HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-3, Page 61 St Renee, Septatititer 3. 1908
TOP 1:14:N oil. i1NT &Rip
Jnternational jYewspaper I Linen and Lace the Materiels For This
, Sit of Headgear.
Bible Study Club ,4,,„,.., till sorbs of pretty (beige for
Rave you Pier notleed butte vary It
, _ __ _ ._ II girl babies laud liosv banl it i 4 tu KW-
. Care ca,pa foul _Awl& fur hues: _ To All
saw Questions on ths jnternotiona! .undaY School lessonv. FerfeAr..i this need OW acteenepan)ing image..
August 3oth, David Spares Saul's Life. , of handkerchief ilisen. part °lea head.
RATE 52.85
GOOD GOING SEPT, tst, yd, sth, bth
AND loth.
Return Linn; on all tickets September
Leaving 6 a. m. on September yd. sth,
and loth.
Labor Day
Return ticket eat single tare Iwt were' el
etation• in Canada, tiood going,
Septetuiwr I. 5. 7th. Iteteirit
1.intiOlieptemberte It
inforutation may be Obt.ained
front .
Thwit Agent.
J. 1/. McDonald. Iiietrite l'etes. Agent:
PA:1/4c 'FIG
1. Salm Xxvi.
do good to them whit hate yurt.'1 Lake
il that we love
VerSes 1-4 Are the majority ol wets
based upon passion. Jealousy and misun-
derstanding. as was the pursuit, of David ei elite WollIti 1111Ve beeli ler fiti
by Sao14- This question must be tins- ['avid trite hint edatttereteee're -
, I led Dai el give toa much imperil. lace' t'ue w4.1*.
cluebred in writing by members of the
ance , the fact that Keil lied been Cut -the heUdhiece IC"rding to air
Saul'? I e king, when he tut li14 treebet4)413 CU8i' i1144 t: fuoljau it 't hfki; irlut t:briels;
bele enyauely trona tits; it e,
Ifni {hid Inter anything tied') With Itavid want -`flitl-olif of the Watk• - • etthef,'Whkkil 1411.1ty tt'et*e tad a
acquired imagine., or. Is it 011.1 1011'0% I.. ilk Lite
tiletilr, lot • it, Will
man whit bi and
afraid ?'
Is e'llitlithele man Who Iislits and
1.4311V if or, 44 . 41.1 lic1,10 gtlesn 01',1111‘1111.1111'3•
mit tight but who takes getei eare.of Verse. fill mil • litfrerein ittliatdesigku,Oft-Q;47-13UtlWchlit,tberiiW14-1:Ju-ateCI-1.1;) °:1 -
We /tare not the courtier to tto Wh3t
" • Verse a -Wag Aliisbiti right lei %ening tlie fool .1"" rallmt reetions eti tbe pattern mini suit etAIDO
ill WitIllif14( !•414111, 1114 They 11:141 Lesm hte ShijoLiv, . le, ntee loos. to tbe triti"uhkg• "Lich 'b''111.1 be
around the turueil back etice and tire
back t;f else allowlu utter around
aud that: then a little ever tor tbe
coruerse use the renialielei. fur the
face, divide It hl 114Ir Rik Nell 11" the
cap, ao 'as be get It even,' and the cup
111. finished.
make the striae" fiat ilisdeed sloe.
in order to inert find with a•ontlitence
• Verge I Were the l.reelifee •e(e. Vers 6 lti'the long run is possible thirtY 'Q*1'1'1 1`"'ay fur • u.nt. '34
fretted became: the Philietine. had tire thit, in any instance, em ran result jel pretty.. They mutt be hewer,' by hand,
better army. or wits it because 1/011 final lla0PlnesS• &ad' if alt.fist. which the: of emirs*, Juni. IW WWI* iliefafttitvlaal
againet lerak titie i111he world led the-eburch label sinful, teal(' curreepoud with the hand work im the
%Vloy 'W:14 lit"' tig/tilistla ..1.,tel• a results in all round happiness ; -was that bonnet •
Mwy prey itkpeet tit will. ite maw be answered la bT members. 14,1••.:14)ed",." eue*ei• unit tilitit:iliel‘ertifilitileYtnamili.adi:If'
lowees, of some beta num?
di,t7„.1.1.,,n4t. „the peroon wistretietew reenite in -the ruin ''r"rn f°r *be. - '
. kit often, in theta. flays, t 1141.1/w it)! witi4.41
itr a made ad follows. ItUn baud three
'memo Wive to stiffer with th.• guilty verm's fii what respecti
ting the innie.erit , 111 %Orel. with the 1, flier, MIT Kennet tte 1111111311i! 4', in.
1004111 WAefill'e ill killing ante maim -
guilt v ? want. examples,
f Matti Nut ;been true to 11110 all' YI al call in hat 11e„. mid then
Amid, thio defeat lutv,e Iticking op that are mit frets...illy
nod often nee the limpidly rue eivet t"rPellee *sing them hart to
instruments with Which to i•liasti,..; health
hie children ' • Ver.ee I 1.13 Whet leutel Ltd 11,014e
i -ermined he fetid to take' phew at this
battle ? Seel Main. ex viii. :
Dues the laird know how, when and
where.earli one of its will die ? '
Granting the freed of the will
anti that deb' are contingent and not
neceesary, bow ran find know_ what a
free agent rittito•t____
Verse 9 11.1is, diel lett id lee .lay
Semi when he lied 1 1111 iollikilftlItlitY
sheer Maw thirtysex lies wide, a
sheer tied etubrublered Maim)
handkerehlef, a skein of tine mercer.
Urn! vieteeebery cotton ape four- pude
astlegeti the right aide odd eruttateuirsel
of small brier stItchlue nuiriwe
wither Drivel see! thiel noel,' Heel. wunt i'eaW; vt•Ftvtiele 1:41OTS tIODP with
ernite Neel. arid which we) la. 3 Iwo- the working. eettOu.
- TO mule t ie crown to-nitYrit
TEACHERH011 111116, What doe.s this represent?
Jo us94-1-ii—PerTin's .School 43isettits-.
N JOHNNIE—They are good to eat. Mother says they are the best biscuits
• TEAcatk—Correct, Johnnie, your Mother is right: also use 'them
and find. them exceedingly zood.
Return Fare frOm Goderich
Saturday,Aug. 29
Saturday, Sept. 12 .
Return Litnit SePt. 15th
TRAIN will run through
to Toronto WITHOUT
Secure copy of C, P. R. Official Pro:
gram front TICkEtt Agent; give*
Train T;mes and all information.
1; Oturn Tickets (between all Stations at
Return Ipmit, Sept. 8
Apply to Agent's for Particulars tor
- /1111 loftwasston now
Westward Ho!
',Port Art Intr-W_instipeg •
Northern Navigation tee*. 'mate from
for Win Meg, Rifneentine PiTtive
beet, and prineipel pond e in the West.
September 6th - Said and Joeathan Slain pi Battle.
I SAM. I h. Said hi be 111/1111141 fee wanting his
Tee,. eee.„Iniere „me., thy SerVallit 1 41 PILIV 1 • 'for Sunny kill -
Anew ivelee
`ire lw .0111 for or
How It Was Adapted to the Hail of It
.New House.
tu n- new bowie It if Oftfll
pottillitir. given artistic perceptiou and
dup *eine of the proportionate tit-ness
of things, tu adapt old.feutures to It
Is their ;gni iletiger the! aeKleel
Ruth 111"y rtlye to elitiojeRee himself' IWO
' leeeein ler Monday. Sept. Italt. 11 54
Lintel. -11.e. Krim: iireefeee-r-v. : 1.r --
has. only to wear a sad expression of
countenance and to talk in it V1 Inuillg
voice and people give her credit for
nalathorsable depth* of seutenieut-and
emotion, while Mt slater, wive goes
eheerfulness wherever she may be, Is
credited witheutter, want of bruit. for
In the..e days of advertisemeut people
have not the tliveeFument to perceive
ancholy wotnan and the cheery eue la -
generally the illffenmee between self-
lehneSS and unselfiefinees. They both
have their sorrows -they\ mild not be_
litimnn If they had rint-bu the forenei_
while tbe latter set, berself te lighten
theirs - Ellen Thorneeeroft Fowler.
sheep, I hate treier experienced
eteir wine they have not p_ald me. -I
prefer Cotswolds -beeause they nre
mutton. The lust feet yeare we could
thew to cress on. the finer Lend ewes
tom' I would not advise keeping over
tweuty breeding ewes tat a hundred
meet. farm. If the farm ie low and
ntnneu TO wet, ten seri be p.enty.
show sheep or high prived animals:
eWeT at reasonable prieee, and . with
pee] cure you will mect success.
10.00a. tn. Frrnit 111110
For Sparrow Lake,
Muskoka Lakes, P ry
Sound and Sudbury.
The best fishing in Can-
ada on the Maganetawan
and French Rivers, reach-
ed direct.
snout r tenet nien'a Camps. a new
feature. X
lug of the old with the new, if well
lammed and judiciously carried out,
imparting dignity to ehat la new and
creating around What In old an atmos•
[there of ref ereiit care and apprecla.
lion. The picturesque hall in the 'sketch
iv a ease in point. The original Is In is
eountry borter• built nut long ago and,
beyond the advautages of good propor-
'tunny garden, poeseseing In Iteelf no
eepechil features of striking Interieet
Whee, however. the home was in
laillfl/hg WI future occupants were
lucky enough to bear of an old house
about hist* demolished, lu which, it
sae gold, a lisle oak staircase was for
sale. They Went to see it, found their
most tenon* anticipations *realised
and arranged fZethwith fur Its removal
to the new him. where it waft In-
stalled wRii tiff b or. The staircase
is of English renn enact type, with
ror Sault Mar.... Port Arthur Mi
For Mandoufin Island goo and NI. Iona,
Tuie-Ilty tam!
far SAttlt ^04 AO ^"t
Far Parry Sauna, Pain! au 51,11 and,3,11,1r
Kau am.
For Minnorni, Go Homo 14T, cow?, ',wad.
For tans Rouct. tie, and 011034r &Wed
sumMtIll R4755 NOW IN ',PICT
Tickets and information froth aft R'y
If. H. Gildersleeve, C. H. Nicholas'.
nowwwwnwaYNI -L
niolditige .wide strew -romfortnbte
depth and a turn after \the seveuth.
making a convenient landing. This
turn lent Heel? exactly to the fitting In
of a stone fireplace, which was thue.re•
cesspit Meltingly. The rich hooey
1 -11% -tell Of ThirSAil molt. sniffiest, of -stain
or of other polish then' thst beet of all
polishee. the rubbing of generatIone,
was too beentifitl to be bidden by a
carpet. nnd PO the 'taint have been left
uncovered, with oner nn old Persian
rug nt tlmir font. the glory of the hall.
stairway, however e en designed, etweil
have done.
Through Life.
It Is 11 generally neeepted though
,atterly erroneons article of belief that
'esseanehnly baye Ironer feel.
Inv than cheerful people snd that
thews who are andrivred with a ems, of
Maser bays at nerattialey, thereon+. been
Mow Thif Distress Lan Be Treated
Most Effetereely.
Teed rut Origin:lb, only lu wet land
or 011 ghltILITI 14 nut dry' and
evasive ',moisture. This imiledy-may
dock be the intiodaettou of•one ghetto
lug Ilse_ dleciesee -The -sheep- twit- a tel-
) 91 11 11100111 lto e0UilneWil DT hard, dry.
'Well I Witten ehlyt The ijeopflifigh 111 the
Pen must not be 'Mowed to ferment, a*
biett iu the manure will /soften the
nnil when the are muted
out hi lite tiering en damp ?cod they- tire
to liner. tittiael; the' (netlike
"If the 111.14111/11"' 14 taken_ In itit early
atages the i•iin• ie simple "MI eerie seyi
clean the hoof, le letting them run In
dump maw f»r an hour or two, then
Why the Neighbors Smile. wam the inut ...tit reply.
e . e Willie now mils to know what be
eneiley ter s i time. 11111l1 When he SUS CiOUL
(NMI merchant : "Deg perils tie
%%here hitt*. )1114 TATO; pistv
-Pitying pi.fitati.411,' teplied the Owl.
"I gale a lettei to .11I- the 1111/1,01,19
..114' tweet. itesil letters; tie,-
11liere im east It did yon gt:t
eariltidie draw.•r, tied with
It's !tart' lit ,14 44,411 1 lie pert who
Women Cured at 1 oute
eleetleite, .o,,te ;Trifle eerier. Lite
the Him"-, effieeeew active -orrice itr
11 .airl won medal %dill.
ell... Ile. Lee) Mare)! te ion. ott, .
peeeil the deitiiiction of . brine the
;1 1... In poly ktturlAvy-tirip.rad of
fore the Juilicial Committee .of file
Privy Cionicil. - One ;if fluent iuvulvee
the • richt of -• the Itritieli Columbia
ceerte to try di vorce ease,. atoll 1111 -
General ititenti.il to have gone. tette
site 44.114140"i by. publii- business.
ftocietyee elem. which ' e as held- at
'Stsektort.--priseif -ware-- awkril--eit•th the
agricultural laborers who had
brought up -the latgeet number of
ebililreit without receiving, parish re-
!ief. The beast record WO* abown by
eeventeen children out of -twenty-
th-reits- -that --were born,
Sulphur as. • Lubricant.. •
:rem sulphur used Many 1 int.:: ilk
many elope and hey.. mentiereel it.
a-, a lubricaut to -everted peeple en
-here who hove tronitle ft ith lea,
Where sulphur WITP available 1 hare
lever had t,i 'drip aft Ken lieeill11110. 01
in tete powdered hem. mixed with
p 1 r, miter to 000N Us r;11.11 ..titteret
mite tfeinr111•
Loots, one row of ier stit bins. awl
two more rows of Wrote; r at thie
until the Piece is tile right size or the
crown,: P the crown In t ',cap
with. the wer gulag Up and down the
Sae threed\tosew with. no not
mate rge knots. fact. there should
be I14) TR III fine s wing. Use a fine
needle. }4ive )our hands linuaacus
lately clean, ezt\tithe *slide will coat --
French work w en ttntshed.
-• lie our. eo toakelhe tyrnehe.:t stiff -bee
poikelble Whele Peeing on the lace edge.
Thire are plenty of eeviers who will
not need this :alike, and, on the other
hand, there amp at many Who do need
it and a Um I
110 hann.
Success With Sheep.
An Ontario breeiler sapt: 1 think it
WI pay silty fernier to have a few
Falwaid "Wils,1,1%1 preparation of
Hypo phosphite, and Etiodgeth 1E11,11 the
I'm 1)1.11.i i. he Sovereign Rem-
atarth, La Grippe. Coughs. Colds, And
a Throat and Lung Maladies.
11g.f. relieved by it. ,
.Thi • who have itstiol it.vi ill lista.
It 11:14 1144 MN 11V r.h.elltey
The 111 tgoeil its It 1.11W Is e
at may joriive t
rte.. ruhlreee
C. A. ABBOTT, Sole
6o Ana Street.New Vor
The Signal's
lubbing List
for 1908.
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe $1 6o
'The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe . • • 4 50
The Signal and Montreal Family 'Hehald and
.WeekIy Star' . so
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) . 70
The Signal' and, Toronto Daily Star . , 2 30
The -Signal and Toronto Daily, World • . , 2 75
The Signal and Toronto Daily News . , 2 35
The Signal and Toronto Weeky Mail and
too.. 4101j:011i 4. Ill .411 ve.oly ,tilwerilter4 to Weekly, ^114 Kulp,
- The S and Winn,ipeg Weekly Free Press 6o
The gnal and London Daily Advertiser . : 2 35
ignal and London Weekly Advertiser . r
nid and London Daily Free Press
Morning Edition
The Signal and Lo on Weekly Free Press
The Signal and,)Montreal Weekly Witrfess..
ThLSignal and World Wide -
le Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster . 3 25
The -Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto) • 2 35
The Signal and McClure's Magazine . 2 40
Unchains/ owl go. on Mt lino'. 10 •Ittuttlitin nald row).
3 50
2 90
I 85
3 50
2 25
Three Great Features of the
tt 99
Hecla Furn
Fused Joints make the "Heel
airtight and sanitary. The he
and pure, because no gas, dust
ioto the airy hamber.
Steel-tlbbed flrepst
- has steel tn�rrri of
cast iron flanges. q7
of these steel flanges
are fused to the nut -
side of the firepot giving it
three times as much radiati
atrrface of
In a three years' test the r"terl
ribbed pot showed a saving of
fuel of over i :.
anent ly
air i.; fresh
1.111 Ile 11 euweed portion of hoof
:Iki ay ever) particle of illsetksefl Matte'',
Meta Wash With tearm water mei ear -
belie or cnetile Romp. Wipe dry, fle•ti
nib caustic paste or ?Mind
each sheep In a lint aaturatell sotullott
of bins vitriol for ten minium'. Then
put Is abed and yaol haring a elects,
herd earth door for few ttnyi.
'I iii• .heep 1111,11111 be examined fres
poem, during the Nevem, ne the feet
may be illeeneeti for same vvi.Oke 13s
fore It is known to the owner. The
inseams dries not affect the appetite nf
this alteep. as they eat and dlgeet
thing tr. tin fs not to tot the dIllease
Triangular Bar Grate
enables you 10 deer any part
of the fire of ashes. There
are tour grateq. Each can
be shaken separately. It geti
all the ashes out saves coal—
and means a clean fire.
WW1. he 11, w4lt•t4 rnmoll
The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine .
The Signal and Home Journal- (Toronto) .
1 30
The,* prlices are for addresses in Canada or Great
he aboVe publications maybe obtained hy Sig-
nal subscribers in any com•bination, the price for..any
/publication being the figure given above less $t.00 rep-
resenting the price of The Signal. For instance :
The Signal and The Weekly Globe •
Et fie
The Earmet'aftibsecate 4.1.35 test Elbe*, . . -r
13 OS--
-nhkking-the price for the three papers $.2.(75.
Tor y-
Sighal and The Weekly Snn
—the four papers for $3.69.
If the publication you want is not in above list,
let us know. We can supply almost any well-known
Canadian publication.
Send subscriptions through local agent or by
posteffice or express order to
The Signal, Goderich, Ont