HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-20, Page 51.,1'7 1414 More proof that Lydia E.Ptnk. ham.. vegetable Compound cures remade Illy. Mr,. John buott, 489 Grand Trunk St., Montreal, writes Mrs. Pinkham : •• 1 waa very neper rim duwu in health fn,m a femaletruuble, was thin, nervous, and very w , and suffered from hearing down ina, Indeed I did nut err whether lived or died, 1 fell W badly numetilnes.' -Lydia E. Pinkham'a VegetableCom- (o,md completely cured toe of all my - troubles. d gained In tlesh, Land am free from backache, feoffee( trouble, sick headaches, sad nervousness. / PEN AND SCISSORS. He wuryu.t a happy fellow. When misfortune did befall And the amid Kiev ,lark around taut Hr whi.tlid - that wars U ! ICKEin iliesid-ftte wilt. • Ptd Ii rrr•h (n' roof or weld Not twain nil. wulf'a.danela. For hr wIu4ile.1 -that was all! Mien Agnea Laid, tour l'lnaliau aulh nt..id, la u*Lk.. of Huron a ty, by the wail *w waded by a gr}nd- tower of Sit( (ie)rge Minimum. is mak- ing a canine trip down the Markatltlle- Walt fl(Itn 1:dlllulitun to (rake Wintii• peg, meeting in this way the frontier wttttt who are laying the foundations of Fn.pire along tin- great liver. aloes Tl1.EiiSl(:NA1. ; GUUEI ILII. U TIVaMDAY, Augulii 20. 1908 Now ef Mack" 10 W ACHES() & SO/V1 r "Meek," the wetter of Toronto Sat- s onlay Night's -Front Page." has something to ray 1111011 the subject of Sumner). hooses xtul farmers' lives. • some. of which hr' thinks ars too Sat u rd on Jr wlwbrr sod eheerle•ea, \\'hut hr rax r 1 Mond 1 a is uat.rtTatinfC.—ete-�r '^—tai- �ilue F - "cow a• eumnleude himself *441 am o11 whoW born on a farm and "knows many a -13 form Lahle Br dltfrl'el#. parts of the 1'r,vaugr•" I e say@ : •''l'hr tables he knows ail are amply laden and t I r. tirade o1' family cart's and s9•vv ith a efenl•u rsity that make,. the vi situ. stare. Iii lit:111y of these hooter if the visitor does out watt until the table is spread and then mit in and rat a equate total he will not lie (in•xlvett. It clatters not that he, has just had dinner at Aloe tither 1014114411 toile down the road --he must eat or stay until he can. In ARGAINS•FOR AUGUS 22.84 24 EAD our list of Bargains \ for these two days, and. take the opportunity when we offer it, of most�esirable goods at almost nominal Vices. \ DRESS MUSLINS About 1:1111 1:ud. 4'f lawut4ful l)rc,h Nhisrim: ti ^itt :aril (lark ja.a la«a y4 tuftal laaart! rft}r tutitt turns t(' rest's at rind xtt cle•�tt•rtl+h•--r+hrrr• +enc rape n t that the i:e f wilt tate tri: A11" 1 a li a ', yet"\ 'Legit dr este �« ere 1rn1a weeks. As the distlullx from Kdnwll- and a tt)onst hurl itali y, And �iLt leu Ick• to '31k. ayurd. '1'hry 4u•r:111 un 11cu dt*yN 1,m to the r rod [ Lwkr N1,1„i oven In these naiad lion es, which are Side. y11111. a 111411 ,n e 1 y11111 5c above11 vert* a one cannot •ti will have to drift and paddle more out sufficiently regwde asT hr l'11rt: 1 Il ee 10 l l invites wide. IMO hog .:able Nolle prices ta11t.•1Iv than • hun11ted 11111410114 week --pro , tE 11 to c•lok at *If i+4' arta -t1) one htRe•tpttky in were l•um :ale t+ + is yo►,+ . 'o jleg is *limit ervr11 hundred 11hilre. much the a help thinking that rating is toxo much DESS GOODS Wahl/lit r •talyct the tons w this of a duty, too touch of al•uuliue, awl w4auh that th1'se•\advn•uLluuum women } 1 o 'if the :11 pirce•s 111 Wt.' 1)rrma li.mals; 9; We1Yls, Mid oil w1ho1, l't p ptlttlrgra "' 11Ce. it is we. 1 L lin I \ nt,'b., rper yard ably • hundred and fitly miler --tiff bake Men ,cooking. If it iv we to oa a flies or they fount their ui 1 ay' run. u. when kind wear 1Vhilr nun a y finds \\fl ilia 11 i -i -f rh her pia Mahn- in --k nil t,. n tt+ltdr )4'l. tot. 7lliet 111111da1, at pee yard .,..,• ,. \111 oundttcredo'lout this tot'r,w e*kea,It41well40havevarlet) In the TABU LINENS • • Wel ml yards -id'=" ineh'I>uuhlc Sitlin 1);afhusk; 14t.,I y 4,i.rh Linen, ul lett causer.. Itrgulnrvafilr>41.•t:. pd•i• a►•Ib ou rale N4aUmat ty . . they twitched Prince Albert• t oli ,farut tables Brod plentiful and !w„ ' Jlisa Inuu. follow 'iii or will stir .•o)i a r u• cuuyurr ug ►rr4t4a u . i 1 lawn Western ,,stories? -It is It big lin- "ft") hunt" Ix a "Int."'". 4y iln•4t1 f 1 heartily twoomyrend � ilia !: 1'ur.thr' Wok, in x et of vast Ia111114 for t. I) mew 4'r e t 1 „..1.... 11 h1 num d, mauls for u.4', nal-14owt 'raid• Napkin*, dium•r yY �,�yy 1 be.)' get much the same sulsuuttial Ytnkt,am'a . Yr�ataldr- t:ompil7ugd for ,:aa►e1144,1a'iv.•Ietr= -_--_ all wvmee r-ilmaal-. i4isvwtne\W ** 1t' dertakiug tier starer nlan4 t Woman,1' day out whu h 11nesl "take 0" men TABLE NAPKINS T d • •� , t table. - 1.41r , 1 • r ... . has dune fur mo." taneiee mud cut g combinations "" '• •"• '• from the put and the oven. \V..t•si• � • . FACTS FOR SICK Vi0 EN•)' .4 i"..41,.....14 ' 'At Liars:'4114 tl II they d nut get a vudlh•1rhL her chitty Lydia IL ..n.,.,nt 1. 1 m lap. In Ontario, a,1 a whole, two great ham's e m e' .111,1 echo caught IAMBI 11ty �n04 aM ii la {111 ►{ need'. of the agrir'tturists ate more from, )«)tx .and herbs, had been r uh• rosins.. or earth 'Iwa ieraliitttl to vet:males in front ffit the houses and standard remedy for • female rr.t, inure faintly gardens behind. t elw. ttt teancls Ami t.1`?"''f 1 it pew• that Ian x r u. .,RAVENE>;TTE COATS l_ 1.4••: ;;1 Irub.-(. t halt t'1 ttanrttcY•,r,at.•t, Mnrst eau ttitc' anit ul eighth and fall .•nttl h �t 41e,-.. greys and fawn., It'�g- .175 4 '144, ul:u• ft a uud 161'L h, t t h .4 ivs sr•Iling al .... I t.. - In heaven tuwwwr'ud--it was muttered .( w t -o:t- 1414e.l sxgel.a lrr(.e .,,..a 111111).414 positively cured u . u. t ,u pu t .e n•.•an r u, t c verandas 111• needed *u t u True r fe 'omen alio have t11rCL troubled with � ,1„t t •..d 1..11.. h 'o .� a who (rwaurntl)' i work Lou her may plied-,. w ... .-. learn W loaf unastuuurd, and also that 114p1:m*Cnenta,fulammouon,doers-_\ ,1414 lel, nY tibn)id tumors,L[1reQtlila:'1t�CO3 . welt in the li4*hluiK4*: mud heard to the the biome Inas 'become a lanae unit s Italie ,4 1,'414, lout kat ate, t tett bear. numdrr. _ 1' have the Iap4M'I4I ides til something } i' rsllothd tomaerw l.h'M.. trnt•ttsZ hr.dh, better -then rt alms• box in whitit the Illi 4h1WT1 ferliog, llatUlercy, IDltlJ d- .til all- al hi. With Mali ,WaII. 111111 111 drat 11 ' flintily takes shelter against nj 4Ilt and ....tier hi. I*i,piue..., humor mud lhsdll, 41,411,1. :\lore huller. gardens are .sop 111 Ili, ht.'4* and Ihr end' of Ili4 needed s,, that tlowers 111x)• lend their r• / ,r that frith. h e xnl e t 4th. decorative al,- uI 111• iai:rr Si. 1wxtdell with snit vrgr4.blev for the table lie)' he LI _ ___ \.and. ROC' 4'1.11111111. and Monty, gar - 1, hr to -ton hh1 p odiK.d hell drum are nee led mo 4111(1 the diver my how. toes) 'wi-h it,rnnd aspect' of toil ata) lie taken uH the - lwtttestead, imparting to it the ap- BRUSSELS ton dizziness or nervous prostrataon. 1•r, . \VI, don't you try it ? 1-111'.M '. P'tnkham Invites all sick N wont n to .write her for advice. l„ tkr She • as guided thousands to health Addrer4, Lyon, MAW. n„I i. Mitt' Em ire P ultry It begi4- t Wand, slat W2 '`rift- flm T 1 arch., N r 5 i out it the -u 4111[ a to ole• RPETS and VELVET CARPETS son yaps Ell i I{lrnssrls t';u'la•t 1114!11 \it•1tet l:;tlt.;)'t iu It t pattens sup labor for it% sterna or 114111. -(irgahu• 11:1.1.6 turd a1.;'' 75,, pet yard, 4III 1.1/1.• int pe )aril w. ACHESON & SON Stock Tarda Moire' oil' • ar114ei. pod. pawed - of 1116 atoll.-. :CI 4..,gs. 521 sheep and It{zR6Y: with 31 cttahles. 11 44444) ,1 - - - *lull t =i 1 ryenratice of a phare where youth* afttf• 11114.01144. _ N•n waildrnm fou t lie millilitres! to .dwell - b.,*port *toil,* 0 sold t M yet to _tafifi..>all- t Ire seal u u U'�yrh. fr •rule' :cud out necessity. One Tad at 16 1107 atolls. 43.`.0 to Neo oat lo iv' 141.1;44 w• -per if 1 1414 find.. Not veno,,the whit lai,.rl.Utpl4 14414..druw'n'd. 4” The• tr:tin Windows the reader •rwi41hot Vafl.ahie 1ee-./r1 flu,de,t t0 1114ty 114• What I 1111.x11 401 4144 Npr414 t� tberur. �. 111obg. II.. will twreeive that a few \�i �ter, it will mak.i it .u•utrly1.n*ai,,�d 3o -tinily hear. -little touches snggrst intklliget t:4', Vet tat e44*4* let It • I ( 4,•1Ir)tte Ton er, c fora', the probable presence o� a 'l Ali, breathe on it; H 41.., In an hoar. content..1 family. mid how the ale —4•*144.riar i'an.isaw.+. settee of .cheer Wtl'ltes .Itggprts an, Stet," \a•t t % uphill light. Other thing. being equal those who tree used 't. an111b. I n•4'.. lu. 1. cwt, •. relit; who i.ita•1, I)'front "This is nut merely the t ePtit iziog ll�l 4'r+` / 1)Y a sits Iran. for 1 know country lift. Hist picked butchers $aw to N Z. tori i.vter it- v1, r l itt 1,, and homes where verandas and well. 04 111144-.- W to 44,.,14 ,.,.v)0 .., 43.91 to 'kept gardens work 'their, influence. il.a: ,.,mnnm,n, 13.La1 t I:.. , cew., s:5o yet 't 11, .•xti' or 4,4 lire lits the r .' the farm with the homelike appear• poultry w'nn<t 1a• wet •4w wit I� The hi . iv the scientific romance than will *ell for kind. 'I ane Tess more 1 )' r11M'" than the other 'Mere t1\e but. lice if Empire l' lullrt' lister i. F ttdla). �t hoar displaced the auto- tam/tile ter buyer expects to get goad. butter tam/tile and electricity 4a btIwlln in- and drives tlarens+ the -gates per• used -am efurr•lti(. Wrest, has trued up an entirely new bared totpitytop price tor It. There 25e package tl At all »r ,ggists and dealer 1'oultr�y supplie.. EMPIRE • ANARY DUS W ill make y4 - r-t7Mtary ha ;old rid it of all Minim', 141.1.1, 1"'"s the' t litittg '4 luaus)' .the mtranyt••r turns in his hornet• to en - (hinge) npid.• down. The whole quire where he can buy x roadster, .as(et-t '4 w4f• is 'hanged, x11)1 the and the 111a11 sent out to collect a note wattle idea of rapid transportation iii decides eat the gate that if requested clewed. - - - he will renew it. In thotisapdm of Nat .ilt•ear •s, with their linen ,ural 1 tm, flit t'e s alike, of runt s I •m .and 41hb41114 Cl'uheath. of families are trying to trach lretore. are suddenly jt'i.panaizt•d. and. their children the fullary that the should the airship ever be realized an elolhe•m hat.'.nothing lu d . with the ""heard of 444144rr I111Y•alrnm the man. Hut it would be. Letter if the heady Of m'n. For what will he the heads of f 'lira taught their 1 hildrrn pr.lw'tluu against "u aeronautic that appeartutrra go for a great deal, whin/sem dropping him mania')'- the appeerance of a farm when you go YOU WAN' - DR 1VE 1 ha ir\ f4) sale mrveral young drivirl horses. blacks a greys,'front which I -could pr1ha14 suit you. mot d GRAY BUGGIES were yesterday, 111" today, and will be toniorruw .the hest 1)n the 'market. I asp thl• agent fur OId1- Pricll. diet your NEW PLOW 4,1.01 me.. t have the two test makes Fleury and Perrin. Nott riding and walking plows. t'xrlu,ad of STANDARD FENCE WIRE jil*i rlceivo•d- STONE ' for building or .,thrr j iipos4w vupplieil in Iar•g' u1' Antall 4111411 tin's, drliyr`f•r.l oil 4 it'tli.• rt1liTTV: ROBERT WILSON Agent for McCORMICK MACHINERY, BRANTFORD WiND MILLS. ' LOUDEN HAY TOOLS, etc. , Warerooms Hamilton St. GODS RICi ,01•IT-- hi 1)14(1 hail..\. 41 11111 go rig rasped earth. ' row of heaven. Before concluding %Viedlay will pil..0.1t 1114(1gs from these reflections, whirls have. resultatl. being .Trap sett 1 hew will you Identify from ,reseal trips int,, VlI41Wlbl Iwrt.n Ito. drttrIleand what Will tie' the of the ,.noun•,, it neat' -be said, it1,til )uee•hankal a titvtrial11411 41imrlf IJm t 1.111. (1r�,) t it at reekle.O.In n in t 1 1111(11 4h, breaks lur_,•_in the_ air 1n 4111 airship, II nd, wri suppplied with missiles, Mi )ly- scat t. •s them as he gees, Ile 11 y never he Identified. ma)'.11e•ver ►,e a again. It will he a neer 1,• ro)e• to\hwnxni and the timid wiIl of. yr . ire telt ( door* be; e11nne• of _the hail tin ca hat the leviathans of the air Bay d in their wake. to 44, eauaers. ft 4 4'. ..aran.ni cow blow 'bale. yllkerg and Springers. knout a doa.•n milkers and rtrlaitersl1dd at *43 to 166.0 •h. ,Veal (-.1.es. A Iinrtt..l sirnlwr ,.r v.441 calms '4 d `t N to SG per est Sher M/ laaa1s. Tlwre *as a fair) ,; den0and for export al»p• at N o.• N : rut ewes, and 43 to :.1., 4441" ram•, hind ,an1sb suit at $:tut+, 16.10 per rat --- _. 'tunas. Lomat d, report ,.leets, ted god watered. at 441. and 4b.w•, f u.b.; tars- at • cyuutry points. Montreal Live :Mock, t� •Sal M9NTIILAI.. Aug. I.. p .1 - At the falonlreal Stock Yard/. West t;,,d Market the rr..•tpts of Ilse alo.'k for the week' sudor( Aug 15 were �i1 .atter. l:�i sleep HMI Ialnt.w, 151E hugs and 24, valves, The offerings this morning fur local romnaupti.•ti- 0.oalsted of WA cattle. 301 sheep and lambs, leg hugs '.o. 1W 'valves. * A sarongs, Menai prrvalle l 1h Ihr mar - kat fur 414(11.'. and purrs, as compared with a week ago. stow an advtan.•r of 16e W -- per Iu) lbs TM* was due to this _n,11__ythirIt_-I'rl_tairiny all ,w idegt• to _ee.lh.it, 41v1 IA... •'pl..ar••lt•s--n1. a •cell the svileg uverlioarll an in- (111111.r wlien' he goes to !motet. The ifl.Vtn1-We4ghL of tau al' throw clean, tidy. wholeu11et'•Itppeal•ing tinct• front Ow height of any half a %ideal profits from him appearan1P in int ,•h of keys dropped.tront town 1)1 city, and has 144,)4' s• since t ) wi4u dinfer . 11 , t dimlantP f (•r uav int 1 i 11 Lha } began. and we u r world 1 h w rtI t tlu•t)uRh the skull ilf the un- from the vision of 11. .lobo Blixt the ;mate' (.4 the et•u&t u[ the most glorioum angels are in the hunt 'erre that the ter- then) 1 111• e ntrlt rrrrtvnr.', that th t t *aril' in .rdrr urP554 flee where 'wattle would he happier in new• "to 1'-' 'tlt�' this life. and Ise .lt1" for the next, tf they read the Old Testament Ire and it10.1 way. Ihr must a 1' like. Saturday Night 1(104.4. e w.n d will be the The {•�'a Riend tilt, moth 14111,' 4h toil and Mtt1Z11ttl insane -44.4`)'4-44'--444-34, 111(4111' Hut healthy mind NI Id with trust and cunti- aelig' of torr many a 1414. I s 4 r80/ireer. \tarrry estern tllr-yenrt. 4Tway• 111. Ong, kind and Ir e. N hen February birds do maty YOU nit*) wed nor dread ,Our fait._ I( you wed when Blanch winds Mow, .1,1y and .ur,Uw boll, ) nu'll know. Marry to-wprtt Joy for •na(den and 4or 4,4401, -- 1larry in the nwnt h of Slay. Ye -1+1 *441 .Nrrly t*e,hr day. Marry a111411.Inne• row•• blow. (tier hand and wen you'll go. • 'flame who 01 J10)' do wed '.lust labor always for t heir b1,w1,__' lt"h.a• a;r N-,.1 h AIaKn.t hse . Marry In septaudi•r shine, It's two to one \ that you'll la pleased When you +`!n (tune herr tnhny thmf.riititiery, :-hec*ural' you'll Nnd v vita Ixe- tweaNw two plP4m4nyt prhP""' 'n"' Your 11. lug wtft 1414 If In Octohrr do you marry Imre will enme. but ,-Jere. tarry. If you wed in bleak November. 1)nly joy) will one remember. ta'hm, neer aber+now fall. fest. Marry, and true tote will IIwL lw- life, aero contemp1t4 d.'nee. 7 i. good jgaill,1ivit144 overmuch by him - .elf, 111r4 fermented and motored until it has t ist:He a hitter thing. sit destruc- tivrsrf-)tunle that the ehildr•ru Ny the place. Slitin.•iiT+tTTi)"r'1'fir signal: - - THE MARKETS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat ;• Futuna Close Lownie -Liv. ,$bah -- Latest quot_ talons. Muntla>' liveable. Aug. E. 1 erpuol Shoat futures clued lid logger to- than Saturday. and ,,urn futures undo. At E'1 1e).trevider. wheat Monad tic lower`4hkll Saturday. ddliteenber tura Ida lower below( opts ..%c lyase. nips. Got ions "" bwTilt� a the caudat irli sliw. oa Winnipeg future@ Wheat --A "iota ow, Deer,( 1.'W • Ueosnier . • 0111 Oats -August 12443,' bl,1. (Huber tae 4144 Toronto Grain Markets. • Wheal, spring. bush. -.-_..40 04 to 4.-.. Wheat, fall, bush .. e w . Oil 'Wheat, red, herr...--,.:... 0 M 0 15 flys, llnlrJ Buc•kwbeat, bushel Pees. bushel 0 In 1414.. Batley, Mabel 0 5e. Brats, bushel 0 45 .,.. Toronto Dairy Market. flutter, srparat.,. d4)41) . 14 14 . a l3 021 Hotter. inure: lots..u .l 0 . I1,1(1, r, creamery, Ib. sol 0 S O:1. ' Eggs, new laid, dozen o 1 ft i- e'tleme, larIt* , lb ., t1 u le. ('11101*, talo, Ib i. rt thane,. estra,led .. 01ra 010 New Ycrk Dairy Market. .NEW• Yt114K, nut 11, Batter Flan,r.Plpt s. NCE creamery. aneeta Is, .711.': e1.ea,.11r.y, •xtrl{a..• Z.,. WM4*4') IhIr/e to fat,,.5L,"la• nie t r ..14..lM. reni1nu6 t4' special, 15e to When, western factory, Brats. Bete to (331.; western imitation creamery, firsts, !Mir. l.'h.•y.P Firm. tee.dpt*, 178; *tate, 1541 c I Wore. ur while, colored or' White. fattey, 11w•': die, good to prime, n.- to 1µG•- do. e.lnmon, Pipe to 10%e, &inns. (''t•• to , Fagg* Arm; rots Mt.,. ', mt*te. MOM-, .ylvanla and nearby-, Tansy. sad cted, atone: We to Or, fair to (noMP,- 23n to. Met lw.,WW snit tuned, Wiry, 30e: a.ae to realer, lir to 22,14 weat4rn urate, Ilt:ltln to twee; 40vrmds, 17„ to ipr. , CATTLE MARKETS. - 'flee question of the correct ptootnn- ciation of "Ips Angelo•.' haying been raked, tin, Mayor of that city referred it U, Mr. I,nnnnls, the libels' , *1 0 gave :IN him reply : •''f11e wont is ('01MM well 'lade Ito I-Ilylill• With thew, Ang oder'? appr44x4n1*t.1y, the Inner 4 ital ` thing i'4 the hard 'p4'. Tho le is Ho jelly sound in Spanish. > Von hear a god flea) about the hdhit the Chinese hate of 11nn111(14 opium, but /ht vuu know'+'x*111v what np4„nt+'.1" 4fentothitt4 belt the dried juice . of the while p 4l4l).\ a Newer that grime w41td in many-tstWof Asia and ii also 19,11Ivate:I there. A few Macs atter the flower* hove fal'en -SIhAIrIT\ and PRICE - °IT the plants men ,go through the, P 1411le cuts in the -poppy heard- . Out of • So pleased that you'll refit.. Ito •? field* in the afternoon. and mak Part with either, -rand maty DTT the* Hits a milky juice 11444*1, Which l0or ►11114,11x.-'1' "4 randy n11 x0141''., dr4P. into A brown, sticky pamtr, ike our friend here. We've been Every morning the men R1) thro;gh hu 1441ng np a reputation pre+ itrld. ag4in and .rr4pn• off this Candies with throe winning twin -` t4'. which they , put into jar*, for prat*. That's why the name ter on it is mule into halt -pound of rflympia i. &o popular. Ilei no Istlk and then pecked for shipment. serve sons want. taAAS'. In China it is molt limed for Smoking Meals served at any time. either with tobacco or purr.In tido country *n41 in Europe it, is hued chiefly for making I4udannm And Ice Cream to take home. paregoric. i.and*num is nothing hilt Pint, quart, or gallon. S'.rrial np14)111 dinsllved in alcohol : par*g'ric Is a mixture of opium, camphor. yyfriars to the wholesale and patt.i.'"' hot, honey and .orae other things. Of Store open from 41 in the morning mnrmP, you know that. opium (pieta till 1 not mrnning' the nerve* and alta . tan, and there - tote it is a i•ahlahle oJrug, but it ie al• OlympiaCafe so a very dangerous one, and should never he touched Prcept as ordered or CAMPBELL & AT HAS, Proprietors orad by a physician. .7R.7•••y u MPt a;,P ✓ ., fact (hat the supply w... fulls 5* hexad arnaller, and inset to 1•11oter• tweves were somewhat rear, e. There was u' good' de- mand from `luteal Mid IJUrb;c buyers fur the brat 1.44444,441, and a fairly 14 (44*,- trade aas dour. Choke .vit1o sold at 4" to 611: good u 4'.' to .%i•':.tair at 4.• to 4•yr. MU:11110P at 3e•,. 1.. Sae and Is,ferior at, 1',. to Viae tar pound. 1t*-.20/aIr-.uL1Le. calm- of 1141,14141, a heal •,' feeing i,as developed In t1,0 market of es _hate and praterr Ww- er, sales i.4 emelt lots this tuunitnd being Made at 0414 4o 6e. per pound, ural at .43 b. W earn. the .legr.al ti1/4 04 io ebotoe jlteep for ...spurt account 11 fairly good, but as supplies are Melted tier ),.lunar of bugbear 601114* is out large, sod ernes ruts nrm at 4c, with the culls ,wrung at ate• t' -r k,e oat' lomat •• *4(1'. aroet woe. fur wbl ' the daaulatd 1. go'ae uu,1 prtcw re. fon , ant, eater. of t t• 1 to choir•• at to 410, .,u,' e -v tuwei .11P451r*_,Lt .15 to 1 - -r A •. o `, .'h !gabs _ ar_aulall theft' being 47141, heal 011 the market. a wee t 1et•1' is prevailed. and prier* ruled • to ';a• ler 10, pounds lower than IR Week . '11.1.. Whit: kWh' to (he, fact Mkt 14:44k -, were . fyltt) wilt-4uyp11.l, ate) h• 4011 rani tow denion.) w'ua not very kern,•( (1 *hie r,Mt,'tho1 a•'seil- e•ra. to wane •, sr .(0uud it .tufkslt to (ln.t buyers. a 1 u• ludb,auews were that some would be riled over for a later market, Sale,. of _, selected sleek were .nada at i .40 to 1T per. toy . sada.. W4dgla11 Off ,•ars. , • Eclat Buffalo M Market. rTt' ' t > u l7 ata a+ -Sts• !:A HC FlOAIit.. Aug..' cavyta, 5:50 tread: bate -liars told stockers and feeder's alive and 101 to the ttgrhar: prlmr steers. SS.S. t" mu), slapiAi g. • IL% _ W. MO- W tr.L.. to_SIL pa►tnhaea .ltdasa' K t., flslo: 'coin. ba w S. batik tC'te tv4t#: stockers and feeders, 4i'•-. to PIS& et0414 Ineferi, R W 13.40; fresh cows sad w.rler era in gt•td•demand and arts%. 120,10 St Veabeeltwr•Apta, 1500 Mss; •aNtee and SAG lower, 16 to 3. - tfvis--ttecelpti. mi,00-berg :.ltahkerri able 'gad 114*: to 3.e blather, heavyran& Mixed. $7 to Oi6. yorkers. Sc to till. piF*, lt.to t6.:d. roughs, 1[..r to a,.a,; ,tag=. 1171 W NS: efalrks, 41 to 1[.71. Sheet, and Lamle,- Hee.lpfs, 5� Wed:. active and -steady: lambs, albtto /e a tem. tax, vearlinghi, *4.10 to L: weals, 44.So to N.W.:.'•rest. $t'tu 11.3; sheep, nets - ed, Z.50 to N.S. Now York Liv. Stock. .a„.,. •/we.' TO THE ROOFING QUESTION. SOME USERS OF PA ROI D ROOFING : THE NEW YORK ENTRAL RAILWAY, THE-GZAND T UNK RAILWAY, THE CANADIAN P CIFIC RAILWAY - and twenty ether rail . ys we could name. Numerous factories all o =r_ the country, -some • • you may kno such as THE GODERICH WHEE RIGS, ofGodericb, THE JACKSON CLOTHI G CO., of Goderich, ONTARIO SUGAR 0:, of Betlin, KUNTZ. PARK BRE 'ERY, Waterloo._ McGREGOR, BANWELL ENCE CO., makers • of Ideal F.nce,-- • , INTFLRNA TI ON AL 1-114 -, V.E :T:EB►..CO-, amilton, makers. -of Deeri g and McCormack lin ADIAN C ' ' , faictorlescovered; and hosts oa thers. If this routlu is best the large users, 1 u Deily flat ToO&:S, is it 0 natural to su[)- 90 I. \south Ito the 11 1st economical and best fol the .small' users, Atm Ily when- their mote are Mostly hitch rut i.44 At an. ' EMI'. We an sent}, >ttsiderable roofing not only in' til all luta nit,, ill large 1441411 lots, lit. 'ore rooli 4, be stir t seo u* about - - - •a )i3 0ITR, Howell Hardware Co. \ \ • Limited \ fi\ n, w•• s,t•ia.,,a SUCCESSOR TO E. ' PAULIN. \ 1.. THE STRENUOUS LiFE. t .lk at Pulls so \ Hard on the S omaZMust Have Help - • 4 -The -stress' a dst c"-strewa. III a life in both sit)' and country.. makes 4t r,Ii.,tr•ath1e.. 1Ihe people suffer today where one diol ten 4elarl logI. With' mirk he:obu t,, . dizziness, dal ukase)), distress after eat big. 'pe4•ks before the eyes, t,1,mting. rozvetl*nest,.1 ste•eplessnems mid the Rainy other sy'11yuonlr of lndig.'stion. All who are suffering with sl ch dandles, and thea. means at least two out of threee in lioelrt•ie•h and 111 het' t,,a•1)4, sl Id 114e Mi-a-na Nt - prh futons. Nothing else is 48 14,14,'. 4,.) eIT'rtiye : nothing else rail be so jbo,•,1414 111 y ri4tallr *l4*4w-44+- ee irv..-* l-- tr,ulbles from indiKest.ion oar :diel -km. 1t*. reliable is Ni-o,-nla that James \\'11444n 'with every :111 -(lent Male 4144 sells gives it guarantee to refund the looney utiles, 1,u• remedy 1.111.94. - \\'hy Ilo people talk mo nln.'ll ? (!ere letup not always revenue they have. MHIN•l hi.Mt i,t say: NNW YulCK, Aug. 17.--I4.awr-i e4' eeapts.nOl; steers fairly -sense Piad'seaa ' cows firm. bulls I.a to fir higher; native steers sol at 4141) to ILO, omen. at 11,11. tulle. 4-.76 to 13.43. tows, 43-4+ t.. 24.31 t'alvaw--ttesespis. 16111, reale s.ttev sled ' higher, b.ttwnrttlks. Cra.a.era and wr•etern rapes .toady to Sc 1141*41. mm- ntw, t" 1 te„lt•' wen., $14..',0 t.. $11.T.4 cradle aad tlruwe.tt.t 44 to 4f., buttertntlks and 1"44,44,—N.a.tern► H -tar -41. — 1lturp and l..Mnbe - tt• . M=4 ahsav steady. Moab( r. to Sec higher. ..enema, to prom.' alae,• -p, it n. PLOD. a (ow timing% to choke. N.75. culls. 11.10 to 4:Ja: common lambs, 44 et; one car at 411.: Bulls, 4T It 42.15. -}logs-.ItartpU4., 40, ; rnarkskIlle to 3k hlrh.•r; repotted Mier •wagw.at TI to =1143 tie( 100 pooands. • Cables "Steady -Hots Ar. Sharply Higher at Buffalo and Chicago. L.ANDON. Aug. 17 - t.nndnn .ktnest for r*tNP aro steady at 1144.' to lar per noond, 1rstwl Weight , refrigerator beef N pooled et T*ye to 113,4' par Woad. Taranto Junction Liss Stack. TfRnN'Tf1 Ji5I/CTTO!, Aq, 1T - Ramses& of . ttwatla1 1d1! eea/ estern Fair 1414 . Greatest Live Stock Exhibition of 'Western Oniiario Hell -Program of Attract cane( daily, lnvlmitng Ken)p,-Nahid-West Show. Best of Music. Fireworks each Evening. - ATHLETIC DAY MONDAY, -SEPT. 14.- - Come and enjoy yourself at London's (copular Nair. - 1414..;...----:-.-.......- REDUCED -.-.e..!REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS Prize Lists, Entry Forms, Programs and all en(otntatioll glv.w on applilatlon to . W'..1. kill). President - A. M. AUNT, Secretary London, Sept. II -I9 e • • d at Saving. Hinge ' - "' here goes l'un roan li.rxlutll. He has devoted twenty 4 u ,rt 11 of his. life • to,. davit the country " I)r et -i'Vett, I ind.'tetantl h' has wet ed :al oat $I1I,nou. 1 of it for im• sell'." ' 1414 \ 4)a the Oevasion of tilt'' visit 1.6 TOr- onto`td Lord I.,vat. head IA the Clan Framer. Thr, Mohr, with characteristic hospi icy, greeted hint with un edi- tori4l..i li,u•lie. The incident Ws- 1.1111.1•24 i6 - r 1111 . v,li.: 1414 1 riffs 111( . U I rt. ,�a t1 tit rt at n h t1t 't n g I the part of the chief -Liberal organ, all itlu,ay at any l'- ' discuss politics in (i,arlir and have the Conservative editors whutly in the -dark. -Saturday Night. \ _ Luther Hur•bank is to ether 41(14111(4. We are surly to, hear this, somehow. Luther ie about` the only grsfter in the country who isn't already' in poli- tics. \VaNhingtl.Il Ilera►Id. The Ho ferrutl -"You are e first and only girl I ever loved, Ethel." Nile "Ali, what lots of fun you have ahead of you, Freddy "" CANADIAN • NATIONAL Aug. 29 EXHIBITION sept. 14 TORONTO Tire -004 andand SPIlittniledAtinaal Exhibition in all the World Beery Province Sends Its Products 100,000.00 1s Prizes and Allrat lions Mammoth Massed Hood Concerts Grand Art Loan Collection Pitot 4. tufts Salon and other Old -World (isllerties. 61.r4atloaal'•Mllllary Tattoo and 10.1111141 rpectacf. The Siebe of Sebastopol With 900 Performer,. Isteraatioaai Dot Show International lit Smola 8,000 Live k on View sty Plow 61rta Sia rads nal J 4tla10rlss S. SAIL Murata& fit y. IIsi. C■EAP PA•Rtt:i FROM EVERYW1 U1ti A GOOD IIARVEST OVER AOA1N NOW FOR FALL FENCING In order to reduce our stork we snake yon the following price(-uii 1► [}'at. 4 wire wind ways It; 4ttrhrwapftrt. t IA1 t1gl+of J wirers, .:4 inches high, Ideal, 21.• per roil. Ito stills of Moires, :l4 inview high, Ideal, 12e per red.- 7,• lin,-.,Is of 111 wiri•., 1`I invite. high. Ideal, 17': per ('4d1. . r S4,ty I44 hitches apart. s wires. 17 inches- high, Ideal, :414. pe slat ___- 1u►i14tis .wt et4_414, r.hea-1,:Roar Mem!, 41T11.11Prrigt, ',41 roils of y wife,, :SI holies high, 4,1.•:tl, :n1 pet• rod. .•l1.er:Atrrduof Millon, 1)74) rods Anlei'i.nu 4iiid 7fiFl main Ilittplgirg i --NQW FOR -FALL -PAINTING. \e stiff hit%,•.(11111' iLtllywood Ihtun1. tell which tits , sato Otte M. 1 14.1, nil at ilk•) makes'2 gallon.. of pt4nl for 52,'.1 or one gal. tun fur• 1.'^711. Thim in a g,kkl paint, but,/as it is not the snake we•handlr we Ire 411441dieing i1. - REDUCTIONS IN REFRIGERATORS. I PHI' 1•u:unl•1'11 It.'t'i ig.•l4,101 14.1 ;:;lass, 11445. $311.1111 tine enamel -lined Heft}gett:•itor was $:111.411, now 11:t:5.i 15 tine gidvanizeltirtl-lin,•t1 Refrigerator was 444:1,444 now 444) 141 Two galvanized irnn•linrd Refrigerant'''. were *I 1,011, 111154 (iAS0LINI: 'SToVEs •`- Ihn•:S bt g:u itruer Ih•Slniwdir,e• stove, etas 1213.00. IHrw $1 LA0 I tin• l-huroer-.11e•11oi1. ,tamolnu,.,„alot 1•, on stand. Wad 1E2B. HI IU.W $17,145 I int. :S-1lurni•r )hnck,ye gasoline scan•(; Inti. Ilr�,{►w-,;r.;.� Ino l.el 41m'L,'. ' g:4' „lino vote/•, w4tx all, (4.)w Screen Doors and Windows reduced in price 20 per cent. f1 j DEN HOSE--- -- !hack 1)ietnlhn.1 startle(' leis.), Was 421',' hu IC Ong Rarlen 11.+a4', teas 1.9',1', 114(W 1 t to 14•,tler garden 41.111.', was 12r, now' 11 Ilull 11ug startles' louse, w' i. 1140, Ihr 1%11)1e staldel 14.114., MOM Ick• w lie Heating. Plum ng, i:a\'estroughinst and Electric: Wiring promptly attended to and sill wort% fully gunrariteed. et�tgl! RStore 'Phone 22 House 'Phone I 12 issenialler CHAS. C. LEE 1 • • -w..a I , ,s • 1P p ' 1t* , 44 j 1 •ire 41t�, . \ ., >t 1414-.�,.'. ■ n�s.Iw ir4'^�ew+..e�aax.-:aC•�taia iat�.- iaia'tntl