HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-13, Page 6Arm
• " • -44,4*, • •
4-4 • i• •'. •
4 Tasfsiosy, AugoUR. 190111...-As.""1116.7.1.";#1r
7,4'1 •tr".4°14,W1WIttt"t011tillVrof ttl','%/.7'Irkr 11/1-'9,41rOrtqlf^lr' tidOO ft
"„t;-• ' 4'4 tt'*, k..‘14f"r`t4 it( Aestescloosset
• 1,
Public School Board Asks 1111.1100
• This Year --Omni of 11000 to Attol-
andra Hospital - Front of Town
Hall to be Painted -Council De-
cline/ to Finance Water and Light
rite regular meeting ..f the town
;awned on Friday evening last was a
short one, the proceedings closing by
e o'clock. The Mayor witee the only
absentee, awl in his a lorie,•e the I hp.
uty Reeve was morn, to the chair:
A request for the 41,41141, -1,1111111eitil
assistanee to the tbana oh Industrial
141XhihitiOn Wits referred 1,41 lie finance
• collimate 4..
Napier street resid•oate ivelied for a
sidewalk of a sort, suggesting
cinders'. The respiest" wits sent. to the
public works committee. '
Mrs. Hubert Hotortaon'askediaoto
allowed to 'Nell hawk -to -the Ittwaftair
of six lots taw hail it, the cemetery and
her reipiest was 1,•ferred to.th•• crew
eterly. eratiotifit too. .
John Nernignan wrote etimpletinisig
otothe elotameos000loato-tuto°
weed -end of WOW. 'Wet aarlift,':-
side, and the Wittier Wit44 Y412.
.t..0 the pieta' woiks •
1 A no4 trout the liectutartot
• the tire eo patty for linonete,e supplies
was sent t k to 1 fire commit tee.
A tett' front the G. T. It. stated
the pla nig between tin. rails neer
lhe Re tor woula he attended to.
The mblie 1.41;(411s requisi-
tion ft 40,0011 tir si•liee,1 pliiiionen was
Sent t the nuance 1 1.14.0; 4141141 ai
rept t from St,' lieorge.a Creseeitt
rein to- I vet was te et red le
the ithlic works t 'ttee.
'I' e remelts of standing c llllll uittees.
..w adopted
to lire committee recommended'
tl t the few 11040.4 together with all
• -hose on 11/41141 lko taken down 11,
t e waterworks phuit aud tested as
0044 missible ; that all hose suit-
\ able no 1444Weor thinking Only be
eeparateel froiti tile tither 110se 11 1141
ilistin.•tly marked such, and so far as
portable this hose only, he lined for
sewer flushiug that ail damaged ewe
he taqsaired and tool for what 'it is
suitaldasfor. • •••
Thetin tice conituit tee reciiiiiistetelvii
that the Mowing monied. 1.1 puid
Giotti Pere a Ituailwr a:011,34:
ooderich Jug Nab.
Goderieb Fire Company,- watering
street. OW: ('. . Leo of all correct,.
J. _ITN; ley &
nod, go,an : R. Ellie 4, lumbet,
‘Vhitely, $1.24, that .1 •er
Thonoton a account lie rebored 1,4414
to the board uf 1 II that the
account Of .1. Aden Fowler tw.referreel
to the chairman of the fine e minittee;
that th grant $414 te• the
Alexandra Marine and Genet How
Vital 00 eon ion that the to I to.
allowed Worm' digent patieute
til the sem is us up if wormier
and the c •ttor r wealthy slog
gested to the hospital will that it
consider the Cameron priaperty for
the purpose of hompital before mak-
ing any further additions or ante -rove,
menu; to the present hospital but
The conitnittee reported that
the insurance on Hotel licelet•ich is
• posse.
The special t•mintelttee, reported that
the consolidation of bylaws was pro
greeting: that the council had no
power to eolleet a fee from business
men of the town for booth privileges
on July 1:ith and reeo llllll ended that
the fee he returned trr•thowe who had
paid, and that a bylaw be passed
regulating all such booths and refresh-
ment places.
The public work.s l 'tow tea:uni-
ntended that the chairman of the pub-
lic works and frumeetor Sands with
the assiatance of an engine -'r it neces-
sary take levels and make mitten/des
of-Orsit of sew -ft on Tiifibone street a%
petitiomel for: - that the tender Of
George Widwin for •painting front of
town hall and the hall (01 the -sum id
SW be accepted, lie point Op All
broken places in brick waft with Nem
eta. paint both aides of door,. on fire
hall and the (aping half way of the
• roof,- using- -the---twet lead Mid 11
IM 'fironeilkir--Mullnitig-' nitggem-
tiOn it was th•eid•••I 1,-.111,111 3or,
W'ntson while at weak llle
hall to nail metal pieces 1)1'0' tie; holes
- in the leracke•ts where Mills 11,a; e liven
in the habit of making nests. •
l'outteillor %limning, brought tip
- 6-tom:Mg if thr.11.-
• and the Iwo eiptetinted harltor
4 41 't.tee 11.441.4/11 1.. the Itig
Mill Management and have them use
the rout sottish toad spiesel ob to -the'
publie. property Iliad and _1,4 coteluet
Ili,' Iltillt•r itcole ...• mud) dirt
by flowing floe coal 1r114.41111
1.1141110 1,411y W1101 0. 1/ woad not Ise so
unielt 0( 11 1111innner.
On l'otiticillot•
also, it was dreaded to ask the writer
and light rolillilisttioli 411 keep Hie
street lights on till I a. III.
Councillor 111111i1114.. had son.,
• - --austherossaatkual.4erohisoatot-esol *key
were disposed of 11/4 10110P ; The
proper 'tete of the A ocietilotrai
grounds and ',tabling. was 1, in 1, .1 to
the public werkeaeonitiiitio, , also 111,'
11110141011 le drainage. Tr.11.ile 11.
carpet. no toill•-ys Lome leoti
throng,' th.• Victoi.,, •1,....t. woks 1„
allow the. loiter to g.•t .111
other ()idiot whet.. 1.1.4eilvoinareeweeleal
improvement ii:1•4 tuent totted 4151 Coun-
cillor Craigie, at the t.(11.140r. of 14;
and V ieteswitt,street.ylitid this al", w4,
t•eferrcd tii the piildii• ono.
mitoo. Comi,•;nor 111.411.ing. sant
there were obusit 1544.u11 t rive Jewels of
gravel at the bark ef 4V, As lieson's
lie had hy the
fowl) free, and the. plaeiog et 11 .4)) the
streets was le•ft o it le the• pul,11.• works
Cotineillor 111111,1s.1 'mentioned
('Il :1(1.' variety of 411.- town ..1.,..k
and 111oVed, 44.e led ley
hat the caretaker le. re-
t it ertarrdartl time.
was ehowi
, the Reeve,
qtteeted ter- k
This was care
On motion 0 Co lllll •ilfors-lietrilloo.
and Runnings .it as decided to re-
scind the fiction I, the, ramincil in eul-
vancing 1112,4X111 to th water and light
eommiesion, as the elanumssion now
had the lllll tory from or side of (le-
bentures, atid the niiine did not feel
justified in poi% iding mo ey for the
ordimentotion hesin in excise of the
$7,11011 voted 'by the people er that
purpose. .
A young moo who wed; to et
rnarried has cert &In coot radiet toy pe.
11mM/tries to re 4. 1 breugh. Whot ant
they ? First he murt pop the quiet.
Lion, and then be 'mot questiou th.
Tourist finspecting church) -"Yes,
It'. * fine old church, but the mate
look very dusty, donaThey ?" Verger
-"Ys, air. you bee. the Is heturday,
sir. They'll he all right no Monday -
&e 000gregation duets' 'qoa.'
Assestment Cases.
klevertil interesting appetite from the
ailsowentent by the municipal illeolt•ssolts
Ito varjous municipalit iu the
county hare twen iliaposeel of by Hi'.
Honor Judge Doyle.
One Wits an a 1 by the Western
.Foondry, us-. of . inghaub
against the arise sweet by the curpori
*non tor istion tat, on the ovemosis
t 1mi by-arrognoment med.. with the
vorporatiou the Company w*'1 tealw
exempted from all taxation with the
exception of %heed tax., His 1101111t
allowed the appeid on the ground that
;4•4 the agt•eement was made in led,
two years after the ostuising of thonew
assesrment act levying a business tax,
it was elet(rl) 'the intention 0( the ono
meridiem to grant exemptioe from
leinineos tax. It. .ViAlint4ilie fur the•
We'llerleF t; Pima 4410 Dike
ley Holmes for tie. corpora'. of the
town ut
The allsaa of the li. N. W. "Fele-
gr., pit ' party .ugaisoot aoseito.
moo in East WiLW:11101411 %%45 alloWed
4.1111 1"'`1101.1 111 411.' 1:1"1.1"1".. 1114411
line from Myth Aubiere, tile line
being under tweedy -five miles 111
length mid sO exempt tinder sre•. 1-1.
stiltnee, 0, of, the Ailnennitielit Art of
111.1. The annentillit•lit. Wan l'edlieed,
frum-S220 to Weil.
111 14 111 eaSe the-mittni..ifitentioll 114
dispute 6; 4. 44 et,iiirt of le-
% lo•loi, 014,1,•i• Hie /04netnititoill net 1134.1
FtWer to eliatioe the iesseowilent Of
rAlopetyritt Witt* fool koweett itottenterd a.
4-.114114 44 :Whim 11 1411111101.1 01 s :11111 1/10,1'
am selmol stip-
loners. kliolliffitor of atepoyera (11
the township 'of Terkersinitli, in Mee.
ate te•leiel iweri
••loseal, applied theaselli t re% ision
,the tiovnithip ) be 41/1441•4.441.41 41111,-
rw ;ans.! 541144)44 'it and their appeill
hail beets; allow Th.. we es site
schonl board of Sea orth .oppealed 1.0
the -image against this tevision, it-
ing as the Parties •oneerneil had
144,1 gi% eli 4),,-'. 1 404' p erk not ice ol
withdrawal a. separate 414001 atop.
%esters within Noe'4.
aw, they 1144.411:14 nib tol p
laSes to the Seitiorth or SI, Colton-
hein seprosite"'school, these being the
',ohs:4414e orlormle. Theseatte.41--
watt allowed ,ui the grilling tliat the
teener -foul mit heell until Shy.
Whereith the law Minketl liotieto to be
-givc11 by the snood Wesinesslav 111
January: J. al Hestofor the school
beard and F. 11 'I'l K ,C , for
the ratepayers eoneerned.
Another appeal was hy 114%. Father.
31, -brown. owrish priest of St. Colum-
lon. oollinst the -asseseinent for
stated, labor tax on forty acres of
land owned by the church. Tire
tiptoed was dismissed- on the ground
that the intention of the law was to
exempt. only such elittreli 1' '414.11) its
was tweresarily rised rut church pile-
-1,,,aes, and his piopert y vas a besitiest
111 lire ghillt:h and Wats:Lill Ill11.111 the
ten amts which Wait lined ir 411)11)11
pliers's...1. I. NI. Hest for the ppellaut
and It. ts. Hay s for the 4. w• hip of
McKillop. This woe sointoi ..4 tit a
eiew doss el cage, there twit, no
decided viten: to guide the Cello?. ii'4'.1)'
Condition of Admission to Normal
-Trio alTatitiiili-Of applicants is --i.-4illed
to 1(4'. . ((Mowing extracts. from the
:lomat Selited.regiilatiune:
. 1. Application tot' Julian:Alton shall
I niade to the Deputy Minister 'of
Edi ution toot later than the first day tiservativea ere , til.ittg
of Se tember on a form to. be sup• it limiest. this session.
plied the Edticat ion I tepart nrent mot of the
on appl thin. Kiel) applicant ehall e an eperation fur
send with is application : l'ornbtill, late ot
1••1 A e.'.1kidte. from _competent
authority th he will he at least
eighteen years age on or before the
third Friday in . ne, HMO. '
;le) His rertillea • of having passed
the July Departme tal examination
for entwooree to the .---- -
• lei A deposit. .4. $I, , vhieli will be
returned in 44,4, 41..'r.
2. Knell applicant en eresenting
himself to a Normal School all sub-
mit te'i the principal thereof : .
Iii. A eertifieate from the pri cited
.,f an. jipproved teamed that he has
completed satisfartorily the lot r
;whorl] etitle-err----• .- , .
41), . A Certificate from a elergynorn
or other rempetetit atithority that he
1)4 ,1 good morel eluiraeter. tai
'lei A certificate nolo 44 physiei/411 1 1 hor.
that -lie in physi•-ially atilt. fee the (n)gh .Of the
O'Neil of :e teacher, and especially thea -old 105 are 11.1.
110 i.: free f any oerions pulmonary ways n 141. Into.
affectfarl alid from orrientely defective- Many 4 in in• dire, t
eyesight and heat ing. .. • opposit' 1 ere, winii a
i Wifild thi44-14Y6
.4, in the same
1: hartio,no. I *nip),
Interesting Letter from Will Cantelon,
Now of Vancouver, B. C.
The editor id The Signet was
pleased to t•eCettre OW dal's st{o
friendly letter from %Vila Contelon,.
though it was uut written fur pubti-
cation., we ar.• tirkibg the litwtty
putting it in print, knowing' that tier
Gullet -nit readers will be aitererted 111
hearing from their • feentier }ming
telloW•towilsriiiiii. .11 r. II re 1 is
wrioopoo •
"Tion. Hies." %Vita! o tree sioste-
ment. " It tinnily seems :in's:0611.-
111M it t. nearing the 14111*' 1 hit
will mork 1111 ab.eiree toll' yearn
truut tiistericti
110 410011 great ,a'haihcr. 11:15e taken
plaice its old 140111 :
buildings been comortieted. new
enterprises started, antl. last hitt
itiot least, 41,,' t;. d.--trrintrOrod
1'. I., It. 11.0. he..111110 411i:iv/tad! tet.
Wiwi' • left tioderich the ti. it.
branch of the C. I'. It. was motel
1.011rhe lit 1.1111St 11101 11.11 11.11,1 1111.11 An
Well. looking foloWittoti 10. the lime
When the shotilif ,be 1. filet ed
and the C. )l 1-4. the great r,flotitzing
Canadiair road elfould 41,44444'it,.
energies trottro-trork ot-intrititiregoep
the town of tlutteriell. • . •
ha% 4. 1i4.4-411414 11414 the II )44'4.
the eitiAeits Goths:14h will
lei lionized and tat t ie .114,31'
fUtineIioderiell will he city Of in.
11(41(11 11111101 1:1111'... 1 W414.. 1110,11:041 4.
Mlle 11.4 fact that the l(os) has 1443.1e
annierial sormintion tier-
ing flee last %.4.441°. • km ite%C;174771.
roilway , 11.. 41.111111, ily4 1 '.4141
yi1111' 1110111'.44.S.
1 cannot ,41.1* 54.11 14111k1441.11.11 1(11141(1
mo • glare. -7t-*/---
Whieh d1•1'4414'ipIlle111 1.1 11071()1110/144iii•
01-1-1iF44.11 / tin% II 4/ 1014101 1..11,
for its preport ion 1,, 1 lie growth ,11. he
III 1.1411 11.1-111 itieoto.', of the Wesi
Provinces Will he the growth 'of the.
reo-,.ftlisfirre, IT, nt.TI
1•1 Icois of prosier' ily• le ;ay lake.
or sea ii..1 . 11.
Commerce has_plaeAl Viiiieoti;er 111
her present priespetsnia It
is a sight worthy to behold to vieiv
our ho1rbor and see the 1411 ge %,,els
laden t':trgtion for all part s the.
wield Our wharya•s pulsate with it.-
destry t weii(V-four hour14 in the 4tay,
l'he opening ii. '4 the North, and
develof :411 of the mining itilltiste'y 1,1
this Province, are 0, i
11,11,11 1,,
.stitionlate trade...and 1,P 1.•111.‘t• 11, If golti
1111'. IA -41W oi the ii14.414,•i.it
Striligenek-itki '4%4,1,1 thin...00111 y'H
4htot While
I chi not think,. 'Never, tliat 314O:
depressi lll Was telt in. wilily diet t• ill
the eXtrenle West as in t •:0.1,•;11-
11 gh the East our lin -ial
instit mien,. felt the stringency' Lee
1)111' poptiltit het ao•tirtling,
m•wly issued city dirertory 11154.
1)54.1' 181,1191! malts, an "increase of 15,4061
01 lllll • year. • •
- We have ov•er -chino:, in lb,
eity, mid that 45 allout :rano Many.
I' shall not entlinerate tea4011. just
noW, von know o ell the otipi-
ents the 1..X0111440111•1. 11.1441''.
if '44 15 1440111.11s problem : it) loco
the owehleni ..t II, tlo4
Will lemand men ol the higheo
nitwits ealibre tle 11 11 1, it, and 11,..
proble10- 1 1131 Will 4.44414.* More
colt y it I It tit
even the
Of" litwOola
have just
having . underg•
appendicitis. for.
Goderich, pet form el the •eperilt 1011
find wait rely- sueeess til With it, my
cane being 4-1/01/1011 an el record ono_ in
the hoepitars list ef a liveries. Dr,
'Turnbull is 11.,itior well ere and 1.,
working up an excellent. Ionetice.
-WM 144k044-444-4,14444.11.414-.14
town tool its doings 04 a few years
luck, and• found great• pleasure', it,
recallingin••idents which at thee
lif occurrence Were thonght vt
little mt.
Here in Vancouver there Are great
many people who eon call Goderiel
their ..)1(1 1 and it is ootlesiewri•
no slight degree Tot Ine to get o
elatiVersation with the-, rely pee ple
141 thrash 0111 114''''' 1 :pies 4,011 11141
Koh. .• .
ur estimable. paper keeps
• in t with the don,
1 141111 e41111. 4/4111111.1411
e of intere
'0111' Viriirm at
mine, lint
ht 'he if 1 811(1141 ran
anew) and 3.ted
asti v •ty emelt y our
e to your ,parwr
vitt...tint.. 1 hod-
., tart tht•ough
not send it.
Shocks the Sensibilities or -National
Vigilance Association.. -
Wheu the buoy:begs were reoputly
removed. fruot the sculptured uti .11.,
Hew British Mohnol Associatwu build-
ing, the Stroud add Agur street, pass-
ersby gasped-anct-Italnediately report•
theootratter-to -Wolt-t'uotro-secre.
tory sif the Nation Vigillative Anaello
thin. He tuck look at tlw offending
nude statues oust informed the pulice,
why at emcee ordered cativo, sereeus
to be Pet ukt taakl the _rektausibl••
heaths/ the Medical Arsociattun could
bet sainiuouucated with. • • •
"lu tie other city ill Eurupe," de-
clared the secrete* Of the N. V. A..
"ere figure* di wor(pture 40( the na-
ture shoeu un the building its the
Stroud thrust upon' the public gate.
If ploutographie ut•the statocs ware
sold in the public streets err -rapeseed
lee- .,ale in- any shop; -prdl.TOCtings
would at mice be• teiketa We inteud.
uulers the offending.. figures are re-
moved, to take action iillthiOltse whe-
ther or uut the low testreili eittingh
hottest with such display
- Said Guy Ellliftion, seen:tat) of the
British Medics! Associatioti Nut-
let/4 set. anything jbjeetioutible in •thr
statuary: • -Nude - Amities •rantsch'eli
COnstitUtet tit; harm. If the%.. were git
the ground ,level, and ...el I be
ribald peutdoo_o_okoaddt_
ifferent. Bot they are tOtty• feet trun,
the ground. When ottic••r
tome t.4.. me conoerniiig, of Go
tiguers un the Strand sole. 1 went. to
nee :; failed to- li-4.1.14-7.-it4thitiit
wrote', suggestive, or Ind& nt •
George' Frompton, ,t e. tetanus
Every day .or two sees a hardier drop 111 some line that is coming near its lend.
No suniniergoods to be carried over. No matter how low the price all must
go, it clean sweep at some price. Wool.1 it not he wise to get some of these snaps
' PRINTS ' a
A few 14 rent ones stilt here, Ind only :1 few, full width Unit fort. ('(110114. •
EVerything lip to 2.ie 11
met a couple of elloeti left • any old 1.11,4e o ill take 1114.141 not
tfOSIERY - .
A few dozen paint of that glen for 210 Hite, 141,„ hob'. and
One box, mixed lot of child's cotton hose, tit ao ity-doo priee.
• 10c
11 Standard_ Patterns Always in Stock.
If you want a sere fit Pattern buy Stand
_The_Square Ji -H. Colborne- ""i% n° -
sculptor. said. "I should t the rats In- at!.3 /me ..aip•dtwiar.•
.,bjectauft is in the suegestitio ui. ,to property asioints to tit %Trill_ mot-
tbe. figureiby the 'Morino of e per--111‘a,..s.
bulls lehmosaupLatii. tale - - - roo - -
joie objectionoble in. the nude. 111,.• ., To Preserve. Eggs.
indecency 111 the winds of the 6
In answ•itoat, eoettit.t ha. tit 1
pie who are looking at- 'the figu
Malty ntlerotgres, 160111e them ,„4.0.44 1.1,, • i 11
beautiful g
• ";°' our 141 stielloeotooln 1 at the relatively 111
its 410 -re is 11 teuewaetten
ellould they be be rapidly ••
t thin tt
n has
too th
• Itt
process of pre. (ovule..lig,. by 'el, -1
c buildings. ' sto lo Po) (I.-.. 'ilia- • - ,
OggeaUvemiss '- - .wio vented in eutitattwo; k-ot
-ruled, Arden -toot,- . . taltere, fi'elia • o biett 1-.7.
Walter Crime. 'he 'well 114.,W11 artist. it Exhausted,' mei ft.,e,
k u S iilar 'v W:';'1•••li ue not sect;
in: w tomtit VaOor has been e to -
"e statist , ;wet ll Out Itti • who the 4
orilt timt its It is gj%,..11.'off 6, WIN
ulptur i , und f Vero the .fore. elt- t'%' -(J loli-Irt,lli tlito tort, There i,• UELOR
ress ter ' petiole tor thew. artiste...
moo ration .411 11)4. tolient.e.i.1 4, 4. BRANDI)
erit. So I r, however,. as t e Prin. 1.,,it . Of t(4'.- -i.fifi,..-...•14 ' /4 . 10,,, ..! I:, DM 0 N T
Pie itnrOhl is conconieol. I ani en- the re tcr part ,.4 the eat, r W 1.• v .., .„
rely in laver ' of frau ,sex represete Ulu cowl 4 ,1,•siecateel and ptilverbo A (_ALG4`°Y
butt iti aril." \ '„: ._... a •-•powdarollaraegit noctorial. H Ulot BOLT.
ountiteitt uay le.
An Elaborate System tri'Be Introduced in regard to Asiatic
in the Schools. •a letter oirepated
Solite reason tor ot
1 111 a WA The 'floe -reel- loset wietese
Ile.% T.1111111. 1.14111141 ll Mgt. liy 11 Willett, 'loon
is•rweeir•riiiitiii•s of Life 4.01 'al 1411•1 a lioudred.
.411.-e 1111 1•041.11-0 1111 1. the 14. :1 mock
eeloseale. or( -the Empire'. a Sy41114111 ol "lit' file SiTtis'
ela tritt••ly _ill_ettelflitetl.gtsagratiliv les. litol tioe I ttira• i'ati-lutraajor,t-Ite yo,
sons (fettling parts tfrIfis est memi y) Maleting_tlie position
atalestyr's itontlia,4114.1144, 1100, preliiivr.. I tor meetings altv:iys
141114.1a. t• '1 100 Whil Wil% 111.011 1. the Vilhhe And ('11 01)1 Itteet 4,44
T11r11101T. 111111 f,.,id Slealli ale ishair- evceit
town. aro,' whi,-11 Los 4 ht. ad hoe snot -
meet sof the forkmiat ;Olive antliettaries.
:hose tin, years ago A! Iiiigh
.1., a distinguished 14111(10n artist,
to take Sharge tit the oete•iiiiratioti of
\ o
%..Or father knots 1 hive
k ""
omesee ers lllll him.
T Northwest -Aug,-19th
Via, GRAND TRUNK West Shore Railway
h \ '1 14 14 1.1,11 10 o.11 ALL 0\ 1.11tIr1 \ ' • t, • •
osevis ite
PEG. "IAN .. ,. , .$3zoo \ i.
INE .. . ..-'''' ' " • ' J3'5° MEN, AND TEAMS WANTED
AL lit it. T. A* - : ' .....11::, ini isediately for construction work.
ao so
App at one to V: M. ROBRTS.
371/40,- • • '''-'
SASKATOGht . 38.(0 Ch f Engineer, Goderich, 1 etween the
eel 311 ollitr pi lot it, 1,r .1.4,0 ion. rs of I 4 and or a no. and 2 and 3p.m.
I lottieseeketo. t • el s iteetrete *Onet
eta -5 bee thee up to eap, . 4)'., olf.eit,t,17,e,i,,,rieill.": J. .4. 41. i. 44 4 \
said meals at speeial i a • , -
.111 pi le lieges ' io. s.
1 _
leig.litisfie an v
i'• o e I be pre •ricel for an itboilote. to,.
Ceylein's Land -Leech 111 ordit ry package's. it k. pt dry
e that ex. be-- eggii-lite "teoutistktitated" hy t10
tire over- -Ittiple addith 1 of eater to the ilr
. 4. Re pt.,wder., the -Mtant tit . Isutie
oticl mutts, audistitig table 'Ir licitly, -
. 11 18 nearly always the e
• eeedingly beautiful couutne
run by differeut kiuds of Ce.
tilld Ceylun ban oiusquatteO.
be the Most adroit tied auda
the world, ond s11
more . of poor hut, bee\
t the vsorort• of Own, di is a
plkiell 11. The Ces lot nil:
let•e•11. is t creature -et et,
nolics lung. one . 41
; -t will crawl
and traveling tioderiamtli
iny, will dila) as high tit
7.11ey do nut crawl like. he
leech •that oas known . to .14)
--oft of
alk off
4.18(4,411 1)'.
'jungle Meta
by- theoriedside
volt:our • (little.
d. are driven -half
.• :deo too pulanquin-
lies. whese bare lege
'moon. the .men's
too eregaged to pull them Omen!) ft to crack.
hes iney be men harigo `1Jeee.young woman claims she almost
their.. articles. from ohich ly rid herself of light supt•rduous
les of blood. run ewer the
. s • • that • • bet -went her eye -
!iron's and el ; to her ears hy scrub-
bing, them 111 g and evening with
Th. Bolul Born"- -iLlootlihrusb wetOlo. alcolkoL reio
a Balu, thehighest mountain in sun Wes daintiest* that the alcohol de'.
40, rises Denny 14,000 feet above strOyed the natural crt1 of the hair and
sea level. Among the tribes to le• moo Lanett the so
lid on the mountain are a very
fitinoos lotion of colonial tlays,
auge race of people called the 'Bo-
tta-penile, and incite -rubber. The °gm ounce of rt•euriter, •" mince 2 p
t source of their _wealth is,_ludio- Of-mbooartn, half a tzattlioarrful of borax_ Kii.srtio-44,,sti
the edible birds' narks, beloved and three drops of benzoln. The quoin- -toilers in Poultry
helitet1 egg+.
"hile walking or s ting the head
• cloth
11\ Ione be held corris•tto. lf It is al- Tieketa Mel all-i•inten•tiait not
414.1 le • loiVeil o doxip, emoting he dent to- 11 eml Truiik Ato•nts. .
at .folet lientloth the (Mit, tell t Moor will •
ts When, be bands nre lot/aloe:1:r Ptil2erl 11111.H
sleg the illshes rubber gloves should I
of -equal parts of gtycerlii awl le
Juice' will clean them. When w
curaolate Otto and• retaiu It. a tril ure
be dritroyed and muscles t t should
titl, brrt.:,1 suppurt :heeoine. aeraeti
wipe. ainkeloeema.
AI .
111:31 a I .4. 1 1111141 1.111e.
hot -roar themselves -It
to watch for prey an
tack it edit awl
walking through t
thern limy he - see
where they wait
'Pomo. it .
wild by them,
beano, and
are their fa
hands bein
off. The -1
ing rutin
tiny tric
Worn, and these must always be care-
en). washed before putting away, as
grease remaining on the rubber will
• s
po They • trade in camphor. wax. Cuovrn es "morning dew," consisted of I
.41.• he y kind that pa
ithy ore tho
free front Hee 31111 lice 4.4 I-
mo exist where.
Poultry FanCitra
mew gourmets. One of the titles may he multiptied If a greater
'lies of their customs is the moment is needed. Tbe lotion Is sp-
ot n 4%.,11. A tetis-14 Is woo to the obootwo ram made mutt
Inserted 11P thP babY's mostril• [min wind or expoewre with a bit of
kle it; if it 11l41 it is a goad .sign, dd mom
but if not t'h oereinuoy is put e,ff
until another y (the of their most
inhuman =tom 141 that when their
rumen are dying
the wood, sod left
h'ut, where cooly the
slaves may wait (141
h) are taken to
1(4 a kiestity built
of their
Euchanstic Congolese.
Followinv the Pan-Anwhowtho anoth-
-great oungresa la to
11/ettif ter.,
144 ,-l1111 1 0,14
rli lllll ent and 1
-11,11 .441.
pit, 1(11441.111(45, 011%, 111111111Intire 14 11
grengriaphietil, ;metal rind oronniere' I
features of all the eumponent part ea
tle• Empire. Them, are 44) he,put).
limbed under tht. supervision of the
00111 1 11 1.1 41111111 fee% of whielo' H. .1.
Mae -binder, a prominent British obi-
t iotiist, 011:111.111:111. a 1111 441 at the
g lye weed.) Aiwa% s have an
nee that ,'.,Old la -counted in the
reds. e bail men of all loges
tested in Gie work men of all
ofeleallfee 711111 11011 11( .111 1114
. The subjects o Inol up for
otneomensto .
1101:0 1114.11,0(tetil1111111it Wit 1144 5444141.444
,,t tlw Empire. Niro I other, :kfter
11141dIllg 11 y011.1- iii lettere he what lin intt•rest the Celle iws wenn!
has prepared a apiendid eolleet ion of-takwin moire witeme, •
enter sketches, photographs, rte., has The tom ist business in the lit)' now
noW • to Canada to oontinue the is iiiimemee. People Hie hale 11,11,, ;ill
weak. Dewing he mist week he has parts of the 4'0414 914411 rtintying the
!leen in the. i•apital ••••teelitting with wonders flint the Ti•re ll i 11 ,511 City- Hod
Olt-. alaeb Miler, Who 4., 110* a vied the Pocific Coast alfottl. You should
11. r1111/14141. The pio/1 1.41 111paign for vigil the glen tons elute- and 4+141. fot
the peeparati .)ll a Most e pre- y omseelf the .eentie,..f the Sityset
lit Move series 111 1411111e. ill .
lion hero Mapped 'mt. need Mr. Fisher Our Stanley Palk, world-retiowned,
is new going to (4,.' West lit portray in criptilde .11 110111g 11114411111011 11111 1ty
1141* 1 hi, 10110111 of lite the adjective "great," English 11,o.
11) 4,i 13,11 1.1'.. 44I1,1 ether p ll.. of oar bathing beach is the Mille the.
the EMpire a graphic series of Mid the a. The
et7iiy leseems on the 1. ..Il.. rEjeleTri--• etty hom spent Hinman+, OT dr) /Rim tot
feaittirea- getleMI charm!, linproving .114. tippenisiewe,
tics of the 'airotiory of the Ernpiee." until:mow it. ranks as one of the Moor,.
In the antionin he will return east and beaches in America.' l'he erowds that
eontininehis sketcheth EtlalelIl Can, assemble at the tiny on sintimeos
ado. To illustrate the views a eeriee riesling 4,, listen to the Iona concert
of lectures is bring prepored by Mr.. or -t-oojoy thee:1101 breezes nut ••
MiteKtmter. tAtnett slide. and the the' thousands. A iegular flotilla
accotnownying lectures deiteriptive of over,. the %entree, bilthee% itre in by
the mother emmt 1 y moon he plite of he wore, and everywhere the stArit of•
limbed for distribution among the' happineosas prevalent.
oshools •,( reroute end the other tVe all lik•• the Wee% soul nithough
rolonies. A fend or a20,oe iwiprt rin.i..rict, • t he terognized as e 'Me
ranted liv private suberriptlot, headed sot. still it %ins int/, inintfteue,
by the 1?rincess Willee, to corer the 1 when cornpared with ntir present
preliminary eost ed publicatin. theme. •
. Wishing 'yens every *liense with
yr paper, I 'email', • •
lunr friend,
Vanenuer, July 2, leak
Quick -"So wet pref.,• 'no to Dr. P. S- W1 itten 141 (441444., titsss
Pell r Mrs. Mutliwin-11,h, indado ging hsid ti nor 141V studies.
doehter. dear. l'are dale bettber I
than the other auld humbug," 1 Subscribe for The bignah
Moo- eh,. 1.
. Catholic ecclesiastics ever /leen in -
the greesteet • gathering of
president of the reception comniittee,
Londonieliimthmakis siutintionivariamtThis is tt ji:u).-- .
charistic Cougress. which Witte 'tot
England. The Tholes. vf Norfolk il
held od Avigoon in NIS. It will
e suitable accommodations for the
number of clergy who will at -
There wilt be present several
s from the United States,
' . Germany, France. Bel -
ober eouutnee. Thtfatir
-et- We olotioaler
then and
Ito .ro Lido: pr
littered Italie ploatommintiofowt,...,,.....
rind otie spereloo Thi say the !roost,
upon MOIlle Of these questions were
spirited indeed. • ,
It is too lead that the town of tint..
rich not 'ft4-441141. like thi, with the
objeet te•fos• it ..1 d•vel•oting lie
latent. forensie liuwers the members,
tioderieh ina, the meiere-al. 4314.,' it a
writ eoup the fall. It is surprising
IVhat chime nf people are lila likely
In die of euloi entel of the heart ?-
•4. ,..e. "••;•..,•"1";.4„,,,,,, • "4-r,' 191-----
• 1...i!t1;)"'
4••• -:-Ootoo,'""o„o„, -
tylkite .Gibbons-
‘-ffir •
7'he,1104, Society
of Vermin has starter
petitions &moue rat and
Prises are offerset to the
divoluals Who- -Aorey t
number of rats in a rear. E v etnn-
pctitur must. kill 300 rata to ostudify
tor Beard. It is eat imated „that --
there are from 40tslfrarlfi to :•11.trtrttlest
the Destnietion
series of mem-
rrow flubs
be and in -
is the deadliost and most
painful malady' to which
mankind is subject. Dodds
Kidney Pale vera -ewe %My
case of Wight" Diease.
They have moor failed in
011e single ease. 'they aro
the only remedy that ever
hag earedit, arid -tcey are
e only remedy th t can.
o aro inuttiticte• ef
D 'a Kidney Palo -Till
name -but inta-
dangerous. 'The
d onlyottneine
tions a
•/ &rotor it t s as
Dodd's Kidney Pill. are
fifty rents a box at all II
THEN Decide en the $ C
We aslo the privilege of
our inienewly -interelahng han
illustrated FREE GATALOGU
fact, you reelly Owe it to yourself to go
a copy and read it thoroughly before you
melts t the Business College to attend.
This Catalogue explains all about our
school, our faculty, our different courses.
Tells why we honestly believe our Col.
lege to be the beat for you. After reading the boolt we will leave
you to 'tyke for yourself. Sending for copy pine"s* you under no
obligalinn. Just mail your name and address on a potcard.
so,t„,et hen. Sp0,•1 flpeIng• S•4.1•1.1.0r On4 JOI1111•,?
The Forest City Business and Shorthand College
Ir1 trf SWIVEL T r•••••••s•I WESTElfvf:Lt. Oleo VtiesiNseett
" ".:J4ft•sr:4"6,16t9.4417
AWlisisstaim.;=1,1111616"' Atli1=1135f 2616.•tht*Lit*,,b '
1 metre Canary Demo kil
1 nn Canaries
V RNISH . ' '
make old , soiled
and ma red furnit-
ure, woodwork and
floors look t e new.
Dries hard -over
night. Anyone an
\ apply it. Get a coicIr
card and sample can
free at
Worselis Hardware
f 141
a first-ciasst
thnt you will la• pignut talse aaay it poi, 410,1 that
titnel all the baggage ;quashing, eatiVas C we. sonare
414nodef1erraY nat-h -tat-t,4)1, 'WAVY 10 Thk
wend I trinimingo st 11 strong
1%114 gond t
'ye yon seen the display of
11 line beet) greatly limited told it; just
111)4141 hum furniture front
/411vtiOnerfl thotIcto their pltrehnoten.
Ranging 00114s to_sm&.Q,..
'I 14.• loo iponle. on the mai k et .
?Special values in Vei.andish Chairs during the mcIlle.;
of August.
Phones t,
Home, 17111'
8110p, re
Nlatit eA11•
emer,lv oattriv1P.1