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The Signal, 1908-8-6, Page 4
4 Tut'aamty, August t;, 1908 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONTARIO A GREAT DISASTER. FERNIE, 8. C., WIPED OUT iBdt' FIERCE FLAME4. htidgr over the Ilk (fiver, lifter' edit•" -.sway. Jules Gate,' i•f l :wi.fl Iwll's Kuliil5( rrporls 111x* Mr. and Mrs, Furn•91rr and twenty-tivi alleu arrived at, his place daring the alight after a narrow escape from lowing theft• liters, The '{loomed Town.; • erns AS 14111w1y x e.u►1 sewn and dates uuly from'x decade or 4111 1, H I9 Or loeatlon ref 1114, coke m ens 4 the yt'I':lW'" Nest Pas. 'l'otl ('tied+*Iv, who' hairy eeteurivr uotrr 111 lilt. vieiuily, prim•ip.tllt)' al ('•111 s't'eel. 45 v.' ,u54.- 4i4itu1. 1+'wuis.-ir-:1..-r:lu►c. actea•istie \\'estet'n n(inin1441.W14, quit'k of 4ItIWth and responsive 10 t111• dr- telop11'.'ut nod 114.141s .1 ii. .W11 iu• duttryy. It nestled it a ti. tIi w. 9111" n,uu.l.•11 hap IlmluntitiH», ihr sWifi- flowing Elk Itivet• passing 'Imolai' it. (t9 house. being nearly all of wool, 1t w w a 1 wady 1%,y to the flames. 'I ha- «.IpuLrtfun of Verne. is gni m as .I,:s11, 4.111 ll,... nem ltk#.. alt - 1 rii4.. le x1»,111 1t, elide Coal 4'n•el, t,Illieeted by a spar line ofTail way, i'. *ally , feat , Illile• d4.t itit . . 4 I The appalling return* of 1.l•' pore"1 gil+f+.lihu `14 the danger .;r 168' reel 41911 h 114 ('0.11 4''t•rk fAa11"heing cul art by the ;ult:ule lug fixate.. 'Glee bey is approaelttrrtttltistowtt.- ,n.l Tits tee'. -4eMNw1'm4t •ItrlF-4+434'it-N•NNi. fitly namely, over u steep, mountain trail, tles-hesely .'t--lJ/.. 4..wu.---litany .dams- ,ytMm this will be to 1111+ helpless women and . }Iiltr/•lr rair--nnty^ tie' imagined. If the lin. te..u•hes Creel. there in danger of the hauler entering the •s and eatiurig 1... all u»ttinns"mttess e) ate "tja mmdki • Forest Fires Reath ihi Tow end De- stroy Almost Evecy Building many Livia Lost and Thousands Of People Homeless Other Towns in Danger. • Nelson, Il, t'.. Ang. -. Ili' 1'. Ilel'l•rsr deapatehtl A el"'t'tl►I to The Dday News 4n,mi l ranbreee ti mieeveil at midnight. soya: :At t to r COW (lav :al 1•'ernlr got beyond troland spread to the town .4 Pestis. and' in animriwdihl)' .hors tin', mad an1. 4.51. - its Wray li,ron,443 -Nee- •'1 Wort. 111.111Viag rvt•l y' t hill:, with the .''.. - Iw••11ing houses, and 1.1011 of an •11,.... rendrlil1Kuvrl' lit.' Ih.alestld Pei ...I*4 houleless. The est minted lows r. 1 esu ' nl,llion dullalA. The and our.,,... Canadian PacitIc amount. 1'• pp• ppnlximxtel• hull a I million dollars. otiuu. The fire lyra itueiwue• J hae1, Ltitndt..i • from•F'ernie. t': A . w rrutrlc 1.p ext r men Are ,tIKhting d' 1 r Lot a tbi. the won ..t ti *corgi*. l time a lural, vet ).10111;t1Id. Dead and injured. •''rhe 481'1 cowl.". inhabited by miners, is lhooglil to t'* the litter whet.. most 1d the nuutalit4_ACL:LLUY'tl. It is• very 'hal at this • to Ili iki' aue$tim.lta• of the in r., lout they will run .Cell ..err :t•11111i111A. Fit's familia., hark fere+ ihr town. are com- pletely sure .un.twl by tisane., and there i. no meal{• of rendering thrall asili.tunee. ern 1.,.-A't-A *usage ernn l ansula whsilearde grocery " is homing.president of G. M. Lindsey, { 3 ('.nn)I4IIV. to- gether with Mxvnr '1'. ti seine' is doing everything 4)•t$'ihtr .for'the +uQeriuw leo l8'. • \{other+ ars nk .la ingTor-Ahele *rests eidi itr`u-'r°d-.trlr:_ tires. The Elko lumber yard and .:ta9uill are totally- destroyed. Trains Relief T fhealra sells rain left t'rauhrts.k xt a p. 111.. w'ith'_ uctilr+, n71r'rs. an spplies. Tt1t...yroud retie train i. Ira t ''herr -t[ mi*hr•i.l.t , $ .1.w}surd ural houn•I •a pr.ple tire 1 ins brou1ht to t .ntir•-n•l., w here .art" or1iIt 1411' being 114,01•• fat• tori Mayor "t N.-twatt his a quested for it..t••t:,1 nee. Michel Threatened. A11.. I. i~I The worst meet ire *n n• this town i. r8Kht4 .n the {till- „milli and north of the town. I'. 1 tey !n terrific win.{. The the was .att•ird'for Inilr., at 1.t lime, No damage.e. luta }e t leruduur In {'idin •1iis i due entirely. il, the northeast wind. People are ung ons -lee fflrirtityte or any locality that might Isessii4 afford a place of safely. anger now. -ix ihr fir raging lo••u' wood and following 1:1+e 111144114. s along the ...hail'. N.. teat n ft• 11u.Iier ' or Verna.. At .setter • the t: - N. Hail - way de it was binned Itis allenno,n and the ton ie relented 11.wtnsed. If the fire *urealle mist from the Etk River stn - the 4'atts-h-,u---Pacific. northing ran -14.46 this town. - Country a Hell,- Pete elp-Pete l'amp's.' is just here from Sparwtaol, with hree 111.•3 1•adly burned trying tit s,i .e :lir titvinvtiiI Luntl"•r l'un'p:tty'4 stills." hall -way between her and F' niw. The in. - p,ro_le&tS_nt!aw.• , to the Ispltal : two -x8'. in -ea sir dition. 111r. I'o.ed 8'r,. Mafia mill, with his wife 4,11,1 alio West. Were Inst ..ern trying for - mill. 'rhes turn state that the country is x seething hell, tl even• Where spreading Nu rapid{• make it iminte.ihle 111..'41,41{m•. balmy .I' fele. Miller• grnveiilly known as cutty�ITT1er.was round lying on ttre C. P. It tracks. Ile evidently suer Iwsl to ihr wumnd. reeelve.l trying to flee fnwn the 4''4 iu.•t. rovrringg 1 111414 tot 1/1111.11."' Thr bodies of four Men were drought in ly the• {heat Norlhrrm ii'iii n8'. Three men halt them .livers_lasing l.8' save the lotge-(ir•at Northern bridge over the. Kik river, fifteen.mule. te•low here, which i. totally de.tnry.'4. - Hosmer--and Fernee Reported Gone. Hnsmrr and Vernie n.• rrepol till (, he blamed to the ground entirety. Erna' 1lirhrl west In Feint.- este v- . thing-j_4_de.t roped. the loss of life w•iN ter the great -est inner the M an I'ranr48c1 di. 1..1 - The "ittlxt herr I+ eerhat- •1.l. The hills Liorr,.lm4I14g'111-'fei,rn'at....a seething fnrnxte 4 [�1' 1L _ oestrus - is heir, readyto-.1-41 -1Te--Peopfe- the 1 r. 'r, lea, if it. I•ulmer 1. the' worst, 'rhe. .iln,►ti.n is tthunM Poe.: y*nt rimer- iner Hilly an eye wi'. nese( Iran pirU0.' the hui-l-..I-. 441 +Mown OE Byer' Itttt in on alt sides by wall, 'nf II mer. it will take days be fully xvrrrti/in 114` extent of loss of lives anal proper, y. e INSTAIUNG A WARDEN LORD BRASSEY INITIATED INTO HiSTEIRTC OFFICE. ]ACK TARS A Same Democr - D. - OUP1T-ED POLICE.• Talk Among British -CLIPPING- -NORSE'S LEGS. •• Lower Part of Limbe.Should So Left Untouched. Says Gilbert. - Tbr questiuu It very oijs'u uwuuts1 as to whether or not It Is m,Iy143blt 'to clip a hysslr's:. Blas• Speaking Ira a tray, h may, he .atl'it whhnnt- bteltnllou that It 59.certalIiI Zest Neer Lord of Cinque Porta doe 0 0 .AUGUST SPECIALS Pettitien Amid Quaint'- reran es irtg Back Many Years-FIotaam and Jetsam Are Among His Privi- leges -Ritual Ends With Order to All to Go to Stat* Dinner. Lord Bcutwsly, well ksw►wc to UAWy Cmtlad4atlt, has Laren duly irritMl►itit an wardeu all the Ciuqur Purer. The sheets wee- a -dotter wtth bet nem and (tats, alai it War Gansu& an &veinal• of omelet pule+ mud . fee tows. that, - stately prueessiun marched from ti' Castle ou the green hili', of flower W the Priory, where the lewd Warden held his first Court of Sbeetway. Hither mune ti'.• glita.triug prove, sivn, the botss trumpets all the hus- sars mirroring the suobght. through the --gay stnsete of {Dueler, past tits bier iifrbote.-4taawn to. the Mailutt square with, ifs enter 4t weather -brat - ea Thr Court of Sheptray has come Edi le KiLiq fitTfe 'twain Norman (k,nquestt. until it has all the 14( the thirty' v8' the •Iwh' Ir ire. 4 at+ 4. - 111 'r u8' 1111/141/ t489 ihr Ht•iti.h s1. the x(1'14144 crier. every thing. the And it w' then{ with in Tun/htu Saturday alwily9 did au.I always . q always iu ac•hievetnent. And turn :at (Zuehee received 1L)uch._U11)' 411wa)'411�_-, he. e. They .ue the teal a ever, of their 8•1ass. *ilterest1114� to r.tlp:111 lir Ia•. [ that 4'N have 111 the um 'aris1 of ('swats. the ._ 11„1 to clip the limbs, or, t1 any, rate, the Iuijl'er part of thew,. what] a ler-r 1s !Inv lits; his .uat shortet.ed, fur Eye eery aural reason that the tong hair udvrds a certain lttuuut of protection egotism the ether{+ of wet and dirt to the liras. The uu.Iipped hair In nns iuterl'ees with lie cuulfurt of (hi 114141.31, nut_ W It lu any way au 1t t111aliducr. till the other lewd. the r1'PO 11ig-4X tyle lege-letup es the draw - Wei,, tat t•) • ere deprived of, the t wet - and lt1Tt vis ✓ utted abiter- 'None the less the logs of hoefes ale very cuwtnpty (lipped aloe/ wlth the Ludy fur lb. -,reason that it adds greatly to the smart are p' aru4lec of the ami yl. •'1''ll. tort -that- It- improves -the -ap- pearnm.Y alt a-.hvree and looks smart tlr'tti' Tecta reason that can tie advanced 'le favor .f -the pr* tice of .lipping a terrssr's ihubs,-and- unlash appearances. 14414141110#11,.414114b1,01 - can only be sal 111 the ruse alt pleasure horses, It 14 dl.dded4Y„ads N:tlile (11 re - front doing so., Thr legs, Along wilti 44e hrttd,.urr the worst and moat_ dIH1•L1f j.1k1i "t l' U(1. -1 +horse ind it viler. long time to do theta, mild a ....mat »any Atones whtrti err «ttwr- 4.4l t' quiet and d..4it; enough ubJect 1. [Meir legs 14'4ug eliP4Nrt and girt. n lot• ..f trouble *11,1'Jhid Is tieing done. For this rtrtw,n stone, If for mo other, it Is INw1 to.livvr the legs. urines. ak-- ',Vhet a luilw• I4 848,.:1111,4 pn41lrlp,.ar1 i i have line* a aw +*»Gals • . . ' ' surely clear thew out iu a few days. N,,te 1.488' (.{towing, P• A -email lot of good furl eolorea1 4.1'111ts that leave hal if ready 4141.', jowl. a rints few pllw•redelltt art 111yuw of them, they 81'.• rra1 »1144519: prier... 9c usl• c �ns ihilyafew end. I.rtxl I:o'liud:d.4.' lake ,•lei 10c • 5 I.a1l,e 1_two W'aaiwta. r -#'•rots.' and All t g•,• A great rLanre lht+s,{,' ►. - i • otte- 4 .' fur -prim Hosiery 1 1:11. 1.' III tc14 4',+j 1 ora 4( 1, N.-. s' , •1 1.l j ilii 1 iib to ljt .•.d.. :S• . f:•8' 204 11 4141 roto 'L Itte _ I'.1• 2.1 falls, Wil Ii' :Si., 1 4rtir, fast cmh, ; 1+4 t and white hose. 11 -A -A i N«rt. 444'.- gt.•at ll. -l.. Never -'.4.1 ..r 1.r *y i iii 'same tenet It rel Gl©rscts lllllr ant w8' d44I 1ul.lbr-.}lyl} les,. 1.r' -lam tl +rt y. 1 1.f Are -every --pair The Square Sts ndard. Patterns Alw•ayc-i+>F-Steck-4- - - If you want . torr f,14 Pattens buy Standard. 1 J. H. Colborne GOder ich \int ret )sl.)/mted',Po14•e. They, t an•. the real thing-. 'floe men of the berg oxt.,l .t.1.4 •, m1. ,.heir ripline dud ,haru•ter, tr•presee t" i lie old idea. The Well ul.,u.. liitl- . u* -p.. .( Noithw,st \loomed l'.hr,•.1rpr1•s- ' .4 1.h'• n,•w', 'fhr ,lack l'.u' ludo olu' oily, 4s n fine mit:Minrn 1 ph,t.n :iT menti.. d, tint he is nniy a aunt in it 4.14.4 fighting power. 'floe 11.untrd Polivelis iu goes- uul.:alh�u.-. depending .ii 1111, LW11 '18'.,111•••."., to preserve order', ,lu : re el. til 1 ,r NI u rluocrx•y. not 18' .Nrirgl l of p, ivies. "Tilt to hl ahsh-e.moeo, :,1nl out of teen will give. express -hut t fu some democrat 1 e8' n1. ( hl 1.. ,• . 1 emu (. the h I .ailul s,a fhr I ml a 1, 8' rut4 1 complain that they are 0%erwo'ke4I, \'.11x11..11 e Milluta1T1: Teti tndu(iiilxl to 0 the pL.rut nuts{.{' u5p sal.{ t. a I ll 1• newspaper some lamdenl in 4jnr. •e WP- winn ji7Ar -rig .see .*1444,1 ..4444- -• 11'8'- *tete -•N-e8' 111 Kiri Old 11. 1 n.rr visited we. .'1'hen we reed: K4 • F:dw-ard ei Bosse, - un'inil return W -44..i1. 4 1,1 1111.1,7.!41o. 1'8' tear' L., ('.s0.1. . %Ve h'tr pro ' gut tem Minh p fling nn two tonuof rut1, : 1,1 after I...o•ling ('uw'rs 1,1,rTzar, •W 44 44104.441 y 4.11/4144 1, .it% IINy n" ;t 114,11, 'I'hrri w• tale• 1Lr. Waren of Surw.1V I10111r. ..utt.ly- 4-.1114 `.8 .-. N, •ia4-.». for soy ally.' ''fh.• Hi -ilia' •11.14 n'Mu sinew, tall 1r.r•ty rn.ugh alt dr,el 1 dl 4)4 ru•m•r, :t great deal .1 hi. i.. only talk, Is.. rare.. they take.4t deep in 18'.1 111 {lie .41 We -1,f -Wil.<h M'•• -N r o1.-. k re •.sae,. 4, -Tomei! *Hest '*f aal•1hip" nohow .4 4. 1.0 h1,w long 1, at e•. ,*11.1 :11111 h.• kepi up x11 !oil prr.rnl .1N .1 flew' all the land plow es, -1 44'oI i.Ttott,..l• uu1 V4.1 ,11 .1••o1.''r-o' •'1'11.• 1.1,111.4 Starr. Iter+ Iles gra•, 4- rkt difficult c 411' managing- the shop. ht. II*N• ill I r' • :u, lady in the lav)•. 4':tn'uL1 %med.l rival 01114•1141 11,11• ilnf"..• fist the Vellus *8i'oi. 1s 1(111 Wt/1 ti Y•. am1 1.•4111., it *lens*. to 1.8' nun,• ma ml)ne ineliued-tai lay aside III*, but et Mf niiht+.i•nl. The y.1.t naval pre at li,m.'.uf the sNl'ir,w. 1,1, Tin. tog 1 t•uI .lu_aliscerdil the. f11.• 1114.4se. of i ii.• WILL) are beginftiog ' 44 x poor 6118111•.. LO)U, aitessi41. wordy • burliness, told all t - glamot and -pump -ref the ancieue \\:till' tin. joy -bells writ dying the curt, isuieui llc.l in 'a lyn t, Olaf. .qu.e. First the Read*.". of the t1. and l.iru4<. grave and . yuai ly clothed those of T'ntrtdeu lo,kn as {warded and old a 1434 .4'14Yfa, its•it; then .the a siee t*•3rersl, Laying the tables left :IIn1 right ' 'fhr tt"iid&'s out"*lull.' flit mayors they pi -I -New !tummy itsr.bes anti . dui.; bete -elms with rider,: Wheelie .t•u, in blue -velvet, with y.'t- low' .• e' •ell moots; F'u1 u Ela u ►sato W g +. it with ex a velvet 1 ♦ a 8'r mid d braid. sic The lou .• fmnrtr,•u in all. and v4.r. w• r their mads a lits• -;f a 4rlr abed brown cin tin dai11: -• _ _ _-- Next elude the Ciuliue Port Samoa in their-('on,rtation robe, embroider- ed %mane* 1.s, 1'lctl i'elv4 clout* lin- ed with. silk. :mil un their heads quaint Velvet hats, They were followed. by the Regis- trar of the Putt•, the.. bishyp of Duv- q r, til.' Sergeant of the .•ldniirmlty. bearing the ,IItrr .a8'. etid Imre Cline tlee.I..rtrl Wenlrn bltrcwlt, to lir. ltui- htnn-i4--'qtr--ndrmral .21_1414•R.X.R., l oking-to. he use afterwards de- scribed -by Mr. lural. Wyndham at. the luue11ruti -hk.. a true old "s•+dots." 'Thus Bre -(`.curt alt Sip -peat. :t111e140 bled.' and Lord llrestry creel "order! 1 -order!" belch wan the signal fur the -14+,7W-et-hal I IMEi. 11.• g. liuuc kef . N^ town i4••rk) to rustle his parchment, ued .'all nisei the tuayurs: un,1 baruu" to answer their names. As emelt port was called. the mayor hmuderl Ws pro-. clanlatiuu, which was worded 111 the lung -winded phraitiug of antiquity. "My ' Lord Warden. the court ,is lir pun l.onl Bromley rate mad .aid, `41 w desire that my putout be read. h.• Seneschal urduldesl u *mighty oof� parchutetlt, healed with the Seal of England. the Mee .f a limier piste. Hr droned over ritaat tu4vileges alt the_la,rsi right- 4. flu. r--aumL-jet- I -... it. -44114, *11 t'Irw•7r est.t,i,g will 11x14• the -i.at.•nu.•n 1. people in rye' 1. learn that for the private ,'lilier+tud the ".silos before the *malt r; at ihr Iwnilrr8. floc1i'll. will sulr•' u,.ur wbe.ls the Arcoples .d the earth' 111 toe lad, lira -t wlwkinl: t. indulge in I hung ' Algonquin Park. the Alu'rnquiu I'ark ..f 1.r:uuull$ 4.•Io144r 4•re : ard 11441..'1 1 of 1118' enititle t jto94 t41v- Thr (itvawl l rttttlt Fi+siYi '4y"trul has heeeivr't t letter fro 1181) liut'et iuuenf "Sheol i.4 lin• Mta t 'ntttrer•tir•nt w-tn. 4..1.,. just 8Ptni lii4 11'11111 a 11.44 tiers 41. the eunllttes all 4.t4.4 -r1404 . Iteeery* . • '"4* ni' week. ago 1 event tor ,Ind oatained ;1 (1r:u111 'I'I nnk fnG5Pr re- t'tirrit to Algonquin Perk. The t ill rd 111 r' • • • • ' wad frv.•r: ti'.• melte+{ ought not to hay its leer ell)gr*s1 on any. ,'oustdrrn• +fns ager. a*-to-wttt It Inn arts the risk of 148 contracting 111. 4'18'111411.111114. In till .:uses when. 11. 4*.i< ;'i talo tins clipped the hair its the Iwll.ser .8'f 'ihr trawl .hnn.d not be •alt Willi the clippers. but it shouts' ln*reivtirttrtnmed Slightly wird a 411118' alt 41754 ' .it'la9t.r., only sictii•irnt **.ring cut -away tosnakutb. h/wl. I•..k smart, So n.'f,lTit`iii Ftw{iin� *4111 tie reat of the leg. --18%. It, tlllla•rt. SELLING LiVE STOCK. some Points For, Farmers on Adver- titin• Products of the Farre On the puiut of advertised; the pilaf• f the farm Professor Ilutapbrey 1'iscon.Ta .tgri ultural college farmer* in a reteut Institute iserg combined with fntetll• enterprise wi14 1.{v nese to arm's and give deserved Vrvuitneu a t• -hie-texuyatiuu than any other fa'•tur. In fct, many advan- tages are rtyvy at the present tlwe by our most p he fanners, who tuuy be rims -voided y Um-advertising 111 + v alt r \ adv* 1 4 ,1 ft/11 "-11414 Vete'.* et •lute the wideb they to fu one way or another. "The great majority f farmer, have nut awakened to the rarity of ap- plylalg anything wore to Leh occupa- tion cupa-tion 151811 hard manual la , which. W be sure, Is neval4ary mud dlspeuaa- bar, but wWch alone classes '' farm- er with the mail wllu works to hours daily with shovel anal pick- and. sus Si ur 4211 day. Successful agrI•ml ads•rrti.lug practiced la Intelligent vuterpidaing formers - I5 overcu j.r.Judicr ut.d elevate the occupation of harming to u plain where men can enjoy their lubur and the same let- nritet enjoyed by Business men of otber 0ceulbtluur and professions, • 1'be first step In :agricultural adver- .ti4ing Is fo make the farm a reepecte- ere- whk h w'i11 Incite patronage. 'l'be farm Muted rhrlstepiid with n suitable name uud IG stock and produce marketed tinder the name of the farm as well ay the nam*) of the proprietor. The snot.. and produce, should bate a ape- • ow trademark: to distinguish It An Nettie us well as., in. quality and to In- duce buyers to bec-ulue permanent cut - t otuerr." al pie (1 era Ilmall the .tit -'Wardeni. RAW. alai 14114)4414 "takru LW: gutter, ur remove. by the. sea." Theo Lor Brluwey said loudly, "I uudrrttakr to midair' the franchise, (ibertiri. and a of , the ('augur Porta," and at • • worths there ware :* burst o4 glans f m the Castle Hill, booming throuth- fa. -a ie.' twat fo1l.wed.- Aft.r tit...Right Hut , Arthur (wheal, K.C..' had isimir arta the Lord War.Mn. tial. Lord Bt } 1,114- 8'u' lies{. the Seneschal era led u fur- ther p4or1.ww•of parehmret and •Innie-a41 to "depart wid take your ea}.e until a new warming. God Save the King. r y -MOT Wade . -steel tem r,urtl" • • tit the most inir, •;.t w- ined g• re . ine I for the Mayor of Rye, w alter. erieid,- "All' baron., Cul maytrs, bailiff., and such as • CATARRH NOW CURABLE: balbr 6 vrig'CnO oaf 44us flg'bafr . aloe the .gra entrants. to Beg 48111' Never Oy Medicine Swallowed, ` ,1t 11 r! elude 'tin. rural fa®ty en. tared. Pawned by the state utlteiilis, Snull.. Sprees or Douches. : and took their plitrvm1"on- the dais l.,*1u•rh is nal a'bbosl .li.r.ls,• .4n.l,Th,• ball .iprrae1'ituutrdiakrdy tr*t* a Unit . why • r, , r 1 • Pitied L • • statrl mud iui resaave 1.t 1 1 It esu 19 tut 1 } � 41 n y Y P ��"`�� regal aim nlwi'.ime takeli inti the 84{,444',.;1 , ; drills. winch was darxaii to a .clow: # 'al ,ul•1'h- i8' -:..8'..{{-14•reser-tTnnhtp.''•-ertt4,... 1.-•T; tn1'arun• played by�,�titti�ebra Veer - (rims Ilse g,*•'i11 laden kir )l' I . Is ,+•lie I nese 'o charms,. the - l of intro .1. These germs Iasi n Els.•,. - Wales, the ('ruwtl Prinastt. of Sim' lt,t atistsu 1 i 114,1 war iq+� 1.r .. teal ars ItirMJ *-alt ,«i W-1...• and Primes* Patricia. � t br•,Ithi.q..ga*... awai`tiply' by toills.n•, ' and the Prietess .Uexamlir1 Wad the vel ' .neer;. •"liithtii .latrit4K.4411rr;3K Vitali.' tit Hulteutohe inept 4p etre 43,1 l' eteete .-Hurts 4l w 13.14.•;--444 dances with 1.b.• er- �f}Y • 4\eit y in n: • b.elr. h.n i s•r..•.s. 'i t-14411 as did' Prints Prancer turd Frrruor •• .1..1: Al�1c* ud.r of -Teck. ' a. Slupp.'r wen nerved imtbr tittle "Flap-- per lues{. where 11.' 1taltuuus Wind- -seset ,d.rtdaytad tau )aawt•Sr behind the table.. and saw, in the seri roust' turd in the old thruue .n,. It wits cuiiiiiderahiy atterieid- ht whru Their Ma)rstws Withdrew rt terminated, {lir rutrrtttumrt and .r,a'p;'g••'.I 1 h nose, lie the t11r I I1rtlxt ;.1•d ,.tlwr.. 8t.••pitects' ea.. nit I» 8'+14{8'.{ la)- Its•• .1.t' •tiOa/ e la ,• It niw{i.•a,8r.1 the air '.,,t 1.-- . L, i1)1 If•e 1 ..•liar 1-1,044.1 11,.. ( .1tu• •Au-ottli::n emv1U•ptn..tie.e 1.'441.11'•' r ca/•alh,su,iku.wn. - • I to 'I'lie tra•un' you gel. 8'lie4 ill•:1 ylin-' an, lite 11 t r r 1.w truu 4 4.mn•r " fir w• 11.'.111.4'• 1•%1.1 } l'.11 1;1.1111 ., 114.- 4,4t. .-,43.1 -i.. 44 t .43l. H{ 1 tttia.acaut/... ii. 111 -441 -4.•14.1 -Ire ..4N.•4 its .,4 1 ash L'Ent .sire 114.. •n , .. 14•. '1. I„'', Its*41411 .1 !'4 51 "1' ..•..in:' a ..4th 111. - tie 11.•ar. ,rad u, . - f. 111 \4548' 1;01181'113 ..;1.J 1. V1111,1.41 .\.' a d :.'.1.t\• tett- : tonal : (l' ' N.• ala yJu lL c to -1.14 i+l Y tlrlety to4rettlrr.. , � 1 T.1. yi l) . •r- *tele pn"rd. u uattllw 41e1t tyit )uulig- t•rd ttiig(it - 1.• •.t tu twid d le 4.4..1411 Hwy .41.44[.,_.aa.rut---y.+-4 1,x..*.uci--Uw'-,t e*.-- net - "Het+ .x 1Tghz:•-� Lehr*t t • I+fih2fet- - r and. IIs .a*a.1,8+{41it._ev _every lisl1.:,. II Aw'rt.'iu-wad's- was *daffy s +«litbl 9'4o--Fr1rmhtuerr�tared to 4lazed°ay.-' - W11i-6niritt at their ate. r rluletbive-: i:a• • • •'L_tlit_ ,•ie s•a4.'+tr... k+44n'g 44,,,,.....44 gee gee11.'. .; 8)µ1.11t.•. .Chet- d.e. *t fo,t11.1 .110011. Im*'tI•t,,, f..- •111b1 towti ; uDaa S are the only /• rrspie:.I.nv 4011.1 i.e.,. .1 ... 1..L.n sells medicine that 4'y.... l I a 4 ■ wnU J1 tem 111. 1 .4 K * ,1 ,•r.• •rll*rt,M•. i sure a1 rm•net ai:e•k tri,•.' slim bees. 1_.kc • itrigtt's Dis- ease thin Kidney ase d,s•Su:cid0 in ifrlwltk.• '4 ease w's n-. • U„ io•. I.,lv :4., '4'4..' .1....,,,,,,,,,„4„1 , a d curable mod fusty . 7 it.. ,t..t4Vtt..t! rrl5; a1:.prect' Do d's Kidney Pills a. •• •,-• r N',,4 - we .-b1. Doctors II - themsel w •t',u.l.'t r..it.I.4.I1.v. fe•..w-lai '«t...i•hn•,;••. � cured 4vn confers 11,......•h••,.• ,,. . Ake.. .I'.' 3 w, • that without Dodd's frnrt.•l 1 •u. . to root' : .1.1r,•i.d 1 1. MU."Kidng 111-e ,...'F... •,•• 1.,-.h.',t M.I.• 4 '.1 1 b.• -Ki 1.•w n. 11.• l'4 I 1 oo "11 it. lutes. C.4Hi,nir 'f 1.•• .I.'.- I, Ti.... d• . •.,...,r vile w-.. p. ,Inv 4.i.,,11,• _v, 41 • ' V- •.. si Ice cel to (.r ,•l s, r 411.1 itees +seed ie.,,{, l.1.;, „ 1,, ,I •ab' .e.. ..8'n, • 8'.r • act. ('.q'.t•rl Frit.., -.t\'' d .\Ciaiyt.t .,., e e l n, 1.a,t .,T'fi ,111- ILL, THE COURT BALL. Ringing the pull I prefer ringing a bull wbeu her is a )-e:rt•tiug, as it is easy 4v hold him at n lief'. litys a dairyman. Ito not cut a round piece out 01 the I141ra1 septum ur burn a bole -through- U.-aw-ilat--wou44 preheisty -In- Jure the sense of feeliag In. the. nose. -leader leellt ; criiia; ' J use a 'commoh trocar and eaeula for punching the 1 i1 hoiden v it t,. shape_ ter ring. 1'1. is difficult to. Insert the ring atter_unucbluit the. hale without the alae of the c•atiu'.a, as the holes through the cartilage and skin In the nose :H not fp opposition. A copped ring, with -a tepee to [ together after lneertlon, la enm- ly used. Nese ringing a hall has no ct whatever upon his disposi- tion, •t sole purpose tieing to furnish a means* it handling him with ease and safely. **tart\. Sgaeu4e Slowly. - - Bring the machine gradually up 1.t Ita normal spear{, and then titre the milt in '..:o•tly until the tape is wide open i.ny. a constantly uniform mo- tion- -of the handle during the entire rut. 'When all of the milk has passed from the supply ran, nue quart or so of the *loam U: cbould be ratlgbt and poured through to dnch out the Bream that will r,matn bel the bowl. Unless t 1.1. Is done some of the butter fat will rad n• to the 'surface,; and a email moonlit retn'sItt lit the renter of the howl. twiil1 able to Rt out of the inarhine +emus• then. h 110 more milk Rowing in o fore. It through. Pawing in the skits milk forme it ell Mit. Warm water may 1.r. uverfor-tbla mIr.- prem. tilt nsnaler it la net so rnelw� lent --R. H. We Unabsd RtaamOe• D a t:mei air Tl�rli taw. (1fllrr Huy -The e. or stye he in Ir obliged to yeti for (lowing hint to Pee your ante/ink., 1 much n• ;rete he is enable to 18811 t ni. Fair Artist (eagerly') lint he sky that Office Hoy ttrnthf ably - Wee, not. 'steady, lir jolt said. "TA 'em away, I'itnpl.: they 'lake lee . k." ---ilea Moine+ Register and i Bader. "Phyaioal culture, father, i. per . fectly tsvely. To develop the arms 1 grasp this rod b one end and moves It .lowly' from right. to left." "Well. well," exclaimed het father, 'rash+*. won't +mience dlsrnver ? if that rod bed straw at the other end you'd be sweeping," - Louisville C n u r i e r• Journal. Heti t. s"town -ttf-lTlire•"Zfiiiiiiitind people, all desperate with the fear that at Iea.t theft homes are to he lost. A11 around are the leaping tongues of a fire that has alr••tuly d.•- vNstatsl a volley. which was reg.,1,l•d so one of the rirhrrt rtrrlcb,•. ill softer try in. the Whole U .M3rrl..i4 wtth Magnificent timh•i•.wealiti :old . underlaid with immense coal dila of her mineral resource-. - _ At (aarsWWII the as.i'tilnl .n4.•rin tendenf of the (heat Noi therm on hi. arrival from Ferny rvput•tt tt.1.t . hied {laws* thronKh 4e•vet•nl metes ed the burning di.trict .n foot told 1011 his hand-c•ar, and when he left, the town the previous evening at 7:310 4t had11N•en all tennis* down. with the exception of the fireproof warehntt.r of the 11.4+,411.'1+ 4'nuada 'Whole -tale Goal Company. (Me thu load eight hundred peeol • were taken tett -of - 1';ernie .in.(ireet Northern ears to a Targe deer *mum three Hides from the . teen, The (creat Northern depot end .45 their buildings Are lows, and one hundred care lorded -witty coke -ware *tatted. Dossed Betties Feund. Drought harm from filly Apar were y Peter Carnphell, They had been en- deavnring to nave the Mparwreed Lum- bar Company's mill. halfway between Michel and Fernie, -and had been severely injure.{ by the flanges. 'f'hey are nosy in the hnepitel, end »tate that the whole countryside 1's hlezinR the Same* atretchtng •forward. with affrighting speed. Nett the site of the sante mills the incinerated bodies of Peter (Scotty) Miler and of Louis Fettle, N11 Itailen aeetioninnn, were found, end the hey.. been brought here. Four hodiee hare also hien brought in by the Great Northern yard engine. and these men are lee Herod to have lost their live» in a0 endeavor to save the Great Northern - tnrt--1' had the rep_ - f-.lrartltrtg-•WtthIn a-few: days that the twenties .of the Park wrrc nut ut•8I•drNlvsl, and that the ffahing obtained there was the meet 1 hsi•e ever land the privilege to enjoy, although 1 hove 4i.hrlt- -the trout waters 11 .Prin.r Edward Island. through he II'Amoletn I.,nreit tian .••r- .4i,n.bimd n 76-17 011..1 \1'y.uloa io the United Wtwtr..- "1 moved Nt Algonquin Nit It Telaernb• ,.n IIw 'Sith .d Jttne nett ern the ,14th I lett the Iii,frl for simoke 1,. and Began* iwk efir Ming alt Smoke Lalir late Solidity eveoin41 June :Nth. I'started for Crown Iske the nett ,Hurling and I1shr4l 411 -that Mite and had goon) luck. ''*triving .9prnrr-tetiled trout. This Take is .iitatte of the Park. As 1 stetted fur my I►emleysal•- te,,. at the Hark, JHlle:ani', un Inv .'.•- turn trip 1 lisheil in Bagger 'And Smoke Lakes for sal trout, using +deep-wet.H• troll end brawn Minnow for bait. Between four and live .t'clock 1 caught two salmon trout : one of then{ weighed eighteen pounds and measured thirty-two inches in length. "As my stay was only three days in the Palk 1 mean to know. lttote.4eriut phis ppl ae, Isl si1ii try to go In there again this fall. Uereripthlns of local. !Gee and prospectuses of railroads are oftentimes disaPpointinq Many times 1 think it is due to the fact that the picture** are greatly overdrawn. but from toy own experience I should silt' that yn,ir fohler doe* not describe this beautiful c try, known as Algonquin Park, in es bright colors w the acts warrant. "Since my return i meta friend of mine, United Stalls Pongees.+ IIt *I1 Kdw*rd W. !Begin'', of Norwich. With Gorgeous Function, - The Court unction, of the present' season were ought to a or,udluiiut -by a. Mate hal at Buekiugham Pal- ace. The mag ' • . it ballroom w us hnlliautJ} i arra i4 ,.ails ' of white and geld erre hungg �with priceless ttepe.•ttrite; .• taws up4uiteer= ed 111 crimxur :UK] os? ••red with gilt MI along the aides, ar at the. upper end there war it how dais when. there were phones{ crituesaa and Id chairs for the ulemhees of tL. • (anally. 1 There was m ,targe mWadaattr .1 44itg- diall cud to»igu royalties' 'MO -1 ale 1 • LOO guests, from drpl mmier piety rirciea, were present. The s wan exceptionally brilliant, and t WOK a f*►'g" 01111+ display of melend costume and gay unifSorm++--a glamor', of rich Color to which the Yeomen ' of the ({*card lent an olcbtime air in their quaint Rlisahethan these Troop -- s -Of -the. i de (TualiiBe 4141 d`on Um gam star ame Ieadirty to the 'sf�tr. . +Moat**_ -aod--the mead of - &Md. e There Halt by two clea-k. the to repot as is ordained- ' And, with. e '-prochuitation there- Eou#t of Shen* elosted. party on Immo! yacht. die Sun- beam,. in Dover Iter No Ransom Thrs Time, Mr. Cliirk-K..nnody. the tithed esp. tive the. Moors, ha. made lerme with captors, mwl--impes behe re- leased shortly. Thit was anitodpced by the Foreign Seeretary in the IllOtna of Consinotis recently Mi. Clark-Kitnaesly ens captured near Trtntrier nearly a moirelt ago. Hie captors at first demanded a ransom went. Sir Ulttli aid Grey. le.Mo.Vt•r., stated definitely that the 'Covernment were determined not. te &pert from the .1e- cistion come le in April not to ad- vance mooey for the l'ansont of Brit- ish •tenbjoete capture.' by- Vorrieeen hrietestrle,.• "If !maple go to dancernits Thew MVP hal." Om,* hit. tibulstone had been cut- ting down a tree in the presence of a large concour., of people, including number of "rheap trippers.'• When the tree. had fallen, and the Prim.. Minister /4 1111 Mille of his family who were with hint were moving .1 temy, there *RR & V1111111 tor the chips- Otte and exclaimed : "Hey. lad*. when I deo, this shrill en in my eoffin." Then cried hie wife, **brew& motherly old wreman. with a merry twinkle le her ship find POI ttylil urea -ships tilatistanne. 1hr...A stand a hatter Ovine* of ening whelp the chip Ilronldnit New Age.. Fosittir nit • et Fanners, farmers' wives, -store girls policemen and postmen • all who have to beat their feet all de/. and tuffs r from forefeet, chafing. Of blistering will and WW1 in Zant•Elek. Mr. Wm. Ashley, 327 Set nears St., Montreal. sass; -" I suffered fitielly (11.111) 1114 feet, which became raw and blistered Some days 1 was hardly able to others 1 had to leave MT abow 3 o'clock. • Powder., salvor and ointateseta elan kiwis I tried in vAin, sometimes actually work. ing with them in my hoots. was. 114.1101td- In try Zerielleet and in a few hours it reduced the smarting rind %menet.. kept on eidi it, putting a little en each night. In a few daysthesorenesswasall gone. 01 ell owes end medicine pen otobl oil dun injueito• Ind .11104,41 1 Pills they axe against Dia. d's Kidney first medicine nameasid doss Pigs are eft that ever cu but tbe medicine CUM dotes is Dodd', Kidney Pilla Dodd', Kidney Pills are fifty tents • hoz at all Mg that Ili.!) did not understate' nee. times' midi his thumb ni thee, diee•e, tion .f the iraeas and .p:trres1 wildly in thee air.: The 1'n•t,•Itulrn mele • N •i! n •.anti thew 1.l r:►r weal* i atutlg i4rd-ty. • *thus the deckles urged on th,• --r raptor•.. Wonderlandl .0ii the ground floor ry Niiht This Week Feet of Moving Pictures Char tge of Program Every Ntght latest -Mgt -Med Songs REGULAR 5c. titteN •G000 MUSIC. ALL COME 0134. customers way elnseo• heir prr-r#Isenew, IRON BEDS -Hanging *from $3 75 to $14itro. Th.. hest lewd. 1111 1.11e VERANDAH CHAIRS I • ti al values in Verandah eleit.ing the tininth CALL D 'SEE WHAT -WE CAN DO FOR YOG. Ilutee, 114 40011141 1), RGE JOHNSTON F IINITURE and UNDERTAKING ammus0417m0ammi• 1 1 AATio 0 1 • Every goent Workman needs good Tools stock of 1 • Lis • We h ve Most complete Braces, Flittsm:i7e_rs, Squares, Levels, Chisels, Mallets. Saws, WE SELL CHEAPEST A few bargains in Oil and Gasoline Stoves, , Screen Doors and Windows. I These are marked below cost to clear Paints, Oils, Varnish and Brushes. i et us do your PLUMBING, HEATING. ELECTRIC WIRING' I..AVESTROUGHINGandREPAIRING. We'll do it good and cheap Worsells' Haraware