HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-7-30, Page 44 .y 4 Tabes n, July, 30, IYOS Dr. Meldrum at Knox Church A Strong and 'Stirring --Deliverance by the Popular • Divine. • L)j 111rldt►twnl, ,i,f Cletelufd, 1,. •1.. o.'. li honest see' ,port what, Ohio, alernpied the pulpit of gnu: •Ieruaalem-wmrt0Jeens. The Jerl4.s414m to which l'hriet a ll clinrett ilii-SuuTiy evening. A very Ntr:ulfANlly Net his fury ws* a city in winch the mitered and the Ne'uI.11• mingled together a the Temple 1111 Ike our hill nodded to the Capitol 110 the. other. Iri Christ's life saeicii and %el, 11141 44.0 a •. w Christ recuglizeil In the iwutre ut t 'ry.gir'Nt Ilii. *:gid' it • o1' the diatMet' that we wake the prealohrr, (herr r * great 'throb- between •limed,0111 ur41113r. We clul u nit peewee ilia io 0 'separate the religious •11s . NIM •44 the rtuuq. Ire u( the amen: 1 lr •alio• and pN'ti•r)r--thrin deter Mall we eau ptew rye the life .41'' 110 1 In the s,glt if hem ee. that whirl, divurrerl Inial hh11111. 'I'hr c lite 1 Melt purpose i, that whirh mei dn. of the life of each lions in the 11111//11 116 The world takes up.1 he thing dam• t.)th1 Thr work you ,nen OdWo.0 s+ Heaven looks al the spirit of tbv4 NNg are -doing to v'shorn net may4. "An it thou thiukellt .IAL- _ L.Nu,•+, if it l'o to lh.• line ul trod a heart so 1g hr." The WIWIh of any -guidance•, is forayed, holy, in that IL service or saerifirr wieners 11(44)41 the Ll'l1w 1(n.•II)' upon the great work of animus that',tiuupts it and maintains 1)liugiI 444 ihr reiglS. of 1Jllllro(t+IteNa it. ifs who engage, iu' u 1N•nrcolrilt hell* *aand e Mead or tiill«i.n The WI1er 111011 kik • enter1ui4I'II a spurt *mese thy 1.1 11 inK f< the it at Mt. The retool. recti had l`lu•i4t 44 nd a 11, 1 wr11134.1. e mw l4.11 3at 11011 114 're 1 • el+ (111)1 •Ill• 11111111111 arta. feet. U 1.1 as iu mar •141414 li4••41 our religion i. 1,r hl 11011 r5nlArt Willi the great life of t large cungregvtilwl was. IN' 44eiit 141144 heart, nn i11+Iliriug. rt* '1'1re• text was trout' I.1h•!1::,1 "11e.11•ndlr(atly wet hIlllselt I.14(11 til .1e'I1.Ale't11," does 11(11 . iug iu1ltl•I rely, 1s the motive. tt :1 m4111 lira.-" front. gal , h is (ustonl thkt pray•, not 1 tr 111101. -its who unites i4jlb low rho •11 a. a'•h•wp marl. w„y •. y•-:.[ `tue , le•aieo rut wutldf1�NT11F l'hrisljeu Me ears pew- hi„„...if 4uy4t 1 : .•.. •t.vl *Oil Ilii servells(HIf ef atilt r, ;6- 1.4e \letur, hill our Ihfft cue« np 4.11 -Thr o1 td: if-ftus kH- nt rune, is t.. le- a Heti poorer, it - I t tear tow. out`4,netl.i1II 411. telt ligi s thata a 11airt 11.4. i11N. 1. K ' t shu1d lit.Nlghl down dill of Ihr ,ion+ laid when IAa4le praetie*l and might. ,if 1111411. gr. lines of 441u's lace Ito 140 red,s•u.e1 ft•.rni •w .41111••Ill('1. 'th•1 .J111111 ,1 sight lull ydi•th is that ''1 n wan, well ,•udnwerl, well , f.g', NIA,c.lierditk-14 ptnblfiil• the i.'+ dls,rihurht1� 4srinr laying u k- i4 Witt f enc high and 4letrmlid par- 1". -l'jtna 1' r,1. iti,[n.•*Ili .trw.t. 114,• aa'sheens l Flf:-•j. This will oldlnari-- f ,at*. ;\nd'what a ttttinhlr wN.le-..f we,it Leer" grimed 141 transit from I) give sagstaetl0n It the impurities »i.f• L \1t* motive titch' lIr.NI1111N religion 4' W+wtIt4•e•••- 1'li,q.• are 1ri444 to life 111 strength :wet parity 'if pilau, not alwa4. an easy s,6:01or - true to the central 11.114•. revs that purllltne is In.ly: • i nie/l, Murat mut, age ..it iota 44 tend to. shale a g1 triad (nolo his lklll•jN lm• ate how from 411e goal. Herr is tlowll'hl l-1 (1111 >411'11 411 11 44 crisis ht . bii. .career_ itLJjl• A' �o .T 111 m. f attly set hiw"I It111 g1' Mightier than al old we'd ,hsemitage. ntent44, „ppu.iaion+. hindralive4, w•1w the supreme put rime ul mud. .Ire us*lrml 11:141 Iwt•11 w 1,1.. I huught+ 140111 the lhs'1: Thr ►4ruluw of the 4.1.414+ full n[hiynrt"a 7u� }tiiya: *His years of slicers -+tad a 1 .rattily ° war,- year. of ``_repl(l. ion. AL thirty yeses of - age lie sIel•I► 1o11(1 define,, 11'• 4 clear 10 44••0 if, ,Ili+ milli st•ous; 10 ,•htu."s4 f1, Iiia-earriHee girded to begin it. Al,1Iue,.hurdau Hr is tu,pti4e1 to it. 11) the wdd.4uiu.,' I}1111 and 111mn, The ,'Ir 4111( Ili'' and l'xnadi,urPn iflr JI: n tul",laud In the bottom. Tke _ 1{r is tested (file it. For the `(041 ••f 1el44raa»wnrrLlNNr In•+,Lura Man 1tin+t UMW what ever.' son of W4+0 ht weeptt,>a r.i1f11!1f�" lY 11 •r ".. watt e), an oaf a aught !tt 1 titan tniivt know, what is involved in waw• ole hurled in the Has o nwnlem b1l.hrl.+ 01 whrut. !v 7 t t �_ . :and t to carrn of honer. •'hr.• ntr41 s,y). 414. l\'wsr..•.. a t. In• the (Utes will need whet court he endured. It war u,6 et* `n 1 1e great4l.tl• (,wars., lave Flo ma Allllx 1'14, i. thq most Navin lglcasTonaiTl -lied l I" flowery• path Heat -oil as He jemmied 041 not Kee 4prielte or ulinisterl. Cit i,f the three liirg. tante millim "e • charcoal, sena and gravel. rll•tt9 uirn, and Intsy leusiur+e uu•u, t ' t anie+ lit l'auada, it has 111.4 ei rt* When a cistern Is built it a W Jerusalem. 41 1tu. Now, it i.: burl of every' tto rtrrt►g life in w:hla4r minis WKS the king(onl -- imtrk*1110 headway ':aid :already. in water tight io as to prevent coo that it tui shaped and dd11tinatel 140 l'hriat min might •, ll•ttaneie• ins - name great-Aintre i . u aur o vane y o upprur • eras,. 'Before every tt tt heart there ever IJWnel before 14444.111e et* tuartyr. th arises the vision n( some dere-ashen )414 ,as.u4wu4 before you. Nn 441,•••,1 Iran alio th.0 of all the grain pr duets old !f a well •!s to be dug or ddtled It • l"l0Wt (Intl was eVer more distinct then that ;,y . 'l..t.. 1'utb .t tele.{ iaF +lN of birth ped Irwiuing, the (ire 'Which culla you to hi. ...icier.- No vei'r eat hog Augunt.Melt, Ire); wart. sbopld.6e 'twitted upoe higher s!ted 41 stances of time sett ping, pity''--tmtp parieto Jo•reetfein ever rats J 4411' glt,1. ,lune -thin was rhe ltittl4wt .iC tin r,nn- than the house. *410 and outpuildlots to determine mint shall he the con- than :1411 whirh sorts (r,Nu y,I.'t.i.r• pu»'s h1i - and some distance tram the latter. The Irolliog purpose1114 of a malls life. Ii1Nl's 14un't prty.ih:µ )our .leu"ellen' envy 'the Is+ur was foto the puresine , 4 pclndpal troubles flat war be traced work in thin world is nd1 44 44 nr para. tw 1.ar high 4m aliMci111 i)aib Nsk Vin yu 4 14nu 5:4114-+ 11..tiil im• to an impure or eont.Inatt+d water g slung racier lk - chial Ifllu l'ivllizAlion w a kidding th:41 your lot le r,ast 141 driewd u'a. i K supply are, as a rule, botanists t1'oubiee, of lreulendnns propos't,64e, Itathrl', place, or tuiI you maN Ile rx,•ngot' {pe most daogeeou>t being typbotd ft 4t is&cityp in 'which new--vtitetureecste (renin Ute toil and the rwel4s-ts•nriftg• conetamtlj• ,..ringing up, (1110 'set of and the w,1 ri14.•. I'rny rather to 1N Of Into it .t• men Leo a the fon whit' , :mother w't stronger mem. Inure U. eonqucr your The general h,Igg,u, up Ihr mighty gi4drrs : 1.111 :111 run- diflllllties and .n•144tt• • you,' tempt .the (i,':tul Tru❑� It 111 tribute tat the pe9•te•ti1Nt of the whale. annus, and so steatite11y set .•4411 jinn. 4Nttuel n 'tupnutry Out of eheraeter and (ire .timers Gwen to Jerusalem, :old bravely. trope,' :and t eantat.imw govern there (*Merges n parpoite which shall flit,)- ptvws on, sur truffle tor 'tile ,,11144411 WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS CO. FARM WATER. ita/ol:able' ltacellhvi- r Bowls 111 the Inezpeas.v• Filters For Purifying and London Market. 1 Fifteen:1g It For Household Use•. Our of the problems ou the (limn la itdw to obtain as rumple supply of good, -dear water. Lt !s mot ru easy to pro• vide well or spring water with a biter. but ctetrru water only be welly purified Ly means of one or wvrr stm- nt` iVretern t,nnittu • Flom' M11141 plc devltal w1, ch may or of borne comp.,is►ui 1:`:•i,4s410 pe.1• oral„ constroeUor4 Much dirt to Use way first sunlit U' 4 -you :mlkiug 1111141 st �� mad imaectc drWVu+g+ sterling bouts, dm. Atoll) Iii, lark. The "uh.eiiptiau het tar this issue Was opened July Iltth and ch wed *WHIN)', July.• filth. !Settee 114• liil4 utwnel t:I':;,111111Ilt the 1,011,1+ Were applied for and .r1 alkali • for :Jlotul,ml 111 full. toe• issue price t% .4. liar. Nod the 144tatiuu WAN a complete 'Oleeiss, rub- rriptoies ',king received fol the loll' amount. 'Ch,• Ittnk .it 141)11441111 and the (S►u:uhan Mink of (*sea ml••re,• wee the iia,tiug 1''.Il1*.r4 1111 Iwhnlf dl lir lkitkillinit• -.seeuritie.. 1'urpositt ion. 'the thud ,,.,,Pill u" 410W+ the \.Tar- sen (*militia Viotti-Alin. (4,- to. having nu :tethorelel isipital of $I,:)!at,rla,, 111' which has' t°r•h tatitlrhl full. I're- a 41y there hes tr'i1t. n., 1,.)401.•44 debt whatever. The colupany war formed in I'(ti I.y the eon"nlidntion.1 two titian. elle .41111: 1m1 yypl,,_Sirniet hi Hitt„ 441111 rhe 11hr1* 10 IN]rul},u. Alrfu. A third nail very mulch 6u•ger mr11 w;44 Knill alter the format ion o1' the poo)' At SI. (}onit.r e.Th.. Hite, In ate well iIO:Ur.I m4I4 arlTratet4ok, Witte' i eviie-ity iiT:ifettriri. ul' iRius -1iiT II 4 Tir1.,.(. X1 t -L atnrt.a Reim rusmL clfiigilueal, .,nit elevator. ..411. 11 y roof Is devilled the balance of the rain 0Y' 211).11141 bushels, • lois a hig home tan go 14.0.4 the clsirra. '1'hty l oar trade twoides first eta. vl.nertonl. dye In that It 1• -eta to be lout: - emit and' west , tw :,t .ilua. ed after during ery• verata, end fre- '!'hr ultll Ih4414,irhit.•N,1o�ar tOe ha1•Ixa'._-f1oul, .wt11l lou. .(t1i4t411L►`\-igneintlY avl ttie w rater will be hot. :an !tallith* 114 °wit w'heIt Ittnugllt I.y simplest form of Alter is to rennet. 1't* I.'.irt \Vitlinur.•. This 1s build It�arlitloo through the cistern, i•Ilr fill.w i INfll1Iui dtL 1•'leanrisl Ye rt ITorontol• Rivintt NilrOltti 11 -t111r wnrcess(rlt-teltea-o l'ana.liwn 11.1m144 in London, I lig.; 'trill be of interest to our readers :. The other ,II. l eae:fll1 144"11# %AK 111.11 from birds and pollen tont trees Ls washed l to the cistern truism "Uwe weans are taken to pseveat it. The ahnp4t t arrangement L to have a movable section is the leader which can be tamed to let the rata wasb the 1 r't • *J loomed. Thee atter the • Pomo �a�o�o� n Bargains in \Varm Wether Goods JUST NOTE THE FOLLOWING -.:1N SMALL LOTS—WHIT LAWN WAISTS,' DRESS MUSLIMS; AND 9e- PRIM'S. WAISTS .49 ladies' white ljW0,\'Aisls fill Irf1 mud they t lie sold no Matter how !tittles we will. nut 1 'art y on» 11401• if Me 11114,' t4, take lull ha11•pri00. PRINTS • ".Vrdrop` ed tilwilueline of 1', ills, moray Iigbl groulals and .pot patterns. Inst 17 pirc411111 the•4i,l f*•t [•,1111+, and Ilio prier is only 11 erne's. A reel situp. those at l his prier. DRESS MUSLINS :41 cud. 11 dre•1144 Muslin, 6,1111 :1 1,1 131 4:11111 111 an rod reglilal' 1:44•. In5k..1 )1)11 Call ink" your Owlet. for Inc. Al( this .•Cues buying, good pat t011'1114 and 0011114. A hotter lino, :Lie. 1(1161 41A•., 4.4,w Cttk•. ae111 '. 'FLANNELETTES• ,4, 41 gut a large shipment of F9anlrlette•44, loud 111401) i' prices, a•. to 1"i.. "tripe patterns and gr ,41 colo. �DELAI NES Just a few ondti of 1)rhteur1, 11141444)' 0ar•Nu1 gruglld', 41(44.4, 'check mud 44tlrip • (1101r•rlts. No lel tet' goods 1111111 IINleinee. dices+.. 1.1111 gu141 U1 wear, hie .•eller e l his MIttttIIrt•, . SHIRTINGS A splendid line of 1)x('14)41 ahirting4 jor 1'2$c._Au40hrr hit, 1.1.11. nod White, for Ii111:"•. • • 14,4141 fou -get um _ for 2 rein Cotton Hosier Bargains lbw, ; �.', x hal �r thr4 L.1 O Y K4, 11, , 1111.1 ) .i'/.: N, I Ile1 _tk . �• • t, i 41.,.• in 1111 stews, Whitt* 11,6sr Ili all sive,. 11. A A. Corsets are great seller.. Never odd N1) ulany -i i the sl • length of Corsets Blur nN wt* did in the hast two weeks. Always buy 1). at A., every pair y;ui►ruu4., gJ uµtl ullsa.}s-411--)'%g1t1 Standard Patterns Always in Stock. n tr t..l'"ern •141 .4eI-' . - fort \\dh10. which collect oa the recelviui vale of es• �in,'••rnhlt(�-this -.mr:-144-•-tt,r.t, Th,•pl d.ey'il milt,whi'9i �c i• 411'••1, tri, triers" "%Vier lute her -emir r,„.op,'l:tfou iu rhe "rultlttttt „T tt4wl, Lae wall age rezuoved ocessiuuslly. An - ,t 11im'," And WP are' told he pie, a i" efitua,�l tiouilnvr. �Llu other and letter form of titter is 'Mown wreck o the shutes Of life. Alas. Meow the IiVrr f \%" 'p•g. Thi, to Fig. 2. in this cape the cat is sup - alas, 1he.o 'trolling purl"•., lus gone twill ha+:t rnp.n'1' of 1,411'1 laurel, p,"i. posed to lepreeent a hundred barrel cls oil ..f lieu 'Ph441'" the .,r•rrrrt..e tray, ,end 'can ls•_01110:l.rd 1 1'.1411. tern and 8 Inter Of twetat-tiVe barrels '0*t') 4 . _ 1411 hilly ili1; turrets, with 'p'er't-- matt 014 !e'4 px • cepactt7. Tiley are built of either con- ies. wvrr 1 •iflwood: • . prmthture. Lel me ,he'll t , 4411 young 1111II 111_111 The c p.uly • 1lire.. milk in ,ill Crete or brtek, weU Cemented on the womrl).04 t he 1Je1 utlun» jlllWOI' 111411 have' n slmrf,iur t • 4.,pael,y- ur ,; :akl !w Ilua'10 0.1110 hand+, t only within .,outs lirrrl, 1.f 111.41 'iirl ,1a)'. Til • •' The titer is atiaodsmed'ao(t la half .rmfrther-4'seil. 4 (1 '4 '1,1411. P urim/„e• p:thy afro has .ilttl 4111 steYatnl s atnng d with charcoal, satoi "'Ad gravel In •h•rntr your Iii•e1 t the 1•• ,' ' of the 111461 ",41 111, 44,Ha.li:w X '11hrrn la layers; the charcoal belug placed ender %Lich coins enter tbe filter The itiaterfltl be retuo1'ed with fresh u:d Le lua- ttMetiontrl.ti.-trmt,r' - tdanerrom gratetTlritiFaal rTbg the -eV a h,rg1Lreig. output. 1N feel. season as well as 10 P001emt (rake 11/11"1 reuses Plat P»Ihliahed of water abut tuns Into It from the roo n iu this:lgr'.( •44 .lint( Must Saskatchewan. haAiuK n segregate from the root shoo the' Publ.c. ver. The most common a4 well as the drparin,,ii4 of moat dangerous trootaminatlon of the (y System has driukiug water comes; from the camas of the lades pool. 1 -very precaution should be take baggage en to locating the well to place it so elk • of l••g- to prevent as nearly an .may be any )'a Inn 1 ' pot:ability of contamination. There are as many.ffnot more,otthe tl,. i, �m diseases that may be tr:lnsmitted by water as by any other weans, and some et the .1leeasea are so uniformly transmitted by the 44ater supply that hey are known an water borne dis- Typboid fever le sueh a degree, as ell as some of the other forms of In I troubles. 1f disease may be earrled,4iy water, It Is of the greatest hnpottanep that every precaution should be taken to Insure a pure water supply. A hasty exatulnratloo of a water is or \; very little beoelit and may often be yntlrely misleadhss,, A water may be r, free tram an sediment or oder g•(g0u11tale11atatm� 111141 11 - / • ga41emr'n on the r•nl're i;'Y4fe CURRENT LITERATURE. • at ,ilnh,11t rvrry pt who 'Cedar thL'q e1u+t )4salti .0„1. - fir Augtu,it W :110'4 11nme 4' pan • dutitat le designisl to pr. ids ut a ion. for the .i ,u.d el/Millet 111 Il.' 31 Min. At ur+'r Ituav N.4x'N.-Appra►4lrt- t.ri•rtNtirr'r'.t'1III Ar•mr'•r.-•Th.AMC. hilt action (leaked in rase If NIL kin ately prepare, for holiday treading. ,144 • l.ippineutl,' Aforis A good ,•x of p1Jnt.ingenr•ies and Perplexities and pworarasing N etre halanre between 4111plrof whitt eat, he done in tit.• w ay of crit, l may Jewell the empiu 4'I4l of the ...tae toe whh_ti a carious. the August tpuft nuvidiid0nlhot•wentau•1•entecteito_140iWr;e.department, • number id Bea Mwn'e Magazine well ,fleet t(. Rh'. Ihr'_ IUNgazine could The n nna! rosl54ta of "ix y•rifiht be 1 Idgldh lnahle a'"1 4111*.” rand." harry fall to lie interesting were the pages, amoat'. an a*Nrlllllal1.41, 0 1 ne ins--. It, is full R's"1 thin�g{(`s from•inereul•y flirting with thr.)milk. hook, indieao1 tea the eery i 1p- covrt• W 00444'. A graphic eller41ctA'r Air ei %4)14 1e' more diverting .lory tent part the baggage dep•utnw t of sketch of SW -Witham Maed"P."l coot him appeardd t hey/year than -the-, r+.m•_ a- great -rmitensy- system pbtye in \ what this well-known Canadian mil- piety novel, watt,. 11.114( to (}wigs onhdnrt of the' passenger trelli'•, 1 4 11- 11 'r 1 doing fol CC hone/ire philnnthrnpl t K I}rn n,^ by •(.f(,rorhra Deakin. The neisnranrn than ,p"sai•ng,'t. 111x)• t..� ptactieal ehlcatinn, 40114 be read with rifle "uggest«tier plot. *Well hra% ,to that their perwlnrt h••iongin,'i which interest. es well ns other 060131 Coll'.. do With OW 44.1wtlwit 40", 444.44•- 11144v.44gtw4ny-C ,e4" tie. -lige- tmgictg-440 ' rune inside vs, ' " r udul ••T he '110 w I tel ut1 ' • .• "r r w being c,t r r rut,: in feet. The he - • 1 Alex u n IYfull •wet het 111111 the Outside Man," '''the Cul ni;an'w u } 41 ) shat P andrn, hie yrnmgr44t d.ur,a;hlrr n4'Ll.nl the liability for lu:+..•ithet• letup - of Neo,.l111Al3 1':(uemljun," end' •'Flt .\li(lhldrr, oh,• ;mathe Puke•14 1.:11- or:114 ,4r ps•rmllnrnl i. arriving at the ting Young 1'enp1.- for 1.14'•'+ 14.tttle.." Militate 4111' in 4.t•e wish each other nn( (iwtp pealing pa,i1K, by the f,r•night Among th.• select• from the lead. 444•1rtl)• engaged, 1)1114 10 144• p111r4.1 and cat r• t•xerci"et in dram -ling the lett- Iteait,1/Anev•+nf (h' world 4,11' the tty Alrca's adder -sister. -who operation of this important' branch IT followius titeght ant e.nlPI,'bs, i's146' mettoperation .calmly (pprotrain 4 the 1411ke few leer- the ...TALI., c ntril 60. 11 ; " Ill•etl ,\r liravreres11, ipif. The n vUr1416.1• girl gn. .• 1.. tine 4 it. Th,,,,,,,, i., :a di.,t rt.. 1•tto0 111 1 Is in 1.1Melt 1).e!111p:' "11) Vu1'.10('' in Mg, .dJtNIimtrl�with,tMi.+Breen rt. this111Nlkhihove ra'••1 pteneni in it„. the %Curler. (it.wle,u .4ii•tt141. •44111)1 elviim'rnli, and (here 411,' 1111 grtit:a, mind - df 11u• ru4( 11ye•1 1.e' 16.• 144/01414•• 1 W.f."- \%914 rI 1 r l F:1 w•nlvl F:nt1 4 a 1, II � •n su ha i department that 141 Ile• duly I 1 I t IIIN take e ( 1114' 'r n 1. 1 1 t Wm.).- 'I est K Pat „ '�' \1'I "ii ""'i,, • \\' oleo her mind .dT her u 1 14 uh ,•sn 1 II To init..' 11.11 1 I 11 •1,C l Ila ,4n netts SI All 1s 4an1»t,. 1e'•.! (001.•'." I the will [s1 4,. idea , e'+4 441441 ill tall, ,'l44I 4sajjw.�if sit ta,ok. 441441,71,. "The "The (II Illtil "'' 4 r.1:-.1.111.4'‘. ''Phi• euw41er of-thia ide Ow girl mixt'. iter- clNu•rM 101.(111.• (4114w•ing : • . Moet Exrin.i41 Pilin in the \%6,0161•" self Wilk al bet People" attain. •11.41 "The,0etut. and r•sp'n+bllili,'.. "No sport t. 4:•tit it \I oul.aiu •.sin);.' ,•sp,•.•ial4. {04.• ,1.,411- -milli Nu Chiu• '.i •"./etnni --41•/rheic,, +o the H.i-„4hng le r ♦ w/ 7,s • •' ,M tem e tc. There 1, •d,.. n.gun n1.ta1 'ion which hring• mind nn old ltd [Midi,' 114.• 411111 n• rel}air,' front the 'tient of ',right, 1••ndnhb• "''e ie: in the 1411• ending up with "whet, angst. carrier the most constant and watch- ;it August i”. 416 -lima at ur .. wbh tr eN Irst rW > - icer In lrs•nti. . AIi s.irt+n trT:ielrychtfiil- 41,1 1rtrr- of- -rile ,a{,.,:.e►r-,n •..• r-.• - wdmirnhlt hulls, rail HI!!t ir•m!111» ;ll, ,4Nnplirw444In'rtirrle•;-•mrnt itt the err( lies setter. + '! - tJ -... !7•' .•'t4+w�''�r eacetyl ionnNr*'n n•t,un,ie iIt hal-Will' nnILwj,cy "A» Potation anti train aKK i = ... .-c' Tete ('AV V11'v "Ail 'zttf: Th,, Kiri. 'the *Hhry it iinrr rnrurdy .0tH m1rtrra yon xrr rill's!' milh the. 1.'anndian Nnjtniinr int' 4 .,'.t is through, 81141 ren)ind4 une forcibly of safekeeping and 'prnp••r t'ioisporl 4. the Tate Frank 1t. Htnekton'L,vnrk, thin of effect which are veluWn leJ There are a number O other genal 1111• owners. Nothing Gln 1,. mote +hart stories and a interesting Alin, IMglntrnvl•H,'r+1hnllthe LIAMof, l.pei'ial articles in this tier, *hose of 411-de•h(y re their baggage. 1''n•tmtst"try' to give sltlsf•tetion CHINESE STRIKE, BACK. to the public and entallieh it repute - thin for rllrlrt,'sy and civility to Resent Action of Canadian Government everyone. 1'm.:if e '•X11rrtrd'111 le - Respecting Opium Trade. polite. el ell times, to answer civilly Ottawa, ,Idly 25.-I'rivwte advices all ueetiun+nddr.reee in you , 1( 1 arid, 1f f the 1 nrl c roma r l o 'v r' fl N. t indt .Are that n give x14 • ncc ' l ere t rt* • . R N I If nd $rticle K.eDaniels. 'rhe L•n'1 err wt•ri.tent. Ise cit 'j ) - i unto- article ded. with Ile Indian + Y 1 y tt is wt hand, on tion, when practicable to tr 1 s uC Labrador. and is sell illi- the purl of the nu.rt powrrfal cola• Obtain it. if pertaining 1,1 Itigg,ng,' ear Ir* -, Tlu• :urtlun.. is 1'li'Tnrd 11. ,o -trial in n (Ilion. *gaited the t•A111r; lfnul,lhrp14 41-Igrrshquld hr Katt 1, wpm 441 vu 1h1.'4 t1,4' -lair I lominr" d l 3l11uin and her trade. direvtirl• to the ',roper oillr'r. Fl- lronieN abbot,' 1,, lieurairu I f JetcntT.. m,tk1 -Te t'rm.T''Cruul tile North, ;end therefore brmlghl :whim! by the I050n1 1(rIInu of Itnilw'.' 4 .1 '•m pnlnlhlr: its h•Linr".region b‘,1 exi•i•ilrnl iipil44�4lnuiTl I >l;,,l - thrt4imelien(}nv.rurm•nt egainstthe- it*-thaw-rnh•nt-nn. thr--preaiwin ut the the• native rtlw4. Irlheh 41,,.trnu,.,4 "I'm trade in Iii" •runt•. Ihlring people, artistes ere '•}i}ua4r Xeiirr -the 114141 /lays la the par hauleilta4y It espeiard 111411 iambi" nano»•r HM1lldle•I'Aft11," • Kist high., I{"id, :•• \ "'""on, 'ilialm(borer. rimed, the (borer •111 the rulpllyee4 of rhe f'np,u ,;41:elk•• ,Ir1 PoAche of Iiro n,:' by 1•.. Hick sneered 114.• 1%41114g•• 6,f wit e4t 1/131/131.r• 1111.111 will wpple.ial that In Neil nig being all, nrrWu' t �11,nehlllg alt Itibit)t141 the iml"liaaljon, lit:t mt:acr_ 111 4.1111 intelligently _tuna _well llery s d111.111.fishing pit•*.•a 4 in N 44: lilt, and sate of 11)iirim in te the osin• Are -.-, t mg thriix el. 4ii -i•," ripu1Ily. Hrnu4w14k, and '''('I1. 1•ral hisla ' e.11r eseept f.1)' nwdi,'in:d pwr4$.50+. a" wit hied this spirit to 1•,) u$N•rnlr ire^Hrmnvr*+1b t) 4t*, hnprrltl44' 44,0 '('11,'art Abe. preliihil." the inrporialion mit her he 4141441.' ry.N• 41,.rr in rh,trge And anM_ttf intent rurrliciur. camtxtl of air i ilfw.•ul d•. nutulwr s ttiriiei t ( fora t+Nwi(s e 1 *greet 113 4*,1tw.\\'s 11.'51►: 10411.4 4 '4 1'141 ingnpiul. raiMn4 sy.trm are rrnminhlY Their is not h hied & et it raisin sal billed AiIgravt issue of %Vont 111's H4 nr ('our ed tow Onvr hitt no A Mna far 00,stanion ill full of delightful mi..: 11)4. principle of the measure is con• Thr Late Thos. Meo'e. et the right sort of miel11umnlr read* .greed. but ihr fret that the Govern• ns. Just to pick up the to*sins meat hnr_rnsdr nu allowwnee in the 9'hirtt. Moore. who hart horn Ilyingq esd ha*wt-tie little--&444eh -{sly w_47nT rnm`tieneiwli:iit Tan• the severe M (iesterich' for two years nr 44.1, dire( the windblltl en the elver lnekr4 yoInjury it ties inflicted open the 1m Friday, Ihr 1,1-14 inst., et. the age feel cool and cnmfortlthle. Then,hinrttr demists nn the Pacific const of seventy-five yenta. Thr dece+le, when ypu open the magazine,rn° c nes in for strung 4nndrmnatlun on 11'1141 fur'meny years on the iA,ndtin come acmes 'owlish stories and et" th art of the leading Chinese uterch• t'hmd near Clinton, and the interment tranclnft.illustratiorts to give you en.- wet Aritish Columbia. It has there - was 'wale In l'linton cemetery on Hun- joyment for the entire- month. Htr4e - dlaiwel that the western 1141)', the 111th inst. Mr. %sore was of the authors are Temple Bailey. ('hinettr mr re6-..e. 1... on.n.r4 _Hence vount v Anil line Meter. F11.4. nl nnlrrie) and leaves two brothers In Juliet 4Vilhor Tompkins, Malkin 11111, sated wit. Ruth Wilson Herrick, ,Nay Isabel It hall, John I'irkrtl. and H. (:ante• Fisk, Clinton Dangerfleld and Harvey Ion, nt t;lintun, were married to three J. O'Higgins, mad the Illl,strationa are ti other sisters, new dsrrmtred. by (,non Lowell, well, Alice Harbor rltnph• - ---- ens, Charlotte Weiser-URaMer and Hwhit is a mighty .toter•, stn, wast other Ruunutt artiste. There 1141 seri• either tend toward that whish Ie good ons and practical thins•,- 1•s.. Pi.,lur or that which Is evil. '"Tl u ti with its Hale talks helpfoll. about ' Mhxi' wird 4shether it, shall he One of our flus, !tea'rent inn." ''Inc'Garden in Ads• I', iendat,r one of 4449• wort enefn1 5. l at," many recipes for summer jy "Finnigan and aim hitt. d-- into an salads, wraLe and •nlnitWle• for i h i argument the other night, 'smarted meats by I'..unie Merritt Farmer' and O'Flwherty. "Indeed !' wild Murphy, Christine Terhune Herrick, the Hum- "'Don't yea�y,,4bint thet an ehunlant "4nd what did They arrive se'?" Jit, pier Fashions by (frac.. Margaret 41,$) aP o1 Q,aetn*di le vulgar ?" "No . well, ahure Finnigan arrived at the (+Mild. Hem Loyd's Own Puzzle Panel 4 don't think so. Rut that's what 1 hnrpital and Movies ty ;At the ppn;r ore a few of the lhings inti will later. used to my been.1 11444 enc r' st*Uou." nom ly of illustatel 1r•e%el and outing wrticleu ,and short stories. In nation it is particul&rl rising, the femme being a complete 'el,'tte popular writers Alice and 1'bwd.• Askew, entitled "I':lizala3h's IAlyel•. Besides the nnwrtette there are capital Kort stories I. N. de Bertrand Learn). H. A. ('.xly, (lower Bunn their fellow annitrvmen at home with the realtlt that the all• werful gni known we the !Seventy- wo (`onup*nie will take the matter up. It is pro that every poasihle opportunity will he utilised of to de- liver a severe hluw at the trate of Canada. The Chinese, it le e*41. will strike heck at over point and at ever) *venue of trade Cann* (w,'w'HNee lend tato the Orient. ria rl—ia1100LL alb onaveh 11LT*a. and meta taste good and be den- retolls fa driuk1Djtj,iilpo , X chrtu- 4111 aualysla, supplemented when net: - wimpy by a tucterlulogical examina- tion, 1+ needed to determine the quality of a given "ample of water for dpwes- tic purposes. tine elawlnaUou 1 nut always sufficient to decide''the Meese of the water, as contaminaUou In mote likely totaka place at one time oft a year than another. The amount of rainfall will Influence very considerably the bacterial con- te(it+ of water from shallow wells or poorlycuustruetid elateina. Luring the heavy spring rains tare number of t,aeterla teaches. an enormous 8gur• and (lecrrusrs again as the dry ...aeon pr. ,tresses. All of the bacteria' ,bat are 7 Nu.d 4I the water are not dangerous, I. at if -/lratnage_ and other conditions 1e''. w contain instl0n" from 011131110 4.mrrr+ th.•n• Ia Alw4yr an opportunity f..r the Introrlitrtlon of disease prvdu1 1 ' _,'r1ui d strung drunk seeress It ''•`d :1 :1 t' 04:lu who tackles R. -- News. Tile bile In the heetene M than the eland..-Rrowntng. The heat evitiondr nr merit 144 the eeev- dlsl 'reeognttton of It whenever and wherever It may be recut -tllkssee. h,ger Haunted, "Why are yon forever hu nm ng that 'Merry WMow' Walter • "Because it haunts me." "Nn wonder ; you are 4000,0r nmr- dering it." Orator -"Yes, gentlemen an.l f,.I- Mw-citizen., tial wealth of w country is in it. snit !" Old flsyeed lin hack Seat)-"Guew ye never tried fermis', did ye ?- Look not mournfuly into the Past. 1t enures not hack again. Wierly im- prove the Proe'ent. it i. thine. (to forth to meet the shadowy Future. without tear, and witb a manly heart, Th. Square J. H. Colborne o CEMENT MORTAR. - L w rued n In MixingIt For Makin, Iat • Pipe or,)t)raintile. A subject that lutere+ta farmers 1a the u*kh. O4 cuwrete pipe; eltbw alts 4se !n irrigating systems or as a slab- DOUAte for clay the In drainage. From the Arlxona experlwent slatleu coin. the fotlewing practical details Of lite manufietutarof such pipes In molds- two feet in length. The method et nailing the cem.ut'iortar will be use- ful fur other kinds Of cemeut week also: . . The sand gbould be seleett t with the greatest care.-Tfibould Le fAm from slay or dirt and preferably composed -of grains of varying sizes. Itought •.raking, the strongest and densest sand for mortar coutalns two-tblyds coarse grains and one-third much Duet grains. Often a gravelly sand can be ssed through a half Inch meab n and then cwulxrd with one -ball Us lf`glume of anti sand. 1 which A t sbtwld be selected 1s ve 1. rather slow set- ting snd`Of 'unquestioned soundness. AssOmle the jape w be fifteen hat- es' In dlame r and the proportions of the mortar to lie one part cement to three and one-half parts mud, a batch cau be wade up as follows: Oue barrel (four sacks) of commit and three and a half barrels (seven wheelbarrows) of Baud. The sand and eenteut should be mixed dry and turned three times wltb shovels. Water 11 then added 'f amount sufficient to bring the mortat to a "dry" consistency -that 1s, suet' condition as will require much taint/ - Ina to cause water to stand on the purr face. The batch should then be turned twice or three times and coned. It profitable to work the mortar tkor• oughly. Labor and Curing. Three men -two to tamp and one to shovel the mortar -are n satisfactory team and cau mli, mold and sprinkle ) 04 f furl I per d.e at the rate u I Y Open ulue hours. The tamping must be done to small layers, nut,oier three laches at a time. An Important feature In the menu- reale* of cement pipe is the curial;. About twenty-four , hours after the tapes are made they should be sprin- kled with water so lung as they seem to absorb 1t freely. F'or a week there-, after tbey should be wetted every day.. They should then cure lu the airier 1. week or two before being had in illi ground. On the third day lifter molding 'a cement pipe a wash of parr cement* should be applied ou tie lnslde 04 each length with a plasterer's brush. _ iugee\I�i en Ill • Beet fields subject to alkall are 40' sexdhed au_keing characterized very uneven stand, couslderable irreg- ularity In the size of the planta and the prevalence of chlorosis of the older leaves and of sprangling taproots. The rause given for these effects In that the alkali retards or prevents the germiva- tlon of the seed or that It destroys the tants after erinlnaUou. ('lay soils D t were found to present greater de'®rul- tles in this resp4'ct than sandy soils. Attention 1s called to the tact that when the density of the soil solution becomes too great the vitality of the seed U destroyed, or, In the caw of al- ready growing plants, the passage of water flied the soil into tbe plAut 1s checked. • The strength of tbe so11 solu- tion to Colorado analyses was found to be 2..97 per cent of alkali where the soil moisture was equal to 20 per cent and to 6.86 where 1t was only 10 per cent. On the field In question the two s atter Irri- gation contained from IS to 20 per cent of wafer on the side of the plant next tbe water furrow. but several days after irrigation the moisture content had fallen to 8 to 12 per cent, and the Warne, while st111 growing, were gut- 'fering from lack of water. -O. W. Shaw, California. The•Woman of It. �L. II.• tells Illr'all Ili" see -el*. fur Well h ' , yon -- t ort. r.hjrrt 1,1 that. do .oh : She 4►h, 1 don'1 know. (hulk ('J'r•.Iher Mel Ihrm ri11f.' 1.1,11- do11 I ll,ioiuu. . 1 N Un the Fence. •all 1,.w-4wr-,- w i 4• .... rt*, - at., vim. 1'.r'l'1e.l..r l.0 • --•uw..s.«w-++.n+, .. In•.r•eens-.u.; --. , For ies:11"4Jn':1'. - Thr dr 111111"0 "I.IN,p,il:u'1iy it+given 1,4 n salesman in :4 1"141,' 11lu44ie .hop i• erne.^ -that tilt'-tit•-nr-'t,, into thio}•" I4.i,f•. e•0dgs. "'!r Ihr• :1 1m1n,- 14u' took a led w wlrnur wlpuilt, h.dding tip N +1444.1 of 1114144th' hrillisnlIv (F..•ratest 114 1,41 N4»: gev4H: \Cell, no, tui.+," 411,1 (lir .4LIr'44r,muI, ,e44 g u.liciml +' (41 rdn,w•, 1111" i,r (eu4rle ate 11nd i.vi-ryleely likes it, lett rt tired enough of It yet for at yriti'd call a Isry11tlwr f{no 1114,144 o 1.',i e,6w4' " . A 4411.111 of dim 11111(.1 living fur good intro only. ('ynicjs.I is the atny.hy 1 nt. c0111ra 4,-,6111 t•e•fl10141 t.. 44•*hre me envoi id,vtl+. 11 " I h.• 4144111 44 1... Ia4lat4 Q[ 'utasit ]-... r,yoigwi.it 1„• tl, ok. Were ., uwt le w".1141 ww l)IIg1,14` lulls. 11 Ia s g'4441 deal easier to shut 1 h.• sigtit4 of • t114' %4Inti 'NleeettylInt 14 is to 4uura,ewer*bilily fo them. . ?i • think they loud. he in the hevtiei 40144.0• h,'aVen lerauree they •. . ninon 1„ he •,. .uecess(nl in tieat.iuc ithrjr 44av 1h`1e. { • H makes r lot of diffrtwnre W (irt •r - A ! you think.. ed {elision ase y'.'- s.ot--`=� tirade or a• the sinipl.•'life of fall I awl •• %\'lm1t.. - we._.l..aitt-�rs,t tn-_t-nr_n� • ' of • II4,Ir11IN•1. Iii, enol Iling ..e "ked at.� the ru44t.,iiii i• Or the new groves ' 114.114, "Not 1' h: u,Ar411s 411►14)41 •: heumatis in Uric Acid in the blood. Unhealthy kidneys are the callse u( the acid .being there. if the kidneysacted as they should they wuukt strain the Uric Acid out Cif -the .systemaad rue oma-- tism wouldn't occur. Rheu- matism Kidney [M- eese.m Lr a K n y Lh ease. Dodd's Kidney Tilt. have made a great part of their reputation curing Rheumatism. So get at the cause of those (earful shooting pains and se' aching joints. 'there but one true way- Dodd's Kidney Pills Wonderland Un Ihr guu,:J floor Every Night This Week 2,000 Feet -of _ (Moving Pictures 1. hang,. of P:ogram Every Nigh, Latest Iilustrated Songs REGULAR • 5c. SHOW GOOD_ PAL/8/0. ' ALL COME J. J. THOMPSON. Manager 1 ^ r40/1111g-77 Viemereethe,French •Tabaa- A 1suggentlnn : If you are a motet' And bier going Meteor fl'ranrr take year own tobar•.o•and: elpr nr cigars, for no Amerir*n rim smoke the "helve" sold In Pen new (:hears are nnohtelnshle mlttMe thrntsr4vs cutis•.., and the amok - Ing teller n'ta•efanternatunel gnaIlty- ynu smoke ltllnenoe country and smell It tn.anether. Perping'th• Question. "Reiter ,olid flhe ensu. '"Wits that yen wife r...H g? "Tea^ rv4tbvl 44Me wind. -rye home tress /to M rit peer ase ter NMI rd - 11 1111111111111111=0111111111111111111111 0 111111111•1111111 411% FOR THE VERANDAH Get our DS our . RAt4 AH__ CHAIRS •+aw(-rmj.+yr-tie-t'tnaaol.', 4leitti sit in taint -fort, In Matti ion 1,, 1 hr !Wilted V.rnndr), 4'hiiir 4witbb Hest +'' o awe have **special line' in -._ OLD---ttf#KOR t - --_" ranging from $2.25 le $3.00 to price. This choir is made for o,Ifort and d'oability, THE WIRE HAMMOCK is the Itr"t hammock on the market, I',•1• , your 4v' . , 4 Ir r r on our show m 1 tw and a the display I ) ale 1 Y Y IRON BEDS of 'amnialting new is, thew 411"11144. \Ve .61411 Ie. diel to hove yell ''N 1 1, nim• 141441 1 'rl•, _ Il nn l rt* me'. rl ,°"r, " GEORGE JOHNSTON imus rail. 1omethatt. 0,1,1 .0. FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING I 1 • O ,, 011111111111111111111 - ; �ammonammo s�• We are offering 1 Harvest Tools, Builders' Hardware, Locks, Hinges, Barn Door Hangers and Track, Paint, 011, Glass, Tools and Cutlery, Tin -ware, Screen Doors and Windows. Granite -ware, at special prices to clear them quick. ('ow Ease prevents flies on horses and (rattle. • Specially priced at :t5c per quart, • 1 Worsells' Hardware ..JAt ' • 1