HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-10, Page 3TILE SU; NA : CODERiCII. ONTARIO
1'ewa of the itrict.
• W. B. K'eld.ithammer, Tate of
Dauphin, Mau., it the hew principal
of Exeter public school.
The annual flower nw of the Sea -
forth Mum
Hnrtienlhlral Society will li
held in That town on Friday and Sat-
urday lit' thee week.
A Mite n " e 0
Cult%WIWD. fell out of his father's
buggy last week, fracturing him skull
grid receiving roma deep *•alp wounds.
Thos. Bateman, of (trey, has mar-
cher"! the S(laacre farm of Mira Rate
man, of that township, for the Milli of
*2,114). Mire Bateman has gone to
fb. United State,
1 lolulin t
1Vh11e � p K timber from the
cars on the bridge at iithel Frank
(tibhr, of that place, fell into the
river, sprainjng hir ankle -and break-
ing a hone int his fool,
Robert ,Iohuelou, of the loth con-
version of Turuberry, omit with a'
heavy lure recently when his barn
containing the whole Ne*N,tl'a creep
war burned to the ground. A
;,Irony belungip;; to J. Nichol also per -
Wheel in toe Nantes. The origin of the
fir« is a uaystrrv.
' Charles. A. Herber, editor -y( The
Pilot Mound: Alun., Sentinel, and seen
of Charles Barber, of Winghain, war
married un Welltiesday, the'aul lust.,
to Mies-.MaryAdrHue F;nttisottr -tri
Mire Jane( McV'antieH, M. A., who
resigned her posit' as teacher o1
moderns and English in %Vinghanl
High Mohesd this 'intimater, . liar to,
veined a similar unr in Brampton at
a Nalary of il,lsrl,
Mr. and Mimi. '1'. H. Russ. of VAn-
touver, B. C., fuiint.ily of R'iugheni.
are mourning the loam of their daugh-
ter Florence, a bright child of rive
years. '1'be little one war stricken
with spinal meningitis.
Cline. V. *taw'.ay, of the Regina
offices of the Mtamsey.Harris Co..
formerly of Exeter, was recently. mar-
riel to Mies Jessie Drool), daughter of
the general manager of the Massey -
Minim works in Brantford.
Misr Carrie Johns, of Tuckersiuith,
left Iasi week for %Volsrley, Sask.,
where she will be married to Bev. A.
11. Alliu, of IJuydminster, Mask., a for.
mer pastor of'Turnee's ehureh, 'fuck
erruaith, sand a brother of 'Mime ANiite
of Guderich.
Conrad Biebl, of Wiughani,
departed th1r-I+tewllHstidee._the.•p►th
ult., after an illn'•rs of several weeks'
duration. Deceased, Who was in her
fiftieth year,- waw a native rf Pruaja.
Her hurliand, four suns dud two
daughters survive.
• watchmaking, etc.
egiggw•rcila vette. so: w 4.a t.ka. isei 1st i
Ranh side of r1 tare. llo.brrie h. Uel.
• Ciyil Engineelting
AUtiHAN 1J. lttliiKltTre l4VJL
and HydraulicF:naieneer, tintero Lail!
Oftke AIelosto Itll.•L, l:cd.•rh•h 1014Y.
Montreal street. Telephone
Meneeetuna-Miabr'a1 Water
(11111: tiul)iat-t('iT:aIKNAI. 1VA-
l TI•:1t t'U.. tuanufa•tytrr. •of '•Mcur.r-
1une.',.n• prepared to deliver to tiny hart of
the town Reif:Ph 111nvi[er .Air in pint. ,nod
quart-, el.. Mineral Water Pe II res ler.
:hitt., Mese sot whir•+ "�w•.,aa-Water'and
Double 14w14. These goodie are u,ule from
n atural Winer:al water,.d are therefore free
from all Imp,rritle 11 1.. W'ALTON Mau,
user 'Phone
" 11L11111C
1 Piano playing. Theory. H.42.11144141' and
1 ouuierpolnt. PAW!. tireparel for rvrnulw.
t loo+ of Toronto ('unservetory of Music Aptly
au Thumwun m Al n.ir Store, or reddelce of Aur
(*laden. iktr ' igton. Hroek *tree!, ILaleriel..
Monday. in Clinton. 41 re.ideue• of Mr. ICA.
Narkenrie, Ontario drerl. • - .
�I UMIC l'LASNES, -1 AM 1'141E-
M 1'AHKIIto receive pupil+ for le+.ww int
piano and theory. al*. the Iteirrowe*' nnwlt•sl
Kindergarten method roe young children.
Tenns and other information, may be hat al
Thpaieons rau.i,• store. Ugderr:h. KMMA A.
�..11.QX-AD MS
, ' TLu Nxa 4*r Irl 14i*
Studio In Hank of Montreal Block..
I Medical
Kinegna iv. At,. D.
44' S, TI'aesi tl- A1. 1*
Mlles Hamilton Street. 1', , fie pa.
lir. I-mmen'on + roddrmrr North .t 1.
opposite 141. tieorre+nhurr phone net.
.lir. Turnbull'. renideree, Montn -treat.
Soul hared( of 1',Iblle Library. 'Phone 1441.
1111. W. F. (IALIAIN•, M. 11.
•dike, t ani oealtre1. next .MOP' to ylrn, er
elan Bank. Telephone. Ogler, 1 1 , liun.r,
IR. F. J. R. I )RSTER "EYE. F:Alt
Nose arm! Throat only: $Inllfunl, out.
our. 'surgeon New York th'trthalmir• anti
Aural institute lien iti, 4 linlr:d,a.•i•l*nt J' .r,
Noir and Throat Hrr,pil.d, holden :.`uarr, and
Royal Landon Ophthalmic 1Atuurrlirht FJ'el
Ho.pital, London, Eng Carle, .11her! street.
Str.tfui.t, opposite W'1 aur !Hotel. (tours-.
112 *, n l . Z. l mid. . 11110 -
•1. .olieltor. norm*. rte. Manes le,1en4 al
lowest rates. •PMer, North Street, Uod.rieh
a:- 'near Signed *M%:.'i: 1n *4.4forlh. Set 'Inlays
-- and Monday..
X1.11. CAMERON, K. C.. BARRtM-
TF:K, winched. nuterY p.lbb.. OM'''"' -
lamUtata Street, lloderidh, third door from
•4. barristers. +ulieiler., manus+piddle per •
tonin the Mal !tinge t'nurl, Mr, 11111.1. •tmt side
tlguur. next door U. A. Nairn'. 'merry. Pei
-'e tunda tojnda� iyWes rate. of Int/rest.
W,PAUL;UFINYl'.K.1 • itAYK-7-11-
▪ ItitTKKS. Romney., aoficitor.. sty,
ll erlch, Money to lend At lowed rale.. 'K
• solicitor. ('o -.loner, notary mild' .
Offices Hsmllton street I4,defieh tint.
Insurance. Loans. etc.
Folate and in+arance Agent.'. Kral ••-
tat* for lealeor to let. Prop'rties.handled ht
e IPali Of the nsuran money and
etc. Flan and
1 a IN l'RA Ill 114. LIFE, FI ItEE
a accident insurance. Arent for leaning
mottle and .tock eons Nanlee. In+uyonce ir, all
•ted on beet plait. and at lowest nos..
Call at o , ret corner West Stmt and Miter.
m address . W. ('KAIIiIF:, Ooderich, Ont.
tele ,home :
town property Inn
OMearw -J. B. Mc •-n, fres., KIpmam 1'. 11
T. Friar Vice -P Hrueenrld 1'. I1.
Thomas F:. Hays, Sec.-' rens., Seaforth P. O.
Illreotan - 4%'n,. rhes y, Seeforlh : John
11,0rieve, Winlh1041: • ss hale. Sea:orth:.
John )Yuneweu. Itublin: JA les I:v,uls• Beech-
wood • John Wantt, Hmk,rk Ihn. Fraser.
Ilracefleld ; John la, M.1.•ara Klpprn ; Jaw.
Connolly, I'lint on.
J..W'. Yeo, Holme+tifie, nevi. for West
lies•,,. l'nliert*ol lee+ '.awe yew ewnente
and get. their Janis mended al. nine e
ArOWn's. Clinton. or at It. 11. 1.1111 • lips -Pry.
Klntpton etreet, Ondcrich.
(a(1,—Fan. alr4J.olatedl
I 1 rtat,onS. -- The Crest place in town.
Prompt •ervlce; everything elemn and sant
tory. Ho, end sold hath+. WM. DAVIS,
British K.changn Hotel Block Isaac:moor to
Jaw. Frit eleyl.
11a' OUDRRiCH, ONT.,
W'atnhmaker.Jeweller ant Oltiedae-
limner of Marriage iAoseess.
. Aal ltesa.wr o aert.44. a.t.. - e
end general 4n*) loner. i Mice.. on South
three', were he will be found M. all times
when not ^ruing sales. Terms rt.. nahle and
*very effort used to give you satisfaction.
General Auctioneer.
New System of Tickets and Catalogue.
P. O. Box
John 11. liteile•r, of Hullrtt, on Friday
the :Pith ult. Ilweasietk, hail appeared
W he iti 11ir usual health iu the uturu-
iug IId had ploughed until 10 o'clock.
who i he became Oland went Baal lite
boldo Medical aid wait ammoniated,
WI no 'serious effects were expected,
and it was' thought that a day's rest
would to torr him to his wonted
vigor. I)uriug' the rveniUgg Mt-.*.
Govierwas called from hi* bedside by
rotnr domestic duster and returning a
that the
vital spark hod Be} Heart failure
was. no doubt, the reuse of hie death.
Uecea•anl war au iudustt•iour, unosten-
tatious Ulan of sterling integrity and
kindly diaptreit' . Ile was well
known and highly e t w1, ed hl t1L e
township in which lie spent the tiftt''
six years of • his life. Betides his
widow he is aul'vived by four wins and
t wil daughters,
Lennon --Kidd Wedding.
A large congregation 1hlrtugwl the
atudittrituu of St. Jwties (Roman.
1'ittholictchurch. Mruforth, on WetM
nestlay, the Ind inst.., to witness the
cuusumiutit' of a matrimonial al-
liance between Misr Marie Louise Kidd,
duogghtrr of Thomas Kidd, of Mea-
furth, and -Peter Edwiu*1 l.etuaun. of
Guelph. formerly of Meaforth• The
iulpresmive renemuuyy was performed
by Rev. Flatter Nortl)gruver, of , Mea•
forth, assisted by Kev. Father Down-
ey, of 1Vindsur. The bride was nand -
Homely attired W u gown of ivory
**till tin train with overdress of niuou
anti ruse point. lace. She was at'•
tended by her sambas._ !lira- Fortelle.
Kidd, of New York. auat„her cousins,
Jlirers l'atuilla Kidd Ryan, of Tulelo,
and, Mona Kidd. of Guderich• while
1Ir. Leo.' 1. F. Kililwan, of '1'rrl'l/tlto,
on r rated . t h ro*NL, Alter . the
ig ,ria r. and Mrs. 1A11'j-
tion lett for a trip down the St.
Lawrence nce and through the Mat•itipm'
in. P. gout n , age a rig Uy-' yr
years Mrs, 'leery Uatarr. sr., one of
the esteemed pioneers of Hay. entered
into her lest oil A inday, the ;O)th ult.
ince the death if her net. •
Frederick. of near
her eons Henry 'anal
Hay, mourns her demi ,
I. who with
.d ward, -alert of
Rev. John Itoss, of Br crlieb
gone to England to meet rt• i
ler Bessie, Whore husbrn, . th
Rev. Arebiltald Unice•, a ha
India. died itt'England a fe
ago while on his way' houir'o
lough. Mrs.. Brace and her
sous will relearn with Mrs. Ross.
Miss Emmeline Welsh.
daughter of Mr. and M
Welsh. of the 8th contemn()
was Illar•riel In Minimpr
A. (
of ('trey,
on Thurs-
day, tnr'_71.14 ult., to R. Sharpe, of
l'rystal •(•'ity, Man. fore leaving
for the %Vest. a fr* weeks ago the
bride war present's with a cabinet of
English rilverwar by thr members of
the 1'hrirtiaii .ndeavor Society o1
Ethel. •
After a li et lug illness Miss Sarah
L. Hafst, .nly daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ira ' d Hoist, of Bemase's, war re-
lented 1 her sufferings lin Friday,
the' h tilt. Deceased N•ar a most
eel.' table young wuiiian in her thirty)' -
t rd year. She war horn in the
ow nship of Grey. but had spent the
greater hart of tier life i * ihr village
of Hrusrel.. Her parents and four
brother'. mourn her toes.
More United States "Freedom."
Mr (iidroit Hood, of Magittaw,
Mich., who hail been visiting her aged
father, 1Villiaw I.ittle, of ldrlgrave,
for ruin• time, derided to take him
hoar with her bast week in osier that
she .night care for hire -in his deelin-
ing year.. At ?ort Huron he was re*
beset! adali(ta/lee acro»w the lilted and
11.41 t, he brought back to the home
of his run John, un the 1th line of
Morris. '
• Clinton Loses an Old Resident.
MerSamuel look; a finest rv,limalde
w who for than half ....n-
itwita.- een m resident tit t•Untoo,
departed tJiis lite ..0 Mupday, the :ORI,
ult. 1►ereanetl was horn in Notting-
hamrhiw,-Rngianit; eightvtuur years
antro. For the past six year• she heal
hien afflicted with par Lipids and had
been confined to her couch practically
all that time. She is survived by her
hus4 i l three sine Tih.n„ oT Au-
burn: (irrrrge, .4 t'lintwli and Joseph,
of F'liut. Mieh. and four daughters
Mesdames Waite, of Detroit ; four, of
Flint; Chapin. of Lansing. Alich., and
Cud re, of l'linton.
Accident to Exeter -Man.
Rithat•d-Delbridge. of Exeter, met
-with a seriu_ut Ano yrry Rejoin' w:ci-
dent while Assisting in the erection of
a barn at the home of hir son in .1Vio-
chrlsea recently-. 11. was standing on
a projection cutting one of the tint-
Iwrr with an Axe When the Island on
whi.lh 1414 was anointing broke, pleeip•
ilatlug him to the ground ten feet
below. In fatting his' heel catue
contact with the 'sharp blade
of the wile anti - bac -sustained a
sleep ecaitp wonted, besides injur-
ing his back and 11n11b1. Thi. is
the second accident that has occurred
in the family during the past few
weeks. When the treats of the burl
were being railed Mr. 1)etbrid�te'* Ron
Fred haul his leg pinited between
thulwrs and he is atilt suf-
fering from his injuries. '
A Good Resident of Hensel! Deceased.
Mudde•ly and without as moment's
warning '(ieorge Wren. of 'fennel',
passed 1ron)-life on Saturday, the .3ith
1111. ihereerr*44 hail •,.,t c,rj.ry� jwr
feet health for the peat two years, but
his dentine' wits ilii -ltfilxpeete'(t.
Born in Nova 'Scotia seventy-one
veers ago, deceased came to Huron in
leis young manhood and settled on the
farm near Hensen *here, with the ex-
ception of three 'years spent in Cali-
fornia. he resided , continuously until
two yeses ago, when he moved into
Hensel' to enjoythe fruit* of his
labors. Deceased's sterling _character
and genial disposition won for hint
the esteem of all with whom he had to
do. lie is survived Icy three sons—
Oeorge, on the homrartead a John, la
high school teacher in Toronto, and
avid, A minister in the London con -
nee -and one daughter. Annie, at
ho P.
of William Storey, McKillop.
A 11 of energy and usefulness
ended on 'uemday, the 1st inst., when
William . •rey one of the oldest and
matt Might - sieemeit"ptofft'erW1yt Mee-
Killop, was s •. moiled to his final re-
ward. Born in nega`l, Ireland. see.
enty•flve years , deceased came to
Canada with his 'encs early Ire lite
and settled in the co my u.P'Vaterloo
about the same time alw the late John
nape, wbnsr death isr�o riled below,
(►n attaining to manh.rllld'R years he
turned his face westward and at-
tacked with hie Ake the dense forests
of MrKillop, whe� for half a century
he fought lite's battles and where he
filet and conquered his last ' enemy,
death. l'pright, kind-hearted, progres-
Rive and Industrious, deceaared was a
true representative of the ideal knight
of labor. He wax three times marl led
end is survived by hie widow, five
sons and two daughters. '
Death of John Gorier, Mullett,
The call to which NII must respond
came with startling suddenness to
Fortner Osborne Resident Deceased.
One of the most highly esteemed
residents of Exeter, in the person of
Mrs. Thew. Case, parsed away on Mat-
urday, tlir. doth tilt. 1h -retitled had
rum miasma for uvea•three
ye a • times idle
Raid matt 1 at rut
firs 1
stymied to 1,e, resisting the ravages of
jhe difit•a o ,it gradually sapped her
vitality. 'born i11 the vicinity of Tor-
onto Met -nine years ago, deceased
u:ovel to Mtanley with her mother in
her infancy. • Thirty-eight years ago
she went aM a hrid.' w the farm to
l'sliorne on which stir resided until
last spring. when she an.t• her'hus•
(rand 1.1 ural from active life and r: •
1104.1 10 ) xeter. A woman of ex-
iplary character and wins • dim.
it.' , deceased endeared herself to
•iib whom she (sirup i11 contae•t.
husb,uid, four sons. and one
er mourn her rrii,uval from
tidst. Thr children are:
;Uwahwuod : Nelson ti., of
J*'seph, lteginiTil and
t heir
('IaudeI o
Muwir, at
A L. e's Sad Ending.
.John E. An rsou, the former popu-
lar school inw.. tor land high school
teachrrof Bre,• 11., wliuWas recently'
sentenced 1•ci ewer ears in Kingston
penitentiary 1)u a •ha'rge of bigamy,
died in the-prisen ho 'nal on Wednes-
day. the 2tith ult. I sell war a syn of
Mrs. Anderson; of tire a few, tithe
,deceased, and he was • ell known in
"East 11'awa111Mli, teller 11e taught
school for years. Ands :1,u had a
wife nod i11HHly living in Tu into,. -lint
test April he married lir, , (Meson,
daughter off It.v. Mr. .Ianmi n, Ili
Renfrew, a must estimable •/ling
woman, who like wife No. 1 fe the
dirgrker very keenly. After a mu'th
of Conjugal y, during which til r
be delighted hie iulmiring fello
••hutch-nlruils'rs with ion at.Niurnt
iertnre -un -'-Tie Ideal Man;" 1.e was
nrrrrtr+l and itivrrtigat law s110wed
tflat hit Oaiau` to bring a graduate of
Lfs'rro'w l'niyrroity WA% bike awl many
,et hum ix rtiticatee' _vete, fogged.- • Thr
disgrace was too severe for tier And he
moon .run eumtred to cancer 44 the
throat. from which he had long rid -
fere'. Ile was Nfty•twu years of age,
although at the 1' • of his marriage
he claimed to 1.r thirty-nine. His re-
nienim were taken to '\'inghunn for in-
terment...One of McKdlop's Brave Pioneers.
Ip ths. permuu of .l,ihn Hays. who
passel from Ihr acme of this world'.
activities on %Vi'dnesday,-.the 28th
,,It.. at the age * t fourscore and five
y ears, death has claimed one of Mee•
forth'.r t respected citizens and
one .1 M.•Killop'a stalwart pioneers.
Nrrrased, who waw -tot` 11)1•"1. sura of
the iate Robert Ilays, of NeKillop,
wee a native of Donegal, Ireland.
Coming to America with him parents
in his young mention(' (' hr settled in
the United Stairs and ruborpie•ntly
the village of Llaysritle, which de-
rived Ito nano hum_ thin illustrious
family. Shortly eller his Marriage
Ile eaard east his lot : g• -the
pbrneers or'JII.Kitttp, t,IiC in -a new
years he ret11rnel U1 Il*ysviHe and
thence removed to Milverton. The
pnreuit of tbr'tums led hint to Alani•
Lobe, where he resided •until eight
years ago, when, made lonely by the
death of his wife. he;etorued_lu On•
tarso to p1sn his declining year's with
his daughter, Mr*. Everett, -of Sex --
birth. In speaking of the deceased
Hon. Jae, Yunng, of Oalt, says: "'Phe
longer I knew him, the mote I re.
spected his many sterling 'gnatities:
He was In eVel4 err Peet A ••fever,
i r4 a la
death as one of tile truest an most
disinterested fermi* l- have ever
and one of the noblest men 1' ever
The Infallible William.
At a reception held in a great halt
in England some years ago Mr. and
Mrs. Gladstone wrrr honored guests.
During the evening it happened that
Mr. Gladstone was in a gallery
directly above the place in the par-
quet where Mee. (ilsd.tone was chat-
ting with some ladies. question-
of their cetavereatioua question- arose
which the ladies could not settle yetis-
factoril1• Finally one said :
",Vel , there is One above who
knows all things, and some day He
will make all thinggN plain to us."
"Yes, yes," replied Mrs. Gladstone,
"William will be Mown in a meant•
and he will tell us all about it."
Tu grow baby purl suecreefully go,dl
pasture mast b*4 provided. The pigs
billet be gyro u fair cbauce by cuit*Iii
lino The *weld rtruug uud lusty, 111,4
they moat Ire Lvpt growing I1, prime
physical 'cuoditiuu from (be start.
Mone dud tie.h terming foods must be
fed null culufurtable uud cleanly' aur•
ruuudlugs pru*Idet. • 1'lerty of dean
muter to drink at all timer W tumor.
taut. A stunted ply Is ,had property.
as he never really gets over 1L Good
pasture and rare tory bettritllh, but
IMO has lust Buie and *Igor 1apleh can.
not be wholly resettled.
Feeding the Youngsters.
When first weaned feed the plge
from three to five times a day. While
with their mother they took their medals
id 'vest every two hon*H, dual too sud-
den u change Is detrlmeutal. After
they get to growing vigorously cut
down to two meals u day, npd when
they welgli seventy-five pounds each
and are o*1 good pastae, feed once a
day, and that at night. -
A lreeder's Advice,
1 alltr.•eastul breeder gives tlt1s ad.
vitro: Keep a record of the number of
plgs, In each Utter. 1t doesn't pay to
rely ou memory lo these things. Look
well to It that the uwtti r liugs l tPu
the driest, ym*w VOmtd'table quarters
p,eslble, 'k'hhl often talks the story
of the little meters she is able to bring
to market for you Always select, the
young M,wa loam - the -unit * ov'ellec
'''sa"` , D: MILLAR 00.
111M1 11, hnu'I this t4.**k, tau• first cuaieig .111 of lit* Demi
*laulles for Fall. It is rather early tn,gii ilitu "tenant: Htry ale
will t 41ou111 1lie .111:11•test and tinct elaborate Coats lire have
rt Iflueed Ittdut.• „1,r emit •1 n,
Ilii Friday niounii*g W.• will have r*rcivtrl Ilia N.\v throes
(Mods and have Ih,•n1 all marked'and ready for inspect 111, IC
would 14* almost imp,,.s11.14' 1.1" begin to describe the different
ety'Ies, Intl IL walk tllrullgb.uui' above will he euuugli.to_a'.tu•
viler• vnu of the richness, variety and exceptional value of
every brews Length shown. Plain roloi and platin colors with
stripe etieetr art. aU1ii I1;rt the most iarptilar things showing
this searun.
For IIIc emn%4lllfm.r of'uur cutt.onierb we 411Vr uncle 1r•
riulgetut•uts With the AIut.,:l eo. tostoc4 their patterns. They
hire absolutely the easiest. pattern to )Ise, therefore they itte
the twist popular.
PRICES for • and tars-- NONE HIGHER
McCALL - McCA1:L ,
old usee. If a sow, has fever at far- g Scotcii
rowing time and eats her pigs, 1t Li 'Phoned��ealda�le Store
your own fault. not hers. Keep her 56 56
avulse, give her a --laxative
• favim *t, Elept., ber 10, 1104
OMAN e: $puti?
Price 25MS.fid
undo ro C.0 RICHAFr; t H
0 TH, aS.
-orn and plenty of Pure, ctesu. water ../W drink and there will 1)e no trouble.
What! Sweep the hogpetl? Yes; that' -
1s what one of the best hog men does' ' POSTMASTER SAYS
every single day. Ito You thlAk hs 'T -
would keen It up 1C he did not think It That Dod 's Kidney'` rills Fixed. up hie
paid'!Kidney ro_Wes, and Now He Is
w Variety In Pig Feeds. - • All Right. •
If pt are Allowed the run of pas- Tii(g1i•mniur_Cumberland Cn; N. D.,
time they will eat mune coneentrated
feed and • ke more rapid gala Mrptriuhrr rlh. IMIN•, ial. Ilinl-
than utaster N..1. Ire, of this place, says : t -__. -
wheu'being In dry lots. If the ra- "1 want to t xprt .' Ins hithenk place, says
floe contains plenty of prutelq the ad- the great Inn.Iit 1 have rrcriyrd I1'11111
tb;• usl• of IhPld's Kidney fills.
vantage 01 pasture does uut amount to •.My� Itr,tlblr mss having l.1. urinate
Much so far na the amount of feed tno often. 1 hag to time right, , t• fru
consumed per 100 pounds of gala is I inteH e*arh night. Aly fret and Ings
concerned. but 1t makes n big (Slifer- ,also swelled.'num I got 1104,1'. Ki.l-
ence In the condition of the ple-• 1,t the 111')' Pill" and 1 look 414 fe,tirx ail till.
end of lbs fntteyllug Ptd to tewM . �;.*w 1 aw all ri1ytp�j,
nt the tow* exi'rlmrnt'fatlo11 Ilia !hold's -lxnht_Z!tePill4. always elite
cheapest ualne w hen fi'edl • young Illight r (Mires..•. 1 hey ,also Pnmu,llly
A'.rte...e.e...d(.:.r_M r 4I_..�r -
W'e*t ride llquatr,'
'1'I10NF;; ,tltoreat : ILodegdob
Itesidenee 174
said : "You see Chet young urchin
mount, a1011 thci'cJ fie askedIl le
the time, and 1 told hila, "Ten ' -
Men Eu hint•,'' and hr said, "Al 1,w,.
o'clock get your bah• cut." t
' • ' Well,' said the polies/tram' w' ha t
ale you running for 7 Vote%e gut
eight minutes yet.'" -
pips Were obtained from a (Ma of aring relief to thou. cauls ..f 4 'u,ntluu,s
rnIYrt'in r trots thl• * i'Iitt'-.tuj,re_el(
corn.' with the mem loll •Inver p attire.
-Lidnry �is.:asr,
Thr• greatest profit• eat; made w
Inked nation wan fed.
Kitchenrr t .a•y.-
Mally 1'r1111ut'• Ler,..1 1• .,T the 111er-
Ilrrhl n,ncefMUug 111. I'.. atrdrr-it1=
('141.1 of India It t ,Hid that Kint'
Edward propose, ' to :111, alnc Lord
Kitchener u: the rani. ot. un earl q1
ih►f_ 4c 14111 a1t4La1ly_floury..1
wealthy-tnerican widow. for me111166-
year+ resident in Lyndon The fam-
ous .'•oldies ba..iust celebrated his
frith birthday. "i, i1 tin- rumored maar-
DalN.• takes place 1p• will- nut be atjtgtira'relun
sin eigst ttw, yuuupest of bridtgtruoulr. - ••Tiiruifig th
1.urtl 1�-itclwlwf Inde beet* dr,rcrilArd as into jnlfic•eTti
• Had Eight-Mlnutes" Lett..
"1 in 1 un juke, 1wu1.111.rd
Helery Miller, "depends 1111 the point
vA lung-I,airett m:1,, walking along
the ewer parta little IH,y, -who --**stent
hint 14. time.
•T tontines -tri -triter; -•said- t%.-
"•Wel .said the •IPry; 'al nine
o't•IIP k gel 4 (lair rut.' And he
took to hi heels and ran• Ihr
ftl•r lain.
.1,1'1114'. Ill, 111011 Iaii
nearly knock Ing
to. a unlau-hater. Tb t, may out be him nv'rr.•
quite il,rrect. but he is certainly not ••'1VI$at'a up:''
very popular NILIi the lashes His ••Tlie 111µ1l, vrr.4 m
tar iturhit). is ayuiluit Uue. 11* Cairo,
fol IL>atauce, ;,iter ,ttw Atbara mon-
paten. Ile Hirt au Eutrli:1* countess
who •rx here l--I+•tk.-t.. pay her court.
ltrlAlueld t, her. Kitchener sat awk-
w ly • a moment. tugyi111 at his
r1,. ,rtach:•.. Then he a - led. "h,• yo4 'r
like tiro," I.u,ly "wishing to I
Please her hero. rltlrrl on shoe( Itrt--:-
Anotlut di. -any pause.
lie "L 44111 glad '1,f
that " T it was all. "1 !twee met I
• roan ai • pid," his companion af-
terward. toed.`
id the policeman.
'h out of breath.
- • Couldn't Understand 1t.:.
1.it11e Helen, who had but recentry
Mastered her catechiwlu. cunfeiniet herr
disappointment with it Clots: '•Now• I
obey the fifth coentio ndiiunt and
humor my papa. and U110uwa, yet 111*
days are nota l,it:Lougee in the land.
for 1111 put to lirrl •.iris night at
s4Vru o'eluck just the auuic,'
. This trade molt
- and the Word
TOWER on the
buttons distln
gush this high
rade stetter from
lite Just tattoo(
St4ht•call.: At r"-idene, al William
F=uneral Directors
and Embalmers
Order. c.rteilly •ttend,d to •t .IIJ
hour•. ,. 1 h 0r dry
lie "I hope when we are married
you won't go towing that dog along
the stew tb. ' She. -"Of course not,
I'll let, you low it."
auil the
5- British for ort the adiniralty,
who,•' htuwled,n• 1 nautical .detail
was limited, ass t y Ilia* first tnp
it, s rather leaky v 1 when tie .b '
served the nem work* elr the pumps -
"Dear unr., h.• ,aid, "1 id nut know
you had a well flu • , caya.w.
Kut 1'111 really glad ybu ve, fat I !
detuet *au osier."
�N••.]er...�.r-r. .
e sse:owerame
Own Your Own Holiso
wand Be Happy.
122,000' At' ItES
eb.Ace Cat -Over Hardwood Lands to Joon
r urn, nlma,r the line of,the Au Bahl. Jc North
, rat.'rn 1t6111way, 1n literal MI•hlg•a, ?rice* 0
s+ Ter+espy. vldnla
God Soil, Good Water, Good Climate. .h T 'I•g
:wino 1111.I,*„d prompt, '•' , t-•'rds Pur furth
_ 1,d+r1,l i r rurthrr pans,r
wr or.** .
A 3. - G OL- laid Coarstssioan, As Sstls,alcstaas 16 4. w
20,000 ACRE
Choice Farming Lands Improved Michigan Farms
Miss Cameron's
Hamilton st. will be
co ducted for the re -
der of the season
ss Myrtle Cou-
ill b
all wh
9 y ing in
's styles call
sins, who w
please • o have
this seaso
upon her.
Hats ' trim
made over t
If o1, had trouble with £/pprepared
Cana -Icing,- it was not Cowan's
Even a child can ice a
cake perfectly, in three
minutes, with .Cowan's
Icing. Eight' delicious
flavors. Sold everywhere.
lilt CONAN tit Domed, TORONTO. 73
Farming Lands
iit Isabella County, Mich.
roads, charehe., schools and markets 1n
and near railroad*. Ivo.. potato and
its . Prieto reasonable. T nusexy.
somnolent, address
1). •K. HAEL,
bank 4 hambers, DHTI(OIT, MICH.
els Uadwlw toff Clare Counties, Mlchlgari. We have i•ren. le 1 M l•NUYR m ►•An4t6,
Ili, an. Ing of it loom. Oala a)• -'nein 1'r•• nut,ln.rt ly lin pr„re'I 1•rr.,. •. I.100.1•n eel farming V.e eller,.�n r 41ienr of •tl.e/a,
,dere tun• 1. 1 rll,nnle •fid loratlnn are roll,-,) In
Do You Want to Own a Nome ?
If you do, this u your chance. 9
10,000 ACRES
Low Prices. Easy Terms
Apply t. AL6LN. f.MITH..• Co.,
Hack elver, Ancona Count v, .*ti. h.
glibly I'roductire and Profitable ?
err., 14x1 .,•.I ►.1ro.d*, &mime even.: whoed. f*rii na :dude 11.11•,•.+,..."....: , •.
r of *Iowa hums •r now mm�-nea ■nn moa•. \ Irina Ir„prr,n•n.1 u�,rth a 1,l ���• Y
, aw1,•d .n our Iamb, 1'er.'my It 16b1r4f 14.06 to, *1.• Fuel.; reel I*lede:rl•r% int res,1461 out
n:cs rat,nar rum 4nr r, tr, r'gtm. wli:l-1�► Central MichitM ieif'�NiF- •-+RRrm,n.•r Twnn.l. o,rg,�r At serer or runes d th•.
troll( •nonan.. A nnllhe r n ) t wdwlu l "only.
'PHONE 15 QR 24
tv hen yon want ( and Yard* 1 Lar, Wed `
*4111:111:1- at Dock `street sad
IiafrAll Pout-oriathr-rl on Me market seeder -
where yon Ma Tbw for a ton.
Ade Square. pronist v attended to.
have to eller. nnr lune* err a'IJarr•nl to 1'tmre•hre, w111 alae fou Inh,rn,.,,.•u u b, P. 11, rllnute, no,n, ovtrnn0*4 loll for Iry of ah µwriter*, tandve,tl"n,i,,.
s.•( o, 1,.i, 44, 14 .. N•11 r. n,d, end Nee•t m.11u r1,'- ,'tr•.. shod yon *.rturrw, •mJ •bola, jn•t what ,.o.
tw11•s, 'I Me In ■n opµ.rinnny for fanWlana to
mord for kn7a. 1'1 P 44144:4. er.\ pull 1.1 1'O.
ei. ore tenthly pnuh..Ire and pr"atable f.rm. at
DAY. Yon rant .et Ilse lnloT,an„n 1•Yw herr. '
to •I1, rr 111h4 t 4. term. 'f
Ie 1 7 art.
I 1
Howard -Packard (-
o rl P
ick• rd �:
rine (nfllief roma ' Ior. tall On fir wills a Lan ` (;v.,
. J.-STEVENS-a CO., ittasswla, Mich_ ' CADILLAC, MIOK1GAN
Central Michigan Farms. Choice Michig
After lem,tln.lhe Farming Lands
Many Canadians „N.4lrl..eraay6
.0/mottled in Central Michigan,
ws •rrtlPl Iran 1..,. 1 *1,1, ,.. tannin.
limn, at $itu,.letria1 lilfpdw 1,r. Midland, (. lure,
Nolo rtarot o,• re, n., 1404 I1.nd 11.41 ewe p.ymena (*clime, Arenac and Bey ('Dunt bs.
(Feral Nhd„'s. h,r. mernw,L11110 and W41•1••1
mg49repc a. pr.... ry ': w: A/rlrntyarnt l4'iwlne. ” wow 441044441
tamer.' ferment an•1 Mori r.Ml.mt. t(•*st rue.!.. �(
ioe,w. on 0r ea. 11•,r,li. 'A Pufferlsnd fire wtl.n •fit tou o 11'hnre to Sugar IMrt Fartnrh••. II,•re ne n nppan,.•tr for 1 Near ehr,•rt••:•1 nP 1'tty of t1Oulu In Mi•'h! n
w.h,.d*, N.rtr••. Ihdrnnd. •fid rntrt Sntar nnr. f'nnrynlsl••. t",.nadbte* 1.•:rnr• r, m•••r" rrnr at: at !,,,,,4,7„, t, un •,•n•, un e4ey trri,,,, film kin
torte•. Conon fid L+.l nor land* DTP!. N r nm 1..•r wrrr, '*111.14 1.4.,,,,, tl
n' ser Ianlief Ira n•1,!;r •, real ecu, 14 mete 11, " 1* rInJ rapidly m•ttlrrl. Cotnr•into,
M, ;wowed. !�•r Intl ,eart11ndan. rail on 1,r wrur and rel lint float la nn'tn tn'•r4 as.• In value.
1%411 -Shine !And Cp., Lid., Sagln�«, MkMg.n ESTATE Of 1AILa T. CI IS",_ :.!C1'IAN; tliee •Fo5TF 11B R09 Gladwin. Mich,
Da You Want to Own • Hornet Neter tl,neh.•.. shoot.. Morton-. xnllnma. ■fid
''*44 brou*hl *1a am4,uPw.1616 1••r. acre. 9'h4•v.
1.4111 11ry mailed Im wenrrwl 1anmine, .fid the, an.
veal' 4...1 V, 1, �., .1. Chun r„•., Mrrart• and l(allr'w,l.
►:w,' '1 LAM* 9.1'1'1.4 PIACI*. T.
►.•r lurch, r,„rel ,fur•, wtl*P
1Utel1014 & otws'Mat Alt ttd.. Saginaw. Mich.
cr J0114 k/-11Ael, Wr.t Brant h, *44.11._
i,()(H) 41(11tl:p4
God Location Is Colony. $5 to SS an hre.
Is., tern,. in erar•re, lima, 1 •• ., t , r,a.; 611t.
J. H. IIOUNItli , Alger, Oledwln a:1,., Mick.
Nue Several 49401 and 80-A.m
(Jetting in touch with Men. of affairs
mat feadln niter but the dltfl('utt
part is to get them to stand for the
There 14 more catarrh In 1111. •ert104, Of the
cot*tt1ly_(hon all ocher Meanness putt ttier.
ami until Thelkd few leafs sews• etp ia.(sl to nom`
be insurable. Ior a greet many year. doctor*
Ironmmeed It a local di.eaae fid ptr.e•riliel
oaal remedied, and by eon -loony frilling to
10,000 :-- ;; 1)4 111 .11 ' I '
��� Farming Lands —
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any r..1, numbernl section of ►bminton
fonds ir, Alaeltot,,, Sepokntrhewan and Alberta,
raccptllut s end el, not reserved.hh m
family, usly tiny )lelrson «he over N ((14,.yeari nf� �811d boats -
by be
extent of one quarter rertlun of IOi scree, snort, the
A l•pli.•at ion for r•rrt rynlnst he made in person
by 1 he appla•.nt at a Ikon bdon Land. Agency
or Sub -agency for the district in which the hand
in enmity. Entry by proxy (nay. howlo er, he
made at nn Agency on certain eondltione by
the fat1n_ mother, son, daught , brother ot•
,I.ter of an Intending honlesteadbr.-
t onn st.% le minimal to pertnrtu the
lead duct ?igdor one of the following
Ib Al least six month.' residence upon and
enith•atiun of the landin each yaw for threw
clligan Hardwood
In lire GREAT FRUIT PELT OF MICHIGAN In Charlevoix County, Michigan meat./ In Alpena end l'Yeauue lair
Thier lend. err well Adepten 1..' emu. ueneru 14.tlenenl to l'hurrb,•.,,'h,•d.. nate. r. rr,l 11.o, 441, rllnu4e n) 1,•.. xll.•,,' ••r,, lula'e1M '94.
I'nrmtnx and timing. NN1.M1 I" *Jo 611. tri .n004 M.CHWAN"[Iu.ra 11,.• tra,•,n 41,4',..'„,64t6... A,r ='r aln,end n44in1•LAa an4 ril'aa01.11. ,rmsh-.,
Ina,a.a4"""1".1•. 1'4.11*•, M, ,1n. r1:• •fid rA per POTATO 11!!1.1• tn-feend nl t end he Hrnenl i'srdht nnr Ir,4. ,.r'
W mens., h••all .4nl •t1,,. ,• .re r,p,•lw n) *IIIc.0 •'-r •pl''•, 4'1Jm.•nl 1,, /'hnrrl,r,, Itrh..,1•, .4.,,,, P••N i'.1,.
stn, per
re I fir anmu: ) urr44nht llr+A !4.14 1•ne et. rs, 1•,1*fins •1 1,4 ,. sell IG❑r, awl• RuMI "411 I . nrr awl &rad
was x per I,wnt interest. l e me Imrlret. r I* ',e Nrr IMe.1 y
4rn M▪ 74M7d. I ale, ser Isllwovnd YaraM for Mb,m rlq -' -1 Ilan• 1s .r, ' L t aunt n' . -) 14 445 4- e'w.t*. N e ower y.6. your chonre of ..r u"rr seer.
►',4/ tllaNnlyd c101*er or further Information, 441'4 rwrrr,•nrn.y,enn. TI'1'LI' 't.11 E1N `r. N'4 Nre4 oiler for Wel 41t ImyrurrA f
firth's 4artic4,ars, ran on er '•• .. 4.44neae 54.1,'*.
parr with tonal !remanent pronnln.el it in-
mcurable. Science has pmven,ceterrh to be
oo)+ttutienli disease and therefore requires
meet It lit tonal trear Ment. Halla 1':,tarth
Caro teaaafactured by . ,1, t'Neney &Co,
craps Tolnrio, Ohio. is the onlycrtit antra cant on
the market. It 1. taken Internally Ire dueen
from ten drop- to a IMwpoo (el. It acts
directly nn the blood sad muco*.-urfs.ee of
tea s)+1.41111 flip! offer one hundred
for any ono itfails to cure. Send for circulars
aid teat (menial+,
Address . F. J 4 helney at (o., Toledo. Ohio.
gold by all druggist..
Tithe Hall. Faintly 1111* for c,netlpatlon.
Sahsct•tlre for The Signal.
cell od wr11e wee. .
Choice Michigan
. Farming Lands
Tne.r a*04, faro r.pereellr emend fi.r Ih7 enittrw
*Pm of Wiest. Otto, lire, f..rn, Hay, ywr/Ml.a,
well and 1 -Ira en.•44 AefeeVet en renews.,
n•,nls. Pa.*r fir.•* rentnr,n. Market• 4.n1 anu-
„ae*. 4474,shrove•*fie heat na pertIr,narlf ..111.1
ens r,ers.+', Pt„m,. App,w•nA Seethe.. Vs off”,
tea,. rind. at a,r4lemnnr. ,.
end on RAPT TEAM
TITt.e 1'r11rr T Iger. 10 en nppn1.te4l! f•r
.n.trrr'.Iwt •'en,M,an• • • Yr,.,. 1.1M1111e11 / r1110 g)
,Mm •.sd•aseserener. farms. w{u•faatCall „e WYLIE a BUELL LUMBER CO.,
P.! B. MILLS. Marys.Me, St. Gale Go.. Mich. 314 4xarineer Lowing. 1aglnew, 4.1.0•
COIR 41111CItLI (Mcwpw1N,, UNION 'WOE
20,000 Acres
In Cheboygan County, Mkhlgan.
Pelt, fertile Met team Adjacent to etched%
rindel •M 64.1/.1.1r110/11, end web .t,.ptk.al r•11wey
feelllnee. Penn? gide running welter, 0060 rued•.
Tine terries. Ws offer these *4.11444 as Otto M per
44T* Here M 60 •rrellenr nppnrtMNtr to Me„M
k ty prMVMh. end pr, �n,aMef44rmf nn Meyterm*
fir ,rubs pSrta•n14441 4411 n* er *4.444.
red farther partlenN0,eetl nn fir writ*
Chwrchlll Lionise? Co., Alpena,
at res.
• 12,000 ACRES
Choice Farming Lander
*41 A hnrnrstradnr rosy, it hu 'ode.lres
-form the n•gnired rerldence riot ie. by living on
farming land owner[ solely by him, not Ire than
sight y 011* Arte. it. extent, 1a the vicinity at lel*
h'nrr..14.14:-4rrmt ownership in land will not
meetthis requirement.
lir If the father tor mother, It the Mt her Inde
reseed! of a homesteade�r_ ^hen���+o•t�nl��jt(neat
fie 11',. Ihnn rlK,f *4hIran racrv" 1) extent.by "•.r,
4'161.113)• of the hum44*4.,d, oraee use
entered fit h upon homd
leader may perform hii+rc°ern r rte' *nett lint ie•
by Ih1ng with he father for nu/divert.
fie dutlra
1 he teen "aellIre )" in the two pn t um,
p4ragraph+ae arslrel M meaning not M,r
then tune miler ton dl reel lino, *tel umn•nag tris
width of read allowances cromme.t h4 the
(Si A homesteader Intending to e•l*nm hi
tdeneeduties in air•nrdanee wish rhe abo*.•
lie hying with perente nr Iver farming laid
evened by htmslf most nottb the agent for tee
44.o,(ofsuch Intention.
81* months' nettle' In writing must he glees
to the Comml•elorer of U0alaninn Lana. as
Mrawa of Intention to apply file event,
Deputy of the Nlneater of the In assn-,
.B.-1,11guthorlesei pehhcanoe of take aA.
vutisal•sst will rot be mud lay
in Modulo and Midland Crum lee , Michigan. •
w •I I. ender* and location ere .1 wp,vl 4,
growing all kinds of Vegetables.
Oat., toe:core sad Hs?. and ('eau., ll' ,.e.. sheep
Hos. and Yount/ do well Aa my lands
lenge te se opportunity to ensnare stout prir,
fla4404 profitable famine Lassa at is to ilRp,.r e,*•w
nn *say term.. Title perfect. wannsnedun, hers
fettled In 141. 4I•tpnl `ed Weenies well. Mr Inm1.
are 4.4f•r•nt rn flares 14•hnolo Marty,
,.,.. M•-:
planar 0l.. sed ••MiMartyrs
mes*: i neer ton
' a.1r. fit t 1 de aerial” rkrn,.s Ire& In Marr. teem',
'r dere. name lune ado/tow on a psis) r ted
W111 eely Teo tonne. p•n,rntare.
. O. NAY, Sas4Aaw, W. e., MIs4l4an,