HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-10, Page 2ae Taplow$ S.4074nter 10, 1900 UubERIe'H, uNTA1ttu,p PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY al. IYANATTSJI k KuiliRKTaula Telspkone ('sat No.11. Tenn. .1 aobser3etien ; ' `I.00 per annual in aevaua'. SI: month.. sue ; three mouths. Me. To l'nited MMtr. eubsrribers. •1.331 a Year Istriclly In advYsee D. Rubw•ribers who fall to receive T1(a BWRU' regularly by wail will Roller a favor by re•- Quo3nii,g u. of the. foci at as early a dale a. When a change of a4Ar w+Iadedw4. both Ibi Old end the nevi soldier, should Ow given. - Advertising -Rate: Sr Legal and other simllar olvert mwNst+, Inc per line for first lu.ertiun and 3• per line tot each sul.*si ucll insertion. Arra. uralby a nonpareil .send.'. 1 twelve lines toast lurk, Bu+lue+- owa.l.of ria -.lines and under, :}I -pee year. Adverli.,•wano 011..i. Found. Strayed, Sit. ,rat lens Vawem, gel ,ta3.0 . Wanted, Hs,,.ew For Male or to Kent, Pains. for reale or to Itent. Ankles fur Male. rte.. let PYlewtlug'eight lines, •4:• ,cMh isewrt inn.: 11 for 31.03 mouth..w 10. "Yeti .uhw'y moll 11.0111 11. la rgrr al• ort inti•• mental It. pluporliuu. Auuoumwuawns it. onlluaty reading lyee tett cents per line. Nu tattier Ir.. than L+•. Any 1.110 31,1 untie.•, 11100110/1 of wpirh it 1114;pecuniary beurgt of any iudivid.i, or lwasd atlon, to Ir. ,wn.ddened au alvrtli.rulcat a d to be charged accordingly. Rates for di.play out ew,tror sorriU, mnntr willtpe given on aypliCatiuu. Address all eoalmualcatle,l,loj, v .w1.t PTe nT R„ritrcTa,.t, -- Tea K100*1., ru•A. hl x133. In fact its asdvatitagrs ale a1• ready bring fell, law even now it is taking its fart in the transportation of the %%'rrterlf wheat roup. Within lWit years we %hall ser this line run. ning from Munson to Winnipeg. opening up traffic to new empires of the north, where generations yet .10 cure will he able to settle sod make their livelihood. 1 tell you in all silo verity that I want to carry the row• in* general election iii wider to finish_ this, great work, and wthstr iris elm T IR 8IG country's entries. 11111' SIlal*Ili•ra of hotxdliug on a !argr wale which when discovered lanishel several pint lin• out Conservative Io'litician.' ,utlr r member of the ll4vernment from, pithily life. Now the Conservative party asks to 1w given thr control of the ,,nick greater business that has developed since lake. If Mi. I'oater alum hi* cu11rl4turr,<uM4J1 nut conduct Ithaca.1 shall 114' content I1• bray, witb the prophet of old, 'land, now lrltrNt Thou Thy servant depart in peace.' " Dealing with the• w'orl of the t - pwltion; Sir Wilfrid said : •"file Marin work of the tlpplwitiuu sl e brat election has horn to meek out and advertise. petty scandals. 1 wish to atiy to the people of Canada that we have not fallen so low or that. We do'nnl desire Mere!? W errat.' scandal, lan...iuuwiug the puaitintt of the Op- p(witiou, 1 not surprised at the •rill's. they Have adopted. )V.. all k - • the weapons the Conservatives are using, but l can tell the Conserva- tives that they will never reach the taroglisel hand by suet' methods. 1 • can tell the Opps..itiun that if •H few Neck sheep have strayed into esu• tt.K•k, we shall deem it our .h.ty, not theirs, to tarn then; out. I'hey have attack"! the Marine 'Ile. pkpiiiu tit, allot fried to ,erratasr*h.rali, ilium -it. and are appointwt .lodge 4'arsels't0 hook into, the matter. .'Iy .4.44..1, alar it".,.t.,te, 0'l. own of tumor 41111 integrity, of whom the people' of -I ', •.I 1 Judge "...amain luau wall Int uJ anal 1 J Id 1 1 7 K p Poise IN 111 his investigation within the . UVUPJth'l1.'1'lll'Rs1AY. '43:3'T. la. Iso. Iasi* few days haw shown Ithathis .dirt i Rall)_ Vitali 'Atli . 111---111.t '• b,tuawit tike ours, with themsan1de .d employers and tens of million. of dollars, there may he awn who are SIR WILFRID LAURIER AT SOREL. bio 1 all ,aur rr town i r 1k,nlia4,1f : elect iuu-.:-etattoiitett-: ant. Saturday Inst at Sorl. I411rlsee. where he was greeted try a great as.emblag.' of electors. The Lilwral chieftain was In sp ended Ifealth and spirits, an las speech was full of good 11.11., mad of confidence for the (inure. Hr declaim! that,'thwugh the snows of sixty win- ters h& 1 whitened his hair, his heart was still young for Canada. and 1111 felt as strong as ever he did to work for her thy public affairs pmfwrly whru they were in power, is it not inviting lis. aster to entrust ,to them the much greater interests now in charge of the Go%'eminent of rankle threspect to nearly every, p11a0u o`• Ihr Urand 'crook Pacific whew.. 311. r ti•y has been vii+awl. Hill the colossal deceit i. that regarding the cost. The «dwi•,oun that the prier will In RItr',I343,4804, lir Maori three times what the WI WI.' paid for Ihr ('a• Ijtaulian I'«rill., it a sul'prfs' to the en- tire etnintry. :Wittitoull Alva,.._ Ar0unling for the sake ut argument that The Advance', figures are roe• tract. thFr'e is stills great difference in f«sane• ul' tie Liberal tiuveruulrut'is project. \\ bile the country pail toil. hock for the C.. 1'. Wit d3ws not own a elite of the t': P. (t, title. On the other 11am11 the a try will own Ihr Tr%naronliu.ntat Railway from the Atlantic to Winnipeg. This is 13 rather important d tail in the e - pario:in of the twu ansaetioh+, and The Advance e n o a l.6 fid t t fail t take I into M 'll I 1 11 Idrrat ion 111 N a •r %%1 7 t IIs 1 11 oI ii lodge Cassels' iuvr.ligat1wl into. the *11 they *)Cold I+r. ' +_911r work Ursa.• -tow.--4hatiriar mit +,f Marino and Ni•lu•ries is !ring ....Mooted, :11.1 the e0i.lrni•i' fring given tends to ddrr%sing the I1•ople of Sorel countess: hr impression carried by more directly, Sir N ilfrid concluded : 1 mart !hunk you from the Iwttoul the report of the civil set.% 1 awsI r aioa thvt tiro llep,tvrrr1r111-w,ts.full .4 you have given 1111' mn4 the 0 I'1.I•ia• graft and curruptiou. .I1ne ,a'ter an- t roytained ilt yooi address, espi',•i- other weII.kuow'(3 and reputable bassi:. ally of my rndravur. to crease bar- Pew. turn of Montreal wbn_11ave had ilius relations in the thome ion• ,Iraling+ With the Ilrplrinswt have Knnr Itl (Ii,' 11414114_6h 11 hnvr repudi- ated and ill the strongest manner »1i)' stag gestin lir crookedness: 'on llrrit' own tart or. on, the purl of the. Giu'ern- 1,1r11t officials with whorl they trans. acted their btteinrss. These witnrs.a denied Una' Government ofli.ials hat') asked for any dist-Aunt.' 4'unl11l11041W or Other favor for 3helnrrlcr,' 'Floe evidence of /high Altar, the well• koywNh'lt«lWrtel' "3 Mlontreal, was especially in(,a'reating. Hr drs•eilasl the work of the Lighthouse Hoard, of which he Is « to -tuber,' and wariot V re- sented taw criti.•i.ms pawed upon, the 1.1,ard by the eia•il serVIcr lUul nliw 'dialers. Ile rt4teil that the .work of the lamer ha rendering' -the St. Law.. reins. route taller for nlcigiaioh hid manned in a salving of from Sall ,ia111 10 Ij_NI,aYI alyear. It is tight that slirh mattes as these L.bou1d Le brought prnninrntly hef11•e the public, as the iwns,'ttioua lepott of the, civil nervier commission created an iwpr•ysion that money was (wing loosely spent in same of the Iorpartuentsat Ottawa. AL: GODERICR. ONTARIO the gloat virtue of riulplieity. 'lily wall who dues nut Jtuuw enough to run a machine as it ought to lir rut., and to cusped the sights of others. he, him hewn*. taken frow bilis. It has luerh found that fining for races• sive speeding is of ay little avail. but New Jersey has /discovered that the other method is rlfective. Maly owners *hal driven of 13111014811113I.30 are cu(3siJrrote and careful, hast many are riot. and the foul in au ant 111114 is gi anon io11+ 1nr)rnce to the inrblir, Tom is Too Fierce. - Ilvu all Iah.rl ter. 11 is 111e opinion of many Glirluiudwl mel that -Illy f%di3iral speakers of Ibis ••oulaly are as a etas* tamo es.4ravagaI1 ill slateaseal, defeating the arty emir they are anxious lo &.alis.. Take ' 11.04.4. ('.ailing ,f I'.xrle• *+ 1411 ex• ample. Tum .ineerely believes that the liut•rrulnrid a1 ilerairk and Ihr tarty Ib+t supports i) is steeped In Ir111311ly and says sit Willi ul mist al&Me (oter, but will 1111 ,umvial•r .n' ,4441vw t any lay that of vb. of 11.1.g •ul : Not r wiuglr spa-not effective wort. for theiruuty as Gnat. who are moderate lint flair. and this applies aorto ritual liner to loth partirs. I _ `=THE POLITICAL 'ARENA. • !i lath iBruce Liberal. -w Wilke.* ton oil 1.11W341iay, • nth, to choose 3heiricandid*t I)uuliuiinl rletiou. The • 1'I tivw of Bluth truce *t lhrir r tion List 'Thursday littera 'JAW r alo 1) Ila f I ert u , in the 1 alr. ii.0 iie33y, w•13s the ,,rldidale 1111)1, heiug defeated then by Peter \ICl(ruvie ly alt nlrei at pteiulwr for the oserv,r- Ivret- s J. Id. u ft, turn t hent ort. and w.• shall dt it. • "4 • • 1(1)11.14. 30 one thing of which 14111 plr111 it is 1het 1 have 'soceeetlel iu establishing 111Paer and 1 Ise (*ern all the 4tl.riota elements of aelvanceulent : and.. he )sigtlifieaully which our (MIpolati ie, i•owp.l0101. added that he still had a (outh•fur_ihr l'hr libwxl which ttwr-ll my veins is that which flows in a'Ants. you people of the 1'rovin'e ,/( yurb•c, lout I have never asked lay tallow-cou(3t•y- mtletl to Aompwwl rue because of thin., I3tat 1 think I have a right t`.' ark }'slit not to p•t nor aside beea.Ne 1 4111 of vnalr nor. - Some of t'1. 4'unsWva• tiers have fallen to such a depth of Inwestes.-that Iheir prioeif«l1 raga/ a,._ ,ju,•Iec, 1:l:y,ue/rent, ushrd tor asked the rleclues to ►De•1w{uh for Ihr French of the Province Io vole ;gamest toe 1«•.wl-r I acre 4-y.H(r 1'w•r, contest. 1 fiat later says: --•Nor have always Some extracts (iron Itis speech follow : "If you read ` the trailing - narrative )aprrr yon' will bre that tliey are all prophesying Liberal defeat. Von may be quite P111* t hat they , will he wrung, and. lbrreful'x,; We shall be elected, ('beer e. 4Vell another I.1-frud our 33rivil.gels more oiguronaly rtrunger reason. ala old friend Sir 311.8(314 Flenrh 33,1111, linistrl could Charles Tupper, who, after mam who must a ea oily cunni upon defeats, • jlae tvllh,jrawu flow Ihr shwa 'pasha ill .d alar•-ks0lr,h- H. keep. struggle, has c11113e 11111 1ron, 3, "3.13 rat 1l himself 1(1 (K,wer. _3,, 0. cried Sir to predict our ,Iefeat, lie h... June 1V Weld. "that Ihr F'renl•114',41puli*ne this regularly since IMO;, ,and is .t.uuld he separated Into a arrow by eet•tainly as urstakenoo lay .s at any t6rmyPlvr»:• tilt.b talk is out the p,tt- o►ther time. Wr &re vertain of virtue ' iotisp1 .r -our People. %V.. d0 not Ilecau►r the people of Canada stb l Want to lumina le any other Province. retain the same confidence in - unholy alliaurr between the lloilraaas (setion of "Castor'" x311 the t'omsrrv- *tire party to create rarest -banns. ag*iu+l ( err-i-..br*s,(,parly. -- - - Refrt'ring to the prospects of the cowing elections Sir \\'ilfrid said the tithe hail- not roan. -for' hint -1711-airy when tale' elections .wuubl he. but 1111 -:aid 3441 in a country file 11(11/, where •1111 majority is Protestant and Fing- tiyh, i1 is a mi -fortune far our rare that the One Minister stead 1 he a 1?rrnruwn. An English Prim. Min - .tet, wit...would need the Fren.ls 1314,1133 (1, keep himself ill power, would always respect our ,rights Mote and Government, which they showed in Ilan and_in every ut11rt• general da•tii,n -during the last twelve years. I do not think tog, highly of myself, but 3 must say that .1 think a great deal lit myself .vlie 1 1 compare myself with my adversaries, and I ani modest enough to think 1 know my faults wlwoet as well as the Conservative pwtaeM"- Whatever my stirfeares 11)11')' . have Iter during tar hist taetre • years, l m11et .'.fnfrs', they Iiavr lever readied my' hope! hark wltetevri rttt' failures trolly have 'Dern, when 1 com- pare our wort. witIrtbat,.3T thio-pi*rty ...which Drs may ucold ay sonic day succeed) us my c •sage coni.'. lack lit ml.. "ill loom the 4iovernntrit Was iu the \ hands of a bald of turn who were aim- Sir Willi id lousier and Nlr, Burden tinnally fighting atuung+t themselves; aloe (laving a pawl' ' y canter to \ and courpiriug against each either test their wind before the general at the 1' vl table. We were rlri ittnsnae i* a1inU11nCP3I tt the pathway --to ch -s it *trifr-tns h _ r fatal to the prosperity of the .- tory. From one end of Paull( tar A young man in a New York town ter' thrr there was depression, • has died as the result of being shot at • metrial, alp•ic,ltoral add 1 11 d u 0- { charivari. The charivari is a trial depression. Then the prn)dr ,dangerous. as well it. foolish prac- called it. to the helm, and dining .the twelve• y . rs that have paata'd Miller 'torr, then lint try has rnjllyrd 111r trust ITln*r bar period of phos verity 'n ite-history, prosperity which you ire enjoyed us much ars• myself. e. there h •, beets fipa,rial dr - *ion of late in 'ana14141, ass all over 'ort,, taut I do wt t bink we hay. 1 arc WWII ON other .Ihrulrir.,.. • s 111 we ask i+ 43.1,11 jostler for 'all wbour Pr widow.* has br..tight, u this part of America. 'fairy-f:nglish and t'rench,are united remorse Barth teeog• noir bit divisional 'of r*re, and our party wicks along principles which .re greater than racial divisions." EDITORIAL NOTES. The maples ata beginning to tum. I'he i,allrier deni,nst'at' at Cline ton on the =tall pr 'sea to be a rril- letter day in 1111. political history .of Ritmo comity. cu • a • ha.IWen C*nada, 111 the, hest tom 1 and to work the commttnit.• Mut 1. ut oaf Irgi+h recut•e 1 he p nsto•ril v•mof mg to thew ing an r reward fpr lir'. labor, • the getwl'al 00.1 of The re.nl , show It is Ind tomo lion for the business interests of (111410134.1 IH gel 11I34.1he1' in ;3 'metal Ili ,14.111,' *11 hill/1.11% 91 sti'*t1.l,,at cnnnrt•1' fur lloderich lirxt year. Edwn,l Norhan Lewis wand pre• fir „tp.tter sessions with its Nttt-r well. We roman the tariff. Then ventien steamship 1 ala and England, F the West Indies. exploiting of 3)3.34 lit tion and the buil We dug rahals. 0.V irwren.r wvttei'wav been shown that to Mr. IA'udrur, Ilam r iaiwrence route 141 y world. "1 say to volt with pride that conmeijoence of *Wilda r,,rk done for t •an,uhl•J '. )seen that '1,* she r h stands s e u r n 1 third at n', the lemur ci it tuitions of the world in her per capita trade. Hrlginnt ttttPe Ifr01, with a population of 7.11Ds,511i, slat a per capita tridr of altl?e.27. (treat. Britain ,'. •, next, with .1 4,1(10.2.11 p..opl. and a tar capita trade of Witt - :Oa w 1P 1'an,ul1 ie third, with a'pnpn- latien Yf • snott14 capita tr de of $?04.11;, • , **What 'veal the poeltion .31 (Tint+ da in 1'417? It via« an insignificant col- ony. hardly Mowed by the seat of the world. 'l exia y it is the brightest jewel in the HritIllh Cru*n. We have placed Canals m the broad sunlight of the world, and fide It one of the greatest of cnuntriep in regard to iia population, while the eyes of the older countries are ditecte4 to this new •lar in th t.errret.ri*1 lit moment. the home of pill r. -se, liberty and civilization." • • • - red by terror,' ng decided to %Id* iestetween Carte Frit cal. Sl exieu and 1'e ncourag11 the Mrs 1 elIN building DF railway M. We imps vest the St. +, and i has lately y rollrag r, Hon. I, aide tladt . 'rat St, vide hut -sur -is not 4aking-- any- un- necessary rinks. . ile is out already cajoling ale utero. Andel • g Ida hest to explain things*. that he may get another term 'at Ottawa. - T1tr Ilnra- West Huron a secobd time ?. Ir. is reported that the Canadian 'mmigratinn nfli tats along the t'nited tea, boundary are rigornnsly en - ng the laws agaitod the admission of •'I d.'siv:,Iles," It is to 1e• hoped that 11 y nue showing more senile in thrix we k than the 1'niled Staley y,flicials ll. last week Irfnayl rn. 1rI(u r Gra old man f1 .:Norris toWuship, in this comity, who Was being trikevi tat• n ITCttghter to .iirenil his declining. ye with her at her t1111e in Saginaw, vrh. T11at. was A n 1 is p LOP f h1(r our fit worth r f r• Y th "But our greatest wort for the ad. vancement of Canada is the moat uc- tion of the Grand Trunk Pacific, which mPal QS On much tor our hour• try's future, and with which 1 hope my name w111 hs chiefly asenciated. The noire we know about this line the more we see lit advantages to Can. Idleest error Nhnrtt, of Queen's 3.111r.r- ilag*tun4 and Mr. fort- taro taunt' a+ the t cumrnieeinnere to athllinis•- ter the civ nervier. act passed at the tsar session the -1 himinion- i artie- tnent. Prof r Short is already well known t4' the Canadian maple through his w thj(n on economic Iptestinne, and m re particularly of late as w fiucetPmaful arbitrator of it'• dnotrisl Ji*pule,. INA appointment has been received with approval by the press of 'both p*rtieli lar. hart. chelle.is a lawyer of good telling' in Montreal. When the Coneervativiu part ruled Canada, prior to IRS. the gri ern- .n.nt*I hnainwss was wit half vis I«age as it is now, and yet their were gears scandals in the msnagrin.nt. of the The Despairing Lover. tam fact., 4'1111 Cats For Philo. the Mir• mance noth tum Cala 11,0ye her Poor Damon. her hoer. Resolve* in dirtwir - - No longer to languish. Nur hear .o touch aaas,ai.h Kut, mad with hi- Ince. Tu.. preipiee goes. Where a leap Rom above 1)'111 .ono 31nlsh hl•sr.w .' aV leen in Num he (*OHIO there. .._. Keh_rlinit• tmw-aelltr' - T1,r aide. did appear, .. . . And the tritons how deep- 113.' 1urne(l. 310310lin11, And rattly t r 1.rt i,.g That a lever ful.,kera .1 new love may ail, . lilt , nes k when , b hr 1 en, r broken I an never he M•1 : -../11.1 that he .wul,l-.3...: -- Whenever he wun41 Ilnt t hal lie could Ike - nut n. lonm a• he ruoW : How are, ion• wryer - The torment mach( stow. He .corn .1 to endea.ur Tu 31ni.h it -u 141.t lead, ora on...srn J. .1t the thought. the 104(11 lie ;calmly 1431.4.14 -• TO his "linage again. • . \ \1 alfam w'wlsh. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. A . C relatable _ Applin tnlen t.. ILunih un :+I•e. lalur 11 ismer. 41st et. 'chs apq*ltntml'nIt at Mruf.Nfi(frll id tlneen'e 1'niversitx, *s one of the itten whose duty it will be to carry out the retnLatiou* •Lf the new civil aerates. 3Pr rt'• •• serves reedit. Prof. Shin•tt ha* al - proven trilrrwrlf to be a grittli lit*n of undoubted ability 3,.ed aling with' pnblie and Kenai-publie affairs, and there i reason f e res n 1 o believe that his work in thin important position, if he is permitted t.. exercise him own ;wig• nlrnt, will Ite satisfactory to Ilse Iwople generally anal civil servants in part Mille Keep Away from the Ditch. kin. nrdine Reporter. If fanners Mu! •'lathes driving formai soil lueelinif autuu,ohitea_ ;Wink' eon - malt their own safely They would not drive Nt rl0*P lo the Aitch. Keep up on 11111 rood as near the aut11uitante a« 1111ssible11113(1133. if Ihr anima) sl Id shy the first j p! will not be into ljte ditch and overturn the rig. AS a gen- prat ride one j p carries the 11111er and rig by the machine and many accidents may 1*' avoided if this ad- *nyoni' bay logo cloeato the ditch it is the man driving the auto. The wads were iluilt'i• the farmers, and .very consider* shouhttleshown therm.-- -- The Automobile Problem, t'misuan ('earthen. - Anyone who spends any of his time along the country red.. especially In the nM hhnrhood of a city, diming the Thr Petri•lam11'Review ways: ••in thei Canadian West two hundred- towns haw tree rrear, Mjshort lhiwyear; A few yea's nips on. 'load nit ser a tarn) front ttna trant -any wherehrthe Realtor dist. dal -.il Wa s .aid lit Ir• 4x1 dry t.. glow wheat. What have we now? 3'11.' est iniste is That the whole district w+tt-pl n.l.aw' 03•331 -ISI to 'St entrain» tier %V b t1 ulnae this t strict to Noss as the !Orr t I'«illa translated into enterprise, *nil pogo dation of a w114,1es,taw, energetic kind. -And railway 1uluulutic'tio made pop - mat p oatoble, 144,I3 i+ U►. piaci• *use of the pru.prnn sc,aid it• s and mush of growth 1n/ the ,Northwest. The buildiug7.l II' 1'. 1'. It hue been justified. stud 11ih Wuue yostili'atro11 exists for' the building ul the Grand 1'14 •.1,► Pacific. The Lit11.. Canadian is getting •queezel into a pretty small coerce." Thr l'olltel•tativr pros, is now dusiesl. t0 disavow idea i-nati,n. 'L•I1.' Edmonton Bulletin rays its regard to it : -Why war Parliament tires-rnted voting lar supplies for the public ser. vier? Nr. Oiro.ge Taylor., «Wet -l/p- _ p osirton whtp explainer thi reaekin lep .sully. itis dictum waw : Drop a certain ( i•a'rt'neriellt ulr:3•ure and you will get supplier :414 to drop it mrd poi will not get. them. 'Say, you will drop Klause. 1 ,and 11 and you will get your vole,' raid Mr. i's\ los: •.,I hrrwise •war will stay here, *se•utleader raid. till we are thinner titan it pip.'-atrul" 'Tell us vuu- will withdl•aiathat .bill and the civil sari Pints will tier their (ray immediately.' Itete we (nice the principle im.ldly set out, •1st the ma- jority abaudbn their IlghT Ga rule.\aunt we will Irl the rrtirn*tea pa -.w : if tory refuse to do so, we Will prevent the passing: let ns gove111 and we wile. grant the supplies for liuvrll1Nwnt : refuse re the power to govern and we will continue to refuse you the, mlr*ns Of government. 'trim a mar mral.nrr4 to suit ,lar 01/i113.4)' 44114 ver Will--gi4',• elm money withwhich t,5 .Arty ou 1 he halm... of the ,..11(317 y : insi.1 on Ihr 114'4+eu.+ moil the public servants may go uup-tid, pnt4I' works wry Iw .uslwn,Jw1, 11,1. (Lite int railw )y+ 131 quit. l,l , .'.a , Y may v w and the psaaufli, r ltuay (Walt. to handle the told." ass A. rim veuti t3 the Literal.., of `louse Iinrun`will be held m1 II.'n»mal on Tuesday, September 1:01,, :at 11 ••Itw'lt,«. nl. M.'.+4w'l-a-aarnli,(m(e for tle g ell.. iota In the lionise of l' ummmll,It 1..ipomether likelj• that NL 1'. Niel -ran. Ilan (.resent -[ember, will ngsin'ie chosen,a+ the standard - 'water of the, party.'' After dhl' row Cent 3on ,t 'nidi.•,u;...'meeting pill he held, and it is expected that N', S. ('alvrrt, NI. P. for \fait"fidiesrx and chief 1,1lorrat whip 31* t a tloure .,1 Comm/tor, a1111 thigh (Int fair, Ni. 1'., elf Ouelph, will lie present (4.' give and ns ofrera. \ . 1 Says lite liensall Observer :''•'che election is mow Iouked for the haat If 4);tolwr, and as we have (erne re- quested to p1edict the result we cheer- fully comply. The GovernmenQt will M. WAtained, I1ul with a gtry rrea dined majority. Sir Wilfrid fa►urier is __greatly rid ' ed thrlugliout the calut►try and., his unique pwrwonalft p, will cruor big in the contest, South Ihiton will be exceedingly close and loth candidates will require to get the biggest kind of :l wore oat." Ilin,..1. it. Stratton was pnLhnsi*a- Iteary hated on Saturday as the Liberal candidate for the House of Wein P Commons in Weeterhori . it. H. Hall, the present member for the tinting, -4* -irks iage-n.r;ng ter -after-elr- wan/ls of his bneines*. Mr. Stratton t* very poptttar in Peterhoro, and his eleeti,n by a large majority is maid to Ile 1434011'4,, - - 46 11a'nri d3.11l'M9*, who left Feleral politics to enter tile Provincial *1PIla In tatiche1', film at lost thrown off the meek and erotic out as an out -and ort Conservative. Uu Sunday 11e pro- ceeded 1(1 the rummy of Mnntmogny :snit s/hlrswer'al a large meeting of the electors, and in the course of his +p*r,•h he reviled his farmer frirml add chief, Sir \\'ilfrid Laurier. flow do the Cons•1•vlltivrs of Ontnt•Io like their new idly, who parted company' with Sir N ilfrid L*mrier herati.P he throgr.P.1 Willi Ow Liheril Govern- ment's action in vending Canadian troop. to South Africa 'r ♦ • TIL. •lanae* Citizen 1(,nsert'eliyel -..lit.. \N'h*t ter hie putiti, oI faitlo3 o tons. he, and g. odncan knows Sir WHIM taunter has enough and to ,1.1 snare. ingratitude i11 101. one of thorn,. -ft.ware; thrtrfn w, -nut etrrprising Gott The Toronto World's Newest inns) story f hie endeavor to rid the C*hin.t of Sir Richard ('artw,yl)jht's preen ahead', have Nerved wily to elicit from the Prime Minister the declaration of fl his determination that he and his old hot au a dusty summer days, unbridle- ")",.11•50'w' wo1Jd °ink fir Pwiln 10- tingly, evert vehemently, votes 1hr Kp(r_1rf. \\'r have it nn good anther• ml automobile a cunt noel e°nre eky that. Slr Wilfrid In thi3 runneetion especially if he dorm not ride in o*', Haw to mitigate the evil and abate the pulsators that this modern invrn. tion cre*epe in the hand« of thought• less and foolish people is one of the } profiting questions of modern civilize. Magistrate Crowe at Truro. N. 8, tion. echo State of New Jersey "eeme has given hitt decision is roti OW - to have diseovere, it fairly succPerful -beater bribery trial, committing' the method of abating the nuisance of ex. defendant Bayne for trial. Review. ceseive speeding, and the method' has ing the evidence, he stated that cel.• remarked to a friend : "(lir Rirhairrl, Cartwright shall have 'a seat in my Cabinet w, long as he wishes to stay their." lain -wit wears swore they w•4.13 given 1111113111 of y and label.' I.11naidrra• s ill ale iutrrrst' of Mr. Stanfield, the 11nmervative candidate in 111 m election, and that this es 1(11.114.1. War um'uVtrulia«I. 11. • further stated that there was cotsiders.11e evidence that the money win. out the property of Bayne alone, hitt that it c1 • .1311 of at fund, and that "it, ways and H*yur's private funds, but party •y Its was using." The rvidrw•a• he thim trial. h Is safe to ray, ant out lie moat in raluneetlun with thote'l•t1u- rw•rva'live "pulpy" campaign. t• Dr. Shaw Lr )hairm*n and- E. it. Dodgem' ar.relal•y of Ihr barl'rwsis• ' ter in Omega* of arrangements, for the Laurier dessionuOrltion at 4'litatoo On thr'irl• • OLD PEOPLE O F GODERICH NEED VINOL. It Strengthens and Vitalizes. Withol.1 Iter .Arse: Trehleates. and 1o.. id ' power : for urg'I1 *.t ali)ee slowly and 101110 effratually : the blood i. Ilii, sluggish and watery ; Gott U work and fowl iv not arsrwil- air.) as i1 toted to lie. mot refrains esu 11 'thistles and rheekr the natural d lour. It flues lip the digr.tive terga reds rwii11111- atim,, luakeA rich, Wood, - mod .f3 engthens every organ 'n the body. In this 'littoral lurnne•.\'i ul replaces weakness with strength. \'Awl is not a patent well ins, but a d i .11 ele i Ir t ',% 1 1'14' . 1 w nor *1'il t.11 u tvl.u• I 11 contains 1111 the ulebrwal Is y•build• Mg element% of ext 'flitter Iii i 4 cuu- .roll WLIeYd fol'111, taken holt Tres cLmhi ir,u added. it is because we lnuw so well of t \incl iswade that ver offer lI +armee if it faits to -benefit.- it. loaf.. Druggist, Godes ioh, that. 1 dies College ST. THOMAS - ONTARIO L'tit)4 year! • A leading Cana'Jiau •College." En wment allows ex- ceptionally reasoti bee rates. A tall year's tuition watt rd, Q 11.14.411 and laundry . el F.rr (ihrIss ml.. adorn.: 3 and upward. r St. Jerome's College 3,.?..1,114,rd Ma BERLIN. ONT. Comdtercial Conroe. I.ntem. 1'n)Ieg. tem tores. Nigh School'Co,rse, Special Neill-tie- for eill- ie -for the study of Ianglutgeat; : Arts Gorse. Specialists with FnrO- 'wan t1*' g for all classes. . ihlildiag+ new and mod.. Fitly ro)llippsl. Grimm], extensive. Athletics encouraged. li.ud and 3,*Llon at very Moderate tales. Ful• calendar, aldr•o.: REV. A. L. '/.IN(fl•:It, I'. It., 3311. NI THIS SCHOOL RASES 1 fS CLAiM FOR SUPI.ORI UPON MERIT ALONE ELLIOTT `O uC TORONTO. ONT. H'tis-- Hiatt?, ` -tftt tier-- ri,i tlr•tr. vl'e u 1 tike K F.l 11 Al, ITII AVIr 1'N141'H Pts met :ll. TS: so 4rtaia y Madera.. ewIleite toq. Kon tool ion•. Let n. wituate 14111 fes pewit her runden nlrel. %vF: WILL tact 01011 a ..taloalte fir,•. ►ilei ant 'thn -W, J ELLiOTT,I .opal. Worn r 1.83.3 .111. a,u,Jvr Sp. 1\H TALENT. Ikon IIut.:almaanr. Y1uw 1' i Attend the Beet' 7 •TRATFORD. ONT. is recognized as the LARGEST, HF:S'r•13)343 311 PST ttl•t'CR,S8F1 practical training+cho.ia in Rioter,, Ontario. Three depart talent. 1 (iNitlittt'IAl,• SHItitTHANt). TF:I,Ef:HAPH)1'. Otos graduates err1tre qIwai p14osi- tions and forge to tlf,' front. Write far our .free catalogue: yNl will lied it interesting. Von may enter at any time. . ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, rCENTRALBUSINESS 1 1 COLLEE, Toronto. tttThe I„taed and equipped whoa! sofit• klud M1•Nr» Y,34) to write for ft. .New i•at*hlgne: ►'all Tenn from Sept. I. Allies-' %0'. 11. SHAW, I'itKS1111"NT, ):. 1:..411 W, s I f Ite:T 11:1 ON SITUATIONS... with leading Nosiness houses await 0331 grauluatea. LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER and all modern nfllce meth Ws which ensure rapid W1- v*n!rnlent. GREGG SHORTHAND taught b R y the only teacher in Ontario who attended the Author's school TRREE COURSES. -- Stenography Commercial, T,legrnphv. Enter any dsy. Write for part L' Mara, FAL1. null ISOM SEPT. 1., N$IIK1 MBMS COLLEGE / G EU,' 8POTTON, 1'1 1 . f rat l.. FALL WEAR -Ladies \hat\' a' MI, NT\•I,[S ;,ttuit sunt insp..thul in Ladies' and Misses' Mantles, • MKIUTM, all'I'I'S,-WAIS•1'S, ItA!At OATS. Fur and Fur -trimmed Coats, Fur Stoles, Fur Muffs 4'II ILIMEN'S 41-EAlt`tict'i t (IA erg, ear. 1t 11411 never Terme been our pleasmw to show such a great variety of choice (iarrurnlw. The Wear well ',love the satisfaction We pl•uluise •ou. The Values will situiv that we mbar.. all possible savi(3gs with you. The Styes lila• 1huse that :ill lending foal ' rentrer aloe showing 'their prefer•nc, f..a. Your lapectioa will be appreciated. JOHN STEAD West Street Ladies' Wear, (modLr i 1 Lh 20th CENTURY BRAND CLOTHING ▪ i• tonight by the ost_ AIi+C I'l llllnal'ng ▪ cl othiris jot Canada. and wort by the Iver( dressed. Iluyet'ol' all Linda of 334x4.4. !laud-tailul•rd,perfect littiug_a11,1 genre- . 4 1, 114 11.4n.ty:rr, g,rl to Ile the Most stylish clothe. Matte in ('atwhl. \\'e would' call plu(n'uhlr:Kleist to our ridrudiJ range of FALL' OVERCOATS AND. RAINCOATS overcoats amato teel. gooier 'length. of black cheviot, rill. f*cwl, edges blind -stitched. Raincoats in grey and brown cravenette cloth amt made with the new Prussian Lollar. all Ol a is r,skypularahip You will 'iare 0 See these In order to ailpsaeilr3e them. Fur your NEW FALL a get it atlf1ts df -Are . We are noted fin• ke,ping -ill. mune rny1140 13114 t11P1-1 11.11 • in III. • 113, )'. .. WALTER C..PRIDHAM The right plan e to buy Ment Clothing and Furnishings. MRS. H. PARK Fall Millinery Opening SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th. Ladies are con(lially'it►v'ited to call aryl se(' our stock. Quail and Style our of display will speak for themselves this season. MRS. H. PARK. YOUR FALL SHOES Come and see us about them. ehave just received, a shipment ERSON and DERBY FALL ..STYLE SHOES -- in Boa , f. Velour -GJ( and.guar - ' \1141iril anteed P ent Leatbir. Prices' $3. to $5.00 Bu these she s andget Buytoo tents worth of sh • for the dollar. -TRUNKS. SD CASES j and BAG Ge M. ETHELSQUALIOTT RE. Good Individual Tailoring atthe price of - non -individual ready fate: Suits and Overcoats to order $15.00 up. FRANK He MARTIN THE TAILOR AND FURNISHER J animmir DYERKISS PERFUME ■! We have mole control for Gralnick of these Perfumes. Wr have the Tutt TIO. of DYERKISS PERFUME, in bulk and bottles. DYERKISS SACKET. DYERKISS TOILET WATER. I • DYERKISS LOTION. DYERKISS FACE POWDER. \ aia DYERKISS SOAP. Tbis line is making to great. hit in tiialericIi and malty flattering m► -- -- -- - -- remarks we hear about it. - i . TRY 1 T YOURSELF. F. J. BUTLAND'S DRUG STORE GODERICH I II kin If it s good we have It 4111111110 MD IMMIIMININII di, II i world fanged 1 w 1 1' TOILET GOODS. We have a complete stork To; LET Alt'1'll'1,1•.S is the most select 1101.., and ars prepared to reronouPnd 1.111 good.. PERFUMES Roger RE Gallet's, Pavers• and others. Tooth Powders and Pastes. etc, our. TOILET CREAMS Parisian Balm, Witch Hazel Cream BEDFORD BLOCK ONTARIO