HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-13, Page 8• Taeaseiv, Alum* 1110e 1 '111 E l(:•N A 1, : (71()1)14:111t3t. /NTA GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM si moo Farm ,Laborers Excursions TO •-• MANITOBA, ALEIERTA, SASKATCHEWAN wan &II stations ig4 totario, vlanyleallo anti St. Paul, Minneapolis, or Duluth. AUGUST 18th and SEPTEMBER 1st From Toronto, North Bay and Intt•r- mediate stations., and all stations west thereol in Ontario. AUGUST 20 -27th - and SEPTEMBER 2 -14th From Toronto and east tool east ..4 thilltia. in Ontario. OF $1 0 TO WINN1P where. free tiekets will la• given to Kantaaek, SIWW11 Hirer. Sask.: and intermediate points ott ranaalirtn Northern Kflw4y. 1/ns uesit per mils beyond tivose points to Ellin don ris• cluane. nut Grant! Trunk in 4. only double track route to the 'est. Through St. Clair tunnel by elect ri v No ke Or dirt. $18 Returning from Swan Hirer. liatilsark and inter- mediate star . Farm laborers' cer- tificate supplied with t•ar•It ticket ex• plains how to firovare this fare annul the Canadian Northern agent. Tickets will also be 11181041 Via onto and P, K. ander tuvrt144u weft- diti0118 01110110Wing ilAren : August 14th, Seph.8th From stations north -of main line Tor- onto to Sarnia Tunnel, via Stratford, including Toronto -Ninth Bey liar and statione west. August 19th, Sept. 9th Toronto to sante tunuel Strat ford and all 1131100:4 thereof. - August 22nd, Sept. I ltfi Toronto and east anti east. of Orillia to Kingston, int•hasive. Full. particulars front any Greed Trunk Ticket Agent. • CANADIAN National ExhibitiOn • TORONTO " Many special !oscura\ including THE SIEGE OF SEBASTOPOL. GRAND TRUNK EXHIBIT. • 114 iiii4144a) ha.1.4144-24.41414.14 GRAND FIREWORKS DISPLAY. $3.90 G 0 FROM I GOOD GOING, AUG. 29th to SEPT. 12h EXCURSION $2•85 \ SPECIAL, • RATES GOOD GOING SEPT. 1, 3, 5, 8, and 10. All tickets valid returning from Toronto on or: before - SEPT. IL 1908. Tirkrtwittul full inforrita (4..i) may he obtained from • • F. E. LAWRENCE, Town Agent. TOURS OF GREAT LAKES am GEORGIAN Bay For Sault' Ct.. Many, Port Arthur and . Duluth --Leate Karoo.. Minato- Wwbiesilar And Friday, a.a. p.m. 'Enda) 4441011144r 11.40.114*. tn hulled,* , For Standout. wand Soo *nil hisek.nse las., (*.Altars...4 4 airsr....44..... 04...44 tt plm. Tiiiidio 41141 4441i1.1M4441. - ' Steamer Cdr of Frold.or ,arrv 14401.14 nitrd \" nunatlel 414. pinriiiirers. Ina i r. • 11i11- ,W414 1.4 1'banala*1.10 , 114.'1111M11..:114Ili.111 .4I,. 114,'for dalill and al (4•) 101,-. or/Flury Sond. Point MI Sag -14-Itlir. II 4,4933),- 4 04441111 VI .44444 MI411 4 and Vitilar lie.11 .tir. For amass. 10tOMP _Copiaer...nead. For a• s love.. Etc. • arrt• Sound 1,,iii. Penetfin rifit day., ' n111 su., 44.0w IN EFFECT - ' Tiekets a fortruttion frew n11 it'y Agents. H. H. ----Ce14..-N1e r3nternational fiewspaper Bible Study Club .5ffirgteieteQuediettienThe Infeene School io by Rev. Dr. Lisstott. Brantford August Oth. too& David and Goliath. I. Mi1111. YYii. : 301411, ' • 11144ats oil 11144 cl the Is ..1.). • 4:1,114411 l'141(1, --4 n 1111. 14.1111 pat 4 Illy , 4,1""•'`.." "h. trust. Pa. xi. : t , Has t waitiviifs li•W 4444,14 This 11.14444441 dears 1101 leso ,."ity always being on Ore sin.: of. r he he., %- LIP 14. Were*, by Verse hi,114.„' lest lsit taboos ? See 44*11''. 4 4, 1 the hillolving rq141P44. AnNum(' : :1 S ; Ps. : It; : Z.... iv.: it. upon the lessonstory and its suggew ' "In 14 "fe'll" *111411 (111 t!"4.‘ si`h. 1". • • defeatist ? What. it.. the forces with tyhj,•11 Does the fate of a nation ever InAteri 14.l will llllI.jIwl tee work' ally depend epee one rust according to throw % j Xj444 the teething 64 Tiatory This question xi. It to be auweretlin venting by members 11'hy i. it !bat seitime, literatitrr, of the club.; pitiable, musk. elispienee and W.11' 11111Vill'14 rolliilleol Of Goliath eitiiiiiit 4(0111111e 11144 W01.111 Orer• mil oral 111. 011111114111311111111 ? throw Sill ? iotl just as eaNily hare pay. 111.1tat it 1 he lit'eaent .kleed -in- the formed this feat With is nom wit° hail World with whet' to ovensatte twt•ry fool ro, previoer eyperisante Willi 41 14-Y41-1141111ellee ? • r itelwiiye right e,11,,n• • 1)14 God have 411 event Of 1.ItiIlS 11101114141 of light ink. Dr !hal of the slaying of II, 111 11)4Titl's rimy other good atul siieressful min ? ' 4. ions training with the sling am! Is it I•Ver right to diseard ilk • 1.4 • Doe. Mid -Tirangt. 44 .gi.vo. I or my awe always be sin, as to ehitdrim a suitable primeent train- wPistsiiis 'Amid.] use in over - Mg. 114.11 11114_ work- -w-144444 .r-tlitTiraltiPut -- store for them in the rotor, ? I.. mill,- -rpe...rsori ever %:troolishel Who lbwsal 1 always peweist.-.•wirrIsr-retrfty If. . *mom *lak every enemy. i41 learner, to the What au. the greatest giants 44 ,4.111111is1 'HE lite's work van hare to light whoopt,. ea, our personal yareprished progress.: 1 • A NEW VEGETABLE. . A Kant C...inparativitly Little Knows H•r• In America: One of the lourt easily islittivated and satisfactory vegetables tgrow is thekub4ZbI, kuttAtabl, anhis d on taccount it stands aver the head of the list. The plant Isensarallesiy 'Mown"- tinter. kit Mal 141 immecully quite protitalile -te r -F the market gardeter vb." grovel It. It partakee uf the nature of the eats hamsand the turnip aud le often used as a eoleedttite for the jailer. The plant le very hardy, often endurliig se• vete frosts and elan realsting drought. The upper part of the stein %write lute a large fleshy bead above the grouud, resembling the turnip. The edible part ranges from Me slee of au orange to' the else of a man's head. Its flavor resembles both the turutp and cab. bilge. It can be stored away In wile ter Mu Mallet Kohlrabi Is best for the table when about 11). else of a •eicoattut. 1t411 Uwe tender and of hue tiavor, but wheu it -becomes larger It is tougb and atringy. la cooking the 1.•egetable 11 is sliced aid baled .uutll it Lecemea sort. The plant grows beat_La deep, rieh eon, and for earty use the Reed should be sown as early as permissible out- When -(be-plbfa-are-44weer four Inches high tbey transplanted Into rows two feet apart. a toot apart lb The ‘eow. For late crop seed PnTLY Mav ILUdaliU4 other mowtn made a -mouth laier. The =et e011/1 Y eruwn arteties are gaily White. Early Purple. ehould be .lone atter the hero gowered.-Katlenal Council of llorti- caftan>. Going Too Far. lu u wt•stcrii 1:eutucky towu lieu tVetsou had *dyed Use life 01 Myra Eialertilll. She bud fallen luto a distr. aril as alio was stnaldif for Dal third tithe 1-Fieseuel-Vai.bed mid u rEer. Auut 'rabbi; Wilseu, the 0144,14 lu the village, was loud" lu praise of the btrolan of the young luau and 411 twee deterred that lieu uud Myra must get tuurrted. But Him demurred. Tbo amingeineuta did not sult bite. "ttity nut uuirry Myr, lieu?" said the old lady.-. -"Site's a Mee rid. and we'll have 411111 weddlug." "She is a ;Mee girl, all right," replkm1 Ben, "but 1 dou't thluk we oughter marry. Seems to me." be went 041,"1. have Moue enough for Myry."-Ar- egionatit. An Ancient Tombstone. burial: the reatoratien of St. George's ,Chureli; Fordinctou, Dor- chestrr, Kughuid. •u slab of Purbeck marble. 2 feet II. itfeliee by 2 feet 4 1-2 1111411.118,Atal_ti.,„melles thick: IIUS Ina II diaetdreplarE-bearlItil u lattIll itner time part of wheel. however, has been wuni away.-- Particular". of. the slab have been ,*'**t 4.., the British M(teruin 1.111.41. been rcerlt-eil ) t from -1444) utillioutative source. The kieheid areeveour lot. has given tiossible :Iged are. Kellett., awl Marion and Avec his eliildrett. and Romans bl-swite-,'" theittstieg-thatIris.- tobulii,*w tie une of the seventy de, «44.11*" 4.4, 111014 to Kotam otrling St. iliturt. 11.. 14.4 died the 'ear A.U. . I. • a strong Man, its the long irtim fltifttLierr the 4414441144 g44LU1-F-TX-11144--- • aii estamsed Callaie opposed tii opts 1041. *4* 1111(I progress ? NOVEL li let hues Ise isocesasifisl ? - What ewe I Ire grey-tst gs who Ilia re NMI,* • n said that Prosidenee Warr ' way of ' he Will 1.1 4 'Iii'.i imposoutis to Open Knowledge 01 PDIct • BAG. Aug. 16dr. leot Saul Tries- to Kill David: Plektruckets will be tin Without the sor. elitist a I. Sam. x iii.: Pl. tioltleis Text •• l,)1God is rilin au& . Pe. **iv-. : - Verse ft Are the Ni, 11414 114 sut•etsw greater. et itimt 4 . id defeat ? %%Inch '1111 j4 the '1111.114 wen alto broolite' proaninent. • I' those who remain in 011110 il V 1. Does - Clod mean, everybody 4 be 111:418rot14 ? Does faithfulness to ditty'. :Ilse -5 inntly.runtobtrity and •iiiiereow. ? Veree 7 '4%h'.t accounts for the that David was • • pimilar 1 han Said ? • Melly Waii Sit111 henrig his popularity Verso4 ran yoii blame Said for being iingry when the peeple ist•etisest I /ay ul • t han they dui him ? is it a, *seat thin* 6. icatwaee. tiw 1er (wee, 1)14)11*' thet pritisew.•••1 lay ? ran you name a Bible ter who ejoe! t the sty -4 tiler thbe di114.1 his wait 1 , • -Is il pos.jble. and is it Ie. duty, f,,r ev.wy body to render When others proaper more than Dietstss•ives 1, Is it possible for a matt Lb rej./iee when, tor-his-Asertness, trod- hr- eats 1nK away la. Ian:Ilion and giving it to mealier ? Does God in 11,,''..' tvs take away he positions if iitifsiitfifill inen .t041 give them to others erne 9-- 118 it ever right. to se& watch iipon the al -ninon others. -in the hone it eAtelsing them in wrung - doing ? May one Is. jealon. am/titer it and 1144*11El they woman with a pockettsiol: (pped with the safety losji shown In the Iluir tratio7n. Tbia •novq null useful. 111 structiorf of a handle eau be emplui In co:owe:ion with any type in bus' or.oeller portable romp- fliere fs no possnality of 11114 hag• better opened without...the knowl- ' sin%kV.i.tsen. s. sa•1p' er; si oj y.r hard .till lepure heartr does ealousy always imply le-in-elotsene-s 4441-Hre- father or arith.w of oil spirits ien a ship srings a 444414 s Dial 111 any 4(111144' all .tet of (lod -a 4144.44 men lose. hi. tenewe Keel reeve has (Cod Anything t.• with t ? 1. it '*411' f 11e 111 . Gd that1 those wlitigive way to fierce jeah go Irmo bad . wit -se? r Veise II - '*'t' 11 jeiIniwy Make 4.114311 rat.. likbe,t friend ? Does the sin ,4. 111111 11111144: its 4441 s insane .- he! • r 12 I, it gsmeraly so that4 matt wit ham fn!akett tha. and 44 (sii is en%Ions 4/t it,, 44.4 and .r 0I , 4• ils IS'ilis :SS UM. N'ets•e I:1 '1 tat pr pled said h. make David a ea Did David in ter I1(14 1.4 .•1 4. situilar thing : . If a 011111 giVe41. Wii4:411(6 litssi• at iir s of ,acy khl, will !lode likely bristly litnietn tli.; be TOW dther rover- nn his tym•ks, or lo 3311111('-•• Verses 14.26 Is it a rule -that the good and the ,true are the admiration of God and 0( good men. while they. provoke the hatred or jealousy of ' bad men? Give your reasons.. ;This question . M to be answered in writing by members of the c u .) • Lesson for $lll i l .livost. 11514 Friendship of David and .11.114*. (41140, I. Sam. xx. The Colonel's Deathbed.' • I betel H sey, of Kenteicky. WA. dea4H-1"14'1Y W011/111.411 III the Kittle leiSikinit MO1111114411, and, after the engage:Meta. he asked that it i.lergy.• MAU be' a Sot. 14,41441,4-41-rrew- he Ale s religions piliipat oat, asul so return.. Dip dying'1111*144 side - erably dietnrimel ty the tart that he irmilit dist•Aver ,on *11111140 ler of the 04.1..tsel.* own • *- lion. • "Beg pardon. silk,- said “1011. 1 byter' anywhere. al 11141111.03191 -hollt .4111 available man." "W'hy Tian iiianiled ? - " 'rause lip w The dying 1 "Bring hi '11)ring pretty el an' rai you si the lie 1 he eilleriv, 11111 14 roes- ( eamiewhat in'he telly the Col 'I de. )1 PiNcopalists, i.viyant molted . Tom -"Ire gasped, 'Kil 'hing. fle ought tu do rt. It's true I was bmwn * Presbyterian, but then,. when I (vine to eonsider all iegs Evadone, I'm efraid I've 1 pretty mach of an Hpiectiptiliaie 44 'Ma EAT WHAT YOU WANT. But Find the Way to Digest Whit YOu ,Do Eat. • The thst tiling to do in the ram. ef„, Alit we:W. I. te strengthen 11).' lllll 'dadal. Trails iir 11114 St011laell and intestines, so that they will care for th. food that is eider Its ii.) other way ean this he *14*1111 1t Wen 3.444 by taking a 3.11-44-1.111 11414e1 -be- fore each meal. '11.18 restores .4rfrth 40 .14e flifinli4411 muscleK and a' late. the pouring mit of switch. jukes, then tbe food digests reartilr and lam begin tn get therfull what yon eat. Cd Liver '00 and I (',id fiver flit :Old Iron or other are 344"inseVilain2, II"' " "111 00 41.014 hail any ..ther .. 1 smashes .4 he Weeld lists nrer nu 44r -p4104340.411, eneellee. 11 1,41 4411 14i4441 iliry diseases. sd 11 Is th. hanis 41 the blood, ant withreit a sufficient 4. the biota! is impoverimited, watery, pale :old impure. _Cod Leer pi14 1omseee it •ent4iine at ive 14111_ ree0101,1tetiye imalikjes *4..,'than flame poseessed by any other one tnetheinal agent.- In V' I, modern eilence has given to the world a cotnhinistion of these Iwo world -famed tonics Cod liver Mt aid iron, hot shorn of all 111141PIRN 041 or disagreeabh• feature. Vino! is made by a scientille, ells tractive and concentrating proeess friMi f ta•sh Platte tireru, e laning with peptonatetTiron all the medi- cinal. healing. lesly -edding elements of cod liver oil, but no tAl. As a hotly-Imilder and strength ere*. tor for old people, delicate ehildren, oak, nin-down persone, 14, and 1.1.4 ellroltie coughs, ei•Itis, chitis, told all ihront and long 14474. Vince is imexcieled. k people to give ial. It won't cost, ativilling alitirfaer . II. 1'. some, 4,411)1 47 known, .4,11!4114.1. Wellk414.4444. 441)41 V• 4114g 4,1)41 )Il*IlII Iron, bee itistare, 1.4*.e Mai el Westwatil Hdi "Superior Exfoliate Port Arthur-Witeniwg Northern Navigation 4,,,.-' Iseite •fr &ami. Menday. Wednesday, •Filday: 1.1en. Piscine beetle free, Owen 14141(1111, T10414111) , rhombi y, Satortlay • SIX BOATS A WEEK inaki. flit eel e .11 irm with "The Superior Express" rtt Port Arthur. for Whaitseg. Emon dton,P rittee Al- bert, and prinvipST iw e in the West. Solid Vestibuled TrAills, Dining ('1111. Service, Palatial mleepera. REDUCED RATES VIA CHICAGO 44 •••• Canadian Northern Ontario I,a orexpress 0.01) a. tn. tIpm Toronto For Sparrow Lake, Muskoka Lakes, Parry Sound and Sudbury. The best fishing in Can- ' ada on the Maganetawan and French Rivers, reach- ed direct. Write Thissenger Toronto, about , inlet tuens Camps, • new !-ISSIgts' Use whenever you hay.; sick 414944,144-41*., hentborer ban taste in the 1114411111, 11444441441.01114.1144, 1/2101•44 (44* -es,. ahrepleeillt•Sa a11i1 114( other svitlistonis that are the - direct reeialt of .J*, Wilson glees with every :in eent boxArit Mi0411$1, it guarantee to n•filud the monei unless the retnialy 44*444, • Not So Good as Last Veal'. • I Aug. 7. 'The' e..• (emel44 traffic figurefor July s1m184104 best 111.0111W141411nOress rer11111.1 so far hie year, but the total for the sea -sin is only a trifle lit'er half what it wit, a yea ago, 1111. het lo011age 1.,1- the month was 7,1001.1 The 444461 Slate mgaitiet Air the eorresponiling periish it year ago. The ileert•ase ir4.111,441'ly 1.41.1101,,If4/. niVreell /41o41/4411141 passengers were lied in Jul)', equally divided ea•it 01111 west.. rile Camelia, teenage was 1,S15,5117. At the Musum. Two country vemtlis were Ali 4 .11*14 14) hoodoo. They went into the 7.13r4t4sh . 101114 NaW it mummy, over which Iiiins a ettril yn w hieb was "B. 4'. Si." They were very mytified, and *aid. "What do pm make 0( 41, Bill 'e" sad Hill, "I should Arill ir WAN the 111111111er Of 1114' motor -ear (ha1 killed hint" trent We Vi11111 It tmletot it ilr gist. Malta nit. 4110111'r 11 11 fajlih titite. i111113111144^ .• - . . .•. "SHOW ME"PROOF. That il What HYtioW Wilt Do in All Forms of Catarrh and Troubles of the Breathing Organs. 11 is tert tinestion meet hav- ing lamed . sone else, will it remit your own part icolar Cane. 11 Vold i., Ole lamb palm ult, broil chitin. ll lll els ot, or tiny after - tern id the breathing organs .1ao1, Vilsoit s.ty-- yes avid will 1,411161 II • _ 11011 for the mottle tosrpoae e. Tits Mintshw's Adele", fiilfrtifTRIA.tieranse {fit. ilj• in stamen. An aged Soot told his minister 1 ha itysietti 11 lrelit1111•111 414 difTerent front mesi1rela"tiiisitinPlYinbIZ-Ile.i7"'f!,ri','.!'tiu'eti", he guing 1.. make. ".7.thinti elm% destroys the iti•rtil life that eau pilgrlm complacentl re,td t e -oppretwedrbreehing, mmit catnit top of Moent Sinai." thimuit irritation and long troubles. ,,tiliu_ders,.. nod the minister, It brings to these suffering organs (1*.my mole... Roo 41 ham, kpep balutteladen air they would get in thern' the pine and etienleptii, forests, the air that stamps out ipronehial trouble... Couldn That. The prince of entertainers. Marshall P Wilder, min! ilyomei Vail to Alderman -Tracy, of Chicago, hda 14 nee, and awift to ono. It ill'olre• Rain who was boasting one day of his against coughs and colds. It give, fat MI', official position. " yoir pure air and kills the gene of -My hither," he sad to iteonnevii• desiee. It hlp, the video.. e • in, "is an alderman." Ilymitei e0111rdele $1,40, "Huh!" smutted the other boy, "that's nothing ! My father blows tbe whistle 144. 1)4,' mill:" That settled It. Subscribe for The Sigal. rd and Buller. Plytnatig fend .4141hr 11,'r4efurd-ellte Sir Fe -dyers ris' both deservedly earned it 11411 re' tikfrou fur bulldog tenacity of piarpore ign Lord During a- Nib, l'Iutrle, and Sir Reif deeeeuding litOttie "bad water" iii a ot into a discussion WEI 11 tame1 to be taken. Ea ly lelended hi, own you -the mi Buller gut -iiis own ith the duff that the 61$4 41 throng' M1.1.441 was the proper -411:\ II was-- right," -'rbai\ was Mine. too,- cuolly phed Lord Ch dee • "1 only recon mouded the nth because I knew you seduld go against atever I swift"- - Load° or.A. _ 1:1:Alr I, . PIe of --Abe perr raiqieg Tv 11111141 is la two s wiitch are hollow up liayelie nit i oper ating hi mneetion ni 'a catru Jo the Interior r 11: t beg. open the ?.ti the outer fiortien an the 1h - t111/ are iwuna, asia4: the latches. The' • -Is then petted the usu.1 hop,,i•,..a-to open Nig wit moving- the Isand 11Ie I. :Naturally pickporkeui uld not the hug witinair detetion, ' - . "Reda" Furnace Means 'Perfect Heath* • without Gas,--Dust-or Smoke. be ".11ecla" Furnace is the Wily Furnace with Fused joints. These joints are made by 'Using the steel , • 7 _ - anti cast iron parts together at white heat making an indestructible joint. Fused joints are permanently airtight. Even after 2,1 :Jr,' use they not work . looo se r leak. They insure absolute freedom from dust, smoke and gas. - The .tireel-Ribbed'.Fire l'ot used on 'the " Heela" ~Furn:tre has- three times as much radiating surface ^IS 41Wk1VIC of tire -pot. It will save fuel for and- Tiv.- extracis from the tire, heat thatAvkluld otherwise g9 up the chimney. • thi.ssne "1.11eptod i" snapbrin the• te last inatine.eintmt.1-i-kidetail. , Wage ot Itaages. J. HARPER, --a---- GODERIcH _Stun • _A_ain ' . I ,•nieville Olierieeello.uenal...... Tl*.' efame wileAliNee...kiiriiiiii...1. ' . . . ..w they ytalked. got tip, etc. A n..i. -C77- . I she idenlaints1 Ale 'eon ''s met Insl .11 ' . TO C°NSUIVIPTIVES • 1 risilig 10 Ilia lis I, 111e 34"i...her rs,ked.: ••I h, y ost 10 ...... :my in her. anissiajil hot Falsest -41 A. NV.114..114 Preparation of 'rec. rip tite'n i•..w e sirrefea. rewired- fflitopnosphites and niodgenl 1-10111 13t.- 1."1. '1 "" ... i . qd• 11"41. 1',I"141114. girl .aiginal heroin" is tire Sovereign Rein_ Siiiiiillv raised Mir Inityt. i, : edy for Consumption, Asthma, Eh onchitis. • ....• ' %V lia ie i4-1" -asked- 414P d.ite'lret-'3 Catarrh. Li GriPPa Cough*. Ca;,tai 84111 ".A ',de." ‚.%3(8l)4(' Whipewied re Ty. all Throat and Lung Matadies. . 'VII (14n:1101s of !Mold*. ,a y they I1ate , it 4 4141.14 3414.4 .144 \111.4i111111.; W1.14 be 41.4.4,) Oa 4,'. 4. ' • 44, 4.1111114 424144 10. 1 441411,44•111 . I'M 14.r These who III1V44 1041411 il 41111-11:1%-d lio 1.11,"v w/11 .0111/111 111e battle ...1 el, 1 nther, enders ' en( it. t.. 1 heir fellew ibi viiii'ea 'It, y1011 know. %%l)at's los • stitferet s. , . 144 1,14* -3T* Til iilsi.11t 1 • • in iiis l'.iii.i. ,\ It 11311 eiiiiiil nosily 4.,ter they. wei.• .. yutereuiemlwr, t•veiry ' i toot 4 ' It "gicim up a. rucdretde be t heir pliV.iciiiii, Die littler eliap lima 111. (iii)iiil lie VI'llP 111111P1111E1w11 as 0. II". . i' lll Pli" Pintbiti't- fa, 'tW4t4a' e'slna'it l. :- ThepilelTelliercL -,fre--e-itu s't 1.. t ibf-lye tevon •.111.i ley' II 44 i pei•irter. as • T1111.: I look 1 fre rill : 1., it • . 1.tIatailidedclasaredangerous . . . i . ., • arid It yIwoe fat•al,slim di4 re man iro o ete40ie.For all partirulars, test' • ls,11t%Veil, l aniglp pass 11 ler '----- rte., itaileiess '. it .4eamis,- mr.swered the •. r,xpek.: .. \ . .. urn min eitii 1 expect to 41.. •i, . C. A. ABBOTT, Sole Agent, soliall or loot 1.414 i41 111•41--Oge". •I`s) Ann Skeet, New York City, N-. Id.,11 • . . 411141onlmo His Majesty Awa. M t.• Semi . . Brave tiers. The Kills inn been pleased ' award a silver medal. for gallantry tit yang life at *ea 14., Mr. Julia klarbert toil. of Lind,' Lugand. uiievugui on trervita..s Iu endtwilniug to esel a steward- t.) the Bntish Antis, of Liverpool. Ishii jtuttp41 everboard a -lien that vessel was an. c'horid Mile from th.• shore 'off Me. gator. Morocco. ou Feb. 21 hest. flie Mantaty Law ohm been pleaseil ais aid similar medals- to Lona Johri litery, N R. Whirl "divert. It./twrt Jones ibuistowaini Kota. Matti:fes an Janeest Redmond Itivarterulastenit. mid Henry Wliam. Walter Harper Mitt w acid Jobii Rueeell (ream ut the -British stesunship Cymric. f Liverpuol, iiirecoguition 111141; ale 44 III reactung the ,urv. rurr th• eres of the British strum- hiP St. C• bert. of IiVerpool, which WaVr- tre'in'tter-finetfr Atlantic tem' on Feb. '3 last. The Board of Trade aye awardd it pies,. of Plate to 1-l. t. R.K.R., muster •Lof eyturie, a fano- cuter glass te lieut. otita Stivey. mid Die sum -of eaeb t the men nettled above reooguition their service.. Th. Mock Orange Bu TI a -k_ on-roga of Is popularly 1.tion•te syring: the :hater 1•4 he- botanical- name ino.1, orange family el -3111'141ell IXalt thirty epeeles of 113111 iirlidt1311411121 stir111(S VI:11710g 11.1 height from five t ty feet, tuarty _of them 0411iiirahly r..111...1 for the slec•orittiori 4)7.1mme grounds,. Perhaps the mos1 widely grown Va- riety of ttitie lomwti to the old time gardener as gyring:1s l'hIladelpiele gra nialnorUs. . groWs about 4Ix feet. hih, au.i ita.3 large. eweet seete).1 ee.vere, velgelv appeat 111 r:enituon tee, orangestP. coreirrirtusi -feet in j1'(-n-mt 1.1eens In! flav or .Tune and 1.; very 4.;',- 441.4:4:. , 'fire tte• era, 3111 1.1140 white :net bon:, 41. .1(.14e clusters, often AO J• _bee& the Jiranch.:.4 41,1 !I 14 444 gn.101.. -• co...that's 411.“1: 414:4V:(P4g444.1944i-14 ta)s4.4a144444-thol 444144 -gt-4., arid io ewit eio::nit often reaell,,(41 lea 1111,hiwisin .11 14:u --t wro, hrowri Ina tallow. The llower4 .fire white atr.1 1,rodifeell rns'n Th.:4 Moran 111 jerk- or_ Jule in Setitel lall .3 1,.1 t 144144 111.0 WW1 11140' "- 41 or-triti ddied Wadi ill Ai,' 1.41:110 :I! 1 hirIlltilll'!•4 !, • •• Aboriginal Pi Thei aborigines of Stir havelpeculier illethods of They use a "smoke box" m Pint of bamboo. Smoke is blo is receptaele bv a faithful s closes 113 eperting with her h en ,pre•ento the boxful of molts • her Itu. betel. He inhale the amok and hand* the bemboo joint back to his wife for refilling. Folding More freesias. Io fold the shirt after stareheig care Must be taken to keep all the starched harts together to waviest their • lag the unatarelsed material. 'rake the shirt by thd‘ shoulders and. mace It ou the ha* ?root uppertsost, straighten the curls, one: over each. side of the front, nod fold the net*. band over on the treat. Theieslotible the eltlih-tille length. ways, brining one 011. 01 the front over the other, fokl over again, form - Ins a natroiser strip, tarn op the but- - tow hem a few inches and roil from the tap-downweed. Leave far tee Issueor more tostore.„_ Mooing. as -the abash -lamina become azerbjclehLmamssmey,to IS. in- wam obtsdaed. ' ' S...of lbest audliaKbetter•realt„.:: - - Australia oinking. e of a into ie, Ad AACIRERS *WANTD Toenm -"Pop, a Man's wife 44 his better half, isn't she ?' 1' 'p -••So w• At% told, my son." "So if a mans married twire there isli't sap thing left of litto, i thorn?" 14 Manitoba, Alberta Saskat c he wan %Pork harnatins for 25.000 man. ClooJ papa EXCURSIONS To WINNIPEG 61Prit n13 II $11° °(:) CICil95113a rota Feat frorr•W(nn(pog I o point* 114*.,'. (son • . laborer. ars ihneded, within certain Hants Mourn foe ‘18.00 atlyrit1 1•6•1 •ddllInait1 44(' 30das wish EXCURSIONS LAVE AUG.14&SEPT.8 from all istidlows tot Went:we Ind.**, Toronto ISMS lbw sod Torsinto.ttorts Bay tins. 'IMPORTANT weekttral.....410.31. Ttiqamt, Ag•Jitnosefor .11,7 ..59.•pinem.nlatl, 11/.. CAL PtIlI7S11.hat. tom Mt.. Lt.I.. Tomb Extra Pxcursion Trains will leave AUGUST 18th and SEPTEMBER 1st .,••••rats, nar414..ufst01•eliiiiiiliatityiltreL ii4W.44111flitf -'1:•LAk•, The Signal's lubbing List for 1908. The Signa mid Toronto Week! Globe $1 60 The Signal a d Toronto Daily lo e . . . 4 50 The Signal Montleal.F.amily Herald and Weekly Star llll . . so The Signal and Weekly Sun llIvrontoi t 70 The S4.1rnal and Toronto Daily Star . • 2 30 The Sign *1 and Toronto\Daily World . 2 75 'F-signti--anii-Toronto Daily The Signal ;me Toronto eky Mail and. . ' Empire \our,. . . . . . . 170 lll m pad lie. "I dluT toall yearly manes r. to Weekly Mail sad re The Signal and Farmer's Advocate . . . . 2 35 The Sigrfal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 60 The Signal and London Daily Advertiser. . 2 35 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser. 60 'The Signal and London Daily Free Press MCeiling Edition . . 3 50 • Eveking Edition - .` 2 90 The gnat -and London Weekly Free Press 85 The S mai and Montreal Daily Witness . . 3 50 The Sig and Montreal Weekly Witness 85 The Signa and World Wide 2 25 The- Sign, Westerri Home Monthly (Winnipe 30 The Signal and resbyterian . 2 25 The Signal and Westminster 2 25 Tite--5gmt-Presbyterian estm niter . 3 25 The Signal and Saturday Niglit (Toronto) . 2 35 The Signal and McClure's Magazine . . . 2 40 lineludIng (*.tag. on Mei 'lure. in 4 nmullan nddreal. --Ike Signal and Lippincott's4Magazine . . 3 50 Illinlading doslae o irn lillipine.. to Canadian addrearr --.... The .0 1 --end Home journal (Toronto) . . . ir 30 These pr"co.sare for-addressaa-in Canada -orGrear Britain. . ---- -- - -. The above publicatiftkmay he obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combnatton, the price for any publication being the figure gien'above ss $ r.00 rep- resenting the price of The Signal. stance The Siegal hod The Weekly Globe . . . - ,$'*- to Tt. Petteletatitteuenerillas leo $1.oe) . . . , • . -making the price for the three papers $2.95. The Signal and The Weekly Sun . . . . - • . JP 70 The Toronto Daily Star ($230 leas $100) • • tl The Weekly Globe i ji.6o less $10o) . . . . $310 -the four papers for $3.6o. H the publication you want is not in above list, let tis know. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoffice or express order to Vanatter & Robertson, The Signal, Goderich, Ont