HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-20, Page 44 1 uraauar, August :'O, Tilo8 SCOTT RETURNED. SASKATCHEWAN GOES STRONGLY ;LIBERAL RkI;INA CITY -Bole, D.i6rral, galla 1 jLAST OF GREAT CROOKS urat:T b81. RKUINA CO- CNI'V Tate, Colore•rt at i vr, over :IW, RUSTHERN-Ens, Liberal, 2111, REDBERRY 4. laugley, Liberal, EDWIN NOVES WAS IN MILLION elected, 11X1. •POUND FORGERY. SASKAT'OON COUNTY-Sutheeal, re elm led. r ... S -* -- 'PUN: SIGNAL : GODERICH•. ONTARI(1 Government Carries Twentyslx Seats, Opposition Fourteen -Hon. Walter Scott Receives a Fresh Bestowal of Confidence alter First Term in Office Regina. Skulk., Aug. 11;. ---The smoke of the battle has now cleaned flour the recent elect' , and the electors have endorsed the plogremeive policy of the Scott Adnlinirlratian in moat rwpha- tic trona It is, indeed, a magnificent victory for the Liberals over a solid ajld aggreadve+ 1 onsei'vative 'organ- ization of the entire 1) ' ' who made a dead serial' uutkiug Saskatch- ewan a stepping -stone to Ihr sueee•ss Owl hoped for in the Federal elec- tious. ,IL is our, of the greatr.d- tributes to Premier Scutt and his policy which has r•yrr been given by a Canadian Province to its Govern- ,;‘ tient. Premier Scutt comes lack triumphant with a great -[p iucrreated majority its ail answer to the , am - taiga. t - t aiglL fir personalities` -lime•_ alf..l charges of uialfrtwaace ill `office waged by his uplonrutt. bloom. Jawcuunty, which hos twyrt claimed by Guth parties. has finally -sgple Lilerralt tele ire. 1 )wi •rented .. by it majority lir r'7 make*, Scott's majority 1'S, or one Iwllcr 11140 the Liberals- hope) for heron. the campaign. The )estimate w•ae then. , 211 o 11.. f - Lloyd ' ter, which up to this evening was in doubt.' helps -gutty Lib - 1y r 1 a 11 list -o' r r now Lib- eral vest majority, It i u 1 { ) y o ScottConservative conceded [ "tot l n ttalive headquarters, hot even allowing it to the -Opposition the Government bas a e. rung and effective working majority. The elect' in the tiding of Atha - tuutea was deferred, 'anile a date Iras. not leen fixed for it as -.yet, hit it is expected to go to the (ove•nment ipy acclamation, which would ' make Scott": majority twelve es compared • with flvein the Iart Houses. Their 1Iefeaf has, indeed.. beet' ' aa' hitter pit'�for the' Cory urganizatioh to swallow. 1'he • foul set their hearts on the capture re of-Saskatchervtul and refused. puaititsly to believe they third_ been beaten. They Live know u_sim._ midnight tn, Friday -that the Scott Government had been eusutined. hit nevertheless have !wen Imitating of victory and calling upon their ftiendr in the East to congratulate than. Tonight it is no longer possible for them to maintain their hollow pre- tence of routing Scott, and they are preparing to rat their erow. • Defeated Ministers. The defeat of the two Ministers. Hon. J. A. Calder, Minister of Educa- tion, in Milestone. and Hon. W. 1t. Motherwell, Minister of Agriculture. in North tin'Appetle, is more than atoned,forby;t(te Liberal victories in Regina and Saskatchewan. which were storm .cert( o , arm ((, n,r 4�litit•e activity, and can be. overlook in the great victory throughout the Prov- ince. There were nses.ons to derly ingthese defeats which made t •lee tion of Government supporters almost .'tl e\ i 1 im 1 1 In .Iflett one r. . - h Ina r the N iter of the electors are. farmer, front the United States, who are din lands colonized by the Haslam land Comp- any, the president of which it a former Conservative candidate. 11r had great influence with them, and succeeded in arraying then, almost .to A marl:-agatnit Thr• Literate.. In North tln'Ap.IwlIe Mr. Motherwell was opposed by every device the Conserv- ative organization could suggest. His opponent is a Liberal who lied a pwt•- sonal grudge againet him, who is immensely wealthyy, and decided to avenge himself by defeating the Min- ister at any cost. There Is a great half-breed vote in the constituency, and Melionakl, who was elected,'com- neinded this in a great measure by the fact that he is himself a .gnartet•- hreed. Liberals lubilant. -9AgAriTOON l't`I1 -`lesion: Li ern!. 77. SALl'COATK -- McNutt, Lt over 2A,t .- , ' SWiFT CURRENT- NT- Hun. Walt Scott. Liberal,. elected, majority Vet SO1'R1S Riddell. Conner -vat iv elected. over �1. SOUTH Q1"APPELLE-Ilataltal elected, :tlrt, 'IY)U('H1V(K)D--l.itaere'. rI.. to . VONI)A Toledo Liberal. 131. \\'ARENA -Pierce, Lilwrnl; itt da(. 1VElBCRN .t.iiwral. by U'i, Yt)RKTON--(iwrwy, lei -Meal, Alma 1011. A'CIIABAS('A-Debated. 11• Only Survivor of Notorious Quartette �n1' Who Attempted to Rub Bank of ep £1,000,000 Is Now Engaged In Misetonerp Project to--iove-ton• donors Rom American Gamblers n, , O.treuded Bankers of Cloo,000• er A FAMOUS SONG WRITER. Death of Ira U. Sankey, the Singin Evangelist. New York, August 1•:. - 1.'a 11, Sal Ley, Lnowii as an ey,uigeliet througl out thet'hristian wnrleh diel Thera day night at lair tone in Bro„Llyi c generally kiluwa until yeste Ila''. Mr. elanLry-.was six() -vigil " prat - Id. and t'ui the t tftr j.•nt 1.. ,1l.$wr: t -Am g r a\ brisk.- alert •-:J mato tot 71, of slight bold. with a- gray. uu114/n uwustaclf.•, (t* '* tlo• Sauk, of Eug- laud nit etwitlras neatly every' dal;. His Ideutit,i la ui•klfuwu • save of ':e Ire. He is 1..1%111 ,\eyes, time uttly sura ver of tate tour - tutu waw tvwwlttod %bat is knot. a as the "Great !li(ijvtt Puuud F•ury{lil b. ". 1'birtr t -Y at ukeu. ucvwp:tny , %1111 \u•t.p and tieorge Bidwell nod tiring.• Mit uittio 1, lam w't* sentenced to wlplt, .011u/rut tw lair fur litn• e crur by•wWebi -banker'• were dein' wed -„t- more than. a hundred ttaoesa 1'1 puuu;lx-. The pians ut the gas.g, 1 wluofi were alwu,l iul, eurnalu i+ templa4d a haat tot mum tf.an u suit• hula('tuuudr aterliug,. _.._' e lt4•r serving teenty year, u, Sri- u- 1:•Iw all Nu) UMt q 4•01.0hL , ylnpauiol•- '•Iwo eea4•01.0r.•Ira....l,1 tltkgl•ufll:ut.•, it,e ao•xlples r.- r had la•en blind ,tool cull 1 f waseesissal ttiw►..t uhius sta 1 fr llll overweerk. Almost to the vet East he wt kett ,at hymn Writ ;, th gift which had leconglu- magi (ante i1 ,•tery corner of the tooth. 1lisrtuur thritugliout this e try and hurt' with -Dwight L. Moody, the elation. liar. brought, hi .into wide .nrotujal nice. Sankey, Ie said. .re I stake • it i all n t v w h Gospel hvmins of t1it,N•urld.\ lit al tui..at every language known tO watt Sinkey'e tomtit. rue sang. Ila• try rritrtl a barge• aur • t('. n1 life pt{hJi_ w.tl.olls eu.tlt14-1u:quir ul-a►-- cwesi.L.r able •'stair.. Among Mr. Samkry't Mos, familiar • positions art. •'Th N' e • N' ei' and "Wiwi the wrY and w 1 1 1listy Ilaave Rolled Aw eye•' Sankt)• had igen a singer how boy - tread anal his • voice had attracted acted aat- triifiliu ite thelittleltatllrt Of Eden- hntgh. 1'a., where he was loath Au• gals( 2�, Nellie In the Is•ginnieg of his *elite tile Sankey '.wws-'+►'-Meifmiiisi. (orb-f..e tlte-laet-settn--ewaw:aw was- as member of u Presby urian church in Brooklyn. Ile it survived Iiyj It widow and two sung, ' (hurlt,l ¥ae•duntie was killed 111 Pall '' Francisco, Jud Noy i, now the cul) link watt. the past. '1'b.• N at t% : r_ t try has jaw! ertt W /rlyd supe•'- ticket of-hav1: and I:r has Ikturuel to London a \fre•e uaau., t t s r -le- He as n try t tem rt tri pot ager. 1 y it i i is ori r r IP Id ! nl. and 11 flgJ(t d its it in Americas to forestall. the •d 4tiw-nr.,n triennia,- vel 1 at Wier. -raaui, in shout. 1u prey .at l.otalomers. Nwyt'r I, now, bili (active spirit in �-The luIru+iilluoJi-AttU iLr`ug .t,• sae iaU n, fuuudrtt .by. Julio 1'. tjuiuu. the for far Bruce •..f gamblers and • dt,l-rlsa r.. 1 l'he ace .f .his lite, \uyrs AN d EN LETTER. -do the P of Goderich. - To When' It 11 y Concern : Of lade there hat lieu a gaol deal of disetsitiun in Outlet ieh ie ei ••ttaatd 'to advertised medicines and 'thew vidue -the patwt't are fult of them.' We want to- teat/ to evert' man. woman and child in (loderich that we believe the nloat\valuable prepara- tion of rod liver oil\ the best toni.• ret:onatrtictor. health\ restorer-- and •.trength creator --we laver etre sold in our store 1 -. o Vi . - Vino'. , Vino' is put a patent' n • nine, it contains nu injurious ohm but it actually dors contain all of `inetli• eine!, curative eIeVtentd taker from fresh coals' livers, without a drop of the useless oil to apart the atontach and retard its work, and tonic i 1 .m M added. - Vinod no 1•erugnizsil throughout the world as the greatest strength creator for old people, weak, siekly woolen and eldhl •en - nursing- _earthen.- and alter a severe sickness. Vinol cures hacking cough+, vitrvnic golds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. R'e ask the people of Usl oerieth, to tryVinod on our offer to return money if it fails. 11. ('. Dun- lop, druggist. REU'B$N FAX DEAD, 1 KEEP OLD SHEETS. r1�o=o=0 Many Places In the Household When ze They Are Utilid. ass Tigre urs a uuwber of ways In which 0 every wrap of an uld sheet may be heated It nue will glee the thought- First, there are v huusekrepert Ignorant tot the fact that if the sills un sewed together awl the sheet tut througb the center N will be Elyria a urw testae of illy. 'swilled by rrasuu of their eottueari, cow- . blued with their eutathautlal weave, wake rscrlleut polishing cloths Mall guud Uadelowingvvers for lowing boards. 04.1cotton sheets wake good baps for 'W1011141gowns and coats fu the wardrobe, uise large sheet being eaf- tkleut fpr two wardrobe bags. An uk1 sheet will cut up luta several slips for use est the pillows over the tkking. An- other plan b to take the newt parts fur waking sheet, tar cuts Auld cribs, where there ate chi/Maus, renertlug the very thin portions fur use as Uuatere. A large upruu fur tuvertug the skirt us to be ed fur bedwetting can be made fru% half .a discarded sheet - ijrt• soft old sheets way be cut In ptece•s 40 by :70 and devoted to baby's wear. 1ullte __krt*toe tteer, lttuu rntl to the possibilities of au old sheet. One -baa laid aero the bed under the patient u 11 Nerve as a draw sbeet. Small pisses may be substituted fur a hand- ert•tttef and then Mira:. " In " Infec- tious tiuus caun old sheet may beidlppad ill a disinfectant and hung outside the dour of a slckrutm, +, . 011sweepdag flats there b a need for old sheets for covering the furniture. As lidow weans well Iliad k !b color ny to the last thread, mavery pretty piens tot decorative work may hs oyelled Gem It: ��O�Oi9 1O NEW FALL GOODS ilaiut now o nwu t eij'Iw yiir*.. jut--yt ii u -.Esti} {itosoLl r -int --lite inlioeing I n,•r : DRESS GOODS • 1N SOME OF THE LEADING NEW FALL MAKES: 5.41 Mteipia, Two I'ulor Stripes. Plain 1',g.lili:., lk sidulo►Ils, VialPtitans, Satin ft.ryp.l., Valmont,- t'vffes ul bbick, f'an:um+u1 in black and voters. 0 The nlu.ve urw dress staffs are the -leery bsa diet ran be gut at priced asked, ail wool and•a,gaol width. You Will lihd prict'N of 111511• gouda. all right, 0 . •' PRICES, soc. 75c, 85c, $t.00, $1.25, Soso, Soils, St.%) and up. LADIES' SATS 111, 1 suppose it it a little early to Nay "new 1'.111 ('o ii. iii. wt. have therm already and will be glad to 0 0 show thein even if you don't want to Gage, They are .1 chukr lot, direct from the uuaket•s. -WAISTS 'Just a fete left, hut they inlet go even if i1 i; only hall-piise II 0 • HOSIERY A sutadl tut of Child's lyase, black Cot 1l�i1• a roe', arra, :,, -, , f ;math. Slone of the old 2 for 2.-' liar st 01 heir, al, 11, m(, Ilt, Standard Patterns Always. in Stock. Ir you want a sure. fit Pattern buy Standard - Standard Fashion Book, aoc.. with Coupon good for' 15e pattern. 0 0 0 0 The Square J. H. GOderich 11 0 Colborne 11=0=0 O O