trty. fluty: me talk so
"up . lf_he confined 1 ; loudly a* tlie 'outtervative partysl it..
self TO OUP or (WO 111e111011PP, and had loyalty to the hlother Country ; but
tesolutely piddled _them_ forwatal5 liep-Basictioua-epselit1444444.4414V444.1.14- thee
might halve 01111I something tangible to words.
show as IliFTetiult term l'ar-
liament : but either he wits unable to EDITORIAL NOTES. •ti
$wiire the silt ent arni sympathy 'of
, service on a fooling of merit. and to
ing away with the okl eyebolt of "pull'
and barkstaint infillence. is t i oforio
Which !peaks strongly /for 1 he mere
strength•and spit it of 11.. Oily
ernment. _
• lo 'ono of Ins reeetpt specelses Mr.
Borilen. t lie' t topes' t leader, ' In/4de
xerezeniv 4** the liudgino 4444.rger-Aunt
-sai4Wore 110140404 01041 44.114- h
111.31111." II ill easy to talk this way,
hot tlw people Lithe( tliat whiiii' the
charge. *vers. put III till. teat
they felled tt i tttt sly. littelligent
t•lectins 1441' 11151 4)4 1*. iiii.411.41 With
tit I le -tet t le.
IVe ale not NO sure 811041 4)444 il 41
Of the suggestion made by Earl limy
111111he 'oiled Sint 1.44 111111 '111104bl
oil kl 1911 celebrate the • plet inn
of 4 century tit peatv het is en the two
'commies. 11 is jii.t.a. *tell that the
memory of old quarrels should not be
stirred ; we might find ourselves
again engaged in the tild dispute an to
how the War of 1$12 really ended.
%Viten (he tiratld Trunk I•Nteitte'
eettettes. we-. Awfore l'alliament, Sir
Litirier . est boated the net
cunt to Die country at thirteen 11.
&mai.. IAA N.tati011'el 1 ris, wsd
taa41 riseit -2.704 end re.
milt in about doubling Witt i t tttt I
th44. Ailvetice.
The Ad4anee iinfot Ornate in itit
1-titesumente upon -bie Trtink
r'iciffe ;Aisne 1 it to eon
cry the blei to its readers that what
Sir Blind 1,14tuier est inuttrar et
Shlasatasst will amount to $2.111,04iiimio
it i. either vastly iginuant or reck-
lessly •The I Ippoleit hitt carr
1.1114,1 lie et y tvedik indeed Vt ken foie!)
.1.1111W.111011111.1.11, 4111` tle 44 larking in 1485ll'icr 14 41 winner.
the iwninitency which_sccumplihes
results. or perhaps it was another case
of "too maify irons in the lbs.."
A rot•ridiF ails! 41 _OttawiL the
.orrespondent of The Tie -onto New.
thins described the efforts of the lati,
member for %Vest Mono, :
"His first ,inuption U4tu. Paiiiisuieut
was an effort- to lis the lee.1.1ine of
shins on the (treat Lakes : 5111 excel-
lent scheme. 44. which lie has net re-
curred, thereby, showing the
',nee between himself 44,1141 11(4'
Armstrong. who, when he once bites
1044)14 subject, Is pretty sure to,worry
it, Parliament and everybody else
for yearitottul get it. into Acticfl!
iv". if at all possible. -This session he
is ttttt .1.Kned over the n ttttt her of mei-
Jettial deaths egyorring tin -moth the
cateles, 4.1 °remote ill the Wil1Jda
he is trying to get legislatieri re-
gard to certain crimes which have
been growing in fremiency, and which
hair roused indigitatimi : he 141 pro-
moting a bill to lessen the 'pi of -tier of
emit ing ..Med weapon., ....41
contributed a pungent hit of testi.
y 10 the Senate reform debate.
Also, at the outset, of the arnmiOrl he
promulgated a platform of hie
queer desert ment lf planks,' many , of
them excellent in 1 hennwlves but mat-
ters of sdinitiist rat ive concern rather
than Parliamentary practice.
"It remains to IW 141411P111 that the
Law Statesman has peculiarities of
lweelninaking all his own. Solicit-
ous 481)0114, 14).' load -line of shipa.
which It
Lite. Up to
huge olianti
pings end th
There 1.4 node
We have had tot
1i il.flt. *imp
place a man who would
-er' 'tient of hitt thitien 14
Ma Who Would devote !emit
lo the iirt of advertising !Below
It is for the eleetore Wert
I. Agriculture, the
try of our cotintry,
ed. under the ekill•
the Ileparteitent
ieui Item
life, and
• among
ad -
It remains for 1.1 electors of Buren
to deckle Ithetlier they will side with
a disorganized and purpotielesm Oppo-
sition or give their support to the
energetic arta prognsisive Govern -
went of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. In
South Huron the Liberals notifident14
aspect the re-election of their stand
ard-bearer. M. Y. Melwan. In Enet
Huron Arch. Hislop _is lighting ati
against the late tnember,
holm. Went Huron elector,' have to
deal with the erratic gentleman who
jollied himself into the representation
of the riding 'Nur years ago itiol who
hopes to repeat the sante operatieit
this time. tipposed (4, him the
reels have a candidate will, a record
of earnest end successful work, in
Parliament and ONt. of it. and if the
electors of West, Boron chiloire Bob
on. Holtnes. as we believe they will,
MI their representative for the coming
term of Parliament they will have no
reason to r ret their action.
. • -
It is said of certain Ontario politi•
Hen that he .at in the Legislatoire for
fourteen years without introducing a
single Douhtlou eonatituenta
saw in him eletnenta of turefuletess out-
side of the more or less Unprofitable
shifting and patching of legisletion.
The number of billenhich it member
• introduces is hy no eneatts-the 'stan-
dard hy which' his services in his
country or to his c.`onstituency *TP 10
he measured. A greet deal of the leg.
Islative grist is worthier* chaff, end
some of it is positively mischicvmas.
And then, again. we have the ,,*ti,
her who iota -Moe., 1,111r4 end leta it go
at that, never pressing them to a con-
clusion. Much a member r.seibly a
nuisance in Parliament. if otherwise
harnilese. For instance, there i* the
late member for "%Vest Huron in the
e arta of co-ordinating and
the raw inhinustion -_ tor
40 prodigious an tappe-
t* hinteelf by collectifig
'es of newspaper clip -
he get4 up and reads
Itliat is F. N. Leiviir eiti.rise for his
share in the salary gnat.? ,
N 0.14,11 eiirr.eittal ion in vomit!.
et .41 iteceeNary. Why 41141.41 111.4'
'Advance priblish the facts and 1,1 its
roosters jiidge for t
- • .
IL ia Litue for 'Weet.\•
Huron's nem etientation M Ottawa.
Notice the irrupti tttt.4ioliticians at
the fall fairs this year.,
is working overtime. •
('an E. N. I,ewis "(Mei
ter I hen another '4-1
speechee in return for
itt Ottawa:
Itir Iona halm
'nailing bet -
of wrap -book
14 riecond term
Canada e ill keep its raid, old I
hands ot (leo. E. FOster. Thal gentle
man Mtn too dime en arm tttt Mimic
with deficit*.
The (*over ttttt eta. spending tool'intiell
money ! The complaint we hear moat
is that it is not spending half entiugh
around here,
Thanksgiving Day will be later this
vear;sio that Citinttliann 11111y be thank
ful for thevettirei of the Liberal lior
eminent for aiitither t..rin. •
The weather man think. almost too
Much of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Now
that the big hurrah at Clinton is over,
surely we shall get sine rain.
f ttttt idly interested in the coot intuition
of the tttttt tigratiou ()obey, which has
changed the exodue into au influx,
At the North !tlithIlisirs Lilwral eilll•
ventiou Valentine Baia, who was a
meosber rif the Prit hattient just dim,
MOIved, referard to the Opposition
s. orb for ecalfilals at the last seasidillt.
Ile declared that *Itlititigli the Con-
servative* lout lusoight veiseesiee-
itli4Xer Canada andirtun Europa the*
wet* unable to lett their linger on one
single item of sideappropriated motley.
They moved alsolittely nothing
againat the Government of Sir %Wil.
rid 1.4tUriter ; Olt the other hand. they
visa, the cutintry 41 •11141s 01. dollars
by their foolish tactics
The returning officer 111 %Vest Ilitrost
w ill he .111111.01 Vi11111g, of A111111111.
In Mouth Hulot' Alex. hltiatard, of
Itrucelleld, and in EIS Huron .1. A.
%pilot', W Ingham. Mayr been ap.
pointed rettlrIting officer',
Mr. Holmes has propieted to Mr.
Lewis to hold joiiit 'medium* during
the cainiktign in \Vest littrovi. So far
:dr. Le wie No' not acee pied 1110
Clinton New Era : %Ve understand
that the difficulty which arose sou414
time ago concerning the payment, of
the di•puties connected with the last
South H1111111 bye -election bar hewn.
amicably itenusted.-
Ciretinist aneoe have eoinbined to bring here at Ibis .1ittio a collerlion.L
embracing the newest arid most apploved models in %V OWN fall apparel at
A low wiles- -1V-a-ftudattwe opts hwet *me hnoriestorks yont'an lie raffrial
in your NEW AUTUMN COAT. SKIRT OR WAIST. Y041 wilt 244-,
flair Sig tki440 decidedly 11PW 1:1*144. illf/t the style that seems designed IT
for your individual typo, We Tan show ynil BEMA 11K MILK YALCRI4 IN il
etyle, juto 1114 trIP*1 care lo the workmanship, jute se inuelh ert in the design as r
and lit on White you buy."
though you paid (1...114144 the 'wive (or thew, and the beauty of it 411 14 "you 1.4..1 tl
pl ttttt halt 111 1411(4111)8' 1' W heti our mebent 1111pPly 11111111 0111.
IMOAIMILOTH. COATS Itf. $8.110. SWAMI, 1011:01 and 11115.00 values we cittitiot,,,,„ I::
THE IN EI1' %1'AISTS ANI) SKI MTN are just ins SOW quality, Just as mucli., ::'',
\vest Street 4Wit
The Ladles' Wear,
Speaking of the 011.11i114 euertitsgof
Otiteriii 141411.
rtign, at Niagara, The 'l'oroado Ster
Witts--.4- And nib
glared well for the ('4l111i1144 eanittaign.
11. wae-alt that 4. -441.1 --he desired in its
character and elteet. etwortl 414415.
111 i1 14.11 Mill 14111114.3. 41111,141rd welts
*Yost( hy Or the ''44441441, '4), of the prole
•who thorned, 41 the 111.11 Who spolteA
and of the great ennntry they I...pre-
sented. Beside 11,114 recoN, how
paltry 1,1 1110 ...11,11o.tigta
aleithe• e.eiltat ion of work
MI far presented lo the people in it.
appeal for support. The 'electors of
%nimbi will 1101 take kindly to a cam-
paign of mere petulance and desulie.-
tive criticism. when they have the
a hermit ve 114 .tipport nig definite
strong prio•tical 1'" '44r'4-,
and of lieeful developmeot :already
well under way, To thiwe 1,441141es
and the tuen who /1111,11whits41 them the
people owl. the ditty of Poch 4 ,i-
dorerevient at the polls a.
Isefort. hewfl given to any Va *lien
\ Heir i. a fitting rebuke to the ihis
chief -making 101.1. from Th.- t %median.
: •• The Premier lorsTlieri'ed his
earoptiigri iti 51speech of eheracteri.tic
politiesti Wet Mid I11.111.114111`y. ad-
dles,' 1.1 Melt 5.1 hid 4)4411 11144144 10411441.1
pies/rim, hi term. with %Odell no On-
tario citizen cOult1 be offended. He.
frankly admitted his mid,. in his
achievements as a 114.111 quebee bid
• .
nethl tn. word *Melt might bre regarded
-as an appeal to race pre ince. The
ew intpern whi-h ettilcavoirt to enale
V part ot into n relief
• liwirlailed in 81101 it owlets ma-
telot . Sir Wilfrid Lam ier, even
*mitts FAr me 4-4 'anadia 15 I tree been.
never ft get's thitt a Canadian_
the ehiew First Minister of a vast
- _
An eitivet emu one of IlIt. Field-
- enreclies runs smite 1414111 on
tilt. "graft" 'tit :
•74Ot Tille char of 4813r1
plilifiely merle i Parliament, the
proper place for mu lig such charges.
There • will 11PVP1'
The First Step
Often memo; 440 iiiii..h.
It hiiii,ywant.-sioicees to
4 11111104111114 411 young
people who wrote for
um catalogue ua the
1 salaried position. l'ake
first step toward a good
and never ha.
been time when ...114 inembere of
Mr. Holmes (avow the -abolitioo of Parliament will 111..4 44444411.141,41 .141
paid for a
have cosi
the Senate. Mr. Lewis would take a 4,14'w th14 "'re 1144 14"
pletascitt. to find how the people "i'r" 44.,:t7,111.- I II*" w''''
•pl,u-e. r. I- i Moor
offend on the Erne/110n. We Noir had that every otliciel, wa. • lei
plebiscite. heron. in t hia country with- "mePicio'll 113.1 lb, P0.1 iwro A 4 "1.•
servative. Mr. Fielding to iooett
out 8ny great. resillt.
- - .Iiitrfect to a Mitlia. and lend
hell r. -t, oiled that it served him ri it
The protected manii far tiarers cannot he Shoillal II it turned them ell o
;sill the wool over the eyes of Kir '1%11 Mr. Fielding, hose% er, did not belie%
(rid laurier. The cons 11, of Can in the 4, '4441411.'. 'To the victor I.
ail* will etand bet • 1 the Premier 114nic" lhe 'Toil': •
As a resnit of recent rervetattini4
hi his refusal lo increase the taxes
on wearing apparel for 11)44 benefit of mzmber of Ow-Ohl-
kwii petent. maim. from the Outset vative regime have
facturera. .-been dismitewo, :114 OHL & 111411nelit
The bunlen of some long and tailored
articles in The Toronto News appears
to he that Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his
colleagiws Are not megrim. We (Ito not
understand that they make any inch
ilium fur themselves.: and, for our
part, when they become angels we will
ut support limn any longer.
ie passing of the Civil Service
hut enough is
years; of Mr.
had la 18118
14.a more
the public
Old '
come ti
cast the
1..1111 Ilh
omit ry men who have recently
.Vanada and who are about to was gime! reply th Iliose whit debited
ir first vote** Canadian vinic that t 1.aistase .4111141114.4T040/1, WW1
mild Itnbw that it wee the pre.. decadrn t. The placing of the civil
lit A DDR ESS 'EO SI H. WILT( D. 4,64
The following
Clinton yesterday in be
!loran :
To the night II tttttt table Sir Wil
Pilaw Minister of Can
441 11, N1'itli profound plerteure we welcome you today in the num
Wits pi 1.110.111tal to Sir warn fittlYiel ,. I
111 Of the Liberals or the three oi
the Liberals of the county of Huron. It is not often we have rid
t he privilege of wiring Trot tn thbernlInty. hilt We Pert/Oldie the-cla 1,
whieli Ow, eISIVIS-14-1.4.1114e- 1811V. Upon yottr time, And,- lettifelTrit tRiprrIl
with your presence among us, We Kee about. us at all times the
evidences of or at labia purpose. end the brilliant sitieeens 70111
effort.* for the iipbuilding of our beloved fatnada.
Not, only (lo we welcome you as the leader hil Liberal party.
the worthy elleeelamt Of the great leaders Of Canadian Liberalism in
the peat ; ere greet you a* the first Commoner, of noir land, the Prime
Aliniater of our great end growing country. under whose wise role and
energetic anlininistrat ion Canada has 11111111.-1411.11.1tideti aa 1111
mit heikOt with pride and have made the Canadian. name known
and honored throughout the world. '
We aeknowledge with gratefulness the inagetilleetit work which
you perri.rmed foe Camula, in the iery moment of yottr on to
power, end have 14111`. solidified and made secure by yeur CONPFe in
IMICP, (•altiting the seetionel strife which for many years' threw a
shadow over our national life and sadly hampered the develOpmetit '
11)11' country. Now, thanks to your undying efforts, we swe' 1411 .11*.'
WOO*, with goodwill and united porpoise going forward; hand
in hand, to the, enjoyment of the vast opportonities which Nature ha,
granted to Ile here.
We retnember, too. the relief which your Government has given
to our people hy the lessening of the burden of customs taxation *nd
the removal of injurions trade restrictione. NVe ere prepared in this
county to trade on lair ternis with the people of ell nations, end
especially vre heartily approve of the preference to Great Britain,
which has given the Mother Country e 1/111111111TP Of fair play in 0111.
markets end has created a fresh bond of union between Greet Britain
and Canada, and the example of your Government having Leen
(Aimed `tither poetions al the /•:rtipire -has been the greenest
contribution to Imperial sentiment in several generations.
We observe with gladness the ranid fulfillment of your great
design for the stretching of another band of Nteel ;across the eontinent,
giving the settlers of one Western lande a h needed addition to
their railway Indian..., bringing in (+wt. touch the ferment of the
Went and the manorscturern of the East, and as you rail -self have
significantly expressed it, "rolling hack the snap of l'anadetone
hundred toffee to the northward."
The.e and litany other achieveinchia of your .6ov er ttttt en( Mice
challenged the admiration of the world, and we balk forwatil witli
confidence to your tri-rophant. return in the coining eleution and to
another term of progrew atm development, of peace, afid prosperity,
Fir Camsla. Owing to untowerd circionstances 0111, county did not, at
the bud, election support, you rut We believe it, shotild have done, but we
pledge tn' efforts its the preeent campaign to send you a larger
TOPIIIIIITO of support in the Pal liament about to he elected.
To yourself personslly, our chieftain and friend, we offer the
Witold* tribute of our affectionate devotion, end we pray Heaven to
give you many years in ths enjoyment of the health and '.Igor in
which we are happy to see you today.
tfilltraeta %dew. 1,T1Idat. Alt!lilrettegtalqr kie„,itspokinitis
kj,k? Why Joe heels Sore.
41..e. ary.
Joe Martin eon. inures to rail Against
poldie life in 4 %uvula. This is ;web
May clue If* the feet that Joseph wit.
',irked lip by the nciatit tit the neck and
pitelsist 11114111S.
Protect-444ns Kills Border'', Cause,
1111Mitalli Mild h. Tii W-irkly Sun.
It in not unlikely that there might
tau change Oiwornment if it welt.
not that proteeti tttt kills Mr B11.111
caline. NVtlitt farmer io
senses will vole For mallow up, toiswell
the gains of a party of nranufacturers,
a will its high as flemen's willow.* be-
t We.. hill) And lila hatetrAl market
Ottawa's Good Example.
.... The titsiadian I 'porter.
Civil service reform it neceesary in
every Province. The recently enacted
legislation at Ottawa, which wax a(1.
proved by both partici-, .hold be fol.
Towed by similar legialittionTdWich
jiccehovItichrt 'capital. An Independent
commission would abolish patronage,
would fill the service in lime with
well-trained. atnhitious and efficient
mblic servants, and would effect a
at saving in all departments of Pro-
st •ial edntinistristion.
hon. A. . Ayleinvorth, Minister of
died ice. hit turned In ottawa after
hie 11 44) to N't ma, ivliere he consulted
ohe 11 the tws pecialists on the con-
tinent in regsird / his hearing- After
11O1 1111ri 4444,14 Me t 4114-114 Wan A very
enitsiderable impt1sventent and Mr.
Ay lesworth was strongly urged to re.
main until his hearing ehould be com•
rte.in the elertion campaign and sank
t•tely reetored, but he Wart atotimia tel
personel considerntions in his loyalty
to his [witty. 1114 will be able to con -
%lithe the treatment here, ittl tux
torrry reason to hrtieve that in rust a
complete clue will reiitilt. Mr. A
worth will spend a few deys in
own constituency. North York, an
will then bike it hand in the clam-
pitign thronghout Onterio.
• Ali,
l'reurfer Scott of Saskatchewan wee
in, "IlViniiiiwg on Friday with *tan -
*Woe report,* of Liberal proepects in
hie Provinee. He eseerts that they
have excellent chances of carrying all
of the ten twat«, end he 111174 he 440111,1
not Ile siii•prised if they elan carried
the whole seven in Allarte, although
thin in Hilt SO 1114 pliable am thh sweep in
thiskatcliewen. 14) i. Scott point*. out,
I hat the entire interests of the West 4111
tennidl np In the success of the Liberal
policy now before the country, and he
demands that Hon. Mr. Borden, he -
fore soliciting Western votes declare
his petition poeitively on the questions
ca tat iff, rsilway legislation and immi•
'ration. People out there are pro -
I ',dirge, .:Ael Vooge
t he at.011
(Ilse.. (*entre! Ltir.iness
.1 Noonol tr)train^
for life in the houle.
your Endowment-- perwita
rates and high -
daughter „IAN: shout:Ages.
2st h year and het -
i. than r cr. Write for' Cala-
logue : Alma College, St.
Thomas, Ontario.
With 1r114111g 61141111.r, bowies
orwattrinr gradlietrui.-
I and all 'model\ Whet' Illel II -
Oa. Willett en. re rapid ad.
Itaught by the on cher
in Ontario who atten the
Author's school.
THREE COURSES. - stcooglapliv
Commercial, Telegraphy.
Enter any day. Write for partie
l'.A1.1. frEttm FROM SEPT. 1,1
oF.o. M 110111 IN, PKINcIPA
His tom fat,thE rot ItMEs.
144 • PEN11011 FA( 'ILITitts AND
l'A88411) TKACHINfi TM -ANT. Ilsot
dn.& ot, students MI out annlally from
t college to rood tsmitionts. Let us
educate yon for prontrible etapleyinent.
%tie WILL 1/0 IT ItIOHT. Catalogue tree.
Knter any tittle.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
l• tr. Tow and Alexander Me.
reeognized II* the LAIIGEST
tr ining echnol in Western
t III (11110, Three depart clients
CON! Eittll A L, $ IR) lin I A NO.
TE LEO It A I'll IC.
Our gradualist mecum good (11141.
thins and lunge to the Isn't.
Write for our free eatalogue ;
you will find it interesting. You
may enter et any time.
.;;IZIfff"7:+17.111,4 txthLft.4t.iir,
uying Clothing
buying Clot biog. boy (row 1.110Ne who miderst 1
,41.:41 1 jaiiiiiinirtierws bizads_bas.y iteell. mixhlysaionwtig
All experience that should be or 'Dem value to our patrons.
made 14 very essentiat ; -boy- where you
%Iv hat to buy, how to 1.ity, and how elotheahnigitsetrieliiildd 41,4en
getting *41)111 11 Ovid.
Theatres( popular elittlet for fall will be fancy worsteds and
blue serge4. %Ye have o stdelitlid 14111(e of these. The
ehah was carefully sett cted by myself anti merle to specie'
by y 11111 11 you bee these multi.. We
t Bothing.
Fine importe.I !alley worsted Suits, special jr5.00
Fine imported blue worsted Sults, special $16.00'
Made to your special order for $1.00 extra.
20th Century -
Brand Clothing
akThe right place to Men's Clothing and I -smashing'.
...111•14 A
Come and see OS about tbent.
We have just received a shipment
STYLE 51.1 • 5
in Box Calf, Velour Cal and•guar•
anteed atent Leather. ces.
$3.00 to 55.0
Buy these shoes and get zoo nts
worth of shoe for the dollar.
- 41
Best Values in Town
One reason for our success
We have sole -;-;,attrol for Goderich of these world
Pe 11111.14. We have the full line of
DYERKISS P FUME, in bulk and bottles. •
14/114,4 44
This line is making a greet it Goderich and/rneny Bettering
remarks *E. hear al..011t, it. /
l'!' F. J. BUTLAND'S
41 ,4 good we have it.
1.444 /1
01' 11411
ti. (Tr.,
John 1,
.1. V
and K
We have a eoniplete stock of TOILET ARTICLP:8 is the moet. select
lines, and are prepared to recommend our goods:
Roger ric Genet's, ^ TOILET CREAMS
Too th owders
;,,4r. isiiZerviir. Witch Hazel Cream
Pannier' Halm.
ivers. andthers.
and Pasts, etc,
tre1e.14.,,,e, •
when e
P. 0.