HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-27, Page 3s: THE SIGNAL : ONTA RIO
Tit itiin A V, August 27,- 1908
Xews of the Sistrict.
Hubert lidttisain. of Gitlin out, put. out her arm 10 lam,
herr with t ha_gbagrementloned
Mr. 11111r Mk. John Eck Wilford, I.( Blyth, lemma to-
colootban, eelebrated their g day for loallubqrgh, where he will put,
his studies before entering on his
don, of Winghant. have purchased*
furniture, and underteking IntJuiess
Jas. II. Morrison, cif MeKillop, has
tudd his Ilittattre gratis farm to %Va-
for 1110 411111 of $4,510).
thiguished traveller and kicking., or
. visiting her sister, Mrs. W. II.
!aim. vv;;Iali, Id Deity, left last' Hinny %Vein. ite Wlio
week fur mana,,,,,a, when. Ain will ka. killed by the fall isthmus during the
London last week. with a former well.
known Crealitott.
parted hio life at"tle• home of her
▪ arm at two places. . mho mut son -tit -law. Robert Hastings, of itrie
been reeliniug -hi lilltionock and, berry, 011 Sunday. lice 10th inst. Site
Itulteet Fisher, tor many years
irlittCh211Skillgiete ----residtmrtrf-Seirttirth, died at the home
..: his in Little Hock, Arkatinas,
. Shitordity, the stli Mgt_ at the
grand old age of • tyseight yearn.
Agge-greitmoire.--.nrinertanemere-rse. -sus, mole, of 'Exeter, wectirding to
Hawkins. of Pert Albert, -isiLleacher
ha the junior ileteirtinent -est the
D. I.. McPherson, Clinton's toivii
clerk.. has been appointed town treas-
urer for the balance or the yeor
1111e1•0511I011 to M. MrTatEgart, what
City, formerly of Ethel.
Miss ,voutituatt, (laugh..
ter of Dr. thattn, of Clinton. hiat week
Mel the misfortune to fracture her
entire or ibis is itlyatery to- Mr.
asl Ilydrsi • E.ligineer, °uteri. Lost John Pingland, 4,1 nit. 13th vonces-
shin of Willett, has a hear cult playing
wool rea
arid to Will by his ,soit %Valiant. who
-111inal Water
k tip On
ltIr. and lieu. %teener. of
Ill I IE. Ilt)f)Kilt 141 INI'• wood, have been bereaved of their
TiOt r0., ion lama mots -Menew
• • inn town lielfaul •r Ain In .4. t. and y Cara. In. Mentor ts. at present very
t)f diphtheria, ao, in Ohio the lottither
sew, tow. and quarto. Peer IVElcr and
if the deetsteett led.
Double:sod.- lash woods are hob. I
' nal nal mineral water; and heis•fore ft litith, Idowick. who was al.
irked 14V a kill [WO WeeIlIN asto, in
ager '1;latior
it e hirable eimilition. fie is pares
1111111C .
of Toroidol'iltintit,Ittney of u.ac., Apply
'ea Patter. of Napink
• T °noon 114114 Store, or Pr.iett•tice of Sir t+141.11114•• 10
balinton. lit residence or arr. Ales. West, Intl Mrs. ker will remain in
IQ tercet.
lintoliator et low -months.- ,
AME11 to roan e pupil, for
rend ,theorY. Ms) the Hurrowe. 0411111
'linden Oen method for young children.
Tern, al other infoorupstion indy he had al
.1. W. Hessian. 01 Wilmington. Del -
DA▪ MS .ware, who has just returned from
England, iN visiting his parents in
Studio in ik of Montreal Block. Ile Was 01in of the 1111411•
bent Of the Atuerit'an ride team who
A Ha
his leg badly crushed while attending
his brother's barn -raising last week.
No lames were broken but lie is suf-
fering ititensely allot Will IIP C01111111ed
10 .h fitr titne.
Ih. Toirnhall -"redolence, 41 Jowl.
Pont h weal sof P'ulthe Idlord poi
fuller.; l'olistWiw Mot. nest door to StrIi;r,
etas' Bank. Telephone. - 1111111rty.
Aural 111011111e Pall at 1 0-441441:0111
14010 awl Throat, ltolden Square. &II
aisle, in inly,
ago, it was in the fume of upending a
few weeks with his anted • father,
otherwise and his father passed away
of sehitols in Strathcona. Alta... and
-.;:hposical waster in the University in
that. city. and it is said that his ap-
pointment es Deputy Minister id Edit-
eation for the Provsnee of Alberto is
being considered.,
sion of Tirekertunith.. met with a Heti-
Int accident recently. Ile was tak-
t .g oft a load of grain when the trip.
r, w , the 'dings broke and threw
hit bac wards to the barn floor He
sled . Mei \very seriouti injuries and is
((triable home which her partner 01101 1
reared she pained the reidainder of
her life, loved and esteetned fly all
with whom she came in contact. She
leaves tu mourn her retisoval from t he
scene of life four sons -David, Chris.
topher and James, Turnberry, and
Peter, of Morris...and two daughter.
Mts. George Oliver. tif Winghani, and
15 6
0, MILLAR 00.
Seaforth Loses a Bright Young Man.
of Its height est young men; in the per-
son or Witham to. Hotrgard, sun. of Mr.
and alts. litirgard. Mho paused away
Slid painful, illness., Decetuied, who
his vocation in Calgary lie was
stricken with a severe attack of itl-
eral operat. hut secured only now
porary relief. and he gradually grew
weaker until the threat Physteiaii
celled I to the hind where sickness
is unknown. A young man in his
thirtieth year, 411 eacellent aldlities
and sterling cfiaracter, his memory
will Iringtw fondly eintrislied by kis aw
'whiten. i,Stinee the ((mend his little,
eal opt ration. This hi the reventh
time' that the child haft been- operitted-
on for the same trouble.
peculiar character occurred at (hand
Bend int %14 rdnewlay, the 12th inst.
The victim was Miss 'Athena tier-
toremte‘tive rears- lige.
About' 12 o'clock she wandered away
Gott. lua I le end /a sewed*
wits institutedEarty in the ev ning
her body was found in the iver.
Around it. Wan wrapped a blare and
tied tit lair wrist watt a Haile. It is
tharehe hturearnestly drill to
convent. but owing to ill-heaith was
wait time she 'mule application and
was refused.' 'or two days lwfore the
drowning sbe had • been acting
strangely, ti* -ng, it is believed. -to
constitu n it is ea that
wild*. in a s -Of morbid despond-
ency idle rash pat all ellt1 1.0 her.tife.
Stephen oneer Passes 'Away. .
six veara on Of the revered' pioneers
of finron, In he person *if James Boy,
of the • it lir ettneeeeton of Stephen,
passed Drill etertIntreward on Thurs-
day, the lath inst. I a few
Months ago ' deceased hail esti, oyeil
teml health and theoete of hitt latent.
1.1 • to a remarksble degree. Horn in
Ox rtlehire, Eng., in the eventfut
year 2. chnielo Canada with
bri when in the strength of his
young ithood. ;After D.:tiding in
Woodetoc for two. years, he moved
tp the town. ip of 4teptilen. where be
endured and vereante t e trials and
hardships Mei t to the pioneer, and
where in the son in of lift. he reaped
ings.and the esteem his fellow-4.Di.,
erns. He In 1111r% f woos
Charlen.' on the I 'mead : Albert,
predeceased him nineteen years.
it's of Special Value to May Here
.• Goderich.
appealm especially to many, people in
itch help in the Mi-o-na treatment.
case of Mdigeeti )))) or weak mtomach.
It acts directly upon the walls of
the stomach lit1welth strength-
ening and it them' so that
they retubly take care of the fowl that
is eaten without distress or suffering.
So positive are the good effect,' f
htwing the use ef alboate that the
remedy is soid by Jas. Wilson under
tin absolute guarantee ill, reftf1111 Ille
box of Misrini will do the good the
st wit needs which is simply to
;mike it do ita own work.
Up tp Bate.
river with vett. and windy. heir'.
”.1rihnny,'• said his neither severely,
••Nritti," replied Johnny nertainsly.
"Winit is your hair ditiog wet ?"
•• Well. how did you get thnt sand
mixed -tip in tinny_ bitie ?, didn't rain
Johnny was stamped -for l he
Yen't11. YOU wee, Ili I. 1 happened to
to, s.1 1711°Prill"
Bretthe rent he tat et of Ca-
killing RH rilti 1141 #1 tot• told testily
t ate lake roc 'Live nit",
air oath. mad It th • sate. itealtug
and antiseptic tree, as the air where
ttte pine -and et %stymie forester' give
'riff -their frsgrant heeling Ealeions.
Iltetithe 4 -tenting Ironer -and- nee
how quickly yoe w get relief from
emeriti and head rolls. If it, does riot
he'll. you throe wilt in be a penny's
expellee asi Jan. W them teen to VP.
the ea y (hip'?" ,"Weil 1 never tisk
twr titiod deal about the mph cm of
much nt'reet In poll ytits. hut 1 in
rnicolleet when .1,4hrt ,C. Fremont. was
fotsmont Wee never eleeted." "Ile
'rote recatin, eit Ire said if John C.
would fall to ruin an' everybody
would have to ohnt up shop. 'Course 1
didfrt take the papers ; hut, het 1044'
t het thing,. went 00 %MD the Name as
before, I caleelated 'mom Ho be
won't lected ? Well, blinks ! tbet ails
Deafness Gannct be Greed
by heal apple -Arlon., 4. they roping' mu It the
wny to rare drefnew end nee 14 la rth'11•41111
'tonal trine he.. !worm,. 1. (loped psi
CoOachlas tithe. When this 1 ale I. inflnorral
the result, sot metes. tee tua tlunffil inn nint 100
vitro en V • ttttt 11115 41.11.4 111,•
1 WIlIch le 1...1 lane 1011 at I. 11 ent1.1 eat
We will • r• 11 t• thIrt• 1.11Voll os Ina any
131,1•01 Corn hse ter est srtio Ittuf
ite cured Ity I 1.44's tater' ats, toy*
Great Diva Sinp as 'Well After Two
Decades' as She Ever Did In Her
Life-teer Celebration, In London
, ts Brilliant Altair and Huge
Crowd Gives Her Ovation -Deluge
Her With Flowers.
Tu till CUvent Garden, Lomita'. Env-,
laud, int a hut afterituu4 .is ir,
unman easy. Mute. Melba has lust
accomplished the feat. To have AtIng
tor ',twenty -years -in- etsetweetert4tr-Isen-
don, and to velehrate the twentieth
year by singing tui well as eVer
001121de a feat scarcely credible. Nev-
We 1111.
New Belts
1 it.. ill Leather. allil
sill Hells. Post le
ranging from 1113e
New Collars
.14 11 ur
t'irll.ti , Ill that
could be di sired, 1% 1.
11.tVil 1110111 111/1111 /Oa
Leather Bags
Ail -Matt ety netv
stock et f t4.
P:11141* Isstl her Hags
and all are marked
at our, 11/1141 Impair
This Promises to be 8 Big Sweater SeasOn.
of former Seasolde, inehailing All i lic Liles, Novelties end just '
I he thing for .1 lie Vist1101. 1•Vclilli le 41111 at extrtsnely popithr
Inlets. .
'is always being improied total now it is one of the best,
Price 25 ettOrldi
Infants' Robes and Ccrats,- Infants' Muslin and
Silk' Frocks, Infants' Crocheted and Silk
Jackets, Infants' Bootees, Infantees,
Gaiters and Overalls.
Stork Waterproof Pants are the best for Infants.
Teddy Bear Di olls, fhe latest Novelty, front 25C
never allows him to forget that she f
forgave hito.
56 Millar's Scotch Store
tircal condition.
*I , otheitor. 'Warr. co'. Mdner to lend ni Das wood Planing Mill Baffled. ,
mitt Itoodas., lnirned 1.
the lath id
eilton Street. Otstorieli. t hint door from ow t, t .. , . . ,,.. t.
--•-t- + •- occusr‘ed (leo' • • Kellerman,' hail him
44la fund. ha 6814 'at kw et elibee 01 iriterre. A Close- all.
• ItIliiNSON it' (JARROW. BAR- after spending tlie iiiimint ite.a Illia-
iiigTiu....3 .4,- eIlornelm. wriiril_2_,.fir` rt'..;___* all __in the %Vest. Irit at narrow
I Ittiee, nano 1' ott -t ,ee'. 1 •d'1,•CP'ti ' h.' • the, witilloW and board a passing tut.
h planine mill wen
the \grntitid -on Thoreday,
vmptitty's loss j. Very
VOTTNIT' & itottErrrstry: Abducted 111.3 Young Bride.' -
tate for mitre or to lel . Properth• . handled in -•-• I Mit 10. of timid !told. hits
any pail of 'the town mitt ciaitity. end
fd heolinuice, money to loon etc.
el anti nneliknt 'nominee, Agent MI lending
Mutual and Ape/ bOttipithies. 1 rimurartee 111 Ali
-Hoe* effected on beet phew. nod at Mattel foine.
Cell at °Mee, •eurner We'd Street and
Or addrea J. W. 1 MA 114, tiodotich, Ont.
Tele .hane 21
lArK11,1J)1' VIRE IN -
town pruporty.tii- it red.
asaerth (J,
litieve. %Viol loon ; George Dale. Satter' h:
Connolly, t 'Moon.
J. Ir. Teo, Higlivirville. agent for West
l'olley-holders Nei pay naae.emente
%Rd set their cards rssapiott at Tore? &
Drown's. einem. or at It. if. coo s grocery.
3 PARIAnts. - The hest place in town.
'roma netlike; everything Clann and riPlli
Marriage Licenses
Watehmaker..leweller And 0151111111n.
Issuer of Marriage Licensee.
AGE Women, Godertch,
/Ite▪ m, when. he will tv found al All time.
when not 'Tying Ante.. .Terni. reenonahle awl
Ilenry effort ;wed UP Coo you 'satisfaction
General Attctioneer.
New System of Ttrirets and Cata/ogae.
.o. need t he Ma oil he t•011;t1d111en 1 te
Wilson metaled the girl. (rho Ham then
only thirteen, years 44 *go.' 14"e"
1the a bond, promising that he would
leave his young bride with her par -
pot* and wit molest her. However. in
/tome manner he again got possession
of her and drove *way with her.
The Late J. P. White. Stephen.
John Phillip White, who , for over
half a venni' y had been a highly re-
spected resident of Stephen, joined
the silent to tjoritY on Sunday, the
lath Mist. Deeetised. who hail itt•
Mined to the gond old age of eighty.
nine years, was a netive 01.
In religion he Witil it Roman Cntholic
and in polities a maim& Conserva-
tive. lie is survived by a brother.
Thomas, of Manitoba, and a sitter.
Mrs. May, of Exeter Pon end
Peculiarly wad im the death of Mr*
Jas li. Nichol, of filiwvale, whieh oc-
curred on Thuredey. the 1:ith
rowdy two weeke rater the oleeth nf
her mother. the late Mre. Jai. Nair
cry, of Relgrare. Deepened eon"-
plained tof a pain in her hen,' on Sat -
secured, but no merinos testae were
expected. However, she became
(mese and on Thursday her 'Mint
winfteld its flight. A woman of msnv
excellent quelitiee, deceased we:.
dearly ImeINVIIM hV a large circle or
acquaintaticee. Her end
pe children ttttt urn their irrepar.
Able Ion..
Aged Resident of Mortis Onetime.
of Alotrir, which occurred on We. •
and esteemed remittent, of (hitt toile •
ship. II...re:vett was horn in sitsitlent
with her husband. ',Pitting in the I
virgin Mut. of Moak. In the coo- . ;421. Wulf Ville for couitipetiou.
ertheless, Mute: Melt.* achieved it.
The King and Queen wens present at
The. performance San in evary way
a triumph. unit all the more 'hearty
Wan' the. iiIiplaUtio• "b)' reason- Of- the
kindly thought which tirade 'the ftun-
Nast Kist- poor, The-isotelette 144ttett-
tal must have reaper' a /AA' haryest.
The vast theatre appeartel to ' be
peeked in every part: awl the gay•
dresses made the seene ;tiniest. an
brilliant as it is at. night.
With -the -Kitty -nisi tjueenT-, and
Pri1144.1.4.Vielorits. whs. „arrived -iit triton
to see the curtoin fist,. Nile Lady
Tu hear Muse. Melba 'APS 7the 511111.
pler melodies. inside ene- forget their
threadbare. quality, and (then elie
came to the freotendeus piece ef "vir-
tuosity' which brings the net. te it
Hoer the audience held. itn" breath.
Her vocal gymnastics were simply
amazing. and IP r uIS 11 hitt-IOW Allitly-
end down the scale she.oerit. in trills
,alte ended. like a firework display..
Milli a brilliant ' *bower of Soolsirli
plauded with'. all its-mil:ht.
sort of ' transformatadi scene,. look
ace. Frolli all points 'vain.. the cher-
ring tributes of flowers- -baskets
trOphie- arid bouquets - anti
1101011 -thee, a huge um! etrquisik•ly
docurat\eal„ lyre. In att instant. . the
Entliusias in .11a. bases showered
tames,. Entitus. ts ill tiw gallery bet -
lowed their. adi 'ration. 'flu. King'
smiled- sympatiw 'catty and slapped •
his hands.
viere d awn apart to reveal the divo.
down. and the audience poured\ .ott i
into the Pun hine, all talking of MDo.. '
'Melba. all ;ivy Mg her the tititqUe
Tflidlipli-eht; had.
Socialist,- ensure the King.
members .•1 Farhat-
ing recentlt, to 4.4.41•
uf Mr. Kelt Har -
Visitors to• Toronto Exhibition 1
are invited to -call at the Cowan
Company booth in the Manufacturers
We will give you a hearty welcome
and A cup of CoWan s Perfection
Cocoa\ to Cheer you on your way.
Company Limited, Toronto.
The Cowan
the • following eifeot wee pas
,the action of Mr. Keir Her- 1
die 'retarding the King's vt it t the
of His Majesty end led,, to 'M
the list of members ul l'arlianten
recently invited to Windsor.. havidg
been taken 1,y the ittatructions of the •
party. the party desires to associate
itself with ItIr. WIlu. their
opinion. exercised his constrtutiunal.
right on the °evasion of the Foreign
Ofliee debate, and it. trwriagatu re -
questa that Until. his name is./ restor-
ed to such ottietal list the tisanes .ut
all its ineinber* -athoutrt-be-rentaved-
1•11110 4111' g wart400ni-.
ighr watt,- Am -restdenre.--It
and Embalmers
orders carlully ettenosd to et all;
boom night or day
When a hit titan is Milt. deily ill, lie
waill.ngfa or his 01.1 Ades,
le 111e 1, doee the' man of
tiekin.• with his mouth. ,
- of Life
from it.
After the meeting the following an-
. "That the party 1,1 of Opinion- that
o n attempt. has.. been made by the
Court to • itiGutotee titetillhis- of Par-
liament in the discharge id their du-
ties and expreasing their "pinions ,
illontetining For the Needlowomen.
'here- brafte-nicest- lath Affair whiedr
will be luvaluable to the needle'« etuan
who Is fond of etabrulderiug dainty de-
▪ upan Ilugerie and house. linen.
It Is the new stiletto, which Is mnde
with .41 gang.% ro that tht• size of
t work (which In Itself Is the slur.
tiltst kind .to embroidina la the art
of Making the eyelets uf uniform size.
This MOO hottrument obviates the dill%
neat) and will he gratefulry received
by the enthusiastic needlewoman.
Miss Cameron's
The St;eialea
-Input held a 11
On Iton st. will be
cond cted for the re-
mainder of he season
by Mi 1Viy le Cou-
sins o ill be
pleased VI have all who
require anthing in
this season' styles call
Hats trimm and
made over t
N u better Bread Is made.
find our goods the best and freshest
of first-, las! q y and at fair pricei.T
9 i• Prompt Delivery'
'PHONE 15 or3 24
When ytio-wwnt
d' Yella Areal. and
Dock liqu•r•
Your • n Home
and Be H ppy.
12:it 004) A It ES
Choke Cat -Over lNrl.r.d <N cheese
how, slung thy lane of the Au Na le & North
*..-.tern Hallway, In Central Richt . Pekoe
reasonable. Terme emu.
end son, 6..4 Water, end taste.
Ins thew land.. End for further oartieulare.
II. COW, tut CONOOMISOlf, hale,
Choice Farmi.tg Lands
Here time sun, ellrhste and lowstion are owned to
the inviting or II heal, Oat• Itya 1 ore Penot
Pratt End VegislaWw. Pure running stater ; fine
trout amnia A number 14 wren farina ere nue
vested 00 tott land.. rename wishing 11044•111
aluelt rowing can line lb:na better than what we
hereto, Wier. our tonal. ere tu ithurchee,
&hoof., Hearts. 11,11Ti. ;rim and Bret fltwar FIT"
swam This la an opportunity for Canadian*. tn
110171111411 0100 IT prod°. Me end prolate*. Sono at
PI to 110 pen acre. en, terno. 'rifle perfect.
Yur further particle., tall 011 14T write
c Hot=
Farming Lands
in Isabella County, Mich.
Good rood., churches, Fichoulm end market., lit
Vicinity, and nose renewed". , ?Inc siblOW and
' hoop country. Pricey, teiwonatic 'regniZesey.
Foy further pertleolset. eddrete
NI to 19 Beak Ch bore, :Wilton% moo.
Improved Mic Ion Farms
W•hate a large 11.1 ef nee IM enovg it FARMS.
pimp, iii, prayed t•rin• end untrunrarea (ermine
:1000% 114400.1114 441 railroad.. 1 0411 04, F4040104
' Got North Control Michigan Tear look
011 0140 14:44 10 14,0AI 144n ea lo 114 411. 44100.111.4. 1:4104.
We-, entepictures 0114 0210/1111 pew whet yo.o.
DAV. Y.. can't get this lootonnati.o• bleb% here,
HO ard-Packard Land Co.,
Central Michigan Farms,
After lo.dootot the
Settled in Central Michigan,
*here they have 14.110141 aro claw tannins lend. at
114 ill. *leper arm, un 14:14 tun. end ea..) pay ow,at-
Ins Crop., as pruved ny n. aterlotItural Report,.
Do Yew Want te Own a Home?
Ionia* Coale end 111,1. 111111111 oter. el • liwourot
ming La'nds
Thee- itin:110 Wel: 4i:1:41:14.d 11,101441
10 3.0111taere Price.. 11., 1111. se .n.1 lal per
acre, ::n monthly, an1111/11 or annual payments.
with 01 per owd Into .1 Title perfect. Abstract.
WNW payments
Gill er write se.
'Thou. tante str• Ospertally Imbed is, the
nt wheat. Oats. Rya, Corn, Hat. elteolelet.
and Due fax* Adlacent Wyche*.
dinols, Inger Tim Tiletnetal, Walitattl end Ron -
cod. nen. monists end leressina rarspaiaoy satyd
en? rename. Pintos. ArrItia and %erten we Wer
they tends et weri.yro paste mid ea •1114
IL 11.1111.1.5.16insves.114. Qdr Ca.. Mich.
Choice Michigan
Far ing Lands
Situated in 1 Net. Ittelloo-1, clan ,
'Jet1.111an, A re se owl liov les
eienste WM 04 1 1011 14,1 •11.1 1:4
44,11 l'hoirche, Primo; /114rhells Mu 4: :4.1.1 114::1
-Do You Want tq Own a Home ?
If you do, this in your chanee.
10,000 ACRES
Low Prices. Easy Terms
Jean tea weighed on the market robs
1111- LEE.
Productive and Profitable?
aro toot reel relate :thislets, toot are elor Mg tont
1.11, cut 44v•4141arele 1:.1•::f 40 acren•:r un:re at the
lust 4 414.1 4111 and 00.01414 poor ell,. Thew*
111t11111.. & COOPFR VI.. 1.10., Neolilea, Mich.
ne MINN 1tPttAfm, Writ flavors, Mich._
Cold Location let Co!ony. S5 lo 56 an Acre.
J. it. 1111LOWET, AMY. tiledwin Mich.,
We Nei WWI 40 -Acre and 80 -Acre
10,000 A
t,t en/ /an weer, oar. Sty titiltin.
t 14 0 01.0 14.1 111014001114 11 {1' l'.4114.
Hardwood Fermin Lands
In Charlevoix County, Mit.
Mit:1110AM POTATO *PAT. Its -stem
Orchanta, lber4 Pon, Poo /tow,/ late shol 11..•
elay 1011111. Itere Wain 0040,10011 • (0 4:0 4441/ r 14 It
ly derdttetivb and or...tient. realm,: Jena. no ss
is ter 'ere ton *toy term. v IT 1.S:
further /articular*. cell nn e, l,le
COBB: & 1111:111,11 filament!. ). Comae Scalp,
20,000 Acres
In Cheboygan county, Mkhigan.
Poll, fertile clay l•wrn AfIlaceat 001001%
Churchme end Nylon*. 11.1 wIth 020,110,nel retie*?
geminate. Rest ef pore +aniline water Good realm.
Title portal.. It's odor them lead. et Mtn 1111 Nr
ave. Mere Is an to...116ml nran14:11.41 Nene'
en, NOP*? particulars nn nr era.
01141 Siorlonor
roattA 13904., Citedsvin, Mich.
Michigan Hardwood
Farming Lands
aft allied In Airco* end Presque Isle Ceentlee.
1.4 erunthe Pit 114 anti all land. ot Vestal.,
Faso, sod for 1.0.1,•1141 r14,1111111. 4.11r IVO, 14,
to▪ ne. and Itaitroad• lt.irai Mall honorer, and (he .1
„ger ion, choice "rotor WM: acre.
• •.4 t.1 4111 per *croon raw term.. lierfect Tlite.
No Ye. later for aide elf Isarrolied farms at ree.
assent.. once..
1,..r hot her pertlenteni. can oe ot write,
horehttl Lumber Co., Alpena, '
Chealco Farming , Lands
In tillioNtle iced Alldlead Counties, Mkt.'s'''.
oberIna at land* of Veartatolos Ponta Wheat.
oat.. Bye." n and 14.r. 5414 (little, lloraga, &seep,
not. and poisitry Au well oh my lende
Ibsen la en naperIenler le prneershigkrY rendes.
flee and profitable f amen/ leads et op th GO por et,.
:.0 et.? Won.. Title perfect. Mont rens/thins lie•ft
iettled la t lin •Ichnly etsi weenie. eon. Mr Nene
are edlareet to Chotreloo, Pchnols, Merle* /hot
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.'
Any e% miliollered ...e0 Ian of I torninton
1,104 1 1y, Many male over PI yeah. of age, to 1 Il•
to11:111 of aectitil Rena, more
MAlepTil.leal Ian fol. entry fillIst IllitUlf• Ill reason
or Nub ttgeliey i ili.trtet in which the land
the Whet. mother, 0011. 4111101 10r, brother or
UOiluire.114400111 following
mak actin; ofiika Nand in year for
fa A botitestentiee 4444 he to 4911119k plinr
rigid y Ise art., in extent, hi ape itelnIt of tits
dis.:Intoseciti,noft:,trrhtininti:ir.miltiersmte,r,winti:.1pe.orithoitytiebnyt herein!
not le.. item eighty fan Aril. in 1.1 fent. in the
wrielwit for hy hint in the vicinity, wads
ntentler may pet Int en 11 I- 00 11 re.illence dotes
va A folio...lender Intending to per/oral Mr'
While nig %lib 100 001/1 or oe farming lard
owned to Morale notet notify the etennt for the '
'n Int throe I pnhPratiOn of this g4,,
'Liniment win hot bewail to.