HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-17, Page 7T
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6411 e'Wt"PTilt
a The News oft
he District.+4*N
MuNt6M-,Sept. 14th,
Donald McIntyre w
ar vitiatingfriradr in(uhvosrartwrek.
Mier Sarah McIntyre war the guest
of Misr Metope( Campbell lista Sun-
day. 1
Misr Susie Carr. of Kitculxliue, war
visiting friends in the . vicinity _Iast.,
•" week. .
Mia Mary J. ?ialitysot it nursintgl��a,
case of typhoid fever uu the ',nd collo+
cession of Heron.
Donald Mclennan. of Sault Ste.
Marie. spent it few days last week at
the prreutal h
Miss Jean Artnetrutlg and Mhos
Annie Keeling, 111 Owen Sound, are
visiting at John Armstrong's.
Donald Gordon Kau. arrived fit
Rainy River In order t.; visit Lia
father, W. C. (iuldon, who is alt•
present quite ill.
Attiring 'thus.• who utleuda'd the
Toronto exhilliC (row this
ager -week -Were-the- following .
and Mrs. John Cowan, John Camp-
bell. 111111 -1114.1)onehl, 11 s1 31cl.euuall,
Rory Mct.rwl fwd Miss Della ateIJu
alit, In coal -patty with Mies ' eweal,
McKenzie. of Laurier. -
A 1tu',.Kv MAN'. Date kg -'I'here u.
(i A. NIs'1V'PUN, DENTIST, 1.
U. NUW'.- Al home every dry except
days. New remedy fur extrr(•tile11 trot It
furuU. better than gas. t'ruwn and brit
lac. Aluminum plate, Won-hle,.kablel.
ft. -1(0111.411 alar)'. Ina• yyour work
better done in the dental uryl.m mom
hatter facilltie, for dulug the Aut•pt, rouge
furteble for the (agent.
NOTII'E. 'I'IIE l.U4'� Alio
o, Ile,itauuun for TIw Signa i. at lit
011t(xr hook and Stationery -tor,
elder.. will .to reoutved fur ulw•ript1
cert shoe and job work, and receipts
given for amounts Arid tar the .alae.
\VKI1NK$til, -. Sept. tri
ttttK• • %VRUsmen.%v, Sept. ltlth:. i
y�l'a'" Tip. 51 is. o. nMinnie and Florence Uap�tx Have Successful Occasion at
se work. 1 AlcLeen left tyllay for Detroit. I • Auburn..
couch I
John Minlps(ii and Robert Scutt, of i•
lieu. St tpr11C Sunday with Aaerri Intelesting ltd •.urceseful
ewe. ' frim s in titre vicinity.rotes attired the village of ;lubnrn on
Alts, Duncan McDonald and chi1.'Tnrsday afteiiesm. the iiecashai
:NUY dteu *pent a couple of days al Aitr, bet t. 111) haying ••I' the cornw••sto1 lir
e Pu.4 , the 11ew Hap, i.t rhurrh - 4 • t'
wh.+w Mel)•,un.1d'e holm) in 1 aramouut. ago the menthe,: of Ills church ui
bl1•r. (leo. D.IIgIi and' children User line derailed upon rebuilding.
have returned to -laic know after a and also derided is sou 5,n'ating iu
wit of several weeks at Lakeview !Auburn. as that ,s a more run,-eniet1
l'utllagr•• and sal isf et.I-v,vletre for the Mem-
will le
It. E. Mit g and John Joint
*pent Sunday last iu (Yatton.
luspect+l' Tom d his •re
visit to our ochuo un Friday •last.
Mrs.'5'. E. and Miss Ethel (!ast
visiting friends in Loudon thiel
(ieu, Begley tetururd yew
After spending a week in Tomtit(
'II: 'hon.
Manners runt wife, of wi
atuu Mee.. Nnrriek and Iranlqlllter. Misr titer -toe- 1'tlr im r-tclltietttfg will. be it
Elizabeth, returned on,F'ri(ley to WWIIVI'I y 1".'t I y' rr.l brick "1113, Ate t; �y
'U -'-after' a two weeks' visit at the old er fc.'t• -'ittulr,Tia' tilt r'ap'e of the
village. 11s.. :icartte t is .1. Frunris
'frown, lit' 'rut.hl*, and the huildi•r
1.1110011 Hill, lit Myth. The bending
eutliwittee, 4 -unloosed of W. V. itob.
erts.'1. John Itailhl,y,--(1eo. Haat hby
and Mies Bull. ate to be enugrut1*'
Intel upon the plans and' the fluainial
success of heir Iul.lertaking. The_
-1Si$t Wittier tla,ut $a..1011 of which
$2,1101 has be U already raised. and
lhry Kola• that it h.tl:uo•e w111 lis• it
k.. .-.,e PORT JiI.BE�T luaitd.Lry Ile«- u.... .. .. nit
\1't:"x s, the bnthileg, til' ch 0. exprrlr9l in
home here.
11 AI 11 •
Week. .ear/Illi$ direr as week's visit at Tot.
• are
rt. ,Ilton returned Saturday
terthsy onto. She nus accompanier[ by MEI.
1 and ft. McDonald, .who stfent the week iti
Toronto and let '►tun. Others ,tuft
ng. took in the' fah- at Totontu were M.
(tum usual liteJiUtetze-trrcrt'her
!•tmulay tart.
.las, \Talker, of (furrier, at one
u resident .1 this place, ctJled
.m-3++ .+f-�ttis-writ
ry, it terrible drought in Ripley which coat- t
----not-Ire-wt*4ty -att.-.t.ott.d tn-tir- --'-
''--1Fnt.eotfritifivriTiy .Ie11'or weather. s
herr Inert, 1f liming, T, ttriliIt-'aual
John and l Li,
time _ _ - - -- --
Alt -- __
Thos. %Viggins left yesterday
Irlleville, where he it prating his
'.ilkir iu the Deaf and Du11,11 1
lite. -
for t i Aa, Sept. lath. December.
soli thigh (1.5111)')-. of Brantford, is 1 At the eeretl•lny' he pastor. Rey.
neti- at prest•tit• T. %%' I'h'u•le-w'ortl1. iresid..
a- Hes. W. A. Mnllb (•o .n.,
I:rrlirld-:\I*t'.n uelt-eteTt l ll k j , tt- RFrisMililt exert_ • -.
rd a nt'r�.' ()fending* his liY i(fv Airssrs. • , t. .'.
war holidays in thio locality.. teriatl ; 11'. 11. Hartle
Mite Lultie lleutett returned from autl A. E. Juucs, eth.ah
_.!!it icag.tth>iv week._.afFer,sprn
,'rues of revival serviees at the I'1
',pont timed 11n Alonday evening of
ale The Expires tells of a eitzeu of ca
that town who (bran( one night t
tevrutly that the MI:Hell alriu-.r•• is.
- Litel,alnh had .h1ck It rein of
whiske•y...l»r1wul.. of- .(oil; and that
many frau Ripley were 'visiting the
scene of operaeions. Whet an awful
awakening it st have been 1or that
mon to discover thatthere wait
neither tend nor anything .I hinge[' to
Ie lia41 ! '
HIA)w PNOillt :'.s W1•['11 I)It 11J.1xr,
__4L•ti11;&T1u4tt, --- The drakes.
have not wade •h pismires since
thr"y began drilling operatiuus, haw.
Ing attained a depth of linty -n fret
during the last two weeks. This is
owing 111 the fart that the drill, at -
though belonging to is, Iu,wetdul out-
fit, eamb into contact with bourders
and ir (1 roe
kir f such ,.•
l Irln
111 t ,•
new that it Was impossible to make
any considerable r (watt way in the
work. It appears that the oil lsluul
here 11 awakened tkene r11
1 Ilei 1. •
aLLL.•1 •
teat in t rt u
)1111 r• and r aril developed
ietu a petition, as inta•reeted parties
front that fawn were visiting 1101115 uf.
the resident. -here this week with at
view ,to Ieittiug properties. etc., in
order to sink newt -wells. Whitt (till
be the i'.sur of it *11 it is impossible at
present fair anyone to fnrisiee.
5h,x1AY,'Sept. I Itit.
Robert Itolmes, of Clinton. called
on friends in this %gejuity last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. of Brum,
eels, visited 'in this m'il(htlnr4Neel the
latter part of least week. -
('has. Thunlpewl end 11. ('. Bellamy,
of ihingannon, were, in the-vielatiywn
Labor i)ay taking lantwwpe views.
William Thorupslnl is wearing many
smiled these days. Another tittle girl
came last week to sty- at his honer.
Titoism whip took in the Toronto rx•
hihitinn from this vicinity tart week
were (ielrge Alexander, Richarl An-
derlsm, John F„nhe,-Jnr, Harney and
Annie Hropphey, lietrge Jefferson,
David McAllister. Albert Johnston.
Alexander McCal,e, William and
James Wilson. They all report have
ing had a good time.
MONDAY, Sept. 11th.
Mrs. John Mtothen spent a few days
- last -week -wt. -the -home of - Str i -1V.
S tothere.
MJee.1. Webster and tittle --Hazel
Webster, of Lucknow, are spending a
few days with relatives here.
Rev. Mr. Sawyer conducted evening
,')vice in Rieke le church on Sunday.
He delivered ane,excellent sermon
Jested on Psalm fth.l.
Anlvng those down at the Toronto
exhibition last week were ,Misses -Jive
Htother'., Mary Phillips. Mary (fall
and Lamlelake and Rich. Johnston,
High. Finlay,' Jas. Phillips and Finlay
Last W.dn ay evening John
Blake, one of Inn. pu mltar young men,
was united in tnarrl a to Milts Annie
Haat y, dmughter o It. Hasty, of
• Crewe. We extend',Paitiee'.t enngrat•
_ -+(Mooers and hest wi.tree.
Blake's Sunday school pllrp o s
holding Rally Da yy services n zt Sun-
day afternoon. Thi'. will be thin. thir-
tieth anniversary of the, opening, of
this echos)! and ?merged addresses ap' d
music will he provided for the (weft'
- Sion.
T'1•M:at1Ay, Sept. I•itll.
Misr; 'Jean Lane, of K��inlouggh, spent
Sunday at namely' Hat herfrmi's.
Mier-Miti'1'- (farmer visited her
mother at Whitechurch oh 'Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter, of i.ee-
burn, spent Monday with friends here.
Mitts Rets- Smith. of Luoknow,
w". visited at W. ('nnler,n'e over Sunday. -
Mire' Elizabeth S. Miller left fur
'rfla; Normal School At Ilanlidt1111 nn Mon-
Misers Edna( and A ergnret Ander-
eon left for Normal Scholl, Toronto,
on Monday.
We otter our hearty congratulations
to Louis WeaLherhea11 and bride, who
returned front their wedding trip Sat-
urday evening.
The Women's institute will meet at
the home of Moa. Hughes on Thurs-
day, the 2Ith day of September. All
the members are desired to bring a
scone and potato salad and Rive their
receipt for each.
Toxemia', !Sept. 13th.
Alex. Hamby is attending high
school in i ucknow, -
Maas Ellie Johnstone, of Detroit, is
visiting At her old home here.
Mr. Hnhl, of Detroit, spent A few
days the guest of Mies Ellie John -
.John McLean returned In Chicago
on Monday to resume his xtud1es wt.
Mr. and Mrs, John McKeith and
Mims Mabel arc taking in the London
fair this week.
Itet•..John Hogan, of Ingersoll, 'tee.
James' Hogan, Merlin, and Joe Hogan,
of Appelton, %Via., are spending a few
days at their father's bedside.
Don't overstep ynurself in an at-
tempt to put your mutat font forward.
a xtkilrbd 1.„iu'
fgrasnat, September 17, 1908 7
This is the trade -marls of
Scott's Emulsion
:u 1,1 is on every bottle of it
-Lot-tt )world---tt hick amount
to several _milti/ow ytt)arly,
Why -lit• apse it has mist
..1, malty siyl'ly children
Stroup; anti well-- given
Walt!' and rosy cheeks to so
many pale, auartuicgirlsand
restored -ti, health so wetly
illWlsalhls ill the first stags:,
.it (ou umpti0u,
Sed 11 .x.d,rrn.ernnr t
r•1 , .e, u. xhi.h a uppe�,.uridl ,�.me
lluwdiu,e t•dlt'k01..
11ir11 0111' sh••wiu,t
�l11114ee leY
- Ready-to-wear
is excepti1,ually I;msl. Klyt,•,-
are Smart el', models ,t)e
antis •r. {sattet'its more select,
You are Invited
...inspect_ _^
1111) new• .lurk of clothing. 1'..r
area YW. ••I'wnrlele. y At4, et ,he
Weld '•
1>6 WeWoxtm St. W., TUR. ,N 1'1 ,, 41NT.
his week.
Miss Richard,. •f .St.- \Igrys,
tutted yesterluy to the village -
Il again g1 11 conduct.t
Millinery dep:u•t11aeet. - -
Miss Hulelta is sunitWlu(t indite
pared this week and as a colppwwluen•r
the jatuur room or our school has.
leen closes) for * fewdav4,
D1. and Alen• Ilio, Mt. and Mrs.
Wm. Myatt,---Js,hu H - and %Vn1.
Stewart are among L ower who are
taking in the Western air.
We are sorry to s ate that Cliff.
Rivers, who went % est 1111 the hats
veeters excites' ' ill with typhoid
fever in Wolseley 1 pita(.
John Bunyan. I
y h t until u few
tits .ago was/ n resident of the
^ken t► p(oition as
ling Bank here.
.511[ '11N . .
( . I E.g -
T. J. 11.
femme --
1 Crt111MT1a11 of
IM•en't•nrp(aged for the
given ill cfonnection'with
on fair on October Sth.
11 cannot lw beaten in his
litre. and lit other high -cher talent is
leigg seeurel the concert promises to
be et great attraction.... .Prize lista
for'the Dungannon fall fair are now
bring issue(. Copies may Ire had on
atePheati.n to the tcecretary, Hohn.
A dlwain, Nile.
Ie -
A state-- sr•vereh hr n
summer with her brothers. - Hammen was made 11yr tit pastor,
and`' Atii------u`ir that loaf in Toronto ter-arttteh Master Kiri 11 tit by inti.
tltlll n s l'N '
tl r ttow
,f lu
ems rxhi6l[Tinlare 1h s. \: C({nuinghalal, Ker. 1?• T
John Schta.uluds, Harry Hayden, 14s.
Ol ver and Thornton Allistarrl.
Mr and %Int 11 Hayden alt. nd,-1
the wedding lit their son,- I)r. W. Y.
1layden. • of Coelerie.5., which took
place in St. Pauls Cathedral, i,tlndun,
un- uwrtuy morning-
Mosaase, Sept. 1-515.. .
itt•:t•1.tr-rluxs.--Thr great show at
Toronto it now over for Ode year. It
Wit* -a- marvellous success. T h e
weather was splendid and the attend-
ance large, and the show is admitted
to be the best ever held. As an edu-
cator it is a splendid thing. Persona
ln Kllo
from their quiet homes 'm
country girt inipressions from sights
in t he city, the- rush .of hirdness turd
5,1143 ' genet. c'olle'ction on the chow
geminate never to be forgotten. Thr
next event Ire ' g up ie. the Liberal
rally to be held at Clinton next week.
We expect to se• the editor of The
Signal there with a sprig of Scotch
heather in •.is buttonhole. There are
emote living around here who can to
member the Liberal' picnic held 41 '7n.
when Alexander \faekerizie end Oliver
Mowat were there and the steel rail
discussion took place between the
Premier and Mr. Johnston. We
hope to have good weather and a good
time at Clinton on -Wednesday.
%Vest Indigo, has
juula• is the St
1)1'x1. ,c '
Cameron. 1 roll the
Toronto. has
cumett to It
the Dunganb t•. ('tallier
Tr Nepal', Sept. 15th.
gra. , Dr.' Gordon, of i.ueknow, its
visiting her doter, Mei. W. H.-Caulp-
Ie11. '
David Ramsey and little daughter
Viola are visiting friends in Michigan
this week.
'high Potter, of Pickford, Mirk, is
renewing old acquaintanres'here after
an absence of some seven or eight
Mars Helve, Campbell haft on Hattie.
day morning for Toronto, where she
will spend is, year attending the Nor-
mal School.
The Toronto exhibition .visitors
from here were Misses Christina and
Ada Mc('linton. laments, Campbell,
Emma Campltll, Maisel (lickingg•
bottom and 'Wesley Farrow, .1. N.
and %V. 1i. ('ampiell.
Merl•KaaF1'G ANxI\-):It,e.tNY. - The
Donnybrook anniversary services
which were held Sunday and Monday
of -this -week were is success ia--every
way. On Sunday two excellent ser•
nouns were delivered by Ibev. Dr.
Dougall. of North street church.
Goderich, to very large and appprecia-
-tive audiences. The church' was
crowded to the doors at both the Surf -
day services and again on Monday
evening, when a very instructive and
witty Lecture on "Ireland and Soule
Irishrnen" WA) ably delivered by Dr.
Dougall. Should the speaker at any
future time return to Donnybrook be
will receive a very warn welcome.
Tt' Ks1)A V. Sept. Lith.
Lloyd Alton has gone to Goderich to
tette tip first -erase eel --r t at-t:Tte -Vote
Iegiate Institute there. - .
31r. and Mn. Stwwrl Rolertslni tel-
nounce the engagement of their daugh-
ter, Emetine, to Frederick Lnraa,
Toronto, the wedding tl take place in
the early autumn,
The Luckuow Pipes -Hand has tern
engaged for the (ialerieh Industrial
FaatlE*.on the 24th inst. It should be a
great ,drawing card, as it ib a very
populaexerganization of skilled must-
hloxuwv, Sept. 141.h.
Wm. Mhackdettin is home from the
Toronto exhibition.
Itevival meetings start here tonight
fn -the -Crewe MethodWehtiteb.
Albert Shackleton ham 'returned to
the Collegiate Institute (inderich
t, reatlltle his etllrtee,
Ike (;*51111)-y accompanied AIR and
Mrs. Sam. Mherwlsnt on it business
trip to Goderich on Matutday,
Mrs. Win. Pierre arrived home od
Matnrdav after a stay of it few Hays in
Goderich at the 110111e of her dough'
ter, Mrs..5. B. McKa.
A i't.k.ASANT 1.:1 MST. -- Wedding
belle rang merrily at the home of
Hobert Hastyof the nth eonepaion
of Aahfleld, on W edueaday, the fkh
inst., when his daughter Annie was
matritnonially united to'John Blake,
also of this township. Rev. W. A.
Smith, of Dungannon, tied the nup-
tial knot and after the ceremony the
happy clwtple left tor their new hntne
at. Mateking. W'e wish them a happy
and proep ermis voyage o'er the sea of
N'Knxi:4na-. Se ►.. lflth.
This week .1. If. Sirnpson ienttend-
ing London fair.
The Methodists intend having
weekly Thursday evening prayer -
meeting aa the rhnrrh, commencing
wt N o'clock. Everyone wplrnn,r.
Mrs. Burrow'. and Mr.. Nixon
Dougherty have both hren sori01121y
i11. Their many friends ere glad to
hear they are grad11elly recovering.
Your alleged funny stories will al -
way. get a laugh from the man who
n*M you money.
"• 3":"tS1"pt�
Tl'F'.rm.ar, Sept. 150.
Say ! are you going to Goderich
thaw ?
Mrs,' Haugh visited at Auburn over
We regret to hear that Mrs. James
bong it et present on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Oke and daugh-
ter Ella left last week, to spend ai few
days in Toronto. •
We wonder which the farmers like
the better, dry rains or wet rains?
We are getting a taste of the limner
The Sons of Temperance purpose
holding their annual entertainment
un the evening of Ortnler 0511. A
goad program is in preparation. Full
particulars late?
The League tweeting next .Thursday
evening will, to led by gra. Alexan-
der Meade!. The topic "Commending
our Society by- Supplying Church
Workers" will be taken by Mrs. .1,
Long. We•hopx' for a large attend-
*nce. -
\Ve imagine we hear some of our
Be 'Het • and Bethel boys singing in
their sleep these nights. We can alto
imagine the tune to faintly resemble
the old darkey song. "Dat Water-
melon hangin' on de vine." But
where do the citrons come in. Oh !
well, that was all a mistake Hwha-
Ila t
TntauAY, Held. Sth.,
Miss Margaret Dunn, of Ingersoll, is
K [ of her cousinAmiss Margaret
/'uuplell, this week.
Mrs. 1Itev.l McNeil is spending a
week in Mraford told. Toronto,- with'
relatit'es and friends,
Mrs. A. ('anlpltell; of Sande, spent
the holiday with retativeex on the Brun- !Editor's Note. - A .et ice ,( Pan.
sun line andin Hayfield:.l
Mrs. Mr.i`SIanbury left on Statue- LI ap„Iper at
sur w 1 I1e.yetwn, ' 5)1ts 4.
day.,for London to spend a few weeks pared by A. A Briggs, >ulvel•-1,isj»K
Ith_hencrat riersedoielen-- --- - angel, rofttie npany, and plated
by McConnell k Fergu-.0 * .Ad1'erin•
frog Agency, J4rimhrn,
r. iv\ tras
111x, of 1'urunt.•, the acting tilt wr.in-
teodrnt. (d' If aplisl 1 • Mir 'ons
during the ilhien. id Itev. Ihr su •
ami ill res Ella 1tda+Mall plerrnte.
bouquet. Thr corner -.tune was the
well and 11*1I) `Lrid, ,With the assist.
*non of 51r. D. lir pine, 111 ('1 tutt-
Th.• voting people and n member of
f•iembelaid ..tieringupon the stone
which IltI to +111 lout $:.0,
!rev. E. T. Fox the addressed the
assembly upon ••\\'hat place shall we
ghee the ehurel, in is con iu>nnity',"
Ile first referred sympathetically to'
'h 1 rtic
u lit :Uortut. (n e
dtise ru� ofof liisr. .11hNjrct hr dwethlt
upon the eottlfUe eital. educational tun..
religiunn•phnses of 1.1n'rreinit)' life. in
taw first -i
IIY1 W 111
a rrw
1*rii'tntnttl' of -rhe
tlit'o ..
1 ,.
Whe' IS (i/lspeI 1•11111 4•11 IN glut
Milted toes let. bt inging utucht uatY
upon e w'
pM n tht. p1t 1Ut r. mil his 'recent exper-
iences in Ilie riming -her of South and
Central America. Educationally in
('ai,ulalhe sehrsd Arid the church sire
both free, having pone hand in. I1311d,
and have shaped and are shaping the
character of our rivilizatinn. But in
rvligic.n we have that which coin -
prime it 111e w11111e 111.1ke-up of .'linen, '
le•:Misr the mita! and $II' 1hal :Are
the most impoirt:tlat «temente in
dividaltl p_udcoml>}I,lilife. --
Hrv. l'. It. .Junes, pastut'..4' the
Goderich Rapt ist ehoreh, followed
with an address upon the fundawen,aI
(injects of it ch.ir.•l, existence, the
prur tint: ion of the (limpet and the
development of character.
Rev. J. L. Small, Id the' Presby.
terian church, Blyth, conelitdel the
service w!th prayer.
The company then adjourned to Mr.
Asquithe l+ewn, where y *initiations
tear had Been prepared at which steer
:Mal were nerved. - -
The evening tats spent as a garden
party, the White Dyke Baud from
Clinton (wing present, talon tar Bros.
Tyndall, of C,u•Inw,'avti , sang several
pleasing melodies. Addressee were
delivered bt' Rev. A. E. -.Innes and
Rev H. Alarm orf Anhurn; anti R. v
Mt Sw•alL'of Hlyth.
The total pi (eeeds for the
$11$0.111. -
A nallvt'_.,f-Warmers .d the t+nllr-
rich church drove over and report -a.
most pleari nt
What's in a Name?
To .The Editor.
About six. years ago a new (•twtirnil
range was put on the market by the
Mc('Iary 31 anu5u'turing Company
and a contest commenced for orient-
ing n suitable name. :Some Ito nal
were shggeeted, hut the one 1 b.0 ail.
pealed nitwit to the JIMlges was "fan -
The saute yea( an a xtrtasiv' a.ly_r-
tieing campaign nus put on, atnl-hes
leen kept up ever since, by whish thio
name and the ranee • have hceirme
nationally known.range
1s now ,t
synonym for merit.
If there could let any 11,1,114 in any
1* r....,.., triad- est Try -The vain,• of
newspaper ail vertising in Call 01.1, Ihr
emcees of the Pandora I! tea t• , autiLthe.
widespread id t
relit act n '
1 1 +unlaner-h1 . will
t 1l he
name Pandora, i, the best posit that
s,Rrtti'ing does firing the pcul'5' iu
'lower watch With 1.34pluil.•,F'g,tets
"Pandora" sales reef It is ,in. elnstlyd
whereYnnrs only,
T .. -
HE M.•UL.Att'. M.axt'rai TfNivuCo,
Mims Lizzie Stewed, of Imeknow,
who has been a gorae�tt. nt the home ni
Mr. Donaldson. rebernerl home thin
week. .
The rummer cott,Kes 1st
desoiate appearance aim) thele -'., torn -
pants have almost all reInrlleed to their
own hotness.
and don hl ••l.raaslcd stylar.
.t Il the n.'tv features .t.•
ttrotgllt 11111 to lu•rf...ti.ut int i-
111111 Pt11N/111 effects,
upstate will( 11W, 'rite lire completely
de'slruyvd 5 lie dwelling and among the
valuable bouselu,lalluruiture th,.t for-
ni.hc.l foon1 for Ilse !lames was rt
hands - • new.,u•j;:ue aiol as beautiful
new sideboard that ar is only i eeently
ntirelawed A r11+u w►glre-wrer.51e
the hon.) and contents,
at the
will brim; I w 011,114
Ilene 10.11• t .0 I.n 11 t.,
at the
everything fresh and 'old in
and the price is es tetnpt'ing ak-the
,:w•e•t.:ur toothsome.
Meals served at arty time.
Ice Cream served in all
popular styles.
Athas & Vassos,
radngarool K
Partnere are iliVitet1 to
eann ab Knox'e 11`1►rertMlate.
and . (•xrunine• the Steck 11f
Plows manufactured by tit• -
of Brantford.
lic.11tr'1,1 .cc the 1%1111ouc1'
1 ,'iU-'
ttb,h' it i. in--•.rl.
Wm. Knox,
SOLI: A(OAT I e (:e 54410151*' I I .
Newgate St.,
LO most-5fe Colborne Hotel. -
Miss A Darcy, of Hrantforl, it
vied Mg relative() in this neighbor.
Labor Day hruvght quite aifowd of htg)(l.
picnickers to the lake, probably for Alieses Her. MiKenze:11111 Hell Ale -
the last time this season, as clod Donald spent n few days in Toronto
weather will soon -set ir1 and, put pie• lastweek.
nice out of fashion.
Kitt.15,, Ix AcrosOnii.e Arra MRVT.
-Very sad news was received at the
hottle of Murdoch (toss on Saturday
night last, when a telegram Arrived
announcing the death of Mr. ltnes's
youngest son, Forrie, who was in-
stantly killed in an antomohil('.ireident
at Niagara Faille. it sums that the
young man in eompany with two
other men, was hiit in the machine,
testing it. after taking it from the
shop where it had been undergoing re -
Etre, when the chauffeur lora control of
with the result that it (lashed
through a fence and dr»pped about
thirty-six feet into the stone rutting
of the Gorge It*llway, killing Rios'. im-
mediately. The --gather'- t-wr--
steaped death but are badly injured.
The gaanline tank on the automobile
caught flee, burning the machine to a
heap of cinder*.
No Use.
Visitor-, So ynit've got a dog and a
rat for pets. They most le• splendid
compenions for' you.
Tommy Oh, not very .! They
won't eat cake tir jani.
whist ha* that to do
with it ?
Toinmy - Well, when there's! say
cak• anri jam missing they don't got
blamed for it.- -Philadelphia Prin.
Rev. Mi. and Mr.. Melhmald, o,
KI,u'ardin.', renewed a.gnaintoncrs
here last week,
Mrs. Kinchelve retiu•nrd to le r
home in l'hicago on Settrday, keying
spent a month under the parental
Geo. .\I-(iregnr left Monrlfsy . for
Chicago to resume hie studies* at the
College of Osteopathic Medicine and
Surgery, having spent his vacation at
his home hole.
Fire in Huron Township, as-�
IP Mr.. 141 et. AleI)onthl, 2nd entered
'.ion of Harm. losther horn) and wail
:tutiate W a,tv.._llu a--'.ww lifer writ
th:tt .'f her rltildr('n [early Stench'.•
morning of L(st. week, The faintly
Wen. awakened Ijy the retie(' of the
burning building and .enild stave Plot h.
tug hal a 15111e clothing. Atte.- Me.
Donald counted her ehildren- as won
AO they reached the open air and wag
horrified to herrn "ne of her titTfle, girls
wits to 'Arad in the burning house,
Amidst, smoke and flame. she 1)1'/rely
climbed the Maier and _tlurw her five.
year•old daughter nut of t1,e window.
Her fall w•a., broken by...Aire. Melt •,1-
windhtntttpr. a'ibo ate trolt'.gnh ten ���arman
Window. The prate woihNn then
jumped tlla save• her own life:'' AffPrWM s
the exl•iteroent watt ,Nor it. type. ,
learned [bat Mts. Mcboaak' bad IteenJ.
Art Tailors. Clothiers and furnishers.
North side of Square, - - (ioderic h
Ir Take NotIe!
If you intend buying a Steel
Range be sure it is the
The Agent for these Ranges in Goderich is
who will be pleased to quote yoprices.
"Kootenay" and "Sask-Alta" Steel nges
are sold- by reliable --men only.- They are ever
peddled, through the country. Buy a a"Koote y"
Lr "Sask Alta" and save from $io to $20.
and Feet
mean li..inpv T:uu:,t,'. 1..1 - •; t .. , ,l pna i1 , ,', 1 *1e": �
tait kirinoyW'a, Twka
: G I N
1i� 1 :IIs act directly on these vital
is . ... . , , cure • t .Ildlsease-uoutrallae
. ..) FFF vd-Igiiif-t heblwal-rt.licvothe
.. ,std reducetowelling in hands and
_ ,';sr b - •. n,•. a i.. r ; 6 J,,r At all
1 lir Netot tea Ye.a.wa ,t of price.
iIONAL DRUC & WEIR. CO. lliliiTiD'
TOW:110 to 3 s.4.)
7,.10;11- free QEPT.
it 1' u
rMnp.411 lhtr
hand, ,and if
you 1119• guinig
111 Yh/1W the
'1'..44111, 1/r•ivet
„1• 11uI t 4
411e arti,'le in the following
con wilt need;
1•;h1S, [/PEN telt BLIND
Ibis..., re' Black, 5',NI11,1411
9n.,%•'t.1' SHEETS, Inst the
I hntg for showing light hornier
lir Iola.,' MI'I15A1► 11INtiS,
leA(1: DROPS. BRAID, Ilea,
%Vhite, 1111.1•, Itt'115, %%'tt1I's
It is a . 1• of time to We11 a ratan he
liar : he he known i
on the feel pal a brantinew. pair feels
like an old one. They .51111I look like
itnelThey won't fora long.
hour while.
THEM S11,11'1:
until the very lest eley'e wear has
been get mit of them. They ere shore
Mot feel (del and Milk ItIVW *II thP t
51 foot coinfoit as well tot foot. al-
tractItliess is an ()fleet, you tvill wear
riot. dines and llo ot WIC
1411:11'11.1144. At/44/110e 4/5t i4t15.15011 511
AI 441.AI Work. 1
.1(Iva law ty wit h all iglu.. week and
Examinations are Free.
Jeweller and Optician
1.suirL of Marriage enseR
Returned oh Titeitelay from Detroit, where she had been
seeming the advanced stylee for the
A• trul clethql,1:41,1e values. The
and foll•wing