HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-24, Page 1WEDDING
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The Signal
Can crt The Signal on
trial for t • .! remainder of
1908 for
rn‘BEdiMfr,Isluiluto to and
vAN a 1.1 Elt 1M
The Signal
starts a iiiiviuga.usit. Little Isy little emelt Moil. ore de-
posited in the Bank, and in an incredibly *Mort tium the
owner of the account fin& that hot y has ine•reased in
ahnoet magical fashion, repaying him many thisete over for
' the small 'pt•ivatious" he may 114%'11 undetione in order to
providedor the proverbial "raluy day."
FOUR per cent. interemt paid on deposits istid_muney can he
withdrawn at any time.
. . _ _ "ellillg ullor lowea Withrett a, tioditlev'a frullt LW. dredges Doural Al -c.-
- . , .
- - --„---- -• license. and wit. mari.e.stett ,as beim, Nevitr7Blisl a *cow a mootitte On
. ..,
.Goderich Office, Corner North Street and Square. ' all undesirable charai•ter. The magie. pier to, take them ot er 1,, le tug, A
trete diarnissed the. eagle Ina ordered one of the girl. was steppin -down ot
W..*L-110111.CrfclilANAGX.R. - fry aenve -.the t(own. ifiti-e,, man ttr till' .1. 111V.-thr ../liw ittlf‘lett IIWIIV
eliii11111 Hamilton ati his home hot wis from the pier. and Allo•Nevitt and the
spasm -Fitly TIOPII proof v h of a roll gill Wt1 1.• Yuan preriptlaleil to the
mg stone. ts ate,. hleNe% in, 1 e %re, 444
- „..---liOrtliawariEsSitesSali in raising the glrl toi to the 14.
III 1111/114111111111 /II again,
In Aid of the Hospital.
Domatione haye received at ihe
hospital am fullowa : Vegetetiolete front
:Ors. ['baton, or Dunlop; altv. &Mous.
Mrs. Macklin an3 Mr.,. Taylor : fruit
from Mi*, 1)2Vil121/11, Mn,.
Alartin : fruit anti cake front „ Mrs.
Warrener ; i e cream from Mrs.
MonTisou aud Mrs. J. J. I.:titian',
preveitted the pessiug of 311144.1'11
tiO,l)4 Ind it seems only ei question
1 mw when a considerable develo
ntent tit Goolerich a. a port will toil
At the Harbor.
steamer Seguin '111 Vi.) till Sit
11111ily Willi 1.1.41014 W1411014 Of WIWO
1.01. the t.levittor. Part of the grai
wa. new' grain ii1111 par(. 0/1. 'Eh
Seguin clearod an Aleinday jeftertnam
Ordered to Leave Town. - The steamier Wesforol- arrived 411
Al22212120' afterturon with 44 e
A mail liaw,d John Hurl ht.. wheat for the elevator tied Mill.
(ore the police magistrate un Allunday On Friday iitonaling last a couple 0
morning chiseled with vagrancy. Ile 1)1.1144 41' th.. d'H.‘ Willited. g1
had joi.t t.t.k.,,,,ed front jail. out un Ines tug floras 011 itf11
whew he served a ten-day tern' for 1,""4 4"'""' th"•
1".. lb ."."*
it- down the eleCtrie light plant tor about I As 3 i1.1.• 111.• hit W
0( 111 Weds while the mew machine is be- •tion elects membera ,a the, egeoatis„
ing 41,1alled also (lune tip and it was
e oleo.itleti to give I 1441111blic W3E10114 in
3.1 %Alive of when the wink tail -esti be
done 411 14.1 to ilit4,41411141414t441 light
titt/.14111 as little as
it Wedded at Palmerston.
n Tho Pelham -Arm Sinect ante ;If the
e 74 It toist. has the following wedding
• It11110/11/.1/111011t ; Al. tilt. re.tolettee of
the bode . paid Ita. ILagial. eel.
44.4404--4-464.4444.13v of taww......p, rho waddiug_took.
place el Jean alo elde.t ;laughter
f Mr. awl Alist.4.47....i.ltanounitni.
W. A01111 May, of (lotto -rich, the 11440
s 1 ial beieig tied b • Itet. M. Pen
* 11311, a cotisto of !1 r -i. I trend ...... it!.
1 TIO-1--W41fittli1111-Liiial., .1./ pastor.,
' 11•11'114.11 a pret. I y limit yir. , 3111 ..... 11
s lea% es and vines with It large bell of
1 white asters tinder the arch, Aletidela-
liffhleVWVidatitg iiktridf tellig'pld'rtli hy
, Mrs. I jelldrel 0.1111 tile 1110114 beillt1 4' ve
'itwity 10. tier lather 1 he bridal Inuit
i eeiled wet e titbit t ended. AI t et the
and 11/11111V isahriotc--weddirig--lurielaroori-Wert
4441•5 ea il. t Ile .1 g -room. which ea.
tastily tleetwated with festoons of
attnuata‘leRILVVN and vine.; inter.persed
with wino:Asters.- The bride wan at
tired in a lutenist • dress of real
\ hand•inatle Put tenfturg, over tort..teit
taffeta i the bride's toes' 1 iiiii diworkl.
rid car' ital a nom -Tun-. .-ir wniro-rnor.
14 11.1ily•of-titt•-YO111.).). Iler. tritvellitity
sit l..,W ts of brown ittith hat bit iiiii tele
trit meet with lilire.
Only Ilir Mun14.
friend* and rtdat Wept w. -u' Kew
i•111, a the. yereniolly. Tiw tether mid
111,11 i,.. • on he grteoni Were Illia1141.• lo
lw present, oti m•rooni or tlicir-datigh-
trr h 414a1111/4 11111.'....lifil 'it telegtatin of
eongratidatien arrived - thit.ing `the
cerettemy.\ Tho bridal /11111111114 Willi
preserved - d sent to the pister in•
stead of •• mowing" lei 4.14.01mi:try.
The oresents weerixed by the newly--
irtrioned were nottoom1. reel
hands .- 'the groatint's gift t•. Me
bride was a twatt aid pearl smilomst .
They left ori the a tri -r eel trent. al iii i i 1
she of entire i, iet• -rind go sad
wishes, on ..itie eg tides 'hip; 'after
whio•li they will tak it their resi-
dence in Cotlerich where 114111' friends
wish them ii lollg, pl..:0.311L 111...1 pros-
'peroure pairney through \life. ..‘ g
the out-of.toown gueetto were. .31414)4 II.
ton and Darnell. Iltirt.114 Leigh-
' - Miss
Routing, of Toronto i .Sf
lift).dainiNsil:,.. Ow84renvSiN.- 81";u3tIrrell iirtftl 51160%
son, Listowel : 'Mr, E. S. Rot t It.
and Mrs. Tennant, Calgary: \ .
- Voters' Last Court.
l'OTERS' 1.ISTS '01' HT,T.9y,N
• sitiP ri
Notice is hereby gtven tItitt 4 Court will be
held. ;moment to Oman., Voter.' 1.14,
Ail. to lib Ilmeour the J tole.. of the ('01,111)
court uf l'oitoti et !forme. at
hall. Carlow', 011 Atuittit... the 14111111 ilf 1100
14/11. 44 till/ hoar of loucluch14.111., to heal 4141
determine the .4141111110ollitil • of,orror, need
.44011. Ito hr ;oleo. uf,t he irmitticital•
the low 1.14 uf Conaane-tarbea.-- -
A il is,evat, hat ing Mom... at the 4'0,111 an.
ropittlevi 44.1 attend- atthe mid time .114,1 place.
11., helile111110.1/ 1,411, 14111.
GODERICH MARKETS. There was a full 1, sr. at the Otlin The new outer range light a
' . felluws' Ball in Turgidity eveetiog on white -eine and the /mt."' light 3. I
the (we pi i
Ito bespkt, septenoter .!ith „..., ., mr. °,...1 ,I. the .Mhakempeare re. one. Ttn. new light at i he liglithot v
1140 244.41.1, Out 111•7.1 go IF ii Mu egmi go'y ./fluIrl r'. (twired, of Host,01,, mettle hill i.. 44 11111,41 141,41 i• Iii)W4,11111,1
Vault; whet. , per b ttli ... , .. J 75 to it NO The play seleeted I t• the,evening was 0" 111311 i he "Id
6 0, .. i, .... . . : Ittj it"; luio 10' oil Hamlet. which of i inst. WW1 Heves- The 4!. I'. If. ahippeol the mow plow
tat*, gwr 101..
Hurley. per bu.ti o ,5 to u 80 JET -ward'. explanation connecter! the) to %Vest Toroot" oil AI NY.. •
0 .1", to 0 .... . • • ' Ip.4i,, Moo ale,----whieliletol-lanthere-eirtee-Iet- winter'
Pena per bosh Q__pi. to 4) 2r, sarily_dirtailed
orreening., 14 1011 ,,,,a, .. 0(
,o) seleeLlUlls NU il1 till give 110).- Honor for Mr. Beckett. ''
Flour. felony, tete .'.;,,,, i„, 2 a, one at all familiar wilt the ploy it
Fleur, patent, p0 .1... 3..ii: gisiol./.10o, -of Lite' vv.h„ . E, reeltai a thsr-former ttosionein It. 11. Beek.
1.11•211, per Iiin .....
Shutt... per toil ..... ,.2ti 1114 to
21 12 war .4xe,11.4fit 4011 ,,,),„wi,,i t .. mule,. e 11 hies rev...1,141 11'.- honor of being
'nay, pet tut. -... . 11: 4.1:11 1.:. ..!)111 UT; bed a splendid iipprecittion of the 'I'et"-1 kuv"itl" 1;!• alt,.i1'. 1 .'tnn.'!i",41! K!""
.... . .. I RP. Ali II. °,7:'.1,1 /'",...44101 5 411 10 2 1114 pl,ty lie WAN presenting. and til audio
Clerk 01 11,'. Tuwicallit, of l ',Moine. i .:.1:lb I: r,... atr, :: ,i., 141111 limtetied spellthillnd fr01111 it Pt to lia.liiiers .414". eeincloh, 4111 WiliVil ill.
111211T (1.2141rial friends will contgrat
/Leal Eatate for bale.
11(11•141-: ANI) T11.t) lAnsi Rift
I *mar neat Agrietiltural Hark f.4
M J1.11114: 11414%4'10:Noe the prewiere.
SA I tnt• 1ST
r voitTAtti.s: Wilt./ *Olt limbos, 11241,41
mistrelly located Atotly to J.
11,4'.'. 4511414.Mt. Petrick'. St.
. . ... .
. . . .
g II loit;E FARM Ettlt SAI,E IN
V, Tura ICKI4M ITII.- The 'motto -isnot of
ler. fur •eile t hat floe noon. beteg I•bt r. runts,.
Ow. 3. H. H. a. The ferns content. lot a14re..
41.1 arre.cleareet and lit r high erre uf. .r. 0 lt 44-44
• !ion : 10 atm u.f. good hard. t toll blob : nevelt'
failing towing ; . acre. of gaol oreita.M.. There
ot, .' preinit.e. .. g04,12 1.11111t IWO./ ,,,n1
large /1 with atom .tattltiag, large tYieol. Wel
pig t and driving lime*. II tve milm from
1 'Itt/ :on (Tr :2001'011 h ; 2.00 V10110112 to ChIlrell 0102
•1211001. 14114 14.' mid uti ta.,) terniw Applc tau
the plaice, or to the owner al 7i. !Saul li.. i ....,,'
Gatelieb. Ont. LL" C. I.ANIosleffiut'LUL_
. ,
Egg., fro,h, per dui finiodt. The entertainment was a 'eat late 11111. -Mr.-lb...keit is now a titsi-
Potatoes, lea.' . . . ° 1.?:1tili lig which wita 111001 enjoyed digit ed 15111111 ford awl The Ilmultiord
1.81 I le. ordlia'y logoiat. pee. rewt. 3 .*1 to i nu • i '
i 'Attie, export, pe. ewt A un to 3 2.S Ur Hayden's ,Wedding. • Co ourier loam the following term eitee :
Ilugs.Ilve weight, per ewtei Au to n ni '
Ham. pip ;,,,:„,_,,,,, • a ri 44 , . 4, U 310414111y eYettiat after 'their 11. 11
otfl:Helelk:itrttftt. Ws1 with" , w_wri-khligi";:lny
I. onto 7 1 ;141 la Can 1 11'. and 111rs.. !Leyden -urn-vett in 'Brantford Itim.t.al director, of the
shore. Per elf,k,',.... . .3 Unto 3 ao LuWI 41
Meow% per - 10 ga,_ Week4ilt_kli..61111 LIM'S en up their mewed at tfre .twentt -fifth - animal
tam, perib -
Tallow, per lb * to
Herm, eei II 00 to
S rep:Wine. lt,
'1""t".2 • • • • • • • • 10 20
Turkey. ... 12 to
- lutaide inarket•ou page.1.)
Copy of change of running advertise-
ments must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
. inissue of same week.
11 144
1-'011 fiAr.E- WU RENT.
I I Two -tory 140112% iii•12111, roof. "I'...,,
1.11110, 2/1142 21.214224 find down. bosthreetn,
herd,end touft water. three rourtmigellar , part.
of lob. 782 and 7$3 ott Itruce met. to {egg
frontage. ,Stable..hed and twiggy home. l'or
term. rind particular. apply 14, 11,,' prem. -en to
nt SA1.E.- THREE DESilltAllLE'
1. provertaw, on Ert +meet . 2421 0412 .1112211
.Apply to J. . fittyonhat
ItEDR/Ritlitt/CK BARBERS/ft/P.
11.0 well koow et and popular .tand
offer. oatrum the beta mrvio. in :haring.
haircutting.' ele.. Larlien' •autniuooleg a
epecialty. Only ...killed hand. employed.
lone patronage will he :ippreriatetl. 14. 1*.
0FArIMEllt, Proprietor.
Property Wanted
- comfortable ormil *iced -holm In Porte
rich. Anyone ha; Mg ninth for 2414. 211,1 pleame
Jo"' 1".11s7 t°"°' 111"'"'• °°Inling len) i• tairtlotiler. or moo at, THE Slt;NAL
r :loom, front 0/111 11000r
100114 hail; loteheit. pantry, atone .wllar. 11141. •E eet once
together with ortectuari..r an 114.0. 01 IMO,
more or lew. inane 0 goad bast a,,41 4.21,
water on the pfornicte. and 441.‘eial good foot
To Sent
itiocil • good (mine 'table, the wholetheing _
I...good ntioe of remit% Apply to l'IttlUD
slim. 'IAA'S Hi.Alit or to. prilit11)Altr.. _
IAA St. -
I end bright roomn, tiver the !Sterling Bank,
entrance at to Mr. Dewey', law office.
suitable for droetenaking dentistry, in-orauce
-1:14441mort. toe. Krim. MR. MoRRISIIN grocer
I- Prevent' known av "1441 142. Lawrence, ' on
Montrerd ntreel, ftedericli. The house b. a
_Loge ..tuid--uummustiote- wee and mpeeially
el I lortu..1 either k,r pri. itift reeidenco
501 boarding hone, Mn modern convert -
onto. ; fInd clam Apporttaillty. Puteemiott
can 12 even to -Palter -WWir to MRS. C.
1111 tioderieic 1.1-tf
block 11, lake nod raet, Colborne lowly
•Lip, Iwo from tioderivii, 110 acme. good
"lay loam brick boico. hero MC tr. with
ntabling, artenian well, Mater 141 build
itift. and oprin creek. 2 atm, .taactiog timber
yOuNg Om • id, (0 4'. t'..Alt.t.NEI'
: /key- -
Thebes! quality of Tile, all idorea, at the
VOUN(1 & 11011EItTSONi, 'REAL 1'1 I 1.13ORN.E BRICK l'ARI/S.
Satiate Agents. (lederich_lest._ •
town properties traught. wad .4.1.1 vichanfird, • )(TV) 154.1111,11m4iTeflifit-: - --- -
they 24414 111' larked up ollick, It ein pay
12121 0i0424-110220 .000.04-000Pr--,
trititItt Etrli SALE. A 1,1 Itt(T.
(*Lass sioacte farm .111 Vieet. Waste. I). I1A1 1.1•1;11A1.1,
11 h. romemiou 1,2 27. *044 175 'term in s,
112041 2212 of cultivation, well fenced, r
watered, good orehant, lirr• batik barn, batt
hOrt.e., Podullice, triackortith .hop .trol .1ore
. at corner of faun. 1 'crave:414113 to whool and
(Muerte. 3) Miles from C, I'. It. /44(1011 al
' Auburn. Tema ea.y. AV. A. 11A ItIUM
Lucknow. Dot.
monied frame having a .good
toilette°. ott Keay. ureet, -Stone foundation
and trimmer kitchen. gund %Val be mid
romtmattly, For further particallart, apply to
Mits. WM. Mtt'ACIIFIAN, Dail., ave,,
Toronto. Wrtf
1110 RENT. -.STORE ANL) 11WEI.I.-
I IMO above; 5 room., pantry, both and..
moderertionventenrea. • Milt OW together or
...partite. Apply to Wm. Ilotiand. corner of
Victoria and Moat 'street.. 1VM. ROL-
LAND. 123(
leor Sale
'A'. M. C. A. Building, Toronto, for the
ention and the beet remit. in
11U41 M.11•11 and .110,thand Lealulug.
• r any time. ('141..logne fee.
T. 31. WA1MON, Principal.
T 11 E
Han WI TOR113V0
•trrnoinzato c • 111,11(11,110
To accommodate the Farmers
we have opened Branches in the
villages of
VARNA 'and
We ecolicit the Patronage of the
opened by deposit. of $1.4,0
Interest At 3% rompound
ed quarterly.
4 /I 1114K1011 BRANCH
1014 14141,115 CHEAP, ONE 00(41)
rovrrost -Hoot% oil" 1/1114104 ItIA111/1- lire.,
ir..werect teargy. one These ehittle.
• hewn left with 1W „„n_111134.1101:11d
bargain. OU1111. V BRIM :It V. rid,
Auction Sales
• •
ArtIT14; HALE - • -
Inetterl, VI'tt3121tTriegAgfrirr* •
amnion *1 1,'..' res lice. sanire Wiwi, elude -
oN1 F 11AY. fk 1111,Ft 2.01, first,
all the lieno•hold con/44301g of
4.',3".'efi,1,7"1'tfiglidrpw. it
china.enwkery, .ilrerwae, glasvart.
bedding, garden tool.. re4rigerator. .1t/W114(
machine, fable linen. platen rani the library of
the tale Dr. I ' re.
45, erythida ton -t be di.pioed, of. The fur.
nitora. .plend id .hape and* good number
of tante. 2,01 genuine walnut. 'Also walnut
hall teble and ta total
114$ .1. M AC ItoN A LI 0. Proprietreva
THOMAS tit'SI/RY, liosloneer
(1R'lli AtiE MALE
171 0
I 'oder and 1.4 ; irt of the poser. rental...I
in rertaln mortgage. whieh 4011 be_prnebeeed
et the time of tale, then. *111 he offered for
tele at public eviction by Thon. Cundry. nue
110tieer. at Atillhnllandn tilackunith +hop in
the 1.1112ge of Dohnev$ille. in the courtly of
1-1.1Mit. on Monday, the 12th day of tetober.
IPA al 2 refonk, p. ni., the (Mine ing poperty.
Irat meinber forty 4111 on the Maitland eon
re..1011 of the lown,thlp of liollerich, the
comity of contnining .lytyaline acre.
of land mom or le...
The moppet y, which 4,.'o,,, Potent ly situated
ithot one mite of 1101122.411111, 2111 be offered
euhlect to it reserved bid.
Tt4.111,14 lit,14/1 1 Tee per rent. of thr war --
.'14414+ money .1 11,, tient of ale and the hill
1114111 114'.?,' dart,
For further part iemar. apply to either of eke
1 1=1171 h day of flepteniteer. A. D. 10.
TrraIlis it 1 um inebessoN tbseinow,
A iert Vendors solhinfora.
home in the residence at the corner of 'meet mg of the Caniulhot , Embalm -
Elgin avenue and %Vellington street. clw Assoriation held rosamtly at
wo t mg toed: pima. quietly on 'Imo
sday toorniug uf last week in Xt. -idJUAL
rathedral, louridon, Rev. Car .. .... .114 I'
D0.111/ oftleiating. The bride d 1
gro were miattettiled. The bride well MN
was Mbioi Claudia Elisabeth Sihertkood .•eiviog Olt co ongre I illation:4 -of hla
1h.4 Howl Mg Wm. all -
1.4.e..0 Vali V114 ft•oni all
nohow. -The aims of
we very eretlitable.
inentheno in the
nt 31111 111 Seeilte
44411111A /111 212.
tally iputlilltAL,
of great pro.
in the seem..
Itt hfoi the.
tit. whivu hIl nits elt•cteti topes-
' 4.1414 Aiwon:441444.0,
to the. ettflow i14 1111
t lie city of Brantford ato
IljI1Il1-I'I( crud ' 121 in IV-
daughter of the bite Christopher and 111411Y frirod
firs. Sherwood of St. Catharines, and tended 10' I
granddaughter of Peter lieuderaloot Pali" "f thr 1
of London. Dr, liaydon'oo matik the itrganizat
ft.ienda extend to him and his bride be•all
most hlocere and hearty good wishem. tseieltWe of "tutu"'
legedat Wit that wil
Yesterdays (lathering at Clinton. • .hatioeys to he pi ofeasio
itatingspre that will 11.. -
feet ion to the 11111,1i1.. ant
Mg of which the Associa
support of sill." •
. The Laurier ilernonetration itt-Cliii-
ton yesterday was a gt•antl micro....
The wien wauclaviiihky decorated with
Hags, hunting and mottoes, and all
the arrangements made by the local
committee in charge were. well plan. A Saskatchewan Wedding.
11141 and Wert) evirried out without a Mt Thursday, Se.plendwr lt.,1, a
hitch. Sir Wilfrid Latiriet. was in quiet but very pretty weddito. -.Was
line forest and spoke to an attentive soleoltliy'd tit the 1 "If E. A• 4•11 -
and enthusiaatie audience of live 11.111". Wol.eley. mfi"k•o "'hen hi'.()". '11.
thousand _twople. lion. Geo, p, 114*' ltev. A. E. AIME. of Lloyilmitotre
Graham. Minister of It:ill-way. mid $ask., moil aljasr. 10..lohns. of 'rocket
Cattalo, and local politicians also iel. smith, I hit.. were .... ited In marriage,
dreased the big gatheiing. A special Pr ptly at 7 0 clock Or the ettraine of
train feint) Goderich talk down two the wedding ' march, which w *H
hundred people, and there were big played by Milts Helen -Banbury,
crowds from all other directions. A the bridr, who was Illottlemiedo
report. of the meeting walla. *Oven Irl 1211424241,
The Signal next week. presented for marriage I. E. A. Dm -
bury, Rev. tiro. 11. Bennett perform-
ing the cert. y. The bride, al-
though having Poet arrived on the
traiu front the East. looked very WIll•
some in ' her• cream wedding gown.
She INIIITiell 41 NIIOW4411114114141,11/t of awint_
peas. The eerion.my over, and now
grittaittliinitt linving -been extent ,•nTG-
11,.. ..,,,,,,,,o, '411. 4,44.' fl to a tery
dainty wedding fkpper, after whieli
the evening was 'Coral in eotivers:tt ion
and 11111411', Me. and Mrs, Allin lett on
Moonelity*. train. for Lloyelminster.
where Air. 'Alin. i', eceotor in rharge of
.thM.ottotelret-...lotreh. -/11Fr. Allen is ft
brother of Miss Allin, or town, and
Mrs. J. P. Linlield, of Nile, and is well
known too mato- of our readers,: Ili.
Doeterieti fri- extend' hearty. emi-
Mrs. Hubbard Wedded. .
On lionday. 141.14 inst., the tortrriage
tool ;dace at Tolima° of Alt.. Leon -
iota. -Ilitbliard, fan in c -.i Mon
Willtistlitailur exploratitercecosttleetsitt.
Thornton Elli., .en of nom. .1„,1•:. Ellis.
:1 inetniwr of the Itritish llomertr:C.toe.
moms. - The tt edding tool place t'ery
quietly al the residence of Alt...I. M.
Rolwitot, sinter oot Moe. .1,1uhioattl, the
ellio•ititing ... i . listoo• being Het% I. W.
Merton, of (bit' Napailee alet hottest
cloorrio, a brother -kr inaviir the- 40!.!,'.
and Rpm ...1 were preneelf . Afte4 'the
wedding Alr. and Mot. KIll. hot f,
New Turk to take boat low Etiolate'.
Mrs. 1:4111.4 WWI formerly Miss ,Ililtill
, rif 1%Watey, I herr She reenr•
tied Leonidas 11,7,1,,,hailigni.,uitiiii,,Iiitliftleolt.1,111..
death 4011 :111 .•Arl
dor she bernel vimited that, inhoepit-
able region in teller to eomplete her
leasloomoirs work: Alter her ;town
rialto thi4 trill ahe gave a leet111-1. 1111011
144W 11-01,14114414 w e X perienees :11. 180411y
pillow.. in the rutted Stale. and Can -
Ado, Hilif twit . /4 our re:lobo-. tt ill Tr -
menthe'. II, interesting ensamt of Wee
wit • there %he Met Mr. Ellis; the
journey Welt ehe gave in -limos
doirell tiootlerich, last year, Shortly
rafter sleds she visited England and
g tlenian Rhollits now become her
husband. - ' -
Water and Light Commission.
C. P. R. Officiate -Visit.
tinter:II Superintendent J 10 4
Oliortw anti Superintettelent J. IL
Nelson of the CA!. IL -Were la+Vett
on Monday in their private car till 14
tour of inspection. Anil frri. again at
2i31.11toceri.-fear -White they
were here aothorialt. was given for
the extension of the sidings to Aftonl
greatet. facility in handling ears .and
it is understmel that the extensiolt of
the 11.'. I'. R. track to the wharf
s thing to ke done by the opening
of navigation next season _itL order
thittrfe 11, 1'. 'IL may 14.11,41.' the
freight of' the Mutual l'ratisit boatel
which it is proposed to tiring here
next WM/OW Thr 14 141411- - itell•
defined rumor to the effect that the
ALIVelciare.- aini--Ketewatifty C. P. 15.
piaseriger, and freight bootts..will catl
at. Utelerich next season. For the
larger th.veltopment in the way of the
roma ruction of U. P. It. Wharrive and
elevattm here, the Uogh, ens rif -the
eanney market.- if nothin el.e, has
Lost or Found
I (MIT. --ON Vtlil/NES4 DAN SEP'.
lA tender 23n1, either on train //0/11illie fonii
4.11. idvrolwlia 1..1 •
ot. leaving. same 441-.14041,.1.+1 Matt
FINIS, Ala I IN II/1 .11/et.
1 OMT. ON fill•NDA NIGIIT. liE 1
1.4 TS'. 1:1:14 the 1.re.byterin church Mid
Temperance 11411. 11 i• b I
e nalfie
Tlf SIONA I OnIce.
- - •
-Situations Vacant
Elb. 0011_111)114_01ENKBA_I.
4) "t t
I .."11001 1114420,, MS Aghtleld ; dune. to
commence the 4,4 (11 tannery, urn. Apply 10
WM. 1.4NN4N. 14er. Tomo.. Lane., P.11..
Huron 1 otrat. 13.4t
LAtts 1 111141 '4'1111/14 1115 turunehold sine
rhiple4 V11110 AI- 41111.t. I o r particular..
()Forty w: T. ('4,14.:. Owen Simml,
stenogrriiher or lewd, keeper. A pgiLfit
The MONA!. OM. ,e.
I.„(4„ len cloned AnW11
flithday at midnight. (h 1.1, 4111,
Tema.. 0.001 for, /Orate one week for the
1,111 IPO,P of Imt ailing 1 new getwoctor avol other
1•Litiverli 1 NV . A. M' -47 1M,
See. Water and Light 4 Ortinilalen.
CNowgzote Meow, iformerly rime
flaring lemcd the Dominion =g6Wk..
A. Wlk0, I 0111 prepared to elect/le all
olden. f6r
- Tr).
tit-1.1/Itt11. WA/.04411, CUIT1/1'. 241.0114..
All walirk done by OzperienceA and %killed
workmaft, aod • gr nod yob guaranteed every
• R5:131t1tR
replaced en all kind. of wheeled rig*
Wil44e8014 MAW., Wstrgate at., Geodesics.
Noll( 1.5 To DIM I AVNKR*
T12-• 2011e for 4l14414 cloK la% hesIP
keen P
frosted (0Orlobto l -'.? h. Any dag not
hy that dats *41444. 4411105 or the, owner =
Rieder of colleen.
11'. A. McKI11,
1 Jerk.
le eleentore nf 21114 aerate of the hoe
memo; gehement have decedent to offer the
whole netate for sal.. Th. erneertr eoreists of
mkt rietate, debantoren bnnlla and atf.ekn.
Partlee wlehIng to inveet in any°, the *buy*
properties cad get full peruculnrs on *pollee
two to ths ax ..0 Mrs.
MRS 4111.1 C. Aewauw.
.1 P, P. Panties
Wil.1.1•111 ACHIPliON
Goderteh. L1-.. .1(44 1917.
There is total wit infael ion 'in mine !dot he,
114.11 get. IfetlUilie ennifort in wearing' a well
121220*. nuit oil out -of the right, non
or goudn. That in the /Owl ..f clothe- J.
I.ridham Wow out.
• At Wiltrew SniithR, V:200 Orrin. ran be rowel
a ery Mtge moortment of fumy goals. Thitt
-tore i., headquarter- for ;mita. nilpplit, M141
fpientiteuni•wfur.rk. Lai/Eerie', : aka -for -Ine.lwrrn wad.
The Standard. 3,101itreat. '4:armful 11111.11/1114.1
seeklv PH111:11. 14.1 week onaile up. it. whole
nt page uf pica mom Laken by Sallow., the
Inch photographer. Sallow. fame an a
pl.l mph... art 01 an .teadily poring, as It is
rum ed upon work of 111,1-ele,•••• merit.
. aff--TP444.4-1vAl-
genera meeting on Monday next/ fin
inlittidoglea it Inininesa.
at Ihingat
Senforth Sep rulwr tvh and. at May.
field SepTeratiAt -
The tlate Tloaook-stiv-ing the
(7ft yet_toeMi Axed...but areporL from
1 tawa says it will probably lw
M toy, November 41(11.
• fliarles sectinsi the
preinitwit next to C. J. Illt1.14411.14 1.11/114
011 %Veld .41144, where he, will intuits's.
e luct his upholstering
-The tvapdar monk itteetingalf-tin-
tioderich brand" of Um W ..... ere* hi.
titillate.' will he held at the I ,
Mrs. Hertford on 'Cliiinteloty1. th•totter
Int, at Mil eleock. -
Matthew Algie. fon finely' of
idderieti. whit -fin t- • 1011'dee•ted the Iiing Edweted hotel at
Ys'ingh-am. has ptiteitasedattitVeltel.
ler house. at I Items re,..., -
frodenloh fritoodoi---of Ma% nod
;ups, t..toittee Lads, of Clinton. II;
sympathy JAI 11..04. in lite (tei4t11
their tittle eliengleter,. 31,1 a)
lant 111111-sday afire 311 401101,
.111Patilitl. The lit I I.• one We4
vearand three Moolle. oof titre.
The Clinton New rya of 1,4 week
I it/• 410'001.. 211112212212:1.1.24 112A1 1..1 41-lp 41-e.
Selvide. gave .1.11 excelIctil progr4111
mii,ev in the town hall Wednesday
evening.' The kind appeared. moiler
the auspices of I he rlintetts Citizens'
Mud. ..
It will hold Division rMirt
septemlwr asch
TV il
Th.. K Mem dine Review otts of
onnier tiostro ielo 1111101 : 1 I Kelly, 1.1.
he Morgan thinae, Kt
neks• man, if luck ort it be, given na it
Rftwe btv beetterrisfl Ttraflttrifirst 413.4.4
er ... i . effort. Ile has been up in
he Cobalt e•egiere.111.01 y Limes.
ye.n14 und ylVer1141
411111 eleitteh • Ile mool root of h.q.. 11/111
for not 114111' thorn three yette.., but
:Or. Si dee,' booth sear it
the I owl. 141,1111. Mr. :oil Atos..Satiodet.s
•eturtuvl .houte Abinilay, night- '.froon-
...)1_initival whir Ou• 4110.1a1
1 he Association' was held lout week.
Mr. Si lets report. that the maim •
(10,ing 1hImo ear. ft or 311
fact Orers • 11121114.41 id dull time.
immediate ititimavetroore its- trade-- out!
a brisk fle.stitand in 110. no....or tut itre for
thopet kitten. of their -frit to, it a.'
Tile Daughters of .1 lie •Fatipire tote
re in ail irig-aliat at their
reedit inizaite. the leo proeso.4.
amo motet' to the .11 In vit)w
of this gratifying treatilt 1 he itiettibers
ef the eletittee eriodrfiThT•tpieto
gratitude to the maw,' who ,e) heartily
and sympatlit.tieally- it oreant in utak •
i tot this nod Mao amo•••••,. tit.
lit/ alt. ladies Wiall liank "or rowel •
ot Otestel for M.:: I milli
lion of the evetiung'. .11/. 0140 11...
1111/111(1.4 [haler and oluy
,tiann tor supplie, of de. 11.ative 111.4
erial. and the gentlersten WII0
loaned their nage ittlel Cis.1 for
hoops fol. eleven -alive 11111111 'l'.
Y301111111 all who roontritaited lio any
way, a. hearty POI" ex•
VERl ISEMENTS -Sept. 2401
. ,
Moo Mai 12114121; 14., , Prtd
tatai.... no!. :1,1111 I . & 144)11
Reeter• A ..
Th'e 14 It' nlep cot ral 1111-tno ' Cuitree.
10 414.' kti. Oen of ▪ 11 Itobt.
:4) 11-).'). t-li A merIca rt 4111.1mat '0114ge.
• • I Lttwonnen-...
Fame'. Il-.,,,, 7eYonp.t.i .1.1)4 geld
Notice 41
lir 1.1»,:vonner... 14 A. , T
t :real tlitubier scle ideolge
ii• ...do et', 31,11iti '0............
Puillatt.1 litevell gaol. ent Co.. :v. 1'
vie Arlene! -.legit, SteurE. .
inery ruin 14 111,ailW
['lc tut,. facto Varies '.4 .4 Al kens.
At the interning nervier f the Bap-
lwriotreirini Igunday e last sir Will
delivel• ouldt•eotoo 1111 '''1111/ V1.1011 of
Sal 411 i. en..' The evetoing servire will
be popular in Os 111/111t1/1 et'. Via the
,i4.1.1rese red - -Can We Ne
Own Ttvive II r'i it It 1 1441445! 1145.
Stralispern 141114 isitlirn4 grven volatial
The 'annual Ltpwort 11 League and
sihboith school conveittion for -41484,.,.• olistriet." tip Add .in. Auburn
t let ober hit h and I di. The following
are 411,114.1'11 kir 111' oserrent year :
President, Bev. H. E. rut is-. Londe.-
born' ; secretary. Mi.., Bell, 1.4)1141414.bort.; tretuer
itir, Miss tiirvitt. Nile :
n•pts.st.ntative to conterenee, Rev: IN,
A, Smith,. Dungannon.. Msr. 150i4,',
-I Megan/ion ; . Mrs. !tender, 11.
34 -,'.Johns. A ohmic, 4tiel Itev. Mr.
Curry are '2.hargt• I If the program
4"'.' (114' osinventima. - ,
Ity appointment ef the fictierod As.
toetethly- nett !Sunday will lie' Observes!
as Children:. Day in be Presbyterian
church. At Knox eleirett the pastor
will speak .... re partiostlarly to par -
toile at. the morning -oseratiee, -Pm&
young people in ate evening. In th
o, at o elowk, the Monday
seined and. othera will meet in the
auditorium of Uito church, where thr
rhildren's Day nervier entitled "Our
Nits o Goa. ' prepared by the As.
Sotioliath vominittee.
ty I be eitt•ried out, and t wit addresses
gi qt.
Smiley will 111° 2.11. 1111 I/Oft/4111,
day it North street Me.thodist. clims.h.
There ill be anre of old 1112111-
11212 ant pasties -in the me/ruing. Old
folk 111211 e to walk will be brought 01
carriages. Lettere from those unable
1or be pr_ _lie-sauart.-Arn
nn "tit Eslottitle of Life- will
be given by the 'tamer, 141141 finally
bits of life hiatiary by the friends prem.
vol. Let 45,,- gople come early. I
11,1' afternoon the will lot t arousal
bliontlay sehotet • t tbs.*.
have fteen alosentati theitio.lveti lon
iiroograsou, entitled lie yoyage 44'
141e,'' will lie givo.si . show!).
l'arenitto frit.tele are 113 VitAsl.
lereteitiewee le• a vitro* attilluelitoiraltle
N'telooria 4t 1144'!
luta mow !wt.!' LIIii•e• years,
3101. tlw tliii444414 ottoriverotry-- ttt
celebrate(' ttn th•totret. t' 11. TII Itev.
%Vet. fl,rilwin, 1'..1.1.11111. a lot ler
past ttr, toretio•li tetiertting 1,t
evening. afttl many Will lie glom'
hirer I ..... 11,1(411 112 I'. 'Ict. .1••
tided by the iiiiiirterly Merril ler neake
leis titty one- of thatikeogiving. and 14
'lurk ed-ter.iug will he terkett tip morn-
ing alit! evening. Pout -t loer
toit•nta will he--rmue totter-- Nest
SalattaUt- _.1.1uoi-pteststo will- preach ott
14.11•V14.4•1, taking ell) in tilt, al-
ittg 1 Iii) niosmages 44)4 -hp 41"VPfll'tfltI'1tl,'s,
1.3.1 Saltier, h the menagt.' r,1/1111141.
%4.14. 111/11111./.1,1 10 1111/ 111 11111 WI,,.
111/414 11111. 1,1•1111011. 111111 next tililoloottli
the "message to lie (-loomIto( ritityriett'•
n,111 soliiiirt eliew ..... At
lye titeelslbe,-c- Crime -and liearnie.4.
highly triton.sting oriel teretfltalele til'.,
The eegightr weekly meerleg ol .the
water wet light eommilesiom was held/
in [he oterk'. !Mire op Monday night.
An 1441 4104(11' of 1 he veal mord by the
erlittroiat ror •.edinn.nuttion 141,411
wits preparral and submitted Joy the
erothrosn end wits (hoaxed against
him by 4 ti' 1.71111111ing1011. '111ere 141(14
lea Nom+ literinewo to he dime and the
meeting 441441 (1514114 itiformotl. A ug
the niittfoorit Which -were mikes' over
wee the propostal by the chairman
that Ihe question of :looking into the
retetee Ina ined-foe ..0414r14444141.',- Might
lots takint no. "1 r. Nlotritey felt that
reortething in the Mit' 111 11 resting iiM,
or at least a larger discs omit, might be
made. TLis was ot matter widely the
voteimienionera had theight of lost year,
leo molting was done, ow hoot year wa•
their flaat.e tr. A water main ex-
temolon ma I 171Non -mail wax tnem
tioned ISM 4/111101111111 which should on
undertake/el, Inn. 11,41 opiestlem of otiok
the town eouncil fon the tit mey nth**.
Nary 04441e4e4 rt Itifett. 'tlWrmnfl
Mimiroters iltt not. eimaider that it is
business to nske eateosions 1111 «1ts.y. t
0l11141 hink .het if the revenue re•
the expenws 21 maintenence the ti
*tin..takers should get. the lisillent of
the diffetrien egarler terms, capita!' fl
eapertelte itten.lartarr tette° care of by
deben tut es. TbAaverreetty toe closing
IV... ate pleased to is4W that Ali..
Cameron it. able lot he Dti,pg tid
Millinery parlors astaitt, Dining her
doh olcen t/Wit114 1,11 111111..141111.1.
1111.1illl,111 t1(/1/111 Wry capably
managed and le ow that 51 O.:4 5' aorta
414 awe It at, (behead of her letionetet .lie
will be plentsed to meek high 444
fl'i4 cosi. tre :),44141.
The Clinton New Kra sir)'s Else
where will be found Ile. alifionies,
moo t hat I lodgetis Bros. will. few 4!..'
we.ent, coot • • heit lotetittms
This in d. 10 the bun I),4. they Itnve
not twee, alelr le) ett41,e the ittrilfigr,-
lurid s they ea.perted whereby they
could sat istaetoi Olt oho Moe.
1Vetielieve the getierat patio '.ill lee
glad to knoll` thc" 'tro to reti.14 ill
The Luck Was with Blyth. ,
Probably 11,,' en closely l'TeilVirilasi
---_.....- _.,
game of baseball ever played in Illyth
%211.14 11112 1113011 11..-,.' hint
aftertmem, when the thelerieft !led
Sox went (born tot defeat to t he tithe
of 1. T'lle
111) (0 tilt. butt innings. ill o elm O. li had
teen on bases in almenet, every innintei
Init none or noqn tweined able to pann
third. The It...I sox imthit foul out-
rfrid.mi t heir • ilip.illellt s, 113.1
men left. on Lases, revolved more +) 1 41,1
111 hails thou" 'Myth, yet they coult1
not win.
1 ..1T41,1,1;:erte,.1:4011.1 in 3,1:y
A11. R. II. P,O, A.
(1- 111:1111"ckil..-".! . 3 It 11 tI II
. b 1 I II ti
. 3 11 .? ti
C. De ; 101.....5 . . 1 tt 2
J. AV igget., lc. . A 11 11 11 :I
.1. Eillm, 211d 1/.. . ., .. 4 11 it 3 ..i
J. Inn, 1..1 b. -• ri 1' 11
Vit fleleher- ant tc.' ----2 A 1 i .,
1'. Dnt, I., .., . , . 4 lr '1 .-: el
III la 21 II
Ito %in A.B. &JR._ It.1.1..-A.
/*MIT/11LT .
McMillan, el.. . II - : 41 ;:
12,fley, Lt. ....... 1 1 . g it
clailin near the alaswellniti Is prop- t1'ietson :1--,. 3 1 I lud 4"
IA W1/14k 11.1- W/4,1M of it hie+ Mc,
.17*1 frtioli' Lake 'Whih they void 11attil71.1. Md .T1e;',-..7 1 en no 43 ...,,
carter. ant h ..... ... g to ll 3 ;
Kelly's share is Naimoli,
The funeral of the lite thole' fi.
IP 1 2 I 7
. 122 14042;110,4. - ........a _le ..ge it
boiiante took iiit”e uti - 11), innIng• :
thelerieh I 1 3 4 1 ft 7 0 9 Total
lion. . ,i 11 r e .1 to or to o. 4
IfIN u oi a 1 1 2 0 2 I- he -
Myth 1
Rens . ., . II I to 11 0 I 41 2 ii ''
411.424 01; 110.11On 01IT 114eill,_0n. 9 lat"ftnnn2 -brat,. -
fivelcrich 13, !Myth 3. Tivabwee hit.. Tail.
(mug, IF . I.. I Aiwyrnt%e ;il lilt' Moth., foomos, Begley Mtn% Struck out Icy
'be Venttattts "ere 111fellgethe Maillithif 3. " "tit, 1 nil l'Y, l"'''imrt (-mg"' Tim° °I
metry. Mi. and Mra. Moore desire !r,,,,,,:‘,4,-;,,,..... ., - -.... .frirpir.--Joh.....,
ft e•rie owl eil kat veer
mitlence rd. deree..e.11*.
rom the
e node w„ 14444.
Moor. Rev, Jane A. A nolersou
ondoeted the forlorn' roervices, and the
ill.hearers were B. Sotitzer,
t odola rt. lie.. Sitewart 1.1 4.j1.1
1 P4 11111.4 114 1/i t k tO their fristrola
on mashie -os for their kindness in the ANNoUNCEMENTb.
ins ot breavement.
Alx. Sounders, manager of the %Ve require two more neet.ehlea
iirterieh Organ , again hero itarastanta for run111111i het V depart.
lected an 1114411111141 of the executive merit. Apply onsuediately. UAL
oosaril of the Canadian Ma u ofactut s' Enos & MOORIL
- • -
,rtant Announcealcat to/ Polltataster
General Lenneax.
11, 11118 tolitress at Niagara Fidls last
,,„.11 It abelnlie leerniesix. hot-
initsten,tieneral. a141 the mange'.
a (ion of a system of ftiaz_rural_tuallAe.-
livery in Cattitala. After some Myelitis
gat ion of the working of rural mail
deli very aystems in other countries,
especially in the , Unitas' States, the
Poittotttee Department. has revolved a
44'11011W of rural free delivery and col-
lection front the. arsent aystein of
stage routes, where or the rural pop,,-
la1011 of the ell • may tte able to
1191.i 11.1tu4 post all ordinary moil mat-
ter at tIteir doors, instead of baying
Ili drive from two Lo three Wilco to the
'ileotrest po.toftice for that porpoise.
AM -existing mail routes in Canada
I. be equipped. with rural -delivery
ler 94 under regulationte to itte pub-
lishi and ellforeed .hortly. At the.
jonet m of every concession line' with
the m n 4'.»4 the people will also be
given t privilege. of having boxes
1.wcted or the receipt and collection
of their 1111441, 1114 desit•ed.
Depat•tettent has made all lir-
rangentiente for the carrying out of
the scheme, and will at, Oflee proceed
to inatiourate it.
The Terrible„ 'barge Against Mtor
H mes.
-The Signal 'ham Already stated the
•tio lb connection ith the doodling
of 'torten of the (.oder 11 fall show and
thei..turier Jen, ..... stra 4141 tit Clinton,
but in, view of The erich Star's
persistent ettempts inake some
tionetuble party capital nit of the
matter we \ refer to it 1 In. The
dater of Sir Lauri 'a meet-
ings 14. Ontario were fixed y the
l'novincial Liberal organ izati , and
Mr. I 1 oltnes had tat#Iting to do .with
the arrangements. A%'hen 41. w an -
moment that the Clin en meeting
to --he on- 4144 31rd-of ember
Holmes • t lied to 11/414 -the da
dialoged, No that it would \toot inte
fere With the ' theleriela fair. The
reply f • headquartere Was W*J'O the
()deed t hest n tour of this sort id
MIL 414.111411(144-4.1.
rita)l11144.411t...., 311.1 when it ib
faN ' fah.. are
111)44 being held all WOO/ °WIWI° it wi
loe ideen him very difficult it would be,
if not 1114..nolible, 1.41 avoid conflicting
with mottle of thete annual events.
.%:ii;:tterfrithe 231.4 rhogenther for Clin-
tuo 140 howling to all Mania county.
Th.. (el) lair otattagensent wrote to
Mir Wilfrid Laurier esking 1{00•11
oftleen to change the date, and in
reply Mir Wilfrid, who knew nothing
'timed, the details 0( 114,' tour Mat hal
been art•anged for him loy the Pro -
organization, /simply 1.'n 1. the,
tiouiary reference to Mr. Holwn14. .
.silyoli4t1i11.117.-1 .a.vi,sortya.t.hMinric.
411 L11. matter, hut :fir Wilfrid'n note
give. Sitar a precioua chance to
miarepr eur responeible fon,
the faille to ellallote the date Mr
Hotlines iv dung for lioderich vote,
end nobody 'it his Mennen Woalld sup.
pose for .. i . ate that he vomit' un -
interest. it.
necemoutrily an tgottomisenantyi, Itihotelerirt._
director* nt riout the' dates of du.
fair, 211601 they cot d have done with
very little inentiveni ce, Ind they did.
Ilia Nee Ill. to. 11.1 ao, tl if the show
was intitrioualy it-iw theit•
•11. '
WI. flare.
Imard on, enonplaint from he exhild---
maingeent Many II of
people yeateschcrenjoyed lite Ire Mr -
liege at' hearing Camel t's leadi citi-
Zeit, 30.1 It 11.1.4174. 111144 I11111.0113 MT.
I ohne.' el...lien osmeidered by the
!Ahern! party inanagerit that ia
Wing was chewer) for one of
or meetings arriteged
for the Premier in this Provine.
%Shen he is eleetetl AN. Ifolimai will
44121$2 hi* goodwill An- thim town lay
:titling in every pos.ible way in tho
loilffilment. of UM einhitirme holt it
safe to say The Sitar will never git
111111 arty rretlit tot* anything he dotal.
We feel like. apologizing to' tone rem)
eta for elaiming their attention to tht.
toiplatutr of these circtinlaluswete
tont of which The Star in ite petty
way tries to make 3 point against la
politiral 41111101111111. It in eornetime..
the case, however. Dust the stuallert
vertniti olematiol a good deal of attt•n-
1 any men ia clever enough tot
henw bow imporlitnt he isn't.
I.1.1Elt11 A Y At Danhwo0.1, 41,4*,,
to, 3111 MT -4. Ji00. Kellermno„ „ion,
IA With:Mr E. Ir. 1.,.,•k no, 00 A %nod :Atli,
to Mr. and Mr.. le. N. La Wtenle.
VVIIIT Wilt E. lei I inderielt town.hip on Sep -
Trotter 4. the *4 1.- of h1 talk Whitmore. Of
.1 «III.
W FATII 111 Ea 54 15)44, At the noses •.
, Wiewham. 24:21enlbel• eth. by Re.
Perle_,1411114 t1. %.0/11110PAPI111 t0111114•411illt.
(Otto Took, both of West Wawanoste,
NI I 1.1/11ETt)A1-1A YTElt.-- In Rtepluen, Wed
ne AY. Niltember 111th, MO. Hort ht..
de liter Of T. kgagr, go ;elm mktro,,,,,e„.,
rich toonsh p.
al1C1141.-In Onderieh wornship, no Septette
Ire lath Mary Art -mita l'rmour wife of
an, y oaks.. awwl 17 veer* erol 1 month•.
LATIS - Clinton on September 17t41.
Marina tooling. danyhter of Mr and Mew
L. Lola. aged 2 veers awl a months
MANNIsoi, -At 11ntrin on Monday Settieni
bit at .1 4, • A Reit, wife nf K. Man-
ning. eiaseeet. el the Steaiing Bank, beer