HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-9-3, Page 22 Vuukau T, Srpteullwr 3, 1901 UVUKK1t'11, UNTAIttU,l PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY eT iY,N,TTia i RU$URTI ON • Temic of sidiewisiosis 1 maw per annum to adva1a•. IAm le onth.• sun : titre* mouths. ooUw. slit. Tu UnitedSlater .ubm+riberv. 111.54 a year I.trict1) in .4d4ance. Snb-44-141-. who fall to reweave 'THU amidst. legularl) by wail will arrear a favor by ae• Qualnting is. of the fart at as early a date se powibte. when r change of addreee i. dr^ited. bath the Old and the slew rddreed Mould be given. Advertising Rate: THE SiONAL : tl(11)14tICH' ONTARIO r made into $tate form reserverinds fault with Mr. Hultyre .because Agriculturally profitable land ha"hie (straws friends" have )ern ren& firm addend the prawds used W MI- i n K Literal eaulpaigre lit end sire trod the rrnourws hi iYN* fertile sell• through the mails, under the franking Thr United States Government has added a large tract, muted w protect .prlvil*ge, to Wort Huron vote*. It the bead waters of our large rivets : a too had that Mr. Holmes *Mudd let while lun►ber communed, at last recog• "Itis Ottawa friends" du such 'a tl►iUg ; Citing the State* wise policy. have but what clout Edward Nor aledir atedi_ sP ear_ thousand -anew--ie the forest reserves. Wisconsin has bowie, M. P.,' who has twat sanding acquired user JUU,I1W acres, and this his "stuff' all over the constituency acreage is cnnstantlp ►clog exteruled. and thus "ribbing the postal depart - It has been the policy to,. concentrate dealt of its legitimate revenue -to thaw holdings in sunntier having the greatest numlwr of lakes fretting use the weld. of The Star. And what into large stream*. and iti 'mule c - Its is gettiug y_.. -ext of the ileople'r ties the Siete uow holds ten per cant. tuonry every srNsiun, t4N1! perhaps, of the entire land area. The w) a))g sitar rs'v over Mr. Lewitt "For the further protection ul its water -powers, the legielatule lass conduct that it ca t find words to authorized corp 1*' ions to erect rattiest. its ,Indignation. Av • (din- •.erir' of IeaPry(+Ire on certain 'dreams, trtdta)rarry wiya, however. the propel' tarot sod other similar adverilaaent*. lar thor posturing ,a conform water flow time to '!gat even" Is at the ballet box.per line for nr•t *mutton and to per flue for throughoutthe 110/411011. Thr location h snW,etve rat fnwniou, Measured by a t 14%I It t'r++lr.5'91Lil�S1tL1_.Jb4W-�. the-. n *rale, t welvet lines loan luau-,-. p us amt• cant^ of Pis lines and under, >)u per height of deers the amount of land lh'r fit tieing news -item' from The year. Advsrtlsetueut. of tat. Found, Strayed. Sit - nations Vaaau t. Situation. Wanted., Hotly. fur Sale or to hent. Vane, for bale or to Kent. Article. for Nu1r, ,etc., nut rsere.ting eight lines, Ve each invert' ;til for find month. Ste for each ,ub.equeut mouth. Larger advertise• menu, In proportion. Announcement. iu onlinary reading type leu tents per line. No noti.'e le.. than 2.1r. Any special untie; the Mosel of which Id the Peoutilary benefit of any individual or mewl. anon, to be rowidered wt adrerti^emrnt aid to be charged ur.'ordburlj ' Rate. for di*pley and rontrart ;altrortl-e- eleut* will be tri vstt aura i_tios .._._-. _._ ' Addro*^ ell cemwuuteetlau tog " VASAI'tVIt . - -l-Hk • WN$1. - - - UUU1K14111.THl'Itat)AY, 4I(I'.4. 141* which shall to •.vertluwtd, and the London 1''relfiltleIa of yesterday bears time and manner in which the stored out The Sign:(l's contention that the water shall he released i+ determined rural vchtsd ItulrJayr should he rx• by the State board of forestry ; and the law 11140 provides "that holders of 'tended to the. Ist of September sorb storage reservoir. Shalt to per- A..orliig to .31 report thl' "attr44• miffed to charge reasonable lolls for dant•, rt the ••nttntry srhlx)I0 rs very water nerd, provided a certain pre- entail at the pvea*l11. time, aldnitiale it violist). Agreed' upon storage capacity is expected to increse. its it always is realized each tolls not to exceed a does, after the winter Mels in. One net annual return of d per cent. on (ratites* in 1'antata• is known to have 111r_aatid iptital actually paid in. The. had-fatqty--ottr nP-pltpii-fet r.+ttr+tt` orf sapiral of companies such its these,' week", and spottier haw had 140,44 sig and the rates charged. are err the to right sitter the opening of 4•hwd on strict rrgolatidn and i.lI1wr•isidai of August 1:. Mist of the Lamina Lasts,. the State rar1ro841 rnu11ut*N ." their children flow seined during the -t'atrsda's intelTICifl:'the ,subject ni' harvest tittle so tlnit'the boys can het{,1 furlwtry alwvis Iwo• g iwpwralive, in the fields and the girls to help wit tar house isti 'i vi is generally •n- toand the preserVstion of our timber r te- f ,.rr,asrt! by ihr nunrlirr tit hued writ. sourceaia not too *).um vet,iviitg _the J Moot rpt -.-Lb.•- chide as- +i-1..* 4intf tat• attention of our Y vincial and Fed- country schtw)l$':st the present time real IegiNLtttrs. 11re.t hake who etre tow email to heir notch at home. and are swot to ampul to keep them out of the WAY.' - -A WART9-OF CONTRAW-CTI-ONS. It mi ht relieve the Canadian voter of nom degree of perplexity et the comif elections if the ('onservatit•r party ,Mould discover just where it standeiand what it wants. ' Some Conservative j+uut•ua1..tiay the overnment ' is- recklessl)' plunging new development. eclogues, le - the credit of the coyntry. O hr\r)therLid, The Toronto News say* the Natio Transcontinental Railwa 8.1 be built .her a Lib- . era* or e ' 1:. 1'votive (love : e eat is in -pester at , amt -that -tor aethative par i. pledged - equally with the Libera y to comtrnct the Hudson's Bay a way. "There are n8.-substimlial- di . - in the . altitude of the parties 'arils the r w a *11(1 or rn of t6 a '1 cru t � in r P (,later eueatnahip- connection eat ('anad.a and Great Britain," say Seep. Mr. Foster' promises a ton to Prince Edward island if the ('on• eervative party is placed in power Is the sof to accept the ('oueerva- tire policy o pending money aa laid down by Mr: 'Deter anal -Toe News. or • is • he to tie •' n ' to Conservative In n to r .organs like The ` don Free Press. which gird at Ula\ overnmeut (or burdening the col • with a tow Pid development r ..\ (yonservative organs. .Iain that the t overnment is taxing;. too heavily with customs dutiel,, and with the next breath shout forhi er duties on imported goods. Some melnhets of the Conserve ' party , o t favorr, pretend -to favor. th British prrferen e, while others are opposed to it, and the whole ('onser- _votive contingent itt-k'arlilttnept--awl► been afraid all along 1t force a vote one way or the other on%Fte question. Conservative organs and platf.,rm speakers are always ta►Iking,••graft," while it is a sure thing that if their party *err placed in power, the 'ince Minister would 1* Geo.\E. Foote the biggest. grafter of the all. Conservativt ty the public ex- penditure is too big., alt they are all anxiAua to have money • .•'t in their own constituencies. ' In such a network of contradi4.tl how is the voter to make haul or tail of the Cnnee•rvatire policy? EDITORIAL NO S. - R ell, it has !wen * goon summer, anyway. • It will sown he time for the 1,:eo ALP,',: to iegin explaining. The ,harvesters' exeurril11 Main' *ream to have been nontewhwt over- done this year, judging. (runt reports reestred 110111 LIP 1Vest. W +re,n..l tomatoes? should- bring a 04111 price this fall. The Conserve - ti capture sato they are ruing to c p atlyera va M•ntia *rats. The recent ex • 'lento* ort aerial nav- igators, as reported 1 he daily press. will not tend to make tair line a popular medium of travel. \ - 0 The electors will soon hat an op- )rtunity of rebuking the Opposition ructionists for their waste of time airy at Ottawa during the last and scission. to the 1 • ited States the dates of elections are fixed by 'constitution. But see what a t of fun they mise in not. (wing able to Mese when the elec- tions will be called ! The Toronto News eco, e the Liberal i'MoPle tioverntnent for not tsar '• reduced the tariff: enough, and also `not in- creasing the tariff on woolle The News is a genuine entre of hornbill ve NATIONAL CONSERVATION. - A 11taliiF "'tethering was held at, the SVhite House at W.*hi, et.'n, h. l•„ recently. to dits:,ws the question of the conservation of the national resources of timber, soil. fuel -and wat:n'.power*. The gathering, which mat at the in- vitation of I'reeideut Rd*sryelt, in- cluded the Governor* of all the States of the Union and many other eminent men in professional and business life. The President himself gave the open - in: address and James ,) Hill._An drew Carnegie, Pre*ident Hadley of Yale f'niversity and others gat•, striking acldresees showing the,urgent need of calling a halt in the deplelien of the natural resold.es of the collo- try. ,las. M. Whipple, `state fnrestd..-alsh and game commis"inner of New York. gave an account of c litiuns in that State.. ••Wr have in the Shale yf New York."raid Mr. WhippM, ••$t,trut,(lNt. 11101 feet ad 1 bar, board measure. 'nitrating, inabmding farm loam and *11. The State owns 1.ext,4NN1 a4'14.o D( woodland, which, par the constitu- tion, esti not be tousled ; and 'here fore Chet mast he deducted (nlln, the whole amount. We vet fart. year 1,2.11,01I,INNt boxed measure. A simple mathewativat-a*Iewlatiww-wiIt-tell -ors that in twenty-two or twenty-three years. *t that rate, not one solid stick will stand in the 1smpire State, .l. though twenty-seven per cent. M our total area is now covered with for- est/." The customs returns, for August i dr). to the beginning of a business re- viv in Canada. Imports are increas- ing. sat: wing that merchants are look' tnil' "toe Malek business roe the "near future,, The T Telegram rays that To - Streets ate itnt v 'de enough. W*II, we don't know Toronto's etre to :►rent w) had, lett Be pre- ere a hit narrow.. The Toronto Waritl fig es tett it majority of three for the Con rvative party at the next election. if t at is the beet a Tory _paper cantlo. the pot (iorernment does not seem w in much danger. The dyed of forestry in Wieconein, formerly one of the great white nine 'producing States', and what that State ie doing along thin line, was described by the Governor of the State, Soo. Jambs 0. Davidson. 11e said In part : "Wisconsin ban, bower's, awakened t0 it, duty to the i'uidir ; it created the first State totem, cnmmtw*id,n ever appointed by any of the States, and this commission has already developed *tom s board whose 1*hnrs sr. cheesy:, terix*d by a coot.inunus and progres sive policy of forest administration. Vast tracts of public (ands have ban Iighteniel and educated men plane miltted protest of the better element. their talentsand aequiwluenta In the 10'.`lr The Nun's opinion of Mr. Foster, forum of opinion,. at the Jervis, of n. rxpraise.] herein and heretofore. it thrirrountyMai And ti'nittell. 11 la tau merely ,tliropinion of A - pk)Iitical Nuel1 things at least .Get turn our opponent ; it is pHthlis•, opinion. In minds 448.4444 from the Tltaws aril flit* verdict has joined every new9- HainN cases which du No Lunch to re• paper in Canada that it not a part of duce us ti) their own brutal level. the machine. The Tornnlo Nrwr, Sueeession putiss Act. Thr Toyontu Telegram. The Otte** d,.trnal, ?be Montrvat titanThe It til and Catpiro * l earl Anaw�er. Winnipeg Trihnne. The Calgary Har - H. G. K., Seafurth.--I,iu.--A matt 4!Id, The 1''ieluria Colonist, -all of than died leafing an aerate worth 11111A,9406 etIon(gl'onservetive advocates. have (lo what e. 1 can the Ont*tlo Gov. all, after careful tautly of the rvi• rrnmrut t•ollecl s*rte$rioh dull.,? desire. denouneed vigorously this roan 1V1tat t is exempt ft tach who bloke his Gold to the widows Jury to lax ?•• ami orp harm ; rvru the furiously part- Auv,-'rbc 14111 res.,' Ihnly Act. *s Ivan Halifax Herald wits el to amur'ldea ill I)ali, way": ' Nu duty de''srr that 'Mr. Borten would shall I.4 Levied on etiy stoat*, lle*g- ••greatly aueugl*.44 !Muesli with the goat ite valor of whish ,tars 1101 el' pe*plrIcyIelrga1tog Mr. Foslrr lits encu 1110,1NNt. ',won mown y devised or seat on the back Iruchea of the party.' hr•Le)ra1heil (or religIuus.rh*ritablr,ar Hut in vile of Orta tgqueeelrnlel rilu,'ational purpose•+, •'l1' . us' un pr11144 10 .41.111 111 {iu6lrr crneurr,hr i9 alluwe1 rely passing bt• will. intr44ttry OE to hold hi" ipelar.• e1 proulinen.e in otherwise. lit or jur.the maul a gratul• Cnumarvetira+ enteron- - _ 41.4441W441 - fat bet. allowsalfather. grandmother. father. thaw, torr the ruultty ae a recognized mein - wife. child. J.eughtrr-ip•Gaw Iwr 01-411e Conservative Government or son in-law of Lite deceased, where with which the petiole are asked to the value gl the properly of the de- *uppinnt the G rrnmrut of Laurier ,.„."...41 does not exceed_,.$itl.INltl." and Fielding ; f itllowed to stand as Y11u do not Lay wIli t_tike heirs of 'eloquent evidence of the inisincerity of dee44swl ,ue, if hiN Bair.. iielnn1 Conservative charges of graft and the -to -h. eery d..- the -chisretr mentistled-itfttrUI!twnrthtnraa... of Con.vervative there will he tug auurari.tu duty. but i1 promisee 41 ief..rm." there are uo leire belonging to any A rat the cl.Nsrr nurntdonrd I.l)ru 8.r rh e1 the aortal* as has pa*sel't1p lir Ottawa,. Aug.!../4.--ll it estimated. fi- Ih-1-•"y*0 - which -will other olegtee of collateral cousanguin• bat. u8e1 low the `-u g elections. Will ity to I Je•04aw•d, or tour for •the ltlettrlit .,fatty armorer. "hall lir elite-- jlct to a duly at tall (er 1'1111. IL • An E'ient Minister of Agriculture. Mir Wilfrid Lyurirt• haw lawn once more formally tendered lilt. l.ilwral it • ion rp Quebec East, the elin- stiturncy whi*41 .br btu now r:spla- .mind for thirty years. ..- t•untain (Wig C'-e1,INNI re moues than tar}e entitled to rota in -Hint: w...N' Iter,am.•r. 1'lu• 11•iti. SI'Jp.y fisher; 1)olnini lt:,,:-e • �1t+jt,ult+urs 11110, lit iris:- credit liacredit a mass.of good .wink for the besmearrrt'the tmulet's of the country: •♦ Itin.perni'teuee and cuergy rn ter t• Five special trait* will be run 'tram- itug.tel pras•ti,al part o1 his duties are various Joint' in the :Niagara twnip- tn:Itrhlrss in the records of former in- Pula to Siegert► FAB". when stir 1l",pk Iwnta of the'portfolio tontipp- f .•1 I..a1. f pp. ow 11 it ttntaro ru111 .bete 4111 the 1.1111 I1144. Til Toronto - Gtidw (The (antler -nils• rl•Illllrnt .will ' • In the 1HPawa !Geer trout the east with a majority s.1 Al. Iran .i.. Whitt i* then in the cnndit lull •'1 l)ritario ant! the %Vent to warrant the 'fury' linpe^ that the happy and wall-to-tlo (w q.le of the West will vole 4111* ihr.ti,vernment whose• measures have changed the prairiee_and plains from a gnrat Itemand to tine of the men ptogl•rasjta. regions nn rail) :' The Way to Wait. U whet her by .1 hr tette-time, 1'h.u1 1 hat 1.r-. 40114.4 Sur tea. 'c- - Ur whether by the hill thplt ,*0O$1*, *0 * 'bad owed. to the .ea, or by a wil that blow. from . my lore re tar, to Inc No fear it hidden iniuy bears to 1 les, fair. u tear i. hidden 111 my Pie 10 dim 1h nr.r there -' 1.111141h any sheek,the rrsr_48-haptu- hould wear. - yy For .11oe d he eons. not by the toad, and cote n. bythe hu1. • And So44)e (Ta.47611 *h r i. open . w by the far .*way. yet conic hr .l of all d to world. lo. r'- road ti' _ My heart id light ith 'singing nhoulth they Ally merry And drip their merry ekes- as they Pao, my gal eeeg) M,__ ►'or •e that Reds a we to wail !. to come caa,llsd a Kee ..tone M.* -lta)'. FROM OUR CONT Indications of it Drip. Guelph_ trr ) e ur -. : Although haiuniocks cannot lir taken as slue indications of e weather. the way smile are hung to to it sure sign of an early. fall. Adybody Knows That. Toeonto Star. The Morning Poet. of London. Eng- land, *aye that Sir Wilfrid Laurier will win in the next general elections. Sometimes The Morning Post displays goat httuian intelligence. A Great Country.' Mont -reel ff....Td. Ho ' t )adian, teed about the nat- ural re )u ea of their country may te infra ft m the fact that 1111s five ntll{io11 t dw lire in Vancouver hanlly}rYR anybody to take a look at the map. �\ The ' ' * the Free. wood -awl' sentinel net are, A picture. D' . tram xh wing the Wiliest of four 't1 .les stria up to a tree hes n lar law del d from th mails by the pgstoffice at horities o the United ?hare*. And et they t _thatthe United.States ' i>r tree Jou try. Perhaps some day terve will Ile :some Puritanical interf enc*. with e awuse•nlent of xtringin up blacks. Tire Right Use o( Soo AWES. should a free trailer.wmpport the I r Government mike The Toronto N One good reason is that The New14 d all the other ,holdetafuthigb tuo�►' against - the Laurier (Invernmertt. Bon. Ileo. E rooter teilethe le of Prince Fdw*r.l island Glut he is in- favor nfavor of building A tunnel ti c11nnert the Island with the mainland. - Pro11- nldc, an Milano hip 'of the (Ionea- tier policy of retrenchment. The Toronto World calculates A majority of three for- Bowden et the coming election. The World should tutor -made it two or Tonr. TITFre t*T � - \\A'' Chivalrous Opponent. Ayunet Esprr.. 4e'on,04% 1,�>; When Stil• Wilfrid Lanrip'r was leap many yawns, ago Wr rode ,t hicyrle rot the prove/Won from (Ewell to the Isis. grounds. i1'rivill not agree to ride ,i bicycle thin time, but we will art" utility lie in the ,proamnion if any• thing of the kind hi Iertaken, and it one of our Grit frirtkh does not ask to; to ride in the band dragon we will walk with the lays twin d it, 11 Mir Wrlfrll Iwurier tannest to mer this fall we again appeal to the r• ,tore of Kant. Elgin to gat *way 1111 *4)081 the small, peanut (44.litive of the prodand tie citizens, regardlesx of 1,11114A,4(44)1', race, religion sir party "lilies, give hint such a re•.ption nn lir novel. had 18. o d n t re and show w him that . I there ' b one piece in Canada, at 'pest, whet. we ran for the 111114 bring drop nor difference of opi ' of politics and unite. to do honor. where tetsae 1. 91.0: Why should this not be done? Letters to. the Editor. . Peterborn• Iter low, We enjoy the prieitrge of reading through the kindneee of a friend "The British Weekly,_ _the., British Nonconformist jontnaL ft is delightful to peruse in i1, the opin- ion of Rriti*here, Men of ''light end leading" rn the ( towhee, science, art, e,lnration, etc.. who rnnNtanll inlrr- change Views or 0xprPsm opinion* in its columns. Whether it is that we have not got the men or the material or that our tittle are '*1401, r1," on8 cennot peth*p. exactly ray, hut the not represent the feeling of the people -tendency in t?aoadd in to discourage of Ond.ri1'h, who aro Indebted to hint rob" 11)41' 1" encomrmg.. tolese a for numberless and important Nervires citiann hookers *ant or tit. AshM)rn• nn Iwb*lf of this town. Mr. Holmes ham sinkhole I/1 worst than (*coal ur the number of moskrata caught by knows The Star pretty well by tui. Billy Nangon is larger than usual- a 1 hue. Montreal Star. To tri truly nseftib amt worth ora (lace a 11141• *1x•1111 .-ysteni, s ort shook' I*, nota lined for the vont , i tive perf4l'itlarte'c' of the few, but recreation fm the twiny, -The field and not the graudstand is the place° fist' the. melanin; of the athletic �,rg�auiratiph. They should derive heel{• enjoyment notgeeing their representatives play b t in actually playing the,n'ltelvrs : and in playing nut twee -use tamp or 'medal i* to i* won tint beciiils(e�,hey enjoy the play for itself alone- Tbel►,the title; ama- teur abut which their litigiou*club officials are sit mach eoneern , wn4Fd be, lived up to is its true ant' alt mPtaninm. ally in veet igating methods that bring about added) profitableness to the operations of the Lean. Iiia hitt ,hlnc• Gun -of -our spleriard-curd •et)ra{1" sys- tem on ocean strainers has been one of the givers -.I %"sins to the fanner ever enjoyed. and just noir Mr. Fiche• is busy eat tying 9dlt Iii% plan for put- ting early •Canadian apples un •ihr British 'market. These early varie- ties, 1) gh or such .balk'-gdedity, err {wrrshaldr, w111 up. Lod this time have never risen attempted t•1 be *nipped to England. - Bull -his year Mr. Fishier induced three steamers to open ,their o0Id storage f! rollLes some week. earlier then usual by the (tov- eminent undertaking to pay fur all of tlir'spaee ivIdeh was not taken. The result has. leen most sat lament' y 'and t*e.ip Its here been coming forward sop freely • that all the Npv-t in the steamier* will likely t* taken rap. 1't is in thee* lines of effort for the im- mediate tinct {tractive' advantage of the fanner that the present Minister has been most auc.•r*stut and in which he ix oto highly \apprecietel. , Canada Still Underrated. • 4 levelaud leader. ' ('an:adri iv sfill 'ln rratad. arercel)' IerstNrd. It is .41tga78 b lulled rattier than rxeggetatedit). outsider*. Its futureir read darkly through the tt+ ,row Tens orf an inadequate past.� ferti{r (and which Is nut ts. !sr'rhtt north or too high above the rte* to bave fairly good etiolate may ('nosh, Lute a colu(sar4atively .11)811 ptlrt til Bildt A1110ei4:4, but it i, sufficient ate ,Pat- population mei the creating of ,at wealth. A thin slier of ('ane bigger than many a 11111N•us ens. Add the timler, the u)inrrals, ter power. ihr fisherirm, the ye. and the ports of the Ihr nd it N(an.i* out atla)ng tui a l h al 441 e earth : richly en- nl J4wwlt ww00.14.*4 1'eittt bill rira. Ever)• event which (*tat red :Men- tion upon Canada turns a searchlight upon crude force... vast ep,n'0m, huge stores of 'littoral wealth .dl_ that metes a ylmng-T nd-wortt. the entity of 111010. who 1e114.1•rn thrnte'lvps will the lamer MI .vrntrnl+ of human *rug• resin, Fur Canada 1* rsewntutlly pewter lootwithat*itding that herr ern- turieo Quebec i. celebrating. 'That city U an ancient gateway t1 it naw pt (outlaw mr ' • 1 -PM IIP III f l tl enrolee, a i)Itt 44 p guarding a over which drains much wilderness. -• Abate no mleli►karllxilittentitle A rent nation is growing, faster and 1. across the northern h**trwlary of tar 1'nitel States. Atretnlnons piece of political history connected with the majority of three. It in interesting, if somewhat. Iter- plexing. to read the reports of the C. 1'. R. strike. The strikers say they are winning, and the company my the atrlke in a failure. The onli- ne con only look on and hopelhot. the right side will win. Now that the first S'NI feet of the d ueidrh renk wale1.* am been ihintiest the people of Goderich should conrlm tr*t. their efforts upon neeuring the completion of the prnpoinl I,:inn-foot structure. With a gds*I, safe harbor. easy of entrance, the future of (lode- rich'. shipping trade will he Assurell. - ICalip.iars th*t"Mr. '1'afi:-C6e-Xepul'i:. tical candidate far t'te*Meut tat the United States. is * t 7nitarian, *nd that the fact hes some heating upon his chances of election. It Is difficult to Pee what ccinnection there can be between a man's particular brand Of religiduts faith and his (N'cop*ncy of a political office. The Starr intestine... toward., Mr, Holmes may be in line with ion ideas of party warfare, hot Mr. Hohnwe hardly needs to I.. assured that it does Our esteemed lic'M.. contemporary POLITICAL ARENA. 11'da)d,to. Srntinel•Keview Con srrv.tiv, pap v ur-anally haven't a great deal to say bout the Colchester lection. 'Cite rvi ore brought out the trial of on of the election w kers' charmed wit .corruption ex• plains the reason. Ap ntly both rnuneyy1nd whiskey were ly used. One the witnesses. for'netance. swore th • he had received 1 11_ this chief sur r $l:1 in cash an 1414 battles of iskey on the eve o he Plectin). Th limen -witness was a prcachel hefor the trial. was treated Ind **ked to forget or deny what hail been done. Aticither witness was given by thesrsmr•werkr'r $1111 in mala al* a case of flasks nett whiskey-. Hr w*n`twld to keep the 'money and use the whi8kel for distrit\i.tion on ire - half of the ' n.eervatiye candidate. Another witnrss...testifiel ti having reeeive.l from tlw sa wnt•k . r a grip full of bottled whiskey non 'nation der, and another supply t y le. for- election, twenty-four teat .all, 1(1 18. used on behalf of 1he.1 'nn w tire estididate. An important wittie had been advised by aletter from th Krae *r)' and agent of the ('onserve• live patty to call on thiamine worker. He wire given a roll of bill*, *hoot Mal of e,minAtt t 11 star, to be i all ) n n !. ,wed on Iwhalf of the Cunard 4atit•e candidate, Till* Was nupplrtnrhlel by 11l'ti. on election day Ian• use in the .aura )•ansa, HPe-was alin given name 's 'bale. whiskey Id do fat stanch revelations, unfortunately. ere not new in this country. it is 'limb 111 if anyone will 1*e -dentin- of reatly, ililica7 liy thein. This is the d titin- Ralrle sof the agog. What .gives sp.elal Pr ifieance to the revelations, however, 1I' that the Colchester elec- tion was conducted by the (:oneerva• liven Am part of * "purity" campaign. lietipeetahle people will want to he spun d many eithihltMne eat much political purity." The Ie'Pi*tinn is it little hard on the Ooopprvativea, coming am it (toes at the very tone they are laboring iud(tstriously int rnnvince the elrctots tint they ere the 'only safe end reliable guardians and exponents of political purify in' the runner: But it will probably have the effect of checking it trove '►*sure the flow of hypocritical Nett, a'tikd-that will be /onsetbiog. Ne FIRST ARRIVALS OF LADIES' AND MISSES' COATS -- f` r Fall and Winter are here.- ' Plein colors -pluck, Navy, Brown and Green. , In Beavers, Kerseys and AfeI,lon Cloths. GARMENTS THAT ARE WELL TAILORED. RIGHT IN STYLE. RIGHT IN PRICE. Come and See; JOfIN STEAD, West Street Ladies'- Wear. - Goderictr. -- FALL OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS A great many people will Ioe travelling the arming month • and it will lir nrcr*aitry to take. with you a. Fall Overcoat to "R,aineomt. We baro. a splendid Lenge of these in the .11RY..,.BR The Fall Overr11itts ,are 111:141 (ruin dark g►e)• or 'thick Cheviots will) ,.ilk facing- ,The Kailu'.)ats rue made in severed - Anytime in l'ravrnrlt, goods; -Arm yourseff- wit#ra 20th Century Brand Fall Overcoat or Raincoat. 4)pposition 1rwrp*twrs have twat irtthtlgietg in the puhlie*tion. of earns ahnutelan ra to take place in the 1 Calti lel, frier ion hrtwe•n the Pre1*)ier and Sir Nit -hart Cart- wright, the early retirement of Hon. 'A. H. Aylrswurth, rte., rte. A epee- ist! despatch to The (ilblw fr th- taws .reals with these r rs rn * 41 'fashion, lbw' : ...Sir !Wilfrid Laurier this morning ridiculed the report pelota*' ru Tlie l,rwtt.. 11'.u•ll and other ('ltti.aer*N- lfvr patter* of a Jieagreettent be; Leen himself mild Sir ltichatd ('.u•t- weight, and the wholesale retirements from the Cabinet Council. There etre Ito il)Iu)etliete ('hamgee in the Cabinet pending, add there has been none tbs. cussed. The (iovermuent is string and efficient today. end will go through the corning election with this present personnel.' The Toronto Star .if M.rud*y said Humor has; prr.rnttvl the M11111 leth s`itu*tion - In ellnttt every tensible torn)'io(e the election in .luny when Ontario'e Minister of Agrivoltin•e wase left Without it Neal. M , .5tontiet11 has miter resigned his Isola folio, and wot.1 chutes (111til a reliable Molter:r today that -Ito -> 411 -attar, take rise- it•'tt Pralship injnmM.1 after ell, int will retain hie place in the, Cabinet. A 1 seat h'8. at fast i8.: In (t 11►e1u r re been -fuond 8.4).. 41111 reiinquisl:bi4 sal ... Paslistaisettoass-hottogist 4n order to give the Al 111i.41 i'r it 1•t)il110)1•:. Tlte-anstounew(+rnt will I V ;natl.} up"•n the lrlurn lif .Messrs. Whitney and M.ntietlt( EnglanO 1Mtlliogtp with Mr. Foster's tour in the MaTitime province. The St. John Sun tram: -"It is one of the rnysteri.* letter on the prom. is rarely written. of polities that the organised ()onset 1t is ono of t . gr.ut pririlrg.s and vstire party h*a sn petmittod this delights of the fit dish custom that en. man to dominate it, to spate of the • THE TRUE. LAUHIER, In view of the present attit'gste (+( The Toronto- .News, - enntrnilect • ane. edited by 1. S. 4'1, 'Bison, towards Sir Wilfrid l.*tlrier, some quotations from the biography of the Premier written by Mr. William a few year's Ago *1.0 eery' interesting. The Globe quote* it re* of them. as fuliowi_t "He had an infinite patience Meier sttack and A lhor ugh contempt for the mere (arse of pet -titan vont Verity. Ile seIdl,u 'torrents the .madder ni*I•epresentatti.nn of hie objects and mbtivrs, and 1) that ill said Ily a hostile.pre1e he wholi sett' amide as of no practical ors -mint i the serious dis- cussion of public' ip estitme." 11'Mtelerstinn -is the kr uta nit all his and the mreret of all his achievement& lie learned at the 4hreehold of his public life that the tattalruan must often :wast popular mor *nd stand impervious to to- n)P tory gnats of popular passion, 11 d Tfrat'a.1i enftlrTng achievements moist be based in the reason rather than in the Pn tion* of the people. fie has 'teen dist, trig! always of extreme opinions and f intemperate advocacy. He ham been. fitful Morey@ of the wisdom 411 store charges. and im- patient of mere der (+gusty." • r "It its not. the More art, of the 'm)Ii- Iden which invites to his side when he 144 pmtin the r'(nlntry ditiat•ict-t4 the rad'• , toil -worn wurkerin field shop, tan innate g0011014e of heeri, an nnalfeeted love of hie kind, arid a profound u')r6sti u n of the worldly window All SPECIAL 'FOR SATURDAY. 311.110_F-.LAK/YEL-31d Three dotal ufl'ampliell's Sculcli F'lannl•1 Shirts, niei' tansy;)attcrn4, gt**t to wear any lineae( the yelp•. Regular, ISt.S0: "44. Statuttlay. 75c. WALTER C. PRIDHAM sense and so111,11 potence' temper of thaw we eel. the plain twopl'. In 1 fie ' districts of Aithabaska, Itruunuond.' and %legends it is (herr people 8.h.' are his firm :trill intimate f, lend', and they vy would amile at the though* that theta was- utlriug 11r e1the relstitutship uttihr-ttlau_ - Lbw. u*Yre 44)44- cern of a pu1ttcati to retain 'politic tl st1arr V t." . tote !, L'ti s Itll t' . Il n t tr a These excerpts 1 picture of )Lir Wilfrid dawned .11 Alt. Williston taw hila when hr undertook Ids self -imported task of studying tin• Premier. What has conte *croon Mr. LVil1I*osi r eyes W Obscure h4a 944444,1 in later days: Surely he will not 'tains that he was insincere in air euhigy of is few years ago, and eiir Wilfrid baa-eertainly;-.lone nothing since To cast a blot un .his tine .-11ar- acter. Knows It All. Mrs. Chatter - "Is he - it wrll•iK• forme! can Mr. ('halter -"I should nay iso. 11is wife tells him everything." The man who_ l*_-*Jwsya. talking ;Tout 1' sell 'never amps anything that is ealcul*ted t) iwneft his 'fellow- . - SITUATIONS... Has superior AlMa edvsaplRer i 1' j - - >♦Ttiiiie. Pine Art, Elocution Caneand Pi*yakal44441- W�C� lure, _Duroestic Science, lfusineastrolleset`eurae., Literary and Scientific Cannes, al- so Public School Classes fur young • girls. Cheerful, wbulesome, bontr- like. For l'afnlosw, 4441444.. : "The Rea4r.e " ALMA COLLEGE, st. Tlimaa, Oaf, I Attend) the Bent CENTRAL sTtltl 0010. ONT. is rec•ugni d mN Ihr LAI((iEM'i', BENT Raul .MOMT Mt•t 'Esti FUI. practical t reining twined in Western Ontario. Three tlrparlu}eatr l'O1IMEKCIAI., SHORTHAND. TEI.l-: 1tAI'IUC. /)1t; gr*dliatee twain. good'p o,l- thin' and forge to the foie'. , Write far our free 4'. M*iogo4 : you will find it intereetrag• You may enter et any time. ELL1OTT & McLACHLAN, Prissiest,. THIS SCHOOL BASES ITS CLAIM POR SUPPORT UPON MERIT ALONE ,.---;- - al 0 ELLIOTT ^OE')NTO. 0'WT. r C AI•. . dial, HN1Fi (1KAUK, U R PP:RIUK FM'ILITIISs.,AND 1.'NAI'It I'AtfdgU TF.A('HINU TALKNT. Hun ^ d of student. to opt annually from r„i. d lbw.. to gaud leosttfoos. Let w .-'Iuratt' zoo (Lir proatabN , empterIIent. 'vi: wit.. Do IT KIORT. (',itAkiiue tree. Enter any 1114111. W. . ELLIOTT, Principal. e' )r. 'Congo an). Alexander St.. St. Jerome 's s Coll eS e 1.J, .1,..1 1-., BERLIN, ON,T. Commercial Course. 1.A _Enter ss High School Course. Soni** eiSties rue 4* .1noly .of languages. Arts Coarse. `prcialistN with (wean training for all c1:w4ra. Buildings new and modernljc, equippu'L Grits tufa __ extensive. Athietics . ncton tiRril: Board and tutiun at very Ittealerate rates. For I alendar. ,ullrrss: : ' 1'. It. l'11. Al KE1'. A. 1.. .I F 1 WES I-NTER ANY UAY. BOOK-KEEPERS STENOGRAPHERS and TELEGRAPHERS 600 +. ‘mill byerr ulan.sg••,ur., 1 L._1 ),•n•. EXtet*irbi+jroaa,.. r:e-a,144.nw opo-, .naw -such div erial d ,,,n'8.• for 'frac d, err. Ma11 1•o11r-4.. fu. particular., fall Terve ipso Sept. 1st. 1)UDFRIt11 Bt.SINESS COLLEUE AIM 611.11111M1111111111MIIIM 1 CENTRAL BUSINESS ICOLLEGE. Toronto. i The i*rgest-'lrmt tea muttppett -,hoot of Its 1411)4 im'Kts.'y00 to write. for Ita._lew lalala�frte. Tenn f Sept. 1. Add %V. 517HAW. t'R!CB or It R, tlif•*tr 1 1 A1(1 Good Individual Tailoring at the prig of \ non-individtial ready made. Suits ask\ d Overcoats to order $15,00 up. wilh leading bovines* houses await out graduates. LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER and all modern office meth Gids which ensure. rapid ail- vancenlcnt. GREGGSHORTHA4U taught by the only leach.'' in Ontario who attended the Author's school. THREE COURSES• -- Stenography ('ounner'i*l. Telegraphy. Eater any day. Write for 'Artie. ukase.��__-- --_ FALL TERM 1-rt()M sF.l'T'. 4.1 MIMIC" 3CSINISS COLLE6f, `pul-le)\ 1'r:, 1r.1 - til RANK\ He MARTIN 1 N THETALLOIIAriD-1►II .lIIS BIP DYERK/SS PERFUME -7- 'We have sole control r Gt itch, of theseNit)dd boned Perfumer have this full line of 1" - Dv ERKi SS "-DvERK(SS PERFUME, in bat and Rotas. • DYERKISS SACKE,T. r, DYERKISS TOILET WATER, DYERKISS LOTION. DYERKISS FACE POWDER. DYERKISS SOAP. 'finis line is making a great hit in Goderich and litany fletterifg remarks we hear about it. TRY IT YOURSELF. F. J. BUTLAND'S GODL*ICH DRUG STORE If it's good we have it 01111111111= MD %t!'�N' 2I j.t Wan., ,-.Y,..ia•,i,s.4FWd.:ti. `S tNi�a?g�w•y.. rw.W.}•.�: