The Signal, 1908-9-10, Page 5rr!1N; SIGNAL': GhDERICH. ONTARIO THE COME AND SEE SIGN YORK LOAN AFPAIRS. J Ditritls.d Win Be Not Leas Than Porti C.0111 on the Dellar. Turiwto,!i.pt.;1.-At last the first dividend ti, the shareholdertl of the de. (Inter. York Loan t' pauy is ready to be declared. unMI 44 laal rail fur hooka was made yesterday hy- the liquid*. tura. Lb..Natiunal Trust Company. . 7'1w 4iaa xlend, wilt to paid in triers - 14tYWnMtt+u.t wlU-ttn2-not -ies,rtietn- 1'urt)' 1•e111w yll the dollar, and prib• ably better, and all that lwluains 2244* is tin, tlguriug a.ut of the • standing ill' rack rhal'rhylder, The lt•t.we11Juur- u.tw of this tusk will put the :atual payuteul of the money ..IT for liar months or a h1 ter Oyer. Hooks Must 8e Handed In, As it is, however, all who wi.h t" figure iu thisdivideud must have their law,kr in the li Irlidalilw bauds inside of tinily dad'., • Chief 9u.liiiu Herrington explx Ilie wl tllallutl this •fling, "To slips. what:lllitt._Hun'Jt he said,'Terre were•one 1 drrd forty thousand shareholders, HID hays t•w:siren only shout nue hon t4wuwuul of these, and we retire! fifteen to t„'ruty.'tluusaud nun• least. 11'e need these books ti the almond dor to roach, uud VIM run are 1v11a►t a tusk it- will be. 1Vr hare nit lwr•nt*I•Ii to fold til. flu• sesta to any extent, as the York Luau rW- pluyes •Iu1yy are f.aniiliar with the vomits. and We 4•3111 very Well rat a _ ..,....a•.---•.c.'at►kslr..,` 44. ten• re4s011 Why the filar dividetid hake al least • mouths lm (ares 11'0 will try to somites it to alarms This sign la permanently atitsebed to the front of the main building of the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine company, Lyne, Mass. What Does This Sign Mealy? It means that public inspection of the Laboratory and methods of doing business is honestly desired. It means that there is nothing about the bus- iness which is not "open and above- board." It means that a permanent invita- tion nvitation is extended to anyone to come and verify any and all statements made in the advertihemente of Lydia E. !Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound. Is t a purely vegetable compound made from out drugs? ('orale and See. I)o the women of America ally um as mueh of it *e w6 d *ARKEt REPORTS. Liverpool Wheat Futures Claw Lew: et, -Chloe. Si ch.np Otosed-LIYe Stack -Latest Qtlstatione. Woodsy Fveolaw. 1. .. -t4verpa,l *Imo tutunal •lused tb ladlowr than *0.4.. 4.... ukl r tl esu torsi, lad to M.J lows. ()asap vitals/tees • la .4'atlada apt Um! t'ultarl Ntatw_vere tlupat tarllait. • . �*� �.__-SEPTEMBER a AND 7 Winnleaa ?)otic... jt''utlowlns are taw .•twin, „mu atds uf' ' 11ur hial•g-ten day. are only 'wile•licootlihlr lull-rllertiv• Ir *1. I' it( Ihal T'Irullles„, rrul4y futures we make all our buying in very large luta and'lltiln, er •ivr N'hsat 44W1l* tubrf 5,114'' 2*1. utau W' g l 1 tallest run *24 •n.. late bell. tteteauber stir: tlkt in pi Ser. Saturday and Monday air u'k redurtllg peter' as INv.• uftt•1'vl :ire not Gate-Iielarsubrr 10. Std, uatulr mks. ,rurp:t'w•d iu.lau:ala 1'*41 'values. Lid. FLANNELETTE W. ACHESON & SON SATURDAY and MONDAY :3ARUAINS. Terertte Grain Markets. Wheal, sprout, boob J• W to i.... . glia Yard-, • millets wi.1p, purr sltft. lilliw2b large :u+ru,i lyu•111 •.I Wheat, tau, bask.....,....- eV •r .h itw.l pallet t 1,.. V.►lui%1:ty alk! Al4.tltlxy Sale !wile, her y4I'.1 .... L� • Wharf. rad. bush ......ass • * Vl hoc haat' -- e. DRESS GOODS Iturkwhurt, boated 0 To Pea& bowleg 0 ill ?; NMI yai 2 .:4i.hu•h, all "wool hers Betula or 'rwrds ?nimble t,a i lsarlr,• bushel u :u 2'L. I t'ea'rs, Skit 1. 04' !'outs. (Simi,! patterns slut peal. !tetchier pi i.,- coats. btW,rl .... 0 ei u W • ' W.,re $1:10, 14. *1;4112014 yowl. Two days` prier ,ii per yard -, 50c all, if CATTLE MARKETS. 31111 I We drrd r • to t 'tem) Ila btu}pyr.' Was there ever Such a person as Lydia $, 1 "1I.r tubo{l u' the tit tale dividend s' M,p"m M �1� a' h�.t� will depend on the state of the kriLl i p Mrs. Pinkhalu now +tca woman are haled to write: Y fFtatirnl:ukrl, and while we have weld Cables Steady --Cattle Lower at Buf- falo, Steady at Chicso. 1((,NNla1N. Brut. I,ou,j,. emblem fur cattle are aleadl at 11yµ• 444. tar per Ib.. dr.ls•,•d owls tot refrigerator beef la quot- ed at 4 I.,, &k••4..., putted Toronto Junction Live Stock. 'ruRRONTU JUN(TI(lh,, Sept 7. -- lletletpta, of thea attack W, t11.• Union Stuck `lard', were 40 carload- , tx4[r1- nr: phwal of 11101 rattle, 14 hogs. +S 26 $heap ria told lambs with al calves. •'• bort atom% sow t: taWill/12.1011111144 to Weed trete la t Igtht niont.uu .,.aur werw 11 at ace. I.•oa .rltxr (lull, weer .tutted De •.b 20 hvi- 44.2. COntIIIU• dehdN, 4 44 4rrrl,4y1►1[p4pypyLAllattediess Sold $700,009 of Assets. HOSIERY i"»icli+�i i'FITIT tti:u• mid taw., don Ide tulle. hist,* g1 n lit, per pair un Sat nidu)' and Montley . CORSETS sixty, }Hair. uitly,.t-.yy1(y*,l..,4,',,. (+renes•? .1 y le anti I*:*iii 'full Glade. 1(egular . _ days only xt t+r-r !mfr k f'1ti+Tl11u•Ir Hose, .i ira,l h, el. /teenier Mr and tic .the,., .1' •e{ CARPETS 25c d irt-rotg Mart olds'. I3.•.t value mar heat Le . 1111 sale two ........ ..35c "'Went y !hells tOitrit heavy. English Tliiwatry, in a good r.ang,• pallriis. Its. and inequality, at per \•nrvl.. .. _ ur 50c W. • ACHESON & SON rig o ptck.V Jots. o! ay,-y'hera •e.1i mit - M a b raft rel rvtst j tqr *a lr - '.(aur Weir Marry for motley :ir,d aeon'W. 0th o the Drive of roar eapOrt '54)114• wouleq (Or suntans, r 4, ,f good lead from 14.40 to : 4)l u. SA/I0 to KC. ourntimn. f1iM eo VOA to DS: caseeva, 4*• 1'1UNfLAr, Septessih•r 10, 1908 d _.s r. Z 4- f 4- Ladies are Delighted .awl, CAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAIN for no stabil./ sari hatable. Furniture. Wood. work and' Floors 1k'1 .u„ d.. Ihr ..ark 1.4. M i l k aa4:el*r..l .rsuli• l'or sale in Godrn, h by 1iu11ell ttardNare Co , 1-tct. Come aafkae 5. Is the vast private.00rresp(ynde.nee with sick women ' conducted by women only. mud are the letters kept -Jttrictly.00 LIIII ? Come and See. ' Have they really -got over one' million,, one.. thousand women' correspo Come and See. • Have they 'proof that .Ly !inkhorn's Vegetable.Compu ..., cured thousands of these wgwen Come and Nee. This advertisement is only for rs from unfired ata? E. larilsetit it dory I't 11101111 t uta wk. , each !task. 111181 :h. toothy in hand. V v leer land was mild nn the► payment e peso :still it is,earning unw alsnrt fire• fa 'ces k`peare eerea-roto rout 1.half per rent. The toll I..• forty rents on the dollar or hate 'ill rv••I von.• Ilguet. in the 11 p:IyIIIr •Ye•s, 1. tcling they turn their Iaxlk, ill now. V. t lend out t were in 4' re r time of 14.1111t toil and hues •h. "bornwe w have r, over a hltudrrd 11 (1rhell. 141 'rine :0141 utail.l .114 will take i I1 at Z3e Sill Ds! (rse ' Western Fair .tD sly. tum: eanale,�J"" 11 p -r r.t. _ .1.941 FRO!'1 (101)ER t 'lots nostrum- GOOD GOING SEPI. ra,' 13. r+, am ML, r...b., and id. will to 15%. Iamb:. N r." 11 !'fit Ounne. .41,4 Pt et r< Xy 1,.• eras lr. rank at eatuntr. VMlta rho M.ntreat Live - eck. da. Mt IP:Th.14A I. ;Mat. ( _ y -at the !1•wtrras' l tato* lardWeft land ey Mark III: the reylpta .of a..- stark t ,.• worknM ead1o, toles .o. were 111 nett 4.1r. :sheen ,., . ah 1 hent.' ��tJ ,.uC.:u.d :.a . while. this don Fall. Service Wall Lessen Liabilities. • don bases. The great arm of wurnerl • Y. lain, were steel( fuer alt dill of dol. 'fM•hU 1mOW •from their Twit personal late, and !his uniomnt will likely hr experience that no medicine 101 the largely *44* 11ovn when the arrearsworld equals Lydia 1M-4'iukllam's and .hare I.. in, ;lir ,•,1114) u4Kd from V ble Compound for female ills ttlr Ter l•f:l !Wall, tem or the }•i Ih.- ..Itwt• tl•r local .wau1u oridn r was :>fell1ttle. 1e0 1.121).. Tot. lest and ii caters Irk u(r • wee ter than It •�'♦ lancer' for 44'44(„' wrl412+-pbol and as It Wart a, of .n' Warta/ tier amen amenh was sad Miner *1.o day work show 4•erl.e fully Ya many l4. tout tea lny I4ow* (y . (-(eWr Xerete • W,ll.t4b AMP, Whims • Worse w*,o-.nlataln•d. Votiaky.rrrlr the otItstaw•r.. wk*,4, wets unewha( t41 I4.v*.. of era• r•..tuir.•nw,,h, 01 * ',r tatrrnr1f,. to fairly artier 1.u' 0,-,.. u's.. n,., wits; lu the fart that tar ,swami front 4M ba' 1.441104es www t.w,d and at ta. reduction! 1st Pricer fur tee. lower (real, taint upas tee. tiboolnot ♦ ollairaillise to bur foom freely w4 axewrunt of the twofer ,.ester► and coir tine bouseh kbers asp ret.rrdnr( iron th.• country fast awe teesospesia of beef tit ateedny ItterewO,nt. Thee wk. \sus Armand feral *Deal exporters. they avler ample .lues rrvahpp for'd fro., t west to flit ail teaser res. (WSW. n tntJ.• n uw �ooted no ransom r'AnrtDd • ars rumoured with a dai >b chubs., beeves void 1. Se. o IDs Acre afLSe• eDDtl u eco n. to laar o4wA.w fn '+axle sod IL At I row .trite Ib the all stilloil using and being ben- efited b' go ; but the poordoubting, suffering woman must, for her own sake,be taught confide noe,funate also might jugged well regain her health. will likely reali.f..• liken- a million ..twit fits perfectly `because. each garment is made to tit an individual type of figure. After it is finished and Baser-ro the Lauri y for` - its final washing, each . garment is tested on models ranging from 22 to So inch • bust measure- menL Thus the size is determined' accurately. And the size as marked Stantields Underwear Women 1 s 1a1.•h I L•r. I 14 lks. I'h1• u.'.e -4nhltlrn} thrnt4and mnt are- �10nyi:1''iw�T"t e.l:ate:tad h4**11.ngs.• Thr eia of Ii'i- d.ttio11 will Ie. trettirud4run atm) at t2wpre..eM tine' ttjr lipmid,rtohs will 4).•t even gine an estirnate 1111 il. It will take thl,s• year!' 10 close up all the ale• t is exact, and Jtay.r lo, because Stantield's Under- wear can't shrink 'nor stretch. Your dealer will likeTv hive all mar3 and weights. get thcrn tor VUll It not, he can 135 ALLING SICKNESS „ Fite, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, Nervous Troubles, Ete.. positively cured by 1.1ESIG'S main. Tree trial bottle sent free osi application. s. Writ* the LIEBIG 00., Phoebe St., Toronto. LOCAL OPTION CAMPAIGN. • Bylaws to Be Subnlitted in Many Huro Municipalities. • Iororilo, sem. •'1. The compels •''•421Ju1Ure u1 11.0 2)utluuio11 Alliin ha4. ou.pketrd urs:augeuteut._t,.t-a lural c•p*2 tl*ra►wp.(I$I4 +haring --tire 'r: 'win of Pao -9: 1t wilt he waged kitripx5ly in the counties of Huron. 1, font, Durham, \ilrthuullwrlaud • an Hastings.Thr ft -intoning is- like list. of manic w'th the ler of limn. tit earth where to -lion ion Ilea ver far flee taken looking 10 a roliiest in .tau0ary Anson, 2 :1AdlirW 4 : •Atl.rns, 2 •Aylulrt, a : Horton, tl : !Hayfield, 2 A 44• to 4'14. eau. al Sloe W at ff1t,e to Sr and Abrar. Alkalise ler ih , 4wk,r to tits shady g • the routega td tames of Mtn {, h+lh,r has deeekaaad In the, peke% has, deviated raro l0.-%4. I' thta reiteklor 'tor • eriewod (tar t amalgam. wwa V•a*d and a fairly tt trout.- war Jour at Sty •o Aar There war tat -rbat,ae u, ehe,•p du44m.d sat export a[t:punt was 4• doe (bola toortiltic, at 4,• vitt. the a Ps at *4.-- t., 'Re- per lb tae 1.4yrrltr ''.Irev wasa*wstl. for which the .. faith Maud and prime rule form at 4444. to tM.-- for choke stork sod trade ted sro relth.t at Slee to 111be Per II) to . •emwtio with the aderone M pari.-ee. for Ilriy'►ianl, 11 : •BI y`'ell, •11.1I-•xygemi. estageomar1402.014 In ase ?*?Mars 4nveet. .1 : 'Htiwlllatlrlllr :1 • • 1'11 . i %sod a vary firm of h�avods/r not prt.'es .bow ?•tiler ps:ana not no carnet KaasR.• ,.suproed well u weal+�r1t�eo,l'le.. Q7rsanl ra. 1ee.pe *4'?,' 76Di,1 401 *.' *.d Tula at $watt slrk weer ramie of vetrtrd Iola at 17 to WWI Per Vt weighed off the ears. East Buffalo Cattle Martlst, K1M7' lttr-r1L.1, :4.444. 7, tlretto_ya. avlpte. :.el, bred . slow and syr I. yr lower,' ;mime rteed44 ICT.. 1. 11E. ship Pima. 1f to L.4b b1llr.4er. I4_n, to (.l. lateen.. RLL to t:,. lows to ala. Wolk. ;s.:7 to *CZ attcker% and feeder,: tt W Si le Monk h.tferl., 1.Tli to MA. heath vow% mad sperm*.. *4 to tel Yaalr ,ta.dpV. > rdler ■ IIalower � to ti 74 / kW "' ttanlpt.. 1I.TA\ bead: toed ••110.* . urauiuu,r s o,' m/4)) • la. Mb Ism ere. hoary rod reeked R sta. sick- les. IC50 to 1'70: pita, res- to as remelts. 11.10 to taw steels. 41 to tyle. Wattles. M i. to *7 !'peep rad taunt. I(ei�ts, 1Z. bird: aetive. .beep., stm.dy: *srehe 14; lambs. PUS t.. sats. r i II -R• wrtherl fate to Pita m s. $4 to k.. abort,. ,nisei, in bu Jere H mit 11,4, l'harl•fttevillr, 2 : •l'hat'wurt14, I :• •(;1, elee:,_..34. telijg.uu n2 t:ale.boetep -?w«iTr Y: ?htuwrt 1i, ' • Fhttton, 9 : •J•:gam.11e.:. 1 h:kfl id, t . hair'.', tint 1:rfued Matte, : I':m, • Exeter. •Erne•$) ' : Itagerrnatn 1 llinlsworth X'ort 2 : Iungerf..I-d T •IiHie rirli, : 'Ingrrerill; fl; •ri'uyuui;:', ?Stall .Iat•*infrn and Lake, 2 : Minden, I : (Alden, n Percy. Sidney, 4: •SU atl�rl), '*: ThuiIuo, 41 •l'ill'ou- bul'g, ••: *Trenton. p : Tudor and 'AAA, 2-: 'Tw.r.1, 4: •1Vellington, 2: •'4Vinghaln.\VilhasJon, 1 : •Wood- slos•1. city, .11 : 1'utlg a and Ew•,ilt, F1'unt. 2 : Togire• Mitt , Ew•utt Hear, 2; Lora ICast.:. Place,. hulked, 1.1 are ine*l'porated it i,•., h.tt'n. or woman's Conrfdente in Woman. 11'rnuunly.wuun n shrink as a rule from .peaking 2.. !ten. other (hlau their husbands .thou) their tronhles peculiar to their '4.424 f.,u.e w,hieh they ate ,tettering. Their awns of Modesty and refinement prevents them from ru*.'Iting a doctor in regard to such disorders, even though they may lie teams' liu.es more painful and .11 1i-ese- ilglh:ul disease for which a.physician i. Ir10,141at'1y- 4'11'4, on (Its.other h .11,1, they,are always glad li 1,1118,1.' 441.,.01 the•. ttlattel'N to 44) exoerieni•eit vrnpllhet le woman. i'tl'y, k'niiw� 2 hat her sisterly nature appl'rliaten \ their sufferings ,and that she lugs x Usurer _ltad._tuole _ilyl'tin('* it•r under• standing of the rouges that lie hack aif them 112tH 40W ninn 1'4 ran, on New York Liss Stock. NM bawd ta ...ma on ?mho Prune am: etwitv dry fed steam steecty other., ak tu Pa. hasher, about all sold Havers, ports: Male Calves Receipts, WWI head. 3:ST head sear. best vela* arm at Ihr Sieber: others rbathevet. weeterns aloe and 2 OW; W. woad, eels, a to isbo rune, $4 to $4,60 tanbezettlk% Lod komarra. 10 to SI. fee rows, steady city dreamed yealit gar to ittaic. mantes dreamed. Sr to 12,444 Weep and Lombok iter-elpfr mats bead. LlIko ear• leo.. laroven. fie to /be tow - .4. Mind* .low. earent lop groder.: others to 1.14, off sumo salr's kerrer; IN ears tnillold sheep tun io, av se, to *JD. comers' top far etude teralbot .311 HOss - Reefilpti. It'll teak Ma ea, mak; nierlept higher at 17 ti sus. Obleage Lies Sleek. was; soarkin irteedy. common to prime steers, KU to VA; ositS, idalt 81-21, heifers, 415 to Ka: auks SIM to $4.20; mimes, WS tri 5/2; etwintrit lad feeders. me te PUS Itois-Rsostpti. E,10), market Mr 4417 choir.. heavy ahlppina. Seta 47.06; hut. therm'. It% $7.tnia, light waxed. nig to $&40 to ISM: PISS. Ian to dt; bent st SIAM lthref- and Lambs- Reealpta, MX* sear - a„) weak to ne tower. *Seek ski Steamer Hvnlbert Wrecked. Marqriette, Mich. fleet. ( ht in a gale nri Lake Btiperinr ay terday and Ilex sines tone to -piece& no ere* wee reeneeil by Vb.- save re DO 1-11,1• WANT A GOOD DRIVER? 3:ming driving horses, an. greys, front which could probald suit yint. vr•r• yeKtentay, are 1.03y, :11111 market. I am the agent for Old (let your NEW pLOw (run The. have the two, best makes Fleury and Perrin, both riding and walking plows. STANDAPD ir &NOE WIRE juin received. STONE for building llr plirposes supplied in large or smell quail ROBERT WILSON Agent for McCORMICK MACHINERY, BRANTFORD WIND MILLS, LOUDEN HAY TOOLS, eu. •Warerooms Hamilton St GODERICH, ONT. There is 110 elite preseribeii in the doctor hooks for a Mean dispoeitlon. And the experiences of those With whom she has come in contia. Ont., has undoubtedly a wider sc. quaintanee in a confidential way than any other Canadian lady. - A 8111Yeter for years from these tjutables herself. though now in the best of health and mother of several «blithest. she is emi- nently well qualified to give erninsel and enemq.agemetit to Items? Who ate muttering' att.1,4t•apoinient :More than consider her et persiiii.d friend and as - elite. their recovery to Orange for which remedy Mrii. Corral' is the catiadlian agent. She in.spires denre front the very *tett by offering to send, absolutely free. enough treat. metit to last ,for ten *lays. to every suffering ..... an. This ratters many to investigate it, and the fact that almost. all of those who test it con - beat proof that (*mild be given of its virtnee as an unfailing remedy kir those dist reeving thireases. The Bible class teachi4 in a eettain !tummy st. wont estimate!) MT - 'toyed at the noiee made .hy. pupils in tht` next room. At buit, unable to stand it. any longer, he looked over the partition end, seeing one boy talking louder than the others, he leaned over and hoisted him over the ptirtition. and, 'rouging him into dishy, maid, -Now ipliet." Some minutes later a small bead week voice saki : Nothing Slow About 44er. Here IS a leap year story : After brief two weeks' aegisaintanee he in. vited her to go to a ball game w Ith He'll a pitcher for your lite, Anil that's Johnson Iwo,. there. Ile's go ing to he our beat man in a few IValter ! He'll do all he lieped hurriedly. **hot ia so udden, dear." "Please, sir. you've got our teacher." !in matter bow well you 11 ri a thine You seldom tee a water wagon with you aro sure to bear More cotnplaints more than one man on it, than compliments. 6 Special Excursion Rate ..,$1.5S GOOD GOING SEPT. Isth and 17th:. Return .Liutit on all tickets September 21st. - a Low Rate • Western Lake Suoerior Division -l+tramer, '. it! 1r3rr SornluTth l a .. 1Ve.lnesays and Fridays -Al :,.:pi I' u, . nail *44'pt. I I11.. eorgian. Bay Division .%l •kivar . 'art tier, di',.mlinned S14vtlu, :. *tat:.' ('t111ipgwrwal 1410 1L iu.. 03 (411 udll.:alil,ul,Tuesday. and• lxtut,lays ugly f'•, S. S. Millie 'and Way:lions. GOOD TIME TO PAINT YOUR HOUSE. English White Lead, %%hit, 1 and wears flinger -than of bore leads. We :also bundle tate ELEPHANT' BRAND. -.•eal111pimaw Howell Hardw • Limited, kat r i-t,son--•f•p--E;-p.TWAULIN IIIMIammearain ' Women Carel at time xcursions GOING - 'T. i7. 18 and 19 FROM (I( 'RICH. I'4.*1 101•014 (2:1,711 141 url I. 'I47,ty-, V 1'oi 6$I _ Saginaw.. .. 21,4y 1'iiy ';.141 SI, Roil L'•I,In Cleveland - *Kale and C. A H, steamers.. ,• *d.25 Cleveland v Detroit and O. '& • C.• Steamers!• • 47.7o RETURN L MIT MONDAY;' - Iull Oshawa,' tt tea% b• 014,1414111.11 1' If half E. Tt1w•u Agent, 1 tflirr.hunte- it a n,(ay • 14,..rly__-__ J. S•I'1(.1111)N. 1.r1w4 'Is 440.1 A etil. U, _11,11, east 1. this l i. I'axs` 1ge•pl. ! rrtiai !slat Sun. Omen((*. - estward. Ho! 'Superior li.x *ies7 - 1'la .4*rtllnr-y\.1'iullil', . _ 'igalii111 l h, A-Inrllw hail, Joy, N',wlttr.dny. hilitisv: Nils frim., tlwt'vl Sound, -Northern .�, marnia, Mo (':u1.- l'ul'l'+• 141.•.d.ty. I11114.1111%, Sttnra13% SIX El Wake thief I I% Estoirs hot. and prin. ipal unit, IP 1 II, Solid" T Ivo .11,1 'REDUCED ;RATES TS A'WEEK meet wail North ore- Division .S.r%ic._ v'lulti{iI4.»t 'Parry Soun'-Penetang Divisl'' n •N..Anru .•dfatr5T1't. ii it -a;• yield, freint'. i br tel' Iwy *l)44it•e of the treatment: t0 hr. 44,11,1 14414 elms;)1(e art ion *v ()tango *.*ly 11,11 I•il, t swot' throe day, after. • 4.04111111.••111.1111( II. 11.4 1114' illlpr0retllenl ly.•uulr 'noticeable. and [hi. improve- (..1u0w1wuWua•. unti111w tattiest le ,'.*. • -• IdM.•ly hated:' to. 0010 Lily I. u n Applied 20,.111 nra1Du•ul ,ad nets *Seemly un aha Wy.t11. rettioting Ilse ronpj -.. 14 4)i. 11 ilii and .r4) sat lay.* tit Mr u,•rse 4411•1 'r.•.I i*itag i"'rfrrt ei e'ihat ion to the di.twvd ndrrt , ,.i11NT..a. ullori*,a N lyre., of ,III. reitinl t. I Nile Kell.' a :.,.dent but, 7••1'Ij:1r fair r4) 42,4; rea . d' 'ol, .I.-. iottr a "x14:° . h. (•Jthl•: tnrseilJad ��..W.bw Wr I1rr ;ulrlts•ae.... \IIt,i. v, t'. 1 1'1414 U1. 1Vind.or, hur.ybtuu .g,('•' -Il.,. -limy, 1'upp;l Wad, Sans Monti and 1 wry S I. leave I'enetang :4 LSI p. m. std Sept. 12111 : after this 4)110 .. t cid a i.couliu- rcl. . 'Ii+tkefe and infurinati•.lf Ian till rtilw:yWg*.* ts. • EXCURSIONS 1', , TORONTO EXHIBITION ReturnFare from (ioderich $3.90 Saturday, Aug. 29 - 'ft l Saturday, .'ept. IZ \. 1.i .II I - $2.85 Sept. I. 3, .5, K and 10 -, only Return Limit Sept. 15th to Aug.. 31st ' .(H) a. m. TRAIN will run through to Toronto \WITHOUT CHANGE. \ • 0 For Mu Sou bes ada on the and French Canadian !reel from 1 irket - A ni, glees Northern rain Times and all intorma 'on. Ontario LABOR DAy ill. F. hill Tiohil ti . Relit, n Tickets between all !Willow; SINGLE FARE - CHEAP arr oka • Lak and ud fishi aga about Fisherman's ASS ta 14.4 an- attl Beld Infornik.ion PPM 511 EmptySilkSpools are Valuable PREMIUM' I..1.5T AT DEAL.FIRS, i3c1ding, Paul & Co., 74 Bay Strcet, Toronto ASK Greatest Live -Stock •Exhibition of Western Ontario Full flagrant of Attractions twice daily, including Kemp's Wild West Show. 'lest of Music. Fireworks each Evening. • • ATHLETIC DAY MONDAY, SEPT. 14. Colne and enjoy yourself at London's Popular Fair. .asoma . _• ..... Western Fair= I. RUCEI) RATES ON .4 LL RAILROADS size Lists, Entry Forms, Programa and all information given on application to W. R • h, Pr..sidl'nt A. M. HUNT, Secretary Lo don, Sept. II -I9 rF A GOOD 1 714 OVER A NOW FOR FALL pricea" on all No. 9 nit.. WO tibtys 22 in rot Fists of :IS inches high, Ideal, Me per 1144 rods of 9 wireii, inclies high,' Ideal, .12c per f Ingots of 141 Wires, IS inches high, Ideal. 47)' Per I., of 14 wires,. 47 incites high. Ideal, 3114. per rod. 'h) rod,. tif 7 wires, ,..12 inehes- high, Ideal. :.%le per rUtt. XI, Nnlerie,til antrf42', rode PO "bur K NOW FOR PALL PAINTING. lo•tt • t t hitt is,".1• gallon paste at VA; and one gel. ou at irivr initkes,2 galliiiis of paint for $2,.7,5 or one mai. it fur • 1111.4 pita good paint, hut as it in not the REDUCTIONS IN REFRIGERATORS. One enatinded Refrigerator mut Sahltlf, tv he *Mai (me gal yank( mat Ref tiger ttov. was 11113.119 n6w.11111.91 Two galvsolzo. Itefrigerat.;r, were $11,9n, now • (IASOLINE STOVES One 11-larrnet. Ruckeye goo) w 'dove, wan 108.51l, now $5.:111111 Semen Diwors and Windows Itiftek NAM w 124e, now ing ganirn hose, was Pill!, WOW it. cable garden Mose. wits 110,, iNeie Heating, Plumbing, P.arestroulitting and Electric wiring promptly attended- to and all work fully guaranteed.. Staff 'Phone 22 CHAS. C. LEE AmmegompellInig