HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-7-16, Page 86 Tsoasnmv, July 9, 1905
IM f ASNIONIS REALMt I ll�iw',iu!P^u' a!Uu ;MFNT Mends ita
MI.. Tberw+a
1 1'uuniagham Spat Monday in
Sent I'. (',frier. of llul►r10, 14 In town on a
, visit to reloolv44.
Mrs. Met x. Inali+ Sad Mi.. Ioall. Are holiday•
I Va $t ltragld. Ar1AL. .
Mr.. ('link of %IIIIhrou►. i. n good of Alr.
tl,l Mrs, A. Farrow.
John A- Taylor, priner04l of ilr. Whathoaa
blah school, was In tow n Ili+ week.
A14.1 Vera Campbell. of kaeter. L. 14e Muret
ot,Mr1. James N1'11.01. ".4(Ion Lodge.'
AI r4. Jahn Parrott nod dalbI IWer, Luella, of
Commencement Frocks a 'Vital
Issue of the Moment.
Foreeet Among Graduating Clowns
Are Fite Lingerie Modeb�eed Pet-
ticoats, Too, Ar. b the
of the Girl's Cestv,ole.
t�ommenoement frocks are a vital Ito
sue lust at premed, pod both trash -
Unable modbttew and obscure seam-
ataalready wrestling will the
p_robknt of girlish modishness. Oas
Rears on every hand lamentalfsn eon -
renting the .str*vageuev and plebe•
St ussens of s American sehOotgfri,
?bat there Y cause for criticism 4. not
an be dented. In many American tam-
else mosey la more plentiful than
Gude.and wren where an old tablesed
• Kir /IIOCL
mother bolds to earlier traels of girlish
stfpptklty to dress the spoiled ant as-
sertive daughter often follows berpwe
, beat regardless of maternal protest
The lingerie
Is still drat
for the coulmeocemnnt exercises,
' more so loran e4er this season. Of ma-
terials suitable for these lingerie hocks
there 4', no end. Fine. sheer whits
stuffs have been multiplied et a ear -
prising rate during recent seasons, and,
though the old favorites are in eel-
' deuce and nothing lyes surpassed some
of them, there are many modifications
Of -well known materials and some dis-
tinct InaoraUons.
First and foremost among the gradu-
ating frock materials are always Use
fine linens, batistee+, mulls, plain or
embroidered, and .Oewns, and all et
these are to be had this summer In the
sheerest and finest of qualities and
with a softness that did not character-
ise all of them In Use Old days. Fine
haudkercblef linen Is the most prac-
tical of the sheer lingerie stuffs in
point of wear, and nothing is lovelier
for the fine lingerie frock than a really
excellent quality of this material. But
outside of the lin;erie studs are the
alik batistes and chiffons, which ata
as lovely as they are perisbable; the
various nets, which give excellent serv-
ice, and the crapes and Innumerable
sheer silks, which are all appropriate
for girlish wearers, though not.consld-
ered quite so suitable for the grailnat-
ing frock as the iingerie materials, and
the sb4er gauzy silken stuffs, web as
white silk batiste.
Good petticoat', too, are essential to
tie success of the girl's frock 11 •
lylh, were %i.ilor. in town I
It +M1 etc,
Ali.. Ida Hales arrived from Toronto on Sal rvruiu lit make ar1•au1truuvll) for the
14nln; to spend two aerk-' holiday al the old a �1
house. • *1)11Wa1 t0llIJlanlrul. The ttlIr'll•tnt'iit
Alseter %Valle Muir, suit of Rev. J. Muir. of Will open un 'Ilo•wlty, .%lIg*lini !St 11, •at
elnu4.bs. i. a
gager. Al Me re.idence of Ur. 2 p. 111. lIt. limiter and 1 II. 'I'igel't
were appauted as the entertainment'
t.. 1'
4 ar r )
at. 144 t 1 u
Demo, .%Li
1 Urre u l r l Il, i li
nuttier • 1\'. A. Mr .
het grandmother. !14,., lYul. Un•rn. Trafalgar 4 • 11141, U. H.
+ore t.. ' 11411111er alio! A. Porter. cttnvas:iog
Mr•Jruh Uteri,, t4 Poo Intron, Mich.. i. (a 14141*'.'; ,I, (1,dt dila Sheriff Hev-
u-itiug al the hour .0 11.. and AI r1. 11 It. hold, prize• pu1.4'lat4i mg x1)111111
N14,MrwIt.. J. \1 . Kirkpatrick. 4) %4t oodstock. M►.1 Goderich 5. Lucknow 12.
tenoned Ii.ule akar 04.1 with M... It. H.
Weetw-- - -- - .-t:nmt-rt'tiur day the-tflxterirh FNMA,
11r.. A41tuage.of y110t I' 1. %i.ilala fur a
w week -al Iht• re.I,l.u,.• 0( AIr. and L44-.
.\li.. Audn•w, 1011 )r•tetday tol.ya•tat 1440
tootvile holiday(, with No -Oder. . cs. ferry.
.1 twat Talley, '
444. tont Lar.. 1. l:. tithwon and Mw,tt
.11ilfau. 111 St. Lnui• Alit., !UV si.ilitog 11 r..
4 .4.1 • Ii1.Wlt.
,11., t:r..ru• Lf. 4044..lu.t.MI.. HAW* )4444. xf
1.110.4, ate ti-ati,a at the home of Mr. a..d
AIr J. F:. I' .
a °dtcusl,x'�R r"", -'C$ tl T:*#i:a'.J''1'.,
Then, should be a g/4sl turnout at
the haseloall match lure to Tow
Friday afternoon." alftel'Ilo n." when 1Vinghaul
and lioalrricl will ``day a la/ketmle
League game. '1'111 \\'Ingham team is
leading the league and the Goderrel
bora will try hard t., take the game.
The Ante will he called at Agricul-
tural Utak at I o'clock. Admission
1r.•. and )(lc..'
God.rich Bowling Tournsawat.
A meeting of the (h elerirh lawn.
howling club was held on ;r1eldav
Mr.., 14,1 All.. 1:; \\, 4:4 4116441%411 Ilorrl•,-IA•Ill
,.,) Ai11, the Luno,, . brul vier, 1'. 11.
t\,.1krt. F:.. -t .greet, -
Ali.- V. A \\ ,,4.441 .0,1 %1..- )'.,r.o,,. la, Al
MA•.1w1AN1 Hat*, Marisa.. attending Mc ekes,
Ill 1441111 4• .l 1414) 41111 art.
114.• 111,,14'• 111'1 Al.-t,r Cul.•rl .11mr., of
1)4414,1.11,.. among 1111.14 KroMprr•ul.. Mr.
_.0.1„),t1 144 . L 1'014 1 -_..._-_ _....�
Mi Mmegir-MnrraT 7
r.4ti.' ill �at•arto.4.
'1I du1(11'
'g .4week- 1
. 1411111 Mies, Sault
t Alain. S1.10ll4rl 0.101 ,
V ti. Nt-bet. of the (1,u1. of 1 ,.ulaer.e, left 1
t Irl 1 ) all .. 1 w0 w.r► 1,4.d..)) trip to N..
\ t► and other United "Oats rot its. lurk sow
In \ 14. McWr11W. MI-. Mrklruu :Slut Liao
NMI uy,.. ei 1 i e 0
itllr o. 41f I' Ir' eland. mlu", 1i• 44.4111144 al lbw 1,.wanarl, it; 4 2 1 i :I
r 1,1„.11,0,.., .01111.1f 1. 1 1 0
t id ,,r• of J4uly. 1111-014 \0111 .Incl. 11..1011101014, 11 y1t p 1 I 11
\li.. I .n. SI o.nbu,uf \l•l to..uii•h. 4...v41 ( Th 1..1)44. 2 b . ... .4 2 ' ,; 1
4 t 4114• -14111144 r in Ii..Irro b. ze e i0140.1 01 her H,t'IfMM. I b 3 1 0 1
I. ti(.•-. Nit- and bir..10.. \V. V..natter. I ALallougb, r. f-. . .. ._.. It Y L " ..u.
.14,,-,.\I I - 1 rio. b. odor, :11141 4-1.1141, 41,0 14111,14I hurl. ,
f \II ',4)Q \Il I'. 1 . N.411•1 wrr Su1.1.1). -
hall train trent dowel to defeat et the
hands of the Sepov team of Lneknow
by the shits ell' .1 oto 12. The game
was played at Luckelow.' !loth `Vig-
gins and Tait• who pitched for (bids -
rich, were off color and this, probably
was the reason for the downfall of the
locals. iItrues wits expected to
streLg111ru.tte teutu but tttatead ler.
weakened it to quite a perceptible ex•
The 44(41111111.1 :
l:,Alm'irlt A.Ii, It. IL P.1..\,
, Webb, L L . .i a 't 1 u
t. 1Mau,. V. f. 1 12 n
J. a'iggiil-, 2 h.. :1
p... .; t I a11. Itolarrt,uu. r. f. -- . 4 0 1 a • 0
U .♦i h 1+1414. 16 '/ I If 1 u
W. Memos- Y b.-....-2.,.•,-� a . 1. _- 44 _ "M
1 . Inti hit .. - 1 11 1,
V. Deatl. 1 It ,g '
J. Tan. p., J h. :1 • 0 v 1 2
:1'1 :i 114- 21 -
A.H. H. H.-1.11. A.
.104111111*.,.,, of 11 and -o,. homer!) of M,•.n•,,
144. i'.4,lrr.r4 la, 4414• former wily offer n'ri•it ter -
ht. In0111..1, .Aar. T. 51'4011. stank.) Alert.
Ali.. Ik'I..MII Ilnlu4r
of llohur.. ale, nod
4,,r .i.ter, 4tr•. lluwrll. ..f lirmll (unbar.. Sawa
a 01111411 r 1110 101.1,.11 BI 11.10 :tad 11,-1 ,1441.
1.1441411- 11 hu,• of 11.14 ►:..•l.-, Tin.... and 1114th
.</c,•►u,.0-, of -}:mler. alae 41.11 or. i0 man
of Apo Ian) and g,m, Tl. S 411441 4 11 i sally cull.
J oho, '+Iri 1(10011. 4)1 14014011. 44.1. a w1'1'01110.
.•.1 111'1 at l Ire 4444114l "wire 1t0 \lundar. \l.
rod Al\ 4t,•0ru.n0 were 14, town 4144 it brief
't4,. w F:. Hsu -141 .1 old Mk' . l4 •Ii,I.,
11 /.441,'.4, of Tgnml . hat I' bMr a•plpahng A
ten tag. 11,1,. work will Mr. .111.1• Ally 1+.
l, r.
Ir..•...l 11•. John- Mcluho-h 44.4, 101404114
• it ht M• 'u 1u1do1 after .4.114.14hr
S. 14,,4/std, rt. U
4)r. and her daHgtater.
Iuu1.1,,4, Alberta, ,•p.nt
-,re'1tr-1 m1'4tf. 1'
y,u4t,r1 by her 41.11
.ter and Mn.. ley,
.I -,t I1 friend. to
reset 4.
• A4x 1
Ur,J A
41., G. M. F.
.4111 d.1,41..1111r,r.
44 a ) 4 44,,
4A1101101.. .,,d Ikak
ell'. Itobrrt 14' Town
I..•1 'neck 00 1 %1'M to
)l-. .1. "I . Iw•Tuur •I.
al lei mann 4111 a I itlt tu't'or.
11 11/1.. '
w MI,l1*n of
dao. to town. %Innis the
.4111. 4411, 4'04. And 1,- i 1111- w
dao • tor Irosentlun1)i 1,•101,• 1. Int
111+, al,. and
' 1'144+413)
\ort• Lim. \54.114, of lo0d,m. And
-Ir,,,,heads 14144 Alam, 31111 M1... lira
1111 ar lannlini, 314 lhr cors- of
w .,vtiu1b. nod Mr daughter. Mr,rMr,Abr.
11•. ". IL 1. ' Mutton.
. 11rlhn .
II t III� Militatednai 441,
o1lMilitatedell l:ldn
rrh ;and w her
PIM,. Irl all. .uduly. ha. ret irmL 4IVI, Ile
...me 146ur1 of for -Ir) and has pun•h.Mrl
home 4)l Lenton. where he win Ir. -h& in
141 ore.
AIr. alai Alr.. Jame. Nt•bet0 of tlIalgow.
v,rn laud. .pent u few 141). 111 town the pawl
wrrk wMil heft won. A. G. Ni.bet. of the Honk
of 4 1414 room. Mr. and Mr, NI.)M:1 *ore .peed•
u1x July and Aurid (l,ilnpf friend. In s.uio,,,
'tut- 14(111 nada and the t'mt.14 4+104.y4�• ,
' .\li..e. Mamie and Jennie Ihrk,', li were in
town ,,.,r Sunday. 'I he Litter ,Ma. In town
1.01 '41unller for Ihu O. 4'. 1. rnoflion but 0 4.
•oma year -'lure bur •,.Irr .4 .1.11ere, he, dull,.
.It Me I'uiverlty libr.ii 111/1 otonto keep1.g
her eag4.amd.a.►L .l- 1,e )*we•. *AIM ertrnd+
weer plea -51I 101114.1. I 10.114,11461111 111 y1deN•'h.
%I..., A. )I. K. :um4 Me.. tine,JAnt.t.n: of
.firer iwd : Mee Vita " Nlr4Ann, of e•14hma1mok
mh4n, amt .114.- A:br ,101.1..1011. .11 Ilene. urate
Ito a loll) of ' 1.4414,. Arlt Llm1wn in 144411.44.'1
A 4,d ar1• nw 4) on a Trip to Korot" They will
4 -it I.:ro1:rod, ' .01 1.01 .t,..1 Ireland. and the
\Iia•. .101111•4011 1.4 hintI1I •n.1 Ibeir trip 1.. 14,.•
1 ,4440.114,
1 limon '4,•4'. It,'.vnl : Rev, A. 11. Wright
toAh',4, IN td were 11.4•.1. 144 9 l•. day -
1, .t wri•k of Mr. nod Mr. ,1..1. Al,rl4.1..
Ilw•4 weon 114r,r writ' from Til..0d01rg In
Kiuro,d r. Al 1% right ha% ion !asst .)-
lolime� re. ta14,1111.• Aligning 4111111.1.4n 411111
10.11 11• w'al. lorno•rly Inetnith'n4 of 11,.-
11n44)1.-..* Mc • luarilr and A4,,. t\-rigbl 4- Me
I daughter of \I,. ,lams. 4 ,,,,null,-. 14(40.(.'
1 l taw n•1dp.
/.ell lel, Resale' Mr. cruel Mr..- *,.1)d. I're--
arlMr, of Uwm4u,. \limolrrirrd'w` la..k,• 1411
Friday fur a kit. Mr4 •r.,, welter •'s.I ','ner!
toll+ adopted elty on )Igrd*V. but h14.-rvife
will make au elenlol vi.itt with her 1431 e.
Morena 1144. Pete, Douala., of Slake. ,.zed
'other relative.. 111.4 re+nwelter i. 0111. 0f the
h•*111n*' Ment 11ght2 of Northern 11' 11w•rMA 11141
formerly taught ...hoot hen'. ,14141' ba• ninny
warn) frn;t d+ it, 114i..c,•41044,
The &trait..nl N.-*.,, r 4)l Mo.w44ay -11.'
"Min . 1. F'. K.lton left today for Itrili-1
J binmbl,. where he will .prod a ,•"npl, of
140(111 Ir. looting the roma ry. Mr. 1444441444 *411
sent 1)m, aim, al•n In Yletorba And Van
mover. 11 4. p,nldlhb• Ibnt if 1110 tilling a,
r tidal ion In the mountain. permit the
'reeled ,,ntlennn wilt take at elreutive
photograph -Ong api*081444 with 111111. Mr.
Salton recently .410,14 aha: he belie% ell there
.0 n 141•011 101. NI ls,• for the Weotern Province
than is Anliclpaled. 'floe room ry it 114 yet. oMy
-lightly known, and Mr. &alum tnten4+ to
penetrate into +0me n(- Ism mewl wild and
Piet lletlpte regime.. '
"Toe Iluctots have given Johnson
Ur." •••1)ear 4))e, Is he as i11 as that 'r"
"Ni., hr's quite well. That's why
they've given hien up."
-oh, I apo AO awfully I*hauna•d or
myself," said Edith tonee to ler dear -
ext. girl rl . :•\\'hen Henry pro -
ported La me Itt\t night 1 intender to
.:1y, '4.4 smitten !' hal. *Wile lost. my
head, hod .\claimed 'At Inst !' "
111 it'll
crown or Flr.ar FIFA' All; LINEA.
frock clears the ground, plenty of sllk
names are necessary to stake young
girls' frock* stand ont tt4 chic fashion
fnstesd of clinging limply *bout her
ankles. 'The top of the skirt mar lit
aeogfy even to the knees. S"mlcIImes- it
1ll drown closely by means of a ribbon
ash wound through very large em-
breid ed eyelets about the knees.
t ewe _ar ' •
Pellets In Gardening.
' There 4. Ilttle danger of making alto
soil too rich for a tegstable garden.
The we of bandtools 1s unnecessary
la the preparation of a ,ed bed 1f the
eon le worked et the proper time.
The labor of hand weeding may be
Indorsed to a minimum by planting in
frailty worked 5011 only, tiling close
to the rows ser') W tbs mama; Sed
no wade to ripen their
The use of a wheel bee saves Misr
M the care of a garden even when
moss of the tillage le to be done with
811111.14: me... so."
Itscros ,00
at 12 la •• 11
Two-t)rt fist+ it Crean. w'. - John.hon.
Struck m4) by Tait 4. by \\'444111, A, by Joh,,
loll R 1'414)411• tauter Moore, \Vinghmn.
Title of gnaw 1 !wow. 1:. minute.. .
Kincardine 3. Goderich q,
Last Al Ly !hose who welt down
to the Agricultural u•:l P,M'k 4)t 4 o'clock
were treated to a very fad- game. 1,f
ball Oul.ide of the firstinnings the
game was very keen• almost in fart
developing into a pitcher's lailtle be-
tween Tait and Allendorf, with the
I r) perceptibly in Tail's (avid.
For Kiiiraedine T. Sinclair on second
bare played very well, while for Utah•
rich the hitting of Vic, Dean Was a
feature. Summary : :
r, mesh.'
r t `•T`'
h, Q'irhol0u• 1 b .3 3 1 12 a "
.\ 1p(rin.._1. 4 •1 0
IL .\l,'Icnoan, r. f.
('. I M• vIIo...tis
11. ItrlchrF, :1 b. ..
\•, Ik'4d '
1.. Elliott. 1
.1. Tint. p
1 1 1 y t
1 1 1 1 f 1.
Y "u 1 2 1 0
3 44 2 14 1
al n n I 0 1.
1 44 1 1
3. t11I : x 2
f$in, Sinclair, .." A:7t R. TT. P./i. A. tf.:
T. Sinclair, 2 b •1 1 0 4 1 n
ICornpl'._3b :, : i u 2 :1
Ie•tt, r f `' 1 1
e 1 44 4 l o u
\'i:nh:ulm. 1 4, . 1 0 44 8 0 0
A'lin Mor .- 1 0 n
7 11 S
'bn.l1)41 \\\74I
rimier. I r. l p = . I 11 e
Al Morn, - 1 u
f t 1) 4 1
in., . , IMdk. 014' Tait I: ofdrooled
1 1.
-1Aw4 bit. 1\
1 iu. /
1 1
ag � !Man
Isar 'k 1)W • y Tait til, by �Apendorf`1� loonblr
I.lay T, Mm)• Ir. Umpire Ratter Mr Atter.1114th:, Time o ,enc 1 hour, a. Minn t'..
elide eagut Schedule. \
Follow • is t1 w:h,(Inlc * t the 1*'.
'staining g ex in t e I.Itkeside League•
series, wit ht. . excep)ltion of the Oode-
rich•Kincardu,r Rant the dates of
which have leen ft ops .
July 17--%Vinghan t- (i rich.
Kinraretine t Lie 'ow.
21-1(1)•th at \1'i ham.
:t1- U.lth rich tet 1 '
Aug. 1 \Vinghn,ln at. Ki 'anit
It Blyth at 1.urkn.w.
11 1.1,1.4 i)Iw 4)t 4 t,lrril
.11 \Vinglianl at ttllkno
211 --Blyth a' \Viunham,
21 1.*i,k110W at I(1 ie:Inline.
27 l,nl•know a (Myth.
2"l 1Vinghanl at fitelerl•h,
at Kincardine 4)t Lncknl4t4.,
Sept. t Luck now at %%'inghanl.
7 -Blyth at 4;Iml•rirh,
In-_(i.ml'r•irh at Lucknuw.
11 %Vaughan' at Myth.
1 7 l i, NL••ri4d)4 at 1114 tit.
Railway Subsidy.
. Ottawa. July 11.- Aurnugm{, the mil.
a subsidy pprrpotetala *I11'ttltted to
l'arh*tient t.mlay is 41144' for the St.
Marys R'-.'%'est,rn Ontario Hallway
Company. fu 44.M• of railway from
1Vtxalstta•k t.. . ler, not exceeding
forty -lire miles,
Sir Wilfred L1ui'ier 11144.14.1the, an•
nt1l)uu1uwut in the House 1441 Iwwmp-
t' at 11 o'clock 41110 morning ion re-
plying to a question of Mr. Kemp.
The latter amid n0mnll•r'{al travel -
leis particularly had urged that (h4.
Smogs sl 111 be made. Thr Prune
Nlirtster %aid the .4'+I11•10.1• named
hail made a 4tta1ug representation to
hlto, and had leen uRlcially inforu t*I
that n change world 1s• made.
C. P. R.'s Magnificent New Steamer.
The latest addition to the (Can-
adian Pacific's ll•pfwr lute flegert le the
"Aasiniloia,w now in active emu -
mien. , and um her first voyage she
has proved Ite1telf to be tint only the
largest and most modern py/*rrn er
vessel tett the hype' Laken, hitt also
the swiftest. She will sail from Owen
S 1 at alsott .1:511 p. 111. every Sat -
1.41 4y for Sault Sl r'. Marie, Port
Arthur and Fort \Villiaur, the row
nlltMg express train leaving Toronto
4)t 1:'4) p. or The "Assiiiilslia" ham
11411111011) ace 1*)' dams) tut' ...ioLLt
cabin p.w+ellg.'rm, With Ilvr 0.►bi1 8 dr
loge (private 1148444.1, rpaa'io,1* 4114414444
salami, obste Aliso 1.11AWiug Solt
king toorM and Wally new feat-
ures conducive to pa4v.cngene cons•
fort. Intending 11.esnen eree should
make early application (0 local (1.
R. anent fol'_ acceii1111iodation.
Direct to Quebec City.
:he Canadian Pacific is the only
4lu1011/h line Wit1i a (Nankeens in Que
pec City, affording passengers IN •wel-
14Mme freedom from tryyyttlsfer4 • and
delays, FM' the great tercentenary
l„Ichration a single Gar tate is in
effect torthe rol,44)4 trip. ttl2keta.lttaal
monist TW ' Jai -Win - in L`) fetch wive. Call at
t'. 1'. It. ticket ofllce or stat• for
pawl i. ulxra.
C. P. R. Northwest Excursions.
The next hoineseeker.' excursion
leaves on Tuesday. Indy 214, by
-.pseud train leaving Toronto at 2:1)1
41.lu., rare view through colonist and
1.4414.01. sleeping t'arw,' - To r•atch the
spacial intending leassemger* should
Book of
,a : 19 is t4 -
take morning trains to Toronto.
excur*irmv are 14111 by 4110 new
Muskoka routs, leaking acuurieler*btr
raving of time, and the advantage of
travrlliug on a through-rm. lint., With-
out trouble of teansferpt and possible
delays, t* 014441110.4, 'l'he 11)1,11 (', P. 14.
agent will be glad to furnish fres hook.
let giving rates and full particular+.
Reports f11)W the \\ est indicate
early crops this year, and within the
next two 11r three weeks announce.
1140111 will likely be 'mule of the low
rate farm laborer.' \'avulsion.
those who know lent the await. of phi. 4.4,4)01
an, Ila ,liuuellead .nppotWr.,
/lad/ >��J ul
USC/ l
'1'11./1)11 -gr .t4od- tir.l 4, ppopalar lt,thitylkenb
'11004 n14(1 genuine merit. (To velem yon will•
x011 1,1411 411414 our graduate. pu.hlll.gg to the
front. !'herr 44)41 liar Itwlnil41 enrol; ea*hen
to OLT and MOLD art 4114*' 11111•111 111114. ('oII re
open all „uu01wr. F:nlet any time. Write fin
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
l')r. Volute and Ale.ulnder at.,
Canvas Oxfords czn '-.,4+
. •. k:•�sr._ un
tTs_T 4-:151: 4+ -0Jlr%I'W
and Gibson Ties
Are without exception the coalest summer footwear.. Our assortment of
these Sum:mr Shoes awaits your inspection. It includes mass new styles fay
ladies and children In white, grey and blue camas, that will give you pleas-
ure to see and greater pleasure to wear.
Our Oxfords for men hold the lead' in quality
and beauty of.design. We have the tidiest, nat-
tiest and most wearable line of Shoes to be found.
Any man can please imself in footwear here.
Ease, Elegance and Perfection of Fit
are strong points in
our favor.
Downing e? MacVicar
North Side of Squat'te Goderich
..f the town of liod'•ri,-1,. 11)4111 41
ill all dltlracti re cover, rintake-
Mg 301 engraving*, showing
several ut our beautiful wide
sl resets, new C. P. Il. i1,-idge,
Loth Depots. all the Churches,
principal Public 13uikliugn, Lake
aid River Views. Mostly all
the views were mplrially taken
for this Souvenir (look ;and are
the! ohne N E \V, affil entirely
11itt.tent from. all Postal Card
Views, The Rook is very at.
tractive and the mire is w•i'hiet
the reach of all 25c.
We have nisei reveivrd a _ship.
Inert of new View 111111 Souvenir
Postal Cards. Ask to "ire' them.
11 Pbeae•I,Ie. BOOCourt se Square
1f all things we1,• equal the
wetees would hot move. It in
the difference of level that made
Niagara a Caterer 1. Napmll..011
AO emperor Held
the lent 11) 11.Mlt'llall,
Two • cooks with the same
recipe can not slake bread of
equal totality. and only ;me in
3 doyen has the knack or skill to
make it goes'.
The force of
Distinctive treat-
ment, notable differ-
ences in trimming
and ' personal atten-
have lorongl►t our Suits above
144e ordinal v level:
Three pedals
•thing Suits
albriggan Uncle " ar
B. V. (& D Underwear
the most comfortdile and
durs14e underwear ever worn.
1 have a few lots left in my New $tpr•vey, in Lire Town of Uude, ch,
which 1 will sell on *11044 ferny* that all persons "w9tLing"one or more
will never feel the payment*. --
$I.00 Cash and Suntil PO Centsaid• a Week
This is a great opportunity for Hoys and Girl. to gut a deed of pr.'p-
er•ly easily, placing 1hrn1 in the way of saving, which leads to wealth.
1 will le 1 11 the property mn SATURDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF
AUGUST, limo _' p.m. until 41 p.m., tip show aIle lids,
Perlman. having their nntnr' with Mr. lilydl *' l'. Mark. *if Town,
will have the first choice.
Thes1 1,1118 are all high and day, turd are good for gardening, and '
AM the Tow {L{(row-s are .plendidly situated.
47tm1e1'It-1,, .1111\• 1:1411. Non.
THOMAS TiLT, Proprietor.
Alma Ladies College
28th year ! ' 1 A leading Canadian
College." Endowment allows ex-
ceptionally reasonable rates.' A .4u11
year's tuition with board, 1
room and laundry . -68
F,rr CO al rr
R eJJrn,
'•The Krrina, -1 and upwards
14111- liniengrldrll Ir",111• )111dK
141)111, 14,a11 any other to I/Weir.
'Please '4 '.,4 bra nonto .. write for it
SI 'laal1'our+e for Teaelwr,,
Mall 1'0111.,•1.
(1Fn.: ;rotten . ('rfoclpd,
Fall Teem Opens Sept. 1st.
1 the warner yo'l r0ugdrie a "0114.6 In 1141.
' -donee ) on limy expect 011 hold a
r 4 .,.t. tour e1)nrv'. aro thorough
.11.1 ,11 .1 Ie d. 4 Jur student. always 41443410 4,
\\ c 41.4.4 4rUllortte. to tanllion.. We, have
three 41rywrtue14t. - 1'ou tworn:J*1. Abort
1,11104 mast Trlegrapbla•.. W1 employ s{m•r
1rn, ,N 11.1114. i or.. 4 'al.dugue free.
Mrs. Hubbard to Marry dirt:
Many Uemleri'•h ample who 14.14
Mrs. Leonidas Ilublerl g4V4 114.1 4
titre on Labrador in Knox church last
year will 1e interw*Iwl in the an
nlnmr•rment which lubes from Lon-
don, England, of her engagement to
marry Harold Ellis, son of the Hight
H m.
John Edward F:Ili*, M.1'., re-
cently Ender yiw'rl'1tt'y of Wale for
1ndi4. Thr Imidegrtmmi-elect owns
extensive Iamb and mines in North
venplonshilr'. Mrs. Iinblranl visited
(drat Britain 1141,1 lecturing lour.
Thanksgiving Day on Monday.
Ottawa. .1 oily 11. 'I'haoksgi%'ing Da)'
will be olive, \•111 1111 a \I11Id.414 1111. yell
instead ell Thursday els formerly.
arm Weather Merchandise
\ at very tempting prices while our "July Clearance" is on.
There are money-savingchances all over this big store these hot days. Just the goods
you ant going at "July Clarance" prices. Every department contributes its share. We
are ou%after two things, first: a record-breaking July business, second, a complete clearing
out of ev rydollars worth of summer merchandise in stock. Prices like these ought to get us
both. Th are samples of many others just as money -saving.
3 yards
Auk. 29 EXHIBITION Sept. 14
Greatest and Best Attended Annual Exhibition in all the World
Every ds lace $100,000.00 Sssed Ran
�-{� Massed Rand
Its Products 1n Prizes and Attractions Commis
Grand Art Loan Collection
From the Paris Salon and otter Qld•World Galleries,
1ateraetloea1 Mllltary Tattoo and Meelisllc Spectacle
The Siede `"of Sebastopol
with 900 Perforates.
international Doi Show international Cat Show
8,000 Live Stock on View
P. Sae lois gen Blasts ref s4, Mwe,nw alarm 1. e. IIM, 6uef.s, Cllr gal. fares*
Hu reds and hundreds of y
r4) Swim,
y and Insertl
ate Andwidths, trop
edges, good q" its: On sale
Sat.urelay at A ya . N'. .......
Corset Cover
12.i yards ells% Nur Cornet Clover
Embroideries, Th.',w nye the l-
ance left of our regular 7:s' and •1. 1
lines. Monte are tine lin, other,
nainsook, and the work is perfect in
every rase. (Nearing Saturday 55c
at per yard
Linen Lawns 9c
4*) yards of it, a special purchase,
tine and sheer, suitable for waists,
underwear, etc. Cleating Satur- (]
day at per yard �7
Linen Lawn 14c
A regphu• 21k: quality. Very fine
\ India Linen irlwo, even thread very
\pheer. special "July Clearance" 4c
ret per yard
Best Indigo Prints Ioc
A lucky pi,rrh*se of over :4.41 yds.
genuine Indigo Dye Prints, not. a
poor pattern in the whole lot. bold
\ at 1241 the trade over, color gllaran-
teed alwo11ntety fast. Special lac
ots' ('
for ".11tH per yard
ring ^
W Goods at i4c
dl to' nds of fine wash goods, '
including` . I►imity', (.k-Mandyy',
Embroidered ' • rs, etc. Qualities
that sold at:lllet to • per yard. A
whole tableful at the k of 19g,
the store at your (lyoice pe v7
Dress Goods 35C
These are regular lis; D Goode,
pui'Q wool, 144 Inches wide,'2ome In
. r
taltis4 fa\i•r,s, navy, �lo. They ore a
rleataoti►a fines that gold at 5C
",holy Clearance" at per yd,
Lace Hose 17c
1.41) pairs iAA-Ties' and Min*e.' Ince
frost diose, Irla.ks and Lane, seam-
less feet. Ite'gular Zic, Special1 / 7C
for July Male per pal('...... ,...
5oc Gloves 35c
These are mails by one of\(.he hest
Uermito makers, from pure )1114, have
two dome fasteners. ,some in white
and black holy. All sizes noel in
stock. Regular :Ale. Special for "July "uly Clearance" per pair....
The Carpet Ends
Don't mita t his chance to lay in a
supply of en pet. ends for mats. We
are selling sample ends of Rrianeels
carpet, li yards long, for 000 sad
sample endsofWilton and Velvet
carpets, same length, "for 8fyc (Dozens
of designs, all good colorings.
' A shipment of pure Hax i,in44n Suiting) arrived last week (direct froth\the maker i n Belfast. They are ex-
nenttnnally nice finish nml pat the right weight for summer suits.
36 inches wide 5oc. 45 inches wide 6oc.
54 inches wide 75c.
4M3'<,'Nb'�Y^t ir' 1l x4..44