HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-3, Page 4•
4 rutterioav, Septem bar 3, 1908
04' t,..mottlotitTe.
I ts Praises Souaded by e.Goderich Man
• Visiting Manitoba.
FIRST PORTION OF OUTER BREAK. atilwatter, at es.. August 2.t. 1414
I to the Woe ut The signal.
WATER AT 000ERICH HARNOtt DEAR eillfk-As 1 proutised to write
tOlbu on Mir 'arrivai In • the West 1
Contractor Birmingham Completit dell
of Building /Hundred Feet of
Concrete Structure -Some Infor-
mation About the Work, Which Has
Used Up Let ot Materiat.
. ContraCtor Hie lll i ll ghoul is to be
congratulated tm the auccessful coin-
pletior4 of the tine Wet of the
outside lerra,kwater at thr har-
bor. which, when extended the Iwo -
puma esidit kilter -TATO- fire. con.
tribute: lergely to making this n,' of
the safest and best harbors on the
1111(1'.. l'Ite work wan bretight. •lo a
con)itetion last Eritley evening be-
tween ei and 7 tielock. and the event
wits signalized liy the tooting 411 all
• the steam whistles Of the .contractor's
plant. and the answering voices of the
whistles of the ng thehitugs in the har-
bor and of the municipal water and
- electric light plant. The o
also hoisted the Ogg ut the borge
Abercorti sehiv was WWo
II in the work
of enlist liet .
Although to 1 ke the breakwater
really adequate f • the porpoise tor
which it is intend it will he neces.
mr.f lo have tbe lattla beet
added to the.- northeast cud of the
preeent faal-fstat., Abe portion already
completed in no snail work.
The building of the breakwater, it
• will Ila remembered. was commeuted
in the spring of 111*.,the titre cribs fur
- -the- welefreerateal--teurtioes tiftlesa- work -
having been constructed during the
preredIng winter: In the fall (1t• the
same year the first contrewtors.
Menem. Battle and Vonlon, offered a
disaster to the work in the washing
off of a large portion of the emetic
superstructure in the heavy storms of
...Oust fall. The submerged criliwork
'Oben remained mita this spring, when
• the work ,of completing the break-
water wee marled.
The sountlinget taken preparattn.y to
the present eontractor'm wore nhowed
the crittweirk and filling of stout
broken away to a depth of (Mut four
feet only. in some places, to as much
as seventeen in others. below water
level, and Mr. Birmingham's work
eras the levelling up with ronerete of
thin and ridging the whole to a height
of sorue eight feet above the water.
Some idea of the magnitude of the
work can be gathered- from the fact
that. in rond mitubera there were
1,0011 cords of Ovine and '.!:,,tss1 tons of
concrete in the work. The early p4141of the resew' wits taken up by the
contractor getting hie plaid. and
equiptnent nodules. for theo
and the completeness of the plant en-
abled hint to make good progress
when once, the actual work 4.1 con-
struction was newt°. This wan on the
(4411) day of May. and ttle_m
of the work was just three months
and ten days later. Attpouit Vtth.
The breakwater it, :too feet !Emig, :35
feet wide and risen eight feet above
the water. 'Elie lake side slopes off to
water level at an incline of about two
to one, and the inner side consists of a
level walk sheltered behind a ridge of
eoncrete. The original plan of haying
“niggerheads" stet in the concrete was&b*nds.netI,
absndoned, owing partly to the old
oonerete work which was warbled off
the cribs lying aloneside the cribwork
and making it dangerous for '4415)4141141 to
IIP.eitter tee the .breakwatee-feet•
mooring. This broken ennerete work,
however. adds considerably to the
strength of the striectare.
The intention is to erect 44 beacon
light on the wmthwest ctrl (11 the
breakwater, but this will not he. dotie
until nest season. At prevent there
in a buoy -light off the miter 5.11(1 of the
breakwater. .Contracttir Bir gloom
ham now oar a few days' work 111
the laying up of his plant.
E is Proposition foe_ Ftettrit Rafl
way Extension.
yra Tiverton ‘Vateltetutn of last
week id:
The,c' ip.ens of Tiverton sin Sat day
evening had the pleastit.r of 44 visit
front Mr. . W. Mops., preseident of
the ()uteri West Moire hleetric Rail-
way, wbieh s being now consttucled
Iwtween Kt eat -dine and tiodertels.
w now do so. We left Goderich on
the morniiii of the 13111 of August at
,7:10 a. tn. and reached London at 10
in. After a wilt of an hour and
thirty tuinUtm we again darted tor
Chicaso.which we reached at 10 p. tn.
after a fine run on the ff. T. It. At
Chicago we were transferred to the
Unlit Northern and got lovely
cushioned chairs tin which we spoilt
the night as comfortably am if we had
been its Lied.
'Ibis is 11 111)41 (vitiate y through here
and we enjoyed the trip very at
We had a party of anted, nixtemen all
the way fe•outtioderich and WO hail a
fttiotinteIngether we We trit5.4irt1 -ter
Chi* Western (mutty.
"Vi' reached St. P.tul at 11 p. 111.
laud at I 1;3e We statted on our svemt-
ward way again. Titre is a great e0411
elnilltty and we eottlel owe field ^fon.
field tit corn. This 45 all ear earn that
they grow -out here. After es run -i.4-1,s,„,rwr, 1 ma.w.thm, ita Aint.
wan truthfulness. Yours, Toile 414
eck ante •
Me. Mo.,.* W ne4'4H11tAt4Iie11 by Me. .1.
3. Hunter, of T Kincardine Reporter,
and two gent! en from Toronto.
After an intro& tion to Reeve Al.
Kitimat). Mr. Moyywits tedien at 1
the village and met 11107 of our lead.
ing townsmen, Iwo many proniiii.
ent farmers. The HI et of his vieit
Will no doubt in corm ion with the
•ortil through
to Owen
, judging
Is. It e.
Reminiscences of a Veteran.
The flitiowittg- letter from 4eir
worthy old towitainen as iliu•k-
ntep was putilished itt last wesek's Sat-
urtiay Night if
• lionsiticu, Aug.21.
Editor Saturday Night : 1 nee tiv
qte rpm* that softie ut' the itith
igh antlers
loser *10(141 to Aldershot
fut• to see the V2nt1 ighlanders. My
helm went with theist. 1 enlisted
inti) that regiment slitrone yeses
ago, and today 1 could tell you the.
limner 111 the captains commanding'
eVery r petty* Tlw service has
changed glace 1 was jo it, III my.
time, 00 Metter how good you were,
yoit (•ituld not rise by merit, lett 11 )4)5)
paid 1 terei hundred pound*, 110
matter how iatioistot Volt were, you,
could get to be. an officer anal 41
gentleman. 'Mere has been jigreot
change •,1114e than. 114t7,
was the dal.. of inv enlistment.
my timethe army:ink only two meals
L a day, and 144.-0 w;ts the date whelk
they received the third meal. We
were given Bilden in the pante year.
Ali) to see a wide --circulation of
your paper. The Mat time 1 got a,
copy at it something tidal aur it would,
about isn hour we were left on the
track with .es -broken engine and we
beet to stem for An litair, throwing um
lift• to • destination at Wietniiwg.
Unly for this mishap would have.
reached Winnipeg 41 1E a. In. Thurs-
dav , inakiug a record run and A tlret•
doss service. ; yieni could mit wish for
anything better. - 11 Wre had. tirade
coeiteet at Winnipeg we would
have reached Alarguree, Ust
Weed. nli, rhursday at 4.1., p. it,. tie.
isuagiue the distance we came in
three.+14)11.+Anit_thrlt_Yell earl 415 41
little idea ut the WY you qui be
transported ammo the emintry.
It you linve neve+ hewn ire the West
just of titian and ilraWsulit 1 conin-
try - the hest emintry yoo ever HAW
under the siiii-and after iiketchin
rivers and sleughm then put in thereat,
say threp-quat•ters of the whole, with
gis•at fields of grain wheat.oats and
barley • of the rem beet emits thee
can glow, just as (tries the •eye ran
reach, and then you may hese a faint
idea of what thio great West is like.
Any young man who ham not a home
for himself end who is not willing to
go to the great West is wasting his
time in Ontario, as lir will never have
the elhowes there that he has here. and
the Ilegutiful viral , fresh air would
make him feet Strong and well ete he
breathes it into his hinge. .When
they ask em. how I like the country 1
tell them I ant disappointed, Mar WI 1
/1111, *a I never aspected to are such a
-country ourthis. The only anise 1 am
&wry for ill that old Sir John A. :11ac-
totiald hail not built the C. 1'. It,
about fifty -years Ago and let the
people into this great country. The
land is the finest you ever saw -et
drep black !mon. Some Places *how
the road we saw where thote were
ditches dug four feet deep. anti it was
just the sanie black earth and then
yon st•ill see twenty-five acres of a
et• tallow at. cleau as an 'on
tied of the same Mark loam.
I think 1 will have. stop for this
time, as Iny epistle will ' be too. long.
1 may wand 3.ou.another next weed" if
1 aui not too busy in this great AVest.,
1 aan looking for The •Sigmel already
as a letter from home. I ours.
tt; lit. J. Mentions
Foreshore Rights
lauidou Free Piga,
A i•orrespoiolent rigqing -Hayfield-
&slot The Free Press for an ii it i 1/II
the tollawbug questions ;
owein the tale alit irelit Trim'
• •
r=011:=11011== 0 0 0
!Mations 0"---
•••More New Fall Goods...
Shipments -of eve Fait floods ars-coming early Ogs lateen. litte-art now able to show quite an asset talent
.of Did'. Kidney Pills11*
legion. The but is imitated,
the outside coating and shape of the
pills are imitated and the naine--Dodd's
Kidney Pills is imitated. imitations are
dangerous. The original is safe. Dodd's
Kidney Pills have a reputation.
fors have none or they wouldn't imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd'.
Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There
is only one DODD'S. Dodd's is the
-priginaL Dodd's is the name to be cars.
ful about-
141)111) Ii,i rail7/1/1Y77 .e 1 11/7 11
AM/ 1/1 her e t,y id the 171111117 mtaitil-
enint ileyeloptiteteti ell lias.tftesoftire
extended itor Iiiies,141)..S1.1
ublass propert y "s' Has anyotte ,t til.
pignl.bit, tot (tiwks.111().apaev::::itsint4guititeistyr.itillel.'!"
eference (1,11141 right i. ( r stip irs-,tr
44 years ago, tlee. laded aniat. in
he bearh f ng the prtmerty 'lett tnervititwars-fur -the rear exceeds
nuwn as 'till I 'rest a thoroughfare'. 134.1001,1•111. After friV.ttig interest.
'tie owner of the 'II, in oilier to working expenses and charges the
risert hi5. title to 51. 1' heiii:11- *Is., serpents for the I w..lve months -emend
84se . whenever
4444'.'.i l,1. tinsel. than ')l 41115. 415119111111eri
W011141-11AVe 414 11W7 oin17/7r the main* eir-
11 • Re
ciitilstaisees, this genet Sisters of Charity f St. Paul. years only four pes• i..sit. of tlie et)),
in a good many lined, principal in which are Dress'Gools. Coats, Prints add Underwear:
A lot of the real font -color Prints We are noted for keeping, (till :B inches wide,
dark blue and while, light blue and trhite, black and white. white boatloads,
and mt vim. patterns and every piece sure fest colorr.
wiiitwuf the lessilina, twav tali males.' Self St *1(45)14. 'Ewe) (lobe. Striptei.
)'oplifis, Hmatichans, A'euellatte, Satin Itoyale, Velteirti. 1'.oiles, in black,
l'ansitutus in l41444* anal etilina.
above eseVe-slissa. Whiffs are. the very beet that e!esei be -got -at pekes
asked. all %%lea and a giiceetw kith. You will flied privet. of there Kneels all right.
PRICES, soc. ysc. $i.3, $i.5(1. $1.65, 81.90 and up.
I soppotw 41 little early; to sis. NANO/. Fall Coata," We IsaVIS th416111 4112041a1
*1141 will )w glad lo shoW them even if 'pun, don't want to May. They eas.
choict. lots tlitot•L from' he mak4.4
A small lot of hone. black t 'mom, at toe, siZetesri, 51, el Anil 01.,
Some 4.1 111*) old 'I for 45... line still here,'Sl, 41, S4, 141, •
1) its A l'orsete, term. stock alweye Mew. 1( .74)51 want tiormtei be stIresiYou
get 1 ts: A. They are the beet in the marki•t few the prices asked. 11. Kvory yak
guaranteed 1.1 lit And wear.•
Standard Patterns' Always in - _
If you waist a suresfit Pattern -hey- Standard. • .•'"
Standard Fashion Book, zoc. with CouponAgood for isc s
The Square
J. It -Colborne Gotlerich
0 ==i011=10=== =:=20=2'
a -seven- per--eeert.-ot the girt tort
111174 poldie teillo• the tots] receiniti
ed a fence it..issoi it to the watet's Million sterling. Sin+ results
ge eta toilet a ronsta e 4,141.''speak for themselves is 1.4.,te wen-1th
he moue 01 anyone who wrilked tan, of production and the e •sense
ay, With the % aew or prosecuting notitagettient hy the Asiro. of heNe
huge leasinese untaulakinstawnieh are
.hint asa. trestle -seer. ,
trouble foliar liver the. iiiies-• interlacing the estst ern half of the
*t4 *11 title, the (Integers contending ism( Mem, and commence to stretch
hat the heart) Was ptt . high wny. east voted', its Mint hweet widen
It legal. opinion being taken it was morn:tee. ,
ound that the elaint of the owner id • - 1 --
be hill wessatettable. owl that the coin- 130 YOU EAT RIGHT ? ' •
non ore was a ti.espass.
A tantalite case flan at•isen at the old Few People in sGrideri• h Really Know
port this etasou and if brought to an
WU* wieukt probehly decided the
11.1e WRy.
It is the s.tette law that led to the.
eflnition foreehore rights in Fitz
ue _Sisters C rank ""
.4.1. 11, torbed out
satisheetury. When
who ae•rived fr Pawl* teat
IHL" the teq**.'..I "( lb" A•teldst41*.'p elutracter. he iii•she is deported. rather
5,5,1 ''' .441%1 "le iii:1"1"i' "fa thanlir detained in the country to I e
rtimatio, atm lli
%vii liti. approlial lllll i.‘14 64,4 6.444.„1.
boy or &girl show,. se, luta or deployed
e, the Archbishop of cettivirs.
t"eI.. . s
netwi 1111"l'ei"K 'V'm".1"t'i"
Association, whoe 'trait. et *11 'lI**lllitlg (tie rnti,tnee:li
."r '.111*1)5.1 fh.„oftileri"Te."4"i'"'t"tthrild''""1RyS1ee Will:. 1111t Ile gillllai. is'tiaI% t isfacisiryit to!pO
in ..tv "at aii wru, I441*`4).'.1
itttiiirr tett ftiti England. great care
is exeis•Weal it) its anti only
citildiett f iosal 141)41 01,11141
•)(anaila usually range
ighteeri, but
a yammer'. 1)14)' who
.for adoplionAre 41*
EIlli.LI 11)1411)
trolitione ynig
ntl eipabitityit i:tsthr '"1"1"1"1 I"- riff Pml'ittler miloyet.ofone..f te1wards 441sore-
1,14,*hi.A i„rnye
)id y in; . !Otshall 1 eceive pit
• pertreatsilent.Whitt. the .
- -Slow eating and I. -wilier meals is of Sociation
grent benefit to wrotr,tetiett *tont. dren *nought
aeh. Than. who wafer ith 1111140W/ avow 5.14.4/5.11 4.
tion and weak *4Act) eon With rare ally children
ardinge vs. Purcell in heighten.' this
faintof and i be use of Mi istiatitiontacil tablet* w,...1,1 b,14_avaida
re3)14ess "ter IfferteetWorfs-s-os-ThessItTIO: speriat eases
placed out under
according to the age
the ebild and the am tint of work. te-
ipuired. 'Ehey are paws ssed more or
lea* id the timual chiltlia faults and
failings. loupoiteibilities it the way of'
perfeetion 111 not be e.xpea/tnti.
The children are •lecleil foe hist it la -
L 111 EnglAni whee e th bate
iwei el 11mierest
r obsevion for *tome
-relies. mitt wl . • there hi siery
inintldetMe that -they will do well. in -
fart it is made a reword rend A rev
to be brought mit, mid great tare
taken me to rend children in order to
get rie1,4 them. t ' 'drained waifs and
strays are. riot sent t'' eArmibir„ - The
rileords show plainly that Of the chil-
dren, "Oared (luting tite pant seven•
rp to then, wee supposed that the
the right to traverse the
sea shore ;and- Anent wild- hiwi crud
catch fish/ilici eon. By this
the Imbibe are debarred from such
privilegfria. The feireehore 1whings 1(4
the oWner ,o1 the land fronting. the
sea. is private property: and any of
the above acts *41 11 trespass. -
The. Cane 1171.77 raised -a Arent tempt -al
11) 1.:itglitnal, so many persons being to
Alte habit of holiday rambling on the
roast line% or of ekeing out their firing,
by lishing on tiw foreshores, and shoot,
Mg wild fowl.
To *he suggestion that landownet s.
will nut press the legal tights which
Fitzhardinge vs. Purcell Mee given, it
answered that I...odium's-are every-,
where pressing their rights now more
'stiller) ever, as tnany reeved eases show.
A Letter from Haws.,. - In Hampshire. for instance, en *t'
)051414)h MeClusk*Ei -01 -el." tempt has been made to exclude the
township, fa recetpt of -a 'very -in- pilli1W-frotri-Foating on a river lime]
tempting letter from bias son Willis'''. tvliirla they have enioyed this form 01
who is teaching the young idea in re(•reationl since Englend •Wiui first
Papaikoti. Hawaii, a young Man Of 0„pulhactl.
W110111 his alma meter. Goderich `- 11 that holdis wood in common law
Collegiate Institute, is, duly proud.
lacClast..... •baa.,, „jet._ 1,14teed
fit-ctif e mountains
which affurtled hint be opportunity
enjoyed by few •of viewing a volcano
in Action. lie gives w vivid picture of
the scene. He says ;
"Theepit orf-ther-crater is es-ei •
third of a utile iteross. A11014 etee 11*110
dretritior filly feet down *4 11141 stirraTee
of '1 he lake.' This lake ocettpien about
onedsalf of the pit, *14.rest of the. pit
being filled with 1/11,101 Whiell HOW!'
/Wei. an the lake risen. Its /lethal if;
like that t•f boiling water in au illa-
Illenbe cauldron. 'Elie bubbles are
from twenty to thirty feet Nemec
Fragments front these shont-trii in
fantastic shaper high- above the -um fare. %%Titre% of fiery liquid beat
&gannet the rocky edge like the waves
of the -roman tri a atom'. The TORT. 11
a weird thing to listen to, yet the
whole thing fascinating, especially
at night."
Commenting on the sensations
aroused hy 1411111 awful grandeur he
coot' es "(Inc night I sat. on the
brink lookiust into the ever-changing
pit risen before miniset until after nun.
tire next ning. It hi impermeable to
pot into wordn Inc phoney it burns
upon the walls of one le memory. It
certainly ie the toast. remarkahle phe-
minimum the world ha* to show."
The letter wits accompanies! by two
photographs- one a group shorting
the teartreCe end pupils of ale. Mc-
l'Imikey'n school, who, to quote again
(it'll' the letter, are ''s4 good-looking
lot to be ronsidered heathen ;" the
other titi interior view of tine of the
-closimanna_shawing 01111P PseePti-11,1
ally fine manual work executed by the
pupils, who are taught to "cond.()
their hands an well as to use their
minds in learning to think independ-
ently." • -
extension of the electric
this section of the count
Sotind. Ile hi a 'molten
from his conversation, thor
tri the nuttiness of eke:trip rt
• s _v
no doubt later on will 1. and
explain esaetly what propitiation s to
be made to) our people. 11110 as
been wanted for years fter this port i
of country is retire). coonecliti
for th purpose of whipping Air
ductal Moye* claims that the
pfseposed rrepirreil (o handle
!Might AN srhI as pascierto• trent...
He candidly ailtiiits that the reseal
coold not et iS Merely fur passenger
traffic. If the '14.I,415I &WM 1111R II /9
Whet le Wanted. ',The iliffieulties ot
oar tnerchants and atnieta tv41i11,1 be
largely overcome. ping could I*
done. direct relent the •illage, which
would mean a large hi( van in Aim
trade generally. lbw I Mg Hien
Joh/1111d twg thelliRelYeN ni i 11 this
matter and see that the root makes
sure in cianing to tbia village. No
doubt ei propeeition mimiliar to at
fermented to itelerich, Ashtie
Huron and Kincardine town will
• dine township, Tit -tett -on end
townehip, which woe the guar-
anteeing of 55 portion of the hondm of
the e pany. Theme other munlcipel-
ities have dime WI and in teturn 1)44415'
rereived n first mortgage mi the rind.
as pecurity for their guarantee. The
vita of Mr. Moyes, who is not pro-
: moter, but a builder and operator of
the road, crowed .conniderahle etwite•
men*. _ _ _ • _
35 Cents dor alet ent Stamp.
Mrs. V. F. Curtails, of Windsor,
fiat., offers to tend a 'serfage of'ibe
firellip Lily tre.ou•ent einolutely free
to everroitels mid ailing woninit whet
will write [411l,, per her ad. in this i
sue on prow ff. -As thi• package is
worth 34 +mote it ledirates • confi-
dence in the merit* of tbe remedy
that fe certain to prove attractive.
et` Altos dossift lis-soitbsr does be
Ion oil the truth to kowa.
*Minn. Rol 1 hAt they eAll MI what they
want al any time without fear of dia-
„tress or suffering. .
After .n few (lat.,' 11,44' Nii-otta
stomach tablets, the headaches. 'tizzy
feeling, th-owsiness, Ind taste in the
mend enateit tongue, ifiltrttenee.
sleeplessness. dr...11'0%S after eating --ell
I hoer symptoms • .f weak 1/I 010711711
wilI 71IRRI7lIelle. ne1.1 pei.fert digestion
/trot greet health wilthe-restored.
JAR. Wilson has so moth t•orilltlenor
in the power of Sli.o.na 10 cure indi-
gestion that. 111. guarantee« natistac:
(*On tir money bark. Prier .10 rents.
Reduced Bates to Toronto
via.tirand Trunk Itaiiway system on
aceount +4 (*arm -inert National Exhibi-
tion. Return tickets wiH he Milli Alt
Milllile fat e from all stations in Ontario
1 17 'Fortino..gond going August 21Ith to
Septenther 1.2th. returning fr Tor-
onto mi or lwfore Beraenth/ i• 1151).
1.00W tale 171(17/1elliOtIM will he rim' on
certain lintel.. particular's of which elm
be iota:tined from Grand Trunk
the citizens of. I.Apidon might 11. 'z- 4opeuiti, ,, -_f. - -•-
el oiled -fritter the-,Itiver -Thentetc -1)e•',7•• '" -• • - .
tween the love and tant•ingbank. were Tug Sea King Burned. •
the city itself not the owner of the l'ollingwooe',. Aug. 27. --The 1) '
riVerside inVileitnilopter rind part ilrion • Pish C•impany A tog. Sees. King
The Eert** 01 Goderith.
Watitertosi Telescope : -A good deal
of unfavorable comment has been
inside on the streets regarding Ille
AO inn the./7/1101eil 411 permitting 1he
ening of the P. IL to take place
without any f..ronal reerignition of the
4144144* whittever . That 14 41.4 the way
they elo things other place*. When
the line to tioderieh was opened a
abort titne ago,. t hey had rt high old
tinir of it. Well. the. roomed have
been taking Ilw matter into theit 14 1'
i0113 eonsideretion and at & apecial
meeting on Settirdey evening decided
to take the eitisena of the town int()
their rontideme. to be guided hy their
advice. To this end circiderm have
Ann oh( asking all and 414)0477 (4)
mi a entitle meeting in the Limn
he y night of this week,
10 (11- um the matter. If the meeting
IR ill fa r a formed opening ere
tnony tht one will he held, and if the
meeting d sides against it Unit will
London (township.
You Must Advertise.
A fad into 111 14/WA 0a4.47 *rut hi& Law tee
town with a sack pf meat tws, but after
lingering around town all day he
17/11107 home will 1 selling 'hem.
%%lien staked why be had not mild the
potittoes, lie answered : "No 4111141
asked me what I had in my sack."
Theo. 1111. litany menet/trite like that
boy. They have plenty of noilslo
sell but hal (t) 1441 what Atte_y_hemes in
the mark. Trieuntesit wen export 14,
make sales in this day and age. of the
world, they tweet open their packs and
e1114777e their Renato to public gaze and
lw rontinitally shooting their merite.
Tit•foroet im 41 041114. that is older
than golf.
Many a "Maine' hss 41 hontely face
I() t hank for her halo.
Fools !wrist. listen to 'the wire 1but
the wise occasiooally give !WM to fools.
Much h.• fnrgiven Healey at the
Court of loluidire.
Tn he hatbfornomething 1,1 ationger
then tri ho seand-frmtbing.
Candor ie the cold -nate( spigot of
A dull hearing sod a bed memory
have proved inimenaely profitable
millet Mos. -Li ppinent
Subscribe teens Signal.
Her Troutrfe.
Him "It intuit lw awfully annoy-
ing for a woman to have hair that
won't ittakin places. like that girl in
the third row in front 1(IIR."
lier-."There'e nothing the matter
with her hair. Mho has si new en-
gagement rine."
WRY Ille W/1.1.771' .61714(P 41*
F.'4441114'i ago. Mr -1..!adelets
wood went there nil %1, eillieellay arty!
Rosemount Ran Arouse& .
Simi? Ste, Marie, Aug. :It.
steamer lloriettriit1 Itt. tloW116011114 with
1i4.4111, Wats stranded at ((.1,11141 Ii.
land in st dense fog Satnriloy nighl.
MM. RAN Evle417/1eil Ana is
ly iininlite•ed. The Canadian
passenger Aritnier IPrst ilium, while
waking the furn going to the Clem+
dian caned-, was also strendeel in the
Ing, hut was releastol. Tugs left last
night to go t.. the assistance of the
steame•r t% toteott, which is ashore
near Little -Current. '
That's What Mrs. Kinsella Says Dodd's
Kidney Pills Did for Her.
ot, Nltlaehie, 91e.. Ang. :dat.
gperiall)--N‘ omen who metier will be
interested in the story of Mrs. Jilltlel
Kinsella, of thin 'slave.
"I had a pain in my i•ight
sari Mrs. Kinella, "and in the small
of the hrk, and was figollen all
down (he right Ride id the and lllll en,
I wan to pass water every Ilf
teen minutes in it burning, ehing
11011 111 way. 1 ...add not Heel% but
was obliged to sit in a chidtfor ttio
lllll pers.
Then I started to use Maitre K
[try Palk and aftrthe first Isok felt
much Iwtter.I continued Ili use
them, tind now I rnn go to bed and
sleep MI other people do. They did
e world of goori in other WAY,
Australian State Railways.
The 44'.- 11,15')' correin lent of The
London teloroing Pst, dincilasing the
piddle a...comae %if the Common-
wealth, stays : The nuot striking of
the returns are. threw relating to our
late railways, the enterprisem which
reprenentoother-mairer-porttott Uf 1101'
borrowing *Mt ialgety deterniine
eachtreaaurer's balance, They wooki
continue to be the most notehle fea
tures -siul ewer henigete, even if the
lines were clear of debt,' and had
little effect upon sorplusees, because
neer 140d ttIALYe. _thee _ consideretiona
they are the hest possible tests ed the
prosperity of the country RI111 the
efficiency of the mantra,' whi..11 mer
Legislatures esterritte the graent
rarrying nominees of the I 'flutoiwil
wealth. In Nouthr Anotrali?M
/ eer
paying tvorking es memo RI infer.
410* 1311011 ellet of (+instinct, on. 311i.
titles t left with *deer Profit for ths
Tear from hip railways )(twitting to
,C211,4001. A net 141(1140 n iv lei per cent.
Victoria the m fitei form to•
1Walve Mehl ha RI W711 /1
which, after &sr!' 'fling all remoter es
and pitying all interest. the 'troth la
g9S0.1101). But to summarise Inetaial
ot repeating diatails, which hare Utile
attraettoo fp1, !Coolish roadeta, t'.
t weals to ho woreby ostko
at lomat our with% Itssuells de -
misalisfactoly child shall return such
child to the where they will ri
MaCedlic satin:at their ;Awn explain...,
vett/I.-stun mot jeet it t i• treatment
which might he constrned into cruelty
or Iv:tidiness. Forms appin191/111„,
containing instruetioto. for the
guidance of theme applying for a child
afig maitipr applieldiepit temple
Mother. St. bleurge's HA,.
West ore Railway
immediately for construn work.
Apply at once to V, M. R BERTS,
thief• Enginefie; Goderich. Set 'ren the
hours of t and 12 a.m. and and
, .
See l',411/ta1rl0140,1 eleor.• ha/1w
Take Notice !
If you intend, uying a Steel
Range be su • - it is the
Steamer Neepawah Badly 'Damaged.
Ang. 27. -Mr. Heigh
Calderwocal, W110 reprements the iln-
derwriteis, was notifies' Tuesday
afternoon that the MrKay Company's
steamer Neepawah, whirh went on a
shoal in it herbor On OW north //hove
'Ake Super ior early laid week. had
Icremsr a total los, and heel been
abandoned to the underwriters. At
the t. i 1115'' of the aceident tIIe
steamer was near the end af her trip
to the '.'P.4 1011)4 lighthentees on the
lake's, this contract having lwen
secured fr the Dmitinion Govern-
ment:- The -set
practically a new bent, teeing been
on the lakes hut a few yeare.,ad
was one of the freighters brought to
iliiintry from Englend. !limo
r ' g Awn. the steamer had been
stolidity etigeged the height trade.
This yeal• was her fleet with the light-
house supplie, although Ow Item
whieli own,' Iti.r ham hail the cont.( net
NI different litiwit liefore.
Port Arthur. Aug. 'set. The light•
hoot! supply 110A1 N471711/11Wah VI MI re
leneed sifter a week on the rocks near
Utter Head. She is badly damagod.
• mid. you *5 1.444 v0111.114(M
14.11- wadi notasedtofitial
your llll into a rang.. 1)414*
will last. you the rest of •your
life. The _ •
Huron Steel Range
is the range for you.
11 is stromely built of 1(1)' best
iindity-- of Rotted Mteet Plate.
The fite.ltnx is 'perfectly propor-
tioned to the ail* Of the 11%4711
Old IS filled with the. latest im-
proved gretem. The oven - most
important inset perfert tit is
ventilates] and provided with a
the ter to indicate exect
hiat. All heat im forred twic•
around the oven lwfore entering
(he chimney Hue. Anti there
114 aniither point alma the litsrou
Steel Range which we should
like to show von pernonall.
We Maim that 1 ne flu miSteil-
Range iR the hest range ever
offered e1 the price we Ask.
Good second.hand Stoves and
Furnaces for sale, cheap.
We sell repairs for every
make of stoes.
The\Agent for_these Ranges -
-who will pleased -to -quote you prices.
"Kootenay" and "Sask-Alta" Steel Ranges
are sold by reliablemen only. They are never
peddled through the Country. 'Buy a 'Kootenay"
Lo! "Sask Alta' and save from $io to $20.
Worsens' Hardware
THEN Decide on the Bashiess College
We asle the privilege of sending you
our intensely •interesting, handsomely -
illustrated FREE CATALOGUE. In
fac, you really owe it to yourself to get
• copy and read it. thoroughly before you
select the Business College to attend
This Catalogue expleins all about our
school, our faculty. our different coure.
Tells why we honestly believe our Col-
lege to be theat Inc you. After rending ike Mob wis will leave
you to Naga for yourself'. Sending for a ormy places you under no
neiliatnn. Just mail mu name and acidness nn 41 (41111(4.417 d.
aessasaiaa, Sperlal *peeing, 1ease76/0 Amen/.
ennwrorest City Business and Shorthand College
' •
141,i4 Come and see us about thew
We have just received a shipment
\ of
a1111ox Calf, Velour Calf and guar 4.edPatent Leather Prices,
00 to $5.00
Bay these shoes and get too
_ Worth of shoe for the della,
304* BAGS.
G. M. E.:1717u/ASDTT IS
!lave you seen the dispility 01 Kerly_ Eoglish Ettruitore
itt.ourtaindow, -11,.1)aa.hosst greatly admired *1)4 4* Jest-
awomple otithe line goes iit high-class furniture front
which our rststomere may choose their port -hone.
Ranging from $3.25 to $140o.
The 1,t the inat
P4&e4e.1 values in Verandah Chaim during the month
of August.
44.4,710. 17*
Phnne. •
mho,. SW
nmmrolv,itandi FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING
_woness-maiitame.ter4... •vttitedistssAikithilta'r.Nit