HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-20, Page 7tom, v. r a.. ,.
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THR -SIGNAL ; GODPAUCH, ONTARIO• i TevwluAT, August 20, 1'908 7
- —
***-* ++**++ 41",i, i,+4 fl 4**—*/4- r:d , illvl:% ar(l:i+ Nr J' Hapidw, Mleb : l p 1`'
a . ' to N'Ilia 1► vitaifilly ilia LIt,U1e1N unit Nb -
The News of the District'. " I Iris herr, iirititch file fev.34VIchurch, lire. Mr. \'rale, of Kir•ktuil, ....For,...c,1-'.--
in Ihr AlrlhiOdist chwrh, and Itrv. Mr S ,
lluiug, of F:xrtrr, in tile. Prrabytrlirn W r " -e 4 r •
c1tL1'LL In the evetufai( its►. Mr.:
ale tilt l'rrsbyto-thtll cllurch. Hayfield t t M ll1
s LUCKNOW. MAFEKINU. I. DUNGANNON.' lust evening proved a big hlnrt•u», m-clus ll, 1., tile. i-tvisulrn'N {nuaili.w, g
MONDAY, Aug. 17th. - MoNmaky, Aug. 17th. 1 A. NEWTON. f►F:N'I'IS'1. 1 CCK: ,Uthough the evelliug wow caul Ili" u, ",largr-r 11 If of thew apleear -
• ' utlrndlwee WrW •11trga. UIaU)' purlie's r:uh ,rn,uu it) uhf i•idla •r.
Mr. xud Mrs, JOB- Hutton vlsited at Alula Alton, of Alton, it viriting at I Ir NUN'.- At hulu•et el y day-1—La b • • " ' 4'
llud•rich la+bt week. the hulas of her uugt Mrs. W. Bleske, 4e.).' New' rowwlytur vatrlla•uur fav til (eausuu fiuvnug ah ivrtt alt w I tool I)u1t{ivutsaaar p `p
turn,), INA ter I baterfss, t I uw a uud bride• work a Iflyll(. St1p{wr %vote Net teed trout 'Held Hats,
Mier Mar Krrg, of TxvirtuCk, i» Airs. Whitley it viritlug all tlirlrw Aluwinwuvlawsuwubroak•btea n w , ud, utter rveryout- haul l:tla ENGLAND ANO :SCANDINAVIA.
N. h. -You eon u1N•a)', hat r aur ww'k much J
visiting frirudr herr, home alt her daughter, Mrs. Stuart better done it) the drnl+lt ualce -luure timo. I lakt-u it axal thing. provided by -- Nei (j ( veS
Dr. \Valtrr HAird, of Muutreal grt). F'iulay. Iwttbrreuditle.furdoin)fueo murk. wws,uul the Ixitirs, 1 t't+uluK war resat it) Histories of Two Races Are Inter• f
g , darlalito fur Iw naalierl• woeial ,daft. The ire nu t uud vI
real horpiWl, is s{trading Iluliedayr Alixr [.uiu 1 sillies, of Uaxlrrich, it d ' K woven For Many Centuries. T•
with friends in Lt)wu. the gum of her cuusiu, Mins Ir►ura TUI'ICF],-'rifF. 1.oCAL A(ilsNCl' giVau by the Harper%a .uuduu, who New Ties,
Mr. and Ahs.\V1u.Ularirr,of Dun. Phillips. le.it))runifausonforThesiruall.atIsePoet rendered excellent uus,ic, Vhilt-we. "'l'h. t'Isits whic11 flue filly Iuad !
clow+ rtxal[ and Static u,ry stow, .%her. have hal dullbt 111,11 , the uta ' was Quern hate 1xru.pu)'ioQ A, the suer -
1t were the guests of Mr. anti Nit -x. Iw•ila Blake returned last week fruit) union. will Iw ro.wived fur eub.N•ripuou. ad I New Handkerchiefs, ',taste. WALLnrlt hart week. Ntwudingg holidava with retestives iu'raittnoluit and tub wurk, wed so,wlutr will bo apprieviated it was luu>;t disV/)uru ftty, rri{iu> ,.r Int ntwuk, ,It hwtvlen, road et
' Uaxlet•icdl, alvei fur •umuutw .ettd for taw •.one• to uoticr that }rrO►a•tieal uo uppluuse 'urway iw '.1 1M• 11 mat'-b.,i with io- ,
S, Kusa pad hranK Mclntuah it. _ _ -,--- W Yr_Auuyl iY,ru, flan Jath- -xtw=baa- Petr _ -6a-alw-Witi-I - p ' J * -
lrSderl the meeting alt tile. 1. Il. F. Miss Birdie andhdw•ard Durtri,i,.o cu 1tutlrtrtl ou +•Hain it , p+e•pl "I "['It--husv "Our ic- ' ' ew- 1`esis•
Urwld tuft rut St. l IwwOas twat week. Dungannon, s scut !lands)' %1111 Miam Nettie Sptrrul iN speudiug her VK '1 K .
K K i holidays with friends in tlrafalrth, rpleudid IIIIIMiI'Ia1,N :rll/t i1. 1» hujtrd tattoo, mil r 11 c;lpdihaviun Iw.,.
At the utretin of that 'raLt, to ells friends here. W. k. Kelly. u (fudrrtch, wadeb a that tbr3 wiU, wwsr fuLurr l dols, n ail sla', Lee unw uiu,. vrty v.ldt-at in lave ever 't roll that li neW
gg 1 Y I K ! pt III. fal't \I'H
lulrt wrra tit cunsiit .r ,natters in Von- William It..lull+slo11 with hill little hu 'arse Nei sal out- t(loder load andel A have thew At their elaertxiuwrut. our II,HN hi tutt -The) (lat., buck,
netction with the new 'briJgra lariug Nan!, t:«ail: wxt arnt-wnoold acquaint. y P, tThiSpoarrs. The batoe hill tram is fur ll, It•' al1 kuoN t., Suwon tone-, ttllrl, Ill lllHll We.'artahk+ . You will ell O • the
. built, a motion wait c,LITiwl raqueKtit'g ante. herr during the part week. day. Guviug. 'lit Ihr mluro- WILL •f) with Indeed, 111,•% wart- b) uo In ;air. 991tee- r J x
the ca moil to subunit it bylaw to raise Mira (frac„ anti Willet Malluugll, ' 111axlry Treleaven+ of Ilewiltwrl dsl \'ekittlr{d, which a.,, pl!tyed un lit,- abb•.to u, YY, a.t;itg• :seal their \VAI'111 W(-ittll(t UIl1Cll blotter })y donning gear
-* -Ifllit for bridge etanotruetirnr, 011 who have bet -ii sprudinKK holidays autluyung Ilia holidays with Ira 1 Auburn dialuuud, tit 11alIua tr:uu auc- wild fvll'.%a,r- Q tar u:; our tit t rieyt that is Ilew Shit fresh, Stich Its call be fotlnll
twlrr►ty-year debenture". with )•,datives hsoro, returned tact week ltrrr' - - - - rvs-th d- is wilting out r when. o: -t4 --P++ of - iii -1-4-41 .r ... w+ u -rye w. r, mr}-#u - _ - -- -. .
s a
lteeye_ Atidtirr7-n waA a cisitur sal tit_ thrix haute in lhxlrrich. re+lrtun Ntrnng, of litxlrrirh, visited file alrfe'it it lbe previus _yulur by a ,.ui hativilui•... _iu`uur pia+,•-rtayw.i.±alts! Ill ChU1L'C \':llal!t ' aC
Ottawa last witek, Joe, a uolmla v of Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. VVeleh and Miry at` the hunts of ih',.(aa(+ vol► HuudAY scorn ia( tit: lit the nt-ar Ullwr a eve"'in, the cfa,at ,o ,.( smut, „f our y
atl putwtion repreeenNng the• Apple 1••twykand Wallace Welch Who ate Tart. ''" gauze• it to Iw phtywl' lartwaxai ttit• bleat iaipulalwu• all I.d1c l:re.n Srr '
- Ihkan, tiro Atuocta2tt tY air t)htpt io 'whit riiem-Ting n few wee x gnloyiu{t » iTiCit vttg ' is at I"
!iii a x x [Tie' t i 1 me+: TiTv : h 117 re. ,ou . In• ee •ufri+ Tri& r ! /• C t •p
went down lit inirrvrew. Uu+ Mwiittl'r' uuutry her at Port Ahwrt, a{want hr. 1 alt t nslutsg ort Urr, tools alt N. M. Natal tile. Ir)) r plenty ad..plae Nar..:; .., of tln•tr pn.•vua yea n•nuuu'' The Pa -lace V 1 othl n ✓ L of Ar
alt AftriculWre rietative to the rulunlis- ,sty at the halide ,d' Mrs. \V. iWlharA. ersyn. I.awri Irnnis "will" lit have sew Dille ,`1 ,) kalvu u, ,.tie of t11i• w tweet of
tration taLthe Fruit Marks Act. l'ate-I.,1L 1.rrY.---•It" -Air.- A uuu.Iier h•o.0 here witeuded Lilt,- 11WIllldaruat)s1JU lT:,rt .ho,.l.t • 1 ,ua..,y y -yea,, ate n,,) yew _ - - - --- ---
- - 'lawn wtt•ia1 its •Aalatr! lift Tues,b_t Made W revival the, iuLrrert .lit _it. wilu_lekia 4UIC auJ fal r. ,aw. a mute
rl,. , a — We ha'Ve-eVE9ry fi rrg-t Y __
'---U8T,W rvrmn ,. - Tql e u r u sou a.. a iMN r:m uw QT ` CiT till ( Boy.
tail sled too
19xkr'rchurha Hr waw K with a lit,ll(; expense- could lie ula,le ra111utIQYt CR,s w,.st nutabl,• uud' ata
AI„Nuvv, August 17th, aNsixtwl b) N.V.I11 r•. Purchase. who is '1', E. lluruih rhU)pesl .a-e:ar-head of laic-.
IwrLurm excellent, We undershot Ihill lhe Inrvi,gLki._ fivurt _aIL._Lhus.• di: t and all Moderate rices.
\lrr. William ROOM famous went tia lialt K la tllraid alt rntwrfws• 1'jtir uetLtlr -tetaa h iirw bit-TuruttW i,rreilibrr.hiW, is , iurli•x+siilg dnJ, aN titin- Ili later ,try' Nhrn tour t4tvir». p '
--nh.Slaturalray-b1 attalal the' f u)ural-atf-4► even u \!r:' Ili r _air will- Ive s Sat_u)ylnY,.------------. re.-,trr mam , - _- --... _
Iw•ture', oa •• ap1u1,' in
his lack Roberts returned hutuc I.. at I , cs _._ __
A. ('took, of Il,»irric1- iw-- frying 'NN H week after a cotapto of werkd outing to walk. " 1 t r' tvr NIuu11d get l of tint«•r :rand t)tla•i a 1.•riuls w 11V!u _ -1.
relative. _ yy Lir roundx lit -#I
'll aA a rests t 1ews,
TILE. IfAlt\ k., 1, The many thunder- at Grarld Bind. (, _ _ w,• dr a Ir gar tb• Xort tam attitude.
visit at his house art$ tae sixth ,.n t of
. .. sheens of tat« have delayed tilt, It. 1;. Alauoiti and Hard returst i14 'f til, tBrlti,••{sister, u:u es „ubi,t, M-
Thursday. flat•ulerr with harvesting t) K -" BENMIa,LER. ' oustaut ••Lne:Glrl•. to Ihr ary 0,•rt•ot
g {trratiuns, ou Mi+rldny aft, ac
Among those wilt) left. fall' Ilia. \Vert Iw l )' un r "fes' 1►K 11LLPta -I% alt .itaR•.ulrn.
o 1 t le erops would very motion , ,,LdNafetolyr
u our
\ ' % e tome im% a err . 'e d
\lxitlanJ Henry. Juhfi A1cUuwt-ll• Jr- ab)aed away' in Llre barns y lits .ulruut \Viqurd ra•tlan J I All. Jt-aairOl { nt t 1 w a)r trisliJ.,. fold fhe;c hay.• sided ultaln.,t •K'harlie Mruuurauld Hurry ('sok, til« thrwieIler, who Isis alaruwafe Saturday &(Let aprtidittg it few days tart week .in liiide i ll. us, all us ,ties nal: ,.r a. fes 1hrV r Tailors, Clothiers,,and Men s -Outfitters.
Mr+i, it. Tisdale, ami litUr grand _ with tti,•ud» in Locale• Ali>, alxfrelh' U JIJ•ra, L;.Mb'ru:k 1wv wsair_uauC r THE PALACE CLOTHING TORE
Art silo
p { K y, Y I „nal 4t)ice!- uu. alulisatiuin CLO NG S
nhurghtrr, I:ettrtldr Nta•in, Irft .rn ill i- ingn. 'rtr, iev t µ1r twllfCf all' afairthresh- Itrv, S. V. 1'rnUaud. Wifu and taro- Luvcol,lulr. I+ r. %radia, a few days will) et ,, { m \t til:• I r •e rl l+wltlurt
lay for a twit weeks.v lsut with the generotry harvest this year. sly returue•d W I.ouiuville yesterday Al+. , F.thel Walker,. l,. tel. iur 1, ssasvus observ-
rrforuler's rioter and other frirnts near after vigil With friends herr. l'.,tv Kt Ov tat uv, int: 1'atW v. d that tilP.Rw J trs•I 171ur they are MI
" jTi out Y reek. -' e. ' • IV
calngraUdata. Koos. Rutherford Will Lung had the ori,ft,eru11a to los. 'skin t u' be. 11 ".., ;hill by ,.ricin.
1►, C. (lrsamosick reluruwl alit Saturday LOTHIAN. his sellior We r. r talons tha `i 411,hi a vilth r .
w duties ase feta bet of Nu. " VVKINkau.►Y Aa 1W . 11 N".. t lht,lu i h.wwuet rzuwu at Nulr alnat xu.l lamN.larr ti+e- ea a vr/ y uxrty w I t'"t .coaly ., a• 1a1. i4ru uut.rlv-- and s
Iuresltml_-lit d -..-_•--___-- _ __.._ _.---li__-_ ►-__ --- _ --- -1 - Why ;She Hurried i.ilrwi. f..rth : ^t'lrxvr, tar. to drnty
,7. The flue new bmldmg1IOs Ill Alrs. Ken. M-m-Kenrie visited (sort \\'aIf -ll l:arthwaite returned to Glide- t'«cs► ,Maple.'xr,lh.•:luiiII1'dsg.,tbait . .• :twede,: hal-Ii 7wdw d+ vitt►sn Jra
lltwf, . his insurance u)alury,.,
ttuwplrttxl ratdsrnu Wri1y and will hr 1:Iginiltxt work- rich yesterday afli•r relieving et tifelield anal wrusdery on to tile, 'sal Ihr n«ark rent wi p.',.phA .rt all Ito. MrNxnlak,t, :1 mt-nlhrr all' the
- 6 *cutiedtolla fotole flirt lieu•. rxilwa t5sek Ott Alcliaw. hr twaill tile• Il'i •• c'tndlluiei n kigpd,•nrs. "I'kisb I'xrinal» N, tall% all' m Nil -
1 Y Mina \Nowak co11unroCt-d l,•r duties weeks. g of file >+t, rlinl 9Awk fur two Y %'
--- weeks. t:uutr ubutg rand ran star twil, 1tu;h l: vnourr se--uttr u Asijav,' and to achrr who was emirav,it ing tit rrtn-
A•' teacher• tan 31mid'ey,I I In• u,r, •r, t-•' N I, 11 conomerc vvy Ihr idea of ort • to tilt- inessalwrr of
was lying ale tit" kill'; •k.:uall u,u•vu+a lt' laity
Now, 7r
s:.REWE -- ---r _ F1tC-armwrro ares Ht Iarsrrrt larM{yrlr _ _ -ll',elt1. '{'i ., tri ,r-. !,:rc, _ _
:1 number of TaothiahiE7irf AFr; eKfgp -avant wd rarkiu • the { u, 1„ u, lite u,n.+P nf, him rlarN. He Illi»text«d it.
- . -._ ago -d it) elrecting tilt- cr Ment work „f { w I frtcud-hi a _
MuNUA y, Aug. 17th. ing lit Ihr hake t11iit week. ii{{ "thee had its hese aullyd s'nI,_ but I I'• flit'. „- all- th.,-r ua- Nnpp,aNllrg' hr snid, ,,it dean wurkiuK _
I: I Ali,,, i.i)ttie Pierve lett last Wedues- K Jus. \Vhyurd'x holds. John Bleu has I
Stirs Alar arrt Murray, ,if Detroit, mnnrttilvl tol escape; tt• .,#Il .... 4 ilei 1N-ro , -it elf" and out Ihr ritt•r baulk suddruly fAll int.
i \ , Ay iw• liaxlrriuh. is 1di»» Ada AfwcK«waie.-- Ihr contract. _ . `«---.___ _ 1i- -, - - 1W lab,+• lie cawki t"sk swim-awd _wuutd:-ba,-au
. . _ __.. a,t_... "'lt-A. U t\'. -.dill,•. >~tiaAaa.airut------- . €- tra.witi f-'iaxwrt : tau:
Mies Ft4&Hei tut Itre `ii+d_kl••• (I1r+F taufHr - +Yif —
K. l'urrxn, alt tiawi,ILi1n, re. trtra•Wrng MrA- Audrt-w Allan, who Is vtsl[inK :uud „sit „N u. 'I'h.• hiuK screw•, Isrya and girls : I'hs• roan' ,soda
luyuesintlanarrherr. her uurthar, Ain. Ideudrrwnr, air in''ii»itialn of iruchrt It) a rchoul hear \1'ns, \ ur»tau+ „-real m the natal Huuw•: y_
The lullt-r cart of the harvest i» Detroit lhiA work. Pairluy. She. lett uta t+Uunluy last tit' ua•ighla+chr al uvar S,u.:i ,c. v `u,l Que4 n hurt: it) t:lct: x•.vt fila• ,len fall, the cry for help. His l wit.•, r
cou►u1f•alce her ltalrorta. '• A1iaN 1, da \Valuta i, t e.it in , oo ith I X. -its ,.f Hleir awn relative. at all krluwhi his peril u»(I • heac•ing hie WILSON'S
t►indered greatly (an accOuut air Wj lieu. MCNlwlar.i is steadily iw- 3 1 alt Ihr. Nurthrru (.vutj 4el-PlitIID, ruwht-in liked late) to the•
Alts. \\'. Sproul uud Mixs Hattie her vuuain, isN N:1ht-1 \\':alive%, y .
tench rain., proving. '\Va hu{x• to ser him back to It lu 'left tut• the l at on fibs des tin(1111,
"At 0. 1111 t-4 thrall hurt the bank. \V'hy dors ,11,; t I +II to the Swop Pasallst
-` 11A. -king the aumurer d t 11tw started tv,/rk in a short time. , Y Y (hu new tea, hear, Ilio, ll. 1'Intf, hr- N' tis
aha IIUI1tt-Pre•k/•1'M rxl:hr>,it)h. TheYt nlat•a•-.til-iia vtrMraadN ' Nra t)i,r _.Irrutht-c uf__ Qurrlr .tlrxaraddt: :alae- back i" AflPr H {r:ul,r a sulxll hue 'FLY will hill
hwr t,»lay.! R. tittlnin'I girt mart lttr. \V1riUuan 'and family, of Tur- will ire alr.rnt x couple of tnon1,h.A, K,. (roma Prince alt Sweden waw tar• ..,oroAl•attlaw
I the x t d herr. onto, who) had been visiting at Ale•rrt+. , I \\viii. IHtllghYlL l,,rrcl "ll"'. had p •I a
I t . g BCNINKrrw Cu.tNa+r:. Perry Sander- I ' r' uL Windsor, and hi+ bride ilas "
tw', Hicharodsrrn, W., of Muskoka, Mclvrith's, have returned to their Y I tin. tun+fuct+nlr G, ►;.•t ksekrd b_v ottr
1, a1Hr ham ces iavl aiq the harness Of biMoiithpt-hor.rir1i 1 'I'111rtst.e c , t l: nti»+ . AtarQan•t uI l'durlaLight; 'err or •trotryabout't tfw ran+. ♦ l hrrrttrnta .rue Aovrrrtrri. are in ttPADS
ill lisle litiirg friends darer and it hwkiug homy. _ Y re e,dting it) a br,)k. n Irl,. It..l lit k .
data merse nerP its
and helart •. **-- h r Quern Mas d _ — SOLD wY —
3 h titsp{sa red of aha moor 40 Mr. John-- huwr of their dao 11t..r. 5
JawrN l`elhurrl lull ►calu►llle ,,,:,,.,. __---_:--_1i1NTAlL : =- -- :rt 4'litttrin:' t\Ir.--J tea, ---riot. iuwrrr .h:u,111;•i,.'a 'Wilether. artok-oi-oftoutrull'I_ Kilix. fi4w uta. ►
- un'Curaalay of Irnt ttrwk:. Thor. C)d- Wa:uxrrtu.(1'. Aog. Wlh'.. tun Srptemlaer lsf. nal Lough of c)a oy the weather. K h SRIIOCIirS, CSSCERt 1t)• CtilESAI CTCREt sit.
g 'rt These, tit,+. wt,re ws•d.hAl ,.Il Eli hs1l
)wet Abu) lust,une the [ulluwiug dx tbese day,. \V a .1 t)1 ly m tfay a one soil, ant their s•.n. prince lllav, wgt41 s~ Ito Ow Paeko%or a paskewrer saa i
F•' 'Miss' M. Chorke ban resumed- tier E l l'ItsaoNleiTs, rhos. ikK
t), iiw,. shook has tla. aA Il.• h•.u,J Ili • I.,iu dr• will last
Mists Alary (Isallorrt left here ton Fri- work yat S. S. .Nil. :4. Sul' h, Cwal Hyan. ('lift. Iris, Net. scrud:ug it) the Nor, small h„ale of burn its Nurfutk Vita. I»eid 1."coulp-
day 'foo Hird'x /'reek. lia"tingsi Atis*4Jalliu 41441 Ito%; O'Heilly have Ste A t. ,JAN. Ilegh-y, WV Iy. Mrs. Ml,11day ul.H•nau;(, - tries h,a wfoch w,• an• la,+rt,sd by ti«s \county. ft) ae %lune h«r Jutirx aereturnaxl to their du raw aL \Vt)odslrr. Coli uw and Alirw•s UnrnJ Agar +o njallifoid .lull ':o intimate could t' Thr le•a:(ur will la• hAd am u,ual on hsrJl}' bl'1 fol IN• as ce a
Ira-hrr. wer•r:touong those who) w - rt' oil Ihr 1 { table solid 1 I
Atiw, Isabel To YI0r IaaveN this 11101.11- Thurs,ay rvaniug ul .4 ..,•b. -L. Thr . rlrasa it. 'lI we• tin• Q `
Samuel sh-l•wex.ttourformer stire- barvsterx'rslcuriiunaunFriday hest. 1 EI•ad to think
ing (alt 1`hiavago. After aevvrnl weeks' uleetiug will Iw IPd by lit Mew .tut that tile)• will leat•e tile
kt+e•gprf and poNtt usater. has solid out vacation at her huwr here'. IN arae MdTwo isT f t.•l.i•rr.-lira•. Rev. L..1, Snowden. of tl,.hln•.vlll'. is 1 umprst ilia- +yam H ]
}{tabu mesa to It. luhaeEtt. Ike K. J.:1'relt-aceh, of lixnulwn, whoia dalw11 I'alr.tilt- was V',u.uiou Itrli. ursssit)u, up„r1 Ihl mind» ur tile. Harvest
4 Mrs. A. Woodrow, of Jetndun, wilt 1 alatndrhavi ao wayerrrru i,_ alai; N, W
41lbQley- il. engrgsd all r• rk +►t { 4 alt. at p sent spending his holidays herr, iwr." I:vt•r IrltJ wt-lruusr. f p
Nltrnt Ihr past Nvel wfeikswithAti•s preOw ed r►clvptxlrly to a large can- K 3' Y- lotion u, u,urrdly tile)' will N•peol •
ST. HELEN ` hxtr \shitty, re•turnnl to; her home grega inn in the Metht»list church son. Slim (►live hem,lklig, ar.11L 11xniwl l.y ,tilt- mind, ,.t our ,.Nn KiuQ and Queen . Excursions
K 111 the Alis% Santis evening tarett. RPy. S. V, tier twit hrotbrls, left ouI '1'Ilnrs bs)' and of their suhjrct,., Jt■a7
Tt !,J`.E y, a IN h. Daomthy Dickawn, oaf verities d waisted in the morning sett•- WiItuall for Swbusy ew.ue, Wht-1r they Thi is til« first time. Oar King r
will uta' rt bus tenc hin an their re•- Gustavus oberrveal, wheat he ► novo t)n,.Anil you will need
Urot e.Clark, of Miabtnt, it o ` 1 hllaalel ltia as the ueat't)[ her . recCict scha>"LY Thr tIAller br,ither rd the health ,.i his "'Oval \
g ' p K vice. KuPs4t, 'Ip (p c ( / [
laying a! holnlr. little coWin. I tlwl Ncllona[d, fur Ihr Sr;yxnl: Srou1l.--/)ne .,f Lie 1110111, left v-eeterda f re. his .rch ail at 1>ti•lhi, shut Swtdru hay had Ihr Plrrrurr of - OUR SHOES 1', JU {.' , t
Mr. anti` MrK. i# if Past week.. Y S
%aI e{eetrie:ld lite t•>nm vapewe teisi T1 - -- -- - ---- biddiu a Nii-- i"ti+Hiarch welctirue - _..
Sunday in \Viugh,uu, Tis, apple -hu, erN air now travelling here in many yfmrM-planed over thin - - K - 0
The Mitrset VV'oarla, of %tun:. hL 'over this distri t and spying out the lace ale Sunda ni ht last. Bert _ ala her capital. King Edward lista in- on Ihr f Ihat a n•nndu«w {sir feels • y
P Y 4 tlAYFIEW. atPrd A«rn that stnteh atlJ beautiful like cul Ida nor. nay don't look hkr ,
Ihr IOst work with friends ileo: nahxrd». Our ww Gu apples is nut Jones' barn was ,truck by lightning to take slung with yank even
veryheavy, lin they- Jim&clean and Slorn.tV, Aug.7th. city before, but it wait all 1 years it though, arHl:the, Won't fora,lon
JAN. Jovnt c,mlmepee• hien duti t but was not dxmrtgfd tat any extent: K• it) Y Y when sin b the a
few f erks Wurm i'he buyer. Art' The in connection with the AVednesdx Ihr iAth; haA IH•rn' ,1,e.- before ilia- begrunmir of his reign." tong while. K K Y . st ,!
Whitechurclt Monday morning. from I Icknow: piggery 3•. 1 t
Mr. Melaunxhl of Terewater. v' eJ principally butter factory alar, was snuck and es clesiwrd civic ht)hJAy. OIr 1a 11It 1151 11 t)}.) 1 . p• . r
t)nITGAteV.--OI1 tslrJay evening{( nnnlwr of dodge %err killed. Ths• MieK lawra•nz Heti \t las (lritz, of Poor Whites fnenas}n _ ____ __ f ht
:at W. F. McYhetsoti s oil, Sunday. 1 r death of Alexaa ell tirnnt occurred heiavv downpour nP. rosin poll, it stop to L 111 I F.1 it SI I h 1', fail rural ,e,' n, %
p P { 1►rtruir, x17 holidaying beer. Pow ,t„, k ,.f
Miss Laurn Archer is\`N{orn(Ii it at the re -41 of iA KiKtrr, Airs. H. haryt•»ting operations.
Tlu• Tr:u„varl ('„nmlisslull r.•
AIroo..I.-_Slow ks and tW0 d:ua terx thus ill- uuu+INj• alt Trunks. Suit -Cases
few day» with her Ahnt, Mrs. \V ter A. arrack. Lakecird cottage. Thr err' gueNt»'lit• Life Cwuult-rciai thin 13ofrNr AfntYt +• inrrrasinQ rtmty: anti (ritilirg' irt'iiiil iTlh i. ,11he wi' tehere
VYehh. dtKrlsard, who war thrYltm of the IaIP Agt)gN, meet.
.1. H. and C. V•. nntl Mire. U issy Rev'. Alex. (irant, We -it known in Ash- that if,,- i1N•rra..• r» tra,rabb. t,..tI Ihat lK•td old rand took.. all ha lima.': Telescopes, LUnCh-
Miller visitrd in 4iaxlerich Sao day field and vicinity in pioueer'days, had 1'1.KSOAv, August 1Sth. Dr. J. T. Dun•nn, air T+uonto, is , pr••1/1 II ni!,ein-i oiauuul h11N)r. A if f,»d ronif'll as wt-lI as ANLL fatty,
and Tuesday horn i toiling health for a nuwher of John Johnston haus starlet! packing visiting hired% in the yillagr nuJ +v r„uJ:u% Van i+ Ihr priw+tjv • aerie tractivhe ss is an ohjec” you wt wrra BOX¢S, etc.,
Gregor Stuart returned to Cuck00% ulauths, alt the end was •riot ex- apples this week. }vicinity. - -_ , cultural tiudilimr, and ilia fixed late.) our Allies amt! uo uth.l.s.
._.-_ - u•• a-., •: - ..___..-_.I. --- . r - - r coati JlWatt'.-aalru_
LtTf set bArrt Rev7` Mr+ Skew+arI, Irmo r a=re' tr}ttlar'. -___ _
Molnday mdrning after velandinK 13i um id, of#P.}"irltfi iT of Nr laud. 'I'll., euouoi,swu r„conuu.•u,fi• E Knox
vacation at home. usual on 1''e. a), and on Saturday fore- load, of Iambs front. here haat Saint- file guest of his %titter, Alrs, St:uuhnt'Y I 1;,,v,•nuo. n t a ori uiu a nu•it of white m h • E. nawu lspel. into unci
- fur a few dxyx last work. ■j■, Stjarma
Mr. and Mrs. Will. Philips and stay' Miss I:lnil RwGkin, of Ifufiahr, rK
from which nect-t• rallied, and to- Inlr.r. :, aid 111x, u+.sldirrUous all
it liter Lala. -of Uaalerich, spent Tilt- Ixtt- rains have trfl(lilwl harvest >' AUBURN11
gg %tole ,venin his spirit passed to K4 r orii(liu a few werka vi'ith bar. the luud L/ the r>Lalrlistnncut ot,i
Sugday at ,aa. Durnin's. , g¢p for quite it few who intendt•d finish { K IAN -r e., ', tlw f-teriirr "f alrrSeyl•
etarnat rrWA . `Thr funeral on TeH•e- it) this week. uuethrr and sisters; 'in !hair, .nnnurr t iodl'riCh.
The Rifle ('lull lot progressing very d,s arterhouit t Kintail ermeter K lured ant udu,trial .•A{ u,:i•,n. the .. t
3 rotGtge ofi l'haniyn)' AU rel. w1
favorably and probably we Khali Noon '4ran largely a,.- tad. Kry. A. Mi - The social. in connection with til »1,lief sac usi,.o ,.I ulld.•sir:ahh•+, stud I
not i P xatlamM to hxca the Kcore pub- err eoudt'eLrllA w vi..... K ' HAt'v►a1•ra. I elle: ('Lr:ua:l yft:N' iia:-
F:u Iseh church bPrr. haat TuwH Ihr p►ohlLiNon -if Asiatic rmmigta.
f soar. - Ian Sablstth morning lust *
tailed. _._ . _ evening teas gµite. a Kttccests. fico, _x.,
_. _ Margaret - --- - _ Aura. Julia A =- t,-- I -,--t--- Io, .• IntlpN-s4o+Ow vilinge wrra trach• _ _ __ A .11':
MletifNl Idtlwnr eeha azul S[ir> i1ODERICN T SHIP., Y - ---- - - -' .. TOILET •
Clark have left LP take• ohnrgt- of their it
Inst Tuesday on a vi t t/t 1 9QOLD% respective schools at lAwhaleh, Kin TilKs Ay, u . iSth. her dnrghtiv, Airs. Wallace.i
twig and WestfleM. tI...:T77r faar MttA. SA1rt-FT. AI-TKII. l'hardPM \Vfltarol, of Hamittollf. p,tllt 0 0 I>a If fafa If f¢ Wt- hart•-- 141(liiplete sl,wk alt'd'l►t LEA' AI 'iCIxS, i■ u• In, select
Rev. Mr. Alc,llonnld, al ,present. (11+. farnnal Walter. oar n Lha well- n short visit here lustwrrk, riming c f1 liaw,; ;azul :u• }u.,parwl te.-a'.•Po+MtftWIHI our tP !M. ----
viKitit* tit Terawater, prresatlPd -tu)rie kaown resiadentxtrftitatleri, wnship.• Naturrelap everring-intit trait-tng ,1191 • ,.
1 Salkhath. Air. McDonald will oaKse•dAwn Y at, ho►•homeon til IIIIrnn (Illy Inll•ning. Scott J Emul ribs strengthens enfeebled PERFUMES ' TOi ,CREAMS ,\
agstyn OccuP3 t.hP psrlpit hrtr next a hist Sunda" as th' rrsu of 11 .-John I•'ergusrm. who hay leen in
ltah t1►. +7 aa1M of Inlvalysis on Friday l ht. 1'xrry Sound since \ewe 1'rar'.. will ~ Ftogrr ti Ga!IPt'a, testae Balm. ,
She. dKsaA Kitting up lit y"Ars, to ng tile. IrriJ nuninN 11110theri by inertesslnE their flCtrh and Pavers. andlothers. Watch Bazel Cream
Mrs : Wm.,HowleK and Isola•, also) ga l,!saltiilg gall ,an Ihr urs
•eh,• yearN and four months of raitwrn' there, 1rUu•Ile( hu... htnt 11
Jin. Teiylolr and ohildrnn, of linelpJl' n rrrht•huul rn'o e(I hair health wit nerve force.
R enjoyed Sxtnrrfx
arrived tin Monday Lo spendtil a father
in, t,xrr lint' of IeiIIK urtAhle to get 3 ORD
alt weak% at the hu a of their father, Whilt civ in IJA S tlurdxv'VA-Om __
t r UF
Wrn. Itulll _tyt4' fit 11 tier mshirn name was Agtrrs a K
_ _. p \\ nlli:uu t un Axll of 1\'rstl}ehl It provides baby With the __. K11
John Ulark s el t it fro dxyN Inst c ur In cu 1Nu,.0 tvrtlb an„I P - huggy, .. a .
{ haul county. where silt writ+ marred "A- sf`es, etc,
+- 1•Gttf: --- — to(F.n ►-++tnr.W»yr--ui 1 and mineral food for health i ---
,. rL BLOC
--v►R'k ,imtPr ttt deft ifiree' gears ago, i(lid or Li ii Y ixv+w s• - etc.
had just retlurntal rout A visit to Scot• years she anti her hagh.n,l resided in Wab' Jlr drannaKrd. ONTARIO
land. He left ,nl NaturolAy morning tial county, eominq After that t0 VVknvrvuAv, Aug. Milo. ALL DRUGGISTS: 60c. AND $1.00. *
to resume his Duties at Pittsburg, f a. lloolerich Wwnship. Ah•. \Walter pre- ST. M.vla's 0-lom a:N t'An'rv. - The `
The Wowt-n'a ItMitslle will meet at dw•eraNwl hill wife ju,t about a year. garden party bold on tilt- cllni•ch Lawn , 4
the Amalfi- t)f Mrs. John 'Rutherford. him funeral taking place ()it August —
Kr., (Ili Thursdaay Alternation. August 13th a year Ago. The deceaKed in sur• -
lth. A prize will lw { iveu for the vived by one brother. Hubert Barrie: .
Ir+l.t jar of appleJa,.Ilc. All the Vadis% ILL Newcast)P, in Durham cobulty, and
.nre invited. fly one sister, Mrs. Thomas Douglas, at
M"Is.p. lIll"wile ratal. Waike laden, \ oMlsltar•k : and of a family of two \ .-”
John Anderson, calin, John Aitchi- suns and tLree• eimlv+hters four Air live JW
sum and .toile i'hilipK loft, fur tar. West ing : S. T. Walter. ,.ell tile. hwnesterul ; l
last Friday. John Melluire, John J. E. WAlter.of R0,llands, (.,►l,: Mrs. People,'Patterson, A. F. Dornin and AVIu. If. H. W. Tebbutt, of i eallands, Cal., and rp niles
' `'
Bray left Tuesday of this week. ('arrie1'.. At honer. 9'ha funeral took eCO- m in g fro an •
/ --_ plrace on TeteMia_v afternoon to III
i7 y
MILE. bind cemetery
. Rev. 'I'..1. Snowdon, ,
W KIONs:stt.ty, Aug. Will. of tsted by a ormer ap the service”. .--- _ _ HE OPTIIt.AI. D ONSTRATION \chit:h is Intl\\• , 'uinl,* un at my lturc
a T
r♦ .
t e ar1(I has Kane on Ihr leesorro were A KIlioreene. air M Mi -Tend, Namudsl ";. h i4 it , T:tne{ Sttt'Ct' . , Pers 1Ic :ter rtiThTTT 1i1 ff fl :111 li;tt'ts Of the Colltltry
wast»tell by A former plMfalr, ev.
. And the
VVest with Ihr. han•est excuretnnlsts. ,
Ali4N Cook,vf_liingsyll e.,, r AL prey. Stoically, .1. N. flnlnle.• W. if. Forester, • ti, _ '
-Pot the g1ltMlt of her Irrnth'W, .tdtsGky A T i'iitn %i•,'- *fiat '\V. RutlwtKe. :, `." 'r °..: • `-:e --- -- eases ftt•e'-be nly`-fittud :rfrer-TryinW . 1
(`ft t T4IP Joosmod-seas.► nalehdai or -the is _ _
Tim ti 1 f k.
AlrLheMtist. ehotrh l- \ u- 1i( ti CCIa IstS r\\ htv
a+tt (llrr
Misr (tray is With us ngAin and hAr Wi t,► J y e _ $+I 4 r
}lit\e v bill'! k r%hl ' I, It :Illll lcople .Ire hlldhig out that thi% Il till' greatl'st a\'('I11
raisumed her obities at the schaxtl, . ,VNWisf+,oaV, A Bill. a. _._
-- -- -
which opened with a fair attendance. ; ri qt, .- Ill lt`- 4,111117: lila "
ug. :. yy
{ ltiehnwnel (hr Isla fur Ihr `Newt 1111 tl r\ Nt 1111ti all\'. 7' CU111\'hat 1 }la\'e !tl`(`Il dllrin r the pall fl'\\'
The August meeting of tilt- Worn- Tuesday. q a .
-„ ,.__ _ _ &We Mirai"D Socist - wpl.AL the - _ ' s x ala ti.. o f MV ,'I 'vv ` '
lacy Y A+astia t baeittdtta crtatrttsal two-l.ralri-Ift I
home of Mrs. J. i'. I.inffeld. There Siding on Alunda). ” • t ' I
vu 1ii11 'Ie. le -Intik.. into Ihr 'e n'ith ';1,\ simple little insttunnent and the test
was quite A large attendance. , The w a
next meeting lin St-ptemlwr) will Iw The ArlfaPa Narnh and AdelsldP ° requires nl\' :1 f¢i(' lllllltl1f11 :111(1 is ahiKtlllll$I)' right. Davidson left 011 TurMalay morning s " y lyhl. ho' not tllla this grand T
At Mrs. pwaart • fir Cartwright, Aran. Fz , o ort Ilii\'. If \'tail fare`, not interested tell viltir friends- :ahotlt lhl
The F:pwalrth i,Paqua nest Tuesday AtiaA ltelrn I)rysrinle resumed her re. •
evening will fle An ,lH•n meeting of dutiPM nn Ato11dxy after %tending ilia
prayer and praise. VVa hope their VArattot' with her sitar in Tnrontr.
. Is• a targe attendance, experially " MAN WHO LOOKS INTO THE EYE "11 I
of the membe•rK, for everyone is Px- Miss Lizzie Ifichan, ase New York,
and AfiAa Family Birhan, of Vir Irtis, 1
(art d'to takP part. :and no Inc who conies will be t4sa anted. Mr. Mon emery rcnlakin solely until Thursday, At1gu lt 27th. Cttttc ; \'t11T, wilt 1f! Cordi.all
A severe thunderstorm passed over all'• visiting Chair limther, \V'lllfarS pito w
P BiclrAn, Itaylleld ,,tut. recetced and well re old. i'oarv'to •serve
this section on Stands), evening. We p ,
are glad to report ver itttle damage
door, bot it has grrat y retardeal the• The man who "harks into the eye" ' '
progreas of harvesting. flowever, if is in Goderich-at BPlly'a. of BWELLER mill f
the weather remains fine this weak the A hot-h,aladead woman and a stick of Wo
KyGsX Goderich, metst of the fwrmets stn be Lhrovf(h. A man ought to mike a good match. • 9 OPTICIAN, i
FometimeK a women cries over bar
The man who "lrrokr into the eye" inability to And something to IwuRh ,
I• in Ooderlch--at Kelly's. at, •
.:.. ..,, zr,.,, .
me. ..`"992M1 'R s.''. xq "A.,om s..' . ,•04.:,iuw.a,iwr :., a Ma.wnw wa i w. amts: m,a9 , owl :,n...wi tw,,swa^w "t, m. , .Xi "*r ,Fir i'sa,. 4Ya[ Jit"?60 i-;d,Aw,."Y'a e. > i :w". n... w ., , ..., .r
. w s
I ,
.. r' '-, .: ••:. , -riot -,
tr.¢' > a Yt O +A °v .nua
.- _ .
re. \