HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-27, Page 2f•
2 TYDYDav, August 2i, INS
_ _IVAN ATM i KkB➢iTJ Sial
f ebphoae Call No. 8L
rosins of SF.keerlatlea 1
I.110 per annnua In advance.,
Six mouths, 511, : throe woota+,>Rir,
Tu 1 •tll.d State, subscribers.. 111.W ayar
{.(!hely 44. set. Maim, - - -
Sub..•rit.a. whu tall to receive Tug 4wxai.
regularly by uudl will confer a favor by ac-
quainting of the fuel at as early a dale ye
W heeu a chdtiege• of &Adie.. I. de.inkl, hot h the
Old and the new uddrelr 1kuuld he given.
the founJiug of trspunsihle guv.rn•
her ituidy p,puletiun, largely
of Scotch and English ancrdtrv, with
her great tirhrries and Omit wolfs min -
.oral wealth, Neva Scotia is today'une
of the sources ut strength ufltur Die
minion. Long utl►y our aisles -Prov-
ince flourish. \
Advertising Rates:
!legal and other Abider MI.eiti .menta, 111r
per lice fur nest i14.ertoe, and 4.• per line for
each subsequent Insertion. M,'.*.ured by a
nonpareil scale, 1 wetsa 44414., to nn inch.
Mistnee« cards of .ix line« and under, 11,4 per
Advertisement. of 4n.1, Funnd, 11no,'.l, ssil-
uatla.. V161,11111, Sil uqt kali With teal, Houser for
Sale or to Rent, Faroe. fur Sale or to Hent,
Article. for Salq. rte., not exceeding right
lime. Ale lash 444 4rlion : Abler $r•e4 ti.uolh,-hv
for each .ub.eq ural month. Larger advertlV.r-
menta In proportion.
ioll. .
Annom rcuie t,+ to ordinary wadi t u
4 Y1.
ug type
cuul+par lltw. \uawli.w lea.+than 'L"r:r---
Any spatial not tree. t hr object of which I. the
pecuniary benefit of any individuat or as.a•i-
WUoll, to be con.Idered an advertisement std
to be charged accordingly.
Rates for display end - contract -ad
menu will be given on=pphtrtion.
- Address all ooalawuulcattlous.Pal.._.
VANA T.___ _ ItuHFHTrioN,'
TLa(artI stet: nt.
Gu ltRICH. THUtifiltAlf.
, The signs of lin sal•• election Iti-
• p1)•. The (1Ioi • on Tit$ Jay publi.hell
p.aminentty the foliog dewpaacb :
"Ottawa, Aug. '24.-( peeled.) -Sir
• Wilfrid Laurier came bac to Ottawa
ta a
this afternoon looking y diene-.
fltetl by hill, holidaf'. `Ala •y of the
other Cabinet Ministers 'ant in the
city, and all the rest except Mr.
Templeman will lir here towor%,w to
atle'nd a muting 'of the 1'. emelt.
There is no (10111[ the .question o the
election will 'tie tentatively sweet ed.
In fact, it is settled now, a. a [impiety
of the Governuleut favor an appeal.
the country this attrition. and tit
chsnpes are ten to one the; appeal will
be made. This is well understood Ly
loth stiles, as the political adtivity
throughout the country indicates.
However, there will be no dissolution
of Parliament, and no definite an-
nouncement of ail election date iln-
InedittrJv. The election will (,rob
ably take plate in October or Novehl•
her, and there is ample time 'till fur
"In view of the ctintiug. struggle it
may he of interest to point out that
the Government has au overwhelming
Majority in the House, and that ie is
drawn from every Province except
Ontario alas! Prince 'Edward. Deland.
Nothing ,hort of a 1x titicat earth --
quake. of which there are nu signs,
;could convert the (iovernment'a -great
majority into J a minority.'
This was followed yesterday Icy an-
other "special":
"Ottawa, Aug.::;.. -- I Yp,rotial, I The
Government will nut Ir ebte-to'r 44.
nitely decide un the date 11f the elec-
tion for some time yet, pending a. re-
port of progress as, to the promptness
with .whirh the revision and 'printing
of the v0terr lista, ere., is carried on.
Every effort is being mule to •facili•
tate.the work of a plating the mul-
tifarious details involved in getting
the .waehilter _ le_e 1pp
really, frit it is improbable that every-
thing will be in v. -edifier.. for polling
iwthre the last week in (►,•tinesr or the
flirt week in November." -
Tine yeas, -berms to- ber tanadn's
year of centenaries. Following the
great Quebec celeurat ion comer Nova
lishtuent of representative and ot re,
litths peninaula hoe -kr-row-Ft stirring.
times, and its history dates bark to
1110.-., when Champlain, Irfore found-
ing Quebec. aided De Montr him at,
tempt to form a settletstetit at P•trt
Roy al in Acadia. itr NoVA itY
New thiniskiek testa. hist cellist.
The settlement was mit Very tilieresy-
toil, Narver, and war destroyed in
11+14 experiTilliTiv.
)424 Britain,. - then- -Hinted
Acadia, gave it to Sir William Alex-
ander, %rho changed RN it lllll r Nova
Reotia; FOP tiestrly• (11111. 11111011A
year...the colony Wan the scene of con-
chinged owners, being. sometinteel
the hands of France, then in Stith+
possersion again. Finally in I'M the
treaty of Citeele zgams 14-46
Britain, and the name of Port _Royal,
the, largoot fort then in *the country,
wine r changed to -Annapolis, In honor
of the English Queen. In Mil Heti-
fax was founded and Briti_ek vettlete
began to 1111.1 their way to tin. prov-
ince. ,Peace was not yet fully rw
stored, however, for the French in-
habitants, in spite of, perhAps te-
ems... of, kind treatment, gave 1711.11.
&ming the British. until in self-de-
fence the latter in 175.1 expelled the
Acadians front their limner. Then,
When in 17:ws Louisburg. the Erencji
stronghold in Cape Breton, was cap.
timed by W'olfe, 111e peace tit the
try wits *slimed.
With the settlentont of the colony
representative government, and iu
17118 the first Legislative Assembly
Nowa Scotia met. responsible
government had not Keen granted.
After the Revolutionary War meny
-1C.--Lnyerrits ro-iffiTed In Nova Scotia
and soon began the struggle for re-
aponsible government. A* in Upper
and Lower Canada the struggle
proved noire, but unlike these prov-
inces Nova Scotia secured her will
without resorting to rebellion. Into
this streggle Joseph Havre. the writer,
°retro and patriot, threw . tile
energies, and it -A- 1F9 largely °Wing to
his ettorte and abilities that in ISIS re.
sponrible governmeut was granted,
This year, therefore, Nova Scotia
celebrates'. at once, the one hundred
end fiftieth anniversary nf the in-
stitution of represent/01CP Rovair,...
mant and the sixtieth anniversary of
The avu►dit' of'the hart year in
Canada should it. a good object hareem
iu e•unumicN. For several Je•ceder
the policy of enc aging and protect-
ing mruuf1etuters by tariff favors and
otherwise her been snppurted by the
atguturut that the factoritr afford •
home i1MJkrl (which . rnrlltes prtwllltr-
ity to the fanner And everybody rile.
Hut when a partial Jrilul•r of the har-
vest haat year cut•t.eiled the purchoping
powe'e of the farmers the meander-
Luring industries (riled lenient ehly to
keep, up the hum of prosperity: in-
deed. they proved themselves to he
e- wee er a - e ua ion'
h t t put tnth int t ,and
los shutting down and throwing their
emiployees out of work
greatly to the .styes. est
111 the cities. t `
venture that agriculttue
supporters rbuuhl' tads warning and
not be .•aught napping.
The •fet.weter wuoHrn nlifl ir the
latest to shut fowls -send tido out its
loetc hinery. When .Sir Wilt rid rw
fu4sNl absolutely to help this industry,
Prrbrriog Dernottl"yo(di bemuse of
their cheapness by re;tufn along hours
and low pat. that settled it for the Can-
adian woollen 11 aide. -London Free
The Free Preis is becoming reckless.
It isnot the German product, against
which the•r Jr a Canadian duty aver-
aging about .i) per cent,:,, but the
British 'WI.1iens, against which the
Canadian aresger JI per cent.,
which ars rhirtty imported into Can-
ada. How high a duty on British
goods could Tile Free Lica. reconcile
With its -Imperialist sentiments?
•Again, how colas•- it that in lfrrmvuy,
with ilei pdicy of high protection,
"lung 1 s and Low pay" aur the lot
r+f its workmen? Ito l•wladian work-
iugull,u .Ir•.jrr 141 bring abu4JC riJp•
wurkingtua•i should L airy th at. h.4
`�Tw•r having his-yf or his hit of (user(
conditions in Cauaakt by a policy of lotaxed in order hat Ih•e lire'-(,' of the
high tariff taxation? super-prosp •roils l' a1* (Iran I' 'rows
• might be 0 A•odlrn. t' tirade's- wellsed.
vertised prosperity a+its no h'opue
In Noveullwr +d inrr yrrr lova from Britain's n►wIpres/lel wages;.
•m1natluoe," it `feces tipanl t
teacher a ditty which hr call di•a hnrg
'Only by ieu1oldng exe 1ltiunt hlu
self. Aud ivbrn he he/ 41411.' his bet.
It rutipect+ hilat ti.
ulul••arcv.lI coast'
and rosin...M . 1
ahs.Iut l.•11.
Mr. G. T. Black+tock a;lii..e.'n t
have heel tvllinc tit• Li itidl p•opl
that the Antert.t*, "gt''•Ihtur will gat
us If they don't wet,:h o u" And' tie u
up tight with a In,'(. r(I(i1I tori
stl•ing. Now t hi+ i. pro is •Iv tit•• rue
of talk that thew►jo4ity of ('ru11411
du nr
taut want t leis roin,iitntativr+
pour au'.. 11 • ' of the Reitir
voters.. We .1 1 11 on. de+ire 10 fright..
Juhu Holt int . giving o+ A preference
Nor d0 eso want a preference as
bribe to obey iu thetheE ut.itr, 1'nIer
the Hritirh voter tlliule that r prefer
rutin! (.Grit[ w.uitd he a • • 1 thing 1.44
hila as well a•+ for u+. 411.1 for the fie
petard hued. we 41. it K .scut 1' 1.
ado it. 'Flee Liau
Lit thiel: the, a t
4ing friend of I,n-•IIA/ 11•14$11•14$it$
would wish• Wi d+l b 1 I tt the 11 •iti+h
ti 1 Hunter Wins Association Match, and
r. i Beaman, of London. the Consolation.
L is r rtrp tow»n1l The U."i..rirh howling tuln•uaulcnt
Was concluded Tart Friday. The rink
ptletrotttt Ta1l1< eumpetitluns were dui hest nu 'I'tcut•s-
tion match Iwiug played by electric
bt. The al. in the associatiOn
match also were plasm! After -supper,
(• and (Mare Wits a good ct•owd 01 spec.
If tattles to Wil llr-e the exciting wlnd-
t tip of Ihr rink gasters. The arslci,t•
.41.10 Marto were net ween 1A•. Hunter.
of Uo t1 t-ich, and W. Alen, of Luck.
h bow, and Iho game war a clime and
hard-fought aur. At one time !)r.
Hunter 'NM tour do4vu, but he won
‘nut b a aeon.,ul 1,114 to 111, and War
s heartily congratulated on his ruccelus.
'Phe runcluding gamer in lite (small*-
, (lint /• petition Were as foHllwa :
-- -- -- - ,
•' 4 haterMh !trusses
e Prod.l)avl.. 13 B.('.. claw c' .. 11.
•A, Al. fleaurm.atoe.
' . Finals.
Jostled. 1:0de1:1191
,A, M. Heitman 1.1 Find Davi. kr
h,•flelrlr Fred. !)avis gave Hes-
mann, of i.4oudun, is clime run stul the
game tar watched with keen in-
ten•rt all through.
T'fie retires In the doubler cud
rillglrr Wer(+ as folli)W.: _.
DOUBLES . Preliminary Round. _.
'.Irl letting? and (Lambie, llodcrich - 11
tlsirlbrr find f1',ata•ia./duderia,a , ....._:s,►.
1/owningaod.hu•k•un. Hros.el• - 11--
\ Elliott end McUtlli4 ray, Uulruch le
itetrnlyall-andBut bu,4. Uoiteritta " _ ...tg..
Ilan•uu and hurter, Wnigham • C
Habktrk and ('annmval. Hr....el+, defaulted in
11(140, l and Archer, Luck now.
11a. ((• and Halt. Ualerirh 4
Tayh,eand Hearer, ('limon 11
Holing+and Fox. Uoderirh iv
Smith end 1Viitson, Lurknow It
Manner. and Na+II, w•iirghant,.defawited to
Ito.- .nd $'tei* Hr,lw.eei..
They adtled Stadia'. "solid eighteen" of Liberal earner. If Britain ad •p's t prefer*.hardtuner-l-epresentativta. at Ottiewa, was bivlkru (dal tariff, it Htu+t bra upon,'. rhe
' by the election of n Conservative i
al y per wpm___
thinks it the best dolmas for her own
is ttae heatsF7ksI'•
rejoicing. in the Opposition ranks.
The i•,iitut prtaslwt- LT:aliffriat
is .folly to encouragethe
tient of manufacturing-Irn(ttetrrer err
yowl the Hittite whish the natural
development of the country warrants.
Only thoreondurteies which are 1.14"
supporting air an addition to the
wealth and strength of the uutiln.
„These (flat ,eluit.- •eddling arra
t 4411 1 u weak-
wttle-feeding are a t ice, t
nese. To keep there weakling. alive
1rgiti.uate manufarturea whtch-other•-
wise,would prosper are 'heavily but.
'trued. Now that the farmers are
Leaping a good hat ye,t conditions ate
already improving and the roomier -
els' -depression will intim he a 'Wog of
1t- ow there -is a trial -on est irtiro which
Ir dircluses Itow the l'on ervrttive "vie-
ttory'' was ubt:' •it.-:-ACcolding to
the evidemce,gl•ell it* ttI1 .titltby -re-
luctant Witm•s.c+, Ir election was an
orgy in which wh kr)* and tnonev
ere lavishly dial el .ted to obtain
coel( for the l'uns.'t•va vet candidate,
!e revelations hart• •seated Coll -
sternal -ion. in the Upto$i;on ranks,
coming suy4Non heron. a gen 'nil. elec.
"lion -Ti w 1c'Tr -Tawas - ofted
Conservatives tila,, their past 1
in this line would b
by the voters. N
show a clean sheet
Presto reports from \'nn,•onvet brute
that 9 Whits- woman .d lh.it city has
Itlitet•ietl- a Hindu. After' -AI - -the-
eruplerti44 tall we_ b:aau _man brut ' g
10 Inti( Ihr 4eoplr--y1' 1hr 1'.a+itle coast
proviuce as to Ili. gott eco lulderir-
abitit}• of libido impinge,' ituI. tide
fresh hit of news i. Attie -nit, lar
tieiikrl' when it iN-understood that
the Wolman in the. (' ase is not. AY (411
might imagine, of the under world,
Mit. on the q,ntrarv, eminently re -
tweet able ehd well connected.
v__ _ .Unit soaker Ni.'' tase'•il the more -
'w to ignorant Easterners is
ord the fact that this white w n, who
en picked as husband front the caulks of a
dark-ski11ne1 race of. men. who are
cid.sel by British Columbia white
len as u1dte(4irable4 WAY 111" young, -
eet, impress bre tyro --at the
net of matrimonial selection. She
a widow, who confecos 'to thirty
•e birthdays, -an41 her letter
41 Was a white Alan.
thing more meted to cum --
e discomfiture ai there
.if a noble haatet•n rp)Te 1•;
ba. cleanest a+l.
is a Inter that
n1. war moa
largely forgo
litter party c.
n election nirth-
ext,, and it looks as i1 the.only way to
hr. paaiK, gets rid of the tsihticaj-l'oi•ruptiouist is R
in A tacit in ernIetytby the -Natter ole -
EDITORIAL NOTES. `(}sent in broth parties to trent him epi hush
an enemy to the public, no matter in Is a
he, oliticiatl are on the ragged
I �- KK
of uncet'taulty over_`be date of
minion electibne. •
TC w be interesting 14) see f The
Toronto ewe., in its passion for 'ght-
ill oppose. 'Ow
Georger E. Nneiger
in North- T ntti.
Ther.' will • a great gathering m
the clans at C ' ton when Sir \Vllfri
favor ufltvhictl party he mega be ply- Wet!'
ing his vicinn1 trade. tnadu
:h( Conservatives tat South Huron
have .eleetlyd litho Sherrill, of
Stephen township, as their candidate
to oppose. Al. Y. McLean, the present
member, at the fort he( ming election to
the Ottawa House. , Mr. Sherritt is
f •identl' con.ider•et the strongest
d m '1 in the l'onrervative r*nkr in
sent Ilur nl, alrinlmgh -e'x q'arden
Thom4 E. hays, . "aT si•arnrth,
looked u • u by many 444. the man who
should has • had the: nomination. In
31. Y. Alcf. u, however, the people
of the vie Ig „Mire a repre-
sentative who i serving his cousjit..
lipids well, and tit will probably Lee
nu good-- teasel for refusing
hint reelection w ' pulling day
come,. Mr. McLean is nut only
an able and cnnacieutiul set% ant of
the public, but he it a stip ,rter,uf a
tuvernment which, what
tins ,1 ,,,' n trtngntncen
ur ('atuadat" 1%14 which is reps
t e of the t progressive elem..
in i%%nadaa to degree which rano,-
les approached by any possilde combin-
ation ohm en at present e posing the
npprrit,n party..; "Laurier and Mr-
be-SANU8 1L.w Gas (tae
bestows his eunn smile on the ek►eh•
All Gain Ore Merl p
No Alod.'I School • 'Is for Uosle:'ich
this year. o
) .thanks to , decree f the
Grand Mogul o1 the pallmrnt of
Education at Toronto,
kir 4 hat•Ie•a 1 upper sees t t the Slaw
katchewaul elections the expr ion of
antagorlistu US LibAetal rule t Ot•
time. It is the sante old Sir .Ch les,
"'��"According to the Conservative %1•-
gems. increeee•11 expenditure at Uttar..
.. .1 ,,,..8mm lner'rras •li-Pxpe
dip 1 e• at Toronto is evidence of states;
(tlanshi p.
When E.a11 Grey passed up the take
fe•rtertbty, remembering Ulysses and
the. Siren1, he gave orders that his
yacht should not. be alluwr•l tae .m's
nearer to 60 4ricla than ono suits. lost.
he should Ir• tate a'tn•'apturlrl with the
iWl(,I1ien of 411e\4.14n that he should
1e unable to trail' ilmilself :1(ray mid
.pr(s•e•d further ort\his trip. Or Was
it -that he had beerd‘that if itrrtand_
at O'oele•ich he wool J run as fair
chane, of dropping his g au a hole in
the wharf ,w falling twee• eral•heap
Ibir1:(h for EarI lire•".', enay !
'rhe uuminutiun of John M e•rritt in
111ai10+ florin w a reminder\ es' the
gerrymander. npott which t.114, Can
servatIV.' party used 11. t.'I>•, II 1:
Shriek 4 war formerly 111' t'r
srntativr of North 14MM-t Ilex, -t
township of ttrpli.n. in which 1
residue, having leen taken out '31
Huron, to which it betong'., and
pllu•.'d in the north tiding of ;111,1411,
1111x, ml mxi.'r in Make that rising- ape
for a l on,.'rvistive. Similarly the
township of 1'elot ne was formerly in
South Perth. %('hen the Liberal:
•rafts*.-into-Tererre they reelnn•d Phi%
county boundaries, and I'elxprne• and
Stephen are in South Heston
where they should Ile.
('onservativet organs fetch((•.' that
the 4ta.katchewan elee•tinns have
given the Scutt Government a smash-
ing blew and that something similar
»writs the Laurier (Government. Let
1111 140111. it 4)144. Of turfy .La1a the
Literal party im ShirkaL•hewmn (alp•
toted twenty-six and the Conservative
pearly fourteen. There will be L!.'
seals in the next Pallialitent at Ot-
tawa, and in the 81411)4' proportion as
the results in•Sa.katchewsn Laurier
will bare 111 of those seate and Bor-
den reeVPntys44etr- a Lilwr•al majority
of sixty-seven. If. the Conservatives
fie atistttetl with thte 'MOIL there
is not much use in._going to tits ex
pensr of n election.'
Uiecossing Conservative party pros.
pert. in South Huron The Exeter Ad•
-vUPriterVeaeeevwlhvet(says • -
'rl'he candidate. in the January by.
election was henry Horton, of luck-
crsmith, who nut up a good fight
against M. Y. McLean, Mut lord. Mr.
Horton polled a larger vote than the
late B. B. Gunn in the last general
'election hot was unable to win, owing
to the fact that it was a hy•electinn
and nearly evert vote war polled. in
a general election Mr. McLean, who
will certainly toe the Literal Candi•
date again, ehould 11e defeated by a
etr•tng Conservative candidate.
This it virtually an ulmission that the
Liberals of Smith Huron can win if
they poll their full vot.,•hut that the
Cnos.rvetivers count on Hie failure. of
the Liberals to exert (heir full
strength at the polls. Mr, Mcj.eap'r
nd yet,. axestilt of
evidence th t the Hindu
may be east asainlilat
expect to he renewed talk of "un.
desirables. '
Eleventh Hu»sm ave Leng and
Eventful Hi
1 retyb,,fy' know,- •, ' 'the (.heirs
sr. -the IItb N•.--.•r.-trrerata:
• for their rim n ..t
cul a dt-t,n't .•..., 1
vats(e '
r urnt The I Lil
es ublisite 1 IH Irt IB 1,144 o rope
r.utb 11.• Jad t l ch.1U.1(1 i• Scot-
land, awl it 1111-4•••.• •n n great Pal
cal tigltttn1 all\ t'r• :,iitn•ut .•f .u•
rope; it? F•oypt:\amde i•1 Indus
Uurinr tit.• co11J..• .,f at. bong h
no exp. -news. lrrs been i e4citlnd ra
Ow olnlrge .a too. 11th with tit•• Light
Iari}a.I • 111 •h1'1 :11 -hi :r. nn! • • • .ad•
(.sotto .01 iserr • she, 1 . •
A.. fp,. tool: fuel' *41 1!. :1.11,• 4.rj� ,.C• .eget
Allan .and N1uldoch, Luckrauw
Lane and Hunter, Ualenrh
First Round..
Mcl)erwW I and Uambte, Uode,i.•h
1 W w uilyt and Jack -on. Hn,saele
llarvou and Porter, Wing'
Ilildred and Archer, Lueknow
Taylor and Hoover, Clinton
Holmes and Fu'. GNU -rich
Roe. and Fiehl. Hr„-srhe • - -
.%l1in and M,,r,4o,h, Luck hoe
M.Loinand 11.11411, falttleeleh
Itelrold. and Kidd, Uoderirh
Met4 .ry nod Hen,, Lurknow
1111r and I)i,'Llnrn,. Uoderirb
1 tawfonl rill Hulme., %%'Ingham
Hunter raid Ned Iger, Clint ,n
Nair4Uw4 A4ha-, U1td.'rk•h
1x• wnu,g 444.4 Jack.ou. ltru..ot.
H(Idre,l and Archer. 1.11Minow
i4d Fb:
.0 h.
Allfn and Burdach. l.Ockaww '
Mclean and Browp, liodericli
Tig.•rt end Lloyd, Uoderich
Blair and *Dirk (ioderlrh
1- Hoofer and Nedlgcr, 1'nnt.e.
ieir and Jucon. Hro.-ell, defaulted ao
Allis and Murdoch. Lurknow.
;Hunter and Nediger. I'linton, defaulted to
Ilgett and L1gyd. Ucdcnchc
\ In
rill. glen , II -Mn and \inrtlueh, Lurknow
y.' ttutrr T.rcrt a..d 4.404d, l.,Nte4.h
.ant war
SINGLES -First Round.
U.•Holter., w'incham
F'. J. lint htud. Godes t. • h
K. le UI"ktn.on, noted"•
II. U. Iteynulde, Uoder.ch • ! la
.14.4. 'Duro, Dodench i" 1..
J. I'. Brown, Utder,•h lc
(•. M. Lloyd. Ualerfch
F: It. %%at+oo. Uoderich
11. 1.. Jerked,. Br,a+.el•
r oda. 1,14 ",,. ltodtrich
1' . 1..1..14.1. U,derich
Its. latde, tiodrri(h
face. Fa1Nat, lieidtrirtr-•--:
f J-. It andira.. Drnweel•
Til WitION't,
, A widow he bad only One !
.1 puny and lecnydt-soir; ---
liut. day a 11 night,
3'1ot lug child, li wit. her all• -
' Fred Hi, le,. bloderlt•ii
It. newton Ifirneeel.
J, O. Alurdoeh.
▪ Kidd. Goderich.
T. Ai eliernion,
3. A. Humbail tr
Bev. Stetilltit
Thai friend« were fe re
41..1 Ishii,. «he toiled for ily (nee_
little et 'itch tho a
suet. NMI : awl, ettreptIly 1/1111 by,.
D Interrupt Canade's Progress.
IrXer hi. work.
the men to \carry it on.
An lamossible Attitude.
1.004ou Advertiser.
'The Conservativi. press, in /Oro.
eating Imperial preferential trade lind-
en increarerin the duties on British
imports-, is tryrittg...to be knork-kneetT
and bow•h•gged at 'the Sallie !inn..
Enforce the Law.
London Frte Piers.
itt ;moot tittle the people ul
riiitert Stade,' decided definitely that
when on.. 1113p Mks.. the life of
another, except when defending him -
belt from llllll tat attack, he shall pay
the full tiettalty Nte Irw exert!. If
the 'inert -atria law ie to prevail. 'why
event there would be a general
slittighter in Pittsburg and kindred.
fitheees, but if the litw goiel for ono.
;pooh' be tavailabla to ell- who -May.-
feeT that way.
Looking Backward.
Brantford Flxpireitni.
How many people in Canade wodld
bp willing to 111111 bank the handl. of
the clock to lenn ? How men., ;monk
Canada of today for the Canada of
twelve peers ago st How mit ny Want -
trial -
4', If, Han r.4-Jefleetelt
Rumen try, liJdenell
1,441 vIr.•Joiletieh
Hob'. NIclaatt, ii.Nterteti' 11
It. • 1. r tett. "litir.srls, 11131anliN1 to
J. 1.•ffnurtlett.-troderictr-
now. Itetwattat
defaulted to
„ fitLbtiAtr 424 tam
and the lith I. /leers. The I Ith rode
only ta enty-live -rife-Tom call after
horee -broke a leg i galloping beak,
..0 lie gid riff end left it and took to
te the Rosman }leasers, trout
whoso, jacket he cut a button. House
of the riderless horses of "the Cherry-
pickers- titt•il. (Awe tO him,
"knowing tho uniforni," and he man-
aged to get back to our lined, very in-
dignant at the fund order which had
C' • venekers are mentioned is the
the gettint -musette in a black
hottl.. at moss. This- -ls.d to friction.
mei the consequence wait...Oat Rey-
nolds and ("antigun would tire..shake
hands for twenty -hive years. It 'also
led to soother Captain Reynolda itt
regimetti,..who took exception to
mine of t'ardigan's typically rude re-
marks._ .beine..._ courtatertalleel and
thirdly, to it Captain Tooke!, who
side, being wounded m a duel by his
lordehip, who was tried b the Home
lif-ientsfriant yet. the
ilth had A arteaking all on for the
old firroi.eatet,, who died just forty
COAT 410.
ford of today for the Brantford as it , .
was left by the Conservative pert in
lenit. The great improvement. th
In cotintty and in eity, whieh hes
taken place in the lest twelve year* ie
doe to the progressive policy of the
Laurier Govet•nment.
Not a Change for the Better.
Hamilton Toner,
The "approved school" system now
to be put in tome places the responsi.
bifity of promoting pupils entirely up-
on the prineitl. Ile is thus made a
law unto hintoelf. It. is re, onerous
sod &termite responifibility Ill place
urns a tssielmr. In the luedinti eager.
DOW of the Deportment to escape "egs
Cement Floors Under caws.
Every few dart ve hear of the had
Uffeete upon eoWl1 of the .-01.1 cement
floor, sAys Hoard'. Dairyman Some
of the wise one. corer over the cement
vrlth boards. but many do not The ro
snit Is 'argot and !MN nf gosrtone
the udder Nn other portion or the
eOW'll bride takes Oa nitteh Newt sr the%
udder. eseept It he the heart mod
The Ng "Ana, called milk vein*. mew
that ivies no the essId eornent Saar
.• intros controntlon In the nitsler RIM
lellthins la frequently emmed.,101111.
. Taylor. Clinton
lewd Vox, iindertelv
Third -
J. lion, liudetrieli
41. tiro I
for Fall and Winter are here.
Plain colors -Black, Navy, Brown and Green,.
In Beavers, Kerseys and Melton Cloths,
Come and See.
West Street Ladies' Wear,
1 -AN- cOA? _
1 • A great Manly people will he travelling the coming month
and it will be necessary, to take with you a Fall Overcoat or
Itatticsift. l�'i. 11u4t1e . splendid range of their in -the
20th- �E+ -TURY--' rRfVi .-
The FAN Ov'reuata are 1u+u1r from dark grey or black
-_L'havittir.avitbsillt ( �d ,'inyrsetal
shales in Craavenelte goods.'
Arm' yourseif with a 20th Century Brand Fall
Overcoat or Raincoat.
Three dozen of (7amptwh'q Scotch Flannel Shirt.., nice fancy 'patterns.
good to weal any time of the year. Regular, j$z.so:• .n atusday,
75C' -
With the close of lir tbsle •ich
huwJing`tout I�»,�to���r�•ly Lir (N • e•
604414! wee- 14.44.148 cone _.
1.0altlt llgLon•t oell•llalllrnt,. however, i.
11111 to (monde off, tiring iann el for
,September it h and following days.`
'SPgiT4 . N.'.I,.' ',Ilt oNU\To - lSI
11IHITION. Its, not fail to take advan-
tage of the ruperiut' train wirier and
'Elie 'fund h11eI4411111 -sileeld g�-
holiday In the country. As she got in-
to the 1 nein • be .;aid : "But, my dear•
wool, yon LIS kr .1111)4' Halton to {'earl °..
"Uh, 1481, alar reepotrthrt sweetly,' • !'-
.hilt ,lepe ld en_ your 'mitre rrt,u
tome. I
exceedingly cheap rites of the Orand !
Think Railway to our great Canadian , _`. _.._.:..'.
National Exhibition. The lin T. R. a % +
has four trains daily in each dins:lion / f/�� ^:j
C heP (� /r
with parlor rays and through oar
to Toronto. Special train on Rxcttr
lion days lea'jng (itwlerich at 1: ».v111„
arriving in Toronto tit .111:11 a. M.
1'aasengrls travelling on morning
traitor shrtuW get... their ticket,. the
night heroes. and avoid confusion at
station. Fbr ticketeand all infnrme.
lint- l' 11
all n FrankLawrence,
G. T. R.
town agent. (tribe' hours .i:'lt1 a. m.
to H::pe p. m. during rxhibaliun weeks.
'At.the le:whore there in a lot tem•
to.re-Lhan the shute.
\Lanial sch..d to tr.uii
a�..• Illr In the 114,n/r.
your nduwnwnt Is -twits low
13\ter._ ru.t_1ay41.•
daughter- a a+lvantaatr..
year and fret -
t..1 than ...et. (F 'tr f.,. 4.l4ta
to lo4(ue : Alma C Ileg'e, St
'I'hutn.,. Outati,.
6 0 0 S Td E TN E0 ERuARP41 IpEHRESI s
14.111.1•1114•01.1. rfit1f140.- 11 1,1 1110- I
II lineenica
S'INEsS 1.1111'.
•s . it
. I111e,• elle kl.nw tee the Imeril. of Iii• ,shunt
I'bf- •u11.•gr :foods qs.t in poetdaraty, thorough
Nese 4p d genuine /Mfa..140 where jou will.
-rem it. And est gradnnl4+ pushing to the
lend. T tt Zn esti•.. training enable. them
r a
to 4E .oe. N � r
Cl first + ,b.ltinll.. 1'0111 KItr
open all ..moiler. Fade, anytime. Write fur
St. Jerome's College
Commercial Course. Latek 'RUMMY'S
Nigh School Come. Special fecilitieti
Arts COW'S& specialiete with Euro.
111.1411 11/A111111g 1114 All elitinea.
Athletics enentirsiged. Boa1.1 and
lotion at very moth -rate retie.. 1•'• tr.
ettlehdar, /satires.:
reties( .et- -410-441,411 -invieer. --pert-irt
write for its New Catalogue. Vial
. Terre -from nem. 1. Address
ir,.....,.......m. Itir:TAHT
4IM 11111.1=1111.114111W
I all 1 ei to Opens Sept. 1st.
The •onnet you complete atone.elts
-.Idiot the • ler you luny expert lo hold a
and pearl teal. 111 r Welt. Wally. circerl.
need instructors. f togue tree.
' Finals.
J. 11411, ilorlerieli
The (4.xlerich bowlers 01:4.1.• gtiod
recold ill the tournament. Sheriff
Reynolds' rink made something of en
achieVement in winning second in the
trophy match. fie. Reenter'', rink dis-
tingnished themselves in winning fleet
in the assoriation match mid Fretl
prow emir ramp remind in the control.
neehral in the ditilbles, am! first and
marina! in the single'. went to Goderich
players -1. (JAIL and Hunter.
with leading Inniintes Innows
Await our graduates.
Modern 'office met h -
ode which enottre rapid ad
tAnght by the only teachei
in Ontario who 'attended the
Author's school.
THREE COURSES. Stenogrrphy
'conmerciab Telegraphy.
Voter sny tey. Write for part ie.
1908 FALL 1908
For Fall and Winter
can show you the swellest range of woollens
ever rnwn in Goderich.
111 4.
tor th
We have sole control for Grwlerich of , these world hinted
Perfumer+. We have the ftill line of
DYERKISS PERFUME, in bulk and bottles.
This line is making a great hit, in Goderleh and many flattering
remiarks we hear about it.
If it's good we have it
' 4uarri
ter of
right .
• /ISH E'
• the ors
- 1yin•, .
• aat oral
troy, r
t irni of
at 7 hue
Itr. Eno
1h. Tan
011(11 H&J
Aural It
•I sul
kteter Si
tont NW,
rate tut
1411. for
any INVI.
fd 111.111
+nee ell
Vall at
or addr
Tele .tic
town In
John Ile
Pt reet,
when n