HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-7-16, Page 7to maks up tae
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THURSDAY, July 16, 1908 7
aCik° Ttie++.641 444+449*******° ********'9 44.94,491, +4 4ct4+ +°+
N! The
i tAr w ,l1 -per
-,13i9l \^y +�I Hamar amar Greenwoods Recollections er
tJ+ Hamar Greenwood, 11.P.,,the young
1444+4444 4.464 4 *. 445444 *,4544544544446+46+,L4 ,yr,4y,t.y L,Y.y4,L,L44V Caaadisu who fur the past two years
News of the- Distri
His Early LIte In Canada.
TtreanaY,July 14th.
The Leeburn congregation heard e.
good, char, gospel address bran U. F.
Blair, of (iuderlch, on Sunday itat.-
Miss Alice Cummings, formerly Of-- Mies M. Willison, el Seaforth, is
Dunlop, now of Chicago. 111.. is spend- spending part of her holidays with
ing her vitiation in Uuderich and friends erre. . -_
paid soave of our residents a flying
Miss Mary -1 ull'rt spent the part
visit last week. 1 week with her sister, Mrs. T. S. Keel,
TA.' ST. AUGUSTINE. bouts on the ninth.
A Hoer FOR OODKRII•H,-Although of Meleking. MONDAY. July 13th, Mrs. \Villieui Brooks. of 'Toronto,
lu the midst of haying a good many On J Ilth John rks, masa Q rte a number from this vicinity paid a flying visit to (iei� Tisdale's,
froin ,wound here took m the Orange Dungann u, hard his fall wh in the attended the Oran�le celebration in conning up on the Huron Old Kaye
celebration at (ioderich. There were nitwit. pretty early. -_, Gcxlerich un Lha 13th. excursion on Saturday and returning
iuuuense crowds and splendid, prepae- Alias Lizzie ItichardrWt, of \Viwd- on Monday,
atiuns lu the way o food, but we Jim Pierce and Mix \Vm. Pierce The well -drillers at fico. 13. Naylor's
think it hs a pity that more seats
are aapeol Sunday at the bows of the stock, it visiting het uncle, Hubert on Tursd y last succeeded in rrarhing
latter's daughter,- Mrs. McKay, of McAllister, at prevent,
not providt\d ou the Square, as women g Y• a goal flow of water at a depth of 170
with babies in their arms find it very Gutlericb. fiayinf( le lbs order of the day, feet. Mr. Nan•IoP purposes erecting a
tiresome standing for hours. Of Mr. and Mrs. J. !denary had en ice The weather 1*- fine and the crop is windmill anti will, no doubt, have a
course we had our usual rain before cream party ou Friday night. Quite DAM' in fine condition. ' splendid well.
the day clewied. a number of the young people of the Quite a number from this vicinity A large rusher from this locality
section were present. All report a attended the lawn social at Auburn visited (ioderich yesterday, taking in
LEEBURN. good time. last Wednesday evening. the celebration of the Kt:monr
David and Mier Betsy MCAllivtse 'Twelfth. Quit+ a nuwla.v drove only
spent the tatter part of last week with ,aa far as Auburn and 'went inaou the
friends' in Brussels and JameeWwn. C. 1'.Jt• ex(
member of that denomination Sor AUBURN.
about halt n century. WKuseso.ay. July 15tk.
:...,. mists Ci vie HOLIDAY. --Auburn will have
CREWE its civic -holiday ou August 5th, and
the villagers will celebrate the day at
MONDAY. Jul LHth:-- Point Farm. For accommodation ap-
ply to H. Knox. Everyone welcome.
Everybody come.
has been Parliamentary Secretary to
the Colonial Office, has coutributetl an
TvtitLAY, July 11th, interesting -chapter of autobiography
Misr -Nicol, of Bluevale, it viritiug coueeyning the days of his youth to
at Win. Kolius,n'e on the ' th. that delightful London weekly, M. A.
Ilayitg is well advanced in this sec- P. Sotne of his obeervatiyus will re -
tion and with tine weather will re,u call familiar scenes to all who spentIse Huishetl. their childhood in the rural districts
Miss Lena Paarau, of Philadelphia, of Ontario.
-y- Pa. is emending her holidays at her "It seema to use that boy life in e
colony it a much more, interesting
business than boy life at home," he
writes. "In Canada there is no re-
striction on the natural and healthy
desire of a boy to shoot, and fish.
andcanoe. and camp out. and gener-
ally to do those things which tend to
develop physique and *elf -reliance and
fearlessness, all striking characteris-•
ties of your native Canadian. Let me
give a case in point. In the summer
vacation of 11386, when 1 was a lad of
fifteen, with three , other boys about
my own age (nowI' howling swells in
the New World), vile took two e'anoes,
got on to one of the scores of inter-
lacing water rout's in Ontario and
spent a month paddling or sailing
through river and lake, living by rod
and' gun, camping at. eight, and sirn-
plv revelling fn the life of a •back-
"Then it is to easy in Canada to get
away from the crowded city right out
into the forest primeval, to enjoy the
trtvignratitrg'luxury-of tieing cions -ter
1111,1 with. nature at her best.
" o ',nob
never think f
u a
n tie
� els atths lug na t tlaun
seasldI),� iet;in urtfalti; buas .,w11 ail e Rutrll-
mer vacati0et conies they lease their
homes by thr-`iliuusard and get out
on the lovely wat,trs and into thea
glorious forests of tlu• ig Dominion.
"11 ever T tiay.e'hnvs ( eh at the
moment 1 am a bachelor. wit t any
prospect of marrying(, i should Ilk*.
them to enjoy to the full this Catia-
dian life, which, I think, is a bay's
paradise. Even now, when July turns --
up, my mind naturally wanders nut
to the blue waters. and the cool ma-
hestie forests of the Dominion, Where
undreds- of lakes nod rivers have
never yet seen. the white man's real,
and where large ares are as yet nt1-
known, save to the Indian, the hunt-
er, and the pioneer."
tater en Mr. Greenwood took up til,
honorable. but not very lucrative.
profession of country school teacher
in the village which he obscurer un-
der ibe tuame of Spodunk.
"There was the four -cornered store,
with its immense verandah. on which
xolgregated the wisdom of the village
ay. sundown. Thera was the tavern.
now, I believe, a ruing because the
last ewner put a match to it and burnt
it do*p owing to the passing of the
local' veto net by the township. And
there was -the village hall, where. in
the wintervenings, we used to have
the most wo erful debates. lively but
lengthy, as e ry man is a talker in
the wit.- Tire\village- church was
Methodist. As for the village school-
master. he sang in -the choir. helped
To run the Sunday school, he was best
man at all the weddings, godfather at
moat of the baptisms. and no fun-
eral was considered sad enough and
respectable enough unless he looked
his glummest' in the first bggy, be-
hind the hearse.
"Another honorable function \df the
village :schoolmaster was tO-deliver a
touching and overwhelmingly "lauda-
tory oration at` the graveside or the,
departed. This was no great strain
on the sense of accuracy, but it well -
:pleb exhausted the fund of pleasing
adjectives in the English tongue.
"I think. if I had my life to live
over again, T should again like to
spend the days of my youth in the
big and democratic Dominion," Mr.
Greenwood concludes. "The whole his-
tory and social structure of Canada
ter -encourage and nrvaFlo-dia-.
courage or drpress a boy or a girl.
Personally, I think the most grievous
of all crimes is to sneer at the ambi-
tion or to stunt the development of
the young. -T do noot believe any arti-
ficial restraint or mortal feeling Rhniild
for n moment interfere with the de-
velopment of the myriads of ehilchen
who fill the cradles of the country.
In all our colonies the boys and girls
have an equal chance, and they grow
up. in the main, strong and fearless
and unaffected by the ,neial and relig'
inus prejudices characteristic of older
Pull llnit res."
Belgfsn !ltafMman Dead.
Brussels. July 14. --Count Demaride,
president of the Belgium Senate. died
in this My yesterday.
Tatum:mAY, July 9th.
Miss Huth Shaw and Mier Jessie
Linklaterare home for their vacation.
The copious rains of tart week have
made the crop' take un a beautiful
appearance, except the hay, which is
not &agouti tui we should like.
After au enjoyable time with Ids
-friends and zi•sd14t�U(,itai .liichatif Pule=
left tart tiaturdit t fur his 1 to in
- Chicago, where be bee the berth of
• c
conductor on the street railway.
Amongst the -Huron Old Boys from
Toronto we recognized Harry Horton
and wife. looking well and hearty. A
handshake with a man of• Itturry's
.,,...2_r -ire•' •••,�.a_s'ee•autY f_erl egret any lime.
MONDAY. July 13th.
Mies Metettitrxle, o fLttwwtoa,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. Lawson,
at lernesitle.
C. F. Blair, of thelerich, occupied
the pulpit of !.reborn church at yea-
terlay a service and delivered au -able
and inspiring sermon.
,hr ni smother i•urrrspelafenl 1
Monn.v, July I3th.
Mrs. Horace Horton and family are
speudiug the "Twelfth" with the
flrnier's parents, Mr, Ulla Mrs.
7'huuute Tichit,rne, of rich.
Misr Minnie 1)rinkwater and Miss
Eva Keene, of (ictlerich, ate spending
their vacation at Sunnyside Farm, Ow
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H, Clutton.
A Qrx$TION nF Ttii'txlsi.\1'H\'.- Un
Sunday but as* party of y, ug men
f the neighleirliitsl were SLtolling
down Lim beach near the creek at the
foot of Butternut. Row, one of 'them
remarked about the ah t of water
in the creek. Another who was Iree-
ent raid. "Why. that creek flows
through year own barnyard." :\•1
old hunter and fisher wlho was with
`\ the Faqir at once contradicted this
\-t-ten.weet sexing that, it_wea a differ-
ut creek altogether. A heated argu
u a it.•
o uw..l avid at last t lar
n ntf U
of yuoney was put up on troth sides, a
'masher -in-law of the older man hold-
ing etre stakes. The creekwas then
u u uptill it was r veal n
f 11 I p y
dispute that the )ouuger man was
right, upon which the money was at
once handed over to hint. `Voids, it
not to letter. Jack,- to study up the
geography rd the neighborhood before
putting lip aitch large stakes ?
'I'ulmittY, July lith,
1'lte fanners here are busy 'raying. Mr, tourney, of (helerich, passed
tlunugh .hare iu hiss auto one day twat
week. He was accompanied by ,Chas.
Moes, of Kingsbridge. -
Miss H. Noble is visiting friends 1s1
Nellie Su Stratford,is
\liredlhv:ut, u[
ti gleet of her uncle, Joseph II -
is inail3y� un;Tilla"ggii' - arlNa
apt -n Monday with friends in (lole-
Mise Lizzie Keefe, of Detroit, is
uuudrh her sit .l
e 't a sister, Miss Mary, ar who
iii rick lie
'foul Ata neaux, of Duulin, was the
guest of his riends, answer Jennie and
Loretta Gri u, last week.
thaws L -Rime O'Lt.illy, who
have 1114.11 to ing, in \Voodelee, are
spending their h lidays here.
Messrs. Dalton and Sullivan have
finished their n w lame and are
all ready for the ha vesting now.
P. J. Austin is et itr of our new
paper. "The Kingsb idge Weekly."
Do you need any new orresp11ondents,
l'liilip b'
Miss Alice Dalton and -Mies Annie
Sullivan have arrived home after
spending a few days with friends in
aforth. -
Misr Dtigs Dalton, who has leen at-
tending the London Normal School,
itt spending her holidays under the
parental roof.
Mfrs--ArO'l,rary left last week for
her loupe in fort I,unnbtun. She in-
tends spending! ti few days witfa
friends in Oodernch.
Th. many friends of Mrs. 1). Dolan
will le glad to hear Butt she is ou the
road W recovery-. Mrs. Dolan had the
misfortune to get her shoulder broken
a few weeks ago. -
%V :nNesUAv. July 15th.
Henderson, Detroit, 'pent Sun-
day :at his home here.
Mrs. 'Glow». liervie, is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. '1'. Sandy.
('has. Mclean and Miss A. !McKen-
zie visited friends in Kinloss Tuesday,
Mrs. John. Oak Park. Chicago, with
her children is visiting Mrs. ileal.
Ton McDonald end hie sister, Miss
Belle McDonald. were guests of Miss
Annie MacKenzie one evening last
she ash'
tibial ••
MaiFand RroptO
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,rich, Ont.
TurourAY, July ith.
T,ricxstur Cut vr11.. Colborne
council met in the'tuwnsbip hall : all
the members present. The minutes of
last meeting read and passed. A tom-
-muniration from John Allen was
revel. asking for • settlement for win'
put on a fence by him some tiaptie ago.
NO -action was taken in the matter.
Moved by Councillor Kernighan, sec•
ended by Councillor Young. that by-
ylaw No. ,i be read a first, second and
third time. tarried. Moved by
Councillor Kernighan, seconded by
Councillor Dustow, t hat the Reeve
notify the C. P. It. Co. to at once
grade and put in order the various
croseings throughout the township,
and'thatin the event of their not be-
ing commenced in two weeks the
work would he done by the township
wild charged to the C. P. R. The
council will meet in Benmilier on
Tuesday, the 21st Inst., at 2 o'clock
p. tn., when the contract of deepening
Gardner's Creek will be let. F. W.
McDosaou, Clerk.
itff ^,xp NILE.
MosDAT, July 1301.
Wgoinso.-On Tuesday. June 3110,
the home of Thos. Elliott, Olds, Alta.,
WAS the scene of s pleasant event.
when his sister, Miss Lillian May. was
united in the holy bonds of matri-
mony to Edward Plunkett, a prosper -
ins farmer of French, Sank. Rev. J.
Johnston tied the nuptial knot. The
bride was given sway by her brother
and was prettil attired in a white
Swiss jumper su t with net waist and
veil and carried a pretty bouquet of
orange blossoms. Little Medford El-
lio��t, nephew of the bride, performed
tht\part of page, carrying the ring in
it ket of pansies. The happy
couple left on the evening train for
Calgary, where they will attend the
Dominion Exhibition, and they will
also visit Nanton and Banff letore
they return to their home at French,
Sack. The bride is a daughter of
James Elliott, Nile, and the best
wishes of a host of friends follow the
bride and groom to their new home.
TUKal)AY, July 1401.
De %Til OF MILS, .1. G. WHOM. --The
death took place on Sunday at the
home of her son-in-law, William C,
!Meet, Benmlller, of Anna Mary
Moser, relief of the late J. G. Moser.
Mrs, Moser was eighty-four years and
three months of age and her death
was due to her advanced years. She
was in her usual health up to the day
before her death. 'The deceaeed was
native of Germany and came to this
country with her parenta when she
WAS about twenty years of age. The
family settled Ant in Ellice township
hear Sebringville, and the remain,
were taken todi y to the family
burying ground there for interment.
The dpeea,od is eureka! by a titter
and *brother, Mrs. Denstedt, in Elllre
township, and Christopher, in Foliar -
ton township, and she leaves a family
of six children, three •011e and three
daughters : Mrs. Michael Schwantz
and Mrs. W. C. Dunt, in Colborne
townehi , and Mn. Wisner, at Runnv-
side, Wash„ John Moser, of Blytb,
Rev. Henry Moser, of Sherritnn, 111..
and Edward Moser, of Naperville, i11.
Mr. Moser died about twenty-eight
yeah ago and after the death of ber
husband Mrs. Moser went to live in
Blyth for about •1FF years, alter that
coming to HenntliNr to reside. The
dpeeased wail a weather of the Fran
tekcaI Association aid had been e
„_,; `' LAURIER.
TL'tetnsr, July Iith.
Mr. and Mre. Buckingham. of
Duluth, are guests of Ralph Bueglass.
Missed Tena and Minnie Mclennan,
of (ioderich, spent Sunday- with
friends in this neighborhood.
Willie McGregor and Lorne Mc-
Lennan returned home looking hale
and hearty after camping at the late -
side for it while,
Mrs. Drummond left on Tuesday
for her home in Cape Breton, after
spending a few weeks with friends
here. accompanied by her uncle, D.
N. McGregor. who intends to spend a
couple of months with friends and
reliatives• there.
\VttnNKSDAv, June 15th.
G. M. Gilchrist visited friends here
this week.
Mine Lizzie Rutherford is home from
Carlow to spend her vacation.
Mr. and Mee. R. W. Roe and chil-
dren scent the week -end with Mr. and
Mra. Crosby. a ,
Mrs. R. A. McCready and children
ACP spending a few days with the
former', parents here.
We are very gladtoeay Mrs. Mullen.
who hal been ill with.intlaulmstory
rheumatism. is improving rapidly, but
we are sorry to know that Mrs. S.
Alton is still very low.
_. .- TUKMDAV, June 10t11.
Cot Nen. MgicTtsa.-Council met as
iter 'utjournment. Minutes of last
meeting confirmed, on motion of
Thompson and Murray. Treasurer's
statement. showing a balance on hand
of $311).14, was filed, on 'notion of Medd
and Anderson. The claim of Alfred
Errington was Jett in the hands of
Thonnpeon and Medd, on motion of
Anderson and Murray. The township
rate was atrlck at 1 7-10 mills on the
dollar. The Reeve and the treasurer
were empowered to, 'sorrow $4(1l
for township purposes. Ed. 0. fence
was appointed township engineer.
Cheques were issued to the amount of
Van. Council adjourned to meet on
July 30th at 10 o'clock. W. S. Mr•
(.'ROSTIK, l'lerk. .• .h"
The brickwork Of- the two. ...haul
has hews euanpleted and Clue first caul(
of plaster put out, but runsillerable
wor • in the interior reurti►ls to be
' 1 dune before the build in i11 for ready
furupt•11ingdny, august 1,
Tr Kenai-, July 14t1)
. . -At 12 o'clock noon tu
day a quiet wedding was celebrated at
the hose of A. B. Garr, when his sec-
ond daughter, Miss Alberta, was mar-
ried to Ernest Bender. a popular
merchant of this place. 'rhe cere-
mony was performed by Rev. T. W.
Co- ,per. The bride wore **dress of
whitegloriu'ilk and eaiiita a large
sheaf of cretin', roses. • When congrat-
illations were over it very dainty
luncheon was served. The ' Happy
couple lett on the 3 o'clock C. 1'. R.
train for Toronto and other pointe
east. The bride went allay in a black
chiffon taffeta silk dress with hat to
match. On their return Mr, and Mrs.
(tender will take up their residence on
Drummond street. They have the
best wishes of a wide circle of friends.
(tare;:i..:-• WESTFIELD.
Totttu-av, July- loth.
All the loyal Orangemen from here
took in the grand celebration at Gode-
rich on Monday.
Dr. Campbell, of St. Loiiis, Michi-
gan, im spen'ling a few days with hit
brothers, .1. N. and W. 11. Campbell,
Ernest Rolertson, of Auburn. will
take the work nn this eirettit melt
, Sabbath, Rev. A. E. .loner heing
absent for two weeks on his holidays.
Miss Lurenia Campbell is attending
the wedding of her friend, Miss
Alberta Carr, of Blyth, today. Miss
Carr was a resident here for a number
of veers. this being the home of her
childhood. She has the best wishes of
a large number of friends here.
Miss Halle, of Pitdhurg, Ps..•a rods
sionary amongst, the Italians of that
cityhe home of J. 13
McClinton, She intons iting edet liv red a short .ad
dress at the afternoon service in the
M.tholist church on Sunday last,
which was listened to with great to
Tl'KtnAY, July lite.
the• G. C. L students are home for
their vacation.
Mise Ina Kay. of Tomato, is visiting
at the home of Jas-'Aitchesoo.-
Many loyal Orangemen attended
Lhe celebration in /ioderich on Mon-
day. -
I(ev. S. Beckett, of \Vinnippeegg vis-
ited friends in this neighborhood re-,
Miss Mamie Salkeld, of, (ioderich,
visited for a few clays last week at the
home of her aunt, Mrs, Miller,
The -meeting _of_ _the .Women', __ I n-
stitote on the afternoon and evening
of the 7t11 was well attended and en-
joyed by all.
-Mrs. Morris and daughters, of
Walkerton, called on friends iu our
burg last week, in company with Misr
13. Anderson.
Misses Mary and Margaret Clark
left on Friday last via Kincardine for
A trip up the lakes on the steamer
King Edward.
Mr. and Mre. Grant, of Perth, Scot-
land, have taken up their residence in
our village. We welcome thein as
fellow -burghers.
IL Lane, of Kinlough, occupied the
pulpit in Calvin church on Sabbath
last. Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Nichol.
of Cargill, returns for a second hear-
MoNU-ty, Jitly13th.
Lucknow fall fair will Tie held Sep-
tember Sith and 39th.
The contract for the building of a
new steel bridge on Campbell street
has been awarded by the village coun
cil to the Hunter Bridge and Boiler
Works Co„ of Kincardine.
The Bell Telephone Co. is putting
up two more wires on the line to
\Vingham. The Company has pus.
chased the old telegraph line to Dun-
gannon and will take It down.
Gave HIMaK1.F UP. - While the
police were trying to locate the
burglar who operated on the stores of
McIntosh R Cameron, W. \V. Hill and
W. J. Little on Sunday niorniiag of
last week, Murdoch McLeod arrived
in town and gave himself up to Magis-
trate Graham. Later he cunfessed his
guilt, and in company with Constable
Cameron he went to the country and
collected the stolen goods. which were
returned. He has been aent to Walk-
erton for trial.
FIM.1.1/ GK -115 (71/MI'K-7l'ITIOS. -The
following Is a list of competitors in the
,landing field grain competition in
connection with the Lucknow Agricul-
turalSociety�: 11. Alton, Ashfield: Con.
Gaynor, Wawanoth ; James Baird,
Ashtleld ; W. A. Wilson, Weft Wa-
wanosh : \V. McQuillan, West Wawa -
nosh ; Smiih Bros„ Huron : • A. Mc-
Diarmid, Ashfield : McDonald Bros.,
West Waw:worth: J. McDiarulid, Kin-
loss : Rail. McKenzie. Kinloss ; W.
Henderson. Kinloss : John McLeod,
Kinloss : McKay Bas., Kinloss : G.
A. (freer, jr.. W. Wawanosh : Wm.
Strhthera, Huron : Mrs. A. Watson,
West Wawantosh : ,las. .1. Taylor,
Huron : A. Thompson. Huron : Jas.
Alton, Ashlleld, The competition
will be in oats.
p 5 1
\\'r.l1�•tsss.ty J,Il•1 U.
Chau. Furlen, of Iburuillon, sur
home over Sunday.
Miss Helen Drysdale is upending her
va i'itiun with her sister in Toronto.
Rev..lass. A. Anderson, of Knox
church, liuderich, occupied the pulpit
1pf 1'NIOSI .P,.wr111'4ePW1t aliNrrls 1411
Ssnday 1,42.
Miss Ella.M,ieMath, of Toronto, ar-
rived Justine let week and will spend
bier vacat' vith her parents on the
li:iytleld roast,
l'ht• W. 10. 11. `l.. auxili:n' of Union
I'resly1erian chtir•clt held ire monthly
meeting :0, the bomb of Mrs. 1t. Bell
on Thursday afternoon,
1(1ri.r: l'1-ru MKrt•riNl1, - A Meeting
of the Golerich'1'ownshijp Rifle Aeso-
ciation will le. held on Wednesday.
22nd loaf., at the club i -u for the
purpose of furthering arrangements
towards getting the new Iloas rift -11
Apy person having attachments 1 e
ltngtng to the old rifles mast retd$n
them. .
\horn cls. - - A recent wedding in
which Lncknow peio ole took much in -
trivet was that which united Miss
i onald^ E. McLeod, eldest daughter
of Allen McLeod, to John A. McLen-
nano son of Malcolm McLennan, Laur-
ier. The event took place On ,1ul-
2nd, at the residence of the bride's
father. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. 0. T. L. McKerroll. After
the wield festivities Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
Lennan.left the same day on a trip to
the Thousand !Mande, Montreal and
other points. Both of the young
people are very popular in Lucknow,
and many friends wish them a happy
and pr'oapernus journey together
On Dominion Day the wedding took
place of Sa'111Pl Reid, of Ashlleld, and
Miss Tippy Jarvis. daughter of Edwin
Jerrie, of L1reknow. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. .1, E. Ford,
assisted by Rev. W. A. Findlay. of
\Vhiterhurch, and took place at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Farrier, of
West \\-awan.th, Mrs. Farrier being
the bride'. sister. Nearly one hundred
guests were present at the interest-
ing event.
Tur-soav, JIiTy lltb.
Miss 1,lconer, of Golerich, is visit-
ing at he r• home here.
Rat•. Mr.`Hinde preached a special
sermon to the Orangemen on Sabbath
The weather continues vel y wars.
Saturdey_la)at. one_ of -the hottest
days ever felt herr
A large number trove the village
and neighborhood •celebrated 11ie-
Twelfth in (hoderich. '
Her. Mr. Moore,, it Springlauik,
preached two excellent se -tunes in St.
• t
And ti.a bath last.
Andrew's church on ua h 1 C
At the morning service Mr. Wellesley
hpleased Ilse nudience very •hush by
is rendering of the beautiful \Jq•wn.
"Does .(esus Care 1"
The farmers are busy haying and
some have even started harvesting.
We understand that Mr. Dickson on
the Hatable line rut his field of fall
wheat on Satirday, the Ilth. Crops.
are looking extra( well, especially'
those on sandy land.
Cuxtxu Evtcxxie -,A garden party
under Lhe auspices of the Ladies Aid
of the Methodist church will be held
on the parsonage lawn on Thursday
Mg, July 11H.b. The Citizens
Band of Clinton will be present.
The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian
church will try to arrange for their
annual campers concert in the near
ministers are holidaying in Westmin-
ster grove -Rev. Mr. Davidson. of
Varna, the owner of the grove : Rev.
Mr. Sewere, of Bruceftell ; Rev. Mr.
Moore, of S pringbank, and Rev. Mr.
Rennie, of Nairn. Mr. and Mrs.
Pickles and family, of London, and
Mr. and Mrs. Cann, of St. Catharines,
alto are in the grove.
DEATH 14• 11.snity CAMERON, -It 111
with deep regret that we have this
Seek to record the death of another
of Hayfield's young people, in the
person of Harry ('itnteron, who passed
away on Saturday at noun, after an
illness of more than a year, which,
however, ended suddenly and some -
whet unexpectedly, tubercular men-
ingitis being the immediate CUSP of
death. The most sincere sympathy is
felt for the family by the whole c -
nlunity in which Harry was so well
and favorably known. Miss Grace
Cameron, of Chicago ; Miss Helen
Cameron, Donald and Will Cameron,
of Detroit were aft at home a(ftending
the funeral of their brother,
Prevention 1s hater than care, Mot
it does not get ita name in the papers
so often.
Young Lady r (enthusiastically) -
"Oh, i say, isn't our new contralto's
voice just heavenly ?" Elderly Man
(cautiously)-"•1Vell-it's unearthly,
at any rats."
May Be Fatal,
Heatorth, July 11. -- Get. Munro,
a butcher of Hruceheld, thirty years of
age, while,huilding•-n new shop, fell a
:distance of some twenty-six feet yes-
terday afternoon, sustaining very seri-
ous injuries. Since the accident Mr.
Munro has not regained consciousness.
Very slight hopes ate entertained for
his recovery.
- A Terrible Crim.. -.
Moose'aw, Sask., Jdly N. In a tem-
porary flit of insanity yesterday after-
noon Mary Galbraith, a waitress in
the Commercial hotel, took the life of
her new -horn child with a small pair
of embroidery scissors. The young
woman is a daughter of Andrew Gal
hraith, a farmer of this district and
formerly of Reaforth, Ontario, Mica
Galbraith is now in the hospital and
has been formally placed under *creat
"Young man, don't you know that
it's better to Ie :lone than in hail
company ?" "\'es, sir. Goodbye, sir.'
$18,66 to Quebec and Return
via the Grand Trunk itailway, double
track line. account of the tercentenary
celebration. The manv special fea-
tures in connection with this great
event, including the visit of if. it. H.
the Prince of Wales. and the British,
American and French fleet.. together
with the many thousand soldielr•s, en-
canipxal in the ejnaint hiatoricnl old
city, will make this one of the great-
est military and navel pageants -seen
in 'hetero years. Tickets; good going
July lath to 'Lith. Itetnrn limit Aug-
ust Jrl, Mit'. Proportionate rates
from all points in Ontario. Tickets
and full information from any Grand
Trunk agent. -
ummer Wearin
New Hats,
New Gloves,
New Ties,
New Handkerchiefs,
New Vests. ,t,>
In fact we have e\'erything that is new
in Men's \rcarltbles. You will enjoy the
warm weather Much better by donning gear
that is new and fresh, such as can iio found
• in choice variety at
The Palace Clothing Store
We have everything for Men and Boys
and all at moderate prices.
Art Tailors, Clothiers wad Men's Outfitters.
1N June, and July, t',,• sell
r single Ilutrees I hon any
other moot hs of the year.
1 bare a nice
assort 11I e n t
of Rubber
wand Nick el
bp tli :some
from. An
arty irsnnec•-
tl4411 it 1 ti-
I)uate rr
FI y•Ilets
F I y - sheets
Rugs, Rubner Rugs
H. E. Knox
ale not The only kind of shoPe we sell.
YOU ran have- it niee pair• of white ties
for outing wear as well. In fact• we
have a splendid display of
ZPTi'eit�iia coiile (o see 11 you will
at once wee how such Once t make
any foo attractive. You will want
at least a pair of some of the many ,
kinds and you can take our wont for
I,it that our prices will not stop you
from filling your desire,
Wm, Sharman
Se» a.
Lt shows its own style: its character
w e stand good for. 1 t is the shoe made fb
to our order for men of taste who want
the best value for their money. We
J1 ave just received a large shipment of
McPherson Shoes in
Prices, $3.5o to $5.eo
Everything he wants will COMP to
the roan who waits until he 'doesn't
want anything.
Wiggle "How long did,' you know
your wife before you tlnirried her,_
Sattpon ' Matupxon1uiuornfnl1yl-"I
didn't know her at all till i married
Two Irishmen were removing sOII1P
kegs of powder, when one noticed
Gott the other was smoking. and the
following cnnversat took place,
'1stok herr," said one, ''Milt you got.
any letter sense than to be smoking
whilst we're handling three kegs of
powder ? Don't you know thatthere
was an exploiseihf yesterday whish
blew up a ulnen m'en "Faith, but
that could never happen here," re-
plied the other. "\Vhy not ? " "Be.
ramie there's only two Of 11s on the
Convalescents need a large amount of nourish-
>ttent in easily digested form.
Scotf.r Emu1Jlon is powerful nourish-
ment -highly concentrated.
It makes bone, blood and muscle without
putting any tax on the digestion.
ALL DRUODISTs1 $0o. AND $1.00.
Window Screens -
sizes :r2l x 11 fur only 29c. ,.,)
Lawn Flowers
only at few left at $:t.73e.
Smokeless and Odorless
unit two of the many points of absolute superiority
, in The New Perfection Blue Flame Oil Stove, 2 or :1
burner. with or without oven. Call and ask for a dem-
onstration of their merits
Paris Green • +11Mri
higher test than (iu%ernnlett standard, sic, Ib "^a'
Spades, Shovels, Turnip Hoes, Hay Fork
Rope and Pulleys, Oasoline, Oils, Paints,
Vessel Supplies, and Fishing Tackle.
No Schemes -- Just Plain Honest Dealing.; .
The ('ash (,ver Oil prep , t . t 1, '1 t. n st th disci;reeahle taste
of the old-fnahionud C,sl Liver Itil preparat' ,
it it a Tilnst Purifier, Yiu'th Creator and titrength Producer, the
►s'st Tonic for this Lime of the year.
We return your money if not satisfied.
Sold by
3 ,