HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-8-6, Page 8g i 1'U'anatr, August ll, 1908
Financial Statement Presented and 01
• ffeers l ler ted at Annual Maetulg.
The annual glgeting of the (lode. icli
Mu.1ea1 Society, which was held on
Aluml,ay. •• veto tog , List in the giallo
Dna In Which Ccmanenes and Panthatt
,Wars Outehrisksd.
The noisiest, the jolliest. the most es•
eitihe and perhaps let 1@glaal cam
lull____,rpalgn was that of 1S40. William Hem
usual. r.ther a !'••rfunetyr•y, .641 4ir. at Tippecanoe, a plain 0141 nodi w'bu
Thos.' ill nitril.hun•r wen•, W1111lw,1 hid hued tits uppoti ts`.strt'ttringly
et• tbri•.' e1t••epU.36r.- Use offhei<an41 � � it l►ISa dr,veytld with ._
me01f1er•4 of the reeentlrl eNnt•
utit.tfh. �Ji I .,1 vvm.. 'fine s 1pl • 1!.uu• manikins and had drunk hued cider
happen* every )0N1' 1110 ,lit 1111... wild RttB--seteeted"-'1t'tl0rlow Weed ae-a
no one else in right, liar.. I. ,•Ierl better candidate than Henry Clay.
1h.'u1•elves ; 1111 hough morn of than t The issues between \'au Buren. the
after ha*iug lomked alter the affair« of peume,.trl• cadailat>iite; and Harriman
talc Soden) 1"1', '4 Ilulwt' 1 c••.n•, were nut clearly • drawu, but the ad.
Wonld •Iik. to 1111111 ulUar
ic to 011'1• to veritit'ioaa hero stuuces ut Hur•rr•on'r
inhere. :.change trfiv umd.• nisi, sear early 1140 were skillfully utilized for
in the rhe••• rr,•.i11.•u. v, Air. I(.
lion,, ,, \\•il
'the:ark-al effects. ''••u+ tulles
rrtirinl; •11 h,. owneune.1 r.. into
quest and to • the pleat ,rtgrrt 1'a the lung with log ta,Wns. cider lrarrela and
othet 111tau14'1• !'111 .. I(uu4le.. *4411' eowarliu (Ape Urn poles siraichtd from
•.realize, 41.•w• 1111.11 ,1t Ih. ..urerw% state to state. Liles clubs Were=
of tile !'+,n•irtc 1,'1 oleo -4,
)-yr,4f'• tore of the cs--1 ., anal the
P14s1 1411" '14"'tl 1 i'• 110' hi. r.e4441ne, -was falaiy''pung taw tinier.
1Vr1WI A. .1,0, A: NI,Irui,,•h wa.trlrr14l1 to the menmtloe,pf ism beau the
stead; ,Ind a 1.14 ehunge. uvr.' -modern custom uf,c and rtlan-
malitr•iliAhr Iish-r.-t•� sesitive.in .meet..r
1.1 • the 1a'hs:erne.' nt the prrsitloo It It. ler- - Ilse •i contingent
y: \\,ittiahr..`vfr. 1!tt.i•}.lett: }isle to r gem par:4e -the day of the twawru
chair, '11.. 11uaw I;tl slit• ua'u1 Ger nim. While they were ipatthine .111-
" the year Jlme . lte1,; 111 .111110: tia4*: peri, coin supporters filled tate Wlawana
.presented by ilio ltwaurnl .1.'_ A. \alth Lha tau>dra/ of the etwatgition
Nairn. fwd was .i. follows :
• J111.• 1 44.i.o.. •• .•I1 h:,n•1-• ,f 11.1
Jung I; 1111.1 hunud r*1'411 -.... •' .
hilt 1 Tottli ir1.1111 1""" vouches .R panthers never aback
1kv 641 u.. tun 111 K/•r•,I loo 0. K•hltslc »)L* *r scream, with more
Inferred in4•ndt y . lupus.: from the
etegeswer'tlr *uret arapUUorater, not14
tug war 10 be'.eern below but thou-
sands ut'Lat.-a Graft, mighty Rwsrm
of trate- the veiotity of bore
nets uRY a of Marian , J
tosser f
.t' the faasafhs u witiehlfrata
June 1; "to111• 11? 111 1514 1 _
wet10 ,314.4. men."
Jolt 1 F. Smith•. baodul:.:••
-Feb I 1 smith 1 . . I sum alvu- tier osvr•i wad b1� �m
Aho 1 K• h'o4 1..e.,1144.4•14-1 'n m„
April I - 1. .r h 1 I 111 Ir C'.I •.. ..., 1 thought thaaHeallsad }OLL midi not
Jul. New mitt uuru. . '_ • be eergimbe•d."sweid i) • t the
• ll Ulan bo.e*ases a .clearly ahead and
feeing -taeRlimlry es then was a
loll Ia the.etsem..tmk deep breis ha alt
areaad _and amnia agree= that war
P'7 media -sod aa'alyemled 11
- with stazipangsttmt made -every piaall
and -phis: inatle.tdliig .gu4er."'
lbeslltnIftatlot sanest n sari Alam.
bacon. 1'lelpho -war, a1'-deaen-
i 11 that their a>npan whMMM* was dile
Clamed oon.ttbs-rmf of the : cabanas
eaaid not bet -erred tndde. -.cbk* v
11Je sed-Lterafl.
1 r,l lei • pir.ftn•e'ttn•glhr•togrltptlier liar ea41ght .{le•.•.•-,-w-o id ' i1t41 r.+.ni.lrutr 1'f
11. 4„wnstip 11r \\ •s1 \Waw:unls'h. 1,11 the left is •1'1e111i►. M.•I4,,berts olge
d.•utd•LIu•1 i1'Ih1 ....lace is 1i4.u1.1,111nttl,r 121;.eight.y•Ilre). ;4II.11'II the
IiKhl .124111\sell n.hl I,lgr right)-( •I. ` 'slue Jiver:tat. ,l'e Of 41*o lean is
o , of 'Ig1115 1 • V1•31',.----1iterr\t,-tt,itxurts-ramq-ti'rnn-Mid-dies,ex--e,-,etty -nowt.
I hui orf , t 5 5,•.11 .1;11• Uessrc. Nr Dorrtil.l Anil Alto -ray .Mme ••frnr nultl
„l 1,1 3, 41.14 .quill• voting, ,hill vI Ile.' 111 \West %Wawa11u.1i whett4 160 Iw•fu•
told I he 2*olr ro:u11wl it. bevels:.Aftera•nd11riilg the ltal.lshileoIon} Irl lie+tt.
bean the cLmdZt6• Murat Murat li,datead
of pion' err litelurk• 'snide for lhenls•Iver emistortablr honor., null noon,
that -when thathen Idewead 7147111 rrom2na , u eyntrtre.-g reit t(p tin' mt}vr i4..t.t.» ,+E fac et
awn set mated "tits shootlug wad ab- life. and are •:ujoy{14g n )cell r:trn.vldxsl.
110iuXep frantlr, shrill and wild. lb i
Ina .,4.
gra 1 -
Julie la.,tl t l 412 ,
10, lei .!!..r •Fs. �. .
1131.gs . 110,• tr...
• 1 1•1.14il } "tie)
011 .
The ele.11on ..1' ofti,•ers
full, w .
f'r0 ill,•nt tt: 11, I r4 nidi. c
\4,g.•pres11.'nt--fn \.,3151 (.Jt:
.ti•. t. t n') \1 I1. It fa mann.
- 1118. 111'7 f 4,\u..1'.
Members rr d . * eras too ootionootte,
1. S 1 lata, ( e - ..•w .1 1. \\' \Innes,
W. 12. h. Ili \. nen 14.0". I I 1 .d..
Yonne. .I. S.•btt.lol
1 111 r
:\ n 111. 1 4 1 ulnt . t w enure u. 111
with'thr aKlh ,,1 111 lileufi mere
discus -red i441...411.1 Ily la•fou• oast urn
..ingut.„A yaaL tt la ,ver 0,141 110.( j4 q
ppleni"h the find.; 11 va nu1ss for m,•tti- n•lejagwdys.ollebich Bettina Wrote
iership should 110 made at :111.41114 His. Cellsernbid Opera.
'Weird Tales Told by Occupants of
- Haunted House.
A creepy story of a haunted, countre
.hoose her Dome to light. the Circutie
.stances of wird, are to be iuvtettagat-
• ad by the Psychical Research Society.
-The house was taken over fur a tuft.
.'light by a party of wealthy Loudon
'pople After they bail, bean in the
• house a weak cunuerin i,N b•• form of
violent bell ringing eoinunneed and
continued until tbe-uccapanla left Ou
one oceataru a visible hand was ,sdeu
to pail the bell, bat •it wad out the
hand of any human ptwaou 11 the
burse. At dimer tune the boncerte
bagful with a violeet peal, involving
at �le"�a�st four bells, and this was cuo-
14aawl at abort intervals for 'quite all
boar and a half. The. whole htw'se-
boki was ell upset by the efisAarbolgce•a
Nut it was luaus' oroeasary to [Lott'
\ the children Irvin one rwu, to souther
Wheat were at a great distance
tbe�. The belle ramp
at midnight, and pealed for tau
on Dee or two OCCa410128.
oeeepanie of the house maw the
.bell -pills in the roam imaytng, beard
the tog of the wire hi tfra wall, and
-!roan the tnoiemwAs of `the bandies
could tell\ beforehand which bell was
The bells hung in a lung roe
I▪ n the ki They would sometimes
bwithout all t war
ound that it k' a violent tag to
.snake the drs own tell ring ill
:the ordinary way+, yet the ruuud of it
arae clear etwugb When it rails with-
out being touched The morning that
the hoose NW vacated the belle begant
atta10ag quite early. The lady who took
lb. hoose adds the amazing tett ttilit
ones their departure the bell-rulgr(lg
as esalrtd. It minion looks aa 11
'wbea•er ur whatever it was that rung
the bells." she says, "was very anx-
ious to get rid of us flow .the Monde.
Afore ea s-' -Ily did- the (peal of. the
loth an the morning we left servo to
indicate thiel. I may mention that ier
titre last three ur iour yearn r have
been in the habit ut teking rinintr
1 a . fora i -t . fr- p"rrit2Ts, and that,
though exactly the same party has
=gathered gathered together, w hav never
�aiorb been troubled by anything 'of
Bomb epi msiawn theft
footing tereheenest.perikaaa plrolw4M1,
law as'mey'ala in a stab• of sow
namkarJlm. int if eaddC Y a1' . mud
they hey I km their self ()Mali
alum mid imams.
• O*.'aoe •tra'arm a romgnlrmn.Be-
tng' m 'irwsdm' wail • en Itt-usidedgilt
of Ihe•zw»t of 24e
"louse.. filer' ramify nem ininsediately
told of:her OW. WilL.wesoveradd tp
goo near heat The mellib -- aztilesed
about -the blomeatltd placed .nintnemes
and.Dla iusia-alang th eireet tt hopes
that She>; ra*:btviir• r 411.e211e' ahs
She damn d:f or veers as .bear son the
alawlt sig rao[..apparadty , J 41 hag trey
balance 4t tiltflev Sty, and every
now and, 'then she woo rid adwence to
the edge rand bow to tar silent crowd
standing enanylec( below hes.
At Itab she climbed dao ern iO the
wide gutter which rep L1 fnmtut the
window • throtngtl winch a he hal come,
with true-.-vtdevt Inteniksti of teem@•
fag. tides Looser. The eceosad watching
her M►Jlutex4lJ) drivaTa s*gb orf reSef,
but, tottortzotatety, sect •tsttAad tela•
thesis thtnkingioszentba,lardi fora,
tweingtited eamdies falibe team neat
Ube'window,.aod as abewiyfl'vaeh'd2he era of Turn,on
light Sell eirractly in he t' errs.
LaeOmt4y the shock awakened -bee.
And aloe awgyed_ trick a P4 forth la be:
perilous Amman; thee,, ertthalrightLnl
Ltradlgn g Megawattn
She es -faintly hurt and died In aots
few ho. It -eras cu it is tragedy -that
hls -
wrutecel0Dat fled opera''La
bOnna ak_•
-- •.
Wild Wav of Filar Pat sea Qvar the
'City of Manche 'tar.
An •xtrIvrduiery pan lc wave has
neheeter. it began te-
a situp'.e.gift o weeta by 'an unkuuwn
Luau - to walla nn
a school•chi hirci- • Soe•
thin; art. cher tatter gf,th 1. sweets wee
unpalatable, -end a • ru aur, Quickly
Saudis titranger. - w1r"grin j
about giving children pun tuned sweets.
111• police sampled et Ina of .the
1115441.1.:.and-fuulef then! .40410» harm -
les„; but they thought it awlviisble to
sad scuuu►tuastar, ala 1 uatreaarr loo
warn the children again sit accenting
lily ouch glltn in future. The No Ma-
ul, It anything, only u c reaaed the
agitation of torr 11lothera anal children.
:\t. .\rJwigit lchuult,: 1eJoy vin.day wr,It
to. echuvl, leaving behind dm a roup-•
pts 4.1 tu41k itud • t ,., %hull. he was ac-
uatutlied t,• tnkr .4 ,t.;dl:ef at his
'ue'th:•r's house ''o4uuteetem t., carry'
a t i..4144A -0 '4414114..- .-14+---dt.4 s o. Posting •
(41.- iHra tittle wr.-4,4•'OAntip - 711 s' b'tU1-
obel, Ifni ivntluu, J 1/utaitur* polish.
111..11 1.. urtn•ed. be fla1a,ed the bot•
l0 1F,1 •ngt4-the .,•11tfrol-ra9lirlgr-
lad, wl J `sltlrlt i4 tut irr(4444w, atld
lL*»1 alela nt,,00te •1 tftal a t11at1
.. u• I ' 11.4!- p,.1. ,t,:••1 L a) t„ the chil-
.1,• a II • l,n1g'•l cool baled, but a
.4.1e.1 01 uuhguant motto era aasemblead
• I u...bb.-.l it,.. th
'oust etuuate an,
I. 1.11.4 t' -r 411. 1.1.411 1.4 Ula poi nee at&
4. lei w0turn 11 4au
111t,stretous el•
• ,1uit tool w4 the war -
Thee Net-tonal'gam• ,
.414..111.4.-4.4tat.Lae ae bean` Ili•
trod 414 lb, H•4ne often to the efleet
t4i:.l • th, natwpal flag is the Union
Jack,- and that -all Etitish sabjeets
.. d
are entitled to freely. The
etateenk it intended 'to••at at net
the donbt. and queries which haw
arisen from trine to fame. as to "whet
the national flag reallytie, the red en-
sign and other forma d the flagshay-
int been eogg•etr'draartlraper for •gen-
/t the F]npre:
sae henseIar1b
Eventually the mixol4.i.rauuding.
c'ti Briar -4.41, mitt}'
dints ended. .
w in t110 I.I1.••i,. League. with a glass
tither 1; nn,•4.luring 11 past w
55 ere \tiuglt 1111 at it 1i.rataiur1 III
1'41n1r•h1): )4•on
by \%lar.: haul. 12 too'
4,,'koow At I ille:tt'diie 011 Naturd,.\.
1x4111 Ily 'L.i •know, 5 t ltlyth al
hiue•trdiuenuwon he 44tu-
udim 1 to _.. Myth plays_ at Lod,
now today..
Two g•aiI winks+ of bl..•1..411 next
f1ERSONAL 11.1...2 ,�6 1,•I.it,ug 'i,r( t
14.1. 110.0.1 *2.1,11 a frit. to 44u011..n4. 11e
• 1 4` ,hood.tn meet.' fl,tr•`r-. 10/++144.111:
1.11 1441.t4 rr.t.;St , -4-..R0 t1 ..
helot .1
It.1 J .' ilt, ht of- Ail aims'. w'1. I,i- loop' .t.l.i..1.,1
West. Shore Railway
Immedlxtrty-for t onstqu[i-r r wa k.
Apply'at-once to V. 14'. RJULRTS,
Chief "Engineer, Gude,' to. etwten the
hours of ti and i z a in. and z a t 1 3:i al.
11. ,. A. 21, 1- 2%.%\
_ --w
In August.
Ow' _ ERS
to the fa:t that we htvr a s.vell
w l•rk N It) be iedne'41 1.oct nine-ritrtt
tirslrt'ieh, tin 'I'1.4•.ilay :the, 11th, and
bet wee,' \lil1hell food Iiu,le•ri, 11.• 011
71nn..L1* Ih,• 1:1141. '1'1•'1• will booth
I e i'' ' ,,t, 111 \ fir ills n. el ,,, "owls
Imre. „net 111,• tow11114440,•hogs 1 turn
.. 1 t 111.1314 - . ,a 4111, . 11 111It, 1.4011.1. spliThe
It I. nr0t1.44 ua 4101.dy'_i11/ 14L 3" '31.'4" gain. with Iso, kno4v is it. the 1414.'-
1 V pl.,. r.•i,on• e r4. 4.' 4 a;;lo••.••rias, anus ylhe. \litihell 51 ut1rK '
1 II'her
.1, t I,,, YIf 11 141 1 is .1111•\41411111,.11 11V111•11.
♦ •l..• Iwo. :lyAAA. 1,.f• ,... h._i rlwlttJi 11,101111
41 11 111 ,
)h, 114- •F1aw.tu, ate 1 i -,till,.
'll knnn4f 1.10, 4' . .rasa }Ir Kunr-t+ .»4 l- -Win,'want hi .h• 4t `trios! 'fa"1
foo y}Yt U.11.. ern, ,d L:iw•11 11 •11,•.11.1 11.,1 tail 1.. hr
*11. 4.42 t 410. 4.ouw it. fie t., ..1.4%a lire
w 41,411.0. •• -•
'11,.48 IL d 6 •til t\ illTyf(�r
l,g.t h re•olt1 f Mr,4 ulie
11 1 \I L, 111 i 1101...• 10.11�\1•. \ Ilt.w a' h NITER ANY DAY.
1 1 u 1 t 514 1 191 1:0111; N4' II HOOK -KE PERS
645 ,411,1, h41nh, it STENOGRAPHERS
tl i.R 4
111 11, r Noun, Iv
11 w 1 M•i
Katz. r \ 600
• ....4t-.annmr' oreneetetissorere and TELE({RAPHERS
, i•'Si•i1i41 Ih1
•err 1 01
u., ,l t-wr,u •u • :. 1.,. .ten•.
_, h •1f�-•412
.rG 1t)
,1.,'eM � ,741
NFe/: 1 (rt.• n Irll'rw.- ... � 1� I 1 .•,• .'"011e .. 11l'1411.41 «•
441 1,1.1 •• I.»ra in tul,l 11111 int IL• sII.41211 11ur}•.• 411 rat, 1,
\I. I / nit r'., �..-Irl 1. 1,411-T„
•'•'14...aunt, ... ?v'!• :h,•.th•of o 11 of 1,
John 01tine.i4-#..-MN••4Wt et Yawl nu: •
u town �i-il U141 Li• hi... 1. l.'
V 55 11.0 a n:l d1fghrrr. m ' 14 r,1•,.
11 41 411 4 e a 1 4. •nt 4 \Ir ,
\I 1 )11 11.1: 11. A 1.41 -year •Iqu11..4
N. tf tl 1.111. •.. hili -1.041 r,n; n hn a
• r t « G •
,'1" 8i,.. (..r (0r' • 11144,1. 41N''Fllr-:I.1\.t
,orui.,rt, 1.31.3111:d.,r:•1H.1- Iheyr b) Ihr 80,841"! .
At•. 1t,1rklin-bl1 h..•.. -. __._.-
ten -- �*- - W.--e+r..ld..rr•.. «. 3y4I .I.N/1t1:..;,
]it,�T', aa•t111 .
4.uli.,llill/4,..4.1i 1. • •
Willi 413 y01.1444.11 .L
4411, f \r . $.11.14..„
.. 2011
rrla wr'I, .101...T A. 1-,pl, 1. H4 a +i -it t.. 1
'4 1111411.123.1. .-
It 1 Mr-,'1lfltu,.11.1- Ino II I'.•n,
ale 1 H.4 e 1 4nll leo. h,)1' I.r.,. )i 1141141 ••t Nr. •
1• reror the ya t ae1'44 .
ft 44 lull n .r tt, A tor, ll ,. a.•'"l' '
.1 ht h,. I tu•drter, .• 5 i.it in4 his 1114trp1 •.
tn` 11tra.11-iv'-Hatt _ ---- _ i
yt 11'113.,114,e •1'•i, r. of l '4.0111/1 1- .1.01..1 1
,1, .01.111 1 , +•k- nigh h••.-trir11l lir-. t ,:,
,2 11.4,!,..1.1. 4',.•.,I,tIaroad.r111. .
11 lel. l N 11.011 anal -•ori,• 411 ?1x1i
111 . '
. 1 1.4 the g,1 i .(th tunas teutht.. 1,
J..Itet met. t meta.. rata- ..
14 , 4-1144n11,1nt 14. 4 ele..ntut a uaI -4N h i -
l o iii. 1, 11 I 1 orris to q,ol"t in wood%• toil,
.; . •.• , , 140' anis, 4(. AL.t..r.
.1 •.4_1r,,,,dollrfT .•
la N101014)• f.,, 14111.104'.
-1.,•,,,. .4 f,frit1141 111 11.• rrra 1 112' en TIT.
141 -woo Of..L. fah114 r• calla, s.,__
I I.. 1.11.4 it h.• 18k .1 of •'.411.41.19-.11.4.-4, 1:.:.
Ow tweet h'lillaf 1•rt0nf Whit -4,- to: .1..
2.11 Taruul ), 1.ou.4on1 1 1 1s telt
L.S. June• %Nilson. Mr.: 20 il.on 118 rh,..l
vet... i4 Iowa Iref ' week and
tilt out -.n... A..y ml 1.'i '1 4-1.-t' i4
ll r. ; I'1 M4.44. 401044W 161(1. nil. • 111•41ar_4"1
Viral 4.4.1 to .0Leti 1 (4411 4nu'•r111.4 ti,.• tot torr -
fat t 1. 4Ju1 lit 1,1 1/et not 40 Sn1111.4.
314 Pooh a of ATIIN.7»itl.... , • 51-1.1'I4 4,,.
nlmhrt. -wr 11,010.r. Now K•,t.• -hers, 541"4. w.'
r.•gr,4 10 y »q....1, 1. 11111 1111111161 1.1 y (01•toiv
Ito. wwl 111-.'1t. T Hartung, of ear 1(.24.2
,..d 1\.. 1 . 14rnrhrllaa 1 1f -41 nt 1 ,1
1i41*14 un 1141' I4kkkk Ir.•i Ey1N l f1111.4,1...
11,. \h. -r. disci, 3,441 Anita 'ha4'. •f 1,
4• , • +pr4.14lla'tl n 4ter. tt.4, *2 1...
\ 11.• s ,,e,r 644 rompanl'4 ter t,0'ir fronol. 'h• -
1I 1 u.
W .4 ;,4,.... Alstirejtor. -f ttr �- .tyle (..l.1 0TT4n
1``64 know ',sot H1Y1. Mg
te. 1 ,411 f ell -1,12••44
WAIN. 1 01. it (Irw11044 Ttie-oI.4.111 1 gall• Tie'
`•4[,1,44 il t.h 011. d 1,11;
i{ a.-1Vane-e11 lt, **Riles_ ni=..m•1.ra. 1}li-
�6rr , Illi 41 VIOL
011,. lire) •1111714. to, 11 :.ilea I,-rmi"r'
le 11.41 a 54444'4 5 4,I,tt lop. . ' - , •
44 :toot \I1 N'.1'. `rllt h niii R(G `dish. ..1i
• • h 6g,. a1r in 1.31•, tot ('e week.. 11..
4 1• .6.44he a• 104.11 r tour 11 1 110 .
4......... f.., 1ti 44 asnnat r4a-att,rnr.. -
it 4 .1 itaritrr:'Irelhe Ht.Mreso, 4.ro,.-h..l
41 114.a..,1.1.....4.11.,1- ftoklug IN. Oa: .• ..t 11 f..'
_>_: ,y• •.1Cinc; Lulratwllurr<tl alli Z1
while/11.e hitt r 1- t akil e 1 l,de1 '
lit• k6•k1 i r1•ttnnyyl n ,utnllUI /:1a•I`.t.
1',l 1 rr..'11i1 ii21411mrism, er tkil 11 4 111- Iie�,1 'I ref are \ 10
(1.aterirll -he will renl•h1 herr 1n1a 1 he hell.
'w',• nn• •,�1l•ry to kart. Iha1 0110 ZT u,d ,••
1.,•no'd Ir1,Fn11 thigh 21,,.I»:».-,' , 1 Intal 10 Ir:1,.
(: rl.•,i• h. Nr In•.nd. to Ie.". hon! IN. tot,
of it1. whirl 4 4162)4*' 11421114 n-•idrl ler ..1 1,4411,»
1t.Vrd,. .11g'a..4',
r. Nnl.v „way 7} T. TT
• 1• f H,.• 1.n,ejlan Ih•nL4 >1..,4•u5tlirim at
r,tr * m
~wfyM'. 14.1.. r 1 x, l
Debate on Vivisection. •
The debate. 144 a means_ of puha
isdoodiott, whittle ken 'been employed
;with' so much effect, in the carupaigh
for and against rj..eialla,I., was turned
to a new use *ben vi visectiuwate rind
anti-vrviiectaonist4 (tart at Hanover
square reoeotly, and dtacmeed the
right of law to use heti* animals
4or experimental ecientitic purposes
Dr. Marling, alio spoke to favor of
vtvienetrtur. maintained that "the
Tights of anemia exist only in sub-
•ordination to the ueoeedtie• of inan
ren practice, be stated. we cairn au
'unlimited right tit use animals. He
moratiarad that 44000 In ce were too -
agitated with minuet list year surd
-that-MAO human. brings tried faunal-
ly of the dimmers it. 1•nglsad. Mien
l and, of Hamby. in reply maintained
that ethical uern4d. swiss forbade
Tilt 4i agstnat ant
• 'Male, which air ably humbler links
-In the ohein I.1 evolution to whish
InmShe easerted.
4101an being; � practiced in
that ttrr>se 19'aNit7
s leborsbre.
lha4Ci11s Lesegarld•
A (arioas court story wont the
rounds Nome •lithe time ago &Dont a
lovely foreigner. one of whew, verbal
gips gaup King Monad oerer:ion for
a hearty laaofh�. A very lively person•
age with ad,el�l ui docent, she, made
aach a fauns b4*' im non the
King that he slaked her In be his part-
ner at beet's. "Bit. 4iT" she said,
'1 really don't know how to pier
Th ling woatd tato pro denial. I,.,w•
ever. and Rhe beam. raflw ':11111ar
rro wd_ " 1 asir>z'r• yon ei . she said.
• meld not this`, nt Opine 1 don't
know the et111ersoto Mwee44 a king
oust a kna•,a.• 'Thorp WWI en awk-
ward RI 1/11201%. and trim she realised
what she bed said and was emend
with ewvoi,�ln. , Kitn1g nt mane.
lingbri ft ere, and new *RDA the Amy
F. 1804 ' kf
reAll al 11th use bye chase
null end yew.
Thier Cat teaks •Snekee.
A •tuake-krlhng rat 1s .lwnierl'rby a
eettler fn Serra loom Abutter 'Prete
is a nerleirt. adept et. e.alrhing - realignanakp, ala amanita", them till they
nacres and begin to glide iff, theta
prints rot to the• and eh:Miling
them nine hehind tits head, Ham at
tb. w TIMae' 4T'ntil thirov p/lda Is And
He filmes manages dor memo of ids
abs.. te brio • eltl��,t
awed soil
. nw..- Int- wr•Y ,•sur .1241
4.).40 :e. 41 2244) NIM 4.1411 3 110115' Will.
ht.( .kr•4 her ..t 11,uuu1.4 us .I11.1 11110.14 I
'I4144mwud 14u111, -
2:4d3•• 44 M341401. 4 f Tot...I 10.4444.11,,
hr(AI 41r1'•F i , 111 1 Ion n,. I . .h.t\•,
'4.44s tAi lb* AM! `_I«L..Ll11;_.LI1 t 1.1141,• 41
;,,A'r-vt •, 1,.te13 114( 11:1' ',tuxit Pu ,
I.iify worn)0111,. yt
ep rwu Iwh •i. wit)
411 }Ihott 1
Fan Te 1'1p nes Sept. 1#t.
,tlUEkll 14 ISt 11dE11 1:011 iliF.
China and
Cut 61ass\
SALE: �»
Englicfd and French
High Cass China,,
TERS, etc . to to 5o per cent. ff
during this sale
-Tuan special stock pataerm-=loopp
rush fiats
to clear at . . .
regular price 750. 50( .
Look Clean and Cool
till 30
Men's\ Oxfords
alt: Oxford season is now
on. They are the most
lish'and tomfor•tablc
shoe. i'Qr summer wear.
We haver-thu finest Ox-
fords it- has t�e.� been
our privilege to offer^our
Styles in Patent Colt, Russia Tan and
Vici Calf leathers. We have
many styles you will not
.. Sheens !'rices for August ..
Downing & MacVicar
North Side of Sljllar'• (jodoricli
1" 4•11.-1L1itr.'ti4ic»j '4rk 1,•-
morr•uty .'*ruing, N'Ilrn Ill 'i ln, 1 -
1411t1 I ,akeekle lavtq.*.' tea4l InN)k 4114 441
tl11• third ,cud d,'cr.iv,. gau1e. 111 the
'reheat series:- 1...I;ne Algia• u( the
\'inghanl team will be on the• old
'ringers' I• op. As the financial i•on-
ditiun •yr Iho has•11ill .1111. is n,I4, too
nosy quo•.'mitt 1In' hat will lie pa.rrll,. •
1,•1 evert purism.. gu .dt woo:anis
h,•Ip ;h , dlser4 fug i.'nna 4114itar`•
4.4011 fll,01arr ird Ulan may have hi,
IN*11 way :diet his w'l4,' decider on
the dire: tioil.
SiAlle people nevety. grow old -at
least they never reach the atm of tfin
�r'• the thus,; to wear with
this Dress.
A New Line of
These G s have just arrived and
slweH " t
a hes" r
the will
sell u'
i� K
9 7,
sot will M�t
pay to ex�ipitlf
sem at once.
s 1.44'
rete F: alive'4:1c.
l'nN laI11Ne1+..4N1r 11*2
7.i f 1A.H fKu.
TIIK. '.4141. 91i1
1 harr.rl0N 141.4I1L(t •14 Hl4 11•w tint•vt•y.-iu.114e 1'uwn.Idti.akrrich.
Ott rari•4r-ter ri/w /a.t. 1411 }+1 r.ou1 11atrtit 42 one .0 wu1t•
N ill .Het er 1'�rl 1h.•-114yltiI uls.
SI.00 �,/astand St)Centsa Week •
until Paid.
Thr: 1. .1 gt...1 °pp..,411uil)' for iflry and (:oh, to furl .. deed of prop.
' 1 ty .•wily j I , i• g 16ru1 in the )sty ..t \,.
iiag' w p leads 411 we,atth
' I will Is' on (111' nrt'ls•11y};�+,tl S,14TU'RAAY.,.j21 IRST UAY.Q1i.--
AUGU1T, ftot11'_' p.m. Indite; 11.111.. 4,24.1. wthe lets. -.
' I'ri*.vu: lo as Mg their 111 " •s with, 3(1. 'eorge l'. 11hult. of Town.
will have til•• tire choice. • . - -
')'1u•se• L..Is :11.1• all high( anal flay, :11111 are fist fon' gar,rnin4, anti
- the Town grow•, are rp1c111tidly •1(116440•).
'THOMAS TIL r »Proprietor.
1.11..1.11y 1.3111, VOA'
the latter we have Cupsend Saucers..
the 75c kind, for 350. Other pieces
equally as cheap.
Cut (class
A special discount of 20 per rent.
nrany�piece of Cut Glass in the
std - -
Court House Square. Goderich
'Phone No. too.
The People's Grocery.
moire�\Wr me he to- hallo -
fon 'hoppers around tit,.4 c 10
ore, but we not the people
ire 11
finding "oatirown Hamilton
"tinct. Perhaps it is •berare
0 Owrill, on-pnlion t'. all
,.1 dei r, handle only 41 .. 11nlil v
4;,nnt, ,Ind ask the lill}H 1'HICI•:
`I e[ial attention- given to
-,,I 4 14 ing phare and outing
4,11 Lice. with .y• rything in the
w':1)' of pro414io4ra. Cooked
meats. I'atoned goods, etc.
Wm. E. Lindsav
Hosie, 44-tfi4otip r I flsmllton 5t.
1101. Ilids
0014, or,
u 0w M«•9+1• dr. n- t��y.rr .. ler 4410' \F•-1.11
- na�-ate 8tv YTiuf taLrtnw' t rtttritr¢•
'O 4os,lw Ong . its' 1111
� �, tr, ..e.•1iw „( Jtu141 »u'y1"'. 114,.. '
ofl,u.w, vm41.•14 1 5 1`
, 1� • 1,, Al
.,wuh Jli •.11» .1.141 1141E,, tGr gt4».142 �t'II.'
%h, 1 1.,1dl w`i•u 1, a 1410 I of b, ,
nl 11rI. .
24 hrf„ '+1.1.11 11 14 11 111, 1',fd•t 1., Y' 11 on,
411 u,l 511 .Its -a. If 12,11 ,r *4414 ,4.1.44 0041
14./1, w t 1/11,1 1111• :dl.•f 4•Td,11•k-
living In for r' 1 oral esus 04
11 Ir •l.ni• ..ler.. . _. .
irta this
;b` ft ;n.•,i1er7I1*'ening( easel I*d err •h'.
Nil+. get •110 4 Brown le A gro•rr at tt.'F.'1"Ater• CARPET
hlnll .rM• .1411(:1 .011 In 1'w,11.4 •dine' 111 LAYINt'.
Stair Int ,,,.4.111.( and •111. is th,• all
•'h etund.•v 1',1.011111. /14/11i •rrie 44.11
tou dared and ht
'Plisse Ne. las
hn 641 fthly. 1110
1 tret.tcrrel 11.0 Tioy..4 "reek.iln101 44*l •',.
, r6
John Mrllmy 4.1len. 1•trhnnen, 1'. 4:. Itnrh,,, ».
r t ntr.al: A. lMntl••>, ll re. A. header),
1 t rl./trot le,.'fol.d•:' d11N.11rnr(• M.I orlon.
t 1 ;tr. 4,. 411x. 10,1 4131.101tler, /let rout : Mr.
e Ino 7114'.'' 44•'11/Ry. 11.48 .1101 miry. 2l1•.. 4 .
1..11.'111•.. Mia Hror1 44r111--, 11. It. 551181..
h.,-.1•.ig.•► .est *tie. 1:. .1. Mnnhra.l. wife
4 •IA rI41d, 11 1 100.,•. rlr 0•,1 lir .1„1: 711,
1' 1104• 11\e M41,14*, 0',,,,.1.4.1 1' • H.nmerll
44.1 ai440r'3.I11s1121444. r4.. N1•. It 11•• IA14rt.11ln.
11.4 1'401111. rtOttiu,•1. Nt•• 1.au.,•. pr IK.
. 11.••...ossa :split. Ate- Iternem., in. • 4:. e•, A nay, 'I' Omuta, lhr4Id camp
hell. if 1.- ts:,la•f 011 1►a4ra4»
Lakeside ,L•spe.
!Thu finderieh bestial* eine went to
1C'1 nghan, ypstprday and defeated the
WC 'wham teen, by the 11rmn•e vhf h far
pone liewlelich in second piece
.411 order,
prmnptly et10n'tt.l leo
CAa1xe. materal.
Ite.irll ,,,, .141.4..' .1404. \'
1'w n 4" ,, We., of Waterloo t..
tt(,»RRI(R, (4NT.
When made by
Lh. 1 .,:or West
� 1
• 011ainIMIM •e
PEOPLE who get ahead are usually those who look ahead. Now
is a good time to look ahead a little. ' Anticipate your next
season's wants, take advantage of our, special August offering and you
will undoubtedly be money ahead. A splendid list of good things ready
tor August shoppers, and there is good money to be saved here while
hey last.
Httttttttidreds and hundred of yards beautiful Swiss embroidery and
insertion selling at a fraction tof former prices. Big piles of them,
and every one of them a positive bargain)
:n: t..), Klnbroid.'.Irs - -
Are selling at 3 yards for Glx
Illy 111 1:"• 1•:1hrflidri•nes
Are. SeIlinngat 8c
Isle 10 2,4• En111raoleries •.
Are selling at 121,2c
141/.4441, Ellil 1. i.b i ia.
Are selling at -.H&.
:4k loo (lk mbruiilly 1r•
Are 'setting at 2.5c -
111h• nrld 1164. 4'or•s.•t /'a15•'t• H:...4», ridrrirn
_Are selling -at 39C.--
764• to $1.110 1':no11t•oidet les
Are'selling at 35c
_ alar'" pennants containing 11, >:ar.le
Are -Selling int zscAtteend. ;
The Wais s and Underwear
savitig here is not.hard- to fi l}reu : --"it is so apparent. 80 easy to see,
we don't need to waste: wo►•ds tryi o explain ii: fine red Mk -price -1i tail the
story quicker than we can.
• White Skirts, regular i:.c to
"One -quarte
Curses 1 oi'4'x, il. 1114' mss• to 111.41.4 •
('One‘tarter Off"
\VI • Ilnwn.4 rrgn1ar. 914.141 to f3.4M •
"One-quarter Off"
Drawers regular, :14• to 81.2.1
"'One -quarter -Oft •
Waists reg1111•►r, 1.4.141 to $ .:til
"One-quarter Off-
Dressing Marquee and \Vrappets
"One-quarter Oft"
A Cotton Dress
Goods Clearance
Two big Potton Dress Bargains for
Saturday. A cleaning -out of the
season's surplus stock at hig savings.
At roc a yard
:on yards of Taney Gingham., etr:i, checks,
stripes. fancy designs, regular file, 1:i•�OC
Nfaturder choice per said ......... . ,
At 121,4e •
/Ifnghruns, 1lnsli11e, %�p111rt,.'te., dark -and Not
rnl.rings, all new designs, a dean up of Lha and 'S', »
*finalities. gator Inc all • prier laid1
that prier per yard 12•,C
The Fur Exhibition
thu• annual mill •1• *I,ihilion of F111,1 Will
ogled 1Wrr$trsda} , Anpno 12th. It will 1 c held this
eP14N0n in (1111• !Tarim** basement, which le withrttt
doubt the coolest and most r(ui,fortruhle chopping
piece in town. Prism glass Makes the tight as
good as in any other part of the 'store. We have
an exception/thy choice lot of for garment?' of all
kinds for this nlid.nmlm.r display, .and if you
have any thhught of Fur buying n1 :41) 4hi+w oitet»
con certainly ulipZIa4 to se•e it. Conte MIA Kee there
new fern anyway. we»'vlill be glad l0 Atone then,
whether yon rare to boy �ot.