HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-7-30, Page 5'1'IIE -SIGNAL GODERI-OH• ONTARIO • TuututAr, July 30, 1808 5 PEN AND SCISSORS. MAN WITHOUT A SOUL {tae& dlurxnunts are fettled And time shall be no ismer., Asod at the seal of inUKmeut ---nett one.lta*'paitt I,i. •ral►e, \1•e wonder if the µ•ogle Why pray but labor not have u .•ltaucr WAIT,/ The /Oiler •.1ay happy la W,• wourler'Itt�eQs' talke • \1'tlI1*e Iw Moir learfht eye.. •i -u 4.4 the emiHmf defier Walk upend take the prize : Atilt If the nem who anipI( Lid what ho thought we. righe Aud mule nu buuuw nbuut it Will foo+.• eteru.tl Melo Advertised as "till• tuiliest known wood-eutters and date•huildeia in the world." are the 1'Lunation Ie-a1•ers, which form our of the hued popuIur 'xhibIts at the preemie h'ranco•Nritieh exhibition. 'These lonely little a ' ads keep atetulily ,it work yuiu' regardless of the crowd. three deep, we'rhiult and exclaiming over their movements. Apropos elft e Ilea h Ca- �tadiun Uahrltet a Dloutreal men who went to the exllibitio i with an Eng. Belt friend disappointed the latter greatly by /•onfraeing that he had /never seen at live heaver before! The tatter led the Canadian to the beaver Jami. exclaiming : •Nary here's to tithing which, will make voiirTia.erkrl!ittine!"` - - • t •.- "hoot 1 never saw our -sit hour " cnt• said the 1'uliala. "And you're from Canada!"ti.l the 6ngtislimau with tiisguNt.. • •' M {` drat chap." said the Canadian, eager tit defend 1 - Self. **4 !amide' is ytiliiuua.l.f miles in,' eine. What a •r' have in one Inert we t uuw nothing r. 1 .r and I live in the large city in 1 le )111111 it f.. valuable am they: would he, I have n. doubt, are not employed. about street '+iniprurrnrntsu_ r_ 1)duutbing or anything • of the-kind1" and 11fc Knglishtnan- laughed heartily stud forgave I' The Uncanny Creation of Mary "Godwin Shelley. MONSTER OF, FRANKENSTEIN. The Ioterestfp HTaaery- oT an EI►le-r Day Novel That 1a Frequently Al- luded ao In Literature and at Times Quoted- i.00rr.ctly. Bve 1body, or uearly everybody, has bowel or the- novel of "Nluulteustetu," bough It la out probable that uuwy pecker read It nowadays. There are sat many ailotlnaae to 1t In our lltexa- tatiq hureeeer, that nine abarrtaa some sot of tutlou at It so that he conoid help kbuw,tag that 1t is a weird and ghastly story about a monster, but whether or nut Vnukausteln 1s the naenater even weal educated people do stet always know, *bowlike that tiny neeeer-react the nary. souarttuses we [rear ailusloas to nerankenste a monster," as to nae of (lberkee t•Aamraeill uratlwas, where be speaks 'of the -IsocUess mousier of ienubeosaetzt, the snicked creatlou of Martel science without (hod," and motor. times the referents. Is to eraukeustevn only.. as if be were the monster. Of course'., Sumner, who was very particu- lar In hie use of figures of epeerb, was tight. W airs. Leland 1n her novel ofutikes Mayur Lee say that "Lluistl*nity>,1s a 1'runkeneiele" she rafters the ma to talk nonsense. weird tweet mad the rebeimastanees uu es.' which It came to .be written :are d idedly lutereating sial play -be told In few words. The filets are as follows: lu 1816 Mary- God afterw*ni rs. Shelley, eloped w! •• Shelley.' and y took up their -. : near Ge- naiva, In Swittaerland. The had Lona Bjrval► fur a neighbor, end thine much Uwe together. TL ir coo- tt tion frequently ran on the ult and be mysterious, and Byrou one pro that each should write a *tory. All agreed --anti went work, but 1t was not tong, before the two is gave It up as a tameless task. ley c S cool d write "merry, but they d not write stories Mary rsevereaet and completed her tale In Ut spring of 1817.' When BY- anta and Were SUZli behind to The nose The Modern ni diately set} to Luudou fur put$tca- 1' uud metttb u great s�oceas. I'rrukenstelo Is a Swiss . youth. a student at the University of - Itlagob stadt, deeply Arlfi the stu11 o ch••mlatry unit na resolves to pens Ille ted death an the secret of creat Marl 1{' hon 11» httle d'41 1. h..ppt. -1 And cantor life w Llie.. Ile always keeps ht* joyful tall h wham all :11 l • .1.51 I+dnleol1. -_ Ault hon t as..• . arse. 1011 kn"w, lle-wlway't k"Nte- "-aiu.++.otul 444 A hanging way\ 1 i� -. T*lkitrt( of hearer.. that- ' the Trent canal was it rrill;trka illtistr (ion al What 1lietw wo Apr mals ran do. Mnls•rinty nden 'Irl land. of the Trent Canal.ul i'. The Oliver ltllent,he a dant :tenets, bull river or the purport. oaf rnisi t g the water in Litt little a .1. 11. M the maid, Oar( hot *tauten and eronterv Mod task.. and .l.•llghta.t -lt wtaa the ni.rel of the ceuWry! U was "t raukenatetu; or, teuirttleuL." It was lm- ural pbUosophy. fie to the mysteries of wrest from nature After prolong- ed study be sueeueda and (Uncoversei[ how to impart movneut and anima- ou to lifeless matter.. e Wen resolves to \�mmold a colossal mating him beaittlful in folia ture and imbue lm with life. on-hiswork-l a studio from the habitations • Of' man, labors ong atad • eUy, and at last the work It. completed. There in the great room ii. the form 'd semblance of a Lu- mina being, pert t In all his propos- tlona - 1'rankenate • relates the story: It s on a dr • night In Novem- ber--th -t beheld the - e •' ptlahweut of my tills. ' With an a • ety that al- most am nted to agony -I collected the lnstrii net of life aro• • me that 1 might hof e a spark of ' •g tato t the lifeless thing that lay at my te "I t was al(bd,v 1 o'clock Io tbe morning. Tho tarn pattered dls al;a.iri t the window paues and W candle was nearly'\ burned out when, found, however. 111•1 the water .1 the lake hitclied up a I begot' running in the wrong dire,. As ot V011ae- Mid dam lit the nor tern 1111'114.4. To th.• amazement of a the engineer., who. proceeded to the spot to mak.. the surveys. they fou the work and seven feet deep, had ;Well 1.1111- 5, at least for Years to come. Mr. Me lelland ordered another sto .log dewed upon the first dant to water an oulditionalTitot wing again northward ore mere 4o is ,00ll. touaetttlug et[ tbe e'l sewser of the ornamentation may be ttowsnad trout the fact that the arch( (-Velma Deceived *LAW for Pail/dui tbe pooeia mad that the late utak r% change wee alma *WOO, the criteria scrim taeterfor u[ the carriage being tweacelateaeteiy uptieltitertd TIbrttnepaxatl.on ut the royal egtdpage Oar Mate uocaniusin la a real sight_ t+ll wino t uattlk white horses truul the roast stud are always used• and all Wear tales fab/. The cutiebausei. L. posnler-and curls, women 4b seat with ills std of a ladder, but dots out really *Awe, taaattlfots uu the Wane and stair 'muI who walk Geake them being iu command of the [earn. CONVENIENT HENCOOP% It Is Economy to Build Them Neatly and of Good Material. As poultry Louses uu farms have to be repaired often as a gt:ueral rule, would It nut be better to build more sutaitasdal ours at tlrat,and tats the trouble and expetme ut cwltlxually Im- proving them? Let tee consider this nutter. The carpenter usually thinks that any kind of wood will do for a henhouse, aud fu that he is much tun - taken. UWy the well seasoned wood struuld be used, for when the dump days arrive, the Louse having no heat in It, the boards will &prink and ex- pand until they are out of shape more or fess, 1i4d then there are cracks to couteud with. Use the Leat wood lu the first place. Another point worth considering is that of planing the boards that ate to OOOi WITH SLIDING POOL be used ou the inside of the house. It Will take' Very "tittle more time, and they are thew vastly cleaned and- do uut burbur dust as much, us If they were lough. ;if they are aluooth they eau Le easily whitewnaLed or puleted. The main point to eutBl f In -Wad. Ing a henhouse- is that, of rennin/be tents, nests uud eveu the fluur_lw rdu 1 there is to be it boatel fluor, ate all • - - appflaucea of swoon IoIU-or tile theyare dirtyw• • and aIle he, sty fa1•me wls tis lu clean his poultry . house t c tai outlEtoTtlie yard and Bp ed, washed or even burned ove wit. a ,torr[. Conddet all these tile's n' and In the end they will be in • •b m re economical. The 'dr'at sketc • sho s a couventrnt way to male a lbw puu*try yard, of wbkb a a '•dal aturo 1s its door. Procure- a bus f right di.' wettable; and saw a •'Ie, d, In one end. Then strengthen • - box with narrow 'strips of wood, b , en' eacb side of the bole L c. This cts as a groove for the dour a to . de lu. Thus yon have a sliding door, 'h1 opens and shuts with the greatest '1'he fronYof tbe coop Is-lheieeed..w lath or narrow -strips, placid two-artd halt to three inches apart. The top W. ACHESON ci SON . The Season s Requirements SUMMER SACRI-.IICE. SAFE. COME OF THEA GESTSAVINGS- for buyers in the early days of 'August we will quote from 'week to week. Our immense lades -of' --goods will clear rapidly at these prices. 1)ress Mu,Iins I ala •111 2.111111 yni its of 1 lt:e$t I hgandy*. "I /Will l' :tial .Ins- ho.,lit allot yh a of twat 11 .011,i, �lu•l Ictlru1*. J111 d...il'i(1.1.. c..lu1 -V311104 12', to •.!1• yd. • Your elude' at riot. yd.. oat. Shirt Waists 11i. . -T igh•rlala .el. tit ionall 31 • rah• 1.4 i,•'•+. '1'w, 1.1n'Inl+, S UIO 4 0:9111(�(� Waislq' y� kV/Lists 1 SO Nice are deal mg' iirinif ['oats slid l.utltr,i I)r. 4iirSki1114 at a'- Iuui.hinK prie. K. . Corsets w, out,. u11 1.11' 4-11111110 .1.,,. • 11' t hr Nod week of August, 11111,:mire",T 1:urs tt+. 1'. l'. A.. I•a Glace, '•1'.11.." Vat isi, Stit11- rtfft,'—Met:'S'*t: i' .irivir ili.st- t .hits. Not every like ill every make hilt y,IM size in smite Q(] good ii/41,1.ut per pair. G9C Hay . Fork Rope, Pulleys, --Forks i lilt 11111 fluid 1111P prices the Hest going. . Hosiery , 1 1 LLreirs nilly I,;ulirs' vaniu= ' Ir . flla'k German 11osiprt, either plain or with eitihroi n edfrnntw sizes Il t+. ni.*ego! r hies at. pair 15, twin un sled' dl.. pail. W. ACHESON & SON YOUNG COCOANUTS. The Taidt of Opening Them a. Prue - eked by the Tahitians. "Husking a cocoanut 1s one of tha simplest looting world, but l have tan who cotaid du writes Bentrion "i e' South twelve of 1Yhft1 is a wIth the trick. sterns !o the seen the tettlte It effec,lvety,"- w to her book, " livery Uy . born A stack is sharply porn • at bath sods, and ma'eod la trimly In the, givmd. The not 1* tbeu • in the harsh and struck with a ht • • gaid tearteg utovesnent combined . n the point of the stick, se as to spl t the thick, 1n49seyy tough euvenn: of dense crop titer that protects the u The nut comes forth white as ho about the masse shape unit size as tl brows► uud nuts that go by ship t Iiggtand and Auweri u, but lunch younger and more tender, for only the smallest of the old outs, which are not tftlatltssl is the . lalaatL, , fur copra tusk- lag.are (generally exported A. large knife is used to crack the tap-ef the nut all around, like an 'gg- aoet%, and- -the/drink too ready, a drat of pre water, allgtttly swe'•end Just a Utt3e sweated, if the nut t bas been plucked at the right stage. Thera 1s uu pleasanter or More re- freeYdng draft In the world, Wad • ft Win not the least likeness to the "milk" contained in the cocoanuts of coal - name. No native would drluk- froup add nab for fear of illness; as they are considered W.ttI unpleasant and li\ unwbciesofne. Only the milk of half 'vow nuts I* used for 'drinking, and ... -... _ Ul-lwwrtlaneei bold a eau plate- of -liquid. - - iirater of the young'tuovitt is olid dray[ 7n one. ital.-Mg muc n• b1'F_ [natter held In solution. On mit a tong day of hot and weary Wave 1 load cause to bless the re- fresbin and restoring 'leviers of bear - en's beat int to man to tile`troplcp, the never filth cocoanut. True' Pure Paris .Green 30c IS. A IlivaikIvn lulu, who recelliI' diel 1. -IL Lis Icor! • 1..:o I,t'trnd'r. \lo'•1. Melt attend 1 0,11 11 p:u•I of titt• .tub during their Mei inn•. Appleton 1)i.tgebes, lantern in Intuit, ,'uttered 1 he .ai.,t(. .11ge( rt ,r . ,..ate 1..... v.y. anything Mutt Will "owe a "cold lar Waked.. "No sir, .1 have loot." sus= %we ell the 1.111 conIlriler•. ••1live par rate .. itat+.I," .aC..l.j.u..l. 1litig •uas dropping his 1ulleln. "I have at List roan+xl tun Wales.. [tan." Maratltona.. . - r 111. nraeteete' t n nntafleve••atra.at'ni pee -un. orrht yeti belt haw mighty houstaiuI - '---. 11. the nein r11uu- \t ahab14 11411111, 11 it it 11ag"atld 11lY*. 100,111. 140110 `ni•nttr.n 7 •nmrfthakirt. - 1•. titer 0:eiou-. Adler?..." N• great_ Stara thou 1 • it -11.11111M sad 601101.91., '•' 11 ivnlah Luer. and dilute, (went I 1"• auiw•h •1 do %u0 111 .,i4 Ip oo'''h• oar. 'Olnm whIt 51141 u 0, .11r. •.ell \IOotec, rause t 'tend it the bray Ise obetruction. Instantly the ambitious little animals set to Work and adtled another loot to the A period of lens. 3114 ,141111. elatiOlt : A flit [lien. ‘ou k/100, yo count your rad. And nil your hope* 1.11114011, hit )011 hale not the irr ie.. bat•vaca What an age of progresot tide There was a time when people laugh at anything heavier than wood tlinitifq opt water. Then it was found that ships cott eone of iron soul otter!. and then com• tnenced the end of. wooden vesowle. Now we go a step further and 314. building Alpe of Mime, or. to he literal, cement. At lend. there .testor. to he no rousts to doubt thr etatemente made in an article in 'I'lte Cement Age. New York, A Striking illustration of the ate •plicahility of concrete is to he f ttttt in the concrete boats and barges that helve been Inift by it ship/Wilding me, *Lys the writer. _The method o /instruct ion is sitelpir and the "mat m ordinary kind. They will stand veryi etructible, so far .sse the element of tittle coneerned, anal, of course, are Ilreetoof.. im elm. said that the 'smooth surface the ism -lent 'finish offers les* resistsittee than wood and -college, wavered. tloneespootity they are. easy to clean. In ease of demeite tao any portion of the ;Hutt repairs are quickly made with content or t•on- crete. A comparison of the. (set with Heel barges hes shown that the eon- crete host can be constructed at half the cost of steel, and tlint in the mat- ter of maintenanee the emit is about a fourth or a third lese. The "Lig- uria," a llinton concrete barge, wow constructed Ity Meagre. (labellini, the Arm referred to, in 11105. Mince Jan- uary, 19011, eh. has been Workitig in the harbor kg (7iviti Vecchia, near ROMP. In (1ctober, 1151:,, she telt* towed from Rome down the Tiber to the sea. Abe Was also towed to Genoa and Ravona. after which she was towed hart again tfl (11•4111/1 and Civita. Vecchia. A Mittion concrete barge was constraited to the order of the Italian Government in 10116. Mhe mis totted in the military harbor of Mpezia, and was mo successful that a contract wive placed for four snore barges nn the same lines. These par- ticular bargee have sheet forming watertight corn rtmente. and are practietilly unsinka le. Theo dimensions are 51 feet length and hi tat beast. s y the glimmer of t e half extinguish. light, I saw*the 11 yellow eye ot the creature open. I breathed hail. awl couvulsive motl agitated lb K▪ iowl the immense Lure arose, and the t frightened his own work, fled way. Then he turns to and his c on poeseesed of life and POul. Nowhere u it tind human sym- pathy. it is out of Lemony with all Muss about It nd after :marching the world In pars t of happiness It returns again tu Pra enatein and do- nna he Wake a Ion link wbmn It can live in pathy and Frankenstein declines, a 1 Unme- t The mousier pursues WILD ed suit revenge, It slays h booth - It. fol ws him to Buss* to Slarrla and Mtn, the Arctic ocean, and there creature *ad artist pertsh together. Is 11 moot uncanny story to read 0#' lit the Qiiarteri but, while admitting Sir Walter /471 reviewed the novel Ite power. contained be did not Uket it. -Oar taste and oar\sulgtnent revolt at this kind of wrlUng. All the critics agreed' is -to Its Iberian origluallty.- Elcbange. - roofing paper W make It waterproof. A coop ,uf this sort should be two hi two and a half feet long, atxteen inches deep and net less than twenty Inches high. while two feet would be better. The simplest coop hi the common A shaped coop. It is quiCkly and easily Made. Tins -troop miry -be -constructed either with or without a door. Allow Is desirable, except during warm weather and when, the sal WIWI The box coop shown In the second sketch lu some respecta is preferable to the A shaped coop, for la the tette; the hen eau staud upright ouly neat the middle of the coop, while eith the x coop the entire floor.space is &van - bo coop be alto more easily ...leaned. be ma fur Mal MOP. 'Mill is espe- cially Lie If there le danger of losees-from ate, hawks, etc. ['refill air 1. essential fur •the health - of the fowls. .t puccemsful poultry "One of my pout house.; le lathed aud plastered. while .another *Mile 00-1 A KINGS' CARRIAGE. Old Fashioned and Elaborate Vehicle Deed In England. England's etate carriage is one of the most cost.13 and splemild In the world. It was built In 1%1 at a cost of $36,- 000 on tbe occasion of the marrkage of Groom III. and toUl ever alikte cerries1 The English kings and queens 011 all high state nernetiorts. Sir William Chambers designed the vehicle, which welshes fair tnem DeliptIr Its many years' aernee Its Vett wheal.% gear and body are Fold to be as sound as when built, and It 100iat es a It woold go on forever. coach yes built, and Its ponderous yet dainty, Maurine' body is suspended On leather tears% not unlike those of the old Oonrord stateerniernes of Amer -ten. its balance la so perfeet -that a tonch of the Mager ta enongh treeet the body w▪ hich Wane the reword ere -Landed 01 film eneportIng the &twee seat end hammet-elarit The. length.enf the VP - hire' tvesentr-tnar feet.„ and it Is earafrwirtast Mai The eashenitter- nerwInge#Scist mere Bun the renew penrear4the swish tedidwits hal lereing how) lows tern • (t as four half win ows on south aids ad frame fitted o rr each window With th stretched end tacked on. la this -iiiie-T have bvti; getting the most ear and tio fr omelet, ul- ttlIgh the drinking water freezes. The. plastered uuSe drew dampness Man 1 hid au id screen door hong Rini tacked cottuuN,loth over It. Moon after the Ilene began to lay." Alleles For Horses. Caution sh*Id be tined In feeding IV falfa to horse\ particularly if they bare not been uhrustotned to ft. LIke other concentrated\ feeds, it 11,11311 to of tie. digestive synods may appear. 'I A19 14 partleularl,f nun ',able In the 1: raharn. Not Suitable For ABM's. Any field llitely to be under water ot the soil tiatursited 'with water at any time for inore than thirty -sit !mute al a time Is quite linsultalole for alfada. Any field with n hard pun isabienfl with- in two feet of the oartace will prove 1.8st year France sent to this collate/ $19,880 worth of alfalfa wed. TM price charged American Num li &boat 10 cents a pound for the PM* Iv • tit...of t will la. at tl hil.it' , Ton l'snauliaut It tinned ;it11»li lay general 'ons 1.14 he the'gnal of the British Iu(ilitx It consists oaf fifty .•oudutted Ly ailIt s Isely has• deet -trtttsir iii' iii. w'nf, 1, Hyen-.ln'asdditites. +"t t•nhrlt Ili briars. . At Dupgannon. Itlyui+ilivr \isit.tt "IN 1 -ytootbay.. here frealtlrry� l'harli.• I?IIio1.1 "V's� sir. ,1 unli %yell water.' ie et T , ' legit •inial hands t. • l:al.1'alt 1'ttt lntlal I, )to, is t sat of the[ Royal uu tI,t t pr.'seut eta- s N. . 'Phis hand. it, iv knowlelgekl tl t IS hand in or 11 -{':11- service. wo pi c's and ie htmtn, who, :ts •ilaed him. , haw t;ly.-?di'hae•l thitl,s other • +tbt - • YOU WANT THE BEST BINDER TWINE Perhaps you think you are the -- the best. Let us show you the Deering 657,. Twine of user it exice°attd yen will coo - tin to do so.. We ire offering a spec price to seri a 11tis Kqh grade. ine. -.. IT t'/1Y TO GET TIIE BEST ar Peerless Machine Oil 411 a gallon ware Co. Limited, 'ESSUN 1 ch E. P. PAULIN. The n edy ran better afford -lo your• gine than you can afford to to the giving. 1vs lsN It . has alwev+. heist •evident that it war ra.i'r to taut allnut.cenving mauls thaw it wars 14. nerve for the salvation ell awCeet \. Iluw lite we to get vel with our div- '! tCwc+ ata cuutiuuaiitr tlruppintt In- tre melts of bitter and often unjust veppy tela ? 1•:vet y ning ea the. light, el a fresh c are K h u .1 doing lint. Ter. Is 't not the sev'reet (oily and v' ) ingratitis ' to lel ),tosterdity atloid dog t.041 -given nilny r ARKETS. Mentreal Live Ste THE Liverpool Wheat S Close High-- er, Chicago Le -We Live Stock- -The Latest Qu 1 Monday Keen July rutureev .• rt fed Idabel to lower than tunto July .routs rin. hanged. • Winnipeg Options. Following are -1 he clueing quotations. Owls -July tie, . slobs- sr Toronto Grohs Marilee. Wheat, sprint, twilit I* SS to Rowneffetel Exercise. "Asp wet taking sny eremite+ fee yaw headthr snood the wolf ttf the past la aavassalear-cametry dab Ms • litostrerel 4444.4.14 4,414. West l•;ud Onkel eliding July 2:., were and Iambs 1114:44 1./1•1 1.11 *wady for local ,Asurimaption (Lir mo - twin. and WU calves. Th.. trade. fur ekport aceotnit was slew. as their was rap sultablo IWO. on Me market and lu iiddlitton to this eul• Aloe, from Liverpool on Flaturdam were -aster at a deenne in Priem of kic to lto la, with churce Osinsitlene quoted ar tu hay fed nineteen. at 1$ to wad krau.-fud at 110e to 11.• Thr figure realized M.". tOf (be lard was trAtc, but the bola or the 111:114,1 Wheat tall. lAcrh 0 ICI 0 14, tuu•A. bushel u en Barks?, bushel In tin Inere in very limit end the cull* at Ina ahoy berm a ger feetIng which drive lupea et for stamp a week :WO 11144A tratine .1 \denoted from exporters und supplies. are cOurdav forward stock were dude t te • r.....auseto„. Jay. zest tots here ,he.al The few offered this °ruing /net with a ready sole at prien. Wine from. V- to $6 far each The demand ot COW., MU' tiliuom good of W1114-li tbe eferiwts were tient. lucal Butter, creator') Ib. roits..0 0,26 Eggs, 1110W-14444, downs .21 0 21 New Yetis ',Dairy Market.. NI1W July V, Butter. wouk; rersalpts, 0,736 packages; creamery. Ape- . lad*, Va, erearriese. extrsa• :Dee de orrht.00 to MASA. Ulf` WM: prOcean, corn - Imo 1.. 17*• to 71140- weetern fac- tory. Meta, 19.• te Mac tudtistSon cream- Chease-rirm: reeetees, bones: nate, lure* end MI141611 colored ur wtdte fancy. 11:140 good prime, TWie to UV: Lotuzum, 134 *WM. MSc attached settle, .6s• to Ms, good to rthoteek inutnrn extra_ nista tn .10 CATTLE MITIRICETS. Cabhis Stoady—Motruir Down In .- United AA ItON. J,oit JI -London cabins for ttrean-c1 weight: refrigerator twee wont° Junction Live Stock. Jul) 27 liteceip of live stork at the ITntott iffRed of if& rattle, 7 hugs. 117 dwelt' 1111111 27 1•14,11.1.,4 ;44441 about 40 Expert tee .r. 11 116.1t 1.11OrOtt 111101. .6 to Ho... 1/411 11 1.14.144•J Mitt -hers nur.1 light to 14.90 r•tily one Or 1 wn Iambi .it the latter p timillurn Not. hers • 11.1.71. 1ii 14. sition es rt alert' 14* butchers eaW81, $41:40 If It esinfiers, SI 50 to $2 4 *ilk esti Apettaitere. al W to rt. Pee See Calves. 1 A fen lately 1 vied tedwit mold fro, a to IIII ier mit, id nehmen as Mar as sit lanittliertie set IdlimPit Inee""etr4 *pekoe,' 11; 11 news" IA 111A1Ah..i.nt P.10 Pit mit Geese, Lamina enerai mown. ree sea glatartia. at KM and KM f rah. ears a i'diltiv.."11.$51°I.t."ttS.1:'ettrail supply of ins forward ills midertune W be TelA*14141-444•411.1114,-.141/1. 4160441.A144044 - two itiange. a* euudiered this Week. on acroun1 the ?set Ilteld VOIlivrt Rion between laryers 1a ton keen UP plight Ire rahretwl na SUMP of leading parking auseerue ha in. erratracted fur it homier of Manitoba hoax .rt a re:tenon or No under the ruling flgores far Bele, ted Western ontarto stork and there- fore they err nut opt -rating tri the Meal made at 17 :6 to V 0, wed rough as iolir as per cut_ weighed off the rant East Buffalo Cattle Market. eripos. Ad. head. needy te is. Idgiver; pante 'steer& II to It 76 shim/to 116.0 to et .butetworsi 14 641 to *a. tietteir, far. stockers istal feeders WS to Si to irtosa hyper*, tr. In,W; fresh colIVI arid POI111•- Itu.-ultku 1.1.02 howl, atow-and lca'' to tat towni hwaVy arid mixed; *.tet to *SS: rotten's, lb 111 tn 116 liturgic Id leheep. trellve. Iam• b.. Wins. Innen, to *JO; ewer Ittlli•to Illtwsbent. rased. TgiscAOts. July V.- one*. -11terenta. estimaned at Meng sac ,tawritet We tn heifera. Sate •to to es nave". 1040./..411frZ. ortorloire -WIPE feeders. 13 to ft so eatlaweetbastvidwart stittrises. MO to Ka, lashr waged. 11.1) to WS. trutr4ene. 7. h. 'We shake tight, SAO to la66.,,Pluldolt.•16.-Hoto-fLe; s two to one lha you71 lS• 1't' -' d when you r here111 hot ( •uttf'rtiou.•a•y. lweau • "mutt Itu•L a••o.,iielf be- tween 1 o pleasing propositions, Ql'A ITV and Pit ICE. e'aw Met pled lint •V•144.11 wefaw• arU. pt With rtt •, slat carry N 011 p111911. • +tt art smiles, 'like • friend hr - t•. We've S•'u Meals served at any lee Cream to take ho Store open ;Mill 5 ill the Meg till I next mottling. Ills lull' \\'ANT A -000D- DRIVER-? 1 have for side several good *oursg-driTing-L'+awo,-dalacki and greys, fh•oun Which 1 could probably 14114 p111. ' .4RAV suQO1 w.'te yeaterla), are today, and will he t [•row the beet on the nrt►rket. tit the agent for God. rt•kh. Piet yoyr W PLOW from Iter. 1 haver for two Iaest makes' Fleury eaol_I'etrrn, wfEsidiDg and winking pkow . Carload pi STANDARD " FENCE' WIRE just rei'ivI • STONE for building or . ether purposes supplied in large or small .titan titles, delivered or nl the waiter. _ ympia Cafe BELL & ATHAS, Proprietors ROBERT WILSON Agent kw cCORMICK MACHINERY, ANTFORD WIND MILLS. L. DEN HAY TOOLS. etc. Ware'Vs Hamilton St. DERICH, ONT. again arvest Time itc shout Kin. market weedy -to strong y▪ earns/re St b. SI 60 • Extend Exams. to Canada. meeting el *hi; • Ravel rollers of rw. piiista. Sir F, and/. urged the ex. teassertn of the einliegeli examinants • 5Vi• 114%1. 11341 sl 114•11 11 114 I/V be/111V line ton of 7.8 la arairollar-16641 4166W, which we, .311 id ye yion al liko per lb. ThiSrope iniele tap -of manilla straeols from 5o 1.• 7Q fee long anol NM strong as 1)rtliftsry tme Wadi roan.. BINDE TWINE GOLLY MEMAL 111.111e 111 51,onle7e.d. 1,1 Illlee C.4111 111411 PlaX SCYTHES E.? SNATHS limy 1..1114 all sisea and totyfts. 'thing new and ...blew, $2.25 each . from Vie-. to fettle) each. i•1 111111111.11 11111K IleW 141141 V 11 s111111111 ;MVO • ill your iv. /I. Mill !letter 1..411 141. •rtt h I rocking chair, it holds item eonttahly. Cottle in and it. We aloays /4 4111/111 liAttB AND COILED y E ANI) WOVEN FENCE • FRESH NATIONAL gEME PLUMBING, ilF.ATING, EA VI, THOLIGHING, ELECTRIC WIRING GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION AND ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. ootr Phone 22 II Phone 11: CHAS. C. LEE j