HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-13, Page 10•
'ruuaa11Af, August 15, 18011
Successful Candidates for jwuor and Sen-
ior Leaving and Junior Matriculation.
The list of students in this county
who passed the recent ezaminat4ou*
for entrance to Normal School is pub.
fished ftetow. -ihirPttamination taken
the piece of the former junior teach-
" len' examinalion, and is the aelulrntic
' test for Mattes for second-class teach-
ers' certificates. About August lith
the certificates of thu,w who passel
and the narks of those who failed will
be mallet' to th.' public el•IIINII Mne(Ir:-
turs and high w•lusll principals. Ap-
pHtals should he sent iu before Sr(41a411-
iler 1.
The s rt:re in' candidates from 1lNle-
rich ('ollrgi*ll• Institute aryl:
Honore Mt h IIIc Arulrr.. Il. Thos.
Elliott, Benton Lungb•, l':hz*IN•Ih Miller,
De Lwentutr Mltlyalvl, Rose_ MiNevin,
Mary Pulley, Ele • \Volker. - Ina
Welsh. Pass Mit rg•uo•t Bbare tt,
IBelva Campbell, Olive 1'luif. A. I.
Hamilton, ('hair. Mrlirr•gur, 1.ilias Mr -
Vicar, Archie '1' , Roy Walter.
• Others front Huron county who
were saceeitsful are :
F. 1.. Anderson, ti. Armstrong ll
urs), J. T. Anderton Ibutorr), 1, 1. An-
derson, M. A. Anderson, '1. Iirutha'rs
(honurs4 L. Brown 4hlmutsl, J. W'.
Berry, .1. 11.. Best 4hunorsl M. J. Blur,
J. C. Rowiu*n, L. A. NL l .ori 7,11
C*Inpliell Zhu •s, Al. 1'owitl tho11o1s1.
1''. It. Clegg, E. A. ('n1lle4on (tumors),
.l C..Cupp rhuulItsl..1:A. ('ulunlwa,
Dark, ..H•." E. )k-adluan ihouors4 R.
4i WTh *811!%1, 1t. s1.
V. lA Iso>n Ilio 14.4 H. 1 LIrow t I hun-
ora)), M.East II r. i, It. (' Ed11leston,
1. B Frain (h red, 1. 14. I'erginfnn,
H. E. Fowler ituwursl, %V. . tial.
brailh, H. ,I. /ialhtghrr thou ors W.
H. H. green 1 -bonen -Kt H. )
M. 4 1 overstock 1honors.4
(honour, .. A. 'Holmes t
Hart, L. A. flethrrin
(.ituwale race.
Tali clue.
Yacht rare.
Swilwilling rave.
(crab race.
Flipping racy.
Portage race.
The yaeht nice, in all PrbTNltitlit y,
will Iwstested iH tiwafterinion to per-
mit of the finish taking pla:ee when
the crowd is present in;her...ening
Transportation from the breakwater
to Attnl4's Point will be provided for
those wishing to?virw the rata% f
the sh.ule, of the honk. Arris'ge-
111r11ts are well hailer way. and the
Club is endeavoring to make this
thud regatta a greater success than
formerly. Posters ,old progrr)
will be 111.1,441 early 114).* week.
Goderich Wins.Ataia.
'rite 1.1,Lesidr 4.44/44111• 1oaarb:,11 4(1111Ir
fetes')) 1.neknuw• sad titiderieh.
Wltarh was (4la eil herr un 'rnewla)•,
was tomone-sided to be exciting ; but
the 4hxlrrirh Iktya phayltd snvppy 41111
and if thlty continue., in the semi" forma
for (he balance of the .4.1014)11 they
slirotlhl be t111•re tor tllrfea1M1111a in tht•
Ilhd.h of the 4.eagur rave. Thr score
wan (.1 to I in fay.H• tit (1.alarrra'.
1.urkutiry wutring its 11144 run in the
f •tit Ks after some rarrLss
work by the (iodlerich bilayeio. 1Vig•
ala was in the Imes fur Ihr Locals •111(4
Off -the Visitors down in goat styttr-titttr r t
and the rest of the• teats' gave hu11
ex,wllent 111p(Nlrt
4 •
N,elrricl, 141.: A.tt� Tt:tt� Yrtr,-t:
ta.t.t. • ' -t - 11'seCet Nwlit a4 -
L klb
1 1 1. Pust, and Ilse
J. t.1gu, 1'pi i au, u
Man's ;1Mlgazine,
urn 111 gel into t
1 Ii'*h,e'.• •. • l these iwliiri•', kr tole
Ii.•yittg (trrrta•iIl real
1111111 ihr...1111)',)ion,
A real force in the (it*iidt*i, com-
mercial world, slaking for sufind and 4ODEAICH TUWNSI{II.
alert bu*inewl methods and better for Ml*NIl v, Aug. aid.
the advantage of loth buyer and TiwNstiIP t'uuxctt., - l'n 'il .nu•t
seller, is lite spriest of-Arade pope'1-
,ean f�tt)rlishitrtl-
into. "Chest. various
wen so ie'14oped +old
tat it iv n111 4MitIUUIl to say
nrr 441vanta)le to a dealer to
the i4tr iat_bi+ p)4rt.tUlar line,
he i+ at ;i,.RAlt.lru(Ilagr if h4..-ia
without It. As aulsito the enuelutt of
his lousiness and enabling 1 • -111 par-
!krdtede in a- sort 1'1' pat lib lit of
dealers, they are of great ValueThe
study of advertising' receives spreiul
tttrnti 'in these paper., tend malty a
errhant whit has lawn dis1Ppointed
a• resnllc-g*inel from hie advertising
Is't•n tutored by these papers into
nrr insight of what an rugine
icing can be IONt4r. With 1111•
of an improvement in results.
than nine trade papers low
by the MacLean Publishing
ist includes l'he Canadian
pntttiehmd by the,
1,1,1., of 7'
hatters have
that it •
a k
Nu Its
t 4-4noi 11wra
NII 111 PM'nt. Milllltes i4 Iss1 Wglllar
am . n'riiT,outings reed rout piumed.
llove� by I. Rat loved, w.•aillr,l I.)•
'4'. 11. 1AllI., that the fulloWingar-
'•unrrtM he paid : Filar, int Mir, $:ilI2.'
11. Ilahei. building return! bridge..
$I:a1 ; 11. %'ishan, building cement
lu i.lur, 47:1 ; Seely ,\ % eat, *1'ofi,
181,111: 1 . IIill,' building cement
bridge, 1_1.:r1: Jas. 41r•rliu((, hui111
ing cement culvert. tot : 11. Wesiti14,
1rtr1,• 11 rult-r11, Si; : .I. 3lellylilr,
1911%01 1. slut : 1.. A414w.r11.. cedar, 411 ;
S. Sle-li,ig. ,.slum, R., : \1'. 1•31iolt,
eedur, 111 ,.li*l :.1. s. um, (41 lu , . g:1 ;
E., rim bit ell. p,thm:tsle, 1441444
4•,.",1141111 lob 21, elms..' , >�y«-
I1. :Mot 4,1 by 1, %\. 1.",, sue lel
by 1. llr('lure, 111111 bylaw No.:,, now
read, b1• passed, striking the dates for
the emit -111 year its follows : County.
2 a IN will 'on lite dollar : township.
t 1.2 Mills. :and special %.'hour, -1 U-111
The ...haul ie,tiun rale will Ile
struck Sl lieu amount is tea -rived Irool
!•tare*., which should have heels in off
Nf 1.4.40 Augltet til. N tI41Kfl'uut.
al L JI111
3. 1•: %\-. ('*N•k, of the 11111 eln,rM-
sdan, 111Nlerich town.lip, baa hough*
a rr.i,lru,r in Clinton and will n -
um) ill (hut tm>sll.bh•4'l1y
answers ws of the llultitesvrile* bran •h of
1\'al rli N 1nsl'll+tw will be hell
the 11 l
• 'e . . IHte1ay, 1 -
',•lite r Mnt Hl 'Ili 1
011h K
441* .11144.
r 1).7g.wkh I.1,-yi. w..-'I'he-
Stea1111ilter, Tkr I'rint-
!Mlle', Hardware ,and
ikarl r .ami Stationer...
Plumber at
er 44114 Pu
Metal, Thu
Ksp,l', August Iltb. .
The Metre of the threshing 11144•
•hints 1 ,as begun again.
The iel,I 'f grain is Hut as large las
well ex acted a •ehgrl, time ago. .
ljnit ' )) 1)tr44 nu11dNer �romm herr
inlru, going to the. Northwest next
If the weather le favorable the liar -
visiting in 'this locality will be over
William Robertson,' 111 the Ila.'•
line, h101 Ill edililit;i►a1 least rained to
barn 11114 week. w .
1►,avid McUill and Miss A. Iti111,11
vlMilr.1 hast 4 hay AL the house of %V.
T. Riddell in this 41 illag..
The Tarot * ,irt of hast Sabbath tutrliug
was drawl torsi by Ila• arrival of a
youthful buy al the hot(" of M. Arw-
st rung.,
Mu.: Coates, 4 the Soo, Michigan,
arrived lune haat week on a visit too her
Gather, 1. Willard. She intrude stay-
ing n few weeks.
Mrs. RaIN'rt Itollrrtom, who had 1111
o4N'.uliou for cancer, is iul4t'IVing ,1s
well um could Ito elowetesl, and hopes
ate rtilt•rinined for u r p1t't4 tecuv-
The honer of 11rnry Doer,' on the
1 ,',-late, duller!. wit", ,Htlletiell hast
Friday IuorniuK by the „lose .if his
uy r . ....,tt.-:.t rhifti. ft--w,t, only rarestt
jitter weeks *1.I.
11. twin
U. Nlrhnbaan
H. Fletcher ..
1.1 N. 12 1t .0
:lett b. ,.' 1 I - ' ' 1
-.yadh :I .t u 1 1
The o'•ua1
tae bi^'
1' •- •'s' - Busy
n 1 • 11 w
.1 K
%'•r l�l,llll owl retail
itch trill' "stick of
their clow, lie-
Oras, M. I. Johns, . H. ,roman (hon-
ors, M..1. Keys,• 1. H. Ker 11 es).
R..I. I*,cell it 1411"1, 11. P. 'Larkin
(honors), 1. 1•' Lovas thonursr W. ('.
Mutdie (hut ,rs•, JI, E, Mnggrnvr:it.-
H. Mat s (1 j: R. (4..L•u•ks
(honors), %V. .4. Merron thinners'.
C. W _Metier Ihfin*rs), A. NI.
AIcE - er )11 no, C. (4, MacNeil (hon-
ors) A. E. \luUowani Illuuurs), .1. A.
M'mown (honors), B. 34.Ewau,
CKIIlr.ir- 1h4 lnur14, .1. F:. Porter, R.
Proete •. .4, W. Perk (honored, Al.
W. - Pfaff;" 51. 1. Pearson (honors,, J.
1(obhth 1, I.. Rut hrrf,rt,ihoiK,ls),
S, 44. IG,1s (1 s), J. H. Roach. abuli-
ts), 1).:11. Runs (honors), M. L. Hurw
(honors), B. S. Robertson, J. H. Fier -
it, Al. Sheriff thonl,rsk J. A. Scutt
(honors), A..1. Slln,lrvillr, A. E. 4ta-
pletou Ibtluurs., (1, Sturdy, \I. Smith.
li. IL $lew,t't. It •4), C. Sprit. 11 -
ors 4% W. 11. StrIIehan thorium. 1•:.
N, to
B. n h non+ fi. J
Tighe. l . J:'!'h E� t ).
ll) man. •IN -
lsylur, F. H. lion. , m t . H. H. 1 I
den ob., e), W. %V. 'Weir, T1. V.
Workman, .1. 4'. %Vil.uu; NI. E, \\111sh
(houura4 E. NI, I. Yue, *Iwnorpl.
Junior Matriculation.,
F'ollowi,,K arr.the names of the sue-
cesetul au 111atax-iu this enmity fur
ijunior matriculation. The rertific*tr,
m 1 unto all
containing the marks will he went to
.• et -hoots
rprincipal?' of the highand
'N Ie 1'e•
the inspectors about l a week.
Krona Oodrr•ich Collegiate Institute:
Melville Andemori.-john Eats, 'l' nu..
Elliott. Jack Elliott, .%gs'4.s 41 '4.s',
Del." Millyatd, Iteggioakl Platt,
Graham Itthi,s,u, William Steven-
son, Alex. Smith, May St"(Mart,
Archie Tom, Eden Tyr, Eleanor
'Walker, his %Welsh.
From other points in Huron comity.:
Armstrong, ong, 1. 1. Ander.1. T.
.--Audatmuu, II.-1h'a+there, Ls Hvow,k J.
W. lierry, .1. 11. Best, E. A. I'antell*n,
J. C. Copp, F:. 1►. Courtier, I. H
Clegg, Al. t'owan, ,I. 1?. ('HMPV,• K.
1)eadmau, R, 11. Itivideon, 141, Al.
Davidson, G. G. Interim, 11. 4luucan,
1. B. Frain, 1. 0. Ferguson, H. E.
Fowler, E. (icing, R. Geiger. A. M.
Oovenlo.'k, It. .1. Clan leer, W'. A.
Galbraith, A. (noble, IL :, ticl,lr, \V.
11. Green. 'W. Henderson, S. 1lnul-
i n Ito A. It. Hart M. I. JohnsA. T u .
3oMrn, \I. 11..Innlau..I. 1•'. Lucas. H.
D. Larkin, F:. M. Lo by, F. Mc-
Kenzie, A. McEwen. R. U. Marks, A.
E. McGowan. (', (4, 'MacNeil, W. 1'.
Thirdly, R, •H. Marmites, 1'. %W. Mc-
Kee, P. Macpherson, .1. W Trek, h,
E. Koss, S.V. Hua., h. I1. H11a.•h, I►.
M. Ross, M, 1.. Roan, 1V, H. Strachan,
D. H. Stewirt, .1. A. S,,t1, R. F..
Swale,. A. E. Stapleton, E. Tighe, (1.
J. Thompson. E. 1. '1'eyb,1, (1.
Teen, G. Tray, ilk 11, V Id,•rt ..I. C.
Wiseman, E. 1.. Willis. M. E. Walsh,
M.(G. White, E. M. 1.•...
Senior Leaving.
The results of the senior -leaving
exarniersaiuln. Were L li.tted- -!-his
mornings dailies. The followi, ars
the pupil,. f' the thellfirh 1 d-
14.gia(e Institute wit,, Were. .ur,.•.sfm
Miss Lilian 4'lark, [mil 2: I )on.ld NI,
!'lark, pal t I, will, honor..: 14. It.
1'iufaysun, par' I : A1151 I.. 4*. i'reset,
Istel 2: Mies NI. A. NIels•Inl, parts I
and 2; H. H. HIITTi,•rGii'T, part 1 : A1i..
.I. NL Strang, pall I : ti. E. %\right•
man, pants i and 2.
Lv'u)' .
%', Joh
K. John t
Horton. .
1 1 1 '•
17 1. It 27
o' 1.
:tnl b. 1 u:' o
21nI h..1 11
partly r. f. :t o, 1 l `
,, "It
11. . ;
4111. .r -n a 1_
I. t. a --•l- . -2
.2u u
u ,
11 2
* 3
•• u
it o
1 1,
I) 141114
Thr %I. -1•l.•. 11rw.111l .& ii1.•t )10,11 11 u
rrul advantage leas-, toes- 4er T.+nr
)ofing leases kir el „u Ihr ihvnt
tr:lek-. 't1W 11ttm1111, it 1. •.aid, broke
out .)1-ihr 114.14 in u'lu. h *4.,-*' Were
low- 44;4,41,4..1s' d•:1s•• •4" (•-••t_.i Iii,+(
the rattle guarl.s, and ran down tie
tl•,t. k until *t}�r - Iltet the late train.
wl,i,bkilb, iL4ieen.
♦ 1 a antra-. grow.. i.. ,4.,- W4. -f. t
1 „marl• fon will, ht.
rt ly a) t
mslue.,., hal he nl.a haat liar
rapid di nrr. o1 'b•, rlopueol ihr
Menesetung Park.
Lu'.khow a.
Ikebrh-h. 1 '
.•.x1911101111. Vieto
:/1 1 •- 1 .1 11'
u 1 o u p a 11 - 1
Ik•ut. 44*..•.441 b,.I1.
off Jahn.Ion. Tail' o N• Wein., Kole•rl.o,,
Tao baa.,' lin- Ire, 1h1•1', '1l nick out. by tVlg-
KqIn. x byJohn-Ion 1 M inking. Tart.
Th.,ial•-•,t, Fiudlnlrr. 14,1.40 Time of gat."
- 1 -home ^1.1 minute. 1' mplr ,A. ltlhi0.on
Bev H.
It. S. Florence,. of Stratford, os-'. .
over SuINlay.
''Mi•. AlicelYnitle retan.wl le -a week t
. i-11 .n H1Ka1o. -
--1T1.- Margar.•t Sta,1'teartr*ll
tI- week
t l-lt tw Tot onto. _
111. Itulwrl LeTunr.•1.Pel n iu..% ft fila t..11
to Toronto) ooTui"da)• -
4*i-* NL11r1• Thurluw 7. home from Toronto
fo. 411[14.0..14a 110104)..
11. 4* kid.*. of 1 'hr.I.'), 111. L.ak.•t .1 0 . 111011
iu Si K 114.10. dn,g.*o,,.
Alt.. J.1*,*. M.r•V tear is' oiling her laugh
Irl, Mr.. Iteddl*t. In Nall it..
Mb.. Hrore, of Wa I,ingtu i. It./' , i. ge•luling
111" . 'r tailIon ill 1114411.
andlie..T,1i1,ha*1-p.•i.f S4n.4.ly at ThP-
1ka' re hnwe near Mitverann.
1k• H. .
41.4'rewth'of Th* 1.01,11.11111.01,11.1111`Par. *.
Iwo,' r a fortnight At
Jwue.'F' 3101 \Ile+ Jessie 'nlom.eli yi.it..f
foetal. at 21444.r1100 over Sunda)'. .
PIF... )leu4(r • i. -pending ,a raw week-
h.diday, at her tome at I$orhuipuu.
Ntn.. Pearl arUFlll'rty returned NI0tuL.r
night Irmo a w, k a vfolt i,. 1.01141011.
Norris.% NI1.,M1. of Toronto. i• tbati414 hl-
rnn.ioe at the re.11i(tlre of Ire. Strang.
Jarkvon %V Whittled', of %Veer field ie lensing
this week on a Irin to 1.3 Itis Wry.. Nieto.
Mi.. May Allan. of Nlouot Sinai ho.pital•
New 'a1. ,. tl.lting friend. in tinderu•1i. .
- Nli., Autry Nnftet1' uo froat.Tumato.:.,rau
i.g.6.144atiun Ai 44)44j),owe. la*ylirld mad.
JI. 1111.I NI r.. 1'. Twrtlie were :11110111 the
v i •it ur. front Ilro01 o 19 10%11 6Z•rr Standar.
Alt. 1'. Itutfert.nn. of Wu.at a•k, tom. Ihr
;fined of I,rrluua. Mr.. I - N ,rt lt, or 1111' {w.*
week. -
411o. till.' 4I:Irkr Ifortuerly -MI,. Nina
Straclwnu. of Tomolo, i..telling Metal- iP
tuderieb- -
Nli•e Kathleen A. Sullivan, of 1 Ideag.4, III.,
i. , tat Mg her ...ter, Mr., H. J. Thelon. Ntit
on a
.1 1
.. Marion thought. returned 44-1' Fri444
Tnr.mte, after i#
rt -r --with her frfeo*d.I 11Fi..
Jr -..r St' ang
'*Irv. M,, r.h au dmllrhterir -1111. 21 i..e' N.•Ili.•
and Eolith. of T . arrived fa tow,. ml Toss -
tiny rcrnsng.
11. 4. 34,),,,.. of 1,41):11, i. oiterelill. 111.' so
pleat Lodge of the Son.• of England 111 11:1011
1011 I hi. wVII(
. Nln.-.4, 1:. Mani. and daughter. St. -
of KuRnlo, Ni. V., are si+icing Mr. %1101 M,C.
Smith .•A100 1141y from Or,,,,ln all 1`.411,,'
day and !mend.1+01 hut at the old home for o
.'Duple of week..
harry Clog urriv,141 home Li.r Werk from
1 unil.gwodd, 4411wr he hue. lento ••ue..g.•1 f.o
Ntee. r„'n.'71,arat•inu :old :tar.. 1N ni•t h.lcv
returned i ntl. 1i• 1 rip t o Southampton(. lleldnore
and other print..
Mires Ida 1'aa.ise• 144 1..1, ehiNiwer hare
--nonaor . Taoo4 ihrde.itint
dor, al (ter' mfr.. .
Alt...1. 41 ,Ili. .i I little lin,, tonln.� „I
Hartle. 11••i%'nt Mr. 111114• ooi0,in, Nor-. %. II
/1undry. ut.•r Suu,lo). •
.. Mr- e,. 141. Ila -art, of Malialo, i. nn , , . r
p1y�ml�. tht•. r'1^°tllPnrr; r?. Mr-..l.unr•
le, tt lllinen .revel.
-tn Lok anti 1'..1. Heid are aRPudo.0 the
rust! otthe U)wnd-..Uat.r of it* 1.11.11. F
In jt: . 111:,. I114. wrrk.
4li-. Mn. 1,.41.,11 W11111401 to her While fu -1
'fhuntn• btu .','k afIrr :, 1441, ulnulh. *f..1 1.1
h.•i eou.in, M Stole Ill'att V.
414. 1111,1 41.., '. U fn([Ic and -00, d 11.1.1d1
Cm, afi• 'i-ilh.K Air-. F'Agit. old tlmur. Ili'•
.r•idt•u,r of 1111, ) ;ua{rle•II.
NI... Vail and little .laughter. 111 11',1.1,111,4
ITIMit l'., are ti-malt'41ns•. !^IIIc. idd bonne.
the re.id...rev o1 NIr. 0101 '+. 4. ft, Colborne.
Mr, na4 'Mo. T. 1. IV .sod children. of
I*r.. lford...trot a few dapp; n i.xtere•l. Ili.
wrrk, rl.ftlnl Mr. Wryeaa ter. Mr. 1'. T.
Hnlh. ,
Mlsw Phren and Nt,uM 141.•'041, of Now
York 1'Itt., all. •I.•n'liryr *Vele rarnt.ob:*t the
hn,,u• of their father, (loom.. Itl..etl; of the
•010, *-:11nrmn. of I':rl en Nlill., Rap on
u...l) 'Het nephew:- Mt.- trent t , trnrheri,1tt
Preston. aoa• * i.it fag the Coroner, roman, A. 1),
1•run. .
.1.'A. N1aI,
earri%iiid rrr.ln,. nf-Tntdnr.4, itr
-p'*4Ing the often! /1 M Augnd bf IbMeri.'h and
h•nrr taken 11' .e. i'rhll.nur+ hon." on teal
lesley street.
Prof, Ilfbn,r, who lea- he.•n aria -hour.. M *hr
4 ..lertrh Ihl•,inr.. 1 otlrym for .,nu(1 *rale.
leave- tori- .Iner,.om far Ilnmillon It lake n
mulhv Ael.it 1041.111:!.':..
,Inthu Armour of tllin''4T'.k, a'.1• in time
0% et. Sunday, I or. 1') in1,01, of Tomtit.., nn old
fiMINI of Mt.. Armour's, 4444.411 Sunday ,, it h 1,110
at the tr-id•n.'e of Ntr+.Walton.
lleonte Sorry eununn.v. the Pngadetnenl of
hi. ,tangMP►. )'k4,me A(04." IEtfao, to ;fart)-
. 4110011
arty.4110011 Ihlrgec.. of Toronto. Thr ardding
will take plt•e rvlr14 in September.
is wren -re J. 9' .. n., , of t •lb -rosea. 4"' no lite
anneal 14(•14 to thl- 0P('tinn. Hr i. ,1.011116 g
hi. vaunt inn *II h h i. ,-akin, Th0.nA. Pref.!,.,,,
rot Ihrllgannon and rnlhd no The Slgnl*1 on
Mist. 141114. Stant'." Smith, of Van.•nnr,r,
14.1':, will, I+ no tier wno
ay Inoue In IAendnn.
Ragland i- *lofting with hrr friend.. Mr..
1i'll.on Herald and MI+. Ralph, Newgar .t
fur a tew_•ceks.
Mre J. 4V. Fitch, of Stevie, 1T, t'. ao.1 Mr.
flora mod baby Kdna, M 'Chicago, left
I4.1 week for their te.pective home. "after a
Hilt of a couple /f month. with the ladle.'
parent., Mr. And Mr. John 111111er.
Mr. and Nen, F'..1 Llndwy And two sons,
Alwin and Quentin, of 411 Innlp.g, Man., are
.-lling nisi., at, In tanderfrh and tfhigh*sr
hood. Mr. 1.1n4.*y returned *o the 14'e.t this
*Pelt. Nln. 1.111d.oy ,111.4 family will n•m.m.
for.ouu' time.
rapt. 111. 11. Mr1'nggael, of al intim wt. 114
town on Noonday. The 1 ante*. h one of the
m*) settee. a. well a. naa of the most ptpnlar.
officer. of t.he :Ord Regiment, and get. a warm
..•icome from hie brother ortrere here wh,n
ere" be rumen to town.
Reber! F.111011 returned leaf Thursday from
ole trip to the %Veer. Re went kr war of
C SMagr and made Regina the weelern limit M
hie ioniser. At Marl.. Man,. he flatted hl.
ao.ln•law• Albert 1 os, and he hm*lght hark
with 111.n .amp*e• of oat., cuten sir. Cor .
farm Aub .t tat and of wheat whirl e.
aimed. y for rutting when he tilt tor.
Tillett breaths back also some tine 490411a
.The Ibbl4/ 4444444444 4.1.1.H47,1401,444 44 the -
(iodcrich bowling club open. ilea,
Tuesday, August 1st 11, al 2:341 p.m.
F'• 111 ke 11eb
1 4i,'rie11 111114//90
went to 41e').r and 11.• 1.411 ear Tues-
day for friendly gl •.. They pllted
in Exeter In the mottling and Hue,
of the four J'inke.dro'.' oyer 11' 11.11.
S/111 Oar 1110 ,dt,rlli.a,, Sheriff 14.•,fi-
011111 rink ientailing in Exeter.. Tlw
(i«lrrich players were four shots
- _ drawn on the play it I: sMrr-amt. rattle:
o,,L.aheall nt IlPnmall. '{hr rink. w,•rr
as follow'.: A. 11, ;iambi., .4. Kidd,
W'. A. McKim and It. If, Het 11111.111,
skip ; .1. C. I.,ithwaite, .1. 1'.. 'l'.nt, J.
J'. Brown and 4'. 11. Ilurnlwr, skip :
1. It toll, T. Ale Dei mot
l, 1', .4.
Nairn and lir. Hunter. skip. and
.lame. Vales, F. .I, Rutland. 14....4,.
Elliott and .1. 11. Tiger*, skip.
line rink 1'f 411Nb•rich I.,,wlets hnr
been taking part infhe Berlin howl-
ing tournament this week, .cnei.fing
of Wfrr,+.war. 4', bh.y4r d. tialcweiI
h. Nichnbon and ll. Dean left Wed,
nesdwv rnorninbffnr Senfnrth to play
for Wringham against Pullet ton,
Another game of l/aselsll is (wing
,arranged for next Tueasi'y evening
between the %1'ayteseks aunt 1he
Would-les,•,alj.* the Old -timer,' rind
the Lakeside League team. As the
scute in the last Fame was very close,
w very keen enol interesting game is
expected, 111111 an I!tern is no minim -
Rion far every Jarman should he
nitre to Ire on Imnd to cheer lain
favorltr.a on to victory,' The al or r in
Ise! Friday's game -wnat IH to i in
favor of the Lakeside I#agn. team.
Tru members of the Menelaetang
(;Anne Club are completing prep4rr-
tione for their regatta to he held next
Wednesday, August lath. The fol-
lowing events will he on the program :
Gentleman's single.
Oegtlenun's tandem.
(i• tleman's rowboat, single.
Lady and gentleman, tandem,
o anti,•.•t',.
\lluesetung Park is prl•*ti
eves this year. and Mr. Handl
been entertaining a gin idly
guests lk now! the
A g those - **'IN, hair
are; /
. Mr. and lir,. \\' .#f" Tyr,.•, '417,4
chil•ileu, L).•tjaarert. .1, Kell,, e,re
and fatuit)'./at•efor11 ; .4, 4. 11' -In.,.,
[trivial ; M's', Holmes, Hu1TN4..: 1-:. .I.
Cox and*rfr, Chicago, Rl.: 4'. I'.
McF:wau, 14yt".,. that.: Mrs. Rein,
Sr•otlaud: Mr. and Mrs. McPherson,
!diel{lit ; H. R. 1•:.Ige•1'mlw 411d wifr,
Pittsburg. Ira.;. T. 11u1lida4, wife
arid 'family, Stratford: Mr. •ill Mrs,
14;, rimula), Michaud B. Macaulay,
Iffirmese. Frances, Sally :and Amn•t4 '
11a0I.lay, Mi-- ,l.lelia Nlrken., Urt roil;
1141. rul4GHo,. Outlet -bit t : Miss tidily
1'. ,k, ltiui..re, \Id.: Mrs. Isabel A.
. h torr Tia1tt m l I. .I .Ir,t H. C.
leech, Det nit: • 11'. L. Nliggrtt, Attu
Arbor: Mich. • Mrs, 0,.ki'iek, London;
l lht. ; Jl rs, .l. ' ;Iliutt, London, Ong. :
Plias !tend, fn 11111, t/t*t: Mr. and
Mrs. IA'. "..Petri I 1etroit NI rs. F:
St--t'rawforrd:.-filen Miss 'Fallen;
London ; Mrs. 1.aw•so , I1et•i/it : Mr.
.111,1 Mrs. 5V. 1'. Primly,- \� ttynr, N' •h.
A party of :bout. flay •toting pip
(Ivan Ihl.lerirb rujuyel .1110:1•13.11tdance 'al.. !1lrnesetung last 11144111
A Bad Thing to Pin Faith to Slwrtt
Cuts. ,
There, 1s uo g'.ality that better re-
pays eultikation than patience. W.mk•
u..a has a greater bolster titan the
Power of dogged hanging on 4111 a point
la won. -
The greatest glfte come to °aught if
one is wanting in sUcktoWwenees. Pa -
Ocoee pays In the long run better
titan undue (taste. Franklin is not fat
wrong when be us that be that W
can have can have what he
will 1
It is a hail think to pin your faith'
to abort cora; too Olen !Ley bre up
against a blank wall, wldch magas dis-
heartening retreeing,at tbe path.
Never let a chill get into the habit
of thinking a thing mast be dose at
0DCe or a411040ned. Irretst on the task
attempted rein` tlnlahr4.
If we learn patience In our youth
our hclrta will know fewer pangs in
age. The woman wbo has learned to
wait LA usually the woman to whom
comm things words_ witting for.
I'atJence may coves to be a virtue,
but impatience mercer was uu".
All Itnpatleut wanner 1, responatbie
for wore bualuesa end noels! fn Mire!!
than the owner of that manner would
FateOce Ls often but a matter of
nerve runtZul. therefore It sbuuW be
cultivated from a health standpoint 1
from no 'other.
Some women art an if they thought
paUeore scan an attribute of the weak-
ling; JLL3 the truest mark of strength.
Patience should trema be eionfottrd.'d
with pusillanimity. The one pats up
with wrongs from filth In the right-
ing power of the future, the other be -
ranee 11 Is the line of Lagar renlatansus
Mnvitmti';-Atr(f. loth.
.I. Agar is busy thrashing in Ili•
�lrmttY_eltK.- _ _ __ __ - __y _ --
Vinrent Kinahen in spending a few
holidays tinder the parental roof,
(she.. Militias!' is .pending a few
((aye with friends in 111111,41 and ('lin-
ton. .,
John 111,'11,, :and his staff of men are
busy building the briek*curk of S.
T1lintel's new hinter.
A 'minter of ye Ip4?alk. f this
sicinity alteule.l ( wge party
one night Iia week.
I'lwwa. _af. 'don, 4nanra'd
,through herin his an o Inst Satin
day, en rnlltr, for T,urknnw, to spend a
few days renewing old ne'lu,tintance*.
Mr. and Mtn. liar If(Mit:WM, of
R*mgennon, and file. and Mrs. bt.:-
1'hee and NII, of 1 h•t.roit. mpp.,•nt Sun-
day_with Mr. and Mrs.- 'Al. J, lien.
Inger'. _.. ..
Crushed to Death.
Kincardine, Aug.:,. (1n Tuesday
an nrv•ident occurred in lirure town -
411111 whereby Duncan 1I.Ken,ie. a
well-known and highly respected farm-
er, lost. his life. Ile was driving
along the truth r1/11ce'14ian when h'•
met. a erail ion engine. The team be-
came nnmanage1h1e and he was
thrown oats when one of the wheel*
passed neer hie heed. killing him al.
most instantly. Mr. McKenzie lived
lo Bruce for about thirty -live years.
He leaves -a wife, and a grown-up
The man who "Moat into the eye"
is in (loderieh-at Kelly's.
NVWc lL-*it' 14.4144,4*'. A meeting 1'f
Ihr 4..,.1: rich Too ,slip RiHr Al/wa•ia-
li'nl 41,1!1 he held **41h.• .-11111 411'11,. 4/11
% i i11..•J;n , 141111. it1.1., I.• IrrriV4 the
Eel. '11 .d I1..• .'. . .1• a11Nlilltrd to
look I, .1 -ole' (.11'•.1 Il • Iv1rinse.:uul,
if a .tor I..• ,1141..9'. 1.' 111444.• a)1'a114l-
r*'11 of Ir
• I Ir r .n.li , 1 n 11
urfil. f. 1 1
e afire. 11'). nu.l9'•t 0,01 11141 tile new'
1.11V. 4111 1 ,• 1'11 11 ' I Ike b.mk at
1tr:-t ud" -"'►tics-ta)'Ift1._ .f._
Rive, hacic-T"rn 41is 1111 111, rit•nds
it 141. l i''iuil' , III'. dfl h:1.4 • .N'd
bu.ior•.s IIt.9Y, hal 1'. •l *Ilia h
441{19 111111 too ultl to wank. 1.is 11441
44144 III. bn.itiese lar -.4e for to refit.
Sb•ahl heltf )waw tot it. he -will relit
to the .1,1 Morley farm, on he 11si1•
bruit ,•on. ,-..o.n, limit -rich wmehip,
'.,iro.Ir' 11'. .e k
ut I I * nills.
M* I 1 {
111 1 11*. Illta all 144.
who nq'•s'J. r 1 iI 1•
ville. 1'lint11n 3.rh:, 1. -
• 1tr4111 1'* 3.4uo:ue 41.Ilnro,t.l.. An
old and respected resident of thi.
town.hip too...ea away an Tuesday of
Inst wrrk, in the pet son of Mi..
('1)h.91ne Alc11*111gah. She had the
1111141,.ri 1111e n few weeks .ago to 1,rrlak
A hint/ And .hr.did not ('curie f1.111111
t effects .of the e, •i,41.411. The de -
t !r r
1 t • three years o
•• sr, 1 was ri h a her. 41 ,r 1
ora L who 1 1 g
age, wH n41•1' i.•,ltild, and
las'u• lo
as Ibfv cua*4illi 4 I'V.Hornt. j•,'1n*r. 11411',
settling 111 this tovial'bq, with her
brother, the late John M.11uugill.
F111• same l' • +he lived at. Detroit,
but .he returned n 3 ear rlr w, ltga
to live Willi her rela'iveri herr, 'Cllr
1 •cal look Mae. • *.• Maai11 1 . mu.
let .11•Welnrs,l.y. the service I.,ing
.,duly'.1etiLls" Jt.'*.. John .Mc %alert
. '1'r. •u41N, Aug. 111 h.
a. 1 , 1 Toronto
\\" tL 13e11 w . from
o* tor Sundry.
'Miro, Mandy hurter visited relative's
in linrlph 1411 Week.
.1. 1•:. Maw:..t \Vin4slr, is visiting
at Ihr hus'lr ..i Mrs. 1•3:\13r11, :1rd cur
•rve'u 1.
I l
Nits.. Tb '..s. )f Lit ,43011414.(114011.
trroce.nK trooti 1111 attitek .of
• i
tyh) ' 1 fever. •
Niles Esa M4,%Mtth, o Mount Sinai
Ho.pital. New York. is oil
home nn Ihr 1/4) 111.111 haul.
The auxiliary of the W. F. M. 4. of
Union Prettify tee ion church twki ft.
monthly meeting at ,the, ma on
1Vd.1n..ky •,.fternwtre
Irk:Allay Atag. 111h..._
M. 'al i N 11 (1A/del-jell,
A. .I I. Ni'lsu .1. A. f NI II h
4 1
rtit,wed old acquainlanrre herr last
wrrla. .
' Threshing is now the under of tate
`Tay ,li 1"gr:oh 14 )ieldinK er.. IT wr1T
.fogy, It.Nlge•s ha.l the Mishit tone to
have : heifer killed by lightning•dur-
ing tit tluuuIe.11rfi1 of last Tur.�tlay
11 Nitre). I l liulan ret tithed 11 1
Jas* w.•, -k from Iflvth. where ,he
spent the poet month.
'Nils. 4lietieer•, of 1$ro,,klin, \Whitby
tow n.hip. Out., spent the past two or
thee.• days visiting her cousin, W. II.
l'.00ple•IC . .
'1'l'is%i*.1y. Aug. 11th.
11 •.I.lug bell+,are idiom to ring.
Alex. 4t1'w'art 14(44.111 Sunidrty in
Tonsil 0,
Mos. •Pliabl., .•( (Mani-Witch.-isit
ing al .1,1.: 1llmV4n'.. -
I'41uarr !lunges le, of ('ar4il4, spent
4 lay at Si. 44.'1 is.,
Mies Margaret . 'lark ' visited et
,lith'. Hill last Thu ay.
e Misses 1i'ightmai, of \Wrstli)'Id,
visit at Mrs. I'lark's Inst wrrk.
' 4• (',
. Ilav lura ..►lkrW, of , Nlro jell, is
holidaying t her lutnt`1 3I,'. Miller's,
11r'. -and N. ,'11atglr 11,4'ruaie vis-
ited at the auk 1' low 11 4.111•,11., 1.1.1
week. •
('(111 i .'g ,is. jilt
l4ue.hulg 'it
411.41.•1. 14 111",
04.1 .,tel• and IIQS'
cawing iu .ate tilt.
tont you know that song is -a New York
1).ivill Irnw' iinil iii Ii-othe, of ''hot?" --- - - --- -
l'hrslr •, pre visiting *twit. uncle, Wit r And the moving pictures are really IT.
I y are
limit AlePhet•sm.. , her
-makersoareBup to candy -stuff
A 111111111.01.- 441 torr lao, a inlet.! Lay- ut oase ••
O hego,with an encore loud.
11 e �i. I r %\'c. - oh � -� 11 1
in f h 11 n l Ind l'
for 2
c dropstoa well lea
Wh the attain
help al the Mix -vest Iliad,. &Yowd.
Mrs. A. Uurvli,ti, .11 Ann Arbor, and
Mist. Ab. !Menlo.. and ehil.heu ori• Then at the restaurant a sandwich eat,
spending the week at P11int Farm. ' And an parting ask "Where shall we
I1t' '. S. Kerr, l firer ' P:u•k� "Tot- a meet
he club ext night Y' Bill answers,
�1 At t n a t ,
onto, 4 re, 1441 her on andnv'. Nrxq�- g
Sunday Mr. \Ielh,shl,;.i1' 'rrrvwarer,
8411 ptrltalh __
I4.asl'.I,.v.f.. The g • ol''- i/a4tl
played here haat, week between -l.urk•-4----e-�-.w
now and our own giants resulted in a r
victory for Luck now by ai sera.' of 14:i. I The People 'N firocery.
We hope a retools' muatch will le• arm 1
ranger as soon a. 1ha• 1.u.)• season
is over. I
Men's Oxfords
F --
HE Oxford season is now
, on. They are the roost
stylish and comfortable
shoes for summer wear.
We have the finest Ox-
fords it has ever been
our privilege to offer Our
t rade.
Styles 111 Patent Colt, Russia. Tien and
Viet Cal( leathers. We have
many styles you will not
see elsewhere.
.. Special Prices for August ..
Downing & M'acVicar
tj lllll'1'11' li
N ural-- Sale (if Square
1i4.'n/1, 44114, Bra 1•11 0 A111101
\Its, 1:11. 1h•i*lK •and 1W'' chlldl4'*
1:rtwal-atlakl4lia,•,_brfl.." Mu'Iu'al:ty. '.it.
n uwulh'. 414.11 with 'friend. near
1'attareburg. - _•
1)1.. John Anderson and family' Ina
spending their holidays w 141 the
former'. parent., \I r. laud Mrs. Pin -
a\' 1114-t•.17 11
71 ifl,
The auniv.rs ey of the Ik,nuyhnslk
3I.'lh.Nlist chmrell 41ci1.1 4s. held on Sun-
day 111111 Moudu3.IdrptentheL_ikh end
14tH. Further peel iettlrr.1 W11111w-:111-
tu11111'e11 141Yr,
The. unsay friends of %lists'\li11nie
Ker, n formerarache• of the !loony -
brook school, W01'0 .4rltees1 la sic*' het'
1 4 1 ••
' 1 / 11 . at 11
a all
In theneighborhood
day and Sunday. She pui•4NINes agoing.
11'rst in the 1)4.111• loonier, ,111.1 after
attending a Western Normal wily
wont imam ill the tsarhiug prolesaub'
1111' t'\'pellllh;ti silt g('ttlllg
cooler. WIINI'l' are you goilig 11
to-Ilight i
Meet me down at Wogde-*,nd.
That where you71 see the happy band
Men and, women, girls and boys.
All delight in the evening's joys.
Only a dime or a nickel a seat.
To listen to songs by Singers sweet,
See good pictures and vaudeville,
Forget your troubles and "laugh to
Meet me down if the ?picture show. '
MoNIIAY, Aug. slob.
Mimi Annie and A. A. Naylor visited
t Oro, M v 'm 1 .1 m
a t" . m- tit 1. ackn dR, n tixtnt'- !
Mt'. and Alrs..40'.. Stalker, 44 Blyth.
visited at (1..I*i•t Taylor' on sat or
-Ah'. Dustin arid -Ni ., Myrtle 14."•-
t spent Sunday at %'mm. !Lobito.,
L obin-
Miss Lotti, Haines "Iwo* Salto day ,
and Sululav in Lueknow, the guest of
her friend, hike Mand Barbour.
Miss. Itedborn and brother. from
Trswater, wire the gIU'.in of•t1.'-
M,4trAv, Ang.
• Mise Harvel Beer, of Clinton, rn viait-
inq nrr aunt, Mrs, Ilnreeh,
Miss Bessie bl.l':wan, of Clinton, ie
*Ii*' gni•wt of Miss bleorgarrt Campbell.
altos I'*'t3 T'.1'wfn,"Wi-tt i4 Training hi
t hr tian•rie hospital, is 1 for a few
wrrk.' tinit. •
TI1P members of ►1►e Women's lnsti-
luteare planning 11 picnic to (frond
Mend on 'I'hnrwby.
Mrs. (Dr.) Brown, /•f Clinton, Iowa,
is ;bending a month at the borne 1
her father, John 1Vhil4ofi.
Ilea who has been visiting
Ids Hunt, 111x.. Sanderson, Tor womk
*'eek,, left ma Salm-day for Toronto.
. is. F. NI. Stanbary, who h*n leen
tnkir a teacher's Training r .e at
I he , otta , lnntlfute, OtieTtib, for
the- . taw eft-•bas-rPNwwed Moor,_ -
Rev. 81 II tie and family, of Tor-
onto, have aTen n rotlage in 1%est-
n,inater (lro'CF: Tier. Mr. !Turf and
family, of Mfratford, 1Il11 are ocrnpy-
itrg one of the Westminster nottr,g(44.
blr. \Wam'.l.•y. who has been in the
tillnR a and neighh11{lrood on Wainer*
for 111. Upper Canaria Tract Society
for We ;rant 't wu_tunnttlis, _leaves thie.
week to !rami ht+ wbrk-ht anottmr
part of the county. -
De: t'1'n o*- Mn.. Ht.Ult.-Mrs,
Hind"', wife of I4aey. 1V111. Illnd.,
Anglican mini.rrr here. passel away
ton 77nrr44y of Inst week lifter a long
and painful illness. Sincere 1ymImdhy
is felt for the aged rector n not I the
bereaved family.
Ml'. Asl,u*:1n'', Av4l4RRs.ttiV. The
anniversary servir•P* in Mt. Andrew's
church weir conducted on Sabbath
last I/4LJte1.11r-Barnett, of_ Kintyre.
Who puncher )edit moaning and PVPI1-
ini{ to I*age and npprrclatlt•e and i -
ernes. l0 11.• llll rning the choir
rendered -the Is•*utifill anthem
"Praia. Ve the Lord" and M the earn-
ing service a a,I,. 11y Mia Claire Pick-
ard, of SPafutlh, and one by Miss
1444 r•H Richardson, ifg. 'Hayfield,
pleased the congregation very, much.
The offering, which goes toward' the
debt on the church, ted tt-$1)4 .
%Ve may he at little mil . f the
way for shoppers 14400m1 the
.quare, lint stir notice x`11'• peopl'•
alum !hiding HM Ma down Hamilton
Street. Perhaps it - i. herHlts•
We give ear, -fat attrnt' to In
ordo'rs. handle outs- first 4u:ddtt
r e li '1•:
good. end the It 117 PHI!(,,
' Special nltent ion given to
suppl).inn picnic :41)11 outing
parties, with se"o rt thing in the
way , ''f provisions. Cooked
iD"4.s, Panned 44o.Nl..etc.
Wm. L. Lindsay
Hamilton St.
'Phone No 14.4
oo-k S. ,
A splemlill• line of buil
.'loth -b I hooks, clearing
, :. r 5c;wr-iall.
Set mei Moulted rnl •s
i u INrlt,•.' . Lii. t ut;, :, t
..25c per vol.
A Lo -g,' lot .d 1.441111'191 •••
14,14.0, .•lett ing at slab.?
Court House Square. Godeno h
'Phone No. 400.
CARPET All auk'".
promptly attended to
LAVING I harew, moderate
141-,.h•ur.• ljllelav' -t art, '
1' too door- We -t of Waterloo *l.,
uoMKA1('14. ONT.
When made by
Lie, Ta1,or West St. i
Valenciennes Torchon Laces
e Yards for 25c
The man who "looks into the eye"
is in lialrrlr'h nt K.11v'n,
The next 4,e.t *tong to Knowing how
to get a thing is knowing how to gel
along without It.
"I ye got a washing machine here."
began the inventor. The capitalist.
looked at hien in the cold. calculating
manner rommob to capitslints and
answered : ' well, if T were you, 1'd
run straight home and use it.' That
night the anarchist circle received an.
°Met application for membership --
The Outlook.
LAST week we clear woo oo yards Valenciennes and Tor-
chon Laces from a Waist and Underwear Manufacturer.
They are odd pieces and short ends he had left after making up
this season's garments, and he was willing to take a very little
price for them. SATURDAY we put the whole lot on one of our
bargain tables at 5c a yard. or
There are Laces and Insertions of many widths, and regular
values .42 to 15c_ a ard.
The Embroidery Sale The Furs
We are '.1411 selling go,xl etnlmtideries for
little nlalney, timidnrl. of yards yet to leave the
odors. before August is over. It is good buying
now for next '.4.14,011 at. these prices,
5c to 7c Embroideries, 3 yards for tax.
I24,,C 40 l5c Embroideries,
rile and 2014 Embroideries, *2'c.
25c and 3oc Embroideries, *Sc.
3oc to ssc Embroideries, 23c.
"One-quarter off" Sale
"Ihip.i u44rter Ufr sale of Waist!' and Under -
'weer will r•nntinne all As'gnet or until all the stock
is surd. Splendid new garments are selling at
ex*rtly one-quarter lean than their regular price
and real value.
All Waist* "One-quarter" Off.
All Gowns "One-quarter" Off.
All Corset Covers "One-quarter" Otf.
All Drawers "One quarter" Of(.
All Skirts "One-quarter' Off.
New Fall and Winter Fara now displayed
in our 14,111 and light bas.•ntenl. A )'rr)' hand -
"MM. tut there is, toe, Well worth your seeing
whether ynn have,- file burying to do or not, (lump
and look thein over any day. We will Ito glad to
"how them.
New Dress Goods
First showing of new Fall Dress Goods this
week. Handsome millings in quiet stripes, green,
brown and blue shrubs. New combination Ault -
ingot, two -tune clack material for skirts Witt_
enough plain to match for the coat. In the entire\
Int no two suiting* alike. See them before/ the
nsmnrl.ment• in broken, 41.2., h. *2.1111 per yard.
New white and white and gold belting, Aliso
the popular wide neck retching just opened this
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