HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-27, Page 7--THEISIGNAL : GODERICH. . ONTARIO
'1'HUtwna?, August 27, 190'!
at gt44+44' 4 ` 44.'24' 4 41 4444` X44+444 44* ** ' 434 t i"r n mail ittidh.intn . with frirndr at
`t • • t trr1ililtul� nd ilsvitlirrJ'N�itn«H1JHutllr•
4 The News of the Distri A- fnfi'. on ynntiay baht.
,Y, ) ` t",,1 Brophy and Mist ('ra'tpfir, of
'6` i# Oielrrieh, furore a brief visit in tier
rhurg _luutley uh,•ruuuu. .
• Isuse Sttlk014, of liselrrieh, visited
i Is lure un Seuday, Miss Lu a
ret mt 1 with hila.
• Harvest i etty well finished 1 >:
het a this week, It perhaps. the ex
repliutytf a kw ill•! Sae prase _._
alis« A ' limit slw'at•a-_ • . days
at her home here on her teem i
from the Ohl Country to Shelf,, ear
EN•111:uku .< Cots.. -At- the elm•
target emit! meeting of St. Helene +
Feist Ashtleld I'rtsbytw•iau thurehet it
was (feeble -el tit extend it call to Ilea•.
A.,lt. Meletnahl, of New .terser, t'. S.,
at a taiary of geol. \ti. McltuluiM
lows preitehi'd herr the Last ,two MSL -
Maths. Ile formerly t•antt• fount neat'
Teeew et•r.
M*454464*A ' ''
Q3eNttAv, Aug. 24th`
The tax tate for Lucknow this year
it twenty-three milia, '
Mx. and Mre, A. D. CorriganRavi
returned to Chicago Her a short visit
Over fifty lick wets told here for
the harvesters' xcurriou tit the ,Wert
on the 14th i 1.
. W. J. Armstrong eele-
r silver wielding maniver-
Vatnesday evening of Iart
Mr. and A
orated th
Nary on
- 'rot. Conserv:diver of South Bruce
wil t old their,conventktn at 'Welker -
to on September 3rd for the nuulin-
ing of a candidate to contest the
riding for the Hoare tit C .
ENTIC'R't•A aN'4 KNI•..:-A tine programs
wee given at the entertainment on the
'lith part. under the-ruttpieee of the
Citlt{nai Committee.' The performers
included talent of a high t>rder, and
the various renditiuue were giveu iu
faultless 'style. The net prs.eeds
• --which amimnt tlra51:-wt11 hr deco
W the carrying out of plant ur the
beautifying of our village. s
A HK.tve F:INp:,•=,W. J. Me •, ug -
hey, of the (lairs hotel husk ow, as
tried here on- WertneedIty r tat e
of selling liquor during prohibit
hours. The charge war laid by liov-
ernment i)rlrctive Avetttwt• who
ppiiteectite-d. "James %!aversion . de•
fended. but after luokiug into Uw
trill end_ a Itne of
matter pleaded guilty,
$IIN) and cotes WWI imposed, it being
the second oftener. Magistrates Bark-
er and Mackenzie were the presiding
Teesuov, August ':nth. MHNUAY', August 941.1t.
Mrs, Bert. Finlay, of \Vingham, it Miss le. (1. Lorrimgtun, of tiuderich
renewing old acs uaiutaneer herr this tuwuehip, it visiting here this week.
-Mrs. Cumming,. . 1). Cummi • of Chicago.
rlt. 'has ma, visited tit the formerly of Dunlop, les to (iodericb at
home alter mother, Mrs. J. \\'thetas. {smear. 1
over Sunday. The corn erup. which it an extra
Ellis Stothers, of Toronto, watt the good une 13°' year. will soon ne ready`
guest of hit aunt. Mrs. \V. Stothers, w. CU"
It !alit Werk. . ' Charles Spence.. of lioderich town -
The i' •-light views on Jepen 'chip, paid hie relations here a Atoll , Mr. Snyder intrigued hie pa..ittfst+tt
Ninny', by Mr, Purchase tot Mondry visit un tauildiV last. tirkrt agent at Mcl:aw tial' and left
eight tva+ee very wives,auje+yrd 1•Y aN. lotus Ryon had gone to' the North- for Briti«h l • ill Iola nue Joky beet
The views were. very interesting at Meet for the harvest mottoes. He has week. We ale not prep:u•rd tt give
well sue instructive and gave seine a good weitiou there as engineer. the mom. nr whereatemts of tow young
very gitud alliterations of the curt,m•t Harvest in alfa hrighitorhood is ,wan who has succeeded biro.
of the Japttnrte. nearly finished and soon the ebt•ilI call Bev. Mr. Haugh occupied the pulpit
of the threshing tuachine will be of Victoria toria steel alethtslist ehurctl,
beard. Uoderich, on Suuday last. Robert
A. H. Clutton has the best turn ever Young. of Otitlerith, a..sbtrd by 8. Bel -
seen in this vicinity, the stalks meas• cher. took Mr. Ifnigh't place herr,
wing 13 or 14 feet in height, and the There will be the tweet evening service
strive thick in proportion. We hope at i o'clock on S411 ty__urxt in this
the 'frost will keep off till the corn eh heli,
A stpeue."-ail! 1...4.1.1 on/he
garu•� parsonage lriwn on Tuesday, SeptetJ-
ber Int. The usual program of rauiNic,
recitations, etc., will Iw mustered in
the church and a hearty welcome will
he rtt...aged to smell- Evereiselyamswit
what i3enallertj(�t04`lt +j are. Admis-
sion- :'))c for ad t, 10•• for children
NtNi,ty. Aug. Ylth.
No II ler storms this Werk ; what
a blessing!
Mort of the touters are "Letting
through with -their It a veel-auty, and
are litter the "tit:ncltine mess" lir lute
troubles sit his ua'n.
Ask the birhwd chihiren how the
like their sew Wolter. "fah
they all way. We are glad We Alien
Chlft's saki' that it is w..
Tt:osiovv, Aug.':'Nth.
t'NurN Dta'14otu. Pti iIi .-We' under-
*Gind t ere, is"roma talk of -lwlllittst
union picnic of the Oolitorne rchouln
at Point Fenn on labor lisy. This
would make a big event, if it can -be
, ,end would be a lemma �ro
rug for the btl�'s and girls ants their
parents. The Point Furnte hasaJ a
very sltccessful year. and a big plcuic
there on Later•"ihty would Iw.a tits
iestestltaiutluf 4 -he Stebbins -ea Aha pl
lar *manner resort. -
TtrK N.tlee'n tie Pntt+ItKsit'. -There
re etill many living in Colborne who
e 1 remember" the open cyknder
•ttlling laarltiur'tltat_uWNtl. tu_do..ttut•
Mur log ago. \Viten we compare
the a -fashioned machine with a
tplrnd modern outfit bitch as that of
U. l'ai'n . which f ads itself; cute the
-""• Minta Y, Aug. 'lith.
--Mile►-'i'lwa 1ohnalo4.lett an -_T'
day for Vancouver, B. C. We wish
ell success.
under twelve.
ills ."Hardy, of Torooto.`is- vNit:eiI _
ell brother, Char. ldeffsf d-.
9 ' c ncertiun.
had of-'tinetteris- spolea--waw ° :--- '
nu Mc(iaw ou Saau day by ' Miss Harriet fattiest spent a couple
Robert El
tt. ani! sy John Ant of dans in Strat nl !tet week..
r a cerium' oad or
w r e
me ow , rom Atwood. Wok of 417x.1 rricIt,Aa vis ing relatives and
charge of No. school on " Monday friendsIA•tr.
of last week. M - Dowd is an ex•
Aline MaK.' ft La.l Sttunlay to
perienced teacher .4 conte* btghly 4lr her sister. 5 . t Thompson,
at Beale l'rt•ek, �fidti,
MIN. Pout' and 4mighter, • ildred.
of ('linlon, are the gieds'of 1
titer's sitter. Air's. William limbo
Miss Jeetiett• Se an, in, of \Vatff
who ham leen visiting her t i urine.
Weser ti+ulna, left for hers I •
dee p
l A - NEWTON, I)KN I IY'P, Ll't'K-
Cf. NLIN Athuweevery day eneepi Thu,.-
fto u tor
row t,>:nd bridte� work
am. alumiatallt plats. wun•breakabtut.
N.11. -You an alwny. ha>r 011r work •h
r_ dune.'cn
i .th, Upend ulmt _liver.
• - ter faAnti... fur Xenyl Diu work, MON tolr-
to ble for the oat loot.
. k•
in 'E. Wills L(k'Af AGENCY
magas non tor The Signal is oaths 'Nut,
wiles k end Stationer Store.
ortlua* w bo recurved for .aahrraietioa.s. ed-
ynrtisintr sad job work. and tr win be
au turd omit. urld,ft r the w_.___
AN urtotit v. AngtaetJetlt.
C. Poulin ton, of timlericb, spent
Sunday at the alhtugat Ilawwt. -- : _
Mitt James; s Toronto, it viuliug
at the hones of S. 1.- Young this week.
HON Ma. tt4Y; sdkag.
Tv soma v, August 'L'ith.
Mies Eliza Phil I1m inert. FleiTity in
S. S. Na 41 opened for the• fall trees
in charge of Mase l.awrenee.
lrispeettr Tutu 1114i.d hie "melee.tunid
visit 'to S. M. No. 7 on -Wednesday
afternoon and essppr•eiined 1" self as
being well pleased with the new
school building. Semis! other echnols
-- towt.shtp almawerevisited dor-
ing the opening week.
HIV/. J..1. HASrie•Lttwtgo.- After
th 'led • Sunday in SeptewI.r the
pulpits Knelt church, Belgrave, and
Calvin cbu illbedaclartel vacant..
the present p • ` Rev. J. J.9laetie,
having decided to Inn with are.
Hastie to Australia, the es form-
er home. • •
DONNt•ItKlaa CHl'1llu $BHvIi•e: .
On Sunday evening the pastor of
Donnyhrouk • Methodist choreSt
preached a sitrtnun specially helpful to
the young people of the congregation.
After the Ne bin Henry liedale slang
"Tell Mother 1'11 Be There," With
gooileffect. The.pastur-will take the--411iNadeltnir-Bayne, of trait, and
"Vacation Religion" at the Miss 3ilda McIntyre. of Ki rdine,
League meeting tonight. --_ - .rep wets of Miss Sarah-Mc-Inty
Tor LATS. Miss. DINIiw tLL. There Quite a number from • Lothian,
died in this township nn Sunday, Lu 'know and \Vingham camped- at
August. 9th, Christina. relict of the the 'ighteen Mile River last week.
late Alexander Dingwall. Deceased
was one of the uldrst members of St.
• Andrew's church, Myth. She leaves
two sons, Alex. and John. and one
daughter, Mrs. John Rose, of Blyth.
Deceased war tin exemplary Christian
woman and bad reached the age:of
eighty-six years. Rev. I)r. McLean.
of Ooderich, conducted the funeral
----DIl4TN of, Mink(ittteiet: -- Ott -Fri-
day, 14th inst., the death occurred of
Mary Hannah Grigg. daughter of
Mrs. Wm. - Grigg, in the twenty•
fourth year of her age. Miss Grigg
.was living in Detroit for sometime,
and while there contracted a cold
which turned to the dread disease
consumption. with fatal effect. On
S"udey. -Stith inst,r-4)w '
laid to rest in Brandon cemetery,the
funeral services being cunducts>y
}{ev, (1. W. Rivers. of Belgrave
Methodist church. Besides h e r
widowed .nether, Mum thaw ,roves
four sisters and a brother to mourn
their loss.
Hat thenr. Tie. --On i"ridgy
afternoon last a 'a+7tr party, com-
posted principally of the members of
the Wingham Preshyterian choir,
driver .int from \\'inghans to upend
the afternoon on the banks of the
Maitland on the tenth. One vehicle
laiden with pritvitions, dishes. coal -nil
st.vew, etc., went in advance of the
other,, so that everything was in
readiness when the merry picnickers
arrived. A pleasant time waw spent
d it was not long atter Old Sol had
k to rest that the air was rent
those shouts of laughter and
of happy sung that acquainted
tars along the route of the
tale lolly -bawd-a-Int its
propel itself along tile rt,ad, we
the stir • ck with the tiSmendotie
progress 111
• e in the products of
mechanical in
May and skill..
harvest was
featly hindered by
reuent•1ods1 w they, but the fine
Weather nt the est few days has
roved uutttrra g ally. Threshing
the harvest of
it now um full
11Re1 ie.nearly over.
recommended. -
A number of Carlow ' - • ple.Were' at
(Aerie's un Monday ending the
funeral - of the late Mrs. \ins. Cun-
ningham, who fortuerly li in Chir
THII - BUSY F'Attmee. - The rvest
was considerably delayed:hy th wet,
weather, but the fine weather of he
M t u* .. :Nth: • tatter -pare or fast.- week ernahlsd
Miss Jessie Nanton, of troit• is farmers to get in nearly all of the'
the guest, of her aunt. Mies Jennie grain. Now they are all bury thresh-
Mc}tee. -,
` - ing, and the trop is turning out well.
Willie \Ic(:i•egur to last wee to John Feagep s new threshiug: outfit
rrbinnr hiii duties as teacher in. ii doing the Rock in ibis wrightur-
hood. John it a hustler and with hie
!dimes Marg ret an Liliw,t !;lark splendid machine he does the work in
were guests of lliss. Annie McLennan
ood style.
on Saturday. .A MISHAP. --A slight accident hap -
to Feagen's eteaun thresher last
Malcolm McDonald,
is practise
iit aw at Cranbrook• B. 0;, is home
for ht- • Iidays..
nn, who in in the ren -
e Bank et Waterloo,
Pi Sat
w• eel o
the ale th wn on the road. 1t was
before the necessary
ore t lalatey
re were made,
and it w about
Midnight! tw� this angler pasted
'trough the village on its way to
1 ' Burrs'.
ploy of the Mu
s bolt
ur ht
is bum
--teacher of
_- -..._ tt 1.
returned -
under the paren
The tnuny friends
zer, who has had a a.ve
pleased to see him aga It in in
Miss Ruby Curran, little dau hier
of Mr. and Mrs. Hobert CM%•ran, is is
icing at the home of ber gra • dparen , ncie At'ake, of Stsffa, is spending a
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ba dert few days with Mr. and Mrs. .par.
Mrs. W. 11. heed. of tan. , and ONO.
Mrs. J. F. Andrew, of Licknow, have Miss Florence Delon, of un lerich,
returned home after having s nttis tete glued of her friend, Mia" Roaetla
Burne time camping at Port Albert. Schtenhsls.
FRIDAY. Aug.'21st.
of Mateking,
1. has again re.
Mi 1)onalda McDonald, of 'Fortin -
to, left t n ' Monday 'after spending tt
couple n weeks under the parental
Mn. Geol. _ a Douglas and family. of
Lttcknow, ant 'Miss Tena Carrick were
guests of Miss envie Afelduechy on
-Miss Maud Mc-enzie, of Detroit,
tal:companied hy_he friend. Miss W.
Vonpaswick, return.: 10 t)etr0tt on
Monday, after spending.a week at her
home here. •, -
Moen's , Aug. 24th.
Miss R. Thompson spent a pleasant
dity.in (ialerieh hast week.
Mies Mitna Ch.nsney is speutting a
tew,hnlidays tinder the parental roof,
Mr. and MISS Ai•ntstrimg, of Brus-
sels, visited et Wet. Thontpsrtn's last
Miss Kutherfort . of Dungannon, vis-
ited Mrs. AlcAllister a few dayslast
Miss Betsv McAllister splint the lat-
ter part of last week with friends in
\Vinghaui. •
\Vet, McIntosh delivered three head
of cattle to (leo. Youngbltit at. Auburn
butt Nat untag.
Mian (Men, tit Saltfutd. and Mr. anal
Miss Men, -`elf Carlini, merit Sunday
with friends in this viciuity. .
Miss ltose Mc('* y b t'eirtnure
her duties as teacher lierea,fter having
stent her holidays at her home in
Aline Corinne laawrudeau haul re-
turned after having dpent her holidays
with friends in Mtrathroy, Pontlscand
Harvesting is nearly finished in this
vicinity now and quite a number of
farmers are ' busy preparing their
wheat ground.
• • Teesine r. Aug. Lith.
VV LII Draper, of Tonna.). W. is renew-
ing old acquaintatu it$ in this burg.
Mr. and Mrs.' W. Yellows, of Diete-
tic)), spent Stenday in this locality.
The Misses Lizzie and Bertha
Brown left "for ,tirlantford last Monday.
of Ripley, hast
idst. idst.
rday night. As it was coming
from Nile that evening, and
was about opposite the old
tory, a bolt came off the
he tr:uttioit engine end let
C. 1. K. BRAN('1,INK.--A rumor
has gained currency were to the effect
that the C. P. K. pe le have atisnap
pF'rep•ared showing `the . proposed
(branch line which iv to run from Me-
liaw north to 1)ungannot'l, and • Lurk• -
nowt. The branch starts at '(.leo.
Want place, wast Of McGee, station,
crosses the lith concession -et John
i'eagen's and the 8th in the nelgilhop.
hood of W. 1.. Ferguson's and'`Mrs.
Tyndell's. _ It strikes the West Wa-
wanosh,lNtunderj. at Dodd;t swamp
and {,asses a mile or so east
of Dun.
gspnon. Whether it is the intention
of the C. 1'. K. to construct this line
in the near future we do not. know,
but we hope it will Ise so. Then outs
village will have a first -chase railway
• Trgsn.tY, Aug. Sigh. •
Rev. W. U. Richardson, of Arthur,
is visiting at his father's+ hbule" ott the
Bayfield road.
Miss Daisy Siutthmer left on the
hsrvrstrxrnrsion to visit her brothers
at Cestik. Mask+at:ltewaai. -•_'.
Iter. Mr. Veale :and wife, tit Kirk -
ton, are )guest); of their slaughter. Mrs.
Hiles, at the Methodist parsonage.
Mies .1. Duncan, of 'Toronto, who
ham been visiting friends on the Brun-
son line, lett for (ioderich an Tuesday.
- Miss eh -and -wee, -Mrs.-Hammer-
smith and daughter, Lucile, of He -
trod, are tmuiut•ritlg Loma at. press
Mew. H. Brown and Miss lethl
Dunn, of. Ingersoll, are villain
friends and _relatives on the Heimann
line and in the village.
Mrs. Heath, of "the Cedars." gave a
very enjoyable quilting patty stud tea
to Eile,n twenty id her hely friends
on Saturday ufternuhn last.
- Mix John S1awt.,til ai1J-strtL-
sten, 141. Friday Last tor their 1t une i
Neepaw.s. Glatt., after a aseitilh's visit
i this ttt•ttlitl;. -
in spite of the resent tall -irk
weather the Guttman have at -last
gathered the golden grain ip' the
barns. Wheat in this vicinity is be-
ing sown as early ms August,21st.
The young people ofkett's ap-
pointment, accompanied' by their pas-
tor, Rev. T. E. Sawyer, spent a most
enjoyable dey at the lake QD"Saturday
-`" la• All reported having bad 1C most
excellent time. .
fugstAv, Aug. '!5th.
ter E. Vanderburg is on the sick
Sr. nd Mrs. James Harris?, spent
-- !Sunda n $eaforth.
Miss . le Reed, it TorOntto, is
Visiting in the neigbtfnrhood.
• r. and Mrs.. John Blair and dsugh•
ter visiting friends at the Soo.
Mr. ltd.Mre. 1. Msginn, of New
York City. unit$ their cousin, Mn.
Clement Newton,'T'swntly.
Rev. L Newton, oiburhsm, Ontel.
and C. O. Newton and "tomily, of
Ooderinh, visited their htnthit►.s0.
Miss Allis Johnston, of Ooderich, is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mre.
ngus (ionlon.
iss Elizabeth McMillan left these
last week for Saltcoats, Man.,
she has hese engaged as
pit Dunbar Isms returned
a three weeks' visit with
Mrs. Thomas Baird. of
Mn. .
her danggh .,.
Threshing 1s
rntmnenced in this
am (Green's new en-
gine aeeme to doing satisfactory
work for the•tarmrt this season,
Mr. Joy end daug • ter, Mr,. Horn,
and granddaughter, ism Elizabeth
Horn, of Nashville, Tenn., ere calling
on riabitivea in this vicinity at present.
Lest Sunday evening two young
men who were looking for•ome em•
plo meat busied themselves .'s piling
rails on the road. Rut, much W their
sorrow, they received a few more
castigation* than they expected.
Don't try it again, boys, \or you may
be treated W the same dose. only a
Mrs. Chas. Dimal,lwnt anti children, fttx __ { ntta<+ Nt•rlevrrnvsr,
of Theseitlon, who here leen spend -Messrs. 'Tracy and Ilohnrt. wise are
ing the summer in leucknow, are now employed 6 1\'ri h'. Bros , 1'rut,len,
visiting at the home of ,baa, Donald- ret I y y K
son. are busily rng-tged to AO/A.4 up the
The pulpit or 4). Andrew's ..hureirPLwt fur operating the aril
was occupt�er1 on ti.lbheth evening by Irian
mink at est -well far oil in till s.'c-
the Bev, ISE Priest, a rethroy, irhu -{-a,K week a al•rria.k 144 y -4.•,+r
height wiav-rr•cted. whi.h will le. tuned
for "'tweeting the cable in drilling.
This dert•isk at a distance gives es this
sectioµ a very Petrolea•like sppwar-
wnce. As the boiler and engine are
vet W Ire fittest together, the drilling
proper tvi11 not cotnm •ace until prob-
ably next week. Much infer•eat Is
excited and marry visitors fur at.
tracted to the scene of operations,.
' e \li•t:es l'It iptu.ut. ui Ola•au, Nrw
Vii' are l"tvingt taidi:ayr_after•'mend-
ing th ' vssrinn *vitt' their grand
pet 1i'. taut 5114. (itstrge• 11ntp•
Miss L.
7'rddy, of- is
Mmrerhe. ttf 1 .,
°hits. • r trod:._-lle{ahew.
eri,t. and Allies Mary
ea's 1[,11. are spend-
ing ta, few tlryti with Mr. and Mrs.
John B. Grill tin.
s.tu•e:ti...--A 1 '.;gt:attt Imougltt
the rad ways to Na neelli Airs. P.
flint athoft tr. John
/:rern rat t h
Kerr, which se - eared at :dmuntott.
Alta., Atrgn•t 1!1 iii,_ _The ay_ at n. of
the t.Mumunity btextetuhnitu bauri•iu
their teasetv.•tuetot• ,
SVRuvlan.tr, Aug. •fits!.
Nrs. 1101 awl daughter, of Chicago,
were visiting friends here last week.
,las. McKendrick, our deputy {mist.
master. is visiting friends in I)ettiait.
Mrs. Brown, of Nigger's. formerly
Mina Ethel Ensign.,- it visiting at the
old-iloume. •
Alice Aldir McD bl has returned
to Toronto Riley alter ling her vaca-
tion here.
Malrulu•Mcl)onald, of British Cul
ittable, is un It week's visit oohing his
tiiendr her,. -
M.iae May J. Fiulaynn in carmpenv
with,Miss Alli.' Harris sojourned at
13ruce`Beach it few days Tart week,
alba ` Jtlaud McKenzie -and friend
have retuned to Detroit, atter a few
deys visit'st tole parental bonze of the
former. \ , •
Ito' Flolayettlt, who was successful
in hie recent :wheel exaltllnatititt4 hits
leg tot ' \V' 'ped, wht•re he intends
to reside. .
Mise Hilda Mt4i$yeer--Kinrwwli+tet
and Miss fain. l)etmit. weir visttipg
at Donald "`1Lr Lttyre'e the end of
last week.'
tion. leiobtyrun id to lie congratu-
lated on hating paused (lte fleet l!.at•t.
of senior leaving its the recant s:•hnul
The Jlisw._y Beer:i McKenri•• tend
_Sarah_.Mcen1}tr. J.aurie._._irtth the
Misses Minnie and Annie McIntyre.
1e0ehals11, inspected thabil pl.tnt here
few- -an. orina
at present vtsitiug
Miss Nettie Sproul
Carhartts' Overalls & Smocks
Art Tailors, Clothiers and Men's Outfitters.
'PHONE 77.
41MInel=11MIm Its eerie -
halt hour on the 441oe.. &Hid Olive to box
at hist- four_ hours- le. 'Negev cans ane.
usad give an extra hour. The batter
tt•letdt is 'this
of ut•iteti home
with tlieudr in Seaforth.
Mi Johnsen. ttf the Stet 'ng Blank.
is speudittg- a couple of we >; .holt,
day,: at his home in Toronto.
I)•aviet Mule, wife anti fain , of
Rochester, N. Y.. visited at the ale
of \Vill:tea :Nth:• for it coapts I.f't ye
t wrek.r
\\ t McKay, wife and family. it
Heiman,' . the guests of Mr. *ill
\It•s. 11..1. Cr: urtl on Saturday ,and
mdiay I:trt. _
RN' \Irani 1Vhyralt 1 yeetet•tley
for ' rived. w Isere she wit --f+++•-+s
few a before guiug to her
at Hun • vine.
The feather cleaners who i„ the beep,
doing intsineir- ip- fi r a -Mottle of
weeks, left last f4itur.Lty for 11eutall,'
where they will can y on their work;
Mises Celia- 'Pentland left lust atreit
for Toronto, where she will :attend the
millinery iopenings. She will again
conduct C. Elliot Cs wil{tn 1,drimi
Imetlt the wnnli rig ae:iM,tl. .
Rev. Mr. S:titdiasuu, wife tuitl
&slighter, of \t.11khrton, are at imen-
ret rt It it,s it •• at the h
t th
S L.
allelclsou.- tor.
Sanderson ntulpied the pulpit in the
Meths dime rhnrel ret -•itatnt;ay everting
Lt tt.
Ev.tt a tt.tTutt. - T. Y:. Allen is this
weer renovating the evapoWal II' Mita
grtting it ready fur the *Pe ees
operational, H, expects to a
thk stn Nontlay twat and it par•
1 to pay :t right prier for suit.alde
Ji',. itt Le .uu e: - lin Friday ev.•n•
ing of t week Rev. W. A. `iwtl h
orygauit .luniur League in citta
Linn with t t- Metlotdiut churl,. le
League c (mimes with M member-
ship of sixteen of good proetwete til
an int -regime.
\ I
A Men to Yaeheler •GirI'k and Apart -
ment Dwellers.
• hat box which_1Vfks like cb&rut
has been made by a 1>uusekee{ r out
of n large wooden,cracker box. ``$�be
was very careful tselect one wit
knotholes. through wbicL the beat'
could escape, and she had the carpen-
ter tit the cover with hinges. Then
she put In'a lining of asbeshts, gluing
It do tlteTndldo , oT TEC-tl-ox Tttis 'ds
much better than newspapers, she says.
Then she put in plenty of good fresh
hay, which she, renews every two or
three weeks.
The kettle In which shecoons her
dinner ti put hi this nest of hay; and
a qpy_ pillow�--�a tiba t &vering of cotton
tmtthtg that Janet fats the toll of the
to i; Ilia oset' 1t. and. Iles .••s,t:er la
at the beginning of the we'Ii" r.•udkjus busiti
Alec Melba -go. passtrd thr melt here, Ready . r moil :it cA,lers whtrh
Tursda'y evening on lain w.ty 1 1 .
Strathvnut after baying twee tt tea
hours in the Northwest, ,I1r�ia/i nnT'
just enutagt'tinw.tu let crit Wuµ ANSA
of wheat,
ettAnttd be, made a_..fifths ..'*three than
usual. 1)o hot Jar the box after pud-
ding Is lit.
Tea -Drinking and Insanity. .
The Lunacy ' •t'oumltisiuuers fat
Scotland have homed their animal re-
port. licit they itisruta the influence
of tzrxtsivi tea-tlrulkiug uu mental
disease. abet urriv.• at the lulliwiug
" Exce,.'ive daily iufueiuut, or rath-
er Ike. etiuu., Of • tit, may have an
unsettling street t.ti .riles -en; mentally
unstable fr birth, rut udohsicenct',
ut the eliuteterie."
- British Postal Salaries.
Triit" overage •ulurit•s paid -tri the
emlpluy, sad the British pwitufice may
le. • esti • teff on tit • basis of thus,
'seal la\ a luLlillttlaluu, t, it- urdlu•
1 town u1 about 2:*t.0011
. 17te city postmaster
e atatitaut wetn ss+.
'.1r16. two super -
$1.701 racb ;
tlfeo $1,363
charge. $'J?
wail carneas,-
3754 to $1tOtt and five ti. utauts. Sbe4
et). t II these err • net! eair-
ort• tl
reatia'c. $S.'
ter trent 31,75'
• ittt.•udente trout
mus. tusiiistsum 1
rush : twenty over
each ; tie inspector n
$1,16tl; the ittapevtur u
is spending his t•etation in the vil-
lage. Mr. Priest spent seven glare in
India as a missionary of the Baptist
church and his luldress on Mahhath
evening dealt with that subject in a
very,interesting manner.
THAT Be:sw Rtr Bating, -The new
bridge, which has already been the
subject of so it ridicule, not to
speak of expense, is again a chief snh-
ject of conversation, owing to the
fact that work has heen re -com-
menced an the south abutment. r The
approach to the bridge. which coat so
much time and labor to construct,
will he removed in order that a new
abutment may be built inside the
other one, which ie so trolly cracked.
and the Weight of the bridge on it
lightened. It is a (mention if the
experiment will work, hitt certainly
be duper as tow•
bridge f am been %tending all sum-
mer is of nn nee at *13: AUBURN: -
Newton, this week. r Notittog snakes it women ' feel so
Even the prude isn't averse to sit lit tla.+la the refusal of a man to argue
ting in the lap of luxury, with
Even a etre-mg-minded female dis When a than brain *hoot himself
likes the idea of standing up for her it's a sign that others mare!* tolerate
ref it a street car. him.
htgkk tilos n • hist tralst txrx or n boot-
-4'3'4V lite a Is sal to tttchefur girls and
who iion-lu +hnufl-quarters -where
ng awls he lu company dress
--'rite ;.east Mt merely start -
al 'int i' or tiny gam Witmer
cl.ed :apparently lu the
e,k Iwat•etlttly 1111 din.
id on the
:old theft
INsakensi to
Irr,wr.kl i' ages Fretux !Moore
1(0 sorting ,-tart - and to
Irian 37 to to 1114 .'stir::Oh
tiers. not extrwlitng $7 IV e
rural earners, tN•t riR•edtng
*telt • lir Lite sunaller cities of
Nottingham dittnet tarot/II eine
of .the tame 'class receive
lower -wages than in Nottingham.
: Sgt
Strange Art Show.
An art t-xhibtttuu uu dove, linens has
been •opeuad at /the .\Ib.•rt fhall
There •.is ou Italeet,i i jury. ell Wt
Tt'ReDAY, Aug. Telt. '•
(leot•ge t'lark left Wednesday morn-
ing un his return to Midland.
Mrs. Thee..loynt and- two childrer
visited Minn Fenny Joynt on Sunday.
Mica Ethel 'Itntwrtson visited et .1.
11. Itutlterfut,l's on Maturtley and Sun
.- _Tbe±o iana s' jailed _1111_I/ult_w telk_and
nub;%bin it now well toppled' with
basket*. -
Alex. and Miss Kate McLennan, of
Langaltle, gent 5lund.ue., the_. wrest, of
Mrs. A. Andersen.
- -
.1. It. alllb•r and Miss Flizaheth
'I'rgArtAY, Aug. 15th.
t'ovrrtArr 1.1?r, The contract for
the new Baptist church has beets let to
I,. Hill. of 'Myth. and Ms expected
that work will he commenced at once.
The plan"call for an op -to -date build-
ing with basement for Monday school
Red brick will be the nlater•iel need
with cement block's as high as the top
of the basement. There will be se neat
porch on the front. with double doors
and the roof will he surmounted by
a hall tower.
Whyit Rattewomen to be toil
that she r. a e looks like an actress in more
than a wage men can understand.
She► -"Yet, 1 rather like Harry
?aides, 1 think he's got a soft, spot.
in hie heart. somewhere." He-
"Don't know about hie heart. 1
atwsye thought it was in his bead."
.t woman wllo`Ias used sgc4_1 'tee,
give* the fellowIng d}ret(iotts for pre-
paring beef it la mode: She advises a
Petit of from tour to els pounds. Aft-
er wiping and trimming It tura spited
%Wetter over It-:entl let It stand for
severed hour's, turning It now and
sten. Then score It In prates, run 3n
'trips of lard and brown it in n fry
inti 1t ultlh some siicta M carrots'
awl tit eel onion. Pitt the ,neat Into
the pot e. IP h It is to tl+ finally.
roukrall, ,nearke ... tan es..�:t.. a 111+ -, water
ainf ret tt boll torr twenty minutes.
I'm 1h a' sinal r .:. 1 )ht!r.t ?writs nod
pnrl: away In the• brit .for nt least eight
boost.• When rem* to beta tilt. gravy
"totted be thickened with '"tittle flour.
Another woman slays ttr:tt nhe has
greet lurk making-ntesmNt 'Filmmtng%
In her hay box. .%ny Termite recipe
timet be. tl. Ent loiter Into {round
Irking pnaeowder cans, n llsg. then, half
full, cover, place them h, kettle and
;one as mueh totting --water around -
them ns the. kettle will hod or until
the Cans thr•enten M tin over. Ron nn. -
The effect of malaria lasts a long time.
You catch cold easily or become run-
down because of the after effects of malaria.
Strengthen yourself with Scott's
It builds new blood and tones up your nervous
ALL bRUCGISTS: .'ins. ANtt :V nn
41111 th•rr, ail.
No dead Mao
lying about
whop used as
tOa per packet, or a Pack
will last a whot• ••aa
for lea.
tures being exitibtt,nt -w eel Lire ire-.'
iu-�-enc waw pays
a guinea sulwrnpttutt. Is nutted
slew five-pleweri. More Shan 3,000
int -tures etre uu show, Iarnl while many
N are
etl clf•ver ams
i)7 �-4)1e Q Ig11« are
eeet'nlrer and weird iu the entrap•. •
Net Se tiad.
lin Hubris (after engaging cooky -
There's one other thing 1 suppose Tot%
should know. AIIss 1'Iannlgan. My
WIte is a throttle fnvatid, confined to
her roots.
Moss F'lennlgan-'fhnt't nnel t
war afeerd she might 1'e watt Iv thins
ehronlc kickers 13,1 sere confined r
th' kitchen. - begotrs'
d,'-�icipu:. Cod Liver
,�rait's.:1lthout oil.
'.t. t''aan 4,1.1. -fashioned
• ,:r• t :1 11d emulsions
1 •r ' l :.l i
' JI
• r children,
-cr-s, and
1 t:lr 3at and
C. DUNLOP, Druggist,
Ho eseekers'`
Exc rsion
To Northwes Aug. 31st
EaMON oN, ALBERTA.........42.eo
CALGARY " .40.9e
HU Id BOLT, SASK 37.0o
mud alt other ponds in proportion
Homeseekers tickets ha:lNbe rind edam btM#a
up total«wily of •r .steer, and need. at Nodal
'01 eritii'titrwas to siotover, ii..asate mad
rho ,.i of .fade are :trainable b) Min route.
Tickets yet all information Irons all Deane
reset, .4Rrul..
(ill the filet, tllittIt bra rtlnew pair l'e.•Is
like an old tine. They don't hN.k like,
it though, and:t hey won't fur a long,
Itiuv while.
Oi''R SHOES 1101,11
boli( the very " hart -T sty's we;t tr has
Vern got out of theta. They are steers
that feel add and Ite,k new all the ti me.
1f flail it1111ftprt am well an triol a1-
1t•ttctivneNs is an object, you will wetu
sur Shoes and no of hers.
Wm. Sharman
- Excursions
err now 1111, t 1 you will item!
v 11
to take along with you even
when going by the
('all anti Kee my stock of
Trunks. Snit -Cases
Telescopes, Lunch -
Boxes, etc.,
H. E. Knox
\\'e hn.t'.• :t rl,rnplrtr
41111 :ti'.• ,1,•pIt''1 tt
trek of TOILET ARTICLES is the Matt select
•ec mend our goals.
Ponstan Balm.
Witch Hazel Cream
Roger fir Galleys.
Pavers, and,others.
Tooth Powders
and Pastes, etc,