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The Signal, 1908-8-6, Page 3
11- 1 . • • `.0 , ,,... �. ..... : -..» ._.,. : ., > IW .x� t,.&'..la„sg le; x zy wa .� -. P .''.. ” F a n • 'it' ,. - .. ' *` `' T1IF S10N:11, . l:0DEItION ON'1`:11tIC) 1'el'RYOaP, AUti11mt+ril,'-1, _ - w- - SSSS- --- — 3 1 Ill necurraid un Tut•wlay, the Club .�--�_ Sistrie&- tort., has vmitie.l tiniveraid w-rIUW MAXIM RIDDEN WOMAN. w�t� THEXews of the_ ,UlrunghuullhN Iowu..Awit-u+rd b,ui apt 0. U,IfrILLAR CO. PSGNE a--� � 'I sitlyerel at ditTerroL tiulvs (11/111 alp- eq•• Have Waxed Eloquent .IQN•r- p - -- rwndiriiim nthl land aurrratrfuHy under. Har Fsilinps —' - -- - - - 1�7�)a;,�Ex,U111G1NAi.T. N. AlayKoy, l'. N. H. aKrnt at Clinton, tie have Trick, of Oudi-ri,•b "nrru rga•relir,u Ihr fin+uHl+ day. w M � ret tilt- sli hint Iilaltall WAq va- x47 IO;itaa In till+ ``� '� (w,{1`akPo,hyotarntwlJtn�rdto Fmh[t1: tnwilahip,Ln ;.1,:da►. Air. Tiirk will;' K r J,,7I1 �RS LV ti D!� tC iMlata Faulty H,►tvtleu, of F:Krfer' Ilea ease Il fall -dairy put•INNra, tlw'l1llMalq Yhr NNPIl1e11 ,si 1 Unat holo wore 1f tt P1-ar• not for yreatle woman . M1 � a `� w left on a vI'll al }TM F:1 land, Nht- will, aAtLiittttn•�� irtriil of Sealiotn will, 1, I lAt . irI-A 1 Wl lit an' ler I Ills- 1-;e Cp the ,ages ttf old, Low nm i.: ed. y _ ws' n r vn N. f roil. L,at "' _ a: tuidulghL a wilddel warp nrss rears , s \ st l :• a e, John Turner, ter., air Moinfera•th, put- aevrral yr:usa, half bran �•ugaged at- 1iayI metal Ik•ft r lura llkwl•r rrcutd � food hilt- 1'aLln•„s. l,lstsa t4 the e:ul t'isiiolS. well Illalt iailr'Ntoc3a luinlflall.d It+r1'ul ,end al s� -- -- - -- G NU ro s 11 pa )h s Irani 1. t"i17)lRfPl n u• h her Na ilia N lee sI) ret l u e. , iii"j•/s or_,W y. litr'il%ai `T� T6(41 r- � C -Mis recover' is do41htf111, Il l'ullrgutt" 14nditutt•, fill -tit ,d \\'c.ol.-S un:o., -'c,trl'+, I'..,dinatulh. Goll:•#• Il UI• tlh I, ll-, he vel In have barn cn11gt-tl b•trds as they tell bar winit W dei and 1 I' i .Allies Slated-�tPttprfh•bl adif it"ilii - air. .fns. ttte•rluu•t, will- And It%via toy a ,•lot I,I- llli'mot which rJsetruVlWd how to du it, stoppLax awh ie to pall to IoLtu1.' ,Lu Ifrt. wall :u inter .Iplaal 1+, til•• .\11u•1lc;tu- \\'al►h. Iallh of \Villisl plights l children, let I,urhruty. Chi41u. wife; are those aeltutl of ' ll heart. Dee lime 1, her atteUti+o the lrrrtfytng thhripn that I I.Ilm ass __ __ ,., �•a b t ` 'EIY'AY ' their fern lh LI Toronto ieventiv, • ma it few intirithli furlough• ule'viedting I who, w•,, holly in -a l fiverwellth vrrr. OF wIll suety happru 1. her It Pill dutWn t Ulrrbury Wool Sralfa, Ute nearest approach to rhe beautired Hood knit Jim. let Serfalrth, haw onelutrke� in /be J44in Hutch at•1, al' MUflle•y. 111-1111aiUg studelitm let Uliutuu tt I rio. du us they auggrait. I 13nds. _. _ i tf IMITATIONS l'baa I,. \Ittimis, will n It ,14•ri \Vit• aiMi-m lde1L•l tilt- hostile. 11Maaul ll flip l Alerner, t1rlth•et h•gtrLt- 111dYtulr. INhe alittew sopa pplrit l tern, peals, Nuudi,vial , te-adltal uvei:btery Wool Scaffsh h tenon yt s zeta( 7i Inchei. Si' each j .. P t - ---- iiurwsllarrrr Inasitlrvh m fvtNttbt. +1• �af thou hUuhlrsm auto uuholll-hor,u hlxtilleemareaIurr' l''ruwtimeImmentu t -ti. I Wrtx, dnughLet of \Ir. antt \Ira. %%', 11. K Uverbury Wool Scarfs• white only, size Jix76 Im.hes. - 75v each,- . .•r;� .. I, M. aura, ler 13rawlon, Alan.. Puruu•pl w11u h h1 41 b.ta rr)iness veltert hbr rial set batt, ,'aur what able wght not ` ` ft- •.�,,' 1 tiUF.I) Owing to lila• ilhu•ss al' ht-# 11 !I -11 ) I Overbury Wool Scarfs, plain white or with cheudle spots•, rIal11k h. St each. - ,f Flay, wits. reventl linu'Itied to'1'h„h, weal uu.l ro:ulr INF ousel ni hsiw. ;tad to have done, and uta• hull left uudwle �e� ��� Mlma F'1'aNrr hew IxWlgllr'! hal' 11, t!14 , ! a►bru:ul. U,'tib4eY Wool ScarL:, exceed ulgly handsoiue, :13xgo inc:u•e. $t..S ala, h. �, ” \"nL'D II' �� ON THE it' Lisrclira of the jua►hu drl/artuu 11t l'eal'h, of the -•l', 11, It. slylr, liraudo11• tilt' thlUgs Ihr Ottgbt W hurt- Jath•. rind 44 of \Vinjil public schsitll. Pour draill .d' \La,. herd Hugh,,., of The Late Thomas Rowe. the womler is that thrn Is any health ti, a oft ,prrl ll Hand crocheted I.00 Squares, n,t t he I hi...; G , n„u i 'K si� l`lr�t(IRGLw�:�Y Carolled Hit tide.- -Slide-, foal ' let un'o,.ol ovruiul ^ 7rn and 1.00 each. --,:--SitsJsa-HPttasrt;wfiu-Isq•rnt11'ntf l h lin Friday, lin• �tiii+ pelt., tilt- 1'Hti- !n her. __ - yylp�j�l EC$ �, M1:iZITcJ #k*ed Of halt- Pta1H-sty in Se'dorth. �� illfi l Idi,k, phtt'r o,u Muuday• fb'' tuili s call, ututr to,, uuu lel till- ever if she 1s u stArAAer, able to toad how 1'resentatlaw Shawls. ' \VN lana.• ,oma E. I % hnlld "I” • S.I' I %%_.I. la' leaves •shortly I'll 1A.11dou. whore• milt th lt. I tteits.sl Is Nall warn( by hrr�dintinivhing liar 11f Alnrdy pioneer-• tocoruport berveir with der eplwEUrlau �yairll". wlii''b lobalie tln,.I is, vi -platy• gilt., ij. MISE CZS.I� OF hu. -baled, tons, Slott field fill (title filers• who, :utlu•d wish krNn' ax... htrun Infint4 Hand knitted Wool jackets front oc to s eft ll. j � r" will oloo lde with her d:utghlrr. K dlgialt�', If she is a wife, Imo tuts u pl•r j S ; ' 1�ai{QQ�'S LINIMENiCO (Cru. Hotel baq hula offer of his Inustde and mil Heart, fought a goad lira. I:dwnlrl-, of liru.ist-lm, aretit to �- feet library of ponderous tutors W draw LADIES' GULF.ERS AND NORFOLKS. ,Ve t-%Inw1 .,h deIii.•I c lhih - LIIiITro I �INARD S f -tale hal Cul ufirraacandcnnrr-- fight against[ life giants sand salvages •.Js:olteTO,:tli!(` Std l'liutun.nu N'rJUraaluc of L,et week, ltaplratiou from. tion elan solar tq)uld tcw�k I Iht• yell I:LU•st uorollioA lel L+uliea fault •larkelm-uud atld rtttirueyl with M11o. F:tiwattils, whit No'w1 let' Nt,luf.•y, tat ,\'."ll L1kl III o Lha forest las vrell,as the- Ntu•mtem sal' 11 tw feu all _ _�lliru _.lrllie lh/lo let Eaketer, fur thii, snnl ler Il llst Tho Y.hN Mesh and Sorel, uud who•. all the. so wrong W Ikane+tbtua bard to trot. - Ni rfiti q. 9'hry Ino tnndNin nue alt til'• h �diug t' nladian racte'n iN. Y.A. . i .$ 'inthtu .'�_.-...:._- prtaparty-�-Vsi -aaPlr se with -hrftrerf hale •(+,shit-, stave en.liiyrtl in ft. '�I+a �► he so tlrlilud about with --(cent fuAreiwtu ltuuL.laf ►laka t f -:at ,4 µi.•iuK-11t•+.•�n l.+r..�iur - rNebany 1Ntkk"fal all urra.tlrr•-the henrfftm •td file editorial so beset with eefunaelura. To a'aeat leu tw_etNl__� -_} _ _ _ NMENT ale au.tllinl pielil under lilt- While di'i 'nig inti) ,!•belt lutwn ''il-lir, Ell w}iieell bas crow -nod their b• sure, many of the counselors are bol r t ;n-uttu,ir. ul',Sou snit- Cualtioa T� _ p;incl Nancy Work Material , E -a'ttspict•q of tit..4nseph', chdr•rtri (`tin-' brdlwn. - f '. � . Joss 11afa1 Jae ohs, Elf the I nth collo, struggle-. .`{'hr tate• .lhuttlas Kowr meed, heave always heen teen .. �mm inn: will L• lirld in I•:ual•lh:u•'. gruvrole • Stun of _ ll iter--i:r.tUut• r wake - lal ' in (''t1- '011, Eleg . filter- ti ecial ,Iurh:t.o of t•.aac F w .J}tlatNlkerchieff f(fr.iu•.tl.' hittuiuu • •.� llest ne _ i +�1 ell r►_ 111 be men_ --two that 1 ( JC �9, S _ tLtK '-"�'' ..-`1�'rr,Ul. .. Ira 'all. rt- vArl'iage• Wal comp eta' y he o o• ;title•s- ))'t- m i not seen to alter the came or'detr,Lct "-.. . '�\' •1)(-, 41-111-111 up., mr. story mark...Ai,rinl.•II' � 1111vH) N� ". - - ove•tuil but the other eire41fi+unt. love to&" Inter i,e Iurrk urhiuYst•11'a, bone their at><!lt to advatiCR ready node-ign-.stx•ki:!IlurC6s'. _ J:VE. t10�R (salt- ler ey, of l'liptaul, Into, his .•,ala lwl uuw uu..l, will Ihy helpnit-t And. se•t site[ to hook ` 1 I (. made [des for lit deportment. How .\tu.•rican yi imv should•not fail tsi int' -0 0411- 'Bill uwulrNuent .I e title fatal •111 the iluruu retail. ut-a#' Ifuruinel it' flat- new va ld. The Inc -I , - 1 I'hortltntl, ni \\'ittglt:uu, ha,l (hrhis Arl.ival wort. o peat it' to bring up her chiWteat; how to cure s an l u , e _ . pal.-iluaJc.� �f►- )tiPtl-tRThtPitf{r [tid!we 1... a tet: tmleedr 'eselrvF bPRa+►r- yPe= P,r,i - �%lr _ - - -_ I •• 1'f 1 Table Linens � 111 Is. w•:a- Alwnl+,t n dr aril well enol how 111 �. a husband-�thrx l.1-. Watchraakin , @tC. f.trlurrN at :e+s , n drool. 'Alen hl- first- -- bud tis hruul un_uuo-rcliou of lilt-( --- , e .dad weSLw u•d 'uud cast bis lilt the x111 avftil l0 ks Abl ., N• when 4h.- ...Poultry j A�.>(1.1'1'ATih 1,I..rIli1N• -1i1 .t 1.11 ttiul;*lH Il011i ethanal ihi�.piiinr.vwoftit•Ilbi;u.'Tht• dfaeeared for De['entl�terLarent. y Phone Millar's �CO�CaI SLOC�rr FhonoI fgf pn„IIN1Kla J r.'I'hurnt,,,I orr•I, et-. toad ynrhlWl hlnl bKrentttttw•etlnwd- Yoaag tnalde and old ,,--ad)• yofa:g 5 S6 •',w1•11-1 . c u, ItC. rNt Huila and he tial- uleourof [ht- un"t __�ll�ter tmnh wkrl oH+4n:,n wlalaa and Ohl- -f w.� Mothers ,IIp11_ ,- i►rosrwro41s Lu'tttra•s lit it- tuns lip. g[atedIDotboom yes, evta boary headed - ails IN toot-) rai.EY clivi• i/a0ul f'+uuplNtll, a „'A1tolo, wow #last-' Phirteen yeare, ago deweafted rested Civil Enzweering _ riel at rhe- fission. rto—( I • •-NIKLe . 111-S/ol.• ( hit InI,.rN and reatgrandmothera-lits Toot lo'g.'s'.. J,- nl�,•.•..,•r_lu� e Poo I - - - .- Klr ,lei: au ■ •t1- •, til•• 'SIF 1T. rbere are mtZialB inti ma:lai i. A}} J • ill-use• in F:xPlt r t plight, iudu7tri• 1 :t111u1 waist whrlw this is • ■ t» 1m) .Ile) n M N Ila'.• o - ., ' \ do l,t-- s to tVP,t�'- ... . . __- ... . reaaid Hydra is• Entrint,•e. ont�ario I.n&.d Ir crrruwny was Is•rfEa a all by Iter. ••a wi�n to ell the wintry deer," lir• and tate your cblotte, and, having cho- r Sur -yes, •1• S. Jluldiew, Elf Mouria, i�reas4K'.(d Kideq lain wad„t1- hp h•aveq Lis rrnairle The result of se lin fine roods is rcatl •ncreased loftkT-MrLwnn iks-k. Uud-rirlr---,rmmrr-Mrikitl r:- -' Sea- haPing E•tlorlen. yQtl d Pl look g - g y •�I � leis leu ,1:d-Ilv-111 the .crus of life M,t..(rwal .t r.vr. 'ft• •pinour• 1t-,. °r - it sae_![ smile brim iy and ptusoe_ _._ .-.,Ss�,.le ._.. . _. ... _. _ -- ft'Alland itch; ot'h Ls. Ataiill11111l of tler-env:,u,ti LPvw1 d:uag Aide (tory the stair tenor of yon[ womanly - Inl 1-i ler lilt- Ith raurNssiotl air 1lullell leo \1'06„u( \lichi lit :John, Ito-• g' warn \ ' )s[eneeet - __ !neral Water u',• taxa 11iug flu• Lara e,f 111rir rlilrgt 11-N, (tuner rued Hent• orf kxetrr : - -- von. Uun+ttd. aged art t•n }} each. The, • Alradumrm ♦\ ' Idwr, of \iichiKan ; A. COWAN fl111H lio DrItICII \INTI \\ 1 little fellow had bo l met airing frunllHawkins. of , --I,. r. : Knipe, air KITCHEN .UTENSILS. \ IT '1'F:R (ll., m:lnuf:utun•n of ••Mr1er-r \villali)iiryr cough a red .luring a bad I lWertam : Lam Irt.I UlAudelloyr,: __ uu.g."an leer•),t1n•d r.. h•lil 1-r to any auT nal # • - PERFECTION the torn let 1ya.r +NTT" Ab to peseta zmt 'Keay jL}tVtlCt iL bhv� Pratael. which 1-r- Jul,it L Ndlair litutld. llmfliiy rips to Clean TMra Agar Using quare.:, Al- fling .If 1'.urr I-, Ihn•r .hie: -1tti q1 ill dt-1kf la. .. Snell, til F ocil - . lit.. let,. awl yrrurw. lrtdtaer Il sWV uaal - - �-�-_' Onions. --- - - IyNa Ir 1-u Idled If furlue• will -known Cleanhog ute'nslls After .using them- . 1 Nrublr N,da. 'rhe a MMI. nI 11.01.• 1-n 1-n _._ aalumllalueerul walar �ua t u.: 11wrxluru 4 c htht lilt•, d:Wi tat ills ,-nun• in N„tib - . CONSUMj .ION. ..._- COCOA .. ante all iunw(it., Tb for odou.Y lass alwa s I,ePlt an IID [• I . I.; \\ U I'uX V . Day an \loud t) the ,Ila all - Ut \ Imp or- Thrnor:•q., ,, - •-. _. - ,valked athu.tlu,..-t2:iNp wKhtwlle yeah, - - _ ... - 11nt yuea'tlou with taa.ulswlvinr. for 12 '7 . - -; i:F sued” Ito tali ttr(llkW. lh1-ar wtffri 111iN .alio gofst�t: •Means of s,w,,. almost impfurtible to remove the . Rec ,ery. , trite ler the entre lMerl� Leel La.bw1) )d1U1C loll Int.• duly ht. Ir.. Nnl) I sigal and Wal>' trdo[llrnws erg - •- Mrs. Aaemi K-Aer, fait 11f (,rr •, arra ('unh41uylti'm is I A alwilyv :iso t” etable. This Is r E,1)eitally frac altar ' s two of till- z<hitdtyal. \; iLeNl .liN«atat-, pied a ' 1-K« ru•rceut.a*.• has no -superior. It IS ahso(utcly' pure very nutn- �L1'e41t' CLA`t-YkN=1, AAI 1 -KF.-. elfvahew ulxy Is• ulU'ihi ail to too• fol_ hating used a steel knife to noire the thous.and ver eco'nomica'l. .1•.jlNklIl n-snlr 1{uldl, fur h•,...^- in \boll Alrt'oll,iigh. a turill••r 131'uv- onion, bet-ause hrfuty the kuife-lo y fano aqd 1hcrlrY. ah•t a HurroN.., mn.eal seliGy u r 111wulg rn1Y.e•h: _ �__j�i _ f the let of Mt( ulluu h & -_1- .L a .e:, tart! ragitht. It la_la►tifcsaary-�lt..clrnll _ . _ �lr__�_+ Tana.. awl 011..•1 InP,rtuale•N b -.t IL•luNl •d, a Mr,' , II 1' nn 1111 ,ll /' IIyT, R',Q inri.•rlrrt mall itiarl a. i 1-r•. It'll' (Ihr• and yet merle Walter date! all steirue to • MiML COwAI 'CO.. Lis iitaol TORONTO - 43_ Th(s1.Soar- u1u-i,• -n,n•. Mu'drirfl. F:w)I.a A d1"'Will l awhile. i-wiu41nuLg At '1'orl (fest. Thilll' the mc-1111ttiot,tI anti” lrave fol effect u 1 - ANIlltl.w-ft 11 Selfishly ola W"lrieddny,. tht- 'lSnd Ida• hid IIYN hn' "111 Ibi Ihu 't, til,• result' )• fou,e !L It has just `� —�----- - _- -' . n:hon :Ilr,ul I:J1 fsall treat the silt• I I K• , been discovered that ff a-pariug knife i . A ROY ADAMS ,(If nnlwrfeE•t 'mn,rltiun. :old Ih'q In LY run through I pit -1'l- of raw potato A TKA1 nail -n, III lit• I,li,k A, .aAllat& &till sank• f,er tilt- Int•n break, dawn the Ill 'it of r,_ Too Bail. 1 %%;t, the reldv. •'1ho silk. iii ll- ihilnl Untr th•forr )fell, ro411d rouilr the odor wool b1- L•tatitely removed, sad oro# the f&•ntw" I'hll ni •I . _ ,__. 1 ratiaua:t,IticuusurtµlLuu_Ls:w rot, ,• Iilialeilhar. `-T as this H such au easv method It will \ ., rtry*i= �ftii: rhe•^ sr Station in ILu.k ..f )1."i'. ..I ItL,.►. -1116 FIr IN-Nllrt'Irel by Illi widow pyui - it --•.rrkr'Mrt-r {- :.,, ___. _ ILvhr•il thvr:,vr Mid.rllothel.' surely lie helpful to those women win` (•'ufy load tirade• bleu 11tlpr.liular• with - . - '{i,.• lirht .t. -JI (nwlLI'd it i•LUo i. tie i•1-- ,I Ill L&keness. . ••µitndown ' IfN� horn.• let; Mr. and cr.irp the t,nneel Elf mrtritiim, near - AWe' lntrrta0W1 lit bousebukl AlIafr:+. . 11t, ."Il. iy WWI lattliuK u aµ)1:111 til' ... . -. @d1Ca1 111...1. Too, uel•, of Nlte•phres, ,tsps the ,Ili. Plitt nothing in the• will -ill. Nxcrl, it.bas atwxys txeu elffflcult to man- I.... said, tliruut;lf 411,• hint-ral exerrisi•. "%Pill I.•M Joan -idle ll tile- ,till :•' n IIN'uurg I ho r,tnk..n A, II_ i admit tie(- jtsl,i.UYt..,said l lvdt-, ••i1 -'i, n _� _ _ - rel :tit. inter,• -1 le • f•)'Nnt root. C'iuul• Kr sal relatkolm Uf wY•tlr l 1+ _ __ -. ago to cook rrbh:L >uplNn.ey) i,url+•e„r IN•. a,Elt of t,t'-t7•Nrl i.IM1 4 .t. Ir•hind der I?11MI:IC(t>1h:t'i't 1tJititfirf« (,,InN.•Lla, the Ith 1 �t., tvht•n their Itris for Ibi, re Iwm WO wallt every caGba/;e ou that the rumen du tut ea• I"' 1 •i iii IGe -__ • dam •htor,'fhrro•s:b hrIReu•• t,to •gthenl, lilt- insU•u' 101-, I t way of ve.l." til.• bride ter the test of th,► home. 7•tdq fray pr:u•iiartl e•ttiolmutlinn• tt:Ylkr•I c{nwll ._-- .• ' -.t,'1'. haeKa-n.l. M.11, as -3l- 1'•NNY aU Ii1NIM1•Irh to kleawsllwAll. situ• . N' s. Tcas"I yr -"N. H. ler .Willi.lul. Wfiftevi,h•. at ltrpht•le I lirioif c.kf liver proP:la••tliou, Vitlol• he dune. by cavedag the t La wild flown Il,e--1:uu• C.,r•..u•d Lt- lliu two [Mae•#. tltamtatrart++r.s•t. , - Phone a•._ •I'lo.•.reroµuga) Ta:t_; .la•t•fuT4uLil:a:ti' Ilw: Avbi.Jl i•�tli•. su3a•r';•ir lo._tA1r..GuihiouNd � „ His Pl;ice. - . 1or."aalaer.,N,-n•<al . ]tato ,trr••t. � tiler vigetalile 1t- caankllte xvlth a large f:oe6' %i11p a•: hr -dal New•;! • •.. \, (IplteN41s, t-•1. t)sNK'' -.hal 1., IA..ns• I.C. r.•ratM iie lit '[lir Ill-mee•ncr 1-.f it largi- r•'Ni liter 011 ,Lust okjmkiutth horau.r it place of bread 9'h1Y seems W absorb I'' ". W. Tutehull'�.nwfdrnr.•,Mtmtn•il.n.a•i. 1111ulls-r ,if..gurst- .h1' It --v. 1'.. A. is glade•to)•Asl•ientitir, extriwti%e and oo Il.. o.I 1':11 .ulouln•u''i 111 t sa 1•rl.uo,t f:. Ilio ado,, or 11- ins 1.•t'. lwd Ihu• wad III Ihr 'to'rrrl -t lrt•i Y' Shk,r,l fit.- Cul -1' t aht•I'. ftsitbwrstuf l ubh, l.d,r. % I'hI 1'a. So-xdniml. a -,!+oral Ly ME,%. 'Ale•,,: ,•.aloeletJ'aling prtn•e.-rroitl fresh'cod.' all the odur and ket•pa the miaitir of k. _ �- .- _ _ _ Too I Io11itill sit 1'uUmui.:uld Rev. hews, .•attnbill(ng with pedsin+Lle• ,If the bouire In Igilprlinlee-af what ls••be- I'uf). 11- t.n no.l ronlid. 1,i.0 Jrti No.r i W. W. F. OALL.it\,'. AI. Il: 1 Ih•I I with a „Iutlulzing .•fie- our a "'I'10 irv%l:t( inlcre,t later mlin.the lM 1'lu•nrr, 0f mirhifi 1. ' irnn All the Inttbrin:tl. ilea Ing. iaNl,v lag peepaAad lo[ db*NW- .. Y lalflding elements of r. -I. lura+-il, total - -__ --- -'_ . _ ,o nu,•11t nal two, tllr41 mn11lrk,vl : renmuroy •' ��efr. �- Sys \'o111'',nud, Is right ;cud yuIlr'u,•ulh '•-I'•l) the d.4. -Mel ealldidall . fltltrr. ``'dlnrn••-trawl. tree dA„r to !4itot \Ir -sr-. \\'. 1'. Arno .lohn.l Ibdtri•f- .Ute nil. sleaaS -aVR HO I. 1•igi11. hUI. f otµ'.lven't gut. Ihal. Intek i.1-. haul. . f.•Iwdaua••_...ndkw I.1 • loos . sun. two. Lifoll ,t/lifil Hein( ('Id• - _ . __ ) top In nluunln-. diill' -, it nunif leq K l.,light lit ave." Fit -Nils; F. .l. li. hult,4TFat F VF:. F,A1t rt-lati -s -1 ff�thtf wotiai�tc.Leal at arta INtJ4u1 t ftrf�nlitii(alew Ihhreal w•Hhee Whoa you po>nchaee botUn o! lel 1-P art )lel -- fatal Oe1ecL' �� .'err nu.l 'I'hntd 01111', ,fralfont, rent. Ila New Eraolll.e 1111 SA1111day. The � ,E I ♦ \\'h:tl lana IarolnN of HwiWn's 1 -,t -I Hun.# tarlirou \.•n Valk erph11.Ali lir' ..led _ ur1 Am l An ngth-creator fol- 111E la-aple, pdsou tap a bt7as beadtlll•, tack 1nt0 A D Ptotal Woman, 1 _ Anwl t .::torr raesrt: rtmtra,r--*-17-.!. "'i Lulrt' I�Ki-A ulnrlt1 wall i11forini•tl - - _ _ - _ ��i <iefrrntrt Ietl,Irr#r. Wet1EE Uop of tJte soak--lt set•sea ss r - ¢ - . ]e,1- nw 'hn,n Ion-pe:d. lo..kh..s !1. Lu:nr,•, nn,l tll,• 1•Aftety -And ilA L11re 117 wNWI-,' IJAV- nTir3t7r" extitii 4, 14-:111V -_ I Rtlyat 1 ,ten of.1.tle,knl.• tMlewrM1, F)r/ film nlaule this tl s11Wistl,lately. in ad• ,ael%h, and ally ickllt -, \'.into[ Is nue•. IntRker, and cledldrrn willbe,umrrcaa• Itctedf111,.title , "Thr ,rguY:"- . .1 t31! it y.,111 It 11cu f led '•\'1-s:' - 1lnuiu.l, NI•,11, .%%, a_,., _tUeen f...-tr,-ditt„II lit fife- JIM, -tical I.rit11cheh. of referllel. tloule of the marked bodies. It the evouvatt ti liar• h ,hand. "Sho el'4•h -- -.- fVrmfun]. 1 n.lr \1'Ind-or hufrl Iluun We task U.'klerirh ponitle. to try "it fix le•d." !,I., a.." : iI.."..: qI'-w. F'4-1.1 ....... e:;, igri.•ultoore.. and .•an give :ul'adilrrhs label come:, off or is dlacuto[ts1 the bolIcing. line talk 'Ili- w•ho1.- dao• loom.. - Vinal leu tut• Utfrr l0 1•etul'n their •"1s that ,o i 11 was a gaud I Ioer'" nut. eyuAlel by ew11� who have Ful- unckw -tamalns as a stall and_crOSts- She ea11nol eget nu)`, wo!•k done, i'n, "VeS it, was. A Kiltiel.) n•1-: 10111 it ' uu)nry,lr it drtNNnuS givrwf[lrfitclil,n. 1-:y tritini ('linton New Kra. boom won `lel"'•' dittn'i--tibun)hotty'i rrlryhhrht•s.' Legal I1: 1'. 1►unhll+, i:.Nlrrieh, ihtL- . g ••Mal." ri•tn.ark, l Ili.. ImO •Leel. "1 Tm Former Resident of Exeter. Valuably old lace whlcb wool ntlt St. Louis I' .4t:4I;hpatch. -_. honmhl she _w a. a , Irltte•rla,N. :►led I« for ,m,uK4\If,It oil leF'R Mrs..\ntht-w l►eny)m,•�, formerly a,f . Canine Intelli ence. bear ttuahurg any De de>rtaxl with '--'- L 1-.a 11bnu1elurghheinik:" wok der. n,nar),"I...Mwe 1 1.. tend ,.t powdered mlli{%eptia a or Vren3t Chale: nal. t. Ih.nftrtr Cal t hnnl 1csi) k Is, ,. \ __re.l..,,;,t .low, tuww. North ntnvt. lisedl•ri, h F:xeti•r, died at her hnnlr in Toremto, A %4'Lav' ilial auol his • • 1\'lac, hEa ell•nt, err'na s ' ►iaay ,Te+i :tai had This should be . _ of � I' - ,types MiaNai tali w, lit a.wfwu. iWturda). ,pilar r liogrring _rNn.•aa oil AlOttday'. pat u (;ountry halal:. The men haul yPkled sof over the Ito, hot' Ulnu1 Iieoplr vlrrrerd I i[ :,MI atYM(A)'-. oil ull. I►t•1•&•:UN•el, wil'ol-wew hlxty• holt%' a dime' in his IfEwIl 1, but he, slit lasc>:r 01x1 [tee pattern that .tamtard x111 - Is; lift 11. , \ li. l'AMkKiIN. K. t'., DAH".tIS. throe years sit:lKr• i, mlotivrit by her Juwu at Yhr liahlN attd preg, ►td. to �a grsRly w1Al a tion b ie1• \��. TKIt..At.nor. uw.n p.,hlfl 0111 hu.la,ud:u/el iix rhildrt.u: Intrrmrllt oldrr+LttlrAh the lane being tlra3ry lestaZiar�d it' bh#e 1 at fII • i-n•,u, c11fii1•ing Ibi• Joint... l i1.ruNun. wras•t u'sh•rb h, thnA dhur ft- ..w t.N,k pl:tee (runt tie,- hunt• of bel: • W1111L will leu have Y' asked Ifle tidsne r. T N � STAFF 1)uf t h,•u I blare iv nu use lett ing a 101 1"art, brother. John F:Nse-rv, let 1`atearnP )' leap• of lel h, r Il.ing. Lbiyy►wr lrra~ut e•. -> Irulthuni. 'I•In• t'e11I1'Ihatlll�t Kot# Ila': •\ w,� m� La. flat that -will he }� � ){ lIaFei)l T� UAIl B BLA111 '_ i , continental Tfrp: -- uiA",,u»d: turning Cif_ lbe doy, he aide fio•�e with tbea.dhowa Lr umde ©I �� l e _�__ \ elf -I,.& dleili.r-. wN.,ri.•.I,^hn.• pre - solid, •'\, in't will jail 111t�e n eke \Laalbr.01k ill all' . loin., , a ..t -a a Bial 1'. Corrorin, Elf lrafurth : k by ptrhtg And Rrat� om- (anent- dwr Meow•, loplat essessi 1�►,..deunt'. y PA A, ,t.• I.oitial -,f Iorv.tialp, and j- J, '•1 will ZIP u hum_ sandwich." the Stood ming with eal� trh>te pepper ' tar. nark I^ len.l at lew._I r:.;••- artery. (iIINUI, ler L+t `t,tlrllr, h,trr slau•IWI nn dug hashed to answer. The hotelnlnn r W. i'I�o(neul Plaol K. t'. alt. E'. fI al's. 1+. F a ('ontil/rnG►1 lour. learnt-, lilt- ernfrr wits bro:►thlegs fur a ulnll�ent with lad tlrkdl rant- c>s,re . ywve. n itlwa- Miss Cameron s �d1AtM. r astunishulrnl. . full to the half of a billed -a= first We have the agency for . I -._ i)f the 1(arnan /',chola world. hgyPt ••\['hat dili_!le any :" he a4kclr. : #emgrlas tae yellow to 11th with t� r It! tNii- Al it►!Y. IiAH Ault Patratlne, air hill, Eirit, will �o- air JOHNs 1 ON s MILLINERY - R tY atfEwnry., Ah•itor•. rt•. parntlertml inletrNt 10 thrnl. Aitrr "TNII hilt &Lgi►IUr NL'tti.' reh3ailulyd eIIeeati Dills 1'fece taw t-gg lit the 11EA 1-h. , tell wleudnt lit -t rah.-. b Ixborin withunL 1-r.'itt• fur +L' u:u'trr- flat. man. Mart of a sums lettace•bead. 12da,1.Y L I,t'KI\ani.'. t (IAK1.14 ;aft low. 1.1..if K 1 I ••I -aid a haul ma ndoe h," tile dug \ " ' PARLORS let A vents y F'Athrr-1'ftm-o-ati KL!ts i/nty a>td sppet>sLxg. 1 ` r �l./ O.` (fill VON. IfARR VI'It 9 'irtwi trrTPp►y. 9'hehttaiMt,i wfw,a, ._ `fT%1RY B R G $ ilia tilt- L•n.4t of his hral4tra, wrH Itis Try tads once and l wli nal, ion nil lose•., sow ar Ehln . i111p1'N Ned by Ilio t{tJking of #lir dug y� �e i iia, x. tour .pt rt I,�I hNtl•1 rclt lont.�" for ;nglrnchun's mRk,•, that hl- OtTrrrd >QU'1 for it,. '('hr uwnre fulsial tL' When you put-your-ruarat 111 No be et- Bread is made. On Hamilton St. Will be 1-r _..-^ the Oven t a small dish of vinegar ___ _�-------_ _ _ Bad Accident at Exeter. ler hhN dug held out for i:Yl• q•hia;,ti the 1Nr star _ Try it and .pee. conducted for the re- LUBUlrA Ce, A -ens. ete.- Fall Bray', life Iifteen-year-old son L1111I1UId Intel ill also. It wfil ail oW keep your r � L -- .. - - „tET-Pwi•e frhlti, Inst whit Asthr- t o Krihootetist Wt" jenvirr)< itm meet Foot, bureetnt. out -will Intake ft maillder of .the - Sejii3Un -- .. .. i.ft\'in. f3eiiy 11OuNft , tt H f:H Hil tt pa41dui:u)d alruaad tuWl uccidoll on :Yi;°e.tbr dug Ute lej-lit-lou► lutd quid. ,tpaal tinder than It wEaretl.utl)er• i)IC NiIC. D I by MISS Myrtle Cou- 1 IGulte „red la+^ to A Itral r.. yatufflay,.thrY.;ib flu. With two ler leu wretch . 10 -4.11 tilt- for fi•AL: be. fmpRrt'iaE the tiavbr aw'well. . Will- Lala ntLl,ec sins, h–i8iilL__ be _ ---..-. tatriorwdem-'Tart . rldtrgl' - rthPr-1•t)ntrg-fr•iitrtver-irP +w'�=--aF'r rot- 7ta�af-Slat !A --a � any all of the town wl [•+tont \ firs and wheeling vary .wilt ly foi F:zrt,•r ,Laid Atilt be never did. PhnblAlelphia Yah• ftp rroml pot #asst will #,tate - tt#e i pleased to have all lwho __ f• insurance, money to. , t1-• ern ttirnm a corner in the- (ntt.kirta lic lAalKer. j g _ _ meet more tetader andtpAlatalblp. 1+111 filed our Roodstt best atrdireshest: re(Ip1fe anything !n JOHN W. CKAiOIF' FN, 'I It I)(' the village ran into A carr}age. . JOHN .aid aexident itifurance. Acral furl in val he rpparentty did not notice in OUR NATIONAL DANGE1f: EVERYTH I N�jI this season's styles Call mutual anA sail k �ompanics. Il1sI turn ' .II time to tarn Aside. 1'hc .haft of tile- _— serving tM.Oliv. lines effected on ba, -t plans and It . ••,t rn (�� rySty te. +l ,b„t p upon her. atrTlt�mr 1�T mmerao i.t ix tr�ruetcal_llis-iirxaat. her .__- k i uNr _ _---- t Q fl --_ _ T to at* _ tzsi>sexl nlatr or eddrew. J. N. (.HAIUl1., i!Wh; (mw albs and punt Unrfng ills lung. 1 he reek Raulta l they oQer end —iii [Cha d-• 8#Tid reLehoa•yl nfnrtunate laoi vita pfekeit rep un- Iowa tttose3ilia whim tiered_ 'JoiPtYcrom- - -_ _.m_ - ______ _ _ � ThP#r wee lfinuhatldh, both tarn and o/ first-class quality pato at fair races. cehteciuus stand naw lips in a very criti- biiviluaoos. 'fl.• modowei,•cook IIOK%.thr , cK{LLOP MUTUAL FiF1K 1 women, who do not take turn LOrnl made Over toorder. cul •nndilion. ' P L' H A - t-1: t U -F'4M1 and I \leen pntpeal _ They rush through life, oil- to glm , regastl a•Od with IW aid lowp praillInvured ,\ a• a Clergyman in Runaway Acci• and as A result wt- have an age of prepatssr many u awyrive• to a•arpt -\ _ • Ulacers Y. R; Mel,run. Vro-., Kimsen 1 . ) iodi ehtinn, nrrvuusne h., hrritabil later that el 1br ts& T. Framer \•tot -pre... Hru,edrld Y,,. dent. R M ells ameol g,LwwI S I11'gr� 1 A CALL SOI.1Cl,riiD. Thomas F:. Nays, :im. Treat-_ wtieforth P. lo, ity, sleepleaw night. and rn11reeme dim- Olive tiau(twk•trrJi. - T14y ovale of ST lJ R DY & CO. \ \, alar a h;. way at eek his s,hit'll (fair nAtiunal tt,ut et- ' YRTLE COUSINS hlerctor+` Sena. ('ht-^ey.t{.ndurih: .f'n.n r K i. ` 1' U.lirlrav, Wlnthroe;�liW/nct• Itale,w•afurne; rnnh a)k.,Wl)rN)intnlrnt a wl•t•k nqn thin DrE•at1 frnad avlth tivttPt•, tl>Cn '11111: �ii•jl)�.J-'r[�. r \ hb11nach weakrn•ev, dor to Litehtrlrnu-h part. of - John lkmnew11isE ho Abs: Jnm11. 1:, -El fee e r Saluda it I-% (i. Powell, of Brum. with v Y .....I:1-.._ Oxtail tdrsy'aod wtnM; .l ; wurl. aielAmil ; '1•her.. Fnarv. sell, tart •ilClth.'a nasty accident. IIP -- chopped, waluul lneata,.put t1- tha4• lit Phren,• a. P' ,i.;)t U,hvety �- inlcenrlA : John ii. Mrlw,as.. Jilpt.en ; ,Jam. Ali•ar-n,► tablets fo n•Il "Intl Lit. walla � / nolle. 1limon. - was art•mrr nitro in tier rwrri r M• l- -_-- --�--- -`--- ` ' of the (the, sit rand Nlauieem. mart-• Iralr� war a ,ttxN•al dttT fart-ai&d dntu awn hulil-h, NitN 'rcalrnu'u1, fit Hrns- J. Val. \'t-0. Ilnlnar-e:Ilo ,if. for w'oa Linn of the Ehgt-.tivP juire!s, They It top are- pupubtrlt teat. II11mn. •t+ulirr hoed,•#- '.x11 if. i1mme-Itlets . awlm, :thd �Irs. Ibllau•d, of I.i-lowrl' n)•tlte the motions h clanr(/rtwhle find Mandan aandtck•hPA ate made by and pot LhAFe rano. nNoa.tu,rar To►er t our (of six l hoist!sl w p:►rltmul, frigght• e•11rrin,iigr.ti„n. - t•!►errpfe>< 0111 if Hue paid Hmwn's, ('Ilnton pT at It: It. 1'rttl- glora•ry, In the hrirw• No flu►t it. ki(•kl-al iLm Jtbtt yQtlERen- Kfit=ii slrert.. ail , rh. leg. over tbalV:rott l air &fill in phinging - Mick hevularliess, palpiteEll yellow Ing them with maylas aWe. Cat tthb, IA) Pxtric:,lr it+t�lf ifp+t•x,the tiK. throw- akin +old cu.tlWl langur are a few of NII( 1-N of hart ad In traaraw sttlps. +SHAVErO P B in nut the M• Malas. the many distressing rPsu11..)rindi• hbf+ee(r e _ ____ __-_ __ ___ K f Mr. 1'awo•II getill that M6o•na never fails to) Itlr[rad the 01itr u�an, trait the HAVING ANh HAIR -1)K . N(f fra,aun•d Neveral ribs and lrrl'mesi iliasprrading the uthera with cstAtes. hNael 144 . , fitrt. till- haliPs ((aped (:urN. Pre.a t PA1tIA►Itti. - The Is1A place in t law. \Vllal/n sells Mi -4) in :A► 'cant urlpl6pr'ln Italrrt- with NlighL inj41rirn. \ Nt11tfetl ollvq•m have 'the rtnnpt, arra lcr : erveyttdna[ clean anA men - 1 le)xpa, Atltl ytrrArantetPa to refund the atant>sl hC- tary. Ho• and rnld bath-. ta'M. D.a\'ln• n Uld Resident Osborne, monNq if it. dire• not give complclr fuol•ad aIIll rephcrd Dyt�•atlpwotsor HHUsh Farata11ge Itoul Hlork lsacrrsAOr to maLiafncfitin. furtYmrat llvfPrttils JawFdtxleyl. The hidrnln of 1: )ane', hear i AivmfJalRy 1sEua- -= --- - - -__- with deet egret on Nn relay. the \ - dnceel by atutnelt• thlxa MM ,rolloe •+,rth utt.. Tat t Thrnt ret Mrs: _-__ _. _,_ �, __._. . savoy butter. :ilfey - _. Marriage L1Censee Itnhert 14 lTlua fif the Haines ' ent) )fin look wtn•t1W1 : what to from the anofe rspdrtll)l, as Me Pass* wA1.TaK R. 'KF,L1.V,-- - rn+ul. [►rcrxNPtt of 1 in he? a1.us1 wnr an aposr. The- •eese,e arts! • tllleR DODNRI(•1(, all 11P,dth until within A F. Are. of hpr ••I w • Nttlng by an adder this after. >�dld about Ur:e>j+• wht[h shard ri'atashmaker, Jeweller anA Optician. tiemirN•, when ahP offew .tri n w h rnaln." ���- �K,bot -amu Iwuer d 11[aLtraaga t.Iganws� pnralyhia and -sal into unr(m n llenP loon ilial it happen %" �� ��I,ANR, it19UIsK OF MAARI• t/rAP. Tier bill -� Tei -T'W6� n r 'Ti+ri►it, wmt th, P� � .Pcpnty-aprpnth yplar, wxaonPofthe lk: ciclk, carter adding up the & tom, AOKIle•a•as,Goderich,(hn. pioneprs fir flip i -aunty. .She war, n ler Wad mel�y wrrolmt wow over- � Dealneps Cannot be Colo` - - ___- -_ __ __ - woman of exproplarr character ami (Ira u. by 1.-:d ay. 1. 1'. l i .... , a, u.1-) o:uu' iI r •,i -•ii leu•` AucUoM•Y \ � - Sia I«•d p..111nn nal Ihr.•., . •farR I. ...dr ntoE- L wait dtoatlyt._1leloved by a large elre-le \ w:,y lA rnn•Arable•-.. M,e.fbT a Irl e•ntorun c---�----__.._- --- ;---_----• of Ar' 41aintanees. She• leaves to he 04ub. lomis e.- I- ,.An.sl In u. 1 mail rrIM-dr,. IT OUNDILY, Is STOCK ,niourn their hoax lire wants Alex., of New S1. fhieriit t•rlently rlpcted, Inn"'osalrnolttfi..n,dtl,rnae,ota, linu.eof all,, NantA Kea bol :.John, of Kxpter : and err rani. Hn alai• ty. 10 e•onlmit- %u.h"'illau IN►M. aVlwrt the'. tube I. eaAagEr.t and l�tnnnefal aertionrer. (Ifllnm on go01h 1st Pr►Pr ',T, nn I i.• n eI fma - ino „r nnss•rd,•t h, aI ,it rest, wham be will be found at an tion" Hol.. -rt, fill the homestead : Wm., n( te•emAn) k ilpM, 1 t . in In• Fal. m,d when 1-n I'll .land Aratfne••. 1, when nor ^rylnaasde-. Tonna r•w.onablr and KipIN•n. And Hu h, of F:xp[er ; And aatttnl in Chia r h. A mernlNl•QRPred t tilt- m.uu, and on` Um Inrlsmrnauaie ran Mt evorfr eRori. axed M [Iry frost slat:afaotole, d takeh,nnt And the- nttn,"onred to it. lam vital 1•haill fire daughtpn ala, t-1. huwnir, orf mP a h41ndtwi po oda this aftern(ritrtlifinn( e(.nrlttFQn hearing will oat Ae.fmTlse f.m"'r; Minnesota : Mrs. Thal-. I'aas11lore and i world reaill 1`rafust do aometbinito ler rare4 ant of 11.11 ant ewrEwtl by rarnrrie. Mala. Thos. MaCuldy, of Vaborne : --what would you ailvi.r• : c-h.l. anthletat blot ate Inflae m .0ndlifnn aEORaE BE&ETT JliNees Tana :Ind Cathprints, at home. 'Memher of Committee -r'i'd hang onofN•4 111"aha-.nrfa,•ra•. alta ,Ile Marndre•d flnllar, for any General Auctioneer. peat- rel Miss Airy Gunn. roc a few days if I welt ole. You'llca-e ret A. Ave 'ICYrd M eftfa l that ren New System of Tickets and Catateltgae. get H better pricso."-The etch. t+1- rn,I I '.. (#striat ml-. ilnnn The, ed And ttno-xl,arted death ,If fordm%he OFFICE, HAMILTON ST. Amy Ross (fnnn, third daughter of it's hEimetimes effeW to a\h on ►'•J.al 'Ill 'ItH�de,o. 1 P.O. ia>< s d{ 1k. 1►td Airs. ()lion. of Clinton'than err let go. moldhZAing�kall 1<1 - I Tats Hall. 1 anslfr 1- ` titillation, RWR �¢J�,� A,� vE i.., NY 3 . ,'- b 111.-t 4F ,;;:.11,,, e, l5 '„ IJa�5.1„i. _ ._°' 'e .4".(a,.. NM.'V,... tYC._�,',YMIAIA( �{R tau. ,i�n.4.,� L �- .• ... ,:.r.+. -..v . .-.iwv:m-1. 11'.4'el. Affil moat• eggh.'all the I%,-.,( is the Insult. EN,DON.1D. -Y EVERY ... I USER. 25c package • heli• h.tlr toy -ell DrilgLl ;inti d.•Alrr'61l1'off ly,vnpl.lir,. �T �� F_nlpire Canary Di ,ter will ,task,- 1, Yew Canary happy ana rid It of g \t'9. vermin. ' . . 11, , it._n..I.flIa :41 fIlolt ie.xwill. __ IAd, .11 14•o I,• 1-1, Ihotaghlful - Ltor111, tl m,, ;u lit. . G. I JOH ON EMBIILME FUNERAL DiRECT - I .n•HiL.uw ae.e1' wt,-nakhalf warrropla+. w"e.t..Side t4plare. '1'1111\F:: itiuro et Uoderlcp It•t-idrn.T ITa - ltrhl eall,:.at re,idrma•, :t. w'illlan. sta'of. tai •. THf: LkADING .1 '` Funeral Directors •and Embalmers orders carluliy •tt•INd t• at x111 --- bears. nlgld of dry 'PHONE 15 OR 24 wan hunvt _ 1'or. N'rnt 11I .. 1.... wal.t'._�.iwa�i 1rPW4 (OLreetand Titll Itr.,'r at leork tlgeare COAL -t- ALL KINDS Of COAL ALWAYS ON HAIL 9'rkll 444 w••iNh«I i)w the market goal" wh re yon art 4nt1 Ihr+. for a fail. WM. LEE. loldrr- If -ft ;it r. r, I. ;Ks hardware Store e,wl 011ie r4taure, eartannaly attewlod to. - y�� --- YYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest tiamesteend Regulations. A.4 ova 1.umtsav-1 wh•11'”. of Iromisices � - I. tel, in Jl4nitob.a. r4wkatrhrwan and Atlanta, r err nHtK m.u.d -6• awl 1......r"41 . nt..v the helm -t••.11i1•d by as.) Ise."... who I, fit,, ."I" Initial 'If a rteilly.Jokian..,vake.te�A 4&4,oar,.01aala to tele, Cif all of une Yuarl«rr4h ntal Ur IMI acrees. more ler Ir,.. .ap 1'I,-Wlovi for reRr• fln nl,t tie lit. In iml ht tta• NlsIllil of ,t lbanir.fon tnml- .arrenev or "Alb akii"" t for fill, 41.,10vt in which the tank L• .11.1,11'.. F:uII) le) IehnY Ina). huw'.%v, to rwrwlwwraw-IA _-7 nn e'�nnin cundltions by Ile fill Ti, Ill... -leu• a"I'hl••r. hesitater 0t- ..'fur of ole fare.rAstrK 11-)1-1--i,lewlt•r. Tier -.low.. tea 1, ntgidn,A In perform the holm-tewl settle 111101.1' 01.11 of the following total:_ - ___-. •- ___-_.-.... ir\3 1i•awt slxOlx agovf: reSmeub ,at* par enrtrvw'rl+n•er•t f..lst/:k Isar for Lkr•• Sent- ., 111 A h^uu•Jr,Nlrt naw, if Ise -et Ae.itgn, per. hwm tM• n•q,tira.l r -let e, r delete. lallrlg on fornnn. 1.1.4 ,01% nod .40 �-�,,-I'W-', p t11 eight) Iota urn+ler '•Raul, it' Mp1.hone t 'd. J..IIIIuwnrr+bapUl not, to w. 11t). r.."11 Maul,• ret. '1:1111 Ihsh.rh,•r for mol le.•r, It the fatlretim ,swell of a Juan. "-`alfl ha,l pt•rnn twat easel \, .fees,• on fanninegg 141101 Ow solid .olrill by blur not b•-- Ilan Pkltsly non a••re•. Its ,-dant, 10 flip I irhefil) of Ih.- .'tnu•drad, or talent ahomestead .l eesl •r a'wy a rfr'wn. Ms ownnffw�i`--nee dal lee by .ik InK wills 11t' fat her la' foot hen. 1 eb'I'le•I.•tnt'hn•inllr'ltntht two p►prmlln Itwtaatwe•h- W th•Mfes1 a. Ilse f wnea)r 11,11 Inlet til+u, 'Aur nth s- fn a dllw•t hnO.-i la-Irt•of the wadies Vf ro-irl alluwatere.wpteanild Ile the mn• en-uIn••nt, 04 A hortle reader Intending to 1,Prform hilln•••hlrnre d^l.)sse In acron ants, witlI the Rhorn while livl" ((•tail tMhenG or oft farminft Land nwned by Ida-olf m11 -I notify the torrent for t1n diodrietof -nth Intention. 81s month.' nnUre In writing mu.t be gperm to (1101 (,Ommimtemer of 11nftn3nlnn lands at Qt.t4wa of tat otion to apple, floe reten•. W.1r (-asp\- i1er,l'1 of the At.nlster of the Int,er,nr. N.R.-I:naut lint stated puhltrat Ion of tons 64, r•ttlsansent will nm. M Mid for.