HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-13, Page 5'1'111.1 iii(: NA t.: (.I)nARI(,H. 4)N'PA IIi(I
T,.tutaaDar, August l., 1908
dews of the Sistriet.
l'linton'N tax rate this year it t2j bootie of her mother on Monday. the
mills. lied lust., to John louden, of Guelph.
Tlw %Viughullu tuwu oounuil has K. Mcleod, aged seventy-three
4Juok s lax tate et 25•Iuills fur this years. an old end respe(:tr(1 welder t f
Young Folks
-. Jla1). AleTsgsset her MAXIlyd.Lir
itiou as tiettauverof the town of
J. D. Hurn' haw dlsponed of his
hardware lurineas in \Viughalu to
Meow. Richardson A Howe
Whlie plowing in the river valley
some t' • ago J: F. Motherat, ()1'
Folrlwkh, found an'Indian toulalwwk.
F. Kaddatz and Mrs. A,luelie
Fischer. 48)tll of l'1•atllltrs,k, eigllett a
lite contract on 1Velneslav, the nth
Mr. and Sirs. Win. 1f. Di Yon. or
N'inghwu, left hoot week for Dauphin.
Man., where they will ree-idr iu
The young daughter of Hotel•
keeper 'Theist, of Wahine. Opera ' yl
her ankle last week.. On the evening
of the Hanle day her brother tau a nail
through nue of his feet. .
linter M1.(nenlia, Snilghts'r of
Rev. I). N. McCatots, 44f St.- Marys.
has (leen etigugtd in Hrussrls fwhlu
$shout i,u rue4'I tMI Mlle Helen 11. Ford,,
of t.Uf•kuow, who rsaigned.
Miss labial' l'L•u-le, eldest daughter
of Mn. Win. (Take. of Guelph, furul-
tnlv of Clinton, wile married at. the
-11.4seleltesli.a4+W the twee--uratitF-
lfl-It►w._.lire, i]J.Jr11ythli•L •j Lhxt
township, un 1Vedurtelay, the '.'..'fid.
John Slitir;ie has stild his-Ils►•Acre
term on the 1tI line of Morris to
Arthur 1« Kerr. of New ►1au16mg,
for the of 415, WO. Mfr. Shortie
will 804ide quielly'•in Brussels tar a
1V. IL Smith. brother of Janie.
Smith. of, Clinton, died recently ut
Billings 1
g , Montana. Mr. Smith's h
war at Ir Mare. Iowa, cud he was at
Uillingi 44n business when he War
token ill and dies) two des-,! later.
Frederick heeler Johnston. u 'mist
estimable )•MAILluMAILeldest tela o1
,tu\11. ti e1 ra. Thur.. 1). Johnston, of
Clinton. succumbed toe lingering ill•
14148 of tuberculate trouble on Sunday,
the 2nd last. Ileceared. who was
twenty -rix years of age• was* tailor
by grade.
Dr. .1. It. fowler. . of Elisstom'"
has been reappointed lecturer in meat -
MeV at the Ontario Veterina(1 1'e4-
lege.. Toronto,a•-position which 1• has
held r."' _.
duties will esti include surgery, for
which be will receive an Iddit' of
Weal to his raga,')'. .
•Tho murriuge u( Mir. Lottie Prime.
Watchmaking, etc. rITI''ifriatft stint ,egret
at 1 li•elield, and Arthur' E. Shain. of
,'bit ant. ten ening agent of the
uwui 'on Express (Ira., watt suleiun- wake it bey
4':n, cert. fry iia d int. .1488)44) 8 ehure's 4 linom. of the lila
oft - tloulll. AN at maims,._ 41u4, 'Y'►r, lint., M,a. Salt Ylty. 111E IsI 411 ,t .. !tett) you Can nee
. •vilfi1Y PARK
Now eMa1lr Woneycomb Pisces Can
Yea, Find In This Pletues.
Here U au optical illusion the Princi-
ple of which bur beta a matter of dim.
cession for centuries. It would seem t,i
be an easy ,,natter to tlud ou1.-tfuw
many twits there are In tb title piece
of honeycomb, but try It When
you have eowee-t6 a conclusion, Just
keep looking at the picture, and It Is
very likely that quick as a dash the ap-
Prelance of the cells will change. so
that If you again count them you will
And there Is a differeot number. Onto.
You will soaks It six. and again you will
M 'man eq acs?
There twenty-four
d shaped ta, and- as
tee sides of h cell 1q
each• case it t told seen, that there
81/0044/ be eight . Its, but it '1a� believed
that seven Is the fittest num'Qer that
the eye can seem ser.
This illusion Is a ult of the t
tbe eye has of lulu -, , lag •'miler'.p
fWlty to objects plot ' lu this wa
perspective. The um nt you glau
at this picture your eye. assumes th
1t represents u certain u- •.her of solid
cubes or blocks or cells. 'cm may see
three lu the bottom row, o in the
Deet and one at the top, you may
see two to the bottom row. t' in the
middle uud' two ut the top. !,lug
them elx; !t you look away fo . "elu-
tion and Bleu cast your eye n on
picture yon may this -time see • m
vet. The way the cells or W
ck and forth is most exas' r-
nd the will power seems
control over Ito -Pathfinder.
Civil Entlneertng
atrAUIJL$AN M. ietitIKlt i.10•J1,
oral ydrod{c F:ughiner, I),t.triu Lull
toner - Mcl•:u, Nhs.k. I:aleri••h.. corner
Montreal .l reel. i ,-lephoue 4:t;.
Menesetune Mineral Water
111111e, OIJKltll H' MINE:ItA1. Wa•
1 Tilt 444.. ,iMliufweliii t4' of -kb-tie-di
lung'. ane lin.pored to deliver to any pert of
tier town 181fa.1 WTI•.r- r .11« 4., pint. 44.4
`quart-. .l.0 Wirral %Vaelet r. t taw rr-
plit., pint. utid r4t.art t. Seltzer %Fater 84, 4
llouhle Soda. '1'hr.e 5188*. are n.ai14' front
natural mineral aster. no.) are 4h•rrh'n, fns
frooi MI m'Dhttlle•. t. "4.. W 8L7v rC`3tatr
ager I'ho,w .
1,7 8!(1 C1.AJ SFFf: AM I'IiE-
L 1'A'Kia/tu n„;lirp UDil+ roc 111....M.
pia/10 and rheum. clot 4 10 Itunow mine ne Al
kludergartc•,. Mellow, for )mora children.
her It t on Idtlriatifig.
A pretty w ailing wale runs .del .
in the Chisel' f the Mewsinh, I'Inrar-
114ur, "n 11'4dn (u V, th.• nth 411144:,
whim Klit:tI-s th,- hug daughter ad.
Mr. and 11rs. 1.'. 1,. ing; of Hutt town.
waw united in inns ria • to Rev. F. K.
I'ow.•II, of (iiewley, a f • Luer 1Viughan.)
Sly. and AI18, Pow i .ter item/.
Mg t lion: MAW % nionl in h •444)4•.
:titer an illness. of tyre- 1t years,
duration Sli.s 1:tttlie. A. Buil' fourth
dangler'. of John timid, of 1 .tassels.
crossed life's Outer, portal tit Mu (lay,
the l{e.4 itivt: th.•t imrd, .-Vliu Wit in
her thirty-third )ear, was a' lady d'
beautiful - ,Lasater Hied was .
Lived by her ass4N'u1nus, Nestles tier
lather, • brother and three aimless
intern her demise.,New Teacher at Seaforth, "
.\ 1'. t'r.og, of K•L.1r 44f
\\ hltby Collegiate ln8tilute. bate la•.•u
rng.igel 1tsu.ceed MiNH Bdiltl nn 011'
staff of SeaGlyth 4'ullegiate at a Hilary
- -Terms and eater l*(►(••lftgal • u y 4 1'nt•' -t"'4'' •n
Bruce County and Good Moeda Ac t.
.1 committee of the comity council
of Brucee has been lookinginto the
working. ut the Provincial titan)
K'8mis A4t 4.114 teettettlnrr$lv.eleal 41'.'
nuttily 44f Bruer takesteps ti come
within the provisiuneid the Art As
bled ical to what extent the r4/nnty shtpdd
adopt the Nysten, the conuuittee. de-
iklget p MEHsu1 & TI RNBULI.. clines Ge. y ys_au tyiio:uo
Thoua'on. mu.4• .tun•, ilal••n'h. FAN A A.
AND1tKWS , - if
A. ROYADAa114 ae
7'aa. *** .w. Jh • fo $_'
YU1dfo t1 bank of Montle:it Bind:.
A. T. E>rsaar"'. 31. 11.
w' VI. T,eeni 1.?- M. H.
(Mete llaf.fltto, Street.'• ' J'hone
hr. Kramst
ero. rr.idrar, 3 ortti attired,
Ilppadte Al: (Mortar chan'h, phone 1,1.
1l'. Turnhnll's re'idrn.•e, Mattreel .t wet.
• Seothwevt of I'Wdtrl.ihrsre.-. 7arw.a-llM.
1)14. W. P. (IAI.1.1)W, M. H.
.MI's. ('ollswite +t re•'t. nr41 door to Sorer
nigh Hank. Telephoto-. -.1.1111x•, r:1 ; Irouw,
1\K. F. J. It. FtOI MTKIL EYK, ETIs.
J NO. and Tuners -only, Stratford, Ont.
Neu fork 1 pbtlt4l • and
Jvratl•'+• tut.• ['rant t'(3411F 1 nr.Mnnt
r Fran.
liaand Throat H.r•pit al, t aI,I,, Soninr. nM
Royal London ophth.dnur iMuorene1M tire?
Ho.pital I,lndo.a Eng. 11,11.'. .111.rt tree?,
llratfur t. oto nfte W ield'.r hurt Ilonr•::
14-12: &I n. 4 1 1,111. 7 A p.m. Telephtne *17.
A Brevets Wedding.
Welding bells rang merrily at the
Iiumr of George and Mi .. Kdw ►rdr, of
'trammels, un Tuesday; the 1111 i41•L,
when their daughter. 1 'Attie AL, 4(.tt.e
her heart and hand 10'4 reletirk 44.
lwtngt(n.l, manager• of tlin Stratford
u'Ut4(4' ,.l'tmupany. Krv:\\ 1-
Powell gwrfurwel the cereintny it
the 4ireteruce_uf one hundred guests.
The .contracting !ernes were mo-
at tended. •
Hibbert Young Man's Sad End,
Mahatfy sun of Daimon Ma...
'taffy, of lot 1.55), ,of the - Iti, 1•tncesm.
of Hil(L'rt, was found by his younger
brothers hanging in his (ether it hewn
1111 Satin day. the 1st dist. .urorafrdt
who was twenty-three years of Mgr,
111oi been working for a n.vghINtring
(ascan. No entice can 1)4e ar114(ne1 fur
the each arty air the young man waw of
a ("OA alapewitimi x1.41 wee motive -Led
by leII wife knew l
AcciClio .
have 11t
Why. girds of . Are EniWed to
Gars the sun,'
Yet have all ' no doubt, , that
tbe. eagle, the hawk - ' other birds of
prey can kook 'directly t the inn with-
out being dazzled by its If they
had . not this peculiar • . they
would be seriously '. • ' - i ped 1n
their search for food.
They do not, however, 1. at the
tun With eyes 1n their normal .0414
tion. Nature has provided them
a tutu skin, or membrane, fnskle
eyelids, which they can draw down
will over the ball of the eye, time pro-
tecting it, but 'mit seriously Interfering'
w'Ith 1114 sight
But tills Is' tot the Only proviseuu
that nature' has wade fur their eyes.
They have the power of adhwting the
ftxua so that they eau see as well at
•-.great distance asethey • Can hear the
There 1s another unique provision
that nature bas Made for htvlai about
which questions are Often naked, and
that is their ability to rnatntaln their
hold on the perch when they are
asleep. Many persons suppose that 1t
IgM. the perzlstent action (hiring steep•
of the -Instinct of self protection, but
It is not that at all. Running from
the claws 'up Into the leg are certain
little tendons, which contract or
bonen when the bird 1* setting. The
hortening of the tendons gathers in.
the claws so that they grasp -the -perch.
and the grasp will not reties until -the
efrd resumed fait standing position.
The hold at the perch, therefore, 1e.
really an tasulrotary action
Legal _ - _ _-_-
1 L- K11.1.1ItAN. HAitltIMTER.
.r eolic{tor.Vtotary, etc. Mato' to lend at
IaWPetl rerra- eines. Nor: h Sweet UO,M:. h
meat 1lg1sl (Mux'?. b1 )xdorth SatunLU.
- and Monday•.' ,
A11 (1, ('ASIM:IR' . K. (!., BARRIS;
1l TY.It.-ollr,IlQ r. �Itnn.rr DelldI'' '',Mee".(. amnion Street, Urslerlch, third door from
twirrit-ter , colic t� nOLtrtrs pnfitlt;yn •
tot'. In the Marl tnur I'Ota'tt etc. 1 Flee. evil side
Square, next door 4'. A. frMnl,gnsn'ry, IM
tate funds to lend at lesiva rate. of Interest.
W. PROUDFUUT, K. I'. b. t'. HAYS. U. F
R 6TJCRS,, ,attorney.,`.011cItorl, etc.
(stench. Money to boort.) lowest rnle4. 1:
I. DICKINSON. eHA1(1.F:-4 (IAltlton*. 1.1..0
�• (-SORN.' TNN. 1iAtettItr1't:tt,
• solicitor. rnn11n1e
N.{Mr, ENS public.
4. owe lisunllton oceet, li,olerirh 1111t.
insurance. Loans. etc.
1 - F:.t*te and In.nratice Agent.. • Haat* e.
- -.Ju let. Prvlterasa- In
prance. money toalon1) etc.nd Furs a d
JOAN W. l'RA1111R, f.IFK, 1"IKE
and accidentino ranee. Agent forieutintt
mutual and ,.stork commune.. ln,nralk'r loan
lines effected on be.t plans and at lowest rates.
Call at saltier cower W..a $4ieet and Saa•m.
or addre.a J. W (:HAIIIME, Uuderlch. Ont.
Tele atone e4----
• fl U HA N (' K 1' Ur Farm and loolnt.rt
town I'rolrrty menet.
omecr. J. 41. McI.e.ub Pees. KIPPen 1. 41
T. Fraser Vico-fres., Nrnre6cld 1'. O.
Thome. E. ,gay.. sec.-Trcn'., r4enforth 1'. t.
Directors -Win, ('he•ne7, tleaforth : ,lol.n
(a. Urlete, WlniI,ro t ; Uxtrgo I)Ole, Senfunth;
John ,hntnewci, 1111111111. Janes F:vans, Seech-
woal ; John %Tett, llnrlock ; Tho.. Fraser.
Hnurfleld : John 1( Mcl.r*ii, KI tp en ; Jas.
l'onnolh-, 1'Ib(lon.
I. W, Yeo. Holtneoville, ,(gent for Nest
Halton. Polley holder. 1,111 rely assemormortm
and get their cont+ r.',ol do.l at. Toter at
Hrown'n, ('llnton, or at It. 1t. Cute. grocery,
Kingston street, lloderich.
PARIA01444. The hest place in town,
Wt 1orelee et•erytht,g clean .and ,nnl-
1wry. Ho, and eohl lath.. 11' M. DAVIS,
Hrltlsh Kxrhenge Ilotel Block I.uceosmur to
Jas. 1rltrhey ). ........
, Marriage Licenses
WALTER K. KR1,1,1',
W11111111kar, Jeweller and optician.
beet oL Itlarrfage lJ4frlRes.
WLANK, [MURK OFy ALARM.• APS Unease, OOAerlch, Ont.
fi.•n Cole, of Clinton., suet With a
painful accident recently. 11e way
standing on ()need the joistm survey,.
ing the work at St. Joseph's church
when he slipped and fell heavily for-
warT against Il w:antlii>g, knia•killl( 1
out three of his teeth and base ' g a1
fourth n(, that it find to he extracted.
A "few' moments Leder a scaffold on
which eight of the hnildere were
working gave way atnl they were-
thn•own on the brick,. twelve feet 1w -
1(1w, lint elute-relyto no one Was Ser•
ion•ly injured.
Death of Adam Wettlauki.- i -4
.Thr ira11 1.11 Willi. f1 4111 111111.1 respond
cattle with startling, suddenness Io
Adieu WettL'ulfer, ,,f Blyth, me Fri-
day, the 314 4111,. ' Illeeeeer.l Intel tint
enjoyed him usual health for teltele
this, hit him death WWI entirety 1,41•
_expected. FatignediIyJbe*xceedve
heat of the 41(4e11uon hr Wash re'iditing
on his couch when he sank into
totw(•ioumne•ns and his life slowly eldest
atony. Dereltmed was born in I'rt'th
t1(ty-nix years ego. Shortly alter his
merrhlge thirty-three years miner h
mot ret to myth. Where he conducted
A t(nitery and,auliaequenUy A botcher-
ing. business, Int of late y'e1111 he had
been engaged in for manufacture of
brick,. A than of splendid 'filminess
alrilitir11, unswerving integrity and
kindly disposition, she:eased held a
high place in the esteem of his fellow•
citizen.. He he survived fly Itis
widow, One Nem, H, A. of Heflin, and
five daughters, Mrs. 11. Amaurher, et
Stratford, and 'thaws Rosette, Lily,
Kllatrettaennit i,fthtetta,_al IIn111Y: '
A Spiritualistic Mesalliance.
A spiritualistic mneclium CAm.. In A
hoots and claimed tole. able to he.atte
lost friends. The residents heal an
old horse which they hall so!d Venni
before, and One old lady ,Of the 1,41,1110
Wanted to know where he %Atm. She
began. "We• haul a very gnesl friend
who always did All our work. Ile
'!osterout ue several Peat.0 Vit !
the las we heart of lion` was that hr•
was in fen A?gelea" The irrnelitmi
made a few mysterious trims,
knocked to the table, and the& said :
"Your friend is in 1.os Ano€..I • vindl hs
married to a rich young suntan."
Philldelphie Ledger.
and general auctioneer. ,?Rhes. on Sonkh
Street, where he will the t 1 at ell time*
when not "eying wale.. Terns+ imasonable and
e ven effort ease b rive you eaUsfacuon.
General Auctioneer.
New System of Tickets and Catalogue.
P. O. Box /g}
Deafness Cannot be Cured
b)• l0..0 applications, 4s they rsnnm tr'nrh ihr
diseased portion of the eat. There I- only o1.'•
wa7 forum Axahtes+• and that I. by emelt],
!tonal remedies, IMafnrs- Is enticed by an
Inflamed condition of 1hr morons lining of ,be
ICn,to.hinn lithe. When ?hi. tube Is Inflamed
1nn tine,' a rambling *Mind. r bn ierlmt hear
111, 111111 when It I• entirely 4'l„• deafncw Is
the rr•n It . and unless the Intlmmn.at Inn ran Ir
taken not And thl• tube motored to its nral
rondlrinn hearing will I.. ,le.tmyed fnntorever ;
nine r4.rr. 1)111 of ten Are ranted bv',•aterrh,
which IA nothing but an Inflamed rpnWltlen
of the MUM. .nrfacee.
\t'e will go e Vne Hundred Dolle.'. for any
ea.e of de,fnene Icau,M b7 covert h. that ean-
nM het revel by Halle C.ttarrh 4 use.. Seed
for rlrralet•
F..1. r'RI:N El' k ( n Toledo. (1,
601A AI Antesab, 73•. I a
lake Sao • /smile Pills for coaupation.
They 14w.s'NoaCtocks.
The following clever device Ls the
way that the na4Jv.s of Liberia, in
west Africa, who have • no "locks, telt
the tltn'. They-tak. the.kormela from
the urns of the candle tree_ and wash
and string them on theTileof a palm
leaf. The are or top kernel la then
lighted. All the kennels ese of the
manic size and Rehearse, and each will
burn a ,•ertaln number of 'minutes and
then set th-e to the one nett below.
The natives tie pieces of b4aciocieth at
reader intervals along the wtting to
mart the division of time.
Araong the natters of Binge. In rill'
Malay archipelago, another pawnor
device is used. Two bottles are pieced
beck to neck. and sand 1s poised in -ono
of them, which pours Itself Into tbs.
other every halt hour, when the bot-
tles are reversed.
Why Is the heir to throne musing
un Ills fnther'N govt•rnuent like a rain-
bow? Uecaume urs the son's (seta's) re-
aet•tfon on a steady tale (reign).
11'hy Is the Inside of anything always
myuterloua? Became we cannot make
it out
Lost -A Little Tamper.
dome ons lost her temper quits,
Who I dare rot eay-
Lost It nn bee way to acltooL '
All went wrong that day!
Strange as it may seem to you,
NO one saw It go;
But It vanished Ilk* a gash--
"T7rat-lw ur2- utew•
Dnty sums would not come tlattt4
Teacher, too, sap, cross
All becanuts that temper snot
Wasn't It a lows.
13,.t when mother'. Orme --
Ram, one to Intuit!,
Hack the little temper MN%
Jost ea some as taesld:
Ten Stick Island.
In SouLhwew4 Ray, in thei.TiewaHeh-
rid,n group. there is a entail wooded
island of ,.msiderable beeght. above
the mea, although only a few Modred
yards in circtnnlcrnnr. Tho. Reny of
ita acquisition 1. ai denim one. S(m'-
be °Jimies& eiudree uf'Dladi nate un-
less they were settled UI) for all; eo
he bought tis island fur the Urithh
Crowu, paying ten sticks' of-tolaaae*
for it,.und everyone wee satisfied. The
place, since thou, has bent kaowu as
"Ten Stick Island."
Super Cane Duran.
k emery
On lode. .Old aill>`ildisgly
Fi• jier, ti* et Heatbs "the milled by tves "the rugae
cane mei')." .of sugar -cane dance. It
repress/0a -the gro:sti of the eau*.In the flet figure, the denotes
�uat low ins the ground. *hake their
brads, shut their rye., and ulurntur
* lowly and softly en unintelligible
setdotee. Gradually they all !stand
up together. `rowing taller and taller.
and as they grow'' they wave their
tremble all over from ankle
arms. and
to head. like the tau, tweeted cane
waving in the wilful, end Mill they
keep. on chanting louder and louder.
The" last figure represents • series of
coutbate meant to symbolize the ex-
actions of the chiefs. who compel the
"kaisi." willing or' unwilling, W come
e nd cut their crow.
Sixth Fusiliers of London Piave Long
Record of service.
The -last parade of the City of Lon -
took place at Boa mew, Camp, Der -
set, a short time ago.' They had al-
ways beau employe(! tit to side.ut
law sad order from the d. '14 di (toren
though wider dill.-r.•nt de
They are uuw guiug to juin ' e Regu-
lar Forces and. Billever be liuJdfful
erre 'lolls
never fade into futgettulim te. 'I' re-
oord of the 6111 Kuy'at Vueillttrs, hal
Wive been trausfrrretJ,, us u comp' to
unit -from the old Militia to the new
Special Reserve, dates Ott*to A.D.
&b. wlwu King. Alfred the'(ireat war
assisted by. file troops se1it by .the
City -of Lyndon iu .lefeatiu4\tie Dan -
lab invaders. Th.• regiment\and its
variuui prelecrstrs love Roar
through stirring. ,et'0.es. Lavin been
amiptoyel in the entices l4clyftish
ware, the Warr ul the- Barons, ad
rry insurrection in the south of
and since 'ITEM. It wits in '1
Queen Elisabeth *mustered
r City.Militia, and theterior.,
ward the regiment has a e'imtinuoue
tecq At that little the Qure•n urde•r•.
ed tie . rd Mayor of London t.. find
and -pay - J4.00o-irwvt; whiei> h. -did:-
Queen Eli beth euustaulty called on
the Oity to troops, uti,i it is on record
that on one ,today evening the Lord
parade 1.04)0 *14-4; this lar set•.luldisle
ed by closing thchurch doors in the
'fty duet1:fiRs' - , ' g -tttlr
e4uiTrd number ! leen 44111001 the
• regatioeis. In 1 1 the City Train -
r, ' , Bands, the. fury . ria of the 6th
Ito, 1 Fueliers. tough agitate the
and at, the (saw etice'nlr1et of
the -I War pretet' ted ing Charles
T. irl few day hbweve the same
wen w used fur guarding he
Gera of of House i.4. Cour one.- ear
their w: u and "iron' Whitehall.
Thenc.. u &R elt•imder Olivet
Cromwell greatly distingul411ev1
thewtvelves a rry notion. in 1662
the Trained were .-specially ex-
empted fruni 1 'trot of the- cruwii'.
surd cans Ilnd. }In• • ruins of a new`
ly-appointed Co l,. utrosriey id the
City of Loudon. whit. stall- exists,
hakes grants far the u bop of the
t, and is ' wurr of the .bar-
Iu 17% thee y T Bawds
orgallixed in •t* regio fits, the
ud the west, a w. * `ollow.d
a which an. *t111 strictly
preemie( Our of these is hi inarrh
througl. • .._ City with -$x410
bands pia - lg. and bayu s fhxsml. Tri
ItSWO the two egiment.i wen united 11
unr, called tb Royal Tunde Militia,
the present, tit of 'the 6th ttnlitn.
The strength of 'c regiment ` 6x4'6.
tie' royal command to
The Maley angostien.
It there i., _ auy f it in the
e.arparaing--the-aww>go n -f avee-
tlar wangust•rn of the slay Pent
sula. High up among th • items, 1
or 12 feet In length. uud it t and u
half broad. may be *err, (h eIuat•r-
ing parpte fruit, covered with deli-
mit. bloom like, that of the peach and
filling the 'air with a most beau • ul
*Cent. TO 'taste this fruit. - lovers
such delic*lcires maintain, it is mix
than worth while to lake a voyage 4.
Clearing old the animist goods at prices that
are certain to , tusks' Is Nlleely taeeraeme.
11111..' 3(u.* 11 • 41 4 Ititl 14/1114111 ,•4'thilsuthat -sold from 12',41 Qc
4)4•1. 311., out llle•y )(n, at pet yd, C7
ter today i. 111*' but tpport 'I y for *ecu. -Ii K 1ttl,:4'k• 25C
and lY4 hkea.n tige4Is Int per yd •
Lathes' t.±tivu_ %Veleta, rvghl er $1,111 end *2.40. $10
Speen! Line Ladies' Long K)4v
t K tare tilos. , I+{gt 1 or toll 3541
rr•);ulur ak• quality, per pair
Extra value. elnhleei.•h.,l '1`,•I.h• Linen, regular 4,s'. 25c
per yet a r:
A Iwtter lino. rrlrul:I :y,4 ya.. per yd.
Ilk -ached 'fable' Liprn, ecru tin tiity; pe, -,y) .' • • • •.• '• 50C
P(pct•inl line in 1'mi. 1,inenTnbje 'lot lis, 144/4' tk; 1.411 inches,
4 iu at variety of beat designs,
4'f ulnl 1241) .plait).$1.50
Ak4 ;Matins t` match- - -
Igo of Table 1.1pen ilir•rl
fringes ns' hemmed.
We NI ' at excrelinely 41441.'
flute the Is•st St'(ttelt
• Nee. pgnrinl'glewel; .:.l' re
8,1%.,, it44 lint. 4,, Tatfel., Is eightJeueh ei der I bei r t .l unr.grs
tt,n.I,I L.. .1.1,.,..4.1 talar at , t! t>r..ud.(ery.Ju;k..lil.. 5.1111.
!Tice 25 cts. teridi
nolo •., t; C RICIIARO` t C
,Many an untimely grave has (leen
filled by the eniptyiug of the wrung
1r,4tle. .
f'ir6 Millar's Scotch Store
The result of sc•'ling fine goods, is greatly increased
(Marls LeaC
1 bas ' o superior. Iti
`><t p I s
absolutely pure, very Inntsi-
tious, and very a bnomical' -
i -
�R�''R'��1!s-t-�itw'Et 1'a' 149
That Dodd's Kidney\ Pis aped 'Notit g
Elle Corea Travel.'
UriwtoJ, slur.. Aug. ut 1. iS4)4t•i:.l 1
Mr, IteNh'n Proper, d 4hi-, rho,.
Inds the (wont Light tea I- MM.." 11ntt.
I)odd's Kidney fills 911 i• i',etlplrtt•l.
and permanently the 1 111111 th•e:uled
gt:nrl. The is d' ('n11.14 of 4.4'44
rtonr14. one, the tits .:1 a . - 18.4840
:Ind 11,.% ether :IN big :Is a ga in id
barley. IIs passed theme stone \ and
%MS lwlie.•,'.l cif the terrible. rains . ley
tunnel/ alter using 4hsIJ's Kidney I 1H
fur a Short. 1 ill1e.
Mr. I►ra4wl is.onlhhgnl De)4Id'. Ki.
n,'y Pitta 1,11,1 nothing else bt.mgh
shoo his eine, :gym rut hail tried ltvo
d.k'(44I•m writ lif811 getting help, arta Wan
fats) getting weak and dela-indent
W1001 he sun .led all other treat melds
n...i ;.L.. -?.'-falter' fetch 'w- '
Departures Exceed Arrivals.
During the fjrst half of the present
tutor year - the number of :diens
left 11,,. 4'llitl•II Stales s..1-.In1,1,1e
the i her waiving flub uht•uad.
Thr arrivals 1wre11'rl,:,MO to el the
tlrtelttlt. 4'-s :8::,1144. - Not Irti:m•
ing as' whole }'ear.' say's The Springfield
Itepublienn 441 1rutfe•tltiug 1111 the'
fan. 'hate 311 many people i7 the
adoring 1411010 eft the rummy its duo.
g this half ) v,1• al ', 1 ll' ' con-
w tient_41E11111 1 44'11 11141 supply of
soho m
h a ut killnus' • 't
F t 1 1 weistetti
Own Your Own Home
syhantnls 'ti s'tlt that 1l''• iron'
141 *441x4111. -
priisper4Iy Iris tetanus', for it is lead
that wish of ll',• elicit bilieS which
Irt> ret licit to lean ran. hae nu inlr11-
111.11 ecf It•Iet'liiig. No.othrr gt'eaA.
paths in. the 4'..111111 •'r history pro.
.ehtcrd,,44 4(4.7.14 .u,..• r,-.'1' as *1144 Nein
Miss Cameron's
On Hamilton st. will be
onducted for the re-
nder ofthe season.
by Miss Myrtle Cou-
sins, who will - be
require h'
this seas
riots trim
Made Over
to have all -who
anything in
n's styles call
ed and
o order.
Ind . .•.I industry la t\ondering whet.
I at malt. Mep4d3 •:1;'1 hen phone nl
I Ip at II 114• loll ltd IV
F uraitine and L les Lekiug storeroom-.
ti' est
side square.
Veit eel. 1tsde
4. .i t••i••ee, SS 1('illhuu
.�nI s'.•,1.
-- Till! LBADtN '
I Funeral Directors
Orden eeriediy scientist to et at1;
_....__-seevr resat irony -
• of Life
We have the ager. y (or
No better Bread is made.
Try it and tee.
wilt find -our Roods the best and freshest.
of`6rat-class gnallty and at fair prices.
Phone 9t. Prompt Delivery
`PHONE 15 oR 24
and Be HaRaY• Far
hum, along th. lino of tho An mode 0 , 1
• -tern Hallway bn Central Michigan Pena,. (load roads. eharelfea
ohm wasembre. able [MIMI
Good Soil, Good Water, Good Climate, Air,IIT417,40.71N.T1h "mmg",,AN,
N Vic
Eli. II A
CHOICE fOo You Want to Own a Home ?
ing Lands f If I Is y our ham
unty, 10,000 ACRES
hook. and nu,rkA,In el EXCELLENT TARMING LANDS For Sale
'trice*. -Easy Terms
Itiac:ft\iflyer. Alcune 4....411811t,, /MCC
Choice Farming Lands
too. ow..., .4 noantIet or Miro It fart. ore new
0,...,1 en en! IMO. Perron.. *lolling littolm tor
e tore ...n tine nonS todter then 11 hal 11e
Central Michigan Farms,
Many 4.;anadians
Settled in 4:entrel Michigan,
11111ere e.nala Oro? HAAS 1.11,111,/ land. at
(1▪ 11111411 wtentinin thirrrsrenw fewest Imre fleet •efirc
Do -Yaw Weal to -Owe -a -Monte ?
*• home, trammels end 11,c1 Mei
1110/014.11,,n. F. r led wertleillers.ciel r Write
Well-P1t.me land Co. /Ad Saginaw .411,11igain
Farming Lands Hardwood Firming Lands
n 11
then to MAI ro▪ od,
Ow Awn, Central Miebig !ear Boni
*III etre 4;4) infurmatiisii 10 401,
HowardrPackard Lint; Co..
tire. 1) leo/ ere 44 of St. ie•r nen* 1.1,11,14 adjetning
e 1, 11V1.1 111 nna 10,11 or., wee hire. These
(t, o.,11.111 terming, and they am
neut./no Market• •tel Railroad,
We‘i Ilium It, Mich.
Choice Michigan_
Farming Lands
Ugellian , 4%11 aide mud I tit its
sea. et. nlas alel 1 all ,n mend for
&petal tomer .11 Poo 1. far o 4.4
•livar fleet Imams Ines 1. Nil ine.lianit. 1er
%id Luellen -ter Cello
s. veld lon-Wwirntilkin
Mier. left iti r. 1‘, thirdware Store
onit 41.to Square,. prompt attended to.
N.111. rwii-ine City lihelwiti,
al *tette an 1. in.y rola tt
'minty tt cettled. Vont..
road yi land t mit ht Nor.. til It rfaer In ea
10.00.0 AcrtEs 5,4)4H t-
Throw troollr. ere 1.11 .01,11,441 ter enel. lienern1
tOrnona iir.1110/. S Po 11 In 10, 1111, ISO ono) oar
e on r, ti. ramt Interest. Tote eerier,. A wtrace.
remedied. 1 elm have lunimilist 0 arena for OMNI oil Oaf h... Ilere to nn .01.SO # 1,, pr.o•tore line,
' wan payilirnio 111 04101111/1,e11,,,1 10.01:1010 farztarril fond. fil‘ W, u,
Tor Memento! circular or forth', Infonniallate. ta two sere ors es •y terci• TIT 1. e, 1.1. 1 141t1 4'.
G. A. HAAT, IIIANISYge, NiCHIGAPI. MISS II IIITO111.1. fler*Swilltel, Caesar Weigle
In Charlevoix County, Michigan
41.41 on? 1101/41 aro Pleated let 11,. tom Ar
Choice Michigan 20,000 Acres
west Bay used te be remembered ?weird i-garmin
place for terget practirs. by- the Brit-
ish mattef-war on petrel ditty -there,
and this small islet, was aa
target eo frmuently, Oust it imemed in
danger of Wng gradually shoe away
The chief who owned itArznexteel. and
Thiii,e Aro ailly Pip 0,4 for 41,0 #111 tit R.
• ond Lova /4I Ainaretil tn loin he,
S4. 5. MILLS. Statylvtile, St. Glatt
Pull, fertile eta nem. Ad Ince. to Firhoole,
e10,04.411 ona VI. 10,1.4 WI, h etreillenal 401*.
fa.11111.1, Pleat of gem entitling wow, wrect
Title perfect. Re offer these lanita at Pi to In pet
lorther nortienlor• roll nn
114 Seartneor Sending, Saginaw. lawn
Giliciligan Hardwood
Farming I.,ands
Situated In Alpena and Petiole, lah comities.
Sootl, #1111.1,0 /Intl Mewl,. Are e/prelally .11.1
1,1111, RIO 4.4 i,e10,1,tLernririlm. our noid, are
4,0 Ihrte,r acre e.4 icon, Marl,' 'eine.
Minds. c ,rfer ton Cho al,. or In rit,,re sem
CloweonlIt Lumber Co., Alponii, Mien.
riressemem emit en ,,e woo.
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any melt 411.1.1.1 4rtel Ion of 1 Mturtilon
n.14111,411 .111f1 20, not teserVeil. he hen',
vatted Ity moo 1.1.01, .411/ 14 the nolo of
or any moiety% er yenr. of age, to the/
of fnot 41141 ter aeel 1011 of Itlit at.reo, 1.#10#9
A pplii.A1 ion 1101.111,4ry tined lye intuit. in ormolu
of Asian ) for 1 he diorlet *Moll the land
Entry hy potty may. hoWes et, he
tooth. 1st nit :Varney tm ilertialit condition. lie
father, Mother. •,011, daughter, brother or
••iAer of ore intending lionienlemler.
teinsweed alai meter one of the followleg
12,000 ACRES
Choice Farming Lands
0•111111110 and location are mei, 1101, 6101.1 So
grow mit sit 1.14 of Veureraelein Prima Wheal,
flat., 1#,I..1*,1 Find Ilardwid tat tie Minna. Oftetept
WA, AA4 111,,tlary 0.41•011 101111
num w en I0 111.71111 40/1111 grease.
Ito. and neaten, farming Omen at Vititibiti prf if -r#1
nr. v.) ler., 1111,11 poll.. Many aniferliene Mow
*tuned In this 111011117 and urethan/ well. Olt lateli
are ainterent In Chorine, Peanuts, 190opia, loot
lierrethriet and footmen. t nee. Tee 70/11
set ?senor particulars.
ib A
Futon t
iegido..._-4.31i11111.1w,Atisoidenes ether tied
teflon ,the trend yew for three
fl 111.11 by hini, titiele.a. that.
extent, in f he vicinity of hi.
int cramership lend will not.
Attie tr the father bide
reined.. of it 'homes Atter Mu permanent mai
1101 1.4 44.11545 it
vicinity of the le sit.
mitleted for Ity him in thy
oteftArt luny perform AI.
hy II byy w II h lie fat liar tor
141 tern.'" ielnity- In
tanner:oily. la 1111411.1 111011
1 101 11 111110 tulle. tti la direct linnies
wit!! h hind allen.111111.1.111
owned moiety tur Mtn
cre. in extent, In Ow.
or open a homentend
It'll y. ouch home•
Menne dotter,'
nbt new
fo.olHoe flat of, in iterontepee with the
wine 'trine with moresite hr 071 farming
district Of +itch Intention,
th0 of Dominion Loh& at
era Of tOtOol.lon to apply for content
quittasatinit ant oat be pull Ste.