HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-10, Page 44 TneilausY, Si pteulbsi 10. 1100 TNF SIGNAL: GODKRICIi, ONTARIO THE TOWN COUNCIL. WATER ANO LIGHT COMMISSION MATTERS TO THE FORE. The Greater Part of Regular and Ad. • journed Meetings of the COuned Taken up with Discussing the Ft of the-Q0nnestssiOn - Council Places 1114,000 O of Commission on Friday and S2,000 Mora on Tuesday -Chair man Murney Esplpins Sedimenta - Con Basin F'nanilss, - 0 The regular alerting of the towu council teat F•rklay night was 4long une. It W1114' 1101, 110w1v01•, 1411 ac' count of the passing of the eleven ranulitllir '.ioIeWl4I hyl4w. which had leen 1111111011 on the IIt)(iI'Pe as the chief item of bullnr4n, for the council WIM tired When that point in the pro c *dings was reached 411141 J.'cid4l to put it 0sT until an adjourned meeting on Tue*lay,evening. Nothing less niouent4)us 111441) ler t•rL►Cious Iw' tweet] the town,c04'icil and the watt.) and light eitusis rail') woe- the 4414+4144' of the prolonged diw'us.iuns, for, 'he it known. the rurumi114ion lots pretty ex- tensivr powers and some msudw)s 34f the t'4)utei thank- they hii5r a ditty to perform in seeing that the , onttttisslun 1+ not torr' extravagant it It is Iu,wlble tri do it. '.04rrriuur • 1114 extension of t'he intakelantll the eutt\ptloIr of a healer intake pipe should MI derided on later. and had put in new t!3•in4n pipe lu fact, the sedimentation Iambi was only, pert of the plan sur the improvement of the wet,, service. the other factor. being ouch extension and rnlargemeol. The putting In of the now pipe In coo - missiles with the basil' meant shunt 81.204r in a4htitiuu to the coast of the basin. and the runu•n1't pricy ul' Phu 14111111 AV 11. )yrs, .14,4U4. 'I'ite Itr'pnty- hoose was finite Pati.. *lie twat -for the toW11 and thought that if (lie,ounrillora IIaJ'u talk with (he rpgiurer, Mr. 1larlirrgoa, they Ivonld dud (111' objr,ti',ns 11111411 to tilt 1114,4113 re Accounts Misted:% - one ![point of Jitf44I4'U t he W)1111 t it 1.0 til 'x1111 the e44111ni*041111411 as 411 flnanew, hnwevrr• srrmel to he o'learly' drti)uel. le was with regard tot„ -1.,144' j)4.ul40 roist41 by dylp•nture t4) pay for. tl►e new' dynein)' 141141 new arc stent lights pet in In Inlet and the Iegi11uing 444 1937. The 1fa 11.441 Thr conuuis. +is!µ :-idea that t� 1u0ttry 'whinged to the ronll11llg11on, blit Has Worship Omitted tltat• 4'ouorillor .Johustwl 1111r1i' new light 111) the r111,je•t when 114. 11,11111.'41 4)441 4b,'.r thele was !o 4•0111. 111111/411111 111 1141141. 511.1 that [his nl4)Itl,st n tor the 'r mmi1 'sae na't rantedt r t hist 111 nu•rt :111 41141, htelnrss of the IA a Ivo',. the rust of (lye inst44dhuiw4• lit tale Jytl4I1yianti light.leviug-141se.41y i4l.•11 41341, for by' the town Iwfotw Th,• utul4's were i.•uel. l'uurcill''4- Lai Iw:utr alai) ...I. this vires amt 411 1141 444µw a 4. meting 1„ thio P11.4'1. it' 0144 I.olnt..I ,µ4* than :4 .11aighte g of all 14yronnts het Wieli the c•tn1mirsi44n x4441 the council had In•rn matte at the be. who is u 1111•111110V of the cuwulission, a41041 for, (Ire gslyw1It oar1 by fhr a•OUtlIiI of *toe in the Cn111in 14w1U1t it was slat nrrl that tivaueial hatters 'as should 110 1 I44,)1*Ne • at some eng The \I.lyor aadmitte4t bis sympathies were . 'what die isted between the council 11(814 Alive 1 ssion, was a member P 444 • , ' !1.l the part of s411111' lit the, members of 14sr council to refuse the 4"oumul. 44114 th4• money Ili•rrssary • to '1 y the debts it had{ tlontr►ctr,l. H1+ pay out was nothing lun,'h lett for the coin mission tit 41.. but magi,. The.tuitl1rl•• was iutr.»tors.! h)''•thr Mayor's stating that 160 0014Uiin1.�YUn was in Jeht &hoist $4.11" 4111' 'coal end -payment.' un the srdiwrn4thun Imam. and 41 W ti th4".11t11 an 0Tel-se rial that 11144 anllne11 11:41 not 110011 ,•.ked for at the hast hireling of. the council. 41 • $$,1441 over /Old 411'..4'4' thief. 111111,1111 Wer' 1111.14141 Wit% 'lo the ,' .Illllllral '11 it would 1,101.1 Ia1' went. likely t" be due before next meeting. of the ... 11)- riI. Thr t Il•put r 1 11. aµ.1 1'„,t •41 - for ,lohn.t.m- 4414eltllt• .84-0111' lily: $2,11t1µ th8.11ey.,r wits waiving ,y'pja' e tilt for :µ1J .moved to tmister that at - h when 1114 Worship exit ul,e4e1 'that that 1Ula41un1 : 141)1)14 ha .•1 .Buhr Ilse, a14•1110 1•1111110111. 011 wan .'.0 i 511414 A nut, fur altuut sloelde'thal 4,111;4011 Finally r wutiou 4441.' paned 'granting the eonimiesiun Is4,11e1 for present 11140. 11nd &11 alljuurnl*wnt of the r •i1 was made to Teesltey evening to ',m- older aider the imestiop 44 further payment; the co(wll.Miop to furnish the roi)Ie-i1 • with a statement of r the amounts handed over by the town, how ap- plied, anal what -further• *summit , woidd 1.w leµuirt'd. The muter . and Ileeondrr of (Isis' -were the 1!eputy hawse aid t1oul.'inur •l,,bn d4a4. Ai amendment by l'ulnlcillur. 1hn111in4 44 and Ht11Awr to leave the matter over will t any grant until x sprcia) Ir 11111 Ie meeting, ell ell statement' K. w mission could be seeti ed;•was de- feated. only the 11144vrr and rlrouder supporting it. , , The. People Want to Know, • • During the discussion uued_ of.. the council 41aµ1 an °pp -trltlity let 's• pressing fbeliewivrs 1411 the 141111jeet pf 'the r ivsion. The tnt'(uhers, ter the 114184 11111.1. 010011/e1 set 1,44041 t hitt t110(1• x141.1 wits doing not Meg Wrong, but ser eel to think that it was Iluts111h all y emitter to eon• vino the rate•t4ayr that this waw the caar. l'.4mclllor Johnston allowed that the tuwu was Istmal tit provide the money • for cululuirriut wanted, but he said the 4ople 0134111411 lar know whet was !wing door with it, and he did not think it was the proper method for the enmtnimiun to adopt, in asking for money," Nilupl% for the y1&yur to make the request by word 0 . mouth. The council was remnant - "sib ll�W the rallyieiyrly 1. r greater r . teal ftlan the cumtli.si"u and '1nuld Harr 111`1- statement fI4II(,4*4e 40 •4• riot of y1t'1 what was being dune With dal mot think the •on111•i9N11111 was 41 ' g tool hies wrung but i . was pushing lite coati• tlenre lit the 1.0 Heil to .1 he liwit. (1,uncillur..411 tinge and Ilti111)s•r were oppose!. to of n to t 154118 the ('mull•• rum1( y loo uuni until__a--*tate. nwnt'Wai terri'ed 1 1111 it, end 4,41.1C thr,ls/sitinu ►hat the rtruncd1 was not jlutillasl in pitying 414#s- co41•+HInW4'44 (stoney to he exiwndrd 4 1 lite soli• merit:111mi epees F_111e $710 5131 voted 4y it` 1.11' nl 44441- o.1.. P' Some of the Facts of the Palle. • Tlie Mayor 111111 his 114411,14 4,111 dm ravelling lila. flrutuce1.-of the ,•i.tumia' Mori iu 11.1111 1/411 to the' •1411111'11 ant in xpleining thr.go,4titirh,tit flee srdl• nt8tio4) lut,4int an.1 trio t the hafts, ion elicited the fulluwi appears I fait : That all the n) 1)1y the •e• 'iwn 1111/ r r' 1 received t 11 year day was $1,14)ftl•.t Within 411 charges the the way ofsl, et light..., hydrant. fol fire and water' g the streets, Mottos descent light ft • municipal 41114,••01, P')'.:111111111.'rill for 01111011 the *4,- 1M44Is requited will ant perba1'# IIs1* of next year, a 1 ter 1:111• toeing 4rrutell b4• the Imre se of a tag, amount : that the'*7,111 roan the *Ai. of debentures 1„r the s 14nu•Itatii,11 basin was used in motet, expendi Tmrnta C'lKI, at�{ that 4141 r 1 e nn Fr411J5 n 4 t 4+ ell a 111 the cumini'siein own for pillIlu• nem ice in titres end thst. oo..'l",44111. on the nasjn had to be made aero tev endo amt front money advanren by the ' Lown : that interest was sitved by n.. Ing the debenture money fot dela. they came due instead of Mn•rnw g for.curtent expenditure and (lrryin the debenture 1nut)'yin is NPperate ac- count in the hank ; that nothing like $7 000 had ' et been id out for AS wm4 t . lou 1 a .ttup wle natter to tlud out a*w1111tr1 het Ivor 11,144 $.•4,1mm1 was taken into roost elation at that (111 C or slut. t 44 Mei 1"11'10 nsi 'lI 4M 1. a ratiwr Zpt nsupattiaut" When he pareft the ,4' 1 1 4. a to alto 1.o 11 the, rouu ul 1 ....tined a l i 111:1 hi. *ate, who .h..uhi hteth work far 11W 1llt.-test, of the family, hut. he if they were both' holm ' d- did TIE COUNTRY WiNTS HOLM" Phe following leder f - 1. ti. Loft. of Pine River, appeared! ih The Ripley Express last week. Mr.. hepta is um. of the said thinking nom tit Huron township. a man, whose who PRIM CROP REPORT. �=ma o dagetin limed by Deminioo Dapartma•t r°° et Agriculture., , o.11o READY FOR THE FALL BUSINESS" \Veal err eunditlons have leen fav - i tMtle for The frills stop dut ing the p11t of August. A11 Tarots In tipru tug vaulter than ueual. Omit y (- arl'iest weight alien, hr .p..ik+ : I ' Apples huchris apllirs 1411ve beset ' I4.'a Kir. -.lots will cuhfer a tar-, wearing 1r44IIy 11. Fltlutheru ln11at*o konul ixvur on fur ,hy, {t111,1i4hit4$ fhr 111 0(444I uuudltiun, liraprusl#las. t;oi- tullovii11g 11111.44, 'which 1 think trtlt•Iw setts :teal AlexandI'n have twin whip -./witin 'intuit t ltentlflri; ant# are ytetd.' 4)ffntrlest til t, i 1•44 r. j�' 1 rue me u H 14 r, . r. lrilvi', 1 alit nag a full /-dvp. lnmfcatlun. snow 4 11,11 a (frit I' ''iaau. orltll0r 4*d t-141lp. lull erne 4' 'E ftl apples 114141, twtulv 11011 the brit ,,1►nd111111• 111 1110 recent.. -Hud' . t►•up fur Winter upldee• 'ro1'Ip,1al els, (cull,' 1411 111) foie -til 11110111Y gte,d. • us prigh141rh.141J know ; 1111* If 1 luuI 1'.•111 c+ 1.1111/11'11 1111,1 Hartle(ts -k%%1. y vote in the \\•ret 11idil+g all Iluruu, lawn exported in 110111th' yuautitir*. 1444)4.w$ 411111 t4rute :1'hr pru$IWets ill :nnluu'tl ii 1i h. 111x *tone 1 .5.oe1t. without x 111 fur n well to toll s•tou}, oTT Iwxr hesitation tote for 114111 1101111,N, who I'.'. i w'h0re else 11 1ig111 crop 4s es- ' etitionw1 by thi' 141'1( IClrly. My $ect01l, e%1''111 ie Hellish 1'uluellliu. 'lt.4r4alive fl lends in aur yo)er 441411 wh.v4. 1114. prospects show h 1110111441/1 'risk 1111', \\'11y My 1u1.Wr1' i4 tisk : 511 11 a .• lar � al ' 1 It• h l5 n ddr.•auar 1 hulerslh :unl U•uly brlircr { ve this colUutl y wilds 114114 'Ibdwrs ; w•1. 1,11 4131 1111.41(1441 c,,'p. , Yellow iSl. 11~41 µleu of his Outian:Oct iu pualllu ic Jof, _Pur now _ln•i-g . Ilurve tcd.' O life oil both sides. P11µ54' knows' 14.b .1.111, 11041:110s are 1:rootl,.1 a light filth -two- tor -femay-Pix -yeasts. end 1. 4'+4141• - - utter knew lir heard o1' 1 ' doing :4 Ilium.11are lights generally. eseeppttlIl un•l111 not ; :a wan who .14x,4 st411'.1 Thr 11I.11i.1i t'ohmu1114.and small Ia111i0114 Ie.( in pul,lir 411,1 ptivxtelifr. 1 know 4'r 4)04:)144. O of ll. .4441ggles when a Poor 4' tali'• Ileal tl,,lprs .110 repel ted, is full crom1., 't is hy his tovvit pea severance anal 411- Moo'''. Early and l'hatul4iuus Atte l0gri4y- thul he is 1.......011... I1011plrtu. 11044 oto the 11111rket• day. :\nil let nW ark why is it that F'' ' ''' are tato mg it turdmnl thio hi/ntthis 1'• .since all ily444-are `'•19!R'• 414111110r i why is it . that the 1.itwral 011 1'I4.i tiente{1 usual. party Luk h1111 up Ind 1441v0 11613111 7110 1 'taint Stale, Prop .rep Orts' erode 1 ' their candidate c 14 it nut s11o15 45 inter apples abuul thr,lwme tui f to -.«r - . at. fatten..14o.'4. - ►W�.1Mde -1L wtI lt1w.�-+w+rtrinllK ,t '41+'1 e4 %%'e are now ready to handle the fall trade with the}argr+t aµ4) last lssurtret *lurk of General Itry(binds that wet•KI•r111.0011leforrt4l*e)1111''•!'»of osistownlulusu1'ra111111nti0vuully. Abllalmets trip 141 klmatt•r4I end 'furoate lues enabled{ 11. 1,1 learn what are the Trading spr4141tie11 ill the diens 44114414 144 well ,t4:M/1111, 01111.1• titles, alit) al. 11115.4'the goal* 114 44how.-- .• Phis urc1�4tks! d{1 4 t 1 ,n,.., t _ + / 114Mlaitlpp•,_. •l hal 111. 11"5'0.. WP1P 11) nn•geaila11lrif int/ 141 inert llµ• 1'04111 ill•lu,• ,t. 441 1uu•.rusbtn11.•rs 41. {VP . err just 114101', • . - - - BARGAIN DAYS \\'e are going CO 411el1 our fall ),414148141111 1111 444414)4 day ,tail Monday, the 12th and 11114 of sold' tit. with Two Monster Bargain Days. when nearly 4411' whole big ltoreful of goods will I,v'at bargain prlre' and when we say bargain prices. bargain prices it is. 11 you want to save 'y be slue to get here eitherof thew -drys 4 - 114)41W 111 the forenoon if you can A11 (1 14444111 1140 14 1111111114141 rush. Remember the days; 12tH and 14th. NO GOODS CHARGED AT iSARGAIN PLAICES., tera.P, he 1.11 ii4an lit hrldns alert V.-achesa.fnncn, add other fanits the wants lit for r14n1try.- toll of p e 1.r •5 eo4l courageous. 1; use never Ko4id. 1.l k• (treat Martin The Icor eels for j rt tonna) nl11ong tholes who uppa'4wp 1.1 1 { 1 hinla11) who. would say t,ltyt'h.-.'.'. '.fee fruits tart tem. tkin a Medium t t e, -•'W ••'1'44'4-weiwlt-9tn.nttt. taiw►«r+nwerap►5dua* iw hiarrwywl !1 " 1!t>� lie Was almost too synljwthrtic to his. A..M 'NKIU.r., opp otte 4 a real statesman in his Chief. Fruit Division. eondnct \sand{ a roan who has 1e4* :a 1lrpart'luriit of Ag11'4111urr. --The V\ Win__ J. H. Colborne 0=0 O O immleninmensminew 0 q 0 0 n 0 oderieh o�- auul Sulall t on union, .4l,.rrs. ,Jt.uu,i'4- I Neapawah'11 Bog Bill for Repairs . . roil_ 4 i.inL sic /'i►1,r44 rt Pi.... i r1.11ignnti4nl 0f'Rr4 1\`; Afac•tii1, 1?a0-?: itl'!'I•fi6� 1'M+pt: -'' N`ttiit`ttu' ''It}'t`rl ter, war then c'onsidrled, 51~0..4111 nut 1.v'V,plrtr 1141 the 4 �144.10I leas. -4.04410, -asset ;h.. 4+l.a"'*, ♦"b. 44"81 Cental in his business 0.11 rea•. It -- shou1d he 114/ sµ.(1411 4 t, the1014'11e \ Huron Presbytery. that I take m^ I4•µ and W1114. . "'rile _ . ('mates %4'llIi '1tub 11oIiiies, - 1.Od 1 47'IIr..Pr1•kb�•tery 4.f Ilnlvlu held 'Ha earnestly hope. it 'it every intent rent regith41• Merlin al Ficeter on 'rurality 1i1u1loan Staling Se„ for mid Stall- stratum' Ne""4"4h,. wh1114 struck un' ly 1.y and M Vart). and Gorton Utter llea41, Leake Superior. luring a Aalm aro • par ug. 1 ter • tete won ' w uouhie. .old he, ha I. always been .,proeed lar the e. scion on 111. Ian,ntl.t. 'j his IJjrcys»i,�t 01.1. t lie 14st 1/14111.1 helots. the conu4'il, which then r3joilrnr'ttoTuesday et ening to have A fatther wrestle with the matter. the 'Trek potting in ;4 request that the p.yslni4 of the bylaws ..whicl( also wits left over: swollen takl'w'alp, evident ly *.raring that if the rltn11lii*sion matter on r was started o11 Tuesday night there would be aro 4' • for al1)4 Mug Other Business Triasa_ted 'tale .•14111rtl meeting opened with, the Mayor in t1,,• ,hail and the 1Mpnl,' i1.•rme an.l 4'14uprilIoi" Huiiiheti L'lu f,i,. I,ultlav:till• ;tut!-d{1mluWig11 in then • 4164,.'. , l ,me illoil ,Iohn,6ott 41111 111111ow 044111,' 1.11 11111.1' Ln the even- ing.; ven ing. - l'iiuncill'r l'rai4ie left IIyf"re the ,I,.cn.t.iull tin the -on iiii Mahon opened. A petition tor a rower. un 4'htir•h "alert was Ir4'etrel to *4w.pn.t.h" works . 0e11ntnittee. I',ulncill4u• (1ulnir-t• 1µ4t11 i1411rd -• rinwplaiut Cron Mrs• Lewis Elliott to the effect that the fee/e.ya1 ,'f gravel Iron. the town gravel lot had under. mined a herr onlwr•11Iotwrly' adjacent 41111 sbe 484.11011 x110 IOWA 4 FFalrhas• (14.' lot for gs•a4r1.t4ur +. .19wnuet- 1"I w,ml lrferr01I t”"the 1)1hhr works ,•14inuitte•r. • • An a4•ciand front .1• Bo;o ley h Soli n o o • burying 'r Frank 14011 wh for 111 for 1 y1 IK i 1 '4 (r ^ •N it 1 1401F144111 lake h diel in . L. Th .hop, was presented. 'I'hir War 4'e- ferrrd 141 tlir special committer. P Indigent Patient! It Hospital. ' 'Ijtr report of the committee ap- pointed 4.) draft Ater 1.s 40 admission of indigent patients to the h4apital was presented. 11 gives complete rules, being 141+414' up (r,nl the rules in olhrl plans. Among the 1egulaliuns are pr !visions that 110 chronic, insane, in•n•ab11.. t her•1a4rls, Infre•11141i lir runfagimis eases are to he taken-; that t hr \layer and t he medical health officer 4l•e to lnvestigutr all applications. 'end that in 41a,e of nl•geney one of these .Rlerrs iv to have the power to adnstt. 110 to report to 1.14 ,ulleagu. ; 01,46 11 rerorf of all. eases at the hospital at thC•rharge of the town be kept by the health o111,er and a. ally t•r- palrt he made to I'l.ut.•iI, 041.. The report War adopted.. Takmg CAN of Cemetery Lots. ''�heque•stio10r*4,.' tiling of a fee payable by .Wurr4'01' Iota in the eeme• teryfor the 'upkeep of such luta Was brought up by the request from Mr. Kw ammo, 111 Kamloops, that the town. *+rune the rare of his three lots. floe whirl he Altered to pay film, the in: lere.t 011 whi, 11 meld lie expended in the upkeep of the Iwo. Councillor HHenber moved try nerep t Mr. Wwatt• M1n" ,,tare. lett later agreed to a sug- ggert both l'ome•illur Johnston to Irate IIw twiner over. pending the 1 11. a r' 'Id1• whioll adoption . f rue g n Irl 1 r,0Lld Ie 11111410 applicable to all Who might wish h, pay '111rrv1 fond tor the upkeep 4.1 celled1.1 5 Iµ1•. 4 'toutlrI1114r 11 i.e. mem o)elt that in 4\'.11,41• stark. Itigreserll,'stnit fota1, rte., thet r WAS $ur. 48 0044110 in the cemetery IeKnl:ltionr, end U,tneinor (ialluly 'said that in crime of the cities this Wats the prneticc, with the addition of r lois 'v No that they making nll 1.h I level rnttlti be mnwel more randy . The publtr works committee recruit- . .ceopt..etea .4 the tender of H. Wileon at. $15 for the painting wf-thr 1.1100114 afnt-hewer of the town hall. with $i extra for painting the shingle* n1. the.twwer ; that. the Bruce street x1.0100 Iw onst"nct111 ns part of N11s seaMon'1 0141 that. 'Linr11 pipe he used hit. the se err and Thad the clet'it,get prices for sewer pipe. 'Extra' Hour Hour of'Light. 4'onur4Ito1s 1144144'' 1.•pgn•let orally fhr result of Thr meeting of the water and light r'otnn14l4 with 11.e it,Il.a' slid light rluumi..ion. The Io ' tee were satisfied t hat the prici",Irked the ruuuilission for the extra 'i''M service 411 the street liR 1 r, $1.2'1 per night for keeping the high running until I a. 111.♦ was reasonable. Land recommended that the lights he keel burning for that time.. The report wee adopted. The clerk reported *flet the petition Tor the Bruce .forret sewer 0141 not his phis i, r, at .the ele•tion will see (Intl hitt. Thanking vmr irr-s toil will publish the 411x11• •r• of •11 L A. At ,sal-•. 1 as 11 Imaltd )n hrtudt`.'t 1.b, r44n4It•• f'11F Mat week, hew -bottom is much- Site u11C !lite-ia 1.t+ iw • ' r. 8I'tIIll phis tom behalf. After 04111x44 eratutn if was 4114111•.41 to arcrpt th4resign*tion, to tame elfet•t 011 HIP fit•41 alibalh of F'rhruary. Nth' The • , ; 11. of rreettgcrl y is Li. no 111111118 1114n41114µ1 Irt's,.u. was ill the chair aµ41 held at 1'1.tna.n115i11, on the nrcond to cumin y goats Ilr4•. I'll. \Ic1.e4t1., c krt., :1)441 Itev. T11r.,lay 'd \� 4' ,,,I .•r tic xi. . •r. . 111.11 all! 1111. .l I -:011 11,11 tit town, whirl! owned property am the rept. signed. l'olincillor Hum- ber th light the town should sign the petitio end put in the-WW01'. 1/111 1hr council 'screwed the clerk's rept mt. The clerk and engineer reported on the Ht. Georges Creacent_end Gibbons iiiinewere and the work be to he proreeded wit h. Only Hal( a Street ? A's to the fiihtwine istrret 'sewer. Councillor Gellow send he had been told that the street there was only half a st I I'M, Itort the street ba.1 been opened up by. the nropertyem net, providing the property end that the owners on one side had triansferred their tiro resin hut thet the Glirleme estate on the other side had never given the other rode lie 1-3411 ou1y doing 1µy du lsaut souls, Ilton 1044ntet,Ins a14,'l1dane at' the F.1'..'lut ler, Asseullly at \Vi11w14eg. Mr. K,1. Aug: :e4It. 11x111, Pine River P 1). \\replrtel. conerninq� students in c"11grrgatlos& intending to .1414.1' '1 Ministry. Messrs. .4n14.•,.un 18111 lining/it if this 01:1.4 NO i6 alight 111ak„ 111(1111 wet,' apihliN4 e4 ,111 3.1.14','" tthe a Jiltrrrner In the location w' 1)11• 44'.' F. Yl. S. at B6 iii nulyitte in '.e- w•Wel. if the additional. two:r :rods ,,told y41111,w1'. 51r. smith reported 1411 111e Lr got. 'Phis teatJlal•r was trfrrreI 1,4 Kundity 41'hiad institutes held at Sea - th'r 4 -hafnium 111• the' )1nit'fl 14`ilrlt -ftnth and Myth, end 114 lila -r4'gn,nt runuuittre• With the engineer to in- ata•. 111'1 Ko.h. ronve11rr a 1 be 1yu.sl's \Irss It, 11 111 Y w 114, jou-lint Corriere. 11ttprh:trt, Martin. F'h.rehrlr, letter. '44 1 Smith. ministers,. wµ1 11. 51,•f�a)•, elder, were ill att1nlxnrr. Mt. ll:41u• vest i4ate. ".• 1' llneillur ti.11t'.,v reported 3, Cabe of relief. "I11rr, Italians who had at. lived int 10% 4, .. few Jay 4 map haul been givrnt/rrlkfu+t -and helptlsd- ori- their Way• to Stratford, as there wags aro work for thrid here. Councillor (billow also menti •d the ease ul the 411,41111 areas in front of 11'utgr11' Idrother.i store. The bond of indemnity which the basin Was Ili 1.w given haul 1101 11e4•µ gtc,u and the ,lass of arra`-specified 11:,1 not 1,eets pill in. Thr matter 'war referred to the 4p14a1441 0411t11111ttee. The Adjourned Meeting. Al the atdjo111•ntsl meeting of the council on Tuesday eV ' g,the passing bylaws s u o 'Chie 114 •walk la s e t f the r n 14 g a 1.l dealt with. 'rt' u largely iuf141a)• 414)111 ruu11ui1 tee, 5va1 ,eskrd to x11Jn•4 ,y111,' Ptesbytet r 41. 41, 111.5* Inn's iaK. '•T communis 44:•111 Dom Sir 'I'1 . '1'11) UP, 1.111114111 311 of 1tµ -•:y4,. ,a4'rtetwitfnll tat n'tgrt[n•ntttnln was re.ul and NI. 1 al'1..'�il, 111.1 ., was heard on 'what! 'f the se;he•t11r. it was :1gt"1..t that :.Mr.. Fletcher should end to earls session the 4fl'I9,•nnp(s4l- ti •111, w flirt thio whole 15)11)1 a,•- yuir01c 1iig1)1 IW 411 41.11. lt,u,,eutit tees Were aplaante4t .1.m ttrrs remitted In t'IY'sbytet-ils as fIlows: nit ',the Mantling of miiliste 4, evangeli.lp, Ilexes. McLean. 1'riplhat t 51111 F9rt0hrr ; on *good 111111 inlhau 11th)1s- Irl'. felled, -Messrs. til.'wart, SAW. Is I►l.'q;.t1Ni11 1tra:ls__LIIaL-Ute r`iliiittgw0cxt 4•••k. ,talo Iv ...e ataltahtr, pied :µu1 will, he for Hoole time. 'fate. ('atiadian law 'to the re(uliralul) if no 1'41114d44111 dock hi available, and it is 1lelie4w4 444i4' -w 14-*ppdy l,1. the N.','. tewah: lel• 54.4'.' . 4111 1,1 1114't• a 1,•1141• bill Of \wenty•Iive thousand- dollars. Ill view of 1hn-lwe•rtty-tive per cent. dal y played oar- repair.. 1 1 C,oit•'J atm. 1• 1•) 1h.- 1111.a414an Government. 514x11. 1Urpl•l4.• pr01tsel :t11xt 1110 Nrrpawall Wes h1•4111g111 Itrl'0 to be dltekr•1, bid it is NOTICE TO' ADVERTISERS au•r r u Copy of change of .running advertise. ments mutt be left this office by Monday nopn to ensure insertion in issue _ Of_IlAtne-weel - rat W' 1. 114 was 1► Mattel! x1.40 '. u 1 41 vire. ("Unwell with x w1. f furca s n I .. -1 i I l 1.t c u interest.: ... Water; 01 1 light f n1., 1.y K xti r • 1 1 a u r r WrI'r ��� wnmirilu n fuaneP , 1Z w yr . inure interesting. "ti A 4tatrwrtll in writing was sub lllit ted by the commission 1)4 & and{ Chairman, SIM? � y�, 1 � Misrule; war un 11111111 to answer yurs 1 I tions. He proved. as Hi. \Vorrhip re - / CAMERON -& MOORE THE DEPARTMENT STORE i44sssss� des►. Our -Fall Millinery O.pening tate . Thursday, September I7th and following place an ys P s , , days T e Store will be open Thursday evening from 7.30 to 10 . o' ock, but nothingwill be sold apart from this Department. P p • `Vr-1us'. uta des 014.µ)44a 411 the ti ore 911141. 1:411 114)4 4)11 111141 Llli,: llei4,utlttei44-01.4447.0 fr»f••d•rn the ..'4.' rtllt101117': 011 1'rlveilts• Idiliiitig *dm,s'i the entire space tor \\ oik upI Slow 1ti»Tars. Mil/11;1...111101' Selmer, of Berlin. use. charge of this 14rpxrtmem, assisted 1y :\I1.. 1.1,1ie linl•rrhaw. 31i4s S,•hel0t• loam accou/plietteel omit iv lived yinn141 lash •.f , oln+id{,r:ihd•• ,x)14Irol,r, wh.,,c,1tu••. to us will) very high re4• riiendat114(41. (IV•111 vet • Irpu1111.4,' Millinery Mono,. Where ;Ale ha. 11:ad.dl:irge. She has 411.1 red •n„ .11't.44 111 perfecting 4,4 •' a s' i r 1 11 l If I1 111 1 I.d•4 1 ,' .' 1.44 1 New t All if h 1 sof e4 1 v -r aat)t 5y1., A 4 \,n•k /'its' and I / ►IIx t t!►rar k•• in later one week in tido to. wl,.•,'she 11x4followed the tsshi,,ns, rind at-t110-same':-rim,•.r'•nrelagaups 11ululwr lit I'aNelns11111'11 head Intl' of id.vw. - •. Ih1r cost c,ruers "au tholoughh- 1..•I. -oil genius(-lheeapi3Luf Icha4i.-. ..r,. in'theeiarger settees mutat the same time :It notch le.+ in p i. ,•• . l Marked, a veritable eicyelopwdill oar \/ ' Y. commission matters, and the nlelllbwl'll of tlle'4 •*l Nee1ue1 141 0444/l1. **ay , are M•a»ply kiJelty16Zorders. The kidneys front 111e interview with ,44, nW14 filler 11/011,444. 441411"tbet shwldn't be greater appreciation -of the valpr there. Ttie Ek'ud passes ttirtwgh the kid - the sedimentation basin was going t14 net's every three minutes. 1[ the kidneys Iw iu the imprrvenleu6 141 sty watrl• do their work no impurity ear cause of supply 14)184 will, cuelshlrralllr 1. 4%44444. disorder can remain In the circulation eumeut uH 641. 4iva4uN 4-04 1l1e14narrttl.- -_ lungerthan slut 14++11.. Ttlerefore if •ion, 1'44 aatilunt of the ea inl'uta- blood 4,4 out of order }•our kidneys have thin twain rontraet is $15,49431, but of failed{ in their work. They an in need Of this little over the $7:4335, 11 r. Hm'nry. stimulation, strengthening or doctoring. '. explainel, was for the tawin pugs 1, One medicine will do all three, the finest the Iwlaurr Iwing for other work, ex, -°qlt imitated bloo.f medicine tilers e►v114i4•4l, diggittg of trenrhr. - far drain, etc.- In connection with the work. 'The xw'Inllfs 441 fat' paid . to Thr coed rector were$2,:Nn.u1 411 June ; St.:44.41. it_ Jitttyy .:anus $1.71'2.•44 • August -total to seme41lwr lst $..,.1ea.- 77. The -total outlay to:Septrluber lit K1C111e3%' iu rultuectiuta.with the basin, in0luat- iug engineer's charges 114141 every- thing. was $7,147 7.1fit. Tarr-r,nittlis9iun also,lllnnitted the following figures - $1.21M.M7 r4p1•e4et- a'1. new•tioftwitbs the holding of the military cans', here. for whirl* it had nod )•rt been aNuitehi • bought 444 111)4: $4,1441.11, coal for 11311: $.11'11,:12 oar' 1.npilul ,rr11nU1' wet e 11,0 ks :. $x,14.1.441, capital ae roun4, electric light. The info -ruin - Lion has •111441q4,yeti orally that tlit• ill - 414111/11 PM 411 the new 5,4xt.tighi gen- erator which the commis ' is about to mit in would menu additional '•s ' pima., towing to tilt necessary' con "ride base for it to restott. Al 4o the $75,41441 raised by lrisrnlure by the town for water and light catlitat- ex- penditure, which was the slfl,ject of di*CyPsimn at the meeting -est-Zfie Tot[fic11 on Friday night. Mr8..i�illrn".)t..pltinl d._outthat--tiuwgii- part of the expenditure Which this wan rained to rover W11•. inrnrtel 411 i4e,euther, 1(1411. psy'nn•nts on it did not rotor due until 111)7. The pey• omits were /net by the c,itliiui•sinn with Money advan.el by the town, but returned by the erminsi.sieu lar 1111• town biter in wl' 'u,g Off 1141ouo14 f,4' tweet' the• two. 'Pili•. 1x pl41ut111111 1rrhp•l 'ali4Lm• tory /'48 1440144 oaf the +4•nnrrttnr•i. -tut 1'1un0411,r 'Cloudier stark 1.„1 the 4.1. pression "Mr consolidation of debt'' ha the hyt.tw, and Maintained that horse of the • ,'11141 he for 'valet -work. And electric light ext"n"i,tl it 4t was for consolidation of dela. Earlier in the bylaw mention 411 made ad rxtPn- 441104, however. and Mr, Murney said *)srr��pIWlle4. could mot b1. all for 041410.41 idea of debt. as there waw not that amount of delis to eotoolidate, and he odd's ills NEW IDEA PATTERNS 10c. R -one -go' Millinery- . rentice. l;c would also announcik.this -week-that-we have --secured the' -agency for the largest Tailoring Company iii Canada. This firm iithe . • n TailoringGO. of Toronto. The a under contract to fill all our orders. Before making thio 14`)11otne•rt1len 1. 514nr444) •erxl Ur order', front some ..f the leading business turn in town Par SI' 1'F'4amts I)VFAG ' PATS, '.�gjth resixt ,'tows• Petrel rash and every garmrft'identi41i11yns ordered awl 14•tr.ret in fit. THIS 1S THE SYSTEM- • - \\', r,ua'y 4141.0 .1141 sample. of cloth to (-boom* fro 4ltt have- your. suit for yea, guaranteed sat isfasetory in weary. 94 1.' I»(ny's guarantee . if 1-.14140 "urs. , - W-.. *Cr .til+jlrvinl with iiTr ttr t Afurrican f' s1*n"t 1118 '' 111 Irly' 1411. get ling the vet'y latent, as you get your rimier. by the enwn : $1,tNi. i lmtanra• on -i.0 - • ONTARIO e your measure. and in ten days or less we or one cent . will it vnva1 Fawn. '1'ltis'is y nu mn h, to ollering float 1111 nut RI 1R:01) 1:411,1i1Hbt•r -Ave rttrry maniples only, and this is \1.i to $11.1.011 a snit, a I;u:iratitul'tl tit. t'aa 1 5 Store iuul ul I ul West Shore Railway , I tli 11..,414-111,141P 1'11;1 hiug IlrputUn4 ; $111. '-'N NOTICE MEN ANI'B TEAM5 WANTED immediatell t,Ipc� construction work. Apply at once t0's . M. ROBERTS, Chief Engineer, G�odench, _ c etween- the hours of 11 and a A.M. and a and 3p•m. 11. J. A. MOM A S Fir), lila/Il•i° R•e•.l +hapw 1 41,1 1, 011.!, ulatcin for I1,ln0411K PRODUCE i4/ild better shape than vP1', anti frons now - 04 w 1 e c1µ1 handle BUTTER and, EGGS in very lar - quantities. 1Vµ are paying more for Produce than all buyers, and will take i' t e 4411 as c; :h ' ' ' • . y person wishing part cash can et it. 1'rfn!ilcr. Bring it in. We mast -have it. - r 0(11111 #.41.1'y0ll pipe connecting the sedimentation biowin with the pimps, which *as costing $1.:,11 tor $1,:tue, esinte in under the bead of extensions 1111111 Wes "MI ehargeithle on the basin rontritct A written request for another Watt pet in by Mr idiftttniggfryn, Craigie moved to I mongrel` that soldi tional atnnottit from the town f le the comminsion. Councillor John sto° was the only member Imt present aud all who were ptesent voted for the transfer waft the excePtiott of Goo Reeve arid Councillor Hiteuher. Thn mete* 87,500 the commission h.is ceived this year fmin the town. Brine to II steady Iacono. WE WANT TO HAND YOU OUR INTERESTING FREE BOOK About Qualifying Yourself for Sucons,ful Garner. at f44,•444.1341, !Wawa Gan. - 'owl Cotonou. 11/1., tolc raw mi. rill= BOOS ermletry Im Adel /my /rad mow Mame Saociol Jos The Forest City 1 EARIA ENGLISH FURNITURE !lave y011 Heel) the display of Early English Furniture in our Window ? 1 t has helm greatly ;Kindred and 18 a sample °lithe' fine ranee of high.elama furniture, from which our customers May chorine their purchases. IRON BEDS Ranging from $3.25 to $itoo. The hest goods on the market . VERANDAH CHAIRS special vain., in Vernintah Chairs dining the month of August. CALL AND SEF. WYAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU. GEORGE JOHNSTON ammioammumpasinne 1