HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-17, Page 8$ T.Osawr, September 17, 1908
Godsriicb Industrial Fier Will Be a
The directorate say that their pro-
gram nor. Septeuioer 22nol, 'J,ild anti
24th, Heel, will Justify their claim of
"bigger and letter than ever:" Among
their features are :
An extended and enlarged prize,llst,
al punk*lncreapunk*-flu _ *Deed kcal-7'
$IS, : t wo-turfy, Sko ; farmer'*
trot. 1:e11: there yearukd tisk Or page.
A full prugraw of frie Attractions
hefite the grandstand every afternoon
and evening.
Selection. l.y the Marriott Twins,
foul 'Wraith,. whit give a sensntiunul
novelty balancing anti twirling alt,
using it horse, trap and bicycles.
Whits and !Amour' give two sepia.
ate and instinct nets in each twrfor-
ruauce. 'They are known ow the funny
people And give 1511 excellent Original
trick p.intomime--the,utut lartglwldr
set evfrplalyett -and supplement this Joy. \Iallottgh, of I/uiyl.tulwn. left Ink morn -
with a very ainu*ing cometly ai rfil ITic- wito0i a trip o I.onfa,.
art Ali.. l.Ilian Hoyd ha. gone lo Ilet roit to lake
M. Sauluyua. the CrnU'al Atitrri'•r 1.1•0101/ a, .Irnogrwph r,,
wonder, gives the float dioxin aerial ynl!� iso J+r+:•Iltb•k�y,u It this 'Herniae
act known without nets stud called.
Ali.. Latin Leslie. of 11'iuni[xr. 9e, 111* guest
the original return and cloud swirl ut the Atn'o-n Sault.. East .t beet.
aerial eel. __With. twisty Iwt'kwarrl and me. Orin* and rsd. lnw.,us of lNN•lap,.,m11•r-
fcrew *rd, auluetsmuhr from trapeze 411 a, ea day.. i,1 Toronto leo. wrrk.
clout swing rope and wady other seer lli..r. }:wily aro/ a1y.• •aa11k01pe an�.i,
national feat.. also a specialHyitl(t ores, at the tendon t*fr Th, week.
rings ncrolxitir pet'fornlan•e lora see.Ntre. M • i Il+1'n end \1'l+ }:duh hi.e IV/Allyn!
fount a 1.1'0 eek-' %1.11 it. Totetno.
Ont nllinlwr. tris lto me 5l It;ley Ian lam week tin hal
The 1%'111e11', In,titule Jrwulurtrate return to Ht.daty attera visa to tow a:
household w11 k, c,a)lrry, rbc.. du1•in$$ . AI 1...e., liar., and Ilene A'rfn•v+n, 41.11•• to
the whole time of the exhibition, :04(, .d front a week', %1.ie toTuromo,.
*11101111 narulr4s+ 4(l;. tp'uly gsnid thingAlt mid lit,. I1 J. mu, ii... of Lu1.11. weir
intheir r-1i•w.rsieTutoutoesaaane4-Letwok..,._ .-
Att.Uwet' on. til. rtuelair and Mr.tsr
ge•whyyrs Sr ltelnlwl•• t'tilill iii w the 11...t.
Alem$IiH11'r -Imre n tnrnd from Ilwir Ir•it
tun 1.114;know Pyle hand of IN111' in (ui)lar ,huhu hnbx ha• Ir19n,w1 flvlu.a r1•i1-lU
Highland coat .will- give pipe laud '1'uloutu. u.•uwlwuird hl het' ,laughter. Mi..
neh•et,.... and .,wke. R4.•. ii.vIrh e„h4--Aalre4.,wa. _
Irish Janriug Scotch Heel xud Heel
ll.n.lowdd ha. r.•ou,o'4 oral N'iud•o,
of Tulbx•h. Itig land PIiii . Sheet' nat .. •ta'halu ikn.
e at the hats01 leer sou 11'5x0.
Trews, Saihn=a Hi tiaras, Irishdig,sII44
i,rod !Unary flnrtou, aPunter::seri.•
etc. mud they will on at ,the high.nau,e,thuw who left On. tom dial 1'o vial, 16"
Cites concert and ent rtrinnent gut u e•trrh, Fair.
Up for -the evening 1f tb .4th of Sep. lti.. Ndl iaoh•of'ttui.•.•r�+in, Man.. Irho
tont !woo . :nom 6. Ir It J Haub .1 left
tember, fur bum, Zhu week.
Tu vary the program tit a will Iw Mie. Margaret liaxlri. .6.1I 11g 1. u. l•i.i(Ing
o11 the ground's, fur the estof ler, p, ent.4 apr.Ja.. and lit 14ailrr, bight
.the l,Mrufltit drum tttttt'utluut:. I glass t .e ylrurt, •151. wrPx_ 1
blowing. spinning andWoot:N•Itlg, a%r I h ( 1'. Ad.uu., twrnslr[, of o'ullntr4. wain
1 wen n lhi. wok fora del' or tw .19.11 jolt hi.
hibit of living pichirrs, the Ire 1:t other.. A. Hoy Attain.. Y
.Vaudeville Company. in high-cl- %ii. 14. V. N14110440. Irfi lits- moruiiu(0I •11
clean-aia'ville : moving IIIg pirUlre. ,rt 1rn of Illnu,aintp on 111.. after a. i -it al her
showing the. trading parte of the Ter- _ hl ho.e nor Ilnngattnutl•_
centen:'1 v celebration' lately held in tel. Jo -rah MI MI, a •shote llo,iii1ul ori
QIIetle( Little 'Vomit Teddy. tile!! .day to meet Mr.. Y.ltiott: on her retort,
tutu e1' trip to Meat Hilton,.
smallest 01011 i11 the world : an exhibit Tort 10 ilolw . Dr. loll Mr.. K. It. Hooter
Of (Us, grpi111 vegetables, bones of hale
re an•d to the vitt' from a (our mu,ntt..
tna*tndSus, fossils ant geological spec- .lett tu.I. and and the (out tent.
intent -from- the Yukon : ttattloomakv Mdnr t a mut slider of Nett tuu.rran of
Joe, In hit 1'w Irsw handling of veno -
:141Y •.mess, &.. once, rerun ,t to town on Mom
'I: g :114) +filer a hu lay of .e •t it weeks. •
mate serpent,' ; ulw hanical riding ,Nis. F. 11 T: •aur and link dauxl,l.•1 of
gallery ; striking machines; shooting I'n•ktuid, Alieh. h e leen 1'l' ljng Airs 1ay
galleries, anti amusement for al. lor.parent, lIr.All Mr Jnhn:Clalk,•Id. Hay
1►faafanle Harvey will give. ./•irnlific dent
readings Iklmistis and unr expert Mr. and 115. Alex. niilrr•'arc at lion'
K 1 re. d. ahrre Al r, Somali - i• attending the
Magician (tont Egypt will druio11•meet/t. 01 Ilia , 4'aur Alanuoecturcr.
■trate spirit -writing with a ilagie .vsaatioo. w
wand. H. J. 4 newfoed. Mts.ONire 4' *'fond and. s.
The 1'x hlblt+ of 111'* al'rck, Mlgrain. 1• Yeaulr drove in ?tool t)umrun,. e Ihr. uturn-
alp l4( irk' the train tot. lentils. where the%'
(mil., fliiwer., thrinesti,• anufae. are or -it the 4Ve aero 1 aft
tures, tine arts. manufactured gond.. 411-. 5...4. Vomit; and 41i 1'iu:.• 4411.uu.
etc.. et I•., •4e Iwlltg .hooked 4.•I•Y •'( l4tIayi..,.IN, have been %i.ititlw .•i. H. J.
fat and there is every nlmir.• a.salt lefty. t Way 54( their re1111n.' They
t •
s sunt n.ivel a- far , H,5 ,,5, wed
three rousing days for liudericle ex. tw*a'wI'a11.lry Mn rantt.:-
hibitiun. Ab. and m1.. A. a. vats'•aad daugloer,of
The tamtmia j'it Regiment timid in 11•'• n
Ital,. 1). 1 ..' :v
who Lave been jatio1f
uniform will aft.I, JurinK the shoos 1 ales parent. Mr. and M,.. I. H. 5'ui
Iannr. St YalriekA .Uret.,rluru,d- to Mao
fair. hosocto4 the (•.pilot. Pitt Tuesday. -
Mann Lir the high -claw coiner! and . TI,. 11,„.., 1leling, of I4. k•arrr-, ..s.k,,tebo
entertainment in Cicturia U4w1•u 0.1.', wbu 4... been vs -0110f In 1m5erro for
House on .the evening of Ne ,terrrle I *neat week.. ,pant -a-4„. '14Y- in 41.teen•,
1 •Iut,u* for ,wt week, ,b1'. gne.t of Mr. and .
nth are now 44)1011 at hurry, hllwaltd's UrA.hrr Farrow. la'atelluu'Irewl.
Thr grugl•aw will I*' furnished I.y
the famous Lncknuw Pg10 Band and
Scotch and Iri.14dldIeer'sie Toll High
land cu.tulue, and Prank E. Hem -
men., e, concert tenni'. now soloist at
Central Methodist church. Toronto.
Mr. Bentrseis z thonutghly trainer(
and popular vocalist and was soloist
with the fa "Kittle Hand" on
their American -tour. The program
will be cony)leled by 0 pantomime
sod also ra-rirtnerly-wrn.1,,. s-- wet lav
Iwo eminent New York artists.
Strictly first-claL, in. every pal
Prices 25, :4A and 311 coot'.
secure the special utilway rate by ftp'
plying W %litter lett at RR'. 1)oaa''
511+. MA kid Hb++rat Nlurn.l,l4 4 ew Perk on
L. }'lair.lillmr left this snorting, a
gto 'lt the Newt•
- -
Ur, .digyanl .Mar P) roreete ter a -bo1i-
dry tris.
W A.
hot1ay :4.
J. A Ju1,e•,I*'bl the vomiters! with frlead4
neat Seatorth.
J.,.. and MIs► *nyttor batt this moronic oil a
trip to Landon. •-
mit. tow Aitken is wWtiu$ Pur .ulsele, Mr.
Utley. in 1.on*uu.
lien. Mat•Vrear wa. among the 4l-l4Orlto
'Toronto ba..t week. - -
511. teorte Hisett sena* %'iter sit he Loeb
don (air tlila week.
Mr. and Ale.. F. J. I'ridhaul are 1/01ida)'iog
In Ike last 11,i, week. -
114. fora late. 114 returned (routs 0 ten
day.. I.lt to Turoulu.
1.10m la+. y. of Carlow. loft Iki• laatuia( at
the London eleWeb0Il. --
Lust '1 bursary the Homiletic,' ibas'-
I4,11 tears journeyed to 1.ueknlw to
slay ball with the team of that place.
The germ• --up to -the ninth -innings wet.
very gasp, although rank decisi,.n, by
Umpire Elmer Mrx,rr, of 117ingh/un,
helped the Scpoys quite a bit. Hut
the ninth ! It was rtwflll 1 1 • M
' b8y_.pltwleL S4.$
tarighi .:Pmspaet.-
was uhrual rat ffie bettiniung ,y 4 to 4 for Liberal Victory.
and Nelly til' 1'nlplre Monte• would
hay' stayed allr,ul, but he weaned to
have his 1 111ra•Ir 11p 1 het lbsler•ich
should not win this genie, 111 aehli-
tioil,t1 having the pity 0,t 1 out
in their stIpplal. Lneknow had 4.11•
gage l`t.he services 1f 0144' John,4tu0, etf
Teeswater, to do the twirling for
theta. They .played hitt tinder the
name of 111kyelq.hllt lits Teal Mentor
area well known to the 1i,slerirh pinl-
rr.. The game hes, been prt,tiwtrtl by.
(iisderich. Pot\, !footprint" 4 444,, Inr-
vine played a wonderful game, aceept-
log six CIWtICem Rothe field and baring
two hitt, one n tw,i,baggrr, while at
the bat". Clifford 1Y oto also is hitt ing
the ball the'oo days. li:i gins pitched
his usual gt1xi ggsnlr. }krid w® the "hope (4) send a solid contingent to
star on the Lllcknow 'team. The Uttaws.' and if the last Provincial
score by innings :
Mrs. Thuruwn. wx, ,.m Jou. and dauoht e1'
Ul.14y.. of 14:..I.tugl.,, 11., ., who f,.,,,, been
. ill the the former'. brother. Phar, 01114114.
truebec street. during 0.. µ•-1 t wo week*, left
la.: Wednesday to visit frutod. In-4aheen,
,MI prior 14( their ret uv Lines.
1Wrllunu• and hi„ .I.ter, .4o. John
%V alter., of •4 olbor,,e rein and p,, Monday
Iran, North (5akaa, where they had been
ninerelalive:. They had :u, enjoyably trip,
bnrlhry sly they did mal see any purr of the
taunt!). that looked heater than unr own
mthly of Moron,
TN. '•nK •g••uie,t .11nunn,wd.at Y*nrourer.
H..1 `b-. Iah••Iw a u lbootdaughters! Mt.
aw,}-#h+1', i. 1', hate -,.on cat Ibmrn' at'ehUe.
Ik41.ala,.u. and Alexander Young ,lokurto,.
.4(r of the wsu,ber. of the Aron of the Palermo
5uuher4 ,n.,aen of Vat/milket. Mita Pater
•0,4 4 .i.ler uf•$
r.er., •11', 1. and T. It'. Pale/
.m1 of the a4ota Arm, and nieta 4(r 1111' ,.,.d
1 strew,, of 1 Ichor*, where ,he is
wldel) known and a fa. Mlle in social circle..
Mr. Jopn.ton I a .on of Sir. and Mr., Andrew
'Johnston, of t arrow, and tray been i,. the 1t)nr
her flu,lne.s no Vancouver for the la.? 1. e
)'ear,. Mei,. a nephew of 1.4.-r'ul graft of the
41rd Huron IC'•gitneni. and at tine time 1,114
rnnnmi•slun in thi. regiment. The wedding
vita rake pine afloat the end of elept 1'u e'1'.
Toronto. Kept. Di. "The 'Amm ,p.y,
wart 01 the. Takes will, I think ylnl
will Mid, gi4e• the present Govern -
WPM 1's large a majority as it gave
in the pre.ent Narli*nient." This was
the ruwwilag up of the poritieat-felts,
11511) in the West given by Nie Hun.
A. 1'. Hitches ford, Prettier of Alberta,
who in in •1'nrrinto tin* 1h( t'%Tail: -- .
, \l1'. Itutbw9old added that he could
NPC 110 rens. tit, ..-1111• ,,m Ili!1 kHuwledge
or the Western i'rovinres Went, for
any Iontioltioh to the prehensions of
the Cause •valive press that Sir Wil.
10 it Laurier would meet with defeat
west( of the lakes.
••W* IA !Weals In APwrta,"he ii.tded,
election can Iw taken a* a heals we
Uoderieh 1 2 3 1 l m h Total shall do so:. Yo far as my infnt•nlation
Hits .. . 7 a m Y 1 e at t l', gibes Lb* Irtbr'r in
\\ aux'J11.Lnitnl.y .(e.1'
- -
'fun. .:: e ; e et 1 v s I etrltllm watt 1TAT4t
Hua . m a 0 to ' to to o -r\ n pretty 11111.41 Whsle they are now. '
Ilan.- ,1 I n n I a 1 o• a NAL_ "l_ ,1_Uim-ibwwaier Hobbit t4
-"-" 1101161 61T .1',y Vtintxlns .y by Johl.t n. • • *mantes has stated that in the West
Dominion ((nvernrilent officials have
been taking :tor acti)ve' part in elec-
t Inns, Asa- a 444tatt*r
the `.:u :i 1• swan elPctfun, and d
itis p.: fJrttn'T�f'ait i1r i1'.. "11th r'*M1MMsr- M1-ibrMitr -Witt wtltnting_tri
2nd b., !flack .,s„ 1Yellb :tot II, I•:1• thatvont eat. rine Itp1aleit press
Fact 1. f., McLean e. f., tvldtrrs~R7..e. have nht-made Is wets of complaint
Luck now Jululsdn1 Ii„ Mr( '4 .•„ '
Itobi'rtsm 1st h„ Thson _had h„
Burton a.s„ Reid :trd 1)„ ,l(hnst.n,
1 f.. Findlatur e: f.. Habhirk r. f.
11'ingluuu and Hlyth played 11 sensa-
tional game at lilvth on Monday, the
',care at the end .f coven inning). Ie-
idgte to 0. The gams was then raped
on ac4t'ougt 1if darkness and will be
played elf text Thursday.
Kincardine ha, faulted Its (Wo re-
maining games to lir ich,
Left on brae•. uaderleh 1.0e now It Ku*,
on hall.- off Johnston :'. Twslnw• hit 11,
rine. Error. 'materiel' .l, Liteknnw 5. Tio.e
of Wane l lone, 2.1 Minute.. 1 111pm•
The tennis writ : No erich11'ig-
Don't Wait T Long to Correct It As
it Often Leads to Something Worse.
Anaemia. i+a defective state oJ the
blood in which there is a lack 'either in
quantity or quality of the 11(11,' reel
It may remelt from Ally (x1155 ihmt
serves to_4%'plete the general system
and is rfcugnized by is pale and hag•
geed face --colorless lips, poor cirlula-
tion and short breath, and the system
The standing of the Lakesi, is at such a low ebb that more Serious
ti'arn Is now es follows : diseases are easily contracted.
Won_ _ Leet Tu tai Anaemic people should ear -plent of
(ilxlerich 11 4
i t, eggs, milk, meat, veg*tahlea,
Wingham lit •" 5 1 good -Butter and cream and whole
h wheat breed. and as for a medicine
nothing Priella.our delirious end fiver
preparation, Yini)l, which is wade by
a scientific extractives and rnnrenhat.
ing apmens* fr.tin frs'il. voids livers,
combining With peptonstesof-iron,
which is a needful constituent for the
blond, all the medicinal, beating, body.,
building elements of cod liver oil, but
no oil. Vinod is not a patent mediriner
you know what you are taking as all
it contains is named on the label.
Any anaemic .r run•dowo tors",, in
Goderich who will follow the above
.ug sution. is sure to he roetored to
hesTtb and strength in a.hnrt time.
We will return este moose if Tient
fails to giro' aatisfect inn. N, C. Dun•
lop, druggist, Goderich, Ont.
Blyt v 4I 2
Kincardine 4 1.2 0
Lucknow-- 5 II 11
Ootterich plays et /Myth next Mon•
slay and the final game will Ie 4IP-
tween Wingham and !Myth at Hlyth
on Thursday next. If Ooderich wins
at Blyth it wits the championship
or if Blyth defeats both liodertcb and
Wingham Nnderleb will still ise the
leading team. If Myth defeat. triode-
rich and Islet. to Wins/barn Onderich
and Wiogbam will Is) tied.
The game at Bl.th next Mender,
wawa (;odw'ieh ploy s its final game n,
Um Lakeside League schedule• should
he ao lglteresting one. Anyone wish
leg to ge to Blyth for this game can
shout Dominion Government uftlei,tlr
taking part In the elections, and they
have wady very little cultplaiut
pbxrut the elections at a11."
Speaking of the rnt trip lhruugh
Site %fest of Mr. II. IL Awes, M. 1'..
Mr. Rutherford said 1 11-* f lite
Montreal wrwlwr'r camp 11111 haul ac-
complished nothing au far as the in•
ter1strof his party were concerned,
(or he trail prr'red ttu
Returning Tourists Indigos
Montreal; Sept. 12. 'A patty .
Canadians who 111141' !well travelling
abroad and returned by the Allan
liner Corsican reached herr today in a
highly Indignant frame of mind over
their treatment at the hands of the
medical brawl" of the Immigration
Departinenr at Quelwt•, which they
say 'objected thrid to the same rigor-
ous examination -an 51)1I IISN'r,liuet'n
(muni 1114' 044(4015 4(l' 1':15.14*'. Thea*
t011l'Ietel CILIUM 14111• Ihr set' 1•elasm
p+aslrngecs. • awl they 1450 .'Pry wane
(Wailer the. first-class passengers were
exempt fr.Jnl tier saute tw'attne1t, not-
withstanding the Aherne.. of pluvial
,distinction between them. An iudip-
uatiunl meeting Was held and resolu-
tions adopted protesting.. against re-
' turning Canadians twilit; treated iii
this,wynner, and deivaudiug that the
Oo%'rt•rpient attend the regulations No
•k• ill relieyr Canadians from such
huluifi,uf m and uunoyrut'r while re-
turning front ahr'okd.
Het'. . 1!'. JvllitTr, IA1.00444, Vas tate
r (tbu retur g tourist,' in this party.
Rural Mail Delivery
it.uuihuu Tiler..
- ' 1'tl.Irll:ai•I4'1'•liPllrlal1.Plllirllx , i+
looking intothe working of the rural
ptwlsl delivery system al•russ the liter.
The (i:'etwul1,IWtt lea- lewsi giving
question of rural mail delivery in err-
.taii siert i tttt s of Canasta careful eintsid•
rrutkon. and it isnot improbable that
a definite policy 04( the subject may
ere lung he announced. It IN a owes-
tit11 of targe ingx,•tan.:r and one that
tit••liover omit atwewr41I.,.ni fe.Hy
in.tuirr into before devilling Minn tiny
441111we of art'
'lite Liberals of South firm', held
their ling run vent' at
11'al-kierton on onday and again
' pl:i. osl Petr"' if. Mackenzie, the present.
repi•esentntiyr of the riding, ii, the
1144d. Into convention was is large
one "raid ear meekest 40 hartuun meal
•Nd1,,1•111,41/a. row -teem •5etell Witte
uourina1ed. .111 retiring ill farm. of Mi'.
, W.
Rob)', of %V,tlkertoo : It D. t'tuirr,u,
•14. • .T4.rd(x'h and Jas. Lynes, of
tow.: Geo. 11. Mooney. of
Ripley '. J, 1lickle and Ww. Me.
Donald. o 'retry : I)ogald Pattie -
hereon. of Teem : Prank Ilunry,
of Kinlu*. ; .1. If, Ca bell, of Pink -
mon ; 1. Shoemaker, u ' retry. *nd
1'. A. allalcou4s)14, of 11 stun,
Officers for the Mouth Bruen Ammo
5' were elected as follows : )'Ivot-
deul. H. 1). Cameron. Lncknuw : vier-
ple.idrit, 4. Shoemaker, Paisley ;
raere•taly, J. A. .1uhua1„pp, :11ild-
u1Ny : treasurer, M. A. Halliday,
Muntleal Herald : Thr, ley to (lie
extraunlioary rectors' of ,t'anldiau dr-
velop►uent - in -the twelve years of
4.ais to Iw found in the following
cuutjtMim,nl of the extent_ Ensile_ of
rich of those twelve year' with that
of the year I A11: , •
Exports:- - over 1N11:.
I`111i ..$IIt1,(N1►,IMit
1811 „ 134.(1X1,1401
f I-$.IN111,INll
1914 .. - ,-1$t,(hi11,1kill t,l,0111,INN1
1+111. 1:x1, 111111,11 M 1 1111,4411,11411
514151 ,. ..., Irtt,11U1,1N11 '07,IM11,INY1
II1o4 .. 104,IN11,s.11 711,t14s,.sMI
1111L' 2141,Il$I,llM1 SIt,1NN1,UN1
IS11 2'',0fs1,I5r1 1144,1 MM),4)(11
111111 _)I.0111,INM1 11:,,t4ll,I111
I1NC, ,,; j11INN1,IM11 Ni1,111).41N)
51NIi w''I4,INM1,1M51 I:tt4,11N1,11N1
1:11,4 ,,, .. tittl.1111,IMl1 117,01),00I
To the good-foptwelve yewalre, 111i, -
The'1'huu'autl Million Dollar •Man
for 431115,
The Montreal Herald truthfully re -
milks that the 1sidrpendrnt Order of
Wednesday, Sept. 23rd
10.50 a.m.-Arrival of Sir Wilfrid La•
urier, Lally
Laurier; Hon -G. 1'. Graham, and t)tl414 14 - -_
-1 p4n..-1'rucessiluit'-i'roiu G. T.IL,Statiou, iiiclud-
ing carriage's with the•Yreutier, Lally Laurier.
this :Minister 4(T Railways, can Tiilates, guests
and others.. .
28th Regiment Band, Stratford
Mitchell Band Wingham Band
Zurich Band Clinton Citizens' Bernd
Clinton White Dyke Band
Piper Macdonald, Seaforth, and- Piper -
Macdonald, Wingham, in costume.
The procession will be IlIufel►lilled by Lieut. -Col.
Voirfrg; Majors- Wilson and (:onitie, .beat,
N'hiddun, Captains Heitman and '11c1'hail.
.1. Skinner and others;
The -procession will be welcomed at 1:e:e;re4tiun
--Park by a --school r'llilltrate-g- chorus, meter
' direction -of Mr. W. 1'. Spalding
p.m. -Speaking will • commence wii1 3.miniite
addresses by 11. V. McLean, 'I. 1'., South
Huron ; ltobt. 11011114124, candidate for West
flown ; A.li1Sh1�), t,2tnliirhtte Tit. Kist i1111'1111
Presentation of at1111'ess to Sir 11 illi irl Laurier,
from tliteee 1lurow:, read by J. G. Stanhnry,
Secretary South Huron Liberal Association.
Address by Slti,WlIk'Itt11 LAUEtiElt,
1.1'hu -vi11 1*' int natured by Mr. M. D. Cameron. (lodlri,4
Selections j' Male Quartette" ,`
.'tihiress-by tit): At. 1" (fl TZM.
11 -ho N•i11 Iw intr•slu,ed he Mt. %V. I1. Kerr, Hrns.els,
Literals non' .,inside are requested to Meet at the station .nil
participate it) the procession. Chairmen of municipalities are
*sited to attend to assemhting .f i•iotitnrs from their lo.ality,
_ wall Ile ala eil otl the Park in Lim morning for the enjoiranant of,
The D. T. H. will iwur'return tickets tit sing ' fare, from all
ingham ;arid one from (lid•'ric 1 at 5 a.m. - et netting special
trains. will imaveClinton- frw.tateS 4.,54 4£•44-1r.i i.. for i4xr'tetr anti
point.' south at N p.lu. l'atetengers fro Myth, Wingham. Ilrnssels, Iasthw,4, rte., wit return On 11'x111 4o
1Vinghatii. 1''a%'ing I'Iitit on 6.141 11.m.,e; itI special 4 - TYinifhant
Ill Listowel. -
Special Train Ser'vice,ffrom Listowel
heave Listow•'I.... .11.5(4 a int.
" 'Atwood 1) 11
Henriyn ,11,1N •
Ethel 921 ••
Hruseels 9:1R
" slot•%'tib•.... ..44.11 •'
1wave 1\'inghana....10.11) 44.111.
•1Yingli am .len Ptt.5tt '•
ifelgt•ave ....,iu.iS •'
Biyth...._....I11124 "
Igohde•Isora. ,114:11 t'
\ i ne-e'lintun
F. R. Hodaens, Sec. Dr. J. W. Shaw., Chairman
Sir Wil(id loonier ant' Hot %• will len.'„ 4'linton•at 44 p. tn.
Fall Millinery Opening
MISS CAMERON aunoultcthe upeniny display
of Pall awl Winder Millinery at innlttor(, Hamilton
streefr oil e
- Tbeiadiea ate -invited to call and inspect the new"styles.
Hamilton Street, - GOD RICH
• n, �". t'(' 4 49 5 '°stmt ? 1,.:"
Foresters ham reason to be thankful'
that Fumbler dldn't finish his work,
11'io44petit 'Pieter : Mr. Arch. Ills -
lop, I.I5wral candidate for Kart flares
f111• the 11 , was 111 tuWu for
two days tart merit, i 0thing on`
rote friends.' %1i•. Hislop it a
Rotel lu
rldidetr, ham a drat recant 144
11 011111e Tuan and it }111 .receives the
heart au o •• (l4Jt e1'+w•lll o )~ra1I
Ion, all we eine Ir 1e will
be East HIb,rm'a next repletrutsitivr,
Al the Studs Huron Liberal eau.
.mention 4411'I'uewlay M• Y.".lcLean,
pf teraftu'th, was tendered. the unani.
Special Sale
Good BackCombs
We have several liui'1adgood
Hawk Cnlulr, which we tin
expensive to carry in st 4(
They ran``* in price from Stereo
tip 41 p, 71,
l'rices r.tim e'4 Agri l'Y•..t1 * -Sala
as follows :
52.50 Combs reduced
54.00 .. to 52.75
55.50 ..-toS3,75
56.50 .. .. to $4.50
All the &alx,ve cowls' are
mounted in Solid HIM and
several with Ilerrl,4ue Pearls.
A true of ordinary Peou'i
regular 11.111, rlyduc.d to Lk._
A splendid 50cline of k combs
letluced toInc. Terme Strictly
bra DR f
iLr -
Court House Square, Goderich
'Phase lee.
era ,d
Real good Groceries
Only good Groceries '
Thr se)1titation of l slow is 144' r4nerltstm of opinion of all
who have menially tried 1l. S times 8114.1. reputation 4..
valuable. _The repot at* of the "Steell duality" Shur, fur
example, is aur .f the most vahlnble assns i1, the ,'slier shoe
trade of this cui air y Paley. Ilun4rwhr of thou+awls of women
buy "Ilns'n 4utdity Shirr every yeti" simply becati., they
k they van 1ely , to their reptant ion.
We have the Sole Agency for these famous Shoes. We
want to show you the new fashions which are now ready.
Downing & MacVicar
Window toil lot the rho ion
Parliament. ND._ •tiles 11nUn•
1110411041•4:' Ir. . (slyest, M.1'. fur
Wee41 Middlesex, wow present and
deli %'ere.1 an address.
Hon. It. 1Y. Scutt, the ngevl a4mcre-
tary of State in the '14)5011111)11 Cabi-
net, ham retired after 14 long twr14 n' fn
public life. Ifs is Nneeeedwl by
Charles Murphy, K.l'...( (ItWWa. „
heap considering the
verything fresh
Ring up 'phone No. 91
Immediate Rttention
your order
Oturdy & Co.,
What are \'OU
ng to do
during re Fall and Winter ryP11i,,•-
and You ca 't afford to neglect
that, sical.talenL__
N.,w i+ the !tine to arrange for
We Min snit you in glia " y and prior.
If: you are hot quite re dy to 11117i
we have a hunilwr of jiiane for rent-
ing at reasonable rate..
Stall arid wet twany time aril will
-be pleases! 14.4 talk- the -rat'ver
with you. ter -
Cut rates in Mewing Mni:hin.m :
1.VIIITE. SI' %' $'11.I.tAMN,
CARPET an ora,..
LAVING . 1001Otn1y attended 1,4
1 Yu.rgr, model -iv,
ftawld,•ner - trn,bc • .1 eel. ..
pasties, -AY.--. of Waterko 0
Ie14.1t14 11. uNT,
Extra Price for.
r will give • rent a tit es
ex:ra for eggs stamped lo•elrrdiug
tq Itly "yatrtn. - The etayuping 4w
easily done, and the extra rout
is chem• profit to Or man or
wtnono who filing.11N the 40tis,
1.'1%11 and get one of the stamps,.
in Groceries
at thr'right time. of the right
quality, and the right prices.
The People's Grocery.
Wm. L. Lindsay
tiantilloa SI 'Phone No. Iii
'Tuesday, Sept. 22, I908
8.15 p.m.
• 7 5'
0 Formal Opening of the \
Tuesday, September 22nd, and dafollowingj's,
The fuses t'npeningif our new Miilinery 1)epartm ent will take i*I:1''e
Tuesday, Septem'ber22nd, commencing at 2 o'clock p. in., and con-
tinue all week. �• --.„,,
Wo invite you to visit the \Si ow roots any time on Opening Days
and inspect the- Season's new styles yotlr leisure: -There will be no
hint of buying unless it is your wish.
Sp ecia is forSa tur
da .
Half a dozen specials for Saturlla selling, Brand-new every one off.
1( It 1 e1' va 4(e in each•and every case. 1f#iifie state-
tff a Test. It means money SavOIE if you do.
1 patterns wide I nv...den ribbon, full i, inches
wide, imitable for hat trimmings, ties, bows,
rote., tine to fine it+ .the regntar 5111(1',
Just new this week. Special per yard, 25e
One end only black stilton Tafetasilk. This
silk has it beautiful finish, and is excep-
tiohally strong. It is suitable for wishes,
dresser; n1' imderskirts, roc is the regular
value, and the prier it would have to sell for
if Ismght in the regular way. Saturday
morning :A► to 00 yards to sell at per QC
yani : • sa a ,.... i JCS
At *5.24 this silk would be considerer) esti*
Rugal valge. In fact we would be willing tit
have you p(,t'it against most you will pay
$1.511 rot. dt is ears heavy weight, and has
a deep, rich, !uremia flnish, imported direct
by nureelvea or we couldn't sell it ti
at this twice. Saturday, per,yerd, •W :JV
2 for 25c.
A great big shipment of them direct trot,
the snake', soft Veldt, full site, splendid
weight; is real gots) drying towel. Worth
quite a hit more than this e]�C
prier. Mstuntay' for L
Ladies' ribbed underyests, Fall weight, long
sleeves, nieely trimmed with cotton torch.),
lace, Mutton front., etceptlonaily well mad,
and finished. Plow white, special, 25c
1714) men'. colored Handke'trhiefs, soft twill
sateen finished cloth. Navy ground with
white figure or cream ground with nkvy spot
or figure. Ten cents is the price everywhere.
These 140 to .eU Saturday at 5c