The Signal, 1908-9-3, Page 5Tbia woman gays she was Raved trona an operation by Lydia Lr. Ylnkham's Vegetable Cowround. Liud*ay, Ontario, writes to Mrs. Mrs. Frank katals Yillkbatu ; " When 1 wrote to you suer time ago, I waa a veryalek woman suffering from female troubles. I had anasmma- Uon ot the feminine organs sod could not stand or walk any distance. At last I was elonabed to my bed and the doctor said I would have tothrownr; en operation. but this I retu..d to du. "A friend advised Lydia E. Pink ' v.fetabte Compound. After using three bottles of it, I feel like a new woman. • •' 1 most heartily recommend Lydia E. Piukhamrk Vegetable Compound to all wumew +dao e8d'er with trultbles." _ FACTS FORtsscIt WOMEN. "Fol thirty yyeant I i Ii is E. Muk- ha Vegetable Co d, orad_ from r • and herbs, has been the stands a remedy for female ills, xtuihas o 1.tively curedthousandabl u Omi'n who ! live been tmubled with roma ion, ulcer• moi PO4 -1- 1, PENAND SCISSORS. ,Farman Misting, . at ,Toronto Ex During the second week ot t he To• rirr..6r., ruulu Exhibition a numlwr .d ppiaw- Tb. WOntle w'llete sweet aldes'tical Mud ilitl/reeIIiQ-{� Iu..Llu$l wdl bet- ted, b.gtn W taro held in the teat of t41P OntAt•iu Urpart• Aad riwo went of Agriculture located directly loud tuallu... ou.-bouglet Mntuing-glorles have climbed to the top win- dow ledge, Aud goldeu•rud waves by the ro..d-to and heMlgr, • The da) s helwn.e .boatel. and breezes are root, •Aud little folks has.. goals back 10 eiriM0l. Pur vacation is user, the rpmulrr Ira guar, Aad autUzs a 44441 444411011 ate ,ww •.Mala* e thec tittle judging »tug. These meetings will be incounection with the Agricultural and liurticultural . Noe ie - Geo and the Ontario Vegetable Growers' Association. The executive of the Agricultural S cieties' Aseocia- tion will cutivetw on '1'uerday, Sep- tawutwt• Pith, that of the Horticultural Societies(' Aawwiatiou int Wednesday, Mrpteluher loth, and that ot the Veger table l,lrowere' Association on '1'hurs- day, Septemlwr hath,. tile meeting Toronto Saturday Nittltl rays : "Oue each day. (wing at 'S p.m. sharp' of the results of the visa of 00 many Short addressee 011 live subjeCtw Will Cauu111101front tither 1.1•414100011 L41 he given 4414411 day by those pree- lluel L thisstn mier ham been that of tont and• all officers and litl•lllwro of p.pul ririlt►t .the tuitional sung,..! LimoAss•rietint,m u;utut•1 eta _la• t',tuii lu,• which throughout the ter- euadially welcomed at thew meetings. centenary celelerat'uln Wali heatd at all Programa will be arranged for the uta: 1 w tit the day land night. was total ((141ventiuur of the aiM)v'e-nawel Played by dozens of baudN, rung by ArsaxaatiOnle. ' 4. 11hulister4, and whistled by pales- An official of the rain and -exhibi• Laians. '1'10 melody unites those total. tions .)Manch of the Department of iti1.M essential l0 a goat b>'tun ui Agriculture will be prrbrutin the Lent national ,air of 'Sang kind dignity, rack day frnint 11 a. In. to II 11.111., 1, ratatplia:lt>• Anil tuuiefhluwfa co. ' In rt. Friday. September 4th, to .I"rtdsy, itis1Jrronly l'anauliaupr(Mluetionofthe September 11th, and all member* of kind that pen/lessee these qualifier in the above Associations are-itivited to any considerable degree, and a lluwtter make the tent their headquarters I4411e4 ten t410 gri med*. lire 011lr in it trite woke a national air . ---- iIsteatl of bring conflnel to ,a from- CURRENT LITERATURE. loot'. The piouerr in this work hiFoF Ikon 111; T. 14. Hirluardw)tr, .1'1' Iirrr»a- to a l us r. TnF: MF:rrrtnisit CANAutr IrAle.a- iws),r to -he/ (lauadian Magazine Is not»hle •for a tleries Of I lilt -hag.• engravings" illustra- ting -the (tlltt•ltt'1' tereent1B14rV 4VOh law tion, as feature which makes the 1111111 - bet especially w•urtliy of prrxel•vlatl0It. Accompanying the 'illustrations Is •-e ( sp W e 4. 1 tion, fibroid t • gu periodie 'tains, 1 k h Lha - tug -drawn feeling, •. , t jon,d inmateor.ne nus prostration. Why don't you try it' • Mrs. Pinkham in tee all sick women to write her or advise. She hills gqided tho _to. health. Address, Lynn. ion, irrr larities, •ae e, t r- tuleney,indigesL Lieu ey pl•ufess►ure, Whti two years ago .1idrrGMtk an' mala ta• .1i0aa,'4 the, w onto and *nook, which proved a great 'inverse • when kilos; by the ' Strudels/401m Chair, 11 Kt they did not give it the t•ttgged femur that it la,Mrer1rs when chanted woad -sketch of the celebration b>c.tltA by a throng of .fervent . ng .11w*.r l "blur, Newton hlaeTavislo. Among limo 611 historic t lurlw t lsdavatn oche' a! L,. I. r 611 this 114•r is '•A I rranur, ie '1•ogu ,, t o has also hale an C, Min Of Uonft-drrnt• " by t:Horst J. gram 414 .I.iy . No Doubt it. wi. be ifs= Chalillwrs, tieing Senator Miller's louen next played at the honNett,or Si F:Louie reuinisc'nre of bow the eau*' of uibn urxt week au honor of Mir Louie .Irt(e.._11," __1tarltm1)' wall__ i:ulupulled union WI' w reeked in Nova Sele *11411 years ago by 1).. lravalle, and: ill national -Another n Kuhr 'fir regarding to the the i ' of ul well deserver to t u arm, tl t rt g is op an>' L which 41!,').. ha* fern a g/M141 steal of no,heri' the national air t t'unttliu. discussion arming the politicians{ Thr contano, in religious mord. of Judge.. touting nowise c.ntalin* 'Iso a.rvrr,ll shunt ,Ill1,allk, (.'tlll'rtln allusions of Canadians, but stories and other features of interest. these could easily be tootle more gets. - Tyfc Ht -,:v • At.v1', 4.1Ali,7.1. K. seal 1114•►'111 (ill adapter." Topics of the gtratrrmt interest.tt all classes toe provid.11 in Uto :Septet her '(44r44‘."! ue of,(lie Busy MiiUa.M'tgaziite:. 11 „Wean, , Iss AIWA dt1 Contabl•t a liberal selection of matter AV ,i r, roue 1'•e. r. from the Trading .pulalicetione of the tiny all well lir a comple teferenee. to 4 rir.l1"Sweet - sweeu-t girl! k what the world's re'cogu .el mediums ?'aur ll. are real and dimply . if thought and information present �tDead,Idi..w r . eh Tti* index la invaluable to-ilie Attu. Int, who dots that, dear, haply ••1 dent or busy reader who t edges to sward up. upald said- 'Leep tab on )lir late -,t [met tent of Hat ere .he sprite .he whistled) dF? in subject u1' subjects. Thr •e,titiun right afbou. your,bead • Y 1e' 1(1'' • hay, durst you be misled :` is replete wah Illustrations of 'calla- ; 14uWh "IonnerrAaxlut diensavhoarein the public eyes od 11•"1.411) .e1'�1'I,lo•yu-ve a NUL" yrr.rht . d . Musliyu nay folly resent f' smiled she . •'1•ou bark t0 alis- Khen 1."411 natl. anal C. pd.id+•stPrinoper- ' to kl!M. TM never wits rimer.' THE SIGNAL: t,IODERICH. ONTARIO W. ACHESC'N ct SON r SATURDAY and MONDAY $ARGAINS. SEPTEMBER 5 AND 7' 1stl�(at • r. Ash ' Our bargain t1uy• are only made p.asihte• 111111'1114111Ve from the Net time we 11114140 All 011e letyittq in very forge lots and thta reserve t;rr+ttr- iu aui.'r, A(utmrluVynll Al lay stock -reducing Incurs as herr oIT1• •11 Ince 1111 ✓ urpasnl in 4'amnia fur values. . • FLANNELETTE)# loll yards, •27 1111'llrs Widi•,' pour mull 41w11e11, 1:trge 1psortlll14111. of striped Iu1Lterns. Satultlay told Al lay Made pril e, per yard 6. DRESS GOODS. pll yards, inch, all w1a11 I)r''*r 1610»Is .a '1'wi1e41s equable for 44r...*ew. ttkirtc Ort'nit?W -Non* -patterns ontt neat. ttegntar pt•iri•1�' -Ver,. $1.01. to *I :liter yard. Two days'' prier at per c:u•d S0c HOSIERY 411 dozwr 41aos l,iadien P1%fin Black 4 *selemere 41.11•, spliced heels and toes, doubly sole. Mimes I. 4e, IIS. Reg111141' We and 1:/e a4111e•4, 141 per 41.111' 011 §iILladaY and- MundIly. 25c • CORSETS Sixty paii'aedify, i'runliilotl's I;besets in' stainless hhtck reuly. Best etle and 1w:ouifully amide. It.•g(I1t1 (1due our Bert 714•., on hide two days ooly,aat per 1 !1' 35c CARPETS . '1•w-en11 'theme. extra heavy English. Tapestry. in :1 goes1 range of patristic.. it's•. 41111 .I8•,411:tlit.',.lt 41141' .:LI'tl 50c ACHESO.N & SON 1'nu►wua,r, September :t, 1908 THE 44OWELL HARDWARE CO. lag tat "l'' WITH SavingiProp,osition ,Vi limy t. wake rt14piti for our PANDORA KANIIES and )other fall gts'lr, and rather th1uL Work flu- fo1Lthr-winter wf will Nit'Idice these 1111es that luny he alightly taut of season but • - may be just what you will need ill I hr near troller. Look ahead and take advantage of these snaps. 3 Brockville Lawn Mowers, ''''g"Ian l)I;I ris $milA 1, special price $4•oO, $3.70, $2.5o 2 Hammocks, 11.44111111• :1.116, special 70c - 3 Refrigerators, l'eg111111.' *111.111, di 1.1141 ;ma *2.,.I4I4._ special $7.o0, $8.00 and $19.00 loo ft. ! in: Lawn Hose regnhlr 12,• fool special 834c 8 School Sacks, rt•g111ar :114• and lik, 35C each I Scythe Grinder, r.Rnlar $8M'I. special $3.75 and also several other lines which you will ser in one window. such as Scythes, !takes. Forks, elle. The prices given above are less than mg Intl 111Villl' COSI 10 Il, _-Pelops will- h.;)d goods ultly--feet *.few .tlnyr esiesve-tntrnl ttsr ..:oil» W410411/W flit' Other 11114.0, - THESE ARE: /GENUINE SNAPS. lied nearby. fancy :, fair to choice, tc t0 In; western firsts 21c to '1�, •.'- • , LOAC to • Sane CATTLE MARKETS. wile Oho Directory. ` • Tb 11eII Telephone ('ompany of - Canada. is oboisttor-lanlatlaly-''t-riew illaue of the - "»Official- Telephone • Directory for the District of Western - Ontario, including Goderich. Orders for new connections, changes of firm - names. changes of street addresses, or fur duplicate entries should be handed in ATONO.:to \• - Geo. Porter.- Local orter.- Local Manager. no 1'1-11' WANT AGOgD DRIVER? - 1 have for, male Nevem! good young driving\borers, Marks and greys. from whit I could probably snit you. GRAY BUOQIEB were yesterday, are today, and will he tomtwentr--ttte slat t -\oat itrtr market. i ant the ,agent l'.' (Goll- erich get your NEW PLOW hbnt me. 1 have the two best MAIN Fleury and Perrin, both riding alnl -, walking plows. '1►rlog11 of _STANDARD P NOE WIRE just teccived. STONE for bu ding or other purposes.. supplied 'n large_ or ,$nalI �Uuau titles, deli red or at the quarry. -ROBERT WILSON Agent for McCORMICK M CHINERY, BRANTFORD WIND MILLS, LOUDEN HAY TOOLE,Me. Warerooms Hamilton St. GODERiCI'T, ONT. - "tient one, brogue • "be kind Fly with nue to u -late. Where, withbr,lestet . • behind. 1 ental my true lose r '• 314-4141/1,' teed she.' For Fate.14 4 nettle rul+t 11141,+tilt. 1 m..orry for Your 111x11. h'earl sloving d And then she tinned to go. And left me saltier. sager ; . 1401.1..,..., draw teed uty woe- -- 1n nine deep dwugktu of Inger.- 107. " 614th-they-iairrerhs4 Mo the-World- without he-Wort i - without our volition then they edu- cate us after their own ideas, or accord- lug.to their means. They enjoy our childhood, precipitate us into lit' -long Mistakes, and !we:ail our ingratitude if, when the period of iklulescence• iN reachetl, wedo not choose them for • friends.rS. says at writer in Lip• piucutt'r Magazine on -The Tyranny .r Parents," and c(itltinueM : -- -' It is not only in Rance that a child t marry to be Ire'. The toy that leaves home W escape his tather's_dia- minion, the girl whale letters "must contain something very wrong it she doesn't want her otvn mother to ('caul then," are c won. to the civilized '.world- The chi11 • right_ may ;wet. his parent. 4;1'I protect his youth" - his bled hat he may not lir handicapped in the coating struggle: his mind, that he 10181 have power to find and fill his own niche: int it is the child',, niche, not the parent's, that he should be permitted, nay, encour- aged, tn.,eeek. Ile may by right ex - `pert such advice as a veteran soldier night offer to a drummer -boy : se thoiigh tile- parent said; "+-hitve trri veiled *little furl het• along the way. 'crustoar now, and perhaps, after a while, el will teach me," But the parent h no more excuse for forcing the growing child to be a pocket Pili- tion of !time/elf than he would have to -tu17-uIJlis mctet cherished ;possessions the guest whitsoonrns neneath hi* roof for as time.: , Indeed, he has lees right, for the guest is not helpless his individuality caning, be invaded, shaped for emit -to - whirn it. is not rat Ve, deprived of thit chance of self- expression : for WOleh booms we were' • created separate'ntitiem \too two of 11s -�alikr.. Koch a hikl.ahuuid.Jhe regarded. OM a flesh beginning, and given a fresh start free of old blunders. TIie parent who is the child's friend is in a (tats by b ..'.elf --a elate Whish !nidi . 4,11 few, since the very atmosphere of friend- ship it freed . Hnt when the pericel of ignorance and blind submission 1* past and the child awakes, reasons. questions, and judges, the parent will reap whatever he has sown, "To him that hath shall begiven. FALLING SICK tSS Fitt, Epilepsy, 441, Vitus' ate, Nervous 'l7ouldes, Fte., }sort 4ely cured by LIEBK.'S fIT CURL fret Wel bottle sent free on application. Write the LIMBIC, CO., Ph.o ts• St., Toronto. toy- Empire iffno Poultry - Duster, 'stile pl,mat-yftactuall .'slctruiOrel - tir o -lite on the mark 'I." sty thrum who have need it, and t11.• poultry won't be worried with lire if Empire Poultry Dnstei is need se directed. 2514 package At nil 1lruggida end Ideelsro in Poultry .nppiiem. IIEMPIRE CANARY DUSTER will make your Canary happy. and rid it of all vermin. a 4� 11' • A Attory comes fr,,m Idaho of d tawnier, Abraham Adaule, who this year fm said to Ise Ora ' g Tip mere' 111401) *1,4081.5551 from 7111 delve .1 land which be had .,.Wel with a w Ireful new a Arial y of wheal. ('un,rrv5t ive estimates so the sleety WWII jalac' lir cru o lir Thom lrlwwl�n .Zoev. Lu.ln•I'.t.1engin, Which' Adonis anti hi. son-in-IAW, 0. K, }lobe, 14 wholei.wle 1 Iwr dealer .1,1 M' podia, have rontra,'tra' 11'. 11 to farmer* et $'21A bushel, nut, than one bushel go- ing ming tee ear h,,Vrr. One dny early in (30+4 - reeveda single stalk .f wheat. pie by a .friend in on' .f the fertlk Revs in Alaska, and rowel th' nets ill bi lockvaetl harden. .p of set _it pounds rt•- aill*I 11 riming s1llerfe e1'. This Adams p d in 314' .ps4ng .4 heel, harvestint .WS pounds (1'f grain in .Inst, (sr n e1' '.15 h.iahilit per acre. Eml.,lden.d by hits trona he ...owed the emits env in tae fall of loon, and I! st *amulet eat eno.igh ftt•aiu to eo re i ,(116 acres of land. from which is nota loins rut what ie believed ti. be the world's evened yield. If the atnty .ho111d torn spit to I* true, there timid be a revolution in the matter of wheat production, but agricultural exports whose attention ham been called to the wonderful tele shake their beads and hint. that i' is just an old story revamped. among the original cunttibutiunlre articles tinder the captions .'"BeauLify- ing the Capital. City of, Canada,"' "Vivid inmpressions of the WVeast,"\ "What (ioosl (toads Mean to Busi- toss." "How Mr. Taft 4 wilds His Holidays in t'anada,;ThrYoung :flan as a Factor in National Life, -The Supremacy of Christian Ethic..." and "A Jlan Who stap.1r by his Con- victions.' - There tM a generous instal - went of good Hellion that will help' to page away pleasantly and profitably marry an hour during the evenings that tare perceptibly lengthening At this season of the year: In a, word. Busy Man's Magazine for September is what putt are looking for. It will not prove- a disappointment- to any 111e011 het' of the household. Won A.?''M HEUGNIPiruw. -••Thr at iei.,t Ueautiful queen on any throne." this is what Kellogg Borland calls the Empress of Kussin. in his great series of articles. entitled "Thr Romance of an Empress," which begins 'in the Woi11an'4. H ('oaria ' for Sep- tember. Jur. Uilrland, alio is the author of "The 11c4 Henna: -spent. a year in Russia, getting together 1111 the facts of the romantic and sad life Of "the _alts[ poeterftlt qur'n in the world.'' In this. issue Irving Michelle» begins a new series of Ct'icket. Tales, which hid1 fair to le route KIM - tar than '-was - hi. famous "Eben Ho111rn." ' Dither stories are "The (4.1.101 2Vtdding," Ly Alice Brown : "The Derelict," by Juliet Willmar 'Potupkina : ` Tlu JIi'1 ii> -iia �lirlsac,_. 1.y Hulbert Footner ; "Bowe You to Imre Me! " by Annie Hanoilt.n Don- nell, and "Thr Min'strr'e Barrels," by Ilel.li' Insley Ooldrick. Pad4•t''WNki has selected for Companion -readers the heti program of modern Polish music.. which is accompanied by the full music.'ut ung 1af the most beauti- ful of the numbers in the great pianists pengl•a111, "MtojOwlki's Folk haucet' The September number -1s the great fall fashion number of Wo- man's Hume ('oulpl►uion, and con - Miter many thing. of interest. for ever) woman. l To Keep Salt Ory. "To -prom -it roast in saltcellars f • twcunung ;lamp and lumpy, when till- ing them lintin t't) 10. twelve irCP!e of tire," Ma y4 I.lr AVonatn'.M II Uontpa • for September. "This will out cuul..through the holes in. the the lump( of mall and gather the moisture: thus (bo 1.14 is :dways dry i3nr: THE MARKETS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Higher -Live Rock -- Latest Quotations. Monday I.:ventas, Aug. 31. 14v/r,goul wheal futures mused to -day sod isrf1st tbatl guturday, sad core fu- tile,. 1411 lower. At Chicago, September Wiwi closed ton higher than )1.turd.y, September torn 140 higher, and Heptrmter oats Stu higher, W Inn i p.1 Options. Polluwtne sr. the .-l.,slne Yuot.tir Oa Winnipeg grain ratur.s • WhitedSrldemMr Nrr hal, October Oink MW. IM•ewulro) 9211•' hid. Ost•-$,Ytemlmr et'kc 1,30. octeber tear• _Shinto QraJn Markets-- wheat, •l0rinf. hush.. ...,.40 N to . 4 where, ran, bush........ 0 r 0 f1 VI - Meet- goose husk 0IQ Wheat, red hush 0 N 11.12 hy.. bombe! 0 al •• Hoek wheat. bushel 0 b hew.. bushel 0 „•, Parley. tonne! 0 60 Otte. buahet ... .. 0 44 030 Toronto Dairy Market. Hulfw separator dol-, 0 72 Butler, store Into 0 71 Beefier, creamery, Ib. tolls0 25 leggy .1w-lsbl, dean0 30 , heeae large, Ib 0 10'„ Cheeps. twin, Ib 0 Iles Hnn1h . estr.1ted 0 OP Now VetkwDaaelr" Market. mewYORK, Auf 74 -- [Softer -Weedy. lOrelpis 111/7, creamery, /p.olaL. We. reamwry. stints, tyk,. erwn.ry, thirds Id mete. 1M 411 LM. *fate dairy. '.snmee to ?Meet 1Ar to process. .penial, 1*s In 71.,V western 'miner firma, oke: Imi- tation rt-w..mery Prete. I*4kr to Mr Claes stmt% receipts, Pte. rats, full edamMls , spa 1214c In Islk*, dn., small. neM►M or while, fancy, tfr. dn, large. r.errM n1' white, fancy 1341,: do, p141d to prime, 11(: to 1140 do . enen et to fair Mor to NOV . do . Mule. Per to 1155e nose -n1'.: renlyU, 1110. Mar*, ram 013 033 o l 021 0 1151 0 14 0 10 Cables ltosdy--Hogs Again Higher at American Exchanges. ' l.Ual-UON Aug "1 •- Landau tables fur cattle tore steady ..al. 1w+ 10 alepia•. posa4. dressed weight reityrratt* beef Is 1 quoted a , )Otic to line der pound. Toronto Junction Live Stock. TORONTO, JUNCTION. Aug- 31.- Iteceipts of Ilye stock at the Muton Stock Yards were 07 carloads. auto- psied of 17171 iva1W., IA/ hogs, 377 -ihecp and _lambs:, with Lll calcar. Zapata*. 'ga'k'wTi4asrs .4 4 K11 N. On. but only one- load brought', the latter prier. sad lime east It per cwt. its the country rote time ago. Sung light, exporters, 170 to 120 Ito, each,- sold at 44.75 to ll. ger spurt bulls road at ger_ with few at truer '\ ,wfebere. 1 A re. prune 11.• c.1 lids of trbare cattle, egad enough for export' garledeas,` add at 11140 to $1.1.li tier eat.. the Istlar� yahoo being obtained by sib Donald a 1L1 - D aus tor f7 butchers. 1170 lin. each; toads elf road, M-3 to *410, 10,4)um, ',It I to K3; c+mtmun, 41.10 to 43.75. ,own, \61716 to 40; eanaers, al :0 to 12 pe•r , wt . Lillkase ad s.rtas.e. ♦ ake4erate .uvvl yof milker@ aid agelagers sold ut 10, to I reach. Veal thaws . Veal ,_alvea ;..apd at treat per cwt see Lamb, q ea reit :,t.ft In 44.3: ladks. l71/41. .• Osier Landt.d, report salmi•. tag and cotarts'a>Riq and 413, 4o.b. 0....r11 at • 1 Live Stock. IIOW Stroma. • AM. n-*tt 1.1 a -At tboaio.treal ata* Tarda Wert Eta* tier - ttat the remote of bee ..tock for the week aladtna Aag. 11 -owe 018. rattle, Mil Shap and Iambs, 21111"be . and '.il ,alvwa The nffartng.• ?oraoral consumption thin ninepins mnstnad- of 1000 cattle, aha sheep and lambs. W0 hop and leo .ales A tes- ta* of the trade tost.nus to he the . exretty of Rood to chop. (revs. owing to the tact that the coun.ry Ana been wall cleaned up of all the fully finished Mors earlier this season than usual. :,nd in ror.segpmre the supply of this shat, caning forward L very limited. and tWe undertone to the market for such b firm er, but prices show no actual rhangc as r npard with a weak ago, which is due ter the Ifberel receipts of common woe inferior cattle which tend to keep col,,.te of the bettor grades down. The i to trop: )peal' Matchers .and outside hlgrews t1aa good, as stocks of beef In the .city bate bort pretty well radix -ed.. .f late, 00nse1.2111y an active trade was dune. Cable sdvloet from Liverpool lie. S tur- day retorted • trade In cattle 0101 MLD =ti beaver sol nom! p.'rtLtett L;ns� In Rio* id relic to gooc per 1% composed with a' teak ago. The beeves here sold at-4y•to RIs; fairly good at 4450.4,. $4_71, fair at 'thio to 4375. acro- • memo. at x2.71 to nab. aid ,.ults olf bete el int to RS per 140 1b.. HOppa)oo. of Sheep and lambs roottnse to• ln,steae; hut. am /bars tea good demand for both Local eo - seatptieu,and an port-rcoount for thtlen, s. steady 16111114, pe walls to the market and priors show 'no,o ange, from a week age. Good .sheep for export are sdlle& at 11' std the calls at 44kc 1.. Slur per Ib. Lambe are•tosaling °nth s ready weir at Sgte to e1' per D.' Calves are rearm.• and firm. with a•gnad.deensel. at oke• to 5%c for choice. 21.1 Wilde to 311.• for Kram, fed per pound 'Haire continuos to b' a teri firm und,•r4,ne-to the market bur bogs oo areoen.• ..f the tact .that suppus routing forward are hurt about equal tat the requirements. Thor,• 1s no imprint chapgel 111 urine's'. enamored with a week ago. rilea of waleted lots being mad.- al 37 to 47.10 pet 100 tor.. weighed off cars East Buffalo Cattle Market. [CART IIOI'YALO, AUR. 31. -Cattle He cep ta, MO hued; goad, setae and study; o0u,ru ton slow and Klein I6r lower, prime Werra, :6 w 1/1140: •h)pp►ig. 45.5 to butchers', $4.50 to 46.40; bettors. $110 10 11. elAW4, 43 to 1430, bulla, 4375 to. 14.40. �t0ckera and feeders. OA to 41.5D; Mock HlAlenh 41 to fall. fresh ,s.ws and 1pvlfgere steady to almost. gel to 451 Veda--Fleoelpto. ldl) hand: glues and 2e lower. *to 4e-, a b at p.$, s V,Mtt-(teeetpt4., Ma head; active. mad 7414 lower. 46 to 44; a fe wan 41.3. Hogs-Ledpte, 1.1!00 head, •fairly lir• tttu.lud•lee to Or higher an good. •am- u aon Va•y 11e0w, raked. 47.11. to 47 15. ranters. 4130 to WIC. pigs. 13.*0 to 46.1,, r..ugta.. LSO l0 46. Mag.. 44 to $430. dairies, 46,10- to 47. Hewer and l.arnbe-Itar•a4per. I0.11310 bead1 slltap.setl'e, lamb. *ow. torula 41:3. to *.3,; adlw. 415. 'cantos rant tre6hen. 412'to.0... ••wen, 44.11 In 4140, ' steep. mixed -4150 to 4Lrr. Chicago •Llee Stock. ( n WAWO. Aog 11. yaws. It.arpex, AOC, towtmt strong. steer., $4..16 to A.M. • 4140 tc. 41.71. heifers, 43 to 1a75. Daft. 12.75 to 47 .alw*, 46 to A.60, stock- ers and feasters. coZ.'.to 46.40 . clogs-lerentpts. 31000. market &' to 10c higher. choice heavy shipping. A to 4710. botrdsel. A to 17.10, Ilrht rndgelt 42® to 36.76, ewers light. 46.x) to A, parking. 14.40 to 16 g p4p•. 43.75 to 415. hulk of .ales, 4170 to 46.30. Hbeep and Lenbe Reortpla 11.000: rtlar- kat Rsdy to 10e lower: sheep, 43.50 to 14.65: lambs, 44.',5 to NW yearlings, 44.2 to $4.1Z. - gelding' Empty Silk Spools are Valuable Ott m es %%HY DON'T YOU SAVE: 'I'ili'.11? PREMIUM LIST' AT i F.ALI.RS, • aaerll or - Belding, Paul & Co., I_IM1114 74 Ray Street, 'Toronto CANADIAN NATIONAL Aw.e29 EXHIBITION Sept: 14 TORONTO Greatest and heal Attended Annual Exhibition in all the World Every Province .Sends Its Products 5100,000.00 In Pries and Al(rat lions Mammoth Macvetl Read Coacerls Grand Art Loan Collection From th. Pari, Salon a.d other Old•World (,isII. res. 1su.ra•Unnrl Mllttary Tattoo end lralleflc Sp.rtaalee The Siede of Sebastopol Wish 900 Per4areeeb '•' laternational Doi Show intermittental Cat S1Mf 8,000 Live Stock on• View-' Per oar. Lar.. 411 Mai 14..1 ell Wanton. ,M,.,, 1. n, as (IsrOsr,ISto CIAP TARPS FROM F V F R Y w w tR R E Hower Hardware Co. Limits f, _ SUCCESSOR TO E. P. PAULIN. J Outwitted the Landlord. -N'hdn recently basing' a house in It 1'laalaia,uahh_stuIturh tit Nhil:..1.41 - - the lesser failed to a in...i. closely I t4 the terms of the Islas'.. 'Alter a 161111. 1 4, 11 1 14 landlord railed and reinind.d I • t bathe was !M111041 ttr do 1411 the oil• , side paining at certain intervvals: I Breaking It Gently. 1'1111.1'n'ant pt•.ttoited 111 vain ; 1'O lir 1 -•_ ,t 7110'4• old Ile ,I Lwnlntthe'tlelorl engaged 't ninlrrs and ora rrt•el lieu W � y Ii K 1l . 1 o hnxband hev a -new •suit- i. deal oh paint for whole. !tout of the lluwe' - ; . mrd, white, lividblur in sitilws. thin wipi•-ruin', Mrs. O'Malley i"' hoVlihrwomeit uwasin4ll►e arhw iV,l -11411Sr 11 3"4144 -_.AE1 i'nsrrtm)a'Jdn ull'e•V!!ey"'lreidtPoilli•a td entire. lord was frantic. Thr leltant 3Mlitrl►.Iy'" explained that there was mulling 641 M1s. O')lalley--"How 'did ut hap the lease about the color, NO he in- len?" t.'mh'olu-finish /h. -jnt1. -"hg nwyul-'•lite'-11*. bla►w#1 414".1* Lh' track .I' the 141)41,44' ieen with charge aa' dynamite," large yellow spots. The landlord saw , that he 1 in had met his match and with few gays the tenant had a new i1A yhieh the landlord undertook 410 all the outside. painting,-Lip- ;utt'n: I Full Program of Attractions twite daily, including Kemp's Wild West Show. Belt of Music Fireworks each Evening. - ATHLETIC DAY MONDAY, SEPT. 14. Come and enjoy yourself at London's Popular Palr. Western Fair: Greatest Live Stock Exhibition Live Stock Exhibition df Western Ontario REDUCED ' RATES ON-. ALL Prize Linty, l Formai . Programs and ' ' given On application to W. J. RFID, President A..'4. RAILROADS all information HUNT, Secretary London, Sept. II -I9 a• A GOOD HARVEST OVER AGAIN , - NOW FOR FALL FENCING , In order to rotting. our stork tip make you the following _ p eil on a11N4l.`U Witeealld stays .inches apart. nu rods of '. wires, :14'1 incite* high. ideal, '2Ic per r,xl, 1411 F a _ ,. Jl.d ii . !1 wirlMa.:01 inches high,, Idol,42c , per read, I mitts of In wires, la Metter high, Ideal, 17c ler roil. �\ 'tit'. 363 1111I1ee apart. • kir of 44 whrrs; i7 invitee high Ideal, :4(4 per rod. Oki mels f i wires, 211 invites high, Ideal, 20,1 mud. 211 rain ll Hors, 31 inches high, Ideal. :Nc per rod. • A1*, *4lr ds of lion, trot 11x}. Ar'rirarr and :t''► reds Pfttahur-g i NOW FOR FALL PAINTING - N -v. id111 11111 L' 14111111• .. r 1'14 a111 r e' . 1.n mixed (that is, 1,ga11oln paste at $l.n:i a• one gal- 'fort hiwotl at makes 2 Odious 713", r " . ,-,:fir--gilt ion fltr 1.27!3, This ie a 141 paint of gas it no not the '•' make we handle we are r44MWe' St. i REDUCTION ' REFRIGERATORS r Yin' ctunele frigcratu,• was 1:1 Mel, luny Ig:10„ Ml - epi ''.. Opt' enamerfintsritef riger.t1 of was $:�4,l8, now $2.),1 I1 I Prievaranizeillirtemtineel Refrigerator woo $13.43) now.$ll.(NI o galvanized iron -lined Refrigerator, were SI LIP, nu'4T .r (GASOLINE STOVES •t'mk a (lie:S horn,•1. Detroit 1(:ls.l,,, - stove, Wats $13.111, now $11.:01 Om+ i-Inerner De'tr'oit gasoline stool., on stand. waw II:Rim now $I7.tSI One 3•bornrr !Sockeye gas„finesetov.. was $6.:.4), now IM),:Il' lne'2 borne' Iluck..e jta�.olinl stow., Vy�►s $1.70, now 11:1.7.) t. , Screen Doors and Windows reduced in price 20 per cent. GARDEN 11O5E Itla('k Di; rm.1 garden hose, was 12ie, naw II King gat 1,111 hope, was 12 1e now Ills Leaderennle•n hose, wan 12e, now Ile 111,11 Dog gtnlen how•, Wan 111x% now it.• ,.,..t':,Ll.• garden h ..,, .4.114 115.•, now'lh- . Heating, Plumbing, l:avestroughing and Electric Wiring promptly attended to and all work fully guaranteed, m�mam Store 'Phone 2? CHAS. C. LEE It OUte 'I hnhe I I2 ' iv tis