HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1908-7-16, Page 6e Ta IUMeT, July 9, 1908 FINE TAILORED THI? SIGNAL : GOMM1Cli• ONTA RIO Suits and Overcoats FOR SPRING New 19118 patterns in clothes. twat of trimmings and perfect -fitting -stile Comfort and durability are feature, with us.. Leave your urdrr early. DUNLOP THE TAILOR West Street. lloMlerieh Grand Ter -Centenary Celebration (JULY 20•AU0 I) QUEBEC $I8.65 Return from. Cioderich Tickets good going July 18 to 25, Inclusive Return limit Aug. 3 Excellent Service of Fast Trains ra111afurfallue from Jon. It un•. Ts. au Ageoa, uooanw. or writ.. C. 8. yustaa. 1• &-.112. r.ri.. Tara0M GRAND TRUNK SY's EM $18.65 TO QUEBEC AND RETURN From Godericll account of tercentenary celebration. Tickets good eoilig .1 illy 1St h to 25tk; return limit \August aril, littl8. The popular Route to Muskoka and Lake of Says Train service and equipment the best. Full information from any Grand _ . _ - Trunk-Tirkrb Agent-- - F. F. LAWRENCE, • Town Agent Omoehours- 8 a.m.tutier p.m. J. STRATTON, (repot 'ricket Agent. J. D. McDonald. IH -flirt Da.a. Agent Union elation. Toronto. Westward Ho! "Superior Express" Port Arthur -Winnipeg Northern Navigation Co.'. hosts from SarniA, Monday, Wednesday. Friday: Can. Pacific boosts flop. Owen Sound, Tuesday, Thnrwiity, Saturday SiX BOATS A WEEK make dirrct connection with "\'lir Superior Eaprvsa." at Port Arthur. for Winnipeg. Edmonton. Prince Al- bert..and principal paints in the West. Solid Vestihnlel Trains, unexcelled Dining Car Service, Palatial Steepen.. REDUCED RATES VIA CHICAGO r . * r Canadian Northern Ontario The Lake Shore Express Now Runs to Sudbury Through the t delightful regK for the eporti.man and camper. De'l'l Lake, Maganetawau, Pickerel and French Riven. all teen' with fish. Write Pastenger Dept., Toronto, los particular's TOURS OF GREAT LAKES AND GEORGIAN BAY For Sault Ele. Merz.-, (.ort Arthur and Duluth-.1,•atr ?merle, Monday. \t'wlnrwln, and riiday. 3..s, p.n.. tI . Clay Steamer through to Duluth.) For Manitoulin island. Soo and Moamar ('ollingwaal I.1 p.at., r/wru .4.uad 11 [h p.n... Tuesday "nil `.atnMay. For Parr, Sound, Point au Bart and Killer net td•a\e I'oiling w,.nl Mr/twiny and Fridat ods. p.m. For Sans Sour.. Etc. and Parry Pound L',flue I'.netallg work dots*: nal Pitt. SUMMER RATES NOW IN true/ Ticket. and information from all try Agents. H. H. Gildersleeve, C. H. Nicholson, Mnrtrtryryttrr. Trttllr Mgr., 1'ollin1tw,.rl. Sarnia TO CONSUMPTIVES. Edward A. Wilson's Preparation of original formula is the and Segvereignsthe Rem- edy for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, La Grippe, Coughs. Colds, and all Throat and Lung Maladies. Thomisnda of people nay they have been r.lievoil by it. Thos. who have used it will have no other, and recrnnmenla it to their fellow sufferers. it has eatrrd mApJ after they were given up aslamel'aaeby their physiciana. The undersigned an a consumptive can testify from his own experience as to its value. Write at ottee delays are dsngernus and may prone fatal. For full particulars, testhnoalals, Pts. adds s. C. A. ABBOTT, Sole Agent. ;M Am Soret, New York City, 14. Y, rjnternci'tioncti jYewspaper Bible Study Club Suggestive Question: on the International Sursday School Lasater, Proem! %1 by Rev. De. Linscuft..Brantf ONNOWIRIMIMAIM Thr attention of reader of The signal it called to !lir International Newspaper Hiltle Study 1'luli, repre- sented in (;odrrich 1.y this paper. The International Newspaper Bible Study Club ie for the.purpose of pro - Ling. iu au un(ettei.d way' anteing the massed, a wader study of the Bible, the tweet truths of 1'luieti:anity. and the problems which enter into every m fn's life.. It is composed of all dewy who j ' a local club, and tak.' up the 'simple courier herein outlined, barring only ordained clergymen. We have the .sympathetic cu -operation of the latter, hut it is not considered fair to have them compete for the prizes offered in Connection with the club. Sunday' school teachers. Ilible class seholare, and 014'141 -goers generally, may bd oiug W Win newrpedwr clot, alien non•churchgoeis, of all shades of ,,pinion. All su'•h are wsrnity in• yited In join and to c pole for the prizes. - Ike}•yon. may join • the chr1i at any time during. Lite untie,. but must Answer the tlfty-t wit miesl ions herein- after explained, to ynalify for the, prize.. It is desirable that the quos• dime he -answered a. Ute les/tons are rtndied. This patter. Iv s sunned the right to publish the futrrnatiunal Sunday Mchool Lennon que,tiond by It... 1)r. !mewl,' t. whirl* haie•ar,meel soluuch itiLerr.t elsewhere. :toil they will ap- pear wee•kll•. (hie .d (hese. questions each week in Lo b:• answered in wr'it- ing. and upim chew answers the prizes are to he awarded, This paper is Authorizel to taunt a 1/MAI Newspaper lit Illy Study ('hili fur it" trader... and goal:tutecu to all who loin and fu1111 the r,mdithurs that e•eryl1ing herein prooaset shall he life IM.IIl y, es f*ithfilly carried out. - w'I\tat will he (1o.'s altiLII 1e t" yards ltd, if ser adopt t at whirl. is lower than the best ? 1. I wit runhrslant, of hiy, or he s •.,.e 11 1Vha1 r -ou i_. herCl•r feud y, u.ust be a^ .ulserilwr to this Ihr opinion that lied unrtu9ea d •e. paper during the conlinnancr of the a thing tr us. At .111 .t n, 1V' idirT.- coulest, in order togn.tlify fol. Mehl whi.•tlJtr now" is nil tr •'1'•+1:.1.4- Iet•nhi , ih the International News . u. ? I Vet • 1S., paper Tilde Study ChM and this I. Mai Of our poet m in A (Alu.Iy' hi! Par a •c - Club. shit. or ..e•i y, is true to God, sad y. _ Ftiehr-..mierian+.4-4-hia,....a,ute*4 Or rest are no what effect will las. Club must answer rash of •the written have ip,lt Ihr success ioT.d... test, sell!' querlion. fur troy two c.int.rcuti%r what suit of a blessing will b• g -•t work.. euniiiiencing for •�uudsy, .icily from Wel ? 16th, and the answers must all Its in Verse I(:t -I.r the hold ,i( (3,t 1 alw.ws 'the possession of 111, paper with!,, against those who eliaob- v Him. And. tit-.. weeks of the close ..1 this perils!, if .i., how is it uianifeete.1 - • whit le -attroes two+- weeks -getter after Do atll. �who rebel against (31st get i he 0. .se of tit.• ciao est. rqual op1$/ 01lidI "flout 111(1) T Wits or - a. 'Ruth question must be'anewrred why not separately. and the paper written ie. Is it p sedble, in stets. single v.ene, our side telly. Answers most mit ex- for ,t man tit disatwy Got and e(rape Gerd two-iadretl voids in length :old injm•y, or not sneer it's.. ? may be. Iu•s.. It will hr A rr,nyrlliell .e t er..e Ili %Vhat, is the great thing if student will write I heir :uiswrrs on that (hal does daily b.fotw'•enrr eyes.? letter payer, about M. inches by 11 Verse 17 - !bees God in these days inches. \ ever perform the ' 'aculous . I. .}:.u•h anewe•irnu,,t li.t.ethe na,,,,, \Vhy was. it woudrrlul to have, in and address of the writer at the that country. rain ani thin] ler et tsar of the answer, set it cion ie• harvest time ? identified. given a number, registered flow did Samuel know that libel and then the nacre cut off eo the ex. would answer his prayer .rinitwr may know it by itlunber only. lbws God answer all the pr..) ors of :1. Students should Ie' calrful to'n„- the faithful? deretend the -quest before answer•- Do All the really spit itu el know ing. To du this, the lesson text t when their prayers are to be Iw read, and especially the verse•, or •.nswered ? verses, upset which the question is How would the rain and thunder 1n. based. is petxit-t1uAt tbeicsin hied tol[en ptew'at 8. The answers trent this Innes! in flaking for a king :' ('hot, t be delivered to this ofticP,, .Ord they will he co11Ate1 at the close of the rnnMRt, and forwarded to head- quarters for independent ex�amioation iters. Thr prize. will then be awarded according to the highest number of marks. won by Members of the International News• tasper Bible Study Club, and prize. which nifty be Awarded to nlen,iwra of bhie LocalClubwill he given out from it -is otter. - , THE PRIZES. rack of the nest thirty-flve contest- ant 11. Fifth Series- A developed mind. an expanded imagination. A:richer e erwri- ener And a utile profuuu4 knowledge .11 the Bible Aud of life, to all who take this course. whether *Mating any other prize or not. E is -11 medal will be suitably 1•n- gravel. el%Mr( the name "t the win- ner. And for what it i. 5wardel, ,end in like ri,enutr e.w'h Bible and book wit! be insrtilted. All who can w, lir, and have Wear. Are us'ged to 14ke up there' studios regardless of the degree of •their rdu• cation, As the papers ere not valued front an educational or litlrary stand- point, but from the point of . view of the cogency of their reasoned ideas. Suggestive Question' on the Sruaday School Lassoo by Rey. Dr. Liamott for the International. Newspaper Bible Study Club. July Igth, tga8. S, '1 %Varna Saul and the People. L `tail. xii : I -J. Golden ','ext. Only fear the Lord. and aervr Ilitt in truth with all y..1 heart ; for eonsitrer cow wren' 1 h n•3s He hath dun. for Vu I ? 1. Stilt - xii.::r'i. Verse .1., When t-tdividusls o- tit people choose a wrong thing. can 1t ever be made to work out for their good 'This ' question mast be aoswere\1 to writing by members of the club.) Verses 2 , \Chat pt. est Ii.11, of Ion in authority can U•ulhf•1!ly solute • integrity awl c'ea.t.t'ss or oln, ,4s M,unllot dict 1 N twitted/ending S anti 1's tin - 110,1b sl integrity, what grave fit du was 11 •1.111 y ,.1 :' Verse 1:1 If we hes.• rflhaked upon a pt icy that Go 1 did nut favor. but after not permitted, what will be God's' :shill e tow,il•.t II. row. ruing our present : el !inner success ? If we caul omlp:te cundnrt. or a net, !cher 811.1 tavlt, Conditions of the Contest. I Quebec's Great Fete. Ood b Praised' 1 di.• hs PY•40 Nissen that eager Ira whure neve. lion W duty an (cowhide's front peg , 1.1 ttolfe'. "lest.'\ •'.1,,.• Ae c•ivcd hint. iu,i 11 '•''r nr'ived with- in (niiiin1 shot lit the b l ttlefeld. whoa the day was lrretr a.bty lost. -' Scaled the Heights. -Monies,-hih.m..44- wr,i with -the Be:t.)s.rt troops. when n.t,-lhgence ar- rived that a British. artily had scaled the heights, a fest which a few day's before lie declare,! would he iugas• sible unlea* his enemy had wings. He did all that mortal uur.t could du to arrest lie hand of fate He hurried - EARL Ci REV. tr•..pn from the eeu.ps alta was soon himself riding up and down .,n' his black churger before a gallant array Frenchmen and Canadians. Ile has. been blamed by 111-. t'vuntrymrn My precipitating a conflict He had every- thing to gain by uniting, they say. The Fr.•nt•h 1.rc.•. 1.1 ti ,• immediate vicinity of Quebec greatly exceeded their egemieur. He should have wait- ed. say his critics. until he e. ut.t have communicated with Bouraniville, who was iu'n position b. fall upon Wulfe'. ",._rear. He should also hav,ybummuuet' 1 d iladmnitable activity and courage gave the British crown half it continent. A Great Sold's,. When the news of the event reached England it was difficult to proportion the exultation at the brilliant feat at British Arnie to the grief at thus death of the leader who had been its mind and soul. Pitt paid a stately public tribute to the memory of the ,,tan whose military genius he had (lists:tn. ed and whont'iie had 'selected for high 1 empties. "With a handful of men," he said, "'he had added an empire to English rule." Muute'altn. Wolfe"s great opponent, comforted 1outsell in fit hour Of death !.v the rttteeIuu that Ile had at least teem beaten by a great soldier. Knox, one of his utll- oat, to whure diary we are Indebted for many ul the minor !acts, of the campaign, nude an entry therein on the night of the day ul battle ,that steles in the simple language of the heart what even the prose .-1 Macau- , lay oould nut convey better. "No than is a hero to his valet." the witty Frenchman said. The testimony et Knox, therefore. who had Wolfe un- der his eye during the three months of the campaign. is of particular val- ue., "Our jut' it inexpressibly damp- ed." wrote Knox un the night of the 13th. "by the has of new of the great- est heroes that • this or any age can Waist uf.'' by competent exam First Serie. p gold methal to each of the first live contestants. Second Series -A silver medal to each of the next Hve contestants. "'T'idrd Series A Teacher's Bible• price 85.51, to each of the next five contestants. • Fourth Series - Ttie book "The Heart of Christianity," price $7.:11). to Verse le- Are sinters genetalty troubled in the presence of a great Ca,latuity 1 Verse 111 - Was their repentance • WVirctt we then t o 43ed - only It. ca,a+e. we would otherwise he destroyed, will (hal accept ns Verses 20-2I-- I oea (lint- accept the bleat sinner if -he turns from his sin ?' Whist is real profit 1 Is it money, health, ability, friends :' Verse 22 '22 -'Vby nosy we he nure that (zeal will never fur"Ake its Verse ZS - .Do we cin against (incl if ire du not pray for one another ? Is it our duty to teach one an• other ? Verner( 21 2.1 What is the essential in order to obtain the highest good ? Lesson for -Sunday, .tasty 'lith. Mei : Salol Rejected by the iutd. 1, Satn. a v.: 19-27(. Iteatt the entire chapter. A Bryan Story. Mr. Bryan, speaking of his own political prts.p•rte• tette the fallowing .tory : ._ -. .... "There w.t.; oneee a rewboy winter tool habits prevented hint from re- ceiving an invitation to a ranchhouse dance. The fart that he was -not invited intuit. hint angry, and on the night of the dance he put In an appearance.. Ile . wets politely asked to leaves- and he did oo. After getting Ma courage tip he entered the house Remold tire and swain -he sesta asked to leave. Ile demurred and he wee let beat.. half ,ut hour later he made his third appearance ea an uninvited Kneel and he wait thrown out of the dolor and into the yard. • After he gathered his scattered armies he dell to himself : 'i know what's the matter with them in their. They don't want me.'" WATCH YOUR TONGUE. If Furled and Coated, It's a Looking Glass Stomach Warning. When it is the morning After the night before, you do not have tn. look at rim tongue to know that. the %tomech is upset, the head is aching, no appetites, nerves on edge with all the nuishftueeof life clouded. The real litre to watt+ the tongue in all of the time. If it is comet with n white fur, or possibly with dark trimming.', even though the stonuth doete not ten yyon by the Rent" patrol rat Indsggestion that it needs help. yet the rooting ahowe that you are getting into a had way and that there ha need of Ml-o-na. Mi-o-na is so positive, no sure. nrii reliable In iia curative action upon the stnnuch that James Wiliam, the lncal spent, gives a guarantee of satis- faction with every +e.1 -cent heti or ney beck. Baseball Time "Gee ! I wished f was a inventor," exelaimed.limmy, loafing around the hell park. "What her?" demander! Totvny. "i'd Invent a knothole w'at e'er c likl carry around wid yer en' stick in a fence anywhere yes Pleased.' "Was the pirttne you just cold a genuine work of art ? " "No,' answered the dealer. "but the 'atony 1 told about It was." -Catholic Mirror. He Protested.. •'1 Am tired of Kering that everlast- ing mackerel htought in for hreak- fant," grumbled a hoarder. "and i intend to 'speak to the landlady shout it." S • of hie feIInw•viclihta at. Mended. ,'rut most 01 there -Outlined hie rourAge. The matter was tinder distussitm when tl►e landlady tip - p en red.- "Miss ed."Mus Prunella," began the bold boarder, "I was alonut to say in re- fpuxl.tlu.tbn.tuackerel Gnat w desire a change.' "It's gond m'aekerel," responded the landbuly grimly, "and there will he no change. "Then, for heaven'e sake," resumed the told boarder, ''order the girl to bring it in pail float for n white." SOMETHING CAN BE DONE To Stop the Increase of Catarrh in Goderich. ('atartital troubles are increasing, not only in (htderirh hntnen over the country. - ('etarrh is a gerur distetse and to ems. i1 germ 1ifesin she nose, throat and lungs must be destroyed, and this can rs' dune only by breathing. H sonnei. There is no dangetvma atouticeb drugging when Hyomei in heed ; no tablet ..r liquid mixtures whereby the dignitinn fa often deutrnytd. Breathel through the neat pocket inhaler that conies with every nntflt, til. healing Ye:.Iss11111 penetrate 1 he riot re sir cells, destroying the catarrhal gertns nn that quirk r'rrov- ery follows. The complete outfit coats but $L114.and .lass. . Wilson aytreees to refund the money ,Amid H mites fail to do All that. in claimed for it. Too Late. "A ,nen told me ,lois morning I looked thalmtge of you. "Where to the fool?, 1'II thrash the life mut of him!" "Too late I I killed him." • Everything Else. Yeas -Has goat ever seen the sun come up A ? era , beak -Not but I guess I've seen thing els come tap. ( CANADA'S ROYAL GUEST. Distinguished Visitors Who Will At- tend the Celebrations. During the cunning Tercentenary celebration Quebec will be visited, by many prominent guests front distant parts of the -world. These will include representatives of royalty, of the tar culottes of.ily• Empire and of friendly PLAN or OPP-RA'r1ON'i 175w the whole of the defenders of the city Doubtless what weighed upon Mont rnlmt' iniad-rrtttthat a- Hrit air -army'-» now lay between him and his weans of su i,l,tetler. its presence there for but a w drys %cola bring Minn face to Sar.• w tit staryat.unt. He saw evi- 4.an'e- t( Wulf.' as- preparing to i•ttlrr,teh hi svlf -When lie ordered the- aftaek-. -•d . r,---1+.+-peranieled 1 =4•If that hi. epp.. 1. tit had tut yet g..t I4 is lutes in order and his a tillery was i•onfined to two email tient eces chi'It the sailor, hid been ale to drag -up the cliff. it NVolfe were de- feat. -.I Iii, whole force wuuld be. de- stroyed-e).d-a cru -hut` blow inflicted on British aruu ts it turned out. the fortunes of battle were against, Monte -aim. It was his force that was crushwgly defeated. In the midst of the rout he himself was mortally wounded. -He ea, struck twice in quick succession The lire did not in- capacitate him. The second was not fatal. Feeling that he would fall from his horse in -,riot of hit men and thus inerease the r".ufueiun already too evi- dent among tt,•tn. he requested two Arenadirr� tii_wafi on Pacb_ sidle and keep hint in the saddle. As lie lode towards the ,ity some . women whose anxiety tor, husbands and sous and fathers had led them to venture out- side of the gate saw his pale face and blood! -stained. nniform. They ranted MC cry; "TY.' Marquis 14 killed! The Marquis is killed!" He endeavored W suppress this outcry. but his condi- tion only Uno well eupp)rted it. He was taken 1 tiw house of Arnoux. the physician. who pronounced the Wound molt l - Montcalm's Death Wound.�- "How lone-hall.I live?" he asked- "Nlot twenty -tour boure,"" Antons re- plied. He then calmly prepared for his death. Messengers were sent to lain for wives. as W• what course ahould.-ie taken on the heels of the nverglielnline disaster which had be- fallen the tinny. He preferred W leave such question., to those who were now better able to give advice. Among his ,last: acts a as the writing of a let- ter to T.wiscnd commending the French and Canadian prisoners to the "well-known humanity of the Brits ish."' • "i was their- father," he eon- .cluded: "b• y. at their protector." At daybreak title twice morning he was deed. The harkwood, sharpshooters pl..y' ed ,u1 import Int part m-iTu--Iiiili uT the, Plain, of tbrnhadt. 1Vulfe's sta- ture. his hrlllt:wt nntforni and his outispiluut. i,.r nients in marshaling RIR ALE XANDY8 LAOOSIT8• Ms. hnvt drew on hlm the attention of the Palladian marksmen who *ere hid in the blob en both flanks n( the Brit nth lines. He MAR first struck .in the wrist. He haatily wrapped itis handkerchief about It. without ceasing to encourage his men: -- Sour' after, while advancing he was Abut through the groin. Even this' pain anti i!ho.•k failed to quell the transport of battle. A moment later. however, a bullet tote through hie hinge. Awl he realized (hat the wound was mortal. He ask- ed those beside not To allow flim` to tall. as he feared the effect of slrrh a sight on his men. He wan carried to the rear, acroaR the Around where now stands the jail. an, laid down in a hollow protectsl from the rnrmy'a fire. Re was no more than Con•.eious. He, however, it 10 aroused by the ex- elamation, "They run! They run !" of one of those who stood by him. "Who runt' he asked. Being told it was the French, he immediately directed that Col. Burton should he inatrneted to make haste with his regiment and wise the St. Charles Bridge, so as to eat of/ the way of retreat. Ile then l>arnd en his side. murninrtng..:'Now, PRINCE .08 WALES. natlotnl, Such as-minceand tffe CntV• ed States. First, of course:, in rank and imprt,rtauce will b.. the Prince of Da1o.. the. Leir,asap:uaut . to . the . Beit ish throne, who fortunately is already familiar to the ('auadiau people by reason of his visit itt 1901. His Royal Highness has had au ideal training fur the great position he must surae day occupy. His wes- tering_ experience in _particular ap- pears to have given liim a Iree4Tom from affectation in manner or speech which waw particlilarly pleasing and acceptable to • the people of Greater Britain when he visited them. In Canada it was a subject of general re- mark that his enunciation was de- lightfully clear and distinct and that his accent could nut have been not- ably distinguished front that of the average educated Canadian - or, it may probably b.• added, from that of the Australian l'emtnonwealth; Vit- 1 President Faitlaut s of the United I Stakes; Lord Btrathouua, Canada "+ vet- eran High Commit ;loner i11 1.ulldull; Bir Arthur de V iers u! 8ttath Africa; the present )luryuia de Levis, a de- scendant of the b'1 aitch geuethl who atsishd 'MG.ntealu. iu 1769; George Wolfe, a collateral t.reiulrer uf the fallt- ily of the 111 'Cs.' lettered wit,. took Quebec; Lord la:: at, a descendant of [tett Fraser; dyne of-Wvtte'r-,Itaff; re - preventatives t.1 France, Newfound- land, New Zeeland and other coun- tries itav•' else *t•c,'pted invitations. In addition Fir N'lltrid Laurie aid his Ministers, as well as scores of other publie neon W C'tuada, will at- JUDGE J. x. HOIs1DOUY. tecta': -whiles -tile river -will swarm with warships from Great Britain, France and the United Statei. There will beat heart a dozen large warships in the Quebec basin when tr Prirtee-of-Waies comeset -the-riv- er on July 21, and 12,000 of Canada's soldiers will be un parade. The his- torical pageant, huwever, will contain the greatest eleweut of novelty. There Btpill be route three thousand persona custuwi•, some on horses and otli- .,re. pn foot. It will be divided into historical features, as follows: /he Jaeques Cartier aeeue of arrival, 211 p.-r(entree:.-u.ounte4--.1atiaiYn, • repress settling Henry IV:"s Court, 510 cos- - tinned os--tuux•d characters; Francois I., with 464 courtiers; a ueenc of Champlain, with 11I1 perfortuea, in addition W which will be added a representation of the crew of tete Don de Dieu; a scene from \lohtmaguy participated in by 210 costumed characters; like- wise the Dollard scene, 117 perform- erAe and the Leval presentation, eow- prisiltg 4'ts performers; the St. Lus- on iiq.lie. With 120 performers, and scenes 'from Fruntenae by 371 costum- ed performers. also- the French and British unities in uniforms of three crlltori, -- also. ill which 425 perform- ers will tigure, snaking a total of 3,160 ti,dtusuetl It•rfornierll, besides allegon- eal devices and uther interesting fes - J. O. OAIWEAC, MAYOR OP QU1;REC. the average educated man speaking English anywhere; for it is in the low- er reeks of life that the widest diver- rtenc'1et in language and accent occur. .;- King Edward's Interest. 'The7JOrinee of Wales has learned something of the unfailing tact and courtesy pf his father and his share of these qualities enables him to find a large and ever-growing sphere of usefulness and influence in the diffi- cult though exalted position he occu- pies, of which his present visit W Canada is a pleasing and signal proof. HisMajesty King Edward has tak- en a -personal interest in the project from the beginning, and it wan his whah that the Prince of Wales should be present. One of the moat interesting cables -to reach Canada in many a long day wait that announcing that Lord Rob- erta. known all over the world as "Buba," the idol of Tommy Atkin', would attend the celebration at Que- bec. Earl Roberta, now on old man. en -lar--as yearn fa: !ten begirt in -the army for nearly sixty years and hes taken part in rnany of its most im- portant campaigns. Bowel with grief at the death of own sun, Lord Roberts heard the call of duty and responded, then a than of 67: arid his succ.eaa was immediate and inspiring. He arrived at ('spm Town on January 10, with Lord Kit- chener at his chief of staff. He tit once commenced a long march for the enemy's capitate. and by March 13 to was in Bloemfontein. and on May 17 in Pretoria, and the result of the war was no longer in doubt. "Bebe' " Gnat Record. This vigorous campaign fame after,, a life -of activity in the army. Born et Cawnpore,India, in 1834, young Roberts entered the Bengal Artillery in 1861, served through the Indian Mutiny in 18.674. winning the Victoria Cross in tita latter year, took part in the Abyssinian expedition in 1867-8, Ow hualtai expedition in 1811.2, re- oceupied ('abut iii 11(79, marched to the relief of Kandehar in 1880, ,erved in Natal and the Ttensvaal and com- manded t e troops in the Madras Fresid m. I3 1 to 11196. whet he was eleva the chief command of all the emcee (n India. in which poet he wan s.t cetded by Gen. Sir George Stuart White in 1863. Prom 10196 to 1+199 he eommande.l the formal in Ire- land. On his return from Bomb AI. 1 rice in 1900 he was trade Commander- 1 its -Chief of the British army, which position he held until 1901. Now in his advancing yea►' Earl Roberta is still .s form in am matters., his counsel and knowledge initis Ire- gnsctlyrat the service of the mace. Other Notable Visitors, - Other diakingojoberl vidtees &!cribs Earl of Dion. turn that will go to make up the His Royal Highness the Prime of Wales will receive the addles' to be presented to him in Premh dose by the Champlaw mmttmeclk dkostad ou the Dbfferin Terrace, sad will reply in French. - •.Tlw fireworks under peupsration during the celebration will be the latent and grandest ever witnessed Upon thin continent. Tbsy will he sat off upon the Levis .Heights in order that the immense multitude of -ipeo tatore will observe the effect without difficulty from the Quebec aide. The art pieces in course et manufacture will be itngaenee in size. and portray- ing many features in connection with the early history of Canada, includ-, ing the battle on thei Plains of Abra- ham and battles at tea. Several huge bombs will be fired off from the vi- cinity of No. 1 fort, Loeb. In order to give an idea of the sfse of :hese bombe it is said one of them will cover lofty acres after it has Item, ex- ploded to the at; over the laser St. Lawrence. Tactful. A musical conductor ,was trying the once of u young woman who wlabed to secure a place la an opera troupe. The manager was standing by. The eandhlate ayes frail and timid. She . nutshell her song with. nn air of dis- tress. "Bow is Int" aatied the manager un- ceremoniously. Tbtt conductor caught the pleading j eyes of the girl, but he had his duty to perform. Ile strucktbree notes on the mid- eft the 'rest to the manalp*r-- - Tbe three notes were 11 .4 D. Shrewd Advise. The Menne of a keen business man are often negative rather than posi- tive. It 1s said that a great broker . oPSIIl.tokkIlli...RIHi.:.Mot. Q.91Y-tTfS1..J.iltatat .aticesinny to make a great Mu m- cler. "And what are thea, papa?' the son asked. "Honesty aad sagacity." "But what do you consider the nark of honesty to beer "Always to keep your word." "And the mut of ugacltyr "Never to gave your wont r Net at His Best. "I was surprised," aald_.the--Rey. Mr. ' Goodman etesly, "to see you playing golf last Sabbath. I should think you'd do better"- "Oh," etter'- "Ob" replied Hardman, "I usually do. I was in wretched form last Sun- day." The Signal's lubbing List for 1908. 'T'he.,Signal and Toronto Weekly Globe $1 6o The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe . . 4 50 'l'he Signal td Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star . . , , i 5o The Signa and Weekly Sun (Torotttii}- t - I 70 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star . . 2 30 The -Signal and Toronto Daily World ,. --: 2 75 .The Signal and Toronto Daily News . ' . 2 35 The Signal and Toronto Weeky Mail and Empire . . . . . . , . . . i 70 P•emient picture. "Golgotha." to all yearly •ubs.cribera to Weeble Mailsnd Empire The Signal and Farmer's Advocate . . . . 2 35 The Signal ;titch Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 1 60 The Signal and 'London Daily Advertiser . 2 35 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser . 1 60 The' Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition . . , 3 5o Evening Edition . . . 2 90 The Signal and London Weekly Free Press i 85 The Signal and Montreal Daily Witness . . 3 5o The Signal. and Montreal Weekly Witness i 85 The Signal ;and World Wide 2 25 The Signal and Western Home Monthly • (Winnipeg) I 30 The Signal and Presbyterian 2 25 The Signal and Westminster , 2 2 The Signll, Presbyterian and Westminster 3 25 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto) __ - 2 35 The Signal and McClure's Magazine. . 2 4o ttnrh,ding podago on Mos - h.r, td 1 'an,utidn address). The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine. 3 50 Itncluding i.•staao on Lippincott +to ('an.ull,n addrwb The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto) • . 13o These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great Britain. The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figyregiven above less $t.00 rep- resenting the price of The Signal. For instance : The Signal and The Weekly Globe . . . . $t 3a The Farmer's Advocate ($a.35 Zeas $t-oo) . . . t $a 115 -making the price for the three papers $263, The Signal and The Weekly San $t to The Toronto Daily Star (32.30 leis $t.00) . . . t 3a The Weekly Globe 1$1.30 lees 31.00) 3o 33 30 -the four papers for $3.3o. -: - If the publication you want is not in above dist, let us know. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. , Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoffice or express order to Vanatter & Robertson, The Signal, Goderich, Ont.