HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-13, Page 71 HE, SIGNAL : CODERICII ONTARIO -On your trip abroad did you see ally wonderful old ruins Y" he wand, -yea." she replied. archly, "atlas guess what ?" "Well ?" "One of them wanted to marry . me." --'Harper's Weekly. - Atter a nus( has toured heaven and r l b to acquire a certain thing hr is "Lo' discover bow 111,114 hw , carve for it. A 11'v/stern paper, deseribing'the debut of It yowl( orator, imp. that •'110 broke the ice felicitously with 11k'II IUs(..enlrllle, and was almost 1111 - mediately drowned with applause." AM A MOTHER Ilow many Atnerilau women in lonely houses to -day 'king 'for this blessing to come iutotheir lives, add to lie abl(t to utter these Wor4I14, but because of. some ore 'anis Hereto int•nt,this happiness tet denied them. Every woman iutt•n•stvtl hi this subject should know that prepura • tion for Healthy maternity is accomplished by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND PEN AND SCISSORS ".4 14uar,rri Day, "A 6uoullful day." ton e117 tome. 1•'0,11.1 ua I,111db sad Ili* ski** are b1ua1-- The robin rings lu 1 '4'hr+tout tree*, Asour tohi. mate onthe chlmney nue. A-bettutftel Whittma The gentle 'an uud the Heal stare '1103 aro nut all 16ae are 1,ee'l (1, 'so' • There 1+ saute than that a here beauty Iles. "A.I.quul itul day: you •let 111 me liu.0 foil helped a friend who wio.iglling down 11.1.0 you .lugged a hilly u4.0 your knee. )) And la 'tithed hits uwa)10 14.01do11 luw.t. t 1114* uukiaj wont. cel Sour wngur' 11.011 ',tilled f Ila,• you brushed 11110I1, . Iw C1- I@all Ilur yUI( 1, , ol3 (1(01(.1.011111 ultllled' II( e you hr1 t0 wake it at beaatihd day t A beautiful day ! tot 11101,1111 i., 0111. It'll 4101e we (cel ter.sl mu .hoods of •tIonhl , Ir 1'141hleued another • Ioaol ut I al•n 1 Clint hal x111 4' 4111•ke 11 nulllul days, 'I'hr '.ties of bttu• rout 1 he kindly sun : ib•l it. we travel 111,I,g1I4r w'ay'; \\ aal krait i(1,1 (len,lt 19,11 we say we've doll! Sc'I.00l Grants. County Treasurer Holmes has re- ceives' from the Merriment a state. Anent of the amounts of the liovern- went school grants to the different townships in Otis county. TKe grouts to the various towrttahips our public schools are as follows : tA-1P1r IICRUN.. _- Olt Hai' iliiter- Tots! arts, Uaeate: The 1,i 14'rp:it .T one of Wotan Mr labs 'sigh sehmols, -- says Harper's \\'eekly, relates w1 incident,illcum10*,-. Li*,n with Ito, ..0yt ..,..•,ytrwtut, slay. ..1 Ilse ius1'4116.11 11)191tiolle.l. A clever girl Irtd hlkril 011.• of the principal priory.. At the close ill the exer\•i+.ew 114.1• I'1'4••nds (roWded x1411(11 her 114 .411,14,.ogl't1)1 d..I 1. •'\\'r're•h't you awfully afraid you wouldn't get it, 11Ittie, vv.k.sl one, -when there -were so many corniest. - " all! tl 3' Aahlleld . , . $1410 *1115 1$I,'4(3 (liUorde 4.'JI 1:'11 MM (iuderichl '4N2 'lift LN7 Hay u72 1111 7:t: Rtanley ... 7111 2.."L` l415 Stephen 1.1111 1'11) 1,21111 l'slstt•nr ICC! 1115 737 Fast \Vawaniu.tt042 11!1 :.Ir! West \1' Uurh:flat :el I_a1 \ r t mea IKIi,��► Legislative grant for equipment and art•(mlua$latiuu 1.2:M: Total i $y111i11 PANT 11( 140N. u„ Ota Tula) Anhui.•-• I', I t Ideates (Ivey 10/046 *325 IaI $1,1111 414 Hawick Y.1(113 In alai 1111 1.401 lel II ulletl 713J 41) SMI 101 tt'id 40 Melv'Mop .,'i'1`pf hi 1_111101 ,trill 40 Mo 1,w )Ila .lel !M) 441 7411 441 koroluit II (Mt IMI "its 101 ' 1011) 141 w Illlrry.:. 517 :61 Irl;, 11, bin 'lf1 114.1K sl; 11rf! t3t4m•rfuIty egaltunptt' 11.111,'. "IirsAltior A.knew that when it rt • to English t position. I hail -Mrs, Maggie' Gilmer, of West Uniuil, S. C.,Wi iter to 31 rs. 1'inkham : '• t was greatly run-down in health from a weakneat peculiar to my aaa, when Lydia -F.. l'lukham' a Vegetable., Compound war recommended to me. 1t ' not only restored me to perfect health. but W my delight 1 am a mother.". 'MrH.Joscpttine Hall,ot Bardstown, -Ky., writes: 1 was a very great from st sufferer frr -[easle't0U%b4.aseaI ysieion(sited to help me. Lydia E. Pinkllam'a Vege- table Compound not only restored me to perfect health, but I am now s proud mother." 1 FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For -thirty )rats L)di.► E. fink-. ham's Vegetable CompoWid, made from rooter and bens:, haft been the standard remedy for female ills andhaspb:sitiveiyrntrd thoueam: sof women who have been troubled with displacements. itltiaullnatiou, uleera. titaL fibroid tumors, i sitN lath el, . periodic pa/ backache,Ie that bee r In;-dnwn feeling, tlatµleucy, indi3-es- tinu,dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pink ham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has ,;•Hided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, :fiaaa. Do 11(11' \\'ANT 7A`7IOOD DRIVER? I hat h• for sale several good Young driving horlw•.,1 blacks and greys. (tom w,hii.h I could probably suit Vy ort, riRAYAUC G1ES- - _ - 1 were yi sterlbq`, an; today, and will lie tomorrow file hest • un 'the market. I am the agent for t3uel-. rrio•h. - - liet your NEW PLOW from 111P1' tilt` twat }scat snakes Fleury and Perrin, both riding and walking plows. Cat load of STANDARD &NOE WiRE j.nt rrrrived. STONE for 1tti1$iu- or other,. -purposes'. suppl titins. * ill targe or ieroall yuan lit cre9l or sit t hen nn rt•y. RO ; ' T WIISON Agent tor. McCORMIC a MACH INOY, -BRAN - LOUDEN HAY OO LS. etc. amilton St. INT. l.ogislxl ive'grant fur eyuipno'ut- and are 1411 $1,1132 401 • Tulsa 'l Ht11LMDAY, Angus( l5, 1908 •15 W. ACHESON 'tea SON SUMMER SACRIFICE SALE SQOME OF THE BIGGEST SAVINGS for buyers in the early days of August we will r'quote from 'week to week. Our immense piles of goods will blear rapidly at these prices. ' Dress Muslin'. Algot :1141 %'ttivin ill Iless t)'g iuids,^ 1-)i1*1 34 :411(1 M41s - • 11111, 111 all Myles ell 114•01 tllturrt. .111(1 1141 term'. All d.•sirttl.3* ,dot .. 4! •r of l L_ 1 , ,1, - a 14. at.' 1.m yd, 8 I. 1 n ibu ,I Shirt Waists (MY111*h-dunk '.*heron nal! 1(t sale pt irr1. Two ' pee•;:11., $1 ,70f gt 14rS tai 4 Q(� \\shots .JP 1 Waist 1 1.90 Rre vlraritttt .famti•_ 141Ull-llltall Coats and Ladies' 1Dress, Skills at ad -F -hlle Ir •-i.w• tt tun. 1g� l 4l. tu11ishing In ice r. I -1111 SOAP al ., p:'i` Corsets \VC , • da.ilon one 1 l r e 'ter fol: I 011(1 Ihr 111.1 week of August, 1441 11x1111 of t',A oeto, l'• l . A. , len Grave, ,5I).1►„" Yet isi, Sfai4• daft], **LW.' flll.'Si 11111 L1Trs. 41) toyer) 11/,l, 113 every ' -mike but yl)(11.0120 its 1 • good make at p, 1 pair. 690 tjosiery } iJ • pan. only L,t*li1M' Cthim- Ieo. Black Gerul.mt Alit.' qt., - either plain 4w• with o1111o(i er- 1411rt41Sla •tze1.11 to:'J . Rego. at 3',-.- trrpete ..elleehr.}lt--ter .."' 4r - a1 f1.lIuwl : 1)1( sal 1)11 ('et 'final ---'.vie.. 4i1(w40- -- Ashllrld ..., :°'111111. $:0I $141) Ma: 1.. I.. �. ifullett a :111 ':,,i MCAIl1Up ... .. 1, 3_1, it 111 Stanley. .,•t.J Mt t•3(IWO ...:7:-.... 141. :21 L-1 W. 1Viswa'iuwh •• F :i :3) :1.1se W. ACHESON & SON, New Perk Dairy Market. T fllX, Aug 10-' udlrrI' Nlo,u-'u•tun4,r i1 the Indian unuu• of tit.. 1{304.1' 4.tilltlud. The following lines err.• written Iry T. W. (iilison, of the Huri•Iw of Mfn.•S, Tolvmlo,' will) w'a. 141n11 111)211 it, '1101110,- at, t%'tvxctet!1 1 ilk uow1114, 7.uns )u) w•aier, run ('1.1 rose. of Ie 11,41 green. And *40 o4L•1•eltr they randy *tow r lest) 0,1.3.1»•1wren: • '1'11y 111 aurae 4,,• rt 3.1,11 tuu.ul it yoke, Th) h -Int -:444•)01 u4•u1141: lie mile to •*141 141 1/10.11.16111.14. Try prods•, Stet.* W t one.. , Legislative grant for (gait and ace tat ion iit 1$t417 ~33 1114 _ _ '1(+:,i:,+ • An Extensive Trip. - - . If. 'l:: :Wilson, son of the late Itrv. 11. \\'ilsLn, of Brisbane, Querns-• ;ami, Australi.t, and uephtow of the late Ahrahlnl 1Vitwnl, (ilxleItich, 1oft. Hri.l.,141e with his wife, tet. Sons and a urpltew. ,WL .111134' loth. to visit his relatives In Canadal. 'Th,y- arrived in '1'110 .4t,kd mn it 1 4n,any .-sol \-aU'I.114ee on .11114 21141, 1111 spl•mt a 1 1'hru khs11,4,11114.3.141110... . few Iha)'s vi•iting_ 14rir ft tends 41•144v'.-. Ut.nitr Run t *•rte -by let real Lewitt dm 11( thy ...went Mate; 'them they,w•eut tin to CalKitty 'aid In The 4111.143.4*) hndd, her nestNIa de Creek to visit 3Irs..3, 0: Hensley .And tete• tier timid ruling • sod from there to ilruoall, where t w.. 1.111/11 tar rslar'our-tend Musks. oh'.ais131l•lie •e t ling. a of Mr. Wi1.ansro.iSina live, who with Mitis f: 'lies Mr. Wilson and Mater fr \1,w \''iT. ir. aiid M►i T. -IT. A it ken and faollq. "of :'(ieulrru h. and friend. froul' Kingsville, made tip it pally of twenty -tine and a\ very pleas- ant -tittle war .prat. It .wits llwir in- trad to visit tioderi,•h, .hut they.. ft tuna their t inn. 111. hr.l't : the•) !most is. huu11• in 3-.trhltl l',;,t, their eldest caro, who i.1, with then', is • tte ding uni4rrsily. They left 1lensall to visit 111512,i • It..-..x•ky bed yet thou Thy peaceful wane- lncru.ming low b, --..ell n- 4 I hn1( Is,W •f1,.• 1.411.1111a •.•.far lent he tour iiu.11. Thy V.1..1 al dryli,- ..u10041 . 1(c 11urriirhTT11n1 s•li• -iKr. to 11,,,•, , (.I fair Men w sting. • N.i Int•fy .hip 10) 1(411111 lw.0 . _ •iiul►yW/131113 1144.144 tent. .l 'nku wh..1.,',t.•. al.rm luroeot +1131, ilo 1.ri4ht 140,101110 .014: . 1101 while,4Y hr,at within lac twat., - 'fill life. Ieai.•saneri,rnnte.' ' I'lIh'*rtln•en ail :Lod 414* lbee -wed- 1!11! dear 51.' 1(0'.41 ung. 1'IiiI.lrrU aU'U s 441 111111/(11.61/11. lnunor•i1t*, and their f • and .often shrewd remarks give is Khat deal of annlsrn*ent 111 their elders. ''Thiry trituently afford, too, gtimprs of the workings ,,•f. the childish mind. ::u4uwt• •s It will be found that a ridiculous error has arisen 1ie,au4r of n careless explanation 1,' 1( or reply1 y -given vrn btakes by it "grown-up," who t r . for Kittntrll the chill will 11udetslana him. jest :1,.r h.• experts other' n11•n ht olutoeatxu.l M',.r aeunl,le lrhat. A- junlble .13 ideas this boy had, who answered. "Emit' 'was al 111at1 who wrote fables •end sold the copyright to rt pmblisher•.for abottle of potash. ' .And the other haul knew little more aP1111 said'."The ,IeWS Iwlirvrd in asynn- gague and held their Sunday on Mxt- nrdayy Tilt the ,tlftmar•itih'. -believed in the Church of England : therefore the Jews 33Rd no dealings with the SamaariM1Mr' . 1 Flis might I.e taken ns an argument. in raven• of teaching the , Bible in pui4ic-Mch(ols, if it wet.• trot that just n. queer mixtures sattmet11111•s .• 1r mi pfttw•.'ttanthd in fry pupils Owe. At a recent exaulitattoo 3,I the public w•hrnits of a-.We•stern Ontario city the pupils of a certain grade were ques- t limed ues•Hamed as to certain municipal awl Pro.incial unlcials, tlwit• duties, tent ins of untie, names of more pr'b in- reit ones, rte? Salm 1.1 Ihr an3w.•rs received were : -uTlvrdot-*-•+tuts- mac •r /a t-• 1't14'P WQaooms GODERiCH, the at reef a and x11.•.-0. efean." Th.• police magistrate i1 h•efevri1g'to a rather autocratic odd gentleman,. "Hr gots his ptwitlort'hy taking It himself." "Thee Minister of Feduc -10 1teV. ". la elergylll:li hu WAS a J,lruiiae,1/f the local l rdl, °{'he runnel{ h control over the number of ell and deaths in the city:" York. Montreal• and dueler, whine they will take the Iota( tor England,. 1)n their return -,they will spend swum time in Ilalife% And theft start f.1(• Ai I'i on Alden •. d ru- 1 • • 31 nn l)nv t Aitken, itt I',ret- Arthur, s1(.1 Scott Aitken, 3l. l'ult•tnan, th.•il, Thew say that. in Austlwlia pea4'144'$ situ% i'l are grown that are ywr- fectl)- flirt and about the size 111 a silver dollar. The climate is 's' w311', that the cattle remain nut in. the p$*tltre, whi•1, ,dtrays good, all the year round. Mr. %Vilson'm father, with his w'ite And two children, (vent front Ireland alt missionary to irieln= jsuge. spotts.• to a call, under the Baptist M i,siunnt y Soci,•t y. There he lived and labored for the Master most ae• cepttebhy until r,tiled ht,m•• to hi''reat. There are still many living in Aus- tralia today who revery his memory because of his faithful ministry. to Strong; prune {(err:, to $6.7-..; stag - mini L So to 'I0: t.ute:aern,.,.0 t . M6,40. LtOr+It41. *4' l4 -f ,4 : -rel re- f . , -b- bone -- reminds. 6511.. ere:uea.ry alak ki �1t,, 0..• •S to Hi.. stoch.•ra 0244 4.44411'1x. it;;, (., ern:; �''44 third to Hent ti ti, -.1,„+v^ o1uuk 1..44.ra, is 4u- *.:ervi4.-etere dairy, cuemuuu to SWUM, 16• to •'f. pr,r. end orderers, steatty, f) t„ ' tare5...1411,11/011 14 sialet►i, 1&. t4 XIV; 4•.•01- V4yl» 1La/.•Iptr,. 1S.! heed. il� t.ad r` ::, • !elver, 4:. to TR. • en. lli'terr( t1, IM I1P•Y0 to .15A•: hall• flan Hop 1tn.olptr. 14.4141 ),oaf. slow -iehd ' creamer,. find. 19iac. !•fIo (IW Iowa': beteiv ar.t oitto.l 4..71 _Closure .`4reed1l•`ii ' alb), York; n., KCB. to $d 90 en-,unery, spacial. 17or. to Me, du., sI " to 44. r.ft.xhu $S -:E to Ike, stars, o e lerell Or White, fairy. Its • M.. lar 44 50 dalrlata, fa l,. S4 W. - lo i.,l•.1 or White, frrty, 1144e. du.. K Y11wp and hent» Iie+c•'lptr, 571, ),,' d, to urlar•. Ih' to luta• .pu mammon. toy. ' , e�0 .at.,.na. l...rb••.. 'shyly arw-L.• toVr--7" nt+e,g fKtelk, MX' lb a11er� e1,, tombs. $4.3. to $(110 earls to 1•' v4nn, X'lb h4tl1 r1aJ.• Prno+- Y sem`- 1' r,•I.•1.1J* and M7ar-byyttato.)' seleAy write, 1,..-w, Ivetherll. 44.73 to O. .e(Itael. $4:1, ALL: .- akbownto Lie .mit J.ud:vdfdfrmW•yc.h:4id•e..du..'gts•,nl•1,t•o,:44 41. (br1ewniYxedrk;12tio4Stok: Nl•1N-Y.tlth, .lot. W. it...111ts Mita: stars opened slow awl 1114- 1,. 1;.- tower; closed ;owe ant 1.04-,, Wlehmall of .110, War le4asii Kt, hulls mot .,.14tr4 atee cly; A.m... 1!4 • to 46,.. wino War einem •121.:, W ' SW,. 'ltal4 .t.:.70.. ( $:LW; wawa, $1.2.::$I.. to M Cables Easier--ega .,Are Lower at }f its- ' - "' tote American 11/ftekets. Catvtx itty 'iyty; 4 voids.'ti lifis)t . WH1aJN, Aug. If. LwvaSu, cubits f„'. •-r: buttdna,t:,•, rjlewr 41.1 w,•rhrn eatU.• .4) r ra4•ri1Y. at l�.• t., 14. r `sopa• Land. 'tardy mesons, It... els 34.- P14r• a vaaJ11 10)4 a' ,. 1. 42.15, ...auks, ,ww7Ai-,w4.4 potted, di•amat02 ,, to t: 't•_ 1, Leet Ira,. at es t 44.50, our bomb, 45,Gy: Is (incited at Mc to n.atyc ns utri. , eons wet I Or o.-4futs, • 74 to Olt6, eves ccs Torooto•Juoetlon Lae -Stock:" amu humorists.; i 4:t-?. to $4r94w.od"rn Cap 'lves :.r tt'i`•f a 4,41 4• TOILLINTO J•inu TIL1n. -•Atli;. 1111-sta.'', .rel tratilw l:e•Mpt1, 21:1,11: 111..•(1 lieorlpLlive *1 I of li4.,(11 ,u the Union , dun endIfs• to r,.• tower, - .Ia11b1�.; to 46..4 )(midi, wen, lo ,..34,,,,.d,..34,,,,.d.,, ijni- - 4.40.--1.40,0.0,auJl4' +swu•Iare1; ordinary to posedof I31ri mitten,.I1 sodIno .tt,•vtt10$4.1', a(ew•*lateat L, .cvUs, U. lambs. N W F56: two, land:a,.Yi sashess alai u.drugs tieoire :1c to 171•; weat.ra, nest, 1x1. eta Mae. reminds, 1414*: to 17660• 1 CATTLE MIME TS. ' cars extra, PI 0,. How. Iie-.,olpts, 1!.483: market We tow - Taken •-attuenttlier. .ocl*st-.min , at tat, grime New Yells hulls mild -at 17 pia' loom Vsldmfl om south, Clani NOW a cwt Lied of extra umMtr te4.11elat 11..40; he •. Chicago Live -Stock. bulk ut-tls tleat rood at I1,11. -to -x.30: b t tiler.. were 1wvevad Purim u( Meta ..,4ll t 1•)111',1.:/,, ,1141. 1LL aMtile-stweelpla, mann. wdandeg from ego to (*4' Ib.•a.., 19,101. ttaar3,•t -1 Bath' vto*lo 34.75 W e. tort we' buerght gy�m" 1.1,¢ x41 (4 fur es-, $7,wx, met t,. t:sl. Iwdfers, 43 tu'$S; port vnrtor,a 1•Slyurt lht/S .*sold rm.' bulla i. 7'• to A. •110001.-L; to 47.,0>_.4. ,'4 43.75 to H•6e-par a. wt ..1,s unit ,f»i13t1•r,11Gla3 trILle, - ' Late vers. •-.'- Tiogs t:e,•.•tpta •atlantad at • botlt 3*,- Ne.rh• .1l the wbulnwn•twtawew were . ,414['444 :1• trete, bleier. •'14ie-•r tobovy rrivewentr..1 un tit--msrkrt, !wt U led* Mel , WWI/K. Ie ice iii 1► -1a, batea,•ra' L4, tw reported as oat Mang low.ett:rpnesl as os,. AMI. Itebt lotted Lbs to *sr, , b,ra•E w.41. ,"Ku. ant -tow rea.nsn,,-wash Via. (het ha 0. $o*.• t*T �. T+;_-t.reytlayt ltii' to 1~,45. 'ate -re war nut ,rotate, x1 54••1.1 a otos., of Plx Ip, n lu bent lat'1a14 ; 4311! to ate .n sale. ' Tt,'-ro. was Noire, 1f ally. 2401• •'t �eKr In 1(a. 111r flMrzt roe- r1e•.I ,K fur the Yen last 0*,.) use 14-.1: p' 100 t wt' lords of gout'. 444, t,. *LW. •nedkurn, lutndw.. 54.1a 24..1,,, 1,111.111n4011, 'nu) t1,. H +vwlte s 11iik. ::: w t s _�.1-.- This•• w-.' a fair• y..We fur gust milkers ,.1,1 1401111'••1 k, a, tw^arl, :111 the towers 'f [h, shwa war lel Ilse Market.t 010.•1 anlrcn front 5141 to 260 .•601,,. - .44 0ewl Cashes. .•e. , v o .. I IC h f .,1 ., v, - weer not large. 0r4d in• ,1C4.41414 I111v1. .4,1 1, I'rleew •'w.44 front 511 t,: K. , 10•r , *1.1, a ser aced 1 M. h••-- 0� r I•.,t3 test. f'1, (end In* _were and 1 stools-- WO; market. lower: ed,e.y, to 34,73 to Ma.' )'t541, 41.:6. to �. 1 Suicide .1W. -Jail. Killarney, Man., . Ang. 11.--- Edward Scanlan. aged 96, on trial h,.1,.• sur breaking Windows. lupi wrpee-ted of more serious ufYertees..sU117 dol yester- d 4 morning. in lul b • t4t 41tlilte•, a g. 1 � Cyr . Il,• Mut kis 1'1 years n r•ttide•,It.here. ,.,uductnlx a. -dray turd scavenger ba.- iritt _btly sU_'1 hnrwlr.v. Fl✓' War; suspected of IIUMW' 0014 at, Min Apsloeizes. • Brockville. \.dr. 11. In the Police ('Our* -yesterday Ing, Rev. 1 i. • W. t». . ,4tlni.7tSt - 1 '_UV ,it '74 Jobe TI1p Card of Thanks? Tla' editor of The I'nrry . Sound North Stag- Makes .owe-iimelt and aenMibl( remarks upon a (marina which 1410.4 tat. •h vogue. .110 ways : "Thr editor of ihis anter would 1e the last Allan' un earth In klll)wingly Ma��y' jl wo'll to li.uttthe feelings of ,404 Ili its M1114w'rilwr, of l'it iix111, especially at %1 time when the dmrk•winge.1 1u0••- setlger of drallt luta 1rr(mgnt sorrow 40 the 3114(1114: but, 11'un4, 'the best of motives, we desire' td rnll thr- at• lrtltion 1,.f um. tw•Idrl+, la 1111. etf4 it if publishing ',•.11•111 of thutlks.' 11, is 1 ,'u4toul that has outgrownit pur- pose, if it es,. hod -nnr.- -W-brit ,.irk• ne.s And deaf h twine to your home it 114 only natured That vailr Iriendo and neighbors '.1,,.11141 do What they can to s.st*rtiltt. -They tvnnid to heathen if - they 43,1 nn1. rl'hry know (1'tnit,'lle elt*Temsiot 1,.f 441440 fete,' - that yalt err U)ankfill and deeply split -relate all 1.14407.4144, sod :t ir-11t,1 _twr4i.s,lry 1,1 rush into print soul tell yi ,u1, neigll- 111,1.0 were 1411 111 wIII.11 y 111 Were 111 Teluuhfir,- -Trading nitllie Are lie - 11n 11 1st birt.hda1 of His Majesty, coming tires! of live ad stereotyped t. a L Ire was telling stories '.11111 el3,thank s, \-o11 can elcbth(S alt hila to a (dirks of little tote.- to your friends by ;1 lalok or a *turd tts�ei�t ""+1'ly n•,oa. two/.tkw ilefaltes..i-''in a more' ion 1.4 t0114) .FAX. and 111e Amber le;l• ri4•/L,ta ly,*ssive mat Illl' an y'mu (an in tlUd out from tl.rnl whether they new anything alont the King.' Mole could get nellhing from them, however, and wan.41111ll to that'll/is the ,dams when Ihr elder cd ihr teen. ft Iso'' of seven u' eight years, noised 1114 hand, his eyes 1311.' w lrtfnlly. -Now," t (3(344 Ane leacher, '•he has al last' 11.11 • ithered something interesting." r tld 1rlh.,'•1, n*n.r ,•nhr ,oxginp tont she ' Iwtd, 11'(111. .17rnmii-Y- -only to -re- ceive l start startling eerily.-- Annie cal .h toe a da/',, fool, today." An oI'hrMit, one of pr'rhap$ twelve year, of age. 1 s naked it l•' Emerson, in "Th.' ilulu,l hi.'r," called red "a color of noy111nr1 " and Irnlllrwl the r4•Illy : "lie/Anse hen a fellow leaks n girl to marry bin that's the color he gets' Another child, being ske!1 to ns'me the different. cares of Ins and stone of their chanteleriMtirs, rep 'ell : ."rhe 'different tags* ,at-TIT/Of--MT 'ati111131 s, 1'restrytlhistfv. tete-. 14, Mrir: 'rhe (':uholier are religious ; til )','PM. hyterfans ere industrious : nm the scotch are ;wider -faced and are ill fighters." Not only in school, but in the home, do drill 1,n-- r things, --One enn understand why the little chap who had learned to repeat "i petty Thee, Lonl, my soul to take," '.110/13(1 call that his "toe" prayer. , And why a -wee twn•year•Itld hearing n limn spl'ak of "catching ft train should talk exritetlly of the Ivan who "chase*) the engine." , .Iu't one more anecdote : A small tiny, at the chse of his first day at school, wait sent boons with a card containing ghestinns to he answered by the parent*• relating to date of birth, vaccination, etc, On 'his trey to se:hhol the nest morning tbe little fellow was found crying httterty. and on tieing questioned sobbed out : ••I -rte forgot -tit Rsy ..s•e ss foe CAMPBELL & ATHAS, Proprietor. b.b.)Miai bora.." W•g.41ti.'z:r " ''tp'•°rdYjetARASie1/21°1't'dA,ty�w,; 1•.1).,, 110 I. I...ttiv. slarte,I 1s,: tt,w nib•. 14/11141/14 4.4 1!1, market xrn.•rally k.lbsd uol Ice 1..c a,.. 11, 4.0111••, :,4 d.•, fr. x41110 II •i4,.• 1.4.1 feeder" In 44 . .4- I -a n_ .4 ml irk. -..:;w.'.4-'••(41$ 51.7. 1-. 14 hr. . adn, 1 1•• f;t s''urlln4 vw a,rl synth..,.1 s, q ... 1141111 e. •,. 26.:.x, 1„ 4 1, • Nuns, ' Isms ft! aro! w.,.1,1NI at Ito. 114.441.M. ..\ugu4itl, Math. 11.11 LIP Lgy' for mallet - .J.,1 20.4' •' 1, earl ;•i ,.,rebs u'•' daulag•• to properly' And using kr, -Market. 4 .,.i++3er i.mguaF+ Ti1,a„• was dismissed .on his pay- ... .1 ,.�"1 a,i 0--1.- Of 121, ,r,.. 1:1 ,' 1.• It's two to one that you'll be pli'nse.l when volt ---*rune herr to Into - (4mfectn.,... y, -- • hseestlrr y*Mill lhnl yourself (ween two pleasing propositions, -QUALiT\' and PI1I('E - • Set pleased that ynlo'%% refuse to part with either, tend carr)' off your purchase of candy, all 01123164. like mor Mend' Notts. AVitetrbeen - building up a repntatioh for Candies with these winning twins for years. That's why the name' of Olympias is 60 popular. Let 431 herd• V.11 Ir 15 11114 t444la4'. Meals served at any time. Ice Cream to take home. quart, 4,r Knlle,n. Special *timed to the wholesale And parties, Store open from 14 in the morning - till 1 nest innrning. Olympia Cafe column of cold type.... Home*eeker's Excursions Pro Itlnnitobn, Saskatchewan and AI. Iwrta, all tail 4 is (•hicagaand St. Pool, August 1S, 5epteml'.'r. I.1, and 271, Also by Sarnia And Northern NAvigatio11 3'o:1 steamer.. ie.lviny semis. :4.:l> p. til. August 1)1 And :31, mos. N'onmi pnratid 4 4.4U•ih-Bki t I-.l.u.u,1.4n *1441 rrturn_,$39541 : propos ionatt• Bites to mnel. pa4tnf. fn Western- *Naftalis. 'I'i,kets good for sitty days. loll ,n- foriostim, form Any ait@rht id,' the Uralld Trunk Railway System. THE MARK!?(. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Future* Close Lower ---Live Stock -- Latest Quotations. -• MomGY Aug 10. i.:yer-.lriffllt futarrs- clotted Monty Tod to 111.1 lowcal 14 limier ti.tUrdar, sad &wit (.horns kid hjgllrle, .At e'hlrago ti,yr wheat desw.l 1'4r low- er [awn WSW orday, Sept. (rare tae higher. *1d MeV, twig •.. Muter. Winnipeg Options. I'onuw*ng are the .20elot aa,Aati„ns ..n Juniper gran. frouraw• Anal Alortwt, fl .1N•1+l NA, .4.01.er 7f•'AI' bid, tleaO'.h,r 1011• bel A.gua* sea,' bat, , x t.4.,' 40r ...lc - pronto Grain Markets. Wheat. spring, huh -*n fq to 4..,, Wheat, fall. estel0., ,,., ,... 0 s 0 W wheat, roue.. Items««.... 0 ;1 a w Wb.at, red, 0 112 0 *4 lore, bushel 0 414 .... H.seawr.wat` b.alrtl• 070 .... Pets, bushel ..., 0.rter• Nobel .....1,...a... 0 b .«. Oats, boatee! ., ,,, ......011 ' .... Termite Dolby Morkat. .ee. r►ter.!• :1, e n It plc. hears 1,0 50 1♦Otwr crown.", . 1110.111111111.- 0 ! • 7t isse-tarli 420114,imam (1• . u e uti syr estern Fair Greatest ive Stock Exhttriffou of Western Ontario Full Program of Attractions twice daily, including Kemp's Wild West -Show.- Best of Musoe. Fireworks each Evening. ATHLETIC DAY MONDAY_, SEPT. 14. Come and enjoy yourself at London's Popular Fair, REDUCED RATES '\ON ALI; RAILROADS Prise Lists, Entry Forms, Programs and all udormation given se application t0 - V EtD,-Pfesdddni _.___ -_ --'A, MVf. NUN I , Secretary London, Sept. II -I9 .TO THE ROOFINGQUESTION. SOME US1.RS Or PAROID ROOFING : } THE NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILWAY, t THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, , THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY and twenty other railways we could name. Numerous factories all over the country, some you may knr1w, such as • -;.4. THE GODERICH WHEEL RIGS, of Goderich, THE JACKSON CLOTHING COR-of'Goderich,' ONTARIO SUGAR CO., of Berlin, KUNTZ- PARK BREWERY, Waterloo, Mt- REGOR,RANWELL'PENCE CO., makers of Ideat Fence; I N TERNA T I O, N A- L -(H A RV -ES ER --CO.-, I eltttirton, makers of Deering •and ii hFormack ' lines. CANADIAN CANNERS, eight factortcs covered, alrct'hosts, of others. - ht'tliti• l`(111IiHg is 1)34st for the large -1 on illkl$tIV Nat 441111•K)N it not natural to lose it W(pt141 ,llc f - best for the stuittl users, especially when theit�- -tools are mostly pitch roots,' • ,1t any rate, We are, 4elljlig •cunsiderahlti "�rubfiu� lot only in small logs but in large barn lots., 4.iet•ure roofing bl' sort, to 7400 US 01'9, 8131'- about{-- el P A R -.O 0 Howell Hardware Co. Limited, SUCI'l. ,SW? 10 1.. 1' P'AUI-IN. J QUINCE SEED IN VOG.IIF ' What Mrs. James Brown- Potter Saye AboutThisBeautifier. ejsi are seed p.reParitIons enjoy an et t,'11Sf 4ee vogue on the csutint•nt of Eu- rope .,rope for whitening both the hands mat face_ replacing the cuclflber, rode anti other ert'Jllli used In the ltritlxb lad`s, says Mrs. Jamesra Ituwu Potter.. tier. • ,a ttdyaUtgge of the stuluce *O4II prepalaUohs 11 that they an, easily made and soften the skirl without betng sticky, likeother mucilages. or greasy, - like ointments. The disadvantage SA that they do not keep for •more than. outs month. • • Mucilage of gtlooe seed is made by soaking til . needs In -water.. In Prance r the ott►elal preparation 1s made with -OL-tii..J11et:-fO-tso-be-wa'err the mnlellage loving mixed wtth water when re.imtrvd-for use. In the Belgian :its! Portuguese official preparations u;ar Dart of wed is used for a hundred water, the mucilage Deng spotted u• Mod to tine skin. Ince lotion is aide try potlingloor dram of bruised quince lowed into n flint o writer, etlaosering• with ores- rlunal stirring, till it is reduced to half a plot; strain and all four ounces or glycerin and scent if de•sereo1. There e 4 la no (letterreparation aratifor latrttt the hands. A tole 114nm '.eaten atter wtuthing. Sone boowe•err. else 1t In place of washing\ MI '.1141 and water - All egcnws Is wiped oft and the -loads dried. quince creams are used as tit creams, Usually at bedtime, and are eery comforting after ezpoeare-tba.Lot sun. Sulliclent to part moisten tbe•sktn Is Dulled,wlth n soft r*g. A, home of ins (1esceud from our an- .. 1 • of UA elan sltnpe CANADIAN NATIONAL Aud. 29 EXHIBITION Sept: 14 TORONTO Greatest and Kept Attended Annual Exhibition in all the World Ewer, Province Sends los Products $100,000.00 In P, ire. and Aura/ tions Mammoth Massed Rand Concerts Grand Art Loan Collection Prom the Parte Salon awl other Old -Work] Galleries. l.braalln.al Military Tattoo and "'allelic Spectacle The Sieie of Sebastopol With 900 Performers. Iatternalional Dol Show ialeraatiolal Cat Slow 8,000 Live Stege' on Vieiv ace bibs tae. Ion aka. owl .1I 1e4411rwrw.. der... 3. B (Ass. s.e.w. ear cel, tram C•EAP PARES FROM tVP•lYWNRRE 6 d 'There ul'v,'r livt't1 it maul who did not at ,011111 (31111' 311.•111' Ike dislike of 011111. 11,141. A 600D NOW FOR FALL FENDING i*.-rn'.1•r to reduce our r:tnek we Hooke you the following prices Ott 1411 Nu t4 will. and may. 22 inches apart. . no rods l)4 a wires, as iui•hr. high, -hies!, $l1, per real. - I414 -rods of 11 wires, :411 incite" high. Ideal, 12i• per rods. 1 Norsk of 111 wines, 441 Inches high, Ideal, 171• per pial. Mta•y4 tte, 1S,lti•s apart. - _44rnd9' (It t4zN rrs0 17 tlit'tles liigl).. tM►1011'.1117 weaves. 24* inches high. Ideal. 1/11.• pet- No. G' 1 t.Ats .Q li wilt al inches high, Ideal. :11, per rod. - \I.•. 1tro.ls of Dillon, !GUI 1,•.,1-. American and :1201 rods I'it',burg NOW FOR FALL PAINTING. \V,' Still hare 0111111' I141l1)w4,011 1'4i11t Irft. which *NO) t'Tced Ulna IS. I *Wonµ•Nle its.S5 and me--gal-- tam 1.: , •r `. .. Imo for 1.27S. Thin io:1 god pariah, toff sit it is not the tuttke w1, handl,• we nees,t*cilicing it, REDUCTIONS iN REFRIGERATORS. Otte enameled Ref i gelal„n 441'• $::1.101, 1(44w' 7$:11,101 fine en,- •1•11,,,.Iliefeigee;11or w1(. 1$41,441, now *2.3.414, ihn• galrnmzvdllt( u•line(1 It f1 i4;ec it• i •• .. 1'1:1.11(1 111/W/14.1.10 - 'rw+rRnlsanlLrd i17ilF111i1'I lief ,ii:era101, 01.1.• :4II101,'Thew *9,701 UUASOLINE Si'OVES One burner Detroit gasoline stove, was 1$3:1111, now $31,:q\ 1►n,• 1-1nrnrr 1h•lroil.gaw.iI,iu' stove, on stand, was SLO1.0 now slims) , one :1-hnrurr Bucket a weeding' .hove, was 1$13,:11, now 1$5.51111 Om. 2 hurter Iil11•keve gasoline stoves, was f$4,:}I, nnw:1,75 , Screen Doors -sad Wiiidews - reduced in price 20 per cent. UAi I)EN HOSE Mark Diamond garden 11.0.4 wee 12'o', now 11,.; Kiftl( garden hose. Vas 17'i.Tir,W'Tei.• Leteh.f ganlen hose, w,u. 120, now Ile 111111 Dog garden hose, was 110•, now 1M Cattle garden hose, was 1*1', now til. Heating, Plumbing, Eavestroughing and Electric Wiring promptly attended to and all -work fully gudtrnnteed. Stere 'Phone 22 Douse 'Phone 111 CHAS. C. LEE ,.te,e..f Y'. 4e