HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-13, Page 24 TS1711111DAT. August 1 3. 1908
uoluittit•B. 0.'TSK10.1
- _ 4YA-NATIElt a
Tantalum, Call Soak
any llartIl to havea policeman �u
concess. road.
Echoes from the West indicate a
stirring time in the Saskatchewan
elect' .cauipalgn. Polling takes
place t llll tort Ow.
It Wilrha adrift -Mime ttw 'tette
, on the IC. P. U. should tie up that rail-
way just when the Western grain
crop 4.1401114 te MOW.
T.rms of ttubeernetion 3.
Von per anntim 10advalutil.1
1111 Months. dl,: three month*, 2:x.. •
To United State. *ubecriber.: gas. a year
hdrictly in ad i:incia
oho fail to rristive Tin,: Swell'.
regularly by wail will oonfer a favor by ac•
qualnting u. of the Net at as early a date
..7%1* hen a change of•addre.* 1.. insdred, both111$
Oht and the new addrar .hould 4., tit ell.
Adv•Hising Rat.:
1.egal and other Outlier ad, ert tor
per line for llod in -et -lion and le per line foe
iseeit .u4 -won,? -noerrion. Ala -cooed by a
nonpareil Wale, t we've lines 10 an inch,.
Saslow* card* 0! eitt lines and under. 111.1 per
Advert bl•inetib,.of round. Strayed. Si?
nation.. Vacant. Sit nation. Wanted, I1ou.i4 for
Sale or to Rent. Faint. for Kale or to Rent,
Article. for Sale. etc.. not exceeding tirt
2.1c each ite.ertion;grfor find innfith. Tie
for each Atiliseyiweit Inuit? h. !Amer ad yen i.e.
inent* in proportion.
' aimaiiii.eliontourardotaryreadininew-unx
cent* per tine. No notice tern than
a - - --
Any ..cial Boiler , tbr Aire? of *stitch hi the
pecuniary benetlt of any individual yr awalci-
igloo to b. considered au 1141 ver?itheut lit it
to be chargedticiiurr_th.ad:tini"r,I.L
t_ au;tsaci
Lent* will 4.. 1% :ipplicat
can objet tl .tern tlemineiat• of
wrootoloing when it exists. but a cant.
imago of innuendo, with the •objet:t
bringing diseredit upon the men in
(+env Of the public affairs of the
Dominion,s neither brave nor patri.
otie, moil the •prople's retsina at the
next Oh
wise politiitilly.
Count Leo Tolstoi takes' do care id
his health, we are informed by cable.
Evidently nut. whim lis says what he
think.. about the Hmislanstintocmcy.
- The ithports of the toilet Stater
have fallen in two yearr front al, 131,-
121,125 to $1,1114,311,7112. According
to the protectionist thi-ory that im-
ports are an eQ„.thri -Ciotti& Steles
should now his enjoying better times
than usual ! f_
l'he Prince of Wales helped to
shovel 1•0141 11140 1.1111. 'milers • of the
Ind 'table oti its rooted trip arrays
the Atlantic. Next Winter Hi4a de
creation should cheeritiltr c ply
when the. partner- of his joys and
terowis asks I I follow the
Peiiict's Mead s example in rtokin4
1 be foruace.
Addre** all llllll uulcatton.. to
. YANA rTrat It ItoithrtTsoN.
Tus alteatais
--GM Vitt ttarStlf.- atasasso-K--tasa-
. - •
The Seafoi•th Expositor, whose !Mi-
tt'''. Mr. M. Y. Meloan, ir a member of
the Jitymini...1 Pairlialyenl mays that
one of thealtst thing, to which l'arlia-
talent 01111.41111 4415't. its At:trill* AI the
next session- ir the anteniling of ..111e
rules of prissoluoi to facilitate Ote
coinhicrof business in the House and
do away with the waste efitittie whilIi
s, we has.* seen eIllihited ill recent ses.
sions. especiidly the last. bf- the /Wit-
• otis were shortened tiilive the
t e longest,_21 sys Tlw this
soistld make Ali 141/11001 savittg to the
country ot Vire
which 04,1111.1 tw the coring of.
the time of the turnahers. Aside from
tbe tiniourial inpert teiestii ll t'„s
there is the fart that muter the ex-
isting rules useful anti neressory legir-
tenon wayitilltela up-Tiiir wee-WT(1W
months by an et/sine-C. • t ' wily
The Expositor eraninties :
'it is right that 14* Otasisiti
should have full and ample time tor
full and tree discussion. But there
should lw some rule that would pre-
vent that right toeing :Oilseed. Creler
our system the( ieverninent which rep-
resents tlei majority of the people
should and Must ride- if they -40 -
wrong they are accountable to the
people. In such eases it it no. pri V -
'lege Alt Well as the thaty of the too
position to point eiirto the 'people the
• wrong being done and to place thew=
ilelVes 4)11 record against it and \the
people shook! be left to Judge bet w n
them. And, the people are iiiii
. capable of doing this. Bin ler ex-
isting i•ireauistances 14 'very small •
ority. if they have the "ithysield
strength and the lung poiver, can
block for days or weekr or even for all
time legislation whirl) the majority
desire and believe to be in the best. in•
tercets of the country. Thiti does
away entirely with the efficiency of
our • representative institutione and
entirely subverts the objects for
which they were designed. This
should not be and no matter what
party may be in office the Opposition
should he deprived of the power which
' 14114)' now possess in this direet ion. -
What the tariff On Woollen gOotla
- -means- to the --peopts-
'shown in an llll Mating Article in
The tftlawit Journal. 'Ilie,..lournal
points out that in- lierattow Of the
tariff, the people ef l'atottia. poid some.
thing over $7,isokisso extra for their
woollen goods. In the same year lie
total 141)11114'ti''oil the woollen got
produced in t•ailailit 0,118 20'1111*,
what, tooter tpirsoi,itot. Dediteting
frrun_this amineti_twarlo tuillion_antl-
i4 half ter wisil mit grown bele hut
imported. we Mid the exact 514.1.,.. ,11r
the woollen imlustry to Cattail.% the
year to I,e about gt,Its,11111. Iti other
worths ..,e-Th.'-ilont-tmi.- -"inking the
'business of /Mb AM A basis, p
apiwar to pay the Canadian people by
several million dollatti a 'year to wipe
.04, all the trividien inilla lit this
idiuntry by abolishing customs (Intjm.
on woollen goods even if the national
- treasity wew.4“-iiiintinne-eo-preisent
as a free gift to every workerlit the
woollen mills all tlic Wilgell lie gets
now and let hint work elsewhere
or he idle if he noire livike tip
PVery helper *110 sell.. 1548i
tO Mat 1141W .11 {Herein. ..f
twine, 141)11 let 11110 keep the old - 4,
pity as a free lllll r 'itemt totem
ttle carritel iiseilnt`rPlairetit 11,.'
woollen industporatel let the digital
go into- Rona* tither business- :1. (ten-
ni llll off itli hill salaries every 11141111.
ger4111.1 Idticer 111. Clerk of woollen
'inantiftictitring c ponies, lensing
them free 111 get other pike as well."
Surely this ir A sullieiently clear
-IttertHrteerof Ofes-O---417-ofswristectirifFz-
- - end yrt from1 intservittiver !tenting We
liear. and shall cotitinue to heir, jere•
miatis over the nth. wrought hY the
rrquisil tlic 1.atirier tiovernment
increase the tariff.
the Empenhoree-Hes-tri
Country Is Doing a Much
Larger business Reduction of
Customs Taxation -touter Liberal.
Old Mothers. • ,
I lose old mamas . 111011mq, myna aline lain.
.40.4 and Ina. groan -only 'ace?
With uttirintinst lilewliigs tit er 11a1a...
Theo is a muliettillig 411 their quiet grace
Thal speaks 1 he calls. Of Sabbath afternoon..
A 1.i,ow ledge deep, erilig ?or:.
Thm far taut rea.ite. All philosophy,
Tillie. with carc..ing .h.411•0111 them wrAlcs
The siti vet breaded Nay *bawl of into.
While all the echo., of lol•Wolleip mous(.
Serpi joined ly tepid .1 styClues. to
old mother,' a* tItcy pin,. with -low tinted
* • •
Their 1 rentlilitti hood- rink& *cull) 141 youth'.
:4 retort : •
Sireet mother...! -a* they paw, we. wes a(ar;
And tpl.ritellWalke. Old rows. .114old love.,
--t'harleo 14. Ito., in the ?Villa!) Magaritte.
• iitosrlCI t F
What einitriblItets Mil lArIrly 111.
54.4101/1 one 1,1 44,.' !with 11-
PoiliablY °wino( to the llllllll lest plArra an t'anada is good water
depeetaiestmeromi-she-einer -i•insievntli-noni-noMm*,
Ii*,.. not lied SO many s • v ," The Lesson of Canada. •
thint---tturt•t`bli.od estates thiwyertrinr- . , toiawitit„.
• However, .111ite 14 utimber
have 1,11111 tA./ 40%01 1 heir holiday
'term with us, and 'we trust, they are
enjoying 141eir sta 3' in "the prettiest
town. in ttntario," Next year we
Tariff Caruida 1,t Stood Oon-
• ----
tltttsWs. Agit. The .•thisneial
record of I he moment. t bite' omen* re-
eei Vol 0:4111e A II 4•111 1.141 during the liar
siori llll Parliament. A !Wiry ad-
ilitiou to the public dela of $19.141111.1114i
411 t yelita, aceount
tho Nst loner inents I
Way, w.es held up liy the t'onserva•
litre os it sure sign id national
hookeoptey, mail it wa.tiointed out
the rionservati *'i" I,i.t tiorloWed
(1tls.418111.12111 Attiring .their term 4 el-
se.. and, hail soithing' to ...how tor it
laoit 11?,' acid ilkelf.
1111. WAWIYIllreldled
1111 Ute_J2moservoliteswsih i exited to
atiatorittg +Oasts. anti -3- Asti -Notts ortt-
come wax pieilieted, but the fowl wioi
overlooked that t hese owitoring
we's i• .430 ,-acted by Mr. F. miler, who
into horroweCt he
41141 44,14.'.' 4141/11111 have been 1141,
oren•tion for an x iet y this tittle.
• "..1.41.1 " aro spendiug 5,,.. 11111111
• „ILK .:1:12244'dittir
eli01.11.1, 101 gel ling 111,11 ill 1 berlEa.
c4 en Willi +heir 110111114.11 14. pcIlilitAlre,
Y1117 *err 1.011111411114-totOlt11ver Mope" -
16.1 1040l4."1..- Tinla y,
1454.0 *4844)I411/!»l'
"le it 4 •111 of 111
Neyio was l.itierat eolonial pulley
more splendidly justified by its resolts
than in the Il/itelrec eeleinat •
week. l'o mate a foreign race in an
English-speaking continent the chief
leind•o( 114.111 41,445 attachuoint twt wren
▪ 1....po 'hays maiviAL._ iy1 Amer ie. ,Lnd 1.'nglaintand to Jujuy;
,hoth hicia us tit
many others w114) will be able with
. e pier l'amatia, and . Franey, from
better 4. 's, 4., neve hang., of an wWton tar took it. to celetn•ate with- fis
14IM1 - 1 thefottnaing ..1 teitelie.---thimer indeed
an itchitivemeto t.. Mail' it *4411141 be
Au Ottawa 31. P. will not run again difficult to tind a parallel in the
bccAllIte his life is luaile iiiiislenity colonial history ittiy nati llll .
appileatitiotor offiee, -The -new t •ivil - The -Feme Fare. ---
Service Act,- if faitlifIdlY ttltitheti, sew York Sun. •
14110111d 1 liellICVe lite riff:tellies II Forino *411 ii,n
1"tItte nee1111141 puI4i. 'Alie"thrsofifif forest fires in vain. l'Ite slioteter
merit. and not, thrmiklipatrolutge, we direeta at tent ion to the rapid de%
might get' at1 higher' class, of meat of the- minuet Wealth of the
l'anisdiait !tort si•here ;owns
mi -n. A- matt of l'Arge
lorge r:tetiee , willing t..rye iifttn-1110-initki•.lene
eoanstry, is not preinired will rise from 1114444.14 city of
arpeurt hi„ rarne_omiraolig at, „owner brick, 1014 stone. f..r 4140144 will take
e I 11411. ea With (Mewl. lirem
1.0, 1 lie world learns of tlie miss -
jobs for 11101.,01•WO11. 1,1124? It 111 11t 21. ' •
The keel schools logien on :doughty nicer ores f I not fair itway
'mo' '4„r roll oolo, s -hoots oi from vie gin coal :anal g.4.1 deposits in
viliwg„ will lllll the next (smelly. its development will
work mom two wet.40. wo111.1 proceed with giant -irides.
The Paris tatar-Tratuirript devotees A
rottsiarrable an pt, of editorial spats.
to a denunciation of those persons.
the rimed' folks not excepted, -who
conaider parliamentary represent *-
tives aa their lawful prey, and hold
4 )lt'Il imam seap000ntl out of 'lesson,
or sulewriptionti. • Wes are afraid
the eritieisin mo entirely untie-
lwrVed." lOtys Tile Brantford Exposi•
tor. owned hy T. 11.1'rertott win/ hold
motile eXperietwe 01 11,1* in the lostielit-
ture. "%Vile! 104114‘1441
member of gets from t w
iiiiiintry nu salary, but merely what hi
toothed au 'italiasuility."Ilis indent.
nay, as !unite implies., is supposed
merely to cover the sweeettary ex -
petters incidental to lin Rosin llll . 11.
11,011, he give*, his time gratuitotiely,
neglecting liteR11While hie private in-
terests. why should he lw further
toxed for the privilege of miry ing the
people grittullously? This 111 oar of
the things for which a liatirfactory
pianuti llll 414 not. readilygiven."
Hamilton Herald, itli indepen-
dent journal, with xtrong Conserve
aye hi:linings, 111 reVieWing inset -
Deets fur a Doiniukiu electitia, this.foll
«oyes "Present inatieations -mit
point to it (+mow- Of government as
the result of the elections. 1 )(mitt!~
there Will lie it redact* In 1 hii tiov-
•--majority glee '
Mist IfltI48t.1114.itl glIelrei• IW 111444.1
against „the Liberal t May
win a few seats for the Conservatives.
In Nova Set it in it ix not II. IW e11IIWe414Y1
Lwilt k ollIfit 14442
livery lllll eta. as in Init. In New
Brunswick the Liberal party ie
moil is now itt power : hot it ix not
prolkihre I Init there -will he *II thing
'tile a slump to the l'inisert novels in
thof l'reyince. • In (bootie and the
West the't'onservativra are sure to
gain seats hut it is almost as oertain
that the 11i141141114'i44 will* also make
-dime gains, add the net gain for the
oppositiou js not likely. to be great.
Upon thie its hole. t btu eh qP. 4). pigs*.
' Ate that the lan.rirc •thiveria-
• reit will I....returned to ismer with
a rwtiority smaller titan the one it
note is1 ands, lett our that will
kite Totento . Nor *at'.
eral idea tor t',4nlostily be 441. last that will
he eells11.1 iif 14111. That
ewer out .4 slote,-tworr-
ii ion that leo passed
Liberals -Dal Big °Things-. • ,
1( 141.' i'xismillitiies art% •gretttets 14,'
(fir ihstritiey weir twelve yea es II ri 1,
il I. 11,4. 11: •ill1 1-.110.e.pliellee il4.
viva -all g. • 1014111 041 giva ter 1. te
vial .p.,.,:iloililies. \ lit 1)41111, the. lolal
trade Tj"Tili; eintlitry was tinder
424•11.1181,1111.1, Mot piddle eN•pellilitilre
%vas :11 e it er 'loin -t lie revenue. lit
19 SS total trade renkheil the colosaAl
llgtot 0 of.$11:01.111111,11011 100 the reVelllie
i. Wetwileil - 1/14111iC -- eVpi.14.11/111.C14 by
-"---1901I411/;140117--1li*At trade - art* r 'II 4 1 L
704,1001 g, -,'..ter in 11444 lIclip 41 wAs in
1.4141, whet, 11* Lilwral4; te.snitied sof-
ncreased 1 liere is .1 11
•111 1 ig tat how
five. , Oath IIII ttle.expetitkitturr ,hixr.
fur it. . .
The revenue • in ISIIII .. wits tally
8111.111S.:dbl, Whitt. *4,,' it•Venne Hi ItillS
%vas 44111,.lito,1810. TID. eouid. y ir big-
gei . 11,4. ittleineiso a 1 ir 'gr. ter, 1 lie
heeds tol the (love '811, NV 11114 Gar
the people, at'.14 intlilitel% great.. • than
wy were in lAtlit, iota :al Iron y• ev I-
iletti`e of 444'. .0,14. tool prosperity anil
not indicative of deciiii.• or opor :tele.
ing 1,,,,k, Miley.
Liberals Reduced Taxation.
Tle• 1.il...rtils have 11 tt•et ed a reds !-
lion in tri‘ation,•eittlwith.tattiling tba•
inereareil i.ereitile. • In Is2111,. ou ',ilk
.gissIs elite? nig Canada rot 1 • coll.
siimption. the atverage 1.41.. ot duty i
it not. be fetter to extend the rittol Knew His Bible.
school vacattion to the saine date as limier • Weekly.
that of the urban Ketosis .- The latter A ,woinan' in a \Vestry,' lily. Whit
part 411 August is A busy titer tiw 1w1"1100 I' at '(y the
farm, and man)...,,nt the
rhifriren- is,Sitmigsterr of St. John the liaptist,_ Mit
iri ago *pent 1111/10.11 ill 1144411.
"l'ite Df the ollening of school, lire wissIs district. Shortly after her
Lela at home to help thy luwvest
operatliank These chaareil conic in
tWo oir three wrecks later than the
,cd hers, Anil the • result is a certain
iliwtriptliiIA till!' 01 the whorl ; the'
pupils would probe:1)1y lie just' As far
ahead if all emnineneed together at
t e Ilret Of September.'
paper asks that it 1W
'acootinted an unpatriotic itA- for a
Ln eall himself English or
French. •'Let there be to. English
and let there he no F-ench, nets. we
are l'itrutlans.- spirit IwItintl
this uttmance. is commendable tot tin,'
aiming at Con
nuttier of fact
citizens who e
lien unity ; hut as a
are they • worat
the meniiiry
of the lands from 'eh they or their are yell' laair- At VA
ancestor. _come' , etii twenty
"text ge
Aila tfill p.
lie liars.' oil
'.4.11( 111*' a 8.1.1)
Monastery, 1.1111111
11111 1/1. ntiieil 1111,1 t'AIIN41/1. 111 11114161
Ili, "xi ' 411.4x111. In I
it was isistsialli. liettt eel' log: 01141
1107 the aggregitfe wits iliree quar-
ters it million, mail it is' iutfe giiesse
i t 11411tvAle realNitt_ltut_ttiont-
lot lllll of list/lade west tit 4 Intarit" Will
heit Million !tette than it was ill 41044,
At pi erent 111141 ipai•t t•atii..144
resented- by twenty...6(111 iiienilwra.
In the Parhautelit 111,41 .'1.','i "41 115si81
Ilie 1.1.1101111 1/1' 11411 1 111 re *ill
bi- sixty or re Western
a illiresetitsition 444.. 4,11 equal 1.1 that
of *41.' pivotal' l'ritv intr. Qiietwe.
'1 lit.vitalily the 'mast of view of
.Porlisitiout Will he tlitTistotit feoitt
Per 49447 it Wt. that of the present Parliament and
.,I,1.-, 4..,. 2.•'' lwr no. next. It will represent the new
arrival rile went to the 14.141144ost- In "awl' Iv! ..11(1".' hr Liber'il 1 414444144. ilWarant of the It will kW
H4Whort iff.t.Sineirder 413e8rlitiMais"441itief‘-441"4-11e 114s...:11 ' $111"111111 olLif 3L311,""u".4*.1111 ideYaTider, and 11 1iiiitth""e"4
lay be 11:8per-WI 4411rut postmaster looked bewildered. *mitered 1111' 1111111r 14111'01 111111 41111. .1 III t In,. will IN. hi,.„ki
••14ister who r- he asked increiltili unity: atonable inipertm 4 l'(.4444' 1.0e 111
"Sinter tiertiardine." repeated Ole 141111 Ih:14 29 417 ;we rent- and in ItItO .imisiirm whiows. w, waving 5',,,'lady. "14 kiidel. 111 St. .101111 tile Hap- it w4••• Pet r01111.• 1"hiern'it-,fit I !Feat Waal") 1111 1111S11111.201 111 - et l lll
tut.* "I think 11111, lie answerisd 3-411 Per "111• in "I 11”1" w""1".• tue., firm with *glation to Ontario,
iluldoseik. Then after Waite refire- Litterrh. tavation lint upon i„ accompanied 4,‘, Hon. Nosmi
that he added : "Say. ain't he twain
dead pretty near a hundred yehrii
now 7"
An Illustration.
Winit-ior Hermit. •
'I'liooi who maintain that protect ion'
rwrithices emplityment do not find
h comfort in it contemplatiiiti id
the conditions in tiermitny. it highly-
lartiteeted •cotintry in whielt want tit
large 'armoire is chronic. Emil !ley!).
a Detrint nerniati. Ito ham just re-
turned from his - na ve land. it:4yr :
"The poor in Denman and Bohemia
bail '&1 emir
rite *slay.
. liolef
who, 434,14,A4„.„. se, An41,00,.. ion . Rti IP ectricia i orty cen
wsit remotes reeeive no pay,
M. Patrick's Itay, o fit. Iiettrgr's delwild upon tips. Meat me%
Inty, any -poorer st Citateittst-lwettossio-thwtystisto-relfils. is r........1 1 -
of the Nt•ntinient which he' atilt holdsin Carloliad eggi. were" thi
hi" ttw.leinettmsmairthh"nesi°1.: veirtyifNeer ortht.e IiiVii1*4'tihilto
birthplace or the iuwastral nue of of We.-
for the land 111•1•014a the 'ter.
hin tilet.
:' 1/111' Freneh-C111114di*n fel- The Right of British Citizenship.
low -citizens are as/ loyal sitUll 1114
oe Iteformel.
deV4)a411 19 4 '11,141111.' "" We e'e" :Wil,
'Y '1'he othr etlyy .111.. Allionm
s. a ein-
sholi141 1 hey tint, as see Ito, cherish t Iter of the imperial flouse of Com-
itrailitions of the land from which they\ ,lions. Anil friendly to the 1\dr:sink-
ming. \.trationi. alowaleil to the Ilotase hot to
(''..'I')' *11 I 01 gewilo imported.
Whets the 1 '48tisiervait Osea LAW
the ornionit et Inze..-trialeettstrin 14111
n• it 11 Ono.. i•tillectell in 11117, /41111
argue that the increase repreamits
leirdetts laid upon the
w0.1', they 11111-1uwely design' to mis
lead IT beeloorling the i... 111'. Th..
4. .4 • of cust s revenue it not in
oily kelille 'ilea -more of e1101141iIIS t:(3(4.
The true and only lair test
the AVerAge rale 111.11duty, att.!
the 11VerAge rate hio. been siihritan-
eltanged ler Litwral .tilminis.
How It Works Out.
Title (0(.41 imports in 1A1111 were
*4114,14.10,1110, 011 comet duties
fur amounting to W211,2111,1 III were paid. _
-144-themsoloattestuttol-gtoslitimported-goota. -A-cmiutz*-ut lorge--itutsiele
this year muter the Unreal torilT the virile. progressive amu sithatantial :11
emintry which gives everything
acquires molting is mit iin a soubil or
busting llllll
A Word to the Electors.
,41(atteith, ea isinotanisi obeli Ibis
witior -rier-to- two esmilleting- one
pioneer. one thin Mr. !Monteith b. to
remain in the Cohinet Minister (if
Agriculture. the other that he it
tiara permanent in lie 'Hi
4 'wintry 1* 441.' official representative
of the Ontario
There ham-iweri a change in thti own-
ership -of The-Toionlo News, though
just. who the new 81w nets Ale is 11? '4.
AllninUlecil, 11 4.1 1. llllll 11 -Col
that the syndicate mite in control
chide,. lion. Frank Co-brane, 5141)181 .'r
of Londe and Mioes the Whitney
Cabinet ; .4. E. Ketop ond E. It 1 blet',
The Rummer in waning.
The fall fair will be here almost he.
fore• you know it. Are you get t hot
your hist pumpkins ready F
Turkey Is experimenting with rep.
resentative got itituent. "The atek
man is trying to work up
a omnititaition.
This le s queer tinia be talking
about Lb* Deed of strengthening tbe
runt rave. Wait until the apple
motto is neer, sod then it won't do
dsit y would have tweis about $3,11101.-
11111 less than charged Wider the Con -
esti ve tariff,
velve year, of lower taxati. .0 have
trail Soloed Canada from depreased,
stagna 1, struggling colony into a
great, wishing, prospersmsAation.
atrolig sig,'roux eAret.--intt 14
441. *1111115 fit re.
Adopt a atapetior Attitude mid say that Increased Pu sin Perwer: -
'.5' Th (.3 ad. (., any citizen -of the _Empire Mutuld_lie_ Tito__ pitrrhin _ Pufeer of the.
!lair man states that the Eastern (hi- free\ to go to tiny Oats thereof. 11(1countr)',is 'several Imes greater (.2(514)'
was ii waking of Dimino immigration. than it was in ISMI, hiclt meow( that
titrio Innicipal 'fights Aiatockr Aral s id !hero! • )4 st, he allowed the iwople gre richer o that extent.
Was hir ed With titt obirrt frto exe Ow (41,1111' they thoughtit. eat:ver)'.tonarof iiteretan e brought hi-
i„og 1,0 1 i,„, ,f„.,ptil Itaxadeiir.abl ihrtld ehe excluded. . Thio.1thecountrystlds to the III of I te
•m'he !tro14 an kimpn-4444446144414'V. It 1mA well-kno principle all off farm.. lit„pis.poop _sonedly iteituti '16-.11401A1ica .'i ilY Iliis'wti 4
dee phis . x,ription the untwists...II is an atom it y : no Empire.can ever a isimary Iiiiye and acquires. iii not
farm will be .aasesseir sto, high ass the long exist, u ler 441101 circunistances. what it sells and parts with, at ix
improved i-nviii. giving 43 -.,,e0. mil ii,
tLfithl---- o-eotlianretLhetreat ,',lthI:lel:1'ritNwe^ilii‘Nl:t11)44tlizrpennwii,leo.eewheeaa At:A1:tetsttnitdost
"'and"'\Pncruiragenun' t4Ihr"0" lfFilrll1d-se'W
pariahs, the eon- Inaremie to Oalue and 'rail it prnftt :
who putOgood litiildinga. good fenceF,tinuanee of India Within the Empire this tV erP not Po there would be no inl-
and other mproveinentp on hi* prop. ea 11016 maintained only by force, and
city. -The w trr a
(21 14* propose
"1 11tW14 n ott
the Wets- if taxing
all- iiitprovettients
conscience revolt at
t• punishing 14 man The Liberal been in
lace 7 Have not power for twelve years. 11 iota been
read v 'mid an three times tt ret its' al
enatioorns heiterat tax the shape Of the pop.. It has Carried 411•1 on mous
A tariff tax ' tfil 1411 Girt goods I oat lodge wiwkr. In 'it period of Nieto
drink, wear, toe while clearing and\ ample.' progress and developuteut.
imptoving, have 1 not already Paid an it' has spent 1 lreds of millions of
enormous custentr tariff tits 7 Also. -dollars in opertitorup-trod -developing
101 All the material, paint, hardware, the romati•y• I' • the _Atlantic t'3i the
vie., used while improving: And ia Moine. Anil yet in alTrhat time noel
it`not rrintinal ti( Me again. ear Willi all that vast e‘peitilittire pith.
after Year, One.' very %fine itto lie lllll ney,, not a single ell:111w of
provensente 011 I have already tvriangalimitt against any member id,
paid an enormous Federal tex ? the tiovernment or of Ow Liberal
Really, Alit Editor,I do not think party. in the Heim. law hero lire -
4 hat fannetsi have ronsidered the ferns!. Slander and ecanilidonimgets
intermit y the erten.. of taxing im- 18144 11451' 1111P11 the .,jr 3114 the
protemetito etre they_wouht_have 111111114 of the Tors- press : but when
Its Never Challenged:
milli, .4 ill I le I glit; 1111WeV14,-W111
Certainly suggrat, amide from the in•
ererew of (lir-tors and the growth of
new oseltieds,'` some modern featitrer
of medical priti-tice tut potrtible factory
411 o sinilit • Gull daily growing
*01141' )11•1Pittl of better. Not the Most
prominent are 118144.' And c11111 IlhAet ice
and the abuse of hospital (hardy, It
is high time duet the profession real-
ized (11.' growth of these omit
took artier steps to avert the (tangelo
that threaten.
An Insincere Critic.
Hamilton Times.
The Turmoil, News Pi revolt raimol
lay thitt "it is lll i l that it detaii.
ming isaintry dem/tilde an inenstring
expenditints- It asserts, however,
that the itprremie expetnlititril_in
!leen In rebell1"11 against It long ago,. did atis one dale rihirge .3 specific Canada -has been out of all reamini.
. .
onetereetre of worogiikeek-S--Seereleolves-A41-44se-riestert.litirre Itoweveto that -
Not being olio *11011"yllgs tlierrotelves reiiirtis fr the opening of the Lib. The News obiects 1011, particultirizing
upon any line of 'volley opposed to the ,eraliterm infistal iloireti to (414' (‚1(104' of the items, Would tnAke hilt Vet, little
present tiovernment'a pltlicy, the Folk itihminap Jet 7eissitm, as?: ayi.tileiftinItnemeohaftlegiel filtittcYg:-1414:'''
inintitleheextotanldiintienr:atizi,... iTieeltne
erol Opposition hoar apparently de- that could he met and inveatigated loirge, bet the ilevPirlopneint he; been
tided upon a campaign of seandal• has been made icy any-assertsber -e1 the large Man : awl the country is 4(4 -41
will hardly he misled hy thaw tfieties. '' Doctors' Incomes. „demands that Its progrese be not.
period in Re growth when wisdom
Kering. The country. however, (lItImsition.
The people remember that when the • American Melt Pine. checked by parsimony. 'then. take
the eaote t if Ontatio, &tone devehoe
tweets were in opposition they msde The shrinking 'nu lllll es of inedieel meat hot been for from tieing In keep-
tIteir eltarges definitely upon the floor torn furnish legit i lllll te rear -os tor ing With that of 01 her pot t a of the
(t1iff,tno. i, T1 11,:eny,...n,,,,,:::„:11.3,;::11:n1.4:111 i:hei.:ewlieg:: ....srotraitoitizsi%.,p,r,tsin.tiesrli:..:711.i;b;tii.o.. . fil,:tr...ne to siiii.ity! i,p11,isitItl:R..... inntwynhfiLniitilnetniilliy,lninte,iiNum: 11 .1•4:14,0.1 bat hti.l.ps lin „..1:Tiotnil.r.c11;11irt..sysTf:,
jeopardy to hulking their charge& Pro ention at thief time. Physielans
guilty and pliweil their own seats in noticeable imperunineitY of the ea ita than pievinno ii‘ervArnmeint,
How datortit tbe (steno „f thef'ar�IY rtntlb"ll 110"r "RI" "vet"" -e.
present Opposition! They indulge in hit tetitler.'ll'hi.ri stir i1;li I 7.17i'lleettlirater17474.:
endless talk of graft and scsodal sod to Wail how Can the doctor expea
spread thetir insinuations broadese„. any consideratien ? Ilift that for at
hut they do not dare to rise In Paths.
isent, with* Liberals did, with specific
charges against certain men. No one
least flee year% the overage tnedinitil
ioconsa has been steadily decreasing is Otto*
the disconcerting fart. 14i fettle es hag to
out cause or group of causes Is inogon• heff
Will any re:W.1131de onto. who Call .
forget jowly for lllllll 'Put and (Intik I
of eituntry Bret, rettert on the iresper-
Live ',meanie of the two partiee. the
Conservative and the lalierst Ise 11111 144.
lierceiVe that idler. eitAitireii
y_ears 1111 1,1Ie conmerValirem left
the country alenti 4124 they tonna. it.,
Aare and except tinge burden of mil,
lie debt, which they bequeathed its a
legacy to their 1.ilier•t1 1.11Ceessallm.
44 45 trite that attempts have been
made to. _tauten -Mane dillANIn111.141tie
ricondals itt
merit, but it in a rem trkable butt that,
having been in Offlite twelve 'yearm,
and beatified tip to a hundred millions
a year both in and out, and the whole
nf politic -domain, nothing
ngible has been proved against the
brITItr • naorvat Ives
who light Int• unsavory dealing on
the part f and the flov-
ernitient eovered the most, corrupt
pat.st in lo•
;tut questa), ble transewtione
embers id their own
forty. -
tt ratifiorlie ite fed; hliCairse i1 (1111.
01/4101tA. 141111 the sitiservittlye ..party
is not unitetl upon »gay given 'whey
which ennui:Porte lotelf Orthe ponpie.
It meet he acknowlettgeil that. the
Conaervetive party eannot safely be
given the reins of power, h. view of
past history, and the faet,
that they have nothing olfer email
In what the people wiethl sortoniter 41
Mir 4Vilfrid Leitrim. were rein()
vutlirlivre..o1 these eonniderntions it
would_le dirtier .40 let well enough
alone, and not hinder the (smutty
...4to anomaly programs- row/wile- fiseiree-
growth and the greater individual
0.914148 31 of our _Pe_oltle.
ifrglify Productive and Profitable -Land
at $e ts $10 Per Acre.
The superior advantage of Michigan
for farming and fruit raising, Is known
to all th0 vsnekt That there 11 no bet-
ter State in the United States In whkth
to secure a comfortable home with the
means of making a livelihood and ac-
quiring a rompetence. is proved by of-
ficial emnparlsons with other firste,
di in thirty.threis yeses.. And The The Wenn-atone lied CO., of Sag -
Newts him to the sties. anti !Paw, offer Caaadlans their choice of
exhibited hint as A wonder of states -1 1,000 acres of highly productive and
tbanship because be merely opent 'be peolltablo lands at 15 to 110 per arse.
revenue brought in by the policy of Their lands are situated ID
hie pretlecessors. The News is •ti. aad Clare counties. • The Welliktkess
In Its financial crItielsni of the Lead Co inette people to mesa
fievernment. It is trot seri'. wog laws aver They ata eons
how t he matter a fair lisht I free of ch*,.. to say oddness.
31AALT-1144•141VIthkit. -tettr+Ififft-Y7 tiftt•rm, ri 1
Everything markss ed regardleof cost to sell quick.
ginewoom nom 81111Migonwonin anwstaMille 411114111111411.6
5IF= 4 -my
Early Fall PredictiOns
For Fall Suits- It is 11114110ml that blue
Worstethl anti Mergea Will
have the loig and what
1.io1.s better than a Jiive siiit of lilac
We 10,11e a, /11WIrialty 4 if Nue Serge% anti‘1.4treitisix buy thi•nt 11)
large :toil get I befit At 111We
1 itotit ligilre. We want you to
set.the title ..Wrst.,at 'hu>51 iturst.ed Atutatt tat reach.' oiler
for gi 7.1 m slhat tailors cloy-bie 1141,1111 to **MANI for this cloth. Call
:mil we will tell you wily We :We NO 11111(11 cheaper than others.
Special niade-to older blue'Worsted, indigo dye.
eSi 7 ildt
bth and fit fully guaranteed. . l l . l . t
' Two dozen‘ Neghgee ShIrts, Collars atlas angular\ $i.00.
lllllllllll _1;0
Tie rdinuscedand4Cuff Buttons. regular asc to sot; special 150•
•••••• llll • l 50o
Boy's Shirt Wants, regular ssc, special
• Moy's Wash Suits, reenter too, spectia,Oss
The right place for Clothing
of Toronto, 1 'otoiervati‘se• Menthe'. id
the Ihmtinitin !jai hi 1111. 141111 44,85,
Stlackelizie, of the taegdian Northern
Itailwey. J. S. Willson rettioins at
the head of the editorial depart 'molt
mitt will isiteliii•t tlie 54;4444'l', 1t 144 lin-
deratmal, strictly ill Ille ,injerests 4,4
the Conservative 1.411 14',
'onsideroble ...ailment has twig'
the briogitigain 04 the l'uo-
vinvial election in Mitek racheiV Itt, 11
year before- it Was dole. The e144)1a113-
1 ion 441%?'l) *prod% a natio:1'4.1.as
A-reaedurRitemiiin-WMA544*1414*4 41411
ing the last out Merely
redistribitting the melltel 11111 411.01 add-
ing largely to tile' • her. gisrl
isairtiiiit I iloatrini: have on
eleetion its soon ato r such
a measure heroines 13w, .1.0 only in.
trviityl ocr iii.ty.e.sueul lad year,
v pei wince ..011,11. 1141,1
•ttetTR64.14. SPIPVial mine fn. leetelt
er. 'utie..e*, scent nodal' for
Part tigitat, ' •
Fall Tens ape's Sept. Ist.
two. :Apollo, Poo iod.
Aka taffies College
4 ._.$L THOMAS • ' • ONTARIO
' 2f4tb year I "A !ceding Canadian
College " Endowment allows ex-
ceptionally reasonable rates. A lull
year's tuition with hoard,
ho- $168
room and laundry -
lef lad
The Refill.. 2 • 1111,1 et 11
COLLEGE, Toronto.
The iiirire-d and he.1
alront rlf IP.' knot Ini-tte* ?nn to
write for it* :11111,W -ittalogite.
front d. I. Ailflrese '
W. H. SHAW. i'ligt111/ENT.
hot way t fl 11 represent -rat
.t..elithly claim to Is. really epresen
iVe tlie prypie. •
who know 1*, --t 24.. Node- of
are it • •Lautu•Itco
i0,14 we gemione word, Go ahem you wilt,
toil will 110.1 0111 gwlumte. jai -hick 111 1 .
TIWir 4,14 1,4111111L4( equable. 1 hen I
44W 41411,41141•1 *404.041.-.? 4 0111 ge
014e0841 'U1011111. I:Dirt 11.10 1 We.. Write tor •
W. J ELLIOTT, Principal.
1' /I' V11111/0•111.4 Ale‘aikart St.
St. Jerome's College
BEI R1.111,141"."OLNN'T4
,Crmw.ge.r.cri.smItCs.11:.!se.. Listeet fimineie
High School Coarse. Special facilities
for (41.' st tidy 1/f
Arts Cearse, s
is onto*. g
Buildings new and medernly
ei11011114.11. 61•01111114 extensive.
At hlet ire iiiiiiintraged. Board and
lotion at vet y moderate rittex.
calendar, addrees:
Fall -Teruo ()pens Slept: bit.
The ,ointer you, coniplete iicotiowin i
.1,041 lir •Aronet tam uutr_exueet tallith' a
10-iiissi of II lid. 4,111 course» are thorongl.
thir students al way. succetel.
1Veirist.t grattuate* lel trodt tons. Wr hiti e
'hop depot -intent. ll,,,,
halal and 'rrlegt AVI. ettiploy,exper
111.?1,1.101... 'atalogue tree.
Saturday, August 15th
regular price E3.5o, for
. - HAT_
in the windovr, $1.00 and Er.25
- for - -
tbe people. • OddlialIM tkan famine Nalls.
f174 -454 -WP' ""N"
- _
t °
We have e control for Unclench of these tombl famed
erfunws. We have the 1.111 line of
DYERKISS ERFUME, in bulk and betties.
This line is making is great it. in (layfertcli and -many flittering
'-- If it s good we have it
MEM asailemmo alt