The Signal, 1908-8-6, Page 22 TaduanAT. August 6, IWO
11,11F:lt11'H, t'•:i'.t111)1.1 '
51 e
.VANATTlett t RueleRTRIrN ,
_ .._--r-sstmtittlobtsrtltlse d
Ilan per annual in advance. " to lir a► 1 '»matins patriot does not .pre
Pix motakA, 3110 ;.1 have months, Yb.
To 1:1111441 OW... mameriblar., at.11 a..innt. feel.-1111e.til1111_heili b.-11-1lJlts•11'(Nt'i••41
)strictly in ed1a,rei IIr111ehr1' idMl.
$oh,r•rihuri who fail to receive TM: rllu9Al. _ _. ...
resoled), by 01.41 will wader u lotto by .a•.
foal, nes u• of 1114' fact at a. early a date alio
1t is a pretty idtrt►p f.u'ty "hurrah"
Whim •sof address Is desired. both t be ,
Sid and the. ,,e new edifier. should be given. - in *Inch The Nail and kulpile; Tlw
- c I 'Toronto News and other l'unservalive
Adwrtisina Rated: :u-gi us indulge when they- point
1.1144:41/4 other slmihu :a!)41))+•1114141 . 4c nneit44nlsly to the fact that Ihr I,ib-
perKn. ,- Mea insertion 14143 le ler lino rtu era's ole not e.IlllrNlin • 1411Y of the
r h..„1„....,„,,„,1
i 11'1• 1trA•11n.i by r
I. tussled •4:tre. (welt♦ lire- w on loch. teals wt111 at the lotion 1'E'1' 44clal
llustum,. end. of six lines a1d- under. gl Iwo
rear, • elect' U. volts their puiliose to
Advert l:emenls of Lost, Found. Strayed. 411• l•„Ileidrl' this as » sign u( rleYtol'a)
,t4t. t •. 11(,,,...for K
oat ion+y+uuu1, 441 urilitiu. 11'un . 1. H r
Sale or to Rent, Panu, for 4.ile or to Hent, 1ll•t' y all the part of the I'misery/it:IYet
Articles foot Sale. ole_ WI exceeding right
line.. tic ,' 4: ipp+erl into : $1 for 11'1 It ne party, W Melee+ 1t is well known that
for eech..a.s.l.i,.M u104411, IAixerwive* nse- it W0. it... lark
mf part t• funds which
i .0
with French fellow.on.izenie • of
1�urlec 1s 411144 they wmIrtihtes seem
disputes' 40 1w ee,l�ertatdlau them
Hritish." 114 tenet 114 0 (lower .ort of
l'analian who penned that nentrne..
ch a lu
Why should not for 1' ll k
h) I ae aur K
Cenal)ian, as wi'II »s the Enpllish-
speakingl anatlian, hold Canada's in-
terests Ilt.t . Nu ono will eland up
4.lskatehrwl.n'toying collet et general
1•Iertion, 1 lusty days tlfler disslluliolt
that we )guar ap vxu•hiU4t
jlnu'natislits apnploctu• 11) when It
Iran. that in April, 11104, its idol. 1.'.
W. (1. Htltill tl11. 4pI a nit esti -elewl itel,
allowing) ut11y ten ,I , v, lad wren lliss111-
111ion and nonlinatione !
• The Pater Phantom.
V1 ,...-Ir Utes-' '
IN 1)
.1411 ion 1.1 tau.
went. a Vnllk.ln n. .
Announcement. inorimuyifadoptvie ten deterred the I.ilwt7►14. from 1ntel'ic%
routs per lith 141,' 1 r le than tar -
Ant' •poria) notice the 1 i cl of which i• the ;plo.tests. II is »4 tilde loaf early
pecuniary benefit 1f'' 1 t iw1p,441 1..110 3,414.1-
ruat,to bl1'onsalrn.l an na4erliwsnlit red to antuunre 111e itrid 1 of the election
• to be charged :uenrd.••l4t • Ihltm l Irl•. '
Rates for a1.ld,J' suit enol l•:Irt'a,11frr4yl ------. _log.-
_ aunts will he OVA Or, a plot• il444 . -. • -
Add re-. all germs hniefithin. 40.
%'ANA rTFat R to LIet:If1's. IN.
Ttii 4xuNA',
u.�eritn. a All.
110 440)'11. 1'1144IaU,t\. A4JUI 4T •.. Isla
'•Er.'i'y 1',uti441Tan how :Caitlin' 111
ownership of 1'.ulad:1' foreht,.. Self-
intererst, -lu( kits Ilion 11(*t, .-'wlxnsea
u Lam 1 ' -a share in 1110 dot of isele
using these' forests.'
"A itara is not uri'Iely 44 Idacr
, -where wield is growl, bot it. is she)
the stomps. and regulator of, i'i; -Tea-
wens(' water -powers which suit. 11ut•
tuitional pride, and which: when taken
in coUj 'ttuu 'vial our sort's
of raw material and .111 splendid
ttan.polt:lUun s)'vtrni. 1(111.1 uuike 1114'
...1).1111 idiom, froth naw 1111, al great (1141.11-
11431141'1111;,')•Osney. Yet the a4 mage
Canadian does not 1 'alio• that hi
-wen try's •illeZtlal.I lbl.• • lancet ie.
routilee„ an. 411 44etilt danger of teeing
exbanale •- the vet•y near future.
•''A far -sigh lth • • cungaehl•itsiy4•,"ag;
gte4rive and htlsin like policy in
at, it/n to OM' forest. is me of the
at deeds of the liter. fier
nen end goaitidal
this fart and an lyre -
•___i.1'__. 111oitglo tot
Olivetti mutt I'ro•
-iotroxhice a
people is urging i
VlnCltl�lit Vrl•Illnen t.6
tlwcepin l ne11t17 11ohcy
polley ens w ev01ve1 141111 carrots
only thro*Ig the cle41i1bJ -of iT wktr.
spread) pubtir il\teltigelne an Itis vital
The l'au:ulittl R?
front one of wits -e
foregkroing paragraphs,
striving tC#fvlake nth-
slund tin. eeri4us 0unsetme
est destructiuu and to aeon
ret in the pt oblem to an ret
will result in vigtttal4 and
act' - hooking to the preservation
per rnunagemient of 1)111'
411'04.1, '
Th . 'einem ii:altogethe' distinl't
from t agitation for an export ditty
un Cana 'an pulpwood, which aims to
develop the paper -making .imlustrj4 iu
Canada. So ar an the preservation of
our 10reats is c:. cerne 1. it will Ia• d
no advantage tat ►ve ('anatlian pulp.
,wood made into Immo in\
Tither than in the 1 iled Matra, Ae
a matter of fact, lh paper /leaking
industry is now -wing ',1nslerrad 4.
Canada without the ex ient 414 an
e4 )ol-t duty. -ttnty a few eager it
Was annoinwed by the Al'. 1'. ' imams-.
trial department that. three new per
and pulp r,.14tb1i.hnteuts 111 1'a obi
were likely ter be the nntentmo of ne 1-
tiations 411 prCigr1'its will t'nitwl Slat
The patter -making helli,tr4 will le-
..imrg tri- the r tigduvv'whirb p iei6t" tier
the forests. ph.. foiled mom,. has
allowed NN forests 1n IK dcplell'tl. I11N1
)'assts if it takes the primer steps 14.
conserve Its ual•uul wealth will surely
llecexne the seat -of (.l)e great paper and
pulp industries of thetaintinent, if not
of the world.
The forestry movement i•�. Iloweter,
touch wider in its outlook than this.
Our continued snccewl in agriculture is
vstry• .►.-14.1»4'
mblieal i.'1s the
are taken. 4+.
"pie undrl-
eye of for -
an inter -
t that
'It i• w'1r111 not i1K.} the atlltrk
0n the 1 ,1na4Hap prrfe•rrnit,l dillies 1111
licit 14444 woollen 44.1414)1. runes fromi the
saute 4lturter as the•�mort insistent de -
Matti -To"r itifer-iiiip`erud- prefererlee.
Tout i.., 111,1,..' W141 1114191 bLU:ulth 114.-
4'1an !their ailetwu'y t'( siyn•11Ily
favorable trade relation. Iwtwood]
Act -we C. -me -try
(hoer--l1-htt demand that the, duties
ugatiiSt tint' h goods hr increased
w enever'the l'a i+w uxanufacturer
.-..le .•nm'wlitlilii. deal ret
1 l:r
it would .lo lile,ot HLit;tin riY pliv.• her
a •'prefrlenl•4''' which wunld n1t n-llow
r u Fw-1T bcr _m'ul.lfarh4rrs in
Toronto ,1 hl 1 111 1111 1e1 I 1 111 1
:Uum t LPL there Al 11 •'...wall -•hap:" ill
tt1. A wlrie 1'r 111101 .ttnl' •wotuw r
work 11111 'r 44 4141' til k e starva-
tion wage. 331 far 1'»11:411 a►Its 11.104.
prided tote n vim the; bel\toaria/ %Ant-
dili0ns were ;toter In this a try
than in the ('rel tett 4tales 'kr •tin t 'an-
linrhllll rolntrie hitt N .wept+ that
we are 1441 Illlm ne front Ilir evils
Which af11ict otter peoples._ There
is a terrible-injustit itl tai social
system fiirL pr 4 some , �nlen
444 live in Inxtlry with wol•king`.�sI
all and drive other* to th .most ex\
ha�tittg ,toil for the sr.•.l .int( of 11
hart .uh>rilltenee. The tem (fig 311
at) gibe' alltL , dreadful a wrung
should nut, hr, bgynbd tbe-ingrnu y of
Alan. -
he'Last to "Cuddle Doon,"
I -it aloor, 11.411 aro 11re.
An 1 an. a 111 1110,
NM, (rico ur (rets :1111rr. m1,
my fame err g41lit':�
.4olu, :hal 'was my sin it, Ie wn
lar Mee'. ill., wood. •1111114
.411 Auld frail body Iikepp.rl
It - t in,r 1 bat 1 -honk! Kant. .
lir bin .urn. roup .41w wild Loewe e
•hake•, the e c Mr tree.
.e n' a• it loughs it weuken- ap
.. Auld things fu' dear to we. -
If 1 iwuld only greet. req heart
It Nuuldn41ls' caw •4144. :1
- Ilut tsars ala gone, aa' balsa. are
n' 1eei1h calla/ lack nae .air.
A Tam. punt Tam, .110 N. u' fou,
He n thi. world afurht,
ta•'uh, Aar, 84. w4.. padded tIe911
wt 11101 ':r Wear% w'1'ch/.
He hotly 41 swath.- en, -.
nut when laid huh dune.
-The grey ha' hen' afore their -Own
Were thick mho r the Ines,
An Ionair. w4' I lir I ray hod,
4.0• burly, big an' br,. ,
Wa. est duan 4n the pre 14.1) youth.
The Ont alai/MK them n,
-14-4-14,44 teats fur mese
Then could I greet -111' wrrh
To Ihn11: o Janie tying dr4.4
Aneal t, the engine wheel,
4\ ee
Rah, what can I say" hon
LI, . wan, t44.1.111',11 1 me :
N a,• woof f, ae hila than weary year.
Iso 441/00 w•tOl. Ilio Anel
'4,111,1 1 bot ken 11,41 hr l+ Wert,
,.A tw-re 1 -44 I Iii- whl,;
Th • 0w1141 w.'a 11. a,ek �n"rnt
Wail irk a 01•.' 11w $t.
-1-44- . '. 10hrlfant44rr
.ti.' 1 son n`.my lane,
Nae fried Ldp 1 .pd4neer'.m.-
ter 44 My font ikr, KiLmti ' -
I NA.- that 11, m 1-1114- A. r .
4'rar whin' he des,- Idioms;
4',311 1 q1 we mild •ey held An wtr,
a policy of negation, 11 call+ for hon-
esty, iu. U1n atlulittisluttiuit of pilhhr
I111.1111•SY. with' the 1,1)'111111111 of liar
pad rising up in judgement • before it.
the rhadow of men like (i, k:.' Foster
1.4.mlimg'over it. If (Loewe• e110111)1 lw
an election during the pt•rsent year.
ran lu1yu116 'doubt w•h t the result
plight to be ire .•11,11 it Will I1:`
Good for Its Own Sake. -
waiiii I.a'k 14etifua'l liel4rw, . '
• -4'atrrnlwl 4'onter('aliye eltllrrll•
A Call to Young "Liberals.
11' easl.l.e• . Sentinel 11e 110 w.
110, r; 1". Hu111nett., of TtiFnitO, hal
issued a "1'a11 to Young Liberals,"
urging the or alnini tun or reorganize -
t Ivxlrg
ti0114 . l es-Youl4 Liberal flub in every)
city, town and village in the Prue -
ince. 'I'het4. she already many such
clubs doing excellent work through.
sell like ..nmr.Y . nn --t atter -there he
room 1'.,m' more ; perhaps, hate and
111 Illy elbitiu•trr•or the work. The
nest sem 1I the Y0lillg Liberal ('hill
must-afira)t:U1 erlucationtil. fireause
.d Shia fail lbw elutes putt undertake
the work hoist lie free. free 10 discuss,
to 1.1•i1Il•i/.e and 1,o iuve.tigate. A
Young Liberal 1'14444 that ie eodlrnt to
reg.14 ! itself ,l+ merely a part of the
party 1,1aehine is content with doting
Ire that Ate tacit that should be ex-
pecte(' frau it. Party 1n'gsuizet' iv
useful 141111 11ee •10411•)• : if in -very ir11•
Ina that ample 411'ovis4ful lw auasie
lostele 4r.- e•its4-see-+1r to* theJaoVMl44- Nti g4•ttillg 1104 tilt. vote ; Lu1 lrla•rn1•
Bias( 11 ahaldoo the grills)) pnN'vp-/1sh1 stands for a 4.1:,4 drat 1111111• (111111
etice unlr,.s. lltrat. !tenpin rrspal•tds 111
kind 1'01'(1'1. o/' sev111 incupu461Fr of
t e Ileitis!' )r6'I' e t
•r• ''.'ll 1111 111 ( 1 11 w
1 .Ill/1 K. 1
is alit t 111wlenle of relief to 4%in•uliotn
consunu•ts, 814,1 that it May be j1).ti•
Isrty aleg•oltz Ilion and cope -pulling.
The Irlwr.11isul Itrot i. 'cilia)' of
.. ' 1 •44 •l,•.• {
r 1 0 • 1 or ftMr-
.• name et'111 for `
h 1
dont.�for rllual•hant eilh in.iice. 'I'llr
f,tet that things 1441 1u.i.1.•tlt With
find as it timely Carnahan measure, ln•ul;u•.•,Ind Heed ,Owl 0.111:1 jet+•
with.iul any- ivferriwe x+.. any ad five w.y brat,'.,' in Illi .ta111•'oft.ill.
van4alle - -il III IV exte ti -1ri'1i4ent Jea4iial1 44,ww 444(1 alfeet Ila+ Ira) chats
Ilritaio. arlw 1 1 Lilo -tali 111. 3 a lour,' Utah
The War Upon Wads. th • 1• Iwo Iia the • of
_. ! rrh'ht:)u of of• frretool allr.dl -the time
Tfrter^wf4•r••r,f ri-Filch...' is feeeol.nfOr- AIF
r•hgioti w 4:- 4trofrse ,rrlil;h•u ; • till are
11.11 1/14,11..1 by fhr lank• sptI44 ..1' Ide
ort v who Arial for freedom ::Ind su
• (tall. is waging war upon
Every iiwis'r 1.1' reel ''aa14.,111ust keel
Ikon 1110 1131 ' _ , growth, or have it
dilate for hill by r0rINualiun.I4lnlrer.
at 111,11tiTpaine.- - ltlplb. here in S1atuila
tun there are many. '' meet - Hein
dressed in living green," which moult
be altogether charming oil re they Ont
harla.mrr1 of all 11lahhrr of offensive
vegetation, • Malty 14 11ous4111lder
wuiil.1lhiV 1 '1 L
his lawn as 11rin1 as hr would like n1
ser it if 11, c1u1d 1w AS.nled ,I1 1111•
te•liun f • d:uuleif4if ill .cn 'tuna.•
h own fl'11111 111 bel jWl'j.le' �1'.'I01441",
Ilei Lu' away,
What if Pouible•With Apples.
-_ 'rite I4rltaw.11
'I'a+tnllrlial .-ha. lung been 4,441=411 n.
111, apple Lund of liar $lint 1; 1/111 4rw
al hilum dace any teal idea of the
money that can lir 11;3111', and is tieing
11111(14.. ant n1 apple KI'llu'tug to 11111
131'14 1.4.1 4 ea1'. 1441 111141 e, there
were hinny • small rehii,'thi iii ilio
Soot h which `iv1111 i .1 u. •h as
1,2141 bushed,' to Ire ael'e, and
owner uffou ere., witer�rN Itl-,t (+Ver
1,1441 bol.)41'1, of BirnTetAde fruit.
which he sold at t shilling j1er.luleltrl,
reljlel a 44111. return hr C`eii. Ac h11.
expenses at 4hr ,,,' w.11dd Ilia I,4.
moor (111411 CIM. 11is (null) Iwo' Jnr to
worker) alit, at • Ib1hf liar 41.:.:
of rillll•s.. this 41:a 1,11 est mute ease,
telt oretuirl•t ed tweed 4..�.metes and 'in-
ward 11y.rs4..i rol-i11: 7ITTnls 1e s pet
Here. nu.1 1 ieldot n meat net pratlt of.
quite CI.:&!f 4n e•:I,'h case. The area
actually planted aU the plesrnl 411114.
141 it it and r 'trial orchards
18. al..ut. '241,1114 acres. and 114)4;ira.-ur
hal a million rases- of applrx were ex-
port to Ihis vomitrl• last hall.
WW---44014.44,04$. tuft* `*4 -Art
cwt -telt.
Yuuupt ,1,ilwr o ('I I,. .hold.f Int'. l0
keel)- she leu,• spirit ..t 1.11wr1liarlt
a1i4r. Ilht • Only' lhrodgh.1111 Ihr
country generally. but to the ougauia•
Owns t1u11 a(4natttble Iheu..•I0VA Ivo
4 w[le r1' a lot e'I•
!the banner& ET-wraT.ut
There 4. Ito end 131 fhe 111111 of 'wog-
„i•s: the hattl.f..,' right :ani4 nastier
anal in4p1 .yelll1'nt 14 Miller .•1111, 114
a11v» ge,in„ ,ol
'411hagr gAlni'•1 is Imo the .tarring
144.11t to a 441411`I'au•thvr on .3141 higher
up. Those who :we twat. ihle of
'o I. i9 disturbed ICP • .'
ertain about 'Mr. Sifto3.
Tomato 4L.r•
Ili. lift,.,.'s ele•nlira complain that
he it the suho"1 of fuls1441e eulogies,
bile his to Wilds assert, that is
it only al n umj4)54Iy ,attacker. lie-
tw ell 1110.. evil eon* The Mail anti
h:un 'rr makes a 1;'stable 0Ku11 la
HMI hr gulden Ale "c pl,r.rntiug
diffe'e t pa -tines /id Me, 4411'1on se•
cording 41 l'il1'Illn tall r,, A,. 114114 :4.
he molest(. 1 int r Cabinet -lir W,h'oltr
..r y.ui- it `ten tuna') v IypiRi1 1,411
seen, Alau6444i. Ihat distiuet,oli with
110. Blair. -Mr/ 'rine. •Old rlth,-r'44 ..•\
few weeks eK o 71114• M'n#s+•xpass. d
wet- Mier -i-4n that-.
Tarte, and, tIr 41 teethed di:apperu.•.I,
(iving place to 1144'01 of iiife't.l
capacity. It has Iii . 1,e1O,t * report
That M1,•. Sift on is col ing buck to the
14ini,ti y, and it_ &4114 11,1•1,- I10o05 11+
-01-1(�1� ill estimate. 4r. 'ifton, it sllya,.
14 P)' nu 111011(1. 3: dr irable. :n 111.
•'Whv. titan. is he wean ,'d in the
tiovernmenl_Y' Perhaps I -oust. The
:flail mourned -o4e1' 1111. 414+.11. :4.414.0,
it is safe to praise an oppxrne who le
dead. Mil 'praise of our will, 10•1a11 -
venture is asleep or is gone till an a
journey may he attended with in 1n'
venient results. -
. A Pretty incident.
. nal nnl3T :Caen.
'1'111• op1.11 .til' horse p waste is :1 y.•ty
{{x,p04.11- 111/111431 ,''rill in _'f..r/xH,l.
TLis year 111'•-Iiol.Iwin 4milh. who
11r4rr berate 1114)•s41 a 111A41.', did lull
4ee1 sl wren( enough to go rip lb 1lneh.r'x-
1'erk -on lh ' ' 11,1v, Oto, W
liter ruudrsl4,. the whole_ Ilig plarade
went Ont .411" way and pas -4A by the
mv1rss1H's 1 , 1 h )twinge. The
gr Inln -.
e fertile than -his 1111,11ilpaha of
Is wool!' ••Im4uu• 411 nee kilo. but
- ria "ever-" h1.' -.inter; Omilt
net for an hour and a4 hiiif u.
swoon palmed- 4114* shisfterabl.'
'melted • i1-' with . inlet -Pal ,
lifting his lot tunnel and again in
ackrmwledg11 ret of the s*hllathaat 1,4
1.110 Ilol•.eelie•I1.
ditch pretty -i ridrnt14 are all 1101
rare in the wort. 14 • calculating
JN• has eetinlat.' I that the eight
unfired horses in t ' • ))anal,' were
v+Z►-» 'i"-'-r«t-•a•Milb,,.-4,-1ht:..
ikat_thl• _4:414.4--i4
and equipment would eg rotate halt
A million. Bill it was 1 loth the
whole of a million W err I 1' 1110.1
41i.1ing11i.h1.41 ritizcn Mr ti ingly
bun0r•d. :
Turret Ceowri s Crew -Discharged.
: I'al harines, _1ng.2. 'Neste:ahl•:
Tor t 1'ourt is lied up at \\'elland
t'•4n owtngtrr the stnrknt'ss or env.
goes. 1'slltoin Melitayre- today -ap-
peared heftilyPolice Magistratet'1O11p•
sell 1111 1136 c.fu1111ain'. 11111116 creW, 11/11,,
Nord for a 11'+ W,e4141, /1111 ns the
dirt) hod 011 ttereptSil wages lo date
and signed the p:4) - roll the raw. wa,.
.4ismismed. The captain, however,
agreed Io pat' the metes fare hone., as
follow.: 14 , Wort It, E. 1'relhi it,
h.ings(.1p 4 H. $411er, .1. 1,11m4,, to
('IilIingwo I*I. N'. nr.wes ple1i•rlsil to
stay here.
In order to he in w pdaf10n -tri' pfarr:
tletpate In - the lnstvehtl1741or This
year's wheat cog% the Grand Trunk
Pacific Railway management •ik voi-
feetinpt ears in tbir \\;est. AP often 1114-
sn new te. T. P. ear 0th he, lauded for
the West it. 11. wheeled westward, 0n•
inaded and held there fm- the (Meeh.
ing time, when it is expected every-
thing on wheel* will he hn.y. Already
:Min of thesis. splendid Lig lox care
have been gathered wild dt911'lhtllr,l
along the line west. to tVinniprg•
Farmer+ eh4nd11 keep their etvs
open for any new weed that nosy
appear in their Holds this year, res.
ppeedeally (110.4, who. need any of the
frown wheat from the Northwest for
feed. An exceptionally noxious weed
ny the Dame Of French wend. or stink
weed, as it le called out West, has
made its a pentanee in \Veeterr,
Ontario, in this way. it will Het the
farmer~ of this motion thonsende of
dollars if ells ween 1. allowed to gain
a foothold.
__out wooded _ landa._aud...indeed- the
entire well-being .of our people de-
pender no inconsiderable meneure
upon the rinse use of 011C forest wealth,
Richard Crokid. declares that there
is moils actual freedom in It elehd to-
• - day- than there is in New Yorko-the
None atentent has 'MIMI 1111141e brims.
on better
The rare:wive heat has Ibsen too
notch for Lord Robe' to, who ham.leail
to cancel hist engstgentenle in Canada..
1Vhen he returns to (heat Britain the
noble 11n 11 MILY 611 expertell to perk an
cosily opportunity 14 retaking a few re.
marks to the author of '111w -lately of
"Opportition organs heve lately been
indulging in election prophet -Ma," ya
The Sydney. N. IS.. Record. "Thes
predict the return 1,1 the Coneervative
porty to power, of course, but in 0111P)
in achieve this result it in befoul
nes-Notary to elect 01.%"1.11 'rimiest in
Nova Scotia and foto Liberals, Irsv-
ing three seats in doubt. Pet haps
nothing could twtter illustrate the
hopelessness t he t 'mood relive
ammo, when it is thotight nectosarY.
in order 40 P0,171.- a maim ity in the
whole country, 1.0 sePtittle the election
The Hamilton Spectator remarks
thst "the only fault we heve find
The Times man hes heistal litany
complaints durteig 1111. past few
weeks against the prectice of the
farmers doing t heir "oat tite dill -
in./ him'. and July." 'The new gravel
makes the road). very bad for travel-
ling at a 511.110111r1 of the year when the
country ia lookiug its very heat. It
would lw gi,111 111411 1. if 'pal
councils would see ill:it-this twill is
done in the fall.
The Perennial Candidate.
A Toronto man 'net In A meriertn
on the steamer 1 'ayitgit crossing the
lake the other day and 1.011 vet...Minn
drifted round to the Piesitlential oder-
lion in the United Miales. As the
both' candidates, the Toronto ' ma n
asked hien whieh he intended to vote
,"Well." he replied, "I think give
Taft a vote, 1 con vote for Bryan
• Goodbye te. Model Schools.
Poo Elerie
The model selfoole at Walkerton
and Kincerdine are to he closed. A
few model schoola will remain open to
train teachers for the newer parte of
I he Province. The prospects are t hat
there will he a si-areity of leachera for
the balance of this year and 'career
still for meet Ivor. We holieve the
&halloo of model schoole will prevent
many a bright and deserviog young
men or woman from entering the
teaching profeasion.
Chaim fee Throwing • Pit.
Ottawa Fres Press.
The 'Toronto News has worked
Itsielf into such A position nver the
"shameful of the enestItuttkiti”
involved in the Literal liovernmeet
Qevert;n1.4st Hu Decided to Aid Ire
dot Men r -
rybY eypant.
Much satisfactiuu is expfessed- to
Ireland at the announcement that fly
liurerument hail determined to staid
the Irish Wbacco-gruwiu4 iuduetr
Although the Guvernmear fIId. 41-
elf unable W accede W the reduction
of`Zduty uu i► very pu
produced, a grout of money will be
made,- TIM* money wilt • almost crrr-
taiuly be administered through the
Irish Agricultural Departulent. mob -
ably as granite iu aid to gruwer'. An
auuvuuceweut on the matter IWy he
wsprlltrd from the l:hau041110t '4 the
Exchequer withiu a few days.
Uue of lobe principal tot -went in the
matter )las been Sfr. W. Redmond,
M.P., to whom the industry owes its
birth, and he is eoulideut about its
future. "Oven t1' the rebate asked fur
w as a furtu of pri4tectiuu." he i ieiT.
"I du Out else why, under the peculiar
circumstanced of the wee, it could
mol have beau gr u4ted. But the saute
result will be attawed, we, hope, by
•souther way. Whenever I brought
forward a plan fur a temporary re-
bate -on tobeeco• grown in Ireland, 1
found the .Cbitacelluna of the Ezell.,
quer most sympathetic.
"The rebate of a shilling 'in
pound wits grant,.) to Matt)( for Seven
yenta, and wa's rxlttewed +.der--i4r,
Asquith for another GYr years. )tut
OW area was hunted' to a hunderd'
acres. ,rid. the work Was regarded air
experimental. TI*' doubtful atop:. is
.being pained-.-. it..ia no lesiva to - h•
questioned that good tobaeco can be
grown in Ireland. ` (oI. Everard em-
ploys 137 wen i1 the season on his
tobacco, and Lord ')uneven is doing
a notable Wu*." •
k p6.,, .q. .r,tl, N+.---Yrre4-
Ix.11ind: '1'1111. it i+ that the Liberal
of vr.t+•Itlay may' he. ' the ('onser-
Itti'e of tease. '1'br num q•h., 11)1114,44
14:,lt 111. Roil 4+ Iwhihd 1 ' . :u,d is
:•0.(111•1,1 4.,. 1 OA 4411 he .t,'hi.4elll.111.•
of tb.' 11111,1 4 whi4 11,4te gyne 1(1.111••.,
knows till • of the oral .I.ir11 04 4.4b-
eY111i.111,. lr 1% lmlt•%'ell 11, • 111' way
I:111 hiws•11' of Wh1ll,•4. 1 4,1,4 h • Inny
_nth it 1'. weft to cinch(( 111.- h1..
tory of Ihe toast .our mist,fr.111„m,.
4li,l'irre. uud rurl.lrl/g.I n,•ut : hod
the pt•oM` 1e. of lh,' 11:4.1. b.•w etre
useful their study 111,,)- 1N•, 4.-•I,a,g to
the.4a,1. '.tail 11P .day 61411, , its
ui•w .1nti.'. 111 1 restsml.i141114ies:
,tit:l joist 4.."' use there is • iso end to
...unit l hj• tight
freed 'taut r4 hl ie never finally
won, there will al »y'. IAA_ all im4011•
(1111 field tor 1.11 »11.6166,, 1114.. new
English History Is Represented In
fie sou. JllF�ow. •
' The 'neat Wiucboater tEug.) page;
ant, favored throughout with the bril-
liant. w.atllar, aducti -Ila& already made. -
the summer ur. !144 a Illemurabje tate.
be. .been a tnump11aut *Lowrie. The
opening was attended by the Pintoes.;
rhristir1 and Prince*. victoria. the
Marquess and Marhiuuean uf- Wim-
cheater, the Mishap. of Willchestar,
and lin fewer than Gfty Algtlttau 1,,�,h•
lips from 411l parts of lite Empire,
drawl)(- to Luuduu for the - t'ltr :tngli-
- mel { ongrea4.' 'The -pageant -Henn/steel
of ;a aeries oTscenes-rrpreernting Eng-
lish history Irian the •e4rlle•Yt (town
t.. -tile .:puclt of' the Stuarts. King
Canute and hie court, William the
Conqueror and his mailer 4444144114..
and the "Merry Monarch," Charles
Ii.. with his troop of courtly saunter-
- ,at utrn•+.Inl rp1,6111 ,l'
and 1I1r oversea 'Visitors- were delight
4.4byyonal measure by the maguitreeut
object •)cleans ill the history •.1 the
Kinpin• Stole. The episode of Henry
VIII 1wa.-rich -in it- sp1.'ndur„ and
the r44*J)' of Empress Matilde. dtuigh.
ter of Oedgy 1 .. was drumat1tmlly por-
trayed. The plateau? hutted for three
hours, .and Wu:• greeted -will) mottos-
iaatic applause
St. Paul's Serpent.
• There are stall be found 111 Malta
a cumber o1 +111,411 -tunri shaped and
(snored like the r. tot/goes. sad
Outer pinto of -.repeat's. The super-
stitious 11 g the Maltese connect
these with the tradition that 8t. Paul,
when shipwreekrd, was cast -o11 their
island, and that it wits there that
Mb lighting a -bundle of sticks for
a lire a 41prr fa9trut•d o11 the tpo..-
tl - harm 411- Paul calmly shook the
rep ' r Off into the, flames, a1111 no
harm Iulltt5• • d_- The natives. there-
for.., ear th.rele atones as talismans.
in whir character they suppose them
serviorul'.- in warding off dangers
from soak bites and the iueuencr 01'
In)isull+. try are fumed in "St,
Paul's (`ave,' embedded in clay, -and
are set do r la. and bracelets. and
when found t. be in the she's. of • a
tongue. er live or Heart. sire hung
round the twck. They are also taken
internally. diasol . in wine, which
method is attended, carding to some
people,- by more int • • 4.8111141.
pool d•'n1. 4 1 11 .1•i.e•
11111.,1 1r, I.4111y 1.4461.4
14.1 . 1s- au urgent den
Gnarl hark along g
lines. This is a work_ ell
*4)14.)446- fur Toting Lit,'
p.4.sesse. imagine! it
4.etra4ewrs. It believes 144
•It has faith in ininciples'ant
lidetice in the .,14i111tt4 Ilii
tum day to day
Thew .111 41•
3111 flu' ...Iliac
aline I Iteral '
is especially
.i•. i'uu1i f
;zeal eon..
ler tdtly
las Hui. -
Bildt '•.f
right and truth. i1 iv mol aft id of a
IempoI.0 t set - llne4,, and it I, IV%en
that it i. 14411e• to tall or 1.481 1441 ting
1a1. et)' than 111 l/rrttelll the apt - it,.
on, ,• of .' • g 1. .Iisholi .,., r.
111t' In-. The 11•:4.111 ,1 1/0111 14.6311,
hi..V is tote. t' v111,1.• 011 Vr'le,
111.111.11 11 ,. • 1 W Itleiphj Ile II.4i r
hi, .'row••r srru{d'r,-:ttsiiil-111:1 inwiii,
e(1ployrd ,u lung a. 1 hr 111111, i- gained ;
it haat even he that he is t14, ,.•3440 to
accept the . victor,' 01 4,11'1 t a. 11m•
K :r,4+, 't_I',49'1eis-1w
the more .I'g••nl-1. the ilea,,.,.I roe
Malacca Wad
in the forest of
islands ill the Indian
he founci the animal known
eat. The upper parts of it
erally of a clear yellow col
,black spots, the lower parte are
spots letigtben. almost into 1
go black on yellow.. The av
age length of thia animal exeludin
the tail, is...alinueta two feet: the tad
when .tanding erect, is about twelve
inches at Rot shoulders, arid fifteen
Inches at the. hindquarters. • ite tem-
per is mild ahal gentle.; it pleys al-
most like a do tie• cat. or rather
kitten. chiming 1114' tail. and amusing
itself %Mb anything that it can roll
and other
may still
a wild
re gen-
litittinfe.. Of II Meeting, ectrx
RailWA Matters.
July -
'I lie ergidar 'swot, of ssastreit --Woe
iimlAy 111661 PIM ',ref...filo
4111 1114Itirill nutter ,111,1
The treasurer repo les' as fol wp :
Italanre from last rriuset SI, 31 St
Ily order'. .1 orte 31111 it
Ittlanee .1141s- 91 738 :r2
1111,1:13 711
Moved Nlessts. Iiickley and
Styles that the lllll y rate be at, tick
nt, 1•11 mil the dollar /11141 the
44W11.1411 1.410 itt I! mills. Cat-rird,
N 1i1 1•11 by Nlestirs. Hunter A1111
ilia? littatt N.1. Pl. 4.0 leotroW
Kteit tat,•88dier rpm weld having spent
11111 11114 IHIHt11 HA% 111,1 per resolution
styles. 114231 ..111 011114111A I.. 1113`411.1
44,.111.. sixty -rex ae 414114411y for
gi 'killing. gravel, it nk. tile nisi re.
paws, Alla :IA1,1111111 1.11
iiviteitrttu, meet Sept 'dither lin Fr.
144011444-14'11, tily-leals.-
Mi. l'oeldr11901 Illtier, ',alien by
sielee t tos Reeve, it 1.104., sleeved by
Meatiest. !stiles' and Kickley, and rei-
fied. thet !hie council, convents' to ht•
way'a proeeeding with the work at
I'ort Albert between 'mentions. el' end
MI and from stations I 13 to Viet with
the privilege of lowering the geode on
Harrison street 1111- h of the
river maul also gran* isig I he new of the
gully where the toosol roomed,- 1111
(h. we'd of hit Iiighttlen• Nine !reek
and of wIdettitin the road allowance
west of sakl creek.
Asartet.n. Aug. 1st.
At a revile' meeting tonight In the
township hall it was moved hy hleesee.
Styles and Kickley that this council
consents to the Ontario West &Shore
their line along the east bide of the
woad Allowance only. in acurirrlance
with the attached memorandum
Musk -rats In Malta.
One of the moat obioetimmble of the
pasta that intrude into bourse in Mal-
ta ia the musk -rat. Everything ha
mewling- Is trnprerhatted with the MN.
/tom which he derives iris name. lo
a wine cellar he is worse than a die
honeet Didier; in a larder he is mom
destruetive than a dozen cats. From
re wantoenesa he Mints sad ren -
uneatable everything within his
re h. Hitt odor ift so powerful, and
at t saline time so penetrating. that
dawn of bottles uf beer may be
ruined by hie merely running over
the Wilke. The muak-rat is a squeak -
log animal who commit, his en-
ormities at night: and he adds insult
to injury by disturbing the repose of
the vietims of his dopreckUons.
Water Oats Restored.
Int JOIWII. famous water -gate on
in 1625, for the use Ol, the Duke of
Buck inghsun . has beortreetored to Oat
after century and • ballot neglect,
It is a fine, historic structure, but it
gradually became half -buried during
the nineteenth century, ea title itch
of Severna was )(lowly immersed by
the rising ground of tho Roman Poe -
um. Workmen have been clewing
away the accumulated earth. with
view to the nee of the steps. said -gate
by the King.
ailed and too hong to pultliehi. It WAS
1A0Vril in amendment. by Mr. Reinter.
that this council consent. to said Rail-
way company's locating their line
1111111g 1 lie east side of said road alio*.
Imre at the Presbyterian rhumb and
mernorandlim hut, at no other point io
the township. The metter was then
diecuesed and owing to the absence of
Mr. tichoenhals it was tooved Ivy
Messrs. Stiles an.I Hunter that this
couneil eonsenta that the Reeve, after
interviswintr Mr. Schosoloas. shall
have po odic"- to decide the action of
t hi. coml. il in the matter of the right
of way memorandem. Carriel.
11ANTLES. 4.NISkII\\'1•:Ait. Ile NIE t1'. 111:1:1'4, 11'Jf1'.\INl1,
\\'111Y'I %'KA14 i'NI►I•:HHK1It .
'1''•1 etc. etc,
Everything marked regardless f
moi- 111.11=111111111111111111SIMMISIMMI/_CRC= alar•
o coat to sell quick.
WWitllInIt- l't'st.rvatioll, t.vt. ,v 4944ill•-r, and 141n1)11t'r
garment I1_Is 11.011 walked 111A -U 11[!41! 24. tor- :III 4i. er
fent. .1t these prievs r11►1 will get your scanty'; worth
in the remaining part or the stlltllnn, L1111 the quality null
style are such that they 'wilt h ik well and wear well
Of next sle:1G111
-' Note the few examples
Boys' Suits
StS ' I'et111Ce11
..�_ 55.0.1_
53.444) -
You cans ye money
Men's Suits
$20.1111 snits for $14.00
ffiI;UII $10.110.
5135.11 .. .. .. Sk,00
$12,011 . :, ' $8,00
by spending now
The right pi*. for Clothing and
Ion .\ nj u t ,1 Ifo• 44 ..'...
1 hat ll. 111: ;$.'14ioeitt 11P+ .14.4
pal .11y with •. ur.1 ion of 1
•4tyles amt Kick,s hal d.•.•idi
1=•-•I.1-• x)441 w- iw---:mwi.-
tile 411,1 1114) .1n• .0.•11 :t 11
clerk's office
- Tito,
The tit .1 of lb- laynty 1. owutivey
below ts,ttf ill T41111111 for iia ((rind
Trunk I'».•i0r h.t44' Ifi•rn Urr11 1 nut.
\11,•,01) l bete. :ire einJplol ed w stof
t►•;o..,,,'. tl11n1!---n er II11r- I ly-' 'vrR-
b'•iulotives. A. 'the "t1111ttny 11 -
meet W assist 4I, the. 11)1'i'Wrien 1. of 1
ie+r,rt ero4. nh41'1) p1•onlise+ to be
1. 'cot l'1.,•rtkri. Ih.•re villi,, .11 prob.
.ab' I.• at 1,7lat. "I 114+uii.otivril
w... ' InJf 3111 t h.• prairiesectby the
•tut ,1 r•t(i+aut,nuh. ,
`$r'lf , nt`wit-h,r, it 4,r.'per use., in
to i tug he wh eh of our indiv4du-
Y.-:told 9'4444 -*4n/, othly;
"liv their boils ye hall know
Item- also appties-to fain trees-,
,C11001 of 11.1 invite- 1.011 1,.
mass arta granary.. Metal. 1hn %share you 1. 411.
11110.11 311 ,slalillii. F:nter mew tuna. Write 6,,
W. Jr. ELLI•OTT, Principal
St. Jerome's College
Comments! Course. th.--t litisincss
Igh School Course. Speeial facilities
At*Course. specialkts with Emir
equipped. Ormond. eat ensiVe
tution very Modereto_ralee, -For
.111u.. torn
bey lettse 111111'11
1, the
Stience, Business College curses,
Literary and Scientific Co , al-
ao Public School Cisme* for y
girls. Cheerful. Wholesome,
"TM Regiaree." ALMA COLLEGE.
-4.114n41 11re ••1P011,1. 11/11 Inn M14,re In bold a
sod (wart lea 1. oho st intent. always .oseerisl.
ELLIOTT- ille-fitelsACHLAN;
We hove 'tole control fot (lode, ich of th World
Perfumes'. We havt• the foil line ,
DYERK1SS PERFUME, in bulk and bottles.
This line is making is great hit. in Goderich and
remarks we heir about it.
LIf s good we hAv• it
hulled I
dew flatteHng