HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-10, Page 6a ?loamy, September 11, ISO
Tuesday and Wednesday, October 7 and 8
Prize List
-- 1908
-.L._ .
Clam I.- •ilfries Heavy Draught.
1.1 -....i
Broiol Mari. 'Biiin foal by !wraith. .... $3 (1)42 to $
2 year 'old Filly 2 011 1 511
2 year old Gelding • 2 01 1 511
1 year old Filly " ISO 1 50
1 year old (leltling 2 1111 1 511
24.144 1 so
Foal of 11100
Tram"in harnerie 1 1111 3 (11 2 till
Beet Female .11ipliima
- !Class 2 -Horses -Agricultural. '
1•4 .21W 31.1
Brood 5I41re. with ford by her side. . $3 tie 42 MI $1 Os
,2 year old Filly... ...... . ist rio 1 14
2 year old 6.I. g . .... .. . 2 411 1 at 1 1114
1 year olil Filly - -w 1 511 .1 110
4 year old fielding ..... .. .. . 2 Oa I 511 1 4114
F611 uf 1121h • .- W 911. 1 419
Team in Iarn.... 1 4144 3 in 2 us;
Best Female ... •
C1221.3 Horses -General Purpose.
A Generel Purpowe 11.1ese in isniteretaisel-bs•iiit i horse that -iii --
suitable hoe ''it 'keel he svagon, carriage, tenors: or plow,
to • :fest ..14•11
Single !tome 1.. harness '. $2 41441 14
-Team in herpes. • .=T1111 2 tWVriRr
Sweepstake Paz aur of the three heavy staessiss. -beet
Mare or nettling, 1$5.no, given by the Sterling Rink, Dinigaindmi
branch. animal to lie judged Isv points.
-1.1.-le4iiilon. kinelites-etekiiittler
• ' te ilia ea
Broml Mare, with foal by her side gl 4444 $2 111,011
•1eittold Filly 2 sit 1 Mr
2 year old Gelding ..... ...'--........ : .. ....,2.40 1 50
_.21.0.1 I III
1 year old Gritting 2 1ml I 50
Mingle Ho, se in heroes. .. .. ...... .. 2 101 1 511
Pair Matched Horses in bargees 3404 2 nu
Foal of tipti •- - - - I 50
Best Female... . ...............
Class 5 Horses Carriage.
Class it
14weepatake Prize for best ;am of sheep, alii lorea.41.
11114 It1COnNINI of one male and three termites-. $2 4104
Vat Sheep. any breed I 80 • :
Class is --Pigs Berksinie.
Aged Boar .
Sow. having raised pip in Mild
Boar. littered in HMS .. ..............
Now. littored in Beet
Aged Boor . ,
Sow. hoeing raised plash. 151.111
Boar. littered In 141114
Mow, fittered-in lent
• gi $1 011
:tif 1 4"
. )i'144 14144
1W 011
. s
*1 511 *I 1i.
„• I 5.1 I 14.
. -• -1 51 1 lit
1 1 111
. . . . .........
Clams :7 Tamwortk.
Aged Boar 01 :0111 Mt
Mow, having raised pigs in 1(14e i.141 1 1st
Boar. littered in IRS . 1 I 00
Row, littered in .-0 1 09
* 6111 23
. - 50 •
Class 01 -Fowl.'
Brahma, 1.14ilit
l'im•laiti. White
. . . . .
Ply.suotiti 511 25
Blar•L Spanish,. . • • • • ...• • •• ..... . 1"••• • -• fits- -.la
11.1t1 lap. 7i) '25
11 . • •• 511 25
P•ilarids ........... .. .... .. . ... ..•
_Hatuleugs e • • • • - • • • " '" '
41,1%ayousierultittepi . ..... .....
( ochiu, Iliiff
Isighern- W'hite
foghtirn, }frown
Ply Rork. Barrett
Minors -a. BMA 1
.. • . .... . ......... •-• •'•••• ••!.
fthnsfr ir•fityyrd-• .... r ... •
KU! t *to IS • • • 4. ... s..t.t.t,..• • • • -
Ibirilyard Fowl
Turkey,. ....... •• • .. .. .• • • •• • • • •,• • • • •
mine* Fowl
t'irtr .
Class tg ;Grain.
• • iNisite tilleiell'ohn ing
•111.4.*1 Vp(-)
ansilemosivIalwlimrs ink
TEACHER -Johnnie, what .does this represent?
iriNNIE-Perrin's School Biscuits.
EACIIER-What do you kuow about them?
JOHNNIE-They are good to eat. Mother says they are the best biscuits
made for hungry boys aud
TEACHER -.Correct, Johnnie, your Mother is right. I also use them
and find them exceedingly good.
I 4144
I) 13 hanok, in&
4-1 ..sod
B20041 31are, with foist by her . On 42 III $1 II
2 year old Filly .... ...... 2 121 1 5it •
2 year old.tielaing .2, 4144 4 11 .5 um
1 year old Filly
I year old (Selaing 2 on 1 50 ,
Single Horse in harness . „ (0) 1 h.
Pair Matches! Borers in harness, :1 Ill 1111 1 'oil
Foal of 191Itt 2 INV I
Best Female " I tiploma
Best Gentleman's Outfit 'epeeist 4. F'. W
Brophey• tioderieh, one dozen eatiiii•1
50 per cent. for horse, 30 per ent. App. 015 ittr*.iilti.gldriver to he
photos. value •
°Inner. •
'Lady !nit et ..... ...... . ... 3 121 2 90
Best two-year-old colt it. clasees .1 and 5; '
- special by W. E. Kelly. jeWeller, lloile-
tirh goltI 5 no
*PEI It I. tilf TOE
Ladies' Hitching Conteet.. Horse to lw led out by bridle,ne
iniape allowed, no. lines attached. harnessed, driven around the
track and !lensed and led away ;1st. SKI -414. 2nd• 41200.
Class 6. - Exhibition of Speed intbe Ring No. s.
it only two horse* star t the first isionesr cut, off.
Ferniers"frot PAI.P. Marc tif•11.1111$(,
pmperty exhibitor. All anim sh. 44.411 have
won public on race tracks (141n
agricultural money not coneidered
money,- Pow tu enter, three to start, or no
prim. will be iswertietl. To be driven ' hy
farmersor goons of igniters. owner or driver
to he wholly engaged in tanning. Best t wri
in three, -mile heats. General excellency.
style and soundnees considered. An entrance
fee of 11.4141 will be charged and 011.11n to be
'retained from winners. Confined' to the
Township.. Amhfleld. Colborne ,and .
Wawanosh $2/1 1111 $15 MI Slit 00
Open to all : 'rrot tor race Liest_three in• _
five, mileheats four to enter, three to start.
or no competition. General excellency, style
and soundness considered. An entrance fee
of VI will be vliarged each cotupetitor, and .
- $3 additional will he retained from winner., 311 of 3) 911 15 110
No. 3.,
2:40 Trot ror Pare :-Ipeal three in five, mile
heats : four to enter. three • tft !tart,
- vompetItInn."- General eXCellency; Style and
soundness considered. An entranre fee of
13 will be charged rash competitor rind *5
additional will be retained, trent Winners... .31. (10 20 sat
Class 7 Cattle Durham Purebred.
1s) •.!.1.1 ltd
Mitch Cow, having raised or with calf in ties- - ,11.3 4144 42 ot $1 4114
2 year Old Heifer 1 50 1
1 year old Heifer.. 50 1 1111
." ' ' " • L7...!112
Heifer Calf. tinder 1 year . -- 50 1 nil
Bull Calf, under 1 year 50 1 HO
Aged Hull. 1 year or over 3 to 2 ms 1 nu
Herd of three Females end one Male- -1l4nk of Commerce- -payer
medal. 1
Pedigree to be 'oodles's].
Class 8 Jersey.
Mile Cow, having mimed calf in HMS $2 00 211 Si
2 year Heifer . ........ On V:
1 year o • Heifer 1 00 75
Heifer Cal f -.........................1 111 75
Berd of the Franne. a* one Male ploma
\ . ss -Polled Angus-Thipainglibeed. -- ;--
Milch Cow, hat ing ra
2 year old }leiter
t ....... 41 4114 or
Ini.hel Wheat:White
Moshe' Fa I 1Vheat, 'red 1111 7.1
, • ,...„ , , INI .Iito
bushel 11o. Wheat • .
• •
teethe! Silt Row Barley -
bushel Two How Barley • • .• • .• • ., ...... ... . .. 121 75 •
biotite! Oats. white . • ISO 75
boatel Oats, Markt] Ill 75
bushel Peas, smell %.• •' .• . ist
leislwl Peas, large. . ... .. • .• •• oft
bushel 1" by . ......
half -bushel Flat
peek Bemis
bushel Spritz .
2 ears 4 'orn, white -
2 ears 'tirn„ yellow.. .....
3,stalkil Ensilage Corn
bushel Hones. Harley
Heist and largest collection of rain grown by
exhibitor, in Aelifield. Co or, Wewit-
iiinth. one bushel each it Ito
111 •
....... . .... Iml
Class ao.-.Dairy.-
• - \
10 Ile.. Butter, in rolls 51 1111
5 Ihs. Table flutter • 1 (1)
29 lb-. Packed Butter, to be wilted kee 1 50
Cher.. , out less than Ms lbs.. factory -made .` .. 1 00
Cheese. not Mst, than 12 lbs.. home-made ...
Firkin of 50 l'ecketl Butter •
Class 21 Domestic Manufactures.
1141 4401
.314 2.4
$ 15* 50
7., 511
1 ist 541
*011_ 1.50 1 40)
4., Sod
2 loave. Bowe -made Bread • • . . , .. • 1 I t•fli • 1,1111,1.-Itt 174 .11 0
Pan Home-made Buns 75
Pan Home-made Biscuit. , . .1 544i
Layer Cake .... • I.
1 plate of Tarts ,• 75 50
2 Pies 75 " 56
5 11w. Honey in Comb - 75 III
-1 Mr Honey : 75
Maple Syrup 75 511
Ma huger 3,3 at
col ertion Homeonside Candy . ... 75 50
Collection Hoine-made Preserves,' 1 Pir each Praist.
Plums, Peaches, St rawtwrries, Clit•rries .. . 1 NI 1 nil
Class 22 -Vegetables and Roots.
;All Field Roots In be judged by NVeighl. •
. , • ,
Ist 2sal Nal
Peck any variety Polio:Wes -8 75 f ---514r
4 heads Cabbage . . :al 21
0 Blood Beets,
6 Improved Slitter fleets for feeding .... .... 50 115
6 Atengold Witetzele . _ i .1%.
6 Golden 'I'ankard NV iirtzela . ... ... -50, Ti-
e NN'iirtzelit, Mammoth Yellow Intermediate 514 2:1 •
0 Swede Turnipe .. 50 25
-6 (ireystent. Turnips 5i 1 ' 25
41 Long Orange Clem** \ 511 25
II White Belgian Carrots . .1,1 25
41 Carrots. I ntermed late White . :.... 511 25
6 Early Horn (arrots \
Peck 1/nioris --------------- .... ..‘... ..... .,.. 514 25
Peek Tosnatswe i • • 511 25
. . \ .
6 earn Corn ........ ... .... .... ..... •., ....... 50 25
Pumpkin :ii 1 .
\ •
Winter Squash. for tat)le... ..... .. .... .7) 25,
Summer Squash. for table .• 5.4 I 25
Water Melons .... ........... ' . ........... : :in .1.5
I peck Early Itose Potatties.:.....‘ ',- 50 • 2-0- .
I peek Mill. Prize l'otatoes........,...........,' :,4) 2.-.
1 peck Irish Cobbler PM -lines ' \ Too 25
1 peck Dakota Red Potatoes ' 511 25
t Intel( Rowe of the North Pointe/re .......-.-... Art 25
6 heads Celery 501 25
2 heads Cauliflower
1 Citron
Parsnips. ?.
.CollectIon Garden Vegetables
Class 23- Fruits and Flowers
15%'inter Apples, 5 of each.)
calf in .........*2 (NI 11 5i) 411
1 1111 75
174.144' old Heifer ........... ._... 1(04 75
' Heifer Call of ... (404 74
Bull Call% under 1 year .--------... 1 nu 75
Herd of three Females /41111011r 11'
Pedigree to be rehired. '
Class to Grade We.
Wets (•ow, giving milk, having raised e
2 year oh! Heifer
1 year old Heifer
Steer Calf. under 1 year
Heifer Calf, under I year 1
Fatted or Steer. any breed
Fatted Cw or Heifer, any 1 Mt
2 year o Steer. . 1 MI
1 year old Steer . 1 an
... •
1C1401 D. -Sheep-Leicester
-1st tr.
Aged Rem mint be registered 11 5041
Shearling Ram 1 I flit
Aged Ewe. mishit( lambs in IMP. 4 416) 1 Ms
Shearling Ewe I 1111
Ewe Immb 154! 409
Ram iamb AO 1 ISI
ruo Si
511 25
510 25
54) .25
' 1.4 nod
Spies . - * 511 $ 2.5
Baldwins r•Frst rn . i , .. • . s•il i 44 25
King of Tompkina County MI 21
CO2311414 1144 . ....
Ontario ........... ........... . •
Golden Russet .... ..
ffpitzenhurg Wagner-
Rhode Island Greening ..
Cranberry l'ippin
Mann Apple... . ....
4 named varieties. 5 of each
1Fall Apple., 5 of each.
Ralston Pippin. . •
• • • .....
211 -ounce Pippin
Wealthy .... . -
Snow Apple '
Wolfe Hirer. 44.
Holland Pippin • 01..4 •
Blenheim Pippin
-4Irosiv .... JJ •
1111111VtiOdell, .Torearn •
• • • • • ..... " " ' • ".
(Pear*, etc.)
3 na varieties of Pears. 3 of each
5 Bart t Pears . • . •
3 Flemis Beauty Pears
:0 25
511 25
MI 21
511 25
1 to
1 410
511 25
:St 27
511 21
5ft 25
If Furred and Coated, it's a Lookin •
Glass Stomach "Warning.
'hen LL irt_the._tuurning after th
lit before. volt slit not 'have to tool
a your Itiet;rile to know that
stoniach is tweet, 44... head Is lolling,
no sippetite. nerves on edge with all
the settsithitse-44- life s•heitletl.
The reel tiuse watch the tongue is
att-of thirtItutc- 11It 1..esiaresT with* -
white fur. 444 poesibly with dark trice-
' gis. even II gh the 8.1 •11 does
nut tell you by the tient.* pains of in-
digestion that it fl
eetla help, yet the
nternahonal fiewspaper
Bible Study Club .
Sivivestive Qusstiofts the Intern4404.81 Sun.i.sy &Awl
itli-Arv. Dr. Liescoff. 13,..antforri
4. • tb,,t tiat are grltiaa 1.1-
.111 a bud way and that there its netsl of
Mi -o -nit is su positiVe,. so 'milt,. iv
reliable in Wu rotative act . upon the
stomach that Jas. Wilson, the local
agent given 41 guarantee of satisfaet ion
with every 511 cent hos or ..... ney hack.
• Little Bob's Prayer.
Little Bob, who for s months
had invroriably ended his evening
braver with -Pleetie send- nw a batty •
brother," a ed to his tlwe
that he wait tired of praying for what
he did not get. and that he dhl net be-
lieve that tiod had any 141111' little
boy. to wed.
Mot lung aftertineds he was car-
ried into his Girt's (sets vei y. early
in he mor g to ..ee twin boys tv ho
had arrived. dining the • night. Bob
looked at the two babies critically, and
t•ollect ion Of Halo
Collet • of Tinivii • . , 41 IN% 7;:::
Collect of Calimetevise ; - ,- - • l en 75
Pair Pants , 1 On 75
Colle••tion ••f 5Votrilwork, ornamental and mere!...
-- made by exhibitor, not than 4, pietars.... a.-- 1"4144 541
C lias 25 1 tn.
of limas ' ..........
Single Boggy. with bp:. , ... . ..... . ,..,•fr 1 44444 511 -
'learns FW3g1111 . ..........\ AI'lli (late. . •• 1 1111 541
1 1111 511
Wagon Hack • .... ........ . ... . 1 111f 50
Collection ;if •Poltimi • \* - 1 1111 50
• 1 1.111 511
lirold ('art .
\Hest t'oolloss 11111 P.111.111 I Inpleenents. - ltipl
. Crass w10-Larkes' Work.
AI Art irk,. -.Oiled Or ael.es.4 toy es.or or NWT not for c0me41-104014.
All OpetAlletlei so-ealeworl. or ram.'WorI tali Ina. riOr etol000lco,
knia to 11.111-% and un astest.
'Crochet 1.111 - • 511 $
..... .• . ... . • • • •
Mexierai I wawa, Work
Lailv's Fancy Mitts
Ladv s holey Arnim
Hondo', trice
"it ""
. . . ....... _ _ . ,
Feney Sera Cushion, in (*ritzy WOirk ... ............. - roi ,,,,z
:Al 25-
25 ..
K111111111 1:114111•11iIlerY 011 113111•11. ..... . ....... ....... ://) .2:1
Embroidery 4.n Nfoinliti. ................ . ...... F 5.1 25
Crochetn 11. Table Mats iton ..... . . ' 511 21;
Crazy tibtilt . ... ..... ... .. . ..... . . :,u 25
Patch Work Qiiilt iu Cott. ir 1,111' 75
Patch Work Quilt in Wool .. I Mt , 711
Patch Work Quilt in Silk ', • I est
Two pairs Wriolli•n Ste kis. hand-matle, I enstrse. 1 H111:144 25
TW,, 94111 11 Woollen tato •king. band•inside, 1 enamor. 1 -
fine .10 25
Two pairs W oaten Slitts. band -made. 1 coarse, 1 line
Entbreidery in Silk on Code..,-... - - --- --- tin- 25
Embroidery in Silk on Linen . . ... ...-7.. ....... . , ....... 541 2
Tea ( '117 y ...........:144 27
Shawl, crochet
Verse., Pin Cushion . ... ... . :AI 25
Table Cover ............. • 7.-:•-•-• : :"."77::':":-: . . ail 25
Fiveoelock Tea Cloth .........- ....... . -I'M
11t V 2.1
,0.Abin lallilt ,.......' “.• - -- ,..31i u5
Handkerchief Sachet ......... ...... ......... 50 27
Sista Wool Afghan An 2
Sofa Pillow-' ,,,-„„, 511 25
• Linen Shirt, machine made i iin washed w . . • MI 21
I.inen Shirt. bend -made (unwashed) • N 30 26
viVhink Holder . ..5tt 21
Pillow Shams .
ell 25
Lace Hondkerchief • ' -- '
Batt enburg Lace Table Cover .541 , 95
rlin Wool Work. flat
50 25
Fancy Knitted Imee. litindwriiiite ----an 21
Collection of Buret Wood Work . ... so 25
14 I.id • 1 e re .,-
m Iroh. ery on tin 110 25
Fancy Head Rest 59 25
Ribbon Work- .......... - .1/ 2.,
Crochet Slippers, ..-... .50 35
Rag Mat .. . .. .. '
. .... . . ... **.**. GO 25
Jepanese Yarn Mat ... .. : .. .,... ... • .......,
) 80 76
1 5t::!: 2,21;1 .511111
544 25
Tray Cloth . • .. . .
F.minoidery with Jewels . ..
Knit Slippers .
Knittml Qiiilt,
Table Centre Piece
'Washstand Splasher, linen 511
Drew i nkroom Screen . 30 2f,
Best (,lection of Ladies' Wosk, not lees than 10
pieces or more than -----------2 111) 1 50 1 NI
Collection of Millinery. not kV!. than 6 pieces I 110 so
Class s'? Fine Arta Etc.
50 25
50 25 Psinting on Moleskin $ $
ail 25 Painting on Bolting Linen. ...... .
511 21 Collection of Oil Paintings ...- • 2 875i 1 :Li
an al Collection of Water Colors. . 3 70151 I ...mot;
1 .10 SO Crevon Drawing . . 76 54)
251 Collyeeetairs-----------------------------
on of Pen andS1t.eches--------------------1s1.0i(7104 75
Specimen of Penmanship by boy qr girl under 1.1 50
C illection of Rowers Painted on Olase ... 1 011 741
Collection of Fruit Painted nn Gleam . 1 101 75
Crollertiorrof dreimisfe-Prifirredenv
Collection of Metallic Lustre Pointing..
Collection of Autumn Leaves.- .. 1 110 • la
See Rule 4.
Oil Painting. ai I.
tell) bov o. girl ler
. 25
i,r:Pcinding lewl, to lie ces titled .
tracliet• by ‘,2 I 40,
Colloid ion of Nox11111$ Weed S144111. IIIIMP11, loV bow or
girl under 15 v ears, attending school. certified hy
teacher 2 00 I an
'Class is -Oxford Demos.
Aged Rain, most be registered
Shea, ling ltain
Aged 1-111-C. h11111111lo 11254 ........
EIWP I.411/11
Rani Lamb
Class tj -Shropshire.
Aged Rani, must be 1 cgistei ed
Aseg EWA, ranting in 1006
tittearling Flee.......
Ewa Lamb .......... .
Ram Lamb
1, X.
named ea titan( Plums, plate of each
I named vari y of Plums
Collection Ora
Plate Peschei... ........
Plate 4 • . .
Plate Apricots. ..
Collectiuu !foram Planl%; ....
C0110,11011 Gn F
erstelowe 1.111.• ..
011011. --Manufactures.
10 yards Albwool Cloth
10 yards Union Cloth
runnel ,.
10 yVe All.word Flamm, .
Pair ''oellen Blankets
Pale Soros Blankets. litineemnade.... .......
1.7 $ 50
7.5 ao
75 50
7.1 310 For the hest Foils sired hy The IZO.!A .4?1•11.11 hy S.
73 40 McPhail. let, 541.0(4 ; 2nd, $aito ; 3,3, $2.40).
. • • (I) i5
I Seim xxxi.
1.1olden Text. l'retutre lo meel4 14y
September nth Saul and Jonathan Slain, in Battle.
necessary, how ciiiiii4n1 knoW what a
f row agent will ?
Is maul to fie blatiled TOr Want lug his
servant to ..day hilts. or for finally kill-
ing 1 self ?
Ver...e 5-- 1 „oiler the mast provoking ,
•rilr onistancen What can be said' bit' or
against suicide
Verse 6 In the long run is it pos-ible
that, in *4 instance, sin can result in
final happiness, and if an act, which the
world and the church label sMful. really
results in all round happiness; was that
act properly labelled ? This question
must be answered in writing by members
of the chrb„:
'Leese 7 tVliat• season ii4 there to
berm... Obit the wnintriroing' of one
person s .times resides in the tubs
.4 a family, Or a 4.4 ), 1.1 1.1 a
nation ?
Verses S -I0 lei what respects is
....Arm warfare conducted in a iti5re ,
liainause way tliairaii.'ietit werfare ?
Is there any R1•11%1•. or humanity, in.
111../11e111 W.11141'1. in killing ,end Maim -
„Mg all you caul in battle, and then
picking tip- al1 that are tiot actually
310311, 31111 witts tentleristeet '.and at
141.4•11.1 -expos-ow tliein bark to
11.49-551arit* tied Saul lair -
for tlie that the inhabitants id
Jebesli.gilead reisiestilwieet! hint with
gratitude ?
is any deriger that a god.
tuaraulay live tar dings:no himself and
the cause of 1.14.4_;e_
ti011. A1111/4 1V.:12.
What is HIP 1111•11:111111p0 necessary
in order to meet God with emillilence
and in peace ?
Verse 1- the Israelite. de•
(rated breams.* the Philistine. had the
hitter 11.111.1y. Or 11104 11 1)1•1•41141.
was against Israel at this elute i• •
Why' w•is tolosl against Israel It this
5lay we ver expeet 441 win, in any-
thing. 11 (14.. b. 41)1)11611) 414.., and, if not.
hew --nt for the apparent
ccSemen ?
Verse 2 Why 4i0.1 11.4111It the
lovely Junallusu t be slain ?
• bot often, 111.111/, 1133IS.1b41 tI.o 111 -
via have 1.. Mari with the gnat). ?
s exams&s.
I low .11, you justify 'oil in .permit -
(114)1 4 lw imairent to nu er wait the
guilty ? (live 84 • exalt des. •
N'erse :t- If Saul 'had he 1 111, 1.,-
(4...I would this defeat h. ve haps
'wiled ?
Does God Often ime the unto fly as
instruments • with which to I: We
hi, children ?
V erse 4 %Van 11444.drittli•-.4 Sant
termiised by Doti to takeplai•e at this
battle :--See 1 Mani. xxviii. : le. _
Di ws the Lord know how, when *1111
where each one 44 will ?
Granting the freedom of the will_
noel that net, are osontingeut anti Hat
September :5, nod David Made King over Judah and Israel.
11 Sam. :
What, are tbe relief l...,.. gush-
,WelO„His ties whirl. are necennary in miler
gmlliorsirts igmatvas a:01711'4 thel 1.i it:71: IV:. 114" "Nrcems 111 4,4."')'
Verse I Did I expect a definite. Verse 1 Why did not Godmake
411111 Thell-WIllt answer from 1111? .1.14111 David King Or ISEitel. .at the 1111/e He
in response 1.• his enquiry ? smelt.' him king of Jordoill, eight years
W hat • methiel did Disl pridedily previously :•
.loke...Iii anewer_lteeld'e tem matter- 1',A11 God idwiers--brittg things
1 (-Net ?
1'. it 1•1•14441IIRIlle, or 1., it limitic.11. .in"117.ti 41411.4 . ,re"rdir"
expect nod fii --&-fluiteli answer Wky 11, 41111 IA it always right,
mattei-od-fuct 'questions to that we should raise' I MVO- *4,...• •
day _ ••••111' hone atet flesh" more ct w • .1
It our lirst answer from tied is mot otl...r..•?
elem. end 13.11, te.ocia we to_keep.....o..a...k. 1- e..-1
ing until we are sat idled ? (Seel. Kasha. always. or generally, rewarded rn this
:24, : : 2. iv : 9 11. world ? . .
N erste 2 - Wee God pleased or tbs. To what extent does it depend upon
I with Iasi.' firr basing 141. ourselves as to our promotion or success
many ire,. in life? 1 This question must be answered
What is 111.' evitielieft, fr 414. in venting by members ,of the Club.,
th lital has , planers! ter 11111, Verse 3 11,s1 had 'debited that
111A4l 111 he 111044o10.1 ...f`smq imp Pao id should Ie. king ever 1111 Israel :
wit," '' 1,,,iyocam) nii.1 IiteliteVery 111341 ?-•
lois He in like. ner a 0141 401 00
Iogamy al1V: 11 •11g111. 11111er any Need there be any .4, .13,4 on the
and all ciremostar •es, and why ? .part01.aor ot us, that. we ..hall folill
Verses 3-4 IliOr long helottith our high deetiny in life ?
did I 'avid knew t bit lie was going 1.. N'erse.. 4 5 At e hat periiel life is
be king ? I. Sam. 1-13. A healthy man at his best ?•
Dees ever gi , 'a- pet ...not How ti....1.1-s-;..1,.1111 ilie•-i•ThTiTt-;-
priniii..e in theme days. 4 -Will fle Deviite reign ?
ever fail in its toltilment ? Whst4'.yoirr estimate of
Verses 5.7 %That ran y.th4 say in idiarso•ter es le iiilivirbial men ?
of thr nartr Atm by Le,..01, for Store -lay. September
David in this event ? is the review for. the past quarter.
then i einark ed. "It s a good thing 1 riercii for an 111/11/' What the editor was
ttopped rusiying, or 111.•1.0.11 been three- +tins at: when his happened to think
of them.
lo he word "unsettled. Ili. went in
• the ext day 41111 41111411•11 111.1 twernint.
He §ettled, 1 firi er and l'ohlieher. ' -- -
'Ile editor -AIR -a errantry --paper- nr ; . . .
ceived the following query : ••4`mi pm 1 Anywa •• the average woman know•o
tell tor whnt the weather ertfilie next as much al tit milities Rh 111.• average
month ?'' In reply, he wrote : oir 4, 1111411 does ahead tentlidg a baby.
n will be very 'T-101.-ftwite-wfirermihles et -ttre hear -
is like your doe. a lot of kir ing when the mer-
subscriethon." The -itionirt•r won- eury Imes into wittier quart ers---
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