HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-3, Page 7THE bIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO 7 4.,p,�� d o0 �.0 �411+141i.419. 0.,� ��.Cs e n n e _..ti�,_ It - n_._ti �n_ n lig n tt tt , n_. n, c1,, p po*414* Os,sCetG� Il,lid` 11re0ao0e OcMMilesIwtlwlle lialhruith. et the home y 114' of Thera� ,0044.4444,44 LEE®URN. News of the District. TuttabAY, Sept. 14. Reimer rent AuuueT FROM I).' >9. No, 6. CaLKOIINit.-V. class- Darrell McCann. IV. class, senior Harvey :McCann. Allan Watson. 111. class, senior Mi •tte Mclketald, Reggie Mc(larn. Lorne. Tburluw, Annie '010111p$x5)q, 'Tullarny 1'Is65bu1m. .11111- ° fur -,- Audrrw Bogie. 11. claw, ern• iog• Ernest Bogie, Jluruty 'Tholepin's Junior ---Della McCann, Beatrice Chis- holm. 1. class. senior Philip Regie, Mary. Gliddmt. Junior Lily Morris, Shute Thurlow. Auer M. 'Two -reit, SHEPPARDTQN. Tufo oAY, Sept,. 1st. Mrs. Jess- Orehain is visiting her daughter, Mrs. McNee, at Nile., Alia' Allis Johnieton, of toderi . is visiting he.rfriend, MiaAfars(toh in, Mr. Mathewson. of St. 'l',iul. ,utit his bride are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Alex. Young. -- - #!w tiatausatl Moaned M.,ttday-t5'. her' hums in Detroit after a isleaomit ,o time with relatives and friends. - Misr Marion Bug ie, of tiuderich, is - i pendiug her holiIl*ys et the home F__ -•.,r f,irr o utrn 11,1s.. -ifs''j rwr- Lait Friday afternoon Alri. (tor - don invited a few friends tit a quill- -- -ieg and a YesJ--�Itasa!-tie ae 1 14, • ��~? 4444ik4 l +44118 dealt. DUNOANNON:-�'• MAFEKl lU. i Hr fall, Lauding on Isis fret and sprtin- A. NEWTON, URNTIST, LL't'K• • MONDAY, Au u$r31rt. ' i1g them badly, 1\ a hope soon to see p g hiul aro I again. NOW. --At lwmrrverydayuxtwptThur.- 15'r. and Mn. Nat. Saunders and • y., New remwlyfor extras:Linotoothlyotunu• (torKlnlly visited Crewe friends on Hun. ate. Al tier than taw. t' oil. auk bridge work day. 1 - EAST WAWANOSH. - r4.. Alwu.ar.,. yhto+tnamhreutabiel. - • N. U. -tie eau d WA). bean }}uur i.o 4 much 'Tltar. Andrewn iw weatitlg'tbe u nal I3FLoi<v. t:, Au,;, aN1. butter awl. i,. the dental onto. -inure Rine, - Witter (wapiti.... for doing the work, inure lulu, ),appy xlllllr 1,t the proud lather._^ - Haar L\'.att'.aNu+.0 1'ul'NI'11.. 1'ouu• f•,rtrblefur(lwtwtrrut. - a girl, -tl tort today pursuant to adjourn.. NOTA E. 'IYIK AL ALIEN( Mir. M. MsiIuuj[lyt' Otto, moon. aunt, unutu). s all prey. -sit. kfinutex In DW1tgw wart for • Ir ,e sign, I, ,,t the Hu.. - war ter gust 5)f`%h's masa Johti• 'Afloat lure) iOS,W1 rs 1 ...id and , id. pied. omd., lre,k uua st11uunery stare, wllnru stun over Sunday: -, A drputatiou f• Il5'lgr:tc,• .c.litw1 unh•1•s will t... lyretrpl fur .5)bne) (io14.• 1d1 1111 1115' -uuticil SALin sur a grin', its of vertistug cud iib work, cud suint. will be The threshers are having a buryK Riven fat ruwulll, Ira1.t fur ttte sills. tithe ,5)t it now. Many gad yields -)' in Aid of pill t lhg in cl•„..:ogle. ave Leen. ...,parted Agin awls, of au, Atul )sir etl•NI't:iwpri,vl'lur/iLi ill the "nage. Moved by Mi. Mioll, src- 1}dint/ in 't rta1.1 in a VIV.nllt•i11..ellt-wt .for nuy-ly two uo1ielh•. grnlually gid s'. ism weaker, end het deaf h 111111 ire ,' p•''ts*I, li.eal r) wpafb)• i+ 1'41 fur her brotlu•r, telt so lonely by Tier scar . !i'ry'hENrri Htrrr lt\INl. T•/ \Volts. :. Giant Al.Neil leaver this hawk tor Alkaloid, where he *ill wake his hums With lir- •Ie while- attending the Uullrgutle 11111ilu1t libel... Mr. Mc- Neil war one o1 the siteees.ful students( :.1. Mri1urih. Cull.•giste• this -smellier, ubtatiuiilig 111•. secs( )'lase rrltlll.'atr with lo.noi•.. and the, 1..•st wishes 11 him mane frirud. will .follow 1' t. Aleafola. tor a-outinland iit1 of Isis sue toss. Reginald Marks. who al... ob- tained his second with honors. goys to l.N,d.m to attend the Normal School lhrre. . N etersstat e. SienL.r' ill._. lite. ('rawtord is spending it couple of weeks with friends) in lioderich. lilies M.Mur:Ly, of Uoderich, is et present the guest of Miss Olive Craw- ford.. Miss Olive (ioldtbotpe, of Ouderich, visited friends Isere 1br a few days fast we.k. Miss White has returned to our vii. Inge after enjoying a few walks' holi- days. Micheal al Rei.1 I,Itipped:a earltad 0 s•attle Dann idtcknow to Toronto on Setif rttpy. JM11)11,`Wilw.0 and Wlfel 01 F;lorn, �are Venew 5)111 acqualntantes herr theeweekn._, - - 1 spent. The Mieses McLean, its Kiutail. stayed .a short time the latter ended' Inst week --with their sister, Miss Lilian. T1 as At spending a cow 1101,xe Miss Frank 1cLs turned to her wised labors yestenta atter a two rliOtnthli holiday. s • ('harlrs Fowler her taken* position in McKenzie's hardware stole. tie in• tax e Ilk/Ward Case returned home on $iit- urday after spending his holidays with friends mar Exeter._ Howard ways he has received is few pointers on farnl:ug. amen will have well -tilled granaries K , Worthy Kilpatrick tie spending •a "tided ly Mr. C gi that $L'tt be work +t his hums here previousto his Kicrn fur )but urs,se.l'arriavl. aThr court • of revisionw5)u the .luhnrun departure for the \Vert on Tuesday. lir has secured a position to a bard - ware store. GRICAT. (letu%VTII. - Miami Finlay law a tine specimen of his corn on ex. hibitiun at the pustofilce. It is thir- teen feet and a halt lung and, is a pretty tair sample (this cure patch. • .,. LUCKNOW. somas, Aug. 31st. Fred Sanders left last week for Tor. outer .ta, intrad the School of, Phar•- Mies \Villa Ford has been engaged to trach near Maple, and has left to her dotiem. R. D. Cameron and W..1. Irwin at- tended the 1. O. F. High Court meet- ing at London last week. ' Reeve J. V. Anderson hasrpurchaard the pack of apples of the Norfolk Fruit from 10,I10111 to 1:i,5MM) barrels. 8,11.VICIt WI•:5IINi. -On Wednesday evening, 19th inst., Mr. and Mrs. 1%'m. Armstrong celebrated the t welity-flft h anniver.ary of their wedding. 'Thr gathering Inclstdwl about tweet) H ve to members of 5)r i t addi 'ua mem r K 1 tuthe the family, of whmtu all were present except Abe eldest daughter, Mrs. J. Wilson !.f Uodrrich, who was pre- vented by illuess at home from toeing in attendance. Mr. and Mee. Ar strong have 'want twenty-four of their twenty -live yetse of [tarried lite in Lucknow. Wmemais AT K Vtlgt.-An 111 tersst'ng event took p ce on Tuesday. the 25th inst.. at the church. Holyrood, being of Roger Corrigan, of Hut .1. F:. Tom, ppubli44_w 1)001 iRepert,•r l ,i (alien at the school Monday and to 1 the. standing imitroved and the dis- cipline good. Birder Texa ticnvlun -hsunueline r' liacden. are leaving grata • '[5)r the K West, Mies (Jordon going to,%.1)isit her ' rioter at Trehellie, Man., t Miss Hoyden going10 Duchene'', S • ) 1 1 PORT ALBERT. Wm. -sta.'s v, Sept: 211(1. Mr. Fellow has sold his propea)•ty to Wm. Galley, of (toderich. i i)r. W. Y. -Hayden, of Galerich, spent Sunday in the village. -' - Harry Leduor left thew parts o0 Monday, fur-I3ritisla -i uluwHits, 3Ir. and Ida:a Will Richardson, of f Muskoka. ars \visi iag with relatives' in this locality. • • Miss Falconer and W. Mclean, of (oderieb. paid a flying visit to our burg on Sunday. Miss Tens P. Hawkins left Iwo nal - day fur Wingbam, where she has secured a position as teacher, Our 0.1'. I. students returned to their labors yesterday lTuesdayl after holidaying at their -respective homes here. - LAURiER, TuestiAI'. Sept. 1st. Miss Isabel McLennan intends leav- ing for Chicago this week. 'Jack McLean. of Lothian. spent Sunday with Geo. McGregor. Miss liecea McKenzie was the guest of Miss Annie McLennan a few Jays this week. • Misses Maggie Henderstm, of Kin- loss, and- Annie McKenzie. Lothian, were guests of Miss Mar McGregor last week. Mrs. H. Cook and daughter. Miss (Dors, and' sop, Charles. of Luck now, spent a few days visiting friends in this vicinity. - - Alex. McGregor left un Tueeda}• fur the West to take in that stook of wheat the Lochalsh correspondent referred to last week. - .lames McLennan returned ti hie duties in the Molsons Bank et Water- loo on Monday, having spent two weeks' vacation et his home here. LOCHALSH. ti - Tu ituAx, Sops 1.1 -- Mrs. K. Liilico, of Ayr, is visiting her brother, John Artnet.roug. Grant le Campbell are drilling an artesian well at Hugh McIntosh''. Miss Annie M. Me('harles, of De- troit, is visiting friends in this scram' _ _ at present. - A. H. Finlayson has. {tone to stay a few days at Newton, from which place he intimate to take a trip t5' the North- west. ' .las. McKendrick his t•eturnsd to the post office from hie trip to O.'droit, t with a few more pomade added to 1111 atvoirdupoie. , John Hunter, of Duluth, who is vie- ittag4 relatives' in i.tu•know, waare- hewing acquaintanrea in this vicinity last Monday. ih/ne. Cameron and R. J. M-• Kenzie will probably in a few days re- - -eive the degree of (.1 B„ which will - hP .ddrtta their ' • ' John Campbell has rent veil from Ripley to i.ochalah, and ie n w resid- ing in the house formerly )occupied Ivy R, McCharlse, of Lucknow. -• 1EA•rn o1• RouKk•r Ale1NTusn. On the :51t.h silt. occurred the (loathed an esteemed, 'redden', in the person of Robert McIntosh: at the residence of his son, Hugh*McIntosh. The de- ceased had been in iMlk me health for some yienr% pest., owing to rhsuufati' and other troubles, And was J severe eulTeri-, especially daring the last few months' before his de ah. H r wire of 1met ancivil disposition 3n1 luaurel hav- ing known and respect reeided for natty years on a farm on the lath r-oncesxion of Ashfleld. Sonne years ago owing to advancing age and ill -health he retired from the larnl, residing first on the 12th (3051• .'sselon and afterward(' with his son. tingh, on the boundary lea wren Ash- lieki and Illwull, W Itrre he died.- - decea(wl was a consistent „iPlllwt' of the Preahyterian church and was a -regularattendant at Aal,Hrld Presby- terian church when the condition of his health permitted. 'l'he remains were interred in I.orhalah cemetery last Monday amidst a large concourse of people from the aurrnunding coon - try, Rey. A. Miller conducting the funeral service. The deceased is sur- vived by his wife and a family of four daughters and two sons. One of the sons, Rev. W. McIntosh, has charge of a flourishing Presbyterian con • talon In Elora and a daughter, re. Thompson, now refitting in the to of Washington, before her ante Was well known is - charitable and mission circles in tbe'ttity nt Toronto, as' the superintendent of the Bible Woman's Nome. Tits sympathyOf the entire community ie extendeto Mn, McIntosh and the other rnemben of the family In their sad bereave- ment. JohnJohnston, ill n ton, of Clinton, arrived in our village on Monday_ ll bar taken p esessiun of the hat•ne busi- ness recently pu (basal from. 1. Henderson. \ NILE. Truabev, Sept. lata -Mrs. James McNee has goer {d vial) persister' in Rattle Creek. afic lbirs t I . v ) Hall. of Clinton. is at present\visiting old friends around Nile. \ Mr. and Mrs. Phar. Giryin are tali. ing in the 'lorootao exhibition this week, and before returning home in- tend to visit points farther er east. We are pleased to state that Wm. Bailie, who has been very 411 with pneutnotlla, iii now side to sit up, and we hope soon to see him around again as usual. Mrs. Jas. McNee, of Nils, is spend- ing a few weeks with her mater, Mee. J.. A. Thonspeou. and children. - Winnipeg, At (ingnac Lake. Michigan. Mr. Thompson hating secured a cot- tage for the season. We wish her a pleasant outing. ('0(K0-11 Nome.. The women's mis- sionary meeting which was to meet et the home of Mrs. John Tiffin on \Vednesday has been postponed until the following week. on account of the funeral of Percy Mcllwain. The Epworth League, which meets' on Tuesday evening.- is changed to Wednesday for 'the same reason. It wilt be the. regular monthly conseera- tion meeting. UK.aTII nF P Ell t Y M1 I I.w.uN. - Much regret and much sympathy for the sorrowing relatives is occasioned anteing A wide rirrle 'of friends and acquaintances Ian the' death at the (:oderich hospital on Sunday of Rob- ert I'ereivel, the eldest son of Robert Mcllwain. \The youpg man wait taken ill (in the 13th of August with typhoid fevers and had been at the hospital for al ost two weeks. Ilia death wax due to hemorrhage and perforation of tib bowebl as the re- sult of the fever. The funeral took ,lace on 'Tuesday a ternn on `from hie place residencegau Nile, to 1)pll- non cemetery anti the very large attendanceof friends and neighbors bore witness to the geu*t'./ esteem in which the younft man wa}t held and to the deep sympathy with the father, te whom' hie sons death 1s a heavy blow. Re.-. \V. Conway, pastor of ,the Nile Methenlist church; - ermet ethd the funeral ,wrvices and the pall -beaters were }truest Jeckunan, Ross 'Taylor, Bordon Young,. Roy- _):uviol W;.Mc- Knight anti %V. herr, all (beans 14 411,' deeeaswl. Over one 1 deed vehiclle.'s,, followed the hotly to the grave. The decrasrd was in hie twenty -hearth year and wits ,a generone. ,men -hearted young man, universally liked. He is 'survived by two Minters, Mrr. William Watson, Nile, and Mrs. F. W, Jervis, of Trochu V'allry, Alta., and by _t v::- brothers, Lament and Fran', at horns.. • It is almost as easy to find trouble as It 1. to make excuses, LOTHIAN. Tnvnat1►Y. Aug. lriit.h. ,Mrs. McLeod, of Chicngn, is atayink at A. Mcl.ean's. - Everett Ilendera,n is packing with W. M. l oim ee, of Laieknow. Thw•Missea McLeod, of Lochalsh, called on friends here one day last werk. Mrs. Heaton, e4 london, is the giwet of her eiaeter, Mr*. ,tattles Mac - I lonal.t. +Miss Isabelle AleeKaay, of 1Vest Point, Miss.. is here visiting her sister,. Mrs. C. MacKenzie. Miss Dialo and Allan Knechtel, of 11 11'ingham, spent a few days here this week visiting friends. Albers A. MacKenzie and M. Hen- derson, of Kinloss, enjoyed the lake. breezes; a few days this week. Mrs. K, Hillof Hnrmenhow, Ala., and Mrs. H. %'anderhuof, of Chicano. -eiaited tit --Mr. M.-h,een s fear a few day. last week. . - Tit KsnAv, Sept. 1st. Ed. ihernin called on friends the other shay. Mies Woods, teacher, spent Sunday et her home. Mins Mary Smith was the g1 of Mise Bessie Barnby over Sunday. Miss A., .1. McKenzie bee returned o Chicago to reanmr her work at. the Fearing Willard hospital after 'pend- ing two months at her home here, ' Mies Isabelle MacKay ha' retorted to Detroit, on her way to West l'oint., Mtasiesippi, where she will take up her work in October, after spending two weeks with bier dieter, Mrs. c. M-- genste. e wedding 'ood, and Miss Annie Caesar. yl Longs" Rev. Father -Corcorape performed t e cere- tuony and afterwardathe bridal 'party repaired to the residence of Mrs. Cae- sar, where the wedding dinner was served. On . the return froth tib honeymoon trip -Mr. and Mrs. Corri- gan Will reside on the groom's firm near Iiol'yrood. LOYAL. MoenAv, Aug. alat. Will MltPeer was with his Auburn friends near Sunday. j Mn. Clad) has returned `from' visit- ing her friends in Auburn. Mrs. J. R-dmond, of Westfield. spent last week with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Young. A nrrrnher of ctur residents attended the funeral of t1, late D. Ferguson in Ooderich oh Friday last. Henry Homey, with his threshing outfit, was in our midst last week and w is doing Ane work. ",From seven scree on the Jones - farm be threshed for Andrew Green :ilk) bushels of tats in one and threeatnarter Mitre. WESTFIELD. Tritst.AY. Sept. 1st. Miss Jennette Cottle. of, 1Vhite-' ehits.lt. is- vieiting bar aunt. - Mrs. John )'hen ney. ' Mrs. William Cameron. of Winlni- peg, spent a few days last weeklsit- ing at the hntue of hrr uncle, %Vil'tim Bamford. Bordon Ainslie, of Tilbury. spent a few days with his family at the tion -m-trIe iiias- :father: J. N. Vatupbeli,� before their return home un Monday of this week. Curium Nsrrts.---A. E. ,johns. of Auburn, first vice-president of tile Ep- werth Leagues of the lioalerich die- trict,' addressed the. 1)onnyhmnok Ep• worth league nn Sunday evening, the .uldeet (wing, 'Some if Our Greet Foreign Alissiuttariee."..Ernest Roll. venom and A. I' srbu Jist..tf-Auburn, will take the services at Donnybrook on Sunday eve ' g. Rev. Mr. •lours takes ' the Preghyterien servi('r at Auburn in the absence of Kev. Alr. lentil . \tk•ulan. Its:teen. The_fulluwiug.•is the tenon of the standing of pupils ill S. A, No. 6, East Wawanosh, for the ruin of August : - \'.---'J7u,s. Bogus. IV. Nelson Robinson, .Irnnie Tanney, Leslie \nucleon'',, May fork (absent one exalt.), Maggie Ferrow(abeeutune exam.). Mier 11I. - May 'J'sanney; iilly A'Th tt, Colin l ;anlptwll lillaent one -exam.) .1iminr II1. 1'iolet. Burh- +nan. 11 party Hibbitt. (:hprkrtte Tunney, Willie Hallett, Roy Farrow. Part 1I. Aggie Howatt. Part 1.- - Viola 'Lottery. M. L tib..;fie. Teacher. WEST WAWANOSH. MONIAY, Aug. 31d. Cot:NrIL Mgernera. - The council boiled of West Wawanneh will meet Inc general Muinees on Saturday. September 12th. at 1(1 o'clock. W. 8. McCaoeTis. Clerk. ST. HELENS.__... drain and also on the 1lellahan drain was opened sus par not ire. Owing to a, sew minor ehangex rtylt uiplaated which (lie council cinsidgred•woul.l lir lreurlfciul ill Ude interest's ..f the parties caner' nod in the J,11nentl drain, the c t of revision on this drain was adju teled 1i11 Saturday, Ssptenalerr Stl1-elate-.54 1-e:cboek- '1'h1 following anneals ori the Ilallahan Mein were then brought up for eun- riderat' Chris, Jyhnxon, James AlcUIll, David lhnnl.ar atilt 'John ,all. liaws. E. 0. -V.ta1s, the -engineer - in - charge: swing prrsrnt. After it hear- ing bad been given the several appel- lants isi this matter, it Was moved %1 r. Aentt ati SitiJet by Mr. .I a:rpie, that Mr. Johnson'. port' of draiu he rot off at line (wtweetl lits 41 stud concession 4, and also, that the north brunch, trots' cud of prrsrnt tile drain to rider•uitd, be tiled ItI.te:ul of left as en 0 n-dlaiu, and Iha Is l: w N. e5' et 1 i :, as now w5) a w IluaUy adupled and the (sent 14 revision on the same Iw s•1i1rnd. Parried: The clerk war instiuct.-d t. adeertilr fur tenders for c11nlLr5A•ti1111 •of the John- son and-iiallaban drains up tui tion 5)u Saturday. Septunlwr Jt Is, Tenders on e!Linehan IIS 1 o• t1, drain limey 5)t 5'r for Y I the whole contract 111 ,n three parols viz. north branch. s nth brunch • and mein drain. After- pa. ul.t a number of accounts, principally :flu gr:tveT Aauuagrd rte., the 5'i tiodr rrljont•ned, to inert. Ngaiva,I thutitd.,y, SepLviuJ er next, et 2 otlonk p. tis. ALI:x. Polt.1•Y-H V1 E5.U, Tow• 1... li ip clerk. - Misr Jeanette d;..,, „f Whits.' church. ie vista int her. 0 i,•n.' Mtssl Ann-te Cli,uuneyTili ...•-•k.• A, l'duk, .rt hill isle, v:I itwl at Cleorite C. N_avI.r. ,•n Wean...key atnd iti•i.lty of 31st nark. \1'1111 EN Itr:.�t•ile•:.'I'Ilr:ne 111 s'r:•►n 5);4:. --The alerting' 'of the %Vonien's 1u- etituty, which have ieen euepwudrd during July autl August, will Iseis- rutue'd an4 the next turrtiug will be held at the home of Mies Charlotte Parruur on Thursday afternoon, Se - teuiber 1001. at '2::tt) o'clock. , A i rail e- unentsiw•il1 be Made for wiectiug t r fall .h *bulbs and those who have ally ptiete rare as to varittirs of bulbs should be presaut at this' meeting. will the giviug of prizes for the lest mend. iog and danuiug, a5' was discussed at the .1line Meeting. r. \ Vi4tat.d'Lgoal Opleen Lgvrr--•--4 Clinton, Aug. L'; - IL l'uoh,r of Varna, Wild thiel $'J1 and colds fur - `)tial -fn -lnii -hotel 'c5' ae. 1'arllil is of Statile) calor along cause lwfors l'l i n ton. n the Itaral option toavusbip "i• nor shd Inspector 1 Iw mexpeetedly. The .,iso 1• _police loagist'ate of oy ' i A Western paper records the death of 'TI w' Nicol. 1 mrntlwr of a former' Winghant faun ' witi-h went ty, Manitoba Montt Iw sty-tive )'':ars ago and retUed at Hui vain. Thr deceased afterwards left Boissevais 1 ''o1 te' t'r'ek a oil a .v ranch at Ton and took 1 met his Alberta,and it was there 11 n 1 death. lie wt1t returning 1111 a field wlhrh iji�y' had keen cultiv ling and had hit ell Isis horses 1,1 the dewuc-rat ail attachwl the unitive a• behind. ttpliigdown a hill the tongs of the cultivator struck Mr. Nicol an threw .lsim „tf his treat to the ground, and a to.ith of liait'ulivator{ pierced Ills els( , lie died Iw'a, days Eater, In ' the h.i p at -The rl•miius' were Ie.-' ter•trd et (Mier vain. ormee A. C.s,k.. of• (1 ((Wish, an.l A. A, Naylor visited "Jt %Villiain Choke's, Reignite, on 1Vrdu...Iay afternoon. lanae Walker hispnrrhaerd ,i new parab,r. with, all ah Madero int- vesuents„tad h.a. 'ma' au..3.1 out- • \Ve ars ple:rse.t to 111' a1,Ir to elate that M 'r Mae Reid. who' has leen sutTering\from iatl4WuwtioIl -of thai•-- lungs and who underwent a succe sy- ful operation boot week, is now doing nicely. PI Ht. Dr. Rivers, front the 'West. is visit- ing his brother, Itev. (1. W. 1V. Rivets. of Belgrevr. „'rhe, M. D. preached very acceptable at 1!.• morn- ing service in the 'trick Methodist church last Sunday. ANNIVERSARY SERVO KA,- The nu nitersat•y services of the Donnybrook Methodist church will be held on Sun- day and Monday, Weirc.nber.l3tb and 11th. Ileo. 1)5'. 1)•,ng:alh tat North street Methodist (;burets, li.alerieh, will poach et the eervicee.at 2:344) and 7::111 p. m, tin Seethes and tltr'\Vrst- field choir wilt furnish the Music. Un Monday avenin; Dr. Dougall will give his celebrated lecture un -Deland t n d Irishmen." The lecture is brimfl of wit and humor and no one should mise hearing. Dr.__ -Dougall. Silver collection at the dlsor, pi -tweeds ,. a in installing a hotter u t- t,Iwun.nn Iib light- ing RR ing system in the church. � GODERICH TOWNSHIP. l't•i sn.v', Sept. 1st. .Misr Ella MeeMatlr )meanest tet..Tm- onto tlis week. \, Thr Misses Agnes and AI' ' F'or 411 are visiting relatives in Ltmdon. \•:Monday 'v 1. 1 'ss h a , u'. nth Iris on 'Mae •for ;New 1'or•k, tui resume tier duties at Mount Sinai hospital. J. K. Maw. .1 Withisor, left, pets steamer hing Edward, on Wednesday . Make. ar on the Weeds. <:.�. A. writer in 1 e F•u•ittet•'s Advocate points 1.5 An evil \•Ilia! 111 lief ' g a deriuu15 turuarr. t is only right, 1.5' Kaye, to call 'Men 'nn (t. Otte phase of our a5'ucul irr col 'ch is very seri unsay- neglected, 1111d drat is I)5)• in- ceauted uurulwr of vs, tire Jud the spread Of noxious wards. •itliout .any effective means being to ell to pre- vettt their getting -aa foot lid aw gal envie:ate thrid when they on ?e get in. to settee lwctioni(tie is groin intolerable for with - mustai thist je, rhieoty, gi,w'kgraai lately, bladder catul' all gt in )irr" fields --the results,. in a f years if aggteesive ntetusures one no arenon atlopted, will he dios.Lrous to our agriculture. Farina that were com- paratively free front noxious weeds a few years ago are wow overrun, leas ening the crop. return,- isnd ti. o1•sali-: cote them will (eke •h bettor anal pat ienre. Whirr nnsny lilneuegs are most diligent in lighting this WPC(' rviI and preventing the plants get• ling at foe,Uwld on their bards, ntllet•s alho-w them to grow with impunity. having) no regard for their own or their neighbors' w,h'are in this re - 'meet. `The weed-, Mown with the wind or, carried by the birds soon pollute the (leafier l.unla of thiel %gore ditigent- netgtilsn. )Mill --a- s -Crit• nr *)fair`s is atluwwl t, exist ender our x 1 c Mime. of•ri- g odern law n alt 5'u ure, and the farmer who desires to keel 1,1. fi s,, free of these weed pests most -irervasr 'extra diligence if hr wishes 111 hitve a clean, prelnul.ive fain. ahttust POP' 5)d. rt ing w r 11110 t -U7' PICTURES 1Wo 01 THE LEADING ,1 YLES IN THE LATEST MODELS 01 - Semi= Readv se Tailoring amrsrrr�ssrrsr:wee .-Amismonnussrma3 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF THE ABOVE GOODS AND ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Carhartts.'_ Overalls & Smocks astta�a�s>• us�re4 1 .M McLEAN- BROS Art Tailors, Clothiers and Men's Outfitters. 'PHON 77. 1 r That_ 1 ,: t; '.)a • 4n -the -Back �,. canis -0i by 1�-.---�r-----•-.-==�d+�, sAesinc•d, irritated kidneys. 111 there la Just ouu way to atop ii GinP1curer:: t 11.7 1111,1 1..11 tlW k„tneyn-IICntrtrn )-ttii, sr,t:.• T.,,i thnaescaldin„luu.•+:itth'-+311,,),1 orf 1t rrtisve tlate 14: 011 in the back 150 1 h:5): G,n fill) dr. al o lhn rr:,,••nt •I . ^`._` 1.,5' tatat i uatir:ul and l ii;..n 1. :ds -..1 ,� Y 1,.,c ; 6 for $2,50. ' At, all a..tla,r+,.,r _..1. ec 0t on neeil �,t • r price. sa,mr.le id* DEPT. A. -NATIONAL Dd'J'1 `et CiIEM. CO. LIMITED u ...0 enaon tett r• la 1,1 mut had Ilion time to grow. That's the explanation. L nshrinkable \Underwcar an't ravel. is knitted by machines that lock every stitch. We stand ready to give you a new . arment for any Stanfield's U derwear that ravels, just we will replace any Stanfield's- Underwear that Shrink. - Sixes from '22 TO 70 Inch chest -in light, medium and hetiYwintor ights. Chicago to Toledo by Canal., Chicago. Au :'.h. The pt•tt1ect of a canal from Chico to Toledo, t►hiu, cutting :.4)Ii miles, (ruin the present lake )route, has lord kelt up t, the Chicago Association o C 5'r.. - E. S. Conway, wa • aha an of Atte Association's drop Yater y commie. ulil•nitl , after :t two Inn,ll lir' visit siora, who Is i,, elarfee of n' '.•- -with-rehilivr*rrrtirrtnwrestol•. ._ - -Wentt--t _in' •A letter to AI,tyor 11.11114 11'1.11 •k, nl 't•ul.•,1.•..111,.t •n. ..n,n1 ,- .Ihr 'r'at Lake. I. t)n• bolt plait i• well ni 15 of tht• energirr of Ihr a+wloiaiiun e. 011 d1•vote.l ill this pr.'ihto .l \ at erre ay. The )•enol, ns proposed, would ise 211 mile. hint; and tui' my feel 'h.q.. It trintl4 mart h•tno• M sola Chi -ago, cut Ae:rixs Ali.higlti :U I, t,Likt IQ.•_lake -,417041.-1-11.•' mil railer of IIIc U itimee River, len miles la lnw 'I'o11.11n. F'r tt1is pw,lrlt. 1t'allIe weld I,5' diverted ,tp L c river to Lhr_grretelevator,' at Jsel Tt s'os*v, se (. 1st. .b-s.eph Stuart returned to the West on Tueteday, Mr. Allen, of Wingham, spent Sun- day in thee vicinity. MVO. Hrndereos, of Hamilton, is visiting at Mr. (:lark's. Mise 1:. Rutherford, of Dungannon, is visiting in this vicinity. . • We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. 1Vm: McPherson on the arrival of a little eon, Mr. and Mrs. -Rod. Voting, of Car- low, visited at Mr. C'lark's on Wed. heyday, , _ Aliseer Mary, Margaret and Lilian Clark spent Thursday evening at their home here.: !test. Robert Harbour. of Rttultville, occupied the pulpit in Calvin -hnrch on Sunday last. Robt. and Charlie Miller returned to the West on Friday biter enjoying e five week's' visit at their hour herr. It sEll IA.. -A very interesting bn_selall match was played hate on 1Vsslnesday, August d'lth, between lielgrace and St. Helene, reantting in e victory for our boys, the (core being 13-Im. The return match will he played on September 1tb. At('torNTs. - Mt*. 1). R. Murray met with a very unfortunate accident last friday. In descending imine steps she slipped, and, throwing out her left hand b) save her, fell and broke a hone in her wrist. We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. ..., Edward MrRnherts met with a very painful accident last Thursday. The trip -rope which he was pulling broke. - MAYFIELD. \1osi tv. .\i K art. Ali.. Mee.,f 1 , 1•I .n. whi h3, s int ht r hntli ,,y, h, , r. it 5)u, ,•J "U A�°i lay of this Vv -r1,. • Al r. Wautsley,, who spoknt Malbalh in towel, ).sok-t1 »rt•vrfr-torsi). 1m f,tt till eve11i1iu. 'pettish, tt611 Ieite other) :Iw tt9.unr draw's shard) un V Alice llama y, u spent the 41st L4'11111 of Mi.* Fsvgu+iui List week. k .fav 11 .1f elo and Lake Ontario Mise Jude Stetting, of the Isle nun-' lw ottens__ cession, lbideeiclt lownehin, who has • • , spent the part year in Nankin, Alberta., rrtyrnsd home ..n Satnlday 14,4. Year dealer willilk your -sire, end - vlTtfDt. . sot. he swam thees4fer )res. \. 134 tTA1ffIF7is 1.°v'lil l TAL'R0. A.S. Formerly y 13.1, !nig C... 4•,11114 Yr. WILSON'S FLY PADS Oa• t aqM p has aetuatly killed a •asM•1 et luta). - .OLD •Y - DMUCCIt1Tl, CHOW ala CURIAL STRR[a too. per ora ttttt s for 2e. will aceta whole .'.Yon. •111111 1 111 I/ He. 1.w co 1pl5kIed ru1y COSMO of -oidia. b` Iib M ,teal of rlalnt I ladingtg. , roar a ply used hero by 0.'. M,nslgonler 11414. prenasal to 1 rnamatee absolle sal i+lartlon in nit wriest work. - Thi., new sy.teni of tIu44 i he eye.. ).the c ery best sy.tenl 141wn, and • doe. awn • with u A d Iib all a work and lobo len ion. trying un 010........ Examinations are Free. W. E. Kelp y, Jeweller and Optician --:-Issuer of Marriage Licenses. i _ C ir/tr•lN Afre. )Jhr.1 ' Browne. ..f l'liuton, 1 iwa, who has 'well sp ani i.g 1 hr ,awl month with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11 libido'', rete rtnl to her home tm Monday of this week. The Rankin fatuity'. vele, have iseev- pietd Mr. Campbell's cottage for tit past, tiu month., leave for their home in Detroit ort \\'etdnesdny of this week, accompanies) by their friensls, tot rid Mint i wet Miss )nils r a Reitz, dee children l o he. Mrs. I:Iarkr and n al f I t t•nit. • VAi .alms Dive .tit►: O;'frK. The suauher VIWAtiou is over once more and the t•o11:tge% and hoarding houses are Memos) deserted. The )age is loaded every uIortine and afternoon wttfittraer who nave stint tt-"rii• holi- days in balmy, breezy Hay11ris iutd are loth to leave for their city homes, especially as the weather has become an WAiTif, and 'Venni likely 1i continue Humane. "Ha. toy fitly been it little detender, and lketi kind to dumb nuittills to- dayY' "Yee, gt'wttelteta. I let your rarrmry ontof the rage, and when my cal -aught It 1 art'J'owsrr un lira.': Looked Like I1. Wife uliaplaty11'' a t„�. lilwpaloade recently pureliesseli : "Ion't itbat per •[s rtl a ) vale 1 Ilnshand•isrirtc vl . If )'.m wear t.11.11 to Vh111•rh tumurnil1r, you'll go aloe. 'There is a limit to everything, ineludilii hale." \Dear Bought. h4.. firrelae Tedtrrin}glTinr glTNlr�1�: "Yrnt're nlwa s nvittli1K dt,ittgain \Vas t th;• "eie Parr a• lime whs.en ynidn' The Wife -"ie., i, vilinj'Wali. ding lay." UFLATII 111a• Mira (lAl.sK.v1111i. -The !fig oei-hes. are 3t Ihr 1.41 of -1119 ,Nath iwcurted on 'Thursday Leet 14 crate herniae 1 bey acel eperked last `zh''.jtlt 4ie'c1L. .-%Fiattl.l9 •aP Rickets. Simply the visible sign that baby's tiny bones are not forming rapidly enough. Lack of nourishment is the cause. Scott'.; Emal.tlon nourishes haby's entire system. Stimulates and makes bone. Exactly what baby needs. ALt rutuc.c•14TS 511, AND 4) nn OUR SHOES ARE SO E -Z on the feed that a bramint. stir feels like an Cold-oow -'They d.+t4 h eh like it tlenn h, an11,1 hey' won't fr.r (!long, hem while. 01'1;'lI0la il(1i,1) 111E11: M11/11)E, until the a"i% last dny'r near has 1 n •r lura gni wit f them. '!'Ili•y ale beton That. feel old lied look new all the time. If foot V11114111 as Weil 35 (11111 al- 1raCtiVII.•a1 is an ohje-I, you will altar it r sh.n•s woad nn nt 110 i. - Wm: -Sharman Godcrich. lid a ; aroo i III, -5's err its •,.IL,.t tioso.'e WNM 4.1 •N••• col' to :{1111 5'%.1111 m' Um 1t,QC of Phew., to imit.otlirrll by the COCKSHUTT PLOW CO., bf Brantford. iR• -•ne to Mere the-Gitnotts K11) KANGAROO TWO -FURROW PLOW Whale it in-in.at.uak. THE BEST PLOW MADE. Wm. Knox, M/11.EAt&FNT IN li()I)RRICH. Newest. St., Opposite Colborne Hotel. TOILET GOODS. We haVe a e (trete oek of TOILET ARTICLES i• the most Weleti PERFUMES • TOILET CREAMS Powers. andlothers. Witch Hazel Cream BEDFORD BLOCK GODERICH, ONTARIO