HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-20, Page 22 I'114014 la T, August 20, 1908
the work, and-• the line will he Ake
miles in length. E. H. McGuigan is
the well-known railway roan. form-
erly with the Grand Trunk Railway
and later With the (treat Northern.
opponents wherever him addresses ale
to be delivered. One of the chid
Noreen of him nipre•wlented and en-
during popularity Is the . adulirablr
self euntrul by the exercise of which
he Is able to discuss puhltt• questions iu
such a way tam to 11101114e the rnthus.
ar elaturdaf''iaht of Torentos refit!'
hum of his friends without wounding
t RAtItItTSUR the footings of hill' opponents': Public
ring t0 election rfm0l.. says: life small gain In'i"e"sely if Mlles&
"Stories are 4n circnlatlon to the who have suffered leas thee he has
ai,:ltl,•ts• a'rer were given flee to
• 111 mlrikititp Lr11141/me Im luta showing
with"that o(Ihe Conservatives while
im older fr.un 1r79 to heel. .111e ofllcilttl
figureself Ile hunl«stra l eraWlsr- dpr•
ing that period are :
Kw 4,08a PAS 9.18.15
tLYO.. ., '2.171 14411) ... ....3,4I0
Itl11� 1,763 18u ...T, 9.41ub
11f1':.. _... 7,kct 1alI4I,, .,,,.3.5si
boo 113 .. 1 I lfhl hilt' . . .. 1,140
Ira{ .'. 3,7:1:1 II$fi told
1`8.. .., . 1,s:ri' 181 . . ,...3,:;11{1
lrttl . 2.tL17 IAu.r , ..,. E•YW
158 ",1111) I.N1r4 ... I,lii7
1'14 N i.. in eight•ctt years there
were If:,11t1 sulker., which moons lust
grants t.loening n lei: am sere., were
made in that period to n,111.41 sett lent
by a government withal. gave many
millions of xcree to ra4lv.tys.
The twisted clearly shows that.' in-
stead of giving away land to specie
haters, as its enemies 'allege, the lime
444,1. 141e1•Yl (i..t•er'111111Y11 Ilan harem) trite
to its pruu4isr to keel. t4..• hind for the
settler. feindoY A11al lisrl'.
South 1I.Ii44) ("oneeta'atit-et are tel
I ii• I.w.kB.lt fur4 a candi.let• (.1,'11*
• Mane. lhuniui.D-'dr'li••o.- aid ,Tho_
Tends of aubserionm. effect that Sir ]awes (Whitney) may done in the way of exemperat ill( lois-
`LW per anntiw In aaraecc,l enter the Dominion campaign as repprtNI'tlt*tion had his gift of a'xi`mit its
• six months. ,4t' ; throe mouths, 2.n:, leaner of his party with Aft. Borden urbanity end impert41•.Ode good tem -
To United States subscribers. $1.411 a year his willing lieutenant: Stories of this per.
(.Oielly Is 40 41114i411. kind, with variation! urs• under dim -
Subscribers Waiters•
tlub.•rilwrs aha fail to rer•Ise Tate 8wsa1. CIIMiun in wtel1-informed cir•l.w. But
angularly by nail tr9 ,safer a favor by ate- 'Montreal !slur.
eoedbte get time to cons der, and in came a Art- Alltel ir:al suate waiter', :. 11 Ltd 4. iwl
When • (image of address' 1, desired. bo-'eopyjournal shmild fall under - -
oold and the new address should be el ) eu.
soaiatins ue of the at w early a dale w if Sir.Ianles flint !one to England 10
his rye. it Lamy not be milt o1' place for this 'wave worthy young uten who
Saturlay Night to sly that top have• 110 erre patting thrmerlvr.) through rul-
Advertising Retool: - - belief -that any present i•umloinatinn of lege. lint at last the wo•dtd hotel -
Toronto ; 3. J. White, 1. 0. A. 0.,
Toronto. Tiuw, 12 'woods. •
_"del yards --1. F. N. Deist. Wood-
t•t.1ck : 2. J. (.'. White. I. 0. A. 0..
Toronto ; 3, T. Hitchin. 1. C. A.
Toronto. Time, 2'Ji 3-5 sw nods.•
44(1 garde -1, F. K.. Dent. Wood:.
stuck ; 2, T. Hite 1. 0. A. 0., Tor-
nota 4
The officials : --Referee. A .
.'rick, Fleaforth ; starter. Alloy Ito
son, W0041mtock ; judges, J. Mure•hl•
mom of Luckuow, W. Hallantynr, of
•'w•*furtn, '1', O'Rourke. of Ttruttu
timer's, 11. )1-1'ellum, .1. Daly, of Sea -
forth ; scorer. W. J. Moffat. Selo
forth : clerk of course, Lois E. Martin,
Toronto : announcer, O. E. Hender-
son, S«aforth.
Int*rvsting Matters for Teachers.
The rural whistle open.'d on Aeguat
17th for the year 14etc•U. That the
year may 1e x sticeessful ono all the
pupils should 1e in their (places As
early in the tern! as possible. The
classes should 4 . uagnniLetl properly
at 'ince. Definite work and real prog
rear ..Infold Mark 'every day of the.
term. Many teaehef.. un *ecuuut of
wasting time and luck of n)441 hod
timing the early part of the year thea
their pupils below the etapd4td at the
end of the term. A neat Linte•tlble
!%ewh-lirr,rl name. Nryerlal for all rla*stsg eh kl be arranged
Leri and other sundae ed„•rn putrid.. we Prmvincinl Premiers and 1.41'31 dim. keeper "fired" theist' in A bunch, Hr
Iles or lint n lou a' 1' _ s
nonpareil scale, lwehe lines tour inch. teat of Sir Wllfrld Laurier. Ile has whip belle horst a golf stick." Inste.01
Business cards of et. lin and tinder, M per he'll unfortunate in many of his lieu• of making the young holy Islnlrleltll
year. � -- r
par t ,sen and per we fur affecUuns will suffice to eau..4 the als..ralluplauuxi Hutt they could out "tell (4104. subsequent' insertion. Me•asuretl try
title •• 1.11 t1
! teiantr tot many, hylar but he re• they would take A I ley
ents,1f Lost,
11laaivaitrayed44,,$at mains a public- times. spteedid and taail thrill 1hut lh.ir ayes were of the
Sale or to /tent. Farms for (tale or to Reel, alone in- the imaginatiotl' of floe 1ow•lirmt'Mur.' 31(1''iei i',-. they'saig
Articles for Yule, etc., not exceeding eight people. , He Ca11unL 144' beaten in a college choruses in.trxd of washing
lines, 2.5e each insertion , 4.4 for fine womb. :son young and iwpreasiumaide country h dishes'. and disabled a bridge tivrl' n
for each subsequent month. Luger ad serllse• such (urrrs• as now oppose hilus'.i - Y. ravi:ur. by sitting on it with 'amine.'
In*4ttr 111 proportion.
Aupuuneewenls in ordinary reading type ten
girls on moonlight nights. stn they
errata per line. 44o notice Ir.N than sr% hal to go. Thew back {nay .Was nl-
Auy special notl.e:the object of which is the '111e huuity system had -06140(1" all•
!rot1aarryy 4.eureL of any ladle (dual eN sod
IitN11, eaten" U(i "ln`,i•1JIK!llslxln•r telt"
Inon,tobe ronidensl au adrertlseweut ,o.t Ya (ages over the rust Il 'tariff phone messages to which they were' 4'1.104111 N
atystPers ref= .rottatinn. t44ntIvr.the• rlNula+ly Yailieiett- 4i -►r -i./--low 1*++..tl,i
Writs Willboagivrnouapplication. buutil)•ry -1 the Ir•uplr knowdust, rtu•wlthatthathotel-keeper wi lata'
lone uuu h thY air ,n in fur the his sympathy with the earnest youth
Address all communications tot Y I L K who aspires to a college edu'tlt iota,
encmuragewent of "infant' industries
�Nao. or ploy 10 contract rer'iw
\ ANArrant a HUBFK'1'1l1V - More Revenue with Lower Ts)I*tion.
awaneb, Oat• Montreal Herald.
• b4.• Illdlre:'I And mat IN• really' 'll
00 -IR 'R, THCIISUAY, *l'U('STtb, tAa mole burdensomUethan the ,WU:,.wtlts The pr"ger.+ of the resolute in the
by mama v without elulaing the tax. cuatuw. department tllent 1s something of
SIR LFRIU IN HURON. system which levies on the many for Li, in lir yrxr• IMI the reyrn11e
7` 41. I4. B
the benefit of lir few. Thr. cuetoLus Ircom ristuws taxation ton. iine•trr° -ia.►t Alex.
' it is"annou ed - 'at Sir Wilfrid tariff increases the pricy 01 the article MiH' dollars. During the next ern- t' ,111 1
I&urier will a<
pay sem to rignire into the wplitj of a tin• Laurier l'(tl.:o�t nod .floe
1.iberil party' 1... sissy rw41.ott tv. IN -
1+++r' wv i dim,14 John 't it• -lvefure `trpteuiT.ci_ Ter and liut 11 14
cunspicumu4 441411'.' in the class-1•oulu,
'Phis tide -table st Id be faithfully
liam•,. /owed' : John .tl,N:idghlun,
!:1141111.4:• M. Hr,Nl.•rick, Sea forlh;
i.ehu Me Donald, liensldl : ' Hugh
st pa'kttl.ul, Exeter : Kry..lo.. Elliott, Ot•Baiizi' your 4it1•aiuw *sill gra411111-
I L s, ' J' _.4340-htigw.1/t-i.*al;«u,J,o-14w._ :A-•
d,•rstattd bleu 1h,'re i. a 1111141 frau (uip1I whit willing t1 work aalthat'
Si.i.I rn township in t4..• ' g who a little tel ' 1 other members d the
may rxptnre'- the nomination in.pref• class utas lie put in the clam. HC will
Awns)' to nutty o11_ 1C 1.11.44 • e!--•.I,t-mH4'i$-:n•th•e4*--weryiY
the beginning (414(1.' year'alu►m hr eau
11114' Conisei-vat lyes will .up- Flo later.
dIr Bri{l, ra-m. for the 1'tie .nt resold te•1rt•Iter preptirrs
Huron electors at
of his Ontario tour
This will afford to t
Count another upfam'lt
the greatest of l'anaditt
and to the Literal rlecro suothee
occasion for it grand demo tration
in welcome of their arlwiretl d be-
loved chieftain.
The stress of public office --rah
ing to a degree float few can realize
has tirade its mark upon the great
Premier : imt he is stiff they gattant
fighter• the silver-tongued orator, the
broad -visioned st*tesman, the patri-
otic Canadian to whom the L(I*vals
of Huron' long ago gave their al-
legiance, and they will look forward
to his -visit with expectancy.
n ons. \144 Me\etl1 4,141 lweu in «\pry !resott fur vetch day Iwfure•
re a touting "f pyrofectLrd xnJ thus lee rani Mr. Koster rotas, showing what - attempting Ice teagch if. Ilia ills'k•
Lhr fixld allll'r- 1411. * 11'111 - 1aN 11n inde-
tri • its use
Mon in the course the bounty enables the manufacturer
IN en on •aatla r.
x1. month. to'*1) the,rtirle at it lower pt•ire than
pruplt of this he nlhrrwisr cunld, tVithuut viewing
its of 'wring the futynlrnt. of 1s11144(iea with the
slateeuen slightesa degree of approval, it,le-easy
to ser that it is preferable to encour-
agement loy meats yf iuiport dr lees.
Expecting a reverse for the Scutt
Government in Saskatchewan, the
Conservative press _in Eastern Claude
loudly declared that the result would
beetest of the feelinge � ' s
f ill 1Pt
towards the Ottawa liovernulent.
Saskatchewan was to .41151. Rema, and
Scott was merely an underling of
Laurier- -so said the l'onservetivr or-
gans, -and Scott's defeat would indi-
cate *hat would happen in the Watt
when the Dominion (lovernment
should appeal to the .•ountt'y. The
local Opposition, headed he Mr. Hall-
tain, a Ir its campaign largely on
alleged g1'wvances against. the Ottawa
(lovernlnent, inviting the electors U/
whip Laurier by beating Sctitt.
What is the result i The return of
the Scott Government by it owe ping
majority, and --if the pre-election
declarations .of the Conservative or-
gana are to be taken seriously _-a
eple4Y1i1Ltuf►'t uL cunfidelce to tha
Ottawa Ad ' iNtratien. At any rate
there is nothing in the result of the
ail r Ympr►ign to indicate
that Mir Wilfrid Laurier ham lost any-
thing of his hold upon the We*t, ,and
e proems -tit are that when _Mr -Wil-
frid and 'hie colleague* submit their
case to the people 1 hey will he granted
a new Irene of power with the !lenity
goodwill of the great Majority of the
electors of Western l'anade,
Thet(uisrrvetivee tried to eta1••a
- t'ee LV- w6 eflAiti i!. Lwer*ier-acrd felted.
Premier Scout ie a Mold fighter, and
the results in Sask,af•hrwad show'ahat
the bold elue' tit the Winning marrow.
The .,tri l
gge between the C. P. H.
company and, the strike's is interest-
ing, but it- does not look like good
le hada_ !vol. pt tjtt•, thirstier
heard in the land. And the tiller of
the moil shliles pleasantly' as he SPP.
the goodly peasinct-f 4i� wusen'e
The 1'ofiw'rvaiiLee"'Lamas, itefetre tate
MAskatchrwan elect' *, Ileclalr•I, that
a. Sawkatchewnn went so would go
atte 1D)lnilrn. __The _ fiitw'rals - hull.
•Saekatefli.vren 1►i1)) en ite•reeseilinn-
' jarity.
Reports from the United Steles in-
dicate that the financial and 'Mina.
trial c"mlitlons there Are infinitely
worse tli an they are on this Nide
of the 1order. And yet high pen.
teetlonalte .w,,utl have Ne 41wi4Ate the
83.31 policy of the 1'"iter) States
Belo,* Sedan.
Hen•, 1n 1 hie leafy.pl4.'.'.
told, with hi. sightless Nee
Turned oil the skies
-11,but another dant:
All you can slay is
l '1 y his buds erne.
is' ors must hays slsses
King climb toenunence
eller -n a grace•
SO hi. n1 1'+ eye i. dl W
Throw the 1th user lois.
what. wast he
Theta. at his
I•:ttwr hi, hand h,
Tight ere he died .
Message or wish. mar
smooth -the
fir , out .m
(hardly the worst of tie
herr could have sm11 e
nl> •the t o reuud L.
%Void+ of a child . -
- l'ri11k•, float ha.l for •top.
Just.a few ruddy drop-.
4.00k'+hr. i..ad 10 miss•
Morninm and night.
His - her deal fat her's:- ;
Tries to be bright.
flood to a.auuna and sweet.
That is all. "Marguerite.
Ah. if beside Me dead
slumbered the pain :
Ah. if the hearts that bud
Slept with the ,Iain'
If the grief dint' Hill no.; - --
IAruh Lulu not have It so. -
- -Austin l)ub.'on.
iteyou touched- ..
e' •
ninrtreit ilillioils (nearly twent 'k
although it. 11x41�fg • tit to I went),
three 1111,1 Ir11nC tl(IW (1 1(14.ai11. 1 Nat Iter
industry. it may be remarked in pare-
ing. sus 411 its lowest ebb.; The.
Laurier 'Cabinet found the rust,111114
revenue .at under twenty millions,
Towered the tariff, 111111 in ten year's
the revenue had growl to forty -sis
-millions, just.twue what 9144_ Fileter
got in his lest yetis with his highest
tariff. It has meant a great Ileal to It f. •el lila! stir 'Wilfrid-
ilfridthis Dominion to have that extra 4.11, rier wilt •uhhwsr a N'i i.'4 of (Peet-
twenty.Three to twen t\ --Six. iniliiune at i'eta-'ln- Ontario, Ctmtluelli•'.nt clef;.
India) keep up with the demaudajut teuotlet-Jv!1`r sat. Ni+►Ka a, 1!a11. and
e wnditlnr arising out "f- the moire -.covering a'. period of nlssut turas'
cot nteddeveloplllrlit. weeks. Ile will lye ercu11uu4ni4•,) by
4100. lieu. Y. Ovalle'''. Minister of
1`M AND FOR THE SET Railways And Canals. at several of
fur n,retingc. I1linlon will fa. "ir of
. the meeting places : the date will he
aunnuncei in dor-t1114e. - -
Sail.. 3 Ito' tic, fornletly priuripaa-
IIT 7nr(i•ff OdL115• w•hool. and now" the
'The Govan .Sisk'.) Prairie
News. was the Ltlwr:4 ennditlate in
the rnn1tittiete•y of Last Mountain in
the reeeit Provincial elections in
Mla4ktttchewabu, but W1Ls-unatac.1w(111.
I11 1111 p14
leen great,
Dominion /iuv
irolxr, perhaps, Inas there '
Misrepresentation b)•
trrlals of the present • The leader of the ilominionn Opplwi•
mbelli 's- tweutvl titan Linn. Mr. H. L. Barden. also is to
x44 re :1 e'
1 its l t w 'r
xu 1 iI
KI Y• •; nddr•e.s x nurnbsyt of .yrrtingin in this
The ;that., 1.* It - been made that I'rovinre, and a program for the tune
Dominion lands int tided for the set- is Icing arranged by the Conservative
tier have first. been &krmitted to peas ,ryganizer, J. F. ('arstiiirs.
into the hands of ager 'Inform, friends i
it buy for n
icer_'I'here lion. Ileo. 1'.. Grahimt stated 4,i a
G .Ills - /
1 r r \
rte t u ,.
oto, that H r . Ir. "
hear rr a Fielding,
K .
1' u vi„. Hon. Mr. Fisher and Hon. Mr.
snfijwt, iaunirn4 would 1ulare4s meetings at
4points 11Ii in Ontario f iia year.
1111 ---
Parliament Degraded..
of the Government,
song, and sell for a high
is no foundation for these
1'1144 IVimltpeg Erre Prr..s,
column discussion 44f Lhr
clearly shows.
As is pretty generally kno
odd • iwred sections in the vest
err Many years age, withheld f ,nl
nlestcuiing settlement by the Al
do aid (iovernilent, as a reserve fr.
be m,
the railway land grants were to
e. %%lien the present liovern-
emued office it found that
compare 'veli little pi..gretas balk been
made in t e seIec(i'in of the many
trillions m - Melva Of railway hand
grants. Of .•e) me, the Laurier (iuv•
eminent hast L satisfy the grants
authorized by its 'tedecessora, but at
the same time it terininel that in
future no more land . could be grtitan,'
to any railway. That der)' Itxslwen
rigidly adhere's' to.
rhe work of selecting g nts :already
The ElectricRailwayWanted. authorized tear, hcawata r.
slow, and in the _meantime
r \\'i:nnem Frhn. numbered seeti01114were t
rressarl ly
What. ie wanted along the shored of tVhrn finally it was completed. u
Lake Huron it the extension of the found that 1hrt' ens a reV1rai" td of Ottawa rather than
ptnopdqon.sed electric road from (iollrrich Lhr linvernuent of Caneda "f a t nye of Lhr "Wens folks"
tI i*incartlin. 411 far 447 Oliphlilt. If :et,ltel,lxet tlrre., probably two -third Ihrtr votes.
thin roar! were to run through l'or(
of which is good arable land, available An inrlwayl in'thr .r*sinn.�
Pidgin, Southampton, Menhir and (11► for' eilirte arttlwnent' • tt • ham made alt In
fin:..cu►t alalit •. If t in
phant t*r i 1.'1., to i -it �rotttrt ultra ng se
Tema.) '1441.8 i ."..
( 14.14ida's l'erlianWitnewt r4:ane Lir
Ise ieprementative of the people if its
Iegwl11.li01er/4:A0 i low to keep the
mhos at Ottawa for ova,even
lis .'lit "f eve, y year.
von- nth ...salmi 1llw1nr that
n who would be 'the most
the country cannot afford to
Iieni.rtxv n•nlinatiuns,
/louse of uIn na 'must
aid the hone of
• nor means of snp)ort
tier' session and "pick -
menthe'. of Parlia-
represent his con-
-who it .Loomed
oto of Wein the
res aresident
11,gi4e hint
ions as
en kept at the old figs "f
r I.PcsInn the meridiem w uhf
driven hone by the inns
alying their boats! Milts fo
s. .The increase of the
:.;let per semslon ham ma
bs se�4rimi that it: is
e men the country
'ti in Parliament.
remain 'in ('x44-
the n
accept p
Thus, tli
`41`411111ne'will/ lox
Iain their *2,4
Furthermore, i
lhetlt to supposed 1.
'-aritnrner lire-TTup. t" seven months sllu
*41.4 eupitoil every year bee -
money-maker, A , nn a large had the present itis. prtas ) fIP
and the anmme r resorts E 1 \ had
Shinn the lake would boom. ernment been the corrupt constantly,- 1ll,itst
tion its enemies pretend it is. As a imve 1
Signs of Cold Winter. matter of fact, the pulley adopted sihility o
- \ mtnmford issevn. absolutely bars out the band sp*cel• aPvrn mon
lat,r. First of all. the (.dd•nnmlrrletl
Neetions are thrown open to actual Indemnity to
lengthened homesteaders. and afterwards they impesleibl,' for t
ere offered f"r sale at the statutory ..mist 41«Pd, W tow
priceB( aft ame'to men whir -lave Anil Lir u'rn who .I
"ltiavyraine in August is the sign
of a very cold ieinter," 'kaki *local
wrath prophet this ulurning to The
Beacon an remarking upon the -heavy
sliinters ,if temt'trlay and today,
While it i rather early to speak about
wintry w er, the word..' of 111e
pr gnoatir lw-t4mse nf-wtnlmrit y,
and his pre( 441101) m147 probably be
remembered t heel the void. blast+ of
Deceutls•t• *ud \Annuity are 1441,111 ie.
Don't Shut Too Soon.
onllta 'nckel.
Tin' expirrien.re , Tum fartrgIoiit
and lithe` 4'aa•ulaal athletes tat Lhr
Olympic .
willof .i
its good effect If It teaehwl our people
to act on the imbue. ••Letati khim that
gimlet!) on lir hnfnrss 1411x1 himself
--sae-he 1'lrwt�rtttlrth -it atlhu t>Rltadtc
Wal made 11614411011M, not by the
failure of her athletes to win More
prizes, 4.51. by the load Imitating tint
had been donee before the contest be-
Irish Humor Alive.
lamdon 4peetator.
People soviet •4 romplain that 1lie
9441101' of h ' is dying out in Ire-
land. We are ttlet4f,tt al pecialtf& g1a41
to fei•1rd a proof to the contrary. An
Irish termed, w'11it Mut just brought
-fainter the pe,14 lo,.,, art fioaetred to the
agent that his landlord wee ne1144. "(tint
Alndlthty," 11110 that he n..l fear
nothing. "ihm'l you be to, *wire,
I'at," watt the reply. "Remember
God Almighty e.i11w1 his deet two
11ar4.lo Swallow:
xlrhnlutely homesteaded, and Who can 1 t 1
only aciluire title loy �falllilting bottle* 1ttawnt 1 r$wICI•l1.' 111 1 s entrrt 1141 At
The-44141eted 111.tiwA orrtthrrl g 18n st•ey should went conditions.f111 the per silting whom ey 'ahouiii
seething being thus "httinablP only by live, w
actual settlers, it is Puffy siren filet -�--
the'prrulatur to rigidly excluded. Setforth'seetetlratiOn.
As regards the even- beret! sec-
tions, apart from the-Litl,ltet MerPs no. weather could scat•rely
meld, with conditions of settlement. 1,1 been.mul•r mnfav1gaide than it was
the Yaak,at•hrwan Vallr le'tml/)n
m /
Y the Storrs of 'Scotland / celebration n 1 1 ration x
patty, the results of which u h sair have Neuharth on 1Vtrinrslay of last week.
amply justified it, not a particle of Early in Lhr morning a heavy ruin
this area has been sold I,V the pier- d.terrel outsiders from culling to
.'nt (lovernneit, e *rrp1. to ac1011t. 4,u*u, laud las x cunNrpl'uce the (Intuit
nett lers• 1'r,e, sums even -numbered was not nearly so large Ali hint year.
'g'u'lls" - 114 1 he afterneain, Tight ill-' 1114""t itifd e
dent' rmuditinns, .to holders of half. of the.. program - .1t-...aplutee--allutj1Pr
breed seri!), but this procFihire Was lyrxa•yshower ('1111..• up, Which male
set at the time the now proepwruns h�a
Western I rovilees weer• taken into
the I)mnini.n. It was part of the
crest nettle Donn llinn's title, was based
an treaties involving the granting of
this w•rip in ertitiguiahment (.f the
Inita❑ titles to the public lands, and
the (present 1lev.rnntent had nor".
_!unr tl.44144fy, wit the sy4,teIn
r.141111i4hed hi Lbw, before it entered
office. As it is, the land scrip iI,I(P,l
TII-hatf-breeds by the 1.iMrrals is not,
more than one -thiel that issued by
the pewlra'sl1ot•s 111.01'11,•.' between IR78
and 114111. .
In the matter of free homesteads
given to wet( lers thiring the petits! the
pr.•setIL Government hem been in
.01er, the alnrwing i. Hent gratifying.
• neeforth The 1.01.161 ■nnial reports 'uvrr six
i'fin- lets. of -tip. MnAFR Achim -4 Ar c•vrl ;paela 4.- lt4..', whew w+,►x
nlunthn per7dd iU1r1'Vw1e1 tit elder
that tte innnidi•AI' _year• and the'
limcel year mighl!Ts• motile t0 syn-
chrotlia1.. In Intel it wee els•' - tat
have the ut11•,iet year in all iovern•
mint depatrtnlente coincide with the
fiscal year. The following were the
free hrnne stead angrier' for each. of the
years tempt' :
A protectionist or4111) coluplain" 411
the iwportat.ion of *1wd1en' n otoofo •-
t.wrerl from sloddy, as a danger to the
pithily health. 1'he Toronto Star
replies to this by pointing oat that In
the "hurt Most year ending .with
March, 1907, nearly a millintl pounds
of shoddy wan imported in the raw
foal, al a low rate of duty, to he used
by the Canadian manufacturers', Will
the Canaeiian manufacturers *gree to
an increase of the ditties upon their
raw materiel
The itnp4,rtant and iotereslieg
announcement wee made beat week
thet the tender of the F. H. Mcfuigso
Cooatruction ('.ompsr.y had leen se.
cepted by the Ontario hydro -electric
power entnntisinn for the building of
the electric traneni self n kite. The con-
tract names n1,270,000 u the price of
(iosterirh, through the new _educe-
timial regulation* of the Ontario lbw •
eminent., how Wrenn hitter pill for The
f(aterfrh Star, and the editor Of that
paper has been, busy for *nine weeks
trying to quare things. But through
It all his own senile of the unwisdom
of tors mote iiia made his excn*es
extremely half diverted. He would
have done him piper and hie party A
service had he leen more indepen•
dent and spoken out holdly against a
measure calculated to prevent persons
of small means, who wore eoxious to
advance 1n tducetinnel work, from
doing .o.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier in Ontario.
T.1r011l0 ..1011.
Owing to persistent llreo•eipation
With exacting public duties the people
of Cued* have for many years even
little of the Premier in pelso4 ; the
announcement that be is shout to
make even a hetet tour of Ontario will
bring great pleasure to his numerous
friends and even to bis fair-minded December 31, lend, uo lee than stock ; 2, T. liiitchioa, 1. C. A. C.,
11407 , 2,1044
1f04, i.... 4,1414
131111 (1,0111f
I(kel isle month*1' • • • .... 7,4214
hltel-Itell ' . 1,1(11
1(111.14114 11,07:1
11er14tI(l , 41,334
141444.11444 ....„,,t' Ski rfa
i091.1(105 ' 'Ili eltl
DM -11M 41.44719
19($-1(m7 (nine months) 21,817 HItohio, 1. 0. A. C., Toronto. Height,
1(14)7.111119 (nine months) . *RV 11 feet.
Pale vault-- F. Cavan, Detroit ;
Total ... 2x1,!10112, Langstaff, West End Y. M. C. A.,
Each of theme 221.f011 homestead. Tomato ; 3, B. Wells, 1. C. A. C.,
consists of 11x) a, res, so l leo it will to Tomato. 0eq� t, 9 feet 40 tncbe.e.
Neon that from January I, 19117, In Ina yatde- F. 9. Dent, Wood•
t Ings exceedingly disagreeable. Apart
from the weather condition!, and the
heavy track. the glomes were A e 11'114 m.
Every event was well filled. and the
comfetiiion was keen, and goal time
was made considering the noddy
track. Rupert Kerr, of Hamilton, the
.'fitiidµititi - inn -inter of the Oly'tnpie-
gantry nt l emimt, England. was pres-
ent, and gave -an exhibition .'sprint,
And was afterwards presented with a
ha,.,llwnne elo•k 11y the spurts r"nlrnit •
ter of the Sons of Scotland. The bane -
ball Match between NVIngllanl and
Fullerton resulted in ft victory for
1Vingham by 41 111114 to 5. The lig
*IIra 'nitm of the day, m1 course, ens
the lath Highlanders hand, of Toronto,
Arid a" 114.1141 they delighted 1111 with
their excellent music. 1)w in to the
rltrfavnrnhtewt'athPt. tits
in the evening Wan nelal in the skating
rink, when the large building Wee
filial. The lend gave an excellent
program, white seine of the dancers
of the afternoon also took part.
The athletic events were won as
follows :
Two-mile race- -1, P. C. &elten, Irish•
Canadian Athletic Club. Toronto ;
2, J. Roe, West •End Y. M. C. -A.,
Toronto ::3, A. M. Knihhs, West End
Y. M. C. A., Toronto. Time, 11:,41,
Five -mile .'Are --1, P. 0, Mellen, I. ('.
A. 0.," Toronto: 2. N. McDougall,
Porter's Hill : 3. 1), Hill, Al.ncey.
Time, 41:50,
Running high jump --1, M. (!reed, 1.
0. A. 1'., Toronto : 2, 1laogstaff, West
End Y. M. 0. A.. Torontl•: :1 T.
th.Nlicnll' nett on the board -before
H u cloek. 'rh.r, is murk for every
MASH, m0-(1,,aI 44x111 pup11 i. bn+4 415
w eer as the Ncit)l It is .tien.rt.`' !:aleft
teachrl" M 4111 get 111.' hest lan.itionix,
while the indolent, r*rebs. 4e slier,'
1e111ai1) 111 111,' plmle1t places,
Every leacher sl Id tale' •:1144
Canadian 'readier, which i"nteilts
1111 a•Ilnatl.141, mueg4rml inns gild r\ergw,•N
U1al Will,ts.imt the teacher in his work
And .1%e much time And %Vorry. .11 ie.
n Canadian magazine ' whish , ems
Teachers Ti.eulJ seat] 1111] lase l'V'vey
day. Itis x credit to • Ih'ovinrr.
It i. worth too linter. its. pile.' to Ilie
teacloer who will uN• if 54 isrly.
Ito severel s.•lill,hl the 1 ewuh. "I' the
entrance examination were 1a ding
4Nlin'n144at to the teacher and mildly.
That next >14111 14 %rot k may he .aa)4"M
ftietai•v. avoy1 Unit year's mistake.,
Tile Amgiat and Scp1441111e'Iiiim tors
of The Canadian Teacher will \Icontain
the nele'Unllx for meirorizxt1on aid
the literature • selection.) for the en-
trance ;old graduation rias.e.,
' The f ' books to be ren,) b.)• the
et raacP cIass should 1w slants' At
In x ler ..1 elhods the
tried i b several Pvrral co 'ra u
y gel f .'A,•4.
hook a d there 1'4Plain in the /school
for the one of the- pmpils front- Year to
year. The f (lowing books are re•
tmurnd I/1. r
ed . I Testament rn rittries,"
1 t
Thr Hrrow.'
Carol." And "Perrins en the -L.ive of
1'muntrk." These may be obtained at
19C or tie a copy. All t ,.' book.,
mined in' the Inwpw/lo1's1'i,-.ular Of
Srptenllwr, • 11417, sl Id 1e in the
shod lib ry for suppleinenlary
The suhjec of examination for
plablie schold &titration will be those
of the h ser sehesd of the High
Schools. For IfItet bookkeeping and
leeriness forms Add art will be re.
'mired. See Inapee 0a's Circular. Mos,
far the other suhjec[ This year the
geometry work wax poorly doll,'.
Candidates should use Baker'. "Theo-
retical Geometry for q •hods," Stu-
dents should do x11 the elereil..'s 110111
the beginning.
With a definite exit iuit,Ilion fur
fifth climes teachers and pupils dlt.wld
linct the fifth form work interesting.
Sortie pupils may rover the no ' r'.e in
one year, lint st of theta a 'It le -
quire two Year,' to do the work s.'Itie-
"faelinil•. There are n., chengeil\in
text -looks for 1414/1-u,
J. E. Toil. 1. 1'. M. \
Among the Teachers.
Miss ('o.',. Currie, of East WVawa-
nosh, is in charge of Harris„n'I school,
M. S. No, i1, (io prick township. -
`\ Maur Ella Hanaull, of Kth«I. ha,:
linen engaged as Irachem for 14. V. No.
4f4.(olerich township leolr's school).
Mr. Elliott, of the flab Ion line,
Startle .% has been engaged am pm -
Opal or *t'fiettl public 5('11.Nd, at A
salary of ''
Harold Si Ann, Non of Ref. Francis
Swann. Frill • on. - hem been 'engaged
to tench in S. M.' No, 1, l'shn np, • Mr.
Swann atlrhdwl the Collegiate 141,1 i-
lite and Model School 111 14ialerj,-I , -
Nies AlireTralt rwho
tee war e
't h S. M. No.a
I lg 1 East �VAwNllnsll, 's
w in ehlirge of Nr,. :, school, Col-
e. Mies Annie Cowan. of Bi4tll,
task Mime Winter's place in the h ai.t
Waw neo school.
1 `- -Mlles 1' : r,tarr 1 1rPRt11 L w�ii� IIHs
Iwrn teat- ng in V. S, No, 114, Ash-
field, gees t Not. 1 Se4o.il 1.1114 fall,
And her Iwo r, Edwin Kilpatrick,
has been enga 1 by the trustees to
take charge of t4. school.
Mite Yenta •W n, who Waw
offered a position nn he staff of the
consolidated public -school 114 Guelph,
has devide'tl ta-Iwntain_.in (inrleeirh,
Miss Watson is a elwver teacher -and
the public *ehool board i4 to ie entl-
grAtllate(1 upon ret*ining,;.h?g ser-
Miss Maggie McEwen, of Stanle •
has Iwrn engage) by the trustees io
S. S. No, i1, Golericli township, for
the remainder of the present year, at
1hr rate of Kell per All 11111n. Miss
Ella Mahaffy, who wart in charge of
thin school, 'reigned owing to int•
heidtlJ:_ z .z _- _--
A Good School.
The Central Business College of
Strafford, whose cart appears else-
where in this paper, is undoubtedly
one M the hest buainees training
schools In ('anode trade . - The key-
nDteintita eout•nes !a thortinghness.
its graduates are holding leading
position* in the important eommetrlat
centres of the Dominion. The College
hour hotted a handsome illestrated
catalogue which will bre mailed free to
Any person interested.
To!stol's wife, who watches over hint
ma tenderly an if he had never declared
marriage to be vile, sees to it thst he
iS not deprived of creature comforts,
Coder his shmggy outer clothing hi.
wears the finest. linen. Though his
food be simple, it is of the hest, end
conked with all the skill ot Perisian
ehef POPS We of bit, old age he does
not detect the kindly imposition that
la prettied on him.
t rlinel toy ourmanagementIa.l year.
h Experience taunts. graduate* 11x1.1
mrr«.fol. Special your.. for Tench
n. Mail Cour-e,. sent I.o,lal for
mart i -u bar,.
1* saving Lumley fu�.•til« many buyers' who ulnae 411is lousy
lits) t• their slopping centre. s
pnced to clear, at 45c, 75c, and 9$c.
put to cleat, at $1.95 and $2.75.
in navy, browns itnd new colors„
paced to clear. if i .44.15
Corset Covers, 23c and 3Sc. Dia
Steel 75c end Oc t4. clear. L
Black Sateen Underskirts at 75c, 98c
and $1.45.
Black. Brown, Navy. and Cardinal
Moreen Underskirts at 98c.
Dressing Sacques at 69c. and 98c.
\Week Skirts at $1.415 and $1.95.
New Fall Sta•ks are t•umin4. SIInlnler 1Vet(l 4, going mut fest nt t ht. Uel •
gain prices now marked.
Ladies' Wear,
Clothin at Half e
a Price
25 Suits of Men's Clothing,
,ranging in price from $6.50 to $11.04.), at utelly halt -
hrgken lined and we want to clear them out in a- hurry
to make room or fall goods. •
On Saturday and -Monday
we offer/5Sulta-at exactly Half-price. -
iLMA LADLES COLLEGE, St. Thomas, Ontario
ao,0ooenilowin t, hence $200 pays all char ry-Io�t regular your,st-elaesadvantly at very Va/ tucluding t, tl khdch, 4:rru,enasonable rates.Ut, 1wuufurtr1haa1AwithLI)arleta113Fee C...1 ue. address 1<Ilundrd11 "Th. 1
y an i Iran for one,,)' are
.. Separate al.artmrnt for uunger pupil,
Encouraging the Hen,
Hrown wproudase t he
priet,Ir of 14 small hem, which oar y
laid an egg. It was so Very sen
however, that Willie was greatly (lis
app,inter4, Hi. father, who kept
lot of curios in the• house, had mane
finers •ioir a of the itis i' --
h u lel h e i ie
, n
e1 Wpm
f 111,-4.
was foundn.t4, he missing.
Willie was 411\rd with till• theft of .the
egg and Asked whet- he hail pmt it.
l'Ite boy pleaded guilty, And Iwl tli.
(*e'er to the house where lir kept his
small hen. Inmide', opposite the hen,
the father was astonished to final the
missing ostrich egg, with the (*.hew-
ing notice posted over it :
"Watch this and do your Bert'!"
Artlnn had wan
To the jeweller said hr
"Un f lob engagement -rear soft
The letters 'Froth A to Z. "
The jeweller wilted no question-.
Hut on It to work lie set :
And-blowei if he didn't put on that ung
The whole blamed alphabet.
-Io.l.n Trtn.rtiet.
U Fall TIS opus Sept. Ise.
(1e1. apostle). iTri III IP
errs -
or Tar.
it. .t,In1'
s have •nW ext
'rpt.. t•I sed- M•# to e0eulare(y theeeugk
mesa -w geM,,,.e .merit: fro who,.- inn set t.
0'- toil llud , nr .erewhcLLt•- pu.hiug to the
1,01,1. T u u{.aior tow tit ru.,blr. 1he..
10 OCT am 140t0*, -.l 4(8+41 wail ton,. l'otkgr
,•,.'n ell +a arr. Erste, any lime, Write for
ELLIOTT, Principal.
11-. Sonar 'And .1p**.'ter W
St. Jerome's.College
1 F;•1ah11.4..s( 1,�1411
COMINtfdal COMM. Litter Business
Collette lentlilen. '
High Schen) Coarse. 1tpe•ctal f ilities
for the study of languages.'
Arts Casale. Specialists with 0•
41.1111 training fur 1111 classes.
Iinildinggr new runt moler111y
swinged. Gfmamin ex ten1ive.
Athletics e
Athletics nunlrngwl. Hoard and
1 ution at very moderate rates. For
alembic, added.:
REV. A. 1.. %IN(IEH, 4'. It.. I'll. Al
COLLEGE, Toronto.
The largest . newt 111•.4 equipped
-chord of it.. kind hones you to
for D. hew /'
ntalal(ge. Fail
Term flnnl 14010. 1. Addles.
1V. If. Ii81445', PRESIDENT,
h. P. siL\w' ,E. R1114.4.1t1
Fall Tern' Opens Sept. 1st.
$TRATFORD. on'i.
The sooner you cotnplete aeoureln thi-
..•hoof 1 he „elfin yuu.uuay_exuect.to hold ••
pis-it4011 of t n1.a. Our courses 1horougl,
mat pre(i tail. tint Mitilanr Iwgr..mmml.
\\'e assist gr,titnat> +Moet. We tiro ..
truer 4(444/1 111,IIt4-('onai,Cerclal. Mho1 1
1141111 Mel Telrtnaphi'• We employ exlw,
ienrr!r + c s
FALL I90811
' "- For all and Winter It
we can show you the swellest range of woollens
ever shown in Goderich.
� e1�ne>i�em
I We have sole t ontroli rot Gieletich of these world famed
l'cifoinica. We have the full line of
DVERKISS PERFUME, in bulk and bottles.
Thin line i.4 making a great hit in tiotterieh mei ninny flattering
If its rood we have 11
Ginn 11•11