HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-13, Page 44 TnVYDAT, August 1r, 1908
Vol Witten. UNTAKII.I
: Tel.pbooe 1.11 Na 3t. ,
Twine 1/ wMerl$t.w q
11.14) per annum in advance..
11 ntentlw, 9110: three months, Y3c.
To United states .ula.crtbers, $1.441 a Year
Subscribers who fail to receive Ting Siesta.
remesrlY by Iliad will )water a hour by a,:,
eaaintiag u.. of the fact at as early u dale us
t'heu a cbalge of addn•.. t, dr.lost, both 1110
�t and the new address.+hound he go, en.
any basin to have a policeman on
every ttaic...whin fluid.
Echoer true the West abdicate a
stirring cline in the leaskatchewan
election rawpaign. Polling takes
place toluunow. ,
It will he unfortunate if the strike
_ on the C. 1'. It. should tie up that rail-
way .Jest when £hen. \l'rstecii gram.
('404. should lie utuvel.
t'uuut 1w+u '1'.M444i. Wilma no care of
his health, we are informed by cable.
Evidently not, when 1111 ways what hr
thinks al.out the R,lssiall a11L4K'ral'y.
The imports .of the Visited "Ntates
have fallen isi two year. frZt111 51,1:44..
121,125 to $1,104,:t1 1,7fe2. According
te. the protectionist theory that im-
ports tow an evil, tlie l'iriteil litotes
than usual ! we
The Prince of AA'alem helped to
shovel coal into the hoilera of the
bitl 'table on its recoil! trip itertmei
the Atlantic. Next winter the lordeif
creat 'should cheerfully comply
when the partite'. tif his joys anol
sorroWit aelkoo hint tot follow the
Prince's,i111114triottr example iii stoking
Ilw furnace.
Aevertiaina Ito..$:
Legal and other ' 'lar advrrt,'eweutw, 1)11
per line fur tin,! lu.'rtlun and to per line for
each .otr•e44uelt I,.•ciiion, Nrwurwt by a
nlmp.reil scale, 4 twelve liar. to au inch.
Bunnies, tants of six linty, 11111 under, la per
Advert i1cmeuts of 1.o•t. Fo 1. Strayed. Sit-
uaioue \'saint, rill sal nun+ %1'aulr11, Huu.r+fur
Sale 00 10 Kent. Farm. for $ale or to Heat,
Articles for Sale, etc., nut exteeding ei84,1
lines, 'tie each iuo'rI ion :$1 fur first month,
Mr each 'ubra•qurut 11,01104, larger advertise-
ments 0, proportion.
Annomuwulent.' to ordinary reading type ten
cent.. per line. No not to !,•+s thou tie.
Any special not Err, the object of which is the
pecuniary benefit of s).y Individual or as.o'I-
atiam, to be rtu,+idwred an advertlsemen. 11
to be charged accordingly.
Kates for display and eeelra4 advertise-
menta will be Kit en on application.
Addree all communication. 10
TANAITktt k. hol11.:KTSo\,
TIM rll0x Al,
lIl..ertoh, 4 lot.
1 Ego H." TRldiiAV wAl'Ui'ST 13. lfisl.
Probably owing to the t .4.41(1
depression .across the line, liu.ler•ich
)elk -Uel 1u*1 8wauy)..uuruwc. �:,uy••st
froom lhr t'nittd Stairs this year las
usual. However'. quer a number
have rouse to emend their holiday
The Yrafo'th Expositor, whose edi-
tor, Mr. M. YMclean; is a Member of
the I)on i ' Parliauwnt, says that
one of thi*'fi►a thing* to which Parlia-
next semeiunle the amending of the
rules of procedure to facilitate the
i ondttet of tmsiness in the House and
duNpway with the waste of time which
we •e seen exhibited .in recent )ws-
sions,-espreiaily the last. 1f the toes-
siuns w P shortened to five months at
the long t, says The Expositor, this
IIIN ea 4'111
u the
ofd Mak un animal a d w K
ebuutry of 'eill,11a1, in liddit' to
which there lull be the ;4$Vheg of,
thetimr t f the l embers. Aside imm
the financial ae4 ; •t of the quretites.
there ie the fact t it under the 11x•
'sting. rules useful an nreessar'y Irgis-
lation msy tw held np n. week., and
months by an 1,I*trn.•tiv '.t ' -ity-.
lnr t4Xp ii!ui• continues -.
"It is right that the 4 ,oaitiun
4leo111d have full and ahlplr tie for
full and live discussion. But there
should le. some ode that would pre-
vent, that. right tieing abused, I' ler
our system the Govern went which r
Ivesents the majority of the prop
should and must rule. If they 110
wrong they are accountable to, the
people. In such eases it is tlw j,riv
4lege as well as the duty of the lip.
4loeitl)11 to point out to the pis mit- the
wrong being dour and to Otos. them-
selves on rlicord against it and the
people should lw left to judge between
them. And the Iwop4!le are quite
vomiter of doing this. Nllt under ex-
isting circnwstances a,rrry small . •
ority, 4f they have the physical
strength and ,der lung power, can
block for days or weeks on even for all
time legislation Which the majority
desire and believe tit he in !lir Inst in -
tenets of the country. This sloes
away entirety lvitfi 't1r1Tri fflcl.ucy .il'
\ our repre•,wnt.ative institutions and
entirely subvert•. the objects for
Which they wens designed. This
should not be and no matter what
party may be in office the Opposition
should he deprived of the power which
they ow possess in this direction."
term with us, and we trust they are
enjoying their stay in "the prettiest
tuwu. in Ontario." Next 'year we
*hall hole to see them again, and
manly others who will be able, with
eller tours, to seek a lhauge of ail.'
and scene.
Aly Uttnivia ill. P. wilt nun run again
lwcause h1. life Is nestle a burden, by
applicants fur d411e.'. 'Che new Civil
Service . Act, if faithfully applied,
should. . n•Iieve the 74(*Ation'. 'll
pimply .'round, m1161ir oftlet• through
merit, mid not through patI'lnage, w•r
might get r higher 4.141* of p4411411
411e1. •A ►wan of htrg.• hominess 1111
large _ pmetice. williug let a•rewe ,tis
eIu111t1'y. ie not necessarily prepared
to spend his time fitillggling to elem..•
joie for out•uf •w nrk const it tit site.
• '1'11.1 rural schools reopen tel 111 lay
. meat. tor -hiss. -Sail teen,--.14ehrols 411
(owe. and villages ,will east les
work 44i*til two weeks late,. Would
it nu1. i.. )Letter to extend the rural
school vara t n 'to the satyr date as
that ul the ur gin el•hes,ls :• The latter
part of August ns n bury time 111 the
farm, and Many t the under childrru,
.pile of the Aeon g of school, are
k it At 1 to help In the harvest
1141 tions, Thnie rhildres cu)nr in
two three weeks later than the
others, and the result is as vermin
disorients tirm nt the shoot : the
pupils sou prllhalsly 11 Mal 4ui far
ahead if all oniJuelred together at
the nest of )1e nita•r.
An Ottawa 4ua, r asks that it be
'etete until mut nn Doak:. 4µt" for a
(tan,utittn to call hit. U Nan lirh et.
French. "Let there 1141 English
and let there 1w no 1" ren Ileve we
are (',tntulirus." ,The sp it lwhind
this utterance as 1•uln'endtol a its one
aiming at Canadian unity : h. t 4w a
matter of fact are they our worst
citizens who eheri*h' the ruin .ry
of the holds frnrn which they 41r Lh 'r
inseestars-=cant*-1'---fs' tune (?inadt
who celebrates tit. Andreae's flay, or
St. I'*trick's Day- or tit. T a'r
i)ar, any parer a Canadian because
means to t. l'annzlian people
/Mown in an ttttt netting artich•
'The Ottawa Jii rttal. The Journal
point* Mit that in SO. becalm* ,11. the
tariff, the people of 'anatla paid h •
woollen goods. In th
total value Id' ell the.
what folder /11.111111.114/
• year the
milieu goods
from thin amount nearly a ri 'Ilion and
heft' for tvied tee grown here but
importisl, we Mot the ex v hie of
year to be filsitit $1,;:LN,i1011. In other
words. *Aye T114..14ollyllill. "1 ak big 1 he
nese nf 4,4 it wfilild
/type pay the CaDlIdiati people by
several mi tion &alai m a year to wipe
out all the Wheaten mills iti this
country by abolishin tistome
on woollen gamsli. even if •national
treasury wen. In ...int tie p
as a free gift t* every worker in lb
now and let -him wrat elsewhere
Or be elle if • he chose ; snake 111
every Cetiadian farmer who sells woe!
to our ;Mlle a present lif the
money and let I keep the wool ; tot
all the capital 11.1•11 at preVelit itt the
*ion till with hill salaries et ery
ger itn.I 111114.er Or 141111 of the woollen
tnantifact tiring comps' nies, leaving
them free to get 011thr jot*
illustration of the folly Of protection :
and yt fr rowers at it.. ergaiis
hear. and shall continue hear, jeer -
naiads over the ruin wrought hy the
refusal of the Laurier Government la
Increase the tariff.
of the sentinient which he' PIA hOldli
for the land aeon... t.he water, .,his
birthplace or the anceetieff lulfile".•
his race Our Vreneh ()swollen fel
howeitizenm are ith loyal and as
(14.vot ed to l'aniula 11/e are : why
should they not, as we do, cherish the
tratlitimie of the laud frnm which they
Bights semi:idiot'
ing legielation exempting ft DI Lain -
tion all improvement.. 011 farm 1 'n•
tier this xemption the', uninip
arm will be astweeed AR \high as the
et tial encouregement to the mit
whd pule tomel buildings. good fences
and Other imprevements on his prop-
erty. the writer arrnea "flirts in *ITT
" not our consciente revolt at
the Jai. taxing or puninhing titan
for iinprovi his plare Have not
all improventen already paid an
a tariff tax ? On all the ele I eat.
drink, Wear. 11se, \ Whitt. cleat and
int preying, haVe 1 not alreinlY 1",)
on all the ilutteritil. paint, hardware,
fen: Wird' whilr--1M-pritving ? And is
it me ft, tax,tsse again. ) ear
lifter ear, on I hose' Very 4111114.
paid sin enormous Federal tax 1'
me. Editor, I not think
that farmer. have emedilered the
enormity or !lir re • of teeing nue
proeements .11, el... they *4/11111 111:1Ve
then in rebellion againmt It long ago."
Not being united /meow t hemmeivre
upon any nine of policy opposed to the
tiMITIMIMMIlVes policy. the Fed -
reel Opposition have Apparently de -
mongering. The entintry, however,
will hardly be misled by three tectien.
Liberals were in oppomition they made
their charges definitely upon lite floor
of the Douse I tlemanded Invest iota.
them Tiery named I he men who were
guilty end placed their own seats in
jeopardy in making their ebarges.
ilow different is the course of the
present Opriviitinn! They indulge in
endless talk of graft aod @citadel and
spread their insinustions broadcast.
hut they do not dans to rise in Parlia-
ment. as tbe Liberals did, with speciee
charges egainet certain moo. No ooe
The fell feir will be here al t
fore you know it. Are rim getting
your big puttenk in. ready?
Turkey is experimenting with lep-
resentiative g..% • (omen,- "'rite sick
linen of INtirois," is trying to work
Thht lea • queet time le he talking
about tbe need 01 strengthening the
Torsi police. Walt until tbe spple
Omens la over. add thou it won't do
eau object to stern dr •iatiun of
wr isgd g wllrll it exists, Taut i► ea111-
paign of innuendo, With the ubjeet 11f
twinging dieetelit ateni the 'nee in
ebarge of the public ;trails of the
Dominion, is neither brave nor putri•
otic, anti the people's verdiet at the
next election.' will show that it is not
_ - 'The Paris etre-Transcript devotes a
etmsiderable umwuut of etlltorild space
FINANCIAL RE:,ORD OF THE LAUR• to it detttun'isnot% of titter persalts,
IER GOVERNMENT. the church folkli nut•exceplyd, who
consider parliaunrntary represrulit-
tivee as they lawful plr�v, and hold
theta lip, iu 1.11144011 and out of season,
for aul • i o s. %Yr-
ei44m in not entirely_ uude-
-gay'. The • Brent r.I. T Kitten!
tor. owned by T. H. Preston, who hlul
a tsta texytsrienc4 of this in the leatiedae
tire.' "What is the situation A
mender of Par11a111rit gels from the
...Hanley nu salary. but merely what is
A►, 4awa, - Aug. 40. Thr 11u:incial feigned MI 'iudenintty,' '1'1644 imd.ul-
tecurd of *lir present 1lot rlillitelI le. uity, as its name to14d141. issllplw,ard
,•rived s"am)',.4IInliu11 d41riug flu• late merely 11 covet the 11rcrslu4ry 11x•
s)'w.iltl .4 1'ar11anlrut. A 4whry x11• I') ' incid)•11aI 1., his Is1iliutt, ll',
tlitiou to the public d.•br .r( 14i111,1a111,1Ya1
then. he gives his time gratuitously,
111 1w'.•I4... „.444". )'hien\' un ,44•)').4404 .,f neglecting meanwhile his privltte Ma-
nce N*lional 'Crauseoutinental hail- lens's, why whnuld hr he further
way, wase held 'up by Ihr t'unwerv,,, taxed for the privilege of serving the
1ic4144, ae a ,.ntr +:+Kit 111 national ramie gratuitously:' This is one of
bvekr11m1ey. ,H,Ln ' it Wins simnel 41m1/ t things for which a satisfactory ex-
planation the Conservative., v,oli%e+ tau borrowed
planation is nut readily given."
*14tt lY*4.4414 during 1 .'it Irrm of ta-
ller x.414 -hull nothing N, show .fur it The Huwilwn Herald, *11 indepen-
dent journal. With strung Cunaerva-
Th.• gravest Ynxirl v won expresser tire leaning's. 111 reviewing the poet -
by the conee't•v1lises with 1.ganoi l0 4wets for is 1).4111414111 flection ibis fall
hitt t ll'illg ,.lane, and u-tatili u„ out---say+i: ••l'rr 41411 il1dit atione du IML
....toe was •pie Emil , -hut ,lIw fact was point to a chaugtr of government as
nverblukrtl that these in,lturiuq debts the result of the elections. Doubtless
mete corarart•ed by' )1r. Foster, who thew will Impreductluu in the (rut••
.holdd-have 1s*•n more 14xawis years ernwrnt's big Majority'. The N,it' -
al;o When Ile borrow.•.I 4 he money. Mist intlueuce in Quebec will la• used
411:1, then: would Irate Iwen 1111 against the Liberal party and 'limy
)s•rasion for xnxirly 111 this flour, tem a few seal'* for the 4'onset-vatit's+.
\'oo ate s4a n,uL nisi •It In Nelly M.olie it is mol to Is• t•xpeclt•d
it may, say the 4'o41ser''atitvs in -that- every seat will be wan by the
• elye s. fur rel ng_cyst in 1h,yy•,Jay,,.iius*,iu wut._ea.-it►-l1*M. iW New
rt ii with their rwlue)vl.Y4wnditule, Hrunswiele Ihr ,Liberal p,u•ty is
they ewe compelled t..hot row ry' divided and a C0nerrdatire Iiove'1-
t.. pay ru44Lting, l•1. '' 44-•••. �mru1 is now in Mower: bol it is 11411
...en .4441.11 the I:u,•'t ,"\1a•Udittire, I)I'UIy4lr_ilwl..-lhera._Will.be_Ary
-I hen r...-ofoh.. 4t'sI•' .'.l ,4YY1 for the like a slump to the Conservatives do
that Priwtnee.-- tn-lhntarioitnd -1
\\'est the -('u11sa4•% at ire* are sure to
gain seat.: but it isMimed. as certain
that 14).' 414 )V414.%)Ii)4.I4l •will Mai make
• Kalil,, .411444 the net _won foilhe
,w 1/41 IV .111 likely to h' great;
!'tum the Whole, therefore, the prom -
pet rh a„• that the (anti.'.' ,O4vet'44-
4U44lU,Wit1-beresented to mower with
a nuejority *inducer than the wie it
new rroont.rstle, latl one that will
set ve. '
Why the Expenditure tees Increased
Country h Bahia -
Customs Taxation under Liberal
Tariff Canada 8) Sour.d Cotl-
91d Mothers.
11utr uhl quaker- uwl(w•r. with *lett.' hair,
And knally 4Ye., ,11111 lip. Known 'only .sweet
\\'nit murmunrl hle+.ing. ut •r .la•pi of I4,I4•..
There t. a .01110111111/( in their *uirt Kram
Thal 'I.•.1.' the c..44114.t1( iaelsh tit afleruoon•.
A knowledge in 1hetr deep. uufalterlllg syr,
Thai far uul r.w)•lm. all pluluwphy.
Time, will. will. ce1.•..ing 'h, 141a,u) !heal acute,
The 411! er !howled fairy -shawl of NW:
While all t tie *rise. of furinolrn ,luta(+ a
>teem,atiuel to lead a .wa'I.e•. lu their H".''h,
p.td Ilial l's•' A+. they pa.- with 'lo,.•)*,.lt*t
Their 1rr�thli11g 11010- rljuv we/111y 10 >041th''.
.1 marth:
Awoei mother, ' -a+ !key pun, Due :re. a4ah)
441d gltrdeI w)dks, ykl J•tw., And ut1( lou).
-4'h:ilr. S. Ro-., lu Ihr 1'1n0 nay; Ma4ali,a'.
Hensall's Claim to Fame.
11cevall 11,.')4er.
\V11111 runtribille) so largely In --
Wards Hrnsall tieing one of the health.
lest Miters in Canada a K44al water
awl nniuns,
t '(a.
Liu \lu I.
Nrvrr wits L'lwral 1'olt\uial ladies
more splendidly ''u tilinllby"itarratar
Than 111 the Quebec )•tleimitt• s (his
week. '1'11 Make a eeriest' twee in --nn'
i';ngIish•sp.aking imminent Iffy chief
Is4111t of political attatWoelt
Atnel4cr 414111 England, and t.4
I.o(h Anwrie*, whicls'r'siwtel uY to
.,n.prrn 1 hn4uta, and Yriticr,• fi'4tt1
tvhu)n We look it, to celebrate with its
the founding of Qi.Is * this is indeed
x11 nchievetuert.W w.hic4 it wuuhl ler
difficult to find a parallel in the
colonial history of any nation.
'd 1441
The 'Fernee Fire.
New Volk sans
Eernie.will,nut„have. been visite., I.
forret Hers- in 'vain, The Meister
.directs anent' to 111e rapid det'dup•
client of the nlitterlll wedth of the
Cautldiaul 11.a•kir1, where tnw44s
spring up in a 1144(114, its it Wel.e, to the
confusion of the snap -maker. Fertile
will r4+r front its Wood flushes a city' of
brick and stone. for capital will take
n o more chafers %vitt' forest tines :
141111, ,u• the world lea4ns of the pr"g-
mss and pr.lnlise of it erg' where
silver ores .re found not fur away
teem vir)�44�n���y}'� t amt g" deposits In
the. next cnitt4 its .leve IItent- will
newel with giant strides. .,
► . \ Knew His Bible.
Harlin - W'e'kly. -
A wommt\ in a \Vrsteru city'. who
belong. to )' ly called the
• :Siwtere of Kt John the Haptist," not
long ago eln'n •a rti,ndlf in a bark -
youth' _dim, rift ,`� `►hilrtly'-.-af)et' her.
urrlvul she Smit h. the Meal 'met-
afiive and inquired if ally' letters had
route for Sister 'elernarline. The
ken i ewihlrred.
1%T1 -witted ' INT.
Y4) the' Hap.
• answered
dubiously. Then after .44 ;se cede)'•
ti'u !wadded • "Say; *int �\ ire been
dead pretty treat' a Itutulre l years
now :•..
equal poettul4atrr 4)
"Mister who'" he ,ask
••IiiMrr Bernardi/le.'"
Indy. "aa Sister of alt. .1
fist." "I think nut," 1
An Illustration.
tviiidee R1411111.
prediateie ristployment not fin
the conditions in Germany. a highly -
protected Country iti which went in
large mile/etre is chronic. 1;:mil
• ltetroit lertutin. lies Met re-
turned from his native land, says :
"The poor in (1 malty and Ilkiliettrie
are Very pnor. l'arlahaal coin -
electrieian forty tents. flood
wild upon .
L,bera!s D,J flog Things.
It the exp)•1)4it rules :re greater lo -
.4.1y 111:11 they .mel r'. I w )•1rr years ,*1l,
✓ 1- lie. e4l'4144ral w "Tl`
crossed y;lowtfi +end gunner .nuluu•1-
vial possibilities. I1 last the total
tr.rir or. 1 h country was limier
7�a177ii,l(Tl. itlhl 41111.111• r',Im• lditUre
tea. 44•'*ter 11 flu• Iekelute. In
Pah 1.101 trade Lean.)$ the et dusted
figure of $1160,10111,411114 and the )eve)1)44.
'swirled • pmbl4' expw 'slim •rs by
$111,eaa1,I44a1. Total trade Was 81I1.-
.iti'f.,lat.igowater l0. 11YLY. Llt.)JL.lf- Wee 411
4'e*4, t1 hen the Literals )..*aided Of;
Ile.', so that if the ex(wndaltrws httve
iuerelas.•,I 4hrrp something to show
for it.
Th revenue in I'4:441 was 4.111y
);:si,d$"i.:1144,, while 1 b let coin. 111 Mita
etas $IME,:r,i1.111Y1.' Thr•' country i. big -
gel. Ihr bunnies* door 1• etetttFI', the
heed, of the liuveriiu,.11, acting for
lite people, err inllnilel) go eater. tli:in
they Were itt 1N441, and all this i. rwi•
drawl)( growth 1.1.1141 p1...{ruatg,.•a1444
not indicative of devil.... .r eme'11:'I4-
4iii;- 1.11kluprvy - - resented by 1went v -right members.
in the Parliament 1118 is ele)•Iel
the ien.411 ,,I 1)411 1 114 re will 441..lhably
1* *4111 ,'r re \Vesterrl Bewilders,
u rep1rse44latM11u about ritual to that
of 11tr pivotal flavines o f Quebec.
'lite '4'.ront1 ?star sal:• "The
next general election lar ('an-
:rydil Witt probably hr the Iasi 'that Will
he hens) d on the eru.u•4 id, 111111. That
lrt1s11+ 4+ now olein out ).f date, retie-
emeiuK a`r tit ion` that'111►w passed
'into history, when inlIllignlnls emild
nut teecoa4rd into Camel's.' In• 111.'1-1
the ir.uoignri)ue was Jm,.mlllt,- - in IisN.i
it *Hs 1511,4401,- lief warn 1
MK .the aggregate was dire emir-,
I rlr of a 'tidbuu, and it is ware guess-
ing that ty the next Census the popu-
lation of t studs west of Ontario will
ti* a nrtlfton more than it was Th -1-5-11.
At present that. part of ('anwia is -rep -
Liberals Reduce° Taxation.-.
Th.• Liberals hare cted 11.1.111/..
144411 ill taxation, me whilst/doling the
,:t11114.1i..11, the .41Vetage ate of dot y
that Perliainent wiil be different from
syl3s 64!"1 111"; 11 %V" that of the preeent Parliament and
111.- next. --11 will represesit 1 he new
eelf!• lit w"ril'• 1 he "he."' l'ainooln, Menem! of the old. It Will he
tlot ertiturtif has tedoceol 1.11164114111 largely under the influence of %Vest •
ern ideas, and it titny' be hoped flint
these Will Ito broad aittl progressive."
opus) every Sion of gissIs
mum ed tor, home consumption. On
11111111de importm the as erage rate in
Si* James \\lanes. is bening
yer.y *11111.4 goods inspottell.• Monteith, a cite stance which h.te
When t he 4 'orrserrittiVeS 413144'0'ft rim, 1,, „I w1,
111.0ple that 'the iiirreame represents.
people, they pimp •.ely. design too ink.
ii) sense a measure 0 mist taxa•
11. The lino mid on lair test
1 111 Average rale of Nostril duty, antl
the verage rate has her eithaten-
tially hanged melee Liberal Minnie.
It wits Out.
was l'arInhad egge were thirty
cents. dozen. It b. easy le Nee that
the Fon bevy very fele _of the tu \write.
Ri t of British Citizenship.
ber of the 14114 '101 1110114e l'01H-
trr• ttion, nopealed t. the House me to
admit a superior atti de and my that
any eititteit of the ahotiht-be-
free to go to any par thereof. He
wits speaking of 1 litidoo migraine,.
and said 1 he colonies_nund. e allowed
tit exClude Chow. they (I ttttt t it war.
desirable, should be exclude( Thus
eitizenship it4 avowedly minimal. This
is an aleurdity : Empire can -et
long exist under much cireunistane
lf thispeeple of Indite/ire to he trotter
infereir. end modal randy., the cote
intiaiwe of India within the Empire
ri be maintained mily by force, and
will not hue Ling.
-Its Honesty Never Challenged.
The ,Liberal [tarty has been in
power ft twelve Vears, 111 Mu. been
tithe tits' tr. pliantly return...1 at
the polls. halt (*oiliest on etionnenet
amplfut !wog is anti development
ellare meeting tip and developing
11174 flO1111 ry from the Atlantis. tu the
with all t hates est es pteiditure ef pule
lic tttttt try, hi* it single charm, of
wrengsloing mailed any member of
the novvilim,m, or th..
111 the House lute teen pre-
ferred, Slander 111141 4ert11111411-111iittger-
i114( liaVe 1111.91 the stir and th•• yob
Illinis of the Tory prestt ; but when
did nnyone dale 1.0 .•11..111,•i• eperitie
era tiriTiit It4in down to the cline of
the Joist setision,' and yrin cannot lin
a mingle ease When! definite
that could he met and investi
hne been made by any member of the
Doctors' Incomes.
1 imports in ▪ sv
0.1 the Maillt• 1.11111:1 if goods iniported
this year lint* the Liberal tariff the
Jut hey, been *Front $3.04111. -
men -alive tariff,
Twelve years ()flower Weal' have
etegnato. struggling colony int.. it
totryttig and vigorous to carve out a
-glowionts (Maine
Increased Purchasing Power.
ppri•hasitig power Of th.•
that) it was its meanm that
the !wapiti. saw rootlet: to that extent.
countra-.. it
of viatica! le 7 that it is wli
it pouters, bitym and atiptiree. and mit
what it mellm end parts with, thet is
e P into the vomit' s that does not
th were not so there would be no it
1.ike 44. perm:went melt ion in t lie 01.1
Country ila The otlivial representative
of the (iovernlitent.
There hes beim it change be 14wt)
ership of The Town!" News. 1
just who the new 41W114•1'a are iv
publiely at • 11. It is r ed
that the myotlicate now in cont. in -
of Lands and ',Mine% the itney
41 \\'I'I.h1, I'N14:1 \\ I. \i: II),'11':141, 141':1:1'`1,
\\ IIITr:\t'1•::\It, I \111•:It:ShHICS, etc., enc,
I_verythmg ,raakrd regardless of cost t0 sell quick.
en 11. as ! e�11t1 ttw111111•11111•1111111111
Early Fall Predictions
For Fall Suits
..its lst 11er than a nicel.lrit 41( 11114':
We Make a specialty of 'blue licig,•s and \\').ricins buy 1hoD1 in
I war quantities :old get them at the lowest figure. \V.- want you to
the tine Weet.,t England 1\'nrsteil we sr11, 'mule on i_pee,ig,�tu j•
for 104Entse---Eire l,ft:titnn-rl1a1' r $, _ tri rii ur- i cloth. ('all
It ee.dietet1 that. Mil..
haie tans big sem-end /what
Two dozen Negligee Shirts, Cotters attached segular Etoo.
Tie-Pfrit and Cuff Buttons, reguVie 5oc, special /5c
Hoyt Shirt Waists, regular 75r, specia . 50c
Boy s Wash Suits, regular $1 oo, special
The right place for Clothing and
.111o, 1114.tulort.s tit
"t tlie Caiiit.linti Northern
atel will imitate -I paper. it 111,-
111.1,411‘111, .rrietiy-Lia.1, the intere•-ts
t'1)11eitientlar 4,41111144A 1;34
sa•iir heftier it WA 'lilt!, 'I'he stxplitita-
tedistrilititisig the seats but Also fold-
ing largely to t It is if, potl
44 measure .o.c.,Ioevi law, as sully
fall Term opens Sept. 1st.
1101101101 BUSINESS (Milt lot
f A country of large everts in
vt e, progressive and mit tantial ;
testing aniunercial
A Word to he Elector
Will any •asomalo man, who can
forget party r a oliii•111. and think
of country tient, et 1111 the teepee.
tier reeorde of e two onetime the
conservative at t e Liberal. be 1
ethe I% 'serval ves left
after eighteen
th• e country about ate wey towel it.,
mave mid e pt a huge le fen of pub.
lie debt, hieh they_ heqii bed 3.4
It is rue that attempts II* ••r• In•en
made .to fasten mine diner We
• ar Im upon th.• present Clot 11.
111e , bite it a rein trkatile fact th t,
h ing 'teen in office twelve veer
diandled tip toe hundred Millions
yosiy both in and out, and the Vehnle
of the public domino, nothing
tangible ham been proved ait tins* t he
It is a tact to he deplored,: 1
x• nnot he defiles -1;a TheTleirfearvittives
who weight -for nneavory dealing on
the part of individitalm and the elov-
and questionable
pitted in by met
It rannot be denied lweloine it is too
obvious, that, the (len rvative pert y
ie not, united upon sat given poliey
which conarerode itself the people,
it limit IttItiowledgei that the
Conservative party cannot. afely be
given the rein.. of power, ill Vielr nf
past bloomy, end the nehlitiot I fact
that they have nothing louder pod
to what the people would murrem r if
Sir Wilfrid Laitrier were remo
would he letter to let well gh„
alone, and not hinder thr military in
ite 'deadly progress towerels bug.*
PT it y of nur people.
Udies College
__College.'' Endowment allows ex-
ceptionally reasonaltie rates. A lull
year's tuition with board, 168
room and laundry -
Calalogie 4.141.,)
COLLEGE, Toronto.
s,,t 14441e 111-m101.f. former Wilt
creme of helot.. and the gr. wth (le
new •'mclio. /0 modern,feettine.
WOlva. irlede.1,11 41 letter: Not tee least
Ana 1 lte Meier ad 'vital client y. It
ie high time that the professiou teal.
tile ittaev1 11 of theme evils. and
1440k ant iVe eters-10 avert -Theslangere-
that. threaten.
An Insincere Critic.
Itonilton Tittles,
The T. wun b. News is constrained to
say *lint ••41 is ital bed that a tirVel-
11411114.1 11.11111r%, 41..413313114 311 111,114.q,,zsg
Y74,014111 1111.2. )10WeV
that the ilierease expenditurt.
Caned.. "lins been opt of ell reaemi."
All the expenditere. however, the!
the item..., wovild tank. but, very Mt*
diffet•ence in the tots1 increase. The
increase in the expenditure 11.la been
large; hut the development has been
large ;deo : aml the country is at
peritsi in itm growth when wisdom
demands that its progress be not
eherlent try perelmotiy. Then, take
ment hen been far frnin being in keep-
ing with that, of other pain. of the
Dominion. in hew than heir Vertrti,
capita than review. (Invernments
did In thirty -thee. years. And The
News lauded Iiitn to the ekiee. and
fiShitiited him as 4 wield* of etatoo-
tnanahip because lie merely spent life
revenue brought in by the policy of
bia predecessors. The New. is '0.
Ottawa Ifinverninent. It hi not se, Ir.
lug to place the /natter in * fele lisht
befoce the people.
men egotist' legitimete 11.484414 1..1.
eeri011.1 apprelienmem. It may he' true
that getter++! ...entomb, conditions are
eomewhst respommilile for the particle -
lady noticeetile ittmereinewity of the
profession at this time. Phesicians
aloe is peirl, end when th.• mover.
butcher. fleriet, and e0Ittert killer have
to wait how coin the ;Victor expeei
any conaideration ? Iiiit that for at
least five nein. the AVerAffe mortice'
locales Tsai been steadily decrewaing is
the disconcerting fact. To setAde on
ode eaves or group of causes is Ingo&
fel the Most einTlIpL
it.rm of their own
Highly P Ivo sod Profitable Land
at 115 $10 Per Acre.
The superior advantage of Michigan
for farming and fruit raising, Is known
to all the work! That there la no bet-
ter Stare the ("tilted Staten In which
to secure a comfortable home wtth the
means of making a livelihood and ac-
quiring a eompetence, IR proved by of-
fielal rotnparisnom with other States.
The Wella-Elinne Land Co , of Sag -
Maw, offer Caaadians their choice ol
8,000 arras of highly productive and
reltable lanes at Si to 810 per acre.
Their hinds aro situeted in Isabelle
sad cis:* counties Tha Wel
leek Maas neer Thee m1./10014
swages 01 QOM bade* Am&
school of its kind none,. yOU to
retire trtr Its New twatogile.
that tvay' can a representative
110 kllOW be -1 the Iliiv
-it torter-.
'bi--college stand. 1111,1 ray. thereenth
4,01 will find oar gralawle- ,it fa the
f Their -11ertior 41011114W 1.114111e, 111..111
to oar and roOluttloa ism.14.10o.....
open -.muster. lientet any llate: *Ole 1..1 •
W. J. ELLIOTt Principal.
St. Jerome's College
Commercial Coarse. letest
High School Coarse. Species' facilitie-
for 1 lie sleds. of language...".
Wall Ira. • g for all clasmes.
fltlilolings new and tnodernit
ealetider, address:
real Tie tii filwne Rept. tat.
sail may exitect to ho1.1
posit 1011 114,1. 11411. 1.0111," 0re hprii111.1111
lintel 'mut Telligraehle. Ave employ exper
Saturday, August 15th
regular pro e $ 50. for
32 SO
111 the window, $t oo and 1.2o,
We haiiNe sole control for tioderfeh nf these world fanied
Peeftimee. We have the full line of
DYERKISS PERFUME, in bulk and bottles.
Thifi line is making great hit in (loolo•rich and many 'lettering
arka we hear about
If it s good vre have it
11111111111110 GIMP MO